TZM Guide Essays 1-13

1  THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT DEFINED REALIZING A NEW TRAIN OF THOUGHT Work in Progress, Last U!ate" Set# $%t& '%$( Target )o*+etion Date" Ot $ st  '%$( -.T&e/ tre*en!o0s an! sti++ ae+erating !e1e+o*ent o2 siene an! te&no+og3 &as not 4een ao*anie! 43 an e50a+ !e1e+o*ent in soia+, eono*i, an! o+itia+ atterns###We are no6###on+3 4eginning to e7+ore t&e otentia+ities 6&i& it o22ers 2or !e1e+o*ents in o0r 0+t0re o0tsi!e te&no+og3, arti0+ar+3 in t&e soia+, o+itia+ an! eono*i 2ie+!s# It is sa2e to re!it t&at###s0& soia+ in1entions as *o!ern8t3e )aita+is*, Fa sis*, an! )o**0nis* 6i++ 4e regar!e! as ri*iti1e e7eri*ents !irete! to6ar! t&e a!90st*ent o2 *o!ern soiet3 to *o!ern te&no+og3- : Dr# Ra+& Linton 666#t&e;eitgeist*o1e*ent#o* )reati1e )o**ons Attri40tion8Nono**eria+8S&are A+ike (#%

Transcript of TZM Guide Essays 1-13

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Work in Progress, Last U!ate" Set# $%t& '%$(Target )o*+etion Date" Ot $st '%$(

-.T&e/ tre*en!o0s an! sti++ ae+erating !e1e+o*ent o2 siene an! te&no+og3&as not 4een ao*anie! 43 an e50a+ !e1e+o*ent in soia+, eono*i, an!

o+itia+ atterns###We are no6###on+3 4eginning to e7+ore t&e otentia+ities 6&i& ito22ers 2or !e1e+o*ents in o0r 0+t0re o0tsi!e te&no+og3, arti0+ar+3 in t&e soia+,

o+itia+ an! eono*i 2ie+!s# It is sa2e to re!it t&at###s0& soia+ in1entions as*o!ern8t3e )aita+is*, Fasis*, an! )o**0nis* 6i++ 4e regar!e! as ri*iti1e

e7eri*ents !irete! to6ar! t&e a!90st*ent o2 *o!ern soiet3 to *o!ern te&no+og3-: Dr# Ra+& Linton


)reati1e )o**ons Attri40tion8Nono**eria+8S&are A+ike (#%

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Pre2ae .#(/

Part I : An Intro!0tion

$< O1er1ie6 .#=/'< T&e Sienti2i Wor+!1ie6 .#$'/(< So0ring So+0tions .#$>/?< Logi 1s Ps3&o+og3 .#'%/@< T&e )ase 2or H0*an Unit3 .#'@/=< T&e Fina+ Arg0*ent" H0*an Nat0re .#'/

Part II : Soia+ Pat&o+og3 B T&e Anti8Eono*3

>< De2ining P04+i Hea+t& .#(?/C< Histor3 o2 Eono*3 .#?@/< Market E22iien3 1s Te&nia+ E22iien3 .#=>/$%< Va+0e S3ste* Disor!er .#C$/$$< Str0t0ra+ )+assis*, T&e State an! War .#>/

Part III : A Ne6 Train o2 T&o0g&t

$'< Intro!0tion to S0staina4+e T&o0g&t .#$$(/$(< Tr0e Eono*i Fators .#$$>/$?< Post8Sarit3 Tren!s, )aait3 an! E22iien3$@< T&e In!0stria+ Go1ern*ent$=< Li2est3+e, Free!o* an! T&e H0*anit3 Fator

Part IV : T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent

$>< T&e Age o2 Desta4i+i;ation$C< Transition B T&e H34ri! Eono*3$< eo*ing T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent


a< Voa40+ar3 List4< Intro!0tion to T&e Sienti2i Met&o!< Rea!ing List!< )o**on O49etionse< TZM 0ik Start

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PREFACE T&e o0to*e o2 an3 serio0s resear& an on+3 4e to *ake t6o

50estions gro6 6&ere on+3 one gre6 4e2ore#-8T&orstein Ve4+en

Origin of the name T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent- TZM< is t&e e7isting i!enti2ier 2or t&e Soia+ Mo1e*ent !esri4e! in t&e2o++o6ing essa3s# T&e na*e &as no re+e1ant &istoria+ re2erene to an3t&ing 0+t0ra++3 sei2i an!is not to 4e on20se!assoiate! 6it& an3t&ing e+se kno6n 4e2ore 6it& a si*i+ar tit+e# Rat&er, t&etit+e is 4ase! 0on t&e se*anti *eaning o2 t&e 1er3 ter*s, e7+iit+3#

T&e ter* Zeitgeist- is !e2ine! as t&e genera+ inte++et0a+, *ora+ an! 0+t0ra+ +i*ate o2 an era#-T&e Ter* Mo1e*ent- si*+3 i*+ies *otion- or &ange# T&ere2ore T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*entTZM< is an organi;ation 6&i& 0rges &ange in t&e !o*inant inte++et0a+, *ora+ an! 0+t0ra++i*ate o2 t&e ti*e#

Document Structure

T&e 2o++o6ing te7t &as 4een reare! to 4e as onise an! 3et o*re&ensi1e as ossi4+e# In

2or*, it is a series o2 essa3s, or!ere! 43 s049et in a *anner 6&i& 6orks to s0ort a 4roa!ercontext # W&i+e ea& essa3 is !esigne! to 4e taken on its o6n *erit in e1a+0ation, t&e tr0e onte7tresi!es in &o6 ea& iss0e 6orks to s0ort a +arger Train of Thought  6it& reset to t&e *oste22iient organi;ation o2 &0*an soiet3#

It 6i++ 4e notie! 43 t&ose 6&o rea! t&ro0g& t&ese essa3s in a +inear 2as&ion t&at a 2air a*o0nt o2o1er+a e7ists 6it& ertain i!eas# T&is is !e+i4erate as s0& reetition an! e*&asis is onsi!ere!&e+20+ gi1en &o6 2oreign so*e o2 t&e onets *ig&t see* to t&ose 6it& no rior e7os0re tos0& *ateria+#

A+so, sine on+3 so *0& !etai+ an 4e a22or!e! to *aintain o*re&ension gi1en t&e gra1it3 o2ea& s049et an! &o6 t&e3 interre+ate, great e22ort &as 4een *a!e to so0re re+e1ant ( r! art3resear& t&ro0g&o0t ea& essa3, 1ia 2ootnotes an! aen!ies, a++o6ing t&e rea!er to 2o++o6t&ro0g& 6it& 20rt&er st0!3 as t&e interest arises#

The Organism of KnowledgeAs 6it& an3 2or* o2 resente! resear& 6e are !ea+ing 6it& serially generated data composites#O4ser1ation, its assess*ent, !o0*entation an! integration 6it& ot&er kno6+e!ge, e7isting oren!ing, is t&e *anner 43 6&i& a++ !isting0is&a4+e i!eas o*e to e1o+1e#

T&is ontin00* is i*ortant to 0n!erstan! 6it& reset to t&e 6a3 6e t&ink a4o0t 6&at 6e4e+ie1e an! 6&3, 2or in2or*ation is a+6a3s searate in its *erit 2ro* t&e erson or instit0tiono**0niating or reresenting# In2or*ation an on+3 4e e1a+0ate! orret+3 t&ro0g& a s3ste*atiroess o2 o*arison to ot&er physically  1eri2ia4+e e1i!ene as to its roo2 or +ak t&ereo2#

Like6ise, t&is ontin00* a+so i*+ies t&at t&ere an 4e no e*iria+ Origin- o2 i!eas# Fro* aneiste*o+ogia+ erseti1e, kno6+e!ge is *ost+3 0+*inate!, roesse! an! e7an!e! t&ro0g&o**0niation a*ongst o0r seies# T&e in!i1i!0a+, 6it& &is or &er in&erent+3 !i22erent +i2ee7eriene an! roensities, ser1es as a 0sto* processing filter  43 6&i& a gi1en i!ea an 4e*or&e!# )o++eti1e+3, 6e in!i1i!0a+s o*rise 6&at o0+! 4e a++e! a Gro0 Min!- 6&i& is t&e+arger or!er soia+ roessor 43 6&i& t&e e22ort o2 in!i1i!0a+s i!ea++3 oa+ese# T&e tra!itiona+*et&o! o2 !ata trans2er t&ro0g& +iterat0re, s&aring 4ooks 2ro* generation to generation, &as 4eena nota4+e at& o2 t&is Gro0 Min! interation, 2or e7a*+e#$

$ In )ar+ Sagans 6ork )os*os-, &e state! 6it& reset to t&e !estr0tion o2 t&e Li4rar3 o2 A+e7an!ria, note! as t&e+argest an! *ost signi2iant +i4rar3 o2 t&e anient 6or+!" It 6as as i2 t&e entire i1i+i;ation &a! 0n!ergone so*e se+28

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Issa Ne6ton er&as 0t t&is rea+it3 4est 6it& t&e state*ent" I2 I &a1e seen 20rt&er t&an ot&ers,it is 43 stan!ing 0on t&e s&o0+!ers o2 giants#- ' T&is is 4ro0g&t 0 &ere in or!er to 2o0s t&erea!er on t&e ritia+ onsi!eration o2 !ata : not a s0ose! So0re- 8 as t&ere at0a++3 is nos0& t&ing in an e*iria+ sense# On+3 in t&e te*ora+, tra!itiona+ atterns o2 0+t0re, s0& as 6it&+iterar3 re!its in a te7t4ook 2or 20t0re resear& re2erene, is s0& a reognition te&nia++3


T&ere is no state*ent *ore erroneo0s t&an t&e !e+aration t&at" T&is is my idea#- S0& notionsare 43ro!0ts o2 a *ateria+ 0+t0re t&at &as 4een rein2ore! in seeking &3sia+ re6ar!s, 0s0a++31ia *one3, in e7&ange 2or t&e i++0sion o2 t&eir rorietar3- reations# Ver3 o2ten an egoassoiation is 0+*inate! as 6e++ 6&ere an in!i1i!0a+ +ai*s restige a4o0t t&eir re!it- 2or ani!ea or in1ention#

Jet, t&at is not to e7+0!e gratit0!e an! reset 2or t&ose 2ig0res or instit0tions 6&i& &a1e s&o6n!e!iation an! erse1erane to6ar!s t&e e7ansion o2 kno6+e!ge itse+2, nor to !i*inis& t&eneessit3 o2 i*ortane o2 t&ose 6&o &a1e a&ie1e! a ski++e!, seia+i;e! e7ert- stat0s in aarti0+ar 2ie+!# T&e ontri40tions o2 4ri++iant t&inkers an! engineers s0& as R# 0k*inster F0++er,Ka50e Freso, Kere*3 Ri2kin, Ra3 0r;6ei+, Ro4ert Sao+sk3, T&orstein Ve4+en, Ri&ar! Wi+kinson,Ka*es Gi++igan, )ar+ Sagan, Nio+a Tes+a, Ste1en Ha6king an! *an3, *an3 *ore resear&ers, astan! resent, are 50ote! an! so0re! in t&is te7t an! ser1e as art o2 t&e +arger data composite 3o0 are a4o0t to rea!# Great gratit0!e is e7resse! &ere to6ar!s a++ !e!iate! *in!s 6&o are6orking to ontri40te to an i*ro1ing 6or+!#

Jet, one again, 6&en it o*es to t&e +e1e+ o2 0n!erstan!ing, in2or*ation itse+2 &as no origin, no+o3a+t3, no rie tag, no ego an! no 4ias# It si*+3 *ani2ests, se+28orrets an! e1o+1es as anorganis* in an! o2 itse+2 t&ro0g& o0r o++eti1e Gro0 Min!- to 6&i& 6e are a++ in1aria4+3 ao*onent 1e&i+e#

T&at 0n!erstoo!, T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent- +ai*s no origination o2 an3 i!ea it ro*otes an! is4est ategori;e! as an ati1iste!0ationa+ instit0tion 6&i& 6orks to a*+i23 a context 0on

6&i& e7istinge*erging sienti2i 2in!ings *a3 2in! a onerte! soia+ i*erati1e#

Wesites and Resources

T&e Fo++o6ing $% We4sites are o22iia++3 re+ate! to T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ents g+o4a+ oerations"

8Main G+o4a+ H04"&tt"666#t&e;eitgeist*o1e*ent#o*

T&is is t&e *ain 6e4site an! &04 2or TZM re+ate! ationse1ents0!ates#

!G+o4a+ )&aters H04"&tt"666#t;*&aters#net

T&is is t&e *ain g+o4a+ &04 2or )&ater in2or*ation an! *ateria+s# It in+0!es *as, a )&aterstoo+ kit an! *ore#

8G+o4a+ +og"&tt"4+og#t&e;eitgeist*o1e*ent#o*

T&is is t&e o22iia+ 4+og 6&i& a++o6s s04*issions o2 e!itoria+ st3+e essa3s#

in2+ite! 4rain s0rger3, an! *ost o2 its *e*ories, !iso1eries, i!eas an! assions 6ere e7ting0is&e! irre1oa4+3#Cosmos, )ar+ Sagan, a++antine ooks, Ne6 Jork, $C%, )&ater III , '>

' The Correspondence of Isaac Newton, Vo+0*e $, e!ite! 43 HW T0rn40++, $@, ?$=

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8G+o4a+ For0*"&tt"666#t&e;eitgeist*o1e*ent2or0*#org

T&is is o0r o22iia+ 2or0* 2or *e*4ers to !is0ss ro9ets an! s&are i!eas 2ro* aross t&e 6or+!an! s&are i!eas#

8Zeitgeist Me!ia Pro9et"&tt";eitgeist*e!iaro9et#o*

T&e Me!ia Pro9et Site &osts an! +inks to 1ario0s a0!io1is0a++iterar3 e7ressions o2 TZMMe*4ers# Users !onate t&eir 6ork 2or osting an! it is o2ten 0se! as a reso0re Toolkit  2or 2+3ergra&is, 1i!eo resentations, +ogo ani*ations an! t&e +ike#


ZeitNe6s is a ne6s st3+e ser1ie 6&i& ontains arti+es re+ating to soia++3 re+e1ant a!1ane*entsin Siene an! Te&no+og3#

8Zeitgeist Da3 Z!a3-< G+o4a+"&tt";!a3g+o4a+#org

T&is site 4eo*es ati1e ann0a++3 to 2ai+itate o0r Z!a3- G+o4a+ E1ent, 6&i& o0rs in Mar& o2ea& 3ear#

8Zeitgeist Me!ia Festi1a+"&tt";eitgeist*e!ia2esti1a+#org

T&is site 4eo*es ati1e ann0a++3 to 2ai+itate o0r Zeitgeist Me!ia Festi1a+-, 6&i& o0rs inA0g0st o2 ea& 3ear#

8G+o4a+ Re!esign Instit0te"&tt"666#g+o4a+re!esigninstit0te#org

T&e G+o4a+ Re!esign Instit0te is a 1irt0a+ gra&i inter2ae T&ink Tank- ro9et 6&i& 0ses*a!ata *o!e+s to e7ress !iret te&nia+ &anges in +ine 6it& TZMs train o2 t&o0g&t in 1ario0sregions#

"eneral Social Networ#s

TZM G+o4a+ on T6itter"&tt"t6itter#o*t;*g+o4a+

TZM G+o4a+ on Fae4ook"


TZM G+o4a+ Jo0t04e"&tt"666#3o0t04e#o*0serTZMO22iia+)&anne+

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 Neit&er t&e great o+itia+ an! 2inania+ o6er str0t0res o2 t&e 6or+!, nor t&e seia+i;ation84+in!e!ro2essiona+s, nor t&e o0+ation in genera+ rea+i;e t&at###it is no6 &ig&+3 2easi4+e to take are o2 e1er34o!3

on eart& at a &ig&er stan!ar! o2 +i1ing t&an an3 &a1e e1er kno6n-# It no +onger &as to 4e 3o0 or *e#Se+2is&ness is 0nneessar3 an! &ene2ort& 0nrationa+i;a4+e as *an!ate! 43 s0r1i1a+# War is o4so+ete#- (

8R# 0k*inster F0++er


Fo0n!e! in '%%C, T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent TZM< is a S0staina4i+it3 A!1oa3 Gro0 6&i&oerates t&ro0g& a net6ork o2 Regiona+ )&aters, Pro9et Tea*s, P04+i E1ents, Me!iaE7ressions an! )&arit3 Oerations#

TZMs ati1is* is e7+iit+3 4ase! on non-violent *et&o!s o2 o**0niation 6it& t&e ore 2o0s oneducating t&e 04+i a4o0t t&e tr0e root sources o2 *an3 o**on ersona+, soia+ an! eo+ogia+ro4+e*s to!a3, o0+e! 6it& t&e 1ast problem solving an! humanity improving potential  sienean! te&no+og3 &as no6 ena4+e! 8 40t 3et goes 0na+ie! !0e to 4arriers in&erent in t&e 0rrent,esta4+is&e! soia+ s3ste*#

W&i+e t&e ter* Ati1is*- is orret 43 its e7at *eaning, TZMs a6areness 6ork s&o0+! not 4e*isonstr0e! as re+ating to 0+t0ra++3 o**on, tra!itiona+ ati1ist rotest- ations s0& as 6e&a1e seen &istoria++3# Rat&er, TZM e7resses itse+2 t&ro0g& targete!, rationa+ e!0ationa+ ro9etst&at 6ork not to i*ose, !itate or 4+in!+3 ers0a!e : 40t to set in *otion a  train of thought  t&atis logically  self-realizing 6&en t&e a0sa+ onsi!erations o2 s0staina4i+it3- ? an! 04+i &ea+t&- @ arere2erene! 2ro* a sienti2i erseti1e#

Ho6e1er, TZMs 0rs0it is sti++ 1er3 si*i+ar to tra!itiona+ )i1i+ Rig&ts Mo1e*ents o2 t&e ast in t&att&e o4ser1ations re1ea+ t&e tr0+3 0nneessar3 oppression in&erent in o0r 0rrent soia+ or!er,6&i& str0t0ra++3 an! soio+ogia++3 restrits &0*an 6e++84eing an! otentia+ 2or t&e 1ast *a9orit3

o2 t&e 6or+!s o0+ation, not to *ention sti2+es 4roa! i*ro1e*ent in genera+ !0e to itsesta4+is&e! *et&o!s#

For instane, t&e 0rrent soia+ *o!e+, 6&i+e eret0ating enor*o0s +e1e+s o2 orrosi1e eono*iine22iien3 in genera+, as 6i++ 4e !esri4e! in 20rt&er essa3s, a+so intrinsically supports oneeconomic group or class! of people over another , eret0ating te&nia++3 0nneessar3 i*4a+anean! re+ati1e !eri1ation# T&is o0+! 4e a++e! eono*i 4igotr3- in its e22et an! it is no +essinsi!io0s t&an !isri*ination roote! in gen!er, et&niit3, re+igion or ree!#

Ho6e1er, t&is in&erent 4igotr3- is rea++3 on+3 a art o2 a +arger on!ition 6&i& o0+! 4e ter*e! Str0t0ra+ Vio+ene- =, i++0*inating a 4roa! setr0* o2 40i+t in- s022ering, in&0*anit3 an!

( Critical "ath, R# 0k*inster F0++er, St# Martins Press, $C$, Intro!0tion, 771

? T&e ter* S0staina4i+it3-, genera++3 !e2ine! as t&e a4i+it3 to 4e s0staine!, s0orte!, 0&e+!, or on2ir*e!-&tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6ses0staina4i+it3< is o2ten to!a3 o**on+3 re2erene!0n!erstoo! 6it&in anEn1iron*enta+ Siene onte7t# TZMs onte7t e7ten!s 2art&er, &o6e1er, in+0!ing t&e notion o2 )0+t0ra+ or e&a1iora+S0staina4i+it3 6&i& onsi!ers t&e *erit o2 4e+ie2 s3ste*s in genera+ an! t&eir +ess o41io0s a0sa+ onse50enes#

@ T&e ter* P04+i Hea+t&-, genera++3 !e2ine! as T&e siene an! ratie o2 roteting an! i*ro1ing t&e &ea+t& o2  a o**0nit3, as 43 re1enti1e *e!iine, &ea+t& e!0ation, ontro+ o2 o**0nia4+e !iseases, a+iation o2 sanitar3 *eas0res, an! *onitoring o2 en1iron*enta+ &a;ar!s- &tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6se04+i&ea+t&Qst< is0se! in t&is te7t as a 4asis o2 *eas0re 2or onsi!ering t&e &3sia+, s3&o+ogia+ an! &ene soio+ogia+ 6e++84eing o2 asoieties eo+e o1er ti*e# T&is is to 4e onsi!ere! t&e 0+ti*ate 4aro*eter o2 t&e s0ess or 2ai+0re o2 an a+ie! soia+s3ste*#

6 T&e ter* Str0t0ra+ Vio+ene- is o**on+3 asri4e! to Ko&an Ga+t0ng, 6&i& &e intro!0e! in t&e arti+e Vio+ene,

Peae, an! Peae Resear&  #ournal of "eace $esearch, Vo+# =, No# (, $=, # $=>8$$< It re2ers to a 2or* o2

1io+ene 6&ere so*e soia+ str0t0re or soia+ instit0tion &ar*s eo+e 43 re1enting t&e* 2ro* *eeting t&eir 4asi 

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!eri1ation t&at is si*+3 aete! as nor*a+it3- to!a3 43 an 0nin2or*e! *a9orit3# T&is onte7to2 Vio+ene- stret&es *0& 2art&er an! !eeer t&an *an3 onsi!er# T&e soe o2 &o6 o0r soio8eono*i s3ste* 0nneessari+3 !i*inis&es o0r 04+i &ea+t& an! in&i4its o0r rogress to!a3 anon+3 4e reogni;e! +ear+3 6&en 6e take a *ore !eta&e! te&nia+- or sienti2i- erseti1e o2soia+ a22airs, 43assing o0r tra!itiona+, o2ten 4+in!ing 2a*i+iarities#

T&e re+ati1e nat0re o2 o0r a6areness o2ten 2a++s 1iti* to ass0*tions o2 erei1e! nor*a+it3-6&ere, sa3, t&e ongoing !eri1ation an! o1ert3 o2 o1er ( 4i++ion eo+e > *ig&t 4e seen as a nat0ra+-, ina+tera4+e soia+ state to t&ose 6&o are not a6are o2 t&e a*o0nt o2 2oo! at0a++3ro!0e! in t&e 6or+!, 6&ere it goes, &o6 it is 6aste! or t&e te&nia+ nat0re o2 e22iient Ba40n!ant 2oo! ro!0tion ossi4i+ities in t&e *o!ern !a3#

T&is 0nseen Vio+ene- an 4e e7ten!e! to 0+t0ra+ Me*esC as 6e++ 6&ere soia+ tra!itions an!t&eir s3&o+og3 an, 6it&o0t !iret *a+iio0s intent, reate res0+ting onse50enes t&at are!a*aging to a &0*an 4eing# For instane, t&ere are re+igio0s 0+t0res in t&e 6or+! t&at ot o0t o2an3 2or* o2 o**on *e!ia+ treat*ent# W&i+e *an3 *ig&t arg0e t&e *ora+ or et&ia+ ara*eterso2 6&at it *eans 2or a &i+! in s0& a 0+t0re to !ie o2 a o**on i++ness t&at o0+! &a1e 4eenreso+1e! i2 *o!ern sienti2i a+iations 6ere a++o6e!, 6e an at +east agree t&at t&e !eat& o2s0& a &i+! is rea++3 4eing a0se! not 43 t&e !isease at t&at oint, 40t 43 t&e soio+ogia+on!ition t&at !isa++o6e! t&e a+iation o2 t&e so+0tion#

As a 4roa!er e7a*+e, a great !ea+ o2 soia+ st0!3 &as no6 4een !one on t&e s049et o2 Soia+Ine50a+it3- an! its e22ets on 04+i &ea+t&# As 6i++ 4e !is0sse! *ore so in 20rt&er essa3s, t&ere isa 1ast arra3 o2 &3sia+ an! *enta+ &ea+t& ro4+e*s t&at aear to 4e 4orn o0t o2 t&is on!ition,in+0!ing roensities to6ar!s &3sia+ 1io+ene, &eart !isease, !eression, e!0ationa+ !e2iien3an! *an3, *an3 ot&er !etri*ents : !etri*ents t&at &a1e a tr0+3 social conse%uence 6&i& a22et0s a++#$%

T&e 4otto* +ine &ere is t&at 6&en 6e ste 4ak an! onsi!er ne6+3 rea+i;e! 0n!erstan!ings o2a0sa+it3 t&at are +ear+3 &a1ing !etri*enta+ e22ets on t&e &0*an on!ition, 40t go 0na4ate!0nneessari+3 !0e t&e re8e7isting tra!itions esta4+is&e! 43 0+t0re, 6e ine1ita4+3 en! 0 in t&e

onte7t o2 )i1i+ Rig&ts- an! &ene social sustainability #

T&is ne6 )i1i+ Rig&ts Mo1e*ent is a4o0t t&e s&aring o2 &0*an kno6+e!ge an! o0r te&nia+ a4i+it3to not on+3 reso+1e ro4+e*s, 40t to a+so 2ai+itate a sienti2ia++3 !eri1e! &ocial &ystem t&atat0a++3 oti*i;es o0r otentia+ an! 6e++84eing# An3t&ing +ess 6i++ reate i*4a+ane an! soia+!esta4i+i;ation as t&e neg+et o2 s0& iss0es are si*+3 a hidden form of oppression'

So, ret0rning to t&e 4roa! oint, TZM 6orks not on+3 to reate a6areness o2 s0& ro4+e*s an!t&eir tr0e s3ste*i roots &ene +ogi 2or reso+0tion, it a+so 6orks to e7ress t&e otentia+ 6e&a1e, 4e3on! s0& !iret ro4+e* so+1ing, to great+3 i*ro1e t&e &0*an on!ition in genera+,so+1ing ro4+e*s 6&i&, in 2at, &a1e not 3et e1en 4een rea+i;e!#$$

T&is is initiate! 43 e*4raing t&e 1er3 nat0re o2  scientific reasoning 6&ere t&e esta4+is&*ent o2 anear e*iria+ train of thought  takes ree!ene o1er e1er3t&ing e+se in i*ortane# A train o2

nee!s# It 6as e7an!e! 0on 43 ot&er resear&ers, s0& as ri*ina+ s3&iatrist Dr# Ka*es Gi++igan, 6&o *akes t&e2o++o6ing !istintion 4et6een e&a1iora+- an! Str0t0ra+- Vio+ene" T&e +et&a+ e22ets o2 str0t0ra+ 1io+ene oerateontin0o0s+3, rat&er t&an sora!ia++3, 6&ereas *0r!ers, s0ii!es###6ars an! ot&er 2or*s o2 4e&a1iora+ 1io+ene o0rone at a ti*e#- Ka*es Gi++igan, (iolence, G#P# P0tna*, $=, $'<

> &tt"666#g+o4a+iss0es#orgarti+e'=o1ert382ats8an!8stats So0ring '%%C Wor+! ank De1e+o*ent In!iators<C Me*e" an i!ea, 4e&a1ior, st3+e, or 0sage t&at srea!s 2ro* erson to erson 6it&in a 0+t0re &tt"666#*erria*8

6e4ster#o*!itionar3*e*e< &tt"0k#+i2est3+e#3a&oo#o*re+igio0s8arents8a0sing8s022ering8sik8ki!s8sa3s8reort8$$@%'$=$'#&t*+$% Reo**en!e! Rea!ing" The &pirit )evel  43 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson an! ate Pikett, Peng0in, Mar& '%%$$ More on t&is iss0e 6i++ 4e resente! in a 2o++o6ing essa3 entit+e! So0ring So+0tions- 

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t&o0g&t 43 6&i& soieta+ organi;ation as a 6&o+e an 2in! a *ore a0rate onte7t 2orsustainability  on a sa+e ne1er 4e2ore seen, t&ro0g& an ati1e reognition an! a+iation< o2 T&eSienti2i Met&o!#


TZMs 4roa! ations o0+! 4e s0**ari;e! as to *iagnose, +ducate and Create#

Diagnose"Diagnosis is t&e i!enti2iation o2 t&e nat0re an! a0se o2 an3t&ing#- To roer+3 !iagnose t&ea0sa+ on!ition o2 t&e 1ast soia+ an! eo+ogia+ ro4+e*s 6e &a1e to!a3 is not *ere+3 too*+ain a4o0t t&e* or ritii;e t&e ations o2 eo+e or arti0+ar instit0tions# A tr0e Diagnosis must seek out the lowest causal denominator possible and work to source at that level forresolution' 

T&e entra+ ro4+e* to!a3 is t&at t&ere is o2ten 6&at o0+! 4e a++e! a  truncated frame ofreference! 6&ere a s&ortsig&te!, *is!iagnosis o2 a gi1en onse50ene ersists# For instane, t&etra!itiona+, esta4+is&e! so+0tion to t&e re2or*ation o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior 2or *an3 so8a++e! ri*ina+ats- is o2ten 0niti1e inareration# Jet, t&is sa3s not&ing a4o0t t&e !eeer *oti1ation o2 t&e ri*ina+- an! 6&3 t&eir s3&o+og3 +e! to s0& ats to 4egin 6it&#

At t&at +e1e+, s0& a reso+0tion 4eo*es *ore o*+e7 an! re+iant 0on t&e s3*4ioti re+ations&io2 t&eir &3sia+ an! 0+t0ra+ 0+*ination o1er ti*e#$' T&is is no !i22erent t&an 6&en a erson !ieso2 aner, as it isnt rea++3 t&e aner t&at ki++s t&e* in a +itera+ sense, as t&e aner itse+2 is t&ero!0t o2 ot&er 2ores#

E!0ate"As an e!0ationa+ *o1e*ent t&at oerates 0n!er t&e ass0*tion t&at knowledge is t&e *osto6er20+ too+6eaon 6e &a1e to reate +asting, re+e1ant soia+ &ange in t&e g+o4a+ o**0nit3,t&ere is not&ing *ore ritia+ t&an t&e 50a+it3 o2 ones ersona+ e!0ation an! t&eir a4i+it3 tocommunicate s0& i!eas e22eti1e+3 an! onstr0ti1e+3 to ot&ers#

TZM is not a4o0t 2o++o6ing a rigi! te7t o2 stati i!eas# S0& on2ine!, narro6 assoiations aret3ia+ o2 Re+igio0s an! Po+itia+ )0+ts, not t&e reognition o2 emergence that underscores theanti-establishment!  nat0re o2 TZM# TZM !oes not i*ose in t&is sense# Rat&er it 6orks to *akean oen en!e! train of thought 4eo*e rea+i;e! 43 t&e in!i1i!0a+, &oe20++3 e*o6ering t&eirin!een!ent a4i+it3 to 0n!erstan! its re+e1ane on t&eir o6n ter*s, at t&eir o6n ae#

F0rt&er*ore, e!0ation is not on+3 an i*erati1e 2or t&ose 0n2a*i+iar 6it& t&e Train of Thoughtan! .pplication &et / re+ate! to TZM, 40t a+so 2or t&ose 6&o a+rea!3 s04sri4e to it# K0st as t&ereis no 0toia-, t&ere is no 2ina+ state o2 0n!erstan!ing#

)reate"W&i+e ertain+3 re+ate! to t&e nee! to a!90st human values t&ro0g& e!0ation so t&e 6or+!s

eo+e 0n!erstan! an! see t&e nee! 2or s0& soia+ &anges, TZM a+so 6orks to onsi!er &o6 ane6 soia+ s3ste*, 4ase! on 0ptimum +conomic +fficiency 1  , 6o0+! aear an! oerate in !etai+,

$' T&e orre+ation 4et6een &0*an 4e&a1ior in t&is onte7t 4e&a1ior o2 a soia++3 o22ensi1e nat0re as !eter*ine! 43 t&e+a6s o2 soiet3< an! t&e en1iron*enta+ in2+0ene o2 a ersons 04ringing+i2e e7eriene is no6 6it&o0t !e4ate# Are+ate! ter* to note is t&e io8Ps3&o8Soia+- nat0re o2 t&e &0*an organis*#

$( T&e ter* Anti8Esta4+is&*ent- is 0s0a++3 0se! in a onte7t i*+3ing oosition to an e7isting, esta4+is&e! gro0# Use!&ere, t&e onte7t is *ore +itera+ in t&at TZM itse+2 6orks to not instit0tiona+i;e- itse+2 as a rigi! entit3 40t rat&er 4e0n!erstoo! as *ore o2 a gest0re a s3*4o+ o2 a ne6 *anner o2 t&o0g&t or 6or+!1ie6 t&at si*+3 &as no 4o0n!aries#

$? T&e ter*s Train o2 T&o0g&t- an! A+iation Set- 6i++ 4e 0se! 2re50ent+3 in t&is te7t as t&e3 are interre+ate!# P+easesee t&e Voa40+ar3 List Aen!i7 A 2or +ari2iation#

$@ P+ease see t&e Voa40+ar3 List 8 Aen!i7 A 2or +ari2iation o2 t&is ter*# More 6i++ a+so !is0sse! in Part III#

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gi1en o0r 0rrent state o2 te&nia+ a4i+it3#

Progra*s s0& as t&e G+o4a+ Re!esign Instit0te$=, 6&i& is a !igita+ t&ink tank t&at 6orks toe7ress &o6 t&e ore soieta+ in2rastr0t0re o0+! 0n2o+! 4ase! on o0r 0rrent state o2 te&no+og3,6orking to o*4ine t&at technical capacity  6it& t&e scientific train of thought  so as to a+0+ate

t&e *ost e22iient te&nia+ in2rastr0t0re ossi4+e 2or an3 gi1en region o2 t&e 6or+!, is onee7a*+e#

It is 6ort& 4rie2+3 noting t&at TZMs a!1oate! go1ernane- aroa&, 6&i& &as +itt+e se*4+aneto t&e 0rrent *anner o2 go1ernane kno6n to!a3 or &istoria++3, originates o0t o2 a *0+ti8!isi+inar3 4ri!ging o2 1ario0s ro1en *et&o!s 2or *a7i*0* oti*i;ation, 0ni2ie! t&ro0g& ao0nter84a+aning S3ste*s- aroa& t&at is !esigne! to 4e as a!ati1e- as ossi4+e to ne6,e*erging i*ro1e*ents o1er ti*e#$> 

As 6i++ 4e !is0sse! +ater, t&e on+3 ossi4+e re2erene t&at o0+! 4e onsi!ere! *ost o*+ete- ata gi1en ti*e is one t&at takes into ao0nt t&e +argest interating o4ser1ation S3ste*< tangi4+3re+e1ant# T&is is t&e nat0re o2 t&e a0se an! e22et s3nerg3 t&at 0n!ersores t&e technical basis 2or a tr0+3 s0staina4+e eono*3#

Natural &aw'Resource!(ased Econom)To!a3, 1ario0s ter*s e7ists to e7ress t&e genera+ +ogia+ 4asis 2or a *ore sienti2ia++3 oriente!&ocial &ystem in !i22erent ir+es, in+0!ing t&e tit+es Reso0re8ase! Eono*3- or Nat0ra+ La6Eono*3#- W&i+e t&ese tit+es are &istoria++3 re2erentia+ an! so*e6&at ar4itrar3 o1era++, t&e tit+e Nat0ra+ La6Reso0re8ase! Eono*3- NLRE< 6i++ 4e 0ti+i;e! &ere as t&e onet !esritorsine it &as t&e *ost onrete se*anti 4asis#$C

A Natural )aw2$esource-3ased +conomy  is to 4e !e2ine! as" An a!ati1e soio8eono*i s3ste*ati1e+3 !eri1e! 2ro* !iret &3sia+ re2erene to t&e go1erning sienti2i +a6s o2 nat0re#- 

O1era++, t&e o4ser1ation is t&at t&ro0g& t&e 0se o2 soia++3 targete! resear& an! teste!

0n!erstan!ings in Siene an! Te&no+og3, 6e are no6 a4+e to logically arrive at soieta+aroa&es 6&i& o0+! 4e ro2o0n!+3 *ore e22eti1e in *eeting t&e nee!s o2 t&e &0*ano0+ation# We are no6 a4+e to !ra*atia++3 inrease 04+i &ea+t&, 4etter reser1e t&e &a4itat,6&i+e a+so strategia++3 re!0e or e+i*inate *an3 o**on soia+ ro4+e*s resent to!a3 6&i&are sa!+3 onsi!ere! ina+tera4+e 43 *an3 !0e to t&eir 0+t0ra+ ersistene#

Sine t&e !a6n o2 sienti2i reognition, t&is genera+ reasoning is not&ing ne6 in gest0re an!1ario0s nota4+e in!i1i!0a+s an! organi;ations, ast an! resent, &a1e a++0!e! to s0& a sienti2ire8orientation o2 soiet3 on one +e1e+ or anot&er# Nota4+e e7a*+es are Te&nora3 In#, R#0k*inster F0++er, T&orstein Ve4+en, Ka50e Freso, )ar+ Sagan, H#G We++s, T&e Sing0+arit3Instit0te an! *an3 ot&ers#

Train of Thought

Like6ise, *an3 s0& 2ig0res or gro0s &a1e a+so 6orke! to reate te*ora++3 a!1ane!te&no+ogia+ a+iations, 6orking to a+3 0rrent ossi4i+ities to t&is  train of thought in or!er to

$= &tt"666#g+o4a+re!esigninstit0te#org$> See Part III 2or *ore on t&e s049et o2 Go1ern*ent- $C T&e ter* Reso0re8ase! Eono*3- an 4e +itera++3 interrete! as an eono*3 4ase! on reso0res# T&is &as

&istoria++3 !ra6n on20sion in t&at one o0+! arg0e t&at a++ eono*ies-, 43 !e2inition, are 4ase!- on reso0res-# T&eter* itse+2 a+so &as a strong assoiation to an organi;ation a++e! T&e Ven0s Pro9et 6&i& +ai*s to &a1e originate! t&eter* B i!ea, seeking at one ti*e to tra!e*ark t&e na*e &tt"t!r#0sto#go1sear&#ationQsn>>C'$(<# T&e Ter*

 Nat0ra+ La6Reso0re8ase! Eono*3- is onsi!ere! *ore o*+ete &ere not on+3 to a1oi! s0& ossi4+e assoiati1eon20sion 40t a+so 4ea0se o2 t&e *ore se*anti a0ra3 o2 t&e NLRE ter* itse+2, sine it *ore +ear+3 re2erenesNat0res P&3sia+ La6 S3ste* an! Proesses rat&er t&an 90st P+anetar3 Reso0res#

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ena4+e ne6 e22iienies an! ro4+e* so+1ing, s0& as Ka50e Fresos )it3 S3ste*s- $ or R#0k*inster F0++ers D3*a7ion Ho0se#'%

Jet, as o41io0s+3 i*ortant as t&is a+ie! engineering is, it is sti++ ritia+ to re*e*4er t&at a++sei2i te&no+ogia+ a+iations an only be transient  6&en t&e e1o+0tion o2 sienti2i kno6+e!ge

an! its e*erging te&no+ogia+ a+iations are taken into ao0nt# T&is *akes a++ 0rrenta+iations o2 te&no+og3 o4so+ete o1er ti*e#

T&ere2ore, 6&at is +e2t an on+3 4e a train of thought  6it& reset to t&e 0n!er+3ing a0sa+sienti2i rini+es#

TZM is &ene +o3a+ to t&is train of thought , not 2ig0res, instit0tions or te*ora+ te&no+ogia+a!1ane*ents# Rat&er t&an 2o++o6 a erson or !esign, TZM 2o++o6s t&is self-generating premise ofunderstanding an! it &ene oerates in a non8entra+i;e!, &o+ogra&i *anner, 6it& t&is t rain ofthought  as t&e origin o2 in2+0ene 2or ation#

Su*erstition to ScienceA nota4+e attern 6ort& *entioning is &o6 t&e e1o+0tion o2 *ankin!s 0n!erstan!ing o2 itse+2 an!

its &a4itat a+so ontin0es to e7an! a6a3 2ro* o+!er i!eas an! erseti1es 6&i& are no +ongers0orte! !0e to t&e onstant intro!0tion o2 ne6, s&e*a a+tering in2or*ation#

A 6ort&3 ke36or! to !enote &ere is superstition, 6&i&, in *an3 ir0*stanes, an 4e 1ie6e! asa ategor3 o2 4e+ie2 t&at one aeare! to 4e a!e50ate+3 s0orte! 43 e7erieneeretion 40tan no +onger 4e &e+! as 1ia4+e !0e to ne6, on2+iting !ata#

For e7a*+e, 6&i+e tra!itiona+ re+igio0s t&o0g&t *ig&t see* inreasing+3 i*+a0si4+e to *oreeo+e to!a3 t&an e1er in t&e West, !0e to t&e rai! gro6t& in in2or*ation an! genera+ +itera3'$,t&e roots o2 re+igio0s t&o0g&t an 4e trae! to erio!s 6&ere &0*ans o0+! 90sti23 t&e 1a+i!it3 an!a0ra3 o2 s0& 4e+ie2s gi1en t&e +i*ite! 0n!erstan!ing t&e3 &a! o2 t&eir en1iron*ent in t&oseear+3 ti*es#

T&is attern is aarent in a++ areas o2 0n!erstan!ing, in+0!ing *o!ern aa!e*ia-# E1en so8a++e! sienti2i- on+0sions 6&i&, again, 6it& t&e a!1ent o2 ne6 in2or*ation an! 0!ate! tests,o2ten annot 4e &e+! as 1a+i! an3*ore'', are sti++ o**on+3 !e2en!e! !0e to t&eir *ere in+0sionin t&e 0rrent cultural tradition'

S0& Esta4+is&e! Instit0tions-, as t&e3 o0+! 4e a++e!, o2ten 6is&  to *aintain er*anene !0e toreasons o2 ego, o6er, *arket ino*e or genera+ s3&o+ogia+ o*2ort# T&is ro4+e* is, in *an36a3s, at t&e ore o2 o0r soia+ ara+3sis#'( So, it is i*ortant to reogni;e t&is attern o2 transition

$ Ka50e Freso, The 3est That 4oney Can5t 3uy, G+o4a+ )34er1isions, '%%', )&ater $@'% &tt"en#6ikie!ia#org6ikiD3*a7ion&o0se'$ T&e in1erse re+ations&i o2 +itera3kno6+e!ge a0*0+ation to s0erstitio0s 4e+ie2 is +ear# Aor!ing to t&e Unite!

Nations Ara4 H0*an De1e+o*ent Reorts, +ess t&an ' o2 Ara4s &a1e aess to t&e Internet# Ara4s reresent @ o2t&e 6or+!s o0+ation an! 3et ro!0e on+3 $ o2 t&e 6or+!s 4ooks, *ost o2 t&e* re+igio0s# Aor!ing to resear&er

Sa* Harris" Sain trans+ates *ore 4ooks into Sanis& ea& 3ear t&an t&e entire Ara4 6or+! &as trans+ate! into Ara4isine t&e nint& ent0r3#- It is a7io*ati to ass0*e t&at t&e gro6t& o2 t&e Is+a*i Re+igion in Ara4 Nations is se0re! 43a re+ati1e +ak o2 o0tsi!e in2or*ation in t&ose soieties#

'' A No4e+ Pri;e 2or 6&at is kno6n as Lo4oto*3- 6as a6ar!e! to Port0g0ese ne0ro+ogist Egas Moni; in $?# To!a3, it isonsi!ere! a 4ar4ari an! ine22eti1e roe!0re# &tt"666#nr#orgte*+atesstor3stor3#&Qstor3I!?>?%%><

'( T&e 2inania+ s0ort in&erent+3 nee!e! in t&e eret0ation o2 a gi1en 40siness, 2or ro2it- or e1en so8a++e! not 2orro2it-, sets 0 a !issonane 4et6een t&e 40sinesss so+! ro!0t or ser1ie an! t&e at0a+ neessit3 or 1ia4i+it3 o2 t&atro!0t or ser1ie o1er ti*e# In 2at, t&e o4so+esene o2 an3 gi1en ro!0tser1ie, 6&i& i*+ies o2ten t&eo4so+esene o2 t&e ro!0ing 40siness or ororation, aears ine1ita4+e as ne6 te&nia+ a!1ane*ents e*erge# T&eonse50ene is a eret0a+ sti2+ing o2 ne6 i!easin1ention t&at 6i++ !ist0r4 or o1erri!e t&ose re8e7isting, or

 Esta4+is&e! Instit0tions-, res0+ting in a +oss o2 ino*e# A 0rsor3 g+ane at t&e state o2 te&no+ogia+ ossi4i+it3 to!a3,6&i+st a+so onsi!ering t&e 50estion as to 6&3 t&ose i*ro1e*ents are not i**e!iate+3 *a!e, i++0*inates t&eara+3;ing nat0re o2 ino*e re50iring instit0tions#

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an! rea+i;e &o6 ritia+ 4eing 10+nera4+e rea++3 is 6&en it o*es to 4e+ie2 s3ste*s, not to *entiono*ing to ter*s 6it& t&e 1er3 !angero0s &eno*enon o2 Esta4+is&e! Instit0tions- 6&i& are0+t0ra++3 rogra**e! to seek self-preservation rat&er t&an e1o+1e an! &ange#

Tradition to Emergence

T&e eret0a+ +as& 4et6een o0r cultural traditions an! o0r e1er gro6ing !ata4ase o2 emergentknowledge is at t&e ore o2 6&at !e2ines t&e ;eitgeist- as 6e kno6 it an! a +ongter* re1ie6 o2&istor3 s&o6s a s+o6 grin! o0t o2 s0erstitio0s 0+t0ra+ tra!itions an! ass0*tions o2 rea+it3 ast&e3 &ee! to o0r ne6+3 rea+i;e! 4en&*ark o2 e*ergent, scientific causality'

T&is is 6&at T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent reresents in its 4roa!est &i+oso&ia+ onte7t" A *o1e*ento2 t&e 0+t0ra+ ;eitgeist itse+2 into ne6, 1eri2ia4+e an! *ore oti*i;e! 0n!erstan!ings an!a+iations#

Hene, 6&i+e 6e ertain+3 &a1e 6itnesse! 1ast an! ae+erating &anges in !i22erent areas o2&0*an a6areness an! ratie, s0& as 6it& o0r 1ast *ateria+ te&no+og3, it aears o0r Social&ystem is sti++ +ong 4e&in!# Po+itia+ Pers0asion, Market Eono*is, La4or 2or Ino*e, Peret0a+

Ine50a+it3, Nation States, Lega+ Ass0*tions an! *an3 ot&er sta+es o2 o0r 0rrent soia+ or!erontin0e to 4e +arge+3 aete! as nor*a+it3 43 t&e 0rrent 0+t0re, 6it& +itt+e *ore t&an t&eirersistene t&ro0g& ti*e as e1i!ene o2 t&eir 1a+0e an! e*iria+ er*anene#

It is in t&is onte7t t&at TZM 2in!s its *ost 4roa! i*erati1e" )&anging t&e Soia+ S3ste*# Again,t&ere are *an3 ro4+e* so+1ing te&nia+ ossi4i+ities 2or ersona+ an! soia+ rogress to!a3 t&atontin0e to go 0nnotie! or *is0n!erstoo!#'? T&e en!ing o2 6ar, t&e reso+0tion o2 o1ert3, t&ereation o2 a *ateria+ a40n!ane 0nseen in &istor3 to *eet &0*an nee!s, t&e re*o1a+ o2 *ostri*e as 6e kno6 it, t&e e*o6er*ent o2 true personal freedom t&ro0g& t&e re*o1a+ o2oint+ess8*onotono0s +a4or, an! t&e reso+0tion o2 *an3 en1iron*enta+ t&reats, in+0!ing !iseases,are a 2e6 o2 t&e a+0+ate! ossi4i+ities 6e &a1e 6&en 6e take o0r technical reality  into ao0nt#

Ho6e1er, again, t&ese ossi4i+ities are not on+3 +arge+3 0nreogni;e!, t&e3 are a+so +itera++3

restricted  43 t&e 0rrent soia+ or!er 2or t&e i*+e*entation o2 s0& ro4+e*8so+1ing e22iien3an! roserit3 stan!s in !iret oosition to t&e 1er3 *e&anis o2 &o6 o0r soia+ s3ste* isoerating at t&e ore +e1e+#61 

T&ere2ore, 0nti+ t&e soia+ s3ste* tra!ition an! its res0+ting social values are &a++enge! an!0!ate! to resent !a3 0n!erstan!ings 0nti+ t&e *a9orit3 o2 t&e &0*an o0+ation 0n!erstan!st&e 4asi, 0n!er+3ing train of thought  te&nia++3 nee!e! to s0ort &0*an s0staina4i+it3 an! goo!04+i &ea+t&, as !eri1e! 2ro* t&e rigor o2 o49eti1e sienti2i in1estigation an! 1a+i!ation 0nti+*0& o2 t&e 4aggage o2 rior 2a+se ass0*tions, s0erstition, !i1isi1e +o3a+ties an! ot&er soia++30ns0staina4+e, on2+it generating, 0+t0ra+ &in!ranes are o1ero*e 8 a++ t&e +i2e i*ro1ing an!ro4+e* reso+1ing ossi4i+ities 6e no6 &a1e at &an! 6i++ re*ain +arge+3 !or*ant#

T&e rea+ re1o+0tion is t&e revolution of values# H0*an soiet3 aears ent0ries 4e&in! in t&e 6a3

it oerates an! &ene 6&at it 1a+0es# I2 6e 6is& to rogress an! so+1e t&e *o0nting ro4+e*s at&an! an!, in e22et, re1erse 6&at is an ae+erating !e+ine o2 o0r i1i+i;ation in *an3 6a3s, 6enee! to &ange t&e 6a3 6e t&ink a4o0t o0rse+1es an! &ene t&e 6or+! 6e in&a4it#

T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ents entra+ task is to 6ork to 4ring t&is 1a+0e s&i2t to +ig&t, 0ni23ing t&e&0*an 2a*i+3 6it& t&e 4asi erseti1e t&at 6e a++ s&are t&is s*a++ +anet an! 6e are a++ 4o0n!43 t&e sa*e nat0ra+ or!er +a6s, as rea+i;e! 43 t&e *et&o! o2 siene#T&is ommon ground  0n!erstan!ing e7ten!s *0& 2art&er t&an *an3 &a1e 0n!erstoo! in t&east# T&e s3*4iosis o2 t&e &0*an seies an! t&e s3nergisti re+ations&i o2 o0r +ae in t&e

'? Zeitne6s-, a siene an! te&no+og3 6e4site re+ate! to TZM is reo**en!e! &tt"666#;eitne6s#org<'@ See Part II 2or s0orting !etai+s regar!ing t&is state*ent#

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&3sia+ 6or+! on2ir*s t&at 6e are not searate entities in an3 reset an! t&at t&e ne6 soieta+a6akening *0st s&o6 a 6orking soia+ *o!e+ t&at is arrived at  2ro* t&is in&erent +ogi i2 6ee7et to s0r1i1e an! roser in t&e +ong ter*# We an a+ign or 6e an s022er# It is 0 to 0s#


 A+*ost e1er3 *a9or s3ste*ati error 6&i& &as !e+0!e! *en 2or t&o0san!s o2 3ears re+ie! on ratia+e7eriene# Horosoes, inantations, ora+es, *agi, 6it&ra2t, t&e 0res o2 6it& !otors an! o2 *e!ia+ratitioners 4e2ore t&e a!1ent o2 *o!ern *e!iine, 6ere a++ 2ir*+3 esta4+is&e! t&ro0g& t&e ent0ries in t&ee3es o2 t&e 04+i 43 t&eir s0ose! ratia+ s0esses# T&e sienti2i *et&o! 6as !e1ise! reise+3 2or t&e0rose o2 e+0i!ating t&e nat0re o2 t&ings 0n!er *ore are20++3 ontro++e! on!itions an! 43 *ore rigoro0s

riteria t&an are resent in t&e sit0ations reate! 43 ratia+ ro4+e*s#- '=

8Mi&ae+ Po+an3i

Genera++3 seaking, t&e e1o+0tion o2 &0*an 0n!erstan!ing an 4e seen as a *o1e 2ro* surfaceobservations, roesse! 43 o0r +i*ite! 2i1e &3sia+ senses, int0iti1e+3- 2i+tere! t&ro0g& t&ee!0ationa+ 2ra*e6ork B 1a+0e &arateristis o2 t&at erio! o2 ti*e 8 to a *et&o! o2 o49eti1e

*eas0ring an! se+28a!1aning *et&o!s o2 ana+3sis 6&i& 6ork to arrive at or a+0+ate< on+0sions t&ro0g& testing an! retesting roo2s, seeking 1a+i!ation t&ro0g& t&e benchmark  o2scientific causality 7 a a0sa+it3 t&at aears to o*rise t&e &3sia+ &arateristis o2 6&at 6ea++ Nat0re- itse+2#

T&e Nat0ra+ La6s- o2 o0r 6or+! e7ist 6&et&er 6e &oose to reogni;e t&e* or not# T&ese in&erentr0+es o2 o0r 0ni1erse 6ere aro0n! +ong 4e2ore &0*an 4eings e1o+1e! a o*re&ension toreogni;e t&e* an! 6&i+e 6e an !e4ate as to e7at+3 &o6 a0rate o0r interretation o2 t&ese+a6s rea++3 is at t&is stage o2 o0r inte++et0a+ e1o+0tion, t&ere is eno0g& rein2oring e1i!ene tos&o6 t&at 6e are, in!ee!, 4o0n! 43 stati 2ores t&at &a1e an in&erent, *eas0ra4+e, !eter*ining+ogi#

T&e 1ast !e1e+o*ents an! re!iti1e integrit3 2o0n! in *at&e*atis, &3sis, 4io+og3 an! ot&ersienti2i !isi+ines ro1es t&at 6e as a seies are s+o6+3 0n!erstan!ing t&e roesses o2 nature an! o0r gro6ing in1enti1e aait3 to e*0+ate, aent0ate or reress s0& nat0ra+ roesseson2ir*s o0r rogress in 0n!erstan!ing it# T&e 6or+! aro0n! 0s to!a3, o1er2+o6ing 6it& *ateria+te&no+og3 an! +i2e8a+tering in1entions, is a testa*ent as to t&e integrit3 o2 t&e Sienti2i Proessan! 6&at it is aa4+e o2#

Un+ike &istoria+ tra!itions, 6&ere a ertain stasis e7ists 6it& 6&at eo+e 4e+ie1e, as is sti++o**on in re+igio0s t3e !og*a to!a3, t&is reognition o2 Nat0ra+ La6- in+0!es &arateristis6&i& !ee+3 &a++enge t&e ass0*e! sta4i+it3 o2 4e+ie2s 6&i& *an3 &o+! sare!# As 6i++ 4ee7an!e! 0on +ater in t&is essa3 in t&e onte7t o2 E*ergene-, t&e 2at is, t&ere si*+3 annote7ist a sing0+ar or stati inte++et0a+ on+0sion 6it& reset to o0r eretion an! kno6+e!gee7et, ara!o7ia++3, 6it& regar! to t&at 1er3 0n!er+3ing attern o2 0nertaint3 regar!ing s0&

&ange an! a!atation itse+2#

T&is is art o2 6&at o0+! 4e a++e! a scientific worldview # It is one t&ing to iso+ate t&e te&ni50eso2 sienti2i e1a+0ation 2or se+et interests, s0& as t&e +ogi 6e *ig&t 0se in assessing an! testingt&e str0t0ra+ integrit3 o2 a &o0se !esign 6e *ig&t 40i+!, an! anot&er 6&en t&e 0ni1ersa+ integrit3o2 s0& &3sia++3 roote!, a0sa+ reasoning an! 1a+i!ation *et&o!s are a+ie! to a++ asets o2o0r +i1es#

A+4ert Einstein one sai! T&e 20rt&er t&e sirit0a+ e1o+0tion o2 *ankin! a!1anes, t&e *ore

'= &tt"666#to!a3insi#o*0otations)ategoriesS)atSienti2iMet&o!80otations#&t* 

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ertain it see*s to *e t&at t&e at& to gen0ine re+igiosit3 !oes not +ie t&ro0g& t&e 2ear o2 +i2e, an!t&e 2ear o2 !eat&, an! 4+in! 2ait&, 40t t&ro0g& stri1ing a2ter rationa+ kno6+e!ge- '>#

W&i+e 3nis o2 Siene o2ten 6ork to re!0e its integrit3 to 3et anot&er 2or* o2 re+igio0s 2ait&-,!e*ean its a0ra3 as o+!- or 6it&o0t sirit0a+it3- or e1en &ig&+ig&t onse50enes o2 a+ie!

te&no+og3 2or t&e 6orst, s0& as 6it& t&e reation o2 t&e Ato*i o*4 6&i&, in at0a+it3, is anin!iation o2 a !istortion o2 human values rat&er t&an engineering<, t&ere is no ignoring t&einre!i4+e o6er t&is aroa& to 0n!erstan!ing an! &arnessing rea+it3 &as a22or!e! t&e &0*anrae# No ot&er i!eo+og3- an o*e +ose in *at&ing t&e re!iti1e an! 0ti+itarian 4ene2its t&is*et&o! o2 reasoning &as ro1i!e!#

Ho6e1er, t&at is not to sa3 ati1e 0+t0ra+ !enia+ o2 t&is re+e1ane is not sti++ 6i!esrea! in t&e6or+! to!a3# For e7a*+e, 6&en it o*es to T&eisti e+ie2, t&ere is o2ten a !i1isi1e ten!en3 t&at6is&es to e+e1ate t&e &0*an 4eing a4o1e s0& *ere *e&anis- o2 t&e &3sia+ rea+it3# T&ei*+ie! ass0*tion &ere is 0s0a++3 t&at 6e &0*ans are *ore seia+- 2or so*e reason an!er&as t&ere are 2ores, s0& as an inter1ening Go!-, t&at an o1erri!e s0& Nat0ra+ La6s at6i++, *aking t&e* +ess i*ortant t&an, sa3, ongoing o4e!iene to Go!s 6is&es, et#

Sa!+3, t&ere sti++ e7ists a great &0*an oneit in t&e 0+t0re 6&i& ass0*es, 6it& no 1eri2ia4+ee1i!ene, t&at &0*ans are searate 2ro* a++ ot&er &eno*ena an! to onsi!er o0rse+1esonnete! or e1en a ro!0t o2 nat0ra+, sienti2i 2ores is to !e*ean &0*an +i2e#

)on0rrent+3, t&ere is a+so a ten!en3 2or 6&at so*e a++ Meta*agia+- 'C t&inking 6&i& o0+! 4eonsi!ere! a s&i;ot3a+ kin! o2 ersona+it3 !isor!er 6&ere 2antas3 an! *i+! !e+0sion &e+srein2ore 2a+se ass0*tions o2 a0sa+it3 on t&e 6or+!, ne1er &arnessing t&e 20++ rigor o2 T&eSienti2i Met&o!'# Siene re50ires testing an! reeat re+iation o2 a res0+t 2or it to 4e 1a+i!ate!an! *an3 4e+ie2s o2 see*ing+3 nor*a+- eo+e to!a3 e7ist 2ar o0tsi!e t&is re50ire*ent# Aart2ro* tra!itiona+ re+igions, t&e onet o2 Ne6 Age- (% is a+so o**on+3 assoiate! 6it& t&is t3e o2s0erstitio0s t&o0g&t# W&i+e it is e7tre*e+3 i*ortant t&at 6e as a soiet3 are a6are o2 t&e0nertaint3 o2 o0r on+0sions in genera+ an! &ene *0st kee a reati1e, oen *in! to a++

ost0+ations, t&e 1a+i!ation o2 t&ose ost0+ations an on+3 o*e t&ro0g& *eas0ra4+e onsisten3,not 6is&20+ t&inking or esoteri 2asination#

S0& 0n1a+i!ate! i!eas an! ass0*tions ose a 2ra*e o2 re2erene t&at is o2ten se0re! 43 Fait&- ($ not Reason, an! it is !i22i0+t to arg0e t&e *erit o2 Fait& 6it& an3one sine t&e r0+es o2Fait& in&erent+3 re20se arg0*ent itse+2# T&is is art o2 t&e 50an!ar3 6it&in 6&i& &0*an soiet3e7ists in to!a3" Do 6e si*+3 4e+ie1e 6&at 6e &a1e 4een tra!itiona++3 ta0g&t 43 o0r 0+t0re or !o6e 50estion an! test t&ose 4e+ie2s against t&e &3sia+ rea+it3 aro0n! 0s to see i2 t&e3 &o+! tr0eQ

Siene is +ear+3 onerne! 6it& t&e +atter an! &o+!s not&ing sare!, a+6a3s rea!3 to orret rior2a+se on+0sions 6&en ne6 in2or*ation arises# To take s0& an in&erent+3 0nertain 8 3et sti++e7tre*e+3 1ia4+e an! ro!0ti1e aroa& to ones !a3 to !a3 1ie6 o2 t&e 6or+! 8 re50ires a 1er3!i22erent sensiti1it3 : one t&at e*4o!ies vulnerability , not ertaint3#

In t&e 6or!s o2 Pro2# Frank L# H# Wo+2s Deart*ent o2 P&3sis an! Astrono*3, Uni1ersit3 o2

'> 0ote! in" .ll the 8uestions 9ou +ver :anted to .sk .merican .theists, 43 Ma!a+3n M0rra3 OHair, A*er At&eist Press,$C=

'C Stan2or! Uni1ersit3 e&a1iora+ io+og3 Pro2essor, Dr# Ro4ert Sao+sk3 is +ike+3 *ost nota4+e 6it& &is 0se o2 t&e ter* MetaMagia+-# His 6ork is reo**en!e!" &tt"4enat+as#o*'%%$'ro4ert8sao+sk38on8*eta*agia+8s&i;ot3a+8t&inking

' See Aen!i7 2or an Introduction to The &cientific 4ethod (% T&e ter* Ne6 Age is genera++3 !e2ine! as A 4roa! *o1e*ent &arateri;e! 43 a+ternati1e aroa&es to tra!itiona+

Western 0+t0re, 6it& an interest in sirit0a+it3, *3stiis*###- ($ )ar+ Sagan 6as *ost 2a*o0s 2or on2ir*ing t&e !e2inition o2 Fait& as e+ie2 6it&o0t E1i!ene- #

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Ro&ester, NJ< 6&ose Intro!0tion to T&e Sienti2i Met&o!- is rero!0e! in Aen!i7 o2 t&iste7t 2or re2erene" It is o2ten sai! in siene t&at t&eories an ne1er 4e ro1e!, on+3 !isro1e!#T&ere is a+6a3s t&e ossi4i+it3 t&at a ne6 o4ser1ation or a ne6 e7eri*ent 6i++ on2+it 6it& a+ong8stan!ing t&eor3#- (' 

EmergenceAt t&e &eart o2 T&e Sienti2i Met&o! is sketiis* an! 10+nera4i+it3# Siene is intereste! in t&eclosest approximation to the truth it an 2in! an! i2 t&ere is an3t&ing Siene reogni;es e7+iit+3,it is t&at 1irt0a++3 e1er3t&ing 6e kno6 6i++ 4e re1ise! o1er ti*e as ne6 in2or*ation arises#

Like6ise, 6&at *ig&t see* 2ar82et&e!, i*ossi4+e or e1en s0erstitio0s- 0on its 2irst0+*ination, *ig&t ro1e to 4e a 0se20+, 1ia4+e 0n!erstan!ing in t&e 20t0re one 1a+i!ate! 2orintegrit3# T&e i*+iation o2 t&is onstit0tes an +mergence of Thought  : an E*ergene o2 Tr0t&-,i2 3o0 6i++# A 0rsor3 e7a*ination o2 Histor3 s&o6s an e1er8&anging range o2 4e&a1iors an!raties 4ase! 0on e1er 0!ating kno6+e!ge an! t&is &0*4+ing reognition is ritia+ 2or &0*anrogress#


A 'n! oint !ee+3 &arateristi o2 t&e Sienti2i Wor+!1ie6 6ort& 4ringing 0 in t&is regar! &as to!o 6it& t&e &ymbiotic nat0re o2 t&ings as 6e kno6 t&e*# Large+3 !is*isse! as o**on sense-to!a3 43 *an3, t&is 0n!erstan!ing &o+!s ro2o0n! re1e+ations 2or t&e 6a3 6e t&ink a4o0to0rse+1es, o0r 4e+ie2s an! o0r on!0t#

T&e ter* S3*4ioti- is t3ia++3 0se! in t&e onte7t o2 inter!een!ent re+ations&is 4et6een4io+ogia+ seies#(( Ho6e1er o0r onte7t o2 t&e 6or! is *ore 4roa!, re+ating to t&einterdependent  relationship of everything# W&i+e ear+3, int0iti1e 1ie6s o2 nat0ra+ &eno*ena *ig&t&a1e +ooke! 0on, sa3, t&e *ani2estation o2 a Tree as an in!een!ent entit3, see*ing+3 se+28ontaine! in its i++0sion o2 searation, t&e tr0t& o2 t&e *atter is t&at t&e Trees +i2e is entire+3!een!ent on see*ing+3 e7terna+- in0t- 2ores 2or its 1er3 0+*ination an! e7istene# (?

T&e 6ater, s0n+ig&t, n0trients an! ot&er nee!e! interati1e e7terna+- attri40tes to 2ai+itate t&e!e1e+o*ent o2 a Tree- is an e7a*+e o2 a symbiotic  re+ations&i# Ho6e1er, t&e soe o2 t&iss3*4iosis &as 4eo*e *0& *ore re1ea+ing t&an 6e &a1e e1er kno6n in t&e ast an! it aearst&e *ore 6e +earn a4o0t t&e !3na*is o2 o0r 0ni1erse, t&e *ore i**0ta4+e its inter!een!ene#

T&e 4est onet to e*4o!3 t&is notion is t&at o2 a S3ste*- (@# T&e ter* Tree- is rea++3 are2erene to a perceived  S3ste*# T&e Root-, Tr0nk-, ran&es-, Lea1es- an! ot&er s0&attri40tes o2 t&at Tree o0+! 4e a++e! S048S3ste*s-# Jet, t&e Tree- itse+2 is also a s048s3ste*, ito0+! 4e sai!, o2, er&as, a Forest-, 6&i& itse+2 is a s048s3ste* o2 ot&er +arger, eno*assing&eno*ena s0& as an Eos3ste*-# S0& a !istintion *ig&t see* tri1ia+ to *an3 40t t&e 2at is,a great 2ai+0re o2 &0*an 0+t0re &as 4een not to 20++3 reset t&e soe o2 t&e Eart& S3ste*- an!&o6 ea& s048s3ste* +a3s a re+e1ant ro+e#

T&e ter* )ategoria+ S3ste*s! ; o0+! 4e 0se! &ere to !esri4e all systems, see*ing+3 s*a++ or+arge, 4ea0se s0& +ang0age !istintions are 0+ti*ate+3 ar4itrar3# T&ese erei1e! s3ste*s an!

(' &tt"tea&er#nsr+#ro&ester#e!0"C%C%&3+a4sAen!i7EAen!i7E#&t*+ (( &tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6ses3*4ioti(? T&e Ter* E7terna+- in t&is onte7t is 2ra*e! as re+ati1e to a erei1e! o49et# T&e 4roa!er oint &ere is t&at t&ere is

no s0& t&ing as e7terna+- or interna+- in t&e onte7t o2 +arger or!er s3ste*s#(@ A S3ste*- is !e2ine! as" a set o2 t&ings 6orking toget&er as arts o2 a *e&anis* or an interonneting net6ork#- It

is 6ort& noting 0 2ront t&e i*ortane o2 t&is onet as t&e re+e1ane o2 t&e S3ste*- or S3ste*s T&eor3- 6i++ 4e aret0rning t&e*e 6it& reset to 6&at 2ra*e o2 re2erene at0a++3 s0orts tr0e &0*an s0staina4i+it3 in o0r &a4itat#

(= T&is Ter* is a 1ariation on t&e *ore o**on notion o2 )ategoria+ T&inking- 6&i& is t&inking 43 assigning eo+e ort&ings to ategories an! t&en 0sing t&e ategories as t&o0g& t&e3 reresente! so*et&ing in t&e rea+ 6or+!#

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t&e 6or!s 0se! to re2erene t&e* are si*+3 &0*an on1enienes 2or o**0niation# T&e 2at is,t&ere aears to 4e on+3 one ossi4+e s3ste*, as organi;e! 43 Nat0ra+ La6, 6&i& an 4e+egiti*ate+3 re2erene! sine all t&e s3ste*s 6e erei1e an! ategori;e to!a3 an on+3 4e s048s3ste*s# We si*+3 annot 2in! a tr0+3 +ose! s3ste* an36&ere# E1en t&e Eart& S3ste*-, 6&i&int0iti1e+3 aears a0tono*o0s, 6it& t&e Eart& 2+oating a4o0t t&e 1oi! o2 sae, is entire+3 re+iant

on t&e S0n, t&e Moon an! +ike+3 *an3, *an3 ot&er s3*4ioti 2ators 6e &a1e 3et to e1en0n!erstan! 2or its !e2ining &arateristis#

In ot&er 6or!s, 6&en 6e onsi!er t&e interations t&at +ink t&ese erei1e! )ategoria+ S3ste*s!toget&er, 6e 2in! a connection of everything an!, on a soieta+ +e1e+, t&is s3ste* interation0n!erstan!ing is at t&e 2o0n!ation o2 +ike+3 t&e *ost 1ia4+e erseti1e 2or tr0e &0*ans0staina4i+it3(># T&e &0*an 4eing, +ike t&e tree or t&e eart&, again int0iti1e+3 appears se+28ontaine!# Jet, 6it&o0t, 2or e7a*+e, o73gen to 4reat&e, 6e 6i++ not s0r1i1e# T&is *eans t&ehuman system re50ires interation 6it& an atmospheric system an! &ene a s3ste* o2 o73genro!0tion an! sine t&e roess o2 &otos3nt&esis ao0nts 2or t&e *a9orit3 o2 t&e at*os&erio73gen 6e 4reat&e, it is to o0r a!1antage to 4e a6are o2 6&at a22ets t&is arti0+ar s3ste*, an!6ork to &ar*oni;e o0r soia+ raties 6it& it#

W&en 6e 6itness, sa3, o++0tion o2 t&e oeans or t&e rai! !e2orestation o2 t&e Eart&, 6e o2ten2orget &o6 i*ortant s0& &eno*ena rea++3 are to t&e integrit3 o2 t&e human system# In 2at,t&ere are so *an3 e7a*+es o2 en1iron*enta+ !ist0r4anes eret0ate! 43 o0r seies to!a3 !0eto a tr0nate! a6areness o2 t&is s3*4ioti a0se an! e22et t&at +inks a++ kno6n ategoria+s3ste*s, 1o+0*es o0+! 4e !e!iate! to t&e risis# T&e 2ai+0re to reogni;e t&is S3*4iosis- is a20n!a*enta+ ro4+e* an! one t&is "rinciple of Interacting &ystems< is 20++3 0n!erstoo!, *an3 o2o0r *ost o**on raties to!a3 6i++ +ike+3 aear gross+3 ignorant an! !angero0s in 20t0re&in!sig&t#

Sustainale (eliefsT&is 4rings 0s to t&e +e1e+ o2 T&o0g&t an! Un!erstan!ing itse+2# As note! rior, t&e 1er3 +ang0ages3ste* 6e 0se iso+ates an! organi;es e+e*ents o2 o0r 6or+! 2or genera+ o*re&ension# Lang0age

itse+2 is a s3ste* 4ase! 0on ategoria+ !istintions 6&i& 6e assoiate to o0r erei1e! rea+it3#Ho6e1er, as nee!e! as s0& a *o!e o2 i!enti2iation an! organi;ation is to t&e &0*an *in!, ita+so in&erent+3 i*+ies a 2a+se !i1ision#

Gi1en t&at 2o0n!ation, it is eas3 to se0+ate as to &o6 6e &a1e gro6n so a0sto*e! to t&inkingan! ating in in&erent+3 !i1isi1e 6a3s an! 6&3 t&e &istor3 o2 &0*an soiet3 &as 4een a &istor3 o2i*4a+ane an! on2+it#( It is on t&is +e1e+ t&at s0& P&3sia+ S3ste*s 6e &a1e !is0sse! o*einto re+e1ane 6it& e+ie2T&o0g&t S3ste*s#?%

W&i+e t&e notion o2 s0staina4i+it3- *ig&t 4e t3ia++3 assoiate! 6it& te&nia+ roesses, eo8t&eor3 an! engineering to!a3, 6e o2ten 2orget t&at o0r values and beliefs ree!e a++ s0&te&nia+ a+iations# T&ere2ore, 6e nee! o0r 0+t0ra+ orientation to 4e s0staina4+e to 4egin 6it&an! &ene 6e nee! s0staina4+e 1a+0es an! 4e+ie2s an! t&at a6areness an on+3 o*e 2ro* a 1a+i!

reognition o2 t&e +a6s o2 nat0re to 6&i& 6e are 4o0n!#

(> To 4e e7an!e! 0on in greater !etai+ in Part ( o2 t&is te7t#(C See Aen!i7 A, Voa40+ar3 List( T&e Neo+it&i Re1o+0tion is a nota4+e *arker 2or a !ra*ati &ange in soia+ oeration an! &0*an re+ations&is as

i1i+i;ation 6ent 2ro* 2oraging an! &0nting : +i1ing in s04ser1iene to nat0ra+ roesses : to a ro2o0n! a4i+it3 toontro+ agri0+t0re 2or 2oo! an! reate too+s*a&ines to ease &0*an +a4or# It o0+! 4e arg0e! t&at &0*an soiet3 &asnot 4een *at0re eno0g& to &an!+e t&is a4i+it3 an! t&e eret0ation o2 2ear an! sarit3 +e! to &oar!ing, ri1ati;ation,nation gangs- an! ot&er !i1isi1e ten!enies 2or gro0 se+28reser1ation on 1ario0s +e1e+s#

?% For &i+oso&ia+ +arit3, it o0+! 4e arg0e! t&at a++ o0to*es o2 &0*an eretions are ro9ete! : e1en t&e +a6s o2nat0re t&e*se+1es# Ho6e1er, t&is !oesnt &ange t&e e22ia3 t&at &as 4een seen 6it& reset to t&e i**ense ontro+an! 0n!erstan!ing 6e &a1e t&ro0g& t&e *et&o! o2 siene#

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)an 6e *eas0re t&e integrit3 o2 a e+ie2 S3ste*Q Jes# We an *eas0re it 43 &o6 6e++ itsrini+es a+ign 6it& Sienti2i )a0sa+it3, 4ase! 0on t&e feedback  res0+ting# I2 6e 6ere too*are o0to*es o2 !i22ering 4e+ie2 s3ste*s seeking a o**on en!,?$ &o6 6e++ t&oseerseti1es ao*+is& t&is en! an 4e *eas0re! an! &ene t&ese s3ste*s an t&en 4e 50a+i2ie!an! ranke! against ea& ot&er#

As 6i++ 4e e7+ore! in !etai+ +ater in t&is 6ork, t&e entra+ 4e+ie2 s3ste* o*arison &ere is4et6een t&e Monetar38Market Eono*3- an! t&e a2ore*entione! Nat0ra+ La6Reso0re8ase!Eono*3#- At t&e ore o2 t&ese s3ste*s is essentia++3 a on2+iting 4e+ie2 a4o0t a0sa+it3 an!ossi4i+it3 an! t&e rea!er is &a++enge! &ere to *ake o49eti1e 90!g*ents a4o0t &o6 6e++ ea&erseti1e at0a++3 ao*+is&es o**on en! &0*an goa+s#

T&at note! an! in t&e onte7t o2 t&is essa3, sei2ia++3 t&e oints a4o0t E*ergene B S3*4iosis,it o0+! 4e genera+i;e! t&at an3 e+ie2 S3ste* t&at a< !oes not &a1e 40i+t into it t&e a++o6ane 2ort&at entire 4e+ie2 s3ste* itse+2 to 4e a+tere! or e1en *a!e o*+ete+3 o4so+ete !0e to ne6in2or*ation, is an 0ns0staina4+e 4e+ie2 s3ste* an! 4< an3 4e+ie2 s3ste* t&at s0orts iso+ationan! !i1ision, s0orting t&e integrit3 o2 one seg*ent or gro0 o1er anot&er is an 0ns0staina4+e4e+ie2 s3ste*#

Soio+ogia++3, &a1ing a Sienti2i Wor+! Vie6 *eans 4eing 6i++ing an! a4+e to a!at 4ot& as anin!i1i!0a+ an! a i1i+i;ation 6&en ne6 a6arenesses an! aroa&es e*erge t&at an 4etter so+1ero4+e*s an! 20rt&er roserit3# T&is 6or+!1ie6 +ike+3 *arks t&e greatest s&i2t in &0*ano*re&ension in &istor3# E1er3 *o!ern on1eniene 6e take 2or grante! is a res0+t o2 t&is*et&o! 6&et&er reogni;e! or not as t&e in&erent, se+28generating, *e&anisti +ogi is 2o0n! to4e 0ni1ersa++3 a+ia4+e to a++ kno6n &eno*ena#

W&i+e *an3 in t&e 6or+! sti++ attri40te a0sa+it3 to go!s, !e*ons, sirits an! ot&er non8*eas0ra4+e 2ait&- 4ase! 1ie6s, a ne6 erio! o2 reason aears to 4e on t&e &ori;on 6&ere t&ee*erging sienti2i 0n!erstan!ing o2 o0rse+1es an! o0r &a4itat is &a++enging t&e tra!itiona+,esta4+is&e! 2ra*e6ork 6e &a1e in&erite! 2ro* o0r +ess in2or*e! anestors#

No +onger is t&e te&nia+- ?' orientation o2 siene !e*eane! to *ere ga!gets an! too+s : t&etr0e *essage o2 t&is Wor+!1ie6 is a4o0t t&e 1er3 &i+oso&3 43 6&i& 6e are to orient o0r +i1es,1a+0es an! soia+ instit0tions#

As 6i++ 4e arg0e! in ot&er essa3s, t&e Soia+ S3ste*, its Eono*i Pre*ise a+ong 6it& its Lega+ BPo+itia+ str0t0re &as 4eo*e +arge+3 a on!ition o2 2ait&- in t&e *anner it is no6 eret0ate!#T&e Monetar3 S3ste* o2 eono*3, 2or e7a*+e, is arg0e! to 4e 4ase! on +itt+e *ore t&an a set o2no6 o0t!ate!, inreasing+3 ine22iient ass0*tions, no !i22erent t&an &o6 ear+3 &0*ans 2a+se+3ass0*e! t&e 6or+! 6as 2+at, !e*ons a0se! sikness, or t&at t&e onste++ations in t&e sk3 6ere2i7e!, stati, t6o8!i*ensiona+, taestr38+ike onstr0ts# T&ere are enor*o0s ara++e+s to 4e 2o0n!6it& tra!itiona+ re+igio0s 2ait& an! t&e esta4+is&e!, 0+t0ra+ instit0tions 6e ass0*e to 4e 1a+i! an! nor*a+- to!a3#

?$ T&e notion o2 t&e o**on en!- or o**on gro0n!- 6i++ 4e reeate! in t&is te7t an! it is a ritia+ a6areness toa1erage t&e nee!s, intents an! onse50enes o2 t&e &0*an 4eing# A entra+ re*ise o2 TZMs a!1oation is t&at &0*an4eings are *ore a+ike t&an t&e3 are !i22erent as 6e s&are t&e sa*e 4asi 50anti2ia4+e nee!s an! reations# In *an36a3s t&is is t&e 0ni23ing attri40te t&at o0+! o*rise 6&at is a++e! H0*an Nat0re- an!, as 6i++ 4e !esri4e! *ore soin +ater essa3s, &0*an 4eings in!ee! &a1e s&are!, re!ita4+e, o**on reations to ositi1e an! negati1e in2+0enes4ot& s3&o+ogia+ an! &3sio+ogia+# T&ere2ore, t&e inte++igent, &0*ane organi;ation o2 a soiet3 is re50ire! to taket&is into ao0nt !iret+3 2or t&e sake o2 04+i &ea+t& : so*et&ing t&e 0rrent *onetar38*arket s3ste* !oes not !o#

?' As 6i++ 4e ro+i2i in t&is te7t, t&e ter* Te&nia+-, 6&i+e 1irt0a++3 s3non3*o0s 6it& Sienti2i-, is e*+o3e! to 4ettere7ress t&e causal nature o2 a++ e7isting &eno*ena : e1en in+0!ing &0*an 4e&a1ior an! s3&o+og3soio+og3 itse+2#A entra+ re*ise o2 TZMs a!1oation is t&at ro4+e* reso+0tion an! t&e *ani2estation o2 otentia+ is a te&nia+-e1a+0ation an! t&is aroa&, 4eing a+ie! to a++ soieta+ attri40tes, is at t&e ore o2 t&e ne6 soia+ *o!e+ a!1oate!#

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K0st as T&e )&0r& in t&e Mi!!+e Ages &e+! a4so+0te o6er in E0roe, ro*oting +o3a+ties an!rit0a+s 6&i& *ost 6o0+! 2in! a4s0r! or e1en insane to!a3, t&ose a n0*4er o2 generations 2ro*no6 6i++ +ike+3 +ook 4ak at t&e esta4+is&e! raties o2 o0r 0rrent ti*e an! t&ink t&e e7at sa*et&ing#

XSee Aen!i7 6&i& 20rt&er e7+ains t&e T&e Sienti2i Met&o!"


 A ne6 t3e o2 t&inking is essentia+ i2 *ankin! is to s0r1i1e an! *o1e to6ar! &ig&er +e1e+s#- ?( : A+4ert Einstein

A entra+ onsi!eration in&erent to TZMs erseti1e on soieta+ &ange 2or t&e 4etter regar!s0n!erstan!ing Progress- itse+2# T&ere aear to 4e t6o 4asi ang+es to onsi!er 6&en it o*es toersona+ or soia+ rogress" 4anifesting "otential  an! "roblem $esolution#

Potential - Resolution

4anifesting "otential  is si*+3 t&e i*ro1e*ent o2 a on!ition 6&i& 6as not onsi!ere! rior to4e in a ro4+e*ati state# An e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&e a4i+it3 to i*ro1e &0*an at&+eti er2or*anein a arti0+ar 2ie+! t&ro0g& targete! strengt&ening, !iet an! re2ining te&ni50es an! ot&er *eans6&i& 6ere si*+3 not kno6n 4e2ore#

"roblem $esolution, on t&e ot&er &an!, is t&e o1ero*ing o2 an iss0e t&at &as 0rrent+3reogni;e! !etri*enta+ onse50enes an!or +i*itations to a gi1en a22air# A genera+ e7a*+e 6o0+!4e t&e !iso1er3 o2 a *e!ia+ 0re 2or an e7isting, !e4i+itating !isease so t&at sai! !isease no+onger oses &ar*#

Ho6e1er, taken in t&e 4roa! 1ie6, t&ere is a !istint o1er+a 6it& t&ese t6o notions 6&en t&enat0re o2 kno6+e!ge !e1e+o*ent is taken into ao0nt# For e7a*+e, an i*ro1e*ent- to a

gi1en on!ition, a ratie t&at t&en 4eo*es nor*a+i;e! an! o**on in t&e 0+t0re, an a+sootentia++3 4e art o2 a ro4+e*- in t&e sa*e onte7t, 6&i& re50ires reso+0tion in t&e e1ent t&atne6 in2or*ation as to its ine22iien3 is 2o0n! or ne6 a!1ane*ents *ake it o4so+ete ino*arison#

For e7a*+e, &0*an air transortation, 6&i& is 2air+3 ne6 in soiet3, e7an!e! transorte22iien3 great+3 0on its a+iation# Ho6e1er, at 6&at oint 6i++ *o!ern air transort 4e seen*ore as a ro4+e*- !0e to its in&erent ine22iien3 in o*arison to anot&er *et&o!Q?? So,e22iien3 is re+ati1e in t&is sense as on+3 6&en t&ere is an e7ansion o2 kno6+e!ge t&at 6&at 6asone onsi!ere! t&e 4est- aroa& 4eo*es in2erior-#

T&is see*ing+3 a4strat oint is 4ro0g&t 0 to o**0niate t&e si*+e 2at t&at e1er3 sing+eratie 6e onsi!er nor*a+ to!a3 &as built into it  an ine1ita4+e ine22iien3 6&i&, 0on ne6

!e1e+o*ents in siene an! te&no+og3, 6i++ +ike+3 ro!0e a ro4+e*- at so*e oint in t&e20t0re 6&en o*are! to ne6er, e*erging otentia+s# T&is is t&e nat0re o2 &ange an! i2 t&esienti2i atterns o2 &istor3 re2+et an3t&ing, it is t&at kno6+e!ge an! its a+iations ontin0e toe1o+1e an! i*ro1e, genera++3 seaking#

So, 4ak to t&e see*ing+3 searate iss0es o2 4anifesting "otential = "roblem $esolution, it an&ene 4e !e!0e! t&at a++ ro4+e* reso+0tions are a+so ats o2 *ani2esting otentia+ an! 1ie

?( Fro*  .tomic +ducation >rged by +instein, Ne6 Jork Ti*es , Ma3 '@t& $?=?? A nota4+e *o!ern e7a*+e is ne6 transort te&no+og3 s0& as Mag+e1- transort t&at 0ses +ess energ3 an! *o1es

s04stantia++3 2aster t&an o**eria+ air+ines &tt"666#et(#o*

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T&is a+so *eans t&at t&e at0a+ tools 0se! 43 soiet3 2or a gi1en 0rose are a+6a3s transient#W&et&er it is t&e *e!i0* o2 transortation, *e!ia+ raties, energ3 ro!0tion, t&e soia+s3ste* : et#?@ T&ese raties are a++ *ani2estreso+0tions 6it& reset to &0*an neessit3 an!

e22iien3, 4ase! 0on t&e transient state o2 0n!erstan!ing 6e &a1e&a! at t&e ti*e o2 t&eirreatione1o+0tion#

Root Pur*ose - Root Cause

T&ere2ore, 6&en it o*es to t&inking a4o0t an3 at o2 in1ention or ro4+e* so+1ing, 6e *0st getas +ose to t&e $oot "urpose ?4anifest@ or t&e $oot Cause ?"roblem@ as ossi4+e, reseti1e+3, to*ake t&e *ost a0rate assess*ent 2or ation# K0st as too+s an! te&ni50es 2or otentia+ are on+3as 1ia4+e as t&e 0n!erstan!ing o2 t&eir 2o0n!ationa+ 0rose, ations to6ar! ro4+e* reso+0tionare on+3 as goo! as t&e 0n!erstan!ing o2 t&e root a0se# T&is *ig&t see* o41io0s, 40t t&isonet is !e1oi! in *an3 areas o2 t&o0g&t in t&e 6or+! to!a3, especially when it comes tosociety' Rat&er t&an 0rs0ing s0& a 2o0s, *ost soia+ !eisions are 4ase! aro0n! traditional  customs t&at &a1e in&erent +i*its#

A si*+e e7a*+e o2 t&is is t&e 0rrent *et&o! o2 &0*an inareration 2or so a++e! ri*ina+4e&a1ior-# For *an3, t&e so+0tion to o22ensi1e- 2or*s o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior is to si*+3 re*o1e t&ein!i1i!0a+ 2ro* soiet3 an! 0nis&- t&e*# T&is is 4ase! on a series o2 ass0*tions t&at stret&4ak *i++ennia#?=

Jet, t&e siene 4e&in! &0*an 4e&a1ior &as &ange! tre*en!o0s+3 o1er ti*e 6it& reset to0n!erstan!ing a0sa+it3# It is no6 o**on kno6+e!ge in t&e soia+ sienes t&at *ost ats o2 ri*e- 6o0+! +ike+3 not o0r i2 ertain 4asi, s0orti1e en1iron*enta+ on!itions 6&ere set 2ort&e &0*an 4eing#?> P0tting eo+e in risons is not at0a++3 reso+1ing an3t&ing 6it& reset to t&ea0sa+ ro4+e*# It is at0a++3 a *ere at&-, i2 3o0 6i++, 6&i& on+3 te*orari+3 sti2+es so*ee22ets o2 t&e +arger ro4+e*#?C

Anot&er e7a*+e, 6&i+e see*ing+3 !i22erent t&an t&e rior 40t e50a++3 as te&nia+-, is t&e*anner 43 6&i& *ost t&ink a4o0t so+0tions to o**on !o*esti ro4+e*s, s0& as tra22iai!ents# W&at is t&e so+0tion to a sit0ation 6&ere a !ri1er *akes a *istake an! &a&a;ar!+3&anges +anes, on+3 to i*at t&e 1e&i+e ne7t to it, a0sing an ai!entQ S&o0+! t&ere 4e a &0ge6a++ 4et6een t&e*Q S&o0+! t&ere 4e 4etter trainingQ S&o0+! t&e erson si*+3 &a1e &is or &er!ri1ers +iense re1oke! so t&e3 annot !ri1e againQ It is &ere, again, 6&ere t&e notion o2 roota0se- is o2ten +ost in t&e narro6 2ra*es o2 re2erene o**on+3 0n!erstoo! 43 0+t0re asso+0tions#

T&e root a0se o2 t&e ai!ent an on+3 artia++3 4e t&e 50estion o2 integrit3 o2 t&e !ri1er 6it& t&e*ore i*ortant iss0e t&e +ak o2 integrit3 o2 t&e te&no+og3in2rastr0t0re 4eing 0se!# W&3Q 84ea0se &0*an 2a++i4i+it3 is &istoria++3 akno6+e!ge! an! i**0ta4+e#? So, 90st as ear+3 1e&i+es!i! not &a1e !ri1erassenger Air4ags- o**on to!a3, 6&i& no6 re!0e a +arge a*o0nt o2

in90ries t&at e7iste! in t&e ast@%, t&e sa*e +ogi s&o0+! 4e a+ie! to t&e s3ste* o2 1e&i+e

?@ Again, t&is rea+it3 is e*4o!ie! 43 t&e ter* A+iation Set- t&ro0g&o0t t&is te7t#?= S0ggeste! rea!ing" (iolenceA 0ur *eadly +pidemic and Its Causes, Dr# Ka*es Gi++igan, $=?> T&e YMer1a8Fo6+es st0!3, !one at t&e Uni1ersit3 o2 Uta& in t&e $%s, 2o0n! o6er20+ onnetions 4et6een

0ne*+o3*ent an! ri*e# T&e3 4ase! t&eir resear& on (% *a9or *etroo+itan areas 6it& a tota+ o0+ation o2 o1er C%*i++ion# T&eir 2in!ings 2o0n! t&at a $ rise in 0ne*+o3*ent res0+te! in" a =#> inrease in Ho*ii!es a (#?inrease in 1io+ent ri*es a '#? inrease in roert3 ri*e# D0ring t&e erio! 2ro* $% to $', t&is trans+ate!into" $,?@ a!!itiona+ Ho*ii!es =',=%> a!!itiona+ 1io+ent ri*es ''(,@%% a!!itiona+ roert3 ri*es# . Mer1a BFo6+es, +ffects of *iminished +conomic 0pportunities on &ocial &tress, Eono*i Po+i3 Instit0te, $' /

?C See Aen!i7 G, en MLeis& +et0re" O0t o2 t&e o7" Prisons-? &tt"666#n4i#n+*#ni&#go1*arti+es*$$$>>>%@% A $= NHTSA st0!3 2o0n! t&e 2ata+it3 re!0tion 4ene2it o2 air 4ags 2or a++ !ri1ers at an esti*ate! $$

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interation itse+2, taking into ao0nt ne6 te&nia+ ossi4i+ities 2or inrease! sa2et3, too*ensate 2or ine1ita4+e &0*an error#

K0st as t&e Air4ag 6as !e1e+oe! 3ears ago as t&e e1o+0tion o2 kno6+e!ge 0n2o+!e!, to!a3 t&ere iste&no+og3 t&at ena4+es a0to*ate!, !ri1er+ess 1e&i+es 6&i& an not on+3 !etet e1er3 neessar3

e+e*ent o2 t&e street nee!e! to oerate 6it& a0ra3, t&e 1e&i+es t&e*se+1es an !etet ea&ot&er, *aking o++ision a+*ost i*ossi4+e#@$ T&is is t&e 0rrent state o2 s0& a so+0tion- 6&en 6eonsi!er t&e root a0se an! root 0rose, o1era++#Jet, as a!1ane! as t&at so+0tion *a3 see*, eseia++3 gi1en t&e ro0g&+3 $#' *i++ion eo+e 6&o0nneessari+3 !ie in a0to*o4i+e ai!ents ea& 3ear@', t&is t&o0g&t e7erise *a3 sti++ 4eino*+ete i2 6e ontin0e to e7ten! t&e onte7t 6it& reset to t&e goa+s#

Per&as t&ere are ot&er ine22iienies 6&i& re+ate to t&e transort in2rastr0t0re an! 4e3on! t&atnee! to 4e taken into ao0nt an! o1ero*e# Per&as, 2or e7a*+e, t&e 0se o2 in!i1i!0a+a0to*o4i+es, regar!+ess o2 t&eir sa2et3, &a1e ot&er in&erent ro4+e*s 6&i& an on+3 4e +ogia++3reso+1e! 43 t&e re*o1a+ o2 t&e a0to*o4i+e a+iation itse+2# Per&as in a it3, 6it& an e7an!ing*o4i+e o0+ation, s0& in!een!ent 1e&i+e transort 4eo*es 0nneessari+3 0*4erso*e, s+o6an! genera++3 ine22iient#@(

T&e *ore 1ia4+e so+0tion in t&is ir0*stane *ig&t 4eo*e t&e nee! 2or a 0ni2ie!, integrate!*ass transit s3ste* t&at an inrease see!, re!0e energ3 0se, reso0re 0se, o++0tion an!*an3 ot&er re+ate! iss0es to t&e e22et t&at 0sing a0to*o4i+es in s0& a on!ition t&en 4eo*esart o2 t&e e*erging ro4+e*-# I2 t&e goa+ o2 a soiet3 is to !o t&e orret- an! &enes0staina4+e t&ing, re!0ing t&reats to &0*ans an! t&e &a4itat, e1er inreasing e22iien3 8 a!3na*i, se+28generating +ogi 0n2o+!s 6it& reset to o0r te&nia+ ossi4i+it3 an! !esignaroa&es#

Our Technical Realit)O2 o0rse, t&e a+iation o2 t&is t3e o2 ro4+e* so+1ing is 2ar 2ro* +i*ite! to s0& &3sia+e7a*+es# Is o+itis- t&e ans6er to o0r soia+ 6oesQ Does it a!!ress root a0ses 43 its 1er3

!esignQ Is *one3 an! t&e *arket s3ste* t&e *ost oti*i;e! *et&o! 2or s0staina4+e rogress,ro4+e* reso+0tion an! t&e *ani2esting o2 eono*i otentia+Q W&at !oes o0r *o!ern state o2siene an! te&no+og3 &a1e to ontri40te in t&e rea+* o2 0n!erstan!ing a0se an! 0rose ont&e soieta+ +e1e+Q

As 20rt&er essa3s 6i++ !enote +ater in great !etai+, t&ese 0n!erstan!ings reate a nat0ra+, +eartrain o2 t&o0g&t 6it& reset to &o6 *0& 4etter o0r 6or+! o0+! 4e i2 6e si*+3 2o++o6 t&e +ogireate! 1ia T&e Sienti2i Met&o! o2 t&o0g&t to 20+2i++ o0r common goal  o2 &0*an s0staina4i+it3#T&e $ 4i++ion eo+e star1ing on t&is +anet are not !oing so 4ea0se o2 so*e i**0ta4+e nat0ra+onse50ene o2 o0r &3sia+ rea+it3# T&ere is +ent3 o2 2oo! to go aro0n!@?# It is t&e soia+ s3ste*,6&i& &as its o6n o0t!ate!, ontri1e! +ogi, t&at eret0ates t&is soia+ atroit3, a+ong 6it&o0nt+ess ot&ers#

It is i*ortant to oint o0t t&at TZM is not onerne! 6it& ro*oting at&es- as its 0+ti*ategoa+, 6&i&, sa! to sa3, is 6&at t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 ati1ist instit0tions on t&e +anet are 0rrent+3

erent#&tt"666#n&tsa#go1arsr0+esregre1e1a+0ateC%C?>%#&t*+@$ &tt"666#a0tog0i!e#o*a0to8ne6s'%$$%?goog+e8engineer8+ai*s8its8!ri1er+ess8ars8o0+!8sa1e8a8*i++ion8+i1es8

e1er383ear#&t*+@' &tt"666#ar8ai!ents#o*agesstats#&t*+@( A s+o6, genera+ s&i2t, e1en in *o!ern o**eria+ soiet3, 2ro* o6ners&i- to aess- is 4eginning to 2in! 2a1or to!a3#

&tt"gigao*#o*'%$$$$$%air4n48roa!*a8'%$$@? Ma9or internationa+ organi;ations &a1e state! statistia++3 t&at t&ere is eno0g& 2oo! 2or e1er3one an! t&at star1ation is

not a0se! 43 a +ak o2 reso0res# .&tt"666#62#org&0ngera0ses/ In o*4ination 6it& e22iien3 i*ro1e*ents6&i& 6i++ 4e note! *ore so in Part (, t&e ossi4+3 2or a4so+0te g+o4a+ 2oo! a40n!ane o2 t&e &ig&est n0trient 50a+it3 isa+so ossi4+3 to!a3#

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!oing#@@ We 6ant to ro*ote t&e +argest or!er, &ig&est e22iien3 set o2 so+0tions a1ai+a4+e at agi1en ti*e, a+igne! 6it& nat0ra+ roesses, to i*ro1e t&e +i1es o2 a++, 6&i+e se0ring t&e integrit3o2 o0r &a4itat# We 6ant e1er3one to 0n!erstan! t&is train o2 t&o0g&t- +ear+3 an! !e1e+o a 1a+0ei!enti2iation 6it& it#

T&ere is no sing+e so+0tion : on+3 t&e near e*iria+ Nat0ra+ La6 reasoning t&at arri1es atso+0tions an! 0rose#

&O"%C .s PS/C+O&O"/

0We !o not at rig&t+3 4ea0se 6e &a1e 1irt0e or e7e++ene, 40t 6e rat&er &a1et&ose 4ea0se 6e &a1e ate! rig&t+3#- @=


A o6er20+ 3et o2ten o1er+ooke! onse50ene o2 o0r en1iron*enta+ 10+nera4i+it3 to a!at to t&ee7isting 0+t0re is t&at o0r 1er3 i!entit3 an! ersona+it3 is o2ten +inke! to t&e instit0tions,raties, tren!s an! &ene 1a+0es 6e are 4orn into an! e7ist in# T&is s3&o+ogia+ a!atation

an! ine1ita4+e 2a*i+iarit3 reates a comfort zone 6&i&, o1er ti*e, an 4e ain20+ to !isr0t,regar!+ess o2 &o6 6e++ reasone! t&e !ata stan!ing to t&e ontrar3 o2 6&at 6e 4e+ie1e *a3 4e#

In 2at, t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 o49etions 0rrent+3 2o0n! against T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent,sei2ia++3 t&e oints *a!e 6it& reset to so+0tions an! &ene &ange, aear to 4e !ri1en 43narro6 2ra*es o2 re2erene an! e*otiona+ 4ias *ore t&an inte++et0a+ assess*ent# )o**onreations o2 t&is kin! are o2ten sing0+ar roositions 6&i&, rat&er t&an ritia++3 a!!ressing t&eat0a+ re*ises arti0+ate! 43 an arg0*ent, ser1e to !is*iss t&e* o0trig&t 1ia &a&a;ar!assoiations#

T&e *ost o**on +assi2iation o2 s0& arg0*ents are ro9etions- @> an! it 4eo*es +ear 1er3o2ten t&at s0& oonents are at0a++3 *ore onerne! 6it& defending their psychological identityrat&er t&an o49eti1e+3 onsi!ering a ne6 erseti1e#@C

1ind &oc#

In a +assi 6ork 43 a0t&ors )o&en an! Nage+ entit+e! An Intro!0tion to Logi an! T&e Sienti2iMet&o!-, t&is oint is 6e++ *a!e 6it& reset to t&e roess o2 +ogia+ e1a+0ation an! itsin!een!ene 2ro* &0*an s3&o+og3#

 T&e 6eig&t o2 e1i!ene is not itse+2 a te*ora+ e1ent, 40t a re+ation o2 i*+iation 4et6eenertain +asses or t3es o2 roositions###O2 o0rse, t&o0g&t is neessar3 to are&en! s0&

@@ T&is o**ent is not *eant to !e*ean an3 6e++8*eaning soia+ instit0tion 6orking to &e+ 6it&in t&e 4o0n!s o2 t&e0rrent soio8eono*i *et&o!# Ho6e1er, as 6i++ 4e !esri4e! *ore so in Part ', t&e 0rrent soia+ *o!e+ in&erent+3restrits a 1ast a*o0nt o2 ossi4+e roserit3ro4+e* so+1ing !0e to its 1er3 !esign an! &ene ati1ist an! soia+instit0tions 6&i& a1oi! t&is rea+it3 an! an on+3 4e 6orking to &e+ at&- ro4+e*s, not 2i7 t&e*, sine t&e3 originate

2ro* t&e soia+ s3ste* itse+2# A o**on e7a*+e is &arit3 organi;ations t&at 6is& to ro1i!e 2oo! to t&e oor# T&eseorgani;ations are not 0s0a++3 a!!ressing why  t&ose eo+e are oor to 4egin 6it& an! &ene are not tr0+3 6orking toreso+1e t&e root ro4+e*s<#

@= Wi++ D0rant, The &tory of "hilosophyA The )ives and 0pinions of the :orld5s Breatest "hilosophers, $'=@> Sig*0n! Fre0! 6as 2irst to *ake 2a*o0s t&e i!ea o2 Ps3&o+ogia+ Pro9etion, !e2ine! as a s3&o+ogia+ !e2ense

*e&anis* 6&ere a erson s04onsio0s+3 !enies &is or &er o6n attri40tes, t&o0g&ts, an! e*otions, 6&i& are t&enasri4e! to t&e o0tsi!e 6or+!, 0s0a++3 to ot&er eo+e# Ho6e1er, t&e 0se o2 t&e ter* is *ore genera+ in t&is onte7t,re2+eting t&e si*+e notion o2 ass0*ing to 0n!erstan! an i!ea 4ase! on a 2a+se or s0er2iia+ re+ations&i to rior0n!erstan!ings 8 0s0a++3 in a !e2ensi1e ost0re 2or !is*issa+ o2 1a+i!it3#

@C T&e ter* )ogniti1e Pat&o+og3- is a s0ggeste! !esritor o2 t&is &eno*ena# A o**on &arateristi is ir0+arreasoning 6&ere a 4e+ie2 is 90sti2ie! 43 *ere+3 re8re2erening t&e 4e+ie2 itse+2# For e7a*+e, to ask a T&eist 6&3 t&e34e+ie1e in Go!, a o**on ans6er *ig&t 4e Fait&-# To ask 6&3 t&e3 &a1e Fait&- o2ten res0+ts in a resonse +ike

 4ea0se Go! re6ar!s t&ose 6&o &a1e Fait&-# T&e a0sa+it3 orientation is tr0nate! an! se+28re2erring#

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i*+iations###&o6e1er .t&at/ !oes not *ake &3sis a 4ran& o2 s3&o+og3# T&e rea+i;ation t&at+ogi annot 4e restrite! to s3&o+ogia+ &eno*enon 6i++ &e+ 0s to !isri*inate 4et6een o0rsiene an! r&etori 8 onei1ing t&e +atter as t&e art o2 ers0asion or o2 arg0ing so as to ro!0et&e 2ee+ing o2 ertaint3# O0r e*otiona+ !isositions *ake it 1er3 !i22i0+t 2or 0s to aet ertainroositions, no *atter &o6 strong t&e e1i!ene in t&eir 2a1or# An! sine a++ roo2 !een!s 0on

t&e aetane o2 ertain roositions as tr0e, no roosition an 4e ro1e! to 4e tr0e to one 6&ois s022iient+3 !eter*ine! not to 4e+ie1e it#- @

T&e ter* Min! Lok-  &as 4een oine! 43 so*e &i+oso&ers=% 6it& reset to t&is &eno*enon,!e2ine! as t&e on!ition 6&ere ones erseti1e 4eo*es se+28re2erring, in a +ose! +oo o2reasoning# See*ing+3 e*iria+ res0ositions 2ra*e an! se0re ones 6or+!1ie6 an! an3t&ingontra!itor3 o*ing 2ro* t&e o0tsi!e an 4e 4+oke!-, o2ten e1en s04onsio0s+3# T&is reationo0+! 4e +ikene! to t&e o**on &3sia+ re2+e7 to rotet onese+2 2ro* a 2oreign o49et *o1ingto6ar!s 3o0r erson : on+3 in t&is ir0*stane t&e re2+e7- is to !e2en! ones beliefs, not 4o!3#

W&i+e s0& &rases as t&inking o0tsi!e t&e 4o7- *ig&t 4e o**on r&etori to!a3 in t&e ati1isto**0nit3, se+!o* are t&e 2o0n!ations o2 our way of thinking an! t&e integrit3 o2 o0r *ostestablished institutions &a++enge!# T&e3 are, *ore o2ten t&an not, onsi!ere! to 4e gi1ens- an!ass0*e! ina+tera4+e#

For e7a*+e, in t&e so8a++e! !e*oraies o2 t&e 6or+!, a Presi!ent-, or t&e e50i1a+ent, is ao**on oint o2 2o0s 6it& reset to t&e 50a+it3 o2 a o0ntr3s go1ernane# A +arge a*o0nt o2attention is sent to6ar! s0& a 2ig0re, &is erseti1es an! ations# Jet, se+!o* !oes one ste4ak an! ask" W&3 !o 6e &a1e a Presi!ent to 4egin 6it&Q- Ho6 is &is o6er as an instit0tiona+2ig0re 90sti2ie! as an oti*i;e! *anner o2 soia+ go1ernaneQ- Is it not a ontra!ition o2 ter*sto +ai* a !e*orati soiet3 6&en t&e 04+i &as no real  sa3 6it& reset to t&e ations o2 t&ePresi!ent one &e or s&e is e+ete!Q- 

S0& 50estions are se+!o* onsi!ere! as eo+e ten!, again, to a!at to t&eir 0+t0re 6it&o0to49etion, ass0*ing it is 90st t&e 6a3 it is-# S0& stati orientations are a+*ost 0ni1ersa++3 a

res0+t o2 cultural  tradition an!, as )o&en an! Nage+ oint o0t, it is 1er3 !i22i0+t to o**0niate ane6, &a++enging i!ea to t&ose 6&o are sufficiently determined not to believe it!'

