U P PRETTY gTown - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00062/00077.pdf ·...

4 WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP Lydia E Pinkhams Vegeta- ble Compound Restored Mrs Greens Health Her Own Statement Covington medicine has done me more good than all the doc a tars medicines At I had to stay in bed four days because of I hemorrhages and my back was so weak Lydia E PinkhamB- a pound and now I can v stay up and do my I think It is the best medicine on earth for women Mrs JENNIE GREEN Covington Mo How Mrs Clino Avoided Operation Brownsville Ind I can say that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound bas done me more good than anything else Ono doctor said I must be opera- ted upon for a serious female trouble arid that nothing could belp me but an operation- I had hemorrhages and at times could not get any medicine to stop them- I got in such a weak condition that I would hays died if I had not got relief soon Several women who had taken your Compound told me to try it and I did and found it to be the right medicine to build up the system and overcome female troubles I am now in great deal better health than I ever expected to be so I think I ought to thank you for it Mrs 0 M CLINE S Main St Brownsville Ind Fortissimo When a certain Baltimore matron returned home one afternoon not so long ago the first sign her eyes be held was a badly damaged youngster- of hers Little Bobbys forehead bore- a bump almost the size of a doorknob Heavens exclaimed the mother What has happened to Bobby Nuthln much mum explained the new nurse You told me mum he might play on the planner It he wanted to Well mum wanst while he was sliding on the top he slid a bit too an that accounts for the bump ye see ONLY ONE IIUOMO QUININE That Is rAXATlVH IIHOMO Look tot the denature of E W UKOVTS Used lets World 25c The Reason This purse Is real alligator skin I suppose that Is why It has such snap Every man has a future before him but too often his past behind him acts as a handicap Garfield Tea will keep tho whole system in perfect condition Occasionally we meet a man whose train of thought reminds us of a row of flat earn FREE I want person who Is bilious paled or boa any atoms or liver ailment to of my I wnnt to prove that they cure Sour atom neb Wind Headaclie Nerrous nets and 1 are an Infallible cure Todo tills I am to giro million of frr pack I take all the title Sold by druggists for cents a Tlal For tree address Prof Munien 53rd Jellenon Sli Philadelphia THES PILLS on Torpid Livers and the other which follow In tlier train tuch u lod- ltttiion betrtborn dlziloeu head at the heart rboumatli- mn other dUortler a derangement ol Inpara blood Mandrake known of tile llr r sad hlnod forms llw medicinal Ul Dr Mandrake Pill Keep Yea in Good Hcaltb Net Gripe thex Bowels SB Oaatm The W 3 Parker Compaay- Mkteere If titbt sot sell niM4r w- PISOS REMEDY VM FOR tOUCHS AHD COLDS I MoYour j51 every monthly period w 1 It I could hardly walk I have been taking ri Com work II II h mum ColdIDODOJJB1 t send for 1 free package In- digestion t PI- t Uon Ills sick ache arlJltn be the but eCl e dlsrders for IIIJfwula A write ft e g J 4 r fit Vegetable I far mum QI NINIe t Paw 4 a a a ago tom l ACT i stomach pd for win pries 108 yes des this b f But Coagk Byrap Tuts Good Ice ltms acid by nnrrlat ¬ ¬ ¬ < + + PURELY FEMININE 1 DRAPE PRETTY FACES MODELS OF SPRING BONNETS FOR CHILDREN Fashion In Shape Resemble Those of the Grownups Shlrrings and Plaiting Are Employed In Great Profusion Two pretty spring bonnets are plc tured here such as will be worn dur ing the coming season by little girls So far as shape Is concerned they are about like thoso worn by grownups- It Is In the finishing that they differ Little details of making and trimming class them as Juvenile styles Both these bits of childish millinery are made on wire frames and are good examples of prevailing methods of making and trimming hats for chll dren Light weight silks silk muslins and chiffons ore used for facings Light colors are chosen and small flowers ¬ ¬ and soft ribbons with on occasional model showing velvet ribbon make up the decorations Frames are made small enough to fit Many shlrrlngs and plaltlngs are employed The choice of shapes for children Is far moro varied than In the past and consequently their millinery Is more quaint and pleasing than ever For midsummer lingerie hats will hold first place probably but such Is the preference for lace and braids just now that Itls not safe to make