u1 I 1 I 1II- I LIt I III- L WK l I- Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5m17/data/0475.pdf · >JJ 1 I i < r...

> JJ 1 I i < r 1 T A 1f > 7 I i 1 u1 riivJHI I 11 1 1 1II- I LI I I III- t J I L J1LL1011J I I- III ot TO In My Entire Stock of Goods Must be Sold by January J st REBARULESS- I DPCDST 0k < < c e 1 i i pIiI Ii M r flHhinp JILl w i M I I I I- F u The Richmond Climax PUBLISHKJJ XVEBY WEDNESDAY BY The Climax Printing Co Incorporated A D MILLER Editor Manager Member Ky Press Association and c c PRICE 1100 PER YEAR- I ADVANCE WEDNESDAY SEPT 27 1905 WHAT Richmond needs and needs badly is a good Commercial Club composed of her energetic wide awake business men men who are for the upbuilding ami substantial growth of our city We can look about us and see our neighbor towns getting ahead of us in this matter There is no doubt but that such an organiza ¬ tion tends to increase a town or citys growth and insures more business and more prosperous times Whyshould Richmsnd sit still in this matter The past few years have revealed a marked progressive spirit here but now the one thing lacking is an or- ganized ¬ body or club of our business men whose object will be the con ¬ tinual growth and a general revival in business lines in the city There is no question as to Richmond having splendid facilities as to localityetc We arc in the very heart of Madison one of the richest counties in the State We have in our midst the finest schools churches and other public building that are the pride of our town We also have some hust ¬ ers when it comes to our business men but the missing link the thing necessary to keep a lively interest and put Richmond on a basis with the first cities in the State is a Commor ¬ cial Club There is no reason abso ¬ lutely none why a Commercial Club should not be organized here See to it brother merchants and business men in general and let such a club be organized which will start the whc il of commercial growth and trade re ¬ more than ever before CityjLet TIlE question who is the Eighth Congiessional District going to send to Congress next time keeps coming up Almost every day we hear it People are already beginning to think the matter over and are looking for a man who will not only bo able to car ¬ ry the District but one who will represent it creditably after election We have given the matter no little consideration ourselves A number of good men have already been named Some of them would make good Con ¬ gressmen but not a single man has yet been mentioned who in a general election could poll a big vote We have in mind anti we arise to nomi- nate ¬ a man who can come more near- ly ¬ measuring up to the high standard andcarrying out the ancient tradi ¬ tions of the Democratic partythan any young man in the districta man who is universally popular ad ¬ mired wherever he is known and as I an orator anti public speaker stands today head and shoulders above any Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear mere is only one way to cure deafness awl that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con ¬ dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be des- troyed ¬ forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is noth- Ing ¬ but an inflamed condition of tle mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars fir any case of Deafness caused b catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send lor circulars free FJ CUENEY lo Toledo O Sold by Druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pill for consti ¬ patton QUALITY Is our watchword We dont sacrifice quality for price but we do give you values in House Furnishing Goods that are not surpassed by anyone If you see the new fall styles in Floor Coverings alone that we are showing you will be just as enthusiastic about them as Je areand this is only one of our six departments We take a House and make a Home CMm = 4 j Ayers Impure blood always shows somewhere If the skin then boils pimples rashes If the nerves then neuralgia nerv ¬ ousness depression If the I Sarsaparillastomach appetiteYour remedy used for 60 years KeturnhiR from the Cuban oar I we ia JSaraaparma IF C UOEIILHR Scranton la COAlUjniggUU Impure hood thebowols man in the Eighth district He is clean honest fearless aggressive Democratic to toe core and we be ¬ Hove if ho chooses to make the race In can win over any other man who is proposed Theman reerred to is none other than Dick Miller of Madison county who is well known throughout the district and who will likely be elected Speaker of the Honse at the next session of the Legislature Who seconds our nominationS W Menefee in Kentucky Advocate Sep ¬ tember 22 1905 The above notice is indtc Ja credit to editor Mcnefeo and all Madison should take off her hat to one who so liberally compliments one of her most gifted sons It is useless to say that the words of high praise are just and most worthily bestowed for all who know our fellow townsman and his wonderful attainments which reach to Jnagnetism can and do second all that Brother Menefee has said Roger Williams Buys Witt Lewiss Greit Fox Dog RedAsreat Fox Race JOES LICK KY Sept 23t 1905 Special to Climax placein night Tho race began at oclock and did not end until the next morning at 130 Ten and onehalf hours of the hardest running that one ever listened to Nearly twenty dogs started in the chase and only five were in the run at thp finish Fifteen old fox hunters were present and all declare it to have been the finest and hardest race they ever heard The country is not the best to run over being very rough and abounding in cliffs The dogs that ownedbv nudlIaIl and Nhger owned by the Misses Terrill DradI ¬ porkimatice none sightcen ¬ AtbenKyrepresenting dollars This dog will be run in the atBardstown andhas allFly comptny in the world- A TRU Fox HUNT JIB J5t t > 1 Little Love Stories Mr Rowland Reams of this city and Miss Sudie Asher of Red House were united in the holy bonds of wedlock last Wednesday by Squire Jas Dykes Thomas S Warren and Miss Fannie Long and Irvine Davis and Miss Nora Warren all of Madison county were married at the courthouse in this city on Saturday by Judge A D Ford Central Record The following dispatch from Les ington appeared in Thursdays C urier Journal C S West and Miss Lydia- A Noe a romantic couple of Paint Lick Ky chose the dome of the court ¬ I house here as the place to have their wedding celebrated to day When the Rev Otis Ilughson performed the ceremony the couple stood under th great bell of the courthouse 200 ftet above the earth The news ot Mr Philip Gentrve ma riage last week in Armenia III came as quite a surprise to hielt tives and friends here liS no intimation had been given out The fortunate young lady was Mibs Viola Wright a native of Louisville but lately a resi ¬ dept