S0& tra!itiona+ res0ositions, &e+! as e*iria+, are +ike+3 a root so0re o2 ersona+ an! soia+retar!ation in t&e 6or+! to!a3# T&is &eno*enon, o0+e! 6it& an e!0ationa+ s3ste* t&atonstant+3 rein2ores s0& esta4+is&e! notions t&ro0g& its instit0tions o2 aa!e*ia-, 20rt&er sea+st&is 0+t0ra+ in&i4ition an! o*o0n!s t&e &in!erane to re+e1ant &ange# =$

W&i+e t&e soe o2 t&is ten!en3 is 6i!e 6it& reset to !e4ate, t&ere are t6o o**onargumentative fallacies 6ort& noting &ere as t&e3 onstant+3 o*e 0 6it& reset to t&e .pplication-&et  an! Train of Thought  ro*ote! 43 TZM# P0t in o+or20+ ter*s, t&ese tatiso*rise 6&at o0+! 4e a++e! a Va+0e War- =' 6&i& is 6age!, onsio0s+3 or not, 43 t&ose 6&o&a1e 1este! e*otiona+*ateria+ interest in keeing t&ings t&e sa*e, oosing &ange#

The 0Prima Facie2 Fallac)

@ )ogic and The &cientific 4ethod , )o&en an! Nage+, Haro0rt, $(?, $=% S0ggeste! rea!ing" The Cancer &tage of Capitalism, Ko&n MM0rtr3, P+0to Press, $, )&ater $=$ )ritiis* &ere o2 Aa!e*ia- is not to 4e on20se! 6it& its stan!ar! !e2inition, *eaning a o**0nit3 o2 st0!ents an!

s&o+ars engage! in &ig&er e!0ation an! resear&# T&e onte7t &ere is t&e in&i4iting nat0re o2 s&oo+s- o2 t&o0g&t6&i& a++ too o2ten e1o+1e to reate an ego 0nto itse+2 6&ere on2+iting !ata is ignore! or &a&a;ar!+3 !is*isse!# A+so,t&ere is a risk o**on to t&is *o!e o2 t&o0g&t 6&ere t&eor3- an! tra!ition- take ro*inene o1er e7eriene- an!

 e7eri*ent- 1er3 o2ten, eret0ating 2a+se on+0sions#=' S0ggeste! rea!ing" (alue :arsA The Blobal 4arket (ersus the )ife +conomyA 4oral "hilosophy and umanity, Ko&n

MM0rtr3, P+0to Press, '%%'

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T&e 2irst is t&e Pri*a Faie- assoiation# T&is si*+3 *eans 0on 2irst aearane- 4e2orein1estigation-#=( T&is is 43 2ar t&e *ost o**on t3e o2 o49etion#

A +assia+ ase st0!3 is t&e o**on +ai* t&at t&e o4ser1ations an! so+0tions resente! 43 TZMare si*+3 re&as&e! Mar7ist )o**0nis*- '

Lets 4rie2+3 e7+ore t&is as an e7a*+e# Re2erening T&e )o**0nist Mani2esto- =? Mar7 an!Enge+s resent 1ario0s o4ser1ations 6it& reset to t&e e1o+0tion o2 soiet3, sei2ia++3 t&e +ass6ar-, in&erent str0t0ra+ re+ations&is regar!ing aita+-, a+ong 6it& a genera+ +ogi as to &o6 t&esoia+ or!er 6i++ transition t&ro0g& re1o+0tion- to a state+ess, +ass+ess s3ste*, in art, 6&i+e a+sonoting a series o2 !iret soia+ &anges, s0& as t&e )entra+i;ation o2 t&e *eans o2o**0niation an! transort in t&e &an!s o2 t&e State-, E50a+ +ia4i+it3 o2 a++ to +a4o0r#- an! ot&ersei2is# Mar7 reates +a3ers in t&e s&e*a &e s0ggests +ike t&e ongoing 4att+e 4et6een t&e o0rgeoisie an! Pro+etarians-, e7ressing onte*t 2or t&e in&erent e7+oitation, 6&i& &e sa3s isessentia++3 roote! in t&e i!ea o2 ri1ate roert3-# In t&e en!, t&e a0*0+ate! goa+ in genera+ isin seeking a state+ess an! +ass+ess soiet3-#

On t&e s0r2ae, re2or*ations roose! in TZMs ro*ote! so+0tions *ig&t appear  to *irrorattri40tes o2 Mar7is*- i2 one 6as to o*+ete+3 ignore t&e 0n!er+3ing reasoning# T&e i!ea o2 asoiet3 6it&o0t +asses-, 6it&o0t 0ni1ersa+ roert3-, an! t&e o*+ete re!e2inition o2 6&ato*rises t&e State- *ig&t, on t&e s0r2ae, s&o6 on2+0ene 43 t&e *ere gest0res t&e*se+1es,eseia++3 sine Western Aa!e*ia o**on+3 ro*otes a !0a+it3- 4et6een )o**0nis*- an! )aita+is*- 6it& t&e a2ore*entione! &arater oints note! as t&e ore !i22erenes# Ho6e1er, t&eat0a+ Train o2 T&o0g&t to s0ort t&ese seemingly  si*i+ar on+0sions is 50ite !i22erent#

TZMs a!1oate! 4en&*ark 2or !eision *aking is not a 4oral "hilosophy ;1 , 6&i&, 6&ene7a*ine! at its root, is essentia++3 6&at Mar7ist &i+oso&3 6as a *ani2estation o2#

TZM is not intereste! in t&e oeti, s049eti1e B ar4itrar3 notions o2 a 2air soiet3-,-g0arantee!2ree!o*-, 6or+! eae-, or *aking a 4etter 6or+!- si*+3 4ea0se it so0n!s rig&t-, &0*ane- or

 goo!-# Wit&o0t a Technical Dramework  t&at &as a !iret &3sia+ re2erent to s0& ter*s, s0&*ora+ re+ati1is* ser1es +itt+e to no +ong ter* 0rose#

Rat&er, TZM is intereste! in &cientific .pplication, as a+ie! to societal sustainability , 4ot& physical an! cultural #==

As 6i++ 4e e7resse! in greater !etai+ in 20rt&er essa3s, t&e Met&o! o2 Siene is not restrite! inits a+iation 6it&in t&e &3sia+ 6or+!- => an! &ene t&e soia+ s3ste*, in2rastr0t0re,

=( &tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6seri*a2aie =? Written 43 ar+ Mar7 an! Frie!ri& Enge+s in $C?C t&is te7t is 6i!e+3 onsi!ere! t&e !e2initi1e i!eo+ogia+ e7ression o2

Mar7ist )o**0nis*# )o**0nis*- is sai! to 4e t&e ratia+ i*+e*entation o2 Mar7is*-# Te7t On+ine"&tt"666#*ar7ists#orgar&i1e*ar76orks$C?Co**0nist8*ani2estoin!e7#&t*

=@ De2ine! as t&e 4ran& o2 &i+oso&3 !ea+ing 6it& 4ot& arg0*ent a4o0t t&e ontent o2 *ora+it3 an! *eta8et&ia+

!is0ssion o2 t&e nat0re o2 *ora+ 90!g*ent, +ang0age, arg0*ent, an! 1a+0e#.&tt"666#t&e2ree!itionar3#o**ora+&i+oso&3/

== T&e arg0*ent t&at Siene is not a P&i+oso&3 is ertain+3 oen to se*antis an! interretation 40t t&e oint 4eing*a!e &ere is t&at notions o2 rig&t an! 6rong- an! ot&er et&ia+- !istintions o**on to &i+oso&3 take on a 1er3!i22erent +ig&t in t&e sienti2i onte7t as it &as *ore to !o 6it& 0ti+it3 an! 4a+ane t&an *ere onets o2 *ora+it3- asit is +assia++3 !e2ine!# In t&e 1ie6 o2 Siene, &0*an 4e&a1ior is 4est a+igne! 6it& t&e in&erent a0sa+it3 !iso1ere! int&e nat0ra+ 6or+!, 1a+i!ate! 43 testing, 40i+!ing in2erene an! +ogia+ assoiations to 90sti23 &0*an ations as

 aroriate- to a gi1en 0rose# Again, t&is is a+6a3s a*4ig0o0s on so*e +e1e+ an! +ike+3 t&e *ost a0rate onte7to2 &i+oso&3 as re+ate! to siene is as a re0rsor to 1a+i!ation !0ring in1estigation an! e7eri*entation#

=> T&e ter* &3sia+ 6or+!- is o2ten 0se! to !i22erentiate 4et6een t&e *enta+- roesses o2 t&e &0*an *in! orsoio+ogia+ t3e &eno*ena, an! t&e &3sia+ en1iron*ent 6&i& e7ists o0tsi!e o2 t&e ogniti1e roesses o2 &0*aneretion# In rea+it3 t&ere is not&ing o0tsi!e t&e &3sia+ 6or+!- as 6e kno6 it, as t&ere is to 4e 2o0n! no onretee7a*+e 6&ere a0sa+ re+ations&is are si*+3 1oi!e!#

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e!0ationa+ re+e1ane an! e1en 0n!erstan!ing &0*an 4e&a1ior itse+2, a++ e7ist 6it&in t&e on2ineso2 sienti2i a0sa+it3# In t0rn, t&ere is a nat0ra+ 2ee!4ak s3ste* 40i+t into &3sia+ rea+it3 6&i&6i++ e7ress itse+2 1er3 +ear+3 in t&e onte7t o2 6&at 6orks- an! 6&at !oesnt o1er ti*e=C, g0i!ingo0r onsio0s a!atation#

Mar7is* is not 4ase! on t&is a+0+ate!- 6or+!1ie6 at a++, e1en t&o0g& t&ere *ig&t 4e so*esienti2ia++3 4ase! &arateristis in&erent# For e7a*+e, t&e Mar7ist notion o2 a +ass+esssoiet3- 6as to o1ero*e t&e aita+ist originating in&0*anit3- i*ose! on t&e 6orking +ass or ro+etariat-#

TZMs a!1oate! train o2 t&o0g&t, on t&e ot&er &an!, so0res a!1ane*ents in &0*an st0!ies# It2in!s, 2or e7a*+e, t&at social stratification, 6&i& is in&erent to t&e aita+ist*arket *o!e+, toat0a++3 4e a 2or* o2 indirect violence against t&e 1ast *a9orit3 as a res0+t o2 t&e e1o+0tionar3s3&o+og3 6e &0*ans nat0ra++3 osses#= It generates an 0nneessar3 2or* o2 &0*an s022eringon *an3 +e1e+s 6&i& is destabilizing an!, 43 i*+iation, technically unsustainable#

Anot&er e7a*+e is TZMs interest in re*o1ing Uni1ersa+ Proert3>% an! setting 0 a s3ste* o2 S&are! Aess-# T&is is o2ten 50ik+3 on!e*ne! to t&e Mar7ist i!ea o2 A4o+is&ing Pri1ateProert3-# Ho6e1er, genera++3 seaking, t&e Mar7ist +ogi re+ates t&e e7istene o2 ri1ate roert3to t&e eret0ation o2 t&e 4o0rgeois- an! t&eir ongoing e7+oitation o2 t&e ro+etariat-#He states in t&e Mani2esto T&e !isting0is&ing 2eat0re o2 )o**0nis* is not t&e a4o+ition o2roert3 genera++3, 40t t&e a4o+ition o2 4o0rgeois roert3#- 

TZMs a!1oate! +ogi, on t&e ot&er &an!, re+ates t&e 2at t&at t&e ratie o2 0ni1ersa+, in!i1i!0a+o6ners&i o2 goo!s is environmentally inefficient, wasteful and ultimately unsustainable as a0ni1ersa+ ratie# T&is s0orts a restriti1e s3ste* 4e&a1ior an! a great !ea+ o2 0nneessar3!eri1ation, an! &ene ri*e is o**on in soieties 6it& an 0ne50a+ !istri40tion o2 reso0res#

At an3 rate, s0& ri*a 2aie- a++egations are 1er3 o**on an! *an3 *ore o0+! 4e e7resse!#Ho6e1er, it is not t&e soe o2 t&is setion to !is0ss a++ a++ege! onnetions 4et6een Mar7is* an!

TZMs a!1oate! Train o2 T&o0g&t#>$

The 0Straw!1an2 Fallac)

T&e seon! arg0*entati1e 2a++a3 &as to !o 6it& t&e misrepresentation of a position, !e+i4erate orro9ete!, o**on+3 re2erre! to as a Stra68Man- >'# W&en it o*es to TZM, t&is 0s0a++3 &as to !o6it& i*ose! interretations 6&i& are 6it&o0t +egiti*ate e1i!ene to 4e onsi!ere! re+e1ant tot&e oint in 50estion#For e7a*+e, 6&en !is0ssing t&e organi;ation o2 a ne6 soia+ s3ste*, eo+e o2ten ro9et t&eir0rrent 1a+0es an! onerns into t&e ne6 *o!e+ 6it&o0t 20rt&er onsi!ering t&e 1ast &ange o2onte7t in&erent 6&i& 6o0+! +ike+3 n0++i23 s0& onerns i**e!iate+3#

A o**on stra68*an ro9etion in t&is onte7t 6o0+! 4e t&at in a soiet3 6&ere *ateria+

=C Fee!4ak 2ro* t&e En1iron*ent o0+! 4e sai! to 4e t&e orretion *e&anis*- o2 nat0re as it re+ates to &0*an!eisions# A si*+e e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&e in!0stria+ ro!0tion o2 &e*ia+s 6&i& ro!0e negati1e retroations 6&enre+ease! into t&e en1iron*ent, s&o6ing ino*ati4i+it3 6it& en1iron*enta+ nee!s 2or +i2e8s0ort 8 s0& as 6as t&ease 6it& )F)s an! t&eir e22et on O;one De+etion#

= S0ggeste! rea!ing" The &pirit )evel , ate Pikett B Ri&ar! Wi+kinson, +oo*s40r3 Press, '%$$>% T&is onet 6i++ 4e e7+ore! *ore in Part ( 40t it is 6ort& noting t&at t&e t3e o2 aess- ena4+e! 43 t&e s0ggeste!

soia+ s3ste* NLRE< !oes not r0+e o0t +ega+ re+ations&is to se0re t&e 0se o2 goo!s# T&e i!ea o2 re!0ing t&e 0rrentroert3 s3ste* to one o2 rotete! aess 6&ere, 2or e7a*+e, a a*era o4taine! 2ro* a !istri40tion enter is gi1en+ega+ stat0s 0on it renta+ to t&at erson, is not to 4e on20se! 6it& t&e )aita+ist notion o2 Proert3, 6&i& is a0ni1ersa+ !istintion an! a great so0re o2 in!0stria+ ine22iien3 an! i*4a+ane#

>$ See Aen!i7 D, )o**on O49etions>' Like+3 t&e 4est !esrition o2 t&is is to i*agine a 2ig&t in 6&i& one o2 t&e oonents sets 0 a *an *a!e o2 stra6,

attaks it, t&en ro+ai*s 1itor3# A++ t&e 6&i+e, t&e rea+ oonent stan!s 43 0nto0&e!#

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ro!0tion 6ere 4ase! 0on te&no+ogia+ a+iation !iret+3 an! not an e7&ange s3ste*re50iring ai! &0*an +a4or, eo+e 6o0+! &a1e no monetary incentive to !o an3t&ing an!t&ere2ore t&e *o!e+ 6o0+! 2ai+ as not&ing 6o0+! get !one#

T&is kin! o2 arg0*ent is 6it&o0t testa4+e 1a+i!it3 6it& reset to t&e &0*an sienes an! is rea++3

an intuitive assumption originating 2ro* t&e 0rrent 0+t0ra+ +i*ate 6&ere t&e eono*i s3ste*oeres a++ &0*ans into +a4or ro+es 2or s0r1i1a+ ino*ero2it<, o2ten regar!+ess o2 ersona+interest or soia+ 0ti+it3, generating a s3&o+ogia+ !istortion 6it& reset to 6&at reates*oti1ation#

In t&e 6or!s o2 Margaret Mea!" -I2 3o0 +ook +ose+3 3o0 6i++ see t&at a+*ost an3t&ing t&at rea++3*atters to 0s, an3t&ing t&at e*4o!ies o0r !eeest o**it*ent to t&e 6a3 &0*an +i2e s&o0+! 4e+i1e! an! are! 2or, !een!s on so*e 2or* o2 1o+0nteeris*#- >(

In a $' Ga++0 Po++, *ore t&an @% o2 A*erian a!0+ts ? *i++ion A*erians< 1o+0nteere! ti*e2or soia+ a0ses, at an a1erage o2 ?#' &o0rs a 6eek, 2or a tota+ o2 '%#@ 4i++ion &o0rs a 3ear# >?

It &as a+so 4een 2o0n! in st0!ies t&at reetiti1e, *0n!ane 9o4s +en! t&e*se+1es *ore totra!itiona+ re6ar!s s0& as *one3, 6&ereas *one3 !oesnt see* to *oti1ate inno1ation an!reati1it3#>@ In +ater essa3s, t&e i!ea o2 4echanization a+ie! to *0n!ane +a4or to 2ree t&e &0*an4eing 6i++ 4e !is0sse!, e7ressing &o6 t&e +a4or 2or ino*e s3ste* is o0t!ate! an! restriti1e o2not on+3 in!0stria+ otentia+ an! e22iien3, 40t a+so &0*an otentia+ o1era++#Anot&er o**on, onte7t0a+ e7a*+e o2 a Stra68Man- is t&e +ai* t&at i2 t&e transition to a ne6Soia+ S3ste* 6as ate! 0on, t&e roert3 o2 ot&ers *0st 4e forcefully confiscated  43 a r0+ingo6er- an! 1io+ene 6o0+! 4e t&e res0+t# T&is, one again, is a 1a+0e ro9etion2ear, i*ose!0on TZMs a!1oate! +ogi 6it&o0t 1a+i!ation#

TZM sees t&e *ateria+i;ation o2 a ne6 soio8eono*i *o!e+ &aening 6it& t&e neededconsensus o2 t&e o0+ation# Its 1er3 0n!erstan!ing a+ong 6it& t&e 4io8soia+ ress0res-o0rring as t&e 0rrent s3ste* 6orsens, is t&e 4asis o2 in2+0ene# T&e +ogi !oes not s0ort a

 !itatoria+- !isosition 4ea0se t&at aroa&, aart 2ro* 4eing in&0*ane, 6o0+!nt 6ork#In or!er 2or s0& a s3ste* to 6ork, it nee!s to 4e aete! 6it&o0t ati1e State oerion#T&ere2ore, it is an iss0e o2 in1estigation, e!0ation, an! 4roa! ersona+ aetane in t&eo**0nit3# In 2at, t&e 1er3 sei2is o2 soia+ interation an! +i2est3+e at0a++3 !e*an! a 1ast*a9orit3 aetane o2 t&e s3ste*s *e&anis an! 1a+0es#

Si*i+ar+3, an! 2ina+ e7a*+e &ere o2 t&e Stra68*an-, is t&e on20sion a4o0t &o6 a transition to ane6 s3ste* o0+! &aen at a++# In 2at, *an3 ten! to !is*iss TZMs roosa+s on t&at 4asisa+one, si*+3 4ea0se t&e3 !ont 0n!erstan! &o6 it an &aen# T&is arg0*ent, in rini+e, ist&e sa*e reasoning as t&e e7a*+e o2 a sik *an 6&o is seeking treat*ent 2or &is i++ness 40t !oesnot kno6 6&ere &e an get s0& treat*ent, 6&en it 6o0+! 4e a1ai+a4+e, or 6&at t&e treat*ent is#Does &is +ak o2 kno6ing &o6 an! 6&en sto &is nee! to seekQ No 8 not i2 &e 6ants to 4e &ea+t&3#Gi1en t&e !ire state o2 a22airs on t&is +anet, &0*anit3 *0st a+so kee seeking an! a at& 6i++

ine1ita4+3 o*e +ear#>=

 Pri*a Faie- an! Stra68*an- arg0*ents are t&e 4e!rok o2 t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 o49etions2o0n! to6ar!s TZM an! in Aen!i7 D 8 )o**on O49etions- 8 *ore e7a*+es an 4e 2o0n! 2orre2erene#

In t&e en!, it is 6ort& reiterating t&at t&e 4att+e 4et6een Logi an! Ps3&o+og3 is rea++3 a entra+

>( ave you noticed'''!, (ital &peeches of the *ay , Ro4ert rikorian, $C@, (%$>? Biving and (olunteering in the >nited &tatesA Dindings from a National &urvey , Ho!gkinson B Weit;*an, $', '>@ S0ggeste! rea!ing" *riveA The &urprising Truth .bout :hat 4otivates >s, Danie+ Pink, Ri1er&ea!, '%$$>= More on t&e s049et o2 Transition in Part IV

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on2+it in t&e arena o2 soieta+ &ange# T&ere is no onte7t *ore ersona+ an! sensiti1e t&an t&e6a3 6e organi;e o0r +i1es in soiet3 an! an i*ortant o49eti1e o2 TZM, in *an3 6a3s, is to 2in!te&ni50es t&at an e!0ate t&e 04+i as to t&e *erit o2 t&is *e&anisti, +ogia+ train o2 t&o0g&t,o1ero*ing t&e 4aggage o2 o0t!ate! s3&o+ogia+ o*2orts 6&i& ser1e no rogressi1e, 1ia4+e1a+0e ro+e in t&e *o!ern 6or+!#


 M3 o0ntr3 is t&e 6or+!, an! *3 re+igion is to !o goo!#- >>

8T&o*as Paine

A ritia+ on+0sion resent in t&e +ogi t&at !e2ines TZMs a!1oation is t&at &0*an soiet3 nee!sto 0ni23 its eono*i oerations an! 6ork to align with the natural dynamics of the physical world  as a single species sharing one habitat i2 6e inten! to reso+1e ro4+e*s, inrease sa2et3, inreasee22iien3 an! 20rt&er roserit3# T&e 6or+! eono*i !i1isions 6e see to!a3 are not on+3 a +earso0re o2 on2+it, !esta4i+i;ation an! e7+oitation, t&e 1er3 *anner o2 on!0t an! interationitse+2 is a+so gross+3 ine22iient in a 0re eono*i sense, se1ere+3 +i*iting o0r soieta+ otentia+# >C 

W&i+e t&e nation8state, o*etition 4ase! str0t0re is eas3 to 90sti23 as a nat0ra+ o0tgro6t& o2 o0r0+t0ra+ e1o+0tion gi1en t&e reso0re sarit3 in&erent &istoria++3 an! t&e +ong &istor3 o2 6ar2arein genera+, it is a+so nat0ra+ to onsi!er t&at &0*an soiet3 o0+! 1er3 6e++ 2in! 0rose in *o1inga6a3 2ro* t&ese *o!es o2 oeration i2 6e 6ere to rea+i;e t&at it is tr0+3 to o0r a!1antage as a6&o+e gro0#

As 6i++ 4e arg0e! &ere, t&e !etri*ents an! ine22iienies o2 t&e 0rrent *o!e+ : 6&en o*are! tot&e 4ene2its an! so+0tions ossi4+e : are si*+3 0naeta4+e an! t&e e22iien3 an! a40n!aneossi4i+ities, e7trao+ate! 6it&in TZMs a!1oation 2or a ne6 soioeono*i s3ste*, rest, in art,on a onerte! e22ort 43 t&e &0*an o0+ation to work together  an! share resources intelligently ,not restrit an! 2ig&t as 6e !o to!a3 43 !esign#

e3on! t&at, t&e soia+ ress0res an! risks no6 e*erging to!a3 aro0n! te&no+ogia+ 6ar2are,o++0tion, en1iron*enta+ !esta4i+i;ation an! ot&er ro4+e*s s&o6 not on+3 a +ogia+ gra1itation 2ortr0e g+o4a+ organi;ation 8 t&e3 s&o6 a rationa+ neessit3 : an! t&e 7eno&o4i an! *a2ia8+ike*enta+it3 in!igeno0s to t&e nation8state to!a3, o2ten in t&e 2or* o2 atriotis*-, is a so0re o2se1ere !esta4i+i;ation an! in&0*anit3 in genera+, not to *ention, again, t&e s04stantia+ +oss o2te&nia+ e22iien3#

False Di.isionsAs note! in rior essa3s, t&e ore 4asis o2 o0r s0r1i1a+ an! 50a+it3 o2 +i2e as in!i1i!0a+s an! as aseies on t&e +anet eart& re1o+1es aro0n! o0r 0n!erstan!ing o2 Natural )aw an! &o6 it re+atesto o0r *et&o! o2 eono*3' T&is re*ise is a si*+e re2erentia+ 0n!erstan!ing 6&ere t&e &3sia++a6s o2 nat0re are onsi!ere! in t&e onte7t o2 eono*i e22iien3, 4ot& on t&e &0*an an!

&a4itat +e1e+s#

It is on+3 +ogia+ t&at an3 seies resent in an! re+iant on t&e &a4itat in 6&i& it e7ists s&o0+!on2or* a++ on!0t to a+ign 6it& t&e nat0ra+ or!ers in&erent to t&at &a4itat, as 4est t&e3 an 4e

>> $ights of 4an, T&o*as Paine, $>$, $='>C One e7a*+e o2 t&is 6o0+! 4e t&e atrioti eono*i 4ias t&at o2ten in2+0enes t&e ations o2 regiona+ in!0str3# In

&3sia+ rea+it3, t&ere is te&nia++3 on+3 one eono*3 6&en 6orking 6it& t&e +anet eart&s reso0res an! nat0ra+ +a6s#T&e i!ea o2 Ma!e in A*eria-, 2or instane, generates an i**e!iate te&nia+ ine22iien3, 2or roer goo!s ro!0tionis a g+o4a+ a22air on a++ +e1e+s, in+0!ing t&e 0s02r0t o2 6or+! kno6+e!ge# To intentiona++3 restrit +a4or an! *ateria+s0sea50isition to on+3 6it&in t&e 4or!ers o2 a gi1en o0ntr3 is eono*ia++3 o0nterro!0ti1e in t&e tr0est sense o2t&e 6or! eono*3-#

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0n!erstoo! at t&e ti*e# An3 ot&er orientation is irrationa+ 43 !e2inition an! an on+3 +ea! toro4+e*s#

Un!erstan!ing t&at t&e +anet eart& is a s3*4iotis3nergisti S3ste*- 6it& reso0res e7isting6it&o0t nationa+isti 4ias in a++ areas, o0+e! 6it& t&e ro1a4+3 in&erent, 0n!er+3ing a0sa+

sienti2i or!er t&at e7ists in *an3 6a3s as a +ogia+ g0i!e- 2or t&e &0*an seies to a+ign 6it&2or t&e greatest soieta+ e22ia3, 6e 2in! t&at o0r +arger onte7t as a g+o4a+ soiet3 transen!s1irt0a++3 a++ notions o2 tra!itiona+0+t0ra+ !i1ision, in+0!ing no +o3a+t3 to a o0ntr3, ororation ore1en o+itia+- tra!ition#I2 an eono*3- is a4o0t increasing efficiency in meeting the needs of the human population whileworking to further sustainability and prosperity , t&en o0r eono*i oerations *0st take t&is intoao0nt an! a+ign 6it& t&e +argest nat0ra+ re+e1ant s3ste*- t&at 6e an 0n!erstan!# Fro* t&iserseti1e, t&e nation8state entities are +ear+3 2a+se, ar4itrar3 !i1isions, eret0ate! 43 0+t0ra+tra!ition, not +ogia+, te&nia+ e22iien3#


T&e 4roa! organi;ation o2 soiet3 to!a3 is 4ase! on *0+ti8+e1e+ &0*an o*etition" nation8stateso*ete against ea& ot&er 2or eono*i&3sia+ reso0res ororate *arket entities o*ete2or ro2it*arket8s&are an! a1erage 6orkers o*ete 2or 6age ro1i!ing o0ations an! &eneersona+ s0r1i1a+ itse+2#

Un!er t&e s0r2ae o2 t&is o*etiti1e soia+ et&i is a 4asi s3&o+ogia+ !isregar! 2or t&e 6e++84eing o2 ot&ers an! t&e &a4itat# T&e 1er3 nat0re o2 o*etition is a4o0t &a1ing a!1antage o1erot&ers 2or ersona+ gain an! &ene, nee!+ess to sa3, !i1ision B e7+oitation o2 4ot& &0*an an!en1iron*ent< are 20n!a*enta+ attri40tes o2 t&e 0rrent soia+ or!er# Virt0a++3 a++ so8a++e! orr0tions- 6&i& 6e !e2ine as ri*e- in t&e 6or+! to!a3 are 4ase! 0on t&e 1er3 sa*e*enta+it3 ass0*e! to g0i!e rogress- in t&e 6or+! t&ro0g& t&e o*etiti1e 1a+0e#

It is no 6on!er, in 2at, gi1en t&is 2ra*e6ork an! ongoing s&ortsig&te!ness, t&at 1ario0s ot&er!etri*enta+ s0er2iia+ soia+ !i1isions are sti++ er1asi1e 8 s0& as rae, re+igion, ree!, +ass or

7eno&o4i 4ias# T&is !i1isi1e 4aggage 2ro* ear+3, 2ear8oriente! stages o2 o0r 0+t0ra+ e1o+0tionsi*+3 &as no 6orking 4asis in t&e &3sia+ rea+it3 an! ser1es no6 on+3 to &in!er rogress, sa2et3an! s0staina4i+it3#

To!a3, as 6i++ 4e !esri4e! in +ater essa3s, t&e ossi4+e e22iien3 an! a40n!ane8ro!0ing*et&o!s t&at o0+! re*o1e *ost &0*an !eri1ation, inrease t&e a1erage stan!ar! o2 +i1inggreat+3 an! er2et 04+i &ea+t& an! eo+ogia+ s0staina4i+it3 great+3 : are +e2t 0nakno6+e!ge!!0e to t&e o+!er soia+ tra!itions in +ae, in+0!ing t&e nation8state onet# T&e 2at is, t&ere iste&nia++3 on+3 one rae 8 t&e H0*an Rae> t&ere is on+3 one 4asi &a4itat 8 Eart& an! t&ere ison+3 one 6orking *anner o2 oerationa+ t&o0g&t 8 Sienti2i#

Origins and %nfluence

Lets 50ik+3 onsi!er t&e root origins o2 t&e o*etiti1e!i1isi1e *o!e+# Wit&o0t going into too

*0& !etai+, it is +ear t&at t&e e1o+0tion o2 &0*an soiet3 &as in+0!e! a &istor3 o2 on2+it,sarit3 an! i*4a+ane# W&i+e t&ere is !e4ate as to t&e nat0re o2 soiet3 !0ring t&e erio! o2 ti*eree!ing t&e Neo+it&i Re1o+0tionC%, t&e eart& sine t&at ti*e &as 4een a 4att+e2ie+! 6&ere

> In t&e 2ie+! o2 &0*an genetis, Mito&on!ria+ E1e- re2ers to t&e *atri+inea++3 *ost reent o**on anestor MR)A< o2*o!ern &0*ans# In ot&er 6or!s, s&e 6as t&e *ost reent 6o*an 2ro* 6&o* a++ +i1ing &0*ans to!a3 !esen!, ont&eir *ot&ers si!e# We are one 2a*i+3# A+so, a++ &arateristis o2 rae !i22erene 2aia+ 2eat0resskin o+or< &a1e 4een2o0n! to 4e +inke! to t&e en1iron*enta+ on!itions 6&ere s0& s048gro0s o2 &0*ans +i1e!e1o+1e!# Hene it is a 2a+se!istintion as a *eans 2or s0er2iia+ !isri*ination#

C% So*eti*es a+so a++e! t&e Agri0+t0ra+ Re1o+0tion, it 6as t&e 6or+!s 2irst &istoria++3 1eri2ia4+e re1o+0tion in agri0+t0re#It 6as t&e 6i!e8sa+e transition o2 *an3 &0*an 0+t0res 2ro* a +i2est3+e o2 &0nting an! gat&ering to one o2 agri0+t0rean! sett+e*ent 6&i& s0orte! an inreasing+3 +arge o0+ation an! t&e 4asis 2or *o!ern soia+ atterns to!a3#

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o0nt+ess +i1es &a1e 4een taken 2or t&e sake o2 o*etition, 6&et&er *ateria+ or i!eo+ogia+# C$ 

T&is reogni;e! attern is so er1asi1e in 2at t&at *an3 to!a3 attri40te t&e roensit3 2or on2+itan! !o*ination to an irreoni+a4+e &arateristi o2 o0r human nature 6it& t&e on+0sion t&att&e &0*an 4eing is si*+3 0na4+e to oerate in a soia+ s3ste* t&at is not 4ase! 0on t&is

o*etiti1e 2ra*e6ork an! an3 s0& atte*t 6i++ reate 10+nera4i+it3 t&at 6i++ 4e e7+oite! 43 oneo6er o1er anot&er, e7ressing t&is aarent o*etiti1e!o*inane trait#C'

W&i+e t&e s049et o2 &0*an nat0re itse+2 is not t&e !iret 2o0s o2 t&is essa3C(, +et it 4eonte7t0a++3 state! t&at t&e e*iria+ o6er a40se- ass0*tion &as 4een a +arge art o2 t&e!e2ense o2 t&e o*etiti1e!i1isi1e *o!e+, 0sing a genera+ 4roa! 1ie6 o2 &istor3 as its 4asis 2or1a+i!it3# Ho6e1er, t&e sei2is o2 t&e on!itions in t&ose erio!s, o0+e! 6it& t&e kno6n2+e7i4i+it3 o2 t&e &0*an 4eing are o2ten !isregar!e! in t&ese assess*ents#C? 

T&e &istoria+ atterns o2 on2+it t&ro0g&o0t &istor3 annot 4e taken into ao0nt in iso+ation#Detai+e! re2erene to t&e on!itions an! ir0*stanes are nee!e!# In 2at, its +ike+3 a0rate tosa3 t&at t&e !o*inaneon2+it roensit3 6&i& is +ear+3 a ossi4+e reation 2or near+3 a++&0*ans in o0r nee! 2or reser1ation an! s0r1i1a+ in genera+ C@ is 4eing provoked by socialinfluence *ore t&an 4eing t&e so0re o2 s0& a reation# W&en 6e 6on!er &o6 t&e *assi1e Na;iAr*3 6&ere a4+e to *ora++3 90sti23 t&eir ations in Wor+! War II, 6e o2ten 2orget t&e enor*o0sroagan!a a*aign 0t o0t 43 t&at regi*e 6&i& 6orke! to e7+oit t&is essentia++3 4io+ogia+10+nera4i+it3#C=

True 2Self!%nterest2

T&e notion o2 se+28interest- is +ear+3 in&erent to t&e &0*an 4eings o**on 0rge to s0r1i1e#T&is is o41io0s eno0g& an! it is eas3 to see &istoria++3 &o6 t&e ra6 neessit3 o2 ersona+ s0r1i1a+,o2ten e7ten!ing to 2a*i+3 an! t&en t&e tri4e- +oa+ o**0nit3<, set t&e stage 2or t&e o*+e7,!i1isi1e ara!ig* 6e e7ist in to!a3# It s&o0+! &a1e 4een e7ete! 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 &istor3t&at 1ast eono*i t&eories 6o0+! 4e 4ase! 0on t&e notion o2 o*etition an! ine50a+it3, s0&as in t&e 6ork o2 A!a* S*it&# )onsi!ere! t&e 2at&er o2 t&e 2ree *arket, &e *a!e o0+ar t&eass0*tion t&at i2 e1er3one &a! t&e et&i to +ook o0t 2or t&e*se+1es on+3, t&e 6or+! 6o0+!

rogress as a o**0nit3#C>


C$ In t&e '%t& )ent0r3 a+one, statistiians 0t t&e &0*an !eat& to++ 2ro* 6ar 4et6een $C% to ''% *i++ion, 6it& so*e&a++enging t&ose n0*4ers 43 +ai*ing e1i!ene 0ts t&e to++ ( ti*es &ig&er in *an3 regiona+ ases".&tt"666#siene!ai+3#o*re+eases'%%C%=%C%=$$?$?'#&t*/

C' A +assi te7t t&at e*+o3e! t&is 4asi 2ear 6as Ha3eks The $oad to &erfdom-# H0*an Nat0re- &a! a 1er3 +eari*+iation, 90sti2ie! 20n!a*enta++3 43 &istoria+ tren!s o2 tota+itarianis* s0ggeste! to 4e +inke! too++a4orati1e+anne! eono*ies#

C( See t&e essa3" The Dinal .rgumentA uman Nature'C? T&e Nat0reN0rt0re De4ate &as 4een 6e++ esta4+is&e! as a 2a+se !0a+it3 in 4e&a1iora+ 4io+og3e1o+0tionar3 s3&o+og3

2ie+!s o2 st0!3# T&e rea+it3 is t&at o2 a eret0a+ interation 6it& t&e gra1it3 o2 re+e1ane s&i2ting on a er ase 4asis#Ho6e1er, 6&at is re+e1ant &ere is t&e st0!3 o2 t&e &0*an 4eings range o2 4e&a1ior- an! e7at+3 &o6 a!ata4+e an!2+e7i4+e 6e are# S0ggeste! Rea!ing" :hy Eebras *on5t Bet >lcers, Ro4ert Sao+sk3, W# H# Free*an, $C

C@ )o**on+3 ter*e!" T&e 2ig&t8or82+ig&t resonse- or t&e a0te stress resonse< an! 6as 2irst !esri4e! 43 A*erian&3sio+ogist Wa+ter ra!2or! )annon#

C= W&3 o2 o0rse t&e eo+e !ont 6ant 6ar# W&3 s&o0+! so*e oor s+o4 on a 2ar* 6ant to risk &is +i2e in a 6ar 6&en t&e4est &e an get o0t o2 it is to o*e 4ak to &is 2ar* in one ieeQ Nat0ra++3 t&e o**on eo+e !ont 6ant 6ar neit&erin R0ssia, nor in Eng+an!, nor 2or t&at *atter in Ger*an3# T&at is 0n!erstoo!# 0t, a2ter a++, it is t&e +ea!ers o2 t&eo0ntr3 6&o !eter*ine t&e o+i3 an! it is a+6a3s a si*+e *atter to !rag t&e eo+e a+ong, 6&et&er it is a !e*ora3,or a 2asist !itators&i, or a ar+ia*ent, or a o**0nist !itators&i# Voie or no 1oie, t&e eo+e an a+6a3s 4e4ro0g&t to t&e 4i!!ing o2 t&e +ea!ers# T&at is eas3# A++ 3o0 &a1e to !o is te++ t&e* t&e3 are 4eing attake!, an!!eno0ne t&e eae*akers 2or +ak o2 atriotis* an! e7osing t&e o0ntr3 to !anger# It 6orks t&e sa*e in an3o0ntr3# 8Her*ann Gring .A +ea!ing *e*4er o2 t&e Na;i Part3 Fro* an inter1ie6 6it& Gi+4ert in Grings 9ai+ e++!0ring t&e N0re*4erg War )ri*es Tria+s $C Ari+ $?=</

C> It is not 2ro* t&e 4ene1o+ene o2 t&e 40t&er, t&e 4re6er, or t&e 4aker t&at 6e e7et o0r !inner, 40t 2ro* t&eirregar! to t&eir o6n se+28interest# We a!!ress o0rse+1es not to t&eir &0*anit3 40t to t&eir se+28+o1e, an! ne1er ta+k tot&e* o2 o0r o6n neessities, 40t o2 t&eir a!1antages-8 A!a* S*it&, .n In%uiry into the Nature = Causes of the :ealthof Nations, Vo+ $

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T&is In1isi4+e Han!- notion o2 &0*an rogress arising 2ro* narro6 ersona+ se+28interest a+one*ig&t &a1e 4een a 6orka4+e &i+oso&3 *an3 3ears ago 6&en t&e si*+iit3 o2 t&e soiet3 itse+26as 4ase! on e1er3one 4eing a ro!0erCC# Ho6e1er, t&e nat0re o2 soiet3 &as &ange! great+3o1er ti*e 6it& o0+ation inreases, entire+3 !i22erent ro+e str0t0res an! e7onentia++3 a!1aningte&no+og3# T&e risks assoiate! 6it& t&is *anner o2 t&o0g&t are no6 ro1ing to 4e *ore

!angero0s t&an 4ene2iia+, an! t&e !e2inition o2 se+28interest- is taking a larger context  t&an e1er4e2ore#Is it not in 3o0r se+28interest to rotet an! no0ris& t&e &a4itat t&at s0orts 3o0Q Is it not in 3o0rse+28interest to take are o2 soiet3 as a whole, ro1i!ing 2or its *e*4ers, so t&at t&eonse50enes o2 !eri1ation, s0& as ri*e- are re!0e! as *0& as ossi4+e to ens0re 3o0rsa2et3Q Is it not se+28interest to onsi!er t&e onse50enes o2 i*eria+ist 6ars t&at an 4ree!2iere 9ingoisti &atre! on one si!e o2 t&e +anet, on+3 to &a1e, sa3, a s0itase 4o*4 e7+o!e4e&in! 3o0 at a resta0rant as a !eserate 4+o684ak- at o2 a4strat retri40tionQ

Is it not se+28interest to ass0re a++ o2 soieties &i+!ren 8 not 90st 3o0rs 8 &a1e t&e 4est 04ringingan! e!0ation so t&at 3o0r 20t0re an! t&e 20t0re o2 3o0r &i+!ren an e7ist in a resonsi4+e,e!0ate!, an! inreasing+3 ro!0ti1e 6or+!Q Is it not in 3o0r se+28interest to *ake s0re in!0str3 isas organi;e!, oti*i;e! an! sienti2ia++3 a0rate as ossi4+e, so t&at 6e !o not ro!0e s&o!!3,&ea te&no+og3 t&at *ig&t er&as a0se a soia+ ro4+e* in t&e 20t0re i2 it 2ai+sQ

T&e 4otto* +ine is t&at t&ings &a1e &ange! in t&e 6or+! to!a3 an! your self-interest! is nowonly as good as your societal interest!' eing o*etiti1e an! going o0t 2or 3o0rse+2, 4eating-ot&ers on+3 &as a negati1e onse50ene in t&e +ongter*, 2or it is !en3ing a6areness o2 t&e 6&o+es3ste* 6e are 4o0n! 6it&in# A &ea+3 *a!e n0+ear o6er +ant in Kaan *ig&t not *ean *0&to eo+e in A*eria# Ho6e1er, i2 t&at +ant 6as to &a1e a +arge sa+e te&nia+ 2ai+0re, t&e 2a++o0tan! o++0tion *ig&t *ake its 6a3 o1er to A*erian &o*es, ro1ing t&at you are never safe in thelong run unless you have a global consciousness#

In t&e en!, on+3 an eart&8&0*ankin! onsio0s 1ie6 an ass0re a ersons tr0e se+28interest- int&e *o!ern 6or+! to!a3 an! &ene, in *an3 6a3s, ass0re o0r soia+ e1o+0tionar3 2itness- C 6&en

s0& onsi!erations are taken into ao0nt# T&e 1er3 i!ea o2 6is&ing to s0ort 3o0r o0ntr3-an! ignoring or e1en en9o3ing t&e 2ai+0re o2 ot&ers, is a !esta4i+i;ing state o2 a22airs#

WarfareT&e !a3s o2 ratia+ 6ar2are are +ong o1er# Ne6 te&no+og3 on t&e &ori;on &as t&e a4i+it3 toreate 6eaons t&at 6i++ *ake t&e Ato* o*4 +ook +ike a ro*an ata0+t in its !estr0ti1eo6er#% )ent0ries ago, 6ar2are o0+! at +east 4e *ini*i;e! to t&e 6arring arties o1era++# To!a3,t&e entire 6or+! is t&reatene!# T&ere are o1er '(,%%% N0+ear Weaons to!a3 6&i& o0+! 6ieo0t t&e &0*an o0+ation *an3 ti*es o1er#$

In *an3 6a3s, o0r 1er3 social maturity  is 4eing 50estione! at t&is ti*e# Stiks an! stones as

CC Soio+ogist T&orstein Ve4+en, 6riting in $$>, *a!e t&is a0te o4ser1ation 6it& reset to t&e &anges in soiet3 an!

&o6 t&e3 re2+et t&e origina+ re*ise o2 t&e Market Eono*3#T&e stan!ar! t&eories o2 eono*i siene &a1e ass0*e!t&e rig&ts o2 roert3 an! ontrat as a7io*ati re*ises an! 0+ti*ate ter*s o2 ana+3sis an! t&eir t&eories areo**on+3 !ra6n in s0& a 2or* as 6o0+! 2it t&e ir0*stanes o2 t&e &an!ira2t in!0str3 an! t&e ett3 tra!e### T&eseT&eories ###aear tena4+e, on t&e 6&o+e, 6&en taken to a+3 to t&e eono*i sit0ation o2 t&at ear+ier ti*e### It is6&en t&ese stan!ar! t&eories are so0g&t to 4e a+ie! to t&e +ater sit0ation, 6&i& &as o0tgro6n t&e on!itions o2&an!ira2t, t&at t&e3 aears n0gator3 or *eretriio0s#- . .n In%uiry Into The Nature 0f "eace .nd The Terms 0f Its"erpetuation/ He a+so 2ores&a!o6e! t&e rise o2 t&e in1est*ent +ass- as to!a3 non8ro!0ing 2inania+ instit0tion +ike4anks B t&e stoks *arket &a1e 4eo*e *ore re6ar!ing ro2it86ise t&an t&e at0a+ *an02at0ring o2 tr0e goo!s#

C E1o+0tionar3 Fitness is a 4io+ogia+ ter* genera++3 !e2ine! as T&e ro4a4i+it3 t&at t&e +ine o2 !esent 2ro* an in!i1i!0a+6it& a sei2i trait 6i++ not !ie o0t# In t&is onte7t 6e are +inking &0*an ations, soia++3, to t&e i!ea o2 seiess0r1i1a+#

% Re2" &tt"rnano#t3ea!#o*rn4+og'%%@%@a+iations2o#&t*+$ Re2" &tt"666#6agingeae#orgarti+es!4arti+e#&Qarti+ei!'@(

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6eaonr3 o0+! to+erate a great !ea+ o2 &0*an !istortion an! *a+iio0s intent# Ho6e1er, in a6or+! o2 nano8te& 6eaons t&at o0+! 4e onstr0te! in a s*a++ +a4 6it& enor*o0s !estr0ti1eo6er, o0r human self-interest!  nee!s to take &o+! an! t&e instit0tion o2 6ar nee!s to 4es3ste*atia++3 s&0t!o6n# In or!er to !o t&is, nations *0st te&nia++3 0ni23 an! s&are t&eirreso0res an! i!eas, not &oar! t&e* 2or o*etiti1e se+284etter*ent, 6&i& is t&e nor* to!a3#

Instit0tions +ike t&e Unite! Nations &a1e 4eo*e o*+ete 2ai+0res in t&is regar! 4ea0se t&e3nat0ra++3 4eo*e too+s o2 e*ire 40i+!ing !0e to t&e 0n!er+3ing nat0re o2 o0ntr3 !i1isions an!t&e soio8eono*i !o*inane o2 t&e roert3*onetar3o*etition 4ase! s3ste*# It is noteno0g& to si*+3 gat&er g+o4a+ +ea!ers- at a ta4+e to !is0ss t&eir ro4+e*s : t&e str0t0re itse+2nee!s to &ange to s0ort a different type o2 interation 4et6een t&ese regiona+ gro0s- 6&eret&e eret0a+ t&reat- in&erent 4et6een nation8states is re*o1e!#

In t&e en!, t&ere is no e*iria+ o6ners&i o2 reso0res or i!eas# K0st as a++ i!eas are seria++3!e1e+oe! aross 0+t0re t&ro0g& t&e gro0 *in!-, t&e reso0res o2 t&e +anet are e50a++3 astransient in t&eir 20ntion an! sienti2ia++3 !e2ine! as to t&eir ossi4+e 0roses# T&e eart& is asing+e s3ste*, a+ong 6it& t&e +a6s o2 nat0re t&at go1ern it# Eit&er &0*an soiet3 reogni;es an!4egins to at on t&is +ogi in&erent, or 6e s022er in t&e +ong r0n#


 Man a50ires at 4irt&, t&ro0g& &ere!it3, a 4io+ogia+ onstit0tion 6&i& 6e *0st onsi!er 2i7e! an!0na+tera4+e, in+0!ing t&e nat0ra+ 0rges 6&i& are &arateristi o2 t&e &0*an seies# In a!!ition, !0ring &is+i2eti*e, &e a50ires a 0+t0ra+ onstit0tion 6&i& &e a!ots 2ro* soiet3 t&ro0g& o**0niation an! t&ro0g&

*an3 ot&er t3es o2 in2+0enes# It is t&is 0+t0ra+ onstit0tion 6&i&, 6it& t&e assage o2 ti*e, is s049et to&ange an! 6&i& !eter*ines to a 1er3 +arge e7tent t&e re+ations&i 4et6een t&e in!i1i!0a+ an! soiet3#- ' 

8A# Einstein

The Onl) Argument Remaining

T&e Train o2 T&o0g&t- an! A+iation8Set- ( resente! in TZMs *ateria+s are technical  43nat0re, e7ressing t&e interest o2 a+3ing t&e *et&o! an! *erit o2 &cientific Causality  to t&esoia+ s3ste* as a 6&o+e#

T&e 4ene2its o2 t&is aroa& are not on+3 to 4e taken on t&eir o6n *erit 40t s&o0+! a+so 4eonsi!ere! in ontrast to to!a3s esta4+is&e!, tra!itiona+ *et&o!s an! t&eir onse50enes# It 6i+++ike+3 t&en 4e notie! t&at o0r 0rrent soieta+ *et&o!s are not on+3 gross+3 o0t!ate! an!ine22iient 43 o*arison 8 t&e3 are inreasing+3 !angero0s an! in&0*ane 8 6it& t&e neessit3 2or+arge sa+e soia+ &ange 4eo*ing e1er *ore i*ortant# T&is isnt a4o0t Utoia- 8 it is a4o0ttr0+3 ratia+ i*ro1e*ents#

T&e o1era++ 4asis o2 t&e Monetar38Market )aita+istFree8Market< onet &as to !o20n!a*enta++3 6it& ass0*tions re+ate! to human behavior, traditional values an! an intuitive

1ie6 o2 &istor3 - not e*ergent reasoning, at0a+ 04+i &ea+t& *eas0res, te&nia+ aait3 oreo+ogia+ resonsi4i+it3# It is a non8te&nia+, &i+oso&ia+ aroa& 6&i& *ere+3 assumes t&at&0*an !eisions *a!e t&ro0g& its interna+ +ogi an! inenti1e s3ste* 6i++ ro!0e a resonsi4+e,s0staina4+e an! &0*ane o0to*e, !ri1en 43 t&e i++0si1e notion o2 2ree!o* o2 &oie- 6&i&, ont&e sa+e o2 soieta+ 20ntiona+it3, aears tanta*o0nt to organi;ationa+ anar&3# ?

' W&3 Soia+is*Q- &tt"*ont&+3re1ie6#org'%%%@%$6&38soia+is*( T&ese ter*s are !etai+e! in t&e Voa40+ar3 List 8 Aen!i7 A# T&e Train o2 T&o0g&t- &as to !o 6it& t&e 0n!er+3ing

reasoning t&at arri1es at t&e on+0sions o2 TZMs a!1oation 8 6&i+e t&e A+iation8Set- is si*+3 t&e 0rrent state o2a+ie! te&no+og3 to!a3# T&e !i22erene 4et6een t&e t6o is t&at t&e 2or*er is near8e*iria+ 6&i+e t&e +atter istransient sine te&no+ogia+ too+s are a+6a3s 0n!ergoing &ange#

? M0& an 4e sai! on t&e s049et o2 eono*i organi;ation an! *e&anis*s 2or in!0stria+ ro!0tion an! *ore 6i++ 4e

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T&is is 6&3 t&e *onetar38*arket *o!e+ o2 eono*is is o2ten onsi!ere! religious 43 nat0re inTZM *ateria+s as t&e a0sa+ *e&anis* is rea++3 4ase! on 1irt0a++3 s0erstitio0s ass0*tions o2t&e &0*an on!ition 6it& +itt+e +inkage to e*erging sienti2i 0n!erstan!ings a4o0t o0rse+1es an!t&e rigi! s3*4iotis3nergisti re+ations&i o2 o0r &a4itat an! its go1erning nat0ra+ +a6s#

W&en resenting TZMs so+0tion8oriente! Train o2 T&o0g&t to t&ose 0n2a*i+iar, it is 0s0a++3 90st a*atter o2 ti*e 4e2ore, at a *ini*0*, t&e 4asi sienti2i re*ise is 0n!erstoo! an! aete! ina4stration# For e7a*+e, t&e iso+ate! te&nia+ rea+it3 t&at 6e &a1e t&e reso0res an! in!0stria+*et&o!s to easi+3 2ee! e1er3one on t&e +anet eart&, so no one &as to star1e@, rare+3 2in!sarg0*ent in an! o2 itse+2# I2 3o0 6ere to ask an a1erage erson to!a3 i2 t&e3 6o0+! +ike to see anen! to t&e $ 4i++ion eo+e in &roni star1ation on t&e +anet=, t&e3 6o0+! *ost +ike+3 agree2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 *ora+it3-#

Ho6e1er, it is 6&en t&e +ogi r0ns its o0rse an! starts to !eit t&e t3e o2 +arge sa+e soia+ an!eono*i re2or*ations needed  to 2ai+itate tr0e s3ste* s0ort 2or t&ose $ 4i++ion eo+e t&at*an3 2in! onte*t an! re9etion# Aart 2ro* st044orn, te*ora+ 1a+0e- assoiations 8 6&ereeo+e essentia++3 re20se to &ange an3t&ing t&e3 &a1e 4eo*e 0se! to in t&eir +i1es, e1en i2 t&at&ange +ear+3 s0orts a 4etter o0to*e in t&e +ong ter* 8 t&ere is one arg0*ent so o**ont&at it 6arrants a re+i*inar3 !is0ssion in an! o2 itse+2#

T&at is t&e arg0*ent o2 H0*an Nat0re-# T&is arg0*ent *ig&t a+so 4e sai! to 4e t&e only  realobFection left, i2 3o0 t&ink a4o0t it, o0tsi!e, again, o2 t&e near ar4itrar3 0+t0ra+ +i2est3+e ratieseo+e are a2rai! to &ange !0e to t&eir i!entit3 assoiations an! on!itione! o*2orts#

Are &0*ans o*ati4+e 6it& a tr0+3 s0staina4+e, sienti2i soio8eono*i s3ste* or are 6e!oo*e! to t&e 6or+! 6e &a1e no6 !0e to o0r genetisQ is Technical

T&e ase 2or a ne6 soia+ s3ste* 4ase! !iret+3 on a scientific 1ie6 2or 0n!erstan!ing B

*a7i*i;ing s0staina4i+it3 an! roserit3, te&nia++3, rea++3 annot 4e ontra!ite! 43 anot&eraroa&, as 4o+! as s0& a state*ent *a3 see*# W&3Q ea0se t&ere si*+3 isnt one 6&en t&e0ni23ing, nat0ra+ +a6 +ogi o2 T&e Sienti2i Met&o! is aete! as t&e root *e&anis* o2 &3sia+a0sa+it3 an! interre+ations&i#

For e7a*+e, great s0r2ae 1ariation orna*ent< *ig&t e7ist 6it& t&e !esign o2 an air+ane, 40tt&e *e&anis 6&i& ena4+e 2+ig&t are 4o0n! 43 &3sia+ +a6s an! &ene so *0st t&e o1era++ physical design o2 t&e air+ane in or!er to a+ign 6it& s0& +a6s an! 20ntion#

)onstr0ting s0& a *a&ine to er2or* a 9o4 6it& t&e goa+ o2 oti*i;e! er2or*ane, sa2et3 an!e22iien3 is not a *atter o2 oinion, 90st as no *atter &o6 *an3 orna*ents 6e *a3 +ae aro0n!o0r &o*es, t&e &3sia+ str0t0re o2 t&e 40i+!ing *0st a!&ere to t&e rigi! +a6s o2 &3sis an!nat0ra+ !3na*is o2 t&e &a4itat 2or sa2et3 an! en!0rane an! &ene an &a1e +itt+e reseti1e

1ariation in a te&nia+ sense#

!esri4e! in Part (# Ho6e1er, +et it 4e state! &ere t&at t&e Prie Me&anis*-, 6&i& is t&e entra+ ata+3st 2or eono*i0n2o+!ing to!a3, is in&erent+3 anar&isti !0e to t&e +ak o2 e22iient s3ste* re+ations&is 6it&in *aro8in!0stria+raties# Pro!0tion, !istri40tion an! reso0re a++oation is not strategi- in a te&nia+, &3sia+ sense 43 an3 stret&o2 t&e i*agination : t&e on+3 strateg3 e*+o3e!, 6&i& is t&e !e2ining onte7t o2 e22iien3- in t&e *arket eono*3,&as to !o 6it& t&e ro2it an! +oss+a4or oste7ense t3e *onetar3 ara*eters 6&i& &a1e no re+ations&i to &3sia+e22iien3 at a++#

@ T&is &as 4een on2ir*e! 43 t&e Unite! Nations Foo! an! Agri0+t0re Organi;ation an! t&e Wor+! Foo! Progra**e# T&issite is reo**en! 2or re2erene" &tt"o1ero0+ationisa*3t&#o*2oo!8t&eres8+ots8it&ea!er8$

= &tt"666#ne6s8*e!ia+#netne6s'%%%='($%'84i++ion8star1ing8eo+e86or+!6i!e8UN8sa3s#as7

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T&e organi;ation o2 &0*an soiet3 an 4e no !i22erent i2 t&e intention is integrit3 an! oti*i;ation#To t&ink o2 t&e 20ntiona+ nat0re o2 a 6orking soiet3 is to t&ink a4o0t a mechanistic schematic , i23o0 6i++# K0st as 6e 6o0+! !esign an air+ane to 6ork in t&e 4est 6a3 ossi4+e, te&nia++3, sos&o0+! o0r aroa& 4e to t&e soia+ s3ste*, 6&i& is e50a++3 as te&nia+ in its oeration#

Un2ort0nate+3, t&is genera+ erseti1e &as ne1er 4een gi1en a rea+ &ane in &istor3 an! to!a3o0r 6or+! is sti++ r0n in an inongr0o0s *anner 6&ere t&e rinia+ inenti1e is *ore a4o0t!eta&e!, i**e!iate, s&ortsig&te! ersona+ gain an! !i22erentia+ a!1antage t&an it is a4o0troer, strategi in!0stria+ *et&o!s, eo+ogia+ a+ign*ent, soia+ sta4i+it3, 04+i &ea+t&onsi!erations an! generationa+ s0staina4i+it3#

T&is is a++ ointe! o0t, again, 4ea0se t&e H0*an Nat0re arg0*ent against s0& an aroa& isrea++3 t&e on+3 seemingly  te&nia+ arg0*ent t&at an ossi4+3 !e2en! t&e o+! s3ste* 6e &a1eto!a3 it is rea++3 t&e on+3 arg0*ent +e2t 6&en eo+e 6&o 6is& to 0&o+! t&is s3ste* rea+i;e t&atnot&ing e+se t&e3 +ogia++3 arg0e an ossi4+3 4e 1ia4+e gi1en t&e irrationa+it3 in&erent to e1er3ot&er +ai* against a natural law based social system#

%rrationall) (ound4

oi+ing it !o6n, t&is &a++enge an 4e onsi!ere! in one 50estion"Is the uman &pecies able to adapt and thrive in a technically organized planned system, whereour values and practices align with the known laws of nature in practice, or are we confined byour genes, biology and evolutionary psychology to operate in only the way we know todayG! 

W&i+e *an3 to!a3 arg0e t&e sei2is o2 t&e Nat0re 1s N0rt0re !e4ate 8 2ro* +ank S+ate-e&a1ioris*> to Geneti Deter*inis*C 8 it &as 4eo*e +ear, at a *ini*0*, t&at o0r 4io+og3, o0rs3&o+og3 an! o0r soio+ogia+ on!ition are ine7ora4+3 +inke! to t&e en1iron*ent 6e in&a4it,4ot& 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 generationa+ e1o+0tionar3 a!atation io+ogia+ E1o+0tion<, to s&ort8ter* 4iases an! 1a+0es 6e a4sor4 2ro* o0r en1iron*ent )0+t0ra+ E1o+0tion<#

So, 4e2ore 6e go into !etai+ on t&is iss0e, it is 6e++ 6ort& noting t&at o0r 1er3 !e2inition as a&0*an 4eing in t&e +ong an! s&ort ter* 1ie6 is 4ase! 0on a roess o2 adaptation to e7istingon!itions, in+0!ing t&e genes t&e*se+1es# T&is is not to !iso0nt t&e er8ase genetire+e1ane itse+2 40t to &ig&+ig&t t&e  process to 6&i& 6e are a art, 2or t&e gene8en1iron*entre+ations&i an on+3 4e onsi!ere! as an ongoing interation, 6it& t&e o0to*es +arge+3 a res0+to2 t&e en1iron*enta+ on!itions in t&e +ong an! s&ort ter* in genera+# I2 t&is 6asnt t&e ase,t&ere is +itt+e !o04t t&e &0*an seies 6o0+! &a1e +ike+3 eris&e! +ong ago !0e to a 2ai+0re toa!at#

Moreo1er, 6&i+e it is +ear 6e &0*ans sti++ aear to *aintain &ar!6ire!, re!ita4+e reations 2or

> T&e notion o2 t&e +ank S+ate- 6as *a!e o0+ar 43 T&o*as Ho44es 40t an 4e +inke! 4ak to t&e 6ritings o2Aristot+e# T&is is t&e i!ea t&at, in s&ort, in!i1i!0a+s are 4orn 6it&o0t 40i+t8in *enta+ orientation an! e1er3t&ing is+earne!# No6 +arge+3 !e40nke! as a 4roa! 1ie6 !0e to ro1en rogra**e! +earning- an! &0*ans in&erent

 e1o+0tionar3 s3&o+og3-, t&e i!ea sti++ ersists in genera+#C T&e 1ie6 t&at &0*an 4eings are s04stantia++3 *ore a22ete! 43 Genes an! io+og3 t&an en1iron*enta+ on!itioning

6it& reset to &0*an 4e&a1ior is sti++ a &eate! !e4ate, not to *ention a 2re50ent int0iti1e reation 43 *an3 to ertain&0*an atterns# T&e &rase Its 90st &0*an nat0re- is a++ too o2ten tosse! o0t 43 t&e +a3*an# A0t&ors s0& as Ste1enPinker are nota4+e 2or ro*oting t&e !o*inane o2 e1o+0tionar3 s3&o+og3 o1er en1iron*enta+ on!itioning#

An a!atation- in 4io+og3 is a trait 6it& a 0rrent 20ntiona+ ro+e in t&e +i2e &istor3 o2 an organis* t&at is *aintaine!an! e1o+1e! 43 *eans o2 nat0ra+ se+etion# In s&ort, t&is o0rs !0e to ress0res e7isting on t&e organis* in t&een1iron*ent# Like6ise, Eigenetis- is a 2air+3 ne6 a6areness an! st0!3 o2 &erita4+e &anges in gene e7ression ore++0+ar &enot3e a0se! 43 *e&anis*s other  t&an &anges in t&e 0n!er+3ing DNA se50ene# In s&ort, it is a s&orter8ter* e7ression- a!atation in2+0ene! 43 t&e en1iron*ent as 6e++# As 2ar as 0+t0re, t&is is *ore si*+e to0n!erstan!# For instane, t&e +ang0age 3o0 seak is an a!atation to t&e e7isting 0+t0ra+ gro0, 90st +ike t&e re+igion3o0 *ig&t 4e ta0g&t an! &ene *an3 o2 t&e 1a+0es 3o0 &o+! are !iret+3 a res0+t o2 t&e 0+t0ra+ on!itions 3o0 are6it&in#

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ra6, ersona+ s0r1i1a+$%%, 6e &a1e a+so ro1en t&e a4i+it3 to e1o+1e o0r 4e&a1iors t&ro0g& t&o0g&t,a6areness an! e!0ation$%$, a++o6ing 0s to, in 2at, ontro+o1ero*e t&ose i*0+si1e, ri*iti1ereations, i2 t&e on!itions 2or s0& are s0orte! an! rein2ore!# T&is is an e7tre*e+3 i*ortant!istintion an! is 6&at searates t&e 1ariane o2 &0*an 4eings 2ro* t&eir +esser e1o+1e! ri*ate2a*i+3 in *an3 6a3s#$%'

A 50ik g+ane at t&e !i1ersit3 in &istoria+ &0*an on!0t 6e see t&ro0g&o0t ti*e, ontraste!6it& t&e re+ati1e+3 s+o6 ae o2 +arger str0t0ra+ &anges o2 o0r 4rains B DNA $%( o1er t&e asto0+e o2 t&o0san! 3ears, s&o6s t&at o0r a!ati1e aait3 1ia t&o0g&te!0ation< is enor*o0son t&e 0+t0ra+ +e1e+#

It aears t&at 6e are aa4+e o2 *an3 ossi4+e 4e&a1iors an! t&at a 2i7e! &0*an nat0re-, as an0na+tera4+e, 0ni1ersa+ set o2 4e&a1iora+ traitsreations s&are! 43 a++ &0*ans 6it&o0t e7etion,annot 4e &e+! as 1a+i!# Rat&er, t&ere aears to 4e a setr0* o2 ossi4+e 4e&a1iors an!re!ita4+e reations, a++ *ore or +ess ontingent 0on t&e t3e o2 !e1e+o*ent, e!0ation, sti*0+iB on!itions 6e e7eriene#

T&e social imperative in t&is reset annot 4e e*&asi;e! eno0g& 2or en1iron*enta+ in2+0ene isa *assi1e 2ator t&at groo*s not on+3 o0r !eision8*aking re2erenes in 4ot& t&e +ong an! s&ortter*, 40t t&e o1era++ en1iron*enta+ interation 6it& o0r 4io+og3 in genera+ a+so &as o6er20+e22ets on ersona+ 6e++84eing an! &ene 4roa! 04+i &ea+t& in *an3 sei2i 6a3s#

It &as 4een 2o0n! t&at en1iron*enta+ on!itions, in+0!ing 2ators s0& as n0tritiona+ in0t $%?,e*otiona+ se0rit3$%@, soia+ assoiation$%=  an! a++ 2or*s o2 stress in genera+ an in2+0ene t&e&0*an 4eing in *an3 *ore 6a3s t&an re1io0s+3 t&o0g&t# T&is roess 4egins In Utero, t&ro0g&

$%% T&e notion o2 an Instint0a+ Reation- o0+! 4e a+ie! &ere# Ho6e1er, t&e !i22erentiation o2 6&at is or isnt instint0a+&as 4eo*e inreasing+3 a*4ig0o0s in t&e st0!3 o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior# Jet, it is +ear in a 20n!a*enta+ sense t&at t&ereare 1er3 sei2i atterns in o**on regar!ing t&e &0*an seies, eseia++3 in t&e onte7t o2 s0r1i1a+ an! stressin2+0ene# Fae! 6it& ressing !anger, 1er3 o**on 4io+ogia+en!orino+ogia+ reations o0r a+*ost 0ni1ersa++3 an!

t&ese o2ten generate 4e&a1iora+ roensities 6&i& are a+so re!ita4+e onsistent+3 aross t&e seies as a 6&o+e#$%$ T&e ter* e&a1iora+ P+astiit3- an 4e a+ie! &ere as an e7tension o2 Ne0ro+astiit3- 6&i& re2ers to ati1e

&anges in ne0ra+ at&6a3s an! s3nases# K0st as t&e 4rain 0se! to 4e onsi!ere! a stati organ, &0*an 4e&a1ior :t&e e7ression o2 4rain ati1it3 : +ear+3 a+so 0n!ergoes &ange# As o*+e7 a s049et as 2ree86i++- an! !eisionroesses are to t&e s3&o+ogia+ sienes, t&e nat0re o2 t&e &0*an *in! s&o6s +ear a!ata4i+it3 an! 10+nera4i+it3 toin0t on!itions# Un+ike o0r ri*ate anestors, o0r a!1ane! Neoorte7X aears to 4e a enter 2or onsio0s t&o0g&tan! in t&e 6or!s o2 Dr# Ro4ert Sao+sk3, Ne0rosientist 2ro* Stan2or! Uni1ersit3" On a ertain +e1e+, t&e nat0re o2 o0rnat0re is not to 4e arti0+ar+3 onstraine! 43 o0r nat0re#- . 2ro* '%$$ 2i+* EeitgeistA 4oving Dorward  /

$%' XMore on t&e Neoorte7, an a!1ane! area o2 t&e &0*an 4rain attri40te! to onsio0sness an 4e 2o0n! &ere"&tt"666#nat0re#o*nrn9o0rna+1$%n$%a4snrn'>$#&t*+

$%( DNA *0tation rates 1ar3 2ro* seies to seies an! &a1e &istoria++3 4een 1er3 !i22i0+t to esti*ate# To!a3, 6it& *irect &e%uencing it is no6 ossi4+e to iso+ate e7at &anges# In a st0!3 er2or*e! in '%%, t6o !istant *a+e8+inere+ati1es 8 searate! 43 t&irteen generations 8 6&ose o**on anestor +i1e! t6o &0n!re! 3ears ago, 6ere se50ene!,2in!ing on+3 $' !i22erenes a*ong a++ t&e DNA +etters e7a*ine!# T&e t6o J &ro*oso*es 6ere sti++ i!entia+ at$%,$?,%>( o2 t&e $%,$?,%C@ +etters e7a*ine!# O2 t&e $' !i22erenes###on+3 2o0r 6ere tr0e *0tations t&at &a!o0rre! nat0ra++3 t&ro0g& t&e generations#- .&tt"666#siene!ai+3#o*re+eases'%%%C%%C'>$'('$%#&t* / As

2ar as t&e H0*an Geno*e, it is esti*ate! t&at t&e geno*e *ig&t 0n!ergo on+3 a 2e6 $%% &anges o1er tens o2t&o0san!s o2 3ears#

$%? A +assia+ e7a*+e is t&e D0t& H0nger Winter-# A st0!3 traking eo+e 6&o s022ere! se1ere *a+n0trition as 2et0ses!0ring Wor+! War II 2o0n! t&at in t&eir a!0+t +i2e t&e3 s022ere! 2ro* 1ario0s *eta4o+i s3n!ro*es an! *eta4o+is*ro4+e*s !0e to t&e rogra**ing- 6&i& o0rre! !0ring t&at In Utero erio!# Re2" Damine and uman developmentAThe *utch hunger winter of H//-H/1 # Ne6 Jork, NJ, US" O72or! Uni1ersit3 Press#

$%@ Dr# Ga4or Mat[ in &is 6ork In the $ealm of ungry Bhosts- Nort& At+anti ooks, '%$'< resents an enor*o0sa*o0nt o2 resear& regar!ing &o6 e*otiona+ +oss o0rring at 3o0ng ages a22ets 4e&a1ior in +ater +i2e, sei2ia++3 t&eroensit3 2or a!!itions#

$%= T&e re+e1ane o2 t&e nat0re o2 soia+ interation is *ore ro2o0n! t&an one t&o0g&t# T&e orre+ation 4et6een!i22erent *aro8soieta+ 2ators an! 04+i &ea+t& iss0es s0& as +i2e e7etan3, *enta+ !isor!er, o4esit3, &eart!isease, 1io+ene an! *an3 ot&er soio+ogia+ iss0es 6ere 6e++ s0**ari;e! in t&e 4ook The &pirit )evel  43 Ri&ar!Wi+kinson an! ate Pikett, Peng0in, Mar& '%%#

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t&e sensiti1e ost8nata+ an! &i+!&oo! +anne! +earning- a!ation erio!s $%>, an! arries ont&ro0g&o0t +i2e on a++ &3sio+ogia+ an! s3&o+ogia+ +e1e+s#

For e7a*+e, 6&i+e t&ere is e1i!ene t&at !eression as a s3&o+ogia+ !isor!er an &a1e ageneti re!isosition, it is t&e environment t&at rea++3 triggers it or not$%C# Again, t&is is not to

!o6n+a3 t&e in2+0ene o2 4io+og3 on o0r ersona+ities 40t to s&o6 t&e ritia+ i*ortane o20n!erstan!ing t&ese rea+ities an! adapting our social system and macro influences to support themost positive outcome we can' Changing The ConditionT&e i!ea o2 &anging soiet3s in2+0enesress0res to 4ring o0t t&e 4est o2 t&e &0*an on!itionrat&er t&an t&e 6orst is at t&e ore o2 t&e soia+ i*erati1e o2 TZM an! t&is i!ea is sa!+3 +ost int&e 0+t0res soia+ onsi!erations to!a3# Enor*o0s e1i!ene e7ists to s0ort &o6 t&e in2+0eneo2 o0r en1iron*ent is 6&at essentia++3 reates o0r values and biases an! 6&i+egeneti&3sio+ogia+ in2+0enes an set roensities an! aent0ations 2or ertain 4e&a1iors, t&e*ost ati1e in2+0ene regar!ing o0r variability  is t&e +i2e e7eriene an! on!ition o2 t&e &0*an4eing, &ene t&e *anner o2 interation 4et6een t&e interna+-&3sio+ogia+< an! e7terna+-en1iron*enta+<#

In t&e en!, t&e *ost re+e1ant iss0e is stress' O0r genes, 4io+og3 an! e1o+0tionar3 s3&o+og3*ig&t &a1e so*e &ang0s, 40t t&e3 are not&ing o*are! to t&e en1iron*enta+ !isor!er 6e &a1ereate! in o0r 0+t0re# T&e enor*it3 o2 no6 0nneessar3 stress in t&e 6or+! to!a3 : !e4t, 9o4sinse0rit3, inreasing &ea+t& risks, 4ot& *enta+ an! &3sio+ogia+ 8 an! *an3 ot&er iss0es &a1ereate! a +i*ate o2 0nease t&at &as 4een inreasing+3 *aking eo+e sik an! 0set#

Ho6e1er, t&e soe o2 t&is 1ie6 isnt 90st a4o0t 1ario0s te*ora+ ress0res t&at an trigger t&is ort&at roensit3 in a narro6 sense 8 it is *ore a4o0t t&e 4roa! e!0ationa+, re+igio0s&i+oso&ia+,o+itia+ an! soia+ 1a+0es an! i!eas t&e3 eret0ate an! rein2ore# I2 6e 6ere 2ae! 6it& anotion to a!at o0r soiet3 in a 6a3 t&at an ro1a4+3 4etter 04+i &ea+t&, 6o0+! 6e not 90st !oitQ To t&ink &0*an 4eings as a soiet3 are si*+3 ino*ati4+e 6it& *et&o!s t&at an inrease

t&eir stan!ar! o2 +i1ing an! &ea+t& is e7tre*e+3 0n+ike+3#

In on+0sion to t&is setion, +et it 4e state! t&at t&e s049et o2 H0*an Nat0re- is one o2 t&e *osto*+e7 s049ets t&ere is 6&en it o*es to sei2is# Ho6e1er, t&e 4roa! an! 1ia4+e a6areness6it& reset to 4asi 04+i &ea+t& i*ro1e*ent 1ia re!0ing stress, inreasing 50a+it3 n0tritionan! sta4i+i;ing soiet3 43 6orking to6ar! a40n!ane an! ease rat&er t&an stri2e an! o*+e7it3 :is not s0seti4+e to *0& !e4ate#

We no6 &a1e so*e re2ine! tr0t&s a4o0t t&e &0*an on!ition t&at gi1e eno0g& e1i!ene to seet&at 6e are not on+3 generating oor reations an! &a4its !0e to t&e in2+0ene o2 t&e 0rrentsoio8eono*i or!er, 6e are a+so great+3 !isreseting t&e &a4itat as 6e++, reating not on+3 a+ak o2 s0staina4i+it3 in an eo+ogia+ sense, 40t, again, in a 0+t0ra+ sense as 6e++# To t&ink&0*ans are si*+3 ino*ati4+e 6it& t&ese reso+0tions, e1en i2 it *eans &anging o0r 6or+!

great+3, !e2ies t&e +ong &istor3 o2 a!atation 6e &a1e ro1en to 4e aa4+e o2#

$%> A 0ni50e st0!3 o2 re*at0re in2ants in in04ators 2o0n! t&at 43 si*+3 sti*0+ating t&e* !0ring t&at ti*e or s&o6ing a22etion- 43 si*+e to0&< t&eir +onger ter* &3sio+ogia+ &ea+t& 6as great+3 i*ro1e! o*are! to t&ose 0nto0&e!#Re2" Tactile2kinesthetic stimulation effects on preterm neonates, Pe!iatris# $C=

$%C Re2" The &tructure of Benetic and +nvironmental $isk Dactors for Common "sychiatric and &ubstance >se *isorders in4en and :omen, Ar& Gen Ps3&iatr3# '%%(=%

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DEF%N%N" P,(&%C +EA&T+

 We are a++ resonsi4+e 2or a++#$%- 


W&at is t&e tr0e *eas0re o2  success 2or a soiet3Q W&at is it t&at *akes 0s &a3, &ea+t&3, sta4+ean! in 4a+ane 6it& t&e 6or+! aro0n! 0sQ Is not o0r s0ess really  o0r a4i+it3 to 0n!erstan! an!a!at to t&e rea+ities o2 o0r 6or+! 2or t&e 4est o0to*e ossi4+e 2or an3 gi1en ir0*staneQ W&ati2 6e 6ere to 2in! t&at t&e 1er3 nat0re o2 o0r soia+ s3ste* 6as at0a++3 reducing our %uality oflife in the long termG 

As 6i++ 4e arg0e! in t&is essa3, *o!ern soia+ str0t0res, 1a+0es an! raties &a1e !e1iate! a6a32ro*, or are +arge+3 ignorant o2, 6&at tr0e soieta+ &ea+t& *eans# W&at o0r soia+ instit0tionsto!a3 gi1e riorit3 to or !iso0nt 43 !esign, o0+e! 6it& t&e goa+s an! *oti1ations assoiate!6it& ersona+ s0ess-, 6&i& are a++ too o2ten +ear+3 !eo0+e!- 2ro* 6&at tr0e life support

and advancement *eans$$%, is a s049et gi1en +itt+e t&o0g&t20+ onsi!eration in t&e 6or+! to!a3# In2at, *ost roserit3- an! integrit3- *eas0res 2or t&e &0*an on!ition are no6 &a&a;ar!+3e50ate! to *ere eono*i 4ase+ines s0& as GDP, PPI or e*+o3*ent 2ig0res# Sa!+3, t&ese*eas0res te++ 0s 1irt0a++3 not&ing a4o0t true &0*an86e++ 4eing an! roserit3#$$$

T&e ter* "ublic ealth is a *e!ia+ +assi2iation, essentia++3 !e2ine! as" T&e aroa& to*e!iine t&at is onerne! 6it& t&e &ea+t& o2 t&e o**0nit3 as a 6&o+e#- $$' W&i+e o2ten narro6+30se! in re+ations&i to trans*itta4+e !isease an! re+ate! 4roa!er soia+ on!itions, t&e onte7t&ere 6i++ e7ten! into a++ asets o2 o0r +i1es, in+0!ing not on+3 &3sio+ogia+ &ea+t& 40t *enta+&ea+t& as 6e++# I2 t&e 1a+0e o2 a soia+ s3ste* is *eas0re! 43 t&e &ea+t& o2 its iti;enr3 o1er ti*e,assessing an! o*aring on!itions an! onse50enes t&ro0g& si*+e tren! ana+3sis an! 2atorao0nting s&o0+! gi1e insig&t into 6&at an 4e &ange! or i*ro1e! on t&e soia+ +e1e+#

T&e entra+ onte7t &ere is &o6 t&e soia+ on!ition itse+2 : t&e soioeono*i s3ste* : isa22eting &0*an &ea+t& on t&e 6&o+e# In t&e 6or!s o2 &3siian R0!o+& Vir&o6" Me!iine is asoia+ siene an! o+itis not&ing 40t *e!iine on a +arge sa+e#- $$( Vir&o6 reogni;e! t&at an304+i &ea+t& iss0e is in1aria4+3 re+ate! to society  as a 6&o+e# Its str0t0re, &arateristis an!1a+0e rein2ore*ents &a1e a ro2o0n! in2+0ene on t&e &ea+t& an! 4e&a1ior o2 a soiet3 an!arg0*ents regar!ing t&e *erit o2 new  soia+ i!eas ine1ita4+3 o*e !o6n to a rationa+ assess*ento2 50a+it3 t&ro0g& o*arison#

Sine ea& reseti1e o*onent o2 P04+i Hea+t& &as its o6n &arateristis an! a0sa+it3, 6e ana+so 6ork to onsi!er a+ternati1e aroa&es to a gi1en ro4+e* reso+0tion or i*ro1e*ent, 6&i&*ig&t not 4e 0rrent+3 in ratie, 40t +ear+3 s&o0+! 4e# An ana+3sis o2 0rrent P04+i Hea+t&o*onents to 0n!erstan! 6&at is &aening o1er ti*e an! in !i22erent ir0*stanes, o0+e!