predictions JULIA BOTTOMLEY AVOID CONTRASTS IN COLOR- Too Few Women Seem to Realize the Charm There la in Simplicity Women speaking generally have been very slow to realize the charm of simplicity The inestimable value of a few grateful lines and the wisdom- of trusting rather to the carrying out carefully of one good Idea than to the over elaboration of several schemes of decoration and contrasts of color In one and the same unfortunate gar ment Most of us have come across now and again that weakmlnded and ir- resolute Individual who can never leave well enough alone and who adds rosettes of velvet and groups of buttons there tucks and flounces frills and furbelows until all the orig inal grace and elegance of the gown disappear entirely under a mass of ex traneous and altogether unnecessary adornment To those more or less meaningless trimmings great French dressmakers have always been strongly opposed sad it Is rely a matter of congratulation that their Influence In this respect should bo making Itself felt at last more ea p claly as the beautiful fabrics which been prepared for the winter sea- son are to lovely in thorn selves as re- gards both color and texture Velvet Girdle The term girdle used to suggudt rather bulky Bwathlngfe of folded silk or Batln soirietlmcVbrought to a point high up in the middle of tho back We can even girdle forma four or five Inches pointed at top and bottom front and the remember hero kayo t wide back which y ¬ ¬ ¬ GRAY IS HIGHLY IN FAVOR- All Shades and Tints Are In the Dressy Costumes for After noon and Evening Wear Grays In all shades and tints are highly In favor this season both In the province of tho tailored suit and the more drossy costumes for afternoon and evening wear A touch of black often appears but no less frequent- ly the collars and cuffs are made up In white and the result Is modish and charming Collars of white broad cloth or satin or other soft woolen materials are impracticable for hard usage they soil easily Paquln has designed a threepiece- suit of dark gray velvet of the cordu- roy type A little black Is woven In with the gray which gives a slight Im- pression of shot effect In some lights The short loose coat Is double breast- ed fastening to the left A straight collar of skunk encircles the neck closely and falls In short ends over the shoulder A bordering of skunk trims the alcoves Heavy fastenings fash- ioned from heavy cords made from Observed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ velvet constitute tho only other trim- ming The coat Is lined with a beautiful white crepe meteor brocaded In black velvet which shows plainly when the fronts are thrown open The most pronounced feature of the tailored or semltallored costumes is the comblpatlon of two materials Skirts of satin and velvet appear from beneath the tunics and coats of serge- or wool and skirts of white clot and ratine aro much used under coats of dark wool and velvet the white being repeated In the collar and cuffs GIRLS UNDERBODICE ¬ Cambric madapollam and Jap silk are all suitable materials In which- to make this little underbodlce It is a specially nice pattern to wear un der blouses The neck and sleeves are trimmed with Insertion lace Materials required One yard 36 Inches wide one and onerfourth yard insertion two yards lace orice looked the cream of style But the newest velfet girdle of today little In common with those and can be made with much less trouble as wellas with a elabor- ate foundation 1 but outlines much Ie s r tip bas has I ¬ ¬ Natural Avoidance Mayor Gaynor of New York was de- fending his views Woman has her place and man has his ho said and when I think of the confusion that would come from Intermingling their places I am re minded of an anecdote about Lardy Holland Lady Holland once said to Lord John Russell Why hasnt Lord Holland got a post In the cabinet Well f you must know Lord John answered It Is because nobody would work In a cabinet with a man whoso wife opens all his letters TO VAA3BJTnis STSTEM Take Old The formula U P n on ererr bottle I bowing It U Quinine and In a the raoit form ror gTown people and Fairy Story They married and lived happily after You forget that you are talking about two people on the stages The Toilet Co of Boston Mass will send a large trial box of Paxtine Antiseptic a cleans Ing and germIcidal toilet preparation- to any woman free upon request- It Isnt difficult for a man to see his affinity In a woman with an obese bank account For COLDS GUlP nicks CAPUBINB la the remedy