of AtgHiita She is said to be a most attrartivo young women Mr Gentry is a son of Mr and Mrs Martin Gentry of this county and is a steady upright young man He and his bride Ole now visiting his parents The Cli ¬ max extends congratulations- The Shelbyville News of last week had the following notice Mr Talbott is well remembered here having been- a student for several years at Old Cen- tral ¬ University Miss Katherine Bird of Shelby county and the Rev Addisou A Talbolt of Versailles were married last Tuesday evening at 630 in the historic old Mulberry Presbyte- rian church a few miles from Shelby ntnciatnsMiss Mr and Mrs Geo C Bird Mr Tal ¬ bott is a young Presbyterian minister who was graduated last May from the Louisville Seminary Both Mr and Mrs Talbott are under appointment as- missionaries to China by the Southern ForeignMissions monthsThe of Mr Charles II Jett and Miss Angelina Cobb came as a pleasant surprise to friends here The nuptials occurred last Wednesday in Jeireisonville Indiana Tho promn iR- a son of Mr Shelby Jett one oltiiis countys most prominent farmers Until recently he was the polieand accommodating clerk at the Country position ¬ of sterling worth possessed with those upatroegentlemanIfe i appearance and is just tlau kind of man that any woiran could feel proud to rail husband His bride is a na ¬ tive of Danville and is a vourit lal f wellknown aunt Mrs Thomas Phelps The Cli max extends congratnalations and sailing ¬ DEATH yoarpdied Vanderpool Valley View last Tus day after an illness of two years The nine months old child ol Mr ValleyView wore interred in the NicholasviHe cemetery The YU Stock Company Special mention should be made ot StockCompany MondayOctober the bestknoc people of tie vauda villa stage They do not give von the old time sinning and dancinealone but aotdakeanypatt wiidevhlefeature u rt tialeeMd1ioiji t i rr = l i Incorporttel The Burley Tobacco Growers ABBO elation was incorporated last 1sday with a capital stock of S1500QOO dif vided into 150000 shares The princi- pal offices will be in Lexington al- though ¬ branch offices will be established in other places The nature of the business proposed is the buying sellirg and dealing in both leaf and manufactured tobacco Business is to commence immediately after the articles have been filed Not less than ten nor more than fif teen director shall manage the Ijlisi ness of the company and the highest amount of indebtness is limited to l0000S For two years an effort has been made to form an organization of grow ers to fight the so called Tobacco Trust the promoters designing to jorm so large a combination of the growers as to control the crop which was to be sold direct to the manufacturers or In extreme cases to be manufactured by the company itself i Rex Arbuckle a Winner Mr Robert Walker informs us that the great stallion Rex Arbuckle was winner in the harness class for stal ¬ lions four years and over at the great State Fair in Lexington last week Hn was victor over such horses as Ber nadotta 2291 and others of equal fame On Saturday he won the sweepstake ring for harness stallions any age Rex Arbuckle has not been defeated a time this season a record his owners should feel very proud of 36 t4 Cata4- 1c4caMa r j No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con coctions are taken into the stoma hi when Hyomei is used Breathed through the inhaler the balsamic heal ¬ ing of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose and throat and thus kills the catarrhal germs heals the irritated i nri aa membrane stid Kivef acLY Vand permanent cure j 01 is the simplest most pleasant and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh that has been discovered Complete outfit SKOO extra brtte 50 cents For sale by B L Middelton STOCK REPORTi C C McDonald buyer of S and S of New York purchased at Mt Sterl ¬ ing Saturday of W T Phelps 83head ofexport steers at five cents The cat ¬ tin will weigh 1600 pounds average and are an extra good bunch H S Caywood of North Middle town sold to Simon Weil 35 export cattle averaging 1400 pounds at fiv- ecentsE Thomas bought in Mont goniery 18 feeding cattle avereimig 1 225 pound at 4 cents Paris Ken tuckiau Messrs Wagers and Benton bought of Lackey and McKinney five 1200 lb cattle at 4e and from Pleas Benton pricr1he Urandetiberg Brothers bought of Juk e Herudon 17 cattle weighing 1025 at 3J c- Winchester CourtJ A Ramsey re ports about 300 cattle on the market Market brisk at lower prices Best prices obtained was for 7 head 1210 Ib steers 1 40 Twenty 820 Ib steer S3 30 per hundred Thirtyfour 800 yearling steers 395 Sixteen 660 Ib year liny steers 2 65 Twentyeigbt700lbheilPr 2 65 69 ordinary to fair mule celts S30 to 60 per head 31 fair mule costs S55 40 extra mule colts 75 A large crowd in town itIt Sterling Court The Advocate says there were between 000 and 000 cattle on the market Trade was brisk and good ptices were the rule Among the sales were the following 18 bel- tersSOOibaat310 21 yearlings 750 S325 11 steers 400 lbaS3 25 j25 heifer 800 Ibs 3 10 stetrs 800 lbs 3 2- 5l6steers900lb375alot of cows I 000 Ibs S2 51 12 yearlings 750 Ibs S3 50 12 heifers 6oO Ibs 2 75 14 steers 900 Ibs S3 25 23 steers 950 Ibs at 375 Extra Good Attraction The Wonderland Park theater has the strongest and best attraction of its his SquareOpera congratulated on securing the company and Manager Frank Kintzing who is in charge of the company is to be con gratulated for presenting such an ex- cellent ¬ and pleasing group of singers There are twenty in the list and all well equipped vocally poe sedof act tog ability and costumed attractively Park attractions usually have many points that are to be overlooked or treated considerately considering cir tuinstances but this company needs no excuses and is of sufficient strength to step immediately into regular seas n business Last night the old familiar airs and fun of Said Pasha werepresnted and pleasingThe much to arouse or keep up enthusiasm but the singers went through their parts regardless of conditions and the result was n delighted though small audience Monday evenings are how ever always considered off nights In a weeks engagement and future engage ments and future business will be brighterIn of the singing of last nights piece practically every member of the company could be mentioned with credit Miss Leone Watson the prima donna is a dainty young lady with a most attractive sonrano voice and cliarmlngactingability Her ren of pnrtnt Serena was most ple llS ing tbroughoutand her solo Cupid an- dIln the first act was delightful Jesse Highlands made an impressive queen and Elsie Gibson did l clever character bit iu the thankless role ot Ballah the ugly daughler ot the RHJah Great strength centers in Martin 1ache who was the Mexican and who has a bari tone