UAE Ship Registry Procedure

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Marine transport sector Merchant Ship’s Registration Manual January 2010

Transcript of UAE Ship Registry Procedure

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Marine transport sector

Merchant Ship’s Registration


January 2010

Page 2: UAE Ship Registry Procedure

CCoonntteennttss ooff tthhee MMaannuuaall

Part One National Merchant Vessels

1 Registration Procedures For National Merchant Vessels

2 Procedures for the Issuance of Navigation License to National Merchant Vessels

3 Procedures for The Issuance of an Exemption Certificate from a Requisite of the International Maritime Conventions

4 Procedures for the Issuance of a Minimum Safe Manning Document

5 Procedures for the Issuance of Insurance Certificate or a Financial Security in Respect of Civil Liability (1992)

6 Procedures for the Issuance of Continuous Synopsis Record

7 Procedures for the Issuance of Substitute for a lost Certificate

8 Procedures for the Registration of Mortgage or Mortgage Redemption of a National Merchant Vessel

9 Procedures for the Sale and Cancellation of a Vessel Registered under the State’s Flag

10 Procedures for the Issuance of Licenses to Seamen Working on Board National Merchant vessels Sailing on International Voyages

11 Procedures for the Issuance of Licenses to Seamen Working On board National Merchant Vessels Operating in Territorial Waters

Part Two: Foregin Flag Vessels

1 Procedures for the Issuance of Navigation License to Foreign Merchant Vessels Operating in Territorial Waters

Part Three : Annexes of the Manual

Annex I Schedule of the Classification Societies Approved by the State

Annex II List of Documents and Certificates Required for the Issuance of Navigation Licenses For National And Foreign Vessels Operating In The Territorial Waters of the State

Annex III List of Certificates

Annex IV Schedule for Fees required for Merchant Vessels Proceedings and Seamen Working On board these vessels

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(1) Registration Procedures For National Merchant Vessels

The Marine Affairs Department at the Ministry of Communications is responsible for

all procedures related to the registry of vessels flying the National flag, in accordance

with the regulations of the Maritime Merchant Law No. (26) for the year 1981, its

amendments, and the Ministerial decrees and by-laws for its implementation.

Article (14) of this Law specifies the necessary conditions that the vessel owner

must have in order that the vessel acquires the country’s nationality, visually:

First: Conditions re Vessel Owner

1. He must be a citizen of the State. And if owners are more than one, they all

must be citizens of this State, or

2. To be a company in which case, at least 51% of the company’s capital must be

owned by nationals; other than joint company wherein all partners must be of

U.A.E. Nationality. or

3. To be a judicial person or a company wherein more than one State is

collaborating amongst whom is the U.A.E.

4. In case the vessel is confiscated for violating the State’s laws, and in case of

vessels abandoned at sea and which are captured by vessels flying the State’s


Second: Vessels’ Age Conditions

The following conditions regarding the vessel must be met, in connection with her

age as from the date of construction and the year when an application for registry

was submitted by the owner, viz.

1. If the owner desired to register a vessel whose gross tonnage is 150 tons and

more and which is less than 25 years old, under the State’s flag, she must be classified by one of the Classification Societies approved by the State.

2. No vessel of more than 25 years of age may be registered unless it had been

registered by one of the Classification Societies approved by the State. And for a minimum period of the last 5 years from the time of application for registry.

3. To register vessels whose gross tonnage is less than 150 tons and of no more

than 25 years of age, a survey report acceptable by the Marine Affairs Department at the Ministry, specifying measurements, descriptions and specifications of these vessels, in testimony of fitness for navigation must be submitted.

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National oil & gas tankers, wooden vessels, fishing vessels and yachts

registered under the State’s flag are exempted from the above

In case the vessel owner is covered by one of the above stated conditions and he desired

to register the vessel under the State’s flag, He must take the following steps:

He must provide data of the Registry application according to the form prepared by the

Department and submit it to the vessel registry office in the Emirate where the company

operates, according to the Emirate issuing the trade license. The ministry has 3 offices for

the registration of vessels, in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjha. This last office covers

Sharjha Emirate in addition to all other Northern Emirates in the State. He must attach to

his application all the necessary documents, licenses and Certificates substantiating the

correctness of data given in the registry application. Viz.:

1. A valid Trade License, and member vessel of the Chamber of Commerce and

Industry (Originals or certified copies).

2. A certified copy of the Agreement for the foundation of the company, showing the

partners’ names and their percentage of shares in the capital.

