Ucm Cld l80im025e(1)

UCM-CLD – Operating and control principles of the electronic module TRANE ADAPTIVE CONTROL used on helical-rotary units equipped with CHHN and CHHB compressors. UCM-CLD Operating and control principles Installation Operation Maintenance L80 IM 025 E



Transcript of Ucm Cld l80im025e(1)

  • UUCCMM--CCLLDD OOppeerraattiinngg aanndd ccoonnttrrooll pprriinncciipplleess ooff tthhee eelleeccttrroonniicc mmoodduulleeTTRRAANNEE AADDAAPPTTIIVVEE CCOONNTTRROOLL uusseedd oonn hheelliiccaall--rroottaarryy uunniittss eeqquuiippppeedd wwiitthhCCHHHHNN aanndd CCHHHHBB ccoommpprreessssoorrss..

    UCM-CLDOperating and controlprinciples


    L80 IM 025 E

  • 2These Installation, Operation, and Maintenanceinstructions are given as a guide to good practice in theinstallation, start-up, operation, and periodicmaintenance by the user of UCM-CLD modules.

    They do not contain the full service proceduresnecessary for the continued successful operation of thisequipment. The services of a qualified servicetechnician should be employed, through the medium ofa maintenance contract with a reputable servicecompany.


    Warranty is based on the general terms and conditionsof the manufacturer. The warranty is void if theequipment is modified or repaired without the writtenapproval of the constructor, if the operating limits areexceeded, or if either the control system or theelectrical wiring is modified.

    Damage due to misuse, lack of maintenance, or failureto comply with the manufacturer's instructions, is notcovered by the warranty obligation.


    On arrival, inspect the unit before signing the deliverynote. Specify any damage on the delivery note, andsend a registered letter of protest to the last carrier ofthe goods within 72 hours of delivery. Notify the localsales office at the same time.The unit should be totally inspected within 7 days ofdelivery. If any concealed damage is discovered, send a

    registered letter of protest to the carrier within 7 daysof delivery and notify the local sales office.Units are shipped with the refrigerant operating orholding charge, and should be examined with anelectronic leak detector to determine the hermeticintegrity of the unit. The refrigerant charge is notincluded in the standard Warranty Cover.


    About this manualCautions appear at appropriate places in thisinstruction manual. Your personal safety and theproper operation of this machine require that youfollow them carefully.

    The manufacturer assumes no liability for installationsor servicing performed by unqualified personnel.

    GGeenneerraall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn

    American Standard Inc. 2000

  • 3IInnddeexx

    Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

    Principles of operation of the UCM-CLD module

    General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Operators interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

    Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Default description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Unit operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Compressor operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Maintenance contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

    Chiller report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Refrigerant report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Compressor report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Operators settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Service settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Service tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

    Description of the operation


  • 4Figure 1: Operators interface

    General information

    This regulation assembly is composed of 6 electronicmodules which have each their own 115V powersupply and communicate with each other via a seriallink. Each module has a set of functions which areassociated to make the unit regulation.Each module has the following name linked to itsfunctions.- MCSP (Motor Compressor Start and Protection):

    safety, protection and control of the helical-rotarycompressor as well as all associated components.

    - CPM (Chiller Protection and Management): safety,protection, and control of the chiller.

    - EXV (Electronic Expansion Valve): control of bothelectrical expansion valves.

    - CSR (Communication and Setpoint Reset): control ofthe serial communication, unit external setpoints, andice-making mode (optional module).

    - Local CLD (Local Clear Language Display): operatorsinterface located in the unit: front panel (softwareversion and number displayed at power-up).

    - Remote LCD (Remote Clear Language Display):operators interface located up to 1500 m from theunit at the operators, and which can communicatewith up to four units of the same type (optionalmodule).

    - TCI IV, IPCB (Tracer Communication Interface 4,Inter-Processor Communication Buffer): protection ofthe unit internal communication bus from the externalinterferences existing in the unit (optional module,compulsory when using a remote CLD, and whichmust be factory-mounted).





    Select Report Group







    Select Setting Group


    Principles of operation of the module UCM-CLD

  • 5Figure 2: Control and regulation panel mounted on helical-rotary units equipped with UCM-CLD

    Operators interface (Figure 1)

    Digital displayThe display of control regulation and operatingparameters, as well as diagnostic and error messages,is made on a two-line 40-character liquid crystaldisplay.When powering-up the system, the display is not litand the message Self-test in progress is displayed inorder to make sure the display operates properly.The screen allows to display:- The error codes.- The settings of the various setpoints.- The specified temperature and pressure values.- The status of operating parameters and various


    KeyboardA 16-key touch pad allows the operator to move withinthe various menus and to modify their parameters andsetpoints.The keys are divided into two groups.

    Menu keys- Chiller Report menu- Custom Report menu- Refrigerant menu- Compressor menu

    - Operator settings menu- Service settings menu- Service test menu- Diagnostics menuThese 8 keys allow to access each of these menus.

