UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in...

archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/UFO_Presidents .doc (also …UFO_Presidents.pdf) => doc pdf URL -doc URL - pdf similar articles are on the /UFO.htm page at doc pdf URL note: the following book excerpts were archived on July 17, 2017 : The Presidents and UFOs by Larry Holcombe ©2015 / ISBN 978-1-250-04051-0 "... The message stating that Utah is the depository for the alien bodies has some special meaning. For some years I have felt that the Dugway Proving Ground with its 800,000-plus acres is a center for UFO artifacts and not Groom Lake or the famed Area-51. Dugway is more remote than the Nellis Range or Groom Lake and just as secure. As we shall see, our Government is very good at disinformation and deception. Secretly encouraging speculation that UFO artifacts reside at Area-51 is perfect cover for Dugway to be the actual repository for these artifacts. ... "... It is known that a number of well-reported flying saucer events took place during the Truman administration. However, memos and correspondence from -or- to the White House on the subject are difficult to find to the point of being all but nonexistent. One reason for this is Truman's excellent ability to maintain security. His correspondence and that of his assistants are vague, cryptic, and use an economy of words. The list of those inside the loop of knowledge concerning flying saucers who would have received memos was small. It included Secretary-of-State Gen. George C. Marshal, Gen. Nathan Twining, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, James Forrestal, and Dr. Vannevar Bush to name a few. A good example of a "vague memo' is the well-known Truman-Forrestal Memo that read: 1

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Page 1: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

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note: the following book excerpts were archived on July 17, 2017 :

The Presidents and UFOsby Larry Holcombe

©2015 / ISBN 978-1-250-04051-0

"... The message stating that Utah is the depository for the alien bodies has some special meaning. For some years I have felt that the Dugway Proving Ground with its 800,000-plus acres is a center for UFO artifacts and not Groom Lake or the famed Area-51. Dugway is more remote than the Nellis Range or Groom Lake and just as secure. As we shall see, our Government is very good at disinformation and deception. Secretly encouraging speculation that UFO artifacts reside at Area-51 is perfect cover for Dugway to be the actual repository for these artifacts. ...

"... It is known that a number of well-reported flying saucer events took place during the Truman administration. However, memos and correspondence from -or- to the White House on the subject are difficult to find to the point of being all but nonexistent. One reason for this is Truman's excellent ability to maintain security. His correspondence and that of his assistants are vague, cryptic, and use an economy of words.

The list of those inside the loop of knowledge concerning flying saucers who would have received memos was small. It included Secretary-of-State Gen. George C. Marshal, Gen. Nathan Twining, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, James Forrestal, and Dr. Vannevar Bush to name a few. A good example of a "vague memo' is the well-known Truman-Forrestal Memo that read:

Dear Secretary Forrestal:

As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby authorized to proceed with all due caution upon your undertaking. Hereafter this matter shall only be referred to as Operation Majestic Twelve.

It continues to be my opinion that any future considerations relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely with the Office of the President following appropriate discussions with you, Dr. Bush, and the Director of Central Intelligence.

The memorandum was on White House stationery; stamped "Top Secret Eyes Only"; and was signed by Truman. The matter referenced in the memo was the investigation of flying saucers. It was established of a group of 6 high-ranking military officers and 6 highly esteemed scientists to study the flying saucer phenomenon.

With high-security matters such as these, secure meetings covered the details which were almost never put into print. The reason for this is that official documents live forever and can get into the


Page 2: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

wrong hands. Also, they are prepared by secretaries who although holding a high-level security clearance are nevertheless outside of the "need-to-know". President Truman would not divulge his knowledge of a subject when asked for briefings on that particular subject from a person outside the circle of knowledge. ..."

"... While not a startling story in itself, it does indicate that by 1952 and a little more than 2 months before the Robertson Panel, the Air Force had the word out to all base commanders around the World to "dummy up" UFO sightings before sending on to Project Blue Book.

I met Jim Heaphey at a book conference held at a local resort where we were both speaking. My first novel – The Great River Disclosure based on the government UFO cover-up – had just been released and that was the subject of my talk. Jim wanted to impress on me that my book was more fact than fiction. He said the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) was the accepted norm. But it was quietly spoken of in that time period with the U.S. Air Force in Europe."

"... The lid was now on and the great modern UFO cover-up was firmly in place as the Truman administration turned the executive branch of government over to the incoming Eisenhower administration. Harry Truman – a stickler for guarding Government secrets and a man known for dressing down congressmen for loose talk – would be succeeded by another man equally noted for his stewardship in guarding State secrets.

In an interesting footnote to the Truman years and his attitude toward UFO secrets, Aft Campbell (UFO researcher, former educator, and NICAP investigator) tells of returning to his hometown of Independence, Missouri and meeting the retired Truman in an Independence museum along with 2 Secret Service agents. In his early years Truman had been friends with Campbell's family. They reminisced a bit and laughed about Truman's playing piano at a family member's wedding.

When Truman asked Campbell what he was now doing and why he was in Independence, Campbell told him that he investigated UFOs and was speaking that night to a group at a local hotel. At that point Truman's whole demeanor became icy and the conversation ended.

On that same evening, Truman was addressing a group in the same hotel as Campbell. Campbell noticed that one of the Secret Service agents came into his meeting and stood at the back through his entire talk, no doubt at the direction of Truman. This is but another indication of Truman's deep interest and concern with the subject.

"... What is important to consider is the number of high-ranking and senior Air Force investigators who we know from the record in the pre-Robertson Panel felt that the extraterrestrial hypothesis was the logical explanation for UFO events. As early as 1948, most of the Air Force Project Sign group studying UFOs felt that the ET hypothesis was the only reasonable conclusion for the phenomenon. Serious consideration was being given to author the "Estimate of the Situation" to give to their superiors in the chain of command. They held off developing the "Estimate" over concern as to how it would be received.


Page 3: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

Then on July 24, 1948, the Chiles/Whitted event occurred. This pushed them over the top. Sometime in the late fall of 1948, the "Estimate" was released to the chain of command. It stated that the unexplained UFO sightings were most likely extraterrestrial craft. ... It was the demise of Project Sign and the start of the Air Force's housekeeping debunking effort Project Grudge."

"... The disagreement within the Air Force over the origin of the phenomena continued to grow into 1952. Most of the researchers from Project Sign, Project Grudge, and later from Project Blue Book embraced the ET hypothesis including General William Garland (who had himself seen a UFO) while other officials outside of the research held the theory that there was a terrestrial explanation.

The question must be asked why so many high-ranking officers and officials disagreed over the UFO phenomenon if the Air Force from as early as 1941 had in its possession alien craft and living and dead occupants. The answer is speculation (but reasonable speculation).

If Truman authorized the very secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12) group (as seems likely), those in the loop of knowledge would be small and carefully controlled. It made no difference how many stars an officer had on his shoulder. If he was not in the "need to know", then he didn't know. And this included Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book. Those on the outside or not in the need-to-know loop would have no knowledge that a very small group of high-ranking Government and Military personnel and a few eminent scientists had possession of and were studying extraterrestrial craft and biological entities.

... Edward Teller most certainly was on the inside. But he could not share his knowledge with fellow scientists. If it appears that a very few insiders including several high-ranking Air Force officers were letting the Air Force twist in the wind, that would seem to be a reasonable assessment of the situation.

This internal Air Force disagreement worked in favor of those in the loop of knowledge to help conceal from the Public the secrets that this group possessed. Let the researchers continue to gather data that the MJ-12 could use while developing a disinformation program to offset anything made public by Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book research. General Vandenberg's knocking down the "Estimate of the Situation" in 1948 and the Stanford-Ramey press conference in July 1952 after the Washington, DV sighting were prime examples of this policy. A parallel can be drawn between the work of Majestic-12 on the UFO issue and the Manhattan Project's development of the atomic bomb.

The next 8 years saw a continuation of the policies relating to UFO secrets under the Eisenhower administration. ... The United States continued with its post-World War II policy of maintaining the highest level of classification on UFO issues. Documents and statements by a number of both civilian and military personnel now indicate that Eisenhower may have been involved in some truly astounding UFO-related matters that still remain highly classified."