re lines the aching and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal Its liquid rfect Immediately 10c cand60c stores Loveliness of character Is nothing but steady love of good and steady scorn of evil Froude r For liver nnd kidney troubles nothing is so mild and as Garfield Tea An oculist can do nothing for a man who Is blind to his own Interests anti suffrage 7 DRIVE Ot1T ANn the TONlo You roes aTe cents Paxton and bet know whet ever Get This FREE Book Before You Decorate jj It shows 20 pretty in modem homes and how to latest designs for home We will tend color plans made expert designers for any rooms you to li luil ll tlua will piper of plot sad coin fir It to too rrfned tn4 ttquMte colw a coo pore with any Mud of kaUonlu Coo hubs on the walla does wt cUftvctl r rail off Lou 14 BeutUal This Cong all reedy to mla with water sad Mt en Eulnt a Irftbr TUa JJe Get the FREE Book Rooms UtnaMIe K final Mftfif- le Tt Or tokXlHVAf Street THE NIW FRENCH RBMHOYKixlHoaNoJ TT i In French Hospitals volt omt SUCCESS CUll NUM DIS ASKS CUBOif CtCIU arts IEOrnOM3U7IIia SIX tnt finltvt fcf rail k Hrt u Dr U Cln LID co HATinaroCK ummsiD LOUDO aao TREES FOR SUE atcloiint dad pecans rows privet Ur WWSauUTitwlfefti WANTED o dety 810k accident death b neat Andlnlrodnoo our Alloripro time Write for tff i room v I 6 llIlhUrcalou es ivory FIII1 folb tlr I wtac u old fRUIT lIIt4etllelbI1ll l A to wrath C01IHt81o r 4 want TheBaaatifa WaU Tuft pure ta- rps i Beautif- ul today Alabasstine Company a ISO Iss rt4 > ° Do You Feel This feel all tired out P Do yoa tpaetimet think you just cant work away lion or trade any longer Do have she and lay awake at unable sleep Are your nerves alt gone and stomach too aa to forge ahead in the world left If o jots might as well put a stop to your misery You cn do it if will Dr Pierce Golden Medical Discovery will make you a different individual It will set your liver to work It will set things right in your stomach end It there is any tendency in your it will keep that dread destroyer away Even 1 gumption hat almost In lingering cough bronchitis or bleeding at the lungs it will bring abort cure in per cent of all cases It is a remedy prepared by Dr R Y Pierce of Buffalo N Y whose advkt It fret to ell who to write Hi great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice Dont be wheedled a pennygrabbing dealer into taking inferior when lutes for Dr Pierces medicines recommended to bo a Dr Pierces medicines are OP kNoWN courosmoN Their Ingredient prod cm their wrappers Made from roots without alcohol Qmtain BO forming drugs Worlds Dispensary Medical A ocjajkm Buffalo NY DONT PUT YOUR MONET INTO r S made inferior roof Ings that must be frequently painted and repaired when your local dealer GALVANITE ROOFING TRIPLE ASPHALT COATED MICA PLATED NEEDS NO AFTER ATTENTION FIRST COST Galvanto Roofing is the cheapest in tho long i run because it is to stand wear and tear of 1 tho elements without after trouble or M Is 15 heavier than the standard unusual weight makes it proof against heavy p and hail storms Roofing has been the National Board of Fire Underwriters and takes a low rate of insurance It is anonconductor of heat and electricity orlightnIng I JR Attractive in appearance to lay c suitable for or roofs r is tho ideal roofing for kind of a building in tcg kind of a It has stood the Test Time lied Mils cement tad Illuitrated direction sheet la 3 wtlihtt Ask dealer for or write us for Proposition FORD MANUFACTURING CO- ST PAUL OMAHA CHICAGO KANSAS CITY STLOVB 1 AMMUNITIOi LNoi Mad Revolver and Pistol Cartridge ta 2nd St gwaaloa Way- Do P lr our I tiOD art appetite will come back It will mlJ toward co a l ROQFCOATINGW- hy PAINTNO COSTLAST expens- eIt and Is constructed of the best of Its winds of CsIuslt Ie put up ID rollIO 108 1118t1t et complete 1fIUlstno fMo J booklets Qualities and Tho InsIde or an Out ide1 J- K IIN g I I If W j- l fo lb For situations where need your Jt Robin Hood Ammunition aconfldcncom kct t I very cartridgo ls car and Imokeless rIM t bQckward 10 With thl Combination rpetrcct leleaua YOU let a accurac7Ddpelletratl JCno1l411ward IaIMC il o aell urJ tailicC rbldfC n ShOl lOft ROBIN HOOD AMMttNtT g J t yt of r v- ff T 7 r 4 J J J p at your prolee s ape P Haa j t your your blood after Idtra r the lots Lima M e I G Gal va nite va r Ga1 va nito tea r s w R a wrus n H nerved i find loaded with our combustion imps l- l log fs forloard not p der Y 1 vi I Insist n11 ad fur our oraxtal facto t G0 l1 1G w k < > = < > < < > = =