volceof grand opera requirements which he uses in a most satisfactory manner His woik last evening came very close to Leing the best attraction of the evening Tnos Haves as Said BeyOhm others even down to this end of the chorus sang well The Hadad and Nockev of Wilbur Cox and Elrlie Fin riPe were really funny Mr Flavtlles vocal imitation pfa bag pipe is actually worth a trip to the park alone A special orchertra is used Danville find Daily Democrat Theaboye company will appear at at the Grand Opera House tonight for one performance only See advertise- ment elsewhere j T PERSONAL j LexingtonMonday cityMonday Lexington ¬ Mrs H C Hargis was In Beatty ville Sunday Miss Emma Hendren was in Lex ¬ ington Saturday LexiDgtonlast Lexingtonlast Mr ColemAn Neff has returned from French Lick Springs Miss Marion Noland has been visit Ing in Winchester SpeRtSatutdayi Mrs KU laRy b yiwtlHg r lU VM > 2 i r l 1 9 l oii y t < < In Maros Illinois Trfrs Neale Bennett and children Jiave been visiting in Irvine Mr and Mrs B H Luxon attended the Fair at Lexington Friday Mr yDowitt Vance of Franklin Visited friends here Wednesday Mr D Ehret Flora has gone to French Lick Springs for his health Mrs L > P Todd is at home after a pleasant Viajt to friends in Chicago Misses Sara Shackelford and Van Grtenleaf were in Lexington last week Sundayin ReedH visltmghe casterMrs f Arpurryof Harrodsburg spent 1118t Mrs E E Weav ir t Miss Maggie Rayburn has been vis Tting Mr Herbert Scrivner in Win ¬ chesterMiss 1 Sora White of Vallew View is visiting Miss Laura Douglas in exlngton Mr R L Gentry left Monday for a lusiness trip through Ohio and West Virginia Miss Mincie Davidson of Irvine is the guest of Miss Bernice Taylor near town I daughters ¬ ill with scarlet fever Mr Ray Gott has returned to Lan- caster ¬ aftr n illness of two months with typhoid fever Messrs W E Luxon Jr Irvine HumeandJoe Chenault attended the State Fair last week Miss Ailene Watts of Lexington is the attractive guest of her sister MrsjI M Blanton Mr If slie Rice of Louisville was a guest last week of his brother Mr Z T Rice and family Mrs C G Cooks of Danville has been visiting her mother Mrs Wm Crowe on Oak street Miss Rutina Rugles of Cicinnati has arrived and is with Miss K V Schmidt as trimmer passedthrough home from Winchester Miss Ada Youngof this county was among ladv riders at the State Fair last Thursday Miss Mary Todd of Speedwell has returned from a visit to Air and Mrs T L Todd in Winchester Mrs G G Prewitt leturned last week from a visit to her sister Mrs W D Oldham in Lexington Mr A C Green of Cincinnati was here Thursday shaking hands with od friends and acquaintances guestsMrs attended the State Fair last week Mrs M C Kellogg attended the wedding of Miss Katherine Smith to Mr Julien Van Winkle yesterday Mrs J W Smith and sons Withers and Preston attended the Van Win klcSmith nuptials in Lexington yer terdayMr and Mrs D D Centers of Es tillcounty returned home Saturday after a visit to Mr ant Mrs Ihomab Vaughn Mr J Tevis Wilkerson well known here has been elected president of the new Union Bank Trust Co of Lexington Miss Henrietta Epperson of Clark county has been visiting her aunt Miss Lucy Adams and other relatives in this city Mr W R Shackelford attended the cotillion in Paris last Thursday even ¬ ing given by Misses Mary Clay and Sallie Lockhart MaryClay Cynthiana Mr and Mrs Clark returned to SpeeHwell Saturday after a visit the latters uncle Mr Charles Baker and familyat Lexington Miss Dora Neff entertained with a moonlight party at Lake Reba last week in honor of her guest Miss Renfro of Versailles Mr end Mrs Travis Hayden and Misses Ella and Eilie Hayden of Wood lawn Mo are visiting Mr and Mrs H W IladeD at Newby daughter ¬ thlana were guests last week of Mr and Mrs W D Oldham Miss Lee Pratber enroute home I from a western trip spent several days last week with Mr and Mrs Irvine Prather in Lexington Mr and Mrs G W Nippert and guestslast Squire and Mrs J D Dykes Mrs Mary Dodge Maddox of Jack ¬ sonville Fla arrived last week to visit Mrs J W Smith and remain until after the Van WinkleSmith wedding Miss Florie Smith of Winchester has oecn spending a few davs here with Miss Rebecca Gaitskill enroute to Nazareth to attend SchoolLex ingto Herald Dr V J Doty and daughter Miss Eunice ofaort Worth Texas are here visiting Mr John Dotyand other awayfrom After spending a few days In Cin- cInnati Miss Eva Munday has re- turned ¬ to Richmond to take charge of the trimming department in the mil ¬ finery establishment of Farley Marsh Harrodsburg Herald Miss Sue Lydia Smith the attrac- tive ¬ daughter of Mr and Mrs T J Smith has entered the New England Conservatory of Music at Boston For seveial jears Miss Smith attended the Mary Baldwin Institute at Staun tun Va Mr Louis Scblegel the artist of Richmond and indeed WtJ might say of Kentuck was in Irvine this week taking views and pictures for Col E C Park to publisq in his History of Irvine and Etill County Mr Schlegels fame is second to none in his businessEstill Herald Little Miss Pearl Anderson the bright daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas Arderson her seventh birthdayanniversary with a lovely party yesterday afternoon to which quite a number of her young friends were invited The folks made merry for quite a while and thorough ¬ ly enjoyed the delicious refreshments that were served The engagement is announced of Mr John Henry Marr of Fayette county and Miss Georgie Letton of Carlisle The wedding will be cele ¬ brated in October Miss Letton is a lovely girl bright and attractive and has recently returned from a visit to friends here Mr Marr is one of Fa yette countys most popular and pros perous young men and has a host of Friends who extend congr tulations Lexington Herald Miss Letton is well known here having attended Madison Institute and later visited it the Breck home Mr and Mrs C L Griggs of Col- lege ¬ Hill celebrated the twentieth anniversary their wedding on last Friday A superb dinner was served and the number of handsome china presents attested to the popularityof this splendid couple Among those present were Mr and Mrs L E Griggs of Mt Sterling Miss Mattie E Griggs of Winchester Mr and Mrs I C Rncker of Paint Lick Mr and Mrs James Elkin of Versailles Mr and Mrs W T Griggs and Mr and Mrs David McKinney of this city and the following from College Hill Miss Annie Grinstead Mr and Mrs John Willoughby Miss Mollie Norris Mr and Mrs Younger Norris and Mr and Mrs Wallace Norris Miss Martha McChesney of St Louis arrived Saturday morning for a visit to her aunt Mrs Samuel Ben ¬ nett on Woodland avenne Mr and Mrs Bennett hai as guests for the Fair last week Hon and Mrs Thomas J Smith Misses Belle and Helen lien ¬ nett of RichmondMrs A R Btirnun and Miss Madge Burnam Mrs Henry Perry Miss Gladys Perry