"... The recent release of Ministry of Defense documents in the U.K. included a letter from an unnamed scientist sent to the MoD in 1999 requesting information on a UFO cover-up authorized by Winston Churchill in the late stages of World War II. In the letter, the scientist said his grandfather was a member of the RAF and one of Churchill's bodyguards. The grandfather had stated that he was present at a meeting where Churchill and Eisenhower discussed an encounter a RAF "Mosquito" bomber-reconnaissance aircraft had with a UFO near the English coastline.


Page 4: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

After being briefed on the event, Churchill is reported to have told Eisenhower: "This event should be immediately classified as it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one's belief in the Church."

Regardless of when he found out, by the end of the War, Eisenhower was a member of a very small group of people who knew that the airspace of countries around the World were being invaded by aerial craft of unknown origin.

" ...The term "Majestic documents" refers to Above Top-Secret documents concerning extraterrestrial craft and entities that were surreptitiously leaked to various UFO researchers over a period of years starting in December 1984. ... Operation Majestic-12 was a group of 12 high-ranking military personnel and noted scientists. They were as follows:

Dr. Vannevar BushDr. Detlev BronkDr. Lloyd V. Berkner Admiral Roscoe H. HillenkoetterDr. Jerome Hunsaker Secretary-of-Defense James Forrestal*Dr. Donald Menzel General Nathan F. TwiningMr. Gordon Gray General Hoyt S. VandenbergMr. Sidney Souers General Robert M. Montague

(* The death of Secretary Forrestal on22 May, 1949 created a vacancy which remained unfilled until 01 August, 1950 upon which date General Walter B. Smith was designated as permanent replacement.)

"... In looking back, the challenges faced by President Truman and his administration now seem incomprehensible. Truman had to face was no President had to face before. Namely the possibility that extraterrestrial beings were invading the Nation's airspace and its people were helpless to stop them. This was taking place while he led a worldwide effort to heal the scars of War.

The problem was compounded by the fact that the President presided over a government whose psyche had been worn thin by the abrasion of War. More than 50 million people had perished and once-great cities now lay in ruins. The possibility that extraterrestrial beings were invading the airspace of countries around the World could not be revealed. The psyche of the Population was at that time too fragile to handle such revelations from a government ignorant of their origin or purpose.

Truman demanded answers from his military leaders and the matter received the highest level of classification. Thus began the greatest cover-up in the history of Mankind. A cover-up started with good and just intentions at a fragile time in History.

The baton of secrets (i.e., the knowledge of the possibility that we were being visited by extraterrestrials) was passed to President Eisenhower. It was a time of great change. A time that Secretary-of-State Dean Acheson called "the Creation". Later as the Country and the World started to face the atomic age, the cover-up should have slowly been lifted.

However, by then too much had transpired in the attempt to maintain security. Too many laws had been broken and too much power had been amassed by a select few. The immensity of the issue had grown exponentially. And the need for safeguards to guard against abuse and corruption of the fantastic


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secrets being uncovered was not anticipated. The keepers of the secrets grew in number with agendas that did not always reflect the ideas of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations.

President Eisenhower took office at a time when the secrets were starting to be unlocked. He saw the evolution as scientists were brought into the loop of knowledge. He was becoming increasingly troubled with the rapid changes taking place and spoke of it in his farewell speech warning of the increasing power of the Military-Industrial Complex.

"... As the Eisenhower administration drew to a close, indications are that he saw the control over the UFO issue moving from the White House to the intelligence community and the military-industrial complex. Many feel his warning in his farewell speech to the nation concerning the growing power to the Military-Industrial Complex was rooted in the UFO issue. ... This shift in power was fueled by Cold War concerns and the discovery and research into the "wondrous secrets" that Roosevelt spoke of combined with money and the resulting power amassed in developing Cold War weapons. It was a snowball rolling down a hill ever gaining size that Eisenhower was unable to stop.

When Eisenhower met with John Kennedy at a transition meeting, the subject of UFOs was certain to have been discussed. One must believe that his concern of the shift of UFO information research away from the Executive branch to the Intelligence and Military-Industrial community was passed on to Kennedy. It is not unreasonable to believe that Kennedy took this heart and it played a role in his attempt to have the Executive branch regain control over the Top-Secret UFO issue.

It is no secret that Kennedy and Cia director Allen Dulles were not on friendly terms as Kennedy attempted to put National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy in a position to draw power (and in particular the control of Top-Secret UFO issues) back to the Executive branch.

"... From these Government agencies came such notable facilities as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory to name just a few. Also "Operation Paperclip" (where German scientists were brought secretly into the U.S. to assist in developing our space program) should not be overlooked. So the U.S. Government (a political entity) now became deeply involved in scientific research.

These Government facilities are funded by the Government. But they are run by scientists. Scientists in general are independent minded and (to a certain degree) rend to follow their own beliefs and may reject-or-ignore Government dictates. It is not a stretch to believe that as research into highly classified projects advanced, the depth of their scientific findings was not always passed on (at least in total) to the Government (and the Military in particular) but were instead concealed within in-house operations. Joining in this research were defense contractors who had perhaps a greater ability to operate at a higher level of security than the Government scientists.

... The great scientific advances made post-World War II during the Truman-Eisenhower years established the breeding ground for domestic clandestine activities that was fed by research into the "new wonders" referred to by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The great Military-Industrial Complex was being formed. Those in the need-to-know were moving from the Executive branch of U.S. Government into special-interest dark groups deep within the military and industry. A great floodgate of money opened to fund the Space race starting late in the Eisenhower administration.


Page 6: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

A new President (Kennedy) took office in 19612 with a warning from his predecessor (Eisenhower) to stop this shift in power. It may have cost the former his life.

"... John F. Kennedy had new ideas. And some of those ideas were not popular with established Government bureaucrats and the leaders of the mushrooming Military-Industrial Complex. ... Kennedy was no admirer of CIA director Allen Dulles because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco and relieved him from his position in September, 1961.

It has also been stated that Kennedy planned to strip some power and responsibility from the CIA and place it with the newly-formed Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under the direction of Secretary-of-Defense Robert McNamara. This was not only trouble to the CIA but it also met strong resistance from the Military-Industrial community. It should be remembered that in the short period since its inception, the CIA had amassed great power and was almost autonomous in its operation. Kennedy and McNamara were not popular within the Intelligence community."

"... In his service at the CIA as chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton was a shadowy figure who was all but unknown to rank-and-file agency personnel. To the few who did know of him, most cared not to cross his path or feared him. Angleton had direct access to the DCI's (Dorector of Central Intelligence) office at any time. ...Since the primary function of counter-intelligence is protecting secrets and preventing penetration into those secrets, Angleton's job as it applied to the MJ-12 group was as the chief guardian of those secrets. Although not a member of MJ-12, he would have worked on its periphery. If the group or some members of the group felt that measures needed to be undertaken to guard those secrets, Angleton would have been in operational control.

It is almost certain that Dulles and Angleton were disturbed by Kennedy's requests to receive UFO information. Going back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, Angleton was greatly troubled by the increased flying saucer incursions into U.S. airspace. Records seem to indicate that he held deep religious concerns about the subject and a belief that the knowledge the U.S. possessed of the phenomena must remain a highly guarded secret."

" ... In 1999, UFO researcher Tim Cooper received a remarkable document mailed from the Fort Meade Maryland Freedom of Information Office. In all probability the FOIA office wanted to send Cooper something to him off their back. They had an old 355-page document from the early 1960s that most likely seemed unimportant. It was declassified and sent to Cooper. The importance of what was stamped on the cover by the Air Force in 1961 was not realized by the declassification personnel. ...

... What is most remarkable about the manuscript is what the Air Force did to the title page. Stamped in red ink is the following:




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" ...In June 1999, Tim Cooper received documents from someone who claimed in the cover letter to be a retired CIA counter-intelligence officer. This person stated that the documents were ordered destroyed by the Nixon administration but were retrieved before being destroyed. The envelope was postmarked McLean, Virginia with a CIA zipcode.