Transcript of U P PRETTY gTown - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00062/00077.pdf ·...

Page 1: U P PRETTY gTown - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00062/00077.pdf · 4 WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP Lydia E Pinkhams Vegeta-ble Compound Restored Mrs




Lydia E Pinkhams Vegeta-ble Compound Restored

Mrs Greens HealthHer Own Statement

Covington medicine hasdone me more good than all the doc

a tars medicines At

I had to stay in bedfour days because of

I hemorrhages andmy back was so weak

Lydia E PinkhamB-

a pound and now I canv stay up and do my

I think It isthe best medicine on earth for women

Mrs JENNIE GREEN Covington Mo

How Mrs Clino AvoidedOperation

Brownsville Ind I can say thatLydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compoundbas done me more good than anythingelse Ono doctor said I must be opera-ted upon for a serious female troublearid that nothing could belp me but anoperation-

I had hemorrhages and at timescould not get any medicine to stop them-

I got in such a weak condition that I wouldhays died if I had not got relief soon

Several women who had taken yourCompound told me to try it and I didand found it to be the right medicine tobuild up the system and overcomefemale troubles

I am now in great deal better healththan I ever expected to be so I think Iought to thank you for it Mrs 0 MCLINE S Main St Brownsville Ind

FortissimoWhen a certain Baltimore matron

returned home one afternoon not solong ago the first sign her eyes beheld was a badly damaged youngster-of hers Little Bobbys forehead bore-a bump almost the size of a doorknob

Heavens exclaimed the motherWhat has happened to Bobby

Nuthln much mum explained thenew nurse You told me mum hemight play on the planner It he wantedto Well mum wanst while he wassliding on the top he slid a bit too

an that accounts for thebump ye see

ONLY ONE IIUOMO QUININEThat Is rAXATlVH IIHOMO Look totthe denature of E W UKOVTS Used lets World


The ReasonThis purse Is real alligator skinI suppose that Is why It has such


Every man has a future before himbut too often his past behind him actsas a handicap

Garfield Tea will keep tho whole system inperfect condition

Occasionally we meet a man whosetrain of thought reminds us of a rowof flat earn

FREEI want personwho Is biliouspaled or boa any atoms

or liver ailment to

of myI wnnt to prove thatthey cure

Sour atomneb WindHeadaclie Nerrousnets and

1 are an Infallible cureTodo

tills I am to giro million of frr packI take all the title Sold by druggists

for cents a Tlal For tree addressProf Munien 53rd Jellenon Sli Philadelphia


on Torpid Liversand the

other which follow In tlier train tuch u lod-ltttiion betrtborn dlziloeu head

at the heart rboumatli-mn other dUortler a derangement ol

Inpara bloodMandrake known

of tile llr r sad hlnod forms llw medicinalUl Dr Mandrake Pill

Keep Yea in Good HcaltbNet Gripe thex Bowels

SB Oaatm

The W 3 Parker Compaay-

MkteereIf titbt sot sell niM4r w-





j51 every monthly periodw


It I could hardly walkI have been taking










send for 1 free package








the but eCl e dlsrders









fit Vegetable


far mum




a a



tom lACT


stomach pdfor


108yes des this

b fBut Coagk Byrap Tuts Good

Ice ltms acid by nnrrlat











Fashion In Shape Resemble Those of

the Grownups Shlrrings andPlaiting Are Employed In

Great Profusion

Two pretty spring bonnets are plctured here such as will be worn during the coming season by little girlsSo far as shape Is concerned they areabout like thoso worn by grownups-It Is In the finishing that they differLittle details of making and trimmingclass them as Juvenile styles

Both these bits of childish millineryare made on wire frames and are goodexamples of prevailing methods ofmaking and trimming hats for chlldren

Light weight silks silk muslins andchiffons ore used for facings Lightcolors are chosen and small flowers



and soft ribbons with on occasionalmodel showing velvet ribbon makeup the decorations Frames are madesmall enough to fit Many shlrrlngsand plaltlngs are employed