and Miss Sarah White all of Rich ¬ mond spent last week In the city at- tending ¬ the fair Mr and Mrs George Simmons of Richmond visi- ted ¬ Mrs S J Frost and family the latter part of the week Mrs R E Turley Mrs Joe Chenault Mrs Spears Miss Minnie Wagers Miss Anne Benret Cohen Mrs Samuel sties and Miss Carry Rice were among Visitors from Richmond attending the State Fair Saturday Mr D C Covington and Mrs Hanna E Cov ington President of the Rebekah State Assembly I O O F Mrs Pipesdelegates go to Richmond to attend the State Assemblv Lexington Leader Public Sale We will sell on Tuesday Oct 17 05 on the premises one of the best farms in Madison county out of which to make money This tract of land con trains about 800 Acres and is located on the pike leading from Speedwell to Brassfield and is J mile from the depot on tIme L A R H- and the same distance from the tele phone and telegraph offices On this tract of laud there is a good dwelling house of seven rooms smoke house two good barns and all neces sary outbuildings There are on this tract of land three never failingsprings and the whole farm is well watered and well fenced This tract ot land will be divided nd suit in two tracts and then as a whole TERMSOnehalf of the purchase money in 12 moiths with interest from date and the remainder in two years with interest from date with a lien re- served on the land Approved notes to be given by the purchaser HenryRayburn good feeding cattle 130 choice ewes bred tn thoroughbred bucks 2 thorough yearlinshEHers extra good calf 35 fattening hogs weight about IfiO pounds 2 brood mares and colts 2 yearold fillv 1 cow and calf 1 mare mule 4yearsold 1 3 earold horse mule 2yearold horse mules 1 rockaway horse 1 extra gcod walking mare 150 barrels of corn in the field 25 stacks timothy hay 200 bales timothy hay 1 new rockaway 1 new buggy 1 two horse wagon 1 mowing 1 Randall harrow and turning plows This personal property will he sold on a credit till January 1 1906 All sums under 10 cash and all sums over that amount credit will be given till Junnary 1 1906 Notes for the personal property made negotiable and payable at the Madison National Bank H Rayburn W B Smith rc WE INAUGURATE THE v FALL SEASON v t- I with the most elaborate display ever see in our shop 5 The New Models from Paris in Hats Bonnets and Millinery Accessories ttJ t Allover Lace and Dresden Silk Waists and Many IttI will revel in this display i Each Day Duiing the Fair < tIt tJ e Embry Co Outfitters to Women 141 East Main Street LiexingtonXL k Kentucky A >> iU H1h L r F E f Jf lj < v u wo jj J f w 1 A i = t < to eo J WK J l JN L DRY GOODS NOTIONS SUITS CLOAKS FURS WRAPS c I urkeys Turkeys Turkeys GUARANTEED POULTRY CURE If a man should look you straight in the eye and say I can do so ands you would probably wonder if he could But if then and there in black and white prove that he tIcould you would think that he was right We will proves1 > to you that we have a remedy for Turkeys and Chickens l that we guarantee to cure Cholera Limberneck and Roup C 4or your money back for the asking Save your Turkeys tt- S and Chickens by using this wonderful Remedy rt 4Price 50 cents deliverycharges prepaid < W Farmers Commission Co Lexington Kentucky TURKEYS KAUFMAN STRAUS and Company 322325 W Main Lexington Ky Ladies and Girls Readytowear Garments What is Generally Accepted as Correct Gray in all its shades has by universal ac ¬ ceptance been proclaimed the king of colors for autumn 1905 The most reliable fashion delineators hinted rome time ago that this would be the case so we took the hint and turned our thoughts and endeavors toward bringing together a contrasting assortment of correctly and stylishly modeled suits in various shades of gray theI Every true womans aim is to be stylishly dressed and no woman canI be considered stylishly dressed unless she is co rrectly dressed getting suit here you are assured of the latter therefore argument would be superllous our stock of suits being at once cor ¬ ret stylish and in every way firstclass One graceful long coated model at 2500 is composed of best quality homespun cloth in a stone gray shade A model forming an ideal uall occasion suit being ser ¬ viceable yet essentially dressy cut upon mannish lines and carrying unique individuality with them which makes them distinct from all others Tailored Suits 12 to 75 Separate Skirts = 5 to 25 Silk Waists 5 to 35 Railroad fares refunded on all purchases of 30 or more Kaufman Straus i Co LEXINGTON KENTUCKY Look Us Up WHEN YOU WANT Roughand Dressed Lumber Doors Sash Ceiling Flooring Shingles Laths ED Bl4t TON 5 GO Mill and Yard 3rd street opp L A Depot Phone 425 Priendly Warning No Need to be Alarmed about Stomach Troubles if you use Mi onaCure Guaranteed by B L Middelton The most frequent affection of the stomach is catarrh as the delicate membrane which lines the stomach is easily irritated by harmful food or overeating Keep a strict watch for the first symptoms of stomach trouble Take this friendly warning in the spirit in which it is given and profit by It Shortness of breath black specks before the eyes furred tongue dizzi- ness belching of gases or sour food weakness and debility ara all signs of catarrh of the stomach There is no need to be unduly alarmed for this disease can be cured by MIona It is The Young Printers Opportunity The largest bank printing and supply house in the world offers permanent employment and training for young men who have had two or more years experience in newspaper or Job officer We pay goon wages from the start and look after the welfare of apprentices both in and out of working hours Model plant and ideal surroundings in one of Americas most beautiful cities An open shop not union hut pay- Ing ¬ skilled workmen more than union scale Write for further particulars giving character reference and name of last or present employer Addrep A M Jlossbreflner Supt Levey Bros e Co US Bank Note Co indwBap oii fed the only remedy that strikes at the root of the evil and actually cures disease It does not contain opium any form acids alcohol or any thel harmful drug or chemical It is a remedy that heals the Irritated membranr stimulates the solar plexus and aids digestion Ask B 1 Middelton to Show you the guaranteed under which he sell Min na It costs bnt 50 cents a box and your money is returned if it does n < t held you a WELCOME Mr and Mrs Jay Lackey are wel- coming ¬ a son who was born Monday evening Leslie P Evans Jr Is the rame of the handsome son that arrived last Friday to make his home with Mr and Mrs L P Evans The proud par ¬ ents have the good wishes of a host 01 friendsCongratulations are being showered upon Mr and Mrs E Tatt Burnam over the birth of a handsome fOB The little man has been christined Curus F Barnw Jr ia hoBO of his distiu ewd nsHtkc u