The first document (which has burn marks) is known as the "Burned Memo" and is from MJ-1 (who was the director of the CIA) to MJ-2 through MJ-7. The pertinent part of the memo states that "Lancer" (JFK's codename) was making inquiries about their activities and that could not be allowed. At the bottom is an acknowledgment signature "Fritz" for J.J.A. (who would be James Jesus Angleton who ran the counter-intelligence operation for the CIA). The person who sent the documents said in the cover letter that he worked for Angleton.

Included also were 8 tabbed pages marked 'A' through 'H'. The most chilling is page 'H' which is marked "Top Secret/MJ-12". In essence it says that when conditions become nonconducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further ... it should be "wet". That is a codeword for assassination reportedly coined by the Soviet KGB.

... Dr. Donald H. Menzel did lead a double life. He was a noted scientist, astronomer, professor, and ardent UFO debunker in his public life. In his secret life he held an extremely high security clearance. He did highly classified work for a number of Government intelligence agencies. He is listed as an original member of the Above Top-Secret Majestic-12 group. He was on a first-name basis with and an adviser to President John F. Kennedy.

... Columnist Dorothy Kilgallen had an interest in UFOs and most likely received inside information on the U.K. investigation into the matter from Lord Mountbatten. Her columns were noted by Vernon Bowen in his manuscript when she mentioned a Harvard professor claiming to his students that he could prove life existed on other planets. From border notes in the manuscript, this most certainly was Donald Menzel and would indicate that Dorothy had access to Menzel.

After the Kennedy assassination, Kilgallen wrote an article stating that in a future article she was going to blow the lid off the assassination story. Within a few days she was found dead, fully clothed, sitting on her bed at her home in Manhattan. The coroner's report was that she died of a mixture of drugs and alcohol. The death still remains mysterious.

"... The U.S. Army and Air Force badly bungled the early UFO incidents from the 1940s. But as these incidents increased, so did the Military's ability to act quickly to defuse the public's concern and knowledge. We know that the Military had trained and put in place highly classified rapid response recovery teams located not only around the Country but also around the World. These teams were trained in the recovery of foreign technology and how to deal with the public who may have been exposed to highly classified technology of terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin.


Page 8: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

"... What makes President Ford's administration a UFO enigma (or at least odd) is that as vocal as he was over the Michigan "swamp gas" flap while in the House of Representatives, once becoming Vice-President and then President he never again mentioned the subject of UFOs. After leaving office he was asked in a letter written by a UFO researcher and retired Air Forc e intelligence officer about his knowledge of UFO issues while in public office. Ford replied that while in public service he made many inquiries about UFO issues but said high-Government officials always denied UFO knowledge.

This is reminiscent of President Bill Clinton who stated in a public forum after leaving office that he had to admit that he did make inquiries about UFOs and Roswell in particular. He went on to say that "If they knew, they didn't tell me." One has to wonder who are these mysterious "they" and "high-Government officials"? And why do they apparently lie to Presidents (or at least some of them)?"

"... The United States Air Force Academy is at Colorado Springs, Colorado. In the ;ate-1960s through the early 1970s, it was offering a physics class (Physics 370) to its students called "Introductory Space Science" using a textbook called Introductory Space Science – Volume II. Chapter 33 of this textbook had 14 pages and was simply titled "Unidentified Flying Objects". Below is the heading from chapter 33 and the short conclusion:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE – VOLUME II

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS – USAFEdited by: Maj. Donald G. Carpenter

Co-editor: Lt. Colonel Edward R. Therkelson



From available information, the UFO phenomenon appears to have been global in nature for almost 50,000 years. The majority of known witnesses have been reliable people who have seen easily-explained natural phenomena and there appears to be no overall positive correlation with population density.

The entire phenomenon could be psychological in nature. But that is quite doubtful. However, psychological factors probably do enter the data picture as "noise". The phenomenon could also be entirely due to known and unknown phenomena (with some psychological "noise" added in). But that too is questionable in view of some of the available data.

This leaves us with the unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our planet (or at least of alien-controlled UFOs). However, the data are not well correlated. What questionable data there are suggest the existence of at least 3 and maybe 4 different groups of aliens (possibly at different stages of development). This too is difficult to accept. It implies the existence of intelligent life on a majority of the planets in our solar system or a surprisingly strong interest in Earth by members of other solar systems.


Page 9: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

A solution to the UFO problem may be obtained by the long and diligent effort of a large group of well financed and competent scientists. Unfortunately there is no evidence suggesting that such an effort is going to be made.

However, even if such an effort were made, there is no guarantee of success because of the isolated and sporadic nature of the sightings. Also, there may be nothing to find. And that would mean a long search with no proof at the end.

The best thing to do is to keep an open and skeptical mind and not take an extreme position on any side of the question.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When the half-million dollar Condom Report came out stating that UFOs can be explained as nothing but "damn foolishness" (in Condon's words to the Press), the Pentagon embraced it with great glee. Using the CCondon Report as justification, the Pentagon had the textbook reprinted without chapter 33. When the facts don't fit your story, adjust them until they do.

This is another example of the distortion of facts, concealment of facts, disinformation, and outright lies about a subject t that an otherwise fine and distinguished branch of the Military is powerless to deal with and afraid to face.

"... In looking at the Ford administration, we must also take into account that once becoming Vice-President and then President, Gerald Ford – a man who 7 years prior had been a moving force in Congress to investigate what the Government knew about UFOs – became a clam on UFO issues. Is there a pattern here with Ford, then Carter, and Clinton? The answer is probably both yes and no. And in all cases it's pure speculation.

With Ford, after becoming Vice-President he was probably briefed on the basic background of the Government's involvement in UFO research. As such, Ford accepted the Government's need to conceal knowledge of an extraterrestrial presence.

With Carter and later Clinton, they were most likely considered risks by the keepers of the secret and kept out of the loop of UFO – Government intelligence. That is not to say that they were not briefed to some extent but rather were simply asked in a respectful (but firm) way to stay away from pursuing the issue."

"... President Jimmy Carter is unique in the history of modern Presidents concerning the UFO ISSUE. He campaigned that if elected President, he would disclose to the citizens what the Government knew about the UFO phenomenon. Carter had seen a UFO while attending a Lions Club meeting in Leary, Georgia before becoming governor of that state. He witnessed the event with a number of other club member and filed a UFO-sighting report (albeit 5 years later).

Once in office, however, Carter became silent on UFO issues. One logical conclusion is that he was briefed to some extent on the Government's background and knowledge of an extraterrestrial presence and was impressed with the possible dire consequences if this knowledge was released to the public.


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However, Carter was no favorite with the Intelligence community. Especially military intelligence. Prior to the 1980 Presidential election, Carter had stated in a news conference that the U.S. had developed an "invisible plane" which at the time was the highly classified stealth (F-117) program. Many publications including The Washington Post took Carter to task for divulging a highly classified Government secret for political gain."

"Victor Marchetti first became involved in intelligence work in the military in 1952. He joined the CIA in 1955 and became an expert on Soviet Third World aid (especially to Cuba). In 1966 he was promoted to special assistant to CIA director Richard Helms.

By 1969 he had become disillusioned with the CIA and resigned. That started a series of books critical of the CIA. His book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence is important because it is the first book that the Federal Government ever went to court to censor before publication. The CIA demanded that 366 passages be cut from the book. But Marchetti fought back and the censored passages were reduced to 168.

The UFO issue plays a small role in his efforts. But his thoughts are important because of the legitimacy he was given by the legal actions of the Government and the CIA against his work. Below is an excerpt from a magazine article published in 1979:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have, indeed, been contacted – perhaps even visited – by extraterrestrial beings.

And the U.S. Government in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth is determined to keep this information from the general public.

The purpose of the International conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the World and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their respective populations. Thus for these governments to admit that there are beings from Outer Space ... with mentalities and technological capabilities obviously far superior to ours could, once fully perceived by the average person, erode the foundations of the Earth's traditional power structure.

