UATP Online Chargeback System (OCS) 2013.pdfWhen a charge...

UATP Online Chargeback System (OCS) Guide Published and Distributed by: Universal Air Travel Plan, Inc. Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington,D.C. 20004 U.S.A. © 2010-2013 UATP. All rights reserved. No part of this Documentation may be copied or reproduced, recast, reformatted or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the Legal department of the Universal Air Travel Plan, Inc. (UATP), 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004, United States.

Transcript of UATP Online Chargeback System (OCS) 2013.pdfWhen a charge...

Page 1: UATP Online Chargeback System (OCS) 2013.pdfWhen a charge has been incorrectly submitted as a claim to ATCAN SIS, the claim may be charged

UATP Online Chargeback System (OCS) Guide

Published and Distributed by: Universal Air Travel Plan, Inc.

Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington,D.C.

20004 U.S.A.

© 2010-2013 UATP. All rights reserved. No part of this Documentation may be copied or reproduced, recast, reformatted or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage

and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the Legal department of the Universal Air Travel Plan, Inc. (UATP), 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004, United States.

Page 2: UATP Online Chargeback System (OCS) 2013.pdfWhen a charge has been incorrectly submitted as a claim to ATCAN SIS, the claim may be charged

Table of Contents

1. Chargebacks/Adjustments ............................................................................3

2. Functionality ..................................................................................................3

3. The OCS User ..............................................................................................5

3.1 The Issuer ..........................................................................................5

3.2 The Merchant .....................................................................................5

4. Submitting a Chargeback Request or Notice ................................................6

5. Reasons for Raising a Chargeback/Rejecting Charges ...............................6

5.1 Subscriber-related Reasons for Rejecting Charges to UATP

Merchants .....................................................................................................6

5.2 UATP Settlement-related Reasons for Rejecting Charges to

Merchants .....................................................................................................8

6. Time Limit for Submitting a Chargeback .......................................................9

7. Access to OCS .............................................................................................9

8. Types of OCS Transactions ........................................................................12

8.1 Chargeback Requestions ...............................................................12

8.2 Request for Information (RFI) ..........................................................16

9. Submitted and Received Chargebacks ......................................................19

10. Submitted and Received RFI ......................................................................21

11. User Administration .....................................................................................22

11.1 Create User Account ........................................................................22

11.2 User Administration ..........................................................................23

11.3 Role Management ............................................................................25

12. Settlement of Resolved Chargebacks ........................................................27

13. Abbreviations ..............................................................................................28

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1. Chargebacks/Adjustments

When a charge has been incorrectly submitted as a claim to ATCAN SIS, the claim may be charged back by the Issuer at its own initiative or at the request of the UATP Subscriber. This process of correctly settling an incorrectly submitted claim is known as the process of raising a chargeback.

The mandatory method of processing a chargeback request is UATP’s Online Chargeback System (OCS).

2. Functionality

The OCS is an online tool that allows Members to process chargebacks. The OCS is used to initiate and respond to chargeback requests and Requests For Information (RFI).The objective of the OCS is to increase the speed and data consistency of disputed claims and requests, and to provide needed documentation. The OCS also provides a centralized settlement for Members by forwarding all chargebacks to SITA.The current version of OCS covers two different types of transactions – chargebacks and RFIs. Figure 1 outlines the transaction flow for a chargeback/RFI. The current version of the OCS is a self-contained, interactive product that allows the exchange of communication between Issuers and Merchants as indicated in Figure 1. The communications process is as follows:

1. Issuer initiates chargeback/RFI2. Merchant is notified of chargeback/RFI3. UATP submits all document level chargebacks via a CSP file into ATCAN4. UATP submits all invoice level chargebacks via an IS-XML file to SITA5. SITA forwards to SIS for ACH/ICH settlement6. Members identify the chargebacks on their SIS settlement file and reports using the number

assigned to the chargeback by OCS. Settlement will be based on the ACH/IATA settlement calendar

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ATCANAuthentic Database

V3 4


SIS files Data Consolidation


Merchant/Issuer Master Invoice



Figure 1- The OCS Process Flow Chart

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3. The OCS User

The OCS is available to all participants of the UATP Network.