3. The original copy of the Bill of Sale duly authenticated.

4. The original copy of the Cancellation Certificate from the foreign register, attested by

the Ministry of foreign affairs, if the vessel had been registered in another State

before being transferred to the present owner. But if the vessel is newly built and

had not been registered before, the owner must submit the original copy of the

Construction Contract and Certificate duly authenticated. The Construction

Certificate must show the name of the party who built the vessel and the relative

information / data regarding all specifications and characteristics: measurements,

tonnage, type, date and place of construction and the name of the party for whom it

was built. But if owner vessel had been transferred to the party applying for

registration through a court verdict or as a result of a public sale, then he must, in

addition to the original copy of Cancellation Certificate, he must attach the original

copy of the court verdict duly authenticated.

Notes: Cases of vessel’s registry according to a court verdict or a public sale (auction): 1) In case of transferring the ownership of a national flag vessel (registered

under UAE flag) to a new owner according to a national court verdict or a public sale (auction) held in UAE.

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The following documents are required:

♦ The original copy of the final court verdict or the public sale contract. ( The

Ministry of finance and Industry always takes over the public sales and issues these contracts );

♦ The original copy of the Certificate of Registry and;

♦ The original copy of the last Navigation License of the vessel (if Applicable)

According to the Above-mentioned documents, the Marine affairs Department issues the Deletion Certificate to the vessel. When insuring that all of the Safety Certificates and all of other document that show the Sea Worthiness of the vessel, anew Registration Certificate will be issued by the new owner’s name.

2) In case of transferring the ownership of a foreign flag vessel according to a court verdict or a public sale (auction) which was done outside UAE (foreign country).

The following documents are required:

♦ The final court verdict or the public sale. The new owner must authenticate it by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in that country and the UAE Embassy there.

♦ The original copy of Deletion Certificate authenticated from the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs in that country and the UAE Embassy there.

5. Attached to the application, there must be originals or certified copies of

Classification and the Surveyor Report issued by one of the Supervisory and

Classification Societies approved in the State. Each one of these Certificates

depends on the type of the vessel, tonnage, length and type of navigation she will

be used for. Annex. 2 of the Manual specify the type of each Certificate and for

which type of vessels it must be submitted.

If the vessel had not been classified and is not subject to the International

conventions, then a Survey Report from one of the authorized Societies will suffice, on

condition that the Report should contain data indicating the availability of safety

equipment and navigation equipment in accordance with the Regulations and Decisions

imposed by the Department.

As for wooden vessels the owner must submit the following:

A Survey Report issued by an authorized board or authority regarding the safety

equipment and navigation devices, the Hull. The report must declare whether the vessel

is fit for use or not.

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1. In case of failure to submit any of the above mentioned documents, the vessel shall not

be registered; and the Department may, in case of failure to submit some Certificate

testifying the seaworthiness of the vessel, the Department may issue a Provisional

Certificate for a period not exceeding six months. No navigation Certificate shall be issued

to the vessel unless all Certificates showing her navigational fitness are submitted.

If more than a maximum period of six months elapsed for the Provisional Certificate and

the owner did not submit the required documents, then the Provisional Registry of the

vessel shall be considered as cancelled. In such case no Deletion Certificate for that

vessel shall be issued by he Department.

2. The Provisional Certificate of Registry shall not be considered as a document indicating

that the vessel has been registered under the Flag of the State in a final way.

However, the only document for that purpose is the Permanent Certificate of Registry.

And that the requirements for issuance are in process.


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.يرجى التكرم بمعاينة القارب المذكور او صافة عالية وإرسال التقرير الدال على ذلك

ـترام ،،،،،، وتفضلوا بقبول فائق االحـ

Procedures for the Issuance of Navigation License to National Merchant Vessels

1. The vessel owner or his representative fills up the application form prepared for this

purpose by the Marine Affairs Department at the Ministry. 2. He must attach to the application originals or certified copies of the Classification

Certificates of the vessel as well as other Certificates and documents denoting her seaworthiness in respect of type, tonnage and kind of navigation she will be undertaking are to be submitted with the application. Annex 2 of this manual details the list of Certificates necessary to issue Navigation License for a National vessel hoisting the State’ Flag.

3. The date of issuance and expiry and the date of the last survey for each one of the

Certificates mentioned in Clause No. 2 here above are to be written down on the form of the schedule specially prepared for this purpose. Look annex No. 3 of this Manual.

4. After revision and scrutiny of all the necessary documents ensuring that the annual

taxes due on the vessel according to gross tonnage have been paid, a Navigation License is issued for the vessel, expiring with the year of issuance.

Subject to renewal at the beginning of the following year, provided that all the Certificates and documents of the vessel are still valid.

5. The License is handed over to the vessel owner or his representative while the registration office keeps a copy thereof after signing for it in acknowledgment for receipt.


1. The application for the issuance of the License together with the relative Certificates and documents must be submitted well in advance before the anniversary date of issuance to allow enough time for correct revision and scrutiny, so that the owner’s business shall not be jeopardized.