Political and legal systems, religions, economical and social institutions could all soon become meaningless in the mind of the public. The national oligarchical establishments – even civilization as we now know it – could collapse into anarchy.

Such extreme conclusions are not necessarily valid. But they probably accurately reflect the fears of the "ruling classes" of the major nations whose leaders (particularly those in the intelligence business) have always advocated excessive governmental secrecy as being necessary to preserve "national security". (Marchetti – 1979)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Marchetti admits that he has no firsthand knowledge of a UFO cover-up. But he says the debunking efforts have a pure CIA "flavor" in their operation. And because of the very sensitive nature of the issue, it was never openly discussed within the Agency. He did say that he knew firsthand that the CIA had UFO collection facilities located around the World (something that he found extremely intriguing). Also he heard rumors from high places that the CIA possessed extraterrestrial artifacts."


Page 11: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

"... Ronald Wilson Reagan took office on January 20, 1981. He would be known by UFOlogists and those on the inside of UFO research as the most open proponent of the existence of UFOs and an extraterrestrial presence as any President in history. It seems clear that Reagan was at the very least enamored by the UFO phenomenon as has been reported by a number of friends and family members. This was due in part to 2 sightings he had before becoming President.

A somewhat dubious story (but nevertheless of interest) is the transcript of a supposed recording made in March 1981 of a briefing by CIA director William Casey to President Reagan at Camp David. Along with Casey, the President was allegedly briefed by a CIA black projects insider known as 'The Caretaker' on the UFO issue. The Caretaker is said to have been in charge of all UFO issues since 1960 for the CIA.

The Caretaker briefed the President on the crash of 2 ET craft in the Roswell area of New Mexico in 1947. Several dead aliens (or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities [EBEs] ) were recovered. They were all dead except one that had only minor injuries. All were taken to Roswell Army Air base. The wreckage was sent to Wright-Patterson AFB. The living EBE was sent to Sandia Labs where special housing was set up for him. He lived there until his death in 1952 and supplied the Government with a great deal of technical information.

The Caretaker went on to discuss 4 other races of extraterrestrials that visit Earth. One was considered hostile and behind the alien abductions. There were a number of other issues discussed. One was said to be so highly classified that they were not prepared to go into with the President at that time."

"... Colman S. von Keviczky, a former major in the Hungarian army and a longtime UFO investigator, was invited to a special White House briefing apparently on Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Von Keviczky held the belief (and was very vocal in his belief) that SDI was really a double-edged sword designed as a defense system against an alien invasion and ICBMs. (This is a view that was shared by some others in the UFO community.)

Von Keviczky was a bit of thorn in the side of George Keyworth, science and technical adviser to President Reagan. Keyworth was recommended to Regan by Dr. Edward Teller (sometimes called "the Father of the H Bomb") and was a prime mover for pushing the SDI concept in the Reagan administration. Keyworth then was also a major proponent of SDI within the White House. Of course, Reagan's many public comments about a threat from another world fuel the speculation by some that SDI was really intended to repeal an alien invasion."

" ... The fact that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) keeps UFOs at arm's length is legendary with UFOlogists. A classic example is the UFO – O'Hare Airport incident. A circular disc hovered over the United Airlines gate at O'Hare for some 15 minutes before shooting up at incredible speed, cutting a hole in the heavy overcast sky allowing those on the ground to look into the hole and see blue sky. The FAA wanted to deny the event occurred until tapes of conversations between airport personnel were made public.

One investigator stated: "The FAA treats the smallest safety issue as very important. It will investigate a coffee pot getting loose in the galley and falling as the plane is landing." Yet the FAA


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wanted to bury its head about an unknown object in the restricted airspace over on eof the World's busiest airports.

This is yet another example that fuels the conspiracy theorists' belief that somewhere deep within the Government out of reach of even the President of the United States exists a powerful group that has an iron grip on the disclosure of UFO events."

" ... The history of UFOs and George H.W. Bush as we know it goes back to his alleged refusal to brief President-elect Jimmy Carter on UFOs. (Albeit at that time, he was only DCI for year and most likely did not have the background to be well-versed with the UFO phenomenon.) All told, Bush served 12 years in positions where he would have possible access to inside UFO information. ... Since he was highly regarded and trusted within the CIA as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), he may have had greater access to UFO information from those deep within the CIA who were involved with UFO issues even though he was only DCI for 1 year. With the complexity of the UFO story, that is not time to scratch the surface of the phenomenon.

With that said, Bush's CIA background would put him in a position as Vice-President in an (Regan) administration very tuned to the UFO issue to have greater access to UFO intelligence than any other Vice-President with the possible exception of Richard Nixon (in the Eisenhower administration). It is not unreasonable to think that he would have been party to UFO briefings by Reagan's DCI William Casey and the experts that the DCI brought in to brief the President and the Vice-President.

As a trusted member of the intelligence community, a Vice-President for 8 years in an administration that was very tuned in to UFO issues, and then as President with his background in intelligence, he was conceivably one of the most knowledgeable men alive as to what the Government really knows about UFOs.

" ... In his book Friends in High Places, Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubble states that early in his administration, President William Jefferson Clinton asked him to look into 2 things. (1) Who killed John F. Kennedy? And (2) what the Government really knows about UFOs. Hubble's efforts were unsuccessful and in 1995, Clinton signed Executive Order 12958 that released over 800 million pages of previously classified and historically important information.

In November 1995 while giving a speech in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Clinton replied to a letter he received from a 13-year-old youngster inquiring about the alleged Roswell UFO crash in 1947. Clinton's reply (made with a humorous tilt) was: "Now, Ryan, if you are out in the crowd tonight, here's the answer to your question. No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn't tell me about it either. And I want to know."

If Clinton did have at least some information on Roswell as an extraterrestrial event, he would not have been lying to young Ryan because when Roswell occurred in July 1947, there was no "United States Air Force"., It was still the U.S, Army Air Forces. The USAF did not come into existence until September 18, 1947. That may seem a silly technical point. But Presidential speeches are carefully prepared and reviewed by a number of staff members and everything in them is carefully considered.


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The inclusion of "They didn't tell me about either. And I want to know" is interesting. This is of greater importance since the President is implying that there are Government secrets that are kept from Presidents.

On September 14, 2005, Clinton admitted that he attempted to find if there were any secret Government documents that revealed things. And if there were such documents, they were concealed from him. He went on to say that he wouldn't be the first President who underlings had lied to or who bureaucrats had waited out. He also acknowledged that there may be career persons hiding these secrets from Presidents. If so, they eluded him.

In his candor, President Clinton admitted the very real possibility (or even probability) that there are people without our Government who have control of very dark secrets. Secrets that Presidents are not in the loop of "need-to-know". This has been suspected and supports one basic thesis of this book that discusses a paradigm shift with control of extraterrestrial secrets from Presidents to a select small group of Government bureaucrats and certain leaders within the Military-Industrial complex.

... We must return once again to the world of Presidential realism and say that if a President knows or has been briefed on even a small part of UFO issues, there is nothing to be gained from a political standpoint and the possibility of much to be lost for a President to disclose the existence of an extraterrestrial presence. (The only possible exception would be the Nixon administration as discussed previously.)

There is another aspect so some level of official disclosure that is of immense importance. The door to disclosure cannot just be cracked open a bit. It will be thrown wide open by the demands of the public. This will expose a history of abuses of the public trust, the breaking of laws, criminal acts that may include murder; and corruption in the amassing of great wealth and the resulting power for that wealth. Disclosure would not be a pretty picture to a number of powerful people. It is a reason that Presidents are gently (or, if necessary, forcibly) told to stay away from the issue."

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread985675/pg1Was Eisenhower the Last President to Know the Truth About UFOs?

source: Grant Cameron's Blog

"There is a commonly held belief inside the UFO community that President Eisenhower was the last president to be in control of the UFO situation. By the end of Eisenhower’s second term as the theory goes, a secret government within the Government had taken control of all things dealing with UFOs. The President was relegated to playing the role of a puppet manipulated by an unelected unseen few who have control of the World.