3.1 The Issuer

An Issuer may use the OCS in the following ways:1. Initiate a chargeback: An Issuer may initiate a chargeback against a claim previously settled by them

in favor of a Merchant.2. Respond to a chargeback: An Issuer, acting as a Merchant, may respond to a chargeback for a claim

previously settled in their favor by another Issuer.3. Initiate a RFI: An Issuer may initiate a RFI from a Merchant or another Issuer, with one acting as a

Merchant.4. Respond to a RFI: An Issuer may respond to a RFI from another Issuer, with one acting as a


3.2 The Merchant

A Merchant may use the OCS in the following ways:

1. Initiate a chargeback: A Merchant may initiate a chargeback against a previous claim charged back to an Issuer.

2. Respond to a chargeback: A Merchant may respond to a chargeback against a claim previously submitted to and settled by an Issuer.

3. Initiate a RFI: A Merchant may initiate a RFI from an Issuer regarding UATP transactions pending or settled between them.

4. Respond to a RFI: A Merchant may respond to a RFI from an Issuer regarding UATP transactions pending or settled between them.

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4. Submitting a Chargeback Request or NoticeThis process includes exchange of information with the Merchant (or other party) responsible for the disputed claim; it lasts until consensus is reached on whether the charge was correctly or incorrectly processed, and must be carried out within prescribed time limits. This is discussed in greater detail in the topics listed below.In rejecting a charge pursuant to the provisions contained in this Section, the Issuer shall, at the request of the Merchant, assign to it all rights, which the Issuer may have against its Subscriber pertaining to such uncollected amount.Issuers are responsible for initiating collection efforts for the total amounts due from Subscribers and to share any recoveries with Merchants proportionate to any loss incurred. All referrals by Issuers to collection agencies or proof of claims filed in the case of bankruptcies must contain all charges returned to Merchants. When such a referral is made, the Issuer must advise the Merchant of the name of the collection agency or the action taken in the case of bankruptcy. If partial or complete settlement is obtained, such amounts collected (net of collection agency and legal fees) shall be prorated to Merchants in the same percentage as the amounts returned.Note: Each Merchant must abide by the rules of and participate in OCS for individual payment disputes. The OCS conforms to all relevant guidelines and time restrictions, including reasons and time limits for rejecting charges.

5. Reasons for Raising a Chargeback/Rejecting ChargesCharges may be rejected by an Issuer for any one of the reasons that fall into two categories: Subscriber-related reasons and interline-related reasons

5.1 Subscriber-related Reasons for Rejecting Charges to UATP Merchants

A. 14-Day Violation Charges may be rejected if they do not meet the 14-Day Rule. The Issuer must provide the Standard Information, along with an affidavit from the Issuer stating that the invoice was presented to Subscriber and rejected.

B. Charge against Cards not Listed in the Authorization SystemCharges may be rejected if they are made against cards not listed in the authorization system. The Issuer must provide the Standard Information. In all cases, chargebacks for tickets issued against cards that were at one point in time listed in the UATP Authorization System must contain the following:

• Date that the card was issued in the system• Month/Year that the card was deleted/purged from the system• Last available address of the Subscriber

C. Fraudulent ChargesCharges may be rejected for the unauthorized or fraudulent use of a UATP Card in accordance with Section 9 of the UATP Participation Agreement. The Issuer must provide:

• The Standard Information• Copy of the Subscriber’s sworn affidavit stating that the Cardholder had signed the card

and that the signature on the charge form is not the signature of the Cardholder (in case of walking card)

• An Issuer’s sworn affidavit stating that it has verified with the Subscriber that the transaction was fraudulent

Note: If the affidavit is in a foreign language, the Issuer must have the letter translated into English.

