UberFire Quick Intro and Overview (early beta Jul 2013)

UF UberFire Saturday, 29 June 13


Quick intro and overview of the UberFire project. UberFire is a tool to help rapidly build workbench or console applications.

Transcript of UberFire Quick Intro and Overview (early beta Jul 2013)

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UF UberFire

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GWTGoogle committed to Open Source developmentmodel

Steering Commit/TransparencyTimeBox releases (twice year)Future focus

Mobile (reduced CPU utilization, more code splitting)Easier “Hyrbid” appsSmaller and faster executions

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GWTGWT used extensively at Google

Adwords (97% of google revenue)Google Groups (rewrite just announced)Major new consumer projects about to be announcedBig chunk of internal IT100K+ monthly auto-update pings (Eclipse)

GWT considered matureNot investing in marketing or evangalising

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BRMS and BPMS AuthoringBuildDeploy

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BRMS and BPMS AuthoringBuildDeployMonitor and ManageWork

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BRMS Components

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What we Learned

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5.x CritiqueUI

GWTBut not easilyextendedFixed layoutsNo perspectives

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5.x CritiqueJCR

Performance IssuesEverything stored as blobNo tagging, branching etc.WebdavLimited team providers

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6.x RequirementsModular design

PluginsCompile time composition of plugins

Maven modulesHybrid GWT + JS support (Runtime Plugins)

Twitter Bootstrap UI

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6.x RequirementsPanels

Common Life cyclesPanel re-use in other frameworks

Eclipse, Portal etcSecurity visibilityHybrid GWT + JS support (Runtime Plugins)

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6.x RequirementsPerspectives

Flexible layout with DnDMultiple layout managersSecurity visibilityHybrid GWT + JS support (Runtime Plugins)

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6.x RequirementsMenu’s, Toolbars

decoupled form componentscontextual to perspective and focus panelSecurity visibility

GIT BackendHigh Availabilty

GIT cluster

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6.x RequirementsGIT BackendVFS (nio2)

seamless API for client and ServerSecurityMetaData

stored as .dot file in git for each “asset”High Availability

GIT cluster

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KIEKnowledge is Everything

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UberFire Architecture

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Workbench Screen

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Workbench Screen

@WorkbenchScreen(identifier = "MyFirstPanel")public class MyFirstPanel extends SimplePanel {

public MyFirstPanel() { setWidget( new Label("Hello World 1") ); }

@WorkbenchPartTitle public String myTitle() { return "My First Panel!"; }


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Workbench Screen$registerPlugin({ id: "my angular js", type: "angularjs", templateUrl: "angular.sample.html", title: function () { return "angular " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); }, on_close: function () { alert("this is a pure JS alert!"); }});<div ng-controller="TodoCtrl"> <span>{{remaining()}} of {{todos.length}} remaining</span> [ <a href="" ng-click="archive()">archive</a> ] <ul class="unstyled"> <li ng-repeat="todo in todos"> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.done"> <span class="done-{{todo.done}}">{{todo.text}}</span> </li> </ul> <form ng-submit="addTodo()"> <input type="text" ng-model="todoText" size="30" placeholder="add new todo here"> <input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="add"> </form> <form ng-submit="goto()"> <input type="text" ng-model="placeText" size="30" placeholder="place to go"> <input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="goTo"> </form></div>

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Workbench Editor

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@WorkbenchEditor(identifier = "TextEditor", supportedTypes = { TextResourceType.class, DotResourceType.class })public class TextEditorPresenter {

@WorkbenchPartTitle public String getTitle() { return "Text Editor [" + path.getFileName() + "]"; }

@WorkbenchPartView public IsWidget getWidget() {

return view; //injected } (...)}

Workbench Editor

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Screen Life Cycles

OnStart OnSave IsDirtyOnCloseOnFocusOnLostFocusOnMayCloseOnReveal


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@WorkbenchEditor(identifier = "TextEditor", supportedTypes = { TextResourceType.class, DotResourceType.class })public class TextEditorPresenter { (...)

@OnStart public void onStart( final Path path ) { this.path = path; }

@OnSave public void onSave() { }

@IsDirty public boolean isDirty() { return view.isDirty(); }}

Life Cycle Annotations

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Workbench Perspective

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Window ManagersNESW, with DnD

Nesting, for flexible layouts.Supports programmatic and json


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@WorkbenchPerspective( identifier = "HomePerspective", isDefault = true)public class HomePerspective {

@Perspective public PerspectiveDefinition buildPerspective() { final PerspectiveDefinition p = new PerspectiveDefinitionImpl(); p.setName( "Home Perspective" ); p.getRoot().addPart( new PartDefinitionImpl( new DefaultPlaceRequest( "RepoList" ) ) );

return p; }}

Workbench Perspective

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Workbench Perspective$registerPerspective({ "id": "Markdown Editor", "view": { "parts": [ { "place": "MarkdownLiveViewer", "parameters": {} } ], "panels": [ { "width": 600, "min_width": 300, "position": "west", "parts": [ { "place": "MarkdownLiveEditor", "parameters": {} } ] } ] }, on_close: function () { }});

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UberFire Annotations

OnStart OnSave IsDirtyOnCloseOnFocusOnLostFocusOnMayCloseOnReveal



Components Lifecycle ComponentRendering Info

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Hyrbid Plugins

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UI Improvments

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UberFire new Navigation System

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UberFire new Navigation System

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UberFire new Navigation System

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UberFire new Navigation System

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DEMO 4Dynamic non-GWT Plugins

(Live, no Video)

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Proof Is In The Pudding

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UI Rewrite started in NovemberEntire BRMS portedNew BPMS built, all integratedTasks, Calendars, BPM DesignerOnly one person on core UI frameworkAll team memebers distributedDespite aggressive schedule

Code remains modularEasy to maintain and extend

Proof Is In The Pudding

Saturday, 29 June 13