Transcript of u1 I 1 I 1II- I LIt I III- L WK l I- Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5m17/data/0475.pdf · >JJ 1 I i < r...

Page 1: u1 I 1 I 1II- I LIt I III- L WK l I- Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5m17/data/0475.pdf · >JJ 1 I i < r 1 T A 1f > 7 I i 1 u1 riivJHI I 11 1 1 1II- I LIt I I III- J I L J1LL1011J

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ot TOIn

My Entire Stock of Goods

Must be Sold by January J st

REBARULESS-I DPCDST0k < < c e 1 i ipIiIIi

M r flHhinpJILlw i M I I I I-



The Richmond Climax


The Climax Printing Co

IncorporatedA D MILLER Editor Manager

Member Ky Press Association and

c c




WHAT Richmond needs and needsbadly is a good Commercial Clubcomposed of her energetic wideawake business men men who are forthe upbuilding ami substantial growthof our city We can look about usand see our neighbor towns gettingahead of us in this matter There isno doubt but that such an organiza¬

tion tends to increase a town or citysgrowth and insures more business andmore prosperous times WhyshouldRichmsnd sit still in this matterThe past few years have revealed amarked progressive spirit here butnow the one thing lacking is an or-


body or club of our businessmen whose object will be the con ¬

tinual growth and a general revivalin business lines in the city Thereis no question as to Richmond havingsplendid facilities as to localityetcWe arc in the very heart of Madisonone of the richest counties in theState We have in our midst thefinest schools churches and otherpublic building that are the pride ofour town We also have some hust ¬

ers when it comes to our businessmen but the missing link the thingnecessary to keep a lively interestand put Richmond on a basis with thefirst cities in the State is a Commor ¬

cial Club There is no reason abso ¬

lutely none why a Commercial Clubshould not be organized here See to

it brother merchants and businessmen in general and let such a club be

organized which will start the whc ilof commercial growth and trade re ¬

more than ever beforeCityjLetTIlE question who is the Eighth

Congiessional District going to sendto Congress next time keeps comingup Almost every day we hear itPeople are already beginning to thinkthe matter over and are looking for aman who will not only bo able to car¬

ry the District but one who willrepresent it creditably after electionWe have given the matter no littleconsideration ourselves A numberof good men have already been namedSome of them would make good Con ¬

gressmen but not a single man hasyet been mentioned who in a generalelection could poll a big vote Wehave in mind anti we arise to nomi-nate


a man who can come more near-



measuring up to the high standardandcarrying out the ancient tradi ¬

tions of the Democratic partythanany young man in the districtaman who is universally popular ad ¬

mired wherever he is known and asI

an orator anti public speaker standstoday head and shoulders above any

Deafness Cannot be Curedby local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the earmere is only one way to cure deafnessawl that is by constitutional remediesDeafness is caused by an inflamed con ¬

dition of the mucous lining of theEustachian Tube When this tube isinflamed you have a rumbling soundor imperfect hearing and when it isentirely closed Deafness is the resultand unless the inflammation can betaken out and this tube restored to itsnormal condition hearing will be des-troyed


forever nine cases out of tenare caused by Catarrh which is noth-Ing


but an inflamed condition of tlemucous surfaces

We will give One Hundred Dollarsfir any case of Deafness caused bcatarrh that cannot be cured by HallsCatarrh Cure Send lor circulars free

F J CUENEY lo Toledo OSold by Druggists 75cTake Halls Family Pill for consti ¬


QUALITYIs our watchword

We dont sacrifice quality for price but we do give youvalues in House Furnishing Goods that are not surpassedby anyone

If you see the new fall styles in Floor Coverings alonethat we are showing you will be just as enthusiastic aboutthem as Je areand this is only one of our six departments

We take a Houseand make a Home


=4 j

AyersImpure blood always showssomewhere If the skin thenboils pimples rashes If thenerves then neuralgia nerv ¬

ousness depression If theI


appetiteYourremedy used for 60 years

KeturnhiR from the Cuban oar I we i a

JSaraaparmaIF C UOEIILHR Scranton la

COAlUjniggUUImpure hood

thebowolsman in the Eighth district He isclean honest fearless aggressiveDemocratic to toe core and we be ¬

Hove if ho chooses to make the raceIn can win over any other man whois proposed Theman reerred to isnone other than Dick Miller ofMadison county who is well knownthroughout the district and who willlikely be elected Speaker of the Honseat the next session of the LegislatureWho seconds our nominationS WMenefee in Kentucky Advocate Sep ¬

tember 22 1905

The above notice is indtc Ja creditto editor Mcnefeo and all Madisonshould take off her hat to one whoso liberally compliments one of hermost gifted sons It is useless to saythat the words of high praise are justand most worthily bestowed for allwho know our fellow townsman andhis wonderful attainments whichreach to Jnagnetism can and dosecond all that Brother Menefee hassaid

Roger Williams Buys Witt Lewiss Greit FoxDog RedAsreat Fox Race

JOES LICK KY Sept 23t 1905Special to Climaxplaceinnight Tho race began at oclock and

did not end until the next morning at130 Ten and onehalf hours of thehardest running that one ever listenedto Nearly twenty dogs started in thechase and only five were in the run atthp finish Fifteen old fox hunterswere present and all declare it to havebeen the finest and hardest race theyever heard The country is not thebest to run over being very rough andabounding in cliffs The dogs thatownedbvnudlIaIland Nhger owned by the Misses TerrillDradI ¬

porkimaticenonesightcen ¬

AtbenKyrepresentingdollars This dog will be run in the

atBardstownandhasallFlycomptny in the world-A TRU Fox HUNT JIB

J5t t >1

Little Love Stories

Mr Rowland Reams of this city andMiss Sudie Asher of Red House wereunited in the holy bonds of wedlocklast Wednesday by Squire Jas Dykes

Thomas S Warren and Miss FannieLong and Irvine Davis and Miss NoraWarren all of Madison county weremarried at the courthouse in this cityon Saturday by Judge A D FordCentral Record

The following dispatch from Lesington appeared in Thursdays C urierJournal C S West and Miss Lydia-A Noe a romantic couple of PaintLick Ky chose the dome of the court ¬

I house here as the place to have theirwedding celebrated to day When theRev Otis Ilughson performed theceremony the couple stood under thgreat bell of the courthouse 200 ftetabove the earth

The news ot Mr Philip Gentrvema riage last week in Armenia IIIcame as quite a surprise to hielttives and friends here liS no intimationhad been given out The fortunateyoung lady was Mibs Viola Wright anative of Louisville but lately a resi ¬

dept of AtgHiita She is said to bea most attrartivo young women MrGentry is a son of Mr and Mrs MartinGentry of this county and is a steadyupright young man He and his brideOle now visiting his parents The Cli¬

max extends congratulations-The Shelbyville News of last week

had the following notice Mr Talbottis well remembered here having been-a student for several years at Old Cen-tral