3. All data and information regarding the issuance of the License, the schedule that shows the issuance and expiry dates and the date of the last survey of every Certificate must be written down clearly and carefully and must be signed by the responsible person authorized by the owner.


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(2) Procedures for The Issuance of an Exemption Certificate from a Requisite of the International Maritime Conventions

Exemption Certificates for classified vessels which are subject to International Maritime

Conventions are issued as per the following procedures.

1 The vessel owner submits an official letter requesting his exemption from one or some

regulations specified in one of the International Maritime Conventions specifying

therein the number of the regulation and the Convention requested to be exempted

from, in addition to the name of the Classification Society supervising the vessel.

2 A letter from the Classification Society should be attached to the application

containing details of the vessel’s conditions and reasons for that exemption.

3. Upon receipt of that application, the Department studies the possibility of issuing the

Exemption Certificate in the light of the terms of the rule and convention. If it is

found that this exemption will not affect the requirements and safety level of the

vessel and it does not contradict with the terms of the Maritime Merchant Law, its by-

laws and decisions, as well as the terms of the convention in question, then the

Department shall furnish the vessel owner with a letter authorizing the issuance of

the Certificate required after payment of the fixed fees set by the Department therefor.

The Department shall maintain a copy of that letter and the documents attached to

the application.

4. After issuance of the Certificate the vessel owner shall complete and provide the

equipment and requirements subject of the exemption, within the period limited in

the exemption.


The exemption requested by the vessel owner must be reasonable and due to circumstances

beyond his power that made him incapable of fulfilling the necessary international local

maritime requirements. Moreover such exemptions must be permissible by the Conventions.


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(3) Procedures for the Issuance of A Minimum Safe Manning Document

1. This mandatory Certificate is issued on the basis of the International

Convention for the safety of lives at sea for the year 1974 and its amendments.

It is issued for National vessels registered under the State’s flag.

The following vessels are exempted from the issuance of this Document:

a. War ships and carriers of soldiers.

b. Vessels that are not propelled by machinery.

c. Pleasure boats that do not undertake any merchant activity.

d. Fishing vessels.

2. The vessel’s owner or agent fills the official form that prepared by the

Administration to issue this Document, specifying therein the number of the

crew, officers, engineers and seamen (minimum number).

3. After inspection of the number of the crew ensuring their competence to

operate the vessel with the minimum safety, it issues this Certificate and

hands it over to the owner after payment of fees.

4. This Certificate is issued for one year, to be renewed thereafter and is handed

to the owner after signing for it on a copy in acknowledgment of receipt.


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The company shall assess their requirements and propose a scale of minimum safe manning for the vessel taking into consideration the principles and guidance given in IMO Resolution A-890 and the U.A.E Directive on Safe Manning

Name of the ship:……………………….

Type of ship:1………………………..…

Call Sign:………………………………. IMO Number:………………………….

Length:…………………………………. Gross Tonnage:………………..………..

Total power (KW):……………………...

Number of propellers:…………………..

Year of build:…………………………...

Certified accommodation for:…………..

Certified LSA for:……………………… Auto Pilot (steering):2 YES / NO

UMS:2 YES / NO Bridge Control: 2 YES / NO

1( Types of Ships: 1. Passenger / Cruise; 2. Ro-Ro Passenger; 3. High-speed Craft; 4. Dynamically-supported Craft; 5. Container / Dry Cargo Ship; 6. Bulk Carriers; 7. Tanker – Oil; 8. Tanker – Chemical; 9. Tanker – Gas; 10. Standby Vessel; 11. Offshore Supply Vessel; 12. Dredger / Survey Vessel; 13. Tugs; 14. MOU / Jack-up Rig; 15. Submersible / Semi-submersible; 16. Yachts; 17. Other [please specify] ) 2(delete as appropriate)

Area of operation: Unlimited / Other (specify area below) 2



Name & address of Company:






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Manning suggested by the Company:





Master Eng. Watch keeping Off

Chief Mate Deck Rating

Nav.Watch keeping Off.

Engine Rating

Chief Engineer Cook

Second Engineer

I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the particulars given by me on

this form are correct.

Signed: …………………………………. Date:……………………………………

Name: …………………………………... Designation:…………….………………


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(5) Procedures for the Issuance of Insurance Certificate or a Financial Security in Respect of Civil Liability (1992).

This Certificate is issued to all tankers transporting oil and its products which are

registered under the State’s flag whose tonnage is 2000 tons or more of oil and its

products, in order to cover the owner’s Civil responsibility against any damages

incurred by the vessel which may result into sea pollution according to the

International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992 and the

International Fund Convention for the indemnity of damages resulting from sea

pollution for the year 1992.