The choice of shapes for childrenIs far moro varied than In the pastand consequently their millinery Ismore quaint and pleasing than ever

For midsummer lingerie hats willhold first place probably but such Is

the preference for lace and braidsjust now that Itls not safe to makepredictions



Too Few Women Seem to Realize theCharm There la in


Women speaking generally havebeen very slow to realize the charm ofsimplicity The inestimable value of

a few grateful lines and the wisdom-of trusting rather to the carrying outcarefully of one good Idea than to theover elaboration of several schemesof decoration and contrasts of colorIn one and the same unfortunate garment

Most of us have come across nowand again that weakmlnded and ir-

resolute Individual who can neverleave well enough alone and who addsrosettes of velvet and groups ofbuttons there tucks and flouncesfrills and furbelows until all the original grace and elegance of the gowndisappear entirely under a mass of extraneous and altogether unnecessaryadornment To those more or lessmeaningless trimmings greatFrench dressmakers have always beenstrongly opposed sad it Is rely amatter of congratulation that their

Influence In this respect shouldbo making Itself felt at last more eap claly as the beautiful fabrics which

been prepared for the winter sea-

son are to lovely in thorn selves as re-

gards both color and texture

Velvet GirdleThe term girdle used to suggudt

rather bulky Bwathlngfe of folded silkor Batln soirietlmcVbrought to a pointhigh up in the middle of tho backWe can even girdle forma

four or five Inches pointed at topand bottom front and






wideback which






All Shades and Tints Are In

the Dressy Costumes for Afternoon and Evening Wear

Grays In all shades and tints arehighly In favor this season both In theprovince of tho tailored suit and themore drossy costumes for afternoonand evening wear A touch of blackoften appears but no less frequent-ly the collars and cuffs are made up In

white and the result Is modish andcharming Collars of white broadcloth or satin or other soft woolen

materials are impracticable for hardusage they soil easily

Paquln has designed a threepiece-suit of dark gray velvet of the cordu-

roy type A little black Is woven In

with the gray which gives a slight Im-

pression of shot effect In some lightsThe short loose coat Is double breast-

ed fastening to the left A straightcollar of skunk encircles the neckclosely and falls In short ends over theshoulder A bordering of skunk trimsthe alcoves Heavy fastenings fash-

ioned from heavy cords made from







velvet constitute tho only other trim-ming

The coat Is lined with a beautifulwhite crepe meteor brocaded In blackvelvet which shows plainly when thefronts are thrown open

The most pronounced feature of thetailored or semltallored costumes isthe comblpatlon of two materialsSkirts of satin and velvet appear frombeneath the tunics and coats of serge-or wool and skirts of white clot andratine aro much used under coats ofdark wool and velvet the white beingrepeated In the collar and cuffs



Cambric madapollam and Jap silkare all suitable materials In which-to make this little underbodlce Itis a specially nice pattern to wear under blouses The neck and sleeves aretrimmed with Insertion lace

Materials required One yard 36Inches wide one and onerfourth yardinsertion two yards lace

orice looked the cream ofstyle But the newest velfet girdleof today little In commonwith those andcan be made with much less troubleas wellas with a elabor-ate foundation 1


much Ie s







Natural AvoidanceMayor Gaynor of New York was de-

fending his views

Woman has her place and man has

his ho said and when I think of

the confusion that would come fromIntermingling their places I am reminded of an anecdote about Lardy

Holland Lady Holland once said to

Lord John Russell Why hasnt Lord

Holland got a post In the cabinet

Well f you must know Lord John

answered It Is because nobody would

work In a cabinet with a man whoso

wife opens all his letters


The formula U P n on ererr bottleI bowing It U Quinine and In a

the raoit form ror gTownpeople and

Fairy StoryThey married and lived happily

afterYou forget that you are talking

about two people on the stages

The Toilet Co of BostonMass will send a large trial box of

Paxtine Antiseptic a cleansIng and germIcidal toilet preparation-to any woman free upon request-

It Isnt difficult for a man to see hisaffinity In a woman with an obesebank account

For COLDS GUlPnicks CAPUBINB la the remedy re

lines the aching and feverishness cures theCold and restores normal Itsliquid rfect Immediately 10c cand60c


Loveliness of character Is nothingbut steady love of good and steadyscorn of evil Froude r