    Control keys- + key- - key- Previous key- Next key- Enter key- Cancel key- Auto key- Stop keyThese 8 keys allow the operator to move within thevarious menus and to modify their parameters.

    Remark: All the menus and setpoints cannot beaccessed by the chillers operator; Service Settingsand Service Test menus are protected by a passwordand are reserved for Trane engineers.

  • 6The whole information is gathered in various menusaccording to the location of the sensor and/or thefunction performed.

    Chiller report menuThis menu gathers the information relating to the liquidchiller (reading only). Active setpoints and their origins,chilled water, air temperature, current draws, are foundin this menu.

    Custom report menuThis menu is peculiar because originally it does notinclude any information at all. However, the operatorcan build his own menu which is comprised of read-only information, by simply pressing the + key when inother menus. To remove information from this menu,simply press the - key when displayed.

    Refrigerant report menuThis menu gathers the information, read-only, relatingto the refrigerant. Refrigerant pressures andtemperatures at various points of the refrigerant circuitcan be found in this menu.

    Compressor report menuThis menu gathers the information, read-only, relatingto the compressor. Voltages and amps, hour and startcounters, as well as oil temperature (GP compressoronly) can be found in this menu.

    Operator settings menuThis menu comprises all the particular setpoints andoperating modes existing in the unit and which areaccessible by the usual operator of the chiller. Inaddition, the following can be programmed: chilledwater pump operation, temperature resets, ice-makingoperation, and low ambient limit.

    Service settings menuThis menu has three access levels. The first onecontains information which can be adjusted by thecustomer such as the unit voltage, the validation ofover/under voltage protection, the display language,and the programmable relay function of the units. Thekeyboard can also be locked if the relating function isvalidated. A second level contains the setpointsadjusted by the service engineer to adapt the operationof the unit to a particular site, such as the address ofthe serial link, the water and refrigerant limitparameters, and so forth. The third level contains theconfiguration and protection information: number ofcircuits, compressors and fans, compressor amps andexpansion valve settings.

    Service tests menuThis menu allows the operator to perform some testswhen the unit is in operation or during the initial start-up of the unit: expansion valve test, circuit locking, orpump-out.

    Diagnostics menuThis menu contains all the information on the currentfaults or faults that occurred in the past. It allows thepossibility to reset a manual reset fault or to erase thehistoric list of faults.

    Description of the operation

    Previous keyPressing the Previous key allows the operator toscroll up to the previous information in the currentmenu. All the display items are looped, so it ispossible to scroll from the first item to the last one.

    Next keyPressing the Next key allows the operator to scrolldown to the next information in the current menu. Allthe display items are looped, so it is possible to scrollfrom the last item to the first one.

    + keyIf this information displayed is a read-only item,pressing the + key will add it to the operators menu.if the information can be modified, the value isincreased by 1. Pressing the key for longer than 1second will increase the value of 1 every .25 seconds.A logical stop prevents an adjustment higher than themaximum value; a message is displayed to indicatethis status.

    - keyIf the information displayed is a read-only item,pressing the - key will remove it from the operatorsmenu. If the information can be modified, the value isincreased by 1. Pressing the key for longer than 1second will increase the value of 1 every .25 seconds.A logical stop prevents an adjustment higher than themaximum value; a message is displayed to indicatethis status.

    Enter keyPressing this key allows the validation of a value afterit has been modified by pressing the + or - key.

    Cancel keyPressing this key allows the cancellation of a valueafter it has been modified by pressing the + or - keyand to come back to the original value.

    Auto keyPressing this key (green) allows the unit to come backin auto mode if it was previously placed in stop modewith the stop key. The unit cannot be forced into automode if it has been stopped by an external contact orthe serial link. When the unit is stopped by the remoteinterface (Remote CLD), the local auto mode orderis prioritary.

    Stop keyPressing this key (red) allows the unit to go into stopmode. In every case, and wherever the origin (excepta local stop), the stop order and stop status havepriority over a run order. The stop generated is a softstop, meaning the unit unloads before stopping.

  • Chiller report: status, water temperatures and setpointsPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    Unit model(service setting menu)

    all others RTXA

    Mode: [OPERATING MODE]Request setpoint source: [SETPOINT SOURCE]

    Chiller Mode: [OPERATING MODE]Request setpoint source: [SETPOINT SOURCE]

    Heat Mode: [OPERATING MODE]Request setpoint source: [SETPOINT SOURCE]


    Compressors on A, B, C, D, NONECircuits locked out CIRCUIT 1, CIRCUIT 2, NONE


    [Operating mode]Making ice,ice-making complete All others

    Active ice termination setpoint XXX CEvaporator entering water temperature XXX.X C

    Active chilled water setpoint XXX CEvaporator leaving water temperature XXX.X C

    Active hot water setpoint XXX CLeaving water temperature XXX.X C


    Evaporator entering water temperature XXX.X CEvaporator leaving water temperature XXX.X C


    Fan control(Service Setting Menu)

    Disable Enable

    Condenser entering water temperature XXX.X CCondenser leaving water temperature XXX.X C