"Any indication that the President may not be in charge presents a serious problem for the United States. That is because the United States Government is often held up as a model for the rest of the World. If the President isn’t in charge, it also presents a serious constitutional problem because in America the constitution is treated like the inspired word of God……."

The commentary above comes from Grant Cameron. He is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon. His thinking is


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that the most powerful man of the most powerful nation on Earth has to know the truth about airspace violations, unauthorized landings, capture of livestock, interaction with citizens, and most certainly any treaties made with an alien power.

One of his latest pieces challenges the commonly held perception within Ufology that Ike was the last President to be fully briefed on the UFO topic. His exit speech in January 1961 is often cited as indirectly referencing the UFO issues when Ike stated:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence -- whether sought or unsought -- by the Military-Industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

Cameron believes this speech to actually be attacking a “military-industrial-congressional complex” after researching the origins of the speech. The word “congressional” was eventually withdrawn to sound less inflammatory. Another option to call it the “military-industrial-scientific complex” was also dropped on advice from James Killian (Eisenhower’s science advisor).

Ike was deeply concerned about the escalating spending on military programs and weaponry to the detriment of investing in schools, hospitals, and social welfare. Cameron concludes that the speech was simply a warning about military spending and how this warning more than half-a-century later has come to pass. The US military budget now accounts for 40% of global arms spending and totals more than the next 20 national defense budgets added together.

However, back on the topic of UFOs, the point is that if Ike was the last President aware of the “alien issue” and from then it was concealed behind a secret “government within the Government” that not only would this be unconstitutional but also that other 'evidence' used by UFOlogists does not stack up. The more likely hypothesis is that all Presidents are told as the Constitution demands.

Truman was the first President in office to have to publicly deal with the UFO topic. He set up the CIA just 2 months after the Roswell crash occurred and was in power during the flaps of 1952. Truman was regularly “verbally” briefed on the topic by General Robert Landry.

Eisenhower is rumored to have met with aliens on a number of occasions. The most compelling case being his February 1954 trip to the Smoke Tree Ranch in Palm Springs, California.

On the night of the 20th Feb and early hours of the 21st Feb, he disappeared. Once members of the Press realized he was "missing", they began to speculate that he had suffered a serious illness or had even died. Presidential Secretary James Haggerty in an attempt to dampen the rumors called a late evening press conference to reveal that Ike had eaten some fried chicken earlier in the evening, knocked a cap off a tooth, and had been treated by a local dentist. The President arrived next morning for a pre-arranged early church service and there the story appeared to end.

However whilst everything about Presidential visits and Ike’s healthcare is diligently documented at the Eisenhower Library, there is no mention of his dental work that evening. The long standing rumor being that he went to Muroc (Edwards) Air Force Base to meet with and perhaps even sign a treaty with alien beings which isn’t documented either!

Now if this was the beginning of the “secret government” and the point when the President lost full control, then here is where things become somewhat confusing. The public record contains a few hints at concerns over the UFO problem at best. UFO folklore hints at much more.


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Kennedy’s short time in charge contains the rumors of George Adamski (even though many also consider him to be a fraud) meeting JFK in 1961 and passing on a message of an impending crisis from his alien contacts. There is also a story of his visit to view dead alien bodies retrieved from a crash site.

"Around 1961/1962 President J.F. Kennedy expressed a wish to see the alien bodies associated with an alien crash-site. He had obviously been informed of their existence and wished to see for himself the evidence… According to information received, the alien bodies were taken to Florida when Kennedy went to see them [at] a medical facility." (source: Timothy Good, Need to Know, p 420)

Kennedy also sent memos requesting cooperation with the Soviets in space and expressing his desire that “unknowns” were clearly distinguished from “knowns” and sharing this data to help NASA mission directors “in their defense responsibilities”.

There is also the infamous and disputed “burned memo” which links Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Kilgallen, and his brother Robert Kennedy with a story involving JFK going to view “things from Outer Space” .


Lyndon Johnson allegedly received a call from the Soviets via the hot line at the time of the Kecksburg UFO crash in Pennsylvania on 9th December 1965 where NASA personnel in white suits were reported to have been on the scene. Johnson was at his ranch in Texas taking a working break from Washington. No official records exist of any such call.

But the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff, and nine cabinet secretaries were gathered at Johnson’s ranch the next morning. Officially, the meeting was to discuss the 1966 military budget and Vietnam. But perhaps there was another matter on the agenda? Amongst those present was NASA Director James Webb who had flown from Washington on December 10th. The significance of this is that Webb also met with President Truman within 2 days of the 8th July 1947 Roswell story breaking.

Nixon presided over the closure of Project Blue Book and is the only President to have seen Americans visit another planet during his term in office.

On 12th January 1972, Oklahoma resident Sherry Eckhardt was trying to speak with her mother on the telephone. However, interference from another call caused her to hear a voice say something like: “We issued an alarm … We are getting objects with a radar that appear on the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico … Fighters are on the way … An object has fallen into the Pacific Ocean, the fighters were shot down.”

Trying to redial her mother, she heard “Call the President on the phone!” She then heard someone sounding very like Richard Nixon speak. "This is probably the most unusual phone call I’ll ever make." The White House issued a denial stating the President had been working on his State of the Union address. Source: worldufophotosandnews.org

Another equally better known and even more incredible story exists about Nixon. Evading his own security, the story has Nixon picking up comedian, Jackie Gleason (a good friend and golfing partner) on February 19, 1973. Nixon then drove him to Homestead Air Force Base where the guard waved them through. Nixon then drove Gleason to a building containing what were obviously non-human bodies in containers.


Page 16: UFO_Presidents.doc [.pdf] - StealthSkater  · Web viewHe is a UFO researcher who specializes in research involving American Presidents and any possible links to the UFO phenomenon.

Another equally better known and even more incredible story exists about Nixon. Evading his own security, the story has Nixon picking up comedian Jackie Gleason (a good friend and golfing partner) on February 19, 1973. Nixon then drove him to Homestead Air Force Base where the guard waved them through. Nixon then drove Gleason to a building containing what were obviously non-human bodies in containers.

Gerald Ford had campaigned for a public hearing on UFOs in a speech made in March 1966:

"I believe Congress should thoroughly investigate the rash of reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in Southern Michigan and other parts of the Country. I feel a congressional inquiry would be most worthwhile because the American people are intensely interested in the UFO stories and some people are alarmed by them.

"Air Force investigators have been checking on such reports for years but have come up with nothing very conclusive. In the light of these new sightings and incidents near Ann Arbor, Michigan, and elsewhere, it would be a very wholesome thing for a committee of the Congress to conduct hearings and to call responsible witnesses from the executive branch of the Government and other witnesses who say they have sighted these objects. I think the American people would feel better if there was a full-blown investigation of these mysterious flying objects which some persons honestly believe that they have seen." (source : Ford Congressional Papers)

He continued to campaign for a hearing. However once Ford came to office, he was strangely quiet on the subject and even claimed in a letter about UFOs that he could not offer any information.


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Carter was the man who was going to release everything on UFOs. However once he arrived in the Oval Office, it wasn’t long before his Deputy Press Secretary Walter Wurfuel released a statement on 28th Feb 1977.

"Whatever statement you saw concerning President Carter’s view on UFOs was not exactly what he said. He had seen something that he thought was unexplainable that possibly might have been a UFO. And he will certainly disclose and describe any unusual phenomena he might see.

"He is committed to the fullest possible openness in Government and would support full disclosure of material that was not defense-sensitive that might relate to UFOs. He did not, however, pledge to 'make every piece of information concerning the UFOs available to the public.' There might be some aspects of some sightings that would have defense implications that possibly should be safe-guarded against immediate and full disclosure.”

Carter did loosen up the FOIA making access to documents easier for investigators. However by 1979, it became apparent that there was no “smoking gun” amongst them just a few interesting scraps.