6it& a er ase e1a+0ation o2 ea& iss0e 6it& an in2erentia+ onsi!eration o2 6&at o0+! 2i7- or

$% Para&rase!, 2ro* aramazov 3rothers, F3o!or Dosto3e1sk3 , $CC%, ($=$$% T&e oint &ere re+ates to &o6 *o!ern soiet3 re6ar!s an! rein2ores ertain 4e&a1iors o1er ot&ers# For instane, in

t&e Western Wor+! *ore 2inania+ re6ar! o*es to non8ro!0ing 2inania+ instit0tions t&an 2ro* tr0e goo! an! ser1iero!0tion# T&is &as generate! an inenti1e ro4+e* 6&i& a+so in+0!es en1iron*enta+ !isregar! an! t&e ignoring o204+i &ea+t& in genera+# As 6i++ 4e a++0!e! to +ater in t&is te7t, t&e s3&o+og3 o2 t&e *arket eono*3 at0a++3 opposes +i2e s0ort#

$$$ In reent 3ears ot&er atte*ts &a1e 4een *a!e to 50anti23 &ainess- an! 6e++84eing, s0& as t&e Gross Nationa+Hainess GNH< In!iator 6&i& on!0ts *eas0res 1ia erio!i s0r1e3s &tt"666#grossnationa+&ainess#o*

$$' P04+i Hea+t& !e2ine!" &tt"666#*e!ter*s#o*srit*ainart#asQarti+eke3@$'%$$( The +volution of &ocial 4edicine, R0!o+& Vir&o6" Rosen G#, 2ro* t&e andbook of 4edical &ociology , Prentie8Ha++,


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 i*ro1e- t&ese res0+ts on t&e +argest ossi4+e sa+e is t&e 4asis o2 t&e Train of Thought  e7resse!&ere#

It is t&e on1ition o2 TZM t&at t&e e7isting soia+ *o!e+ is a a0se o2 Soia+ Pat&o+og3-, 6it& aeret0ation o2 i*4a+ane t&at is 0nneessari+3 generating 4ot& &3sio+ogia+ an! s3&o+ogia+

!isor!ers aross t&e o0+ation, not to *ention s3ste*ia++3 +i*iting &0*an otentia+ an! ro4+e*reso+0tion in *an3 6a3s# O2 o0rse, t&is onte7t a+so nat0ra++3 e7ten!s into environmental health,*eaning t&e state o2 t&e +anet, as s0& eo+ogia+ ro4+e*sress0resa++e1iations a+6a3s &a1ean e22et on o0r P04+i Hea+t& in t&e +ong8ter*# Ho6e1er, t&at 6i++ not 4e a 2o0s in t&is essa3#

T&is ana+3sis 6i++ searate t&e iss0e o2 P04+i Hea+t& into t6o genera+ ategories 8 P&3sio+ogia+an! Ps3&o+ogia+$$? 8 6it& ea& ategor3 4roken into s049ets t&at reresent !o*inant ro4+e*sseen in a re+e1ant erentage o2 t&e o0+ation o1era++#

Let it 4e 6e++ 0n!erstoo! t&at &3sio+ogia+ an! s3&o+ogia+ o0to*es rare+3, i2 e1er, &a1esing0+ar a0ses# T&ere is a io8Ps3&o8Soia+- $$@ re+ations&i to 1irt0a++3 a++ &0*an &eno*ena,i++0*inating, one again, t&e *0+ti8+e1e+ s3*4iosis &arateristi o2 t&e &0*an 4eing# In ot&er6or!s, 6&i+e t&e ro4+e* 4eing 2o0se! on *ig&t 4e onsi!ere! &3sio+ogia+- in genera+, t&eunderlying cause o2 t&at o0to*e *ig&t 1er3 6e++ 4e s3&o+ogia+- or soio+ogia+- in art an!1ie 1ersa#

The Economic FactorAs note!, t&e *ain t&esis o2 t&is essa3 is to s&o6 t&e !ee e22et o0r g+o4a+ soioeono*i s3ste*&as on 04+i &ea+t&, 6it& a *ore sei2i 2o0s on t&e o6er o2  poverty, stress an! ine%uality # I23o0 take a 50ik g+ane at t&e *a9or a0ses o2 !eat& g+o4a++3, as 0t 2or6ar! 43 t&e Wor+! Hea+t&Organi;ation$$=, +ear !i22erenes 4ase! on t&e eono*i state o2 a region, s0& as t&e 2at t&atCancers are *ore o**on in &ig& ino*e soieties 6&i+e *iarrhoeal  !iseases are *ore o**onin +o6 ino*e soieties, gi1es insig&t as to &o6 t&e 4roa! onte7t o2 soioeono*i osition ana22et 04+i &ea+t&#

Ma&at*a Gan!&i one sai! Po1ert3 is t&e 6orst 2or* o2 1io+ene#- $$>

 His onte7t re+ates to t&e0nneessar3 !eat&s a0se! 43 o1ert3 in t&e sense o2 t&e 4roa! +i*itations s0& se1ere 2inania+restritions &a1e on &ea+t&# T&is i!ea 6as +ater eno*asse! in a ter* a++e! &tructural(iolence<, !e2ine! 43 Dr# Ka*es Gi++igan as ###t&e inrease! rates o2 !eat& an! !isa4i+it3 s022ere!43 t&ose 6&o o03 t&e 4otto* r0ngs o2 soiet3#- He !i22erentiates Str0t0ra+ Vio+ene 2ro*3ehavioral (iolence, 6&ere t&e 2or*er oerates ontin0o0s+3 rat&er t&an sora!ia++3-#$$ 

P+ease note t&at t&e ter* Vio+ene- in t&is onte7t is not +i*ite! to t&e 0s0a+ +assi2iation o2&3sia+ &ar* s0& as erson8to8erson o*4at or a40se# T&e onte7t e7ten!s to in+0!e t&eo2ten 0nseen social oppression t&at, t&ro0g& t&e &ain o2 a0sa+it3 &arateristis in&erent to o0rsoia+ s3ste*, +ea!s to t&e 0nneessar3 &ar* o2 eo+e, 4ot& &3sia+, s3&o+ogia+ or 4ot&#

$$? Soio+ogia+ &eno*ena 6i++ 4e gro0e! in t&e Ps3&o+ogia+ ategor3 &ere 2or t&e sake o2 si*+iit3, as t&e res0+t o2 a

soio+ogia+ on!ition is t&e aggregate s3&o+ogia+ states o2 in!i1i!0a+s#$$@ 3io-"sycho-&ocial  *eans t&e interation o2 4io+ogia+, s3&o+ogia+ an! soio+ogia+ in2+0ene on a gi1en onse50ene#

For e7a*+e, O4esit3, on t&e s0r2ae, si*+3 re+ates to eating# I2 a erson eats too *0&, t&e3 gain 6eig&t# Ho6e1er,t&ere is a +arge !egree o2 e1i!ene no6 as 6i++ 4e resente! +ater in t&is essa3< t&at s&o6s &o6 a ersons s3&o+og3an 4e e22ete! to ra1e t&e comfort o2 ons0*ing !0e to external  2ators : s0& as a !eri1e! e*otiona+ &istor3 oroor 4o!i+3 a!ation 6&ere 4a! &a4its are 2or*e! an! e7ete!# T&ese +atter notions 6&i& in2+0ene ones s3&o+og3are a res0+t o2 t&e sociological  on!ition#

$$= So0re" &tt"666#6&o#int*e!iaentre2ats&eets2s($%enin!e7#&t*+$$> 0ote! in . #ust "eace through TransformationA Cultural, +conomic, and "olitical Doundations for Change,

Internationa+ Peae Assoiation, $CC$$C S0ggeste! Re2erene" .n +mpirical Table of &tructural (iolence, Gernot o&+er an! Nor*an A+ok, $>=

&tt"9r#sage04#o*ontent$(?(?(#e7trat$$ (iolence, Ka*es Gi++igan, GrossetP0tna*, Ne6 Jork, $', $'

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E7a*+es o2 t&is an range 2ro* o41io0s to o*+e7 in t&e &ain o2 a0se an! e22et#

A si*+e *aro- e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&e re1a+ene o2 *iarrhoeal  !iseases in o1ert38strikensoieties# T&ese !iseases ki++ a4o0t $#@ *i++ion &i+!ren a+one e1er3 3ear#$'% It is o*+ete+3re1enta4+e an! treata4+e an! 6&i+e t&e in2etion itse+2 is srea! t&ro0g& onta*inate! 2oo! or

!rinking86ater, or 2ro* erson8to8erson as a res0+t o2 oor &3giene, its 1er3 re1enta4i+it3 an!rarit3 in 2irst 6or+! nations 43 o*arison s&o6s t&at t&e real cause is no6 not t&e !isease itse+2,40t the poverty condition t&at ena4+es it to 2+o0ris& 0na4ate!# Ho6e1er, t&e a0sa+it3 !oesnt stot&ere as 6e t&en nee! to ask t&e 50estion 6&at is a0sing t&e o1ert3Q-

A *ore a4strat *iro- e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e &0*an !e1e+o*ent ro4+e*s 6&en a!1erse ress0resin 2a*i+3 or o**0nit3 str0t0res o0r# I*agine a sing+e *ot&er 6&o, !0e to t&e 2inania+ nee!to raise &er &i+!, *0st 6ork 2or ino*e a great !ea+ in or!er to *ake en!s *eet, +i*iting &era1ai+a4i+it3 2or t&e &i+! ersona++3# T&e ress0res not on+3 re!0e nee!e! s0ort an! g0i!ane2or t&e &i+!s !e1e+o*ent, s&e a+so !e1e+os ten!enies 2or !eression an! an7iet3 !0e to t&eongoing stress o2 !e4t, 4i++s an! t&e +ike, an! 2r0stration8!ri1en a40se 4egins to *ateria+i;e in t&e2a*i+3# T&is t&en a0ses se1ere emotional loss6 in t&e &i+! an! t&e !e1e+o*ent o2 ne0roti an!0n&ea+t&3 *enta+ states e*erge, s0& as a roensit3 2or !r0g a!!ition#$'' Jears +ater, sti++s022ering 2ro* t&e ain 2e+t in t&ose ear+3 erio!s, t&e no6 a!0+t &i+! !ies in a &eroin o1er!ose#0estion" 6&at a0se! t&e o1er!oseQ T&e &eroinQ T&e *ot&ers in2+0eneQ Or t&e eono*iir0*stane t&e *ot&er 2o0n! &erse+2 6&i& !isa++o6e! 4a+ane an! t&o0g&t20+ are o2 &er&i+!Q$'( 

)+ear+3, t&ere is no 0toia 2or t&e &0*an on!ition an! to t&ink 6e an a!90st t&e soio8eono*is3ste* to t&6art a++ s0& str0t0ra++3- re+ate! iss0es, *aro an! *iro, $%% o2 t&e ti*e, isa4s0r!#$'? Ho6e1er, 6&at is possible is a !ra*ati i*ro1e*ent o2 s0& 04+i &ea+t& ro4+e*s 43s&i2ting t&e nat0re o2 t&e soioeono*i on!ition in t&e *ost strategi *anner 6e an# As 6eroee! 6it& t&e er ase ana+3sis o2 *a9or *enta+ an! &3sia+ !isor!ers in t&e 6or+!, it 6i++ 4e2o0n! t&at t&e tr0e i*erati1e 2or 04+i &ea+t& i*ro1e*ent rests a+*ost entire+3 on t&issoioeono*i re*ise o2 a0sa+it3#$'@ 

Aor!ing to Gernot o&+er an! Nor*an A+ok in t&eir $>= 6ork .n +mpirical Table of &tructural(iolence, a !ra*ati $C *i++ion !eat&s 6ere e7trao+ate! to o0r each year  !0e to Str0t0ra+Vio+ene$'= an! t&at st0!3 6as o1er (% 3ears ago# Sine t&at ti*e t&e g+o4a+ ga 4et6een ri& an!oor &as *ore t&an !o04+e!, s0ggesting no6 t&at t&e !eat& to++ is e1en *0& &ig&er to!a3# Ine22et, Str0t0ra+ Vio+ene is t&e *ost !ea!+3 ki++er on t&e +anet# T&e 2o++o6ing &art s&o6s rateso2 !eat& o2 a sei2i !e*ogra&i, re1ea+ing t&e *ore 4roa! orre+ation o2 +o68ino*e an!inrease! *orta+it3#

$'% So0re" &tt"666#6&o#int*e!iaentre2ats&eets2s((%enin!e7#&t*+$'$ T&e ter* emotional loss re+ates to se1ere e*otiona+ tra0*a e7eriene!, *ost+3 as a &i+!, t&at ersist in e22et# In

t&e 6or!s o2 Dr# Ga4or Mat[ T&e greatest !a*age !one 43 neg+et, tra0*a or emotional loss is not t&e i**e!iateain t&e3 in2+it 40t t&e +ong8ter* !istortions t&e3 in!0e in t&e 6a3 a !e1e+oing &i+! 6i++ ontin0e to interret t&e

6or+! an! &er sit0ation in it#- In the $ealm of ungry Bhosts-, Nort& At+anti ooks, '%$', @$'$'' As note! rior, t&e 6ork o2 Ga4or Mat[ is &ig&+3 reo**en!e! on t&e s049et o2 a!!ition res0+ting 2ro* e*otiona+

+oss in &i+!&oo! an! 2ee+ings o2 inse0rit3# In the $ealm of ungry Bhosts-, Nort& At+anti ooks, '%$'$'( T&e 6ork 4ental Illness and the +conomy, 43 M#H# renner is reo**en!e!# A4strat" 3 orre+ating e7tensi1e

eono*i an! instit0tiona+ !ata 2ro* Ne6 Jork State 2or t&e erio! 2ro* $C?$ to $=>, Har1e3 renner on+0!es t&atinsta4i+ities in t&e nationa+ eono*3 are t&e sing+e *ost i*ortant so0re o2 2+0t0ations in *enta+8&osita+ a!*issionsor a!*ission rates#- 

$'? See H0*anit3 Fator- in t&e Voa40+ar3 List, Aen!i7 A$'@ A st0!3 2or re2erene in t&e sa*e 4asi onte7t is The +ffect of nown $isk Dactors on the +xcess 4ortality of 3lack

 .dults in the >nited &tates, Ko0rna+ o2 t&e A*erian Me!ia+ Assoiation, '=(=<"C?@8C@%, $%# T&is ei!e*io+ogia+st0!3 2o0n! t&at t6o8t&ir!s o2 A2rian8A*erian !eat&s note! in onte7t o0+! on+3 4e ao0nte! 2or !0e to low  socioeconomic status itself  an! its !iretin!iret onse50enes#

$'= .n +mpirical Table of &tructural (iolence, Gernot o&+er an! Nor*an A+ok, $>=

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G# D# S*it&, K# D# Neaton, D# Went6ort&, R# Sta*+er an! K# Sta*+er, YSoioeono*i !i22erentia+s in *orta+it3 risk a*ong*en sreene! 2or t&e M0+ti+e Risk Fator Inter1ention Tria+" I# W&ite *en, .merican #ournal of "ublic ealth $=< C=?<" ?C=8=#

Ph)siological +ealth

T&e ore &3sio+ogia+ ro4+e*s o2 t&e &0*an o0+ation to!a3 in+0!e maFor  *orta+it3 ro!0ingei!e*is s0& as aner, &eart !isease, stroke, et# Re+ati1e+3 minor  ro4+e*s t&at not on+3re!0e 50a+it3 o2 +i2e, 40t a+so o2ten ree!e t&ose *a9or i++nesses in+0!e &ig& 4+oo! ress0re,o4esit3 an! ot&er iss0es 6&i&, 6&i+e +ess ritia+ 43 o*arison, are sti++ 0s0a++3 a art o2 t&eroess t&at an +ea! to *a9or i++nesses an! !eat& o1er ti*e#$'> Again, it is i*ortant tore*e*4er t&at t&e a0sa+it3 o2 t&ese &3sia+- !iseases is not strit+3 &3sia+- in t&e narro6sense o2 t&e 6or! as *o!ern st0!3 &as 2o0n! !ee psychosocial 6< stress re+ations&is tosee*ing+3 !eta&e! &3sio+ogia+ iss0es#

Aor!ing to t&e Wor+! Hea+t& Organi;ation, t&e *ost o**on s&are! *a9or a0ses o2 !eat& in+o6, *i!!+e an! &ig& ino*e o0ntries are eart *isease, )ower respiratory infections, &troke, B  Cancer #$' W&i+e ea& o2 t&ese i++nesses an! *an3 *ore< an 4e 2o0n! re+ate! to t&e a0sa+oints t&at 2o++o6, 2or si*+iities sake Heart Disease 6i++ 4e a 2o0s &ere#

Case Stud)3 +eart Disease

W&i+e t&e treat*ent o2 Heart Disease &as +e! to a reent *i+! g+o4a+ !e+ine in &eart attaks an!!eat&s o1era++$(%, t&e !iagnosis o2 Heart Disease &as not s04si!e! an! 43 so*e regiona+ st0!ies ison t&e rise$($, or on ae to inreasing s04stantia++3#$(' )oronar3 Heart Disease is sti++ onsi!ere!43 t&e WHO as t&e +ea!ing a0se o2 !eat&- g+o4a++3$(( an! it &as 4een 2o0n! t&at 6&i+e t&ere aregeneti 2ators in +a3, % o2 t&ose !3ing &a1e risk 2ators in2+0ene! 43 +i2est3+e- $(? an! o1era++

$'> Re2erene" &tt"t&eti*es8tri40ne#o*+i2est3+es8eo+eas8o4esit38rates8rise8&ie28&eart8s0rgeon8sees8*ore8&ig&8risk8atients8in8oerating8roo*8$#$(>''(

$'C "sychosocial  !e2ine!" In1o+1ing asets o2 4ot& soia+ an! s3&o+ogia+ 4e&a1ior Interre+ations&i &tt"*e!ia+8!itionar3#t&e2ree!itionar3#o*s3&osoia+

$' The top ten causes of death, :0 &tt"666#6&o#int*e!iaentre2ats&eets2s($%enin!e7#&t*+$(% U#S# Tren!s in Heart Disease, )aner, an! Stroke, PR

&tt"666#r4#orgArti+es'%%'USTren!sinHeartDisease)aneran!Stroke#as7 $($ eart disease to rise 61J by 6K6K httpA22www'belfasttelegraph'co'uk2news2local-national2northern-ireland2heart-

disease-to-rise-61-by-6K6K-;LL/K'html $(' New +uropean &tatistics $eleased 0n eart *isease and &troke

M  httpA22www'sciencedaily'com2releases26K62KH26KH6H/K6;'htm $(( The .tlas of eart *isease and &troke, WHO B )D), Part (, Blobal 3urden of Coronary eart *isease$(? Ibid'

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t&e !isease is 6i!e+3 onsi!ere! preventable i2 +i2est3+e a!90st*ents are *a!e#

In s&ort, 6e++ esta4+is&e! re+ations&is to &ig& 2at !iets, s*oking, a+o&o+, o4esit3, &ig&&o+estero+, !ia4etes an! ot&er risk 2ators a++o6 0s to e7ten! t&e a0sa+it3 o2 Heart Disease an!6&en 6e 2o++o6 t&e in2+0enes, t&e *ost ro2o0n! 4roa! in2+0ene 2o0n! &as to !o not on+3 6it&

absolute income 8 40t relative socioeconomic  stat0s#

T&e WHO *akes it genera++3 +ear t&at on t&e g+o4a+ sa+e, +o6er soioeono*i stat0s 4ree!s*ore &eart !isease an! nat0ra++3 *ore o2 t&e risk 2ators t&at +ea! to it#$(@ T&is, on one si!e,!eits a direct economic relationship to t&e o0rrene o2 !isease# T&ere is no e1i!ene to s&o6t&at geneti !i22erenes 4et6een regiona+ gro0s o0+! 4e resonsi4+e 2or t&ese 1ariations an! it iso41io0s to see &o6 a +ak o2 0r&asing o6er +ea!s eo+e into +i2est3+es t&at in+0!e *an3 s0&risk 2ators#

A '%% st0!3 in t&e A*erian Ko0rna+ o2 Ei!e*io+og3 a++e! Li2e8)o0rse Soioeono*i Positionan! Ini!ene o2 )oronar3 Heart Disease- 2o0n! t&at t&e +onger a erson re*ains in o1ert3, t&e*ore +ike+3 &e or s&e is to !e1e+o &eart !isease#$(= Peo+e 6&o 6ere eono*ia++3 !isa!1antage!t&ro0g&o0t +i2e 6ere *ore +ike+3 to s*oke, 4e o4ese, &a1e oor !iets an! t&e +ike# In an ear+ierst0!3 43 ei!e*io+ogist Dr# Ra+& R# Freri&s, 2o0sing sei2ia++3 on t&e soioeono*i !i1i!e int&e it3 o2 Los Ange+es, )A, USA 2o0n! t&at t&e !eat& rate 2ro* &eart !isease 6as ?% erent&ig&er 2or oor *en o1er a++ t&an 2or 6ea+t&ier ones#$(>

Gi1en o0r origina+ t&esis to onsi!er a +ink 2ro* t&e soia+ s3ste* itse+2 to t&e re1a+ene o2!isease an! t&eir assoiate! risk 2ators, 6e nee! to onsi!er t&e !iret re+ations&i o2 stress B purchasing power'

eginning 6it& t&e +atter, 6&i& is *ore si*+e, +ear+3 oor &ea+t& &a4its o0r in +o6er ino*een1iron*ents !0e to t&e +ak o2 20n!s 2or 4etter n0trition$(C, *e!ia+ attention$( an! e!0ation$?%#Man3 o2 t&e &ig& 2at, &ig& so!i0* risk 2ator 2oo!s, 2or e7a*+e, +ea!ing to &eart !isease, are a+sot&e *ost ine7ensi1e 2oo! 2o0n! in stores#

It is 6ort& noting t&at o0r soioeono*i *o!e+ ro!0es goo!s 4ase! 0on t&e 0r&asing o6era4i+ities o2 targete! !e*ogra&is# T&e !eision to ro!0e oor 50a+it3 2oo! goo!s is *a!e 2ort&e interest o2 profit  an! sine t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 t&e +anet is re+ati1e+3 oor, it is no s0rriset&at in or!er to *eet t&at *arket, 50a+it3 *0st 4e re!0e! to a++o6 2or o*etiti1e 403ing# Inot&er 6or!s, t&ere is a *arket 2or ea& soia+ +ass an! nat0ra++3 t&e +o6er t&e +ass, t&e +o6ert&e 50a+it3# T&is rea+it3 is an e7a*+e o2 a  direct social system link to causality for such a disease#W&i+e e!0ation a4o0t t&e !i22erene 4et6een 50a+it3 2oo! ro!0ts o0+! &e+ t&e !eisionroess o2 a oor erson to eat 4etter, t&e 2inania+ restritions in&erent to t&eir on!ition o0+!easi+3 *ake t&at !eision !i22i0+t i2 not i*ossi4+e as, again, s0& goo!s are *ore e7ensi1e ona1erage#

$(@ Ibid #, )&ater $$, &ocioeconomic &tatus

$(= )ife-Course &ocioeconomic "osition and Incidence of Coronary eart *isease, A*erian Ko0rna+ o2 Ei!e*io+og3, Ari+$, '%%# &tt"a9e#o72or!9o0rna+s#orgontentear+3'%%%$'a9e#k6n?%(

$(> eart *isease Tied to "overty, New 9ork Times, H<1 &tt"666#n3ti*es#o*$C@%''?0s&eart8!isease8tie!8to8o1ert3#&t*+

$(C 0ote 2ro* t&e st0!3 Can )ow-Income .mericans .fford a ealthy *ietG  Man3 n0tritiona+ ro2essiona+s 4e+ie1e t&ata++ A*erians, regar!+ess o2 ino*e, &a1e aess to a n0tritio0s !iet o2 6&o+e grains, +ean *eats, an! 2res& 1egeta4+esan! 2r0it# In rea+it3, 2oo! ries ose a signi2iant 4arrier 2or *an3 ons0*ers 6&o are tr3ing to 4a+ane goo! n0trition6it& a22or!a4i+it3#- &tt"666#n4i#n+*#ni&#go1*arti+esPM)'C?>>((

$( Re2erene" 4edical costs push millions of people into poverty across the globe, WHO&tt"666#6&o#int*e!iaentrene6sre+eases'%%@r=@enin!e7#&t*+

$?% Re2erene" E!0ation Ga Gro6s et6een Ri& an! Poor, St0!ies Sa3-, NJ Ti*es '%$' .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*'%$'%'$%e!0atione!0ation8ga8gro6s84et6een8ri&8an!8oor8st0!ies8s&o6#&t*+Qage6ante!a++ /

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In an age 6&ere 2oo! ro!0tion an! &0*an n0trition is a 6e++ 0n!erstoo! sienti2i &eno*enonas 2ar as 6&at 6orks an! 6&at !oesnt 8 6&at is &ea+t&3 an! 6&at isnt on t&e 6&o+e : 6e &a1e to6on!er 6&3 t&e a40n!ane o2 !e+i4erate+3 0n&ea+t&3 2oo!s an! !etri*enta+ in!0stria+ *et&o!se7ist at a++# T&e reasoning is t&at &0*an &ea+t& is not  t&e 0rs0it o2 in!0stria+ 2oo! ro!0tion an!ne1er &as 4een !0e to t&e iso+ate! interest to generate ino*e# More on t&is incentive disorder  

in&erent to t&e Monetar38Market Eono*3 in +ater essa3s#

The Stress FactorLets no6 onsi!er t&e ro+e o2 &tress' Stress &as *ore o2 an e22et on Heart Disease t&anre1io0s+3 t&o0g&t an! t&is isnt 90st re2erring to t&e statistia+ 2at t&at +o6er ino*e eo+esten! to &a1e a roensit3 to oe 43 s*oking, !rinking, *ani2esting &ig& 4+oo! ress0re an!&ene !isregar! t&eir 4o!ies an! 6e++84eing !0e to t&e ongoing str0gg+e 2or ino*e an! s0r1i1a+#W&i+e t&ose 2ators are +ear+3 e1i!ent an!, again, 2o0n! tie! to t&e ine1ita4+e strati2iation 2o0n!in t&e Monetar38Market Eono*3$?$, t&e *ost !etri*enta+ 2or* o2 stress o*es in t&e 2or* o2 psychosocial  stress, *eaning stress re+ating to s3&o+ogia+ interation 6it& t&e soia+en1iron*ent#

Pro2essor Mi&ae+ Mar*ot o2 t&e Deart*ent o2 Ei!e*io+og3 an! P04+i Hea+t& at t&e Uni1ersit3)o++ege o2 Lon!on !irete! t6o i*ortant st0!ies re+ating soia+ stat0s to &ea+t&# $?' Using t&eritis& )i1i+ Ser1ie s3ste* as t&e s049et gro0, t&e3 2o0n! t&at t&e gra!ient o2 &ea+t& 50a+it3 inin!0stria+i;e! soieties is not si*+3 90st a *atter o2 oor &ea+t& 2or t&e !isa!1antage! an! goo!&ea+t& 2or e1er3one e+se# T&e3 2o0n! t&at t&ere 6as a+so a social distribution of disease as 3o06ent 2ro* t&e to o2 t&e soioeono*i +a!!er, to t&e 4otto* an! t&e t3es o2 !iseases t&ateo+e 6o0+! get 6o0+! &ange on a1erage#

For e7a*+e t&e +o6est r0ngs o2 t&e &ierar&3 &a! a fourfold increase o2 &eart !isease 4ase!*orta+it3, o*are! to t&e &ig&est r0ngs# E1en in a o0ntr3 6it& 0ni1ersa+ &ea+t& are, t&e 6orsea ersons 2inania+ stat0s an! osition in t&e &ierar&3, t&e 6orse t&eir &ea+t& is going to 4e ona1erage# T&e reason is essentia++3 s3&o+ogia+ as it &as 4een 2o0n! t&at t&e *ore strati2ie! agi1en soiet3, t&e 6orse t&e 04+i &ea+t& is in genera+, specifically  2or t&e +o6er +asses#$?(

T&is attern &as 4een orro4orate! 6it& *an3 st0!ies o1er t&e 3ears in+0!ing a !ee o++etion o2resear& organi;e! 43 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson an! ate Pikett# In t&eir 6ork, T&e Sirit Le1e+ : W&3E50a+it3 is etter 2or E1er3one-, t&e3 so0re &0n!re!s o2 ei!e*io+ogia+ st0!ies on t&e iss0e,o0t+ining &o6 *ore 0ne50a+ soieties eret0ate a 1ast arra3 o2 04+i &ea+t& ro4+e*s, 4ot&&3sio+ogia+ an! s3&o+ogia+#

Heart Disease asi!e, so*e )aners, &roni +0ng !isease, gastrointestina+ !isease, 4ak ain,o4esit3, &ig& 4+oo! ress0re, +o6 +i2e e7etan3 an! *an3 ot&er ro4+e*s are a+so no6 2o0n! to4e +inke! to soioeono*i stat0s in t&e 4roa! 1ie6, not 90st sing0+ar risk 2ators# $?? T&ere is a soia+ gra!ient-, it o0+! 4e a++e!, in &ea+t& aross soiet3 an! 6&ere 6e are +ae! in re+ation toot&er eo+e &as a o6er20+ psychosocial e22et 8 t&ose a4o1e 0s &a1e 4etter &ea+t& on a1erage

$?$ )+ass strati2iation is an i**0ta4+e art o2 t&e 0rrent soioeono*i *o!e+ !0e to 4ot& t&e inenti1e s3ste*generate! t&at !isroortionate+3 !istri40tes ino*e, strategia+ 2a1oring t&e 0er tiers o2 t&e &ierar&3 : s0& as in'%%>, )&ie2 e7e0ti1es o2 t&e +argest (=@ US o*anies reei1e! 6e++ o1er 1KK times t&e a3 o2 t&e a1erage e*+o3ee#T&is an 4e o0+e! 6it& raties o2 *aroeono*i *onetar3 o+i3 6&i& str0t0ra++3 re6ar! t&e 6ea+t&3 an! 0nis&t&e oor t&ro0g& t&e interest system# T&e 6ea+t&3 gain interest ino*e o22 in1est*ent 6&i+e t&e oor, +akingin1est*ent aita+, take +oans 2or t&e *a9orit3 o2 +arge 0r&ases, a3ing interest# P0t in a4stration, t&e oor are2ore! to gi1e t&e ri& t&eir *one3 t&ro0g& t&is *e&anis*#<

$?' W&ite&a++ St0!3 I B II, &tt"666#0+#a#0k6&ite&a++II A+so See" +pidemiology of socioeconomic status and health M# Mar*ot &tt"666#n4i#n+*#ni&#go104*e!$%=C$CC@

$?( I4i!#$?? A 50a+i2ier &ere to note is t&at t&is &eno*enon re+ates *ore so to re+ati1e+3 6ea+t&3 soieties in genera+ t&an it !oes

to in&erent+3 o1ert3 striken soieties#

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6&i+e t&ose 4e+o6 0s &a1e 6orse &ea+t& on a1erage#$?@ 

A statistia+ o*arison o2 04+i &ea+t& 4et6een o0ntries 6it& &ig& +e1e+s o2 ino*e ine50a+it3s0& as t&e Unite! States< an! t&ose 6it& +o6er +e1e+s o2 ino*e Ine50a+it3 s0& as Kaan<re1ea+s t&ese tr0t&s 50ite o41io0s+3#$?= 

Ho6e1er, s0& genera++3 !ee*e! &3sia+- i++nesses are on+3 art o2 t&e  public health crisis generate! 43 ine50a+it3 6&i&, again, is 3et a onse50ene 0nto itse+2 originating o0t o2 t&e !iret,i**0ta4+e strati2iation in&erent to o0r g+o4a+ soia+ s3ste*#

Ps)chological +ealth

Per&as *ore ro2o0n! in its 04+i &ea+t& i*+iation is t&e res0+t o2 soia+ ine50a+it3 on o0r*enta+ or s3&o+ogia+ &ea+t&# T&is e7ten!s into 4e&a1iora+ reations an! ten!enies s0& as atso2 1io+ene or a40se, a+ong 6it& e*otiona+ iss0es +ike !eression, an7iet3 an! ersona+it3!isor!ers in genera+#

A genera+ tren! assess*ent o2 Deression an! An7iet3 in !e1e+oe! o0ntries, o0ntries t&at*an3 int0iti1e+3 6o0+! t&ink 6o0+! &a1e *ore 9o3 an! ease !0e to t&e *ateria+ 6ea+t& a1ai+a4+e,re1ea+s a *0& !i22erent rea+it3#$?>$?C A ritis& st0!3 e7a*ining !eression a*ong eo+e in t&eir'%s 2o0n! t&at it 6as t6ie as o**on in $>% t&an it 6as in $@C#$? An A*erian st0!3 o2 a4o0t=(,>%% o++ege st0!ents 2o0n! t&at 2i1e ti*es as *an3 3o0ng a!0+ts are !ea+ing 6it& &ig&er +e1e+so2 an7iet3 t&an in t&e +ate $(%s#$@% A '%$$ st0!3 resente! at t&e A*erian Ps3&o+ogia+Assoiation s&o6e! t&at *enta+ i++ness 6as *ore o**on a*ong o++ege st0!ents t&an it 6as a!ea!e ago#$@$

Ps3&o+ogist Kean T6enge o2 San Diego Uni1ersit3 +oate! '= re+ate! st0!ies *eas0ring an7iet3in t&e Unite! States so0re! 4et6een $@' an! $( an! t&e aggregate assess*ent s&o6s a!ra*atia++3 +ear tren! in t&e rise o2 an7iet3 o1er t&is erio!, 6it&, 2or e7a*+e, t&e on+0siont&at 43 t&e +ate $C%s t&e average A*erian &i+! 6as *ore an7io0s t&an &i+! psychiatric patients in t&e $@%s#$@'

A '%$$ N)HS reort re1ea+s t&at t&e rate o2 anti!eressant 0se in A*eria a*ong teens an!a!0+ts eo+e ages $' an! o+!er< inrease! 43 a+*ost ?%% 4et6een $CC:$? an! '%%@:'%%C# Anti!eressants 6ere t&e t&ir! *ost o**on resrition *e!iation taken 43 A*eriansin '%%@:'%%C#$@(

$?@ Re2erene" &ocial *eterminants of ealthA The &olid Dacts, R#G# Wi+kinson B M# Mar*ot, Wor+! Hea+t& Organi;ation,'%%=

$?= A s0**ar3 PDF o2 regression +ine &arts e7trate! 2ro* t&e 6ork o2 R# Wi+kinson an! # Pikett an 4e 2o0n! &ere 2orre2erene" &tt"666#goog+e#o*0r+QsatBrt9B5BesrsBso0re6e4B!'B1e!%))F9AB0r+&tt(A'F'F666#tantor#o*'FE7tras'F%@%@SiritLe1e+'F%@%@SiritLe1e+PDF$#!2BeiGi5PUK3WEJL(ig=6I)gB0sgAF9)NH8A$'LC;=iT=VGr$PnI>)SHUIE06Ba!r9a

$?> Re2erene" The *ramatic $ise of .nxiety and *epression in Children and .dolescents, Peter Gra3, '%$' httpA22www'psychologytoday'com2blog2freedom-learn26KKK2the-dramatic-rise-anxiety-and-depression-in-children-

and-adolescents-is-it $?C .nxiety *isorders .re &harply on the $ise, Ti*i G0sta2son R#D MhttpA22timigustafson'com26K2anxiety-disorders-are-

sharply-on-the-rise2$? Time Trends in child and adolescent mental health, Ma0g&an, )o++is&a6, Goo!*an B Pik+es, Ko0rna+ o2 )&i+!

Ps3&o+og3 an! Ps3&iatr3, '%%?$@% So0ring t&e An7iet3 Disor!ers Assoiation o2 A*eria, t&is arti+e is a reo**en! s0**ation"


$@$ *epression 0n The $ise In College &tudents, NPR, '%$$ .&tt"666#nr#org'%$$%$$>$('(?@?(!eression8on8t&e8rise8in8o++ege8st0!ents/

$@' The age of anxietyG 3irth cohort change in anxiety and neuroticism, K#M# T6enge, Ko0rna+ o2 Persona+it3 an! Soia+Ps3&o+og3, '%%>

$@( .ntidepressant >se in "ersons .ged 6 and 0verA >nited &tates, 6KK176KK<, La0ra A# Pratt, N)HS, Ot '%$$

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W&i+e a geneti o*onent 2or !eression *a3 &a1e re+e1ane, t&e tren! rate +ear+3 s&o6s anen1iron*enta+ a0sa+it3 as t&e !ri1ing 2ore# In t&e 6or!s o2 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson" .A/+t&o0g& eo+e 6it& *enta+ i++ness so*eti*es &a1e &anges in t&e +e1e+s o2 ertain &e*ia+sin t&e 4rain, no4o!3 &as s&o6n t&at t&ese are causes o2 !eression, rat&er t&an changes a0se!

43 !eression###a+t&o0g& so*e geneti 10+nera4i+it3 *a3 0n!er+ie so*e *enta+ i++ness, t&is ant43 itse+2 e7+ain t&e &0ge rises in i++ness in reent !ea!es 8 o0r genes an not &ange t&at2ast#$@?

It aears o0r re+ati1e soia+ stat0s &as a ro2o0n! e22et on o0r *enta+ 6e++84eing an! t&isten!en3 an a+so 4e 2o0n! in 6&at o0+! 4e !e+are! as t&e evolutionary psychology  o2 si*i+arri*ates as 6e++# A '%%' st0!3 er2or*e! 6it& Maa50e *onke3s 2o0n! t&at t&ose 6&o 6eres04or!inate+o6er in a gi1en soia+ &ierar&3 &a! +ess !oa*ine ati1it3 t&an t&e !o*inant onesan! t&is re+ations&i 6o0+! &ange as !i22erent sets 6ere regro0e!# In ot&er 6or!s, it &a!not&ing to !o 6it& t&eir sei2i 4io+og3 : on+3 t&e soia+ arrange*ent t&at re!0e! or e+e1ate!t&eir !oa*ine +e1e+s# It a+so 2o0n! t&at +o6er &ierar&3 *onke3s 6o0+! 0se *ore oaine too*ensate# T&is is re1ea+ing as +o6 !oa*ine +e1e+s in ri*ates in+0!ing &0*ans< are 2o0n! to&a1e a direct correlation to depression#$@@

T&e attern &as 4eo*e 1er3 +ear an! 6&i+e !iret stressors s0& as 9o4 se0rit3, !e4t an! ot&er+arge+3 eono*i 2ators in&erent to t&e soia+ s3ste* +a3 a *a9or ro+e $@=, t&e re+e1ane o2soioeono*i stat0s itse+2 is sti++ !o*inant#

T&e 2o++o6ing &art is a o*arison o2 o1era++ Menta+ Hea+t& an! Dr0g Use 43 o0ntr3# $@> Itin+0!es nine o0ntries so0ring !ata 2ro* t&e WHO s0r1e3s, in+0!ing an7iet3 !isor!ers, *oo!!isor!ers, i*0+si1e !isor!ers, a!!itions an! ot&ers# One an +ear+3 see t&at t&e Unite! States,6&i& a+so &as t&e &ig&est +e1e+ o2 ine50a+it3, &as an enor*o0s +e1e+ o2 *enta+ &ea+t& an! !r0g!isor!ers as 6e++ 43 o*arison to t&e +ess strati2ie! o0ntries, Ita+3 4eing t&e +o6est in *enta+&ea+t& !isor!ers o2 t&e gro0#

.&tt"666#!#go1n&s!ata!ata4rie2s!4>=#&t*/$@? The &pirit )evel  43 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson an! ate Pikett, Peng0in, Mar& '%%, =@$@@ &ocial dominance in monkeysA dopamine *6 receptors and cocaine self-administration, Morgan B Grant, Nat0re

Ne0rosiene, '%%' @'<" $=8>?$@= &uicide rates rocket in wake of economic downturn recession, Nina Lak&ani, T&e In!een!ent, A0g $@ '%$'$@> )&art 2ro* The &pirit )evel  43 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson an! ate Pikett, Peng0in, Mar& '%%, =>

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E1en perceived  soia+ stat0s, s0& as t&e  caste re+ations&is 2o0n! in o0ntries +ike In!ia, an&a1e a ro2o0n! e22et on on2i!ene an! 4e&a1ior# A st0!3 er2or*e! in '%%? o*are! t&ero4+e*8so+1ing a4i+ities o2 ('$ &ig& aste In!ian 4o3s against t&ose o2 ('$ +o6 aste In!ian4o3s# T&e res0+ts !e*onstrate! t&at 6&en aste 6as not 04+i+3 anno0ne! 4e2ore t&e ro4+e*so+1ing 4egan, 4ot& sets o2 4o3s a&ie1e! si*i+ar res0+ts# T&e seon! ro0n!, 4e2ore 6&i& t&easte o2 ea& gro0 6as 04+i+3 anno0ne!, t&e +o6er aste gro0 2are! *0& 6orse, an! t&e&ig& aste *0& 4etter, ro!0ing 1er3 !i1ergent !ata o*are! 6it& t&e 2irst ro0n!# $@C Peo+e aregreat+3 in2+0ene! 43 t&eir erei1e! stat0s in t&eir soiet3 an! o2ten when we expect to be

viewed as inferior, very often we perform as such'

In on+0sion to t&is s04setion regar!ing t&e s3&osoia+, ine50a+it384ase! &eno*enon t&ats&o6s a +ear re+ations&i to s3&o+ogia+ 6e++84eing, it is i*ortant to 50ik+3 *ake +ear t&e1ast range o2 iss0es 2o0n! re+ate!# W&i+e 20rt&er st0!3 o2 s0& iss0es an 4e 2o0n! in t&e Rea!ing

$@C 3elief &ystems and *urable Ine%ualities, Po+i3 Resear& Working Paer, Waskington D)" Wor+! ank, '%%? \ )&art2ro* The &pirit )evel  43 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson an! ate Pikett, Peng0in, Mar& '%%, $$(8$$?

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List Aen!i7 )< o2 t&is te7t 6it& t&e 6orks o2 Sao+sk3, Gi++igan, Mat[ an! Wi+kinson &ig&+3reo**en!e!, +et it 4e state! genera++3 &ere t&at 6&en it o*es to E!0ation, Soia+ )aita+tr0st<, O4esit3, Li2e E7etan3, Teen irt&, I*rison*ent an! P0nis&*ent, Soia+ Mo4i+it3,Oort0nit3, an! e1en Inno1ation : o0ntries 6it& +ess ino*e ine50a+it3 !o 4etter t&an t&ose6it& *ore ino*e ine50a+it3# P0t anot&er 6a3, t&e3 are more healthy  soieties#

Case Stud)3 (eha.ioral $iolence

)o0+e! 6it& t&e a4o1e iss0es re+ating to ine50a+it3 in soiet3, t&ere is one t&at !eser1es a !eeer+ook : e&a1iora+ Vio+ene# )ri*ina+ Ps3&o+ogia+ Dr# Ka*es Gi++igan, 2or*er &ea! o2 t&e )entre2or t&e St0!3 o2 Vio+ene at Har1ar! Me!ia+ S&oo+, 6rote a !e2initi1e treat*ent on t&e s049et in&is 6ork Vio+ene" O0r Dea!+3 Ei!e*i an! its )a0ses-# Dr# Gi++igan *akes it 1er3 +ear t&ate7tre*e 2or*s o2 1io+ene are not ran!o* or genetia++3 in!0e!, 40t rat&er o*+e7 reationst&at originate 2ro* stress20+ e7erienes, 4ot& in t&e +ong an! s&ort ter*#

For e7a*+e, &i+! a40se, 4ot& &3sia+ an! e*otiona+, a+ong 6it& inreasing+3 !i22i0+t +e1e+s o2ersona+ stress, &a1e a !iret orre+ation to 4ot& re*e!itate! an! i*0+si1e ats o2 1io+ene an!6&i+e *en &a1e a statistia++3 &ig&er roensit3 to6ar!s 1io+ene !0e to +arge+3 en!orino+ogia+&arateristis t&at, 6&i+e not causing 1io+ent reations, an exaggerate t&e* 0on t&e stressin2+0ene$@, t&e o**on t&e*e is t&e in2+0ene o2 t&e en1iron*ent an! 0+t0re#

T&is is not to !iso0nt t&e re+ations&i o2 &or*ones or e1en ossi4+3 geneti roensities$=% 40t tos&o6 t&at at t&e origin o2 t&is 4e&a1ior is +ear+3 not o0r 4io+og3, 40t t&e on!ition 0on 6&i& a&0*an e7ists an! e7erienes en!0re!# Ot&er o**on ass0*tions o2 a0sa+it3, s0& as Instint- are a+so 2ar too a4strat an! 1ag0e to &o+! an3 oerationa+ 1a+i!it3#$=$

 I a* s0ggesting t&at t&e on+3 6a3 to e7+ain t&e a0ses o2 1io+ene, so t&at 6e an +earn &o6 tore1ent it, is to aroa& 1io+ene as a ro4+e* in 04+i &ea+t& an! re1enti1e *e!iine, an! tot&ink o2 1io+ene as a s3*to* o2 +i2e8t&reatening at&o+og3, 6&i&, +ike a++ 2or* o2 i++ness, &as anetio+og3 or a0se, a at&ogen#- 8Dr# Ka*es Gi++igan$='

In Dr# Gi++igans !iagnosis &e *akes it 1er3 +ear t&at t&e greatest a0se o2 1io+ent 4e&a1ior issocial ine%uality , &ig&+ig&ting t&e onse50ene o2 shame and humiliation as an e*otiona+&arateristi o2 t&ose 6&o engage in 1io+ene#$=( T&o*as S&e22, a e*erit0s ro2essor o2 soio+og3in )a+i2ornia state! t&at s&a*e 6as the soia+ e*otion- ';/ S&a*e an! &0*i+iation an 4e e50ate!6it& t&e 2ee+ings o2 st0i!it3, ina!e50a3, e*4arrass*ent, 2oo+is&ness, 2ee+ing e7ose!, inse0rit3an! t&e +ike : a++ +arge+3 soia+ or o*arati1e in t&eir origin#

Nee!+ess to sa3, in a g+o4a+ soiet3 6it& not on+3 gro6ing ino*e !isarit3 40t ine1ita4+3 se+286ort&- !isarit3 8 sine stat0s is to0te! as !iret+3 re+ate! to o0r s0ess- in o0r 9o4s, 4ankao0nts +e1e+s an! t&e +ike 8 it is no *3ster3 t&at 2ee+ings o2 in2eriorit3, s&a*e an! &0*i+iationare sta+es o2 t&e 0+t0re to!a3# T&e onse50ene o2 t&ose 2ee+ings &a1e 1er3 serio0s i*+iations2or 04+i &ea+t&, as note! 4e2ore, in+0!ing t&e ei!e*i o2 t&e 4e&a1iora+ 1io+ene 6e no6 see

$@ T&e &or*one testosterone &as 4een o**on+3 4+a*e!- 2or *a+e aggression# Ho6e1er it &as 4een 2o0n! t&at inter8in!i1i!0a+ !i22erenes in +e1e+s o2 testosterone do not  res0+t in roortiona+ !i22erenes in +e1e+s o2 aggressi1e 4e&a1ior6&en tests on t&e genera+ o0+ation 6ere on!0te!# It &as 4een 2o0n! t&at rat&er t&an testosterone a0singaggression +e1e+s to rise, it is essentia++3 t&e ot&er 6a3 aro0n!# See The Trouble with Testosterone, Ro4ert M# Sao+sk3,Si*on B S&0ster, $>, $?>8$@

$=% See" (iolenceO. noxious cocktail of genes and the environment, 4ariya 4oosaFee, # $ &oc 4ed' 6KK 4ayP H;?1@A676/ Q Notes a st0!3 in Ne6 Zea+an! 6&ere an aarent geneti +ink 2o0n! to 1io+ent 4e&a1ior 6o0+! only  *ani2esti2 a great !ea+ o2 a40se in &i+!&oo! took +ae to trigger an e7ression o2 t&at aarent geneti roensit3#&tt"666#n4i#n+*#ni&#go1*arti+esPM)@(?>$

$=$ (iolence, Ka*es Gi++igan, GrossetP0tna*, Ne6 Jork, $', '$%8'$($=' I4i!, '$=( I4i!, )&ater @$=? &hame and conformityA the defense-emotion system, T#K# S&e22, A*erian Soio+ogia+ Re1ie6, $CC, @("(@8?%=

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to!a3 in its 1ario0s o*+e7 2or*s# Terroris*, +oa+ s&oo+ an! &0r& s&ootings, a+ong 6it& ot&ere7tre*e ats 6&i& si*+3 !i! not e7ist 4e2ore in t&e a4strats t&e3 2in! onte7t to!a3 re1ea+s a0ni50e e1o+0tion o2 1io+ene itse+2# Dr# Gi++igan on+0!es" I2 6e 6is& to re1ent 1io+ene, t&en,o0r agen!a is o+itia+ an! eono*i re2or*#- $=@

T&e 2o++o6ing &art s&o6s rates o2 &o*ii!e aross 6ea+t&3 nations 6it& 1ar3ing states o2 soia+ine50a+it3# T&e Unite! States, 6&i& is +ike+3 t&e +argest anti8soia+ist- a!1oate 6it& +itt+estr0t0ra+ sa2eg0ar!s in +ae s0& as a +ak o2 0ni1ersa+ &ea+t& are<, 6&i+e a+so 0s&ing t&es3&o+ogia+ et&i t&at in!een!ene- an! o*etition- are t&e *ost i*ortant et&os 8 s&o6s a*assi1e +e1e+ o2 1io+ene# W&i+e !e4ates o1er g0n ontro+ an! t&e +ike sti++ ersist in t&e A*eriano+itia+ +an!sae 6it& reset to t&e ei!e*i, +ear+3 t&at &as not&ing rea++3 to !o 6it&a0sa+it3#


%n ConclusionT&is essa3 &as atte*te! to gi1e a onise o1er1ie6 o2 ore a0sa+ re+ations&is to &0*an &ea+t&on 4ot& t&e s3&o+ogia+ +e1e+ an! t&e &3sio+ogia+ +e1e+# T&e t&e*e is &o6 t&e soioeono*ion!ition in genera+ i*ro1es or 6orsens 04+i &ea+t& o1era++, a++0!ing to i!ea+ on!itions 6&i&6o0+! i*ro1e &ainess, re!0e genera+ !isease an! a++e1iate ei!e*i 4e&a1iora+ ro4+e*s,s0& as 1io+ene#

W&i+e !iret eono*i re+ations&is are 1er3 +ear in &o6 t&e3 re!0e &0*an &ea+t& an! 6e++4eingin t&e 2or* o2 absolute deprivation, s0& as an ina4i+it3 to o4tain 50a+it3 2oo!, +a4or8re+ate! ti*e

restraints t&at re!0e e*otiona+ an! !e1e+o*enta+ s0ort 2or &i+!ren, +oss o2 e!0ation 50a+it3!0e to regiona+ 20n!ing ro4+e*s, a+ong 6it& ase 43 ase t0r*oi+ s0& as t&e 2at t&at *ost*arriages en! !0e to *onetar3 ro4+e*s$==, t&e relative deprivation iss0e &as 4een *ore o2 a2o0s !0e to t&e 2at t&at it is also a cause of most absolute deprivation itself'

P0t into t&e str0t0ra+, soioeono*i onte7t, t&is rea+it3 2ir*+3 &a++enges t&e et&os t&ato*etition, +ass an! ot&er )aita+ist- notions o2 inenti1e an! rogress are !ri1ers o2 soia+

$=@ (iolence, Ka*es Gi++igan, GrossetP0tna*, Ne6 Jork, $', '(=$== 4oney Dights "redict *ivorce $ates, )at&erine Ra*e++ &tt"eono*i7#4+ogs#n3ti*es#o*'%%$'%>*one382ig&ts8


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rogress an! &ea+t&# T&e *ore 6e +earn a4o0t t&is &eno*enon, t&e stronger t&e arg0*ent4eo*es t&at t&e nat0re o2 o0r soioeono*i s3ste* is 4ak6ar!s in its 2o0s an! intent# H0*anrogress an! s0ess is +ear+3 not !e2ine! 43 t&e onstant in2+07 o2 *arket goo!s, ga!gets an!*ateria+ reations 2or 0r&ase# P04+i Hea+t& an! 6e++ 4eing is based on how we relate to eachother and the environment on the whole'

T&e res0+t is a hidden form of violence against t&e o0+ation an! &ene t&e 04+i &ea+t& risis6e see is rea++3 a civil = human rights issue# W&en 6e see +ear genoi!e in t&e 6or+! 6e o49etstrong+3 on 0re+3 *ora+ gro0n!s# 0t 6&at i2 t&ere e7iste! a onstant genoi!e t&at is 0nseen 40t1er3 rea+ 8 eret0ate! not 43 a sei2i erson or gro0 40t 43 a s3&o+ogia+ !isor!er 4orn o0to2 stress generate! 43 t&e tra!itiona+ *et&o! o2 &0*an interation an! eono*i or!ering t&at&as 4een reate! an! o!i2ie!Q

As 6i++ 4e arg0e! in t&e 2o++o6ing essa3s, *ere a!90st*ents to t&e 0rrent soioeono*i s3ste*are not eno0g& in t&e +ongter* to s04stantia++3 reso+1e t&ese ro4+e*s# T&e 1er3 2o0n!ationa+rini+es o2 o0r 0rrent *o!e+ are 4o0n! 43 t&e &ierar&ia+ eono*i an! o*etiti1eorientations an! to tr0+3 6ork to re*o1e t&ose attri40tes an! onse50enes is to o*+ete+3trans2or* t&e entire soia+ s3ste*#


 It is a te++ing s3*to* o2 o0r on!ition t&at no esta4+is&e! s&oo+, !isi+ine orgenera+ t&eor3 o2 soia+ ana+3sis &as gro0n!e! itse+2 in +i2e re50ire*ents###

Instea!, so*e soia+ onstr0t is in1aria4+3 a!ote! as t&e 0+ti*ate re2erene 4o!3 :set o2 i!eas, t&e state, t&e *arket, a +ass, te&no+ogia+ !e1e+o*ent,

or so*e ot&er 2ator t&an t&e +i2e8gro0n! itse+2-8Ko&n MM0rtr3$=>

Eono*is is +ike+3 t&e *ost ritia+, re+e1ant an! in2+0entia+ soieta+ &arateristi t&ere is#Virt0a++3 e1er3 aset o2 o0r +i1es, o2ten 6it&o0t onsio0s reognition, &as a re+ations&i to t&e&istoria+ !e1e+o*ent an! resent ratie o2 eono*i t&o0g&t on one +e1e+ or anot&er, *o+!ingo0r *ost 4asi soia+ instit0tions, ore 4e+ie2s an! 1a+0es# In 2at, t&e 1er3 essene o2 &o6 6e as asoiet3 t&ink a4o0t o0r relationship to ea& ot&er an! t&e &a4itat 6&i& s0orts 0s is, in +argeart, a !iret res0+t o2 t&e eono*i t&eories an! raties 6e eret0ate#

T&o0g&t20+ re1ie6 o2 &istoria+ re+igio0s B *ora+ &i+oso&ies, go1ern*enta+ !e1e+o*ent, o+itia+arties, +ega+ stat0tes an! ot&er soia+ ontrats an! 4e+ie2s t&at o*rise a gi1en soia+ s3ste*an! its 0+t0re, re1ea+ t&e !ee i*at eono*i ass0*tions &a1e an! ontin0e to &a1e ins&aing o2 t&e Zeitgeist- o2 a ti*e#

S+a1er3, +assis*, 7eno&o4ia, rais*, se7is*, s0490gation an! *an3 ot&er !i1isi1e B e7+oitati1e

notions sti++ o**on to &0*an 0+t0ra+ &istor3 6i++ 4e 2o0n! to &a1e kerne+s o2 origin oreret0ation in *an3 genera++3 aete! eono*i &i+oso&ies to one !egree or anot&er# Histor3is 2air+3 +ear 6it& reset to &o6 t&e soia+ on!ition is groo*e! 43 t&e re1ai+ing eono*iass0*tions o2 a gi1en erio! an! t&is 4roa! soio+ogia+ onsi!eration is sa!+3 not gi1en *0&gra1it3 in t&e 6or+! to!a3 6&en t&inking a4o0t 6&3 t&e 6or+! is t&e 6a3 it is an! 6&3 6e t&inkt&e 6a3 6e !o#

As a re+i*inar3 oint, a oint 6&i& 6i++ ree*erge +ater in t&is essa3, t&ere &as o**on+3 4een a!0a+it3 note! in *ost *o!ern eono*i t&o0g&t 6&ere t&e )aita+ist Free8Market-, *eaning t&e

$=> The Cancer &tage of Capitalism, Ko&n MM0rtr3, P+0to Press, $, #1iii

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 2ree- ations o2 in!een!ent ro!0ers, +a4orer an! tra!ers, 6orking in aggregate to 403, se++ an!e*+o3$=C, is to 4e ontraste! to t&at o2 t&e State-, *eaning a 0ni2ie! s3ste* o2 !e+egate! o6ert&at &as t&e aait3 to set +ega+ o+i3 an! eono*i *an!ates t&at an in&i4it t&e ations o2 t&e Free8Market- t&ro0g& inter2erene# Most eono*i !e4ates to!a3 re1o+1e! aro0n! t&is !0a+it3 onone +e1e+ or anot&er 6it& t&e Laisse;82aire- interests, or t&ose 6&o 6is& to &a1e a o*+ete+3

non8reg0+ate! *arket eono*3, onstant+3 at 6ar 6it& t&e Statists-, or t&ose 6&o t&ink so*ekin! o2 entra+i;e! go1ern*ent ontro+ an! !eision *aking o1er eono*i +anning an! o+i3 is4est#T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent takes neit&er si!e, e1en t&o0g& *an3 6&o &ear TZMs roosa+s &a1e aknee89erk reation to ass0*e t&e +atter assoiation Statis*<$=# As 6it& *an3 tra!itiona+i;e!4e+ie2 s3ste*s, o+ari;e! erseti1es an! !e2enses are o**on an! t&e i!ea t&at t&ere is noot&er ossi4+e frame of reference 6it& reset to &o6 an eono*i s3ste* an 4e !e1e+oe! an!a!*inistere!, is to +ose onese+2 o22 !og*atia++3 to *an3 re+e1ant an! e*erging onsi!erations#

T&e 2o++o6ing, 4rie2 treat*ent is a4o0t t&e Historia+- !e1e+o*ent o2 eono*is# We 6i++ traet&e genera+ &istor3 o2 eono*i t&o0g&t 2ro* ro0g&+3 t&e $>t& ent0r3 on6ar!, &ig&+ig&ting t&eore in2+0enes t&at ga1e 4irt& to t&e *o!ern, Free8Market )aita+ist- s3ste*# Ho6e1er, as 6i++4e e7an!e! 0on *ore so in Part III, a !i22erent erseti1e 6i++ a+so 4e a++0!e! to# We 6i++ a++t&is t&e Me&anisti- 1ie6# T&e *e&anisti erseti1e o2 eono*i 2atoring takes a !i22erent+ook at t&e a0sa+, scientific rea+ities o2 &0*an e7istene an! o0r &a4itat an! 40i+!s a *o!e+ o2eono*i t&eor3 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 strategic reason : not historical tradition#

T&e 4otto* +ine is t&at *o!ern eono*i t&o0g&t is rea++3 not *o!ern at a++ an! t&e 1ast *a9orit3o2 ass0*tions sti++ &e+! as gi1en, s0& as roert3-, *one3-, +assis*-, t&eories o2 1a+0e-, aita+- an! ot&er onets t&at r0n t&ro0g& 1irt0a++3 a++ onte7t0a++3 re+e1ant &istoria+arg0*ents, are rea++3 outdated  in t&eir 0n!er+3ing re*ises# Rai! !e1e+o*ent in t&e in!0stria+,in2or*ationa+ an! &0*an sienes, 6&i& &a1e gone +arge+3 ignore! 43 t&e esta4+is&e! eono*itra!ition, are osing ritia+ reonsi!erations an! ne6 re+ations&is 6&i& si*+3 do not exist  int&e tra!itiona+ *o!e+s#$>%

Wit& reset to t&e e1er *0tating s&oo+s- o2 t&o0g&t t&at &a1e 4ro0g&t t&e eono*i !e4ate to6&ere it rests to!a3, t&e aa!e*i, o2ten 2or*0+ai, tra!itiona+i;e! e1o+0tion o2 esta4+is&e!eono*i t&eor3 an! ratie< aears to &a1e !e1e+oe! a self-referring frame of reference'L In ot&er 6or!s, t&e *ost o**on *ainstrea*- eono*i onsi!erations !is0sse!aete!to!a3, t&ose *ost roagate! in t&e restigio0s aa!e*i s&oo+s an! go1ern*enta+ on2erenes,6i++ 4e 2o0n! to !eri1e t&eir i*ortane 2ro* t&e *ere 2at t&at t&e3 &a1e 4een considered  i*ortant 2or so +ong# As a *eta&or, it is si*i+ar to 1ie6ing t&e engine o2 an a0to*o4i+e an!ass0*ing t&e str0t0re o2 t&at engines o*onents are i**0ta4+e an! on+3 1ariation a*ongt&ose e7isting o*onents arts is ossi4+e, as oose! to t&e ra!ia+ i!ea o2 redesigning t&eentire engine str0t0re 2ro* t&e gro0n! 0, er&as 4ase! 0on ne6 te&no+og3 an! in2or*ation

$=C A +ess genera+i;e! !e2inition o2 t&e Free8Market- is as 2o++o6s" An eono*i s3ste* in 6&i& ries an! 6ages are!eter*ine! 43 0nrestrite! o*etition 4et6een 40sinesses, 6it&o0t go1ern*ent reg0+ation or 2ear o2 *onoo+ies#-.&tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6se2ree*arket/

$= As 6i++ 4e !esri4e! in +ater essa3s, TZMs o2ten 2a+se ategori;ation o2 4eing Statist- is roote! in its genera+oosition to Market Prini+es, 6&i& it 2in!s to 4e 0ns0staina4+e an! o2ten o0nterro!0ti1e# Statis*, 6&i& an take*an3 2or*s, s0& as )o**0nist, Fasist or Soia+ist, a!1oates a entra+ a0t&orit3- to !ei!e &o6 t&eeono*io+itia+ roess is to 0n2o+!, 6it& +itt+e to no re+e1ant in2+0ene o0rring 1ia t&e genera+ o0+ation# TZMs0orts an oen !eision *aking roess in genera+, 0n!er t&e i*osition o2 4asi, ro1en +a6s o2 sienti2is0staina4i+it3 an! e22iien3#

$>% T&e notion o2 an E7terna+it3-, 6&i& 6i++ 4e note! +ater in t&is essa3, is a ase in oint# Most en1iron*enta+ an! soia+osts s3ste*i to t&e Market aroa&, a+ong 6it& arg0a4+3 t&e loss of efficiency  an! &ene roserit3, are !is*isse! int&e t&eoretia+ e50ation o2 t&e Market, a*ong *an3 ot&er re+e1ant iss0es#

$>$ Eono*i &i+oso&er Ko&n MM0rtr3 state! genera++3 on t&is iss0e" T&is ten!en3 re1ai+s 2ro* t&e )ontinenta+Rationa+ists on# Lei4ni;, Sino;a, Desartes, erke+e3, ant an! Hege+, 2or e7a*+e, *ore or +ess entire+3 res0ose!t&e soia+ regi*e o2 t&eir !a3 an! its onstit0ent 2or*s as in so*e 6a3 t&e e7ression o2 t&e !i1ine Min!, 6&i& t&e3see it as t&eir rationa+ !0t3 on+3 to aet or to 90sti23#- The Cancer &tage of Capitalism, P+0to Press, $, #>

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t&at ser1es t&e 0ti+it3 *ore e22iient+3 an! s0ess20++3#

 Mo!ern- eono*i t&o0g&t an! ratie is an o+! engine 6it& generations o2 i**inent e7erts-6orking to a!*inister o+! o*onents arts, re20sing to aet t&e ossi4i+it3 t&at t&e entireengine is o0t!ate! an! er&as inreasing+3 !etri*enta+# T&e3 ontin0e to 04+is& arg0*ents,

t&eories an! e50ations t&at rein2ore t&e 2a+se i*ortane o2 t&at o+! engine o+! 2ra*e o2re2erene-<, ignoring ne6 a!1ents in siene an! te&no+og3 t&at ontra!it t&eir tra!itiona+is*# Itis no !i22erent t&an t&e +ong &istor3 o2 ot&er esta4+is&e!- i!eas, s0& as a49et &0*an s+a1er3,6&ere t&e soiet3 at +arge rea++3 !i!nt 50estion t&e ratie, an! onsi!ere! s0& establishedstructures, i*ose! an! o!i2ie!, as nat0ra+- to t&e &0*an on!ition#$>'

,nderl)ing Themes

Taking an &istoria+ erseti1e, E0roe o2 t&e Mi!!+e Ages $>( is genera++3 a !eent i!eo+ogia+starting oint as t&e *ost entra+ i!eas &arateristi o2 *o!ern )aita+is*, 6&i& +ater srea!aross t&e 6or+!, aear to &a1e taken &o+! !0ring t&is erio!#$>? It is 2ro* t&e $>t& ent0r3on6ar! t&at 6e 2in! *ost o2 t&e in2+0entia+ &i+oso&ers &ig&+3 regar!e! to!a3 in tra!itiona+&istor3 4ooks o2 eono*is# W&i+e &istorians &a1e 2o0n! t&at t&e 4asi gest0res o2 roert3- an!t&e at o2 tra!ing 2or ro2it- go 4ak to t&e seon! *i++enni0* ),$>@ its ore !e1e+o*enta+2o0n!ation an! instit0tiona+i;ation aears to rests aro0n! t&e Late Fe0!a+Ear+3 Meranti+isterio!s#

Rat&er t&an !is0ss t&e 1ario0s !i22erenes 4et6een t&e soioeono*i s3ste*s 6&i& ree!e!*o!ern )aita+is*, it is *ore 6ort&6&i+e to note t&e genera+ si*i+arities# In t&is 4roa! onte7t,t&e )aita+ist s3ste* aears to 4e a *ani2est e1o+0tion o2 6&at are *ost+3 !ee+3 ingraine!historical assumptions o2 &0*an nat0re an! &0*an soia+ re+ations'$>=

First+3, it 6i++ 4e notie! t&ro0g&o0t t&is e1o+0tion t&at a class divide &as 4een reogni;e! an!e*+o3e! to one !egree or anot&er# Peo+e &a1e genera++3 4een !i1i!e! into t6o gro0s#$>> T&oset&at produce 2or *ini*a+ re6ar! an! t&ose 6&o gain 2ro* t&at ro!0tion# Fro* anient Eg3tians+a1er3,$>C to t&e easant 2ar*er toi+ing in s04sistene 2or &is Lor! in Me!ie1a+ Fe0!a+is*,$> to t&eo!i2ie! oression o2 t&e *arket *er&ants 43 t&e state *onoo+ies o2 Meranti+is*,$C% t&e

t&e*e o2 ine%uality  &as 4een 1er3 +ear an! onsistent#

A seon! 2eat0re &e+! in o**on to t&ese !o*inant Western soioeono*i &i+oso&ies is t&at o2a 4asi !isregar! or er&as ignorane< o2 ritia+ re+ations&is 4et6een t&e &0*an seies an!its go1erning, s0orti1e &a4itat# W&i+e ertain e7etions an 4e 2o0n! 6it& in!igeno0s tri4es

$>' Aristot+e (C? ): ('' )<, 6&i+e re!ite! 6it& e7tensi1e sienti2i, +ogia+ an! &i+oso&ia+ ontri40tion, 6as a+so in2a1or o2 s+a1er3, 90sti23ing t&e rea+it3 6it& 6&at o0+! 4e arg0e! as bias, not reason# He state!" 0t is t&ere an3 onet&0s inten!e! 43 nat0re to 4e a s+a1e, an! 2or 6&o* s0& a on!ition is e7e!ient an! rig&t, or rat&er is not a++ s+a1er3a 1io+ation o2 nat0reQ T&ere is no !i22i0+t3 in ans6ering t&is 50estion, on gro0n!s 4ot& o2 reason an! o2 2at# For t&atso*e s&o0+! r0+e an! ot&ers 4e r0+e! is a t&ing not on+3 neessar3, 40t e7e!ient 2ro* t&e &o0r o2 t&eir 4irt&, so*eare *arke! o0t 2or s049etion, ot&ers 2or r0+e#- "olitics, ook I, )&aters III t&ro0g& VII

$>( T&e ter* Mi!!+e Ages- genera++3 re2ers to t&e erio! o2 E0roean &istor3 t&at +aste! 2ro* t&e @t& 0nti+ t&e $@t&ent0ries#

$>? For a !etai+e! st0!3 o2 t&e *e!ie1a+ eono*i s3ste* an! soiet3, t&e 2o++o6ing 6ork is s0ggeste!" The .grarian )ife

of the 4iddle .ges, K#H# )&a*an an! Ei+een E# Po6ers, e!s#, '! e!#, The Cambridge +conomic istory of +urope, 1o+# $Lon!on, )a*4ri!ge Uni1ersit3 Press, $==

$>@ 4acroeconomics from the beginningA The Beneral Theory, .ncient 4arkets, and the $ate of Interest , Da1i! War40rtonParis, Re&er&es et P04+iations, '%%( #?

$>= T&e E*ergent- onsi!eration o2 eono*i !e1e+o*ent aears to 4e a re+ati1e+3 ne6 onet, intro!0e! *osto0+ar+3 43 T&orstein Ve4+en in t&e ear+3 '%t& ent0r3# S0ggeste! rea!ing on t&e s049et o2 eono*i e1o+0tion" The+volution of Institutional +conomicsA .gency, &tructure and *arwinism in .merican Institutionalism, Geo22re3 M#Ho!gson, Lon!on, Ro0t+e!ge, '%%?

$>> T&e !istintion o2 +asses- in sei2i ategories is 6it&o0t e7at *eaning, &istoria++3# T&e oint &ere is t&e ongoingresene o2 a +ear+3 !o*inant +ass, 6&et&er t&at o2 anient no4i+it3, 2or e7a*+e, or t&e *o!ern 2inania+ o+igar&3#

$>C S0ggeste! rea!ing, The istorical +ncyclopedia of :orld &lavery , K0ni0s P# Ro!rig0e;, Vo+ I, Setion E$> S0ggeste! Rea!ing" 4ediaeval Deudalism, )ar+ Ste&enson, )orne++ Uni1ersit3 Press, $@=$C% . istory of +conomic Theory and 4ethod , Ro4ert # Eke+0n! Ro4ert F# H[4ert, Ne6 Jork" MGra6:Hi++, $>@

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s0& as 6it& reo+onia+, Nati1e A*erian soieties,$C$ Western eono*i t&o0g&t &as 4een a+*ost!e1oi! o2 s0& onsi!erations, a4sent t&e *ore reent an! *o0nting eo+ogia+ ro4+e*s 6&i&&a1e 2ore! so*e 04+igo1ern*ent resonse an! a 1er3 genera+ interest in re2or*-#$C'

A t&ir! an! 2ina+ 4roa! 2eat0re to note is t&e genera+ !is*issa+ o2 t&e soia+ reognition o2 a

ersons 6e++84eing on t&e +e1e+ o2 human need an! &ene public health# A!1ane*ents in t&e&0*an sienes, 6&i& o0rre! +arge+3 a2ter t&e ore !otrines o2 eono*i t&o0g&t 6eretra!itiona++3 o!i2ie!, &a1e 2o0n! t&at human wants an! human needs< are not t&e sa*e an! t&e!eri1ation o2 t&e +atter an reate *an3 negati1e onse50enes not on+3 2or t&e in!i1i!0a+ 40t 2ort&e soiet3 itse+2# Anti8soia+, ri*ina+- an! 1io+ent 4e&a1ior, 2or e7a*+e, &a1e 4een 2o0n!so0re! to *an3 2or*s o2 soia+ !eri1ation roote! in t&e soioeono*i tra!ition#$C? P0t *oregenera++3, t&e s3ste* ignores s0& soia+ onse50enes 43 !esign, re+egating t&ese o0to*es as*ere e7terna+ities- in *ost ases#

T&is rea+it3 6as 20rt&er o*o0n!e! in t&e $Ct& ent0r3 6&ere t&e Soia++3 Dar6inisti- $C@ 0n!ertone o2 t&e +a4or82or8re6ar!- re*ise inreasing+3 re!0e! t&e &0*an 4eing to an o49ett&at 6as to 4e !e2ine! an! 50a+i2ie! 43 &is or &er ontri40tion to t&e s3ste* o2 +a4or# I2 t&ea1erage erson is 0na4+e to o4tain +a4or or engage s0ess20++3 in t&e *arket eono*3, t&ere

e7ists no rea+ sa2eg0ar! 6it& reset to ones s0r1i1a+ or 6e++4eing, e7et 2or inter2erene-o*ing 2ro* t&e State- in t&e 2or* o2 We+2are-# In t&e *o!ern !a3, t&is rea+it3 is o2 greatontro1ers3 6&ere t&e +ai* o2 soia+is*- &as 4eo*e a knee89erk on!e*nation reation6&ene1er go1ern*enta+ o+i3 atte*ts to ro1i!e !iret s0ort 2or a iti;enr3 6it&o0t t&e 0se o2t&e *arket *e&anis* o2 sa+es an!or +a4or#

Dawn of Free!1ar#et Ca*italism

Me!ie1a+ Fe0!a+is* ro0g&+3 2ro* t&e t& to $=t& ent0ries< 6as t&e !o*inant soioeono*is3ste* t&at essentia++3 ree!e! Free8Market )aita+is*- in Western E0roe, 6it& 6&at 6as +aterto 4e a++e! Meranti+is*- ser1ing as 6&at o0+! 4e onsi!ere! a transition stage#

Fe0!a+is* 6as 4ase! on a s3ste* o2 *0t0a+ o4+igations an! ser1ies going 0 an! !o6n a set

soia+ &ierar&3, 6it& t&e entire soia+ s3ste* resting essentia++3 on an agri0+t0ra+ 2o0n!ation#Me!ie1a+ soiet3 6as *ost+3 an agrarian soiet3 an! t&e soia+ &ierar&3 6as 4ase! essentia++3 oneo+es ties to t&e +an!# T&e 4asi eono*i instit0tions 6ere t&e G0i+!s- an! i2 so*eone 6ante!to ro!0e or se++ a goo! or ser1ie, t&e3 6o0+! genera++3 9oin a g0i+!# A great !ea+ o0+! 4e state!in !etai+ a4o0t t&is e7tensi1e erio! o2 &istor3 an! as 6it& *ost &istor3 it is s049et to 1ario0sinterretations an! !e4ate# Ho6e1er, 2or t&e sake o2 t&is essa3, 6e 6i++ on+3 resent a 1er3genera+ o1er1ie6 6it& reset to t&e eono*i transition to Free8Market- )aita+is*#$C= 

As agri0+t0ra+ an! transort te&no+og3 i*ro1e!, t&e e7ansion o2 tra!e o0rre! an! 43 t&e$(t& ent0r3, 6it& t&e a!1ent o2 t&e 2o0r86&ee+e! 6agon, 2or e7a*+e, t&e range o2 *arketinteration rai!+3 inrease!# Like6ise, inrease! +a4or seia+i;ation, 0r4an onentrations an!

$C$ S0ggeste! Rea!ing" *efending 4other +arthA Native .merican "erspectives on +nvironmental #ustice, Kae Wea1er,

Or4is ooks, $=$C' To +ist t&e eo+ogia+ ro4+e*s no6 2aing &0*anit3, 2ro* +i*ate !esta4i+i;ation, to o++0tion, to reso0re !e+etion, to

+oss o2 4io!i1ersit3 an! ot&er in1aria4+3 public health t&reats, 6o0+! 4e too e7tensi1e to !etai+ &ere# In t&e 1ie6 o2 TZM,t&ese iss0es are +arge+3 a res0+t o2 t&e )aita+ist re*ise an! its aete! aroa&es an! 1a+0es #

$C( )ons0*tion atterns in *o!ern soiet3 &a1e s&o6n an ar4itrar3 nat0re 6it& reset to H0*an Wants-, s0& as t&eo6er20+ s&i2t in 1a+0es 6&i& o0rre! in t&e ear+3 '%t& ent0r3 6it& t&e a+iation o2 *o!ern Western a!1ertising#

 H0*an Nee!s-, &o6e1er, are 4asi neessities, +arge+3 s&are! 43 a++ &0*ans, 6&i& *aintain &3sia+ an!s3&o+ogia+ &ea+t&#

$C? See t&e rior essa3 De2ining P04+i Hea+t&-#$C@ Soia+ Dar6inis*- is a 1er3 genera+ i!eo+og3 t&at seeks to a+3 4io+ogia+ onets o2 Dar6inis* or o2 s0r1i1a+ o2

t&e 2ittest- t3e t&eor3 to soio+og3 an! o+itis# T&e ter* 6as o0+ari;e! in t&e Unite! States in $?? 43 &istorianRi&ar! Ho2sta!ter# T&e int0ition o2 t&is onet, &o6e1er, aears +ong 4e2ore Dar6ins ti*e in &i+oso&ia+ t&o0g&t#

$C= S0ggeste! Rea!ing" 4ediaeval Deudalism, )ar+ Ste&enson, )orne++ Uni1ersit3 Press, $@=

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o0+ation gro6t& a+so o0rre!#$C> T&ese &anges, o0+e! 6it& t&e res0+ting, inreasing o6er o2t&e *er&ant8aita+ists-, as t&e3 o0+! 4e a++e!, s+o6+3 6eakene! t&e tra!itiona+, 0sto*ar3ties t&at &e+! t&e 2e0!a+ soia+ str0t0re toget&er#

O1er ti*e, *ore o*+e7 ities 4egan to e*erge 6&i& 6ere s0ess20+ in o4taining in!een!ene

2ro* t&e Fe0!a+ +or!s an! inreasing+3 o*+e7 s3ste*s o2 e7&ange, re!it an! +a6 4egan toe*erge, *an3 o2 6&i& are 2o0n! to *irror *an3 4asi asets o2 *o!ern )aita+is*# In t&e0sto*ar3 Fe0!a+ s3ste*, genera++3 t&e &an!ira2t- ro!0er 6as a+so t&e se++er to t&e 403er o20se# Ho6e1er, as t&e e1o+0tion o2 t&e *arket ontin0e! aro0n! t&ese ne6 0r4an enters, t&era2ts*an 4egan to se++ at a !iso0nt in *ass to non8ro!0ing *er&ants 6&o 6o0+! rese++ in!istant *arkets 2or a ro2it-8 anot&er 2eat0re +ater to 4e &e+! o**on to Market )aita+is*#

3 t&e $=t& ent0r3, t&e &an!ira2t- in!0str3 o**on to Fe0!a+is* &a! 4een trans2or*e! into ar0!e *irror o2 6&at 6e kno6 to!a3, 6it& t&e o0tso0ring o2 +a4or, sing0+ar o6ners&i o2ro!0tion, a+ong 6it& *an3 2in!ing t&e*se+1es *ore an! *ore in t&e osition o2 4eing e*+o3e!- rat&er t&an ro!0ing t&e*se+1es 6orking +ass-<# E1ent0a++3, t&e +ogi s0rro0n!ing*onetar3 profit  4egan to 4e t&e ore !ei!ing 2ator o2 o1era++ ation in a s3ste*i 6a3 an! t&etr0e see!s o2 Market )aita+is* took root#$CC

Meranti+is*, 6&i& essentia++3 !o*inate! Western E0roean eono*i o+i3 2ro* t&e $=t& to t&e+ate $Ct& ent0ries,$C 6as &arateri;e! 43 State8!ri1en tra!e *onoo+ies to ens0re a ositi1e 4a+ane o2 tra!e-,$% o0+e! 6it& *an3 ot&er e7tensi1e reg0+ations 2or ro!0tion, 6ages an!o**ere e*erging o1er ti*e, 20rt&er inreasing t&e o6er o2 t&e State# )o++0sion 4et6een t&eState an! t&ese e*erging in!0stries 6ere o**on an! *an3 6ars o0rre! !0e to t&eseraties sine it 6as 4ase! on tra!e restritions 4et6een nations 6&i& o2ten took t&e e22et o2eono*i 6ar2are#$$ 

A!a* S*it&, 6&o 6i++ 4e !is0sse! +ater in t&is essa3, 6rote an e7tensi1e ritiis* o2 Meranti+is*in &is +assi $>>= te7t, .n In%uiry into the Nature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations'H6 It is&ere 6&ere it o0+! 4e !e+are! t&at t&e i!ea+ogia+ 4irt& o2 Free8Market- )aita+is* rea++3 took

root in t&eor3, 6it& t&e re9etion o2 6&at is o2ten a++e! State- )aita+is* in *o!ern ter*s, 6&eret&e State inter2eres- 6it& t&e 2ree!o*- o2 t&e *arket 8 a !e2ining 2eat0re o2 Meranti+is*#$(

To!a3, )aita+is*-, as a sing0+ar ter*, is genera++3 !e2ine! 0+t0ra++3 in t&e t&eoretia+ onte7t o2 Free8Market- not State- )aita+is*, a+t&o0g& *an3 6i++ arg0e in great !etai+ as to 6&i& t3e o2s3ste* 6e rea++3 &a1e to!a3, a*ong ot&er 1ariations o2 t&e ter*# In rea+it3, t&ere is no 0re Free8Market- or State- 4ase! s3ste* in e7istene 40t a o*+e7 20sion 4et6een t&e t6o,genera++3 seaking# Again, as note! at t&e 4eginning o2 t&is essa3, t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 eono*i!e4ates an! 4+a*e regar!ing eono*i 0n2o+!ing o2ten re1o+1e aro0n! t&ese o+ari;e! i!eas#$?

$C> S0ggeste! Rea!ing" The +conomy of +arly $enaissance +urope, $(%%:$?=%, Harr3 A# Miski*in, Eng+e6oo! )+i22s, NK"Prentie8Ha++, $=, #'%

$CC S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tudies in the *evelopment of Capitalism, Ma0rie H# Do44, Lon!on, Ro0t+e!ge an! egan Pa0+,$?=, )&ater ?

$C The Concise +ncyclopedia of +conomics, Da1i! R# Hen!erson, Li4ert3 F0n!, In, '%%', Meranti+is*- $% A ositi1e 4a+ane o2 tra!e is a+so kno6n as a tra!e s0r+0s- an! it onsists o2 e7orting *ore t&an is i*orte! in

*onetar3 1a+0e# T&is at 43 t&e State is o2ten a++e! Protetionis*- to!a3#$$ The Browth of +conomic Thought, Henr3 Wi++ia* Siege+ , D0ke Uni1ersit3 Press, (r! E!, $$ , #(8$$C#$' An In%uiry into the Nature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations, A!a* S*it&, $>>=, ook IV" O2 S3ste*s o2 Po+itia+

Eono*3$( M0rra3 Rot&4ar!, a 2eat0re! eono*ist o2 t&e *o!ern A0strian S&oo+, s0**ari;e! t&e Statist erseti1e an!

ritiis*" Meranti+is*, 6&i& rea&e! its &eig&t in t&e E0roe o2 t&e se1enteent& an! eig&teent& ent0ries, 6as as3ste* o2 statis* 6&i& e*+o3e! eono*i 2a++a3 to 40i+! 0 a str0t0re o2 i*eria+ state o6er, as 6e++ as seia+s04si!3 an! *onoo+isti ri1i+ege to in!i1i!0a+s or gro0s 2a1ore! 43 t&e state# T&0s, *eranti+is* &e+! e7orts s&o0+!4e eno0rage! 43 t&e go1ern*ent an! i*orts !iso0rage!#- .4ercantilismA . )esson for 0ur TimesG , M0rra3Rot&4ar!, Free*an, $=(/

$? As 6i++ 4e arg0e! in t&e essa3 Va+0e S3ste* Disor!er-, t&is is a 2a+se !0a+it3 an! *oot 6it& reset to t&e 0n!er+3ing

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Ca*italism Defined)aita+is*$@ as 6e kno6 it in sei2is to!a3, in+0!ing not on+3 its eono*i t&eor3 40t o6er20+o+itia+ an! soia+ e22ets, e*erge! in 2or*, as note!, rat&er s+o6+3 o1er a erio! o2 se1era+ent0ries# It s&o0+! 4e state! 02ront t&at t&ere is no o*+ete agree*ent a*ongst eono*i

&istorianst&eorists as to 6&at t&e essentia+ 2eat0res o2 )aita+is* rea++3 are# We 6i++, &o6e1er,re!0e its &istoria+ &arateri;ation 6&i& so*e 6i++ +ike+3 2in! !e4ata4+e< to 2o0r 4asi 2eat0res#

$< Market8ase! Pro!0tionDistri40tion" )o**o!it3 ro!0tion is 4ase! aro0n! rat&er o*+e7interre+ations&is an! !een!enies t&at !o not in1o+1e direct ersona+ interations 4et6eenro!0ers an! ons0*ers# S0+3 an! !e*an! is *e!iate! 43 t&e Market s3ste*#

'< Pri1ate O6ners&i o2 Pro!0tion Means" T&is *eans t&at soiet3 grants to ri1ate ersons t&erig&t to !itate &o6 t&e ra6 *ateria+s, too+s, *a&iner3, an! 40i+!ings neessar3 2or ro!0tionan 4e 0se!#

(< Deo0+ing o2 O6ners&i an! La4or" In s&ort, a onstant +ass !i1i!e is in&erent 6&ere on t&eto +e1e+, )aita+ists-,$= 43 &istoria+ !e2inition, o6n t&e *eans o2 ro!0tion, 40t 3et &a1e noo4+igation to ontri40te to ro!0tion itse+2# E1er3t&ing ro!0e! 43 t&e La4orers, who only owntheir own labor, is o6ne! 43 t&e )aita+ist, 43 +ega+ a0t&orit3#

?< Se+28Ma7i*i;ing Inenti1e ass0*e!" In!i1i!0a+isti, o*etiti1e an! a50isiti1e interests areneessar3 2or t&e s0ess20+ 20ntioning o2 )aita+is* sine a onstant ress0re to ons0*e an!e7an! is nee!e! to a1oi! reessions, !eressions an! ot&er negati1es# In *an3 6a3s, t&is is t&e rationa+- 4e&a1iora+ 1ie6 &e+! 6&ere i2 a++ &0*ans ate! in a ertain ass0*e! 6a3, t&e s3ste*6o0+! 20ntion 6it&o0t in&i4ition#$>

&oc#e3 E.olution of 0Pro*ert)2A !ee &i+oso&ia+ 0n!er0rrent to t&e )aita+ist s3ste* is t&e notion o2 Proert3-# Eng+is&&i+oso&er Ko&n Loke $=('8$>%?< is a i1ota+ 2ig0re# A+so so0re! in A!a* S*it&s *ore

in2+0entia+ :ealth of Nations, Loke not on+3 !e2ines t&e i!ea in genera+, &e resents a s04t+e 3eto6er20+ ontra!ition#

In )&ater V, entit+e! Proert3-, o2 Lokes &econd Treatise of Bovernment  04+is&e! in $=C, &eoses an arg0*ent 6it& reset to t&e nat0re o2 roert3 an! its aroriation#

He states" T&e +a4o0r o2 &is 4o!3 an! t&e 6ork o2 &is &an!s, 6e *a3 sa3, are strit+3 &is# So6&en &e takes so*et&ing 2ro* t&e state t&at nat0re &as ro1i!e! an! +e2t it in, &e mixes hislabour with it , t&0s 9oining to it so*et&ing t&at is &is o6n an! in t&at 6a3 &e *akes it &isroert3#- $C T&is state*ent s0orting in gest0re 6&at 6as +ater to assoiate 6it& t&e La4orT&eor3 o2 Va+0e-<, rooses t&e +ogi t&at sine +a4or is o6ne!- 43 t&e +a4orer sine &e o6ns&i*se+2<, an3 energ3 e7e++e! t&ro0g& &is +a4or transfers t&at o6ners&i to t&e ro!0t *a!e#

His &i+oso&ia+ !isosition is essentia++3 !eri1e! 2ro* a )&ristian erseti1e, stating" Go! ga1et&e 6or+! to *en in o**on 40t sine &e ga1e it to t&e* 2or t&eir 4ene2it an! 2or t&e greatest

ro4+e*s o**on+3 attri40te! to t&e o+ari;e! !e4ate#$@ Fro* &ere on in t&is essa3, 6e 6i++ 0se t&e ter* )aita+is*- in its *ost o**on 0+t0ra+ 2or*, i*+3ing t&e Free8

Market- t&eoretia+ onte7t#$= W&i+e a )aita+ist- an 4e onsi!ere! a erson in 2a1or o2 t&is aroa& to eono*3, a *ore a0rate !e2inition

!enotes a erson 6&o &as aita+, eseia++3 e7tensi1e aita+, in1este! in 40siness enterrises#-.&tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6seaita+ist/ In ot&er 6or!s, t&is is a erson 6&o o6ns or in1ests aita+ 2or aret0rn or ro2it, 40t 3et &as no o4+igation to ontri40te to at0a+ ro!0tion or +a4or in an36a3#

$> A oro++ar3 to t&is are t&e 1ario0s Rationa+ )&oie- B Uti+it3 T&eories- o**on to Free8Market *iroeono*i t&eor36&i& atte*ts to 50anti23 &0*an ations aro0n! 1ario0s 4e&a1iora+ *o!e+s# More on t&is +ater in t&e essa3#

$C &econd Treatise of Bovernment, Ko&n Loke, )&ater V, Setion '>, $=C

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on1enienes o2 +i2e t&e3 o0+! get 2ro* it, &e ant &a1e *eant it a+6a3s to re*ain o**on an!0n0+ti1ate!#- $

Gi1en t&is !e+aration o2 t&e o**on- nat0re o2 t&e eart& an! its 2r0its to a++ o2 &0*anit3 4e2oreits 0+ti1ation- 1ia aroriation in t&e 2or* roert3, &e a+so !eri1es t&at o6ners are re50ire! to

not a++o6 an3t&ing to spoil Not&ing 6as *a!e 43 Go! 2or *an to soi+ or !estro3#- '%%

< an! t&e3*0st +ea1e eno0g& 2or ot&ers T&is aroriation o2 a +ot o2 +an! 43 i*ro1ing it 6asnt !one att&e e7ense o2 an3 ot&er *an, 4ea0se t&ere 6as sti++ eno0g& .an! as goo!/ +e2t 2or ot&ers###- '%$<#

T&ese 1a+0es, in si*+isti 2or*, see* soia++3 90sti2ia4+e in genera+# He *akes it +ear 0 0nti+ t&isoint t&at t&e o6ners&i onte7t is re+e1ant on+3 in so 2ar as t&e o6ners needs an! a4i+it3 tocultivate, or ro!0e#'%' 

Ho6e1er, in Setion (=, &e re1ea+s a 0ni50e rea+it3, t&e i*+iations o2 6&i& Loke +ike+3 !i! notantiiate an!, in *an3 6a3s, n0++i2ies a++ rior arg0*ents in &is !e2ense o2 ri1ate roert3# Hestates" T&e Yone t&ing t&at 4+oks t&is is t&e in1ention o2 *one3, an! *ens tait agree*ent to0t a 1a+0e on it t&is *a!e it ossi4+e, 6it& *ens onsent, to &a1e +arger ossessions an! to&a1e a rig&t to t&e*#- '%(

No6, in e22et, &is origina+ re*ise, s0**ari;e! in art &ere, t&at" An3one an t&ro0g& &is+a4o0r o*e to o6n as *0& as &e an use in a beneficial way  4e2ore it soi+s an3t&ing 4e3on!t&is is more than his s&are an! 4e+ongs to ot&ers- '%? 4eo*es 1er3 !i22i0+t to !e2en! as *one3no6 not on+3 a++o6s .*en/ to &a1e +arger ossessions-, i*+iit+3 1oi!ing in onte7t t&e i!ea t&at an3t&ing 4e3on! t&is is more than his s&are an! 4e+ongs to ot&ers-, it a+so 20rt&er i*+ies t&at*one3 an buy labor , 6&i& 1oi!s t&e i!ea t&at &e .in t&is ase t&e 403er/ mixes his labour withit , t&0s 9oining to it so*et&ing t&at is &is o6n an! in t&at 6a3 &e *akes it &is roert3#- '%@ 

Fina++3, t&e ro1iso Not&ing 6as *a!e 43 Go! 2or *an to soi+ or !estro3- '%= is n0++i2ie! 6it& ane6 assoiation t&at *one3, 4eing go+! or si+1er at t&at ti*e, si*+3 cannot  soi+# T&at is &o6*one3 a*e into 0se 8 as a !0ra4+e t&ing t&at *en o0+! kee 6it&o0t its soi+ing, an! t&at 43

*0t0a+ onsent *en 6o0+! take in e7&ange 2or t&e tr0+3 0se20+ 40t eris&a4+e s0orts o2 +i2e#- '%>

It is &ere 6&ere 6e 2in!, at +east in t&e *e!i0* o2 +iterar3 !iso0rse, t&e tr0e see! o2 )aita+istownership 90sti2iation 6&ere t&e 0se o2 *one3, treate! as an a4strat o**o!it3 in an! o2 itse+2in e22et, an ass0*e! e*4o!i*ent o2 +a4or-<, a++o6e! an e1o+0tion o2 t&o0g&t an! ratie toe*erge 6&i& inreasing+3 s&i2te! t&e 2o0s 2ro* re+e1ant ro!0tion Lokes0+ti1ation-< to*ere o6ners&i *e&anis an! t&e 0rs0it o2 ro2it#'%C

Adam Smith

A!a* S*it& $>'(8$>%< is o2ten re!ite! as one o2 t&e *ost in2+0entia+ eono*i &i+oso&ers in

$ I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion (?'%% I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion ($, $=C'%$ I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion ((, $=C

'%' Loke States" Nat0re !i! 6e++ in setting +i*its to ri1ate roert3 t&ro0g& +i*its to &o6 *0& *en an 6ork an!+i*its to &o6 *0& t&e3 nee!# No *ans +a4o0r o0+! ta*e or aroriate a++ t&e +an! no *ans en9o3*ent o0+!ons0*e *ore t&an a s*a++ art so t&at it 6as i*ossi4+e 2or an3 *an in t&is 6a3 to in2ringe on t&e rig&t o2 anot&er,or a50ire a roert3 to t&e !isa!1antage o2 &is neig&4or###- .&econd Treatise of Bovernment , Ko&n Loke, )&ater V,Setion (=, $=C/

'%( I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion (=, $=C'%? I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion ($, $=C'%@ I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion '>, $=C'%= I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion ($, $=C'%> I4i!#, )&ater V, Setion ?>, $=C'%C T&e Stok Market an! inreasing o6er o2 t&e in1est*ent2inania+ o6ers aro0n! t&e 6or+! in t&e '$st ent0r3

re2+ets t&is 0+*ination 6e++# It aears t&at t&e *ere at o2 o6ners&i an! tra!e 1ia *one3 a+one, 6it&o0t an3 nee!2or ro!0tion 0+ti1ation an! &0*an ser1ie, &as 4eo*e t&e *ost ro2ita4+e in!0str3 in t&e 6or+! to!a3#

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*o!ern &istor3# His 6ork, 6&i+e nat0ra++3 4ase! on t&e &i+oso&ia+ 6ritings o2 *an3 4e2ore &i*,is o2ten onsi!ere! a starting oint 2or eono*i t&o0g&t in t&e onte7t o2 *o!ern )aita+is*#Rea&ing *at0rit3 at t&e !a6n o2 t&e In!0stria+ Re1o+0tion,'% S*it& +i1e! at a ti*e 6&ere it o0+!4e arg0e! t&at t&e in&erent 2eat0res o2 t&e )aita+ist *o!e o2 ro!0tion- 6ere 4eo*ing e1er*ore striking, gi1en t&e intro!0tion o2 onentrate!, entra+i;e! ro!0tion 2atories an!