This is done according to the following procedures: The vessel owner must submit to the Department an official application for the

issuance of this Certificate. He must enclose the Insurance Certificate issued for the

vessel from an International Fund for indemnity or a bank guarantee for the limited

amounts for the application of the Liability limits mentioned in the International

Convention regarding the Civil Liability or an advise from any International

Protection and Indemnity Clubs (Blue Card) After scrutiny of the application and the

attached documents mentioned here above, ensuring their correctness and

compliance with the International Convention’s conditions the Department issues

the Certificate and hands it over to the owner after payment of fees.

The Department retains a copy of the Certificate after signing for it in

cknowledgement of receipt.


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6- Procedures of the Issuance of

“Continuous Synopsis Record, CSR”

A. Issuance of “CSR” for the first time:

The owner of the vessel or his representative has to fill the Continuous Synopsis Record Enquiry that needed to issue the vessel’s “CSR”. A copy of this form is attached to this part of the manual. Extreme attention should be taken when filling such form because of the highly importance of information that will be recorded in the “CSR” of the vessel.

After review of the contents of “CSR” enquiry by the official person in

the Marine Affairs Department, the CSR will be issued and delivered to the vessel’s owner or his representative after putting the necessary signature and stamp.

B. Amendments to “CSR”

In case of a change of any vessel’s details, her owner or the

organization which issued Company Safety Management Document of Compliance…etc. The vessels’ owner or his representative must inform the UAE Administration, as soon as possible, through the form of “Amendments of Continuous Synopsis Record”. The form of Amendments of “CSR” is attached to this part of the Manual.

A new form of “CSR” will be issued and delivered to the vessel’s owner or his representative after putting the necessary signature and stamp.

After issuing the amended “CSR”, the vessel’s master has to record this changes in the Index of the Amendments of “CSR” as soon as possible.

C- Index of Amendments of the “CSR”:

The vessel’s master must keep the latest up dated records of “CSR” in the Index of Amendments of “CSR” on board. A form of this Index is attached in this part of the manual.

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This documents is to be filled out completely, with one form submitted for each vessel, not later than __________________. It must then be updated when any information changes. Failure to submit this inquiry by the specified date or for updated when necessary may result in detention of the vessel. When this form is completed, please forward it to: Ministry of Communications Marine Affairs Department


Initial Submission. � Updated Information. �

This vessel needs a CSR issued. � This vessel does not need a CSR at this time, but may in the future. �

I. Please answer the following questions in the space provided. - The name of the vessel / Official No: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Date on which the vessel was registered with UAE and port of registration: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The vessel’s identification number in accordance with SOLAS Ch.XI-1 Reg.3: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The name of the registered owner (s) and their registered address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The name of the Company as defined under SOLAS Ch.XI Reg.1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The name of the registered bareboat chartered(s) and their registered address(es), (if applicable): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The name of the Classification Society (ies) with which the vessel has been classed: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The name of the Recognized Organization (Class Society) that has issued the Company’s Document of Compliance (DOC) certifying compliance with the International Safety Management Code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Body which carried out audit (if different): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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- The name of the Recognized Organization (Class Society) that has issued the vessel’s Safety Management Certificate (SMC) identifying compliance with the International Safety Management Code: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Body which carried out audit (if different): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The name of the Recognized Security Organization (Class Society or other Organization approved by (UAE) that has issued the vessel’s Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) identifying compliance with the ISPS Code: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Body which carried verification (if different): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

II. Consent And Certification I Certify That I Am Legally Authorized To Execute This Application In The Capacity Shown And That The Information Provided Herein Is Complete And Correct: ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Signature Of Authorized Officer / Person Capacity Of Authorized Officer / Person ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Printed Name Of Authorized Officer / Person Authorizing Company Date: ----------------------------------------------------- Phone: --------------------------------------

Company Stamp

This is in response to amendments to SOLAS requirements to enhance maritime security. The continuous synopsis record (CSR) shall be issued by the Ministry of Communications - UAE. The CSR document must be kept on board the vessel and shall be available for inspection at all times.