    Water heat recovery entering water temperature XXX.X CWater heat recovery leaving water temperature XXX.X C


    Active current limit setpoint XXX %Chiller % Rated load amps XXX %


    * Outdoor air temperature XXX.X C** Zone temperature XXX.X C


    [operating mode] will be one ofResetStopped by Local DisplayStopped by Remote DisplayStopped by TracerStopped by External SourceAutoWaiting, Restart InhibitStartingRunningRunning, Current LimitRunning, Condenser LimitRunning, Evaporator LimitStoppingMaking iceice-making completeLow ambient temperature lockoutElectronic expansion valve testManufacturing testService pumpdown

    * Dashes will be displayed if the sensor is openor shorted and neither outdoor air reset orlow ambient lockout is enabled.

    ** Dashes will be displayed if the zonetemperature sensor is open or shorted orzone reset is disabled.




    Chiller report


  • Refrigerant temperature and pressure reportPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    All others RTXA

    Circuit 1 Circuit Mode: [Circuit mode]


    Circuit 1 evaporator refrigerant pressure XXX barCircuit 1 condenser refrigerant pressure XXX bar


    Circuit 1 compressor suction refrigerant temperature XXX.X CCircuit 1 saturated evaporator refrigerant temperature XXX.X C


    Circuit 1 saturated condenser refrigerant temperature XXX.X C


    All others RTXA

    Circuit 2 Circuit Mode: [Circuit mode]


    Circuit 2 evaporator refrigerant pressure XXX barCircuit 2 condenser refrigerant pressure XXX bar


    Circuit 2 compressor suction refrigerant temperature XXX.X CCircuit 2 saturated evaporator refrigerant temperature XXX.X C


    Circuit 2 saturated condenser refrigerant temperature XXX.X C



    Refrigerant report


    The possible replacement to

    CoolingHeatingDefrostingHeat to DefrostDefrost to HeatCool to HeatHeat to Cool

  • Compressor report: Mode, Hours, Starts, Rated load ampsPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    Compressors on A, B, C, D, NONECircuits locked out Circuit 1, Circuit 2, NONE


    % line volts XXX %


    * Compressor A mode [MODE]


    Compressor A % Rated load amps, average XXX %Compressor A % Rated load amps, high phase XXX %


    Tonnage of unit130-400 Tons 70-125 Tons

    Compressor A entering oil temperature XXX C


    Compressor A starts XXXXXCompressor A running hours XXXXX


    After review of last compressor Compressor B, C, D


    * Display will change according to compressorreviewing

    Compressor A modeCompressor B modeCompressor C modeCompressor D mode

    [MODE]StoppedLocked outWaiting for restart inhibit timeStartingRunningRun-condenser limitRun-evaporator limitRun-current limitStoppingService pumpdown

    Compressor report


  • 10

    Chiller operation settings and setpointsPress (Next) (previous) to continue


    Setpoint source [SOURCE]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    All others RTXA

    Front panel chilled water setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting


    External chilled water setpoint [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Design delta temperature setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting

    Front Panel Chilled Water Setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting

    Front Panel Hot Water Setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting

    External Chilled Water Setpoint [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting

    External Hot Water Setpoint [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting

    Cooling Design Delta Temperature Setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting

    Heating Design Delta Temperature Setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting

    Differential to start setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting



    Operator settings


    Default = 6.7CSelect = - 17.8 to 18.3C* If Limited by cutout setpoint, (+) to change isdisplayed, refer to the section on Leaving watertemperature cutout and Low refrigeranttemperature cutout.

    Default = Disable

    Default = 5.5 CSelect = -16 to +2CThis is difference between the entering andleaving chilled water temperature.

    Default = 1.1CSelect = 16.6 to 1.1CThe temperature which is added the chilled watersetpoint, at which the chiller will start.

  • 11

    Default = ON. Manual override of chilled waterpump off delayAUTO = activates the Chilled water pump offdelay

    Chilled water pump [ON, AUTO]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Chilled water pump off delay [MINUTES]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Front panel current limit setpoint XXX %Press (+) (-) to change setting


    External current limit setpoint [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Low ambient lockout [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Low ambient lockout(Operator settings menu)

    Enable Disable

    Low ambient lockout setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting


    [MINUTES]Default = 10 minutesSelect = 1 minute to 30 minutesThe time period that the chilled water pump willrun, once the stop signal is given to the chiller.