As note!, in $>>= S*it& 04+is&e! &is no6 6or+! 2a*o0s .n In%uiry into the Nature and Causesof the :ealth of Nations' A*ong *an3 re+e1ant o4ser1ations, &e aears to 4e t&e 2irst toreogni;e t&e t&ree rinia+ ategories o2 ino*e at t&e ti*e 8 a< ro2its, 4< rents an! <6ages : an! &o6 t&e3 re+ate! to t&e *ain soia+ +asses o2 t&e erio! : a< aita+ists, <+an!+or!s, an! < +a4orers# It is 6ort& noting t&at t&e ro+e o2 landlords2rent , 6&i& is se+!o*!is0sse! to!a3 in *o!ern eono*i treat*ents, 6as a o**on oint o2 2o0s t&en sine t&e re8in!0stria+ s3ste*s 6&ere sti++ +arge+3 agrarian, &ig&+ig&ting t&e landlords 6&i& +ater !isso+1e!into t&e +assi2iation o2 si*+3 owners in 20t0re *arket t&eories<#

S*it&s *ost note! ontri40tion to t&e &i+oso&3 o2 )aita+is* 6as &is genera+ a!1oation t&ate1en t&o0g& in!i1i!0a+s *ig&t at in a narro6, se+2is& *anner on t&eir ersona+ 4e&a+2 or on t&e4e&a+2 o2 t&e +ass or gro0 to 6&i& t&e3 are a art, an! e1en t&o0g& on2+it, 4ot& in!i1i!0a+ or+ass 4ase!, see*e! to 4e t&e res0+t o2 t&ese ations, t&ere 6as 6&at &e a++e! an In1isi4+eHan!- t&at se0re! a ositi1e soia+ o0to*e 2ro* sing0+ar, se+2is&, non8soia+ intents# T&isonet 6as resente! 4ot& in &is 6orks The Theory of 4oral &entiments'$% an! The :ealth ofNations'

He state! in t&e +atter" As e1er3 in!i1i!0a+, t&ere2ore, en!ea1ors as *0& as &e an 4ot& toe*+o3 &is aita+ in t&e s0ort o2 !o*esti in!0str3, an! so to !iret t&at in!0str3 t&at itsro!0e *a3 4e o2 t&e greatest 1a+0e e1er3 in!i1i!0a+ neessari+3 +a4ors to ren!er t&e ann0a+re1en0e o2 t&e soiet3 as great as &e an# He genera++3, in!ee!, neit&er inten!s to ro*ote t&e04+i interest, nor kno6s &o6 *0& &e is ro*oting it###&e inten!s on+3 &is o6n gain, an! &e is int&is, as in *an3 ot&er ases, +e! 43 an in1isi4+e &an! to ro*ote an en! 6&i& 6as no art o2 &is

intention# Nor is it a+6a3s t&e 6orse 2or t&e soiet3 t&at it 6as no art o2 it# 3 0rs0ing &is o6ninterest &e 2re50ent+3 ro*otes t&at o2 t&e soiet3 *ore e22et0a++3 t&an 6&en &e rea++3 inten!s toro*ote it#- '$$

T&is near+3 re+igio0s i!ea+ &a! a o6er20+ e22et on t&e ost8S*it& era, gi1ing a 1er3 social1in!iation 2or t&e in&erent+3 se+28*a7i*i;ing, anti-social  4e&a1ior o**on to )aita+ists3&o+og3# T&is 4asi &i+oso&3 6as to !e1e+o, in art, as t&e 2o0n!ation o2 Neo+assia+- '$' eono*is 4eginning in t&e +ate nineteent& ent0r3#

S*it&, kno6ing 50ite 6e++ t&e +ass on2+its in&erent to )aita+is*, goes on to !is0ss t&e nat0re

'% T&e In!0stria+ Re1o+0tion o0rre! 2ro* a4o0t $>=% to so*e ti*e 4et6een $C'% an! $C?% starting in E0roe,aor!ing to 1ario0s &istorians, an! 6as essentia++3 t&e transitiona+iation to ne6, te&no+og3 4ase! *an02at0ring

roesses#'$% T&e ri& on+3 se+et 2ro* t&e &ea 6&at is *ost reio0s an! agreea4+e# T&e3 ons0*e +itt+e *ore t&an t&e oor, an!

in site o2 t&eir nat0ra+ se+2is&ness an! raait3, t&o0g& t&e3 *ean on+3 t&eir o6n on1enien3, t&o0g& t&e so+e en!6&i& t&e3 roose 2ro* t&e +a4o0rs o2 a++ t&e t&o0san!s 6&o* t&e3 e*+o3, 4e t&e grati2iation o2 t&eir o6n 1ain an!insatia4+e !esires, t&e3 !i1i!e 6it& t&e oor t&e ro!0e o2 a++ t&eir i*ro1e*ents# T&e3 are +e! 43 an in1isi4+e &an! to*ake near+3 t&e sa*e !istri40tion o2 t&e neessaries o2 +i2e, 6&i& 6o0+! &a1e 4een *a!e, &a! t&e eart& 4een !i1i!e!into e50a+ ortions a*ong a++ its in&a4itants, an! t&0s 6it&o0t inten!ing it, 6it&o0t kno6ing it, a!1ane t&e interest o2t&e soiet3, an! a22or! *eans to t&e *0+ti+iation o2 t&e seies#- .The Theory of 4oral &entiments ar# IV#I#$%, $>%/

'$$ .n In%uiry into the Nature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations, A!a* S*it&, $>>=, ar# IV#'#'$' T&ere is no stati !e2inition o2 Neo+assia+ Eono*is-# Ho6e1er, a genera+, 0+t0ra++3 o**on s0**ar3 in+0!es t&e

4roa! interest in 2ree-, 0nreg0+ate! *arkets, 2o0sing on t&e !eter*ination o2 ries, o0t0ts, an! ino*e!istri40tions in *arkets t&ro0g& s0+3 an! !e*an!, o2ten *e!iate! t&ro0g& a &3ot&esi;e! *a7i*i;ation o2 0ti+it3 43ino*e8onstraine! in!i1i!0a+s an! o2 ro2its 43 ost8onstraine! 2ir*s#

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o2 &o6 so*e *en gain ###s0eriorit3 o1er t&e greater art o2 t&eir 4ret&ren-,'$( rein2oring 6&at6as to inreasing+3 4e onsi!ere! a +a6 o2 nat0re- regar!ing &0*an o6er an! s0490gation 4320rt&er t&eorists# His 1ie6 o2 roert3 6as in &ar*on3 6it& Ko&n Loke, e+a4orating on &o6soiet3 itse+2 is *ani2est aro0n! it# He state! )i1i+ go1ern*ent, so 2ar as it is instit0te! 2or t&ese0rit3 o2 roert3, is in rea+it3 instit0te! 2or t&e !e2ense o2 t&e ri& against t&e oor, or o2 t&ose

6&o &a1e so*e roert3 against t&ose 6&o &a1e none at a++#- '$?

Proert3, as an instit0tion, a+so re50ires a *eans to 90sti23 reseti1e value# To t&is en!, 1ario0s T&eories o2 Va+0e- &a1e 4een an! ontin0e to 4e ost0+ate!# O2ten so0re! in origin 4ak toAristot+es "olitics, S*it&s ontri40tion is sti++ 6i!e+3 re2erene! as a i1ota+ in2+0ene# In e22et,S*it& 40i+!s 0on Lokes *i7ing +a4or- re*ise o2 ro!0tiono6ners&i an! e7ten!s 2ro*t&ere, reating a La4or T&eor3 o2 Va+0e-#

He states La4o0r 6as t&e 2irst rie, t&e origina+ 0r&ase *one3 t&at 6as ai! 2or a++ t&ings# It6as not 43 go+! or 43 si+1er, 40t 43 +a4o0r, t&at a++ t&e 6ea+t& o2 t&e 6or+! 6as origina++30r&ase! an! its 1a+0e, to t&ose 6&o ossess it, an! 6&o 6ant to e7&ange it 2or so*e ne6ro!0tions, is reise+3 e50a+ to t&e 50antit3 o2 +a4o0r 6&i& it an ena4+e t&e* to 0r&ase oro**an!#- '$@ Man3 )&aters o2 ook I o2 :ealth of Nations 6ork to e7+ain t&e nat0re o2ries1a+0es reseti1e to &is !enote! ino*e+ass ategories o2 6ages-, rents-, an! ro2its-#Ho6e1er, it 6i++ 4e 2o0n! t&at &is +ogi is rat&er ir0+ar in sei2is as t&e rie assess*ents are2o0n! to originate *ere+3 2ro* other rie assess*ents in a &ain 6it& no rea+ starting oint,ot&er t&an t&e +oose !istintion o2 a+ie! +a4or, 6&i& &as, o2 o0rse, no intrinsi, stati *onetar350a+i2iation# T&is ro4+e* o2 a*4ig0it3 in 4ot& t&e !o*inant +a4or- an! 0ti+it3- t&eories o2 1a+0eo**on to )aita+ist *arket t&eor3 6i++ 4e a!!resse! in !etai+ +ater in t&is essa3#

O1era++, S*it&s eono*i t&eor3 s0orte! Laisse;82aire- )aita+is* as t&e &ig&est *o!e o2soioeono*i oeration, stating t&at" it 6as a s3ste* o2 nat0ra+ +i4ert3- an! E1er3 *an, as+ong as &e !oes not 1io+ate t&e +a6s o2 90stie, is +e2t er2et+3 2ree to 0rs0e &is o6n interest &iso6n 6a3, an! to 4ring 4ot& &is in!0str3 an! aita+ into o*etition 6it& t&ose o2 an3 ot&er *an,or or!er o2 *en#- '$= T&is +ater onet, as 6i++ 4e arg0e! in t&e essa3,  Va+0e S3ste* Disor!er-, is

a rat&er nai1e ass0*tion o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior an!, in e22et, a ontra!ition in ter*s#

1althus and Ricardo

T&o*as Ma+t&0s $>==8$C(?< an! Da1i! Riar!o $>>'8$C'(< 6ere t6o 6e++ akno6+e!ge!,+ea!ing t&eorists o2 o+itia+ eono*3 o2 t&e ear+3 $ t& ent0r3# T&e3 6ere 2rien!+3 ri1a+s- 43 so*eo*arison 40t 2ro* t&e 4roa! 1ie6 o2 &istor3 t&e3 s&are! 1irt0a++3 t&e sa*e erseti1e, +ose+3tie! to A!a* S*it&s#

T&e +ate In!0stria+ Re1o+0tion in E0roe an! A*eria 6as a erio! o2 e7tensi1e on2+it 4et6een+a4orers an! aita+ist o6ners# N0*ero0s re1o+ts an! strikes in resonse to a4&orrent an! a40si1e6orking on!itions 2or not on+3 *en, 40t 6o*en an! &i+!ren, 6ere o**on# T&is ga1e rai! riseto t&e no6 o**on La4or Unions an! a genera+ 4att+e 4et6een +a4or an! o6ners- &as ontin0e!e1er sine# To e*&asi;e t&e e7tent o2 t&is +ass 6ar2are, in Eng+an!, t&e Combination .ct of LHH

6as i*ose! 6&i& 4asia++3 o0t+a6e! an3 o*4ination o2 6orkers to gro0 toget&er 2or o6er inor!er to, in e22et, e7ert in2+0ene or in&i4it t&e interests o2 t&eir e*+o3ers#'$>

Historian Pa0+ Manto07, 6riting o2 t&is erio!, o**ente! on t&e a4so+0te an! 0nontro++e!o6er o2 t&e aita+ist# In t&is, t&e &eroi age o2 great 0n!ertakings, it 6as akno6+e!ge!,

'$( I4i!#, ar# V#$#''$? I4i!#'$@ I4i!#'$= I4i!#, ar# IV##@$'$> T&is o6er o2 )aita+ist interests to engage an!, in *an3 6a3s, become t&e go1ern*ent to ser1e t&eir o6n

o*etiti1e a!1antage 6i++ a+so 4e !is0sse! in t&e +ater essa3" Va+0e S3ste* Disor!er- 

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a!*itte! an! e1en ro+ai*e! 6it& 4r0ta+ an!or# It 6as t&e e*+o3ers o6n 40siness, &e !i! as&e &ose an! !i! not onsi!er t&at an3 ot&er 90sti2iation o2 &is on!0t 6as neessar3# He o6e!&is e*+o3ees 6ages an! one t&ose 6ere ai! t&e *en &a! no 20rt&er +ai* on &i*#- '$C It 6as int&e *i!st o2 a++ t&is t&at Ma+t&0s an! Riar!o in1aria4+3 onte7t0a+i;e! t&eir eono*i an! soia+1ie6s#

eginning 6it& Ma+t&0s, &is +assi 6ork .n +ssay on the "rinciple of "opulation orients aro0n!essentia++3 t6o ass0*tions# T&e 2irst is t&at t&e +ass str0t0re o2 6ea+t&3 rorietors an! oor+a4orers 6o0+! ine1ita4+3 ree*erge no *atter 6&at re2or*s 6&ere atte*te!#'$ He onsi!ere! ita law of nature# T&e seon! i!ea, so*et&ing o2 a oro++ar3 to 2irst, 6as si*+3 t&at o1ert3 an!s022ering an! &ene eono*i !i1i!es 6ere ine1ita4+e onse50enes o2 nat0ra+ +a6#''%

His t&esis on o0+ation rests 0on t&e 1er3 si*+e ass0*tion t&at Po0+ation, 6&en 0n&eke!,inreases in a geo*etria+ ratio# S04sistene inreases on+3 in an arit&*etia+ ratio#- ''$ T&ere2ore,i2 t&e stan!ar! o2 +i1ing o2 e1er3one in soiet3 6as inrease!, t&e 1ast *a9orit3 6o0+! reson! 43inreasing t&e a*o0nt o2 &i+!ren t&e3 &a1e# In t0rn, t&e o0+ation 6o0+! 1er3 soon 4e 0s&e!4ak to o1ert3 43 o0+ation- o0taing s04sistene-# It 6as on+3 t&ro0g& Mora+ restraint- ''', asoia+ 50a+it3 6&i& &e i*+ies to 4e+ong to t&e *ore 0stan!ing 0er+ass, t&at t&is ro4+e* is&eke! 43 4e&a1ior# E1i!ent+3, t&e !i22erene 4et6een t&e 6ea+t&3 an! t&e oor 6as t&e &ig&*ora+ &arater o2 t&e 2or*er an! t&e 4ase *ora+it3 o2 t&e +atter# ''( 

Again, as note! rior in t&is essa3, t&e intuitive cultural condition &as &a! a great !ea+ to !o 6it&t&e re1ai+ing re*ises o2 t&o0g&t t&at &a1e g0i!e! eono*i oerations into t&e *o!ern !a3#W&i+e *an3 to!a3 *ig&t !is*iss Ma+t&0s an! t&ese +ear+3 o0t!ate! i!eas, t&e see!s 6ere !ee+3+ante! in t&e eono*i !otrines, 1a+0es an! +ass re+ations&is 6&i& o0rre! !0ring an! a2ter&is ti*e# In 2at, 1ariations o2 &is o0+ation t&eor3 are sti++ o**on+3 ite! 6&en !ea+ing 6it&eono*ia++3 +ess8!e1e+oe! o0ntries 43 t&ose o2 a *ore onser1ati1e- *in!set# 

Ma+t&0s, a+ong 6it& Loke an! S*it&, a+so &e+! !ee+3 )&ristian on1itions in t&eir 2ra*es o2re2erene, 6&et&er !iret+3 e7trate! 2ro* srit0re or 4ase! on ersona+ interretation# Ma+t&0s

2ra*es &is *ora+ restraint- 6it& t&e i*+iation t&at a tr0e )&ristian 6o0+! rig&teo0s+3 !eno0nes0& 4ase 1ies an! a+so aet t&e inevitable *iser3 neessar3 to kee o0+ation 2ro*o0tstriing reso0re s04sistene# Like6ise, 90st as t&ere is enor*o0s !e4ate to!a3 6it& resetto +a6s ertaining to t&e notion an! 0se o2 We+2are- or P04+i Ai!- rogra*s- to &e+ t&e oor, ''? Ma+t&0s, nat0ra++3, 6as a 4ig roonent o2 t&e a4o+ition o2 6&at 6ere t&en a++e! t&e Poor La6s-,as 6as Da1i! Riar!o#

Mo1ing on to Riar!o, &e essentia++3 aete! Ma+t&0s o0+ation t&eor3 an! on+0sions

'$C The Industrial $evolution in the +ighteenth Century , Pa0+ Manto07, Haro0rt rae Ko1ano1i&, Ne6 Jork, $'>, #?$>'$ He states" No ossi4+e sari2ies o2 t&e ri&, arti0+ar+3 in *one3, o0+! 2or an3 ti*e re1ent t&e re0rrene o2

!istress a*ong t&e +o6er *e*4ers o2 soiet3, 6&oe1er t&e3 6ere- . .n +ssay on the "rinciple of "opulation, T&o*asMa+t&0s, $>C, )&ater @/

''% He states" It &as aeare!, t&at 2ro* t&e ine1ita4+e +a6s o2 o0r nat0re so*e &0*an 4eings *0st s022er 2ro* 6ant#

T&ese are t&e 0n&a3 ersons 6&o, in t&e great +otter3 o2 +i2e, &a1e !ra6n a 4+ank#- . .n +ssay on the "rinciple of"opulation, T&o*as Ma+t&0s, $>C, )&ater $%/

''$ .n +ssay on the "rinciple of "opulation, T&o*as Ma+t&0s, $>C, )&ater $''' Fro* &is 'n! E!ition o2 .n +ssay on the "rinciple of "opulation, $C(=, "rinciples of "olitical +conomy , 1o+# $, #$?# Ne6

Jork, A0g0st0s M# e++e3, $=?#''( It is 6ort& not&ing t&at t&e Ma+t&0sian Po0+ation T&eor3 is at0a++3 1er3 ina0rate 6it& reset to 2ators ertaining

to o0+ation gro6t&, 4ase! on statistia+ 0n!erstan!ings to!a3# Aart 2ro* t&e e22et te&no+og3 &as +a3e! ine7an!ing ro!0tion aait3 an! e22iien3 e7onentia++3, arti0+ar+3 6it& reset to 2oo! ro!0tion, t&egenera+i;ation t&at &ig&er stan!ar!s o2 +i1ing inrease o0+ation roortiona++3 is not s0orte! 43 regiona+o*arison# Poor o0ntries statistia++3 rero!0e 2aster to!a3 t&an 6ea+t&3 o0ntries# T&e iss0e aears to 4e a0+t0ra+, re+igio0s an! e!0ationa+ &eno*enon, not a rigi! +a6 o2 nat0re- as Ma+t&0s on+0!e!#

''? Re2" .bolishment of :elfareA .n Idea 3ecomes a Cause .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*$?%?''0sa4o+is&*ent8o286e+2are8an8i!ea84eo*es8a8a0se#&t*+/

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regar!ing t&e nat0re an! a0ses o2 o1ert3, 40t !isagree! 6it& ertain eono*i t&eories, s0& ase+e*ents o2 Ma+t&0s T&eor3 o2 Va+0e, T&eor3 o2 G+0ts an! ertain +ass ass0*tions# Sine *osto2 t&ese !isagree*ents in !etai+ are s0er2+0o0s to t&is 4roa! !is0ssion at &an! an! arg0a4+3o0t!ate! in genera+<, Riar!os *ost nota4+e ontri40tions to eono*i t&o0g&t 6i++ 4e t&e oint o22o0s#

In $C'$, Riar!o 2inis&e! t&e (r! e!ition o2 &is in2+0entia+ "rinciples of "olitical +conomy andTaxation# In t&e re2ae, &e states &is interest" T&e ro!0e o2 t&e eart&###a++ t&at is !eri1e! 2ro*its s0r2ae 43 t&e 0nite! a+iation o2 +a4o0r, *a&iner3, an! aita+, is !i1i!e! a*ong t&ree+asses o2 t&e o**0nit3, na*e+3, t&e rorietor o2 t&e +an!, t&e o6ner o2 t&e stok o2 aita+neessar3 2or its 0+ti1ation, an! t&e +a4orers 43 6&ose in!0str3 it is 0+ti1ate!# To !eter*ine t&e+a6s 6&i& reg0+ate t&is !istri40tion is t&e rinia+ ro4+e* in Po+itia+ Eono*3# ''@

W&i+e ritia+ o2 ertain asets o2 A!a* S*it&s La4or T&eor3 o2 Va+0e-, &e sti++ s0orte! t&e4asi !istintion, stating" Possessing 0ti+it3, o**o!ities !eri1e t&eir e7&angea4+e 1a+0e 2ro*t6o so0res" 2ro* t&eir sarit3, an! 2ro* t&e 50antit3 o2 +a4o0r re50ire! to o4tain t&e*#- ''= Ino**on 6it& S*it&, &e e+a4orates" I2 t&e 50antit3 o2 +a4o0r rea+i;e! in o**o!ities reg0+atest&eir e7&angea4+e 1a+0e e1er3 inrease o2 t&e 50antit3 o2 +a4o0r *0st a0g*ent t&e 1a+0e o2 t&ato**o!it3 on 6&i& it is e7erise!, as e1er3 !i*in0tion *0st +o6er it#- ''>

)onse50ent+3, Riar!o 1ie6e! soiet3 an! t&e +ass !i1isions o2 &is ti*e 2ro* t&e +a4orerseti1e an! it +ogia++3 6ent t&at t&e interests o2 6orkers an! aita+ists 6ere oose!# I26ages s&o0+! rise,- &e o2ten state!, t&en### ro2its 6o0+! neessari+3 2a++#- ''C  Jet, e1en t&o0g&t&is !is&ar*on3 a++0!es to an 0n!er+3ing interest o2 ea& +ass to 6ork to gain a!1antage o1er t&eot&er 2or t&eir 4ene2it, o2ten res0+ting in genera+ i*4a+ane in +arge art !0e to t&e o6er o2 t&e)aita+ist o6ners to ontro+ +a4or an! set o+i3<, o0+e! 6it& t&e a!1ent o2 *e&ani;ation*a&ine a+iation< 6&i& s3ste*atia++3 re!0e! t&e nee! 2or &0*an +a4or in a+ie! setors,&e a++0!es to t&e on1ition t&at t&e t&eor3 o2 )aita+is*-, i2 orret+3 a+ie!, s&o0+! alwaysreate 20++ e*+o3*ent in t&e +ong r0n#

On t&e sei2i iss0e o2 *a&ine a+iation !is+aing &0*an +a4or 2or t&e a!1antage o2 t&e*an02at0rer, &e states" T&e *an02at0rer###6&o###an &a1e reo0rse to a *a&ine 6&i& s&a++###.+o6er t&e osts/ o2 ro!0tion on &is o**o!it3, 6o0+! en9o3 e0+iar a!1antages i2 &e o0+!ontin0e to &arge t&e sa*e rie 2or &is goo!s 40t &e###6o0+! 4e o4+ige! to +o6er t&e rie o2&is o**o!ities, or aita+ 6o0+! 2+o6 to &is tra!e ti++ &is ro2its &a! s0nk to t&e genera+ +e1e+#T&0s t&en is t&e 04+i 4ene2ite! 43 *a&iner3#- ''

Ho6e1er, as 6it& ot&er asets o2 &is 6riting, ontra!ition is o**on# W&i+e *aintaining t&e4asi i!ea t&at t&e genera+ 04+i 6o0+! 4ene2it 2ro* t&e intro!0tion o2 +a4or !is+aing*a&iner3 0n!er t&e ass0*tion t&at *arket ries 6o0+! +ean+3 !e+ine an! t&ose !is+ae!6o0+! a+6a3s s*oot&+3 re+oate, in t&e t&ir! e!ition o2 &is  "rinciples, Riar!o starts )&ater ($ 43stating" E1er sine I 2irst t0rne! *3 attention to 50estions o2 o+itia+ eono*3, I &a1e 4een o2t&e oinion t&at###an a+iation o2 *a&iner3 to an3 4ran& o2 ro!0tion as s&o0+! &a1e t&e

e22et o2 sa1ing +a4o0r 6as a genera+ goo!###.40t/ t&at t&e s04stit0tion o2 *a&iner3 2or &0*an+a4or is o2ten 1er3 in90rio0s to t&e interests o2 t&e +ass o2 +a4orers#- 230 

He +ater re850a+i2ies t&e arg0*ent 43 stating T&e state*ents 6&i& I &a1e *a!e 6i++ not, I &oe,+ea! to t&e in2erene t&at *a&iner3 s&o0+! not 4e eno0rage!# To e+0i!ate t&e rini+e, I &a1e

''@ The "rinciples of "olitical +conomy and Taxation, Da1i! Riar!o, $C'$, Dent E!ition, $=', #'>'#''= I4i!#, #@''> I4i!#, #>''C I4i!#, #=?'' I4i!#, #@('(% I4i!#, #'=(8'=?

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4een s0osing, t&at i*ro1e! *a&iner3 is s0!!en+3 !iso1ere!, an! e7tensi1e+3 0se! 40t t&etr0t& is, t&at t&ese !iso1eries are gra!0a+, an! rat&er oerate in !eter*ining t&e e*+o3*ent o2t&e aita+ 6&i& is sa1e! an! a0*0+ate!, t&an in !i1erting aita+ 2ro* its at0a+e*+o3*ent#- '($

His genera+ !is*issa+ o2 t&e iss0e o2 &0*ans 4eings !is+ae! 43 *a&ines, +ater to 4e a++e! te&no+ogia+ 0ne*+o3*ent- 6i++ a+so 4e 2o0n! in o**on 6it& *an3 ot&er eono*ists t&at2o++o6e! &i*, in+0!ing Ko&n Ma3nar! e3nes $CC(8$?=<, 6&o state!, in +ine 6it& Riar!osgenera+ ass0*tion o2 a!90st*ent-" We are 4eing a22+ite! 6it& a ne6 !isease o2 6&i& so*erea!ers *a3 not 3et &a1e &ear! t&e na*e, 40t o2 6&i& t&e3 6i++ &ear a great !ea+ in t&e 3ears too*e 8 na*e+3, technological unemployment' T&is *eans 0ne*+o3*ent !0e to o0r !iso1er3 o2*eans o2 eono*i;ing t&e 0se o2 +a4o0r o0tr0nning t&e ae at 6&i& 6e an 2in! ne6 0ses 2or+a4o0r# 0t t&is is on+3 a te*orar3 &ase o2 *a+a!90st*ent# A++ t&is *eans in t&e +ong r0n thatmankind is solving its economic problem'! 66

T&e s049et is 4ro0g&t 0 &ere as an aent o2 2o0s 4ea0se it 6i++ 4e re1isite! in Part III o2 t&iste7t, resenting a onte7t o2 te&no+ogia+ a+iation aarent+3 0nrea+i;e! or !isregar!e! 43 t&e*a9or eono*i t&eorists o2 *o!ern &istor3 6&o, again, are o2ten +oke! into a narrow frame ofreference' 

As a 2ina+ oint regar!ing Riar!o, &e is a+so re!ite! 2or &is ontri40tion to internationa+ 2ree8tra!e-, sei2ia++3 &is Theory of Comparative .dvantage, a+ong 6it& eret0ation o2 t&e 4asi In1isi4+e Han!- et&os o2 A!a* S*it&# Riar!o States" Un!er a s3ste* o2 er2et+3 2reeo**ere, ea& o0ntr3 nat0ra++3 !e1otes its aita+ an! +a4o0r to s0& e*+o3*ents as are *ost4ene2iia+ to ea&# T&is 0rs0it o2 in!i1i!0a+ a!1antage is a!*ira4+3 onnete! 6it& t&e 0ni1ersa+goo! o2 t&e 6&o+e# 3 sti*0+ating in!0str3, 43 re6ar!ing ingen0it3, an! 43 0sing *oste22iaio0s+3 t&e e0+iar o6ers 4esto6e! 43 nat0re, it !istri40tes +a4o0r *ost e22eti1e+3 an!*ost eono*ia++3" 6&i+e, 43 inreasing t&e genera+ *ass o2 ro!0tions, it !i220ses genera+4ene2it, an! 4in!s toget&er, 43 one o**on tie o2 interest an! intero0rse, t&e 0ni1ersa+ soiet3o2 nations t&ro0g&o0t t&e i1i+i;e! 6or+!#'((

Theories of $alue and (eha.iorU 0nti+ t&is oint, t&e 4roa! ontri40tions o2 2o0r *a9or &istoria+ 2ig0res an! ine1ita4+3 t&eentra+ &arateristis in&erent to t&e )aita+ist &i+oso&3 &a1e 4een 4rie2+3 !is0sse!# It 6i++ 4enotie! t&at 0n!er+3ing t&ese 1ie6s rest ass0*tions o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior, soia+ +ass<re+ations&is, o0+e! 6it& a *eta&3sia+- *arket +ogi 6&ere e1er3t&ing 6i++ 6ork o0t 90st 2inei2 ertain 1a+0es an! a genera++3 se+2is&- erseti1e is taken 43 t&e +a3ers o2 t&e *arket ga*e,a+ong 6it& +itt+e restrition- o2 t&e *arket itse+2#

As a 4rie2 asi!e, no6&ere in t&e 6ritings o2 t&ese t&inkers, nor in t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 6orksro!0e! 43 +ater t&eorists in 2a1or o2 Free8Market- )aita+is*, is t&e at0a+ structure an! process o2 ro!0tion an! !istri40tion !is0sse!# T&ere is an e7+iit !isonnet 4et6een In!0str3- an! 0siness-, 6it& t&e 2or*er re+ate! to t&e te&nia+sienti2i roess o2 tr0e

eono*i 0n2o+!ing, 6it& t&e +atter on+3 ertaining to t&e o!i2ie! *arket !3na*is an! 0rs0it o2ro2it# As 6i++ 4e !is0sse! *ore8so in a *o*ent, a entra+ ro4+e* in&erent to t&e )aita+ist*o!e o2 ro!0tion is &o6 a!1ane*ents in t&e in!0stria+ aroa&-, 6&i& an a++o6 2orinrease! ro4+e* reso+0tion an! t&e 20rt&ering o2 roserit3, &a1e 4een  blocked  43 t&etra!itiona+, see*ing+3 i**0ta4+e tenets o2 t&e 40siness aroa&-# T&e +atter &as go1erne! t&eations o2 t&e 2or*er, to t&e !isa!1antage o2 t&e 2or*ers otentia+#

'($ I4i!#, #'=>'(' Fro* t&e essa3" +conomic "ossibilities for 0ur Brandchildren, Ko&n Ma3nar! e3nes, $($'(( The "rinciples of "olitical +conomy and Taxation, Da1i! Riar!o, $C'$, Dent E!ition, $=', #C$

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T&is kin! o2 !isonnet or truncated frame of reference is a+so to 4e 2o0n! in ot&er areas o2 2o0s,s0& as t&e !o*inant t&eories o2 labor, value an! human behavior 6&i& ine1ita4+3 ser1e to 90sti23 t&e instit0tion o2 )aita+is*# As note! rior, t&e La4or T&eor3 o2 Va+0e-, *a!e o0+ar ingenera+ 43 its i*+iations 1ia Loke, S*it& an! Riar!o, is a genera+i;e! roosa+ stating t&at t&e1a+0e o2 a o**o!it3 is re+ate! to t&e +a4or nee!e! to ro!0e or o4tain t&at o**o!it3# As

aeta4+e as t&is i!ea is in genera+ 2ro* an int0iti1e erseti1e, t&ere are *an3 +e1e+s o2a*4ig0it3 6&en it o*es to 50anti2iation# Man3 &istoria+ o49etions &a1e ersiste!, s0& as &o6!i22erent t3es o2 +a4or &a1ing !i22ering ski++s an! 6age rates o0+! not 4e roer+3 o*4ine!,a+ong 6it& &o6 to 2ator in nat0ra+ reso0res an! 6orking- in1est*ent aita+ itse+2#

T&e gro6t& o2 )aita+ Goo!s- '(? in t&e '%t& ent0r3, s0& as *a&ine a0to*ation o2 +a4or, a+soresent &a++enges 2or t&e rat&er si*+i2ie! La4or T&eories onet o2 labor derived value sine,a2ter a ertain oint, t&e +a4or 1a+0e in&erent to ro!0tion *a&ines, 6&i& to!a3 o2ten 20ntionto ro!0e more machines 6it& !i*inis&ing &0*an e22ort o1er ti*e, resents an e1er !i+0te!transfer of value in t&is onte7t# It &as 4een s0ggeste! 43 so*e eono*ists to!a3, 2o0sing ont&e rai!+3 a!1aning 2ie+!s o2 in2or*ation an! te&no+ogia+ sienes, t&at t&e 0se o2 *a&inea0to*ation, o0+e! 6it& arti2iia+ inte++igene-, o0+! 1er3 6e++ *o1e &0*ans o0t o2 t&etra!itiona+ +a4or 2ore- a+*ost entire+3# S0!!en+3, Capital &as 4eo*e )abor, so to seak''(@ 

T&is a*4ig0it3 e7ten!s a+so to o*eting t&eories o2 1a+0e ost0+ate! 43 eono*ists, in+0!ing*ost nota4+3 6&at is a++e! t&e >tility Theory of (alue' W&i+e t&e La4or T&eor3 4asia++3 takes t&eerseti1e o2 +a4or or ro!0tion, t&e Uti+it3 T&eor3 takes 6&at 6e o0+! a++ t&e *arketerseti1e-, *eaning t&at 1a+0e is !eri1e! not 2ro* La4or 40t 43 t&e 0rose or 0ti+it3< !eri1e!43 its 0se 0se 1a+0e< 43 t&e ons0*er, as  perceived 43 t&e ons0*er#

Fren& Eono*ist Kean8atiste Sa3 $>(>8$C('< is nota4+e 6it& reset to Uti+it3 T&eor3# A se+28ro+ai*e! !isi+e o2 A!a* S*it&, &e !i22ere! 6it& S*it& on t&is iss0e o2 1a+0e, stating" A2ter&a1ing s&o6n###t&e i*ro1e*ent 6&i& t&e siene o2 o+itia+ eono*3 o6es to Dr# S*it&, it 6i++not, er&as, 4e 0se+ess to in!iate###so*e o2 t&e oints on 6&i& &e erre!###To t&e +a4o0r o2 *ana+one &e asri4es t&e o6er o2 ro!0ing 1a+0es# T&is is an error#- '(=

He goes on to e7+ain &o6 t&e e7&ange 1a+0e- rie<, o2 an3 goo! or ser1ie !een!s entire+3on its 0se 1a+0e- 0ti+it3<# He states" -T&e 1a+0e t&at *ankin! atta&es to o49ets originates int&e 0se it an *ake o2 t&e*###.To t&e/ in&erent 2itness or aa4i+it3 o2 ertain t&ings to satis23 t&e1ario0s 6ants o2 *ankin!, I s&a++ take +ea1e to a22i7 t&e na*e 0ti+it3###T&e 0ti+it3 o2 t&ings is t&egro0n!86ork o2 t&eir 1a+0e, an! t&eir 1a+0e onstit0tes 6ea+t&###A+t&o0g& rie is t&e *eas0re o2t&e 1a+0e o2 t&ings, an! t&eir 1a+0e t&e *eas0re o2 t&eir 0ti+it3, it 6o0+! 4e a4s0r! to !ra6 t&ein2erene, t&at, 43 2ori4+3 raising t&eir rie, t&eir 0ti+it3 an 4e a0g*ente!# E7&angea4+e 1a+0e,or rie, is an in!e7 o2 t&e reogni;e! 0ti+it3 o2 a t&ing#'(>

T&e Uti+it3 T&eor3 o2 Va+0e is !i22erent 2ro* t&e La4or t&eor3 not on+3 in its !eri1ation o2 Va+0e,40t a+so in its i*+iation regar!ing a kin! o2 subFective rationalization 6it& reset to &0*an!eisions in t&e *arket# Uti+itarianis*'(C, 6&i& &as 4eo*e !ee+3 &arateristi o2 t&e

'(? )aita+ Goo!s- are genera++3 !e2ine! as" An3 tangi4+e assets t&at an organi;ation 0ses to ro!0e goo!s or ser1iess0& as o22ie 40i+!ings, e50i*ent an! *a&iner3# )ons0*er goo!s are t&e en! res0+t o2 t&is ro!0tion roess#.&tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*ter*saita+goo!s#asa7;;'G7g$R*R=/

'(@ S0ggeste! Rea!ing" The +nd of :orkA The *ecline of the Blobal )abor Dorce and the *awn of the "ost-4arket +ra, Kere*3 Ri2kin, P0tna* P04+is&ing Gro0, $@

'(= . Treatise on "olitical +conomy, Kean8atiste Sa3, P&i+a!e+&ia" Liinott, $C=(, #7i .Trans+ation is 2ro* t&e 2o0rt&Fren& e!ition, 04+is&e! in $C'$#/

'(> I4i!#, #=''(C Kere*3 ent&a*, a nota4+e roonent o2 )+assi Uti+itarianis*, state!" Nat0re &as +ae! *ankin! 0n!er t&e

go1ernane o2 t6o so1ereign *asters, ain an! +eas0re# It is 2or t&e* a+one to oint o0t 6&at 6e o0g&t to !o] 3 t&erini+e o2 0ti+it3 is *eant t&at rini+e 6&i& aro1es or !isaro1es o2 e1er3 ation 6&atsoe1er aor!ing to t&eten!en3 it aears to &a1e to a0g*ent or !i*inis& t&e &ainess o2 t&e art3 6&ose interest is in 50estion" or, 6&at is

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*iroeono*i ass0*tions 0t 2or6ar! 43 Neo+assia+ eono*ists to!a3, is o2ten *o!e+e! ino*+e7 *at&e*atia+ 2or*0+as in an e22ort to e7+ain &o6 &0*ans in t&e *arket *a7i*i;e t&eir0ti+it3-, sei2ia++3 aro0n! t&e i!ea o2 inreasing &ainess an! re!0ing s022ering#

Un!er+3ing t&ese i!eas o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior, as 6it& *ost o2 eono*i t&eor3 itse+2, are, again,

tra!itiona+i;e! ass0*tions an! 1a+0es# Eono*ist Nassa0 Senior $>%:$C=?< s0orte! ao**on t&e*e reo0rring to!a3 t&at &0*an 6ants 6ere infinite" W&at 6e *ean to state is,t&at no erson 2ee+s &is 6&o+e 6ants to 4e a!e50ate+3 s0+ie!" t&at e1er3 erson &as so*e0nsatis2ie! !esires 6&i& &e 4e+ie1es t&at a!!itiona+ 6ea+t& 6o0+! grati23#- '( S0& !e+arations o2&0*an nat0re are onstant in s0& treat*ents, 6it& notions o2 gree!, 2ear an! ot&er &e!onistire2+e7 *e&anis*s 6&i& ass0*e, a*ong ot&er t&ings, t&at material ac%uisition, wealth an! gain are in&erent to &ainess#

To!a3, t&e !o*inant an! +arge+3 aete! *iroeono*i erseti1e is t&at a++ &0*an 4e&a1ior isre!0i4+e to rationa+, strategi atte*ts to *a7i*i;e eit&er ro2its or gain an! to a1oi! ain or+oss# E1er e7ansi1e 0ti+itarian arg0*ents o2 t&is nat0re ontin0e to 4e 0se! to *ora++3 90sti23o*etiti1e, Free8Market- )aita+is*# One e7a*+e o2 t&is is t&e notion o2 1o+0ntaris*- an! t&es0ggestion t&at a++ ats in t&e *arket are ne1er oere! an! t&ere2ore e1er3one is 2ree to *aket&eir o6n !eisions 2or t&eir o6n gain or +oss# T&is i!ea is e7tre*e+3 o**on to!a3, as t&o0g&s0& 2ree e7&anges- e7iste! in a 1oi! 6it& no ot&er s3nergisti ress0res as t&o0g& t&eress0res o2 s0r1i1a+ in a s3ste* 6it& +ear ten!enies to6ar! 4asi +ass 6ar2are an! strategisarit3 6o0+! not generate an inherent coercion to 2ore +a4orers to s04*it to aita+iste7+oitation#'?% 

O1era++, t&e >tilitarian &e!onisti, an! o*etiti1e an! 2ore1er !issatis2ie!-< *o!e+ o2 H0*anNat0re is +ike+3 t&e *ost o**on !e2ense o2 t&e aita+ist s3ste* to!a3# It is, in *an3 6a3s, 4ot&a s3&o+ogia+ t&eor3 o2 &o6 eo+e 4e&a1e an! an et&ia+ t&eor3 o2 &o6 t&e3 ought  to 4e&a1e,arg0a4+3 s0orting a retroati1e +ogi t&at o2ten 0ts *arket t&eor3 4e2ore &0*an 4e&a1iora+reality , on2or*ing t&e +atter to t&e 2or*er#

In rea+it3, 6&en t&e 0ti+itarian erseti1e is 20++3 onsi!ere!, t6o serio0s ro4+e*s e*erge# First,it is 1irt0a++3 i*ossi4+e to 2in! re!ita4i+it3 in s0& +eas0re an! ain- 4o0n!aries a2ter a ertain!egree on t&e soia+ +e1e+# T&ere is no e*iria+ *eans o2 o*aring t&e intensit3 o2 onein!i1i!0a+s sense o2 +eas0re 6it& t&ose o2 anot&er in!i1i!0a+, 4e3on! t&e 1er3 *ost 4asiass0*tion o2 6anting gain- o1er +oss-# W&i+e t&e Uti+it3 T&eor3 o2 Va+0e *ig&t 4e +ogia+ in a0re+3 a4strat, genera+i;e! 1ie6, 6it&o0t 50anti2iation, t&e *e&anis o2 s0& e*otiona+!3na*is are, in rea+it3, s0seti4+e to se1ere 1ariation#

T&e entire +i2e e7eriene o2 a erson, o*are! to anot&er erson, *ig&t 2in! so*e 1er3 4asio**on gro0n! 6it& reset to t&eir ersona+ on!itioning to +eas0re an! ain resonses, 40tse+!o* 6i++ a ara++e+ onor!ane 4e 2o0n! in an3 !etai+# Sine in!i1i!0a+ +eas0res are !ee*e!t&e 0+ti*ate *ora+- riteria in 0ti+itarianis*, t&ere is rea++3 no 6a3 one an *ake s0& 90!g*ents4et6een t&e +eas0res o2 t6o in!i1i!0a+s# Eono*ist Kere*3 ent&a*, o2ten onsi!ere! t&e 2at&er

o2 0ti+itarianis*, at0a++3 reogni;e! t&is in assing, 6riting" Pre90!ie aart, t&e ga*e o2 0s&8in is o2 e50a+ 1a+0e 6it& t&e arts an! sienes o2 *0si an! oetr3# I2 t&e ga*e o2 0s&8in20rnis& *ore +eas0re, it is *ore 1a+0a4+e t&an eit&er#- '?$ 

T&e seon! ro4+e* is t&e shortsighted  nat0re o2 t&e ass0*e! e*otiona+ reation# H0*an 4eings

t&e sa*e t&ing in ot&er 6or!s to ro*ote or to oose t&at &ainess# I sa3 o2 e1er3 ation 6&atsoe1er, an! t&ere2orenot on+3 o2 e1er3 ation o2 a ri1ate in!i1i!0a+, 40t o2 e1er3 *eas0re o2 go1ern*ent#- . .n Introduction to the "rinciplesof 4orals and )egislation, Kere*3 ent&a*, $>C, Do1er P&i+oso&ia+ )+assis, '%%# #$/

'( .n 0utline of the &cience of "olitical +conomy , Nassa0 Senior, $C(=, Lon!on, A++en an! U#, $(C, #'>

'?% More on t&is iss0e 6i++ 4e !is0sse! in t&e essa3 Str0t0ra+ )+assiis*-#'?$ $ationale of $eward, Kere*3 ent&a* ook (, )&ater $

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&a1e &istoria++3 e7resse! t&e rationa+ interest to s022er in t&e resent in or!er to gain or &oeto gain< in t&e 20t0re# A+tr0is*, 6&i& &as 0n!ergone e7tensi1e &i+oso&ia+ !e4ate, *ig&t 1er36e++ 4e roote! in 2or*s o2 +eas0re- o4taine! 43 t&e se+2+ess ain20+< ats 2or t&e 4ene2it o2ot&ers# As 6i++ 4e !is0sse! +ater, t&e ain+eas0re re*ise 0t 2or6ar! 43 s0& arg0*ents,rein2ore! 43 an i*0+si1e reation 2or gain, &as 4eo*e a soia++3 re6ar!e! attern# T&is &as

generate! a *enta+it3 6&ere s&ort ter* gain is so0g&t a2ter o2ten at t&e tr0e e7ense o2 +ongter* s022ering#

Jet, in a4stration, 0ti+itarianis* a+so o22ers a 4i;arre kin! o2 e%ualizer , sine it an 4e i!enti2ie!6it& t&e erseti1e o2 *0t0a+ e7&ange- an! &ene a 6a3 to a+6a3s see )aita+is* as a s3ste*o2 soia+ &ar*on3, rat&er t&an o2 6ar2are# )o*ing 4ak to t&e La4or T&eor3 1s t&e Uti+it3 T&eor3o2 Va+0e, t&e 2or*er +ear+3 s&o6s on2+it as t&e La4or T&eor3 takes into ao0nt t&e ost8e22iien3 so0g&t 43 t&e aita+ist, at t&e e7ense o2 6ages 2or t&e +a4orers# T&e Uti+it3 T&eor3, ont&e ot&er &an!, re*o1es t&ese i!eas o1era++ an! states t&at e1er3one is seeking t&e sa*e t&ingan! t&ere2ore, str0t0re asi!e, everyone is e%ual # In ot&er 6or!s, a++ e7&anges 4eo*e *0t0a++34ene2iia+ to e1er3one in a narro6, a4s0r!+3 a4strat genera+i;e! +ogi# A++ &0*an ations arere!0e! to t&is s3ste* o2 e7&ange- an! &ene a++ o+itia+ or soia+ !istintions !isaear int&eor3#

The 0Socialist2 ,*risingSoia+is*, +ike )aita+is*, &as no 0ni1ersa++3 aete! !e2inition in genera+ 04+i on1ersation 40tis o2ten te&nia++3 !e2ine! as an eono*i s3ste* &arateri;e! 43 soia+ o6ners&i o2 t&e*eans o2 ro!0tion an! o8oerati1e *anage*ent o2 t&e eono*3#- '?' T&e root o2 Soia+istt&o0g&t aears to go 4ak to $Ct& ent0r3 E0roe, 6it& a o*+e7 &istor3 o2 re2or*ers- 6orkingto &a++enge t&e e*erging )aita+ist s3ste*# Gra&0s a4e02 $>=%8$>>< is a nota4+e t&eorist int&is area, 6it& &is Conspiracy of +%uals 6&i& atte*te! to to+e t&e Fren& Go1ern*ent# Hestate! Soiet3 *0st 4e *a!e to oerate in s0& a 6a3 t&at it era!iates one an! 2or a++ t&e!esire o2 a *an to 4eo*e ri&er, or 6iser, or *ore o6er20+ t&an ot&ers#- '?( Fren& Soia+ist8Anar&ist Pierre Kose& Pro0!&on $C%8$C=@< is 2a*o0s 2or !e+aring t&at Proert3 is T&e2t- in&is a*&+et .n In%uiry into the "rinciple of $ight and of Bovernment'

3 t&e ear+3 $t& ent0r3, Soia+ist i!eas 6ere e7an!ing rai!+3, o**on+3 in resonse toerei1e! *ora+ an! et&i ro4+e*s in&erent to aita+is*, s0& as +ass i*4a+ane an!e7+oitation# T&e +ist o2 in2+0entia+ t&inkers is 1ast an! o*+e7, so on+3 t&ree in!i1i!0a+s, notingt&eir *ost re+e1ant ontri40tions, 6i++ 4e !is0sse! &ere" Wi++ia* T&o*son, ar+ Mar7 BT&orstein Ve4+en#

William Thom*son 56778!69::; 6as a o6er20+ in2+0ene on Soia+ist t&o0g&t# He 6as ins0ort o2 t&e i!ea o2 )ooerati1es-, *a!e 2a*o0s 43 Ro4ert O6en as so*et&ing o2 ana+ternati1e to t&e )aita+ist 40siness *o!e+ an! &i+oso&ia++3 took a 0ti+itarian erseti1e 6&enit a*e to &0*an 4e&a1ior# He 6as 1er3 in2+0ene! 43 ent&a* 40t &is 0seinterretation o20ti+itarianis* 6as rat&er !i22erent# For instane, &e 4e+ie1e t&at i2 a++ *e*4ers o2 soiet3 6eretreate! e%ually , rat&er t&an engage +ass 6ar2are an! e7+oitation, t&e3 6o0+! &a1e e50a+

aaities to e7eriene &ainess#'?? 

He arg0e! e7tensi1e+3 2or a kin! o2 Market- Soia+is*, 6&ere ega+itarianis* an! e50a+it3re1ai+e! in &is 2a*o0s .n In%uiry into the "rinciples of the *istribution of :ealth 4ost Conduciveto uman appiness' He *a!e it +ear t&at )aita+is* 6as a s3ste* o2 e7+oitation an! inse0rit3,stating" T&e ten!en3 o2 t&e e7isting arrange*ent o2 t&ings as to 6ea+t& is to enri& a 2e6 at t&e

'?' &tt"666#4ritannia#o*E&eke!toi@@$@=soia+is*'?( The *efense of Bracchus 3abeuf before the igh Court of (endRme, Uni1ersit3 o2 Massa&0setts Press, $=>, #@>'?? .n In%uiry into the "rinciples of the *istribution of :ealth 4ost Conducive to uman appiness, Wi++ia* T&o*son,

Lon!on, Wi++ia* S# Orr, $C@%, #$>

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e7ense o2 t&e *ass o2 ro!0ers, to *ake t&e o1ert3 o2 t&e oor *ore &oe+ess#- '?@ Ho6e1er,&e 6ent on to reogni;e t&at e1en i2 s0& a &34ri! o2 )aita+is* B Soia+is* !i! e*erge, t&e0n!er+3ing re*ise o2 competition 6as sti++ a serio0s ro4+e*# He 6rote at +engt& a4o0t t&ero4+e*s in&erent to t&e nat0re o2 *arket o*etition, o0t+ining 2i1e iss0es 6&i& &a1e 4eeno**on r&etori o2 Soia+ist t&o0g&t e1er sine"

T&e 2irst ro4+e* 6as t&at e1er3 +a4o0rer, artisan an! tra!er .1ie6e!/ a o*etitor, a ri1a+ ine1er3 ot&! ea& 1ie6e!/ a seon! o*etition, a seon! ri1a+s&i 4et6een###.&is or &erro2ession/ an! t&e 04+i#- '?= He 6ent on to state it 6o0+! 4e in t&e interest o2 a++ *e!ia+ *ent&at !iseases s&o0+! e7ist an! re1ai+, or t&eir tra!e 6o0+! 4e !erease! ten, or one &0n!re!,2o+!#- '?>

T&e seon! ro4+e* 6as t&e in&erent oression o2 6o*en an! !istortion o2 t&e 2a*i+3, notingt&at t&e !i1ision o2 +a4or an! o1erar&ing et&i o2 o*etiti1e se+2is&ness 20rt&er se0re! t&e!r0!ger3 o2 6o*en in t&e &o0se&o+! an! gen!er ine50a+it3#'?C

T&e t&ir! ro4+e* assoiate! 6it& o*etition 6as t&e in&erent insta4i+it3 generate! in t&eeono*3 itse+2, stating" T&e t&ir! e1i+ &ere i*0te! to t&e 1er3 rini+e o2 in!i1i!0a+ o*etitionis, t&at it *0st oasiona++3 +ea! to 0nro2ita4+e or in90!iio0s *o!es o2 in!i1i!0a+ e7ertion###e1er3*an *0st 90!ge 2or &i*se+2 as to t&e ro4a4i+it3 o2 s0ess in t&e o0ation 6&i& &e a!ots#An! 6&at are &is *eans o2 90!gingQ E1er3 one, !oing 6e++ in &is a++ing, is intereste! in onea+ing&is s0ess, +est o*etition s&o0+! re!0e &is gains# W&at in!i1i!0a+ an 90!ge 6&et&er t&e*arket, 2re50ent+3 at a great !istane, so*eti*es in anot&er &e*is&ere o2 t&e g+o4e iso1erstoke!, or +ike+3 to 4e so, 6it& t&e arti+e 6&i& in+ination *a3 +ea! &i* to 2a4riateQ###An!s&o0+! an3 error o2 90!g*ent###+ea! &i* into an 0na++e! 2or, an!, t&ere2ore, 0nro2ita4+e +ine o2e7ertion, 6&at is t&e onse50eneQ A *ere error o2 90!g*ent###*a3 en! in se1ere !istress, i2 notin r0in# )ases o2 t&is sort see* to 4e 0na1oi!a4+e 0n!er t&e s&e*e o2 in!i1i!0a+ o*etition inits 4est 2or*#- '?

T&e 2o0rt& ro4+e* note! is &o6 t&e se+2is& nat0re o2 t&e o*etiti1e *arket resente! inse0rit3

aro0n! ore +i2e s0ort onse50enes, s0& as se0rit3 in o+! age, sikness an! 2ro* ai!ents#'@%

T&e 2i2t& ro4+e* !enote! 43 T&o*son regar!ing *arket o*etition 6as t&at it s+o6e! t&ea!1ane*ent o2 kno6+e!ge# )onea+*ent, t&ere2ore, o2 6&at is ne6 or e7e++ent 2ro*o*etitors, *0st ao*an3 in!i1i!0a+ o*etition###4ea0se t&e strongest ersona+ interest is43 it oose! to t&e rini+e o2 4ene1o+ene#- '@$

Karl 1ar< 56969!699:;, a+ong 6it& *an3 ot&ers, 6as in2+0ene! 43 T&o*sons 6ork an! is+ike+3 one o2 t&e *ost 6e++ kno6n eono*i &i+oso&ers to!a3# Wit& &is na*e o2ten 0se! in a!erogator3 *anner to gest0re t&e eri+s o2 So1iet )o**0nis* or tota+itarianis*-, Mar7 is a+so+ike+3 t&e *ost *is0n!erstoo! o2 a++ o0+ari;e! eono*ists# W&i+e *ost 2a*o0s in t&e genera+04+i *in! 2or resenting treatises on Soia+ist8)o**0nist i!eas, Mar7 at0a++3 sent *ost o2 &isti*e on t&e s049et o2 )aita+is* an! its oerations# His ontri40tion to 0n!erstan!ing )aita+is*

is *ore 1ast t&an *an3 rea+i;e, 6it& *an3 o**on eono*i ter*s an! &rases 0se! to!a3 inon1ersations a4o0t )aita+is* at0a++3 2in!ing t&eir root in Mar7s +iterar3 treat*ents# Hiserseti1e 6as +arge+3 &istoria+, an! 2eat0re! arti0+ar+3 !etai+e! s&o+ars&i a4o0t t&ee1o+0tion o2 eono*i t&o0g&t# D0e to t&e i**ense si;e o2 &is 6ork, on+3 a 2e6 in2+0entia+ iss0es

'?@ I4i!#, #77i7'?= I4i!#, #'@'?> I4i!#'?C I4i!#, #'=%8'=$'? I4i!#, #'=$8'=('@% I4i!#, #'=('@$ I4i!#, #'=>

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6i++ 4e a!!resse! &ere#

One iss0e to !enote 6as &is a6areness o2 &o6 t&e )aita+ist &arateristi o2 e7&ange- 6asrini+e! as t&e 0+ti*ate 4asis 2or soia+ re+ations&is# He state! in &is Brundrisse" In!ee!,inso2ar as t&e o**o!it3 or +a4o0r is onei1e! o2 on+3 as e7&ange 1a+0e, an! t&e re+ation in

6&i& t&e 1ario0s o**o!ities are 4ro0g&t into onnetion 6it& one anot&er is onei1e! o2 ast&e e7&ange o2 t&ese e7&ange 1a+0es###t&en t&e in!i1i!0a+s###are si*+3 an! on+3 onei1e! o2as e7&angers# As 2ar as t&e 2or*a+ &arater is onerne!, t&ere is a4so+0te+3 no !istintion4et6een t&e*###As s049ets o2 e7&ange, t&eir re+ation is t&ere2ore t&at o2 e50a+it3#- '@'

 A+t&o0g& in!i1i!0a+ A 2ee+s a nee! 2or t&e o**o!it3 o2 in!i1i!0a+ , &e !oes not aroriate it43 2ore, nor 1ie 1ersa, 40t rat&er t&e3 reogni;e one anot&er reiroa++3 as rorietors###No onesei;es &o+! o2 anot&ers 43 2ore# Ea& !i1ests &i*se+2 o2 &is roert3 1o+0ntari+3#- '@(

Again, as note! rior 6it& reset to t&e reo0rring t&e*e o2 &0*an re+ations an! +assass0*tions or !enia+s<, Mar7 e*&asi;e! 6&at o0+! 4e arg0e! as t&ree ore delusionsA t&e!e+0sion o2 Free!o*, E50a+it3 an! Soia+ Har*on3, as re!0e! to an e7tre*e+3 narro6 assoiationaro0n! t&e i!ea o2 *0t0a++3 4ene2iia+ e7&ange-, 6&i& 6as to 4e t&e on+3 rea+ eono*ire+ations&i 43 6&i& t&e 6&o+e o2 soiet3 is to 4e assesse!#

 It is in t&e &arater o2 t&e *one3 re+ation 8 as 2ar as it is !e1e+oe! in its 0rit3 to t&is oint,an! 6it&o0t regar! to *ore &ig&+3 !e1e+oe! re+ations o2 ro!0tion 8 t&at a++ in&erentontra!itions o2 4o0rgeois soiet3 aear e7ting0is&e! in *one3 re+ations as onei1e! in asi*+e 2or* an! 4o0rgeois !e*ora3 e1en *ore t&an 4o0rgeois eono*ists takes re20ge in t&isaset###in or!er to onstr0t ao+ogetis 2or t&e e7isting eono*i re+ations# '@?

His 6ork CapitalA . Criti%ue of "olitical +conomy, Mar7 e7tensi1e+3 ana+3;es *an3 2ators o2 t&e)aita+ist s3ste*, na*e+3 t&e nat0re o2 o**o!ities t&e*se+1es, t&e !3na*is 4et6een Va+0e,Use Va+0e, E7&ange Va+0e, La4or T&eor3 an! Uti+it3, a+ong 6it& a !ee in1estigation o2 6&at )aita+- *eans, &o6 t&e s3ste* e1o+1e! an! 0+ti*ate+3 t&e nat0re o2 ro+es 6it&in t&e *o!e+# An

i*ortant t&e*e to !enote is &is 1ie6 regar!ing S0r+0s Va+0e-, 6&i&, in gest0re o2 Riar!os La4or T&eor3 o2 Va+0e-, is t&e ass0*e! 1a+0e aroriate! 43 t&e )aita+ist in t&e 2or* o2 Pro2it,6&i& is in e7ess o2 t&e 1a+0e ost< in&erent to +a4orro!0tion itse+2#

He state! 6it& reset to !is*issing t&is S0r+0s- origin in e7&ange" T0rn an! t6ist t&en as 6e*a3, t&e 2at re*ains 0na+tere!# I2 e50i1a+ents are e7&ange!, no s0r+0s81a+0e res0+ts, an! i2non8e50i1a+ents are e7&ange!, sti++ no s0r+0s81a+0e res0+ts# )ir0+ation, or t&e e7&ange o2o**o!ities, 4egets no 1a+0e#- '@@ He t&en arg0es, in s&ort, !i22erentiating 4et6een +a4or- an! +a4or o6er-, 6it& t&e +atteronsisting o2 4ot& a 0se 1a+0e- an! an e7&ange 1a+0e-, t&at a 6orker is on+3 o*ensate! 2or*eeting &is nee!s 2or subsistence, 6&i& is reresente! in &is 6ages, 6&i+e e1er3t&ing ast t&at1a+0e is a s0r+0s-, 6&i& t&eoretia++3 trans+ates into t&e ro2it- *a!e 43 t&e aita+ist, 2ina+i;e!43 t&e rie *ark 0- in *arket e7&ange#'@= T&is oint, 6&i& &e 20rt&er e7ten!s in onte7t B

!3na*is in&erent to t&e ir0+ationa+iation o2 !i22erent 2or*s o2 aita+ aita+ !e2ine! sti++ asa *eans o2 ro!0tion 40t in t&is ase *ost+3 in its *onetar3 2or*<, oses t&e on+0sion t&at ane7+oitation o2 t&e 6orkers 6as in&erent to t&e reation o2 s0r+0s 1a+0e- or ro2it-# In ot&er6or!s, 43 i*+iation, t&is 6as a 2or* o2 4asi ine50a+it3 40i+t into t&e )aita+ist s3ste* an! as+ong as one s*a++ gro0 o2 o6ners- ontro++e! t&e s0r+0s 1a+0e reate! 43 t&e 6orking +ass,t&ere 6i++ a+6a3s 4e ri& an! oor, 6ea+t& an! o1ert3#

'@' Brundrisse, ar+ Mar7, tr# Martin Nio+a0s, Rerint Vintage ooks, Ne6 Jork, $>( #'?$'@( I4i!#, #'?('@? I4i!#, #'?%8'?$'@@ Capital , ar+ Mar7, Foreign Lang0ages rerint , Moso6, $=$, 1o+# (, #$=('@= I4i!#, #$>=

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Mar7 20rt&er e7ten!s t&is i!ea to a reassess*ent o2 roert3-, 6&i& 6as essentia++3 no6 t&e+ega+ 2o0n!ation o2 aita+- itse+2, e7+iit+3 a++o6ing 2or t&e oeri1e e7roriation o2 s0r+0s+a4or- t&at art o2 +a4or 6&i& generates t&e s0r+0s 1a+0e< stating" At 2irst t&e rig&ts o2roert3 see*e! to 0s to 4e 4ase! on a *ans o6n +a4o0r# At +east, so*e s0& ass0*tion 6asneessar3 sine on+3 o**o!it38o6ners 6it& e50a+ rig&ts on2ronte! ea& ot&er, an! t&e so+e

*eans 43 6&i& a *an o0+! 4eo*e ossesse! o2 t&e o**o!ities o2 ot&ers, 6as 43 a+ienatinggi1ing 0< &is o6n o**o!ities an! t&ese o0+! 4e re+ae! 43 +a4o0r a+one# No6, &o6e1er,roert3 t0rns o0t to 4e t&e rig&t, on t&e art o2 t&e aita+ist, to aroriate t&e 0nai! +a4o0rs0r+0s +a4or< o2 ot&ers or its ro!0t, an! to 4e t&e i*ossi4i+it3 on t&e art o2 t&e +a4o0rer, o2aroriating &is o6n ro!0t# T&e searation o2 roert3 2ro* +a4o0r &as 4eo*e t&e neessar3onse50ene o2 a +a6 t&at aarent+3 originate! in t&eir i!entit3#- '@>

Mar7 !e1e+os t&ese kin!s o2 arg0*ents e7tensi1e+3 in &is 6riting, in+0!ing t&e i!ea t&at 6orking+ass +a4or annot 4e 1o+0ntar3- in t&is s3ste* 8 on+3 oeri1e 8 sine t&e 0+ti*ate !eision toa+3 +a4or 2or a 6age 6as in t&e &an!s o2 t&e )aita+ist# He state! T&e 6orker t&ere2ore on+32ee+s &i*se+2 o0tsi!e &is 6ork, an! in &is 6ork 2ee+s o0tsi!e &i*se+2# He is at &o*e 6&en &e is not6orking, an! 6&en &e is 6orking &e is not at &o*e# His +a4o0r is t&ere2ore not 1o+0ntar3 40toere! it is 2ore! +a4o0r# It is t&ere2ore not t&e satis2ation o2 a nee! it is *ere+3 a *eans to

satis23 nee!s e7terna+ to it#- '@C

In t&e en!, it 6as t&is o*+e7, *0+ti2aete! !egra!ation, e7+oitation an! !e&0*ani;ation o2 t&ea1erage 6orker t&at 4ot&ere! &i* so an! 0s&e! &i* to6ar! re2or*# He e1en in1ente! a &rase 8 T&e La6 o2 t&e Inreasing Miser3- 8 to !esri4e &o6 t&e genera+ 6orking o0+ations &ainess6as in1erse to t&e a0*0+ation o2 6ea+t& 2or t&e aita+ist +ass# In t&e en!, Mar7 6as on1ine!t&at ress0res in&erent to t&e s3ste* 6o0+! 0s& t&e 6orking +ass to re1o+t against t&e )aita+ist)+ass, a++o6ing 2or a ne6 Soia+ist- *o!e o2 ro!0tion 6&ere, in art, t&e 6orking +ass oerate!2or t&eir o6n 4ene2it#

Thorstein $elen 56987!6=>=; 6i++ 4e t&e 2ina+ so8a++e! Soia+ist- 6&ose in2+0entia+ i!easregar!ing t&e !e1e+o*ent an! 2+a6s o2 )aita+is* 6i++ 4e e7+ore! &ere# Like Mar7, &e &a! t&e

a!1antage o2 ti*e 6it& reset to t&e !igestion o2 eono*i &istor3# Ve4+en ta0g&t eono*is at an0*4er o2 0ni1ersities !0ring &is ti*e, ro+i2ia++3 ro!0ing +iterat0re on 1ario0s soia+ iss0es#

Ve4+en 6as 1er3 ritia+ o2 t&e Neo+assia+ eono*i ass0*tions, sei2ia++3 regar!ing t&ea+ie! 0ti+itarian i!eas o2 H0*an Nat0re-, seeing t&e i!ea t&at a++ &0*an eono*i 4e&a1ior 6asto 4e re!0e! to a &e!onisti inter+a3 o2 se+28*a7i*i;ation an! reser1ation as a4s0r!+3si*+isti#'@ He took 6&at 6e o0+! a++ an e1o+0tionar3- 1ie6 o2 &0*an &istor3, 6it& &ange!e2ine! 43 t&e soia+ instit0tions t&at took &o+! or 6ere s0rasse!# He state! 6it& reset to t&e0rrent 6&at &e !ee*e! *ateria+isti-< state o2 t&e ti*e" Like a++ &0*an 0+t0re t&is *ateria+ i1i+i;ation is a s&e*e o2 instit0tions 8 instit0tiona+ 2a4ri an!instit0tiona+ gro6t&###T&e gro6t& o2 0+t0re is a 0*0+ati1e se50ene o2 &a4it0ation, an! t&e 6a3san! *eans o2 it are t&e &a4it0a+ resonse o2 &0*an nat0re to e7igenies t&at 1ar3 inontinent+3,0*0+ati1e+3, 40t 6it& so*et&ing o2 a onsistent se50ene in t&e 0*0+ati1e 1ariations t&at so go

2or6ar! 8 inontinent+3, 4ea0se ea& ne6 *o1e reates a ne6 sit0ation 6&i& in!0es a 20rt&erne6 1ariation in t&e &a4it0a+ *anner o2 resonse 0*0+ati1e+3, 4ea0se ea& ne6 sit0ation is a1ariation o2 6&at &as gone 4e2ore it an! e*4o!ies as a0sa+ 2ators a++ t&at &as 4een e22ete! 436&at 6ent 4e2ore onsistent+3, 4ea0se t&e 0n!er+3ing traits o2 &0*an nat0re roensities,atit0!es, an! 6&at not< 43 2ore o2 6&i& t&e resonse takes +ae, an! on t&e gro0n! o2 6&i&t&e &a4it0ation takes e22et, re*ain s04stantia++3 0n&ange!#- '=%

'@> I4i!#, 1o+# $,# @C(:C?'@C +conomic and "hilosophic 4anuscripts of <//, ar+ Mar7, Moso6, Progress, $@, # ='@ W&3 Eono*is Is Not an E1o+0tionar3 Siene,- "lace of &cience in 4odern Civilization and 0ther +ssays, T&orstein

Ve4+en, #>(8>?#'=% T&e Li*itations o2 Margina+ Uti+it3,- The "lace of &cience in 4odern Civilization and 0ther +ssays, T&orstein Ve4+en,

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Ve4+en &a++enge! t&e 4asi 2o0n!ation o2 t&e )aita+ist *o!e o2 ro!0tion 43 50estioning *an3o2 t&e 2ators t&at &a! 4een essentia++3 gi1en- or *a!e e*iria+ 43 t&e ent0ries o2 eono*i!e4ate# T&e no6 ingraine! instit0tions o2 Wages-, Rents-, Proert3-, Interest-, La4or- 6ere!ist0r4e! in t&eir s0ose! si*+iit3 43 a 1ie6 t&at none o2 t&e* o0+! 4e &e+! as inte++et0a++31ia4+e, o0tsi!e o2 t&e 0re+3 ategoria+ assoiation 6it& e7tre*e +i*its o2 a+iation# He 9oke!

a4o0t &o6 a gang o2 A+e0tian Is+an!ers s+0s&ing a4o0t in t&e 6rak an! s0r2 6it& rakes an!*agia+ inantations 2or t&e at0re o2 s&e++82is& are &e+!, in oint o2 ta7ono*i rea+it3, to 4eengage! in a 2eat o2 &e!onisti e50i+i4ration in rent, 6ages, an! interest# An! t&at is a++ t&ere is toit#- '=$

He sa6 ro!0tion an! in!0str3 itse+2 as a social process 6&ere +ines 6ere !ee+3 4+0rre!, as itin1aria4+3 in1o+1e! t&e s&aring o2 kno6+e!ge 0s02r0t< an! ski++s# In *an3 6a3s, &e 1ie6e! s0&ategoria+ &arateristis o2 )aita+is* to 4e inherent  to )aita+is* a+one an! not reresentati1eo2 &3sia+ rea+it3, &ene a 1ast ontri1ane# He 2o0n! t&at t&e !o*inant Neo+assia+ t&eor3e7iste!, in art, to o4s0re t&e 20n!a*enta+ +ass86ar2are an! &osti+it3 in&erent, to 20rt&er se0ret&e interests o2 6&at &e a++e! t&e Veste! Interests- or A4sentee o6ners- )aita+ists<#'=' 

He re9ete! t&e i!ea t&at ri1ate roert3- 6as a nat0ra+ rig&t-, as ass0*e! 43 Loke, S*it&an! t&e ot&ers, o2ten 9oking a4o0t t&e a4s0r!it3 o2 t&o0g&t t&at +ea!s t&e A4sentee O6ners- to+ai* o6ners&i- o2 o**o!ities ro!0e!, in rea+it3, 43 t&e +a4or o2 t&e o**on 6orker-,&ig&+ig&ting t&e a4s0r!it3 o2 t&e +ong &e+! rini+e t&at 2ro* +a4or, o*es roert3# '=( He 6ent20rt&er to e7ress t&e in&erent soia+ nat0re o2 ro!0tion an! &o6 t&e tr0e nat0re o2 ski++ an!kno6+e!ge a0*0+ation o*+ete+3 1oi!e! t&e ass0*tion o2 roert3 rig&ts in an! o2 itse+2,stating"

 T&is nat0ra+8rig&ts t&eor3 o2 roert3 *akes t&e reati1e e22ort o2 an iso+ate!, se+28s022iingin!i1i!0a+ t&e 4asis o2 o6ners&i 1este! in &i*# In so !oing it o1er+ooks t&e 2at t&at t&ere is noiso+ate!, se+28s022iing in!i1i!0a+###Pro!0tion takes +ae on+3 in soiet3 8 on+3 t&ro0g& t&e o8oeration o2 an in!0stria+ o**0nit3# T&is in!0stria+ o**0nit3 *a3 4e +arge or s*a++###40t ita+6a3s o*rises a gro0 +arge eno0g& to ontain an! trans*it t&e tra!itions, too+s, te&nia+

kno6+e!ge, an! 0sages 6it&o0t 6&i& t&ere an 4e no in!0stria+ organi;ation an! no eono*ire+ation o2 in!i1i!0a+s to one anot&er or to t&eir en1iron*ent###T&ere an 4e no ro!0tion 6it&o0tte&nia+ kno6+e!ge &ene no a0*0+ation an! no 6ea+t& to 4e o6ne!, in se1era+t3 orot&er6ise# An! t&ere is no te&nia+ kno6+e!ge aart 2ro* an in!0stria+ o**0nit3# Sine t&ere isno in!i1i!0a+ ro!0tion an! no in!i1i!0a+ ro!0ti1it3, t&e nat0ra+8rig&ts reonetion###re!0esitse+2 to a4s0r!it3, e1en 0n!er t&e +ogi o2 its o6n ass0*tions#'=?

As 6it& Mar7, &e sa6 no ot&er 6a3 to !isting0is& t&e t6o *a9or +asses o2 soiet3 t&an 4et6eent&ose 6&o work an! t&ose 6&o exploit  t&at 6ork'=@ 6it& t&e ro2it *aking ortion o2 aita+is*t&e 0siness-< o*+ete+3 searate 2ro* ro!0tion itse+2 In!0str3-<# He *akes a +ear!istintion 4et6een 0siness an! In!0str3 an! re2ers to t&e 2or*er as 20ntioning as a 1e&i+e o2 sa4otage- 2or in!0str3# He sa6 a o*+ete ontra!ition 4et6een t&e et&ia+ intent o2 t&e genera+o**0nit3 to ro!0e e22iient+3 an! 6it& &ig& ser1ie, an! t&e +a6s o2 ri1ate roert3 6&i&

&a! t&e o6er to !iret in!0str3 2or t&e sake o2 ro2it a+one, re!0ing t&at e22iien3 an! intent#T&e ter* sa4otage- in t&is onte7t 6as !e2ine! 43 Ve4+en as t&e onsientio0s 6it&!ra6a+ o2

Ne6 Jork, R0sse++ an! R0sse++, $=$, #'?$8'?''=$ Pro2essor )+arks Eono*is-, "lace of &cience in 4odern Civilization, T&orstein Ve4+en, #$('=' .bsentee 0wnership and 3usiness +nterprise in $ecent Times, T&orstein Ve4+en, A0g0st0s M# e++e3, Ne6 Jork, $=?,

#?%>'=( T&e eginnings o2 O6ners&i-, +ssays in 0ur Changing 0rder, T&orstein Ve4+en, #('#'=? T&e eginnings o2 O6ners&i-, +ssays in 0ur Changing 0rder, T&orstein Ve4+en, #((8(?'=@ T&e Instint o2 Work*ans&i an! t&e Irkso*eness o2 La4or-,+ssays in 0ur Changing 0rder , T&orstein Ve4+en, #


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e22iien3#- '==

He states" T&e in!0stria+ +ant is inreasing+3 r0nning i!+e or &a+2 i!+e, r0nning inreasing+3 s&orto2 its ro!0ti1e aait3# Work*en are 4eing +ai! o22###An! a++ t&e 6&i+e t&ese eo+e are in greatnee! o2 a++ sorts o2 goo!s an! ser1ies 6&i& t&ese i!+e +ants an! i!+e 6ork*en are 2it to

ro!0e# 0t 2or reasons o2 40siness e7e!ien3 it is i*ossi4+e to +et t&ese i!+e +ants an! i!+e6ork*en go to 6ork^t&at is to sa3 2or reasons o2 ins022iient ro2it to t&e 40siness *enintereste!, or in ot&er 6or!s, 2or t&e reasons o2 ins022iient ino*e to t&e 1este! interests#- '=>

F0rt&er*ore, Ve4+en, as oose! to t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 eo+e in t&e *o!ern !a3 6&o on!e*nats o2 orr0tion- on et&ia+ gro0n!s, !i! not see an3 o2 t&e ro4+e*s o2 a40se an! e7+oitationas an iss0e o2 *ora+it3- or et&is-# He sa6 t&e ro4+e*s as in&erent 8 40i+t into t&e nat0re o2)aita+is* itse+2# He states" It is not t&at t&ese atains o2 ig 0siness 6&ose !0t3 it is toa!*inister t&is sa+0tar3 *o!i0* o2 sa4otage on ro!0tion are na0g&t3# It is not t&at t&e3 ai* tos&orten &0*an +i2e or a0g*ent &0*an !iso*2ort 43 ontri1ing an inrease o2 ri1ation a*ongt&eir 2e++o6 *en###T&e 50estion is not 6&et&er t&is tra22i in ri1ation is &0*ane, 40t 6&et&er it issound business management #- '=C

Wit& reset to t&e nat0re o2 Go1ern*ent, Ve4+ens 1ie6 6as 1er3 +ear" T&e go1ern*ent 43 its1er3 o+itia+ onstr0t e7iste! to rotet t&e e7isting soia+ or!er an! +ass str0t0re, rein2oringri1ate roert3 +a6s an! 43 !iret e7tension rein2oring t&e !isroortionate o6ners&i r0+ing<+ass# Legis+ation, o+ie s0r1ei++ane, t&e a!*inistration o2 90stie, t&e *i+itar3 an! !i+o*atiser1ie, a++ are &ie2+3 onerne! 6it& 40siness re+ations, e0niar3 interests, an! t&e3 &a1e +itt+e*ore t&an an ini!enta+ 4earing on ot&er &0*an interests-, '= &e state!#

T&e i!ea o2 De*ora3 6as a+so !ee+3 1io+ate! 43 )aita+ist o6er in &is 1ie6, stating onstit0tiona+ go1ern*ent is a 40siness go1ern*ent#- '>% Ve4+en, 6&i+e a6are o2 t&e &eno*enono2 +o443ing- an! t&e 403ing- o2 o+itiians o**on+3 seen to!a3 as a 2or* o2 orr0tion-, !i!not see t&is as t&e rea+ nat0re o2 t&e ro4+e*# Rat&er, go1ern*ent ontro+ 43 0siness 6as not anano*a+3 8 it 6as si*+3 6&at go1ern*ent &a! *ani2este! to 4e 43 !esign# '>$ 3 its 1er3 nat0re,

as an instit0tiona+i;e! *eans 2or soia+ ontro+, Go1ern*ent 6o0+! a+6a3s rotet t&e ri&-against t&e oor-# Sine t&e oor- a+6a3s great+3 o0tn0*4ere! t&e ri&-, a rigi! +ega+ str0t0re2a1oring t&e 6ea+t&3 roertie! interests< &a! to e7ist to kee t&e +ass searation an! 4ene2it tot&e )aita+ist interests intat#'>' 

Like6ise, &e a+so reogni;e! &o6 t&e )aita+ist State go1ern*ent 1er3 *0& nee!e! to keesocial values in +ine 6it& t&eir interests 8 6&at Ve4+en a++e! a Pe0niar3 )0+t0re-# T&ere2ore, t&ere!ator3, se+2is& an! o*etiti1e &a4its t3ia+ o2 s0ess- in t&e 0n!er+3ing soia+ 6ar2arein&erent to t&e )aita+ist s3ste*, naturally reinforced  t&ose 1a+0es 43 !e2a0+t# To 4e gi1ing an!10+nera4+e 6as o2 +itt+e 0se to s0ess- in t&is onte7t, as t&e r0t&+ess an! strategia++3o*etiti1e 6ere ions o2 soia+ re6ar!#'>( 

In a 4roa! assess*ent, Ve4+en 6orke! to ritia++3 ana+3;e t&e ore str0t0re an! 1a+0es o2 t&e

Free8Market )aita+ist *o!e+, osing 6&at o0+! 4e arg0e! as so*e ro2o0n!+3 soio+ogia++3a!1ane! on+0sions 6it& reset to its in&erent ontra!itions, te&nia+ ine22iien3 an! 1a+0e

'== The +ngineers and the "rice &ystem, T&orstein Ve4+en, Ne6 Jork, A0g0st0s M# e++e3, $=@, #$'=> I4i!#, #$''=C .bsentee 0wnership and 3usiness +nterprise in $ecent Times, T&orstein Ve4+en, Ne6 Jork, A0g0st0s M# e++e3, $=?,

#''%8''$'= The Theory of 3usiness +nterprise, T&orstein Ve4+en, Ne6 Jork, A0g0st0s M# e++e3, $=@, #'='>% I4i!#, #'C@'>$ I4i!#, #'C=8'C>'>' I4i!#, #?%?8?%@'>( The Theory of the )eisure Class, T&orstein Ve4+en, Ne6 Jork, A0g0st0s M# e++e3, $=@, #''8'(%

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!isor!ers# His 6ork is 1er3 *0& eno0rage! 2or re1ie6 43 a++ intereste! in t&e &istor3 o2eono*i t&o0g&t, sei2ia++3 2or t&ose sketia+ o2 t&e re*ise o2 Free8Market )aita+is*#

%n Conclusion3 Ca*italism as 0Social Patholog)2T&e &istor3 o2 eono*i t&o0g&t is, in *an3 6a3s, t&e &istor3 o2 human social relationships, 6it&

t&e attern o2 ertain *ere ass0*tions gaining ro*inene to t&e e22et o2 4eing onsi!ere!sarosant an! i**0ta4+e o1er ti*e# T&is e+e*ent o2 traditionalism, 0+*inating 2ro* 1a+0es an!4e+ie2 s3ste*s o2 ear+ier erio!s, &as 4een a ore t&e*e in t&is s&ort re1ie6 o2 eono*i &istor3#T&e entra+ oint 4eing t&at t&e attri40tes taken as gi1en- to t&e !o*inant t&eories o2 eono*3to!a3 are at0a++3 not 4ase! on !iret physical support , s0& as 6o0+! 4e nee!e! to 2in! 1a+i!ation1ia t&e method of science, 40t rat&er 4ase! on t&e *ere eret0ation o2 an esta4+is&e! ideological 2ra*e6ork 6&i& &as e1o+1e! to intriate+3 self-refer to its interna+ +ogi, 90sti23ing itso6n e7istene 43 its o6n stan!ar!s#

To!a3, it is not 6&at e*4o!ies t&e )aita+ist i!eo+og3 in sei2is t&at is *ost ro4+e*ati, 40trat&er 6&at it omits 43 e7tension# K0st as ear+3 re+igions sa6 t&e 6or+! as 2+at an! &a! to a!90stt&eir r&etori one it 6as ro1en ro0n! 43 siene, t&e tra!ition o2 *arket eono*is is 2ae! 6it&si*i+ar tria+s# )onsi!ering t&e si*+iit3 o2 t&e agrarian an! e1ent0a++3 ri*iti1e aroa&es toin!0stria+ ro!0tion, t&ere 6as +itt+e a6areness or nee!e! onern a4o0t its ossi4+e negati1eonse50enes o1er ti*e on not on+3 t&e &a4itat eo+ogia+< +e1e+, 40t a+so on t&e &0*an +e1e+04+i &ea+t&<#

Like6ise, t&e *arket s3ste*, 6it& its 1er3 o+! ass0*tions regar!ing ossi4i+it3, a+so ignores ore1en 2ig&ts< t&e o6er20+ 4reakt&ro0g&s in siene an! te&no+og3 6&i& e7ress aaities toso+1e ro4+e*s an! reate e+e1ate! roserit3# In 2at, as 6i++ 4e e7+ore! in t&e essa3 MarketE22iien3 1s# Te&nia+ E22iien3-, s0& rogressi1e ations an! &ar*onio0s reognitionsregar!ing t&e habitat  an! human well-being re1ea+s t&at Free8Market- )aita+is* +itera++3 cannotfacilitate these solutions, sine its 1er3 *e&anis !isa++o6 or 6ork against s0& ossi4i+ities 43!e2a0+t#

Genera++3 seaking, t&e reso+0tion o2 ro4+e*s an! &ene increasing of efficiency  is, in *an36a3s, anat&e*a to t&e *arkets oeration# So+1ing ro4+e*s in genera+ *eans no *ore a4i+it3 togain ino*e 2ro* t&e ser1iing- o2 t&ose ro4+e*s# Ne6 e22iienies a+*ost a+6a3s *ean are!0tion o2 +a4or an! energ3 nee!s an! 6&i+e t&at *a3 see* ositi1e 6it& reset to  true earthlyefficiency , it a+so o2ten *eans a +oss o2 9o4s an! re!0tion o2 *onetar3 ir0+ation 0on itsa+iation#'>?