For liver nnd kidney troubles nothing isso mild and as

Garfield Tea

An oculist can do nothing for a manwho Is blind to his own Interests

anti suffrage



theTONlo You roes aTe




know whet


Get ThisFREE Book

Before You

Decorate jjIt shows 20 pretty in modem homesand how to latest designs for

home We will tend colorplans made expert designers for anyrooms you to

li luil ll tlua will piper of plot sad coinfir It to too rrfned tn4 ttquMte colw a coopore with any Mud of kaUonlu Coo hubs onthe walla does wt cUftvctl r rail off Lou14 BeutUal This Cong all reedy to mla with

water sad Mt en Eulnt a

Irftbr TUa JJe

Get the FREE Book


UtnaMIe K final Mftfif-le Tt Or tokXlHVAf Street

THE NIW FRENCH RBMHOYKixlHoaNoJTT i In FrenchHospitals volt

omt SUCCESS CUll NUM DISASKS CUBOif CtCIU arts IEOrnOM3U7IIia SIXtnt finltvt fcf rail k Hrt u Dr U ClnLID co HATinaroCK ummsiD LOUDO aao

TREES FOR SUEatcloiintdad pecans rows privet Ur WWSauUTitwlfefti

WANTED odety 810k accident death b neat Andlnlrodnooour Alloripro time

Write for





llIlhUrcalou es ivoryFIII1 folb tlr






l Ato

wrath C01IHt81o

r 4


TheBaaatifa WaU Tuft





Alabasstine Company

a ISOIss rt4



Do You Feel Thisfeel all tired out P Do yoa tpaetimet

think you just cant work awaylion or trade any longer Do haveshe and lay awake at unable sleep Are

your nerves alt gone and stomach too aato forge ahead in the world left If o jots

might as well put a stop to your misery You cn do it ifwill Dr Pierce Golden Medical Discovery will

make you a different individual It will set your liverto work It will set things right in your stomach end

It there is any tendency in yourit will keep that dread destroyer away Even

1 gumption hat almost Inlingering cough bronchitis or bleeding at the lungs it will bring abortcure in per cent of all cases It is a remedy prepared by Dr R Y Pierceof Buffalo N Y whose advkt It fret to ell who to write Higreat success has come from his wide experience and varied practice

Dont be wheedled a pennygrabbing dealer into taking inferior whenlutes for Dr Pierces medicines recommended to bo a DrPierces medicines are OP kNoWN courosmoN Their Ingredient prodcm their wrappers Made from roots without alcohol Qmtain BO

forming drugs Worlds Dispensary Medical A ocjajkm Buffalo N Y


made inferior roof Ings thatmust be frequently painted and repaired whenyour local dealer



Galvanto Roofing is the cheapest in tho long irun because it is to stand wear and tear of 1tho elements without after trouble or M

Is 15 heavier than the standard

unusual weight makes it proof against heavy pand hail storms

Roofing has been theNational Board of Fire Underwriters and takes a low

rate of insurance It is anonconductor ofheat and electricity orlightnIng

I JR Attractive in appearance to layc suitable for or roofs

r is tho ideal roofing for kind ofa building intcg kind of a It has stood the Test Time

lied Mils cement tad Illuitrated direction sheet la 3 wtlihttAsk dealer for or write us for




Revolver and Pistol Cartridge


2nd St gwaaloa


P lr

our ItiOD


appetite will come back It willmlJ toward co a






and Is constructed of the best of Itswinds

ofCsIuslt Ie put up ID rollIO 108 1118t1t et complete 1fIUlstno fMo


booklets Qualities and Tho InsIde or an Out ide1





lbFor situations where need your JtRobin Hood Ammunition aconfldcncom kct t Ivery cartridgo ls car and

Imokeless rIM tbQckward


With thl Combination rpetrcct leleauaYOU let a accurac7DdpelletratlJCno1l411ward IaIMC ilo aell urJ tailicC rbldfC n ShOl


ROBIN HOOD AMMttNtT g Jt yt ofr v-

ffT 7


4 J




at your prolees ape



your your blood

after Idtra rthe

lots LimaM


I GGal va nite



Ga1 va nito tear


w R

a wrus n H

nerved ifind

loaded with ourcombustion

imps l-l log fs forloard not pder



I Insist n11 ad fur our oraxtalfacto t



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