Tyranny speech

Jenny Evans Ms. Gardner English 10H (2) 28 October 2014 The Ugly Truth- Makeup Companies Testing on Animals You walk into a room full of caged animals. Selecting one at random- a grey kitten, you carry it into a lab area. Giving it no painkillers, you soak it into dangerous chemicals. The cat’s fur and skin burn off, revealing mutilated flesh and bone. She yelps in pain, writhing in the stinking liquid as it continues to eat away at her flesh, but you hold her down. Eventually the kitten stops moving, and you know that she’s dead. You record the data from the experiment, and then go back to the room to grab another cat. This and much worse is happening in laboratories designed to test dangerous and harmful makeup chemicals and products on helpless animals. Make-up companies need to stop testing on animals. Animals are in pain and are dying. They’re given dangerous chemicals, dyes, ingredients, and injections that can strip their skin, burn them, blind them, break their neck or bones as they try to wiggle away, cause paralysis, bleeding from their eyes, nose, mouth, or body, and in many cases, death. Some aren’t given painkillers, and almost all are in pain and are suffering. ClearLead.com says that 50% of animals being tested on die within the first two to three weeks, and answerbag.com says that 115 million animals per year are expirimented on and killed in labratories used for cosmetics testing. Animals need their own rights. Have you heard of The Draize Test? ScientificAmerica.com reports it’s when cosmetic companies use clips to hold an animal’s eyes open, sometimes for days at a time, to restrain them from blinking away test solutions that are put directly in their eyes. The victims of this procedure? Albino rabbits. And after they’ve finished this painful and sometimes maiming procedure, they’re euthanized and tossed aside. Why aren’t there laws against this? Animal’s need to be given their own rights, since they can’t earn them by themselves. People need to stand up for animals, since all living creatures deserve rights that ban painful and deadly


Tyranny speech pertaining to the abuse of animals in laboratories designed to test harmful and dangerous makeup chemicals, ingredients, and products on helpless animals.

Transcript of Tyranny speech

Jenny EvansMs. GardnerEnglish 10H (2)28 October 2014

The Ugly Truth- Makeup Companies Testing on Animals

You walk into a room full of caged animals. Selecting one at random- a grey kitten, you carry it into a lab area. Giving it no painkillers, you soak it into dangerous chemicals. The cats fur and skin burn off, revealing mutilated flesh and bone. She yelps in pain, writhing in the stinking liquid as it continues to eat away at her flesh, but you hold her down. Eventually the kitten stops moving, and you know that shes dead. You record the data from the experiment, and then go back to the room to grab another cat. This and much worse is happening in laboratories designed to test dangerous and harmful makeup chemicals and products on helpless animals. Make-up companies need to stop testing on animals.Animals are in pain and are dying. Theyre given dangerous chemicals, dyes, ingredients, and injections that can strip their skin, burn them, blind them, break their neck or bones as they try to wiggle away, cause paralysis, bleeding from their eyes, nose, mouth, or body, and in many cases, death. Some arent given painkillers, and almost all are in pain and are suffering. ClearLead.com says that 50% of animals being tested on die within the first two to three weeks, and answerbag.com says that 115 million animals per year are expirimented on and killed in labratories used for cosmetics testing.Animals need their own rights. Have you heard of The Draize Test? ScientificAmerica.com reports its when cosmetic companies use clips to hold an animals eyes open, sometimes for days at a time, to restrain them from blinking away test solutions that are put directly in their eyes. The victims of this procedure? Albino rabbits. And after theyve finished this painful and sometimes maiming procedure, theyre euthanized and tossed aside. Why arent there laws against this? Animals need to be given their own rights, since they cant earn them by themselves. People need to stand up for animals, since all living creatures deserve rights that ban painful and deadly testing on them.Buy from makeup companies that dont test on animals. This is important because it takes away the offending companys profits while leaving you with a healthy conscious. To find out what companies dont test on animals, you can do some quick research online or ask in store. Some companies that do not test on animals and that you may be familiar with are Almay, The Body Shop, Chanel, Clinique, E.L.F., Estee Lauder, M.A.C., Revlon, and Urban Decay (list from PETA.com). You can also check a product to see if it has a label that says its not tested on animals.According to Barnaby J. Feder, reporter for the New York Times newspaper, makeup companies can use human skin grown in test tubes as a substitute for animals. Using synthetic human skin is a much more accurate way to test cosmetics, due to the fact that approximately 25 percent of the drugs tested on animals failed to show side effects that later proved serious enough to prevent the drugs from being marketed. Makeup companies need to stop testing on animals. Not only is animal testing not mandatory, but it can also be easily bypassed. Instead of testing on animals, cosmetic laboratories can use ingredients that are already known to be safe for humans, of which there is an abundance of. If you want to help more, try writing emails or letters to makeup companies voicing your opinions, or talk to Congress about passing laws that outlaw animal testing. Hopefully someday soon, animal testing will be illegal and millions of animals lives can be saved.