
Typography Luke Watson

Transcript of Typography

TypographyLuke Watson

Typography From a descriptive and simplistic point-of-view, typography is the arrangement of type. But there is so much more to it than that. It can mean different things depending on whom you ask.

For me, how typography is used in a design is deeply rooted in its overall theme, tone and message. It works with your layout, grid and color choice to create a well-rounded design.

Your choice of typefaces and your technique of setting type give your composition its character, pace and style. Not only does it give the copy legibility, it also helps the reader gain a greater insight into the subject of the design.

A simple illustration of how influential typography can be is to look at the same text with different typefaces. Notice how typography can define and alter the message

Looks hand drawn

Has flicks on letters

Font FamiliesMany fonts today have something called a Family, this means a selection of fonts may have the same name but just different versions of it, for example American Typewriter has many different versions from Condensed light to Bold

Kerning and LEading Leading - this is the gap between each of the lines in a paragraph, you can change this by selecting all the text and pressing CMD+T to access the character panel (It should be on the RIGHT hand side), in here you should see a drop down box like this on the right hand side of the drop down box, have a mess around with the PT size until you get the size you desire

Kerning - Is the adjustment of the horizontal lines between individual characters in a line of text. To adjust the kerning levels once again press CMD+T when the text box is selected, a box should appear on the right, find the drop down box that looks like this the default is 0 but you can go between -1000 and 1000, once again have a go until you get the look you want