It is &ere 6&ere t&e )aita+ist *o!e+ 4egins to take t&e ro+e o2 a social pathogen, not on+3 6it&reset to 6&at it ignores, !isa++o6s or 2ig&ts against 43 !esign, 40t a+so 6it& reset to 6&at itreinforces and perpetuates' I2 6e go 4ak to Lokes state*ent a4o0t &o6 t&e nat0re o2 *one3,gi1en its tait onsent 43 t&e o**0nit3, 6as to essentia++3 ser1e as a community  in an! o2 itse+2,it is eas3 to see &o6 t&is one *ere *e!i0* o2 e7&ange- &as e1o+1e! into its resentsoio+ogia+ 2or*, 6&ere t&e entire 4asis o2 t&e *arket ser1es, in 2at, not 6it& t&e intent to

reate an! assist 6it& &0*an s0r1i1a+, &ea+t& an! roserit3, 40t to no6 *ere+3 2ai+itate t&e ato2 profit and profit alone' A!a* S*it& ne1er 6o0+! &a1e 2at&o*e! t&at in t&e resent !a3, t&e*ost +0rati1e, re6ar!e! 2ie+!s 6o0+! 4e not t&e ro!0tion o2 +i2e s0ortingi*ro1ing goo!s,40t rat&er t&e at o2 *o1ing *one3 aro0n! : &ene t&e 6ork- o2 2inania+ instit0tions s0& as4anks, Wa++ St#- an! in1est*ent 2ir*s : 2ir*s t&at literally create nothing, 40t &o+! i**ense6ea+t& an! in2+0ene#

'>? A si*+e e7a*+e o2 t&is is t&e a*o0nt o2 20n!ing an! e*+o3*ent t&at &as 4een generate! 2ro* t&e ser1ing o2aner# I2 0res 2or aner 6&ere to at0a++3 e*erge, t&e !o6nsi;ing o2 t&ese *assi1e *e!ia+ instit0tions 6o0+!nat0ra++3 res0+t# T&is *eans t&at t&e so+1ing o2 ro4+e*s an res0+t in t&e +oss o2 +i1e+i&oo! 2or *an3 6&o 6orke! toser1ie t&ose ro4+e*s# T&is is reate a er1erse rein2ore*ent to kee t&ings t&e sa*e : a1oi!ing &ange in genera+#

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To!a3, t&e on+3 rea+ (alue Theory  in +ae is 6&at o0+! 4e a++e! t&e Mone3 Se50ene o2Va+0e-#'>@ Mone3 &as taken on a +i2e o2 its o6n 6it& reset to t&e rein2ore! s3&o+og3 *o1ing it#It &as no !iret 0rose in intent 40t to 6ork to *ani2est *ore *one3 o0t o2 +ess *one3in1est*ent<# T&is *one3 seeking *one3- &eno*enon &as not on+3 reate! a value systemdisorder  6&ere t&is interest in *onetar3 gain tr0*s e1er3t&ing, +ea1ing tr0+3 re+e1ant

en1iron*enta+ an! 04+i &ea+t& iss0es seon!ar3 an! e7terna+- to t&e 2o0s o2 eono*3, itsonstant roensit3 to *0+ti+3- an! e7an!- tr0+3 &as a cancerous 50a+it3 6&ere t&is i!ea o2nee!e! gro6t&-, rat&er t&an stea!38state 4a+ane, ontin0es its at&o+ogia+ e22et on *an3+e1e+s#

M0& o0+! 4e sai! a4o0t t&e !e4t s3ste*'>= an! &o6 1irt0a++3 a++ t&e o0ntries on t&e +aneteart& are no6 in!e4te! to themselves to t&e e7tent 6&ere 6e, t&e &0*an seies-, at0a++3 !onot &a1e t&e *one3 in ir0+ation to a3 o0rse+1es 4ak 2ro* 6&at 6e &a1e 4orro6e! o0t o2 t&inair# T&e nee! 2or *ore an! *ore re!it- to 20e+ t&e *arket- is onstant to!a3 !0e to t&isi*4a+ane, 6&i& *eans, +ike aner, 6e are !ea+ing 6it& an intent o2 infinite expansion andconsumption' T&is si*+3 annot 6ork on a 2inite +anet#

F0rt&er*ore, t&e sarit38!ri1en, o*etiti1e et&os in&erent to t&e *o!e+ ontin0es to eret0ate!i1isi1e +ass 6ar2are 6&i& kees not on+3 t&e world  at 6ar 6it& itse+2 1ia e*ire i*eria+is* an!rotetionis*, 40t a+so 6it&in t&e genera+ o0+ation# To!a3, *ost 6a+k aro0n! afraid of eachother sine e7+oitation an! a40se is t&e !o*inant, re6ar!e! et&os# A++ &0*ans &a1e a!ate! int&is 0+t0re, 0nneessari+3, to see ea& ot&er as t&reats to ones o6n s0r1i1a+ in inreasing+3a4strat eono*i- onte7ts# For e7a*+e, 6&en t6o eo+e 6a+k into a 9o4 inter1ie6, seeking+i2e s0ort, t&e3 are not intereste! in t&e 6e++4eing o2 t&e ot&er, sine on+3 one 6i++ gain t&e 9o4#In 2at, empathic sensiti1ities are negati1e ress0res in t&is s3ste* o2 a!1antage an! goo*+ete+3 0nre6ar!e! 43 t&e 2inania+ *e&anis*# Like6ise, t&e ass0*tion t&at 2airness- o0+! e1er e7ist in s0& a o*etiti1e en1iron*ent,arti0+ar+3 6&en t&e nat0re o2 6inning- an! +osing- *eans a +oss o2 +i2e s0ort or s0r1i1a+, is a!ee+3 na_1e i!ea+# T&e +ega+ stat0tes in e7istene t&at 6ork to sto *onoo+3 +a6s an! 2inania+

 orr0tion- e7ist 4ea0se t&ere is +itera++3 no ossi4+e sa2eg0ar! 2or s0& so8a++e! orr0tion- int&is *o!e+# As i*+ie! 43 S*it& an! Ve4+en in t&is essa3, t&e State- is rea++3 a *ani2estation o2t&e eono*i re*ise an! not t&e ot&er 6a3 aro0n!# T&e 0se o2 State o6er 2or +egis+ation toens0re t&e se0rit3 an! roserit3 o2 one +ass o1er anot&er, is not a !istortion o2 t&e )aita+ists3ste*, it is a core feature o2 t&e 2ree8*arket o*etiti1e et&i#

Man3 in t&e +i4ertarian, Laisse;82aire, A0strian, )&iago an! ot&er Neo+assia+ o22s&ootsonstant+3 ten! to ta+k a4o0t &o6 State Inter2erene- is t&e ro4+e* to!a3, s0& as 6it& &a1ingrotetionist i*orte7ort o+ies or t&e 2a1oring o2 ertain in!0stries 43 t&e state# It is ass0*e!t&at so*e&o6 t&e *arket an 4e 2ree- to oerate 6it&o0t t&e *ani2estation o2 *onoo+3 or t&e orr0tions- in&erent to 6&at &as 4een !ee*e! to!a3 ron3 aita+is*-, e1en t&o0g& t&e entire4asis o2 strateg3 is o*etiti1e or, in *ore !iret ter*s, 6arring-# Again, to ass0*e t&e State6o0+! not 4e 0se! as a too+ 2or !i22erentia+ a!1antage : a too+ 2or 40siness : is a4s0r!#'>>

In t&e en!, t&ese o1ert+3 an! 0nneessari+3 selfish 1a+0es &a1e 4een at t&e root o2 &0*an on2+itsine its inetion an!, as note!, t&e &istoria+ notion o2 &0*an 6ar2are on t&e +ass +e1e+ is seen43 *ost as gi1en-, nat0ra+- or i**0ta4+e-# In t&e e7isting soia+ *o!e+, e7trate! 2ro* an

'>@ T&is &rase 6as 0t 2or6ar! 43 Ko&n MM0rtr3 in &is 6ork The Cancer &tage of Capitalism, P+0to Press, $'>= T&e reation o2 *one3 o0t o2 !e4t, o0+e! 6it& its *0+ti+iation 1ia t&e Frationa+ Reser1e +en!ing s3ste*, a near

0ni1ersa+ ratie o2 t&e entra+ 4anks o2 t&e 6or+!, ontin0es to seek in2inite gro6t& 43 its 1er3 *e&anis#'>> It is 6ort& ointing o0t t&at Market Disi+ine-, or t&e orreti1e nat0re o2 t&e *arket 43 6&i& a++ 40siness are

s0ose! to 4e s0seti4+e, on+3 rea++3 a+ies to t&e +o6er +asses to!a3# As note! &istoria++3 43 t&e too 4ig to 2ai+-r&etori an! reent `'%%C< 4ank 4ai+o0ts a*o0nting to 6e++ o1er '% tri++ion !o++ars, t&e 6ea+t&3 setors are rotete!43 t&e gest0re o2 so8a++e! gi1en Soia+is*-, not )aita+is*#

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in&erent+3 sarit38!ri1en, 7eno&o4i an! raist 2ra*e o2 re2erene, t&ere is no s0& t&ing aseae or 4a+ane# It si*+3 isnt ossi4+e in t&e )aita+ist *o!e+# Like6ise, t&e  illusion of e%uality  4et6een eo+e in t&e so8a++e! !e*orati- soieties a+so ersists, ass0*ing t&at so*e&o6o+itia+ e50a+it3 an *ani2est o0t o2 t&e e7+iit, economic ine%uality in&erent to t&is *o!e o2ro!0tion an! &0*an re+ations#

Ear+3 in t&is essa3 t&e !istintion 4et6een t&e Historia+- an! Me&anisti- 1ie6 o2 eono*i+ogi 6as *entione! in assing# T&e i*ortane o2 t&e Me&anisti- sienti2i< erseti1e,6&i& 6i++ 4e e7+ore! in +ater essa3s, is ritia+ 6it& reset to 0n!erstan!ing &o6 !ee+3 o0t o2!ate an! 2+a6e! t&e Market Eono*3 rea++3 is# W&en 6e take t&e kno6n +a6s o2 nat0re, 4ot& ont&e &0*an an! &a4itat +e1e+s, an! start to a+0+ate 6&at o0r otions an! ossi4i+ities are,te&nia++3, 6it&o0t t&e 4aggage o2 s0& &istoria+ ass0*tions, a 1er3 !i22erent  train of thought  e*erges# In t&e 1ie6 o2 TZM, t&is is t&e ne6 6or+!1ie6 43 6&i& &0*anit3 nee!s to a+ign in or!erto so+1e its 0rrent, *o0nting soio+ogia+ an! eo+ogia+ ro4+e*s, a+ong 6it& oening t&e !oor toenor*o0s ossi4i+ities 2or 20t0re roserit3#


0T&e s3nergeti aset o2 in!0str3s !oing e1er *ore 6ork 6it& e1er +ess in1est*ent o2 ti*e an!energ3 er ea& 0nit o2 er2or*ane###&as ne1er 4een 2or*a++3 ao0nte! as a aita+ gain o2 

+an!8sit0ate! soiet3# T&e s3nergisti e22eti1eness o2 a 6or+!8aro0n! integrate! in!0stria+ roess isin&erent+3 1ast+3 greater t&an t&e on2ine! s3nergisti e22et o2 so1ereign+3 oerating searate s3ste*s#Ergo, on+3 o*+ete 6or+! !eso1ereigni;ation an er*it t&e rea+i;ation o2 an a++ &0*anit3 &ig& stan!ar!

s0ort#- '>C

R# 0k*inster F0++er

Sienti2i !e1e+o*ent, 6&i+e e1o+1ing in ara++e+ 6it& tra!itiona+ eono*i !e1e+o*ent o1er t&east ?%% 3ears or so, &as sti++ 4een +arge+3 ignore! an! seen as an e7terna+it3- to eono*it&eor3# T&e res0+t &as 4een a !eo0+ing- o2 t&e soioeono*i str0t0re 2ro* t&e life support  str0t0re to 6&i& 6e are a++ tie!, an! 0on 6&i& 6e a++ !een!# In *ost ases to!a3, aart 2ro*ertain te&nia+ ass0*tions 6it& reset to &o6 a s3ste* not 4ase! on *arket !3na*is an!t&e rie *e&anis*- '> o0+! 20ntion, t&e *ost o**on arg0*ent in s0ort o2 Market)aita+is* is t&at it is a s3ste* o2 2ree!o*- or +i4ert3-#

T&e e7tent to 6&i& t&is is tr0e 1er3 *0& !een!s on ones interretation, e1en t&o0g& s0&genera+i;e! ter*s are o2ten 04i50ito0s in t&e r&etori o2 roonents o2 t&e *o!e+#'C% It aearss0& notions are rea++3 reations to rior atte*ts at a+ternati1e soia+ s3ste*s in t&e ast 6&i&generate! o6er ro4+e*s +ike tota+itarianis*-#'C$ Hene, e1er sine, 4ase! on t&is 2ear, an3*o!e+ onei1e! o0tsi!e o2 t&e )aita+ist 2ra*e6ork is o2ten i*0+si1e+3 re+egate! to t&es0ose! &istoria+ ten!en3 to6ar!s t3rann3- 8 an! t&en !is*isse!#

e t&at as it *a3, t&is 0n!er+3ing gest0re o2 2ree!o*-, 6&ate1er its i*+iation in s049eti1e 0se,&as generate! a neurosis or on20sion 6it& reset to 6&at it *eans 2or a seies s0& as o0rs tos0r1i1e an! roser in t&e &a4itat : a &a4itat +ear+3 go1erne! 43 natural laws# W&at 6e 2in! is

'>C 0perating 4anual for &paceship +arth, R# 0k*inster F0++er, $=C, )&ater ='> L0!6ig 1on Mises in &is 2a*o0s 6ork +conomic Calculation In The &ocialist Commonwealth arg0es t&at t&e rie

*e&anis*- is t&e on+3 ossi4+e *eans to 0n!erstan! &o6 to e22iient+3- reate an! *o1e goo!s aro0n! an eono*3#T&is ritiis* o2 an3 kin! o2 +anne!- s3ste* &as 4een to0te! as sarosant 43 *an3 to!a3 an! a 1in!iation o2 t&e)aita+ist s3ste*# T&is iss0e 6i++ 4e a!!resse! in Part III#

'C% .n In%uiry into the Nature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations, A!a* S*it&, $>>=, ar# IV##@$'C$ A +assi te7t t&at e*+o3e! t&is 4asi 2ear 6as F#A# Ha3eks T&e Roa! to Ser2!o*-# H0*an Nat0re- &a! a 1er3 +ear

i*+iation, 90sti2ie! 20n!a*enta++3 43 &istoria+ tren!s o2 tota+itarianis* s0ggeste! to 4e +inke! too++a4orati1e+anne! eono*ies#

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t&at on t&e +e1e+ o2 o0r &a4itat re+ations&i 6e are si*+3 not free an! to &a1e an o1erar&ing1a+0e orientation o2 s0ose! 2ree!o*, 6&i& is t&en a+ie! to6ar! &o6 6e s&o0+! oerate o0rg+o4a+ eono*3, &as 4eo*e inreasing+3 !angero0s to &0*an s0staina4i+it3 on t&e +aneteart&#'C' 

T&e !i22i0+t+3 o2 soia+ re+ations&is asi!e, &0*ans, regar!+ess o2 t&eir tra!itiona+ soia+ 0sto*s,are strit+3 4o0n! 43 t&e nat0ra+, go1erning +a6s o2 t&e eart& an! to stra3 2ro* a+ign*ent 6it&t&ese is to in1aria4+3 inhibit o0r s0staina4i+it3, roserit3 an! 04+i &ea+t&# It s&o0+! 4ere*e*4ere! t&at t&e ore ass0*tions o2 o0r 0rrent soioeono*i s3ste* !e1e+oe! !0ringerio!s 6it& s04stantia++3 less sienti2i a6areness o2 4ot& o0rse+1es an! o0r &a4itat#'C( Man3 o2t&e negati1e onse50enes no6 o**on to *o!ern soieties si*+3 !i!nt e7ist in t&e ast an! itis no6 t&is clash of systems 6&i& is 20rt&er !esta4i+i;ing o0r 6or+! in *an3 6a3s#

It 6i++ 4e arg0e! &ere t&at t&e integrit3 o2 an3 eono*i *o!e+ is at0a++3 4est *eas0re! 43 &o66e++ aligned  it is 6it& t&e kno6n, go1erning laws of nature# T&is natural law  onet is notresente! &ere as an3t&ing esoteri or *eta&3sia+, 40t as 20n!a*enta++3 o4ser1a4+e# W&i+e it istr0e t&at t&e +a6s o2 nat0re are onstant+3 re2ine! an! a+tere! in o0r 0n!erstan!ings o1er ti*e,ertain a0sa+ rea+ities &a1e stoo!, an! ontin0e to stan!, as !e2initi1e+3 tr0e# T&ere is no !e4atet&at t&e &0*an organis* &as sei2i needs 2or s0r1i1a+, s0& as t&e nee! 2or n0trition, 6ater an!air# T&ere is no !e4ate 6it& reset to t&e 20n!a*enta+ eo+ogia+ roesses t&at se0re t&een1iron*enta+ sta4i+it3 o2 o0r &a4itat 6&i& must  go 0n!ist0r4e! in t&eir s3*4ioti8s3nergistire+ations&is#'C? T&ere is a+so no !e4ate, as o*+e7 as it is, t&at t&e &0*an s3&e &as, ona1erage, 4asi re!ita4+e reations 6&en it o*es to en1iron*enta+ stressors an! &ene &o6reations o2 1io+ene, !eression, a40se an! ot&er !etri*enta+ 4e&a1iora+ iss0es an *ani2est as ares0+t#'C@

T&is sienti2i, a0sa+ or te&nia+ erseti1e o2 eono*i re+ations&is re!0es a++ re+e1ant2ators to a frame of reference an! train of thought re+ating to o0r 0rrent 0n!erstan!ing o2 t&e&3sia+ 6or+! an! its nat0ra+, tangi4+e !3na*is# T&is +ogi takes t&e siene o2 &0*an st0!3,&ene, again, t&e s&are! nat0re o2 human needs an! public health, an! o*4ines it 6it& t&e

ro1en rules of our  habitat, to 6&i& 6e are s3nergistia++3 an! s3*4iotia++3 onnete!# P0ttoget&er, a gro0n! 0-, rationa+ *o!e+ o2 eono*i oeration an 4e genera+i;e! 6it& 1er3 +itt+enee!, in 2at, 2or t&e ent0ries o2 tra!itiona+i;e! eono*i t&eor3#'C= 

T&is isnt to sa3 t&ose &istoria+ arg0*ents !o not ossess 1a+0e 6it& reset to 0n!erstan!ing0+t0ra+ e1o+0tion, 40t rat&er to sa3 t&at i2 a tr0+3 sienti2i 6or+!1ie6 is taken 6it& reset to6&at 6orks- or !oesnt 6ork- in t&e strateg3 o2 e22iien3 !e*an!e! 43 t&e &ess8ga*e o2&0*an s0r1i1a+, t&ere is 1er3 +itt+e nee! 2or s0& &istoria+ re2erene in a4stration# T&is 1ie6 sitsat t&e ore o2 TZMs re2or*ist +ogi an! 6i++ 4e re1ie6e! again in Part III o2 t&is te7t#

T&e 4otto* +ine is t&at t&ese oints o2 near8i**0ta4+e sienti2i a6areness are a+*ost o*+ete+36it&o0t reognition in t&e eono*i *o!e+ !o*inant to!a3# In 2at, it 6i++ 4e arg0e! t&at t&e t6os3ste*s are not on+3 !eo0+e!, t&e3 are diametrically  opposed  in *an3 6a3s, a++0!ing to t&e

'C' S0ggeste! Rea!ing" A Sa2e Oerating Sae 2or H0*anit3-, Nature, ?=$, ?>'8?>@, '? Sete*4er '%%,!oi"$%#$%(C?=$?>'a

'C( W&i+e so*e &istorians o2ten +ae t&e !a6n o2 t&e sienti2i *et&o! in anient Greee, The $enaissance, startingaro0n! t&e $=t& ent0r3, aears to 4e a *a9or erio! o2 signi2iant !iso1er3 an! ae+eration# Ga+i+eo $@=? 8 $=?'< isto!a3 onsi!ere! 43 so*e as t&e 2at&er- o2 *o!ern siene# Ho6e1er, 1er3 +itt+e interest 6as s&are! in t&e eono*irea+* 43 t&ese e*erging 0n!erstan!ings#

'C? T&e !isr0tion o2 eos3ste* roesses 43 &0*an ation &as s&o6n +ear negati1e onse50enes# Po++0tion,!e2orestation, +oss o2 4io!i1ersit3 an! *an3 ot&er o**on &arateristis o2 t&e 0rrent state o2 t&e 6or+! to!a3re1ea+s a !ee *isa+ign*ent 6it& t&e i**0ta4+e s3*4iotis3nergisti rea+ities o2 o0r &a4itat to 6&i& 6e are 4o0n!#Re2" &tt"666#g+o4a+&ange#0*i&#e!0g+o4a+&ange$0rrent+et0resk+ingeos3ste*eos3ste*#&t*+

'C@ P+ease see t&e rior essa3" P04+i Hea+t&- 'C= P+ease see t&e rior essa3" Histor3 o2 Eono*3- 

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rea+it3 t&at t&e o*etiti1e *arket eono*3 is at0a++3 not 2i7a4+e- as a 6&o+e, an! &ene a ne6s3ste* 4ase! directly  on t&ese nat0ra+ +a6- rea+ties nee!s to 4e onstr0te! 2ro* t&e gro0n! 0#

T&is essa3 6i++ e7a*ine an! ontrast a series o2 eono*i- onsi!erations 2ro* 4ot& t&eerseti1e o2 t&e *arket s3ste* *arket +ogi< an! t&is note! mechanistic  or te&nia+- +ogi# It

6i++ e7ress &o6 e22iien3- takes on t6o 1er3 !i22erent *eanings in ea& erseti1e, arg0ingt&at *arket e22iien3- 'C> 6orks on+3 to 4e e22iient 6it& reset to itself , 0sing *an8*a!e r0+e8sets re+ate! *ost+3 to +assia+ eono*i !3na*is t&at 2ai+itate ro2it an! gro6t&, 6&i+e Te&nia+ E22iien3-, re2erening t&e kno6n +a6s o2 nat0re, seeks t&e *ost oti*i;e! *anner o2in!0stria+ 0n2o+!ing ossi4+e to reser1e t&e &a4it , re!0e 6aste an! 0+ti*ate+3 ensure publichealth, 4ase! on e*erging sienti2i 0n!erstan!ings#'CC

C)clical Consum*tion - Economic "rowth

Free8Market )aita+is* in 4asi oeration an 4e genera+i;e! as an interation 4et6een O6ners,La4orers an! )ons0*ers# )ons0*er !e*an! generates t&e nee! to ro!0e 1ia t&e O6ners)aita+ists-<, 6&o t&en e*+o3 La4orers to er2or* t&e at o2 ro!0tion# T&is 3+e essentia++3originates 6it& !e*an!- an! &ene t&e rea+ engine o2 t&e *arket is t&e interest, ability an! act  o2e1er3one 403ing in t&e *arket +ae# A++ reessions!eressions'C are a res0+t, on one +e1e+ oranot&er, o2 a +oss o2 sa+es# T&ere2ore t&e *ost ritia+ neessit3 2or keeing eo+e e*+o3e! an!&ene keeing t&e eono*3 in a state o2 sta4i+it3 or gro6t&-, is onstant, cyclical consumption#

+conomic Browth, 6&i& is genera++3 !e2ine! as an inrease in t&e aait3 o2 an eono*3 toro!0e goo!s an! ser1ies, o*are! 2ro* one erio! o2 ti*e to anot&er- '% is a onstantinterest o2 an3 nationa+ eono*3 to!a3 an!, onse50ent+3, t&e g+o4a+ eono*3 in genera+# Man3*aroeono*i tatis are o2ten 0se! !0ring ti*es o2 reession to 2ai+itate *ore +oans,ro!0tion an! ons0*tion in or!er to kee an eono*3 20ntioning at or i!ea++3 4e3on! its0rrent +e1e+#'$ T&e business cycle, a erio! o2 osi++ating e7ansion an! ontration, &as +ong4een reogni;e! as a &arateristi o2 t&e *arket eono*3 !0e to t&e nat0re o2 *arket!isi+ine-, or orretion, 6&i&, aor!ing to t&eorists, is art+3 a nat0ra+ e44 an! 2+o6 o2 40sinesss0esses an! 2ai+0res#''

In s&ort, t&e rate inrease or !erease< o2 ons0*tion is 6&at generates t&e 40siness 3+eserio!s o2 gro6t& or ontration, 6it& *aroeono*i *onetar3 reg0+ation genera++3 inreasingan! !ereasing ease o2 li%uidity  o2ten 1ia interest rates< in or!er to *anage- t&e e7ansions an!ontrations# W&i+e *o!ern, *onetar3 *aroeono*i o+i3 is not t&e s049et o2 t&is essa3, it is6ort& ointing o0t &ere, as an asi!e, t&at *0t0a+ reset to6ar! 4ot& t&e e7ansion an!ontration erio!s o2 t&e 40siness 3+e &as not  e7iste! &istoria++3# Perio!s o2 *onetar3e7ansion o2ten 1ia &eaer re!it<, 6&i& 0s0a++3 orre+ate to erio!s o2 eono*i e7ansion as*ore *one3 is 4eing 0t to 0se< are &ai+e! 43 t&e iti;enr3 as nationa+ s0esses 2or soiet3,6&i+e a++ ontrations are seen as o+i3 2ai+0res#

T&ere2ore, t&ere &as a+6a3s 4een an interest 43 t&e o+itia+ esta4+is&*ents 6&o 6ant to +ookgoo!< an! *a9or, in2+0entia+ *arket instit0tions roteting ororate ro2its< to  preserve erio!s

'C> Note" T&e 0se o2 t&e ter* Market E22iien3- &ere is not to 4e on20se! 6it& ot&er &istoria+ *eanings# T&e onet isno1e+ to t&is essa3# Tra!itiona+ *eaning" &tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*arti+es%'$%$@%'#asa7;;'H+W+6R

'CC T&e ter* eono*3 in Greek .Oikono*ia/ *eans *anage*ent o2 a &o0se&o+! t&ri2t-# Hene to Eono*i;e, or Inrease E22iien3-#

'C Reessions are t3ia++3 !e2ine! as a signi2iant !e+ine in eono*i ati1it3 srea! aross t&e eono*3#-.&tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*askans6ers%Ca0se8o28reession#asa7;;'H;E*s15/

'% Eono*i Gro6t& !e2ine!" &tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*ter*seeono*igro6t&#asa7;;'H+W+6R'$ A o**on reation o2 entra+ 4anks !0ring ti*es o2 reession is to inrease +i50i!it3- in t&e eono*3# Li50i!it3 is

si*+3 t&e a*o0nt o2 aita+ t&at is a1ai+a4+e 2or in1est*ent an! sen!ing# T&e Fe!era+ Reser1e, t&e entra+ 4ank o2 t&eUnite! States, t3ia++3 *anages +i50i!it3, 43 a!90sting interest rates#

'' T&e 0siness )3+e is o2ten t&o0g&t a4o0t in 2i1e stages" gro6t& e7ansion<, eak, reession ontration<, tro0g&an! reo1er3# .&tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*ter*s440siness3+e#asa7;;'IGAN9$&r/

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o2 e7ansion 2or as +ong as ossi4+e an! 2ig&t a++ 2or*s o2 ontration# T&is erseti1e is nat0ra+to t&e 1a+0e s3ste* in&erent to )aita+is* 2or ain- is to 4e t&6arte! at a++ ti*es, o2ten in as&ortsig&te! *anner# No o*an3 6i++ing+3 6ants to !o6nsi;e nor !oes an3 o+itia+ art3 6i++ing+36ant to +ook 4a!-, e1en t&o0g& tra!itiona+ eono*i t&eor3 te++s 0s t&at t&ese erio!s o2ontration are nat0ra+- an! s&o0+! 4e a++o6e!#

T&e res0+t &as 4een, in s&ort, a onstant increase in t&e *one3 s0+3 i#e# 0r&asing o6er an!aita+< !0ring ti*es o2 reession, 6it& t&e en! res0+t 4eing *assi1e global debt , 4ot& 04+i an!ri1ate#'( T&e rea+it3 is t&at a++ *one3 o*es into e7istene t&ro0g& +oans an! ea& o2 t&ose+oans is *a!e 6it& interest attached , 6&ere t&e +oan *0st 4e ai! 4ak 6it& t&e interest 2eear0e! 4anks ro2it< *eaning t&at t&e 1er3 nat0re o2 *one3 reation a0to*atia++3 entai+s anegative balance 43 !e2a0+t# T&ere is a+6a3s *ore !e4t in e7istene t&an t&ere is *one3 inir0+ation#'?

So, ret0rning to t&e *ain oint 6it& reset to t&e nee! 2or !e*an!ons0*tion to kee t&eeono*3 6orking, t&is roess o2 e7&ange an! genera+ 2o0s on gro6t& is at t&e &eart o2 t&e*arkets onte7t o2 e22iien3-# It !oesnt *atter what  is 4eing ro!0e! or t&e e22et on t&estate o2 &0*an or eart&+3 a22airs# T&ose are a++, again, e7terna+ities-# As a onentrate! e7a*+eo2 t&is +ogi, t&e stok *arket, 6&i& is itse+2 not&ing *ore t&an t&e tra!ing o2 *one3 an! its no6n0*ero0s !eri1ati1es, generates enor*o0s GDP an! gro6t& t&ro0g& res0+tant sa+esro2it#'@ 

Jet, t&ese ats arg0a4+3 ro!0e nothing o2 tangi4+e, +i2e s0orting 1a+0e# T&e stok *arkets3ste* an! t&e no6 *assi1e+3 o6er20+ 2inania+ instit0tions are o*+ete+3 auxiliary  to t&e rea+,ro!0ing eono*3# W&i+e *an3 arg0e t&at t&ese in1est*ent instit0tions facilitate 40sinesses an! 9o4s 6it& t&eir a+iation o2 aita+, t&is at is, one again, on+3 s3ste*ia++3 re+e1ant in t&e0rrent s3ste* *arket e22iien3< an! 0tter+3 irre+e1ant in ter*s o2 rea+ ro!0tion te&nia+e22iien3<#

In s&ort, 6&en it o*es to market logic , t&e *ore t0rno1er or sa+es, t&e 4etter 8 an! t&at is t&at 8regar!+ess i2 t&e ite* so+! is re!it, roks, &oe- or 2+a9aks# An3 o++0tion, instanes o2 6aste orot&er s0& !etri*ents are, again, e7terna+-# T&ere is no onsi!eration 2or t&e te&nia+ ro+e o2

at0a+ ro!0tion roesses, strategies 2or e22iient !istri40tion, !esign a+iations or t&e +ike#S0& 2ators are ass0*e! to 0+*inate metaphysically in t&e 4est interest o2 t&e eo+e an! t&e&a4itat si*+3 4ea0se t&at is 6&at t&e in1isi4+e &an!- '= o2 t&e *arket i*+ies#

Jet, t&e gro6ing *ore 6it& +ess- '> re1o+0tion in t&e in!0stria+ sienes &as reate! a ne6 rea+it36&ere t&e a!1ane*ent o2 in!0stria+ te&no+og3 &as re1erse! t&e attern o2 0*0+ati1e *ateria+e22ort- 6it& reset to e22iien3# T&e +ogi t&at *ore +a4or, *ore energ3 an! *ore reso0res- 6i++ro!0e roortiona++3 *ore e22eti1e res0+ts &as 4een &a++enge!# In inreasing+3 *oreir0*stanes, t&e reduction o2 energ3, +a4or an! *ateria+s to ao*+is& ertain tasks &as 4een

'( Aor!ing to a '%$% reort 43 t&e Wor+! Eono*is For0*, g+o4a+ re!it or in e22et, !e4t< !o04+e! 2ro* b@> tri++ionto b$% tri++ion 2ro* '%%% to '%$%# It a+so 2oreasts b'$% tri++ion in g+o4a+ re!it !e4t< 43 '%'%#.&tt"666#6e2or0*#orgreortss0staina4+e8re!it8reort8'%$$/

'? Aor!ing to t&e Fe!era+ Reser1e, as o2 '%% tota+ US P04+i an! Pri1ate< !e4t 6as a4o0t b@$ tri++ion#

.&tts"666#2e!era+reser1e#go1!ata!o6n+oa!Do6n+oa!#as7Qre+Z$Bseries=@?'?@a>a4a%@$?a%=%$$e$2a?B2i+et3es1B+a4e+in+0!eB+a3o0tserieso+0*nB2ro*%$%$$?@Bto$'($'%$%/ I2 6e o*are t&is to t&e e7isting *one3 s0+3, as *eas0re! 43 M(, 6&i& is t&e 4roa!est*eas0re, 6e 2in! t&at as o2 De# '%$' it 6as a4o0t b$@ tri++ion#X .&tt"666#s&a!o6stats#o*&arts*onetar384ase8*one38s0+3/ XNote" M( &as 4een !isontin0e! in reorting 43 t&e US# Ho6e1er, its n0*4ers an 4e e7trao+ate!4ase! on o*onent *eas0res#<

'@ For e7a*+e, in t&e US, t&e Vent0re )aita+- in!0str3, 6&i& essentia+ in1ests *one3 in ne6 40sinesses, 6as '$ o2GDP in '%$%# .&tt"666#n1a#orgin!e7#&Qotiono*ontentB1ie6arti+eBi!'@@BIte*i!$%(/ Aor!ing to a'%$' arti+e in The New $epublic " t&e +argest si7 4anks in o0r 0s< eono*3 no6 &a1e tota+ assets in e7ess o2 =( o2GDP- .&tt"666#tnr#o*arti+eo+itiss&ooting84anks/

'= P+ease see t&e essa3 Histor3 o2 Eono*3- 6&ere A!a* S*it&s notion o2 t&e in1isi4+e &an!- is !is0sse!#'> As an &istoria+ note, engineer R# 0k*inster F0++er 0se! t&is &rase *ore 6it& +ess-< in &is !is0ssion o2 t&e

&eno*enon in &is 6ork 0perating 4anual for &paceship +arth!, $=C

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t&e o0to*e, gi1en o0r *o!ern sienti2i, te&nia+ a+iations#'C

For instane, sate++ite84ase! o**0niation to!a3, 6&i+e inte++et0a++3 so&istiate!, e*4o!3ing agreat !ea+ o2 e1o+1e! kno6+e!ge, is, in &3sia+ rea+it3, rat&er si*+e an! reso0re e22iient ino*arison to t&e rior a+ternati1es 2or o**0niation, 6&i& in g+o4a+ a+iation, in1o+1e!

enor*o0s a*o0nts o2 0*4erso*e *ateria+s, s0& as &ea13 oer 6ires, a+ong 6it& t&e !i22i0+t,o2ten risk3 task o2 +a3ing o0t s0& *ateria+s 43 &0*an +a4or o6er# W&at is ao*+is&e! to!a36it& a set o2 genera++3 s*a++, g+o4a+ sate++ites in or4it is tr0+3 a*a;ing 43 o*arison# T&is designrevolution, 6&i& gets to t&e &eart o2 6&at tr0e eono*i te&nia+< e22iien3 *eans, stan!s in!iret oosition to t&e 3+ia+ ons0*tion, gro6t&84ase! eono*i *o!e+#

Again, t&e intention o2 t&e Market S3ste* is to *aintain or e+e1ate rates o2 t0rno1er, as t&is is6&at kees eo+e e*+o3e! an! inreases e*+o3*ent an! so8a++e! gro6t&# Hene, at its ore,t&e Markets entire re*ise o2 e22iien3 is 4ase! aro0n! tatis to ao*+is& t&is an! &ene an32ore t&at 6orks to reduce t&e nee! 2or +a4or or t0rno1er is onsi!ere! ine22iient- 2ro* t&e 1ie6o2 t&e Market, e1en t&o0g& it *ig&t 4e 1er3 e22iient in ter*s o2 t&e true definition o2 eono*3itse+2, 6&i& *eans to onser1e, re!0e 6aste an! !o more with less#

I2 6e &3ot&etia++3 re!0e! o0r g+o4a+ soiet3 to a sing+e, s*a++ is+an! 6it& a reseti1e+3 s*a++o0+ation, 6it& 1er3 +i*ite! te&no+og3 as o*are! to to!a3, 2in!ing t&at on+3 7 n0*4er o22oo!s0r1i1a+ ite*s 6ere ossi4+e in t&e nat0ra+ regeneration o2 t&e +an!, 6o0+! it 4e a goo! i!eato e*+o3 an eono*i s3ste* t&at so0g&t to inrease t&e 0se an! t0rno1er o2 t&e is+an!sreso0res as 2ast as ossi4+e 2or t&e sake o2 gro6t&-Q Nat0ra++3, t&e et&i o2 strategic use an! preservation 6o0+! !e1e+o as an et&os in s0& a on!ition# T&e i!ea 6o0+! 4e to re!0e 6aste,not ae+erate it, 6&i&, again, is 6&at t&e tr0e !e2inition o2 eono*3- *eans : to economize#

,nnecessar) Osolescence3 Com*etiti.e and Planned

W&en 6e t&ink o2 o4so+esene, 6e o2ten *ig&t onsi!er t&e rai! te&no+ogia+ &angeso0rring in t&e 6or+! to!a3# E1er3 2e6 3ears it see*s o0r o**0niation an! roessing !e1ies,na*e+3 o*0ter te&no+og3, 0n!ergo rai! !e1e+o*ent# Moores La6-, 2or e7a*+e, 6&i&

essentia++3 !enotes &o6 roessing o6er !o04+es e1er3 $C8'? *ont&s, &as 4een e7ten!e! toa+3 to ot&er, si*i+ar te&no+ogia+ a+iations, i++0*inating t&e o6er20+ tren! o2 sienti2ia!1ane*ent in genera+#' 

Ho6e1er, 6&en it o*es to goo!s ro!0tion, t6o 2or*s o2 e1ent0a+< o4so+esene o0r to!a36&i& are not  4ase! on t&e nat0ra+ e1o+0tion o2 te&no+ogia+ aait3, 40t rat&er res0+t 2ro* a<t&e ontri1e!, competitive rule structure o2 t&e *arket s3ste*, a+ong 6it& 4< t&e !ri1ing 0rge 2or*arket e22iien3- in seeking t0rno1er an! reo0rring ro2it#

T&e 2irst a< o0+! 4e a++e! )o*etiti1e O4so+esene-# T&is is o4so+esene res0+ting 2ro* t&eonse50entia+ nat0re o2 a o*etiti1e eono*3, as ea& ro!0ing entit3 6orks to *aintain!i22erentia+ a!1antage o1er anot&er 43 re!0ing e7enses in ro!0tion in or!er to kee t&e rie o*etiti1e+3- +o6 2or ons0*er 0r&ase# T&is *e&anis* is tra!itiona++3 ter*e! ost

e22iien3- an! t&e res0+t is ro!0ts t&at are relatively inferior  t&e *o*ent t&e3 are *a!e# T&iso*etiti1e nee! er*eates e1er3 ste o2 ro!0tion, 6it&, in e22et, a re!0tion o2 te&nia+e22iien3 a+ong t&e 6a3 1ia 0sing &eaer *ateria+s, *eans an! !esigns#

'C T&e 2a*o0s ENIA) o*0ter o2 t&e $?%s ontaine! $>,?=C 1a00* t04es, a+ong 6it& >%,%%% resistors, $%,%%%aaitors, $,@%% re+a3s, =,%%% *an0a+ s6it&es an! @ *i++ion so+!ere! 9oints# It o1ere! $C%% s50are 2eet o2 2+oorsae, 6eig&e! (% tons, ons0*e! $=% ki+o6atts o2 e+etria+ o6er# It ost a4o0t b= Mi++ion in *o!ern 1a+0e# To!a3, a&ea, oket si;e e++&one o*0tes s04stantia++3 2aster t&an ENIA)#.&tt"in1entors#a4o0t#o*o!estartin1entionsaEnia#&t*/

' S0ggeste! Rea!ing" The )aw of .ccelerating $eturns, Ra3 0r;6ei+ .&tt"666#k0r;6ei+ai#nett&e8+a68o28ae+erating8ret0rns/

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I*agine, &3ot&etia++3, i2 6e took into ao0nt a++ o2 t&e *ateria+ re50ire*ents 2or, sa3, t&ereation o2 a ar, seeking to *a7i*i;e its e22iien3, !0ra4i+it3 an! 50a+it3 in t&e *ost strategicallyoti*i;e! 6a3, 4ase! on t&e *ateria+s t&e*se+1es 8 not  t&e ost o2 t&ose *ateria+s#(%% T&e +i2e3+e o2 t&e ar 6o0+! t&en 4e !eter*ine! only  43 its nat0ra+ 6ear an! tear 6it& a 1er3 !e+i4erate!esign 2o0s on 0gra!ing attri40tes o2 t&e ar 6&en t&e3 &a1e 4eo*e o4so+ete or !a*age! 43

natural-use ir0*stanes# T&e res0+t 6o0+! 4e a ro!0tion designed to last , &ene re!0ing6aste an! in1aria4+3 inreasing e22ia3 o2 0ti+it3# It is sa2e to ass0*e t&at *an3 in t&e 6or+!to!a3 4e+ie1e t&is is 6&at at0a++3 &aens in t&e !esign an! ro!0tion o2 goo!s 40t t&at si*+3isnt t&e rea+it3# It is *at&e*atia++3 i*ossi4+e 2or an3 o*eting o*an3 to ro!0e t&estrategically best goo!, te&nia++3, in a *arket eono*3, as t&e ost e22iien3- *e&anis*guarantees a +ess8t&an8oti*a+ ro!0tion#

T&e seon! 2or* 4< o2 o4so+esene is kno6n as P+anne!- an! t&is ro!0tion te&ni50e toens0re 3+ia+ ons0*tion gaine! interest in t&e ear+3 '% t& ent0r3 6&en in!0stria+ !e1e+o*ent6as a!1aning e22iien3 at an ae+erating rate, ro!0ing 4etter goo!s, 2aster# In 2at, t&ere 6asnot on+3 a nee! to eno0rage more purchases 43 t&e genera+ 04+i(%$, t&e ro4+e* o2 res0+tinginrease! +i2esan an! genera+ e22iien3 o2 goo!s 6as a+so s+o6ing ons0*tion# Again, t&e *ore6it& +ess- &eno*enon 6as s0r2aing in a rai! 6a3#

Rat&er t&an a++o6 2or a goo!s +i2esan to 4e !eter*ine! 43 its nat0ra+ aait3, 6it& t&e +ogia+natural law intention 2or it to e7ist as +ong as ossi4+e , gi1en +i*ite! reso0res on a 2inite +anetan! a nat0ra+ interest to sa1e energ3, 4ot& *ateria+ an! &0*an, ororations !ei!e! it 6asinstea! 4est to reate t&eir own +i2esans- 2or goo!s, !e+i4erate+3 in&i4iting e22iien3 2or t&e sakeo2 reeat 0r&ases#(%'

In t&e $(%s, so*e e1en 6ante! to *ake it *an!ator3 2or a++ in!0stries, +ega++3, 6&ere +i2e 3+es6ere !ei!e! not 43 t&e nat0ra+ state o2 te&no+ogia+ a4i+it3 40t 43 t&e *ere ongoing nee! 2or+a4or an! inrease! ons0*tion# In 2at, t&e *ost nota4+e &istoria+ e7a*+e o2 t&is erio! 6ast&e P&oe40s +ig&t 40+4 arte+ o2 t&e $(%s 6&ere, in a ti*e 6&ere +ig&t 40+4s 6ere a4+e to +ast 0to a4o0t '@,%%% &o0rs, t&e arte+ 2ore! ea& o*an3 to restrit +ig&t 40+4 +i2e to +ess t&an $%%%

&o0rs to ass0re reeat 0r&ases#(%(

 To!a3, e1er3 *a9or *an02at0rer strategi;es to +i*it goo! +i2e3+es 4ase! on *arketing *o!e+s 2or 3+ia+ ons0*tion an! t&e res0+t is not on+3 t&erere&ensi4+e 6aste o2 2inite reso0res, 40t a onstant 6aste o2 &0*an +a4or an! energ3 as 6e++#

O0tsi!e t&e !3na*is o2 t&e *arket eono*3, it is e7tre*e+3 !i22i0+t to arg0e against t&e nee!2or oti*0* !esign o2 goo!s# Sa!+3, t&e nat0re o2 market efficiency  !isa++o6s s0& technicalefficiency  43 !e2a0+t#

Pro*ert) .s Access

T&e tra!ition o2 personal property  &as 4eo*e a sta+e o2 *o!ern 0+t0re 6it& +itt+e 2inania+inenti1e in t&e +ong r0n to 0ti+i;e a s3ste* o2 s&aring or access# W&i+e a 2e6 e7a*+es o2o**0nit3 s&aring o2 o**o!ities !o e7ist in t&e *o!ern !a3(%?, t&e genera+ et&i o2 o6ners&i-

(%% T&e notion o2 strategia++3 oti*i;e!- 6i++ 4e a!!resse! in Part III 40t it is 6ort& noting &ere t&at t&e e50ation 6&i&!ei!es 6&at is to 4e 0se! in t&e onstr0tion o2 an3t&ing, te&nia++3, not on+3 in1o+1es t&e roerties o2 t&e i!ea+-*ateria+s, 40t t&e relative utility o2 re+ate! *ateria+s 6it& si*i+ar roerties< 6&i& *a3 a+ter t&e neessar3 *ateria+o*onent 2or 0se !0e to ot&er e22iien3- re+ate! 2ators, s0& as reso0re s0+3#

(%$ )&ar+es ettering, Diretor o2 Genera+ Motors in $', 6rote o2 t&e nee! to kee t&e ons0*er !issatis2ie! $'<.&tt"666#66norton#o*o++ege&istor3ar&i1ereso0res!o0*ents&'>%'#&t*/# Wa++ Street 4anker Pa0+Ma;0r 6rote" We *0st s&i2t A*eria 2ro* a nee!s to a !esires 0+t0re# Peo+e *0st 4e traine! to !esire# To 6ant ne6t&ings e1en 4e2ore t&e o+! &a1e 4een entire+3 ons0*e!# We *0st s&ae a ne6 *enta+it3 in A*eria# .Har1ar!0siness Re1ie6, $'>/

(%' In $(', in!0stria+ist ernar! Lon!on roagate! a 6e++8kno6n a*&+et entit+e! En!ing t&e Deression t&ro0g&P+anne! O4so+esene- 6&i& o0t+ine! t&e nee! 2or t&e *o!e+#

(%( More" &tt"eono*ist0!ents#o*'%$'%+anne!8o4so+esene8t&e8+ig&t840+48onsira3(%? As a si*+e e7a*+e, t&e s&aring o2 4ikes in E0roe &as 4eo*e o**on# .&tt"666#tree&0gger#o*ars4ike8

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an! t&e in&erent 1a+0ein1est*ent &arateristis o2 roert3 itse+2 *ake s0& aroa&es *oreost+3 in t&e +ong r0n 43 t&e 0ser t&an to engage in !iret 0r&ase#

Fro* t&e stan!oint o2 market efficiency , t&is is a goo! t&ing, as t&e *ore !iret 0r&ases o2goo!s, t&e 4etter# Genera++3 seaking, i2 $%% eo+e 6is& to !ri1e a ar, &a1ing $%% eo+e

0r&ase t&ose ars is *ore e22iient 2or t&e *arket t&an i2 $%% eo+e s&are! '% ars in a s3ste*o2 strategia++3 !esigne! aess, ena4+ing 0ti+i;ation 4ase! on at0a+ use time#

I2 6e ana+3;e atterns o2 at0a+ 0se o2 an3 gi1en goo! on a1erage, *an3 t3es o2 ro!0ts are2o0n! to 4e 0se! inter*ittent+3# Transort 1e&i+es, rereationa+ e50i*ent, ro9et e50i*entan! 1ario0s ot&er genres o2 goo!s are o**on+3 aesse! at re+ati1e+3 !istant inter1a+s, *akingt&e task o2 o6ners&i not on+3 so*e6&at o2 an inon1eniene gi1en t&e nee! to store t&ese ite*s,40t a+so +ear+3 inefficient in t&e onte7t o2 tr0e eono*i integrit3, 6&i& seeks a re!0tion o26aste at a++ ti*es#

E1er3 3ear, o0nt+ess 4ooks are 4orro6e! 1irt0a++3 2or 2ree 2ro* +i4raries aro0n! t&e 6or+! an!ret0rne!, not on+3 sa1ing an enor*o0s a*o0nt o2 *ateria+ reso0res o1er ti*e, 40t a+so2ai+itating kno6+e!ge access to t&ose 6&o *ig&t ot&er6ise &a1e no *eans to o4tain it# Jet, t&isratie is a rare e7etion in t&e market efficiency  !ri1en 6or+! to!a3 as +ear+3 it is to t&e!isa!1antage o2 t&e *arket to &a1e an3t&ing a1ai+a4+e 6it&o0t !iret 0r&ase on a er8erson4asis#(%@

Ho6e1er, +ets &3ot&etia++3 e7ten! t&is i!ea o2 t&e  sharing of knowledge to t&e s&aring ena4+e!aess< o2 *ateria+ goo!s# Fro* t&e stan!oint o2 market efficiency, it 6o0+! 4e e7tre*e+3in&i4iting# W&i+e ro2it 6o0+! sti++ 4e generate! in t&e )aita+ist *o!e+ 43 t&e +oaning o2 ite*s toeo+e on t&e 4asis o2 t&eir nee!, it 6o0+! 4e enor*o0s+3 !isroortionate 6&en o*are! to t&ero2itons0*tion rates o2 a soiet3 4ase! on searate, ersona+ o6ners&i o2 ea& goo!#

Jet, on t&e ot&er &an!, t&e technical efficiency  6o0+! 4e ro2o0n!# Not on+3 6o0+! 2e6er reso0resnee! to 4e 0ti+i;e! a+ong 6it& +ess +a4or o6er< sine +ess o2 ea& goo! 6o0+! nee! to 4e reate!

to *eet t&e use time o2 iti;ens, t&e a1ai+a4i+it3 o2 s0& goo!s o0+! 1er3 6e++ e7ten! to *an36&o ot&er6ise 6o0+! not &a1e t&e a4i+it3 to a22or! t&e 0r&ase to 4egin 6it&, on+3 t&e renta+-2ee sti++ ass0*ing a *arket s3ste*<# In t&is regar!, t&e technical efficiency  &as t6o +e1e+s :environmental  an! social # Fro* t&e en1iron*enta+ stan!oint, a !ra*ati re!0tion o2 reso0re0se 2ro* t&e soia+ stan!oint a++ t&ings 4eing e50a+<, an inrease in t&e aess a1ai+a4i+it3 o2s0& goo!s o0+! a+so o0r#

So, 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 technical efficiency , at t&e !ee e7ense o2 market efficiency , a sharedaccess rat&er t&an universal property oriente! soiet3 6o0+! 4e e7etiona++3 *ore s0staina4+ean! 4ene2iia+# O2 o0rse, s0& a ratie 6o0+! nat0ra++3 &a++enge so*e !ee 1a+0ei!enti2iations o**on to t&e roertie!- 0+t0re to!a3#(%= 

Com*etition .s Collaoration

T&e 50estion o2 soiet3 0rs0ing a o*etiti1e or o++a4orati1e 0+t0re &as 4een a r0nning !e4ate

s&aring8no68in8$%%8e0roean8ities#&t*+/(%@ As an asi!e, t&e on+3 reason t&is +i4rar3 e7etion &as ersiste! is 4ea0se o2 a tra!ition 0t in +ae +ong ago 6&i&

sa6 t&e nee! 2or t&is sharing of knowledge as ritia+ to &0*an !e1e+o*ent# T&e tra!ition o2 s&are! +i4raries go 4ak$%%%s o2 3ears#

(%= In &is 6ork, The .ge of .ccess, Kere*3 Ri2kin oses si*i+ar 50estions, stating In a soiet3 6&ere 1irt0a++3 e1er3t&ingis aesse!, &o6e1er, 6&at &aens to t&e ersona+ ri!e, o4+igation, an! o**it*ent t&at go 6it& o6ners&iQ An!6&at o2 se+28s022iien3Q eing roertie! goes &an! in &an! 6it& 4eing in!een!ent# Proert3 is t&e *eans 43 6&i&6e gain a sense o2 ersona+ a0tono*3 in t&e 6or+!# W&en 6e aess t&e *eans o2 o0r e7istene, 6e 4eo*e 2ar *orere+iant on ot&ers# W&i+e 6e 4eo*e *ore onnete! an! inter!een!ent, !o 6e risk at t&e sa*e ti*e 4eo*ing +essse+28s022iient an! *ore 10+nera4+eQ- P# Tar&erP0tna*, '%%%, #$(%<

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2or ent0ries, 6it& ass0*tions o2 human nature o**on to t&e !e2ense o2 o*etition#(%> To!a3,o*etition is *ost+3 !is0sse! 43 eono*ists as an inenti1e neessar3 to ontin0e innovation,(%C a+ong 6it& t&e genera++3 i*+ie! ass0*tion t&at t&ere si*+3 isnt eno0g& to go aro0n! on t&is+anet an! &ene e1er3one &as no &oie 40t to 2ig&t on so*e +e1e+, 6it& ine1ita4+e +osers# (% S0&ass0*tions note!, t&e t&e*e! onte7t &ere o2 market vs' technical efficiency  6i++ 4e e7+ore!

6it& reset to t&e o*etiti1e 4ene2its an!or onse50enes#

T&ere are t6o ore ang+es to onsi!er" t&e 2irst is a< &o6 o*etition a22ets in!0stria+ ro!0tionitse+2 t&e seon! is 4< &o6 it at0a++3 e22ets inno1ation or reati1e !e1e+o*ent#a< I2 6e e7a*ine t&e +a3o0t o2 in!0stria+ ro!0tion to!a3, 6e see a o*+e7 g+o4a+ s3ste* o2interation, *o1ing reso0res, o*onents an! goo!s onstant+3 2ro* one +oation to anot&er 2or1ario0s ro!0tion or !istri40tion 0roses# 0siness, in its 0rs0it o2  profit an! cost efficiency ,in1aria4+3 seeks o0t ine7ensi1e +a4or, e50i*ent an! 2ai+ities at a++ ti*es to re*ain o*etiti1ein t&e *arket# T&is an take t&e 2or* o2 +oa+ i**igrant +a4or at *ini*0* 6age, a s6eats&o-ro!0tion 2ai+it3 o1erseas, a re+ati1e+3 &ea roessing 2ator3 aross t&e o0ntr3, et#

T&e 4otto* +ine is t&at 2ro* t&e stan! oint o2 market efficiency , t&e ost8to8ro2it ratio is a++ t&at*atters, e1en i2 t&e at0a+ at o2 t&is g+o4a+ roessing is 0sing !isroortionate+3 6aste20+a*o0nts o2 20e+, transort reso0res, +a4or o6er an! t&e +ike#($% T&e notion o2 ro7i*a+e22iien3-, *eaning in t&is ase t&e e22iien3 !eri1e! 2ro* t&e !istane 4et6een in!0stria+ro!0tion!istri40tion oints, is not onsi!ere! an! t&e ratie o2 g+o4a+i;ation to!a3 engages ina 1ast a*o0nt o2 6aste20+ reso0re *o1e*ent aro0n! t&e 6or+! 4ase! a+*ost entire+3 on t&einterest o2 sa1ing *one3, not oti*a+, technical efficiency #

T&is ignoring o2 t&e i*ortane o2 ro7i*a+ e22iien3- in in!0stria+ ation, 6&et&er !o*esti orinternationa+, is t&e so0re o2 so*e 1er3 6aste20+ rea+ities# To!a3, in!0stria+ ro!0tion is a+*ostentire+3 internationa+, eseia++3 in t&e te&no+ogia+ age# T&e !egree to 6&i& t&is is nee!e!, 2ro*a te&nia+ erseti1e, is s+ig&t, at 4est#

W&i+e agri0+t0ra+ ro!0tion &as &istoria++3 4een regiona+ gi1en t&e roensit3 o2 ertain regions

to ro!0e ertain t3es o2 goo!s, or er&as 2ai+itate a *ore on!0i1e en1iron*ent 2or ot&ers0& 0+ti1ations, t&ese iss0es are 1er3 2e6 in roortion to t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 in!0stria+ goo!ro!0tions, !iso0nting as 6e++ 1ario0s te&no+ogia+ ossi4i+ities to!a3 to o1ero*e s0&regiona+ re50ire*ents#($$

 Loa+i;ation-, *eaning t&e !e+i4erate re!0tion o2 !istane 4et6een an! aro0n! a++ 2aets o2ro!0tion an! !istri40tion, is t&e *ost te&nia++3 e22iient *anner 2or a o**0nit3 to oerate,taking into ao0nt t&e o41io0s e7etions, s0& as &o6, 2or e7a*+e, *inera+ e7tration +ear+3*0st 4egin at its oint o2 origin in t&e eart&, et# It is si*+e to see, eseia++3 6it& reset to*o!ern te&nia+ a+iations 6&i& 0rrent+3 go 0n0se!, &o6 t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 +i2e8s0staininggoo!s an 4e generate! in +ose ro7i*it3 o1era++ to 6&ere t&e3 are to 4e 0ti+i;e!#

(%> S0ggeste! Rea!ing" The Influence of &ocial ierarchy on "rimate ealth, Ro4ert M# Sao+sk3, Siene ' Ari+ '%%@"

Vo+# (%C no# @>'' # =?C8=@' DOI" $%#$$'=siene#$$%=?>>.&tt"666#siene*ag#orgontent(%C@>''=?C#a4strat/

(%C S0ggeste! Rea!ing on tra!itiona+ !e2enses o2 o*etition as a so0re o2 inno1ation"Competition and InnovationA .nInverted > $elationship  .&tt"666#n4er#orgaers6'=/

(% See t&e rior essa3 Histor3 o2 Eono*3- an! its treat*ent in T&o*as Ma+t&0s, 6&o 1ie6e! t&e 6or+! as 0na4+e tos0ort t&e o0+ation an! 6as in2+0entia+ in &is 1ie6#

($% )ana!ian eono*ist Ke22 R04in *a!e t&is o4ser1ation 6e++ 6it& reset to oi+ ost tren!s" W&at 6ere going to 2in! isits not going to *ake sense to ro!0e t&ings on t&e ot&er si!e o2 t&e 6or+!, no *atter &o6 &ea +a4or osts aret&ere, 6&en its so e7ensi1e to transort t&ings# .&tt"666#nr#orgte*+atesstor3stor3#&Qstor3I!$%??==$$/

($$ T&is is *entione! in assing to oint o0t t&e e7tensi1e *o!ern 4reakt&ro0g&s in agri0+t0ra+ *et&o!s t&at are not4ase! on tra!itiona+ ara4+e +an! *asses# Vertia+ Far*ing-, 2or e7a*+e, &as 4een s&o6n to &a1e i**ense ossi4i+itieson a g+o4a+ sa+e, re*o1ing t&e o**on regiona+ restritions to agri0+t0ra+ ro!0tion# S0ggeste! Rea!ing"The(ertical DarmA Deeding the :orld in the 6st Century , Dikson Deso**ier, T&o*as D0nne ooks , '%$%

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As 6i++ 4e !esri4e! in 20rt&er !etai+ in Part III o2 t&is te7t, t&ere is a te&nia++3 e22iient train o2t&o0g&t 6it& reset to t&e 0ti+i;ation o2 proximity  6&en it o*es to e7tration, ro!0tion,!istri40tion an! re3+ing6aste !isosa+# T&e en! res0+t 6o0+! 4e enor*o0s +e1e+s o2 reso0rean! &0*an energ3 reser1ation : reser1ation o2 a capacity  6&i&, in 2at, o0+! 4e rea++oate! i2

nee! 4e to 20rt&er a!1aning ro9ets, rat&er t&an s50an!ere! as *ere 6aste 1ia t&e *arket*o!e+ to!a3#($'

As a 2ina+ note on t&is s049et o2 &o6 o*etition +i*its t&e te&nia+ e22iien3 o2 in!0stria+ro!0tion, inreasing 6aste 8 t&e rea+it3 o2 goo! *0+ti+iit3- is anot&er iss0e# W&i+e a++ro!0tion 43 o*eting o*anies is t3ia++3 oriente! aro0n! &istoria+ statistis regar!ing 6&att&eir *arket s&are- is an! &o6 *an3 goo!s t&e3 an se++ on a1erage, er region, t&e 1er3 2at o2*0+ti+e ororations, 6orking in t&e sa*e genre o2 goo! ro!0tion, ro!0ing near+3 identicalro!0ts 6it& on+3 *i+! 1ariation, on+3 a!!s to t&e so0res o2 0nneessar3 6aste#As 6i++ a+so 4e !esri4e! in t&e ne7t s048setion, t&e i!ea o2, 2or e7a*+e, *0+ti+e e++ &oneo*anies o*eting 2or *arket s&are 43 *ere !esign 1ariation, generating onse50entia++3re+ati1e ine22iienies in !esign !0e to !i22erent strategies to gain ost e22iien3, o0+e! 6it& t&egenera+ +ak o2 compatibility o2 o*onents gi1en t&e 2inania+ 4ene2it o2 0s&ing proprietarystandards an! s3ste* o*ati4i+ities, reates anot&er o*+e7 6e4 o2 ine22iien3#($( 

)+ear+3, 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 technical efficiency , one o++eti1e e++ &one o*an3, 6orking toro!0e t&e strategia++3 4est, *ost a!ata4+e, 0ni1ersa++3 o*ati4+e !esign, 6o0+! not on+3 4e*ore reset20+ o2 t&e en1iron*ent, it 6o0+! a+so reate a tre*en!o0s ease an! use efficiency  as6e++ sine t&e ro4+e* o2 seeking rorietar3 reair arts an! o1ero*ing o*ati4i+it3 ro4+e*s,6o0+! 4e !ra*atia++3 re!0e!#

It is o2ten arg0e!, &o6e1er, t&at t&e 0rs0it o2 o*etition an! t&e ro!0t 1ariations t&at arise int&e 50est 2or *arket s&are 43 o*eting 40sinesses is a 6a3 to intro!0e ne6 i!eas to t&e 04+i#Ho6e1er, s0& a *et&o! o0+! a+so 4e a&ie1e! 43 s3ste*s o2 !iret, *ass 2ee!4ak 2ro* t&e04+i 6it& reset to 6&at is nee!e!, o0+e! 6it& an e*ergent a6areness a*aign a4o0t 6&at

is no6 ossi4+e gi1en t&e e*iria+ e1o+0tion o2 te&no+ogia+ a!1ane*ent#

4< T&e seon! iss0e &ere, as note!, &as to !o 6it& &o6 o*etition a22ets inno1ation or reati1e!e1e+o*ent itse+2# W&i+e t&e ass0*tion sti++ ersists to!a3 t&at !i22erentia+ re6ar! 2or onesontri40tion *oti1ates ot&er eo+e to seek t&at re6ar!, 6&i& is a+so a o**on 90sti2iation o2t&e e7istene o2 +asses-, *o!ern soio+ogia+ st0!3 2in!s a n0*4er o2 on2+iting 1ie6s#($? T&ei!ea t&at &0*ans are *oti1ate! in&erent+3 43 a nee! to 4eat- ot&ers 43, 2or e7a*+e, gaining*ateria+82inania+ re6ar!s in e7ess o2 ot&ers, is 6it&o0t re!i4+e 1in!iation, o0tsi!e o2 t&eint0iti1e 1ie6 !ra6n 2ro* t&e e7isting, &ig&+3 o*etiti1e, sarit3 !ri1en *arket on!ition in6&i& &0*anit3 2in!s itse+2 to!a3, 43 !esign#

Ho6e1er, one again, t&e soio+ogia+ !e4ate an 4e set asi!e as t&e onte7t &ere is &o6o*etition re+ates to market = technical efficiency  !iret+3# In s&ort, t&e o*etiti1e s3ste*

seeks secrecy 6&en it o*es to 40siness i!eas, o2ten 0ni1ersa++3 against t&e oen 2+o6 o2kno6+e!ge# T&e 0se o2 patents an! proprietary rights or tra!e serets- eret0ates not ana!1ane o2 inno1ation as *an3 roonents o2 t&e o*etiti1e *arket ass0*e : 40t a retar!ation#

($' It is ritia+ to note, as 6i++ 4e !is0sse! in Part III, t&at t&is notion o2 t0rning t&e ine22iien3 or 6aste! reso0res an!energ3 in&erent to t&e *arket eono*3 into at0a+ ro!0ti1it3 sits at t&e ore o2 &0*an soiet3s a4i+it3 not on+3 totransen! t&e sarit38ri!!en en1iron*ent 6e &a1e to!a3, 40t 2ar e7ee! it 6it& an a40n!ane#

($( T&e +osest t&ing to!a3 6&i& atte*ts to o1ero*e t&e ro4+e*s an! 6aste generate! 43 rorietar3 o*onents,*eaning o*onents t&at an on+3 o*e 2ro* t&e *an02at0rer, is t&e ISO Stan!ar! S3ste*# Ho6e1er, t&is s3ste*, inrea+it3, !oes 1er3 +itt+e to o1ero*e t&e tr0e ro4+e* an! is *ost+3 a4o0t o*+iane 6it& 4asi 50a+it3 stan!ar!s, not0ni1ersa+ a!ata4i+it3 o2 o*onents aross g+o4a+ in!0str3# .Re2" &tt"666#iso#orgiso&o*e#&t*+/

($? S0ggeste! Rea!ing" No ContestA The Case .gainst Competition, A+2ie o&n, oston, oston" Ho0g&ton Mi22+in, $C=

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It is 1er3 interesting to t&ink a4o0t 6&at kno6+e!ge *eans, &o6 it generates an! &o6 o!! it is 2oran3one to rationa++3 +ai* o6ners&i- o2 an i!ea or in1ention# At no ti*e in &0*an &istor3 &asan3 sing0+ar in!i1i!0a+ 0+*inate! an i!ea t&at 6as not serially generate! 43 *an3 4e2ore t&e*#T&e &istoria+ 0+*ination o2 kno6+e!ge is a soia+ roess an! t&ere2ore, an3 +ai*s o2 o6ners&i

o2 an i!ea 43 a erson or ororation is intrinsia++3 2a0+t3# T&e o**on se*i8eono*i ter* 0se!to!a3 is 0s02r0t-, 6&i& *eans t&e +ega+ rig&t o2 0sing an! en9o3ing t&e 2r0its or ro2its o2so*et&ing 4e+onging to anot&er#($@ In rea+it3, &o6e1er, a++ attri40tes o2 e1er3 i!ea in e7isteneto!a3, in t&e ast an! 2ore1er in t&e 20t0re, &as 6it&o0t e7etion a !istint+3 social , not ersona+oint o2 origin#

It 4eo*es o41io0s t&at t&e notion o2 intellectual property , *eaning o6ners&i o2 *ere t&o0g&tsan! i!eas, &as *ani2est o0t o2 t&e 1ast erio! o2 &0*an &istor3 6&ere ones reati1it3 &as4eo*e tie! to ones ersona+ s0r1i1a+# In an eono*i s3ste* 6&ere eo+es i!eas &a1e t&eaait3 to generate ino*e 2or t&e* ersona++3, t&e i!ea o2 s0& o6ners&i 4eo*es re+e1ant#A2ter a++, i2 3o0 in1ent- so*et&ing in t&e *o!ern s3ste* 6&i& o0+! generate sa+es an! &ene&e+ 3o0r ersona+ eono*i s0r1i1a+, it 6o0+! 4e e7tre*e+3 inefficient , in t&e *arket sense o2 t&e6or!, to a++o6 t&at i!ea to 4e oen8so0re-, sine ot&ers, seeking s0r1i1a+ t&e*se+1es, 6o0+!+ike+3 50ik+3 sei;e t&at in1ention 2or t&eir o6n 2inania+ e7+oitation#It is a+so eas3 to see &o6 t&e &eno*enon o2 ego- &as *ani2est aro0n! t&e i!ea o2 inte++et0a+o6ners&i as 6e++, sine t&e 4asis o2 re6ar! in s0& a s3ste* in1aria4+3 &as a s3&o+ogia+ tie toones ersona+ sense o2 se+286ort&# I2 a erson in1ents- so*et&ing, 2i+es 2or inte++et0a+o6ners&i, e7+oits it 2or ro2it an! t&en *ani2ests a +arge &o0se an! e7tensi1e roert3, t&eir stat0s- as a &0*an 4eing is tra!itiona++3 e+e1ate! as 2ar as t&e stan!ar!s set 43 0+t0re : &es&eis onsi!ere! a s0ess-#

Jet, i2 6e 6ere to t&ink a4o0t it in genera+, t&e s&aring o2 kno6+e!ge &as no negati1e reo0rseo0tsi!e o2 t&e eono*i re*ise o2 o6ners&i 2or ro2it e7+oitation# T&ere is not&ing to +ose an!,in!ee!, an enor*o0s a*o0nt to 4e gaine! socially 43 t&e s&aring o2 in2or*ation# )o*ing 4ak tot&e rior e7a*+e in t&is essa3 o2 o*eting e++ &one o*anies, 6e 6i++ notie t&at 6it&in t&e

on2ines o2 4oar!roo* *eetings 6&ere o2ten *arketers, !esigners an! engineers onsi!er &o6 toi*ro1e t&eir ro!0t in genera+, t&e sharing of their ideas is ara*o0nt#

Ho6e1er, i*agine i2 t&at *eeting 6as e7ten!e! to a++ o*eting e++ &one o*anies at one,6&ere not on+3 o0+! t&e3 re*o1e t&eir ontri1e!, 0ti+it38+ess *arketing- ang+es !e1ise! to gaint&e *arket s&are o2 ot&er o*etitors s0& as aest&eti gi**ikr3<, t&e3 o0+! 6ork to ro!0et&e 0*0+ati1e 4est- in onert# E7ten!ing e1en *ore so, 6&at i2 a++ !esigns 6ere 04+i!o*ain- in t&e sense t&at an3one in t&e 6or+! 6&o &a! an interest to &e+ i*ro1e an i!ea 6asa4+e toQ

T&e s&e*atis o2 a e++ &one !esign o0+! 4e oste! 04+i+3 6it& a s3ste* o2 te&nia+interation 6&ere eo+e 2ro* a++ aro0n! t&e 6or+! o0+! &e+, i2 t&e3 &a! t&e a4i+it3, 6it& t&ete&nia+ e22iien3 an! 0ti+it3 o2 t&e !esign# W&i+e t&is is an a4strat &3ot&etia+ e7a*+e, it is

+ear t&at t&e res0+t o2 s0& an oen aroa& to t&e s&aring o2 in2or*ation o0+! 2ai+itate anexplosion o2 reati1it3 an! ro!0ti1it3 ne1er 4e2ore 6itnesse!# As 6i++ 4e !is0sse! in Part III, t&ere*o1a+ o2 t&e *onetar38*arket s3ste* is ritia+ to t&e 2ai+itation o2 t&is aait3#

&aor for %ncomeAt t&e ore o2 t&e Market S3ste* is t&e se++ing o2 an in!i1i!0a+s +a4or as a o**o!it3# In *an36a3s, t&e a4i+it3 o2 t&e Market to e*+o3 t&e o0+ation &as 4eo*e a *eas0re o2 its integrit3#Ho6e1er, t&e a!1ent o2 *e&ani;ation-, or t&e a0to*ation o2 &0*an +a4or, &as 4eo*e an e1er8

($@ Us02r0t !e2ine!" &tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar30s02r0t

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inreasing oint o2  interference o1er ti*e#($= Historia++3, t&e a+iation o2 *a&ine te&no+og3 to+a4or &as 4een seen as an iss0e o2 not on+3 soia+ rogress 40t eono*i- rogress, in t&e*arket sense, *ain+3 !0e to t&e inrease in ro!0ti1it3#

T&e 4asi ass0*tion is t&at *e&ani;ation or *ore 4roa!+3 8 te&no+ogia+ inno1ation< 2ai+itates

in!0stria+ e7ansion an! &ene an ine1ita4+e rea++oation o2 +a4or !is+ae! 43 *a&ine into ne6,e*erging setors# T&is is a o**on !e2ense#($> Historia++3 seaking, t&ere aears to 4e so*etr0t& to t&is, 6&ere t&e re!0tion o2 t&e &0*an 6ork 2ore in one setor, s0& as 6as t&e ase6it& t&e a0to*ation o2 agri0+t0re in t&e West, &as 4een o1ero*e to a !egree 43 t&ea!1ane*ent o2 ot&er e*+o3*ent setors, s0& as t&e *o!ern ser1ie setor# Ho6e1er, t&isass0*tion t&at te&no+ogia+ inno1ation 6i++ generate ne6 2or*s o2 e*+o3*ent in tandem 6it&t&ose !is+ae! 43 it, reating an e%uilibrium, is at0a++3 1er3 !i22i0+t to !e2en! 6&en t&e rate ofchange o2 inno1ation, o0+e! 6it& t&e cost saving interests o2 40siness is taken into ao0nt#($C 

As 2or t&e +atter, t&e ro+e- o2 *e&ani;ation 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 market efficiency  e7istsa+*ost so+e+3 to assist ost8e22iien3-# Ro4otis in t&e *o!ern !a3 &a1e 2ar e7ee!e! t&e&3sia+ aait3 o2 t&e a1erage &0*an 4eing, a+ong 6it& rai!+3 a!1aning a+0+ation roesses6&i& ontin0e to 1ast+3 e7ee! &0*an t&o0g&t# T&e res0+t is t&e a4i+it3 o2 in!0str3 to e*+o3*a&ines 6&i& in1aria4+3 &a1e *ore ro!0ti1e aait3 t&an &0*an +a4or, o0+e! 6it& t&ee7tre*e+3 nota4+e 2inania+ inenti1e o2 re!0e! +ia4i+it3 2or t&e 40siness o6ners in *an3 6a3s#W&i+e *a&ines *ig&t re50ire *aintenane, t&e3 !o not nee! &ea+t& ins0rane, 0ne*+o3*entins0rane, 1aations, 0nion rotetion an! *an3 ot&er attri40tes o**on to &0*an e*+o3*entto!a3# T&ere2ore, in t&e narro6 +ogi in&erent to t&e 0rs0it o2 ro2it, it is on+3 nat0ra+ 2or40sinesses to seek o0t *e&ani;ation at a++ ti*es, gi1en its +ong ter* ost 4ene2its an! &enemarket efficiency #

As 2ar as t&e s0ggestion t&at an e50i+i4ri0* 6i++ a+6a3s 4e 2o0n! e1ent0a++3 4et6een ne6 +a4orro+es an! !is+ae! +a4or !0e to te&no+ogia+ inno1ation, t&e ro4+e* is t&at t&e rate of change o2te&no+ogia+ !e1e+o*ent 2ar e7ee!s t&e rate o2 ne6 9o4 reation#($ T&is ro4+e* is 0ni50e as it

($= A g+ane at US &istoria+ +a4or statistis 43 setor s&o6s t&e attern o2 *a&ine a0to*ation re+aing &0*an +a4or!e2initi1e+3# In t&e agri0+t0ra+ setor, a+*ost a++ tra!itiona+ 6ork2+o6 is no6 !one 43 *a&ine# In $?, *a&ines !i!= o2 t&e otton iking in t&e So0t&# 3 $>', $%% o2 t&e otton iking 6as !one 43 *a&ines# .So0re"TheCotton arvester in $etrospectA )abor *isplacement or $eplacementG , Wi++is Peterson, St Pa0+, $$, $8'/ In $C=%,=% o2 A*eria 6orke! in agri0+t0re, 6&i+e to!a3 it is +ess t&an (# .So0re" :hy Fob growth is &talled , Fort0ne,(C( #@'/ In $@%, (( o2 US 6orkers 6orke! in Man02at0ring, 6&i+e 43 '%%' t&ere 6as on+3 $%#.So0re"&tt"666#0sato!a3#o**one3eono*3'%%'8$'8$'8*an02at0re7#&t*/ T&e US stee+ in!0str3, 2ro*$C' to '%%' inrease! ro!0tion 2ro* >@* tons to $'%* tons, 6&i+e stee+ 6orkers 6ent 2ro* 'C,%%% to >?,%%%#.So0re" :ill S4ade in the >&. fade awayG, Ne+son D# S&6art;, Fort0ne No1 '?t& '%%(, # $%'/ In '%%(, A++iane)aita+ !i! a st0!3 o2 t&e 6or+!s +argest '% eono*ies at t&at ti*e, ranging 2ro* t&e erio! o2 $@ to '%%', 2in!ingt&at ($ *i++ion *an02at0ring 9o4s 6ere +ost, 6&i+e ro!0tion at0a++3 rose 43 (%# .So0re" >& :eekly +conomic>pdateA 4anufacturing "ayrolls *eclining BloballyA The >ntold &tory , A++iane ernstein Ot '%%(/ T&is attern o2increasing ro!0ti1it3 an! ro2it, o0+e! 6it& !ereasing e*+o3*ent, is a ne6 an! o6er20+ &eno*enon#

($> See t&e s04setion on eono*ist Da1i! Riar!o in t&e essa3" Histor3 o2 Eono*3- ($C Eono*ist Ste&en Roa& 6arne! in $? t&at -T&e ser1ie setor &as +ost its ro+e as A*erias 0n4ri!+e! engine o2

 9o4 reation#- .So0re" Inter1ie6, ($@?, note! in 4ook The +nd of :ork  43 Kere*3 Ri2kin, Peng0in # $?(/ E7a*+es

o2 t&is in+0!e" Fro* $C(8$(, 4anks 0t (> o2 t&eir &0*an te++ers, an! 43 t&e 3ear '%%%, % o2 a++ 4ank0sto*ers 0se! te++er *a&ines ATMs< .So0re" Retoo+ing Li1es-, Vision, '%%% # ?(/ 0siness &one oerators &a1ea+*ost a++ 4een re+ae! 43 o*0teri;e! 1oie ans6ering s3ste*s, ost o22ie te++ers are 4eing re+ae! 43 se+28ser1ie*a&ines, 6&i+e as&iers are 4eing re+ae! 43 o*0teri;e! kiosks# MDona+!s, 2or e7a*+e, &as 4een ta+king a4o0t20++ a0to*ation o2 its resta0rants 2or *an3 3ears no6, intro!0ing kiosks to re+ae t&e 2ront o2 &o0se sta22, 6&i+e 0singa0to*ate! ooking too+s, s0& as 40rger 2+iers, 2or t&e 4ak o2 &o0se sta22#.So0re"&tt"666#te&!irt#o*arti+es'%%(%C%$$(?@'(=F#s&t*+s/ T&e 2at t&at t&e3 &a1ent !one so is +ike+3 a 04+ire+ations iss0e, 2or t&e3 kno6 &o6 *an3 9o4s 6o0+! 4e 0t in t&e e1ent t&at s0& a0to*ation s&o0+! 4e a!ote! in t&e*ost 0nin&i4ite! 6a3##

($ S0ggeste! Rea!ing" The )aw of .ccelerating $eturns, Ra3 0r;6ei+ .&tt"666#k0r;6ei+ai#nett&e8+a68o28ae+erating8ret0rns/ W&i+e t&e onte7t o2 t&is arti+e regar!ing e7onentia++3 a!1aning te&no+ogia+ aait3 !oes notre2erene *e&ani;ation, it is +ear+3 a7io*ati to ass0*e its re+e1ane in t&is 6a3, arti0+ar+3 6it& reset to 6&ato0+! 4e a++e! 34ernation-, 6&i& is t&e o*4ination o2 *a&ines an! o*0ters !istint+3, reating inte++igene- in

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a+so ass0*es t&at &0*an soiet3 6o0+! a+6a3s want ne6 e*+o3*ent ro+es# It is &ere 6&eres049eti1e cultural values s&o0+! 4e onsi!ere!# Gi1en t&at o0r 0rrent soio+ogia+ on!ition!e*an!s &0*an e*+o3*ent as t&e 4ak4one o2 market sustainability , &ene *arket e22iien3,t&e et&i o2 6ork- an! its i!entit3 assoiations, 0+t0ra++3, &a1e eret0ate! a 2ore 6&ere t&eat0a+ 20ntion o2 t&e +a4or ro+e 8 its tr0e utility  8 4eo*es +ess i*ortant t&an t&e *ere at o2

+a4or itse+2#('%

K0st as market efficiency  &as no onsi!eration 2or 6&at is at0a++3 4eing 4o0g&t an! so+! ingenera+, so +ong as it kees 3+ia+ ons0*tion at an aeta4+e rate, t&e +a4or ro+es taken onto!a3 in ro!0tion are e50a++3 as ar4itrar3 in t&e 1ie6 o2 t&e *arket# In t&eor3, 6e o0+! en1isiona 6or+! 6&ere eo+e are 4eing ai! to !o 6&at o0+! 4e onsi!ere! oint+ess- o0ations, 6&enit o*es to 0ti+it3, generating &ig& +e1e+s o2 GDP 6it& 1irt0a++3 no tr0e soia+ ontri40tion# In 2at,e1en to!a3 6e o0+! ste 4ak an! ask o0rse+1es 6&at t&e soia+ ro+e o2 *an3 instit0tions rea++3 isan! er&as o*e to t&e on+0sion t&at t&e3 ser1e on+3 to keep moving money  aro0n!, not toreate or at0a++3 ontri40te an3t&ing tangi4+e 2or t&e 4ene2it o2 soiet3#

T&ese are o*+e7 &i+oso&ia+ 50estions as t&e3 &a++enge !o*inant tra!itiona+ et&is an! t&e1er3 nat0re o2 6&at rogress- rea++3 *eans in *an3 6a3s# For instane, t&e 2o++o6ing t&o0g&te7erise is 6ort& onsi!ering# I*agine i2 6e 6ere to re1ert o0r soia+ s3ste* 4ak to t&e $= t& ent0r3, 6&ere *an3 *o!ern '$st ent0r3< te&no+ogia+ rea+ities 6ere si*+3 0n&ear! o2# T&eo0+ation o2 t&at era 6o0+! nat0ra++3 &a1e e7etations o2 6&at 6o0+! 4e te&nia++3 ossi4+e t&at6o0+! 4e 2ar 4e+o6 6&at is genera++3 aete! as ossi4+e to!a3#

I2 t&is soiet3 6as a4+e to s0eri*ose, o1ernig&t, t&e *assi1e te&no+ogia+ aait3 o2 t&e*o!ern era, t&ere is +itt+e !o04t t&at 1irt0a++3 everything re+ate! to t&e ore s0r1i1a+ o2 t&eo0+ation o0+! 4e a0to*ate!# T&e 50estion t&en 4eo*es, 6&at !o t&e3 no6 !o 6it& t&eir ne682o0n! 2ree!o*Q W&at 4eo*es t&e 0+t0ra+ 2o0s o2 t&eir +i1es i2 t&e 4asi !r0!ger3 o220n!a*enta+ s0r1i1a+ 6as re*o1e!Q Do t&e3 in1ent ne6 9o4s si*+3 4ea0se t&e3 anQ Do t&e3e+e1ate t&e*se+1es, reser1ing an! e*4o!3ing t&is ne6 2ree!o* 43 a+tering t&eir soia+ s3ste*itse+2, re*o1ing t&is re1io0s+3 !e*an!e! +a4or 2or ino*e- re50ire*entQ T&ese 50estions get to

t&e root o2 6&at progress an! personal  social goals an! success rea++3 are#

Ne1ert&e+ess, a !o*inant 0+t0ra+ 1a+0e to!a3 is t&at o2 earning a +i1ing-, an! t&e a+iation o2*e&ani;ation, in t&e sense o2  market efficiency , is at0a++3 a !o04+e8e!ge! s6or!# W&i+e ost8e22iien3 is in&erent to *e&ani;ation an! &ene t&e genera+ i*ro1e*ent o2 ro2it 43 re!0ingosts 2or t&e 40siness o6ners, t&e !is+ae*ent o2 &0*an 6orkers, kno6n to!a3 as te&no+ogia+0ne*+o3*ent-, at0a++3 6orks against  market efficiency  to t&e e7tent t&at t&ose 0ne*+o3e!6orkers are no6 unable to contribute to t&e nee!e! 3+ia+ ons0*tion t&at o6ers t&eeono*3, sine t&e3 &a1e +ost t&eir purchasing power as ons0*ers- ' T&is ontra!ition 6it&in t&e )aita+ist *o!e+ is 0ni50e# Fro* t&e stan! oint o2 market efficiency ,*e&ani;ation &ene oses 4ot& a ositi1e an! negati1e o0to*e in t&is sense an! 6&en 6erea+i;e t&at t&e rate o2 te&no+ogia+ &ange 6i++, in a++ ro4a4i+it3, !is+ae eo+e increasinglyfaster t&an ne6 setors o2 e*+o3*ent an 4e reate!, *e&ani;ation as an in&i4iting 2ator to

)aita+is* 4eo*es e1er *ore aarent# It is, in tota+, !ereasing market efficiency in t&isir0*stane#

Ho6e1er, on t&e ot&er &an!, 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 technical efficiency , one again, 6e see 1asti*ro1e*ent an! i**ense ossi4i+ities on *an3 +e1e+s# T&e ro!0tion aait3 ena4+e! 43 t&isa+iation +ear+3 s&o6s a o6er20+ inrease in e22iien3 regar!ing not on+3 t&e e22et o2

*a&ines#('% T&e +ink 4et6een &a1ing a 9o4- an! ones se+286ort& &as 4eo*e inreasing+3 o6er20+# See" #oblessness .nd

opelessnessA The )ink 3etween >nemployment .nd &uicide.&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$$%?$@0ne*+o3*ent8an!8s0ii!enC??'C#&t*+/

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in!0stria+ ro!0tion, 40t a+so a genera+ inrease! e22iien3 o2 t&e goo!s t&e*se+1es 43 e7tensiono2 t&e a0ra3 an! integrit3 in&erent in ro!0tion# A+so, an i*+iation o2 t&is ne6 +e1e+ o2ro!0tion e22iien3 is t&at meeting the needs of the global population was never more possible#It is eas3 to see t&at 6it&o0t t&e inter2erene o2 *arket +ogi on t&is ne6 te&nia+ aait3, 6&i&in1aria4+3 in&i4its its 20++ otentia+, 6&at o0+! 4e re+ati1e+3 !ee*e! an a40n!ane- o2 *ost +i2e

s0staining goo!s o0+! 4e 2ai+itate! 2or t&e g+o4a+ o0+ation#('$

Scarcit) .s Aundance S0+3 an! De*an!- is a o**on *arket re+ations&i 6&i& e7resses, in art, &o6 t&e 1a+0e o2a reso0re or goo! is roortiona+ to &o6 *0& o2 it is in e7istene or aessi4+e# For e7a*+e,!ia*on!s are onsi!ere! 50antitati1e+3 *ore rare an! &ene o2 &ig&er 1a+0e t&an 6ater, 6&i&an 4e 2o0n! in a genera+ a40n!ane on t&e +anet# Like6ise, ertain &0*an reations, i2 reate!in s&ort s0+3, are a+so s049et to t&is !3na*i, e1en i2 t&e eretion o2 rarit3 is 0+t0ra++3s049eti1e, s0& as 6it& a sing+e an1as ainting 43 a reno6ne! artist 6&i& *ig&t 2et& *an3,*an3 ti*es its at0a+ reso0re 1a+0e in a sa+e#(''

Fro* t&e stan!oint o2 market efficiency , genera+ sarit3 is a goo! t&ing o1era++# W&i+e e7tre*esarit3 is, in!ee!, !esta4i+i;ing 4ot& 2or an in!0str3 or an eono*3 as a 6&o+e s&ortages-<, t&e

*ost oti*i;e! state 6it&in 6&i& t&e *arket s3ste* an e7ist is in a sort o2 balanced  sarit3ress0re, &ene t&e ass0rane o2 sa+es8ro!0ing !e*an!# Again, t&e +i2e re50ire*ents o2 &0*ansare not reogni;e! in t&is e50ation#

Meeting &0*an nee!s in t&e 2or* o2 2oo!, &o0sing, +o68stress ir0*stanes 2or *enta+ &ea+t&,et#, is 0tter+3 e7terna+- &ere an! &as no !iret re+ations&i to market efficiency # Meeting &0*annee!s in a !iret sense 6o0+!, again, 4e ine22iient to t&e *arkets +ogi as it 6o0+! re*o1e t&esarit3 ress0re t&at 20e+s 3+ia+ ons0*tion# P0t anot&er 6a3, t&ere is a nee! 2or imbalance in or!er to 20e+ t&is !e*an! ress0re an! t&is i*4a+ane an o*e in *an3 2or*s#

De4t, 2or e7a*+e, is a 2or* o2 i*ose! sarit3 6&i& 0ts a erson in a osition to 6&i& t&e3*0st o2ten s04*it to +a4or 6&i& *a3 4e o2 a *ore e7+oitati1e- nat0re : *eaning t&e re6ar!

0s0a++3 t&e 6age< is gross+3 !isroortionate to 6&at is nee!e! to kee a &ea+t&3 stan!ar! o2+i1ing in ones ir0*stane# In t&is reset, t&e !e4t s3ste* 2ai+itates a !istint 2or* o2 marketefficiency  as it 4ene2its t&e e*+o3er sine t&e ease o2 +o6ering 6age rates ost e22iien3<nat0ra++3 inreases as ri1ate !e4t +e1e+s inrease#

T&e *ore in !e4t eo+e are, t&e *ore +ike+3 t&e3 6i++ s04*it to +o6 6age +a4or an! &enegenerate *ore ro2it 2or t&e 40siness o6ners# In 2at, t&e sa*e +ogi an 4e a+ie! to t&e 0se o2+ega++3 0nreg0+ate! s6eats&o- +a4or in t&e t&ir! 6or+! 6&i& is 2re50ent+3 e7+oite!- 43 Westerno*anies# E7essi1e 6ork &o0rs o0+e! 6it& notorio0s+3 +o6 6ages are o**on 8 3et t&eseeo+e &a1e +itera++3 no choice 40t to s04*it as t&ere are no ot&er otions 2or s0r1i1a+ in t&eirregion, o2ten !0e to !e4t res0+ting 2ro* a0sterit3 *eas0res#('(

In 2at, t&e reg0+ation o2 t&e *one3 s0+3 in tota+ is 4ase! on a genera+ sarit3 sine, as note!

4e2ore, a++ *one3 to!a3 is made out of debt  an! t&is !e4t8*one3 is so+! into t&e *arket as ao**o!it3 t&ro0g& +oans-, 6it& t&e *ark80 o2 interest atta&e! to generate a ro2it 2or t&e

('$ T&is is not a 0toian onet as 1er3 4asi statistia+ e7trao+ations ro1e t&is 1ast i*ro1e*ent o2 e22iien3 an!ro!0tion aait3 on *an3 +e1e+s# A si*+e e7a*+e, 6&i+e not e7&a0sti1e in its 1aria4+es, is t&e o4so+esene o2

 6ork &o0rs- in in!0stria+ 2ator3 ro!0tion# T&e C &o0r !a3 o**on to &0*an +a4or o0+! *ani2est to near+3 '? &o0r+a4or 1ia *a&ine a0to*ation# T&is r0!e e7a*+e s&o6s &o6 an a40n!ane- an 4e reate! o2 ore +i2e s0ortinggoo!s#

('' E!1ar! M0n&s ainting T&e Srea*- so+! 2or b$$ *i++ion in '%$'# I2 6e 6ere to o*are t&e at0a+ *ateria+ 1a+0eo2 t&e 6ork in &3sia+ 2or*, it 6as so+! 2or a4o0t $%8$@,%%% ti*es its *ateria+ 1a+0e in aint an! an1as#.&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o#0k'%$'%@%(e!1ar!8*0n&s8t&e8srea*8n$?>($'#&t*+Qre20k80+t0re/

('( S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*9o&n8erkinseono*i8&aos8+oans8gree4%$?#&t*+

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4anks# Jet, t&is interest- ro2it, 6&i& is *one3 itse+2, is not created  in t&e *one3 s0+3 itse+2#For instane, i2 an in!i1i!0a+ takes o0t a +oan 2or $%% !o++ars an! a3s @ interest on t&e +oan,t&at in!i1i!0a+ is re50ire! to a3 4ak $%@ !o++ars# 0t, in an eono*3 6&ere a++ *one3 o*esinto e7istene t&ro0g& +oans, 6&i& is t&e rea+it3, on+3 t&e rinia+- b$%%< e7ists in t&e *one3s0+3 6it& t&e interest ino*e- b@< 0nreate!#

T&ere2ore, t&ere is a+6a3s *ore !e4t in e7istene t&an t&ere is *one3 to a3 2or it# F0rt&er*ore,sine t&e oor are resonsi4+e 2or taking *ore +oans in genera+ 2or t&eir &o*earset# t&an t&e6ea+t&3, 6&o *aintain a 2inania+ s0r+0s, t&is o1era++ !e4t ress0re ten!s to 2a++ on t&e +o6er+asses, o*o0n!ing t&e in&erent+3 ins0r*o0nta4+e ro4+e* o2 4eing in !e4t an! &ene 6it&+i*ite! otions# In t&is *o!e+, 4ankr0t3, 2or e7a*+e, is not a res0+t o2 so*e oor 40siness 90!ge*ents 8 it is an ine1ita4+e onse50ene 8 +ike a ga*e o2 *0sia+ &airs-#('?

So, o*ing 4ak to t&e entra+ oint, t&e rea+it3 o2 sarit3 in t&e 0rrent eono*i s3ste* is aso0re o2 great efficiency  in t&e *arket sense 2or i2 eo+e &a! t&eir 4asi nee! *ets, or i2 t&e36ere a4+e to *eet t&ose nee!s 6it&o0t t&e e7terna+ ress0re o2 0nreso+1a4+e !e4t 6&i& keest&e i*4a+anes 8 3+ia+ ons0*tion, ro2it an! gro6t& 6o0+! s022er# As insi!io0s as it *a3 see*to o0r int0ition an! &0*anit3, t&at keeing eo+e !eri1e! is at0a++3 a ositi1e reon!ition 2ort&e 6orkings o2 t&e *arket, t&is is t&e rea+it3#

Nee!+ess to sa3, 2ro* t&e stan!oint o2 technical efficiency , seeing t&e &0*an 4eing as a 4io8&e*ia+ *a&ine in 0ni1ersa+ nee! o2 4asi n0trition, sta4i+it3 an! ot&er s3&osoia+re50ire*ents 6&i&, i2 0nattaine!, an res0+t in sikness 4ot& &3sia+ an! s3&o+ogia+, 6e anreogni;e t&e !eo0+e! state o2 &0*ansoia+ 6e++84eing 6it& t&is *arket +ogi-#('@

As a 2ina+ oint on t&is iss0e, t&e *arket seeks t&e servicing o2 ro4+e*s at a++ ti*es# In 2at, ito0+! 4e state! genera++3 t&at technical inefficiency is the driver of market efficiency # Pro4+e*reso+0tion is not so0g&t 43 t&e *arket as it t&en reates an ino*e 1oi! an! &ene a +oss o2*onetar3 gain an! *o1e*ent# T&e res0+t o2 t&is, in art, is a er1erse rein2ore*ent o2 inenti1eto seek or e1en a!1ane ro4+e*s in genera+# A ent0r3 ago t&e i!ea o2 se++ing 4ott+e! 6ater

6o0+! &a1e 4een strange gi1en its genera+, 0no++0te! a40n!ane# In t&e *o!ern !a3, it is a*0+ti*i++ion !o++ar in!0str3 ann0a++3, !eri1e! *ost+3 2ro* t&e 6ater o++0tion 6&i& &as o0rre!!0e to irresonsi4+e in!0stria+ raties#('= T&e ro2it an! 9o4s no6 assoiate! 6it& t&is te&nia++3ine22iient rea+it3 o2 reso0re o++0tion an! !estr0tion, &as i*ro1e!, one again, t&e eono*imarket efficiency  nee!e! to kee 3+ia+ ons0*tion going#


4arket efficiency , genera++3 seaking, takes on a *aro- an! *iro- rea+it3# On t&e *aro sa+e,an3t&ing t&at an inrease sa+es, gro6t& or ons0*tion, regar!+ess o2 t&e originating ress0re2or !e*an! or 6&at is at0a++3 4eing 4o0g&t an! so+!, is !ee*e! e22iient in t&is onte7t# On t&e*iro sa+e, t&is e22iien3 takes t&e 2or* o2 ena4+ing on!itions t&at an inrease ro2it an!re!0e in0t osts ost e22iien3-< on t&e art o2 40siness#

T&is e22iien3- in&erent to )aita+is* oerates 6it&o0t an3 reset 2or t&e soia+ oren1iron*enta+ osts o2 its roess to kee 3+ia+ ons0*tion an! ro2it going an! t&e 6or+! 3o0see aro0n! 3o0 8 20++ o2 eo+ogia+ !isor!er, &0*an !eri1ation an! genera+ soia+ an!en1iron*enta+ insta4i+it3 8 &as 4een t&e res0+t# On t&e ot&er &an!, technical efficiency , 6&i& oneo0+! &arateri;e as, in 2at, a &in!rane to market efficiency , seeks to *aintain t&een1iron*ent, *aintain &0*an &ea+t& an! essentia++3 kee 4a+ane in t&e nat0ra+ 6or+!# T&ere!0tion o2 6aste, reso+0tion o2 ro4+e*s an! t&e maintaining of alignment  6it& nat0ra+ +a6 is

('? S0ggeste! Rea!ing" :eb of *ebt , E++en Ho!gson ro6n, T&ir! Mi++enni0* Press, '%%C('@ P+ease see t&e rior essa3" P04+i Hea+t&- ('= S0ggeste! Rea!ing" :ater and .ir "ollution .&tt"666#&istor3#o*tois6ater8an!8air8o++0tion/

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t&e common sense +ogi e*4o!ie!#

It is 0n2ort0nate to rea+i;e t&at to!a3 6e &a1e t6o opposed s3ste*s o2 eono*3 6orking at one: 6orking against ea& ot&er, in 2at# T&e *arket s3ste*, e*4o!3ing its ar&ai, tra!itiona+i;e!+ogi, is 0tter+3 o0t o2 s3n 6it& t&e nat0ra+ te&nia+< eono*3 as it e7ists# T&e res0+t is 1ast

!isor! an! i*4a+ane 6it& e1er8*0tating ro4+e*s an! onse50enes 2or t&e &0*an seies# Itis +ear 6&i& s3ste* 6i++ 6in- in t&is 4att+e# Nat0re 6i++ ersist 6it& its nat0ra+ r0+es regar!+ess o2&o6 *0& 6e t&eori;e t&is or t&at 1a+i!ation o2 t&e 6a3 6e &a1e tra!itiona++3 organi;e! o0rse+1eson t&is +anet#

Nat0re !oesnt are a4o0t o0r 1ast *onetar3 eono*i i!eas, its t&eories o2 1a+0e-, so&istiate!2inania+ *o!e+s or !etai+e! e50ations regar!ing &o6 6e t&ink &0*an 4e&a1ior *ani2ests an!6&3# T&e technical reality  is si*+e : +earn, a!at an! a+ign to t&e go1erning +a6s o2 nat0re, ors022er t&e onse50enes# It is a4s0r! to t&ink t&at t&e &0*an seies, gi1en its e1o+0tion 6it&int&e sa*e nat0ra+ +a6s to 6&i& o0r eono*i ratie an! 1a+0es< *0st a+ign, 6o0+! 4eincompatible 6it& s0& +a6s# It is *ere+3 an iss0e o2 *at0rit3 an! a6areness to!a3#

As a 2ina+ oint, as 6e++ as a genera+ asi!e, t&ere &as e*erge! a tren! in t&e '$ st ent0r3, in t&e6ake o2 a++ t&e gro6ing an! ersisting eo+ogia+ ro4+e*s, t&at +ai*s to seek 6&at is a++e! a Green Eono*3-# So*e &a1e e1en !i1i!e! t&is eono*i 1ie6 into setors, in+0!ing a+iations2or rene6a4+e energ3, eo840i+!ings, +ean transortation an! ot&er ategories o2 2o0s# ('> It 6i++4e notie! t&at a++ o2 t&ose a6arenesses an! so0g&t a+iations are genera++3 in +ine 6it& t&etechnical  or sienti2i a6areness erseti1e !is0sse! in t&is essa3#

Sa!+3, as ositi1e as t&e intent o2 t&ese ne6 organi;ations an! 40siness +anners *a3 4e, t&eine22iien3 inherent  to t&e )aita+ist *o!e+ o2 eono*is 8 6it& a++ its nee! 2or ertain 2or*s o2ontri1e! e22iien3- to *aintain itse+2 8 i**e!iate+3 o++0tes an! !ee+3 +i*its a++ s0& atte*ts,6&i& e7+ains 6&3 s0& technical efficiency  aroa&es &a1e sti++ 3et to rea++3 4e a+ie!# T&e sa!rea+it3 is t&at 6&i+e so*e i*ro1e*ent an 4e *a!e, s0& rogress 6i++ 4e in&erent+3 +i*ite! toan e1er8inreasing !egree sine, as !esri4e!, t&e 1er3 str0t0ra+ 4asis o2 t&e 6a3 *arket

)aita+is* 6orks is ati1e+3 oose! to t&e e22iienies in&erent in t&e nat0ra+ +a6 1ie6# T&e on+3+ogia+ so+0tion is to ret&ink t&e entire str0t0re i2 an3 rea+ e22iien3, e+e1ate! roserit3 an!ro4+e* reso+0tion is to 4e a&ie1e! in t&e +ong r0n#


 I 4e+ie1e t&at gree! an! o*etition are not a res0+t o2 i**0ta4+e &0*an te*era*ent I &a1e o*e to t&eon+0sion t&at gree! an! 2ear o2 sarit3 are in 2at 4eing ontin0o0s+3 reate! an! a*+i2ie! as a !iret

res0+t o2 t&e kin! o2 *one3 6e are 0sing###T&e !iret onse50ene is t&at 6e &a1e to 2ig&t 6it& ea& ot&er inor!er to s0r1i1e#- ('C

8ernar! Lietaer

Thought "enesGi1en t&e re+ati1e+3 s+o6 rate o2 &ange o2 t&e &0*an 4eing 6it& reset to 4io+ogia+ e1o+0tion,t&e 1ast soieta+ &anges 6&i& &a1e o0rre! o1er t&e ast ?%%% 3ears o2 reor!e! &istor3 &a1eo0rre! !0e to t&e e1o+0tion o2 kno6+e!ge : &ene 0+t0ra+ e1o+0tion-# I2 6e 6ere to sear& 2or a*e&anis* 2or 0+t0ra+ e1o+0tion, t&e notion o2 t&e *e*e- (' is 0se20+ to onsi!er# De2ine! as an

('> Green Eono*3- Re2" &tt"666#*nn#o*green8te&resear&8inno1ations4+ogs&o68!o83o08!e2ine8t&e8green8eono*3

('C ernar! Lietaer is an eono*ist, a0t&or an! ro2essor *ost nota4+e 2or &is 6ork to &e+ !esign t&e EU 0rren3s3ste*# 0ote 2ro* 9+&U 4agazine, Inter1ie6 6it& ernar! Lietaer, e3on! Gree! an! Sarit3, Sara& 1an Ge+!er.&tt"666#transation#netressinter1ie6s+ietaer%?>#&t*+/

(' Me*e !e2ine! so0re" &tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3*e*e

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i!ea, 4e&a1ior, st3+e, or 0sage t&at srea!s 2ro* erson to erson 6it&in a 0+t0re-, *e*es areonsi!ere! to 4e soio+ogia+ or 0+t0ra+ ana+og0es to genes((%, 6&i& are 20ntiona+ 4io+ogia+<0nits ontro++ing t&e trans*ission an! e7ression o2 one or *ore traits-#

W&i+e genes 4asia++3 trans*it 4io+ogia+ !ata 2ro* erson to erson t&ro0g& &ere!it3, *e*es

trans*it 0+t0ra+ !ata 8 i!eas 8 2ro* erson to erson 1ia &0*an o**0niation in a++ 2or*s#(($

 W&en 6e reogni;e, 2or e7a*+e, t&e o6er o2 te&no+ogia+ a!1ane*ent o1er ti*e an! &o6 it&as !ra*atia++3 &ange! o0r +i2est3+es an! 1a+0es an! 6i++ ontin0e to !o so, 6e an 1ie6 t&iso1era++, e*ergent &eno*enon as an evolution of ideas, 6it& in2or*ation replicating an!mutating, a+tering t&e 0+t0re as ti*e *o1es 2or6ar!#

Gi1en t&is, 6e o0+! gest0ra++3 1ie6 t&e &0*an *enta+ state an! its roensities 2or ation as a2or* o2 program' K0st as genes eno!e a set o2 instr0tions 6&i&, in onert 6it& ot&er genesan! t&e en1iron*ent ro!0e se50entia+ res0+ts, t&e roessing o2 *e*es 43 t&e inte++et0a+aait3 o2 &0*an 4eings, in onert, reate atterns o2 4e&a1ior in a si*i+ar 6a3# W&i+e 2ree 6i++-is ertain+3 a o*+e7 !e4ate to 4e &a! 6it& reset to 6&at at0a++3 triggers an! *ani2ests&0*an !eisions, it is 20n!a*enta++3 +ear t&at eo+es i!eas are +i*ite! 43 t&eir in0te!0ation<# I2 a erson is gi1en +itt+e kno6+e!ge a4o0t t&e 6or+!, t&eir !eision roess 6i++ 4ee50a++3 as +i*ite!#(('

Like6ise, 90st as genes an mutate in 6a3s 6&i& are !etri*enta+ to t&eir &ost, s0& as t&e&eno*enon o2 aner,((( so an *e*es 6it& reset to i!eo+ogia+soio+ogia+ trans*issions,generating *enta+ 2ra*e6orks 6&i& ser1e as !etri*ents to t&e &ost or soiet3<# It is &ere 6&eret&e ter* !isor!er- is intro!0e!# A !isor!er is !e2ine! as a !erange*ent or a4nor*a+it3 o220ntion- ((?# T&ere2ore, 6&en it o*es to soia+ oeration, a !isor!er 6o0+! i*+3 instit0tiona+i;e!i!ea+ogia+ 2ra*e6orks 6&i& are out of alignment  6it& t&e +arger go1erning s3ste*# In ot&er6or!s, t&e3 are inaccurate 6it& reset to t&e onte7t in 6&i& t&e3 atte*t to e7ist, o2tenreating i*4a+ane an! !etri*enta+ !esta4i+i;ation#

O2 o0rse, &istor3 is 20++ o2 initia++3 !esta4i+i;ing, transitioning i!eas an! t&is ongoing inte++et0a+

e1o+0tion is +ear+3 nat0ra+ an! neessar3 to t&e &0*an on!ition as t&ere is no s0& t&ing as an a4so+0te- 0n!erstan!ing# Ho6e1er, t&e !i22erentiation to 4e *a!e &ere is t&e 2at t&at 6&en i!easersist 2or a +ong eno0g& erio!, t&e3 o2ten reate emotional connections on t&e ersona+i!entit3-< +e1e+ an! institutional establishments on t&e 0+t0ra+ +e1e+, 6&i& ten! to eret0ate akin! o2 circular reinforcement, genera++3 resisting &ange an! a!atation#

Reogni;ing o0r inte++et0a+ e1o+0tion as a roess 6it& no en! an! 4eing oen to ne6 in2or*ationto &e+ 4etter a+ign o0rse+1es 2or s0staina4+e raties is +ear+3 a ore et&i nee!e! 4ot& on t&eersona+ an! soia+ +e1e+ i2 6e e7et to kee adapting 2or t&e 4etter in t&e onte7t o2 0+t0ra+e1o+0tion# Sa!+3, t&ere are o6er20+ 0+t0ra+ 2ores 6&i& 6ork against t&is interest in t&e 6or+!to!a3# Str0t0res, 4ot& i!eo+ogia+ an! encoded  in t&e 0rrent soia+ in2rastr0t0re((@ ati1e+3 6ork

((% Gene !e2ine! so0re" &tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3gene

(($ Ri&ar! Da6kins 4ook The &elfish Bene intro!0e! t&e ter* *e*e# Da6kins ites as insiration t&e 6ork o2genetiist L# L# )a1a++i8S2or;a, ant&roo+ogist F# T# )+oak an! et&o+ogist K# M# )0++en#

((' T&e in1erse re+ations&i o2 +itera3kno6+e!ge a0*0+ation to s0erstitio0s 4e+ie2 is +ear# Aor!ing to t&e Unite!Nations Ara4 H0*an De1e+o*ent Reorts, +ess t&an ' o2 Ara4s &a1e aess to t&e Internet# Ara4s reresent @ o2t&e 6or+!s o0+ation an! 3et ro!0e on+3 $ o2 t&e 6or+!s 4ooks, *ost o2 t&e* re+igio0s# Aor!ing to resear&erSa* Harris" Sain trans+ates *ore 4ooks into Sanis& ea& 3ear t&an t&e entire Ara4 6or+! &as trans+ate! into Ara4isine t&e nint& ent0r3#- It is a7io*ati to ass0*e t&at t&e gro6t& o2 t&e Is+a*i Re+igion in Ara4 Nations is se0re! 43a re+ati1e +ak o2 o0tsi!e in2or*ation in t&ose soieties#

((( )aner is a ter* 0se! 2or !iseases in 6&i& a4nor*a+ e++s !i1i!e 6it&o0t ontro+ an! are a4+e to in1a!e ot&er tiss0es#.&tt"666#aner#go1anertoisaner+i4rar36&at8is8aner/

((? Disor!er !e2ine! so0re" &tt"*e!ia+8!itionar3#t&e2ree!itionar3#o*!isor!er((@ To +ari23 t&e notion o2 eno!e!-, t&is re2ers to str0t0ra+ attri40tes s0& as nee!ing, 2or e7a*+e, to o*ete- in

or!er to s0ee! in t&e *arket eono*3# It is 40i+t into t&e s3ste*s 2ra*e6ork, or encoded #

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against t&is ritia+ neessit3 o2 0+t0ra+ a!ation# An ana+og3 6o0+! 4e t&e star1ation o2 o0r4io+ogia+ e++s 43 re*o1ing o73gen 2ro* t&e en1iron*ent : on+3 in t&is ase 6e are restritingo0r 10+nera4i+it3 to learn and adapt, 6it& knowledge 4eing t&e o73gen- 43 6&i& 6e as a seiesare a4+e to so+1e ro4+e*s an! ontin0e rogress#

T&is !isor!er is, as 6i++ 4e !esri4e! , in&erent to t&e Free8Market )aita+ist tra!ition# It is not on+3t&e at0a+ !eisions 4eing *a!e against t&e interests o2 a!atation, kno6ing+3 or not, t&ateret0ate !etri*enta+ e22ets on *an3 +e1e+s : it is a+so t&e value system : t&e e*+o3*ent o2 i!entit3- an! a nor*a+i;e! sense o2 0sto*, 6&i& 4ears a o6er20++3 ro4+e*ati 2ore# T&is iso*o0n!e! e1en *ore so 6&en t&e 0rose ser1e! or aears to 4e ser1e!< 43 s0& intents!iret+3 ties to o0r survival  an! existence# T&ere is not&ing *ore ersona+ to 0s t&an &o6 6e identify  o0rse+1es an! t&e eono*i s3ste* 6e eno*ass is in1aria4+3 a !e2ining 2eat0re o2 o0r*enta+ities an! 6or+!1ie6# I2 t&ere is so*et&ing 6rong 6it& t&is s3ste*, t&en it i*+ies t&ere isso*et&ing 6rong 6it& o0rse+1es, gi1en t&at 6e are t&e ones 6&o eret0ate it#

$alue S)stem Disorder

K0st +ike aner is, in art, an i**0ne s3ste* !isor!er, soio+ogia+ tra!itions 6&i& ersist 6it&e1er8inreasing ro4+e* generation 2or soiet3 o0+! 4e a++e! a value system disorder #((= T&is!isor!er &as to !o 6it& a kin! o2 structured psychology  6&ere ertain ass0*tions &a1e 4eengi1en re!ene o1er ti*e 4ase! *ere+3 on t&eir 0+t0ra+ ersistene, o0+e! 6it& an in&erentreinforcement of itself in oeration' T&e +arger t&e soia+ onte7t o2 t&e !isor!er, o2ten t&e *ore!i22i0+t its reso+0tion, not to *ention *ere reognition itse+2#

On t&e sa+e o2 a soia+ s3ste*, it 4eo*es 1er3 !i22i0+t as t&e soiet3 as a 6&o+e is onstant+34eing on!itione! into t&e !3na*is o2 its o6n 2ra*e6ork, o2ten reating o6er20+ self- preservation reations 6&ene1er its integrit3 is &a++enge!# T&ese, 6&at o0+! 4e a++e! +ose!inte++et0a+ 2ee!4ak *e&anis*s-, are 6&at o*rise t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 arg0*ents in !e2enseo2 o0r 0rrent soioeono*i s3ste*, 90st as t&e3 &a1e in generations rior# In 2at, it aears to4e a genera+ soio+ogia+ tren! sine, again, eo+es 1er3 identity  is in1aria4+3 assoiate! 6it& t&e!o*inant 4e+ie2 s3ste*s an! instit0tions t&e3 are 4orn into#

In t&e 6or!s o2 Ko&n MM0rtr3, Pro2essor E*erit0s o2 P&i+oso&3 at t&e Uni1ersit3 o2 G0e+&,)ana!a" In t&e +ast !ark age, one an sear& t&e in50iries o2 t&is eras reser1e! t&inkers 2ro* A0g0stineto.###/Ok&a*, an! 2ai+ to !iso1er a sing+e age o2 ritiis* o2 t&e esta4+is&e! soia+ 2ra*e6ork,&o6e1er rationa++3 ins0orta4+e 2e0!a+ 4on!age, a4so+0te aterna+is*, !i1ine rig&t o2 kings an!t&e rest *a3 4e# In t&e 0rrent 2ina+ or!er, is it so !i22erentQ )an 6e see in an3 *e!ia or e1en0ni1ersit3 ress a aragra& o2 +ear 0n*asking o2 a g+o4a+ regi*e t&at on!e*ns a t&ir! o2 a++&i+!ren to *a+n0trition 6it& *ore 2oo! t&an eno0g& a1ai+a4+e###Q In s0& a soia+ or!er, t&o0g&t4eo*es in!isting0is&a4+e 2ro* roagan!a# On+3 one !otrine is seaka4+e, an! a riest aste o2its e7erts resri4es t&e neessities an! o4+igations to a++###Soia+ onsio0sness is inarerate!6it&in t&e ro+e o2 a kin! o2 ere*onia+ +ogi, oerating entire+3 6it&in t&e reei1e! 2ra*e6ork o2an e7&a0sti1e+3 resri4e! reg0+ator3 aarat0s roteting t&e ri1i+eges o2 t&e ri1i+ege!#

Met&o!ia+ ensors&i tri0*&s in t&e g0ise o2 s&o+ar+3 rigor, an! t&e on+3 roo* +e2t 2or sear&ingt&o0g&t 4eo*es t&e ga*e o2 o*eting rationa+i;ations#- ((>

S0& reations are a+so o**on 6it& reset to esta4+is&e! raties in sei2i 2ie+!s# Forinstane, Igna; P# Se**e+6eis $C$C 8$C=@<, a H0ngarian &3siian 6&o !iso1ere! t&at0erera+ 2e1er o0+! 4e !rastia++3 0t 43 t&e 0se o2 si*+e &an! 6as&ing stan!ar!s in o4stetria+

((= To +ari23 t&e &rase, t&e ter* Va+0e- re2ers to an et&ia+ re2erene in a ersona+ or 0+t0ra+ sense, genera++3onsi!ere! s049eti1e# It 4eo*es a 4asis 2or ation# For e7a*+e, a erson 6&o 4e+ie1es in a ertain re+igio0s&i+oso&3 *ig&t esta4+is& values in 2a1or o2 ertain 4e&a1iors# A value system is a set o2 onsistent 1a+0es an!*eas0res#

((> The Cancer &tage of Capitalism, Ko&n MM0rtr3, P+0to Press, $, #=

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+inis, essentia++3 2ores&a!o6ing t&e no6 20++3 aete! ger* t&eor3 o2 !isease, 6as s&0nne!,re9ete! an! ri!i0+e! 43 &is 2in!ing# It 6asnt 0nti+ +ong a2ter &is !eat& &is no6 1er3 4asirea+i;ation 6as resete!# To!a3, so*e 0se t&e &rase, T&e Se**e+6eis Re2+e7- as a *eta&or2or t&e re2+e78+ike ten!en3 to re9et ne6 e1i!ene or ne6 kno6+e!ge 4ea0se it ontra!itsesta4+is&e! nor*s, 4e+ie2s or ara!ig*s#((C

O1era++, one a gi1en set o2 i!eas is entr0ste! 43 a +arge eno0g& n0*4er o2 eo+e, it 4eo*es an instit0tion-8 an! one t&at instit0tion is *a!e !o*inant in so*e 6a3, s0& as e7isting 2or aertain erio! o2 ti*e, t&at instit0tion o0+! t&en 4e onsi!ere! an esta4+is&*ent-# Instit0tiona+esta4+is&*ents- are si*+3 soia+ tra!itions gi1en t&e i++0sion o2 er*anene an! t&e +onger t&e3ersist, o2ten t&e stronger t&e !e2ense o2 t&eir rig&t to e7ist 43 t&e *a9orit3 o2 0+t0re#

I2 6e e7a*ine t&e instit0tiona+ esta4+is&*ents 6e take 2or grante! to!a3 : 2ro* *aros3ste*attri40tes s0& as t&e 2inania+ s3ste*, t&e +ega+ s3ste*, t&e o+itia+ s3ste* an! *a9or re+igio0ss3ste*s : to *iros3ste* attri40tes s0& as *ateria+is*, *arriage, e+e4rit3, et# : 6e *0stre*in! o0rse+1es t&at none o2 t&ese i!eas are at0a++3 real in t&e &3sia+ sense# T&ese arete*ora+ meme structures 6e &a1e reate! to ser1e o0r 0roses gi1en on!itions at ertainoints in ti*e an! no *atter &o6 *0& 6e e*otiona++3 attach to s0& iss0es no *atter &o6+arge an instit0tion *a3 4eo*e no *atter &o6 *an3 eo+e *a3 4e+ie1e in s0& instit0tions 8t&e3 are sti++ impositions of thought  an! transient 43 nat0re#

So, o*ing 4ak to t&e onte7t &ere o2 t&e value system disorder, t&e Free8Market )aita+ists3ste*, 6&i+e arg0a4+3 4eing !ee+3 !eo0+e! 2ro* &3sia+ rea+it3 an! a root so0re o2 t&e 1ast*a9orit3 o2 t&e soia+ 6oes in t&e 6or+! to!a3, kees itse+2 in +ae t&ro0g& a set o2 culturally  reinforced values an! power establishments 0on 6&i& t&e soiet3 is 0+ti*ate+3 on!itione! an!genera++3 in+ine! to !e2en!# T&is is *a!e inreasing+3 o6er20+ in its ers0asion sine t&e!o*inant 1a+0e s3ste* !isor!er at &an! to!a3 is 4orn o0t o2 ass0*tions re+ating to ritia+human survival  itse+2#

Characteristics of Patholog)

In or!er to ritia++3 e1a+0ate an e7isting 2ra*e6ork o2 t&o0g&t, a 4asi, *0t0a++3 aete!4en&*ark nee!s to 4e generate!# )0+t0ra+ Re+ati1is*- (( is an ant&roo+ogia+ notion t&at re2ersto t&e 2at t&at !i22erent 0+t0ra+ gro0s generate !i22erent eretions o2 tr0t&- or rea+it3-# Mora+ Re+ati1is*-,(?% 6&i& is a si*i+ar notion, &as to !o 6it& t&e 1ariane o2 6&at is onsi!ere! orret- or et&ia+-# O1er t&e o0rse o2 &0*an &istor3, t&ese !istintions &a1e 4eo*einreasing+3 narro6 sine t&e scientific revolution o2 a0sa+ t&o0g&t, 2ro* t&e Renaissane on6ar!,&as inreasing+3 re!0e! t&e re+ati1e integrit3- o2 1ario0s 4e+ie2s#T&e 2at is, 4e+ie2s are not e%ual  in t&eir 1a+i!it3# So*e are *ore tr0e t&an ot&ers an! &ene so*eare *ore !3s20ntiona+ t&an ot&ers in t&e onte7t o2 rea+ +i2e# T&e sienti2i *et&o! o2 arri1ing aton+0sions is t&e 0+ti*ate 4en&*ark 0on 6&i& t&e integrit3 o2 &0*an 1a+0es an 4e *eas0re!an! t&is *o!ern rea+it3 !e*3sti2ies t&e o**on re+ati1is*- !e2ense o2 s049eti1e &0*an 4e+ie2#It is not a4o0t rig&t- an! 6rong- 40t 6&at works or doesn5t work # T&e integrit3 o2 o0r 1a+0es an!4e+ie2s is on+3 as goo! as &o6 a+igne! t&e3 are 6it& t&e nat0ra+ 6or+!# T&is is t&e common ground  

6&i& 6e a++ s&are#

T&is onet ties in !iret+3 6it& s0staina4i+it3 in t&e 4roa! onte7t o2 &0*an s0r1i1a+ itse+2 as as0staina4+e soia+ s3ste* nat0ra++3 *0st &a1e sustainable values to 2ai+itate an! eret0ate t&estr0t0re# Un2ort0nate+3, t&e e1o+0tionar3 4aggage o2 o0r 0+t0ra+ &istor3 &as *aintaine! 1a+0estr0t0res 6&i& are so o6er20+, 3et so +ear+3 !eo0+e! 2ro* rea+it3, t&at o0r ersona+ an!