    Default = 120%Select = 40% to 120%

    Default = Disable

    Default = Disable

    Default = -6.6CSelect: -28C to 16C

  • 12

    Default = DisableSelect = Return waterZoneOutdoor air

    [TYPE]Return water

    Default = 50%Range = 10% to 120%

    ZoneDefault = 100%Range = 50% to 300%

    OutdoorDefault = 10%Range = -80% to 80%


    Default = 2,7CRange = 0 to 11C

    ZoneDefault = 25CRange = 10 to 55C

    OutdoorDefault = 32CRange = 10 to 55C

    [TYPE]Return water

    Default = 2,7CRange = 0 to 11C

    ZoneDefault = -15CRange = 0 to 11C

    OutdoorDefault = 2,7CRange = 0 to 11C

    Default = Disable

    Default = -3CSelect = -7 to -1C

    Chilled water reset type [TYPE]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Type of chilled water reset selected above

    Return waterZoneOutdoor air Disable

    [TYPE] type, reset ratio XXX %Press (+) (-) to change setting


    [TYPE] type, start reset setpoint XXX CPress (+) (-) to change setting


    [TYPE] type, max reset setpointPress (+) (-) to change setting


    Ice machine control [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting

    Panel ice termination setpoint XXX FPress (+) (-) to change setting


  • 13

    * If the keypad is locked and a diagnostic occurs,the alarm light will flash if applicable but thediagnostic screen will not be displayed until thekeypad is unlocked.

    ** Once the keypad is locked the PREVIOUS andENTER key need to be pressed simultaneouslyto unlock the keypad.

    Default = DisableThe optional under/over voltage transformer isneeded for this feature.

    Default = 460Selections = 200, 220, 230, 346, 380, 415, 460, 500,575.

    Default = 120 secondsselect = 30 to 120 secondsThe time period between power-up or stop and theinitiation of the compressor start sequence, whenthere is a call for cooling.

    Default = Disable


    [LANGUAGE]English / Franais / Espanol / Nippon / Italiano / Deutsch / Nederlands

    Default = 1Select = 1 to 12

    Default = Disable

    Service settingsServicesettings


    Service settings, enable and unitsPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    Status of keypad/display lock feature(Service setting menu)

    Enable Disable

    Press (Enter) to lock display and keypadpassword will be required to unlock

    Next Next

    Depress either Enter or Next



    ** Previous Enter

    Display will return toChiller operating mode

    under chiller report

    Under/Over voltage protection [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Unit line voltage [VOLT] VPress (+) (-) to change setting


    Restart inhibit time XXX SECPress (+) (-) to change setting


    Balanced compressor start and hours [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Display units [UNITS]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Language [LANGUAGE]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    ** Programmable relay setup XXPress (+) (-) to change setting


    External circuit lockout [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    *** Password required for further accessPlease enter password


  • 14

    Service tests: pumpdown, electronic expansion valve,compressor, lockout

    Press (Next) (Previous) to continue


    Service pumpdown, compressor A [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Is there a compressor B ?Yes No

    Service pumpdown, compressor B [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Is there a compressor C ?Yes No

    Service pumpdown, compressor C [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Is there a compressor D ?Yes No

    Service pumpdown, compressor D [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Electronic expansion valve test, circuit 1Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Electronic expansion valve test, circuit 2Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Compressor test, compressor A [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Is there a compressor B ?Yes No

    Compressor test, compressor B [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Is there a compressor C ?Yes No

    Compressor test, compressor C [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Default = DisableMust be manually enabled by sevice personnelfrom the UCM. The unit must be in STOP/RESETand can be performed only once for every power-up of the UCM. Restart inhibit will be prepositionedand the compressor selected will start and run forone minute. Manual closing of the liquid line anglevalve will be required.

    Default = Disable

    Default = Disable

    Default = Disable

    Default = DisableElectronic expansion valve test will be initiatedwhen the unit is in STOP/RESET and Electronicexpansion valve test is set to enable. The mode willautomatically be reset to disable upon completionof the test.

    Default = Disable

    Default = DisableAllows service personnel to override the lead/lagfunction and start the compressor of concern. Afterthe compressor starts, the display willautomatically return to D.

    Default = Disable

    Default = Disable

    Service testsService


  • 15

    Is there a compressor D ?Yes No

    Compressor test, compressor D [Disable/Enable]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Circuit lockout, circuit 1 [UNLOCK/LOCKOUT]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Circuit lockout, circuit 2 [UNLOCK/LOCKOUT]Press (+) (-) to change setting


    Default = Disable

    Default = UNLOCKIf the setting is changed to LOCKOUT, the circuitwill become non-operational. The setting must bemanually changed to UNLOCK to regainoperation of the circuit.

    Default = UNLOCK

  • 16

    If there are no diagnostic messages, the selected menuitem will be displayed continuously. If the diagnosticskey is pressed and there are no active diagnostics, thereadout on the display will be:


    When a system malfunction occurs, one of thefollowing appropriate diagnostic messages will bedisplayed:

    *** A machine shutdown has occurred ! ***

    A machine shutdown occurred

    but has cleared press (Next)

    *** A circuit shutdown has occurred ! ***

    A circuit shutdown occurred

    but has cleared press (Next)

    *** Informational warning ***

    An informational warning occurred

    but has cleared press (Next)

    When a circuit shutdown - manual reset (CMR) or amachine shutdown - manual reset (MMR) occurs, thered LED to the right of the display will flash. Otherwisethis alarm LED is de-energized.