Ronald Reagan appeared to have a keen interest in UFOs and, like Carter, even claimed to have had his own sighting.

The Whitehouse records showed that Ronald Reagan had watched close to 400 movies whilst in office in the Whitehouse or at Camp David. But the one that attracted the most attention is the screening of "ET" in June 1982 with Steven Spielberg present.

Following the screening, the President leaned over to Spielberg and quietly said: "You know, there aren’t 6 people in this room who know how true this really is."

Was he joking as many in the room seemed to think? Well, it didn’t stop him from addressing the United Nations about an “alien threat”.

Very little exists on George Bush Sr. and any connection with aliens. Perhaps because he is one? Or more likely his CIA background. Some even believe Bush to be the leading member of whatever incarnation MJ-12 had grown into when he came to office in the late 1980s. There is nothing on record to confirm this.

However, one little tidbit exists where Bush broke his silence on the UFO issue when pressed by UFO researcher Charles Huffer.

"I know some," replied Bush. "I know a fair amount".

Vice Admiral Tom Wilson (who was J2, head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff) was one of those that Bill Clinton asked to investigate the truth about UFOs. He actually unearthed code numbers of secret projects that the Government were funding but amazingly was told that he didn’t have a “need-to-know" as to what they related to.

Clinton’s first CIA Director James Woolsey was also another tasked with digging out the UFO secrets that many have believed are being kept hidden. Despite his efforts, he declared: "They have all told me nothing. They told me: "Well, we had Project Blue Book. But the Air Force closed it in 1969.”


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Clinton was also bemused at the USAF report in 1995 "The Roswell Report - Fact vs. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert". It left out many witness testimonies and did not address the topic of bodies found in the desert at all. Perhaps hinting at this, Clinton used his peace address in Belfast to go off topic and said :

"I got a letter from 13-year-old Ryan from Belfast. Now, Ryan, if you're out in the crowd tonight, here's the answer to your question. No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn't tell me about it, either. And I want to know.”

The Air Force responded with "The Roswell Report – Case Closed" just in time for the 50th anniversary of (non-) event they claimed happened.

Clinton, despite his position of power, found getting to the truth about UFOs as difficult as any other researcher into the topic. In an interview in 2005, he even said:

"Well, I don't know if you all heard this. But there was actually ... When I was President in my second term, there was an anniversary observance of Roswell. Remember that? People came to Roswell, New Mexico from all over the World. And there was also a site in Nevada where people were convinced that the Government had buried a UFO and perhaps an alien deep underground because we wouldn't allow anybody to go there.

"And uhm… I can say now, 'cause it's now been released into the public domain.... This place in Nevada was really serious. That there was an alien artifact there. So I actually sent somebody there to figure it out."

"I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that revealed things. If there were, they were concealed from me too. And if there were, well, I wouldn't be the first American President that underlings have lied to or that career bureaucrats have waited out.

"But there may be some career person sitting around somewhere hiding these dark secrets even from elected presidents. But if so, they successfully eluded me… And I'm almost embarrassed to tell you I did (chuckling) try to find out."

However, Grant Cameron also alludes to a story about the Varginha UFO crash in Brazil in January 1996 where it is alleged that live aliens were captured. 5 weeks afterwards, Clinton’s Secretary of State Warren Christopher and NASA director Dan Goldin arrived in Brazil and suggests that a deal was struck between the U.S. and Brazilian governments over the recovery of the wreckage. In which case, Cameron argues, that Clinton would have been fully aware of the situation. Of course, the Varginha case is like many other UFO cases and at best has a number of questions against it.

Like his father, there seems very little to link the 2nd President George Bush with UFOs. Many attribute this to his family ties; the fact that he was surrounded by the unelected background policy makers like Cheney and Rumsfeld; and the aftereffects of the September 11th attacks.

During a trip to Roswell on 21st March 2012, Barack Obama made the following opening statement:


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"We had landed in Roswell. I announced to people when I landed that I had come in peace. (Laughter) Let me tell you – there are more 9- and 10-year old boys around the Country when I meet them – they ask me 'Have you been to Roswell and is it true what they say?' And I tell them ‘If I told you, I would have to kill you.’ So their eyes get all big… So… we’re going to keep our secrets here..."

Actor Will Smith also let it slip that his son Jaden had asked the alien question directly to Obama on a visit to the Whitehouse as they went into the special situation room. Obama responded:

"I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials. But I can tell you if there had been a top-secret meeting and if there would have been a discussion about it, it would have taken place in this room.”

Whether that constitutes proof that Obama is in control of UFO information and there is no secret government (at least in the present day) is questionable.

So given the facts (or indeed folklore), is Grant Cameron right in his assertions?

Is the President in still in control of the UFO issue? And what does he really know? Or has he long been removed from the “need-to-know” and a secretive cabal are actually in control behind the scenes?

Reader Comments

Signalfire / Dec, 1 2013 @ 06:05 PMUnequivocally, there's people with much higher security clearances than the 'temporary' President's

(whether it's a 4-year term or 8).

There's unsubstantiated reports that after Carter was briefed on (supposedly) the UFO issue, he was seen by the next person to enter the room as having his head down on his desk sobbing.

It's my opinion after years of watching politics that the CIA briefers, NSA, National Security Council, and Joint Chiefs of Staff can pretty much say anything they want to to any given President. Only George G.H. Bush (Sr.) would have had the connections to know if it was bunk or not given his prior CIA and Nazi connections. This sets the stage for all sorts of manipulation of the incoming President whether they want wars to keep the economic machine going or just want to hide reality from the schmuck.

Also the more I think about it, the more I'm coming to the conclusion that the Cold War was a big psy-op to cover both the US and the USSR's need to spend billions on black budget projects mostly of a UFO back-engineering and defensive nature. All that talk I heard as a kid about the 'godless Commies' was laughable in its paranoia. It just never rang true except to the same type of person that now finds Rush Limbaugh the voice of truth and reason.

Sightings and reportedly craft capture happened in both places. The USSR was reeling from WWII. And certainly an arms buildup by both sides is insanity if all you're fighting is an economic and political idea. But it makes perfect sense if they were both scared out of their wits that we were being invaded by multiple other alien civilizations (some of which were not at all friendly) and if our technology was laughable compared to the newcomers.


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So say you're a military higher-up in 1947 to the early 1950s timeframe. You have an 'enemy' that you know next to nothing about except that they're literally light-years ahead of us technologically. What are you going to d, except keep it hidden from the public lest there be mass panic and build as many nukes as you can just in case they'd come in handy?

And your fake 'arch enemy' (the Godless Commies) build up their arsenal too. And your constant hyping about how they're going to kill us in our beds any minute is justification for any amount of expenditures. Perfect.

The old NICAP site has a bunch of old books available for free in PDF form. My favorites are the two Donald Keyhoe books. He had inside intel on what was going on while the Air Force was trying to figure out what to do about the 'alien threat'. One colonel even said 'Even if you prove to me they're true, I won't believe it'. Which kinda sums up the sense of unreality they had towards the whole issue.

This is a great read from someone who was there and gives a wonderful bit of historical flavor of the time. The President is mentioned off-and-on on in all these books to give you an idea of what they may have known about:

Combatmaster / Dec, 1 2013 @ 07:03 PM

This guy tells his story before he dies. His story takes place under Eisenhower in 58'. What do you make of this?

Em2013 / on Dec, 1 2013 @ 09:12 PM

I think Obama is having fun with the Alien thing and doubt that he has access to that information or at least cares to know. He seems too busy with his agenda and golfing than worrying about space aliens. I'd say no President has had much evidence in regards to alien lifeforms other than illegal immigrants lol. I believe the whole "can neither confirm or deny" thing is more of a joke or a card to be used for the future. Or perhaps it's just that it doesn't matter what the President says. There's not going to be a way for them to prove it either way.

Just out of curiosity, is the US the only country valid in this thread? Or can any other country be a part of it? I'd say that Hitler was very interested in Alien tech from what I've read. But I cannot confirm or deny his actions involving it.