((C Genera+ 4iogra&3 o2 Igna; P# Se**e+6eis" &tt"se**e+6eis#orga4o0t!r8se**e+6eis84iogra&3(( )0+t0ra+ Re+ati1is*- is a rini+e t&at 6as esta4+is&e! as a7io*ati in ant&roo+ogia+ resear& 43 Fran; oas in t&e

2irst 2e6 !ea!es o2 t&e '%t& ent0r3#(?% Si*i+ar to )0+t0ra+ Re+ati1is*-, Mora+ Re+ati1is*- is genera++3 !e2ine! as" an3 o2 se1era+ &i+oso&ia+ ositions

onerne! 6it& t&e !i22erenes in *ora+ 90!g*ents aross !i22erent eo+e an! 0+t0res#-

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soieta+ ass0*tions o2 &ainess, s0ess an! rogress itse+2 ontin0e to 4e !ee+3 er1erte!an! e7ist in !isor!ane 6it& t&e go1erning +a6s o2 o0r &a4itat an! &0*an nat0re# T&e &0*an4eing in!ee! &as a common nature an! 6&i+e not&ing aears $%% 0ni1ersa+ aross t&e seies,ertain ress0res an! stressors an generate, on a1erage, serio0s 04+i &ea+t& ro4+e*s# (?$ Like6ise, i2 o0r 1a+0es s0ort 4e&a1iors 6&i& are not in aor!ane 6it& o0r physical

sustainability  on t&e +anet Eart&, t&en nat0ra++3 6e an e7et e1er inreasing ro4+e*s on t&aten1iron*enta+ +e1e+ as 6e++#(?'

T&e !o*inant 1a+0e s3ste* 6&i& t&e )aita+ist soioeono*i *o!e+ eret0ates is arg0a4+3!ee+3 pathological  to t&e &0*an on!ition as t&e *e&anis*s re+ate! to s0r1i1a+ an! genera+re6ar! o*o0n! e*otiona+ atta&*ents an! 2or*s o2 se+28reser1ation 6&i& are essentia++3roote! in a kin! o2  primitive desperation and fear # T&e 20n!a*enta+ et&os is t&at o2 an anti8soia+,sarit3 !ri1en ress0re 6&i& 2ores a++ +a3ers o2 t&e ga*e to 4e genera++3 e7+oitati1e an!antagonisti 4ot& o2 ot&ers an! t&e &a4itat# It a+so &as 40i+t8in ress0res to a1oi! soia++3 easinginterests !0e to a res0+ting +oss o2 ro2it,(?( 20rt&ering t&is stress8in!0e! e*otiona+ !isarit3# T&eres0+t is a 1iio0s 3+e o2 genera+ a40se, narro68*in!e! se+2is&ness, an! soia+ an!en1iron*enta+ !isregar!#

O2 o0rse, &istoria++3, t&ese a0sti &arateristis are 0s0a++3 !e2en!e! as si*+3 t&e 6a3 it is- 8as t&o0g& o0r e1o+0tionar3 s3&o+og3 *0st 4e st0k in t&is state# In 2at, i2 t&e to0te!s3&o+ogia+ !otrines o2 tra!itiona+ *arket t&eor3 &o+! tr0e Neo+assia+ Uti+itarianis*-<regar!ing o0r aarent +i*its 6it& reset to a 6orka4+e- soia+ str0t0re, t&en i*4a+ane,en1iron*enta+ !estr0tion, oression, 1io+ene, t3rann3, ersona+it3 !isor!ers, 6ar2are,e7+oitation, se+2is& gree!, 1ain *ateria+is*, o*etition an! ot&er s0& !i1isi1e, in&0*ane an!!esta4i+i;ing rea+ities are si*+3 inalterable an! t&ere2ore t&e 6&o+e o2 soiet3 s&o0+! !o not&ing40t work around  s0& ine1ita4i+ities 6it& 6&ate1er ontro+s- 6e an 0t in +ae to *anage-t&ese rea+ities o2 t&e &0*an on!ition# It is as t&o0g& t&e &0*an 4eing is !ee*e! to &a1e ase1ere, in0ra4+e *enta+ !isor!er : a 2ir* retar!ation 8 6&i& si*+3 annot 4e o1ero*e, soe1er3t&ing in soiet3 *0st 4e a+tere! aro0n! it in an atte*t to !ea+ 6it& it#

Jet, t&e *ore 6e +i1e as &0*an 4eings t&e *ore &istor3 6e are a4+e to see o2 o0rse+1es o1ergenerationa+ ti*e t&e *ore 6e are a4+e to o*are t&e 4e&a1iors o2 !i22erent 0+t0res aross t&e6or+! an! aross &istor3 : t&e *ore +ear it 4eo*es t&at o0r &0*an aait3 is 4eing inhibited  !iret+3 43 an ar&ai re6ar! an! s0r1i1a+ str0t0re 6&i& ontin0es to rein2ore ri*iti1e,!eserate 1a+0es an! 6&i+e s0& 1a+0es *ig&t &a1e ser1e! a ositi1e e1o+0tionar3 ro+e in t&e ast,t&e resent an! 2ores&a!o6e! 20t0re arg0a4+3 +a3s t&ese 4e&a1iora+ atterns 4are as !etri*enta+an! 0ns0staina4+e, as t&is o1era++ te7t &as e7resse! at +engt&#

Self!Preser.ation Paral)sis

W&i+e ea& o2 0s genera++3 6is&es to s0r1i1e an! !o so in a &ea+t&3 state, nat0ra++3 reare! to!e2en! t&at s0r1i1a+ 6&en nee! 4e, self-preservation in t&e 0rrent soioeono*i on!ition0nneessari+3 e7ten!s t&is ten!en3 in 6a3s t&at se1ere+3 in&i4it soia+ rogress an! ro4+e*reso+0tion# In 2at, it o0+! 4e sai! t&at t&is s&ort8ter* reser1ation o0rs o2ten at t&e ost o2

(?$ P+ease see t&e rior essa3" De2ining P04+i Hea+t&- (?' A genera+ e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&e consumer values re1a+ent in t&e 6or+! to!a3# T&e at o2 inreasing o6ners&i is

o**on as *ore roert3 is e50ate! to inrease! s0ess an! *ore ons0*tion is re+ate! to eono*i gro6t&# Jet,s0& an 0n8onser1ati1e et&i an 4e onsi!ere! 0n8s0staina4+e gi1en 6e +i1e on a finite planet  6it& finite resources# In2at, it &as 4een arg0e! 43 *an3 t&at t&e stan!ar! o2 +i1ing- o2 t&e Unite! States 6o0+! 4e, in t&e 0rrent s&e*e o2t&ings, te&nia++3 i*ossi4+e to e7ten! to t&e rest o2 t&e 6or+!# Aor!ing to so*e s0r1e3s" H0*anit3 is no6 0singreso0res an! ro!0ing ar4on !io7i!e at a rate @% erent 2aster t&an t&e Eart& an s0stain###- . More"&tt"666#40siness84io!i1ersit3#e0!e2a0+t#asQMen0e?BNe6s'(( B&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*'%$$%=%Coinion%C2rie!*an#&t*+ /

(?( It s&o0+! 4e 0n!erstoo! t&at t&e *ore ro4+e*s in t&e 6or+!, t&e *ore t&ere is to ser1ie an! aita+i;e 0on# T&e*ore tr0e ro4+e* reso+0tion, t&e +ess aait3 t&ere is to aita+i;e an! &ene +ess to *aintain or inrease eono*igro6t&#

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long-term integrity'T&e *ost o41io0s e7a*+e o2 t&is &as to !o 6it& t&e 20n!a*enta+ nat0re o2 seeking an!*aintaining income, t&e +i2e 4+oo! o2 t&e *arket s3ste* an!, 43 e7tension, &0*an s0r1i1a+# Onea 40siness s0ee!s in gaining *arket s&are, t3ia++3 s0orting e*+o3ees a+ong 6it& t&eo6ners, t&e 40siness nat0ra++3 gra1itates to an interest to preserve t&at ino*e generating

*arket s&are at a++ osts# Dee 1a+0e assoiations are generate! sine t&e 40siness is not 90st anar4itrar3 entit3 t&at ro!0es a goo! or ser1ie 8 it is no6 a *eans o2 life support  2or e1er3onein1o+1e!#

T&e res0+t is a onstant, soia++3 !e4i+itating 4att+e, not on+3 6it& t&e o*etitors 6&o a+so seekt&e sa*e ons0*er *arket, 40t 6it& innovation an! change itse+2# W&i+e te&no+ogia+ rogress isa onstant, 2+0i! rogression on t&e sienti2i +e1e+, t&e *arket eono*3 sees t&is e*ergene as at&reat in t&e onte7t o2 e7isting, 0rrent+3 ro2ita4+e i!eas# Vast +e1e+s o2 &istoria+ orr0tion-,arte+ an! *onoo+3 generation an! ot&er !e2ensi1e *o1es o2 e7isting 40sinesses an 4e 2o0n!t&ro0g&o0t &istor3, ea& at 6orking to se0re ino*e ro!0tion regar!+ess o2 t&e soia+ osts# (??

Anot&er e7a*+e &as to !o 6it& t&e s3&o+ogia+ ne0rosis 40i+t o0t o2 t&e re!it84ase! re6ar!inenti1e in&erent to t&e *arket s3ste*# W&i+e it is inte++et0a++3 +ear t&at no sing+e ersonin1ents an3t&ing gi1en t&e rea+it3 t&at a++ kno6+e!ge is serially  generate! an! in1aria4+3cumulative o1er ti*e, t&e *arket eono*3s &arateristi o2 o6ners&i- reates a ten!en3 noton+3 to re!0e in2or*ation 2+o6 1ia atents an! tra!e serets-, it a+so rein2ores t&e i!ea o2 inte++et0a+ roert3-, !esite t&e tr0e 2a++a3 o2 t&e notion itse+2#

On t&e 1a+0e s3ste* +e1e+, t&is &as *0tate! into t&e notion o2 re!it- entit+e*ent an! &eneo2ten ego- assoiations to resente! i!eas or in1entions-# In t&e 6or+! to!a3, t&is &eno*enon&as taken a +i2e o2 its o6n 6it& a ten!en3 2or *an3 6&o ontri40te o2ten seeking stat0s e+e1ating re!it- 2or t&e i!ea, e1en t&o0g& t&e3 are, again, +ear+3 art o2 a ontin00* +arger t&ant&e*se+1es# W&i+e areiation 2or t&e ti*e an! +a4or o2 a gi1en erson 6orking to6ar!s t&erogress o2 an i!ea is a ro!0ti1e soia+ inenti1e an! 20n!a*enta+ to o0r sense o2 0rose ination, t&e er1ersion o2 inte++et0a+ o6ners&i an! a++ its ontri1e! attri40tes e7ten! t&is oerant

satis2ation into !istortion#

In 2at, on t&e +argest sa+e o2 kno6+e!ge 0+*ination, s0& ats o2 areiation- ine1ita4+34eo*e irre+e1ant in t&e *e*or3 o2 &istor3# To!a3, 2or instane, 6&en 6e 0se a *o!ern o*0terto assist o0r +i1es, 6e se+!o* t&ink a4o0t t&e t&o0san!s o2 3ears o2 inte++et0a+ st0!3 t&at!iso1ere! t&e ore sienti2i !3na*is re+ate!, nor t&e enor*o0s a*o0nt o2 0*0+ati1e ti*esent 43 1irt0a++3 o0nt+ess eo+e to 2ai+itate t&e in1ention- o2 s0& a too+, in its 0rrent 2or*#

It is on+3 in t&e onte7t o2 manifest ego an! monetary reward security  t&at t&is 4eo*es a nat0ra+- 1a+0e iss0e 6it& reset to t&e *arket s3ste*# I2 eo+e !o not +ai* re!it-, t&e3 6i++not 4e re6ar!e! an! &ene t&e3 6i++ not gain s0r1i1a+ 2ro* t&at ontri40tion in t&e *arket# So,t&e on!ition &as o*o0n!e! t&is ne0rosis 6&i& is in1aria4+3 sti2+ing to6ar!s rogress 1ia t&es&aring o2 kno6+e!ge#

F0rt&er*ore, !isor!ers assoiate! 6it& *arket se+28reser1ation- an take *an3 ot&er 2or*s,in+0!ing t&e 0se o2 go1ern*ent as a too+(?@, t&e o++0tion o2 aa!e*ia an! in2or*ation itse+2 (?= 

(?? A 6e++ esta4+is&e! e7a*+e o2 in&i4ite! rogress 2or t&e *aintaining o2 e7isting ro2it esta4+is&*ents 6as t&es0ess20+ e22ort *a!e 43 t&e oi+ in!0str3 an!, 43 e7tension, t&e US go1ern*ent to s+o6 rogress to6ar! 20++3 e+etri1e&i+es in t&e $%s# .S0ggeste! 1ie6ing" W&o i++e! t&e E+etri )arQ-"&tt"666#i*!4#o*tit+ett%?C%(>s3nosis/

(?@ )ororate Lo443ing, 43 its 1er3 nat0re, is a *eans to 0se *one3 to in2+0ene o+itia+ !eisions# S0ggeste! Rea!ing" )ororate Lo443ists T&reaten De*ora3-, K0+io Go!o3, IPS" .&tt"666#isne6s#net'%$'%Cororate8+o443ists8t&reaten8!e*ora3/

(?= A 0ni50e e7a*+e o2 t&is 6as t&e '%%> ase in 6&i& Miroso2t )ororation, !issatis2ie! 6it& t&e in2or*ation on t&e

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sine e!0ationa+ instit0tions are s0orte! 43 ino*e as 6e++<, an! e1en o**on interersona+re+ations&is#(?> T&e 2ear in&erent to t&e +oss o2 +i1e+i&oo! nat0ra++3 o1erri!es a+*ost e1er3t&ingan! e1en t&e *ost et&ia+- or *ora+- erson, 6&en 2ae! 6it& t&e risk o2 non8s0r1i1a+, an0s0a++3 90sti23 ations t&at 6o0+! 4e tra!itiona++3 a++e! orr0t-# T&is ress0re is onstant an! ist&e so0re, in art, o2 t&e 1ast o8a++e! ri*ina+it3- an! soia+ ara+3sis 6e see to!a3#

Com*etition? E<*loitation and Class Warfare

0i+!ing on t&e rior oint, e7+oitation, 6&i& is in&erent to t&e o*etiti1e 2ra*e o2 *in!, &aser*eate! t&e 1er3 ore o2 6&at it *eans to s0ee!- in genera+# We see t&is taking a!1antage-r&etori in *an3 2aets o2 o0r +i1es# T&e at o2 *ani0+ation an! e7+oitation 2or o*etiti1e gain&as 4eo*e an 0n!er+3ing 2ore in *o!ern 0+t0re, e7ten!ing 2ar 4e3on! t&e onte7t o2 t&e*arket s3ste*#

T&e attit0!e o2 seeing ot&ers an! t&e 6or+! as *ere+3 a *eans 2or onese+2 or a arti0+ar gro0 to on50er- an! kee a&ea! o2 is no6 a !ri1ing s3&o+ogia+ !istortion to 4e 2o0n! in ro*antire+ations&is, 2rien!s&is, 2a*i+3 str0t0res, nationa+is* an! e1en &o6 6e re+ate to t&e &a4itat 6ee7ist 6it&in 8 6&ere 6e seek to e7+oit an! !isregar! t&e &3sia+ en1iron*ents reso0res 2ors&ort ter* ersona+ gain an! a!1antage# A++ e+e*ents o2 o0r +i1es are neessari+3 1ie6e! 2ro* t&eerseti1e o2 6&at an I get o0t o2 it ersona++3Q- 

A st0!3 er2or*e! at t&e Deart*ent o2 Ps3&o+og3 at t&e Uni1ersit3 o2 )a+i2ornia, erke+e3, in'%$$ 2o0n! t&at" ###0er8+ass in!i1i!0a+s 4e&a1e *ore 0net&ia++3 t&an +o6er8+ass in!i1i!0a+s###0er8+assin!i1i!0a+s 6ere *ore +ike+3 to 4reak t&e +a6 6&i+e !ri1ing, re+ati1e to +o6er8+ass in!i1i!0a+s# In2o++o680 +a4orator3 st0!ies, 0er8+ass in!i1i!0a+s 6ere *ore +ike+3 to e7&i4it 0net&ia+ !eision8*aking ten!enies, take 1a+0e! goo!s 2ro* ot&ers, +ie in a negotiation, &eat to inrease t&eir&anes o2 6inning a ri;e, an! en!orse 0net&ia+ 4e&a1ior at 6ork t&an 6ere +o6er8+assin!i1i!0a+s# Me!iator an! *o!erator !ata !e*onstrate! t&at 0er8+ass in!i1i!0a+s 0net&ia+ten!enies are ao0nte! 2or, in art, 43 t&eir *ore 2a1ora4+e attit0!es to6ar! gree!#- (?C

St0!ies o2 t&is nat0re are 1er3 interesting as t&e3 re1ea+ t&at t&e o**on &0*an nat0rearg0*ent in its e7tre*e onte7t, t&at o2 eo+e ine1ita4+3 4eing o*etiti1e an! e7+oitati1e-,6&en !e2en!ing t&e 0rrent soia+ s3ste*, is 43asse!# )+ass re+ations&is are not genetire+ations&is, e1en t&o0g& t&e n0anes o2 in!i1i!0a+ roensities o0+! 4e arg0e!# T&is st0!3e7resses a 0+t0ra+ &eno*enon o1era++ sine it is a7io*ati to ass0*e t&at t&e genera+ attit0!eo2 !isregar! 2or e7terna+ negati1e onse50enes, or so8a++e! 0net&ia+ 4e&a1ior e7resse! 43t&e 0er +ass, is a res0+t o2 t&e t3e o2 values nee!e! to a&ie1e t&e osition o2 at0a++3 *akingit to t&e 0er +ass-#(? 

In o**on oeti r&etori, t&is int0ition &as &e+! tr0e 2or ent0ries, 6it& t&e o4ser1ation t&att&ose 6&o a&ie1e s0ess- in t&e 40siness sense, are o2ten !esensiti;e!- an! r0t&+ess-# T&ereaears to 4e a genera+ loss of empathy 43 t&ose 6&o a&ie1e s0& s0ess- an! it is int0iti1e+3o41io0s 6&3 t&is is t&e ase, gi1en t&e 1a+0e s3ste* !isor!er o2 competitive disregard  in&erent to

t&e *arket s3ste* s3&o+og3# O1era++, t&e *ore aring an! e*at&i 3o0 are, t&e +ess +ike+3 3o0are to s0ee! 2inania++3 8 no !i22erent 2ro* a genera+ sort 6&ere 3o0 are not going to &e+ an

04+i en3+oe!ia Wikie!ia- 6orke! to &ire an e!itor to &ange t&e 04+i in2or*ation in t&eir 2a1or# .4icrosoft0ffers Cash for :ikipedia +ditA &tt"666#6as&ingtonost#o*68!3nontentarti+e'%%>%$'(AR'%%>%$'(%$%'@#&t*+/

(?> A st0!3 43 a )onneti0t 6ea+t& *anage*ent 2ir* s&o6e! t&at *an3 6i++ get *arrie! si*+3 2or *one3, 6it& t&ea1erage Yrie t&at eo+e 6o0+! *arr3 2or 4eing aro0n! b$#@ *i++ion# .&tt"666#3o0rtango#o*'%%>'>>Cs0r1e38*ost8eo+e86o0+!8*arr382or8*one3/

(?C See St0!3" igher social class predicts increased unethical behavior, Pi22a, Stanatoa, )ct[4, Men!o;a8Dentona,Da&er e+tnera, Uni1ersit3 o2 Mi&igan, '%$' .&tt"666#nas#orgontentear+3'%$'%''$$$$C(>($%/

(? Re2" Ho6 Wea+t& Re!0es )o*assion-, Dais3 Gre6a+, &cientific .merican, '%$'MhttpA22www'scientificamerican'com2article'cfmGidVhow-wealth-reduces-compassion

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oosing +a3er a&ie1e t&eir goa+s 2or it *eans 3o0 are *ore +ike+3 to +ose#

O1era++, t&e +o6er +asses are 2o0n! to 4e *ore soia++3 &0*ane in *an3 6a3s# For e7a*+e, it&as a+so 4een 2o0n! t&at t&e oor gi1e a &ig&er erentage o2 t&eir ino*e ?#(< to &arit3 t&anri& eo+e '#$<# A '%$% st0!3 2o0n! t&at" ###+o6er +ass in!i1i!0a+s ro1e! to 4e *ore

genero0s.###/&arita4+e.###/tr0sting.###/an! &e+20+.###/o*are! 6it& t&eir 0er +asso0nterarts# Me!iator an! *o!erator !ata s&o6e! t&at +o6er +ass in!i1i!0a+s ate! in a *orerosoia+ 2as&ion 4ea0se o2 a greater o**it*ent to ega+itarian 1a+0es an! 2ee+ings o2o*assion# I*+iations 2or soia+ +ass, rosoia+ 4e&a1ior, an! eono*i ine50a+it3 are!is0sse!#- (@% (@$

A st0!3 on!0te! 43 t&e Chronicle of "hilanthropy  0sing ta78!e!0tion !ata 2ro* t&e Interna+Re1en0e Ser1ie, s&o6e! t&at &o0se&o+!s earning 4et6een b@%,%%% an! b>@,%%% 3ear gi1e ana1erage o2 >#= o2 t&eir !isretionar3 ino*e to &arit3# T&at o*ares to ?#' 2or eo+e 6&o*ake b$%%,%%% or *ore# In so*e o2 t&e 6ea+t&iest neig&4or&oo!s, 6it& a +arge s&are o2 eo+e*aking b'%%,%%% or *ore a 3ear, t&e a1erage gi1ing rate 6as '#C# (@' (@(

Success - Status

Un!er+3ing t&e )aita+ist *o!e+ is an i*+ie! ass0*tion t&at t&ose 6&o ontri40te t&e *ost *0stgain t&e *ost# In ot&er 6or!s, it is ass0*e! t&at to 4eo*e sa3, a 4i++ionaire, 3o0 *0st &a1e!one so*et&ing i*ortant an! &e+20+ 2or soiet3# O2 o0rse, t&is is +ear+3 0ntr0e# T&e 1ast*a9orit3 o2 e7tre*e+3 6ea+t&3 eo+e originate t&eir 6ea+t& o0t o2 *e&anis*s 6&i& are notsoia++3 ontri40ti1e on an3 !iret, reati1e +e1e+ 6&en 4roken !o6n an! ana+3;e!#(@?

T&e at o2 engineering, ro4+e* so+1ing an! reati1e inno1ation a+*ost a+6a3s o0rs on t&e +e1e+o2 t&e +a4orer in t&e +o6er e&e+ons o2 t&e ororate o*+e7, on+3 to 4e aita+i;e! 0on 43 t&oseat t&e to o6ners< 6&o are ski++e! at t&e ontri1e! ga*e o2 generating a *arket-# T&is is not to!iso0nt t&e inte++igene or &ar! 6ork o2 t&ose 6&o &o+! 1ast 6ea+t&, 40t to s&o6 t&at t&e re6ar!so2 t&e s3ste* are !is+ae!, a++oate! to t&ose 6&o exploit  t&e *e&anis*s o2 t&e *arket, nott&ose 6&o actually  engineer an! reate# In 2at, one o2 t&e *ost re6ar!e! setors o2 t&e g+o4a+

eono*3 to!a3 is t&at o2 in1est*ent an! 2inane#(@@

 T&is is a +assi e7a*+e as to 4e a &e!ge20n!- *anager, *o1ing *one3 aro0n! 2or t&e *ere sake or gaining *ore *one3, 6it& ;eroontri40tion to reati1e !e1e+o*ent,(@= is one o2 t&e &ig&est ai! o0ations in t&e 6or+! to!a3#

Like6ise, t&e 1er3 notion o2 s0ess- in t&e 0+t0re to!a3 is *eas0re! 43 *ateria+ 6ea+t&, in an!o2 itse+2# Fa*e, o6er an! ot&er gest0res o2 attention go &an! in &an! 6it& *ateria+ 6ea+t&# To 4eoor is to 4e a4&orre!, 6&i+e to 4e ri& is to 4e a!*ire!# Aross a+*ost t&e entire soia+ setr0*,t&ose o2 &ig& +e1e+s o2 6ea+t& are treate! 6it& i**ense reset# Part o2 t&is &as to !o 6it& as3ste*8oriente! s0r1i1a+ *e&anis*, s0& as t&e ersona+ interest in gaining insig&t into &o6 to  also 4eo*e s0& a s0ess- 8 40t o1era++ it &as *or&e! into a strange 2etis& 6&ere t&e i!ea o24eing ri&, o6er20+ an! 2a*o0s, 43 6&ate1er *eans neessar3, is a g0i!ing 2ore#

(@% Ha1ing Less, Gi1ing More" T&e In2+0ene o2 Soia+ )+ass on Prosoia+ e&a1ior-, #ournal of "ersonality and &ocial"sychology, '%$%, Vo+# , No# @, >>$:>C?, '%$' .&tt"666#rot*an#0toronto#a&!2i+ePi22eta+#!2/

(@$ Re2" &tudyA "oor .re 4ore Charitable Than The :ealthy, NPR, '%$' .&tt"666#nr#orgte*+atesstor3stor3#&Qstor3I!$'%=C'?$/

(@' Re2" The $ich .re )ess Charitable Than the 4iddle ClassA &tudy , )N), '%$' .&tt"666#n4#o*i!?C>'@$?>/(@( Re2" A*erias oor are its *ost genero0s gi1ers-, Frank Gre1eM)Lat&3 ana+3sis, '%%

.&tt"666#*+at&3!#o*'%%%@$=C?@=a*erias8oor8are8its8*ost8genero0s#&t*+/(@? S0ggeste! Rea!ing" The +ngineers and the "rice &ystem, T&orstein Ve4+en, $'$(@@ Re2" T&e ?% Hig&est8Earning He!ge F0n! Managers-, Nat&an Var!i, Dorbes

M &tt"666#2or4es#o*sitesnat&an1ar!i'%$'%(%$t&e8?%8&ig&est8earning8&e!ge820n!8*anagers8(/(@= T&ere is a o**on arg0*ent t&at t&e 2inania+ setor is re+e1ant to in!0stria+ ro!0tion 4ea0se it 2ai+itates t&e

aita+ 43 6&i& ro!0tion is originate! 43 in1est*ent# Ho6e1er, t&at 2ai+itation is a ontri1ane sine t&e at o2ro!0tion in &3sia+ rea+it3, a4sent t&e )aita+ist *o!e+, &as not&ing to !o 6it& *one3 or in1est*ent at a++ : it &as to!o 6it& e!0ation, reso0res an! engineering# In1est*ent an! 2inane is not real as it !oes not ro!0e 8 it is notnee!e! 6it& reset to t&e rea+ o*onents o2 ro!0tion#

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T&e 1a+0e s3ste* !isor!er o2 re6ar!ing, in e22et, genera++3 t&e *ost r0t&+ess an! se+2is& in o0rsoiet3, 4ot& 43 2inania+ *eans an! t&en 43 04+i a!oration an! reset, is one o2 t&e *oster1asi1e an! insi!io0s onse50enes o2 t&e inenti1e s3ste* in&erent to t&e )aita+ist *o!e+# Itnot on+3 6orks to 43ass tr0e interests in t3es o2 inno1ation an! ro4+e*8so+1ing 6&i&in&erent+3 !o not &a1e *onetar3 ret0rn, it a+so rein2ores t&e *arket s3ste*s own existence,

 90sti23ing itse+2 43 6a3 o2 &ig& stat0s attain*ent 2or t&ose 6&o 6in- in t&e s3ste*, regar!+ess o2tr0e ontri40tion or t&e soia+ an! en1iron*enta+ osts#

Soio+ogist T&orstein Ve4+en 6rote e7tensi1e+3 on t&is iss0e, re2erring to t&is 1a+0e 1irt0e- as predatory " As t&e re!ator3 0+t0re rea&es a 20++er !e1e+o*ent, t&ere o*es a !istintion 4et6eene*+o3*ents###T&e &onora4+e- *an *0st not on+3 s&o6 aait3 2or re!ator3 e7+oit, 40t &e*0st a+so a1oi! entang+e*ent 6it& o0ations t&at !o not in1o+1e e7+oit# T&e ta*ee*+o3*ents, t&ose t&at in1o+1e no o41io0s !estr0tion o2 +i2e an! no seta0+ar oerion o2re2rator3 antagonists, 2a++ into !isre0te an! are re+egate! to t&ose *e*4ers o2 t&e o**0nit36&o are !e2eti1e in t&e re!ator3 aait3 t&at is to sa3, t&ose 6&o are +aking *assi1eness,agi+it3, or 2eroit3###T&ere2ore t&e a4+e84o!ie! 4ar4arian o2 t&e re!ator3 0+t0re, 6&o is *in!20+ o2&is goo! na*e###0ts in &is ti*e in t&e *an+3 arts o2 6ar an! !e1otes &is ta+ents to !e1ising 6a3san! *eans o2 !ist0r4ing t&e eae# T&at 6a3 +ies &onor#- (@>

Wi++ia* T&o*son, in &is .n In%uiry into the "rinciples of the *istribution of :ealth 4ostConducive to uman appiness restates t&e rea+it3 o2 t&is assoiati1e in2+0ene" O0r ne7t osition is, t&at e7essi1e 6ea+t& excites the admiration and the imitation, and in thisway diffuses the practice of the vices of the rich, amongst the rest of the communityP or producesin them other vices arising out of their relative situation to the excessively rich' On t&is oint,not&ing is *ore o41io0s t&an t&e 0ni1ersa+ oeration o2 t&e *ost o**on rini+e o2 o0r nat0re: t&at o2 assoiation# T&e 6ea+t&, as a *eans o2 &ainess.###/is a!*ire! or en1ie! 43 a++ t&e*anner an! &arater onnete! 6it& t&e a40n!ane o2 t&ese goo! t&ings, a+6a3s strike t&e *in!in on90ntion 6it& t&e*###-#(@C

)+asses an! +ass 6ar2are are a nat0ra+ o0tgro6t& o2 t&is as t&e 1a+0e assoiations to 6ea+t& an!o6er, *ani2est 43 t&e 0rrent s3ste*, 4eo*e an iss0e o2 emotional identity  o1er ti*e# T&estat0s8interest 4egins to take on a +i2e o2 its o6n an! it generates ations o2 se+28reser1ation ont&e art o2 t&e 0er +ass 6&i& seek to *aintain or e+e1ate< t&eir stat0s in 6a3s t&at *ig&t note1en re+ate to *one3 or *ateria+ 6ea+t& an3*ore# Se+28reser1ation, in t&is ase, e7ten!s to akin! o2 drug addiction# K0st as a &roni ga*4+er nee!s t&e en!or&in r0s& o2 6inning to 2ee+goo!, t&ose in t&e 0er +ass o2ten !e1e+o si*i+ar o*0+sions in re+ations&i to t&e state o2t&eir erei1e! stat0s an! 6ea+t&#

T&e ter* gree!- is o2ten 0se! to !i22erentiate 4et6een t&ose 6&o e7+oit *o!est+3 an! t&ose 6&oe7+oit e7essi1e+3# Gree! is &ene a re+ati1e notion, 90st as 4eing ri&- is a re+ati1e notion# T&eter* Re+ati1e Deri1ation- (@ re2ers to t&e !isontent eo+e 2ee+ 6&en t&e3 o*are t&eirositions to ot&ers an! rea+i;e t&at t&e3 &a1e +ess o2 6&at t&e3 believe t&e*se+1es to 4e entit+e!

to# T&is s3&o+ogia+ &eno*enon kno6s no en! an! 6it&in t&e onte7t o2 t&e *ateria+ s0essinenti1e s3ste* o2 )aita+is*, its resene as a se1ere 1a+0e s3ste* !isor!er is aarent on t&e+e1e+ o2 *enta+ &ea+t&#

W&i+e *aintaining a nee!s8*eeting, 50a+it3 stan!ar! o2 +i1ing is i*ortant 2or &3sia+ an! *enta+

(@> T&e Instint o2 Work*ans&i an! t&e Irkso*eness o2 La4or,- in +ssays in 0ur Changing 0rder , T&orstein Ve4+en, #(8?

(@C .n In%uiry into the "rinciples of the *istribution of :ealth 4ost Conducive to uman appiness, Wi++ia* T&o*son,Lon!on, Wi++ia* S# Orr, $C@%, #$?>

(@ $elative *eprivationA &pecification, *evelopment, and Integration, Iain Wa+ker, Heat&er K# S*it&, )a*4ri!geUni1ersit3 Press, '%%$, ISN %8@'$8C%$('8, Goog+e Print

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&ea+t&, an3t&ing 4e3on! t&at 4a+ane in t&e onte7t o2 soia+ o*arison &as t&e aait3 toreate se1ere ne0rosis an! soia+ !istortion# Not on+3 is t&ere no 6inning- in t&e en! 6&en ito*es to t&e s049eti1e eretion o2 stat0s an! 6ea+t&, it o2ten ser1es to decouple t&ose 2ig0res2ro* t&e *a9orit3 o2 t&e &0*an e7eriene, generating a+ienation an! !e&0*ani;ation in *an36a3s# T&is e*at&i +oss &as no ositi1e o0to*e on t&e soia+ +e1e+# T&e re!ator3 re6ar! 1a+0es

in&erent to t&e *arket s3ste* 1irt0a++3 g0arantee en!+ess on2+it an! a40se#(=%

O2 o0rse, t&e *3t& is t&at t&is ne0rosis o2 seeking *ore an! *ore- stat0s an! 6ea+t& is t&e ore!ri1er o2 soia+ rogress an! inno1ation# W&i+e t&ere *ig&t 4e so*e 4asi tr0t& to t&is int0iti1eass0*tion, t&e intent, again, is not  soia+ ontri40tion 40t advantage an! financial gain# It is +ikesa3ing 4eing &ase! 43 a ak o2 &0ngr3 6o+1es rea!3 to eat 3o0 is goo! 2or 3o0r &ea+t& sine it iskeeing 3o0 r0nning# W&i+e ertain ao*+is&*ents are +ear+3 o0rring, t&e g0i!ing 2oreintent< again &as +itt+e to !o 6it& t&ose ao*+is&*ents an! t&e !etri*enta+ 43ro!0ts an!+arger8or!er ara+3sis in&erent n0++i2ies in o*arison t&e i!ea t&at t&e 1a+0es o2 o*etition,*ateria+ gree! an! 1ain stat0s is a +egiti*ate so0re o2 soieta+ rogress#

In 2at, ei!e*io+ogist Ri&ar! Wi+kinson &as e7trao+ate! a o*arison o2 6ea+t&3 nationsoriente! 43 t&e ino*e !isarit3 resent in ea& o0+ation# It 6as 2o0n! t&at t&ose nations 6it&t&e +east ino*e !isarit3 at0a++3 6ere more inno1ati1e(=$ an! 6&en 6e onsi!er t&at t&eo*etiti1e 1a+0e !ri1e &as a +arge ro+e 6it& reset to &o6 se1ere t&e ga 4et6een t&e ri& an!oor is, it is a7io*ati to onsi!er t&at t&e 1a+0es o2 ega+itarianis* an! o++a4oration &a1e *orereati1e o6er t&an t&e tra!itiona+ eono*i inenti1e r&etori 6o0+! +ai*#

As a 2ina+ oint in t&is s04setion, t&e s049et o2 *ateria+is* an! stat0s an 4e e7ten!e! to t&esi*i+ar iss0e o2 vanity  as 6e++# W&i+e a *i+! !e1iation 2ro* o0r oint, t&e 1anit384ase! 0+t0re 6e&a1e to!a3 2in!s a !iret re+ations&i to t&ese !ri1es 2or stat0s an! *eas0res o2 s0ess- roote!in t&e s3&o+ogia+ 1a+0e inenti1es in&erent to t&e )aita+ist s3ste*# Gi1en t&at t&e 1a+0es3ste* o2 a50isition- is, in 2at, necessary 2or t&e ons0*tion *o!e+ to 6ork, it is on+3 nat0ra+t&at *arketing an! a!1ertising generate dissatisfaction ontin0a++3, in+0!ing in t&e 6a3 6e 2ee+a4o0t o0r &3sia+ aearane#

In 2at, a st0!3 6as on!0te! so*e 3ears ago on t&e is+an! o2 Fi9i, in 6&i& Western te+e1ision6as intro!0e! to a 0+t0re 6&i& &a! ne1er e7eriene! t&e *e!i0* 4e2ore# 3 t&e en! o2 t&eo4ser1ation erio!, t&e e22et o2 *ateria+isti 1a+0es an! 1anit3 took a o6er20+ to++# A re+e1anterentage o2 3o0ng 6o*en, 2or e7a*+e, 6&o rior &a! e*4rae! t&e st3+e o2 &ea+t&3 6eig&tan! 20++ 2eat0res 4ea*e o4sesse! 6it& 4eing t&in# Eating !isor!ers 6&i& 6ere 1irt0a++3 0n&ear!o2 in t&is 0+t0re 4egan to srea! an! 6o*en sei2ia++3 6ere trans2or*e!#(=' 

%deological Polari@ation - (lame

W&en t&e s049et o2 6&at &as gone 6rong- 6it& t&e 6or+! to!a3 is 4roa&e! 8 gi1en t&e o1ert3,eo+ogia+ i*4a+ane, in&0*anit3, genera+ eono*i !esta4i+i;ation an! t&e +ike 8 a o+ari;e!!e4ate o2ten ens0es# D0a+ities s0& as t&e Rig&t or t&e Le2t- or Li4era+ or )onser1ati1e- areo**on, i*+3ing t&at in t&e range o2 &0*an o*re&ension an! re2erene, t&ere is a rigi!

g0i!ing +ine t&at e*4o!ies a++ kno6n ossi4i+ities#

Paire! 6it& t&is is a+so t&e o+!er, 3et sti++ o**on !0a+it3 o2 )o++eti1is* 1s Free8Market-# Ins&ort, t&is !0a+it3 ass0*es t&at a++ otions o2 eono*i re2erene *0st a!&ere to t&e i!ea t&atsoiet3 s&o0+! eit&er 4e 4ase! on t&e s0ose! !e*orati 6i++ o2 a++ t&e eo+e in t&e 2or* o2 2ree8tra!e- : or t&at a s*a++ gro0 o2 eo+e s&o0+! 4e in ontro+ an! te++ e1er3one e+se 6&at to

(=% More in t&e essa3" Str0t0ra+ )+assis*, t&e State an! )on2+it-(=$ Re2" T&e I*ortane o2 Eono*i E50a+it3, E4en Harre++, Time, 6KKH Q A+so See" The &pirit )evel 43 Ri&ar! Wi+kinson

an! ate Pikett, Peng0in, Mar& '%%(=' St0!3 Fin!s TV A+ters Fi9i Gir+s Vie6 o2 o!3-, Eria Goo!e, The New 9ork Times, $  .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*$%@'%6or+!st0!382in!s8t18a+ters82i9i8gir+s81ie68o284o!3#&t*+/

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!o# D0e to t&e !ark &istor3 o2 tota+itarianis* 6&i& +ag0e! t&e '% t& ent0r3, a 2ear 4ase! 1a+0eorientation 6&i& re9ets an3t&ing t&at e1en re*ote+3 &ints at t&e aearane o2 o++eti1is*- ise7tre*e+3 o**on to!a3, 6it& t&e re+ate! 6or! soia+is*- o2ten 0se! in a !erogator3 6a3# (=(

As note! rior in t&is essa3, eo+es sense o2 ossi4i+it3 is !iret+3 re+ate! to t&eir kno6+e!ge 8

6&at t&e3 &a1e +earne!# I2 tra!itiona+ e!0ationa+ an! soia+ instit0tions resent a++ soioeono*i1ariation 6it&in t&e on2ines o2 s0& 4o7e! frames of reference, eo+e 6i++ +ike+3 *irror t&isass0*tion *e*e< an! eret0ate it in t&o0g&t an! ratie# I2 3o0 are not a4-, t&en 3o0must  4e 73;- 8 t&is is t&e o**on thought meme' E1en t&e o+itia+ esta4+is&*ent o2 t&e Unite!States e7ists in t&is ara!ig*, 2or i2 3o0 are not a Re04+ian-, 3o0 must  4e a -De*orat-, et#

In ot&er 6or!s, t&ere is a !iret in&i4ition o2 ossi4i+it3 an!, in t&is onte7t, it o2ten *ani2ests a1a+0e str0t0re t&at 40i+!s e*otiona+ atta&*ents to 2a+se !0a+ities# T&ese 1a+0es are e7tre*e4arriers to rogress to!a3 on *an3 +e1e+s# In 2at, as an asi!e, i2 t&e intention o2 a r0+ing +ass6as to +i*it an3 inter2erene 2ro* t&e +o6er +asses, t&e3 6o0+! roteti1e+3 6ork to +i*it eo+essense o2 ossi4i+it3#(=?

For e7a*+e, t&e s0ose! ro4+e* o2 state inter1ention- o2 t&e 2ree8*arket, a onstant t&e*eo2 )aita+ist ao+ogists, essentia++3 sa3s t&at sine 1ario0s o+iies an! raties o2 t&ego1ern*ent +i*it 2ree8tra!e in so*e 6a3,(=@ t&is is t&e so0re o2 t&e ro4+e* generating *arketine22iien3# T&is 4+a*e ga*e at0a++3 goes 4ak an! 2ort& 4et6een t&ose 6&o +ai* it is t&e*arket t&at is t&e ro4+e* an! t&ose 6&o +ai* it is t&e States inter2erene 6it& t&e *arket# (== 

W&at isnt ta+ke! a4o0t is t&e !0a+it38s&attering rea+it3 t&at t&e state, in its &istoria+ 2or*,  is anextension of  t&e )aita+ist s3ste* itse+2# T&e go1ern*ent !i! not reate t&is s3ste* : t&e s3ste*reate! t&e go1ern*ent# A++ soioeono*i s3ste*s root t&e*se+1es in t&e 4asis o2 in!0stria+0n2o+!ing an! 4asi s0r1i1a+# K0st as Fe0!a+is*, 4eing 4ase! on an agrarian soiet3, oriente! its+ass str0t0re in re+ations&is to t&e +i1e+i&oo!8ro!0ing +an!, so !o t&e so8a++e! !e*oraies-in t&e 6or+! to!a3# T&ere2ore, t&e 1er3 i!ea t&e state go1ern*ent is !eta&e! or 6it&o0t t&ein2+0ene o2 )aita+is* is a 0re+3 a4strat t&eor3 6it& no tr0t& in rea+it3# )aita+is* essentia++3

molded  t&e go1ern*enta+ aarat0ss nat0re an! 0n2o+!ing : not t&e ot&er 6a3 aro0n!#

So, 6&en eo+e arg0e t&at go1ern*ent reg0+ation o2 t&e *arket is t&e root o2 t&e ro4+e* an!t&at t&e *arket s&o0+! 4e 2ree- 6it&o0t str0t0ra+ or +ega+ in&i4ition, t&e3 are on20se! in t&eirassoiati1e 0n!erstan!ing# T&e entire +ega+ s3ste*, 6&i& is t&e entra+ too+ o2 go1ern*ent, 6i++always 4e in2i+trate!- an! 0se! to assist in o*etiti1e tatis 43 40siness to *aintain an!inrease a!1antage sine t&at is t&e 1er3 nat0re o2 t&e ga*e# To e7et an3t&ing e+se is toass0*e t&at t&ere are at0a++3 *ora+- +i*its to t&e at o2 o*etition# Jet, t&is is o*+ete+3s049eti1e# S0& *ora+ an! et&ia+ ass0*tions &a1e no e*iria+ 4asis, eseia++3 6&en t&e 1er3nat0re o2 t&e soioeono*i s3ste* is oriente! aro0n! o6er, e7+oitation an! o*etition 8 a++onsi!ere! to 4e, in 2at, ideal virtues o2 t&e goo! 40siness*an-, as note! 4e2ore#

I2 a ro2it seeking instit0tion an gain o6er in t&e go1ern*ent 6&i& is t&e e7at intent o2

(=( E7a*+e" Pat Ro4ertson" O4a*a A Soia+ist, Wants To Destro3 T&e Unite! States-, Paige La1en!er,The uffington"ost , '%$', .&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$'$'$?at8ro4ertson8o4a*an'(%$''C#&t*+/

(=? M0& ontro1ers3 &as e7iste! 6it& reset to ontin0a+ !e+ine o2 Western e!0ation, sei2ia++3 in A*eria# )&ar+otteT&o*son Iser43t, 2or*er Senior Po+i3 A!1isor in t&e U#S# Deart*ent o2 E!0ation, &as 6ritten a4o0t 6&at s&e a++sThe *eliberate *umbing *own of .merica, )onsiene Press, $

(=@ E7a*+e" $onald $eaganA "rotectionist , S&e+!on L# Ri&*an, $CC .&tts"*ises#org2ree*arket!etai+#as7Qontro+?C/

(== A nota4+e state*ent 43 t&e 2a*o0s eono*ist Mi+ton Frie!*an on t&is iss0e" Go1ern*ent &as t&ree ri*ar320ntions# It s&o0+! ro1i!e 2or *i+itar3 !e2ense o2 t&e nation# It s&o0+! en2ore ontrats 4et6een in!i1i!0a+s# It s&o0+!rotet iti;ens 2ro* ri*es against t&e*se+1es or t&eir roert3# W&en go1ern*ent 8 in 0rs0it o2 goo! intentions triesto rearrange t&e eono*3, +egis+ate *ora+it3, or &e+ seia+ interests, t&e osts o*e in ine22iien3, +ak o2 *oti1ation,an! +oss o2 2ree!o*# Go1ern*ent s&o0+! 4e a re2eree, not an ati1e +a3er#-

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 ororate +o443ing-< an! *ani0+ate t&e go1ern*enta+ aarat0s to 2a1or t&eir 40siness orin!0str3 to gain a!1antage, t&en t&at is si*+3 good business' It is on+3 6&en t&e o*etiti1eattaks rea& eak +e1e+s o2 0n2airness t&at ation is taken to reser1e t&e i++0sion o2 4a+ane-#We see t&is 6it& anti8tr0st +a6s an! t&e +ike#(=> T&ese +a6s are, in rea+it3, not to rotet 2ree8tra!e- or t&e +ike : 40t to sett+e e7tre*e ats o2 o*etiti1e intent in&erent in t&e *arket +ae,

6it& a++ si!es 9oke3ing 2or a!1antage 43 6&ate1er *eans ossi4+e#(=C


E1en t&e 1er3 onstit0ents o2 a++ go1ern*ents in t&e 6or+! to!a3 are in1aria4+3 o2 t&e ororate840siness +ass# Hene, !ee 40siness 1a+0es are +ear+3 in&erent in t&e *in!sets o2 t&ose ino6er# T&orstein Ve4+en 6rote o2 t&is rea+it3 in t&e ear+3 '%t& ent0r3" T&e resonsi4+e o22iia+s an! t&eir &ie2 a!*inistrati1e o22iers 8 so *0& as *a3 at a++ reasona4+34e a++e! t&e go1ern*ent- or t&e a!*inistration- 8 are in1aria4+3 an! &arateristia++3 !ra6n2ro* t&ese 4ene2iiar3 +asses no4+es, gent+e*an or 40siness *en, 6&i& a++ o*e to t&e sa*et&ing 2or t&e 0rose in &an! t&e oint o2 it a++ 4eing t&at t&e o**on *an !oes not o*e 6it&int&ese reints an! !oes not s&are in t&ese o0nse+s t&at are ass0*e! to g0i!e t&e !estin3 o2 t&enations#- (=

So, to arg0e t&at t&e Free8Market is not 2ree- !0e to inter1ention is to *is0n!erstan! 6&at t&enat0re o2 2ree- rea++3 *eans 6it& reset to t&e s3ste*# T&e 2ree!o*- is not t&e 2ree!o* o2e1er3one to 4e a4+e to 2air+3- artiiate in t&e oen8*arket an! a++ t&e 0toian r&etori 6e &eara4o0t to!a3 43 ao+ogists o2 t&e )aita+ist s3ste* : t&e real freedom is at0a++3 t&e 2ree!o* to!o*inate, s0ress an! 4eat ot&er 40sinesses 43 6&ate1er o*etiti1e *eans ossi4+e# In t&is,no +e1e+ +a3ing 2ie+!- is ossi4+e# In 2at, i2 t&e go1ern*ent !i! not inter2ere- 43 6a3 o2*onoo+3anti8tr0st +a6s or t&e 4ai+ing o0t- o2 4anks an! t&e +ike 8 t&e entire *arket o*+e76o0+! &a1e se+28!estr0te! a +ong ti*e ago# In art, t&is in&erent insta4i+it3 o2 t&e Free8Market is6&at eono*ists +ike Ko&n Ma3nar! e3nes 4asia++3 0n!erstoo!, 40t arg0a4+3 to a +i*ite!e7tent#(>%

%ndi.idualit) - Freedom

A++ too o2ten eo+e seak o2 2ree!o*- in a 6a3 t&at is *ore o2 an in!esri4a4+e gest0re t&an a

tangi4+e ir0*stane# We &ear t&is r&etori in t&e o+itia+ an! eono*i esta4+is&*entsonstant+3 to!a3 6&ere assoiations o2 !e*ora3- are *a!e to t&is 2ree!o*-, 4ot& on t&e +e1e+o2 t&e tra!itiona+ ratie o2 1oting an! t&e *o1e*ent o2 *one3 itse+2 1ia in!een!ent 2ree8tra!e#T&ese soioo+itia+ *e*es are a+so rein2ore! in a o+ari;e! 6a3, re+ati1e+3, 6&i& o2ten 0sese7a*+es o2 oression an! t&e +oss o2 2ree!o* an! +i4ert3 in rior soia+ s3ste*s to !e2en! t&e0rrent state o2 a22airs#

T&ese 1a+0es &a1e 4een 20rt&er o*o0n!e! 43 t&e reati1e 6orks o2 &i+oso&ers, artists an!6riters 6&o &a1e 4een in2+0entia+ in 20rt&ering 1ario0s i!eo+ogia+ notions o2 t&is 2ree!o*-, o2ten

(=> E1en A!a* S*it& in &is 6ritings i*+ies t&at 40siness*en 0se e1er3 *eans at t&eir !isosa+ to a1oi! o*etition an!to se0re *onoo+ies" Peo+e o2 t&e sa*e tra!e se+!o* *eet toget&er, e1en 2or *erri*ent an! !i1ersion, 40t t&eon1ersation en!s in a onsira3 against t&e 04+i, or in so*e ontri1ane to raise ries#- . .n In%uiry into theNature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations, A!a* S*it&, Ne6 Jork, Mo!ern Li4rar3, $(> # $'C/

(=C Eono*ist T&o*as Ho!gskin 6rote in t&e ear+3 $t& ent0r3" It is not eno0g&, in t&e e3es o2 +egis+ators, t&at 6ea+t&&as o2 itse+2 a t&o0san! &ar*s, 40t t&e3 &a1e.###/gi1en it a *0+tit0!e o2 ri1i+eges# In 2at, it &as no6 0s0re! a++ t&eo6er o2 +egis+ation, an! *ost ena+ +a6s are no6 *a!e 2or t&e *ere rotetion o2 6ea+t&#- .Travels in the North ofBermany, *escribing the "resent &tate of &ocial and "olitical Institutions, the .griculture, 4anufactures, Commerce,+ducation, .rts and 4anners in That Country, "articularly in the ingdom of anover , T&o*as Ho!gskin, T# E!in40rg&,Ar&i4a+! )onsta4+e, $C'%, 1o+# ', # ''C/

(= .n In%uiry into the Nature of "eace and the terms of its "erpetuation, T&orstein Ve4+en, Har1ar! La6, #('=8('>(>% e3nesian eono*is, 0n+ike t&e *ore +i4ertarian, 2ree8*arket +i4eration s&oo+s o2 eono*i t&o0g&t, s0& as t&e

A0strian S&oo+, sees, in art, go1ern*ent inter1ention as erio!ia++3 nee!e! to a1oi! ertain ro4+e*s# In t&e 6or!so2 t&e on+ine 0siness Ditionar3" T&is t&eor3 20rt&er asserts t&at 2ree *arkets &a1e no se+284a+aning *e&anis*st&at +ea! to 20++ e*+o3*ent# e3nesian eono*ists 0rge an! 90sti23 a go1ern*ents inter1ention in t&e eono*3t&ro0g& 04+i o+iies t&at ai* to a&ie1e 20++ e*+o3*ent an! rie sta4i+it3#-.&tt"666#40siness!itionar3#o*!e2initione3nesian8eono*is#&t*+/

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at t&e e7ense o2 soieta+ 10+nera4i+it3, inreasing t&is !og*ati o+ari;ation#(>$ In s&ort, a great!ea+ o2 2ear an! e*otiona+ o6er e7ists aro0n! t&e notion o2 soia+ &ange an! &o6 it *ig&t e22eto0r +i1es in t&e 6a3 o2 +i4ert3 an! in!i1i!0a+it3#

Jet, i2 6e ste 4ak an! t&ink a4o0t 6&at 2ree!o* *eans a6a3 2ro* t&ese 0+t0ra+ *e*es, 6e

2in! t&at notions o2 2ree!o* an 4e arg0e! as relative gi1en &0*an &istor3, a+ong 6it& standardsof living an! e1en personal expression itse+2# T&ere2ore, in or!er to !ei!e 6&at 2ree!o* is an!&o6 to 50a+i23 it, 6e nee! to *eas0re it 2ro* an a< &istoria+ erseti1e on one si!e an! 6it&reset to 4< 20t0re ossi4i+it3 on t&e ot&er#

a< Historia++3, t&e 20n!a*enta+ onern is 4ase! on t&e 2ear o2 o6er an! t&e a40se o2 o6er#H0*an &istor3, in art, is ertain+3 one o2 eret0a+ o6er str0gg+es# F0e+e! 43 !ee+3 !i1isi1ere+igio0s an! &i+oso&ia+ 4e+ie2s an! 1a+0es 6&i& *ani2este! a49et s+a1er3, t&e s0490gation o26o*en, erio!i genoi!e, rose0tion 2or &eres3 2ree see&, or 6&at 6as an! sti++ is kno6n as2reet&o0g&t<, t&e !i1ine rig&t o2 kings an! t&e +ike, it o0+! 4e arg0e! t&at &0*an &istor3 in t&isonte7t is a &istor3 o2 !angero0s, 0n2o0n!e! s0erstitions *a!e sarosant 43 ri*iti1e1a+0es0n!erstan!ing in t&ose erio!s o2 ti*e, at t&e e7ense o2 &0*an 6e++84eing an! soia+4a+ane# T&e 2ear an! sarit3 o2 t&ese ear+ier erio!s aears to &a1e a*+i2ie! t&e 6orst o2 6&at6e *ig&t onsi!er &0*an nat0re-, o2ten seeking o6er as a 6a3 to a1oi! t&e a40se o2 o6er in a1iio0s 3+e#

Jet, it is ritia++3 i*ortant to notie t&at 6e &a1e 4een in a roess o2 transition a6a3 2ro* t&esear&ai 1a+0es an! 4e+ie2s o1era++, 6it& t&e g+o4a+ 0+t0re an! its instit0tions s+o6+3 e*4raingsienti2i a0sa+it3 an! its *erit 6it& reset 6&at is rea+ an! 6&at isnt# Wit& t&is, ertain ositi1etren!s &a1e 4eo*e +ear#

We &a1e *o1e! 2ro* t&e !i1ine-, 0+ti*ate o6er o2 genetia++3 !eter*ine! kings an! &arao&sinto a s3ste* o2 1er3 +i*ite!, 3et genera+ 04+i artiiation 1ia a so8a++e! !e*orati roess-in *ost o2 t&e 6or+!# H0*an e7+oitation, s0490gation an! a49et s+a1er3 &as +ost its o**on!e2enses o2 re+igio0s, raia+ or gen!er s0eriorit3 an! i*ro1e! to t&e e7tent t&at t&e s+a1er3

to!a3 o1era++ takes t&e +ess se1ere 2or* o2 6age +a4or- 8 in t&e +arger onte7t o2 +ass-assoiations 8 as !eter*ine! 43 ones +ae in t&e economic  &ierar&3# T&e *arket eono*3, in a++its &istoria+ 2or*s, &as a+so 4een a4+e to o1ero*e t&e rae8+ike aste- re!eter*inations as 6e++sine it !oes a++o6 a +e1e+ o2 +i*ite!< soia+ *o4i+it3 in t&e o**0nit3 6&ere ino*e gaine!2ai+itates *ore genera+ 2ree!o*-#(>'

S0& rogressi1e rea+ities nee! to 4e taken into ao0nt as )aita+is*, 6it& a++ its 2+a6s, &asser1e! to &e+ i*ro1e ertain t&ings in t&e soia+ on!ition# Jet, 6&at &asnt &ange! is t&e0n!er+3ing re*ise 6&i& is sti++ e+itist an! 4igote! in &o6 it 2a1ors one gro0 o1er anot&er, 4ot&str0t0ra++3 an! soio+ogia++3# On+3 in t&is ase t&e gro0- 2a1ore! &as not&ing *0& to !o 6it&gen!er, rae or re+igion an3*ore : 40t to !o 6it& a kin! o2 2ore20+ e7e!iene an! o*etiti1e*enta+it3 t&at 0s&es itse+2 to t&e to o2 t&e +ass &ierar&3, at t&e ine1ita4+e e7ense o2 ot&ers#

)aita+is*, it o0+! 6e++ 4e arg0e!, is rea++3 is a ost8*o!ern s+a1er3 s3ste*, 6it& a ne6 1a+0eorientation o2 o*etiti1e 2ree!o*- &o+!ing it in +ae# T&is rein1ente! notion o2 2ree!o*-

(>$ A3n Ran!s 2a*o0s no1e+ Ant&e*- is a nota4+e, in2+0entia+ e7a*+e o2 t&is artisti 0+*ination o2 1a+0es# It takes +aein a !3stoian 20t0re 6&ere *ankin! &as entere! anot&er !ark age &arateri;e! 43 irrationa+it3, o++eti1is*, an!soia+isti t&inking an! eono*is# T&e onet o2 in!i1i!0a+it3 &as 4een e+i*inate!# For e7a*+e, t&e 0se o2 t&e 6or!I is 0nis&a4+e 43 !eat&#

(>' Soia+ Mo4i+it3 is str0t0ra++3 in&i4ite! in t&e )aita+ist s3ste*, 6it& a 1er3 s*a++ erentage at0a++3 attaining 06ar!*o4i+it3, statistia++3# Mo4i+it3 in t&e Unite! States, &o*e o2 t&e A*erian Drea*-, &as a+so 4een inreasing+3!e+ining# See" E7etiona+ U6ar! Mo4i+it3 in t&e US Is a M3t&, Internationa+ St0!ies S&o6-,&cience *aily  .&tt"666#siene!ai+3#o*re+eases'%$'%$'%%@$?$'%#&t*/ A+so See" Har!er 2or A*erians to Rise Fro*Lo6er R0ngs-, New 9ork Times, '%$' .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*'%$'%$%@0s&ar!er82or8a*erians8to8rise82ro*8+o6er8r0ngs#&t*+Qage6ante!a++/

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4asia++3 sa3s t&at 6e are a++ 2ree- to o*ete 6it& ea& ot&er an! take 6&at 6e an# Jet, asnote! 4e2ore, s0& a state o2 oen 2ree!o*-, e7isting 6it&o0t a40se, oression an! str0t0ra+a!1antage 8 is +ear+3 i*ossi4+e# So, 6&i+e roonents o2 )aita+is* *a3 a!!0e t&e soia+i*ro1e*ents 6&i& &a1e o0rre! sine its a!1ent as e1i!ene o2 its soia+ e22ia3, 6e *0stakno6+e!ge t&at its root 2or* is not  in t&e interest o2 &0*an 2ree!o*, 40t an e&o o2 soia+

4igotr3 6&i& &as 4een o++0ting 0+t0re 2or t&o0san!s o2 3ears, roote! in a genera+ s3&o+og3 o2elitism and scarcity #

To!a3, tr0e 2ree!o* is !iret+3 re+ate! to t&e amount of money  3o0 &a1e# T&ose 4e+o6 t&e o1ert3+ine &a1e se1ere +i*itations on ersona+ 2ree!o* as o*are! to t&e 6ea+t&3# Like6ise, 6&i+eroonents o2 t&e Free8Market o2ten ta+k a4o0t oerion- in t&e onte7t o2 state o6er, t&e rea+it3o2 economic coercion is ignore!# Tra!itiona+ eono*i t&eorists onstant+3 0se r&etori t&ats0ggests t&at e1er3t&ing is an iss0e o2 choice in t&e Free8Market an! i2 a erson 6is&es to take a 9o4 or not, it is t&eir &oie#

Jet, t&ose in o1ert3, 6&i& is t&e *a9orit3,(>( 2ae a se1ere re!0tion o2 &oie# T&e ress0res o2t&eir +i*ite! eono*i aait3 reates a o6er20+ state o2 oerion 43 6&i& t&e3 not on+3 *0sttake +a4or ro+es t&e3 *ig&t not areiate to s0r1i1e, t&e3 are o2ten s049et to 1ast e7+oitation int&e 2or* o2 +o6 6age rates !0e to t&at sa*e !eseration# In 2at, genera+ o1ert3, in t&is onte7t,is a 1er3 positive on!ition 2or t&e )aita+ist +ass 2or it ens0res ost8e22iien3 in t&e 2or* o2&eaer +a4or#

So again, 6&i+e 6e *a3 &a1e seen so*e soieta+ i*ro1e*ent o1er ti*e, t&is i*ro1e*ent isrea++3 90st a 1ariation o2 a o**on t&e*e o2 genera+ e+itis*, e7+oitation an! 4igotr3# T&e +ong&istor3 o2 ass0*e! reso0re sarit3 an! +i*its on ro!0tion &a1e a+so o*o0n!e! t&is i!ea, int&e Ma+t&0sian sense,(>? 6&ere t&e i!ea o2 e1er3one 2in!ing so*e +e1e+ o2 eono*i e50a+it3 6as!ee*e! si*+3 i*ossi4+e#

4< Jet, *o!ern siene an! t&e e7onentia+ !e1e+o*ent o2 te&nia+ a+iation, a+ong 6it& a!eeer a6areness o2 o0r &0*an on!ition,(>@ &as oene! t&e !oor to 20t0re ossi4i+ities 2or soia+

i*ro1e*ent an!, in 2at, a 20rt&er e+e1ation o2 2ree!o* in 6a3s ne1er 4e2ore seen# T&isa6areness resents a ro4+e* sine t&e ossi4i+it3 o2 a&ie1ing t&is ne6 +e1e+ is !ee+3 in&i4ite!43 t&e 1a+0es an! esta4+is&*ents set 2ort& 43 t&e tra!itiona+ )aita+ist soia+ or!er# In ot&er6or!s, t&e *arket s3ste* si*+3 annot 2ai+itate t&ese i*ro1e*ents 4ea0se t&e nat0re o2 t&eir0+*ination is against t&e 1er3 *e&anis*s o2 t&e s3ste*#

For e7a*+e, t&e e22iien3 *a!e ossi4+e on t&e te&nia+, sienti2i +e1e+ to!a3, i2 orret+3a+ie!, o0+! ro1i!e a &ig& stan!ar! o2 +i1ing 2or e1er3 &0*an on eart&,(>= o0+e! 6it& t&ere*o1ing o2 !angero0s an! *onotono0s +a4or t&ro0g& t&e a+iation o2 34ernate!*e&ani;ation#(>> In t&e 6or+! to!a3, t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 eo+e sen! *ost o2 t&eir +i2e 6orkingan o0ation an! s+eeing# Man3 o2 t&ese o0ations are not en9o3e!(>C an! are arg0a4+3irrelevant 6it& reset to tr0e ersona+ or soia+ ontri40tion an! !e1e+o*ent#

So, i2 6e 6is& to t&ink a4o0t 6&at 2ree!o* *eans on a 4asi +e1e+, it *eans 4eing a4+e to !iret

(>( W&i+e t&e o1ert3 +ine stan!ar! is re+ati1e 4ase! on t&e region o2 a+iation, o1er @% o2 t&e 6or+! as o2 a '%%@Wor+! ank St0!3 +i1e on +ess t&an '#@% a !a3, or a4o0t b$'#%% a 3ear#.&tt"666#g+o4a+iss0es#orgarti+e'=o1ert382ats8an!8stats/

(>? See t&e setion on Ma+t&0s an! Riar!o in t&e essa3 Histor3 o2 Eono*3-#(>@ )+ari2iation" Soia++3 a0sa+ or psychosocial  e22ets o2 t&e &0*an8soiet3 re+ations&i &a1e ro1en so*e o6er20+

rea+ities a4o0t t&e origins o2 a4errant or !estr0ti1e 4e&a1ior# P+ease see t&e essa3 De2ining P04+i Hea+t&- 2or *oree7+anation#

(>= A !etai+e! e7trao+ation 6i++ 4e resente! in Part III o2 t&is te7t#(>> A !etai+e! e7trao+ation 6i++ 4e resente! in Part III o2 t&is te7t#(>C Re2" New &urvey " Ma9orit3 o2 E*+o3ees Dissatis2ie!, Dorbes, &usan .dams 6K6


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3o0r +i2e in t&e 6a3 3o0 6is&, 6it&in reason#(> eing a4+e to +i1e 3o0r +i2e 6it&o0t 6orr3ing a4o0t3o0r 4asi s0r1i1a+ an! &ea+t&, nor t&at o2 3o0r 2a*i+3, is t&e 2irst ste# Like6ise, t&e +a4or 2orino*e s3ste* is one o2 t&e *ost 0n2ree- instit0tions t&at o0+! e7ist to!a3 not on+3 6it& resetto t&e in&erent eono*i oerion, 40t a+so 6it& reset to t&e ororate str0t0re itse+2, 6&i& is50ite +itera++3 a to8!o6n, &ierar&ia+ !itators&i#

Sa!+3, e1en 6it& t&ese ossi4i+ities resent an! rea+, t&e value system disorder  40i+t 2ro* t&e)aita+ist *o!e+ an! its rat&er aranoi! 2ear o2 an3t&ing o0tsi!e o2 it, &as an! 6i++ ontin0e to2ig&t t&ese ossi4i+ities 2or *ore e+e1ate! states o2 2ree!o*# In 2at, t&e 1er3 i!ea o2 ro1i!ing4asi soia+ s0ort in t&e 2or* o2 6e+2are- or t&e +ike is attake!, in art, on t&e 4asis o2 itsa1oi!ane o2 2ai+itating t&e oen *arket : t&e 1er3 *arket t&at, in rea+it3, +ike+3 reate! t&ei*o1eris&e! state o2 t&ose 6&o nee! s0& assistane#

As a 2ina+ note on t&e s049et o2 2ree!o*-, )aita+ist t&eor3, 4ot& &istoria+ an! *o!ern, is !e1oi!o2 an3 re+ations&i to t&e Eart&s reso0res an! its go1erning eo+ogia+ +a6s# Aart 2ro* t&e *ostri*iti1e a6areness o2 sarit3, 6&i& is a *arker o2 t&e o**on s0+3 an! !e*an!- 1a+0et&eor3, t&e sienti2i nat0re o2 t&e 6or+! is a4sent in t&is *o!e+ 8 it is e7terna+-# T&is o*ission,aire! 6it& t&e e7+oitation an! ost re!0ing rea+it3 in&erent to t&e inenti1e s3ste* o2 t&e*arket, is 6&at &as generate! t&e 1ast en1iron*enta+ ro4+e*s, 2ro* soi+ !e+etion, to o++0tion,to !e2orestation, to 1irt0a++3 e1er3t&ing e+se 6e an t&ink o2 on t&e eo+ogia+ +e1e+# In ana+3;ingt&e ear+3 !e1e+o*ent o2 t&is &i+oso&3, 6e an +ogia++3 se0+ate a4o0t &o6 t&is a*e to 4e#Gi1en t&e +arge+3 agrarian 4ase o2 ro!0tion an! t&e *ini*a+is* o2 ear+3 &an!ira2t- t3e goo!ro!0tion, o0r aait3 at t&at ti*e to negati1e+3 a22et t&e en1iron*ent 6as in&erent+3 +i*ite!#We si*+3 !i! not ose as *0& o2 a t&reat sine t&e 1ast e!i2ie o2 in!0str3 as 6e kno6 it to!a3&a! not e1o+1e!#

T&is !e1e+o*ent re1ea+s t&at 0n!er t&e s0r2ae o2 )aita+is* is an o+! erseti1e 6&i& isgro6ing inreasing+3 out of date 6it& e1er8o0rring reer0ssions res0+ting as o0r te&no+ogia+aait3 inreases o0r a4i+it3 to a22et t&e 6or+!# A ara++e+ 6o0+! 4e t&e instit0tion o2 6ar#)o*etiti1e 1a+0es an! 6ar2are 6ere a to+era4+e rea+it3 6&en t&e !a*age !one 6as +i*ite! to

ri*iti1e *0skets ent0ries ago# To!a3, 6e &a1e n0+ear 6eaons 6&i& an !estro3e1er3t&ing#(C% So, taking an e1o+0tionar3 1ie6, )aita+is* &as 4een a ratie an! 1a+0eorientation t&at !i! &e+ rogress in ertain 6a3s, 40t a++ tren! e1i!ene no6 s&o6s t&at t&ein&erent i**at0rit3 o2 t&e s3ste* 6i++ +ea! to e1er inreasing ro4+e*s i2 it ersists#

The 01ar#eti@ation2 of &ifeAs a 2ina+ oint o2 t&is essa3, t&e tren! o2 t&e e1er inreasing marketization of life &as reate! a!ee !istortion o2 1a+0es in t&e 6or+!# Sine 2ree!o*- &as 4een 0+t0ra++3 assoiate! 6it& !e*ora3- an! !e*ora3 in t&e eono*i sense &as 4een assoiate! 6it& t&e a4i+it3 to 403an! se++, t&e commodification o2 90st a4o0t e1er3t&ing one an t&ink o2 &as 4een o0rring#

Tra!itiona+ 1a+0es an! r&etori o2 rior generations &a1e o2ten 1ie6e! t&e 0se o2 *one3 in so*e6a3s as so*et&ing o2 a o+!- neessit3, 6it& so*e e+e*ents o2 o0r +i1es onsi!ere! sare!- an!

not 2or sa+e# T&e at o2 rostit0tion, 2or e7a*+e, in 6&i& eo+e se++ inti*a3 2or *one3 is asit0ation 6&ere 0+t0ra+ 1a+0es 0s0a++3 2in! a+ienation# In *ost o0ntries t&e at is i++ega+, e1ent&o0g& t&ere is +itt+e +ega+ 90sti2iation sine se70a+ engage*ent itse+2 is +ega+# It is on+3 6&en t&ee+e*ent o2 0r&ase o*es into +a3, is it !ee*e! rere&ensi4+e#

(> Nat0ra++3, t&ere an 4e no 0re- 2ree!o* in t&e nat0ra+ 6or+! 6&i& is go1erne! 43 t&e +a6s o2 nat0re, nor an0n+i*ite! 2ree!o* e7ist in a soia+ on!ition t&at !ea+s 6it& +i2e stan!ar! re50ire*ents 2or soia+ sta4i+it3# For e7a*+e,one is not 2ree- to *0r!er anot&er in a !iret sense# S0& soia+ ontrats an! 1a+0es e7ist aro0n! not a40sing ot&ers4ea0se t&e3 ease i*4a+ane an! !esta4i+i;ation#

(C% A+4ert Einstein 6as 50ote! as sa3ing I kno6 not 6it& 6&at 6eaons Wor+! War III 6i++ 4e 2o0g&t, 40t Wor+! War IV6i++ 4e 2o0g&t 6it& stiks an! stones# .The New 8uotable +instein, A+ie )a+arie, Prineton Uni1ersit3 Press# '%%@#$>(/

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Ho6e1er, s0& santities t&at &a1e 4een 0+t0ra++3 eret0ate! are 4eo*ing inreasing+3o1ert0rne! 43 t&e *arket *in!set# To!a3, 6&et&er +ega+ or not, near+3 an3t&ing an 4e 4o0g&t orso+!#(C$ Jo0 an 403 t&e rig&t to 43ass ar4on e*issions reg0+ations, (C' 3o0 an 0gra!e 3o0rrison e++ 2or a 2ee,(C( 403 t&e rig&t to &0nt en!angere! ani*a+s,(C? an! e1en 403 3o0r 6a3 into arestigio0s 0ni1ersit3 6it&o0t *eeting testing re50ire*ents#(C@

It 4eo*es a strange state 6&en so*e o2 t&e *ost nor*a+, nat0ra+ ats o2 &0*an +i2e 4eo*einenti1i;e! 43 *one3 as 6e++, s0& as &o6 it is 4eing 0se! to eno0rage &i+!ren to rea!, (C= oreno0rage 6eig&t +oss#(C> Ps3&o+ogia++3, 6&at !oes it *ean 2or a &i+! 6&en t&e3 are rein2ore!6it& *one3 2or t&eir *ost 4asi ationsQ Ho6 6i++ t&is a22et t&eir 20t0re sense o2 re6ar!Q T&eseare i*ortant 50estions in a world for sale, 6it& t&e g0i!ing 1a+0e rini+e t&at it is on+3 6&enone makes money  2ro* an ation, is t&at ation 6ort& !oing#

S0& market values aear as a +ear soia+ !istortion as t&e 1er3 essene o2 &0*an initiati1e an!e7istene is 4eing trans2or*e!# W&i+e 6e *ig&t not take *0& e7tre*e onern o1er see*ing+3tri1ia+ iss0es s0& as t&e 2at one an 0r&ase aess to t&e aroo+ +ane 6&i+e !ri1ing so+o(CC, t&e+arger *ani2estation o2 a 0+t0re 40i+t on t&e e!i2ie o2 e1er3t&ing 4eing 2or sa+e, is t&edehumanization o2 soiet3 as e1er3one an! e1er3t&ing is re!0e to a *ere o**o!it3 2or e7+oit#

To!a3, as s&oking as it is, t&ere are at0a++3  more slaves in t&e 6or+! t&an anytime in humanhistory # H0*an tra22iking &as an! ontin0es to 4e a *assi1e in!0str3 2or ro2it, se++ing *en,6o*en an! &i+!ren into 1ario0s ro+es#

T&e US Deart*ent o2 State &as 04+is&e! It is esti*ate! t&at as *an3 as '> *i++ion *en,6o*en, an! &i+!ren aro0n! t&e 6or+! are 1iti*s o2 6&at is no6 o2ten !esri4e! 6it& t&e0*4re++a ter* &0*an tra22iking#- T&e 6ork t&at re*ains in o*4ating t&is ri*e is t&e 6ork o220+2i++ing t&e ro*ise o2 2ree!o*^2ree!o* 2ro* s+a1er3 2or t&ose e7+oite! an! t&e 2ree!o* 2ors0r1i1ors to arr3 on 6it& t&eir +i1es#- (C

In t&e en!, 6&i+e *ost eo+e 6&o 4e+ie1e in t&e Free8Market )aita+ist s3ste* 6o0+! et&ia++3

stan! in o0trage at t&ese 1ast &0*an a40ses o0rring in t&e 6or+!, 0s0a++3 *aking !istintions4et6een *ora+ an! a*ora+- 2or*s o2 tra!e, t&e 2at o2 t&e *atter is t&at t&e o**o!i2iationonet itse+2 an !ra6 no o49eti1e +ines an! s0& e7tre*e- rea+ities are, in tr0t&, si*+3 amatter of degree 6it& reset to a+iation# Fro* a 0re+3 &i+oso&ia+ stan!oint, t&ere is note&nia+ !i22erene 4et6een an3 2or* o2 *arket e7+oitation# T&e s3&o+og3 in&erent : t&e valuesystem disorder  : &as an! 6i++ ontin0e to eret0ate a re!ator3 !isregar! 6it&in t&e 0+t0re an!it is on+3 6&en t&at structural mechanism is re*o1e! 2ro* o0r 1er3 aroa& to soieta+organi;ation, 6i++ t&e a2ore*entione! iss0es 2in! reso+0tion#

(C$ S0ggeste! Rea!ing" :hat 4oney Can5t 3uyA The 4oral )imits of 4arkets, Mi&ae+ K# San!e+, Farrar, Stra0s an! Giro07,'%$'

(C' T&is an 4e 1ie6e! on+ine 6it& reset to t&e EU at 666#ointar4on#o*(C( For bC' a Da3, ooking a )e++ in a @8Star Kai+-, New 9ork Times, Ari+ ', '%%>(C? Sa1ing t&e R&ino T&ro0g& Sari2ie-, ren!an orre++, 3loomberg 3usinessweek , Dee*4er , '%$%(C@ At Man3 )o++eges, t&e Ri& i!s Get A22ir*ati1e Ation" Seeking Donors-, Danie+ Go+!en, :all &treet' #ournal ,

Fe4r0ar3 '%, '%%((C= Is )as& t&e Ans6er-, A*an!a Ri+e3, Time, Ari+ $, '%$%, #??8?@(C> Pa3ing eo+e to +ose 6eig&t an! sto s*oking-, e1in G# Vo+, Issue 3rief , L#D# Instit0te o2 Hea+t& Eono*is,

Uni1ersit3 o2 Penns3+1ania, 1o+# $?, '%%(CC Pa3ing 2or VIP Treat*ent in a Tra22i Ka*-, :all &treet #ournal , K0ne '$ '%%>(C Tra22iking in Persons Reort '%$', US Deart*ent o2 State .&tt"666#state#go19tir+stirt'%$'$'(@$#&t*/

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 Man is t&e on+3 Patriot# He sets &i*se+2 aart in &is o6n o0ntr3, 0n!er &is o6n 2+ag, an! sneers at t&e ot&ernations, an! kees *0+tit0!ino0s 0ni2or*e! assassins on &an! at &ea13 e7ense to gra4 s+ies o2 ot&er

eo+es o0ntries, an! kee t&e* 2ro* gra44ing s+ies o2 &is# An! in t&e inter1a+s 4et6een a*aigns &e6as&es t&e 4+oo! o2 &is &an!s an! 6orks 2or t&e 0ni1ersa+ 4rot&er&oo! o2 *an8 6it& &is *o0t&#- (%

8 Mark T6ain

H0*an on2+it &as 4een a onsistent &arateristi o2 soiet3 sine t&e 4eginning o2 reor!e!&istor3# W&i+e 90sti2iations o2 t&is &a1e range! 2ro* ass0*tions o2 i**0ta4+e &0*anroensities to6ar!s aggression an! territoria+it3, to t&e re+igio0s notion o2 o+ari;e! *eta&3sia+o6ers at 6ork, s0& as 2ores o2 goo!- an! e1i+-, &istor3 &as re1ea+e! t&at ases o2 on2+itgenera++3 &a1e a rationa+ orre+ation to environmental circumstances an!or cultural conditions#Fro* t&e i**e!iate, 2ear20+ stress reation o2 o0r 2ig&t or 2+ig&t- roensit3,($ to t&e a+*,a+0+ate! +anning o2 strategi nationa+ 6ar2are, t&ere is a+6a3s a reason 2or s0& on2+it an! t&egenera+ 04+is interest to re!0e on2+it nat0ra++3 re50ires 6e 20++3 assess a0sa+it3 as !ee+3 as6e an to onsi!er tangi4+e so+0tions#

T&is essa3 6i++ e7a*ine t6o genera+ ategories o2 6ar2are-" i*eria+ 6ar2are- an! +ass6ar2are-# W&i+e er&as see*ing+3 !i22erent, it 6i++ 4e arg0e! t&at t&e root s3&o+ogia+*e&anis*s o2 t&ese t6o ategori;ations are 4asia++3 t&e sa*e, a+ong 6it& &o6 so*e o2 t&eat0a+ *e&anis*s o2 4att+e- are at0a++3 *0& *ore e+0si1e or o1ert t&an *an3 reogni;e#O1era++, t&e entra+ t&esis is t&at t&e so0re o2 t&ese see*ing+3 i**0ta4+e rea+ities resi!es 6it&int&e socioeconomic premise itse+2 8 in t&e onte7t o2 a ertain rein2ore! s3&o+og3 an! &enesoio+ogia+ s&e*ata 8 not rigi! !eter*inations in o0r genes or +ak o2 so*e *ora+ atit0!e#

P0t anot&er 6a3, t&ese resent rea+ities are not 20e+e! 43 i!eo+ogia++3 iso+ate! gro0s s0& as, 2ore7a*+e, a rog0e o0ntr3s go1ern*ent or so*e e7etiona++3 gree!3- 40siness *enta+it3 : 40trat&er 43 t&e *ost 20n!a*enta+, 0n!er+3ing 1a+0es in&erent to 1irt0a++3 e1er3ones +i1es in t&e0rrent soioeono*i on!ition 6e eret0ate as 0+t0ra++3 nor*a+-# T&e on+3 !i22erene is t&e

degree to 6&i& t&ese 1a+0es are &arnesse! an! 2or 6&at 0rose#

%m*erial War3 Rise of the StateT&e Neo+it&i Re1o+0tion so*e $',%%% 3ears ago(' *arke! a i1ota+ t0rning oint 2or &0*ansoiet3 as it transitione! 0s 2ro* a+*ost e7+0si1e+3 +i1ing o22 t&e +an!- 8 +i*ite! to t&e &a4itatsnat0ra+ regeneration : to an ae+erating tren! o2 en1iron*enta+ ontro+ an! reso0re*ani0+ation# T&e !e1e+o*ent o2 agri0+t0re an! t&e reation o2 +a4or8easing too+s 6as t&e4eginning o2 6&at an 4e o4ser1e! to!a3, 6&ere t&e setr0* o2 t&e &0*an aait3 to 0ti+i;escience 2or t&e a+teration o2 t&e 6or+! 2or o0r a!1antage aears 1irt0a++3 0n+i*ite!#((

Ho6e1er, t&is initia++3 s+o6 te&no+ogia+ a!atation &as set in *otion ertain atterns an!&anges 6&i& &a1e arg0a4+3 generate! *an3 o2 t&e ro4+e*s 6e reogni;e as a++ too o**onto!a3# An e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e &o6 i*4a+ane t&ro0g& re+ati1e o1ert3 an! eono*i strati2iation&as taken &o+! as an aarent onse50ene o2 t&is ne6 aait3# In t&e 6or!s o2 ne0rosientist

(% :hat is 4anG .nd other Irreverent +ssays, Mans +ae in t&e ani*a+ 6or+!-, Mark T6ain, $C=, #$@>($ T&e 2ig&t8or82+ig&t resonse- or t&e a0te stress resonse< 6as 2irst !esri4e! 43 A*erian &3sio+ogist Wa+ter

ra!2or! )annon# His t&eor3 states t&at ani*a+s reat to t&reats 6it& a genera+ !is&arge o2 t&e s3*at&eti ner1o0ss3ste*, ri*ing t&e ani*a+ 2or 2ig&ting or 2+eeing#

(' So*eti*es a+so a++e! t&e Agri0+t0ra+ Re1o+0tion, it 6as t&e 6or+!s 2irst &istoria++3 1eri2ia4+e re1o+0tion inagri0+t0re# It 6as t&e 6i!e8sa+e transition o2 *an3 &0*an 0+t0res 2ro* a +i2est3+e o2 &0nting an! gat&ering to one o2agri0+t0re an! sett+e*ent 6&i& s0orte! an inreasing+3 +arge o0+ation an! t&e 4asis 2or *o!ern soia+ atternsto!a3#

(( S0ggeste! Rea!ing" +xponentially .ccelerating Information Technologies Could "ut an +nd to Corporations  .&tt"sienerogress#org'%$$%=e7onentia++38gro6ing8in2or*ation8te&no+og386i++80t8an8en!8to8ororations/

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an! ant&roo+ogist Dr# Ro4ert Sao+sk3" H0nter8gat&erers .&a!/ t&o0san!s o2 6i+! so0res o22oo! to s04sist on# Agri0+t0re &ange! a++ t&at, generating an o1er6&e+*ing re+iane on a 2e6!o;en 2oo! so0res###Agri0+t0re a++o6e! 2or t&e stoki+ing o2 s0r+0s reso0res an! t&0s,ine1ita4+3, t&e 0ne50a+ stoki+ing o2 t&e*, strati2iation o2 soiet3 an! t&e in1ention o2 +asses#T&0s it &as a++o6e! 2or t&e in1ention o2 o1ert3#- (?