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D. Incomplete Charge Form ChargebackCharges may be rejected due to “Incomplete Charge Form” chargeback reason if the Subscriber is unable to recognize and identify the transaction.

E. Duplicate Charge/RefundCharges may be rejected if a charge or refund was previously billed to an Issuer by a Merchant. The Issuer must provide the following documentation concerning the previously billed item:

• Standard Information• Month(s) and period(s) of clearance of both invoices

F. Invalid Account NumberCharges may be rejected if a charge is billed to an invalid UATP account number. The Issuer must provide:

• Standard Information• Month and period of clearance

G. Currency Conversion ErrorCharges may be rejected if a charge or refund was converted using an incorrect conversion rate from its original currency to the currency of settlement, and if the original currency of sale is not shown. The Issuer must provide the following:

• Standard Information• Rate of currency conversion used• Month and period of clearance of the original invoice

H. Unused or Partially Used/Unflown Ticket – Credit Due Charges may be rejected if a credit is due to a Subscriber but the Merchant has not processed the credit within sixty (60) days. The Issuer must provide the following:

• Rate of currency conversion if used• Number and date of the original invoice• Month and Period of clearance of the original invoice

Note: 180 day time limit set forth in Section 8.4.3 shall not apply to this chargeback category.

I. Unusable TicketCharges may be rejected by an Issuer if a ticket cannot be honored by the Merchant because the Merchant is liquidating or otherwise has discontinued scheduled passenger service and the Issuer has acquired all of the Subscriber’s rights with respect to the ticket. The Issuer must provide the following:

• The Standard Information• Copy of the Subscriber’s written statement (or, at the Issuer’s request, a sworn affidavit)

stating that the Cardholder has attempted and has been unable to obtain a refund from the Merchant or to use the ticket to obtain transportation from another carrier

J. No Response/Untimely Response to RFIsIf an Issuer receives no response from a Merchant to a RFI entered into OCS, or receives an untimely response to such RFI (greater than 14 days from the date it was created), the Issuer must provide the following:

• Electronic copies of the original and follow-up RFIs• The invoice number and date• Month and period of clearance of the original invoice

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5.2 UATP Settlement-related Reasons for Rejecting Charges to MerchantsUATP Settlement-related chargebacks are between Merchants (generally Issuer/Merchant disputes). There are several types of UATP Settlement-related chargebacks allowed; all of which require specific documentation or information regarding the dispute. The types of chargebacks and required documentation are itemized below.

A. Duplicate BillingCharges may be rejected by the Issuer if a Merchant has previously billed the Issuer for a UATP invoice. The Issuer may charge back the item to the Merchant. The Issuer must provide the following:

• Original invoice number and date• Total invoice amount• Ticket number where appropriate• Month and period of clearance of the original invoice

B. Issuer Billed IncorrectlyCharges may be rejected by the Issuer if a Merchant has incorrectly charged an invoice to the Issuer. The Issuer must provide:

• Original invoice number and date• Total invoice amount• Month and period of clearance of the original invoice• Month and period of clearance of the incorrectly billed invoice

C. Incorrect Amount Reported to SISIf a Merchant has charged an Issuer the incorrect amount through SIS, the Issuer may charge back the amount of the incorrect billing. The Issuer must provide the following (not applicable to Merchants using USS):

• The original invoice number and date• Total invoice amount• Ticket number where appropriate• Month and period of clearance of the original invoice• The incorrect amount of the invoice

D. UATP Settlement Currency ConversionThe invoices listed on the SIS Reconciliation File/ACH Summary Sheet and charged may be rejected if a Merchant fails to convert invoice currency properly to settlement (not applicable to Merchants using USS).