University Miss KatherineBird of Shelby county and the RevAddisou A Talbolt of Versailles weremarried last Tuesday evening at 630in the historic old Mulberry Presbyte-rian church a few miles from Shelby

ntnciatnsMissMr and Mrs Geo C Bird Mr Tal ¬

bott is a young Presbyterian ministerwho was graduated last May from theLouisville Seminary Both Mr andMrs Talbott are under appointment as-missionaries to China by the Southern


of Mr Charles II Jettand Miss Angelina Cobb came as apleasant surprise to friends here Thenuptials occurred last Wednesday inJeireisonville Indiana Tho promn iR-

a son of Mr Shelby Jett one oltiiiscountys most prominent farmersUntil recently he was the polieandaccommodating clerk at the Countryposition ¬

of sterling worth possessed with thoseupatroegentlemanIfe iappearance and is just tlau kind of manthat any woiran could feel proud torail husband His bride is a na ¬

tive of Danville and is a vourit lal fwellknownaunt Mrs Thomas Phelps The Climax extends congratnalations andsailing ¬

DEATHyoarpdiedVanderpool Valley View last Tusday after an illness of two years

The nine months old child ol Mr

ValleyViewwore interred in the NicholasviHecemetery

The YU Stock Company

Special mention should be made ot

StockCompanyMondayOctoberthe bestknoc people of tie vaudavilla stage They do not give von theold time sinning and dancinealone butaotdakeanypattwiidevhlefeatureu rt tialeeMd1ioiji

t i


i Incorporttel

The Burley Tobacco Growers ABBO

elation was incorporated last 1sdaywith a capital stock of S1500QOO difvided into 150000 shares The princi-pal offices will be in Lexington al-



branch offices will be establishedin other places

The nature of the business proposedis the buying sellirg and dealing inboth leaf and manufactured tobaccoBusiness is to commence immediatelyafter the articles have been filed

Not less than ten nor more than fifteen director shall manage the Ijlisiness of the company and the highestamount of indebtness is limited tol0000SFor two years an effort has beenmade to form an organization of growers to fight the so called Tobacco Trustthe promoters designing to jorm solarge a combination of the growers asto control the crop which was to besold direct to the manufacturers or Inextreme cases to be manufactured bythe company itself i

Rex Arbuckle a Winner

Mr Robert Walker informs us thatthe great stallion Rex Arbuckle waswinner in the harness class for stal ¬

lions four years and over at the greatState Fair in Lexington last weekHn was victor over such horses as Bernadotta 2291 and others of equal fameOn Saturday he won the sweepstakering for harness stallions any age RexArbuckle has not been defeated a timethis season a record his owners shouldfeel very proud of

36t4 Cata4-1c4caMa r j

No dangerous drugs or alcoholic concoctions are taken into the stoma hi

when Hyomei is used Breathedthrough the inhaler the balsamic heal ¬

ing of Hyomei penetrates to the mostremote cells of the nose and throat andthus kills the catarrhal germs healsthe irritated inri aa membrane stidKivef acLY Vand permanent cure

j 01 is the simplest most pleasantand the only guaranteed cure forcatarrh that has been discoveredComplete outfit SKOO extra brtte 50cents For sale by B L Middelton


C C McDonald buyer of S and Sof New York purchased at Mt Sterl ¬

ing Saturday of W T Phelps 83headofexport steers at five cents The cat ¬

tin will weigh 1600 pounds averageand are an extra good bunch

H S Caywood of North Middletown sold to Simon Weil 35 exportcattle averaging 1400 pounds at fiv-ecentsE Thomas bought in Montgoniery 18 feeding cattle avereimig1 225 pound at 4 cents Paris Kentuckiau

Messrs Wagers and Benton boughtof Lackey and McKinney five 1200 lbcattle at 4e and from Pleas Bentonpricr1he

Urandetiberg Brothers bought ofJuk e Herudon 17 cattle weighing 1025at 3J c-

Winchester CourtJ A Ramsey reports about 300 cattle on the marketMarket brisk at lower prices Bestprices obtained was for 7 head 1210 Ibsteers 1 40 Twenty 820 Ib steer S3 30per hundred Thirtyfour 800 yearlingsteers 395 Sixteen 660 Ib year linysteers 2 65 Twentyeigbt700lbheilPr

2 65 69 ordinary to fair mule celtsS30 to 60 per head 31 fair mule costsS55 40 extra mule colts 75 A largecrowd in town

itIt Sterling Court The Advocatesays there were between 000 and 000cattle on the market Trade was briskand good ptices were the rule Amongthe sales were the following 18 bel-tersSOOibaat310 21 yearlings 750S325 11 steers 400 lbaS3 25 j25 heifer800 Ibs 3 10 stetrs 800 lbs 3 2-5l6steers900lb375alot of cowsI 000 Ibs S2 51 12 yearlings 750 IbsS3 50 12 heifers 6oO Ibs 2 75 14 steers900 Ibs S3 25 23 steers 950 Ibs at375

Extra Good Attraction

The Wonderland Park theater has thestrongest and best attraction of its his

SquareOperacongratulated on securing the companyand Manager Frank Kintzing who isin charge of the company is to be congratulated for presenting such an ex-cellent


and pleasing group of singersThere are twenty in the list and allwell equipped vocally poe sedof acttog ability and costumed attractivelyPark attractions usually have manypoints that are to be overlooked ortreated considerately considering cirtuinstances but this company needs noexcuses and is of sufficient strength tostep immediately into regular seas nbusiness

Last night the old familiar airs andfun of Said Pasha werepresnted andpleasingThemuch to arouse or keep up enthusiasmbut the singers went through theirparts regardless of conditions and theresult was n delighted though smallaudience Monday evenings are however always considered off nights In aweeks engagement and future engagements and future business will bebrighterIn

of the singing of lastnights piece practically every memberof the company could be mentionedwith credit Miss Leone Watson theprima donna is a dainty young ladywith a most attractive sonrano voiceand cliarmlngactingability Her ren

of pnrtnt Serena was most ple llSing tbroughoutand her solo Cupid an-dIln the first act was delightful JesseHighlands made an impressive queenand Elsie Gibson did l clever characterbit iu the thankless role ot Ballah theugly daughler ot the RHJah Greatstrength centers in Martin 1ache whowas the Mexican and who has a baritone volceof grand opera requirementswhich he uses in a most satisfactorymanner His woik last evening camevery close to Leing the best attractionof the evening Tnos Haves as SaidBeyOhmothers even down to this end of thechorus sang well The Hadad andNockev of Wilbur Cox and Elrlie FinriPe were really funny Mr Flavtllesvocal imitation pfa bag pipe is actuallyworth a trip to the park alone Aspecial orchertra is used Danvillefind Daily Democrat