To take it a step further, what if the Nazi were the humans trying to save the Earth from Aliens and the Aliens won. So now we have Aliens governing us and they are turning us into slaves?

Zcustosmorum / on Dec, 1 2013 @ 11:15 PM

Grant Cameron is very good at what he does. If you're interested in more from him, check out this lecture on the alleged cover-up.

Spookybelle / on Dec, 1 2013 @ 11:18 PM


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Herbert Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney are the Holy Trinity of US intelligence. All the connections are there if you want to take a little time to research it.

Any knowledge of UFO's was probably dealt with by them. However, they decided to deal with it and I doubt that any President afterwards has gotten the full scope of what's going on.

Thecakeisalie / on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:27 AM

Jackie Gleason's link to UFO's in an interesting one and doesn't end there. The following story takes place in a restaurant with Gleason, a reporter named Bob Considine, and an eavesdropping government official.

Gleason had tried very hard to convince Considine (a nonbeliever) that UFOs existed. Gleason also was said to have claimed that as many as 4 presidents had told him that they knew UFOs existed. But Considine wouldn't budge until one day, an Air Force officer overheard the two arguing in the restaurant.

The officer was Emmet O'Donnell, commander-in-chief of the Pacific Air Force from 1959 to 1963. That day after overhearing Gleason and Considine, O'Donnell walked over to their table and politely interrupted them. Then he said 2 words to Considine: "Jackie's right." (Beyond Area 51)

I think the last couple of POTUS have been deliberately kept in the dark about UFOs. With the constant pressure of disclosure and FOIA releases, they can't confirm or deny anything if they don't actually know anything.

The question is who is in charge of UFO investigation nowadays. You would think the Air Force brass would be the most likely candidates. But then again, that's far too obvious.

Or maybe that's the point. Hiding in plain sight.

ImpactoR / on Dec, 2 2013 @ 01:03 PM

Firstly, I can say Cameron is one of the credible researchers. That is, he doesn't do what he does for any fame to even fabricate things like 'some other 'researchers' do' and is absolutely serious about his research and devotion in finding the truth. The question is only isn't he in the same trap of UFO disinfo like the rest of the people?

I have heard of the Eisenhower meeting. Wasn't that when the alleged Grenada Treaty (if such existed) was made?

This is the thing about UFOs and the question that I put. If the whole alien stuff is fiction, why so much effort and to this day was put in documents and other forms of evidence such as communication with the President and such?

I watch Cameron on Citizens Hearing On Disclosure. I think it was him (or was it Stan Friedman?) who emphasized on the fact that:


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People have access to the UFO description documents of light balls and other objects. But the public does not have access to the actual communication and position of US Presidents about UFO cases. Nor any communication with the Military or related people they have had.

And it was Friedman who said that the 'need-to-know' basis means no matter how high security clearance you have, if you don't need to know, you will not see.

Mirageman / Dec, 2 2013 @ 02:02 PM

SLAYER69: Obviously this took some time to compile and research. Very well done. Now under which President did Secretary-of-State James Forrestal toss himself out the window after supposedly gaining knowledge of ET?

Yes, the Forrestal story is an interesting one and linked to Truman (as someone else pointed out, he was President at the time). It appears that despite his talents, something had triggered a mental and nervous breakdown. Although the evidence is purely circumstantial, it could all be linked to the UFO issue. Roswell was just 2 years in the past when Forrestal fell (or was pushed) to his death.

Although Richard Dolan isn't everyone's favorite researcher, he did a decent write up speculating on what may have happened here : http://rdolan.hostcentric.com/deathofjamesf.html

Fastwalker81 also did an excellent job on ATS here : http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread432033/pg1

It is yet another dot that we can join together with other bits of information whilst still unable to see a clear picture.

Jjsdietfitness / Dec, 2 2013 @ 02:14 PMI don't think President Eisenhower was the last to know about aliens. I thinkthat he did have to

force his hand though to get MJ 12 and the Area 51, S4 people to report to him if anybody here has seen the youtube CIA deathbed confession: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_246131&feature=iv&src_vid=lT4Vq32zlDs&v=1lkDOSogl5Q .

Eisenhower had to threaten them with an invasion to get them to talk. The way President Reagan talked about an alien invasion bringing all the countries of earth together. Not once but several times. I think he had knowledge. Now, he may have been the last one. We know that Clinton was told point-blank that he "did not have the need-to-know" and I believe Carter was refused as well. Both Bush's (Sr. and Jr.) probably had knowledge since one was running the CIA for years and had the security clearance to know such things.

I don't think President Obama really gives a damn.

Mirageman / Dec, 2 2013 @ 02:40 PMObama could well be having a bit of fun just as Reagan possibly was. There is a very persuasive

argument that because of the transient nature of each Administration that they are only told what they need to be told and the UFO secrets are above their normal level of clearance. This ultimately protects them as they can honestly say they have no knowledge when asked awkward questions.


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As for the U.S. being the only nation involved or not is a very good point. Logically if there is a conspiracy, then it seems certain that many other countries are involved. The U.S. has many allies in Europe, the Americas, and parts of Asia and the Pacific. But there are a number of other nations whose view of the Western powers is less than amicable and in the case of others like North Korea bordering on hostile. It's hard to make a case for a Global secret held for over half-century with that in mind. But who knows?

Perhaps the governments of the World know that UFOs are real. That they do penetrate our airspace but have no idea what they are. So quietly let the U.S. and its allies deal with the problem.

WeAreAWAKE / Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:52 PMWhat caught my attention first was the Carter sobbing story. I never heard that one. But then what

grabbed me was the "Temporary President" and "signing a treaty" with ET comments. It just became crystal clear in my mind that had a treaty been signed, it couldn't be done by a President alone. Presidents and parties come and go. It would have to have been agreed to by someone or some group much bigger that could speak for the entire Country (or the World) forever. Otherwise it would be worthless.

Darkmask / Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:25 PMI think perhaps that most U.S. Presidents have some knowledge as to what exactly is going on with

regards to ET visitation of our World. I think the truth of the matter is what keeps their silence. I don't believe it is as simple as some hippie minded Aliens coming to Earth to study us.

I fear the reality of the situation is very complicated. Not an easy topic to explain to the average person.

I believe there most likely is a very good reason they are keeping the public in the dark and they really are protecting us. Helping us hold on to our innocence as long as possible. I know everyone would love to have official disclosure from the World governing bodies. But what if we don't like what we hear one bit? One must consider this possibility.

gimmefootball400 / Dec, 3 2013 @ 02:57 AMI don't think that General Eisenhower was the only President to have been briefed on the UFO


If you go back to between 1949 and 1952 when our war planes were being shot down by these unidentified objects over our airspace with no way for the Air Force to explain with a legitimate reason as to why we were having war planes just simply "fall out of the sky." There were orders issued during that time frame that specifically said to shoot anything down that doesn't respond to verbal commands or hand signals. These orders backfired so completely that the Air Force changed their protocols at the time for dealing with unidentified flying objects in U.S. air space. Someone at the Pentagon issued those orders to "shoot them down" and when they tried, I guarantee that President Truman was being informed as to what was happening and what was being done to keep everything hush hush.

Jump ahead to 30-plus years when President Reagan was re-elected in 1984. 10 years before he was re-elected, Reagan had his own sighting over California while governor flying in a Cessna Citation. Reagan goes in front of the United Nations and says that we should come together if faced with a threat not from this World.


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I believe that Reagan may have also been briefed on the subject of UFOs. Whatever it was that he was either briefed on or saw with his own eyes. What was he briefed on or saw after he was elected the first time that was the main factor in the creation of the "Star Wars" Program in 1983? Whatever it was, we will never know what became of those secrets that faded away when Reagan died.

Spider879 / Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:45 AMReagan was interesting from this point of view like you said he was interested in the subject. Here is

an hr-long video about his supposed briefing. But I don't think he was in control.

In an address to the United Nations on September 21, 1987, President Ronald Reagan stated: "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this World." Why would President Reagan have made such a profound statement about the possible reality of alien life in Outer Space? What did Ronald Reagan really know about extraterrestrials?

