Ubuntu Youth Cross Cultural Exchange


Transcript of Ubuntu Youth Cross Cultural Exchange

We are delighted to introduce you to talkUBUNTU , a social

media learning platform designed to bring young learners from

schools around the globe together to facilitate cultural and social

exchange and understanding and to engage in a positive dialogue

about our world.

talkUBUNTU connects students and educators from different

countries through a project-based curriculum and within a social

media learning environment to build cultural and social

awareness and global citizenship.

We know that knowledge and dialogue are effective ways to

propel knowledge and understanding, and we know that

cultural diversity can help expand our perspective and enrich our


Our mission is to inspire, energize and strengthen the youth’s

understanding of the world and to shape a peaceful and

sustainable future.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, we are challenged more than ever

before to expand our knowledge and attitudes in order to successfully participate in the

emerging global community.

talkUBUNTU is an educational (social media) platform and program dedicated to providing

enriched learning experiences that promote intercultural awareness, tolerance and

communication. By providing immersive learning experiences in new environments

combined with regular reflection.

talkUBUNTU focuses on increasing intercultural (and social) awareness and competence:

the ability to engage effectively and appropriately within different cultural and social

settings. Based on experiential and structured learning, participants have the chance to

broaden their perspectives and learn from each other, developing their communication skills

in the process. The result effect is solid preparation to live, work and lead in a diverse global


Advance international awareness and cultural understanding

Good citizenship cannot be achieved by merely learning things

in a traditional classroom experience, but rather requires active

engagement with the world.

That’s why talkUBUNTU:

Facilitates a learning space that supports experience-based, collaborative learning

Partners school’s worldwide to bring the real world into the classroom and to facilitate easy


Connects teachers and students from different schools around the world to work together on

shared assignments

Offer projects that give students space to explore themes and real-world resonance

Broaden the student’s understanding of the world by linking them to their peers from different

geographic spaces and cultures

Help students develop Intercultural Understanding as they learn to value their own cultures,

languages and beliefs and those of others

Focus the attention of students on contemporary social and cultural issues which effect their


Social media based co-learning offers us vast potential to deal with an ever-changing, globalized

world. We use of available and new technology’s to facilitate a positive dialogue and understanding

between the world’s 21st century youth. A fantastic challenge for all educational professionals and our

young learners!

Our international program for cross cultural co-learning (for personal and professional development)

offers students and their teachers a safe environment for global co-learning with the aid of simple

social media applications. Students from different cultures and different parts of the world work on

shared assignments from home or from within the classroom.

Join our project for cross cultural co-learning for personal development and global good.


[email protected]