Theaboye company will appear atat the Grand Opera House tonight forone performance only See advertise-ment elsewhere j




Mrs H C Hargis was In Beattyville Sunday

Miss Emma Hendren was in Lex ¬

ington Saturday


Mr ColemAn Neff has returned fromFrench Lick Springs

Miss Marion Noland has been visitIng in Winchester

SpeRtSatutdayiMrs KU laRy b yiwtlHg r lU VM


i rl 19 l

oii y

t < <

In Maros IllinoisTrfrs Neale Bennett and children

Jiave been visiting in IrvineMr and Mrs B H Luxon attended

the Fair at Lexington FridayMr yDowitt Vance of Franklin

Visited friends here WednesdayMr D Ehret Flora has gone to

French Lick Springs for his healthMrs L > P Todd is at home after a

pleasant Viajt to friends in ChicagoMisses Sara Shackelford and Van

Grtenleaf were in Lexington last week



f Arpurryof Harrodsburgspent 1118t Mrs E EWeav ir

t Miss Maggie Rayburn has been visTting Mr Herbert Scrivner in Win ¬

chesterMiss 1

Sora White of Vallew Viewis visiting Miss Laura Douglas in

exlngtonMr R L Gentry left Monday for a

lusiness trip through Ohio and WestVirginia

Miss Mincie Davidson of Irvine isthe guest of Miss Bernice Taylornear town I

daughters ¬

ill with scarlet fever

Mr Ray Gott has returned to Lan-caster


aftr n illness of two monthswith typhoid fever

Messrs W E Luxon Jr IrvineHumeandJoe Chenault attended theState Fair last week

Miss Ailene Watts of Lexingtonis the attractive guest of her sisterMrsjI M Blanton

Mr If slie Rice of Louisville wasa guest last week of his brother MrZ T Rice and family

Mrs C G Cooks of Danville hasbeen visiting her mother Mrs WmCrowe on Oak street

Miss Rutina Rugles of Cicinnatihas arrived and is with Miss K VSchmidt as trimmer

passedthroughhome from Winchester

Miss Ada Youngof this countywas among ladv riders at theState Fair last Thursday

Miss Mary Todd of Speedwell hasreturned from a visit to Air and MrsT L Todd in Winchester

Mrs G G Prewitt leturned lastweek from a visit to her sister MrsW D Oldham in Lexington

Mr A C Green of Cincinnati washere Thursday shaking hands withod friends and acquaintances

guestsMrsattended the State Fair last week

Mrs M C Kellogg attended thewedding of Miss Katherine Smith toMr Julien Van Winkle yesterday

Mrs J W Smith and sons Withersand Preston attended the Van WinklcSmith nuptials in Lexington yerterdayMr

and Mrs D D Centers of Estillcounty returned home Saturdayafter a visit to Mr ant Mrs IhomabVaughn

Mr J Tevis Wilkerson well knownhere has been elected president ofthe new Union Bank Trust Co ofLexington

Miss Henrietta Epperson of Clarkcounty has been visiting her auntMiss Lucy Adams and other relativesin this city

Mr W R Shackelford attended thecotillion in Paris last Thursday even ¬

ing given by Misses Mary Clay andSallie Lockhart

MaryClayCynthianaMr and Mrs Clark returned to

SpeeHwell Saturday after a visit thelatters uncle Mr Charles Baker andfamilyat Lexington

Miss Dora Neff entertained with amoonlight party at Lake Reba lastweek in honor of her guest MissRenfro of Versailles

Mr end Mrs Travis Hayden andMisses Ella and Eilie Hayden of Woodlawn Mo are visiting Mr and MrsH W IladeD at Newby

daughter ¬

thlana were guests last week of Mrand Mrs W D Oldham

Miss Lee Pratber enroute homeI

from a western trip spent severaldays last week with Mr and MrsIrvine Prather in Lexington

Mr and Mrs G W Nippert andguestslastSquire and Mrs J D Dykes

Mrs Mary Dodge Maddox of Jack ¬

sonville Fla arrived last week tovisit Mrs J W Smith and remainuntil after the Van WinkleSmithwedding

Miss Florie Smith of Winchesterhas oecn spending a few davs herewith Miss Rebecca Gaitskill enrouteto Nazareth to attend SchoolLexingto Herald

Dr V J Doty and daughter MissEunice ofaort Worth Texas arehere visiting Mr John Dotyand otherawayfrom

After spending a few days In Cin-

cInnati Miss Eva Munday has re-


to Richmond to take charge ofthe trimming department in the mil¬

finery establishment of FarleyMarsh Harrodsburg Herald

Miss Sue Lydia Smith the attrac-tive


daughter of Mr and Mrs T JSmith has entered the New EnglandConservatory of Music at BostonFor seveial jears Miss Smith attendedthe Mary Baldwin Institute at Stauntun Va

Mr Louis Scblegel the artist ofRichmond and indeed WtJ might sayof Kentuck was in Irvine this weektaking views and pictures for Col EC Park to publisq in his History ofIrvine and Etill County MrSchlegels fame is second to none inhis businessEstill Herald

Little Miss Pearl Anderson thebright daughter of Mr and Mrs JasArderson her seventhbirthdayanniversary with a lovelyparty yesterday afternoon to whichquite a number of her young friendswere invited The folks mademerry for quite a while and thorough ¬

ly enjoyed the delicious refreshmentsthat were served

The engagement is announced ofMr John Henry Marr of Fayettecounty and Miss Georgie Letton ofCarlisle The wedding will be cele ¬

brated in October Miss Letton is alovely girl bright and attractive andhas recently returned from a visit tofriends here Mr Marr is one of Fayette countys most popular and prosperous young men and has a host ofFriends who extend congr tulationsLexington Herald Miss Letton iswell known here having attendedMadison Institute and later visited itthe Breck home

Mr and Mrs C L Griggs of Col-


Hill celebrated the twentiethanniversary their wedding on lastFriday A superb dinner was servedand the number of handsome chinapresents attested to the popularityofthis splendid couple Among thosepresent were Mr and Mrs L EGriggs of Mt Sterling Miss MattieE Griggs of Winchester Mr andMrs I C Rncker of Paint Lick Mrand Mrs James Elkin of VersaillesMr and Mrs W T Griggs and Mrand Mrs David McKinney of thiscity and the following from CollegeHill Miss Annie Grinstead Mr andMrs John Willoughby Miss MollieNorris Mr and Mrs Younger Norrisand Mr and Mrs Wallace Norris