    If more than one diagnostic is present, only the highestpriority active diagnostic will be explained in detail. Forexample, if the diagnostics occur in the following orderbefore the operator returns - IFW, MMR, CMR - thedisplay will read:

    *** A machine shutdown has occurred ! ***

    because the MMR has the highest priority. However, asthe operator moves through the diagnostic menu to theLast diagnostic, the [Diagnostic description] willshow the CMR diagnostic as well as the IFW. If theNext key is pressed, the display will show all theother active and historic diagnostics.

    The active diagnostic priorities, listed from highest tolowest are:

    Machine shutdown - manual reset (MMR)Machine shutdown - automatic reset (MAR)

    Circuit shutdown - manual reset (CMR)Circuit shutdown - automatic reset (CAR)

    Informational warning (IFW)

    The following flowchart shows the display readoutsfound under the diagnostics menu. By following thesteps shown in the flowchart, a brief description of thediagnostic can be viewed. Use the Next key to enter themain diagnostic menu, where the diagnostic can becleared.


  • 17

    NoDiagnostic present


    Type of diagnostic

    MMR/MAR Active

    *** A machine shutdown has occurred ! ***Press (Next) for diagnostic info


    MARType of machine shutdown


    [Diagnostic description]Latched fault - manual reset required


    All others RTXA

    Mode at fault: [OPERATING MODE]Compressors running at fault: [A, B, C, D]

    [Unit operating mode] [Operating mode]Compressors running at fault: [A, B, C, D]


    Press (Enter) to reset controland clear all active diagnostics


    NextPress Enter or Next


    Machine will unload if loadedand display will automatically

    return to MODE in the chiller report

    [DIAGNOSTIC DESCRIPTION]Active fault - May clear automatically


    All others RTXA

    Mode at fault: [Operating mode]Compressors running at fault: [A, B, C, D]

    [Unit operating mode] [Operating mode]Compressors running at fault: [A, B, C, D]

    OtherType of diagnostic

    MAR inactive

    *** A circuit shutdown has occurred ! ***Press (Next) for diagnostic information



    [Unit operating mode]

    Cooling ModeHeating ModeDefrost Mode

    Note:MMR: Machine shutdown manual reset.MAR: Machine shutdown automatic reset.CMR: Circuit shutdown manual reset.CAR: Circuit shutdown automatic reset.IFW: Informational warning.

  • 18

    OtherType of diagnostic

    CMR/ CAR active

    Latched fault - manual reset requiredPress (Next) for more


    CARType of circuit shutdown


    Latched fault - manual reset requiredPress (Next) for more


    Circuit 2Did diagnostic occuron Circuit 1 or Circuit 2?

    Circuit 1

    Press (Enter) toreset circuit 1 diagnostics

    Next Enter

    Reset Circuit 1 diagnostic

    Press (Enter) toreset circuit 2 diagnostics

    Next Enter

    Reset Circuit 2 diagnostic

    Active fault - can clear automaticallyPress (Next) for more


    Type of diagnostic

    CAR inactive

    A circuit shutdown occurredbut has cleared Press (Next)

    NextIFW inactive

    Type of diagnostic

    IFW active

    *** Informational warning ***Press (Next) for diagnostic info


    Note:MMR: Machine shutdown manual reset.MAR: Machine shutdown automatic reset.CMR: Circuit shutdown manual reset.CAR: Circuit shutdown automatic reset.IFW: Informational warning.

  • 19

    An informational warning occurredbut has cleared Press (Next)


    No active diagnostics presentPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    NoAre there diagnosticsin history ?


    Diagnostic status report followsPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    Last diagnostic:[DIAGNOSTIC DESCRIPTION]



    No historic diagnostics presentPress (Next) (Previous) to continue


    Press (Enter) toclear diagnostic history


    Press (Enter) toreset circuit 1 diagnostics


    Press (Enter) toreset circuit 2 diagnostics


    Press (Enter) to reset controland clear all active diagnostics



    Press Enter or Next


    Machine will unload if loaded anddisplay will automatically return to

    MODE in the chiller report.

  • 20

    Defaults descriptionFault 87Check External Chilled Water Setpoint: IFW - Value out of range

    Fault 89Check External Current Limit Setpoint: IFW - Value out of range

    Fault 8AChilled Water Flow (Entering Water Temperature): MMR 1) Entering water temperature

    < leaving water temperature2) No water flow3) Defective Evaporator sensor

    Fault 8EEvaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor: MMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 8FCondenser Refrigerant Temperature Sensor - Circuit 1: MMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 90Condenser Refrigerant Temperature Sensor - Circuit 2: MMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 93Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature Sensor - Circuit 1: MMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 94Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature Sensor - Circuit 2: MMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 9ACondenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor: IFW - Defective sensor

    Fault 9bCondenser Leaving Water Temperature Sensor: IFW - Defective sensor

    Fault A0Zone Temperature Sensor: IFW - Defective sensor

    Fault A1Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor: IFW - Defective sensor

    Fault AbEvaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor: MMR - Defective sensor