Like6ise, t&e rat&er no*a!i +i2est3+e o2 t&e &0nter8gat&erer s+o6+3 4ea*e re+ae! 6it& sett+e!,rotetionist tri4es an! t&en e1ent0a++3 +oa+i;e! it38t3e soieties# In t&e 6or!s o2 Ri&ar! A#Ga4rie+ in t&e 6ork . &hort istory of :ar " T&e in1ention an! srea! o2 agri0+t0re o0+e! 6it&t&e !o*estiation o2 ani*a+s in t&e 2i2t& *i++enni0* #)# are akno6+e!ge! as t&e !e1e+o*entst&at set t&e stage 2or t&e e*ergene o2 t&e 2irst +arge8sa+e, o*+e7 0r4an soieties# T&esesoieties, 6&i& aeare! a+*ost si*0+taneo0s+3 aro0n! ?%%% #)# in 4ot& Eg3t an!Mesoota*ia, 0se! stone too+s, 40t 6it&in @%% 3ears stone too+s an! 6eaons ga1e 6a3 to4ron;e# Wit& 4ron;e *an02at0re a*e a re1o+0tion in 6ar2are#- (@

T&is is a+so t&e erio! t&at t&e onet o2 t&e state- as 6e kno6 it an! t&e er*anene o2 t&e ar*e! 2ore- e*erge!# Ga4rie+ ontin0es" T&ese ear+3 soieties ro!0e! t&e 2irst e7a*+es o2state8go1erning instit0tions, initia++3 as entra+i;e! &ie2!o*s an! +ater as *onar&ies###At t&esa*e ti*e, entra+i;ation !e*an!e! t&e reation o2 an a!*inistrati1e str0t0re aa4+e o2!ireting soia+ ati1it3 an! reso0res to6ar! o**0na+ goa+s###T&e !e1e+o*ent o2 entra+ stateinstit0tions an! a s0orting a!*inistrati1e aarat0s ine1ita4+3 ga1e 2or* an! sta4i+it3 to*i+itar3 str0t0res# T&e res0+t 6as t&e e7ansion an! sta4i+i;ation o2 t&e 2or*er+3 +oose an!0nsta4+e 6arrior astes###3 '>%% #)# in S0*er t&ere 6as a 20++3 arti0+ate! *i+itar3 str0t0rean! stan!ing ar*3 organi;e! a+ong *o!ern +ines# T&e stan!ing ar*3 e*erge! as a er*anentart o2 t&e soia+ str0t0re an! 6as en!o6e! 6it& strong +ai*s to soia+ +egiti*a3# An! it &as4een 6it& 0s e1er sine#- (=

%m*erial War3 %llusions I*eria+is*- is !e2ine! as" t&e o+i3, ratie, or a!1oa3 o2 e7ten!ing t&e o6er an!!o*inion o2 a nation eseia++3 43 !iret territoria+ a50isitions or 43 gaining in!iret ontro+ o1er

t&e o+itia+ or eono*i +i2e o2 ot&er areas#- (>

W&i+e tra!itiona+ 0+t0re *ig&t genera++3 t&ink o2 i*eria+ 6ar as a 1ariation o2 6ar in genera+,ass0*ing ot&er 2or*s o2 ar*e!, nationa+ on2+it, it is arg0e! &ere t&at t&e root 4asis o2 all  nationa+ 6ars are at0a++3 i*eria+ in nat0re# T&e +itera++3 t&o0san!s o2 6ars in reor!e! &0*an&istor3 &a1e &a! to !o *ost+3 6it& t&e a50isition o2 reso0res or territor3, 6&ere one gro0 iseit&er 6orking to e7an! its o6er an! *ateria+ 6ea+t&, or 6orking to rotet itse+2 2ro* ot&erstr3ing to on50er an! a4sor4 t&eir o6er an! 6ea+t&#

E1en *an3 &istoria+ on2+its 6&i& on t&e s0r2ae aear to 4e 2or t&e 0roses o2 0re i!eo+og3are o2ten at0a++3 &i!!en i*eria+ eono*i *o1es# T&e )&ristian )r0sa!es o2 t&e $$ t& ent0r3, 2ore7a*+e, are o2ten !e2ine! as strit+3 re+igio0s on2+its or e7ressions o2 i!eo+ogia+ 2er1or# Jet, a!eeer in1estigation re1ea+s a o6er20+ 0n!ertone o2 tra!e e7ansion an! reso0re a50isition,0n!er t&e g0ise o2 t&e re+igio0s- 6ar#(C T&is is not to sa3 t&at re+igions &a1e not 4een a so0re o2tre*en!o0s on2+it &istoria++3, 40t to s&o6 t&at t&ere is o2ten an o1ersi*+i2iation 2o0n! in*an3 &istoria+ te7ts, 6it& t&e eono*i re+e1ane o2ten *isse! or ignore!# Regar!+ess, t&enotion o2 t&e *ora+- r0sa!e as a 2or* o2 cover  2or nationa+, eono*i i*eria+is* ontin0es to

(? :hy Eebras *on5t Bet >lcers, Ro4ert Sao+sk3, W# H# Free*an, $C, #(C((@ . &hort istory of :arA The +volution of :arfare and :eapons, Ri&ar! A Ga4rie+, Strategi St0!ies Instit0te, U#S#

Ar*3 War )o++ege, )&ater $, $'(= I4i!#(> I*eria+is*- !e2inition so0re" &tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3i*eria+is*(C Re2" +conomic *evelopment of the North .tlantic Community, D0!+e3 Di++ar!, Prentie8Ha++, Ne6 Kerse3, $=>, #(8


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t&is !a3#( In 2at, t&ere is a !ee+3 coercive ten!en3 6itnesse! t&ro0g&o0t &istor3 6&en it o*es togaining 04+i s0ort 2or t&e at o2 nationa+ 6ar2are# For instane, a 0rsor3 re1ie6 o2 &istor3 6i++2in! t&at a++ o22ensi1e- ats o2 6ar, *eaning 6ar initiated  43 a gi1en o6er 2or 6&ate1er reasonnot a resonse to !iret in1asion<, originate 2ro* t&e onstit0ents an! assoiates o2 t&e

governmental body  8 not t&e iti;enr3# Wars ten! to 4egin 6it& so*e kin! o2 anno0ne!s0ggestion e*anating 2ro* state o6er t&en 20e+e! 43 t&e corporate-state s0orte! *e!ia?%%6it& t&e iti;enr3 s+o6+3 groo*e! to areiate t&e s0ggestion# It a+so &e+s t&e state a great !ea+i2 t&ere is so*e 2or* o2 e*otiona++3 striking ro1oation as 6e++, 6&i& an 4e *ani0+ate! to20rt&er 90sti23 t&e inten!e! 6ar#?%$

S0& tatis 2or t&e *ani0+ation o2 a iti;enr3 an take *an3 2or*s# T&e 0se o2 2ear, &onorre1enge<, atrioti aterna+is*,?%' *ora+it3, an! t&e o**on !e2ense- are +ike+3 t&e *osto**on +o3s# In 2at, in1aria4+3 a++ ats o2 6ar are 90sti2ie! as !e2ensi1e- in t&e 04+i s&ere,e1en i2 t&ere is no rationa+, tangi4+e 04+i t&reat to 4e 2o0n!# Jet, t&ere is, in!ee!, a ore tr0t& tot&is notion o2 !e2ensi1e- 6ar,?%( sine ats o2 i*eria+ *o4i+i;ation are 4ase! on a 1er3 rea+, 3eto4s0re 2or* o2 eono*i an!or o+itia+ 2ear : t&e 2ear o2 losing control or power # In ot&er6or!s, 6&i+e t&ere *a3 not 4e a !iret, i**e!iate t&reat to a gi1en, aggressor  nation : t&e +ongter* o*etiti1e nee! to ontin0a++3 re-secure its e7isting o6er 2ro* ossi4+e future +oss is a1er3 rea+ an! 2o0n!e! 2ear# So, in e22et, t&is !e2ense- is t&at o2 e+itist, 0er+ass se+28reser1ation an! &ene 0s0a++3 morally unFustifiable to t&e 04+i in its tr0e ter*s &ene t&ese+o3s are 0se! instea! to gain 04+i aro1a+#?%? 

( T&e 0se o2 re+igion to generate o+itia+ s0ort 2or i*eria+ ats o2 6ar is 50ite o**on &istoria++3# E1en in t&eUnite! States to!a3, a genera+ 0n!ertone o2 re+igio0s 6ar or o2 ating on t&e 4e&a+2 o2 Go!- &as onsistent+3 4een*a!e 43 o+itiians 6it& reset to reent *i+itar3 ations# Is+a*i an! Ke6is& states aear to !o t&e sa*e t&ing,a+ong 6it& states# T&e Israe+i8Pa+estinian on2+it, 2or e7a*+e, 6&i& is genera++3 akno6+e!ge! as a !ee+3 re+igio0son2+it 2or &o+3- territor3, re1ea+s, 0on +oser insetion, t&at re+igion, 6&i+e er&as a rea+ 2ator in t&e 04+i *in!o1era++, is at0a++3 not t&e root o2 t&e on2+it# T&e rea+ root aears to 4e e+ite i*eria+is* an! reso0re a50isition ingenera+, 6it& re+igion 0se! as *eans to 2oster an! *aintain 04+i s0ort# S0ggeste! Rea!ing"&tt"666#t&e9akartag+o4e#o*g+o4e4e3on!israe+8a+estine8not8a8re+igio0s8on2+it@@C(@(

?%% &tate supported media is o**on+3 !e2ine! as *e!ia ro!0e! 43 !iret 20n!ing 2ro* a o0ntr3s go1ern*ent# W&i+e

t&is is sti++ o**on in t&e 6or+! an! o2ten s049et to state roagan!a, in t&e Unite! States, a si*i+ar 3et *oreo4s0re 2or* &as e*erge! 8 so*et&ing 6e o0+! a++ corporate-state supported media# )ororate statis* is a 2or* o2ororatis* 6&ose a!&erents &o+! t&at t&e ororate gro0 is t&e 4asis o2 soiet3 an! t&e state# T&e oeti tra!itiono2 t&e 2ree ress in t&e US, 4eing 6it&o0t reg0+ation or inter2erene, is a +ong stan!ing 1a+0e an! ass0*tion# Jet,6&en 6e 2ator in t&e rea+it3 o2 t&e inreasing onentration o2 *a9or *e!ia o0t+ets, s0& as t&e 2at t&at as o2 '%$'si7 ororations ontro+ % o2 t&e*X 8 o0+e! 6it& t&e 4asi 0n!erstan!ing t&at t&ere is +itt+e to no searation4et6een t&e go1ern*ent an! its ororations 43 !e2a0+t in t&e )aita+ist roote! soioeono*i *o!e+ 4et6een t&ego1ern*ent an! its ororations 8 it is !i22i0+t to !e2en! t&e i!ea t&at t&e *ost !o*inant ne6s o0t+ets e7ist 6it&o0ti!eo+ogia+ in2+0ene to6ar!s reser1ing t&e stat0s 50o sine t&e3 are so 4o0n! 0 6it& it# Wit& reset to t&e initiationo2 6ar, a statistia+ re1ie6 o2 &istoria+ *e!ia 2or t&e ast $%% 3ears 6i++ s&o6 a !ee s0ort 43 a++ *a9or ne6s o0t+etsto6ar!s t&e go1ern*ents interests# .X&tt"666#40sinessinsi!er#o*t&ese8=8ororations8ontro+8%8o28t&e8*e!ia8in8a*eria8'%$'8=/

?%$ For*er US Nationa+ Se0rit3 A!1isor Z4ignie6 r;e;inski 0n!erstoo! t&is 6e++, an! state! in &is 2a*o0s 6ork TheBrand ChessboardA .merican "rimacy .nd Its Beostrategic Imperatives" T&e attit0!e o2 t&e A*erian 04+i to6ar!t&e e7terna+ ro9etion o2 A*erian o6er &as 4een *0& *ore a*4i1a+ent# T&e 04+i s0orte! A*eriasengage*ent in Wor+! War II +arge+3 4ea0se o2 t&e s&ok e22et o2 t&e Kaanese attak on Pear+ Har4or# asi ooks

P04+is&ing, $C, # '?8@< ###as A*eria 4eo*es an inreasing+3 *0+ti80+t0ra+ soiet3, it *a3 2in! it *ore !i22i0+t to2as&ion a onsens0s on 2oreign o+i3 iss0es, e7et in t&e ir0*stane o2 a tr0+3 *assi1e an! 6i!e+3 erei1e! !irete7terna+ t&reat#asi ooks P04+is&ing, $C, #'$$<

?%' T&e ter* aterna+is* is !e2ine! as " a s3ste* 0n!er 6&i& an a0t&orit3 0n!ertakes to s0+3 nee!s or reg0+ateon!0t o2 t&ose 0n!er its ontro+#- .&tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3aterna+is*/ T&e ter* atriotiaterna+is*- !enotes t&e ass0*tion t&at a so1ereign nation kno6s 4etter t&an anot&er an! &ene it 6orks toin2+0ene an! take ontro+ o2 t&e nation 2or t&e s0ose! 4ene2it o2 its eo+e#

?%( In t&e *o!ern !a3, t&e ter* ree*ti1e 6ar- is o**on+3 0se! to 90sti23 an at o2 aggression 43 t&e +ai* it is a!e2ensi1e *o1e to t&6art a +oo*ing attak o2 so*e kin! 43 t&e target#

?%? For*er US Nationa+ Se0rit3 A!1isor Z4ignie6 r;e;inski e7resses t&is aterna+isti !e2ense- +ear+3 in &is 6ork TheBrand ChessboardA .merican "rimacy .nd Its Beostrategic Imperatives' He states 6it& reset to t&e nee! 2or A*eriato essentia++3 re*ain in ontro+ o2 t&e 6or+!" A*eria is no6 t&e on+3 g+o4a+ s0ero6er, an! E0rasia is t&e g+o4esentra+ arena# Hene, 6&at &aens to t&e !istri40tion o2 o6er on t&e E0rasian ontinent 6i++ 4e o2 !eisi1e

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Eono*ist an! soio+ogist T&orstein Ve4+en, in &is 2a*o0s $$> 6ork .n In%uiry Into The Nature0f "eace .nd The Terms 0f Its "erpetuation 6rote t&e 2o++o6ing on t&e s049et o2 04+iers0asion" An3 6ar+ike enterrise t&at is &oe20+ to 4e entere! on *0st &a1e t&e *ora+ santiono2 t&e o**0nit3 or o2 an e22eti1e *a9orit3 in t&e o**0nit3# It onse50ent+3 4eo*es t&e 2irstonern o2 t&e 6ar+ike states*an to 0t t&is *ora+ 2ore in train 2or t&e a!1ent0re on 6&i& &e is

4ent# An! t&ere are t6o *ain +ines o2 *oti1ation###t&e reser1ation or 20rt&erane o2 t&eo**0nit3s *ateria+ interest, rea+ or 2anie! 8 an! 1in!iation o2 t&e nationa+ &onor# To t&eses&o0+! er&as 4e a!!e! a t&ir!, t&e a!1ane*ent an! eret0ation o2 t&e nations culture#- ?%@

T&is +ast oint on t&e eret0ation o2 t&e nations culture is 4est e7e*+i2ie! 6it& t&e o**on,*o!ern Western i*eria+ +ai*s o2 seeking to srea! Free!o* an! De*ora3-# T&is +ai* takesa paternal  osition, ositing t&e i!ea t&at t&e 0rrent o+itia+ +i*ate o2 a targete! nation issi*+3 too in&0*ane an! inter1ention to &e+- its iti;ens 4eo*es a *ora+ o4+igation- o2 t&ein1a!ing o6er#

Ve4+en )ontin0es" An3 Patriotis* 6i++ ser1e as 6a3s an! *eans to 6ar+ike enterrise 0n!ero*etent *anage*ent, e1en i2 .t&e eo+e are/ not &a4it0a++3 rone to a 4e++iose te*er#Rig&t+3 *anage!, or!inar3 atrioti senti*ent *a3 rea!i+3 4e *o4i+i;e! 2or 6ar+ike a!1ent0re 43an3 reasona4+3 a!roit an! sing+e8*in!e! 4o!3 o2 states*en 8 o2 6&i& t&ere is a40n!anti++0stration#- ?%= ###it is .a+so/ 50ite a sa2e genera+i;ation t&at 6&en &osti+ities &a1e one 4een got2air+3 0n!er6a3 43 t&e intereste! states*an, t&e atrioti senti*ent o2 t&e nation *a3 on2i!ent+34e o0nte! on to 4ak t&e enterrise, irreseti1e o2 t&e *erits o2 t&e 50arre+-#?%>

In A*erian, t&e &rase I* against t&e 6ar 40t s0ort t&e troos- ?%C is o**on a*ong t&ose6&o oose a gi1en on2+it 40t 6is& to 4e 1ie6e! as sti++ reset20+ o2 t&eir o0ntr3 in genera+#T&is &rase is 0ni50e as it is at0a++3 irrationa+# To +ogia++3 s0ort t&e troos- 6o0+! *ean tos0ort t&e role of being a troo-, &ene t&e ats t&at are re50ire! 43 t&at ro+e# T&e i*+iitgest0re, o2 o0rse, is t&at one s0orts t&e nee! 2or 6ar an! &ene s0orts t&e *en an! 6o*eno2 t&e ar*e! 2ores 6&o assist t&at nee!# Jet, t&e state*ent itse+2 is 20++3 ontra!itor3 an! e7istsas a 2or* o2 !o04+et&ink- ?% as to !isagree 6it& t&e e7istene o2 a ertain 6ar is to 6&o++3

!isagree 6it& ations o2 t&ose 6&o engage it# It is si*i+ar to sa3ing I* against aner ki++ingeo+e 40t I s0ort aners rig&t to +i2e-#

T&e ar*e! 2ores &a1e &istoria++3 4een &e+! in &ig& 04+i estee* 43 a iti;enr3 an! t&is isontin0a++3 g+ori2ie! 43 t&e go1ern*ent to t&e e7tent t&at t&e ass0*tion o2 &onor- takes on anirrationa+ +i2e o2 its o6n# In 2at, it is o*o0n!e! s3&o+ogia++3 43 a 40i+t8in ceremonialism#Honor is 2or*a+i;e! t&ro0g& a6ar!s, *eta+s, ara!es, ost0res o2 reset an! ot&er a!orn*ents6&i& i*ress t&e 04+i as to t&e s0ose! 1a+0e o2 t&e ations o2 t&e so+!iers an! &ene t&einstit0tion o2 6ar# T&is 20rt&er rein2ores t&e 0+t0ra+ taboo 6&ere to ins0+t an3 e+e*ent o2 t&e 6araarat0s is seen as s&o6ing !isreset 2or t&e sari2ie o2 t&e ar*e! 2ores#

Fro* t&e stan!oint o2 tr0e rotetion an! ro4+e* reso+0tion, as 6o0+! 4e t&e &onora4+e- ase

i*ortane to A*erias g+o4a+ ri*a3 an! to A*erias &istoria+ +ega3# asi ooks P04+is&ing, $C, #$?< To0t it in a ter*ino+og3 t&at &arkens 4ak to t&e *ore 4r0ta+ age o2 anient e*ires, t&e t&ree gran! i*erati1es o2i*eria+ geostrateg3 are to re1ent o++0sion an! *aintain se0rit3 !een!ene a*ong t&e 1assa+s, to kee tri40taries+iant an! rotete!, an! to kee t&e 4ar4arians 2ro* o*ing toget&er# I4i!#, #?%< Hene2ort&, t&e Unite! States*a3 &a1e to !eter*ine &o6 to oe 6it& regiona+ oa+itions t&at seek to 0s& A*eria o0t o2 E0rasia, t&ere43t&reatening A*erias stat0s as a g+o4a+ o6er# I4i!#, #@@<

?%@ .n In%uiry Into the Nature of "eace and the Terms of Its "erpetuation, T&orstein Ve4+en, E&o Li4rar3, $$> #$=?%= I4i!# #>?%> I4i!# #$=?%C Re2" Can 9ou &upport the Troops but Not the :arG Troops $espond  .&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*a0+8

riek&o22an83o08s0ort8t&e8troo4'=$'#&t*+/?% Do04+et&ink- a ter* oine! 43 George Or6e++ 6&i& !esri4es t&e at o2 si*0+taneo0s+3 aeting t6o *0t0a++3

ontra!itor3 4e+ie2s as orret#

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o2 a 2ire2ig&ter 6&o sa1es a &i+! 2ro* a 40rning 40i+!ing, t&is a!*iration is 6arrante!# T&ese+2+ess, a+tr0isti osition o2 0tting ones +i2e at risk 2or t&e 4ene2it o2 anot&er is nat0ra++3 a no4+eat# Ho6e1er, in t&e onte7t o2 &istoria+ 6ar2are, t&e ersona+ a+tr0is* o2 a so+!ier !oes not 90sti23 4roa! ats o2 nationa+, i*eria+ aggression, no *atter &o6 6e++8intentione! t&e so+!iers*a3 4e#

F0rt&er*ore, t&is 2ear8oriente! power preservation 43 t&e esta4+is&e! go1ern*enta+ aarat0sa+so nat0ra++3 generates a s0486ar- against t&e !o*esti iti;enr3 itse+2, a+*ost a+6a3s a*+i2ie!in ti*es o2 6ar# T&ose 6&o &a++enge or oose a gi1en nationa+ on2+it &a1e &istoria++3 4een *et6it& !iret oression an!, 43 0+t0ra+ e7tension, 04+i resent*ent# T&e o**on 3et a*4ig0o0s+ega+ 1io+ations o2 treason- ?$% an! se!ition- ?$$ are &istoria+ e7a*+es o2 t&is, a+ong 6it& t&eattern o2 s0sen!ing t&e rig&ts o2 iti;ens !0ring ti*es o2 6ar, so*eti*es e1en in+0!ing 2reesee&#?$'

Soia++3, t&e 0se o2 atriotis*-, as note! 4e2ore, is a+so 1er3 o**on to t&e e22et t&at t&ose 6&o!o not s0ort a 6ar are o2ten !is*isse! as not s0orting t&e nationa+ iti;enr3 43 e7tension,reating a+ienation# More reent+3, t&ose in oosition an! er&as engaging in rotest ations&a1e 4een onsi!ere! terrorists- 43 t&e state,?$( a o6er20+ inri*ination 6it& se1ere +ega+onse50enes i2 !ee*e! tr0e 43 t&e a0t&orities#

Ho6e1er, t&is s0486ar- an 4e !eonstr0te! into an e1en !eeer *e&anis* 8 6&at o0+! 4ea++e! a kin! o2 social control  in s0ort o2 i*eria+ intent# In *an3 o0ntries to!a3, eit&er 43o4+igation 2ro* 4irt&?$? or 43 ers0asion to +ega++3 4in!ing ontrats?$@ t&e ress0re or *oti1ationto 9oin t&e *i+itar3 itse+2 is manipulative on *an3 +e1e+s# A!1ertising tatis s0& as *one3 2oro++ege- or ersona+ ao*+is&*ent- are o**on, arg0a4+3 targeting t&e +o6er r0ngs o2 t&eeono*i &ierar&3#?$= T&e Unite! States is on reor! 2or &a1ing at ti*es sent 4i++ions a 3earb?#> 4i++ion in '%%< on g+o4a+ 04+i re+ations in assist 04i i*age an! rer0it*ent# ?$>

%m*erial War3 Source

W&en t&e tra!itiona+, roagan!i;e! i++0sions in !e2ense o2 t&e at o2 organi;e! &0*an *0r!er

an! reso0re t&e2t &a1e 4een o1erri!!en, !is*issing s0& s&a++o6 90sti2iations as aterna+atriotis*, &onor an! rotetionis*, 6e 2in! t&at 6ar to!a3 is at0a++3 an in&erent &arateristio2 t&e roertie!, sarit38!ri1en business s3ste*# It 6o0+! 4e 2a+se to sa3 t&at 6ar is a ro!0to2 )aita+is* in an! o2 itse+2 sine t&e ratie o2 6ar re!ates )aita+is* e7tensi1e+3# Ho6e1er,6&en 6e !eonstr0t t&e re*ise itse+2 6e see t&at 6ar is, in!ee!, a entra+, i**0ta4+e 2eat0re o2)aita+is* as it is si*+3 a *ore so&istiate! *ani2estation o2 t&ese sa*e, !i1isi1e, o*etiti1e,ar&ai 1a+0es an! raties#

?$% Treason- is !e2ine! as" t&e o22ense o2 atte*ting 43 o1ert ats to o1ert&ro6 t&e go1ern*ent o2 t&e state to 6&i&t&e o22en!er o6es a++egiane- .&tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3treason/

?$$ Se!ition- is !e2ine! as" inite*ent o2 resistane to or ins0rretion against +a620+ a0t&orit3- .&tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3se!ition/

?$' Fro* Wor+! War IIs Kaanese8A*erian Intern*ent a*s 6&i& i*risone! o1er $'>,%%% US iti;ens,

.&tt"666#0s&istor3#org0s@$e#as/ to t&e s0sension o2 i1i+ +i4erties as s0& as &a4eas or0s-,

.&tt"666#sa+on#o*'%%%?$$4agra*(/ to t&e rose0tion 2or *ere see&, .&tt"666#&istor3#o*t&is8!a38in8&istor30s8ongress8asses8se!ition8at/ rig&ts 1io+ations !0ring 6arti*e is an &istoria+ onstant#

?$( A reent e7a*+e o2 t&is 6as t&e O03 Mo1e*ent- 0rising 6&i& 6as +ater re1ea+e! to 4e onsi!ere! a ossi4+e terrorist t&reat- 43 t&e FI# .&tt"666#90stieon+ine#orgo**entar324i82i+es8o6s#&t*+/

?$? Israe+, 2or e7a*+e, en2ores near 20++ onsrition o2 its iti;ens#.&tt"666#a+9a;eera#o*ne6s*i!!+eeast'%$'%>'%$'>C@($$C@$?@#&t*+/

?$@ Re2" :hy Is Betting 0ut of the >'&' .rmy &o ToughG  .&tt"nation#ti*e#o*'%$'%@%?6&38is8getting8o0t8o28t&e808s8ar*38so8to0g&/

?$= Re2" 4ilitary recruiters target isolated, depressed areas.&tt"seatt+eti*es#o*&t*+nation6or+!'%%'=$'@?'rer0its%#&t*+/

?$> So0re" "entagon &pending 3illions on "$ to &way :orld 0pinion.&tt"666#2o7ne6s#o*o+itis'%%%'%@entagon8sen!ing84i++ions8r8s6a386or+!8oinion/

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K0st as a ororation o*etes 6it& ot&er ororations o2 t&e sa*e genre 2or ino*e s0r1i1a+,in1aria4+3 seeking *onoo+3 an! arte+ 6&en it an, a++ go1ern*ents on t&e +anet are20n!a*enta++3 re*ise! on t&e sa*e 2or* o2 s0r1i1a+ 43 e7tension# Using A*eria as a asest0!3, in '%$$ t&e o0ntr3 gaine! a4o0t b'#( tri++ion in 2e!era+ ino*e ta7 re1en0es a+one# ?$C T&ese re1en0es are i*ortant to t&e oeration o2 6&at is, in e22et, t&e business institution kno6n

as A*eria-, in t&e sa*e 6a3 t&e ann0a+ earnings o2 Miroso2t a22et its a4i+it3 to 20ntion#A*eria is, in tr0t&, a corporation in 20ntion an! 2or*, 6it& a++ t&e registere! 40sinesses e7istingin its !o*esti +ega+ 6e4 to 4e onsi!ere! subsidiaries o2 t&is parent  instit0tion 6e tra!itiona++3a++ t&e US go1ern*ent-#

T&ere2ore, a++ ations o2 t&e US go1ern*ent, a+ong 6it& a++ o*eting go1ern*ents in t&e 6or+!,*0st nat0ra++3 kee an a0te business acumen in oeration# Ho6e1er, 6&at searates t&is arentororation- A*eria< 2ro* its s04si!iar3 setors ororations< is t&e sa+e o2 its aait3 toreser1e itse+2 an! kee a o*etiti1e e!ge# Its neessit3 to reser1e t&e ore !ri1ers o2 itseono*3 is r0ia+ an! a 0rsor3 g+ane at &istor3 regar!ing &o6 t&e US 6as a4+e to gain an!*aintain its stat0s o2 a g+o4a+ e*ire-, s&o6s t&is 40siness a0*en +ear+3# T&e *ani2estation isrea++3 +itt+e !i22erent in rini+e t&an &o6 a sei2i ororation seeks to gain a o**eria+*onoo+3# On+3 in t&is ase t&e i!ea+ o2 global monopoly e*ire< is not restrite! 43 +ega+*an!ate as is o**on+3 +ai*e! 43 t&e !o*esti +ega+ restaint 8 it is 2ore20++3 e7e0te! in t&et&eater o2 i*eria+ 6ar#

In 2at, interesting+3 eno0g& 40t not 0ne7ete!+3, t&e 1er3 at o2 t&is se+28reser1ation t&ro0g&*i+itar3 *ig&t &a1e itself 4eo*e a o6er20++3 +0rati1e 40siness 1ent0re 6&i& o2ten i*ro1est&e eono*i state o2 t&e nation an! &ene ro2its to its ororate onstit0ents# To!a3, 6e ane7ten! t&ese eono*i 4ene2its to t&e *assi1e *i+itar3 e7en!it0res?$ ?'% a+ong 6it& t&ereonstr0tion o2 6ar8torn areas 43 t&e on50ering states o**eria+ s04si!iaries,?'$ t&e s+o6ro!!ing o2 a o0ntr3s integrit3 t&ro0g& tra!e tari22s, santions an! !e4t i*ositions 2or t&e sakeo2 o0+ation s0490gation 2or t&e 4ene2it o2 transontinenta+ in!0stries?'' ?'( an! *an3 ot&er*o!ern eono*i 6ar- on1entions#

T&is oint 6as +ike+3 4est e7resse! 43 one o2 A*erias *ost !eorate! ar*3 o22iers o2 t&e '%t&

 ent0r3" Ma9or Genera+ S*e!+e3 D# 0t+er#?'? 0t+er 6as t&e a0t&or o2 a 2a*o0s 4ook re+ease!a2ter Wor+! War I tit+e! War is a Raket, an! state! t&e 2o++o6ing 6it& reset to t&e 40siness o26ar" War is a raket# It a+6a3s &as 4een# It is ossi4+3 t&e o+!est, easi+3 t&e *ost ro2ita4+e,s0re+3 t&e *ost 1iio0s# It is t&e on+3 one internationa+ in soe# It is t&e on+3 one in 6&i& t&ero2its are rekone! in !o++ars an! t&e +osses in +i1es#- ?'@ 

He a+so 6rote in $(@" I sent (( 3ears an! 2o0r *ont&s in ati1e *i+itar3 ser1ie an! !0ring t&at erio! I sent *ost o2*3 ti*e as a &ig& +ass *0s+e *an 2or ig 0siness, 2or Wa++ Street an! t&e 4ankers# In s&ort, I6as a raketeer, a gangster 2or aita+is*# I &e+e! *ake Me7io an! eseia++3 Ta*io sa2e 2or

?$C So0re" Dederal $evenues by &ource .&tt"666#&eritage#org2e!era+40!get2e!era+8re1en0e8so0res/

?$ Re2" The 61 4ost (icious Ira% :ar "rofiteers .&tt"666#40siness0n!it#o*t&e8'@8*ost81iio0s8ira586ar8ro2iteers/

?'% Re2" Ten Companies "rofiting 4ost from :ar  .&tt"'?>6a++st#o*'%$'%''Cten8o*anies8ro2iting8*ost82ro*86ar/

?'$ Re2" .dvocates of :ar Now "rofit Drom Ira%5s $econstruction .&tt"arti+es#+ati*es#o*'%%?90+$?nationna8a!1oates$?/

?'' Re2" *eadly &anctions $egimeA +conomic :arfare against Iran .&tt"666#g+o4a+resear&#a!ea!+38santions8regi*e8eono*i86ar2are8against8iran@(%@'$/

?'( Re2" Confessions of an +conomic it 4anA ow the >'&' >ses Blobalization to Cheat "oor Countries 0ut of Trillions.&tt"666#!e*ora3no6#org'%%?$$on2essionso2aneono*i&it*an/

?'? Re2" 3anana :arsA 4aFor Beneral &medley 3utler .&tt"*i+itar3&istor3#a4o0t#o*o!$%%sanana8Wars8Ma9or8Genera+8S*e!+e380t+er#&t*/

?'@ :ar is a $acket , S*e!+e3 D# 0t+er, Wi++ia* H H022 P04+is&ing, $(@, )&ater $, #$

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A*erian oi+ interests in $$?# I &e+e! *ake Haiti an! )04a a !eent +ae 2or t&e Nationa+ )it3ank 4o3s to o++et re1en0es in# I &e+e! in t&e raing o2 &a+2 a !o;en )entra+ A*erian re04+is2or t&e 4ene2it o2 Wa++ Street# I &e+e! 0ri23 Niarag0a 2or t&e Internationa+ anking Ho0se o2ro6n rot&ers in $%'8$$'# I 4ro0g&t +ig&t to t&e Do*inian Re04+i 2or t&e A*erian s0garinterests in $$=# I &e+e! *ake Hon!0ras rig&t 2or t&e A*erian 2r0it o*anies in $%(# In

)&ina in $'> I &e+e! see to it t&at Stan!ar! Oi+ 6ent on its 6a3 0n*o+este!# Looking 4ak on it,I *ig&t &a1e gi1en A+ )aone a 2e6 &ints# T&e 4est &e o0+! !o 6as to oerate &is raket in t&ree!istrits# I oerate! on t&ree ontinents#- ?'=

Ko&n A# Ho4sons $C@C8$?%< *on0*enta+ 6ork ImperialismA . &tudy  !esri4e! t&e ten!en3 asa soia+ arasiti roess 43 6&i& a *one3e! interest 6it&in t&e state, 0s0ring t&e reins o2go1ern*ent, *akes 2or i*eria+ e7ansion in or!er to 2asten eono*i s0kers into 2oreign 4o!iesso as to !rain t&e* o2 t&eir 6ea+t& in or!er to s0ort !o*esti +070r3#- ?'>

No6, *an3 6o0+! t&ink a4o0t t&ese ats o2 a40se as a 2or* o2 orr0tion- 40t t&is reasoning is!i22i0+t to 90sti23 in t&e 4roa! 1ie6# T&e et&ia+ an! *ora+ arg0*ent o2 2air- an! 0n2air- &as noogent integrit3 within t&e s3ste* 2ra*e6ork in&erent to )aita+is*# T&is is one o2 t&e0n2ort0nate 2ai+0res o2 rea+i;ation 43 t&ose 6&o are ati1e in t&e *essage o2 6or+! eae- or anti86ar- ati1is* 40t 3et sti++ !e2en! t&e o*etiti1e *arket *o!e+# In ot&er 6or!s, 6or+!eae- aears si*+3 not a ossi4i+it3 6it&in t&e 0rrent+3 aete! *o!e+ o2 eono*i ratie#

E1er3 ste o2 t&e a+iation o2 g+o4a+ )aita+is*, starting 2ro* its E0roean inetion, &as 4eenassoiate! 6it& 1ast 1io+ene, e7+oitation an! s0490gation# E0roean o+onia+is*,?'C t&e at0reo2 A2rian s+a1es- 2or 0se an! sa+e, t&e 2ore! s0490gation o2 o0nt+ess o+onia+ eo+es, an! t&ereation o2 ri1i+ege! sant0aries o2 ro2iteering an! o6er 2or t&e *an3 go1ern*ent8reate! orgo1ern*ent8rotete! 40sinesses, on+3 to0&es t&e s0r2ae o2 its in&erent &arater as a 6ars3ste*- o2 t&o0g&t#

T&orstein Ve4+en, again 6riting 2ro* $$>, *akes t&e !iret onnetion to 6&at &e a++e! t&e e0niar3- or *onetar3 2o0n!ation o2 6ar" It &as aeare! in t&e o0rse o2 t&e arg0*ent t&att&e reser1ation o2 t&e resent e0niar3 +a6 an! or!er, 6it& a++ its ini!ent o2 o6ners&i an!

in1est*ent, is ino*ati4+e 6it& an 0n6ar+ike state o2 eae an! se0rit3# T&is 0rrent s&e*e o2in1est*ent, 40siness, an! .In!0stria+/ sa4otage, s&o0+! &a1e an areia4+3 4etter &ane o2s0r1i1a+ in t&e +ong r0n i2 t&e resent on!itions o2 6ar+ike rearation an! nationa+ inse0rit3-6ere *aintaine!, or i2 t&e ro9ete! eae 6ere +e2t in a so*e6&at ro4+e*ati state, s022iient+3reario0s to kee nationa+ ani*osities a+ert.###/-#?' So, i2 t&e ro9etors o2 t&is eae at +arge arein an3 !egree in+ine! to seek onessi1e ter*s on 6&at t&e eae *ig&t &oe20++3 4e *a!een!0ring, it s&o0+! e1i!ent+3 4e art o2 t&eir en!ea1ors 2ro* t&e o0tset to 0t e1ents in train 2ort&e resent a4ate*ent an! e1ent0a+ a4rogation o2 t&e rig&ts o2 o6ners&i an! o2 t&e rie8s3ste*in 6&i& t&ese rig&ts take e22et#- ?(%

F0rt&er e1i!ene o2 t&is onte7t an 4e 2o0n! in t&e *ore *o!ern 2or*s o2 indirect violence'T&ese in+0!e eono*i 6ar2are- aroa&es, as *entione! 4e2ore, 6&i& an ser1e as o*+eteats o2 aggression in an! o2 t&e*se+1es, or as a art o2 a roe!0ra+ re+0!e to tra!itiona+ *i+itar3ation# E7a*+es o*e in t&e 2or* o2 tra!e tari22s, santions, !e4t 43 oerion, an! *an3 ot&er+esser kno6n, o1ert *et&o!s to 6eaken a o0ntr3#?($

?'= Origina++3 in )ommon &ense, $(@# Rero!0e! in Hans S&*i!ts 4averick 4arineA Beneral &medley *' 3utler andthe Contradictions of .merican 4ilitary istory # Uni1ersit3 Press o2 ent0k3, $C #'($

?'> ImperialismA . &tudy, K#A# Ho4son, Uni1ersit3 o2 Mi&igan Press, Ann Ar4or, $=@, #(=>?'C Re2" Western )o+onia+is* !e2ine!" .&tt"666#4ritannia#o*E&eke!toi$'='(>o+onia+is*8Western/?' .n In%uiry Into the Nature of "eace and the Terms of Its "erpetuation, T&orstein Ve4+en, #W# H04s&, $$> #(==8

(=>?(% I4i!# #(=>?($ Re2" 0ur +conomic :arfare .&tt"666#2oreigna22airs#o*arti+es>%$='er38684i!6e++o0r8eono*i86ar2are/

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G+o4a+ 2inania+ instit0tions s0& as t&e Wor+! ank an! IMF &a1e &ea13 1este! state an! &ene40siness interests 4e&in! t&e* an! t&e3 &a1e t&e o6er to a++oate !e4t to 4ai+o0t- s022eringo0ntries at t&e e7ense o2 t&e 50a+it3 o2 +i2e o2 its iti;enr3, o2ten taking &arge o2 nat0ra+reso0res or in!0stries t&ro0g& se+et ri1ati;ation or ot&er *anners 6&i& an 6eaken ao0ntr3s a4i+it3 to t&e e22et t&at it 4eo*es re+iant on ot&ers, to t&e a!1antage o2 o**eria+


T&is is si*+3 a *ore o1ert *anner o2 s0490gation t&an 6as seen, sa3, 6it& t&e ritis& E*iresi*eria+ e7ansion t&ro0g& its East In!ia )o*an3- 8 t&e o**eria+ 2ore t&at took a!1antageo2 t&e ne6+3 on50ere! regiona+ reso0res an! +a4or in Asia in t&e $> t& ent0r3#?(( Ho6e1er, 0n+ikeritis& e*ire e7ansion, A*erian e*ire e7ansion !i! not gain its stat0s t&ro0g& *i+itar3ation a+one, e1en t&o0g& s0& a resene is sti++ enor*o0s g+o4a++3#?(? Rat&er, t&e 0se o2 o*+e7eono*i strategies t&at reositione! ot&er o0ntries into s0490gation to US eono*i B geo8eono*i interests 6as *a!e o**on#?(@

Class War3 %nherent Ps)cholog)

Mo1ing on to t&e +ass 6ar- t&is notion &as 4een note! in &istoria+ +iterat0re 2or ent0ries 4ase!art+3 on ass0*tions o2 &0*an nat0re, art+3 on ass0*tions o2 a +ak o2 aait3 o2 t&e Eart&an! ro!0tion *eans to *eet e1er3ones nee!s an! art+3 on t&e *ore re+e1ant a6areness t&att&e s3ste* o2 *arket )aita+is* ine1ita4+3 guarantees +ass !i1ision an! i*4a+ane !0e to itsin&erent *e&anis*s, 4ot& str0t0ra++3 an! s3&o+ogia++3#

Fo0n!ing Free8Market eono*ist Da1i! Riar!os state*ent t&at I2 6ages s&o0+! rise###t&en###ro2its 6o0+! neessari+3 2a++- ?(= is a si*+e akno6+e!g*ent o2 t&e str0t0ra+ ass0rane o2 +asson2+it as t&e wage re+ates to t&e +o6er 6orking +ass- an! t&e profits t&e 0er aita+ist +ass-an! as one gains, t&e ot&er +oses# Like6ise, e1en A!a* S*it& in &is anonia+ The :ealth ofNations +ear+3 e7resses t&e nat0re o2 o6er reser1ation on t&e 4e&a1iora+ s3&o+ogia+< +e1e+,stating" )i1i+ go1ern*ent, so 2ar as it is instit0te! 2or t&e se0rit3 o2 roert3, is in rea+it3instit0te! 2or t&e !e2ense o2 t&e ri& against t&e oor, or o2 t&ose 6&o &a1e so*e roert3 againstt&ose 6&o &a1e none at a++#- ?(>

Ho6e1er, t&e tr0e use o2 go1ern*ent 2or t&e 0roses o2 t&e 0er or 40siness +ass see*s to 4est044orn+3 ignore! 43 S*it&, Riar!o an! e1en *an3 o2 to!a3s eono*ists, 6&o see* 0na4+e or0n6i++ing to take into ao0nt resent8!a3 e1ents# E1en t&e *ost o**itte!, +aisse;82aire *arketeono*ist sti++ e7resses t&e nee! 2or go1ern*ent an! its +ega+ aarat0s to e7ist as so*et&ing o2a re2eree- to kee t&e ga*e 2air-# Ter*s s0& a ron38aita+is*- are o2ten 0se! 0n!er t&eass0*tion t&at o++0sion- 4et6een a go1ern*enta+ onstit0en3 an! t&e seemingly  !eta&e!ororate instit0tions is o2 an 0net&ia+ or ri*ina+- nat0re#

Jet again, as note! 4e2ore, it is i++ogia+ to ass0*e t&at t&e nat0re o2 go1ern*ent is an3t&ing e+seat its ore t&an a 1e&i+e to s0ort t&e 40sinesses t&at o*rise t&e 6ea+t& o2 t&at o0ntr3# T&e

?(' As note! 43 resear& 43 t&e STWR regar!ing t&e Wor+! ank" In *ost o2 its +ient o0ntries, it is 1irt0a++3 t&e on+3

!oor6a3 to aess internationa+ tra!e, !e1e+o*ent 2inane an! ri1ate in1est*ent aita+# It !eri1es its o6er an!o+i3 agen!as 2ro* its 6ea+t&iest s&are&o+!ers 88go1ern*ents t&at o*rise t&e G8>###6&o ro0tine+3 0se t&e ank tose0re +0rati1e tra!e an! in1est*ent !ea+s in !e1e+oing o0ntries 2or t&eir reseti1e transnationa+ ororationsTN)s<#-Re2" I4D, :orld 3ank = Trade .&tt"666#st6r#orgi*286or+!84ank8tra!eororate8o6er8an!8in2+0ene8in8t&e86or+!84ank#&t*+/

?(( Re2" +ast India Company .&tt"666#4ritannia#o*E&eke!toi$>==?(East8In!ia8)o*an3/?(? As o2 '%$$, t&e US *i+itar3 e7ists in o1er $?% o0ntries, 6it& an esti*ate! ==% 4ases# Re2"


?(@ Re2" :hy the *eveloping :orld ates the :orld 3ank  .&tt"te&#*it#e!0V$''N$$o+$$arek#$$#&t*+/?(= The "rinciples of "olitical +conomy and Taxation, Da1i! Riar!o, $C'$, Dent E!ition, $=',#=??(> .n In%uiry into the Nature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations, A!a* S*it&, $>>=, ar# V#$#'

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40siness aarat0s rea++3 is t&e o0ntr3 in te&nia+ 2or*, regar!+ess o2 t&e s0r2ae +ai* t&at a !e*orati- o0ntr3 is organi;e! aro0n! t&e interests o2 t&e iti;enr3 itse+2# In 2at, it an 4e 6e++arg0e! t&at no go1ern*ent in reor!e! &istor3 &as e1er o22ere! its iti;ens a +egiti*ate +ae ingo1ernane or +egis+ation an! 6it&in t&e onte7t o2 *o!ern )aita+is*, 6&i& is sti++ a*ani2estation o2 ent0ries o+! 1a+0es an! ass0*tions 6it& a +ear e+itis* in intent, it is

interesting &o6 t&is *3t& o2 !e*ora3- eret0ates itse+2 to!a3 in t&e 6a3 t&at it !oes#

To 20rt&er t&is oint, one o2 t&e ar&itets o2 t&e US )onstit0tion o2 t&e Unite! States, Ka*esMa!ison, e7resse! &is onern 1er3 +ear+3 regar!ing t&e nee! to oress t&e o+itia+ o6er o2t&ose in t&e +o6er +asses# He state!" In Eng+an!, at t&is !a3, i2 e+etions 6ere oen to a++ +asseso2 eo+e, t&e roert3 o2 +an!e! rorietors 6o0+! 4e inse0re# An agrarian +a6 6o0+! soon take+ae# I2 t&ese o4ser1ations 4e 90st, o0r go1ern*ent o0g&t to se0re t&e er*anent interests o2t&e o0ntr3 against inno1ation# Lan!&o+!ers o0g&t to &a1e a s&are in t&e go1ern*ent, to s0ortt&ese in1a+0a4+e interests, an! to 4a+ane an! &ek t&e ot&er# T&e3 o0g&t to 4e so onstit0te! asto protect the minority of the opulent against the maFority # T&e senate, t&ere2ore, o0g&t to 4e t&is4o!3 an! to ans6er t&ese 0roses, t&e3 o0g&t to &a1e er*anen3 an! sta4i+it3#- ?(C 

So, starting 6it& t&is a6areness t&at t&e 1er3 re*ise o2 g+o4a+ !e*ora3- is !ee+3 in&i4ite! 43t&e )aita+ist inenti1e s3ste* to o*etiti1e+3 *aintain o6er on t&e +e1e+ o2 t&e state to assistt&e 0er +ass in reser1ing o+itia+ an!, 43 e7tension, 2inania+ o6er, a +earer it0re o2 &o6!ee t&is +ass 6ar r0ns is o4taine!# Like+3 t&e *ost striking aset o2 t&is is &o6 s0&*e&anis*s o2 +ass !i1ision e7ist in o0r e1er3 !a3 +i1es 40t 3et go 0nseen sine t&e3 arestr0t0ra++3 built in to t&e 2inania+, o+itia+ an! +ega+ aarat0s itse+2#

Class War3 Structural 1echanisms

In t&e *o!ern !a3, 6it& ?% erent o2 t&e +anets 6ea+t& 4eing o6ne! 43 $ erent o2 t&e 6or+!so0+ation,?( 6e 2in! t&at 4ot& in ter*s o2 system structure an! incentive psychology , o6er20+*e&anis*s e7ist to *aintain an! e1en ae+erate t&is gross+3 !isroortionate g+o4a+ 6ea+t&i*4a+ane# Nee!+ess to sa3, gi1en t&e 2inania+ 4asis o2 e1er3t&ing in t&e 6or+! to!a3, 6it& great6ea+t& o*es great power' Hene, as !esri4e! rior, t&is o6er ena4+es a *ore ro40st strateg3

2or o*etiti1e gain an! se+28reser1ation an! onse50ent+3 it &as &ene e7ten!e! into t&e 1er3structure o2 t&e soia+ s3ste* itse+2, ass0ring t&at t&e 0er +ass &as great ease in *aintainingt&eir 1ast 6ea+t& se0rit3, 6&i+e t&e +o6er +asses 2ae enor*o0s str0t0ra+ 4arriers to attainingan3 4asi +e1e+ o2 2inania+ se0rit3#

So*e *e&anis*s o2 t&is +ass 6ar oppression are 2air+3 o41io0s# For instane, t&e !e4ate o1erta7ation, an! &o6 t&ere &as 4een an &istoria+ 2a1oring o2 t&e ororate ri& o1er t&e 6orkingoor, is one e7a*+e#??% T&e arg0*ent o2 t&e esta4+is&*ent 0s0a++3 re1o+1es aro0n! t&e i!ea t&atsine t&e ri& are a+so t&e o6ners&i +ass- an! are art+3 resonsi4+e 2or t&e generation o2genera+ e*+o3*ent, t&e3 s&o0+! 4e gi1en *ore 2inania+ 2ree!o*#??$ As an asi!e, it is eas3 to seet&at t&ere is 1er3 +itt+e tr0e *erit in t&is one8si!e! arg0*ent sine t&e 2inania+ oressiont&ro0g& 04i ta7ation is at0a++3 limiting t&e 0r&asing o6er o2 t&e genera+ 04+i, reating an

arg0a4+3 *ore o6er20+ i*e!i*ent to eono*i gro6t& t&an t&e *ere +i*iting o2 t&e o22ers o2t&e ororate e*+o3ers-#??' T&e on+3 e7etion to t&is, 6&i& transen!s t&e arg0*ent o2 t&eri& as 9o4 reators-, is t&e a!1ent o2 plutonomy , 6&i& 6i++ 4e a!!resse! to6ar!s t&e en! o2 t&isessa3#

?(C Notes of the &ecret *ebates of the Dederal Convention of L<L, Ro4ert Jates, A+ston M3gatt, #$C(?( Re2" 0ne percent holds H percent of global wealth .&tt"666#ra6stor3#o*rs'%$$%@($one8erent8&o+!s8(8

erent8o28g+o4a+86ea+t&/??% Re2" "oor .mericans "ay *ouble The &tate, )ocal Tax $ates 0f Top 0ne "ercent

.&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$'%'$oor8a*erians8state8+oa+8ta7esn$%((#&t*+/??$ Re2" *on5t Tax the #ob Creators .&tt"666#n4#o*i!?C'%(?>Don%(tTa7t&eKo4)reatorsRo*ne3/??' Re2" "rivate *ebt ills the +conomy .&tt"666#g+o4a+resear&#ari1ate8!e4t8ki++s8t&e8eono*3@(%(C?'/

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)+ass 2a1oring ta7ation asi!e, 2o0r ot&er *ore ritia+ str0t0ra+ 2ators 6i++ 4e !is0sse!" a<De4t, 4< Interest, < In2+ation an! !< Ino*e !isarit3#

a< De4t is a *is0n!erstoo! soia+ ratie in t&at *ost ass0*e !e4t is an option in soiet3 to!a3#

In rea+it3, t&e entire 2inania+ s3ste* is 40i+t o0t o2 !e4t, 50ite +itera++3# A++ *one3 is 4ro0g&t intoe7istene t&ro0g& +oans in t&e *o!ern eono*3, o*ing 2ro* entra+ an! o**eria+ 4anks 6&oessentia++3 reate t&e *one3 o0t o2 !e*an! itse+2#??( T&is 4asi *e&anis* o2 *onetar3 reation isa o6er20+ 2ore o2 eono*i oression# Ho0se&o+! !e4t to!a3 ten!s to onsist o2 re!it ar!+oans, &o0sing +oans, ar +oans an! st0!ent e!0ationa+< +oans# T&ose in t&e +o6er +assesnat0ra++3 &o+! &ig&er +e1e+s o2 t&is consumer  !e4t t&an t&e 0er +ass sine t&e 1er3 nat0re o24eing 0na4+e to a3 o0trig&t 2or 4asi soia+ sta+es, s0& a ar or &o*e, 2ores t&e nee! 2or4anks +oans#

T&e res0+t is t&at t&e ress0re o2 !e4t is onstant in t&e +i1es o2 t&e 1ast *a9orit3#??? ??@ ??= T&egenera+ 6age an! ino*e rates 4eing 6&at t&e3 are on a1erage, nat0ra++3 as +o6 as ossi4+e toassist 6it& t&e !o*inant )aita+ist et&os o2 ost8e22iien3 0on 6&i& t&e entire soiet3 isengineere!, t&e 6age ino*e *a!e 43 t&e a1erage e*+o3ee ten!s to on+3 4are+3 *eet t&e 4asi+oan ser1iing re50ire*ents 6&i+e in onert 6it& *eeting 4asi, e1er3!a3 s0r1i1a+ nee!s# Hene a2or* o2 r0nning in +ae- is onstant an! t&e ossi4i+it3 o2 soia+ *o4i+it3 0 t&e +ass &ierar&3 is!ee+3 i*e!e!, +et a+one t&e !i22i0+t3 o2 si*+3 getting o0t o2 !e4t itse+2#??>

4< Interest" )o0+e! 6it& !e4t is t&e ro2it attri40te assoiate! t&e sa+e o2 *one3 itse+2# Sine t&e)aita+ist *arket eono*3 s0orts t&e genera+ o**o!i2iation o2 1irt0a++3 e1er3t&ing, it is nos0rrise t&at *one3 itse+2 is so+! into e7istene 2or ro2it an! t&is o*es in t&e 2or* o2 interest #W&et&er it is a entra+ 4ank reating *one3 in e7&ange 2or go1ern*ent se0rities or ao**eria+ 4ank *aking a *ortgage +oan to an a1erage erson, interest 2ees are a+*ost a+6a3satta&e!#

As *entione! in re1io0s essa3s, t&is reates t&e on!ition 6&ere *ore !e4t is generate! t&an

at0a+ *one3 in ir0+ation to o1er it# W&en a +oan is *a!e, on+3 6&at is ter*e! t&e rinia+- isro!0e!# T&e *one3 s0+3 o2 an3 o0ntr3 onsists o2 t&is rinia+ in 2or*, 6&i& is t&eaggregate 1a+0e o2 a++ +oans *a!e *one3 reation<# T&e interest 2ee, on t&e ot&er &an!, is not ine7istene# T&is *eans t&at, on t&e soia+ +e1e+, a++ t&ose taking interest 4earing +oans *0st 2in!*one3 2ro* t&e preexisting *one3 s0+3 in or!er to o1er it 6&en a3ing t&e +oan 4ak# In t&isroess, sine a++ interest ai! is 4eing 0++e! 2ro* t&e rinia+, it is a *at&e*atia+ e1ent0a+it3t&at ertain +oans si*+3 annot 4e reai!# T&ere si*+3 isnt eno0g& *one3 in t&e s3ste* at an3one ti*e#??C

T&e res0+t is an e1en *ore o6er20+ !o6n6ar! +ass ress0re on t&ose &o+!ing s0& 4asi,o**on +oans sine t&ere is a+6a3s t&is 4asi scarcity  in t&e *one3 s0+3 itse+2 an! e1er3one6orking to ser1ie t&eir +oans &a1e to onten! 6it& t&e ine1ita4+e rea+it3 t&at so*eone is going to

??( For 20++ treat*ent on t&e reation o2 *one3, see" 4odern 4oney 4echanics, Fe!era+ Reser1e ank o2 )&iago, $=$??? Re2" >'&' Credit Card *ebt Brows, Dewer .mericans 4ake "ayments 0n Time 

.&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$'$$$0s8re!it8ar!8!e4t8gro6sn'$@C%$%#&t*+/??@ Re2" *rowning In 4edical *ebtG Diling Dor 3ankruptcy Could 3e 9our )ife $aft  

.&tt"arti+es#40sinessinsi!er#o*'%$'8%$8'>ne6s(%==>$?$4ankr0t382i+ers8*e!ia+8!e4t8re!it8sore/??= Re2" The *ebt That :on5t Bo .way .&tt"666#n4#o*i!?%=C%%@/??> S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tt"666#t&eat+anti#o*40sinessar&i1e'%$(%$t&e8a*erian8&o0se&o+!8is8!igging8o0t8o28

!e4t8in8t&e86orst8ossi4+e86a3'>'=@>??C A o**on o49etion to t&is ana+3sis is t&e ass0*tion t&at interest income is a+so o0t0t into t&e *one3 s0+3

t&ro0g& sa1ings ao0nts, )#D#s an! ot&er s0& in1est*ents# Ho6e1er, t&is ass0*es t&at t&at *one3 is 4eing created!0ring t&e ti*e o2 a3*ent# T&is is not tr0e# Interest ino*e a3*ents are generate! 43 t&e e7isting ro2its o2 t&e2inania+ instit0tion so t&e ass0*tion !oes not &ange t&e e50ation# T&e interest 2ee re50ire! 2or a3*ent si*+3!oesnt e7ist in t&e *one3 s0+3#

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2ai+ to *eet t&eir +oan rea3*ent in t&e +ong r0n# ankr0t3 is a o**on res0+t in t&oseseg*ents o2 soiet3 t&at get t&is s&ort en! o2 t&e stik-# E1en *ore tro04+ing is &o6 t&e 4anking*e&anis* reats to t&ose 6&o are 0na4+e to 20+2i++ t&eir +oan o4+igation# T&e +oan ontrat an!+ega+ s3ste* s0ort t&e o6er o2 4anks, in *ost ase, to reossess- t&e &3sia+ roert3 o2t&ose 6&o annot a3#??

I2 6e t&ink !ee+3 a4o0t t&is a4i+it3 to reossess-, it is arg0a4+3 an in!iret 2or* o2 theft # I2 it isine1ita4+e t&at so*e 6i++ s00*4 to not *eeting t&eir +oan rea3*ent !0e to t&e in&erentsarit3 in t&e *one3 s0+3, 6it& t&e ossi4+e res0+t o2 t&e &3sia+ roert3 o4taine! 2ro* t&at+oane! *one3 4eing reossesse! 43 t&e 4ank 1ia ontrat0a+ agree*ents, t&en t&e 4anksa50isition o2 s0& tr0e, &3sia+ roert3 is ine1ita4+e o1er ti*e# T&is *eans t&e 4anks, 6&i&are a+6a3s o6ne! 43 *e*4ers o2 t&e 0er +ass to 4e s0re, are taking &o0ses, ars an! roert3o2 t&e +o6er +asses, si*+3 4ea0se t&e *one3 t&e3 reate! o0t o2 t&in air in t&e 2or* o2 a +oan isnot 4eing ret0rne! to t&e*# T&is is, in essene, a o1ert 2or* o2 &3sia+ 6ea+t& trans2er 2ro* t&e+o6er to t&e 0er +ass#

Ho6e1er, ret0rning to t&e s049et o2 interest itse+2, s0& rea+ities are o2 +itt+e !iret onern to t&e0er +ass# Gi1en t&e 6ea+t& s0r+0s in&erent to t&eir 2inania+ stat0s, o0+e! 6it& t&e +ak o2neessit3 to e1en take +oans *ost o2 t&e ti*e !0e to t&is s0r+0s, t&e sarit3 ress0re in&erent tot&e *one3 s0+3 !0e to interest 2ees a+6a3s 2a++s on t&e s&o0+!ers o2 t&e +o6er +asses# At t&esa*e ti*e, t&e 6ea+t&3 are at0a++3 20rt&er +ass8rotete! as t&e &eno*enon o2 investmentincome 1ia interest earne! 2ro* +arge sa1ings ao0nts, erti2iates o2 !eosit an! ot&er *eans,t0rns t&is 1e&i+e o2 soia+ oression 2or t&e oor into a 1e&i+e o2 2inania+ a!1antage 2or t&eri&#?@% 

< In2+ation is genera++3 !e2ine! as T&e rate at 6&i& t&e genera+ +e1e+ o2 ries 2or goo!s an!ser1ies is rising, an!, s04se50ent+3, 0r&asing o6er is 2a++ing#- ?@$ Un2ort0nate+3 t&is o**on!e2inition gi1es no insig&t into its tr0e a0sa+it3# W&i+e t&ere &as 4een !e4ate as to t&e tr0ea0ses o2 in2+ation in !i22erent eono*i s&oo+s,?@' t&e 0antit3 T&eor3 o2 Mone3- ?@( &as 4eenro1en as t&e *ost re+e1ant# In s&ort, t&is t&eor3 si*+3 reogni;es t&at t&e *ore *one3 in

ir0+ation, t&e *ore in2+ation or rising ries# In ot&er 6or!s, a++ t&ings 4eing e50a+, i2 6e !o04+et&e *one3 s0+3, rie +e1e+s 6i++ a+so !o04+e, et# T&e ne6 *one3 !i+0tes t&e 1a+0e o2 t&ee7isting *one3 in a 1ariation o2 t&e s0+38!e*an! t&eor3 o2 1a+0e#

T&e onse50ene o2 t&is is 6&at 6e o0+! a++ a &i!!en ta7- on eo+es sa1ings an! 2i7e! ino*erates# For e7a*+e, +et 0s ass0*e t&e in2+ation rate is (#@ a 3ear# I2 3o0 &a1e b(%,%%%, in ten3ears it 6i++ on+3 403 a4o0t b'$,%%% 6ort& o2 goo!s#?@? W&i+e t&is *ig&t aear to &a1e an e50a+e22et 2or t&e 6&o+e o2 soiet3, t&e rea+it3 is t&at it !ee+3 e22ets t&e oor *0& *ore t&an t&eri& 6&en it o*es to s0r1i1a+# A erson 6it& ( *i++ion !o++ars in sa1ings is not *0& &in!ere! 43t&e (#@ +oss o2 0r&asing o6er# Ho6e1er, a erson 6it& on+3 b(%,%%% in sa1ings, 6orking toer&as 0t a !o6na3*ent on a &o*e in t&e 20t0re, is !ee+3 a22ete! 43 t&is &i!!en ta7#

?? It is interesting to oint o0t as an asi!e t&at 4anking instit0tions 43 6&i& +oans are o4taine! 2or a 0r&ase 8 s0& asa &o*e : are a4+e to take t&e full roert3 regar!+ess o2 t&e 1a+0e ai! in rior# E1en i2 o2 t&e +oan is ai! o22, t&e3an sti++ take $%% o2 t&e roert3 i2 t&e 2ina+ a3*ents are not *a!e#

?@% For e7a*+e, a erson 6&o !eosits b$ *i++ion into a )#D# at ( interest ann0a++3 6i++ generate b(%,%%% a 3ear *ere+32or t&at !eosit a+one# In ter*s o2 erentage, ( *a3 not see* as t&at !ra*ati# In ter*s o2 a4so+0te 1a+0e,o*are! to t&e ino*e o2 t&e 1ast *a9orit3, it is 50ite !ra*ati#

?@$ In2+ation- !e2ine! so0re &tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*ter*siin2+ation#asa7;;'K39*RKs?@' S0ggeste! rea!ing 4acroeconomicsA Theory and "olicy , Ro4ert K# Gor!on, -Mo!ern t&eories o2 in2+ation- MGra68Hi++,

$CC?@( 0antit3 T&eor3 o2 Mone3- !e2ine! so0re" &tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*arti+es%@%$%>%@#asa7;;'K39*RKs?@? (#@ ann0a+ !ereiation a2ter $% 3ears# Origina+ Va+0e b(%,%%%# Jear $" b'C,@% Jear '" b'>,(> Jear (" b'=,=%

Jear ?" b'=,%$> Jear @" b'@,$%> Jear =" b'?,'' Jear >" b'(,(C$ Jear C" '',@=( Jear " b'$,>>? Jear $%b'$,%$'

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In t&e onte7t o2 structural classism, 6&ere 2i7e! attri40tes o2 t&e s3ste* itse+2 assist in t&eoression o2 t&e oor an! &e+ing o2 t&e ri&, t&e *e&anis* o2 t&is &i!!en ta7 in a+soi**0ta4+3 40i+t in# T&e sarit3 in t&e *one3 s0+3 to *eet !e4t o4+igations 2ore ne6 +oansonstant+3 in t&e eono*3# )o0+e! 6it& t&at is t&e no6 g+o4a++3 0ti+i;e! *onetar3 e7ansionroess kno6n as t&e Dractional $eserve )ending s3ste*#?@@

)ontrar3 to o0+ar 4e+ie2, *ost +oans are not gi1en 2ro* a 4anks e7isting !eosits# T&e3 arein1ente! in rea+ ti*e, +i*ite! on+3 43 a set erentage o2 t&eir e7isting !eosits#?@= In s&ort, !0e tot&is roess o1er ti*e, it is 0rrent+3 ossi4+e t&at 2or e1er3 b$%,%%% !eosite!, a4o0t b%,%%%an 4e reate! 2ro* it t&ro0g& t&e roess o2 ongoing +oans an! !eosits aross t&e entire4anking s3ste*#?@> T&is pyramiding o2 *one3, o0+e! 6it& t&e interest ress0re t&at reatessarit3 in t&e *one3 s0+3, re1ea+s t&at t&e s3ste* is inherently  in2+ationar3#

!< Ino*e !i22erenes aross soiet3 a+so &a1e 4ot& a s3&o+ogia+ an! str0t0ra+ a0sa+it3#Ps3&o+ogia++3, t&e3 are !ri1en, in art, 43 t&e 4asi ro2it an! ost reser1ation inenti1eneessar3 to re*ain o*etiti1e an! 20ntiona+ in t&e *arket# In *an3 6a3s t&is inenti1e o0+!4e onsi!ere! cognitively structural , as t&ere is a 4e&a1iora+ t&res&o+! 6&i& a++ +a3ers in t&e*arket eono*3 *0st a!&ere 6&en it o*es to s0r1i1a+# In t0rn, t&is interest o2 se+28reser1ationt&o0g& ost8e22iien3 an! *a7i*i;ing ro2its, 6&i+e 4asi to t&e )aita+ist ga*e at its ore, s&o6sa +ear ten!en3 to e7ten! as an o1era++ s0r1i1a+ &i+oso&3 or &0*an 1a+0e s3ste* in genera+#

In ot&er 6or!s, soia+ 1a+0es 4eo*e a+tere! 43 t&is eono*i nee! 2or onstant se+28reser1ationan! 1er3 o2ten it *ani2ests itse+2 into 4e&a1ior 6&i&, in a4stration, *ig&t 4e on!e*ne! as e7essi1e-, se+2is&- or gree!3- 8 6&en, in 2at, s0& !ee*e! &arateristis are *ere e7tensionsor matters of degree 6it& reset to t&is 4asi on!itioning to sta3 a&ea!-#

T&ere2ore, t&e o1era++ tren! o2 inreasing ino*e ine50a+it3 in genera+ s&o0+! not 4e a s0rrise#?@C W&i+e t&e Unite! States, 6it& its !ee+3 o*etiti1e nat0re, is a &ig&+ig&t o2 e7tre*e +assine50a+it3 to!a3,?@ t&e tren! is sti++ 1er3 *0& a g+o4a+ &eno*enon#?=% W&i+e t&e !e4ate a4o0t&istoria+ tren!s 1s 0rrent tren!s an 4e *a!e regar!ing 6&3 t&is erio! o2 ti*e, t&e ear+3 '$ st 

ent0r3, is s&o6ing s0& e7tensi1e inreases in t&e 6ea+t& ga : 6e *ig&t on+0!e t&at ertainstructural factors &a1e *a!e t&eir 6a3 into t&e s3ste* an! t&ese 2ators are assisting t&e!isarit3# We *a3 a+so on+0!e t&at t&ese *e&anis*s are not anomalies o2 t&e s3ste* 8 40trat&er reresent a nat0ra+ evolution o2 )aita+is* t&ro0g& ti*e#

For e7a*+e, t&e 1ast ino*e no6 o*ing 2ro* aita+ gains- is a ase in oint# W&i+e see*ing+3

?@@ For a 20++ treat*ent on t&e Frationa+ Reser1e Len!ing, see" 4odern 4oney 4echanics, Fe!era+ Reser1e ank o2)&iago, $=$

?@= To 50ote 4odern 4oney 4echanics, a te7t ro!0e! 43 t&e Fe!era+ Reser1e ank o2 )&iago" O2 o0rse, t&e3 .t&e4anks/ !o not rea++3 a3 o0t +oans 2ro* t&e *one3 t&e3 reei1e as !eosits# I2 t&e3 !i! t&is, no a!!itiona+ *one3 6o0+!4e reate!# W&at t&e3 !o 6&en t&e3 *ake +oans is to aet ro*issor3 notes in e7&ange 2or re!its to t&e 4orro6erstransation ao0nts###Reser1es are 0n&ange! 43 t&e +oan transations# 0t t&e !eosit re!its onstit0te ne6a!!itions to t&e tota+ !eosits o2 t&e 4anking s3ste*- .4odern 4oney 4echanics, Fe!era+ Reser1e ank o2 )&iago,

$=$/?@> To 50ote 4odern 4oney 4echanics" T&e tota+ a*o0nt o2 e7ansion t&at an take +ae###)arrie! t&ro0g& to

t&eoretia+ +i*its, t&e initia+ b$%,%%% o2 reser1es !istri40te! 6it&in t&e 4anking s3ste* gi1es rise to an e7ansion o2b%,%%% in 4ank re!it +oans an! in1est*ents< an! s0orts a tota+ o2 b$%%,%%% in ne6 !eosits 0n!er a $% erentreser1e re50ire*ent#- .4odern 4oney 4echanics, Fe!era+ Reser1e ank o2 )&iago, $=$/

?@C S0ggeste! Rea!ing" >'&' Income Ine%ualityA It5s :orse Today Than It :as in LL/ .&tt"666#t&eat+anti#o*40sinessar&i1e'%$'%0s8ino*e8ine50a+it38its86orse8to!a38t&an8it86as8in8$>>?'='@(>/

?@ Re2" The >ne%ual &tate of .mericaA a $euters series .&tt"666#re0ters#o*s049etsino*e8ine50a+it36as&ington/

?=%Re2" Income Ine%uality .round the :orld Is a Dailure of Capitalism.&tt"666#t&eat+anti#o*40sinessar&i1e'%$$%@ino*e8ine50a+it38aro0n!8t&e86or+!8is8a82ai+0re8o28aita+is*'(CC(>/

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a *inor n0ane o2 genera+ ino*e, so*e eono*i ana+3sts &a1e !ee*e! aita+ gains to 4e t&e ke3 ingre!ient o2 ino*e !isarit3 in t&e US-#?=$ )aita+ gains are !e2ine! as .t/&e a*o0nt 436&i& an assets se++ing rie e7ee!s its initia+ 0r&ase rie# A rea+i;e! aita+ gain is anin1est*ent t&at &as 4een so+! at a ro2it#- ?=' Its *ost o**on onte7t is 6it& reset to t&ese++ing o2 stoks, 4on!s, !eri1ati1es, 20t0res an! ot&er a4strat tra!ing- 1e&i+es#

It &as 4een 2o0n! t&at in t&e Unite! States a+one, t&e to %#$ erent o2 t&e o0+ation earnsa4o0t &a+2 o2 a++ aita+ gains,?=( an! s0& gains ao0nt 2or a4o0t =% erent o2 t&e ino*e o2 t&eto ?%% ri&est iti;ens#?=? T&e +ass *e&anis* o2 aita+ gains is interesting 4ea0se it is ari1i+ege! 2or* o2 ino*e# W&i+e t&e stok *arket *ig&t 4e 0se! 2or onser1ati1e *0t0a+ 20n! an!retire*ent in1est*ent 43 t&e genera+ 04+i, it is rea++3 an 0er +ass ersons ga*e 6&en ito*es to s04stantia+ ret0rns !0e to t&e &ig& +e1e+ o2 aita+ initia++3 nee!e! to 2ai+itate s0& &ig&1a+0e ret0rns# Like t&e e+itis* o2 &ig& +e1e+ interest ino*e, aita+ gains is a +ass se0ring*e&anis* 20e+e! 43 ree7isting s04stantia+ 6ea+t&#

T&en 6e &a1e t&e !i22erenes in ino*e 6it& reset to ones osition in t&e ororate &ierar&3#In a st0!3 er2or*e! 43 t&e )ana!ian )entre 2or Po+i3 A+ternati1es, it 6as 2o0n! t&at )ana!asto )EOs *ake an a1erage 6orkers 3ear+3 sa+ar3 in hours#?=@ In t&e Unite! States, aor!ing toresear& 43 t&e +conomic "olicy Institute t&e a1erage ann0a+ earnings o2 t&e to $ erent o26age earners gre6 $@= erent 2ro* $> to '%%> 2or t&e to %#$ erent t&e3 gre6 (='erent# In ontrast, earners in t&e %t& to @t& erenti+es &a! 6age gro6t& o2 (? erent, +esst&an a tent& as *0& as t&ose in t&e to %#$ erent tier# Workers in t&e 4otto* % erent &a!t&e 6eakest 6age gro6t&, at $> erent 2ro* $> to '%%>#- ?==

T&e3 ontin0e" T&e +arge inrease in 6age ine50a+it3 is one o2 t&e *ain !ri1ers o2 t&e +arge06ar! !istri40tion o2 &o0se&o+! ino*e to t&e to $ erent, t&e ot&ers 4eing t&e risingine50a+it3 o2 aita+ ino*e an! t&e gro6ing s&are o2 ino*e going to aita+ rat&er t&an 6agesan! o*ensation# T&e res0+t o2 t&ese t&ree tren!s 6as a *ore t&an !o04+ing o2 t&e s&are o2 tota+ino*e in t&e Unite! States reei1e! 43 t&e to $ erent 4et6een $> an! '%%> an! a +argeinrease in t&e ino*e ga 4et6een t&ose at t&e to an! t&e 1ast *a9orit3# In '%%>, a1erage

ann0a+ ino*es o2 t&e to $ erent o2 &o0se&o+!s 6ere ?' ti*es greater t&an ino*es o2 t&e4otto* % erent 0 2ro* $? ti*es greater in $><, an! ino*es o2 t&e to %#$ erent 6ere''% ti*es greater 0 2ro* ?> ti*es greater in $><#- ?=> 

Si*i+ar atterns an 4e 2o0n! in ot&er in!0stria+i;e! nations# In 2at, in '%$( e1en )&ina &as 4een!is0ssing t&eir gro6ing ino*e ga ro4+e* 6it& roosa+s to ease t&e !isarit3# ?=C T&eOrgani;ation for +conomic Co-operation and *evelopment in a '%$$ reort 2o0n! t&at o0ntries6it& &istoria++3 +o6 +e1e+s o2 ino*e ine50a+it3 &a1e e7eriene! signi2iant inreases o1er t&east !ea!e#?= ?>%

?=$ Re2" The Top K'J 0f The Nation +arn alf 0f .ll Capital Bains .&tt"666#2or4es#o*sitesro4ert+en;ner'%$$$$'%t&e8to8%8$8o28t&e8nation8earn8&a+28o28a++8aita+8gains/

?=' )aita+ Gain- !e2ine! so0re" .&tt"666#in1estor6or!s#o*>%=aita+gain#&t*+/?=( Re2" Capital gains tax rates benefiting wealthy feed growing gap between rich and poor  


?=? Re2" 8uestioning the *ogma of Tax $ates .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*'%$$%C'%40siness50estioning8t&e8!og*a8o28+o6er8ta7es8on8aita+8gains#&t*+Qage6ante!a++Br%/

?=@ Re2" Top Canadian C+0s make average workers salary in three hours of first working day of year  .&tt"40siness#2inania+ost#o*'%$'%$%(to8ana!ian8eos8*ake8a1erage86orkers8sa+ar38in8t&ree8&o0rs/

?== Re2" C+0 pay and the top J .&tt"666#ei#org04+iationi4(($8eo8a38to8$8erent/?=> I4i!#?=C Re2" China Issues "roposal to Narrow Income Bap .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*'%$(%'%=6or+!asia&ina8iss0es8

+an8to8narro68ino*e8ga#&t*+/?= Re2" &ociety at a Blance 6K - 0+C* &ocial Indicators

.&tt"666#oe!#orgsoia+soia+o+iiesan!!atasoiet3atag+ane'%$$8oe!soia+in!iators#&t*/?>% Re2" K Countries :ith The :orst Income Ine%ualityA 0+C* .&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$$%@'($%8

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)a0sa+it3 in t&e 2or* o2 +ear+3 !e2ine! str0t0ra+ *e&anis*s are *ore !i22i0+t to in !o6n 6it&reset to t&is genera+ tren! o2 e*+o3*ent re+ate! ino*e i*4a+ane# T&e o*4ination o2 t&es3&o+ogia+ inenti1e o2 se+28reser1ation an! se+28*a7i*i;ation in&erent to t&e 1a+0e s3ste* o2)aita+is*, o0+e! 6it& t&e e1er8&anging +ega+, ta7 an! 2inania+ o+i3 re+ate! 1aria4+es in +a3,a+ong 6it& t&e 4asi strategi e!ge *aintaine! 43 t&e 0er +asses !0e to t&eir e7isting 6ea+t&

se0rit3, reates a o*+e7, s3nergisti *e&anis* o2 +ass reser1ation an! e7terna+ oression#

A s04t+e 3et re1ea+ing statistia+ oint to a+so note is &o6 !0ring reent reessions in t&e Unite!States, t&e 6ea+t& ga &as at0a++3 widened'/L It is a7io*ati to on+0!e t&at i2 t&e s3ste* o2eono*3 6as 6it&o0t str0t0ra+ inter2erene in 2a1or o2 t&e 6ea+t&3, a nationa+ reession on t&esa+e o2 t&e 6&at o0rre! 2ro* '%%> on6ar! s&o0+! &a1e a22ete! *ost e1er3one negati1e+3,regar!+ess o2 soia+ +ass# Jet, it 6as reorte! in '%$% t&at t&e 6ea+t&iest @ erent o2 A*erians,6&o earn *ore t&an b$C%,%%%, a!!e! s+ig&t+3 to t&eir ann0a+ ino*es +ast 3ear###Fa*i+ies at t&eb@%,%%% *e!ian +e1e+ s+ie! +o6er#- ?>'

As a 2ina+ oint on t&e iss0e o2 ino*e ine50a+it3, it is i*ortant to note &o6 nationa+ eono*igro6t& o2ten re+ates to t&ose o2 t&e 0er +ass itse+2, re!0ing t&e genera+ eono*i re+e1ane o2t&e +o6er +asses# T&e ter* +0tono*3- is aroriate in t&is ase# A +0tono*3- is !e2ine! as Eono*i gro6t& t&at is o6ere! an! ons0*e! 43 t&e 6ea+t&iest 0er +ass o2 soiet3#P+0tono*3 re2ers to a soiet3 6&ere t&e *a9orit3 o2 t&e 6ea+t& is ontro++e! 43 an e1er8s&rinking*inorit3 as s0&, t&e eono*i gro6t& o2 t&at soiet3 4eo*es !een!ent on t&e 2ort0nes o2 t&atsa*e 6ea+t&3 *inorit3#- ?>(

Per&as t&e 4est 6a3 to !esri4e t&e nat0re o2 +0tono*3 an! its re+e1ane to t&e *o!ern !a3, isto onsi!er t&e 6or!s o2 t&ose 6&o e*4rae it# In '%%@, )itigro0, a o6er20+ g+o4a+ 4ankinginstit0tion, ro!0e! a series o2 interna+ *e*os on t&e s049et an! t&e3 6ere 50ite an!i! in t&eirana+3sis an! on+0sions#

T&e3 state!" -T&e 6or+! is !i1i!ing into t6o 4+os 8 t&e P+0tono*3 an! t&e rest# T&e U#S#, U, an!)ana!a are t&e ke3 +0tono*ies 8 eono*ies o6ere! 43 t&e 6ea+t&3#- ?>? In a +0tono*3 t&ere isno s0& ani*a+ as t&e U#S# ons0*er- or t&e U ons0*er-, or in!ee! t&e R0ssian ons0*er-#

T&ere are ri& ons0*ers, 2e6 in n0*4er, 40t !isroortionate in t&e giganti s+ie o2 ino*e an!ons0*tion t&e3 take# T&ere are t&e rest, t&e non8ri&-, t&e *0+tit0!ino0s *an3, 40t on+3ao0nting 2or s0rrising+3 s*a++ 4ites o2 t&e nationa+ ie#- ?>@ We s&o0+! 6orr3 +ess a4o0t 6&att&e a1erage ons0*er 8 sa3 t&e @%t& erenti+e 8 is going to !o, 6&en t&at ons0*er is 6e t&ink<+ess re+e1ant to t&e aggregate !ata t&an &o6 t&e 6ea+t&3 2ee+ an! 6&at t&e3 are !oing# T&is issi*+3 a ase o2 *at&e*atis, not *ora+it3#- ?>=

Wit& '% o2 t&e A*erian o0+ation ontro++ing C@ o2 t&e o0ntr3s 6ea+t&,?>> it is +ear t&att&ose 0ti+i;ing t&at C@ are *ore i*ortant to t&e GDP or gro6t& o2 t&e eono*3#W&at t&is *eans is t&at t&e 2inania+ s3ste* &as +itt+e inenti1e to are a4o0t t&e ations or2inania+ 6e++84eing o2 *ost o2 t&e 04+i#


?>$ U#S# )ens0s !ata re1ea+e!"-T&e to8earning '% erent o2 A*erians : t&ose *aking *ore t&an b$%%,%%% ea& 3ear: reei1e! ?#? erent o2 a++ ino*e generate! in t&e U#S#, o*are! 6it& t&e (#? erent *a!e 43 t&e 4otto* '%erent o2 earners, t&ose 6&o 2e++ 4e+o6 t&e o1ert3 +ine, aor!ing to t&e ne6 2ig0res# T&at ratio o2 $?#@8to8$ 6as aninrease 2ro* $(#= in '%%C an! near+3 !o04+e a +o6 o2 >#= in $=C# At t&e to, t&e 6ea+t&iest @ erent o2 A*erians,6&o earn *ore t&an b$C%,%%%, a!!e! s+ig&t+3 to t&eir ann0a+ ino*es +ast 3ear, t&e !ata s&o6# Fa*i+ies at t&e b@%,%%%*e!ian +e1e+ s+ie! +o6er#- .&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$%%'Cino*e8ga86i!ens8ens0s8n>?$(C=#&t*+/

?>' Re2" Income Bap :idensA Census Dinds $ecord Bap 3etween $ich .nd "oor.&tt"666#&022ingtonost#o*'%$%%'Cino*e8ga86i!ens8ens0s8n>?$(C=#&t*+/

?>( P+0tono*3- !e2ine! so0re" .&tt"666#in1estoe!ia#o*ter*s+0tono*3#asa7;;'?6DO)$/?>? "lutonomyA 3uying )uxury, +xplaining Blobal Imbalance, )itigro0 Interna+ Me*o, Oto4er $=t& '%%@, #$?>@ I4i!#, #'?>= The "lutonomy &ymposium O $ising Tides )ifting 9achts, )itigro0 Interna+ Me*o, Sete*4er ', '%%=, #$$?>> Re2" :ealth, Income, and "ower  .&tt"soio+og3#0s#e!06&or0+esa*eriao6er6ea+t&#&t*+/

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It ontin0es" t&e &eart o2 o0r +0tono*3 t&esis .is/ t&at t&e ri& are t&e !o*inant so0re o2ino*e, 6ea+t& an! !e*an! in +0tono*3 o0ntries s0& as t&e U, US, )ana!a an! A0stra+ia###Seon!+3, 6e 4e+ie1e t&at t&e ri& are going to kee getting ri&er in o*ing 3ears, as aita+istst&e ri&< get an e1en 4igger s&are o2 GDP as a res0+t, rinia++3, o2 g+o4a+i;ation# We e7et t&eg+o4a+ oo+ o2 +a4or in !e1e+oing eono*ies to kee 6age in2+ation in &ek, an! ro2it *argins

rising : goo! 2or t&e 6ea+t& o2 aita+ists, re+ati1e+3 4a! 2or !e1e+oe! *arket0nski++e!o0tso0re8a4+e +a4or# T&is 4o!es 6e++ 2or o*anies se++ing to or ser1iing t&e ri&#- ?>C 

Wit& reset to t&e re+e1ane o2 t&e rest o2 t&e o0+ation, t&e *e*o states" We see t&e 4iggest t&reat to +0tono*3 as o*ing 2ro* a rise in o+itia+ !e*an!s to re!0eino*e ine50a+it3, srea! t&e 6ea+t& *ore e1en+3, an! &a++enge 2ores s0& as g+o4a+i;ation6&i& &a1e 4ene2ite! ro2it an! 6ea+t& gro6t&#- ?> O0r on+0sionQ T&e t&ree +e1ers go1ern*entsan! soieties o0+! 0++ on to en! +0tono*3 are 4enign# Proert3 rig&ts are genera++3 sti++ intat,ta7ation o+iies ne0tra+ to 2a1ora4+e, an! g+o4a+i;ation is keeing t&e s0+3 o2 +a4or in s0r+0s,ating as a 4rake on 6age in2+ation#- ?C% ?C$

W&i+e +0tono*3 itse+2 *ig&t not e7at+3 4e a so0re o2 +ass on2+it it is ertain+3 a res0+t#)&r3stia Free+an!, a0t&or o2 P+0torats" T&e Rise o2 t&e Ne6 G+o4a+ S0er8Ri& an! t&e Fa++ o2E1er3one E+se *akes a oint a4o0t t&e nat0re o2 t&is 2ra*e! s3&o+og3 in&erent to t&ose o2 t&eo0+ent *inorit3"

 Jo0 !ont !o t&is in a kin! o2 &ort+ing, s*oking 3o0r igar, onsiratoria+ t&inking 6a3# Jo0 !o it43 ers0a!ing 3o0rse+2 t&at 6&at is in 3o0r o6n ersona+ se+28interest is in t&e interests o2e1er34o!3 e+se# So 3o0 ers0a!e 3o0rse+2 t&at, at0a++3, go1ern*ent ser1ies, t&ings +ikesen!ing on e!0ation, 6&i& is 6&at reate! t&at soia+ *o4i+it3 in t&e 2irst +ae, nee! to 4e 0tso t&at t&e !e2iit 6i++ s&rink, so t&at 3o0r ta7 4i++ !oesnt go 0# An! 6&at I rea++3 6orr3 a4o0t is,t&ere is so *0& *one3 an! so *0& o6er at t&e 1er3 to, an! t&e ga 4et6een t&ose eo+e att&e 1er3 to an! e1er34o!3 e+se is so great, t&at 6e are going to see soia+ *o4i+it3 &oke! o22an! soiet3 trans2or*e!#- /<6

%n ConclusionA great !ea+ *ore o0+! 4e sai! 6it& reset to t&e *0+ti8+e1e+ 4att+ing o0rring on t&e +anetEart&, *ost+3 entri to 2inania+ an! *arket o6er an! its instit0tiona+ reser1ation# Fro*&3sia+ 1io+ene to s04t+e +ega+ *ani0+ation, t&e t&e*e is onsistent an! !o*inant#

It o0+! e1en 4e arg0e! t&at progress itself &as 6ar 6age! against it sine esta4+is&e! ororateinstit0tions 6&o *aintain o6er20+ *arket s&are in a gi1en in!0str3, 6i++ o2ten 6ork to r0t&+ess+3s&0t !o6n an3t&ing t&at an o*ete 6it& t&e*, e1en i2 t&e ro!0t is rogressi1e+3 4etter or*ore s0staina4+e in 0ti+it3#?C( )&ange an! rogress itse+2, in rea+ ter*s, are not rea!i+3 6e+o*e!in t&e aita+ist s3ste* as it o2ten !ist0r4s t&e s0ess o2 esta4+is&e! instit0tions# T&e inre!i4+3s+o6 rate o2 a+iation o2 ne6, s0staina4i+it3 i*ro1ing te&no+ogia+ *et&o!s is a ase inoint#?C?

