UCAS Open Day Prof Jeremy Lakey School of Biomedical Sciences.

UCAS Open Day Prof Jeremy Lakey http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_dWoD8peVA0 School of Biomedical Sciences

Transcript of UCAS Open Day Prof Jeremy Lakey School of Biomedical Sciences.

UCAS Open DayProf Jeremy Lakeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dWoD8peVA0

School of

Biomedical Sciences

St James’ ParkThe Medical


The Sage

The Tyne Bridge

Welcome to Newcastle!

North Pennines

Kielder Water

The Cheviots


Outdoor Pursuits

•Kite Surfing •Canoeing •Sailing•Waterskiing

•Walking •Hiking•Climbing•Orienteering

•Bouldering •Cycling•Mountain Biking •Surfing

Outdoor Pursuits a personal view

•Kite Surfing •Canoeing •Sailing•Waterskiing


•Orienteering•Sailing•Hill Walking•Skiing!






Hadrian’s Wall

St James’ ParkDurham Cathedral


The Quad

Medical Sciences 4,981

Science Agriculture 7,126& Engineering

Humanities, Arts & 10,767Social Sciences

TOTAL 22,874

Newcastle University

A University City

For students, the low cost of living, the ease of finding accommodation, proximity to the sea and dramatic countryside, famed nightlife and gregarious Geordie hospitality mix to create a pretty punchy cocktail. So potent, in fact, Newcastle tops our list.” BEST UK UNIVERSITY CITY 2010

MSN Travel Website


The Great North Run•Newcastle United

•Newcastle Falcons

•Newcastle Eagles

•Newcastle Vipers

•Gateshead Stadium•Durham County Cricket Club(Chester-le-Street)

Arts & Culture

The Sage


Theatre Royal

PLUS , The Biscuit Factory, Live Theatre, The Northern Stage, City Hall, The Great North Museum, The Shipley Art Gallery.........

Night Life

Alternative Night Life?

Open until 10 pm Mon-Thurs 9 pm Fri-Sun

Facts & Figures!

•Approximately 200 undergraduate degrees•Plus over 260 postgraduate taught programmes and research degrees

•Ranked in the Global Top 200 (by both the QS & Times Higher Education Supplement)

•A founder member the Russell Group, an association of 24 research intensive Universities in the UK

•21 Research Centres 13 Research Institutes

• High rating in the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014)

The Quad

£200m invested on campus improvements: new buildings, refurbished laboratories, lecture theatres & computing suites.

The Medical School

•Lecture Theatres•Seminar Rooms

•Teaching Laboratories•Computing Clusters•Walton Library

•Cafe•Student Common Room

How did we do in the REF?

Times Higher Education ranking for Uo5, Biological Sciences.

A training in Biomedicine, what’s it all about?- a short story from our current research;

Child A presents to doctor with repeated infections

Microbiologists determine the types of infections and the immune response of the patient, enabling the doctor to stabilise the patient; but what’s the cause?

Physiologists characterise the behaviour of the patient’s cells and define their unusual behaviour.

A relative has similar symptoms so geneticists screen their genomes for gene changes. A gene is indentified which may cause the problem.

Biochemists characterise the faulty protein and show how its structure is affected by the mutation. They discover the molecular basis of the disease which explains the findings

Pharmacologists will use the data to devise treatments

Lu et al., Dual Proteolytic Pathways GovernGlycolysis and Immune Competence (2014) Cell 159, 1578–1590

UCAS Open Day

Any questions?

School of

Biomedical Sciences