    Fault b5Low Pressure Cutout - Circuit 1: CMR - Low pressure switch open

    Fault b6Low Pressure Cutout - Circuit 2: CMR - Low pressure switch open

    Fault bAOverload trip - Compressor A: CMR - Current exceeded

    Fault bbOverload Trip - Compressor B: CMR - Current exceeded

    Fault bCOverload trip - Compressor C: CMR - Current exceeded

    Fault bdOverload trip - Compressor D: CMR - Current exceeded

    Fault bEHigh Pressure Cutout - Compressor C: CMR - High pressure too high

    Fault bFHigh Pressure Cutout - Compressor D: CMR - High pressure too high

  • 21

    Fault C5Low Chilled Water Temperature (Unit Off): IFW - Antifreeze protection

    Fault C6Low Chilled Water Temperature (Unit On): MAR - Antifreeze protection

    Fault CAContactor - Compressor A: MMR - Welded compressor contactor

    Fault CbContactor - Compressor B: MMR - Welded compressor contactor

    Fault CCContactor - Compressor C: MMR - Welded compressor contactor

    Fault CdContactor - Compressor D: MMR - Welded compressor contactor

    Fault d7Over Voltage: MAR - Voltage 10% > nominal

    Fault d8Under Voltage: MAR - Voltage 10% < nominal

    Fault EdChilled Water Flow Interlock: MAR - Flow switch open more than 6 seconds

    Fault F5High Pressure Cutout - Compressor A: MMR - High pressure too high

    Fault F6High Pressure Cutout - Compressor B: MMR - High pressure too high

    Fault FdEmergency Stop Input: MMR - Emergency stop input open

    Fault 180Starter Transition - Compressor A: CMR 1) Transition proof signal not received

    2) Proof input shunted

    Fault 181Starter Transition - Compressor B: CMR 1) Transition proof signal not received

    2) Proof input shunted

    Fault 182Starter Transition - Compressor C: CMR 1) Transition proof signal not received

    2) Proof input shunted

    Fault 183Starter Transition - Compressor D: CMR 1) Transition proof signal not received

    2) Proof input shunted

    Fault 184Phase Reversal - Compressor A: CMR - Phase reversed

    Fault 185: Phase reversal - Compressor B CMR - Phase reversed

    Fault 186Phase reversal - Compressor C: CMR - Phase reversed

    Fault 187Phase reversal - Compressor D: CMR - Phase reversed

    Fault 190Low Superheat - Circuit 1: CMR - Superheat < 1C during more than

    1333C x seconds

  • 22

    Fault 191Low Superheat - Circuit 2: CMR - Superheat < 1C during more than 1333C x seconds

    Fault 194Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature. - Circuit 1: CMR - Refrigerant temperature < setpoint during more than

    30C x seconds

    Fault 195Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature. - Circuit 2: CMR - Refrigerant temperature < setpoint during more than

    30C x seconds

    Fault 198Low Oil Flow - Compressor A: CMR - Oil flow switch open during more than 20 seconds

    Fault 199Low Oil Flow - Compressor B: CMR - Oil flow switch open during more than 20 seconds

    Fault 19Alow Oil Flow - Compressor C: CMR - Oil flow switch open during more than 20 seconds

    Fault 19bLow Oil Flow - Compressor D: CMR - Oil flow switch open during more than 20 seconds

    Fault 19CPhase Loss - Compressor A: CMR - Loss of 1 or more phases

    Fault 19dPhase Loss - Compressor B: CMR - Loss of 1 or more phases

    Fault 19EPhase Loss - Compressor C: CMR - Loss of 1 or more phases

    Fault 19FPhase Loss - Compressor D: CMR - Loss of 1 or more phases

    Fault 1A0Power Loss - Compressor A: CAR - Loss of all three phases in operation

    Fault 1A1Power Loss - Compressor B: CAR - Loss of all three phases in operation

    Fault 1A2Power Loss - Compressor C: CAR - Loss of all three phases in operation

    Fault 1A3Power Loss - Compressor D: CAR - Loss of all three phases in operation

    Fault 1A4Tracer Communication Loss: IFW - Loss of external information

    Fault 1A5Oil Flow Control - Compressor A: CMR - Problem on oil circuit

    Fault 1A6Oil Flow Control - Compressor B: CMR - Problem on oil circuit

    Fault 1A7Oil Flow Control - Compressor C: CMR - Problem on oil circuit

    Fault 1A8Oil Flow Control - Compressor D: CMR - Problem on oil circuit

    Fault 1A9Electronic expansion valve Electric Drive Circuit - Refrigerant Circuit 1: CMR 1) Electronic expansion valve wiring

    2) Defective UCM3) Defective Electronic expansion valve4) Defective Electronic expansion valve relay

  • 23

    Fault 1AAElectronic expansion valve Electric Drive Circuit - Refrigerant Circuit 2: CMR 1) Electronic expansion valve wiring

    2) Defective UCM3) Defective Electronic expansion valve4) Defective Electronic expansion valve relay