E. Non-UATP Invoices Submitted on SIS Reconciliation File Claim/ACH Summary Sheet (as applicable)The invoices billed in error and charged may be rejected by the Issuer if a Merchant sends non-UATP billings to an Issuer. The Issuer must provide the following (not applicable to USS):

• Invoice number and date• Total invoice amount• Month and period of clearance of the original invoice• The class of billing (e.g., Passenger, Cargo, Miscellaneous)• The correct address for the incorrectly billed Invoice

F. UATP Issuer Discount Given Incorrectly or Not Given on the ICH SIS Reconciliation File Claim/ACH Summary SheetThe invoices or entire settlement charges may be rejected by the Issuer if a Merchant fails to use the proper UATP Issuer discount/Merchant Service Fee (not applicable to Merchants using USS). The Issuer must provide the month and period of the original invoice.

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G. Credit Invoices Processed to ATCAN but Not Submitted on the ICH SIS Reconciliation File Claim/ACH Summary SheetCharges may be rejected by the Issuer if a Merchant fails to include credit invoices on the ICH SIS Reconciliation File Claim/ACH Summary Sheet. The Issuer must provide the following (not applicable to Merchants using USS):

• The credit invoice number and date• Invoice amount

6. Time Limit for Submitting a Chargeback

The following describes the timeline for submission and rejection of chargeback requests. These limits apply to chargeback requests submitted electronically via OCS.

When the Issuer is unable, after reasonable efforts, to make collection of the amount processed through ATCAN from the Subscriber, due to reasons listed under Section 5 or has otherwise received an improper billing from a Merchant, the Issuer may, within one hundred eighty (180) days of the ticket issuance date (unless expressly noted below), charge back the item to the Merchant. If the Issuer does not charge back the Merchant by the end of 180 days, no chargeback may be made (unless the 180-day period is waived by written agreement between a Merchant and an Issuer, or the Merchant failed to comply with the 14-Day Rule, in which case the 180-day period will be extended by the number of days beyond the 14 days required for reporting of transaction into ATCAN).If the Merchant wishes to reject the Issuer’s chargeback, it must do so within thirty (30) days of receiving the notice of the chargeback.Even upon rejection of a chargeback request by a Merchant, OCS chargeback requests may be returned to a Merchant up until the 180-day expiry date with new supporting information.Note: In the case of RFIs, the Merchant must respond within seven (7) days from the date the RFI was entered into OCS. Failure to respond within that timeframe will generate a notice to the non-responsive Member, with another seven (7) days to respond. Failure to respond with the full fourteen (14) days would provide a basis for a valid chargeback of the item(s) contained in the RFI by the Issuer.

7. Access to OCS Only authorized employees of a Members’ organizations can access the OCS system. Such authorization is granted by UATP staff in a written special request form. Once approved, the employee can create other users within the organization. Each OCS user is required to complete the following Access Request Administrator Application. The signed form has to be submited by fax or mailed to the UATP address specified in the Application below.The applicant will receive their credentials to the OCS system via email. For questions, please contact: [email protected].

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This user application is only valid when accompanied by the OCS Access Request Agreement and signed by an authorized official of the user’s UATP Member organization, or when such signed agreement is previously on file. The agreement can be reviewed at UATP.COM/ATCAN.UATP Member organizations may have multiple OCS users, but is required to designate one user as the primary recipient of OCS requests. An OCS user can be designated in the “Primary Recipient” section by an authorized official of the UATP Member organization. The primary recipient will be the default recipient of all chargeback requests to that organization, except when the submitters knows the specific OCS user who will handle the request.Anyone who accesses or attempts to access the OCS without authority may be subject to criminal or civil penalties. By accessing the OCS, you hereby agree on your own behalf and on behalf of your company (or entity) to comply with all access use and security rules for the OCS, including those described here and any such rules adopted or amended after the date hereof. You further acknowledge and agree that:

A. The information submitted to the OCS has been supplied by you. Neither UATP, any other affiliate, information provider, software supplier, nor any other vendor that assisted in the development of the OCS (collectively referred to herein as “UATP et al.,”) are the sources of the information, and UATP et al., have not made, nor will they make, an independent assessment or verification of the validity, accuracy or completeness of the information.

