UAF Shaping Alaska’s Future Aligning Resources – Serving our Communities FY14 Operating &...

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UAF Shaping Alaskas Future Aligning Resources Serving our Communities FY14 Operating & Capital Budget Requests August 2012 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Slide 2 UAF Strategic Planning & UAs Strategic Direction Initiative ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY UAF Strategic PlanUA Strategic Directions Educate students to be informed, responsible, active citizens by incorporating real-world experiences and applications into the undergraduate curriculum. Student achievement & attainment Promote UAF as Alaskas premier research enterprise in partnership with state agencies, industry, and civic organizations. R&D to help build and sustain Alaskas economic growth and productive partnerships Serve Alaskas diverse communities in ways that are more responsive and accessible and enhance the social, economic, and environmental well-being of individuals and communities. Productive partnerships with schools, public entities and private industry Slide 3 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY UAF Strategic PlanUA Strategic Directions Improve assistance to students in making transitions across all phases of the education continuum. Student achievement & attainment Expand graduate programs in targeted areas of identified need and existing strengths. Student achievement & attainment R&D to help build and sustain Alaskas economic growth Enhance UAFs competitive advantage by attracting and keeping the best and brightest students and faculty. Student achievement & attainment Accountability Develop innovative approaches to resource management that support the Universitys mission and position UAF to meet the challenges of the future. Accountability to the people Alaska Slide 4 2013 Research Vessel Sikuliaq will replace the more than 40- year old R/V Alpha Helix; the need for a more capable ship to operate the coastal waters of Alaska in seasonal ice will allow for research with respect to climate change and ecosystem dynamics impacting biological productivity, marine mammals and fish stocks 1959 Research Vessel Arctic Researcher UAFs 1 st Ship Built by Vic Francks Boat Co for $65,000, this unusually expensive ship was built rugged to withstand being dragged over rocks off Point Barrow, for the Arctic Research Laboratory at UA Approaching Fairbanks Campus Centennial Anniversary 2015-2017 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Slide 5 Aerial Photo of Fairbanks Campus, circa 2012 Aerial Photo of Fairbanks Campus, circa 1929 Fairbanks CampusThen and Now ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Slide 6 Nanook Pride ~ Transforming UAF Research renewals - EPSCoR Life Sciences Facility progress Honors and Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Student excellence engineering, research, athletics Student advising Fairbanks and rural campuses Increasing PhD graduates Transforming student life P3 Dining & Housing Sustainable Village Slide 7 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Sustainable UAF Community service Recycling efforts Sustainable Village Moving in, Fall 2012 Slide 8 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY UAF Performance Metrics & Outcomes 8 High Demand Jobs Awards Student Credit Hours (x1,000) Instructional Expenditures/SCH Baccalaureate Graduation % Research Expenditures ($M) Gift Revenue ($M) 813 770198188 767 69332 1241177.1 4.9 192 780 36 117 833 13.3 Slide 9 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY UAF Reallocation for Priorities $5.4 million research priorities 2008-2012 FY13 Commitments High performance computing for research Marketing & Development for Centennial INBRE support Transfer and international recruiter Undergraduate research office ESL, Western History Association International Arctic Research Center Utilities, janitorial, P3, DM debt Slide 10 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY UAF Internal Investments & Priority Program Jumpstarts FY12 Intensive student advising Fairbanks & CRCD campuses: $378K Development: $50K Indigenous PhD: $75K Transfer and international student recruitment: $70K Veterinary technician: $20K ASRA engineering: $25K INBRE support: $250K High Performance Computing: $500K IARC North by 2020: $50K Special education: $81K FY13 Undergraduate Research & Scholarly Activities (URSA): $200K Development/Alumni: $150K English as a 2 nd Language: $70K Transfer and international student recruitment : $130K Branding/Marketing: $300K Faculty Activity