    Fault 1AdMemory Error Type I: IFW - Non Volatile Random Access Memory [NOVRAM}

    problem, unit is placed on default setting operatingFault 1AELow Differential Pressure - Circuit 1: CMR - Delta P< 2,8bar during more than 2 minutes

    Fault 1AFLow Differential Pressure - Circuit 2: CMR - Delta P< 2,8bar during more than 2 minutes

    Fault 1b2Severe Phase Unbalance - Compressor A: CMR - Phase imbalance >30%, check current transformer

    and unit power supply

    Fault 1b3Severe Phase Unbalance - Compressor B: CMR - Phase imbalance >30%, check current transformer

    and unit power supply

    Fault 1b4Severe Phase Unbalance - Compressor C: CMR - Phase imbalance >30%, check current transformer

    and unit power supply

    Fault 1b5Severe Phase Unbalance - Compressor D: CMR - Phase imbalance >30%, check current transformer

    and unit power supply

    Fault 1b6Compressor Overload Setting - Compressor A: IFW - Check setting of compressor overload

    Fault 1b7Compressor Overload Setting - Compressor B: IFW - Check setting of compressor overload

    Fault 1b8Compressor Overload Setting - Compressor C: IFW - Check setting of compressor overload

    Fault 1b9Compressor Overload Setting - Compressor D: IFW - Check setting of compressor overload

    Fault 1bAPhase Unbalance - Compressor A: CMR - Phase imbalance >15%

    Fault 1bbPhase Unbalance - Compressor B: CMR - Phase imbalance >15%

    Fault 1bCPhase Unbalance - Compressor C: CMR - Phase imbalance >15%

    Fault 1bdPhase Unbalance - Compressor D: CMR - Phase imbalance >15%

    Fault 1bEWinding Temperature - Compressor A: CMR - Winding temperature > 105C

    Fault 1bFWinding Temperature - Compressor B: CMR - Winding temperature > 105C

    Fault 1C0Winding Temperature - Compressor C: CMR - Winding temperature > 105C

    Fault 1C1Winding Temperature - Compressor D: CMR - Winding temperature > 105C

  • 24

    Fault 1C6High Differential Pressure - Circuit 1: CMR - LB/High pressure differential > 24,5 bar

    Fault 1C7High Differential Pressure - Circuit 2: CMR - LB/High pressure differential > 24,5 bar

    Fault 1d1Memory Error Type II: IFW - RAM error

    Fault 1d2Memory Error Type III: IFW - RAM error

    Fault 1d3Compressor Suction Temperature Sensor - Circuit 1: CMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 1d4Compressor Suction Temperature Sensor - Circuit 2: CMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 1d7Phase Reversal Protection Lost - Compressor A: CMR - Phase reversal protection not operative

    Fault 1d8Phase Reversal Protection Lost - Compressor B: CMR - Phase reversal protection not operative

    Fault 1d9Phase Reversal Protection Lost - Compressor C: CMR - Phase reversal protection not operative

    Fault 1dAPhase Reversal Protection Lost - Compressor D: CMR - Phase reversal protection not operative

    Fault 1dbSlaved Electronic expansion valve Electronic Drive Circuit - Refrigerant Circuit 1: CMR - Electronic expansion valve electric drive defective

    Fault 1dCSlaved Electronic expansion valve Electronic Drive Circuit - Refrigerant Circuit 2: CMR - Electronic expansion valve electric drive defective

    Fault 1ddHigh Oil Temperature - Compressor A: CMR - Oil temperature > 77C

    Fault 1dEHigh Oil Temperature - Compressor B: CMR - Oil temperature > 77C

    Fault 1dFHigh Oil Temperature - Compressor C: CMR - Oil temperature > 77C

    Fault 1E0High Oil Temperature - Compressor D: CMR - Oil temperature > 77C

    Fault 1E1Oil System Fault - Compressor A: CMR - Oil temperature < condenser saturated temperature

    during more than 30 minutes

    Fault 1E2Oil System Fault - Compressor B: CMR - Oil temperature < condenser saturated temperature

    during more than 30 minutes

    Fault 1E3Oil System Fault - Compressor C: CMR - Oil temperature < condenser saturated temperature

    during more than 30 minutes

    Fault 1E4Oil System Fault - Compressor D: CMR - Oil temperature < condenser saturated temperature

    during more than 30 minutes

    Fault 1E5Entering Oil Temperature Sensor - Compressor A: CMR - Defective sensor

  • 25

    Fault 1E6Entering Oil Temperature Sensor - Compressor B: CMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 1E7Entering Oil Temperature Sensor - Compressor C: CMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 1E8Entering Oil Temperature Sensor - Compressor D: CMR - Defective sensor

    Fault 2A1Condenser Fan Variable Speed Drive Fault - Circuit 1: IFW - Defective fan speed controller after 5 attempts

    Fault 2A2Condenser Fan Variable Speed Drive Fault - Circuit 2: IFW - Defective fan speed controller after 5 attempts

    Note:MMR: Machine shutdown manual reset.MAR: Machine shutdown automatic reset.CMR: Circuit shutdown manual reset.CAR: Circuit shutdown automatic reset.IFW: Informational warning.