?>C $evisiting "lutonomyA The $ich Betting $icher, )itigro0 Interna+ Me*o, Mar& @t&, '%%=, #$$?> The "lutonomy &ymposium O $ising Tides )ifting 9achts, )itigro0 Interna+ Me*o, Sete*4er ', '%%=, #$$?C% "lutonomyA 3uying )uxury, +xplaining Blobal Imbalance, )itigro0 Interna+ Me*o, Oto4er $=t& '%%@, #'??C$ For a *ore !etai+e! ana+3sis o2 t&ese !o0*ents 43 )itigro0, see"

&tt"666#insi!erio6a#o*enoinionin!e7#2*Qation!is+a3Bne6sID$>>=$?C' National "ublic $adio Oto4er $@, '%$'< A Start+ing Ga et6een Us An! T&e* In

P+0torats.&tt"666#nr#org'%$'$%$@$='>@$'a8start+ing8ga84et6een80s8an!8t&e*8in8+0torats/?C( A 6e++ esta4+is&e! e7a*+e o2 in&i4ite! rogress 2or t&e *aintaining o2 e7isting ro2it esta4+is&*ents 6as t&e

s0ess20+ e22ort *a!e 43 t&e oi+ in!0str3 an!, 43 e7tension, t&e U#S# go1ern*ent to s+o6 rogress to6ar! 20++3 e+etri1e&i+es in t&e $%s# .S0ggeste! 1ie6ing" W&o i++e! t&e E+etri )arQ-"&tt"666#i*!4#o*tit+ett%?C%(>s3nosis/

?C? Re2" 0il Biants )oath to Dollow 0bamas Breen )ead  .&tt"666#n3ti*es#o*'%%%?%C40sinessenerg38en1iron*ent%Cgreenoi+#&t*+Qage6ante!a++Br%/

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In 2at, on t&e ororate +e1e+, t&ere is not on+3 a eret0a+ 6ar to re!0e s0& o*etition 40tt&ere is a+so t&e ongoing e7+oitation o2 t&e 04+i in genera+# A!a* S*it& at0a++3 *a!e t&isoint in &is The :ealth of Nations, stating" T&e interest o2 t&e !ea+ers, &o6e1er, in an3 arti0+ar4ran& o2 tra!e or *an02at0res, is a+6a3s in so*e resets !i22erent 2ro*, an! e1en oosite to,t&at o2 t&e 04+i.###/To narro6 t&e o*etition is a+6a3s t&e interest o2 !ea+ers.###/0t to narro6

t&e o*etition###an ser1e on+3 to ena4+e t&e !ea+ers, 43 raising t&eir ro2its a4o1e 6&at t&e3nat0ra++3 6o0+! 4e, to +e13, 2or t&eir o6n 4ene2it, an a4s0r! ta7 0on t&e rest o2 t&eir 2e++o68iti;ens#- ?C@

On t&e nationa+ +e1e+, eae- to!a3 see*s to 4e *ere+3 a a0se 4et6een on2+its on t&e stage o2g+o4a+ i1i+i;ation# T&ere is a 6ar going on so*e6&ere 1irt0a++3 a++ t&e ti*e an! 6&en t&ere isnt,t&e *a9or o6ers are 40s3 40i+!ing *ore a!1ane! 6eaons an!or se++ing o22 t&e o+! ones toot&er o0ntries 6&o are ost0ring in t&e sa*e 6a3, a++ 0n!er t&e na*e o2 not on+3 rotetion 40tin t&e na*e o2 goo! 40siness- as 6e++#?C=

E1en nations t&e*se+1es &a1e taken on a 2or* o2 +ass &ierar&3 6it& !o*inant $st 6or+! nationss0490gating oor (r! 6or+! nations# )o**on gra!ient ter*s s0& as s0ero6ers, o6ers, s048o6ers an! 1assa+ states an 4e 2o0n! in &istoria+ +iterat0re 6it& reset to t&e nationa+ +ass&ierar&3 an! t&e str0t0ra+ *e&anis*s 6&i& kee t&is gra!ient in 2or* are not 1er3 !i22erent inintent t&an 6&at kees t&e soia+ +asses in or!er#

For e7a*+e, 6&i+e t&e !e4t an! interest s3ste*s, as !esri4e!, !o 1er3 6e++ to kee !o6n6ar!ress0re on t&e +o6er +asses, str0t0ra++3 +i*iting roserit3 an! soia+ *o4i+it3, t&e sa*e e22eto0rs to reress a nation 1ia t&e Wor+! ank an! Internationa+ Monetar3 F0n!#?C> E1en Ko&nA!a*s, t&e seon! resi!ent o2 t&e Unite! States ointe! t&is o0t 6it& &is state*ent" T&ere aret6o 6a3s to on50er an! ens+a1e a o0ntr3# One is 43 t&e s6or!# T&e ot&er is 43 !e4t#- ?CC

On t&e 4roa!est sa+e, t&e rea+ 6ar 4eing 6age! is on ro4+e* reso+0tion an! &0*an &ar*on3#T&e rea+ 6ar is on a 4a+ane o2 o6er an! soia+ 90stie# T&e rea+ 6ar, in e22et, is on t&einstit0tion o2 eono*i e50a+it3#?C ?% In t&e 6or!s o2 2or*er s0re*e o0rt 90stie, Lo0is D#

ran!eis" We an &a1e !e*ora3 in t&is o0ntr3, or 6e an &a1e great 6ea+t& onentrate! int&e &an!s o2 a 2e6, 40t 6e ant &a1e 4ot&# ?$

A++ aross t&e 6or+! to!a3 eo+e ta+k a4o0t t&e nee! 2or e50a+it3# Most +iterate eo+e in t&e 6or+!&a1e no reset 2or gen!er or raia+ 4ias# T&e i!ea o2 4eing se7ist or raist &as 4eo*e a !ee+3a4&orre! 1ie6, e1en t&o0g& it 6as not t&at +ong ago in t&e Western 6or+! s0& 0+t0ra+ 1ie6s6ere onsi!ere! nor*a+-# T&ere aears to 4e a o0rse o2 e1o+0tion 6&i& 6is&es to e50a+i;esoiet3 6&i& is, 43 !e2inition, 6&at t&e 0n!er+3ing gest0re o2 !e*ora3- is s0ose! to !enote#

Jet, in t&e *i!st o2 a++ t&is, t&e *ost oressi1e 2or* o2 segregate! &0*an s022ering ontin0es+arge+3 0nnotie! in its tr0e onte7t# To!a3, it is not rae, gen!er or ree! 6&i& kees one *ostoresse! : it is t&e instit0tion o2 +ass# It is no6 an iss0e o2 ri&- an! oor- an!, +ike rais*,t&ese i!eo+ogia+ an! 0+ti*ate+3 str0t0ra+ 2or*s o2 oression !isri*inate an! !i1i!e t&e &0*an

?C@ .n In%uiry into the Nature and Causes of the :ealth of Nations, A!a* S*it&, Mo!ern Li4rar3 Rerint, $(>, Ne6Jork, #'@%

?C= Re2" The >'&'A .rms 4erchant to the *eveloping :orld  .&tt"nation#ti*e#o*'%$'%C'Ct&eres8no840siness8+ike8t&e8ar*s840siness8'

?C> Re2" &tructural .dFustmentOa 4aFor Cause of "overty .&tt"666#g+o4a+iss0es#orgarti+e(str0t0ra+8a!90st*ent8a8*a9or8a0se8o28o1ert3/

?CC 0ote" &tt"666#9o&n8a!a*s8&eritage#o*50otes?C Re2" 5+xtreme5 "overty in >& as 4ore Than *oubled, &tudy &ays .&tt"666#*one3ne6s#o*Eono*3E7tre*e8

Po1ert38US'%$'%(%=i!?($='>/?% Re2" 0f the J, by the J, for the J .&tt"666#1anit32air#o*soiet32eat0res'%$$%@to8one8erent8

'%$$%@/?$ As 50ote! 43 Ra3*on! Lonergan in 4r' #ustice 3randeis, Breat .merican $?$<, #?'

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seies in !ee+3 o6er20+ an! !estr0ti1e 6a3s#

In t&e 4roa! 1ie6, t&is t&eatre o2 *0+ti!i*ensiona+ 6ar2are 8 tr0+3 a  world  at 6ar 6it& itse+2 : is6&o++3 0ns0staina4+e# It is 4eo*ing *ore an! *ore +ear, gi1en t&e ae+erating soia+ ro4+e*sat &an!, t&at t&e et&os o2 a++8o0t o*etition an! narro6 se+28reser1ation at t&e e7ense o2

ot&ers 8 6&et&er on t&e ersona+, ororate, +ass, i!eo+ogia+ or nationa+ +e1e+ 8 6i++ not 4e t&eso0re o2 an3 reso+0tion or +ong ter* &0*an roserit3# It is going to take a ne6 t3e o2 t&inkingto o1ero*e t&ese soio+ogia+ tren!s an! at t&e &eart o2 s0& !ra*ati 0+t0ra+ &ange rests t&e&ange o2 t&e soioeono*i re*ise itse+2#

PART %%%


Ation is t&e ro!0t o2 t&e 50a+ities in&erent in Nat0re#It is on+3 t&e ignorant *an 6&o, *is+e! 43 ersona+ egotis*, sa3s" I a* t&e !oer#?'

8T&e &aga1a! Gita

Socioeconomic S*ectrum

As a++0!e! to in rior essa3s, s0staina4+e raties an on+3 o*e a4o0t 43 a 1a+0e re8orientationto6ar!s sustainable thought # W&i+e t&e notion o2 s0staina4i+it3 is o2ten re!0e! to an eo+ogia+onte7t, t&e rea+ iss0e 0n!er t&e s0r2ae is cultural # T&is &ene 4eo*es a roess o2 e!0ation# Itis t&e erseti1e o2 T&e Zeitgeist Mo1e*ent t&at t&e eono*i s3ste* 0ti+i;e! in a soiet3 is t&egreatest in2+0ene on t&e 1a+0es an! 4e+ie2s o2 its eo+e# For instane, !ee+3 roote! in e1en t&esee*ing+3 searate o+itio8re+igio0s !otrines o2 o0r ti*e, resi!es an 0n!er0rrent o2 1a+0es set2ort& 43 eono*i ass0*tions#?( 

T&e ter* soioeono*i-, 6&i& is t&e soia+ siene t&at +inks t&e e22ets o2 eono*i ati1it3 toot&er soia+ roesses,?? o0+! &a1e its *eaning *ore sei2ia++3 e7ten!e! to a+so in+0!ere+igio0s 1ie6s, o+itia+ 4iases, *i+itar3 initiati1es, tri4a+ +o3a+ties, 0+t0ra+ 0sto*s, +ega+ stat0tesan! ot&er o**on soieta+ &eno*ena# It aears t&at t&e 1er3 2a4ri o2 o0r +i1es an! &ene o0r1a+0e s3ste* is 4orn, *ost !o*inant+3, 2ro* t&e 0+t0ra+ eretion o2 o0r s0r1i1a+, soia+re+ations&is an! i!eas o2 ersona+soia+ s0ess#

Moreo1er, it is ritia+ to restate t&at o+itia+ s3ste*s, 6&i& *ost in t&e 6or+! sti++ see* to a6ar!riorit3 o2 i*ortane 6&en it o*es to t&e state o2 a22airs in soiet3, are, at 4est, secondary  inre+e1ane i2 not, in 2at, entire+3 o4so+ete< 6&en t&e tr0e ra*i2iations o2 t&e eono*i str0t0reare 2atore! in# In 2at, as 6i++ 4e arg0e! in 20t0re essa3s, o+itia+- go1ernane as 6e kno6 it isrea++3 not&ing *ore t&an an o0tgro6t& o2 economic inefficiency # Ver3 2e6 6o0+! are *0& a4o0t 6&o 6as in o6er- or ot&er s0& tra!itiona+ notions i2 t&e3 +ear+3 0n!erstoo! t&e roess o2eono*i 0n2o+!ing an! 6ere a4+e to ontri40te an! gain 6it&o0t on2+it# T&ere2ore, t&ere is no

greater iss0e o2 i*ortane t&an t&e s3ste* o2 eono*i 0n2o+!ing 6&en it o*es to t&e on!0tan! sta4i+it3 o2 &0*an 4eings on 4ot& t&e ersona+ an! soia+ +e1e+#


?' The 3hagavad Bita, )&ater (, Verse '>, Trans+ation" S&ri P0ro&it S6a*i?( An e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&is O+! Testa*ent srit0re 6&i& see*s to i*+3 t&at t&e oor- 6i++ a+6a3s e7ist no *atter

6&at soiet3 !oes" T&ere 6i++ a+6a3s 4e oor eo+e in t&e +an!# T&ere2ore I o**an! 3o0 to 4e oen&an!e! to6ar!3o0r 4rot&ers an! to6ar! t&e oor an! nee!3 in 3o0r +an!#- 8De0terono*3 $@"$$

?? Soioeono*i- is !e2ine! as" o2, re+ating to, or in1o+1ing a o*4ination o2 soia+ an! eono*i 2ators- .So0re"&tt"666#*erria*86e4ster#o*!itionar3soioeono*i/

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Genera++3 seaking, an eono*i s3ste* e7ists to *eet t&e nee!s an! 6ants- ?@ o2 t&eo0+ation# T&e !egree 43 6&i& it is a4+e to !o so !een!s on t&e state o2 usable resources an!t&e technical strategy 0ti+i;e! to &arness t&ose reso0res 2or a gi1en 0rose#

In t&is onte7t, nota4+e engineer an! t&inker R# 0k*inster F0++er arg0e! t&at tr0e eono*i

 6ea+t&- is not *one3 or e1en t&e *ateria+ o0to*e o2 a gi1en ro!0tion#?=

 Rat&er, tr0e 6ea+t&is t&e +e1e+ o2 energ3ro!0tion efficiency enabled , o0+e! 6it& kno6+e!ge !e1e+o*ent t&at20rt&ers t&e intelligent management o2 t&e Eart&s reso0res# In t&is 1ie6, &e !e2ine! an!e7resse! a tren! ter*e! e&e*era+i;ation- ?> 6&i& traks &0*anit3s te&nia+ a4i+it3 toinreasing+3 !o *ore 6it& +ess-#

Historia++3 seaking, e&e*era+i;ation is, in gest0re, a ontra!ition o2 t&e sti++ !ee+3 &e+! Ma+t&0sian- ?C onsi!eration 6&i&, in art, +ai*s t&at &0*anit3 is 2ore1er o0t o2 4a+ane 6it&nat0re an! t&ere 6i++ a+6a3s 4e a setion o2 t&e o0+ation t&at must  s022er, as t&e a1ai+a4+ereso0res si*+3 !o not a!! 0 to *eet e1er3ones nee!s#

As note! in rior essa3s, t&is 6or+!1ie6 is e1er8aarent in t&e eono*i s3ste* 6e sti++ e*4raeto!a3 g+o4a++3, 2orging !ee str0t0ra+ 4iases? 6&i& &a1e ine1ita4+3 2a1ore! one +ass- o2eo+e o1er anot&er in s0r1i1a+ a!1antage# In ot&er 6or!s, a 6ar ga*e- &as 0+*inate!, 40i+t o0to2 t&e ass0*tion o2 0ni1ersa+, eret0a++3 rein2ore! sarit3, 6&i& *o1es 2or6ar! to!a3 on itso6n *o*ent0*, +arge+3 a4sent o2 its origina+ a0sa+ reasoning#

T&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 6&at 6e !e2ine as orr0tion- to!a3, *ore o2ten t&an not, 2in!s itss3&o+ogia+ root in t&is o*etiti1e a6areness 4ot& on t&e ersona+ +e1e+, t&e ororate40siness< +e1e+ B on t&e +e1e+ o2 go1ern*ent in t&e 2or* o2 6ar, t3rann3 an! se+28reser1ingo++0sion# In 2at, it an 4e 6e++ arg0e! t&at t&e 1er3 notion o2 et&ia+- in a 6or+! !ei!e!+36orking to gain at t&e e7ense o2 ot&ers 4eo*es a &ig&+3 re+ati1e an! a+*ost ar4itrar3!istintion#

Jet, t&is tren! o2 e&e*era+i;ation, &a1ing inrease! rai!+3 2ro* t&e '% t& ent0r3s a+*ost

s0!!en in!0stria+sienti2i a!1ane*ents, !ee+3 &a++enges t&is rotetionist, e+itist, sarit38!ri1en 6or+!1ie6, s0ggesting ne6, ara!ig* s&i2ting ossi4i+ities 2or &0*an organi;ation#

T&ese ossi4i+ities, in art, statistia++3 re1ea+ t&at 6e are no6 a4+e to take are o2 t&e entire6or+!s o0+ation at a stan!ar! o2 +i1ing 0nkno6n to t&e 1ast *a9orit3 o2 &0*anit3 to!a3# @%% 

?@ )ons0*tion atterns in *o!ern soiet3 &a1e s&o6n an inreasing+3 ar4itrar3 nat0re 6it& reset to &0*an 6ants-,s0& as t&e o6er20+ s&i2t in 1a+0es 6&i& o0rre! in t&e ear+3 '%t& ent0r3 6it& t&e a+iation o2 *o!ern Westerna!1ertising# H0*an nee!s-, &o6e1er, are 4asi neessities, +arge+3 s&are! 43 a++ &0*ans, 6&i& *aintain &3sia+ an!s3&o+ogia+ &ea+t&# W&i+e *an3 sti++ arg0e s049eti1e interretations o2 s0& ter*s, nee!s- are essentia++3 stati an!

 6ants- are essentia++3 1aria4+e# Genera++3 seaking, 6ants- are a onse50ene o2 ones 1a+0e s3ste* an! are0+t0ra++3 !eri1e!# T&ere2ore, nee!s- are &ene o2 greater riorit3 in *eeting t&an 6ants-#

?= F0++er States" Wea+t&###is in&erent+3 regenerati1e# E7eri*enta++3 !e*onstrate! 6ea+t& is" energ3 o*o0n!e! 6it&inte++ets kno6&o6#- Fro* >topia or 0blivion, R# 0k*inster F0++er, anta* Press, NJ, $=, #'CC

?> E&e*era+i;ation, a ter* oine! 43 R# 0k*inster F0++er, is t&e a4i+it3 o2 te&no+ogia+ a!1ane*ent to !o *ore an!

*ore 6it& +ess an! +ess### o1er ti*e# T&is tren! an 4e notie! in *an3 areas o2 in!0stria+ !e1e+o*ent, 2ro*o*0ter roessing Moores +a6< to t&e rai! ae+eration o2 &0*an kno6+e!ge in2or*ation te&no+og3<# A o**one7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&e o*0tation o6er an! si;e re+ations&is o2 o*0ters o1er ti*e# T&e ENIA) o*0ter o2 t&e$?%s o1ere! $C%% s50are 2eet o2 2+oor sae, 6eig&e! (% tons, ons0*e! $=% ki+o6atts o2 e+etria+ o6er an! osta4o0t b= Mi++ion in *o!ern 1a+0e# To!a3, an ine7ensi1e, oket si;e e++ &one o*0tes s04stantia++3 2aster t&anENIA)# Hene, +ess *ateria+ an! 3et *ore o6er# .&tt"in1entors#a4o0t#o*o!estartin1entionsaEnia#&t*/

?C Ma+t&0sianis* is a erseti1e +inke! to eono*ist an! +eri T&o*as R# Ma+t&0s 6&i&, in s&ort, &as to !o 6it& t&enee! to ontro++i*it o0+ation gro6t& !0e to an e*iria+ ass0*tion o2 re+ati1e reso0re sarit3# I!eas s0& as not&e+ing t&e oor as it on+3 gi1es 2a+se &oe an! t&e +ike are o**on to t&is 1ie6# .S0ggeste! Rea!ing" .n +ssay onthe "rinciple of "opulation, T&o*as Ma+t&0s, $>C/

? See rior essa3" &tructural Classism, The &tate and :ar@%% W&i+e t&is rea+it3 6i++ 4e !is0sse! in t&e 2o++o6ing essa3 Post8Sarit3 Tren!s, )aait3 an! E22iien3-, &ig&+ig&ting

t&e ae+erating e22iien3 o2 transortation, energ3, in!0stria+ !esign, 2oo! 0+ti1ation te&no+og3 an! t&e +ike, t&e

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ten eo+e 6ere t6o eo+e !ei!e to e7trat an! &oar! $,%%% *ore t&an t&e3 nee! to 4e&ea+t&3, +ea1ing eig&t eo+e to +i1e in a49et o1ert3 an!or !3ing 8 6o0+! 3o0 2in! t&isarrange*ent an at o2 ersona+ 2ree!o*- 43 t&ose t6o 8 or an at o2 soia+ 1io+ene against t&eeig&tQ

T&is is 4ro0g&t 0 &ere to !is*iss t&e 0toian a40n!ane 2a++a3- reation o**on to *an3regar!ing, in art, t&e i*+iations o2 e&e*era+i;ation# K0st as 6e as a g+o4a+ soiet3 arerea+i;ing t&e in&erent &3sia+ +i*itations o2 o0r in!0stria+ 4e&a1iors, s+o6+3 a!90sting a6a3 2ro*eo+ogia++3 !esta4i+i;ing onse50enes, t&e 0n!erstan!ing t&at an in2inite 6ants-84ase! 1a+0eorientation is e%ually  as !etri*enta+ to soia+ 4a+ane is ritia+ to rea+i;e#

S)stem &imitation

W&en it o*es to 0+t0ra+ &i+oso&ies, t&e &0*an o0+ation *0st gain, in art, a +ear0n!erstan!ing o2 its +i*itations an! !eri1e its e7etations an! 1a+0es 2ro* t&is &3sia+ rea+it3#T&e +i*itations i*ose! 43 o0r en1iron*ent e7ist irreseti1e o2 &0*an 1a+0es, interests, 6antsor e1en nee!s in a4stration# I2 6e 6ere to re*o1e &0*anit3 2ro* +anet Eart& an! o4ser1e t&eEart&s nat0ra+ eo+ogia+ oerations 6it& t&e a0sa+, sienti2i 0n!erstan!ings 6e &a1e to!a3, 6e6o0+! 6itness a s3nergistis3*4ioti s3ste* go1erne! 43 t&e 0ni1ersa+ !3na*is o2 nat0re#

Hene, no *atter 6&at 6e t&ink a4o0t o0rse+1es, o0r intentions or o0r 2ree!o*s- @%?, one 6e are+ae! into t&is system of physical law  6e are 4o0n! to it regar!+ess o2 o0r 4e+ie2s or t&e 0+t0ra+nor*s 6e &a1e taken 2or grante!, or 6&i& &a1e 4een i*ose! as ine1ita4+e or i**0ta4+e 43o0r 1ario0s 0+t0res# I2 6e &oose to +earn an! a+ign 6it& t&e +ogi in&erent, 6e 2in! s0staina4i+it3an! &ene sta4i+it3# I2 6e &oose to ignore or 2ig&t t&ese re8e7isting r0+es, 6e 6i++ ine1ita4+3!erease sta4i+it3 an! ro4+e*s 6i++ arise, as is t&e near8onstant state o2 a22airs to!a3 in t&eear+3 '$st ent0r3#

T&is a6areness o2 nat0ra+ +i*itations, as 6e &a1e o*e to 0n!erstan! t&e* to!a3 1ia t&esienti2i *et&o!, e7resses er&as t&e *ost ro2o0n! s&i2t in &0*an +o3a+ties- in &istor3# Ins&ort, 6e no6 0n!erstan! t&at 6e eit&er a+ign 6it& t&e nat0ra+ 6or+!, or 6e s022er# Sa!+3, t&is 2ir*

re2erentia+ assoiation sti++ stan!s at o!!s 6it& *an3 o**on &i+oso&ies to!a3, s0& asesta4+is&e! re+igio0s an! o+itia+ erseti1es# Re*arka4+3 a+so, it is a o**on re9oin!er to +a4e+t&is 1er3 2ir*+3 4ase! rea+i;ation as tota+itarian or 4+ak8an!86&ite, a see*ing+3 rigi! an!ar4itrar3 i*osition 0on &0*an +i2e, rat&er t&an si*+3 t&e 0n!enia4+e, sienti2ia++3!e*onstra4+e state o2 a22airs#

Intrig0ing+3, t&e near+3 ara!o7ia+ 0n& +ine o2 t&e 6&o+e onsi!eration o2 nat0ra+ +a6 is t&at6it&in t&is rationa+ 4o7- o2 s3ste* +i*itation 6e !e2ine as t&e go1erning +a6s o2 nat0re- ourrange of possibility within these boundaries via the scientific method also reveals an ever-increasing technical efficiency and incredible potential to create an abundance to meet humanneeds, globally'

F0rt&er*ore, sine &0*anit3 is t&e on+3 seies on Eart& 6it& t&e *enta+ aait3 to a+tera22et

its eos3ste* in tr0+3 ro2o0n! 6a3s, t&is neessit3 2or a+ign*ent 4eo*es ritia+ 2or seiess0staina4i+it3, 04+i &ea+t& an! tr0e ro4+e* so+1ing a!1ane*ent# Not&ing o0+! 4e *ore!angero0s t&an a 6or+! 0+t0re t&at, gi1en t&e e7onentia+ inrease in o0r aait3 to a22et

&as 4eo*e reogni;e! inreasing+3 as +ess o2 an iss0e o2 s049eti1e *ora+ 2airness- 40t rat&er an iss0e o2 !ire 04+i&ea+t& an! soia+ sta4i+it3#

@%? T&e 6or! Free!o*s- is in arent&esis !0e to t&e ro+i2i 0+t0ra+ 0se# Patrioti s+ogans a4o0t 2ree!o*- an! +i4ert3-,4orn o0t o2, in art, t&e &istoria+ ro4+e* o2 t3rann3 an! go1ern*ent a40se, e7ist to!a3 o2ten reating an a+*ostne0roti an! *is+ea!ing 1ie6 o2 &0*an 4e&a1ior# In rea+it3, t&ere is no s0& t&ing as 0ni1ersa+ 2ree!o* in t&e 6or+! as6e are 4o0n! 43 rigi! &3sia+ +a6s# T&e 0+t0ra+ notion o2 2ree!o*-, as *ost roagate! 43 t&e )aita+ist i!eo+og3,an 4e arg0e! as intrinsia++3 !angero0s to seies s0staina4i+it3 in *an3 6a3s 8 sei2ia++3 6it& reset to its a4so+0teignoring o2 +arger or!er s3nergisti s3ste* 2ators, ass0*ing t&e 2a++a3 t&at a !eta&e!, se+28interest 4ase! 0rs0itse0res soia+ an! eo+ogia+ 4a+ane#

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eo+ogia+ an! soia+ 4a+ane 6it& te&no+og3, *is0n!erstan!s its o6er an! e22ets# In *an36a3s, &0*anit3 is 2ae! 6it& an educational  race against time 6it& reset to its 0rrentimmaturity  in &an!+ing t&e inre!i4+e, ne6 2o0n! o6ers it &as rea+i;e! 1ia siene an!te&no+og3#@%@

As an asi!e, it is i*ortant to re*e*4er t&at 6&en it o*es to t&e &istor3 o2 eono*i t&o0g&titse+2, t&e 2ra*e o2 re2erene &as &a! *ore to !o 6it& assumptions of human behavior  t&aninte++igent reso0re *anage*ent an! genera+ &3sia+ sienenat0ra+ +a6 0n!erstan!ings#@%= W&i+e o0r *ost innate 4e&a1iora+ re2+e7es an! geneti roensities are ertain+3 re+e1ant to t&eonse50enes o2 a soioeono*i s3ste* an! are 1er3 *0& a art o2 t&e e50ation, ass0*tionso2 &0*an 4e&a1ior annot rationa++3 4e &e+! as a str0t0ra+ starting oint o2 an eono*i s3ste*#H0*ans are a conse%uence o2 t&e sa*e eo+ogia+ s3ste* on!itions an! not t&e ot&er 6a3aro0n!#

So, in on+0sion to t&is intro!0tion, i2 t&e 0rose o2 a soia+ s3ste* is to reate an e1erinreasing stan!ar! o2 +i1ing, 6&i+e a+so *aintaining en1iron*enta+ an! soia+ 4a+ane to ass0re6e !o not re!0e t&is 50a+it3 in t&e 20t0re !0e to ossi4+e res0+ting onse50enes o2 irresonsi4+e&oies 8 s0& as reso0re !e+etion, o++0tion, !isease, negati1e stress, 6ea+t&- i*4a+ane an!ot&er iss0es : it t&en 4eo*es ritia+ to 4ase o0r *et&o!o+og3 on t&e *ost re+e1ant set o2te&nia+ ara*eters 6e an, oriente! aro0n! t&e 0rrent state o2 scientific awareness on 4ot& aneo+ogia+ an! &0*an +e1e+#


T&e 6or+! &as &ange! 2ar *ore in t&e ast $%% 3ears t&an in an3 ot&erent0r3 in &istor3# T&e reason is not o+itia+ or eono*i 40t te&no+ogia+ 8

te&no+ogies t&at 2+o6e! !iret+3 2ro* a!1anes in 4asi siene#@%>

8Ste1en Ha6king

In Greek, economy *eans t&e *anage*ent o2 a &o0se&o+!#@%C T&e !e2ining 50a+itati1e attri40te o2an eono*3 is its +e1e+ o2 e22iien3-# As oose! to t&e ratie o2 *arket e22iien3- o**onto!a3, t&is 2or* o2 e22iien3 re+ates to physical systems : not t&e inter86orkings o2 *one3-, t&e *arket- an! ot&er arg0a4+3 0+t0ra+ ontri1anes#@%

In t&is roess o2 &3sia+ e1a+0ation, 6e ine1ita4+3 en! 0 6it& a set o2 interre+ate! o*onentsaroriate+3 a++e! economic factors# Again, t&ese o*onents, 0n+ike t&e 1ast 2inania+ t&eoriesin +a3 in t&e *o!ern 6or+! to!a3, &a1e not&ing to !o 6it& t&e at o2 o**ere or t&e +ike#Rat&er, t&e3 2ator in t&e actual te&nia+ roesses, &ene tren!s, otentia+s an! *eas0re*entre50ire*ents, nee!e! 2or oti*i;e! s3ste* organi;ation o2 in!0stria+ e7tration, ro!0tion,!istri40tion, !esign, re3+ing rotoo+s an! t&e +ike#

Ho6e1er, 2or t&e sake o2 o*re&ension, e1en t&o0g& t&is *anner o2 eono*i t&o0g&t is a 1ast!eart0re 2ro* t&e tra!itiona+ *onetar384ase! eono*i t&eories 6e en!0re to!a3, t&is essa3 6i++sti++ 2ra*e t&ese resource-based  eono*i o*onents in t&e onte7t o2 tra!itiona+ *iroeono*i- an! *aroeono*i- ategoria+ !istintions, as 6o0+! 4e 2o0n! in o**on

@%@ Later in &is +i2e, astrono*er )ar+ Sagan *a!e a 1i!eo o**entar3 6&i& an 4e 2o0n! in +ater re+eases o2 &is PSseries )os*os, stating ara&rase! &ere<"It is a+*ost as t&o0g& t&ere is a Go! an! &e &as gi1en &0*anit3 t&e&oie to 0se t&e o6er o2 siene to i*ro1e +i2e] or !estro3 it# It is 0 to 0s#

@%= See rior essa3" istory of +conomy @%> Ste1en Ha6king, . 3rief istory of $elativity , Ti*e Maga;ine, Dee*4er ($st, $@%C T&e ter* eono*3 in Greek .Oikono*ia/ *eans *anage*ent o2 a &o0se&o+! t&ri2t-# Hene to Eono*i;e, or

 Inrease E22iien3-#@% See Essa3" 4arket +fficiency vs Technical +fficiency  

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te7t4ooks 6it& reset to *onetar3 eono*is#

T&e macroeconomic components &a1e to !o 6it& t&e +argest ossi4+e &3sia+ s3ste* !egreeassoiations 6e an o*re&en!# T&e microeconomic component s re+ate to sei2i in!0stries orsetors, 0s0a++3 assoiate! 6it& sing0+ar goo! ro!0tion, regiona+ !istri40tion an! regenerati1e

sei2is# T&is 6i++ 4e e7an!e! 0on *ore so +ater in t&is essa3#<

3 system e7tension, macroeconomic o*onents nat0ra++3 go1ern t&e +ogi re+ate! to t&emicroeconomic components as 6e++# For e7a*+e, t&e *aroeono*i attri40te o2 global resourcemanagement, &as a 0ni1ersa+ 4earing on t&e roer 0n2o+!ing o2 *iroeono*i oerations s0&as ro!0t !esign e22iien3 6&i& in1aria4+3 0se s0& g+o4a+ reso0res<#

Ho6e1er, 4e2ore t&ese o*onent 2ators are a!!resse!, a 20rt&er !is0ssion o2 systems is inor!er, a+ong 6it& a !e+aration o2 6&at o0r soieta+ goals at0a++3 are#

"eneral S)stems Theor)

Beneral &ystems Theory  is an i!ea +ike+3 *a!e *ost 2a*o0s 43 4io+ogist L0!6ig Von erta+an223#He state!" ###t&ere e7ist *o!e+s, rini+es, an! +a6s t&at a+3 to genera+i;e! s3ste*s or t&eirs04+asses, irreseti1e o2 t&eir arti0+ar kin!, t&e nat0re o2 t&eir o*onent e+e*ents, an! t&ere+ations&is or 2ores 4et6een t&e*# It see*s +egiti*ate to ask 2or a t&eor3, not o2 s3ste*s o2a *ore or +ess seia+ kin!, 40t o2 0ni1ersa+ rini+es a+3ing to s3ste*s in genera+#- @$% W&i+e agreat !ea+ o2 inte++et0a+ o*+e7it3 an! e+a4oration &as 4een 0t 2or6ar! 43 s3ste*s t&eoristst&ro0g&o0t t&e 3ears, t&e 4asi reognition is rat&er si*+e an! int0iti1e+3 eas3 to gras#

T&e &0*an 4o!3, 2or e7a*+e, is o*ose! o2 1ario0s s3ste* interonnetions 6&i& not on+3nati1e+3 reg0+ate sei2i roesses 2or a gi1en 0rose s0& as t&e &eart an! its ro+e in 4+oo!ir0+ation<, t&ese s3ste*s a+6a3s &a1e s*a++er an! +arger degree relationships as 6e++# In t&ease o2 t&e &eart, t&e blood it ir0+ates &as its o6n set o2 !e2ine! &e*ia+ roerties an! s3ste*4e&a1iors s*a++er !egree s3ste* re+ations&i< 6&i+e t&e &eart itse+2 is a+so a o*onent art o2t&e tota+ &0*an organ array  +arger !egree s3ste* re+ations&i< an! &ene onnets 6it&, 2or

e7a*+e, t&e lungs 6&i& assist in o73gen !istri40tion t&ro0g&o0t t&e blood stream#

E7ten!ing t&is e7a*+e to larger degree re+ations&is, t&is &0*an s3ste* is onnete! to aneo+ogia+ s3ste*,@$$ 6&i& in1aria4+3 &as a !iret orre+ation to &0*an &ea+t&# For instane, oorin!0stria+ *et&o!s e7isting 6it&in t&is eo+ogia+ s3ste* an intro!0e, 2or e7a*+e, o++0tion intot&e air, a0sing on!itions 6&i& *ig&t set t&e stage 2or +0ng ro4+e*s or ot&er !etri*ents to&0*an &ea+t&#

O2 o0rse, s3ste* re+ations&is to &0*an &ea+t& are not on+3 &3sia+- in t&e tra!itiona+ sense o2t&e ter*, t&e3 are a+so psychologically  an! sociologically  a0sa+# Siene &as o*e to 4etter0n!erstan! &o6 &0*an +earning an! 4e&a1iora+ roensities are generate! t&ro0g& 4ot& genetian! en1iron*enta+ in2+0enes, in1aria4+3 engaging a +arger s3ste*s onte7t# For e7a*+e, asnote! in rior essa3s, a!!ition ro4+e*s, s0& as 6it& !r0gs or a+o&o+, an o2ten 4e 2o0n! +inke!

to ear+3 +i2e stress an! e*otiona+ +oss#@$' In tr0t&, t&e 1er3 4asis 2or understanding public health isa systems recognition, without exception'

No6, 4in!ing a++ s3ste*s are 6&at o0+! 4e ter*e! genera+i;e! go1erning rini+es-# In sienti2i

@$% L0!6ig Von erta+an223, Beneral &ystem theoryA Doundations, *evelopment, .pplications, Ne6 Jork" George ra;i++er,$>=, #('

@$$ Eo+og3 is !e2ine! as" t&e 4ran& o2 4io+og3 !ea+ing 6it& t&e re+ations an! interations 4et6een organis*s an! t&eiren1iron*ent, in+0!ing ot&er organis*s# .&tt"!itionar3#re2erene#o*4ro6seeo+og3/

@$' Dr# Ga4or Mat[ in &is 6ork In the $ealm of ungry Bhosts Nort& At+anti ooks, '%$'< resents an enor*o0s a*o0nto2 resear& regar!ing &o6 e*otiona+ +oss o0rring at 3o0ng ages a22ets 4e&a1ior in +ater +i2e, sei2ia++3 t&eroensit3 2or a!!itions#

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ter*s, a genera+i;e!- rini+e or t&eor3 is a 2o0n!ationa+ &arateristi or ass0*tion 6&i&go1erns an entire s3ste*# A nota4+e, ongoing 50est o2 *o!ern siene &as 4een t&e sear& 2or0ni1ersa++3 go1erning rini+es t&at a+3 to a++ kno6n s3ste*s in t&e 0ni1erse, as gest0re! int&e rior 50otation 43 L0!6ig Von erta+an223#

W&i+e a great !ea+ o2 t&eoretia+ !e4ate e7ists 6it& reset to t&e o*+e7 4e&a1ior o2 ertains3ste*s, 2in!ing +as&es o2 erseti1e 4et6een, 2or e7a*+e, +assia+ *e&anis- an! 50ant0* *e&anis-< t&e 0n!erstan!ings re+e1ant to e22iient eono*i organi;ation 8 a s3ste*design inten!e! to oti*i;e &0*an 6e++84eing an! +ong ter* eo+ogia+soia+ s0staina4i+it3 8 nee!not get +ost in s0& a4stration# T&0s, t&e eono*i re+ations&is resente! in t&is essa3 are 2air+3o41io0s an! eas3 to 1a+i!ate#

Ho6e1er, +et it 4e state! t&at 6&en t&e systems worldview is tr0+3 0n!erstoo! in its ro2o0n!ra*i2iation o2 i**0ta4+e interonnete!ness an! &ene inter!een!eneo8resonsi4i+it3 o2+itera++3 e1er3t&ing in t&e kno6n 0ni1erse, tra!itiona+ 0+t0ra+ notions 4ase! on &0*an or soia+!i1ision 8 s0& as re+igio0s +o3a+t3, rae +o3a+t3, +ass, nation states, atriotis* an! ot&er*ani2estations 4orn 2ro* a 6or+! arg0a4+3 ignorant o2 t&is rea+it3 in t&e ast : an reate not&ing40t on20sion, *a+a!90st*ent an! on2+it in t&e +ong8ter*#

Rea+i;ing an! stri1ing to think  in t&e onte7t o2 interonnete! s3ste*s is ritia+ 2or inte++et0a+!e1e+o*ent, &ene reating an e!0ationa+ i*erati1e 2or eo+e to a+so +earn *ore as genera+ists- as oose! to rigi! seia+ists-, 6&i& is t&e 0rrent attern !0e to t&e str0t0re o2o0r tra!itiona+ +a4or ro+es# Sa!+3, o0r e!0ationa+ s3ste* to!a3 &as 4een s&ae! an! str0t0re!not to reate 6e++8ro0n!e! 0n!erstan!ings o2 t&e 6or+!, 40t rat&er !irets 2o0s to iso+ate! an!narro6 seia+ties, 6&i& re!0e s3ste*s o*re&ension onse50ent+3#@$(

So, ret0rning to t&e sei2i onte7t o2 t&e reation o2 an eono*i *o!e+, t&is s3ste* re+e1anein&erent+3 reates an essentia++3 se+28generating- a0sa+it3 t&at re!0es s049eti1it3 great+3#W&en 6e re+ate 0rrent 0n!erstan!ings o2 t&e human system to t&e ecological system, 6e 2in! aroess o2 o49eti1e a+0+ation 6it& reset to 6&at is ossi4+e an! s0staina4+e, 4ot& in t&e

genera+ str0t0re o2 in!0stria+ roesses an! t&e value structure o2 soiet3 itse+2# 

In t&e en!, one t&is rea+it3 is 0n!erstoo!, kno6ing t&at 6e *a3 ne1er &a1e an a4so+0te0n!erstan!ing o2 t&e tota+, 0ni1ersa+ go1erning s3ste*, o0r task is &ene to !eri1e an eono*i*o!e+ t&at 4est superimposes 0on s0& kno6n roerties an! re+ations&is o2 t&e &3sia+ 6or+!,a!ating an! a!90sting as e22iient+3 as ossi4+e, as ne6 2ee!4ak in2or*ation< ontin0es toro1e 1a+i!# P0t anot&er 6a3, t&e reation o2 an eono*i *o!e+ is rea++3 a roess o2 str0t0ra+a+ign*ent 6it& t&e e7isting eo+ogia+ s3ste* a+rea!3 in +a3 on t&e +anet eart&# T&e !egree to6&i& 6e are a4+e to a&ie1e t&is, !e2ines o0r s0ess#

Social "oals

W&i+e !i1erse g+o4a+ 0+t0res to!a3 s&o6 *an3 0ni50e 2eat0res an! interests, t&ere is sti++ a 4asi,1irt0a++3 0ni1ersa+ set o2 s&are! needs 6&i& re1o+1e aro0n! s0r1i1a+# In onert, t&is essentia++3

o*rises t&e 4asis o2 04+i &ea+t&-, in its 4roa!est !e2inition#

e+o6 is a +ist o2 genera+, see*ing+3 o41io0s soia+ goa+s-  6&i& t&is ne6 eono*i *o!e+ 6o0+!6ork to *eet, 6it& !etai+e! e7+anations 2o++o6ing# O1era++, t&e3 are o*onent goa+s o2 t&e0rs0it to increase %uality of life 2or t&e 6&o+e o2 &0*anit3, 6&i+e *aintaining tr0e s0staina4i+it3 int&e +ong r0n#

@$( S0ggeste! Rea!ing" E!0ation an! t&e Market Mo!e+-, Ko&n MM0rtr3, #ournal of "hilosophy of +ducationVo+0*e '@, Iss0e ', s '%:'$>, $$ On+ine" &tt"on+ine+i4rar3#6i+e3#o*!oi$%#$$$$9#$?=>8>@'#$$#t4%%=?'#7a4strat

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Goa+s"$< Oti*i;e! In!0stria+ E22iien3 Ati1e P0rs0it o2 Post8Sarit3 A40n!ane-#'< Maintain Oti*i;e! Eo+ogia+)0+t0ra+ a+ane B S0staina4i+it3#(< De+i4erate Li4eration o2 H0*anit3 2ro* Monotono0sDangero0s La4or#?< Fai+itate ati1e S3ste* A!atation to E*erging Varia4+es#

$< Oti*i;e! In!0stria+ E22iien3 Ati1e P0rs0it o2 Post8Sarit3 A40n!ane-"

Un+ike t&e 0rrent, str0t0ra+ eono*i *an!ate to  preserve inefficiency  2or t&e sake o2 *onetar3ir0+ation, eono*i gro6t& an! o6er reser1ation@$?, t&is goa+ seeks to oti*i;e, 4ot&te&nia++3 an! str0t0ra++3, a++ in!0stria+ roesses to 6ork to6ar!s an! reate 6&at o0+! 4egest0ra++3 ter*e! a "ost-&carcity .bundance#

In s&ort, a "ost-&carcity .bundance is an i!ea+i;e! state 6&i& e+i*inates sarit3 o2 a gi1enreso0re or roess, 0s0a++3 43 *eans o2 oti*i;e! e22iien3 regar!ing ro!0tion !esign an!strategi 0se# Nee!+ess to sa3, t&e i!ea o2 a&ie1ing universal  ost8sarit3 8 *eaning ana40n!ant a*o0nt o2 e1er3t&ing 2or e1er3one 8 is rig&t20++3 an i*ossi4i+it3, e1en in t&e *ostoti*isti 1ie6s# T&ere2ore, t&is ter*, as 0se! &ere, rea++3 &ig&+ig&ts a  point of focus#@$@

)o**on e7a*+es o2 0rrent ost8sarit3 rea+ities, 6&i& 6i++ 4e a!!resse! at +engt& in a +ateressa3,@$= in+0!e t&e statistia++3 ro1en a4i+it3 to generate an a40n!ane o2 n0trition 2or t&e6or+!s o0+ation, an a40n!ane o2 energ3 2or resonsi4+e &0*an 0se, an a40n!ane o2 !o*ii+esto s&e+ter, at a &ig& +e1e+ o2 50a+it3, e1er3 2a*i+3 on eart&, a+ong 6it& an a40n!ane o2 goo!s,4ot& nee!s84ase! i#e# too+s< an! reasonable1L  6ant 4ase! +070r3seia+t3 ite*s< to 2ai+itate ane1er8easing an! i*ro1ing 50a+it3 o2 +i2e 0nkno6n 43 +ike+3 o2 &0*anit3 to!a3#T&ese an! *an3 ot&er ossi4i+ities &a1e 4een ro1en as statistia+ rea+ties 2or t&e Eart&s 0rrento0+ation an! 4e3on!, ao*+is&e! t&ro0g& 6&at 0k*inster F0++er gest0ra++3 a++e! t&e Design8Siene Re1o+0tion- @$C, or t&e re8!esign o2 o0r soia+ in2rastr0t0re to ena4+e t&is ne6an! ro2o0n! e22iien3#

Nee!+ess to sa3, t&is soieta+ re!esign s0ggests a ra!ia+ !eart0re 2ro* 0rrent soia+ nor*s an!esta4+is&e! tra!itions, in+0!ing t&e 1er3 nat0re o2 o0r soioeono*igo1ern*enta+ str0t0reitse+2# T&e o*+e7 s049et o2 transition 6i++ 4e !is0sse! in a +ater essa3# @$<

'< Maintain Oti*i;e! Eo+ogia+ a+ane B S0staina4i+it3"

Maintaining en1iron*enta+ s0staina4i+it3 is o2 o41io0s i*ortane gi1en t&e &0*an seies &as noin!een!ene 2ro* its &a4itat an! is strit+3 s0orte! 43 it# In 2at, e1o+0tion itse+2 re1ea+s t&at6e are at0a++3 generated from the habitat , 20rt&er e7ressing t&e !ee+3 s3*4iotis3nergistionnetion#

An3 negati1e !ist0r4ane o2 t&ese interonnete! eo+ogia+ s3ste*s 6i++ +ike+3 res0+t inroortiona+ negati1e !ist0r4anes o2 o0r 6e++84eing o1er ti*e# T&ere2ore, *aking s0re t&e

eono*i s3ste* in ratie &as a str0t0ra+, 40i+t8in reset 2or t&ese nat0ra+ or!ers is ritia+ to04+i &ea+t& an! s0staina4i+it3 in t&e +ong ter*# T&is aset itse+2 is, in 2at, a ga0ge o2 an

@$? See essa3" 4arket +fficiency vs Technical +fficiency @$@ T&e *atter o2 !egree, in 2at, 4eo*es ar4itrar3# E1en i2 on+3 ossi4+e 6it& a 2e6 reso0re sets, it !oes not &ange t&e

goa+ an! i*ortane o2 t&e 0rs0it o2 ost8sarit3# Soia+ i*ro1e*ent in genera+ &as 4een 4ase! 0on s0&a++e1iations#

@$= See Essa3" "ost-&carcity Trends, Capacity and +fficiency @$> T&e &3sia++3 0ns0staina4+e, e7essi1e roert3 an! &oar!ing- *enta+it3 o**on to t&e 0rrent 0+t0res i!ea+ o2

&ig& soia+ stat0s an! s0ess to!a3 nee!s a++e1iation#@$C S0ggeste! Rea!ing" R# 0k*inster F0++er, Critical "ath, St# Martins Press, $C$@$ See Essa3" Transition = The ybrid +conomy 

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eono*i s3ste*s o6n ratia+ 1a+i!it3 as a +i2e8s0ort str0t0re#

It is 6ort& reiterating t&at t&e 0rrent *arket *o!e+ o2 eono*is *aintains +itera++3 no structuralacknowledgment o2 t&ese nat0ra+ or!er +a6s# T&e *arket si*+3 assumes s0& 4a+ane 6i++ 4e*aintaine! t&ro0g& 6&at are rig&t+3 !ee*e! metaphysical *e&anis*s re+ate! to *onetar38

*arket !3na*is a+one#@'%

 A 2a+se ass0*tion#

(< De+i4erate Li4eration o2 H0*anit3 2ro* Monotono0sDangero0sIrre1erent La4or"

As 6i++ 4e !esri4e! in te&nia+ !etai+ in a +ater essa3@'$ 6it& reset to t&e o6er20+,e&e*era+i;ation oriente! tren! o2 6&at is ter*e! mechanization *eaning t&e a+iation o2*a&ines, !is+aing +a4or ro+es o**on+3 &e+! 43 &0*ans< t&e nee! 2or &0*an toi+ an! s022eringin *onotono0s, irre+e1ant or !angero0s o0ations &as 4eo*e inreasing+3 +ess nee!e!#

T&is ne6 te&nia+ rea+it3 &as a+so reate! tren!s 6&i& 6ere one 0ni*agina4+e, s0& as t&e 2att&at t&e a+iation o2 a0to*ation &as ro1en to no6 4e *ore e22iient t&an &0*an +a4or, *akingt&e ersistent tra!ition o2 earning a +i1ing- an inreasing+3 irresonsi4+e soia+ on1ention gi1ent&at 6e an no6 !o more with less people in 1irt0a++3 e1er3 setor to!a3#

Like6ise, it is a+so i*ortant to onsi!er t&e attern o2 &0*an e*+o3*ent o1er generationa+ti*e, reogni;ing t&at t&e 0rrent soia+ !etri*ent o2 0ne*+o3*ent- is entire+3 *ani2est 2ro*t&e a+iation o2 te&no+og3 to +a4or#@'' T&e great *3t& o2 t&e '% t& ent0r3, roagate! 43 *arketeono*ists is t&at te&no+og3 reates 9o4s in t&e sa*e roortion as 9o4s are taken a6a3 43 it# @'( T&is is no6 ro1en as statistia++3 inorret as t&e e7onentia+ inrease in in2or*ation te&no+og3an! its trans+ation into e1er8a!1aning *a&ine e22iien3 ro1es t&e 2a++a3 o2 t&is oneseemingly  tr0e o4ser1ation#@'? To!a3, t&e '$st ent0r3 +a4or risis s&o6s no sign o2 s04si!ing@'@ an! 6i++ on+3 2in! reso+0tion t&ro0g& a restr0t0ring o2 in!0stria+ +a4or *et&o!s, a+tering t&e 6ork2or a +i1ing- tra!ition !ra*atia++3#@'=

?< Fai+itate ati1e S3ste* A!atation to E*erging Varia4+es"

@'% See Essa3" istory of +conomy  6&ere A!a* S*it&s notion o2 t&e In1isi4+e Han!- is !is0sse!#@'$ See Essa3" "ost-&carcity Trends, Capacity and +fficiency @'' T&is state*ent 6o0+! +ike+3 4e !is0te! 43 eono*ists to!a3, 6it& t&e +ai* o2 o0tso0ring an! ot&er iss0es 4ro0g&t

into t&e e50ation a+ong 6it& ot&er narro6, tr0nate! !istintions<# In tr0t&, +ooking at &0*an +a4or 6it&o0t 4or!ers,on t&e g+o4a+ sa+e, o1er generationa+ ti*e, 6e see t&at it &as 4een te&no+og3 an! on+3 te&no+og3 t&at &as s&i2te!4ot& ro!0tion *et&o!s an! 6&at is o2 interest to ro!0e# I2 t&is rogress 6as not seen, &0*anit3 6o0+! ne1er &a1ee7eriene! t&e Neo+it&i Re1o+0tion an! &ene 6o0+! sti++ 4e &0nting an! gat&ering in a ri*iti1e 6a3#

@'( T&is ass0*tion is art o2 6&at &as 4een &istoria++3 ter*e! t&e T&e L0!!ite Fa++a3-# It is 6ort& noting t&at e1en i2one 6ere to entertain t&e L0!!ite Fa++a3s +ai* t&at ne6 9o4s are reate! to e50a++3 o*ensate 2or !is+ae! +a4or ina no68*e&ani;e! setor, inreasing+3 it is 4eo*ing rea+i;e! t&at s0& 9o4s arg0a4+3 &a1e +itt+e to no at0a+ re+e1aneto t&e 1ia4i+it3 an! 20ntion o2 +i2e8s0ort# Hene, t&e ne6 9o4s reate! in1aria4+3 ser1e as a kin! o2 6aste o2 &0*anenerg3# It is one t&ing to er2or* ats o2 interest in ones +i2e, on ones o6n aor!# It is anot&er to 4e oere! intos0& *eaning+ess +a4or si*+3 4ea0se 3o0 *0st 6ork 2or a +i1ing#S0ggeste! Rea!ing" Da1i! Grae4er, 0n the "henomenon of 3ullshit #obs, Strike Maga;ine, '%$(

. &tt"666#strike*ag#org40++s&it89o4s /@'? T&e iss0e &ere is t&e rate o2 te&no+ogia+ ae+eration# One &0n!re! 3ears ago, t&is rate o2 &ange 6as *0& +ess

rai!, 6&i+e to!a3 t&e rate o2 &ange is inreasing e7onentia++3 2or6ar!# W&i+e soia+ s&i2ts in in!0str3 an! +a4or 6erea4+e to !3na*ia++3 o*ensate 2or t&is &ange in t&e ast !0e to t&e re+ati1e+3 s+o6 ae, as ti*e *o1es 2or6ar!, it6i++ 4eo*e e1er *ore !i22i0+t to *aintain +a4or 2or ino*e as 6e kno6 it in t&e 0rrent tra!ition# T&is is a+so4ea0se t&e e7onentia+ gro6t& 0r1e re!0es t&e ost o2 *a&ine a0to*ation too+s o1er ti*e, setting 0 a genera+ine1ita4i+it3 t&at &0*an +a4or in a ertain setor 6i++ not on+3 4e o0t!one in er2or*ane 43 *a&ine 40t t&e3 6i++ 4e&eaer in t&e +ong r0n# S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tt"666#k0r;6ei+ai#nett&e8+a68o28ae+erating8ret0rns

@'@ Ne6s an! statistia+ reorts on an e*erging G+o4a+ Une*+o3*ent )risis &a1e 4een ro+i2i in t&e ear+3 '$st ent0r3,sei2ia++3 6it& 3o0ng a!0+ts# S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tt"666#eono*ist#o*ne6sinternationa+'$@>==@>8aro0n!86or+!8a+*ost8(%%*8$@8'?83ear8o+!s8are8not86orking86&at8&as8a0se!

@'= S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tt"666#2or4es#o*sitessing0+arit3'%$'%>$o0+!8a0to*ation8+ea!8to8&roni80ne*+o3*ent8an!re68*a2ee8so0n!s8t&e8a+ar*

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W&i+e t&is goa+ *ig&t see* *ore a4strat t&an rior goa+s, akno6+e!ging t&e e*ergent rea+it3 o2inte++et0a+ an! in!0stria+ e1o+0tion is ritia+# We *0st  structurally  a++o6 2or a!atation#

T&e aggregate inte++et0a+ 0+*ination o2 &0*an kno6+e!ge is an!, as t&e tren!s 0rrent+3 s&o6,6i++ a+6a3s 4e, ino*+ete# Man3 raties 6&i& *ig&t 4e !ee*e! s0staina4+e or in aor! 6it&

04+i &ea+t& to!a3, *ig&t 1er3 6e++ 4e 2o0n! to 4e !etri*enta+ in a re+ati1e or a4so+0te sense int&e 20t0re# An e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e t&e !ea!es ast o2 oi+ o*40stion# W&i+e +itt+e negati1eretroations 6ere 2o0n! !0ring its ear+3 0se, to!a3 t&ere is a strong 0s& to *o1e a6a3 2ro*&3!roar4on energ3 0se !0e to t&e gro6ing onse50enes res0+ting 2ro* its e*+o3*ent as t&eri*ar3 energ3 so0re 2or soiet3 : eseia++3 gi1en t&e 0rrent state o2 *ore +ean an! *orea40n!ant a+ternati1es#

T&ere2ore, t&e in!0stria+eono*i s3ste* *0st 4e !3na*ia++3 0!ata4+e, ena4+ing rai! errororretion an! i*ro1e*ent as rogress 0n2o+!s# Again, t&is t3e o2 2+e7i4i+it3 is 0rrent+3 *issingin t&e *arket eono*3 to!a3, sine an3 s0& &anges o2ten &a1e a !esta4i+i;ing e22et on t&ero2ita4i+it3 o2 re+ate! in!0stries# )&ange in genera+ is e7tre*e+3 s+o6 in t&e *o!ern erio! in t&isregar! !0e to t&e paralysis t&at originates 2ro* t&e reser1ation o2 *arket s&are an! gro0o6er# It an 4e 6e++ arg0e! t&at rogress is o2ten detrimental  to e7isting ro2it s&e*es#

1acroeconomic Factors3In tra!itiona+, *arket84ase! eono*i t&eor3, macroeconomics !ea+s 6it& t&e 4roa!est in2+0enesan! o+iies 6&i& a22et, in art, t&e !3na*is an! ro4a4+e o0to*es o2 t&e microeconomic  on!ition# T&is 0s0a++3 re+ates to gro6t& *eas0res, e*+o3*ent +e1e+s, interest rates, nationa+!e4ts, 0rrenies an! t&e +ike#

In t&e onte7t o2 a NLRE, 6e an a+so esta4+is& eono*i o*onents 6&i& o0+! 4eategoria++3 t&o0g&t a4o0t in t&e sa*e 6a3, on+3 t&is ti*e it &as to !o 6it& t&e +argest or!ergoverning ress0res o2 t&e &3sia+ 6or+! !iret+3, a+ong 6it& &o6 t&ese physical principles re+ateto t&e *ore *iroeono*i- ations o2 goo! ro!0tion, !esign, !istri40tion an! t&e +ike# Inot&er 6or!s, it is an o1erar&ing rule structure, s0orte! 43 essentia++3 &3sia+ siene, to

ens0re tr0e eono*i e22iien3 is *aintaine! an! oti*i;e!#

At t&e ore o2 t&e *aroeono*i an!, 43 e7tension, *iroeono*i< aroa& rests t&e *et&o!o2 t&o0g&t an! ana+3sis itse+2# T&is is T&e Sienti2i Met&o!-# @'> It is o2ten sai! t&at not&ing insiene an 4e ro1en, on+3 !isro1en# T&is is t&e 4ea0t3 o2 t&e *et&o! as its in&erent sketiis*o2 its o6n on+0sions, i2 0nin&i4ite! 43 &0*an 4ias, an ass0re ontin0a+ rogress an!a!90st*ent# Siene gi1es a 1e&i+e to arrive at conclusions, not *ake t&e*-, an! it is t&issystem-based logic  6&ere a++ eono*i !eisions are to 4e oriente! regar!ing 4ot& ossi4i+itiesan! restritions#@'C

In&erent to T&e Sienti2i Met&o! in t&e onte7t o2 *aroeono*i o+i3- 2or a NLRE are 6&at6e o0+! onsi!er +arth-wide reognitions# T&ese o*onents &a1e to !o essentia++3 6it& t&e2o++o6ing"

$< G+o4a+ Reso0re Manage*ent'< G+o4a+ De*an! Assess*ent(< G+o4a+ Pro!0tion an! Distri40tion Protoo+s#

T&ese t&ree 2ators are onsi!ere! *aroeono*i- sine t&e3 e*4o!3 ore, near 0ni1ersa+in2rastr0t0re onsi!erations, regar!+ess o2 6&at a gi1en ro!0tion sei2ia++3 entai+s or 6&ere itis on t&e +anet# It s&o0+! a+so 4e i**e!iate+3 reogni;e! t&at t&e onet o2 a nationa+

@'> See Aen!i7 2or an Introduction to The &cientific 4ethod@'C See Essa3" The &cientific :orldview 

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eono*3- is no +onger 1ia4+e in t&is erseti1e, nor 6as it e1er, in tr0t&, te&nia++3 seaking#<

56; "loal Resource 1anagement3

G+o4a+ Reso0re Manage*ent is t&e roess o2 traking reso0re 0se an! &ene 6orking to re!itan! a1oi! s&ortages an! ot&er ro4+e*s# In e22et, it is no !i22erent t&an t&e +ogi 0n!er+3ing *ost

o**on in1entor3 s3ste*s 6e *ig&t 2in! in t&e o**eria+ arena to!a3# Ho6e1er, t&is s3ste*&as to !o ri*ari+3 6it& traking t&e rate o2 nat0ra+ generation to *aintain dynamic e%uilibrium16H#

A++ kno6n nat0ra+ reso0res 8 6&et&er +0*4er, oer ore, 6ater, oi+, et# 8 &a1e t&eir o6n rates o2nat0ra+ regeneration, i2 an3# In ertain ases, s0& as t&e state o2 ertain *eta+s or *inera+s,regeneration rates are so +arge sa+e t&at it 6o0+! 4e *ore aroriate to si*+3 ass0*e a 2inites0+3 o0trig&t#@(% O1era++, t&is roess 6o0+! 4egin 6it& a tota+ Eart& s0r1e3 to 6&ate1er !egreete&nia++3 ossi4+e, trake! in rea+8ti*e to 6&ate1er !egree te&nia++3 ossi4+e#

T&e ata+og0e o2 trake! reso0re o*onents 6o0+! in+0!e a++ 2or*s, 2ro* 4ioti reso0res s0&as trees, to a4ioti reso0res s0& as iron ores an! t&e +ike# Po++0tion an! ot&er eo+ogia+!ist0r4anes o2 reso0re integrit3 6o0+! a+so 4e ao0nte! 2or# W&i+e s0& a tota+ s3ste*saroa& to t&is Eart&86i!e reso0re ao0nting an! traking s3ste* *ig&t see* +ike a !i22i0+ttask, it is at0a++3 1er3 2easi4+e in t&e *o!ern !a3, 6it& s0& te&no+og3 a+rea!3 4eing e*+o3e!43 reseti1e in!0stries in t&e ororate setting#

5>; "loal Demand Assessment"G+o4a+ De*an! Assess*ent is t&e roess o2 rea+i;ing t&e !e*an!s o2 t&e &0*an o0+ation# Ins&ort, t&is roess 6o0+! 4e 4roken 0 into a series o2 regiona+ s0r1e3s, o0+e! 6it& t&e re+easeo2 04+iations 6&i& in2or* t&e 04+i as to ne6 !esigns ossi4+e in ons0*er or in!0stria+ro!0tion#

W&ereas 2ro* t&e 0rrent 0+t0ra+ ratie, 6&i& onsists o2 04+i a!1ertising 43 ro2it seekingororations, o2ten i*ose stat0s1anit3 oriente! 1a+0es on t&e o0+ation in *an3 resetsrat&er t&an ser1ing to assist t&e* 6it& e7isting nee!s, t&e roess o2 engage*ent in a NLRE

!ea+s e7+iit+3 6it& reating a6areness o2 ne6 te&nia+ ossi4i+ities as t&e3 e*erge, 6&i+e a+so a++o6ing 04+i onsens0s to !ei!e 6&at is o2 interest to ro!0e an! 6&at isnt# @($ 

T&is o0+! 4e ter*e! t&e *arket- o2 a NLRE# In *an3 6a3s, it an a+so 4e onsi!ere! t&e*e&anis* o2 soieta+ go1ernane- itse+2 sine t&is t3e o2 soia+ interation to6ar!s !eision*aking !oes not &a1e to 4e restrite! to *ere goo! !esign an! ro!0tion#@(' A2ter a++, at t&e oreo2 an3 soiet3 are really  t&e te&nia+ *e&anis*s 6&i& ena4+e or!er, 6e++84eing an! 50a+it3 o2+i2e#

We o2ten 2orget 6&at t&e 0rose o2 a go1ern*ent rea++3 is in t&e *o!ern !a3# At its ore, it is a*eans to assist eono*i organi;ation to i*ro1e +i2e, ease stress an! reate sa2et3# T&e ro4+e*is t&at go1ern*ent to!a3 &as neessari+3 t0rne! into a s3ste* o2 essentia++3 organi;e! orr0tionan! *a2ia- t3e rotetionis* rat&er t&an a 2ai+itator o2 +i2e s0ort#

In t&is ne6 aroa&, a 0re+3 te&nia+interati1e s3ste* is esta4+is&e! 6&i& 6orks, in gest0re,si*i+ar to &o6 t&e notion o2 !iret !e*ora3- @(( &as 4een roose! to 6ork in t&e *o!ern !a3,

@' D3na*i E50i+i4ri0* is !e2ine! as" A on!ition in 6&i& a++ ating in2+0enes are ane++e! 43 ot&ers, res0+ting in asta4+e, 4a+ane!, or 0n&anging s3ste*#- So0re" &tt"666#t&e2ree!itionar3#o*!3na*ie50i+i4ri0*

@(% For e7a*+e, *eta+s s0& as oer are no6 6i!e+3 aete! to &a1e originate! in stars, 6it& t&e eart& o++etingt&ese *ateria+s as it 2or*e!#

@($ To!a3, it is on+3 t&ro0g& rie an! ro2ita4i+it3 t&at !e*an! is aesse!# Ver3 rare+3 is t&e 04+i in1ite! to artiiatein 20t0re !esigns#

@(' T&is 6i++ 4e a!!resse! 20rt&er in t&e essa3" The Industrial Bovernment @(( Un+ike Reresentati1e De*ora3- 6&ere e+ete! reresentati1es *ake !eisions, Diret De*ora3 a++o6s 

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6&ere !eision8*aking roesses in1o+1e gro0 artiiation in a direct  6a3, goa+ 43 goa+# Wit&t&e e7onentia+ inrease in o*0ter84ase! a+0+ation o6er, t&is t3e o2 aggregate soieta+ t&inking- is no6 ossi4+e#

T&e !etai+s o2 t&is interati1e s3ste*, a+ong 6it& an e7ansion o2 an integra+ onet ter*e! as

 a0to*ate! !esign- or t&e a+0+ation o2 utility-based systems in t&is onte7t t&e system 4eing agoo! in 50estion<, 6i++ 4e a!!resse! in a 2o++o6ing essa3#@(? Ho6e1er, +et it 4e state! t&at a++!esigns &a1e a 40i+t8in +ogi to6ar!s 6&at 6orks, 6&at is s0staina4+e an! 6&at re!0es negati1eretrations or ro4+e*s<# It is t&is ne6, te&nia+ re2erentia+ 4en&*ark t&at g0i!es t&e roesso2 in!0stria+ !esign#

No6, a 2ina+ note 6ort& *entioning in assing is t&at in t&e 0rrent *arket eono*3, t&e !e*an!assess*ent roess is or&estrate! in a !ee+3 &a&a;ar! *anner 1ia 6&at is tra!itiona++3 ter*e!t&e rie *e&anis*-#@(@ Man3 in tra!itiona+ eono*i s&oo+s &a1e e1en arg0e! t&at t&e!3na*i 1aria4i+it3 o2 &0*an interests *ake it te&nia++3 impossible to a+0+ate s0& !e*an!6it&o0t t&e rie *e&anis*# W&i+e t&is *a3 &a1e 4een so*e6&at tr0e in t&e ear+3 '% t& ent0r36&en t&ese +ai*s 6ere *a!e, t&e age o2 a!1ane! o*0ter a+0+ation, o0+e! 6it& *o!ernsensing an! traking te&no+og3, &a1e re*o1e! t&is 4arrier o2 o*+e7it3# @(=

5:; 5a; "loal Production - 5; Distriution Protocols3G+o4a+ Pro!0tion an! Distri40tion Protoo+s a!!ress t&e reasoning 43 6&i& t&e o1era++ in!0stria+s3ste* is to 4e +ai! o0t in t&e onte7t o2 Eart& s0r2ae in2rastr0t0re# T&is si*+e notion &as to !o6it& 6&ere t&ese 2ai+itates are +oate! an! 6&3# A 4asi eono*i 2ator to onsi!er &ere is 6&at6e 6i++ a++ t&e Pro7i*it3 Strateg3-#

In t&e 0rrent s3ste*, t&e roert3 orientation 2ores 2ai+ities 2or ro!0tion an! !istri40tion to4e sattere! an! rat&er ran!o* in +ae*ent# T&e a!1ent o2 g+o4a+i;ation an! t&e onstant sear&2or ost e22iien3 43 ororations 1ia &ea +a4or an! reso0res reates enor*o0s ine22iien3an! 6aste, not to *ention a 4asis 2or in&0*ane +a4or e7+oitation an! ot&er ro4+e*s#

In a NLRE, t&e organi;ation o2 g+o4a+ in!0stria+ roesses is 4ase! on oti*i;ing e22iien3 at a++ti*es, reating a network  o2 2ai+ities, +ogia++3 4ase! aro0n! 2ators re+ate! to t&e purpose o2t&ose 2ai+ities# T&is is at0a++3 si*+e to onsi!er sine t&e 1aria4+es re+ate! an 4e 50anti2ie! ini*ortane 2air+3 easi+3# Sine t&e s&ortest !istane 4et6een t6o oints is a straig&t +ine, o0+e!6it& t&e *o!ern te&nia+ aait3 to ro!0e *an3 goo!s 6it&o0t t&e nee! 2or regiona+on!itions i#e# a!1ane!, en+ose! 2oo! ro!0tion s3ste*s<, a ore onern to re!0e energ3an! 6aste is to +oa+i;e, as *0& as ossi4+e#

5:a; "loal Production Protocols3 T&e 4est 6a3 to e7ress t&is is to ro1i!e a sei2i e7a*+e43 6&i& 1ariations an 2in! a o**on onte7t# We 6i++ 0se t&e e7a*+e o2 t&e te7ti+e in!0str3,sei2ia++3 t&e *an02at0ring o2 +ot&ing#

To!a3, C o2 t&e +ot&ing A*erians 6ear is i*orte!, *ost+3 2ro* )&ina#@(> Most +ot&es are

sti++ *a!e 2ro* otton to!a3# W&ere !oes )&ina +ike to get a great !ea+ o2 its ottonQ T&e Unite!

in!i1i!0a+s to 1ote on iss0es# T&is assoiation is 0se! +oose+3 &ere as t&e tra!itiona+ notion o2 !iret !e*ora3 is toori*iti1e# T&e s0ggeste! s3ste* &as to !o 6it& 04+i artiiation in 0*0+ati1e !esign o2 goo!s to *eet nee!s, inart#

@(? See essa3" The Industrial Bovernment @(@ L0!6ig 1on Mises in &is 2a*o0s 6ork +conomic Calculation in the &ocialist Commonwealth arg0es t&at t&e rie

*e&anis*- is t&e on+3 ossi4+e *eans to 0n!erstan! &o6 to e22iient+3- reate an! *o1e goo!s aro0n! an eono*3#T&is ritiis* o2 an3 kin! o2 +anne!- s3ste* &as 4een to0te! as sarosant 43 *an3 to!a3 an! as a 1in!iation o2 t&eaita+ist s3ste*#

@(= See essa3" The Industrial Bovernment @(> So0re" &tt"a4ne6s#go#o*0sinessMa!eInA*eria*a!e8a*eria8+ot&es8+ot&ing8*a!e80sastor3Qi!$($%C'@C

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States#@(C So, to!a3, t&e Unite! States ro!0es a ore ra6 o**o!it3 2or t&e te7ti+e in!0str3,s&is to )&ina to *ake t&e +ot&es, on+3 to &a1e it s&ie! 4ak to t&e US 6&en !one#

We an 0se o0r i*agination 6it& reset to t&e *i++ions o2 4arre+s o2 oi+ a+one 6aste! o1er ti*e ont&is *o1e*ent o2 *ateria+s, 6&en s0& &ar1esting an! ro!0tion o0+! 4e  +oa+i;e! 1er3 easi+3#

Again, t&is is a ro!0t o2 t&e *arket eono*3s interna+ eono*i *e&anis*s 6&i& &a1e noregard  2or tr0e, Eart&+3 eono*i re+ations&is 8 6&i& re50ire &3sia+ e22iien3 an! 6astere!0tion 8 not 2inania+ e22iien3 an! a re!0tion o2 *onetar3 osts# T&is is a +ear !isonnet#

5:; "loal Distriution Protocols3 T&e sa*e 4asi +ogi a+ies to ost8ro!0tion!istri40tion# One goo!s are reate!, t&e3 are to 4e *a!e a1ai+a4+e regiona++3 in t&e *ost e22iient6a3 ossi4+e, 4ase! on demand  an! proximity #

One esta4+is&e! er regiona+ nee!s, !istri40tion &as t&ree 4asi o*onents"

(4$< Fai+it3 Loation(4'< Met&o! o2 Aess(4(< TrakingFee!4ak#

:6; Facilit) &ocation3Fai+it3 Loation is 4ase! on +ogia+ ro7i*it3 o2 a o0+ation onentration# T&is is 4este7e*+i2ie! 6it& t&e 0rrent ratie to!a3 o2 0s0a++3< +aing groer3 stores in a1erageon1eniene a4o0t a o**0nit3, t&o0g& e1en t&is strateg3 is o2ten o*ro*ise! 43 t&e *arketsin&erent +ogi#@( Ho6e1er, ot&er te&no+ogia+ 2ators o0+! o*e into +a3 to ease t&e *o1e*ento2 goo!s an! re!0e 6aste, a+ong 6it& *ore on1enient aess# W&i+e +oa+ 2ai+ities ontainingt&e *ost o**on+3 nee!e! goo!s *ig&t e7ist in +ose ro7i*it3 aro0n! a o**0nit3, !e+i1er3s3ste*s, s0& as a0to*ate! pneumatic tube str0t0res 2or *e!i0*8si;e! ro!0ts, o0+! 4einsta++e! into &o*es in t&e sa*e *anner as +0*4ing is 40i+t into a &o*e to!a3#

Ot&er 1ariations o0+! in+0!e s3ste*s o2 aess 4ase! on sei2i, regiona+ nee!s, s0& as t&e

ase 6it& rereationa+ ati1ities# Aess 2ai+ities an 4e +ae! on +oation 2or 1ario0s interests,s0& as sorts reso0res, s0+3ing nee!e! e50i*ent at t&e ti*e an! +ae o2 0se#

:>; 1ethod of Access3Met&o! o2 Aess is 4est !esri4e! as a s&are! +i4rar3- s3ste*# T&is isnt to i*+3 t&at a++ ite*sretrie1e! *0st 4e ret0rne!- to t&ese aess 2ai+ities, 40t to s&o6 t&at t&e3 can be 2oron1eniene# It is ertain+3 a 6e+o*e! ratie sine t&is roess o2 s&aring- is a o6er20+ena4+er o2 4ot& a preservation e22iien3, 40t a+so a public access e22iien3# In ot&er 6or!s, 2e6ergoo!s are nee!e! to *eet t&e interests o2 *ore o2 t&e o0+ation t&ro0g& s&aring s3ste*s, aso*are! to t&e $"$ 0ni1ersa+ roert3 s3ste* ratie! to!a3#

A o**on e7a*+e 6o0+! 4e seia+i;e! too+ nee!s 6&i& are 0se! re+ati1e+3 sarse+3 in t&eo0+ation# Pro!0tion e50i*ent 2or a sei2i ro9et an! rereation e50i*ent 6&i& *ig&t 4e0se! on+3 a 2e6 ti*es a 3ear, are si*+e e7a*+es# On t&e ot&er si!e o2 t&e setr0*, e1er3!a3nee!s, s0& as ersona+ o**0niation te&no+og3 an! t&e +ike, are *a!e a1ai+a4+e in t&e sa*e6a3, 6it& an e7etation o2 ret0rn +ike+3 on+3 6&en t&e ite* 2ai+s, so it an 4e re3+e! orreaire!# T&is onet o2 *o1ing 2ro* a property-oriented  to an access-oriented society  is ao6er20+ notion# To!a3, ertain renta+- in!0stries &a1e a+rea!3 seen t&e 2r0its o2 t&is onet in

@(C So0re" &tt"666#4+oo*4erg#o*ne6s'%$'8%=8$@&ina8sai!8to84038$8*i++ion8tons8o2808s8otton82or8reser1es8$8#&t*+@( S0ggeste! Rea!ing" &tt"e!#te!#o*+essons6&38!o8o*etitors8oen8t&eir8stores8ne7t8to8one8anot&er89a8!e8


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t&e 2or* o2 on1eniene, e1en in a *arket s3ste*#@?%

Again, o*aring to t&e 0rrent *o!e+, t&ese 2ai+ities e7ist +ike stores- !o to!a3, 6it& regiona+!e*an! !3na*ia++3 a+0+ate! to ens0re s0+3 a40n!ane an! a1oi! s&ortages an! o1err0ns#T&e !i22erene is t&at not&ing is so+!- an! t&e et&os is o2 an strategia++3 e22iient, interati1e

s3ste* o2 s&aring, 6it&, again, ret0rns o0rring a+so 6&en ro!0t +i2e e7ires or 6&en t&e goo!is no +onger nee!e!#

As an asi!e, t&ere is a o**on reation to t&is i!ea t&at ro4+e*s s0& as &oar!ing- or so*ekin! o2 a40se 6o0+! ens0e# T&is ass0*tion is 4asia++3 s0eri*osing current *onetar38*arketonse50enes on t&e ne6 *o!e+, erroneo0s+3# Peo+e in t&e sarit3 !ri1en 6or+! to!a3 &oar! an!rotet i*0+si1e+3 6&en t&e3 &a1e so*et&ing to 2ear or 6is& to e7+oit goo!s 2or t&eir *arket1a+0e# In t&e NLRE, t&ere is no resa+e 1a+0e in t&e s3ste* sine t&ere is no *one3#@?$ T&ere2ore,t&e i!ea o2 &oar!ing an3t&ing 6o0+! 4e an inon1eniene rat&er t&an an a!1antage#@?'

::; Trac#ing'Feedac#3

Traking an! Fee!4ak, as i*+ie! a4o1e, is an integra+ art o2 keeing t&e s3ste*, 4ot& regiona+an! g+o4a+, as 2+0i! as ossi4+e 6&en it o*es to not on+3 t&e *eeting o2 regiona+ !e*an! t&ro0g&a!e50ate s0+3, 40t a+so keeing ae 6it& &anges in e7trationro!0tion!istri40tionte&no+og3 an! ne6 !e*an!s# Nat0ra++3, t&ese 2ators are &ig&+3 s3nergisti# Sensor s3ste*s,rogra*s an! ot&er reso0re traking te&no+og3 &a1e 4een rai!+3 !e1e+oing 2or 1ario0sin!0stria+ 0ses#@?( Mo!ern o**eria+ in1entor3 s3ste*s are a+rea!3 50ite a!1ane! in t&e roeronte7t 6&en it o*es to !e*an! an! !istri40tion# T&e iss0e is *ere+3 its sa+a4i+it3 in ertainonte7ts to ao0nt 2or a++ neessar3 attri40tes#

In on+0sion to t&is setion on *aroeono*i 2ators, t&e o1erar&ing onsi!eration is efficiencyon all levels an! t&is &as its o6n a0sa+ +ogi as note! 4e2ore, 6&en onsi!ere! in t&e +argereo+ogia+ an! &3sia+ s3ste* interonneti1it3 in&erent to t&e nat0ra+ 6or+!# T&is e22iien3 &asto !o 6it& 6aste re!0tion an! *eeting &0*an nee!s, a+6a3s oriente! in its ossi4i+ities 43 t&e0rrent state o2 te&no+og3 1ia t&e sienti2i *et&o!#

1icroeconomic Factors3Gi1en t&ese so8a++e! macroeconomic  onets, it is i*ortant to restate t&at t&e 0n!er+3ingrini+es regar!ing oti*0* e22iien3, ro!0ti1it3 an! s0staina4i+it3 are t&e sa*e t&ro0g&o0tt&e 6&o+e *o!e+, 2ro* to to 4otto*# T&is is, again, t&e train of thought  o*ing 2ro* t&esienti2i *et&o!, a+0+ate! 6it&in t&e near8e*iria+ 2ra*e6ork o2 nat0ra+ +a6 +ogi itse+2#

No6, 6&i+e tra!itiona+ *arket84ase! eono*i t&eor3 onsi!ers *iroeono*is- as so*et&ing o2a st0!3 o2 t&e 4e&a1ior o2 in!i1i!0a+s, &o0se&o+!s an! 40sinesses *aking !eisions aro0n!*arkets, rie !eter*inations an! ot&er 2ators 4ase! essentia++3 aro0n! t&e *o1e*ent o2 *one3in 1ario0s 6a3s, t&e *iroeono*i onte7t o2 a NLRE is 50ite !i22erent#

Miroeono*i onsi!erations in t&is ne6 *o!e+ re1o+1e aro0n! t&e at0a+ *et&o!s o2 goo!

!esign an! ro!0tion itse+2# T&is is 4asia++3 organi;e! aro0n! t6o 2ators3

@?% ike an! )ar s&aring s3ste*s are o**on e7a*+es# T&e Zi)ar- is a o*an3 t&at ro1i!es +oa+i;e! aess to arrenta+s in a regiona+ onte7t, 4ase! on nee!# Like6ise, E0roe &as seen a rise in on8+oation street 4ike renta+s as 6e++,6it& 1ario0s !okingaess stations strategia++3 +oate! aro0n! a it3#

@?$ A s0**ari;e! e7+anation o2 6&3 a *onetar3 eono*3 is str0t0ra++3 ino*ati4+e 6it& t&e +e1e+ o2 e22iien3 an!goa+s o2 t&is ne6 *o!e+ is !etai+e! in t&e essa3" Post8Sarit3 Tren!s, )aait3 an! E22iien3

@?' T&e s049et o2 see*ing+3 0nre!ita4+e, &0*an 4e&a1iora+ a4erration i#e# ri*e-< is a!!resse! in t&e essa3Li2est3+e, Free!o* an! T&e H0*anit3 Fator

@?( S0ggeste! Rea!ing" " invents a central nervous system for earth' &tt"666#2asto*an3#o*$@?C=>?&8in1ents8entra+8ner1o0s8s3ste*8eart&8an!89oins8s*arter8+anet8s6eestakes

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so2t6are a+iations, as t&e3 i*ro1e to e*4rae t&ese ne6 see!s ena4+e!, 6i++ not 6ork ono*0ter s3ste* 6it& o+!er &is# T&is t3ia++3 2ores t&e 0ser to 403 a ne6 o*0ter s3ste*,e1en t&o0g& t&e on+3 tr0e iss0e is t&e )PU, not t&e 6&o+e s3ste*# W&i+e ot&er 2ators an o*einto +a3 s0& as s3ste* o*ati4i+it3 6it& t&e ne6 &i, se+!o* !o eo+e 0!ate t&ese &isa+one, e1en t&o0g& it is 2easi4+e#

T&is kin! o2 a!ata4i+it3 is ritia+ to!a3 on a++ +e1e+s, 6&i& a++0!es to t&e ne7t eono*io*onent, Uni1ersa+ Stan!ar!i;ation-#

6c; ,ni.ersal Standardi@ation3Uni1ersa+ Stan!ar!i;ation is a set o2 oti*i;e! rotoo+s, generate! 2ro* *ass in!0stria+ 2ee!4akin a o++a4orati1e 6a3 t&at 6orks to reate 0ni2or*, 0ni1ersa+ o*ati4i+it3 o2 a++ o*onentsassoiate! to a gi1en goo! genre# To!a3, t&is +ak o2 stan!ar!i;ation is a so0re o2 not on+3 great6aste, 40t great insta4i+it3 in t&e 20ntioning o2 o**on goo!s, sine t&e o*etiti1e et&os an!rorietar3 intent restrits e22iien3 in a o6er20+ 6a3#

T&is ratie &as 4een 90sti2ie! 0n!er t&e g0ise o2 rogress- in !esign 6it& t&e re*ise t&ato*eting ororations, inenti1i;e! 43 2inania+ gain, 6i++ o0t!o- ea& ot&er an! &ene 4e *orero!0ti1e 6it& a!1ane*ent# W&i+e t&ere *ig&t 4e so*e tr0t& to t&is, t&e retar!ation, 6aste an!insta4i+it3 a0se! !oes not 90sti23 t&e ratie# F0rt&er*ore, it &as, an! 6i++ a+6a3s 4e, t&es&aring o2 in2or*ation in t&e +ong r0n t&at &as +e! to a!1ane*ent, 4ot& ersona+ an! soieta+#

)reating a resear& !ata4ase o2 kno6n o*onent arts 43 in!0str3, ati1e+3 s&are! aross t&e6or+! as a oint o2 !esign re2erene an! 2ee!4ak in t&e reation o2 o**on arts an! goo!s, isnot a !i22i0+t task an! ertain+3 6o0+! not in&i4it te&no+ogia+ a!1ane*ent or ingen0it3# I2an3t&ing, it 6o0+! resent *ore !i1erse in2or*ation an! erseti1es an! &ene 4etter !eisionso0+! 4e *a!e 2aster#

6d; %ntegrated Rec)cling Protocols3

T&is si*+3 *eans t&at t&e 0rrent state o2 o*onent an! *ateria+ re0se is oti*i;e! !iret+3

an! strategia++3 onsi!ere! in t&e 1er3 !esign o2 t&e ro!0t itse+2# Again, t&is !oes not &aen int&e *o!ern !a3, in an3 e22iient 6a3# A s0r1e3 o2 +an!2i++s in t&e 6or+! 2in!s *an3 0se20+o*onent arts 6&i& &a1e 4een !isar!e! in assoiation 6it& +arger s3ste*s goo!s<# Sine anor*a+ ororation 6&o *akes s0& ite*s rare+3 eno0rages t&e* to 4e ret0rne! 2or !iretreroessing, t&is is t&e ine1ita4+e o0to*e#

F0rt&er*ore, 6&i+e tra!itiona+ +asti, g+ass, aer an! ot&er re3+ing s3ste*s are in +ae 6it&*o!erate e22iien3, t&is roess is rea++3 r0!e an! ine22eti1e in o*arison to !iret, in!0str3onnete! regeneration# In a NLRE, oti*i;e! re3+ing onsi!erations to re0se *ateria+s,re2or*e! or not, 6o0+! 4e stan!ar!# In t&e en!, +an!2i++s- 6o0+! not e7ist in t&is aroa& ast&ere is a 6a3 to re0se 1irt0a++3 everything 6e ro!0e, i2 6e &a! t&e interest to !o so#

>; 1eans of Production Efficienc)3

Means o2 Pro!0tion E22iienies as an eono*i o*onent re2er to t&e at0a+ too+s an! *et&o!s0se! in in!0stria+ ro!0tion itse+2# W&i+e t&is o0+! a+so 4e onsi!ere! a *aroeono*i 2ator in*an3 6a3s, it is onsi!ere! *iroeono*i 4ase! on t&e 2at t&at it re+ates to !iret, sei2iro!0tion as 6e++, a+ong 6it& &0*an +a4or ro+es#

T&e *eans o2 ro!0tion o2 an3t&ing is !iret+3 re+ate! to t&e state o2 te&no+og3# Fro* t&eNeo+it&i Re1o+0tion, 6it& t&e a!1ent o2 stone too+s, to t&e 4irt& o2 34ernation- to!a3 an! t&inking- *a&ines t&at an assess, e7e0te an! ro4+e* so+1e, t&e ore 2o0n!ation o2 a++ +a4or-&as 4een an engage*ent 6it& a1ai+a4+e, assisting te&no+ogia+ too+s#

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T&e tren! &as 4een an easing o2 +a4or o1era++, 6it& a genera+ re!0tion o2 t&e &0*an 6ork2ore inea& setor as re+ate! to aait3# T6o &0n!re! 3ears ago, t&e agri0+t0ra+ in!0str3 e*+o3e!*ost o2 t&e eo+e in t&e Unite! States# To!a3, on+3 a 1er3 s*a++ 2ration is 6orking in agri0+t0re!0e to *a&ine a+iation an! a0to*ation# T&is &eno*enon an! tren! o2 *e&ani;ation- isi*ortant 4ea0se to!a3 it is &a++enging t&e 1er3 4asis o2 t&e +a4or 2or ino*e s3ste*, a+ong

6it& 2ores&a!o6ing ro!0ti1it3 *o1ing to6ar!s a oint o2 6&at o0+! 4e ter*e! ost8sarit3-#

To!a3, 6e are *ore ro!0ti1e 6it& +ess eo+e in an3 gi1en setor, re+ati1e to ti*e an! aait3,!0e to t&e a+iation o2 *a&ine te&no+og3# In *an3 6a3s, t&is rea+it3 *arks one o2 t&e *ostsigni2iant s&i2ts in o0r soia+ e1o+0tion, &a++enging t&e 1er3 2a4ri o2 o0r 0rrent soia+ s3ste*,re1ea+ing i**ense ossi4i+ities 2or t&e 20t0re as 2ar as t&e reation o2 a strategic abundance#

So, in a NLRE, t&is a4i+it3 is maximized , re!0ing t&e &0*an 6ork 2ore as 6e kno6 it 43 a+i4era+ a+iation an! e7ansion o2 a0to*ation, inreasing ro!0ti1it3 1ast+3# H0*an +a4orin1o+1e*ent, 6&i+e sti++ neessar3 e1en in *ore a!1ane! &ases, is re!0e! to 4roa! o1ersig&t o2t&ese a0to*ate! s3ste*s as t&e3 are esta4+is&e!# Fatories are a+so no +onger 4o0n! 43tra!itiona+ restritions !0e to an eig&t &o0r +ong, 2i1e !a3 a 6eek s&e!0+e sine t&ere is noreason, gi1en t&e *assi1e re!0tion o2 &0*an ontri40tion ossi4+e# T&ese s3ste*s o0+! no620ntion '? &o0rs a !a3, se1en !a3s a 6eek, i2 nee!e!#

As an asi!e, t&e 50estion is o2ten ose!" Ho6 *an3 eo+e are nee!e! to o1ersee 2+0i!oerations an! &an!+e ro4+e* reso+0tionQ- T&is kin! o2 50estion an 4e ans6ere! 43 assessing0rrent statistia+ tren!s, a1eraging t&e* an! t&en e7trao+ating t&e* 2or6ar!#

Ho6e1er, t&ere is a o**on on20sion 4et6een 6ork- in t&e sense o2 o**on !r0!ger3 436&i& t&e *onetar3 inenti1e is a o**on re6ar!, an! t&e 6ork- 6&i& a++ &0*ans, !0e to 0rereati1e interest an! ontri40ti1e intent, er2or* as 6e++# A !ee 1a+0e s&i2t ass0*e! 43 TZM ist&at rogress in t&e +assi !istintion o2 6ork- 6i++ *or& into a t3e o2 soia+ ontri40tion t&at isat0a++3 o2 en9o3*ent an! interest to eo+e# To!a3, a++ aross t&e 6or+!, t&e &0*an interest toe7+ore, reate an! i*ro1e e7ists, regar!+ess o2 t&e *onetar3 i*osition#

Ho6e1er, !0e t&e onstant ress0re 2or ino*e in t&e 0rrent *o!e+, near+3 a++ s0& ats ass0*et&e nee!e! onte7t o2 a 0rs0it o2 *one3 2or s0r1i1a+# It o0+! 4e arg0e! t&at t&is &as o++0te! t&e*ore nat0ra+ &0*an inenti1e s3ste* to e7+ore, +earn an! reate, 6it&o0t s0& a ress0re#T&at note!, t&e notion o2 6ork- t&en in t&e onte7t o2 o1erseeing oerations, reairing s3ste*san! ot&er *aintenane 6o0+! +ike+3 not 4e re!0e! to t&e t3e o2 !r0!ger3 6e so o2tenonsi!ere! t&e 6ork- rea+it3 in t&e *o!ern !a3# Rat&er, t&e at is resete! as a 2or* o2 ersona+ontri40tion 2or ersona+ an! soia+ gain, sine e1er3 at engage! in t&is t3e o2 s3ste* &as a!iret ersona+ 4ene2it to t&e eo+e 6orking to kee it oerating s*oot&+3#

Again, t&is inenti1e is a+*ost non8e7istent in t&e 0rrent *o!e sine t&e aita+ist s3ste* is!esigne! 2or a++ t&e ore ro2it 4ene2its to go to t&e owners o2 t&e 40sinesses, 6it& t&e 2r0its o2ro!0tion o2ten ne1er re+ating to t&e 6orker in a !iret sense, a4sent *ere 6age re6ar!s# To!a3,

e*+o3eeo6ner re+ations e7ist as so*et&ing o2 a +ass 6ar-, 6it& ani*osit3 4et6een t&e gro0sa o**on o0rrene#@?@ In t&is t&is ne6 aroa&, a++ ats o2 ontri40tion 4ene2it t&e ersoner2or*ing t&e at, an! t&e o**0nit3 at +arge# T&e3 are onnete! !iret+3#

T&at 4eing 0n!erstoo!, on+3 a 1er3 s*a++ 2ration o2 t&e o0+ation 6o0+! 4e re50ire!-, as it6ere, to engage in *aintaining t&e ore s3ste*s, +ike+3 a4o0t @ o2 t&e o0+ation 6&enin!0stria+ *et&o!s rea& *o!ern ossi4i+ities# T&is @ o0+! t&en 4e 4roken80 aross t&eo0+ation# So, i2 a gi1en o0+ation o2 a it3 region is @%,%%% eo+e, t&e in!0stria+ s3ste* 6o0+!re50ire '@%% eo+e, ass0*ing a tra!itiona+ 6ork 6eek o2 eig&t &o0rs a !a3 2or 2i1e !a3s er

@?@ See Essa3" &tructural Classism, the &tate and :ar 

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6eek# T&is trans+ates into $%%,%%% &o0rs 4eing 6orke! a 6eek# In ter*s o2 t&e tota+ o0+ationt&is 6ork resonsi4i+it3 a*o0nts to a *0t0a+ o4+igation o2 ea& erson 6orking- on+3 t6o &o0rs a6eek#

)+ear+3, t&is is a &3ot&etia+ as in s0& an a!1ane! s3ste*, a s3ste* t&at ser1es e1er3one,

&0*an 1a+0es 6o0+! &ange great+3 an! *an3 6o0+! +ike+3 4e &onore! to take on *ore &o0rs,re!0ing t&e o4+igation o2 ot&ers# One again, 6e are ta+king a4o0t 4are4ones *aintenane &ere,as oose! to an i**ersi1e 9o4 as is 0rrent+3 0n!erstoo! an! re50ire!# In rea+it3, a 2reesoiet3 o2 t&is nat0re o0+! reate an er0tion o2 reati1e a!1ane*ent an! rogress ne1er 4e2oreseen, 6it& eo+e 6orking to ontri40te in 1ast, ro40st 6a3s# W&3Q ea0se, again, s0&in!i1i!0a+s 6o0+! a+so 4e &e+ing t&e*se+1es !iret+3 in t&e roess# An3 in1ention, or4reakt&ro0g& in e22iien3 ser1es t&e entire o**0nit3 in t&is *o!e+# Se+28interest 4eo*es soia+interest#

So, to on+0!e t&is oint, t&is ne6 *eans o2 ro!0tion is a4o0t 2o0sing ore +a4or on tr0ete&nia+ ro!0ti1it3 t&at &as a !iret soia+ersona+ ret0rn, 6it& t&e *ost +i4era+ 2o0s ona0to*ation an! s0& e22iien3 inreasing te&no+og3 an! a0to*ation as *0& as ossi4+e#


As 6it& an3t&ing o2 t&is 4re1it3, 6e &a1e an ine1ita4+e ino*+eteness# Ot&er 2ators, 4ot& *aroan! *iro, o0+! 4e e7resse! in 20rt&er !etai+# Ho6e1er, i2 one 2o++o6s t&is 4asi train o2 t&o0g&t,a train o2 t&o0g&t go1erne! 43 sienti2i +ogi to ens0re oti*i;e!  physical efficiency  an!sustainability, t&ese ot&er ara*eters ine1ita4+3 *ake t&e*se+1es kno6n#

In s&ort, t&e o0to*e o2 t&is NLRE s3ste* re50ires t&e sa*e t3e o2 reset20+ engage*ent as6it& an3 ot&er nat0ra+ s3ste*# K0st as o0r 0n!erstan!ing o2 t&e 2orest an! its regeneration an!4io!i1ersit3 &as +e! a 4asi &i+oso&3 to engage t&is eos3ste* 6it& reset to its 10+nera4i+itiesto ens0re its +ong8ter* integrit3, t&e sa*e +ogi a+ies to t&e NLRE as a 6&o+e#

T&is soia+ *o!e+ is an atte*t to mirror t&e nat0ra+ 6or+! in t&e *ost !iret 6a3 ossi4+e an!

o0+! 4e onsi!ere! a nat0ra+ s3ste*- 90st +ike an3t&ing e+se 6e 2in! in nat0re, s0& as aneos3ste*# Wo0+! it e1er 4e er2etQ No# 0t t&e +ogia+ 2o0n!ation is t&ere 2or onstanti*ro1e*ent, 2ar 4e3on! t&e state o2 a22airs to!a3#

T&e 2o++o6ing s0**ar3 tree, as a genera+ o0t+ine 2or t&is essa3, &as 4een generate! 2or re1ie6"

NLRE" An Eono*i Mo!e+ O1er1ie6"

8S3ste* Soia+< Goa+s$< Oti*i;e! In!0stria+ E22iien3 Ati1e P0rs0it o2 Post8Sarit3- A40n!ane#'< Maintain Oti*i;e! Eo+ogia+)0+t0ra+ a+ane B S0staina4i+it3#(< De+i4erate Li4eration o2 H0*anit3 2ro* Monotono0sDangero0s La4or#?< Fai+itate ati1e S3ste* A!atation to E*erging Varia4+es#

8Maroeono*i )o*onentsa< G+o4a+ Reso0re Manage*ent4< G+o4a+ De*an! Assess*ent

8)reating a6areness o2 ne6 te&nia+ ossi4i+ities8P04+i onsens0s to !ei!e 6&at is o2 interest to ro!0e

< G+o4a+ Pro!0tion an! Distri40tion Protoo+s8G+o4a+ Pro!0tion

8Strategi Loa+i;ation8G+o4a+ Distri40tion

8Fai+it3 Loation8Met&o! o2 Aess

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8Traking B Fee!4ak8Miroeono*i )o*onents

a< Sei2i Goo! E22iien38Oti*i;e! e22iien38Oti*i;e! a!ata4i+it3

8Uni1ersa+ stan!ar!i;ation8Integrate! Re3+ing Protoo+s

4< Means o2 Pro!0tion E22iien38A+ie! Me&ani;ation