UH BSc Modules Details

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Transcript of UH BSc Modules Details

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Please find below a summary of what each of these modules entail.

Further Object Oriented Development (FOOD)This module develops your understanding of object-oriented technology in the analysis, design and implementation of software systems, and enables you to model real-world problems in an object-oriented way. It explores how conceptssuch as abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance can improve software quality and how standard architecturessupport the reuse of software components and distribution across multiple hosts. You will gain practical experience of arange of techniques and use industry-standard tools.

Pre requisites:Further Object Oriented Development extends a basic knowledge of OO programming design and development. It dealswith advanced topics such as development methodology, patterns, threading, event driven programming, and selectedJava 8 libraries. This means that it is not for students who are trying to learn an object oriented language for the first


The major assignment is to design and implement a system in Java using all of the above concepts. It may be possible fora student to take this course if they have experience of another object oriented language such as C++, C#, Python orVisual Basic, as long as they have used the object approach (which is not always the case in these languages).

The module is taught using Java examples throughout. The ideal starting point for this course is a student who hasprogrammed in Java for at least two years, and who wishes to extend their knowledge further to deal with more difficultprogramming problems.

E-learning Applications Design and Development (EADD)The E-learning Applications Design and Development module will provide you with an opportunity to deepen and extendyour knowledge of Computer Science, and to apply it in the domain of e-learning.

This module entails the design, development and evaluation of a substantial piece of practical work, which you areexpected to plan and manage under the guidance of the teaching team. You will be required to give an account of yourprogress at a number of points during the module, through reports and practical demonstrations. In addition, you will berequired to critically evaluate your work at the end of the project.

Topic areas to be covered as part of this module may include: collaborative filtering, eassessment, e-portfolios, peerreview systems, personalisation techniques, and Web 2.0 technologies. It should be noted that some of the topic areas

above may also be applied to domains other than e-learning.

Pre requisites:There are no pre-requisites for this module, but the following would be useful:• familiarity with HTML and CSS;• some programming experience in any language, preferably in web development.Please note that this module includes ASP.NET tuition, as well as server space to host your ASP.NET applications.

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Computer Science Project (CSP)The Computer Science project gives you a chance to extend and deepen your knowledge of Computer Science and toapply it in an unfamiliar context. The project should be chosen to fit in with your chosen award title, prior experienceand personal objectives.

You will be required to undertake a substantial piece of practical work, which you will plan and manage under theguidance of a project tutor. You are expected to report on your progress at a number of points during the project andare required to deliver the results of your work, and a final report, at the end.

Pre requisites:You must have successfully completed at least 60 credits on the programme before enrolling on this module.Programming experience in any language would be useful, as you will be required to develop a substantial piece of practical work.

Strategic Information Systems Planning and Management (SISPM)

This module enables students to investigate issues regarding the effective development, implementation andmanagement of information, systems and technology within the strategic framework of organisations.

As part of this module you will develop a deep understanding of why a corporate information strategy is important toany organisation as well as the contribution that the effective management of information, systems and technologymakes to the competitive success of the organisation.

This module will also cover current developments in Information Systems/Information Technology (IS/IT), theirimplications for information strategies and the need to manage strategic organisational change. By studying this moduleyou will also gain an understanding of methods and models for developing and aligning the information strategy to thebusiness strategy, as well as an understanding of corporate resource implications associated with sustainableinformation strategies.

Rich Internet Applications Design and Development (RIADD)This module will give you the opportunity to extend and deepen your knowledge of Information Technology and toapply it in the context of designing and developing Rich Internet Applications (RIAs).

There has been an increasing dissatisfaction with the capabilities and performance of page based HTML Webapplications. Unlike desktop applications, any interaction with a web page usually results in the page reloading. Desktopapplications on the other hand, have superior levels of user interactivity since all the processing is done locally on theuser ’s machine, resulting in a more seamless user experience. What users want is desktop application functionality withthe ease of installation and accessibility that Web applications offer, so developers have been asking themselves,"Should my application be a desktop or web application?"This has always been a good question because both types of applications have advantages and disadvantages. Desktopapplications have better user interactivity but require distribution and software updates have to be dealt with once thesoftware has been shipped. In contrast, Web applications lack in user interactivity but are easily accessible from theweb, releasing them from problems related to software distribution and updates.RIAs represent the best of both worlds. Using RIA techniques Web applications can be designed to deliver the samefeatures and functions normally associated with desktop applications. RIAs split the processing across theInternet/network divide by locating the user interface and its related activities and capabilities on the client side whilstdata manipulation and operations are carried out on the server side.

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As part of this module you will take on the role of a software developer. You will be asked to consider the challengesassociated with the design and development of RIAs when creating your own Rich Internet Application. You will have toopportunity to join the increasing number of developers excited by the potential of RIA ’s to increase user experience of the Web. RIADD is a tutored project module and you will be supported by an academic team throughout. For yourproject you will required to put into practice RIA techniques and write and academic report about the process and your

experiences. The report will have a strong technical bias but should also contain a reflective account of the project work.Reflection improves basic academic skills, it promotes a deeper understanding of course subject matter and itsrelationship to the non-academic world; it improves your higher level thinking, problem solving and ability to learn fromexperience.

Pre requisites:There are no pre-requisites for this module, but the following would be useful:• familiarity with HTML and CSS;• some programming experience in any language, preferably in web development.

Please note that this module includes ASP.NET tuition, as well as server space to host your ASP.NET applications.

Information Technology Project (ITP)The Information Technology project gives you a chance to extend and deepen your knowledge of InformationTechnology and to apply it in an unfamiliar context. The project should be chosen to fit in with your chosen award title,prior experience and personal objectives.