B. UATP et al., do not warrant the validity, accuracy or completeness of any information submitted to the OCS and no warranty is given or implied as to the merchantable quality or fitness for any particular purpose or use of the information.

C. Each entity that participates in or uses the OCS is, and remains, responsible for identifying and fixing its own “date aware” systems.

D. UATP et al., have not undertaken, and do not and will not undertake, to identify or fix any entity’s “date aware” systems.

The OCS is completely automated and, normally, requires no physical intervention by any UATP Operations staff. However, operational and procedural questions regarding the chargeback and RFI process, including applications for a user ID, password to access OCS, and technical questions (e.g., login issues) can be addressed via email to the OCS Administrator at [email protected].

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8. Types of OCS Transactions The current version of OCS covers two transactions – chargebacks and RFIs. These are described in further detail below.

8.1 Chargeback Request

The primary purpose of the OCS is to initiate and process chargebacks. Chargebacks are typically protests by Issuers for the reversal of claims made by Merchant(s) and/or Vendor(s). There are 18 reasons to initiate chargebacks – 9 are Subscriber-related reasons and 9 are interline-related reasons.To initiate a chargeback request, click Create CB on the OCS menu.

Chargebacks may be processed for a single transaction (ticket) or for all transactions covered in an invoice. The two types of transactions are indicated within the system as document level (D) and invoice level (I).To charge back an entire invoice, select the “Invoice Number” option, otherwise, select the “Document Number” option to charge back an individual ticket. Fill in the “Enter Number” field and click Search, the invoice/ticket details will appear. If the chargeback is invoice level, data for all transactions covered under the invoice will appear after clicking Show Invoice Details.

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Click Select, to display the chargeback form.The chargeback form contains six parts:

1. Recipient – this field is automatically populated.2. Invoice/Document Number Details – a portion of these fields are automatically populated:

• Issuer Code• Merchant Code• Original Invoice Date• Ticket Agent Number+

• Invoice Number+

• UATP Card Number+

• Date of Issue+

• ATCAN Invoice Number+

• Passenger Name+

All fields marked by “*” are mandatory:• Original Clearance Period• Current Clearance Period• Reason Code – drop down menu

3. Adjustment – a portion of these fields are automatically populated:• Settlement Currency Type• Signed Currency Type• DB/CR• Settlement for Amount• Signed for Amount• Exchange Rate

All fields marked by “*” are mandatory:• Adjustment Amount• Signed Adjustment Amount

4. Settlement Options – mandatory field.

5. Attachments – the chargeback form allows for supporting documents to be uploaded. The submitter and the recipient of a chargeback can upload supporting documents in the following file formats: .gif, .jpg, .pdf, .tif and .txt. Up to 2 files equaling a total of 100 kilobytes can be uploaded for each chargeback. Multiple documents may be combined into a single file in accordance with the stated restrictions.

6. Comments – an explanation for a chargeback must be completed with each request.

All mandatory fields are circled on the chargeback forms shown below. The first screen displays an invoice level chargeback form and the second screen displays a ticket level chargeback form.

+ applies to ticket level chargebacks

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Invoice Level Chargeback Form

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Document Level Chargeback Form

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8.2 Request for Information (RFI)

The OCS is used by Issuers and Merchants to complete a RFI in response to a claim or chargeback. RFIs can be processed for a single transaction or for all transactions covered in an invoice.To create a RFI, click Create RFI in the Members section. The “Search Option” screen will appear.To request information on an entire invoice, use the “Invoice Number” option, otherwise, use the “Document Number” option to request information on an individual ticket. Fill in the “Enter Number” field and click Search, the invoice/ticket details will appear. If the RFI is invoice level, data for all transactions covered under the invoice will appear after clicking Show Invoice Details. Click Select to display the RFI form.The RFI form and the chargeback form are identical, except for the Adjustment section.An example of the ticket level RFI form and the invoice level RFI form are shown below. All mandatory fields are circled.