Reporting (Data180): $40K Honors Program: $50K High Performance Computing: $500K IARC North by 2020: $50K Student Initiative for Renewable Energy: $135K Slide 11 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY FY14 Operating Request Slide 12 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Student Achievement & Attainment Six Program Requests & P3 Development Nursing Faculty at Bristol Bay: $55.0/$55.0 (1) Boosting Student Success & Degree Completion: $336.0/$14.0 (3) STEM Capacity & Student Success in General Chemistry: $200.0 (4) E-Learning Instructional Design & Equipment: $300.0 (8) PhD Psychology Faculty: $300.0 (11) Alternative Dispute Resolution: $75.0 (19) P3 Development (Phase 1 Dining): $0.0/$1,500.0 P3 Development (Phase 2 Housing): $2,000.0/$2,500.0 Slide 13 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Productive Partnerships Five Program Requests Veterinary Medicine: $200.0/$243.0 (5) Workforce Development in Construction & Trades and Tribal Management: $140.0/$90.0 (9) Polar Analysis & Security: $180.0 (15) Accounting Professor with Controllership Emphasis: $195.0/$30.0 (16) Fisheries Science Marine Industry Project: $TBD (21) Slide 14 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Research & Development Seven Program Requests & Four Capital Research Programs Intellectual Property for Business Development: $210.0/$50.0 (2) Sikuliaq UAF Committed Ship Time: $500.0 (6) High Performance Computing: $500.0/$250.0 (7) Life Sciences Informatics: $240.0/$400.0 (10) Mineral Resources Research Laboratory: $300.0/$300.0 (12) GI Space Physics Data Portal: $180.0 (14) Archaeology Curator: $80.0/40.0 (20) Partnership to develop Statewide energy solutions: $10.5M/$3.0M Research Chinook salmon production & decline: $3.1M/$6.2M Improving oil spill response dedicated science & technology center: $2M/$2M Enhance base maps for Alaska: $2.95M Slide 15 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Accountability Programs Improve Communications & Accountability: $200.0/$200.0 (13) UAF Development & Alumni Support: $150.0/$150.0 (17) UA Press: $200.0 (18) Fixed Costs Personal Services: $3,260.0/$3,260.0 Non-Personal Services: $2,115.0/$2,945.0 Utilities: $2,000.0/$700.0 New Facility Lease, Operating & Maintenance: $2,690.6/$2,117.4 Life Sciences Operating and M&R Utilities: $2,130.6/$532.4 Slide 16 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Opportunities Alignment of Plans and Missions Implementation of new strategies at UAF and UA system Transforming UAFs Campus Life P3 - revitalized student dining and housing UAF Snow Terrain Park Alaska Relevant Research and Development Applied Research Statewide Energy Solutions, Chinook Salmon Production and Decline, Arctic Oil Spill Response, Mapping Alaska Commercialization and Business Development Partnerships with Industry to meet State needs Recruit, advise and graduate students Slide 17 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY FY14 Capital Budget Slide 18 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Holes, Trenches, and more Digging Slide 19 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY FY14 Capital Budget Priorities: DM and R&R Slide 20 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Deferred Maintenance and R&R Project Completion Status Fiscal Year State Funding # of Projects % Complete FY07$26.8 M1997% FY08$ 4.0 M178% FY09$26.1 M799% FY10$ 2.1 M588% FY11$23.8 M928% Fiscal Year State Funding # of Projects % Complete FY07$26.8 M19100% FY08$ 4.0 M198% FY09$26.1 M7100% FY10$ 2.1 M398% FY11$23.8 M1099% FY12$23.4 M1775% FY13$23.9 M13new FY07 FY12: $106.2M Funded / $100 M Complete To-Date Slide 21 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY FY14 Capital Priorities Deferred Maintenance, R&R: $37.5M New Construction Engineering Building: $48.3M/$10.0M P3 Housing (TBD based on approach) Planning (future construction): $23.55M/$1.0M CoGen Heat & Power Plant Academic Equipment, Technology: $4.425M Research & Development: $20.05M/$11.2M Slide 22 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY Capital Priorities ~ On the Horizon West Ridge Revitalization Energy Technology Facility Sustainable Village phase II Additional P3 concepts Slide 23 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY UAF ~ Shaping Alaskas Future Closing thoughts 100 years and counting Accountability to the people of Alaska Capitalize on new opportunities Engage Alaska communities Revitalize student and campus life Sustainable UAF Research innovation and commercialization Align missions and plans Slide 24 ALASKA S FIRST UNIVERSITY AMERICA S ARCTIC UNIVERSITY