You will be required to undertake a substantial piece of practical work, which you plan and manage under the guidanceof a project tutor. You will be expected to report on your progress at a number of points during the project and berequired to deliver the results of your work, and a final report, at the end.

Pre requisites:

You must have successfully completed at least 60 credits on the programme before enrolling on this module.Programming experience in any language would be useful, as you will be required to develop a substantial piece of practical work.

Business Intelligence (BI)This module is offered in conjunction with the Business School. The aims of this module are to enable students tochoose the appropriate type of decision support or expert system for a particular application and will be able toimplement a decision support or expert system within an organisation.

The module covers the reasons for developing a data warehousing based Information System and how this may beaccessed to provide the analysis and support required by geographically dispersed global organisations. This is examined

in terms of organisational structure, a person ’s information and access requirements for both hierarchical and teambased organisations.

Students analyse, summarise and present information based on current articles and by undertaking exercises based onthe implementation of various parts and phases of decision support and expert systems. The group course work requiresthem to produce an expert system or to analyse in depth a topic from the module.

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Computer Network Protocols and Architectures (CNPA)

This module gives students an opportunity to reappraise the fundamental principles of computer networks, and toexplore their internal architectures, the ways in which they can be used, and how network applications may beconstructed. The module is intended to provide a framework for understanding the details of different systems, so thatwhether as a purchaser, a developer, or a researcher you will be able to rapidly assimilate the details relevant to aparticular situation and apply the knowledge, experience, and understanding gained on this course to whateverenvironment you may be faced with in the future.

Pre requisites:During this module, students will need to implement network algorithms as running programs. Normally, networkprograms are written in the language 'C', but students may use 'C++' or even Java to complete the practicals andassignments. The university offers remote access to a server on which programs can be run, but this may not beaccessible from all countries due to the use of encrypted communication. It is suggested that students have a computerwhich has network capabilities and on which they can install a 'C' compiler or Java.It is possible for a student with a working knowledge of the .NET framework to be able to implement the algorithms. Anexample programming task would be to write a small application to send and receive a packet of data using 'sockets' andrecord the time taken. The module is taught using examples of 'C' code.The ideal starting point for this course is a student who has programmed in C and they want to investigate thealgorithms used in networks to transmit data between hosts.

Databases (DB)This module provides you with the principles and techniques needed to develop relational databases of moderatecomplexity, and it gives you practical experience in doing so. The practical work is grounded in a sound understanding of database theory.

The module starts with an overview of databases, database management systems, and the three-level architecture onwhich relational databases are based. The module then covers the theory that underpins all relational systems, Codd'sRelational Model, which includes the structure of ‘relations ’ , two important integrity rules, and ‘relational algebra ’ .

You will learn how to use the database language SQL (Structured Query Language) and you will practice SQL using thedatabase management system Oracle. SQL Standard DDL (data definition language) allows you to define tables andother relational objects such as views, integrity rules and indexes, and SQL Standard DML(data manipulation language) allows you to query, insert, update and delete data into and from tables.This module covers two well-known database design techniques: Entity-Relationship Modelling (using UML notation)and Normalization (up to Fifth Normal Form) and using the techniques you will practice conceptual, logical design, andphysical database design.

Finally you are introduced to some selected database topics: Security (threats and countermeasures), TransactionManagement (in particular: transaction support, concurrency control services, and recovery services), and QueryProcessing and Optimization.

Prerequisites:None. This module requires no previous background in programming.

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Principles and Applications of Web Services (PAWS)The term “ web services ” is used to define many different architectures, protocols and technologies, all of which embodythe notion of using “ standardised ” interfaces to allow communication, integration and co-ordination of informationbetween applications distributed over and accessible through a decentralised network environment.

This module introduces the student to the fundamental architectures of web services and the protocols and standardsthat underpin them. The strengths and weaknesses of alternative implementation technologies will be discussed. As partof this, students will use a range of software tools and libraries to construct one or more web-based applications andservices including the appropriate information and message structures. Examples could include: an on-line cataloguethat can be accessed by multiple software clients for different purposes; or the implementation of a client that invokesexisting services such as Google or Amazon.

Pre-requisites:Web services are based on the use of XML in distributed environments for structuring data, generating messages anddescribing interfaces. PAWS uses examples from a number of programming languages as well as requiring students tocomplete assessments using basic Perl programs.

The ideal starting point for this course is a student who has familiarity with a mark-up language such as HTML and abilityto program in any language.

Quantum Computing (QC)Quantum Information Processing is an extremely active research area exploiting fundamental quantum phenomena innew applications from computation, secure data communication and information processing. A major paradigm shift,the area is of significant interest and potential benefit to both computer and physic scientists. This module will betheoretical in nature, exploring concepts and applications from the area of Quantum Information Processing with anemphasis on Quantum Computing.

Content will vary according to current research directions. The course develops a two-strand approach to QuantumComputing, an initial underlying mathematical strand followed by a quantum information processing strand.

Commencing with the state and operator based postulates of quantum mechanics we explore those mathematicalconcepts relating to the development of an appropriate theory of quantum computation. A number of issues will beexplored as the course progresses.

These will include a selection taken from: Quanta, Qubits, Superposition, Multiverse, Entanglement, Teleportation, Nocloning, Interference, Error Correction, Decoherence, Complexity, Algorithms and Cryptography.


A student taking this module should have at least a grade C at GCSE level in Maths, or its equivalent. The course requiresactive participation from each student in order to acquire the skills presented throughout the course.

Mathematically, we review algebra from collecting like terms together through to quadratics, completing the square, thequadratic formula and solving simultaneous equations. We continue with complex numbers, trigonometry, probabilitytheory and linear algebra (vectors, matrices, metrics, inner products, norms and tensor products eigenvectors andeigenvalues) in preparation for the quantum computing material that follows.