    Communication failures

    Fault 410Loss of Local Display Panel Communication

    Fault 412Chiller Module to Option Module Communication Failure

    Fault 413Chiller Module to Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

    Fault 414Chiller Module to Compressor A Module Communication Failure

    Fault 415Chiller Module to Compressor B Module Communication Failure

    Fault 416Chiller Module Compressor C Module Communication Failure

    Fault 417Chiller Module to Compressor D Module Communication Failure

    Fault 418Chiller Module to Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

    Fault 431Electronic expansion valve Module to Chiller Module Communication Failure

    Fault 434Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor A Module Communication Failure

    Fault 435Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor B Module Communication Failure

    Fault 436Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor C Module Communication Failure

    Fault 437Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor D Module Communication Failure

    Fault 441Compressor A Module to Chiller Module Communication Failure

    Fault 443Compressor A Module to Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

  • 26

    Fault 445Compressor A Module to Compressor B Module Communication Failure

    Fault 451Compressor B Module to chiller Module Communication Failure

    Fault 453Compressor B Module to Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

    Fault 454Compressor B Module to Compressor A Module Communication Failure

    Fault 461Compressor C Module to Chiller Module Communication Failure

    Fault 463Compressor C Module to Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

    Fault 467Compressor C Module to Compressor D Module Communication Failure

    Fault 471Compressor D Module to Chiller Module Communication Failure

    Fault 473Compressor D Module to Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

    Fault 476Compressor D Module to Compressor C Module Communication Failure

    Fault 481Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module to Chiller Module Communication Failure

    Fault 483Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module to Electronic expansion valve Module Communication Failure

    Fault 484Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor A Module Communication Failure

    Fault 485Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor B Module Communication Failure

    Fault 486Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor C Module Communication Failure

    Fault 487Slaved Electronic expansion valve Module to Compressor D Module Communication Failure

    Unit operating mode

    Mode A00Stopped

    Mode A01, A02Auto

    Mode A17Service Pump down

    Mode A70Waiting, Restart Inhibit

    Mode A72Starting

    Mode A74Running

  • 27

    Mode A75Running, Current Limit

    Mode A76Running, Condenser Limit

    Mode A77Running, Evaporator Limit

    Mode A7EStopping

    Mode A88Reset

    Mode A100Stopped by Source

    Mode A101Ice Making Complete

    Mode A118Electronic expansion valve Test

    Mode A174Making Ice

    Mode A175Making Ice, Condenser Limit

    Mode A177Making Ice, Evaporator Limit

    Mode A200Low Ambient Temperature Lockout

    Mode A234Manufacturing TestStopped By TracerStopped By Remote Display

    Compressor operating mode

    Mode 00Stopped

    Mode 16Locked Out

    Mode 17Service Pumpdown

    Mode 70Restart Inhibited

    Mode 72Starting

    Mode 74Running

    Mode 75Run - Current Limit

    Mode 76Run - Condenser Limit

    Mode 77Run - Evaporator Limit

    Mode 7EStopping

  • MMaaiinntteennaannccee ccoonnttrraacctt

    It is strongly recommended that you sign amaintenance contract with your local Service Agency.This contract provides regular maintenance of yourintallation by a specialist in our equipment. Regularmaintenance helps ensure that any malfunction isdetected and corrected quickly and minimizes the

    possibility that serious damage will occur. Finally,regular maintenance helps ensure the maximumoperating life of your equipment. Failure to followthese installation and maintenance instructions mayaffect your warranty.


    The equipment described in this manual is the result ofmany years of research and continuous development.To assist you in obtaining the best use of it, andmaintaining it in perfect operating condition over along period of time, the manufacturer has available arefrigeration and air conditioning service school. Theprincipal aim of this is to give operators and

    maintenance technicians a better knowledge of theequipment they are using, or that is under their charge.Emphasis is particularly given to the importance ofperiodic checks on the unit operating parameters aswell as on preventive maintenance, which can reducethe cost of owning the unit by helping avoid seriousand costly breakdown.

    Literature Order Number L80 IM 025 E

    Date July 2000

    Supersedes L80 IM 025 E - 1297

    Stocking Location La Crosse

    Since The Trane Company has a policy of continuous product improvement, it reserves the right tochange design and specifications without notice.

    Socit Trane Socit Anonyme au capital de 41500 000 F Siege Social: 1 rue des Amriques 88190Golbey France Siret 306 050 188-00011 RSC Epinal B 306 050 188Numro didentification taxe intracommunanutaire: FR 83 3060501888

    The Trane CompanyAn American Standard Companywww.trane.com

    For more information contactYour local sales office ore-mail us at [email protected]

    This publication is a general guide to install, use and properly maintain our products. The informationgiven may be different from the specification for a particular country or for a specific order. In thisevent, please refer to your nearest office.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or byany means without the written authorization of the manufacturer.