Miss Martha McChesney of StLouis arrived Saturday morning fora visit to her aunt Mrs Samuel Ben ¬

nett on Woodland avenne Mr andMrs Bennett hai as guests for theFair last week Hon and Mrs ThomasJ Smith Misses Belle and Helen lien ¬

nett of RichmondMrs A RBtirnun and Miss Madge BurnamMrs Henry Perry Miss Gladys Perryand Miss Sarah White all of Rich ¬

mond spent last week In the city at-


the fair Mr and MrsGeorge Simmons of Richmond visi-


Mrs S J Frost and family thelatter part of the week Mrs RE Turley Mrs Joe Chenault MrsSpears Miss Minnie Wagers MissAnne Benret Cohen Mrs Samuelsties and Miss Carry Rice were amongVisitors from Richmond attending theState Fair Saturday Mr D CCovington and Mrs Hanna E Covington President of the RebekahState Assembly I O O F Mrs

Pipesdelegatesgo to Richmond to attend the StateAssemblv Lexington Leader

Public SaleWe will sell on

Tuesday Oct 17 05on the premises one of the best farmsin Madison county out of which tomake money This tract of land contrains about

800 Acresand is located on the pike leading fromSpeedwell to Brassfield and is J milefrom the depot on tIme L A R H-

and the same distance from the telephone and telegraph offices

On this tract of laud there is a gooddwelling house of seven rooms smokehouse two good barns and all necessary outbuildings There are on thistract of land three never failingspringsand the whole farm is well watered andwell fenced This tract ot land will bedivided nd suit in two tracts and thenas a whole

TERMSOnehalf of the purchasemoney in 12 moiths with interest fromdate and the remainder in two yearswith interest from date with a lien re-served on the land Approved notes tobe given by the purchaser

HenryRayburngood feeding cattle 130 choice ewesbred tn thoroughbred bucks 2 thorough

yearlinshEHersextra good calf 35 fattening hogsweight about IfiO pounds 2 broodmares and colts 2 yearold fillv 1 cowand calf 1 mare mule 4yearsold 13 earold horse mule 2yearold horsemules 1 rockaway horse 1 extra gcodwalking mare 150 barrels of corn in thefield 25 stacks timothy hay 200 balestimothy hay 1 new rockaway 1 newbuggy 1 two horse wagon 1 mowing1 Randall harrow and turning plows

This personal property will he soldon a credit till January 1 1906 Allsums under 10 cash and all sums overthat amount credit will be given tillJunnary 1 1906 Notes for the personalproperty made negotiable and payableat the Madison National Bank

H RayburnW B Smith


v FALL SEASON v t-I with the most elaborate display ever see in our shop

5 The New Models from Parisin Hats Bonnets and Millinery AccessoriesttJt Allover Lace and Dresden Silk Waists and ManyIttIwill revel in this display

i Each Day Duiing the Fair <tIttJ

e Embry CoOutfitters to Women

141 East Main Street

LiexingtonXL k Kentucky A

> > iUH1hL r F

E f

Jflj <vu

wojj J f w

1A i = t







If a man should look you straight in the eye and say Ican do so ands you would probably wonder if he couldBut if then and there in black and white prove that he

tIcould you would think that he was right We will proves1> to you that we have a remedy for Turkeys and Chickensl that we guarantee to cure Cholera Limberneck and Roup C4or your money back for the asking Save your Turkeys tt-

S and Chickens by using this wonderful Remedy rt

4Price 50 cents deliverycharges prepaid <W

Farmers Commission Co

Lexington Kentucky


Company322325 W Main Lexington Ky

Ladies and Girls

Readytowear GarmentsWhat is GenerallyAccepted as Correct

Gray in all its shades has by universal ac ¬

ceptance been proclaimed the king of colorsfor autumn 1905 The most reliable fashiondelineators hinted rome time ago that thiswould be the case so we took the hint andturned our thoughts and endeavors towardbringing together a contrasting assortment of

correctly and stylishly modeled suits invarious shades of gray theI

Every true womans aim is to be stylishly dressed and no woman canIbe considered stylishly dressed unless she is co rrectly dressedgetting suit here you are assured of the latter thereforeargument would be superllous our stock of suits being at once cor ¬

ret stylish and in every way firstclass

One graceful long coated model at 2500 is composedof best quality homespun cloth in a stone gray shadeA model forming an ideal uall occasion suit being ser ¬

viceable yet essentially dressy cut upon mannishlines and carrying unique individuality with themwhich makes them distinct from all others

Tailored Suits 12 to 75Separate Skirts = 5 to 25Silk Waists 5 to 35Railroad fares refunded on all purchases of 30 or more



Roughand Dressed LumberDoors Sash Ceiling Flooring Shingles Laths

ED Bl4t TON 5 GO

Mill and Yard 3rd street opp L A Depot Phone 425

Priendly WarningNo Need to be Alarmed about Stomach Troubles if you use

Mi onaCure Guaranteed by B L MiddeltonThe most frequent affection of the

stomach is catarrh as the delicatemembrane which lines the stomach iseasily irritated by harmful food orovereating Keep a strict watch for thefirst symptoms of stomach troubleTake this friendly warning in thespirit in which it is given and profit byIt Shortness of breath black specksbefore the eyes furred tongue dizzi-ness belching of gases or sour foodweakness and debility ara all signs ofcatarrh of the stomach There is noneed to be unduly alarmed for thisdisease can be cured by MIona It is

The Young Printers Opportunity

The largest bank printing and supplyhouse in the world offers permanentemployment and training for youngmen who have had two or more yearsexperience in newspaper or Job officerWe pay goon wages from the start andlook after the welfare of apprenticesboth in and out of working hoursModel plant and ideal surroundings inone of Americas most beautiful citiesAn open shop not union hut pay-Ing


skilled workmen more than unionscale Write for further particularsgiving character reference and nameof last or present employer AddrepA M Jlossbreflner Supt Levey Brose Co U S Bank Note Co indwBapoii fed

the only remedy that strikes at theroot of the evil and actually curesdisease It does not contain opiumany form acids alcohol or any thelharmful drug or chemical It is aremedy that heals the Irritatedmembranr stimulates the solar plexusand aids digestion

Ask B 1 Middelton to Show you theguaranteed under which he sell Minna It costs bnt 50 cents a box andyour money is returned if it does n < theld you


Mr and Mrs Jay Lackey are wel-


a son who was born Mondayevening

Leslie P Evans Jr Is the rame ofthe handsome son that arrived lastFriday to make his home with Mrand Mrs L P Evans The proud par ¬

ents have the good wishes of a host 01

friendsCongratulationsare being showered

upon Mr and Mrs E Tatt Burnamover the birth of a handsome fOB Thelittle man has been christined CurusF Barnw Jr ia hoBO of his distiu

ewd nsHtkc