Note: When a chargeback or RFI has been created, both the submitter and the recipient receive an email notification.

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Document Level RFI Form

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Invoice Level RFI Form

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9. Submitted and Received Chargebacks

Click CB Submitted to view a list of all submitted chargebacks. Results can be filtered by:•CB ID•Details #•Type•Reason Code•Settlement Currency Type•Settlement Amount•Adjustment Amount•Merchant Code•Issuer Code

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Click Select and the chargeback information will be displayed. The user can view or add additional comments and attachments. To view received chargebacks, click CB Received, then follow the same directions for chargebacks submitted.

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10. Submitted and Received RFIClick RFI Submitted to view a list of all submitted RFIs. Results can be filtered by:

• RFI ID• Details #• ATCAN Invoice #• Type• Settlement Option• Reason Code• Date of Issue• Merchant Code• Issuer Code

Click Select and the RFI will be displayed.The user can view or add additional comments and attachments. In the bottom right corner there is a “Create Chargeback” option. If the user wishes to create a chargeback based on the RFI, the user can click Create Chargeback and the chargeback form will be displayed. To view received RFIs, click RFI Received, then follow the same directions for RFIs submitted.

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11. User AdministrationAll Merchants and Issuers are required by UATP to assign an OSC Administrator for their airline. This person will obtain OCS administration access and can set up additional users within the organization, as required. The “Administration” section at the top left side of the OSC home screen contains three menus for managing account users.

11.1 Create User AccountClick Create User Account to begin.All fields marked with “*” are mandatory, and the Merchant or Issuer code cannot be changed. The new user’s role must be selected from the following options:

• Administrator – user can access to the “Administration” section of the OCS Web Application to submit chargebacks and RFIs

• CB Member – user can submit chargebacks and RFIs• Read Only – user can only read chargebacks and RFIs• RFI Member – user can only submit RFIs

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11.2 User AdministrationThe “User Administration” section allows a user’s data to be updated. To view a specific user’s information, click User Administration, then click Select next to the user’s name.

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The user’s details will appear in the list. To update a user’s information, click Edit. Once available fields have been edited, click Update to save the changes. Edits will not be saved if the cancel button is clicked.

The Administrator can delete a user by clicking Delete button. A confirmation message will appear:

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11.3 Role ManagementA user’s role can be managed by the administrator in the “Role Management” section. There are two sections that the administrator can make changes to, the “User to Roles” section and the “Roles to User” section.

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The “User to Roles” section is used to change a specific user’s role. After clicking on a user, the administrator can select their new role, then click Update to save the changes.

The “Roles to User” section allows the administrator to remove a user from their designated role.

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12. Settlement of Resolved ChargebacksResolved chargebacks can be settled in two ways:

1) Document Level Chargebacks UATP will submit all document level chargebacks in a CSP file to ATCAN. This data will be consolidated via SITA and forwarded to SIS for ACH/ICH settlement. Members can identify the chargebacks on their SIS settlement file and reports using the number assigned to the chargeback by OCS. Settlement will be based on the ACH/IATA settlement calendar. 2) Invoice and Partial Invoice Level ChargebacksUATP will submit all invoice level chargebacks via an IS-XML file to SITA. SITA will forward the file to SIS for ACH/ICH settlement. Members can identify the chargebacks on their SIS settlement file and reports using the number assigned to the chargeback by OCS. Settlement will be based on the ACH/IATA settlement calendar.

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13. Abbreviations

ACH Airlines Clearing House

ATCAN Air Travel Card Acquirer Network

CB Chargeback

CR/DB Credit/Debit

CSP Credit Sales Processing

IATA International Air Transport Association

ICH IATA Clearing House

OCS Online Chargeback System

RFI Request For Information

SIS Simplified Interline System

USS UATP Settlement System

XML eXtensible Markup Language

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