An alleged Internet briefing transcript gives an astounding glimpse of how newly-elected President Reagan in 1981 learned of our government's decades-old secret involvement with the ET issue from CIA Director William Casey and select advisers. Researcher Jim Nichols shares a synopsis of this transcript's shocking revelations...!

snoopy11 / Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:25 PMI would like to think that this is how disclosure would come by these old guys just comin' out and

tellin' it how it was back in the day.

I think it was very interesting that he said the President was told by MJ12 that he didn't have jurisdiction over their operation at Area-51.

Who did? I don't think the old guy knows. But it does lead to some interesting speculation.

If it is a group within congress nominated by the Military-Industrial Complex, then the US elections are a sham and the U.S. is in a lot of trouble. If it is a group of Aliens who have jurisdiction, then the entire World is being lied to and we are all in a lot of trouble.

Either way, it makes you think.

FlyInTheOintment / Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:49 PMI believe that many good people in political, scientific, and military positions of authority may have

chosen to address the UFO question by phrasing things extremely carefully. As someone who enjoys writing in general and understands how to write a good letter (e.g., how to respond to potentially inflammatory issues without causing offence), I know that a man could in good conscience deny the UFO question overtly but hint at it covertly. In such a manner, he could satisfy said conscience by hinting at the truth and yet retain obedience to 'the rules'.

Others might work from a different angle, justifying the covert nature of UFO-involved operations by telling themselves that great 'social' harm could come to innocent parties if the truth were leaked out.


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Dlbott / Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:02 PMAs a veteran who served during the Cold War and in defense thereafter, I can say definitely that the

Cold War and the build-up by both sides was as real as it gets. No psyop there. Both militaries were deadly serious at the silly game we were playing. You don't have to research far to find the seriousness and how close we came to nuclear war on Several occasions (some of which are still not known to the public).

The final number of nukes lost during this time is unknown because Russia has never been honest or forthcoming with their numbers. There still is one under the ground in North Carolina (I believe it is). Two were dropped. One landed in a tree and four of the trigger fuses burnt through. The other landed in a marsh and is still there.

I rode the train through Russian territory to get into West Berlin. No, the one percent like their games. But they got rich off the Cold War. It was real.

As for UFOs, I am personally doubtful that any President has known the whole story since Truman. Bush Sr. probably knew some things, too.

I just want to throw one last thing out there - Money. Nothing is free. Not even from ETs. Do you really think they wasted 400 million $ on a healthcare website or $300 for hammers and toilet seats etc.? Discretionary spending only goes so far. Black ops, alien technology, bases, etc. etc. etc. This money is siphoned from all over the spectrum right under our noses. You want to really see how fast someone can disappear? Be a forensic accounts investigator and try and sort out the money trail (lol!).

Signalfire / Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:10 PMWhat I would ask from you is think back on all your years in the military fighting the Cold War and

ask yourself is it possible that you and everyone you were involved with (including the Russians in the same positions) were somehow convinced that the Cold War was real rather than it actually being real?

By that I mean, I presume only a few people have super high-level clearances and they're by definition sworn to secrecy. What if the relatively tiny amount spent on U.S. vs. Ruskie doings (including a very real arms buildup and spy mechanisms) was cover for the vast amount more spent on black ops?

And what if a goodly portion of those black ops were back-engineering of alien craft, etc.? What if the real enemy was the unknown rather than some farfetched and more-or-less doomed Communist system that never really seemed a threat to the U.S. (and how'd the USSR all of a sudden go from being allies in WWII to arch-enemies...)?

The Donald Keyhoe books referenced earlier were quite clear that while they almost came clean and told the public about the facts (that the UFOs were real and interplanetary). That the secrecy-advocates got their way in the end. After that, things went real quiet and the Pentagon budget ballooned. We now spend far more every year on black ops than (adjusted for inflation) the 5-year Manhattan Project cost.

You say yourself that 'it was a deadly game but silly'. Doesn't that imply, thinking back, that it was all a farce to cover for something far more serious?

gimmefootball400 / Dec, 4 2013 @ 01:12 AM


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If (and I mean IF) Reagan was on to something that either the Joint Chiefs, the NSA, and FBI supposedly had no information on, he may have went behind the backs of several layers of Above- and Way Above Top-Secret security to find information about the UFO subject.

If Reagan was in fact informed of what these UFOs were, how many we had recovered, and what their intention was, it was something that he felt that he needed to let not only the American public but also the entire World should have been made aware of or should not have been made aware of.

Was he given information that some of these UFOs had engaged in hostile activities and to the threat that these hostile or peaceful entities pose to not only the United States but also to the World and the entirety of Mankind itself?

We have to remember that at the time, George Bush Sr was in charge of the CIA. Since this was the case, Bush may or may not have played a hand in Reagan's interest in the subject. Reagan had in some way what amounted to either very little or generous amounts of information to thousands of UFO sightings not only across the Country but also from around the World at his fingertips.

If Reagan had discovered or was informed about the truth behind why UFOs where and still visiting this planet, was the information that he knew about so sensitive or so disturbing that it changed his outlook on what he thought Earthly and what was not?

gimmefootball400 / Dec, 5 2013 @ 08:43 PMReagan was probably one of the brightest and most intriguing man to have occupied the White

House that we know of. I've always believed that he knew more on the UFO subject than any other President or Vice-President before him. I believe that he may have known more about the subject than what most in the White house at the time let on.

What makes me think this way is that the Soviets had a spectacular encounter with a UFO over a nuclear missile base in western Russia in the fall of 1982. Reagan had to have been informed about that incident after it had occurred by information that was intercepted from the KGB by the CIA and the Department of Defense.

For Reagan to have suddenly started suffering from an onset of Alzheimer's is suspicious to say the least. Maybe he did know more about UFOs than what was previously thought to be known or admitted by previous administrations. I do believe that he was silenced by some Government agency that did not want (and still does not want) the truth to be revealed.

More than likely, Reagan was silenced because they knew that if he wasn't, he probably would have come out after leaving the White House and revealed the truth. He may have been the one to come forward with the truth about UFOs and whether they mean harm to us or not. Reagan may have been the closest president that the United States has ever gotten to disclosure on UFOs.

meaningless333 / Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:01 AMSomething happened between 1983 and 1986 (by the time of the Reikjavik summit - October) that

made Reagan change his mind on a 180-degree turn towards USSR, Cold War, and Nukes.

Accidents with nukes were given a codename by the USAF in the 1970s - Broken Arrow (I think that were still the name in the early 1980s). In early 1980s, a F-111 armed with live nukes (probably B-


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61 gravitational bombs) made an off-runway landing on a UK base. That's the argument of the 1985 movie "The Defence of the Realm".

Reagan did had Alzheimers. It's a common illness on aged people (at least in the western countries). He was almost on his 70s when he got to his first term.

What might have triggered a reaction by The-Powers-That-Be (these are the persons who really run the US, not the elected POTUS) was the fact that Reagan was charismatic (on a par with JFK or Ike), had popular support, and might have overstretched his security clearance in order to know was going on.

It was not easy to the TPTB to "silence" Reagan out in the open. They had to get the job done by insiders. And some of you on this thread might have just touched the nerve.

Relevantwhy / Jan, 12 2016 @ 10:21 PMI like the joking behind his careful answers that Obama provides. It's just like Clinton's type of


I think that Clinton and Obama both genuinely would want to know about such things because they seem like the type of guys who would very much like to share amazing information with the American public. This is probably the reason they will never be informed of such information.

The smart presidents that REALLY want to know are guys like Bush. No comment, no interest. The relevant information is much more likely to come your way as president if they don't think you're going to blab about it in a press report I'm sure.

Also, it can't be said with certainty that Obama and/or Clinton don't know about those types of things because there's a lot of information the Presidents know that they just can't share under any circumstances. How long did Obama know about the secret mission into Pakistan? Before he was addressing the nation? I'm sure it was more than 10 minutes (if you get what I mean).

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