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(To be filled out by Company or Ship’s Master)


Document number for the ship with IMO number: 1. This document applies from: / / 2. Flag State: United Arab Emirates 3. Name of Vessel: 4. Date of Registration: / / 5. Place of Registration: 6. Name and address of current registered owner(s): 7. Name and address of current registered bareboat charters(s) (if applicable):

8. Name of Company (SOLAS Ch.IX Reg.1) and its registered address(es):

- Address(es) of its safety management activities: 9. Name of all Classification Societies with which the vessel is classed: 10. Organization which issued Company Safety Management Document of Compliance:

- Body which carried out audit (if different): 11. Organization which issued International Safety Management Certificate:

- Body which carried out audit (if different): 12. Organization which issued International Ship Security Certificate: - Body which carried out verification (if different): 13. Date on which the vessel is deleted from UAE Registration: / /

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT this record is correct in all respects Issued by the Company or Master:________________________________________________________ Date of issue:_______________________________________________________ ____________________ Signature of authorized person:____________________ ____________________________________ Name of authorized person:_______________________________ _________________________________


The Amendments are shown in the list shown above indicate N/C (not changed) for all items not being changed. Dates should be in the format dd/mm/yy. Record the Amendments in the Index form. Attach the original Amendment and Index to the current CSR without delay and forward a copy of the Amendment to the Administration.

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DOCUMENT NUMBER ------------ FOR THE SHIP WITH IMO NUMBER: IMO --------------- After this CSR document was issued, the following amendments to entries on the document have been made by the Company or the Master, have been attached to the vessel’s CSR file and have been notified to the Administration:

Date of application of Amendments

Amendment to CSR Information (2-13)

Date amendment form attached to the vessel’s CSR


NOTE: If more amendments are issued than allowed for in the above table, add copies of this table as Appendices to this page. Such Appendices should be numbered from 1 and upwards.

When relevant, indicate as follows: Appendix no.--------- has been added to this page.

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(7) Procedures for the Issuance of Substitute for a Lost Certificate (Registry Certificate- Navigation License - Bill of Sale - Deletion Certificate)

In case of loss of one of the above mentioned documents and the vessel owner

desires to get a substitute, he has to submit an official request to the

Department attaching to his application the following documents: 1. In case the lost document is the Vessel’s Registry Certificate or the Navigation


a. A letter from the concerned authorities in the State (Ministry of Interior) advising that the owner has reported the loss of the document.

b. A report from the owner stating date and place of the loss of the

Certificate. If the document was lost during the sailing of the vessel or at one of the foreign ports. The owner must enclose a report from the captain stating the date, place and reasons of the loss of the Certificate.

c. A written pledge (declaration) from the owner to the purport that the

document was lost and that it is not being arrested with any authority and that he bears full legal responsibility in case proven otherwise.

d. After scrutiny of the above mentioned documents attached to the

application, the Department issues a Registry Certificate or the Navigation License (a substitute for lost) which must be stamped by “SUBSTITUTE FOR LOST” and handed over to the owner after payment of the fixed fees, and signing for it on the copy.

If the lost document is a Bill of Sale or Deletion Certificate, in addition to the foregoing, the owner must advertise the loss of the Bill of Sale or the Deletion Certificate in one of the daily official newspapers according to the text provided by the Department. If the Department does not receive any objection within a maximum period of 15 days from the date of the advertisement, the Department gives the owner the Bill of Sale or the Deletion Certificate “ INSTEAD OF LOST” after payment of the fixed fees.


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(8) Procedures for the Registration of Mortgage or

Mortgage Redemption of a National Merchant Vessel

Mortgaging a vessel registered under the State’s flag is done according to the

following conditions and procedures:

1. Gross tonnage is not less than 10 tons.

2. The mortgager (debtor) is the owner in whose name the vessel is registered.

3. The mortgagee (creditor) is a natural person or a juridical person (body

corporate) including banks, national financing establishments or those having

branches licensed in the State.

4. Both the vessel owner and the mortgaging party shall apply in writing to

register the mortgage in the register and on the Registry Certificate. The following documents must be attached to the application:

1. An official copy of the mortgage contract attested by the notary


2. Two Schedules signed by the applicant for registration

containing the following information:

a. Full name and nationality of both the creditor and debtor and their

place of residence and profession.

b. Date and type of contract..

c. Amount of debt mentioned in the contract. If the mortgage has been

decided for more than one vessel, the two lists must include the

amount of debt pertaining to each one. If the mortgage is on a vessel

and the properties of another, the two lists must limit the amount of

debt guaranteed by the vessel.

d. Special conditions relating to the expenses of debts, if applicable, and

terms of settlement.

e. Name of the mortgaged vessel, specifications and date and number of

the Registry Certificate or the vessel’s construction report from the

appropriate Department and her Registration number in the Registry

of place of construction.

f. The chosen place for the creditor (mortgagee) in the Department of

the Registration Office where the contract is drawn.

3. The Original Registry Certificate issued for the vessel..

5. The mortgage is written down in the original Registry Certificate that is

returned to the owner after payment of fees and signing for it on a copy

thereof in acknowledgment of receipt.

6. Mortgage redemption of the vessel is done by means of an official letter from

the mortgaging party containing request for mortgage redemption.


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(9) Procedures for the Sale and Cancellation of a Vessel

Registered under the State’s Flag 1. If the owner desired to sell a vessel owned by him and which is registered

under the State’s flag, he must apply officially to the Department showing his

desire. He must attach to the application the original Registry Certificate,

Navigation License, Seamen’ Licenses and all the other Certificates and

documents pertaining to the vessel issued by the Department.

2. If the vessel is mortgaged, he must also enclose with the application a formal

letter from the mortgagor stating mortgage redemption thereof

3. The owner must advertise about the sale and deletion, in one of the official

newspapers in the State, according to the announcement text provided by the

Department, after ensuring that the vessel is free from any encumbrances.

4. If the Department does not receive any objection to the sale and cancellation

within 15 days from the date of publication in the newspapers, then the

Department will take the following steps during 15 days from the end of the

grace period limited in the announcement.

a. If it is regarding Cancellation of the vessel from the Register, the

Department shall issue a Deletion Certificate that shall be handed to the

owner after payment of Deletion fees and after ensuring that the owner has

cancelled the International Call Sign allotted to the vessel.

b. If the procedure includes the sale and cancellation, then the seller and

buyer shall fill the sale agreement form, in one copy to be submitted to the

Department. The two authorized parties sign in front of the officer in

charge, then the Department approves the contract, after ensuring the

identity of the representatives of the two parties and presenting the

documents to ensure that they are legally authorized to sign the contract;

then the Department will give them the Bill of Sale and the Deletion

Certificate after payment of fees for Deletion and after ensuring that the

International Call Sign and radio licenses allotted to the vessel have all

been cancelled.

c. If after 15 days from the date of the grace period limited in the

announcement to fulfill the procedures and to get the Deletion Certificate,

the office in charge shall ask the owner to repeat the announcement in the

newspapers for another similar period.


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(10) Procedures for the Issuance of Licenses to Seamen Working on Board National Merchant vessels Sailing on International Voyages

1. This license is given to permit seamen to work on board National vessels

registered under the State’s flag on a special application form provided by the

Department after payment of fees. After being signed and stamped by the

owner, the following documents must be attached thereto:

a. Copy of the Navigation License issued for the vessels on board which the

seaman is going to work.

b. Copy of Proficiency Certificates issued to the qualified seaman.

c. Copy of the seaman's passport together with a copy of his residence


d. Copy of the Seaman’s book.

e. Three personal photographs of the seaman.

2. The application for License is submitted to the concerned registration office of

the vessel on board which the seaman will be working. After scrutiny of the

application and documents attached thereto, the office after ensuring the

correctness and validity of the Navigation License of the vessel takes the

applicable steps to collect the fees set for this license.

3. The office in charge issues the necessary License, which is delivered to the

applicant keeping a copy thereof.


1. Provided always that the Navigation License of the vessel on board which the

seaman is going to work is valid.

2. The Proficiency Certificates of the officers and engineers who are going to work

on board the vessel must be valid and in line with the Seafarers Training,

Certificates and Watch keeping Convention for the year 1995

(STCW 95).


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(11) Procedures for the Issuance of Licenses to Seamen Working Onboard National Merchant Vessels Operating in Territorial Waters

1. The application for license to permit seamen to work on board national

vessels authorized to work in Territorial waters is submitted on the

application form provided by the Department.

The following documents must be attached thereto:

a. Copy of the Navigation License issued to the vessel authorized to work

in territorial waters and on board which the seaman is going to work.

b. Copy of the passport together with the residence visa issued to the

seaman from the competent authorities in the State.

c. Copy of the Proficiency Certificate issued to the qualified seaman.

d. Copy of the Seaman’s book.

e. Three personal photographs of the seaman.

2. The application for the License is submitted to the concerned Registration

Office of the vessel on board that the seaman will be working. After scrutiny of

the application and documents attached thereto, the office takes the

necessary steps to collect the fees set for this license.

3. The office in charge issues the necessary License, which is delivered to the

applicant, keeping a copy thereof.


1. Provided always that the Navigation License of the vessel on board which the

seaman is going to work is valid.

2. The Proficiency Certificates of the officers and engineers who are going to work

on board the vessel must be valid and in line with the Seafarers Training,

Certificates and Watch Keeping Convention for the year 1995 (STCW 95).


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(1) Procedures for the Issuance of Navigation License to Foreign Merchant Vessels Operating in Territorial Waters

First: The application for a navigation License for a foreign vessel (registered under another State) is submitted by the vessel owner or his Maritime Agent, on a special form with a list of required Certificates and all the other documents attached to the License application, viz.: A certified copy of the original Registry Certificate of the vessel. A certified copy of the Lease Contracts, Trade License, member ship of the Chamber of Commerce of the company responsible for the vessel in the State. Provided that the Lease Contracts are with parties undertaking marine projects in the State: such as Ministries, Government bodies Organizations and Companies operating in the petroleum sector. Original copies of the seaworthiness documents of the vessel or certified copies thereof must be attached to the application, according to the tonnage, type and length of the vessel, as described in Annex 2 of this Manual. The issuance and expiry dates and the date of the last survey for each and every one of the Certificates mentioned in Clause No. 3 here above are written down in the form prepared for this purpose. And specified in Annex No. 3 of this Manual. The period of effect of the Navigation License is limited as from the date of issuance until the end of the Lease Contract drawn by the Government party with whom the vessel will be working for a period not exceeding one year.

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♦ Application for the issuance of the License together with the relative Certificates and documents must be submitted well in advance prior to the date of issuance to allow enough time for correct revision and scrutiny, so

that the owner’s business shall not be jeopardized.

♦ All data and information regarding the issuance of the License and the

schedule showing the issuance and expiry dates and the date of the last survey of every Certificate are to be signed by the responsible person authorized by the owner.

♦ The application for the License is submitted together with the attached

document. And if it was found that the vessel meets all the conditions of Licensing requirements, then this transaction is presented to the concerned

Committee for review and the Navigation License is signed by the Director.

♦ The Office in charge delivers the navigation License to the applicant of the

License after payment of fees and signing for it on one copy.


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Annex I

Schedule of the Classification Societies

Approved by the State

1. Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) (British)

2. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) (American)

3. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) (Japanese)

4. Bureau Veritas (BV) (Frensh)

5. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) (German)

6. Regestro Italiano Naval (RINA) (Italian)

7. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) (Norwegian)

8. China Classification Society (CCS) (Chinese)


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Annex II List of Documents and Certificates Required for the Issuance of Navigation Licenses For National And Foreign Vessels Operating In The Territorial Waters Of The State

First : Documents pertaining to the owner (for National vessels):

1. A valid Trade license containing an activity connected with marine works.

2. A valid Member vessel of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

3. Renewal Application of Navigation License endorsed by the owner or representative of

the company. (According to the form prepared by the Department of Marine Affairs in

the Ministry.)

Documents pertaining to the Maritime agent (for Foreign Vessels):

1. Trade License regarding this activity.

2. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member vessel.

3. An official application for the issuance of Navigation License. (As per the form

prepared by the Department of Marine affairs).

4. Lease Contract drawn between the Agent and the vessel owner

5. Lease Contract of the vessel in one of the State’s marine sites.

6. Entry License of the vessel issued by competent Authority of the Port.

Second: Classification and Safety Certificates of the Vessel:

1. Classification Certificate from a Classification Society approved by the State together

with the following:

a. Hull Certificate.

b. Machinery Certificate (issued every five years with a mandatory annual


2. Load line Certificate for all vessels of 150 tons dead weight and more and a

length of 24 meters and more, to which must be enclosed copy of Stability

Calculation Booklet

(Issued every five years with an annual Mandatory Survey).

3. Tonnage Certificate 1969 for all vessels whose length is 24-meter/ 79 foot or

more except for wooden vessels (issued one time).

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4. Cargo Vessel Safety Construction Certificate for all vessels, whose tonnage is

500 tons and more, working on International voyages (issued every five years

with a mandatory annual survey).

5. Cargo Vessel Safety Equipment Certificate for all vessels, whose tonnage is 500

tons and more, working on international voyages (issued every two years with a

survey after the first year).

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NOTES: Vessels whose tonnage is less than 500 tons are issued a Survey Report of Safety Equipment Survey and Fit for Use Report from a Supervisory Society approved by the State. (Issued every year),

6. Safety Certificate for passengers’ vessel operating in international or short

international voyages.

7. Deratting Certificate (Issued every six months)

8. Cargo Vessel Safety Radio Certificate for all vessels of 300 grosses tons

and more and operating in international voyages.


Vessels whose tonnage is less than 300 tons are issued a Report of Safety Radio


9. International ship Security Certificate , for all vessels whose tonnage is

500 tons and more, and working on international voages ( issued every

five years with a mandatory annual survey ) .

10. International Call Sign Certificate for vessels operating in international

voyages. (Issued every year)

11. Minimum Safe Manning Certificate for all vessels except fishing vessels,

pleasure boats and unmanned barges (issued every year).

12. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate for all oil tankers whose

tonnage is 150 tons and more and all vessels whose tonnage are 400

tons and more (Issued every five years with an annual mandatory


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Third: Other Certificates:

1. Financial Securities against Civil Responsibility for damages arising from oil pollution

(1992) for all oil tankers of more than 2000 tons of oil.

2. International Safety Management (Document of Compliance) (ISM Code) for all

vessels whose tonnage is 500 tons and more, and sail in International Voyages

3. A valid Insurance Plicy for the vessel.

Fourth: Certificates required for certain types of vessels:

1. Barges:

a. Classification Certificate from a Classification Society

approved by the State attached to Hull Certificate.

b. Tonnage Certificate if the length is more than 24-meters/

79 foot.

2. Off Shore Mobile Drilling Units:

(MODU) Construction and safety Certificate.

3. Vessels whose tonnage is less than 150 tons: (Non Convention vessels)

a. Classification Certificate from a Classification Society approved

by the State certifying safety of the hull and Safety Equipment

(Sea Worthiness Certificate) issued every year.

b. Safety Radio Attestation (Issued every year)

4. High Speed Crafts:

Safety Certificate for High Speed Crafts and a Permit to Operate.


All Certificates must be valid, originals or certified copies, approved by the

Classification Society, otherwise, they shall not be accepted.


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Annex IV

Schedule for Fees required for Merchant Vessels Proceedings and Seamen Working

On board these vessels

1. 4.5 Dhs. per ton (GT) with a maximum 10,000 Dhs. fees to register a vessel

under UAE flag.

2. 500 Dhs to extend the Provisional Certificate of Registry for vessels 500 GT

and above.

3. 300 Dhs to extend the Provisional Certificate of Registry for vessels less than

500 GT.

4. 50 Dhs. to change any details in the Certificate of Registry or Navigation

License for a national flag vessel.

5. 2 Dhs. per ton (GT) annual taxes fees for every Navigation License of a UAE

flag vessel starting on 1st of January from every year. If the vessel is registered

after 1st of January the taxes fees will be collected by the ratio of the remaining

days of this year ending on 31st of December.

6. 100 Dhs to issue a substitute to a lost or damaged Navigation License of a

merchant vessel.

7. 50 Dhs delay fees for each month or a part of month when renewing a

Navigation License for a national flag vessel after 60 days from the expiry date

of the last one. The maximum delay fees for this is 500 Dhs.

8. 200 Dhs to issue an exemption certificate.

9. 300 Dhs to issue a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.

10. 350 Dhs to issue a warranty Certificate in respect of tanker insurance.

11. 1500 Dhs to attest and register a mortgage contract for a vessel.

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12. 150 Dhs to cancel a mortgage registry for a merchant vessel.

13. 300 Dhs to change a vessel’s name of 500 GT and above.

14. 200 Dhs to change a vessel’s name of less than 500 GT.

15. 100 Dhs to advertise for deleting the registry of a merchant vessel of 500 GT

and above.

16. 50 Dhs to advertise for deleting the registry of a merchant vessel less than

500 GT.

17. 50 Dhs to permit for an advertisement in a newspapers.

18. 250 Dhs to attest a bill of sale for a vessels of 500 GT and above.

19. 100 Dhs to attest a bill of sale for a vessels less than 500 GT.

20. 350 Dhs to issue a Deletion Certificate for a vessels of 500 GT and above.

21. 250 Dhs to issue a Deletion Certificate for a vessels less than 500 GT.

22. 200 Dhs to issue a license for:


Chief Engineer

150 Dhs to issue a license for:-

Chief Mate

2nd Mate

3rd Mate

2nd Engineer

3rd Engineer

4th Engineer


100 Dhs to issue a license for:-

Chief radio station.

Chief radio officer

Chief purser

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Chief Mechanic



Assistant Engineer

Chief Electrician





Radio officer

Chief cook


23. 50 Dhs to issue a license for:-


2nd purser


Galley boy

Chief steward



24. 50 Dhs to issue a license for any other seafarer unlisted above.

25. 150 Dhs to issue a license for boson of a merchant wooden vessel.

26. 20 Dhs for each month or a part from a month delay fees if the seaman’s

license is not renewed within 60 days from its date of expiry with 60 Dhs

maximum delay fees.

30 Dhs to issue a substitute of a last seaman’s license from any rank.

27. 6.5 Dhs per ton (GT) to issue a Navigation License for a foreign vessel working

in the territorial waters. 3.5 Dhs per ton (GT) to extend the above mentioned

Navigation License for less than one year ending on 31st December. The

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maximum extending fees are 50,000 Dhs and minimum are 500 Dhs.

28. 150 Dhs to change any details from the Navigation License for a foreign vessel

working in the territorial waters.

29. 200 Dhs to issue a substitute of a last Navigation License for a foreign vessel

working in the territorial waters.

30. 150 Dhs for one copy of the Navigation Maritime Merchant Law.

In addition to special fees for vessel inspection by Flag/Port state control. These fees depend on vessels type, tonnage, age and nationality. The list of these fees is available in the Marine Affairs department offices in the Ministry.
