TypeScript intro

TypeScript intro 19.03.2015 @Tallinn [email protected]

Transcript of TypeScript intro


19.03.2015 @Tallinn

[email protected]

Warning & credentials

Slides are mostly based on:

–Sander Mak typescript-coding-javascript-without-the-pain

–Anders Hejlsberg's video on homepage: www.typescriptlang.org

Slides are packed with text–Meant for

recalling the presentation

people not attending the presentation

–You might not want to read the slides ifYouare listening


Why TypeScript

Language intro

Demos https://github.com/atsu85/TypeScriptPlayField

– TypeScript language features

– TypeScript in Angular project (tiny sample)

Comparison with TS alternatives


What’s good about JS?

It’s everywhere

– Browsers, servers

Huge amount of libraries


procedural and functional

What’s wrong with JS?

Dynamic typing

– Can’t do type checking (but lints could help a bit)

– Content-assist can’t be automatically provided for IDE’s

Lack of modularity (out of the box)

Verbose patterns

IIFE - Immediately-invoked_function_expression

Declaring/extending classes/objects

WishlistScalable HTML5 client side development– Modularity

– Safe RefactoringType checking

Searching for method/filed usages

Easily learnable for Java developers

Non-invasive– Interop with existing libs

– browser support

Easy to debug– Clean JS output (also for exit strategy)

– Map files (mapping from generated code to originaal source)

Long-term vision (Language spec, future standards)

EcmaScript 6 (ES6)

Current state

– RC2 (March 4, 2015)


– "A sixth edition of the standard is currently under development with a target date of June 2015 for completion"

ES6 language features with code samples:

– https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features

TypeScript projectSuperset of JS(ES5) that compiles to JS– Compiles to ES3/ES5/ES6

– No special runtime dependencies

– TypeScript 2.0 goal to be superset of ES6

Website: http://www.typescriptlang.org/– https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Roadmap

Microsoft– Anders Hejlsberg (Turbopascal, Delphy, C#, TypeScript)

– Working with Flow and Angular(AtScript) teams to become best choice for writing JS

OS compiler(also written in TS) and type declarations(JS core, DOM, …)– https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript

– Apache 2.0 license

Uses NodeJS for compiling– Cross platform, no MS dependencies

TS features from ES6…

Classes, inheritance


Arrow functions aka Lambdas

Default parameters, rest parameters (varargs)

Template strings

…TS features from ES6TS v1.4 (with compile target=ES6, plans to also allow compiling following ES6 features to ES3/ES5)– let, const


TS v1.5– destructuring

– for..of, iterators?

– unicode

– External module compatibility

– symbols

TS v1.6– Generators

– async/await

TS 2.0 "plans"– Superset of ES6

Getting started

Install node

Install TypeScript: ´npm install -g typescript´

Rename extension: ´mv mycode.js mycode.ts´

Compile: ´tsc mycode.ts´

…Getting started - Gotcompilation error?

Resolve errors related to global variables (i.e. globalVar)

– declare var globalVar;WhenYou don’t have type information (and don’t want to write itYourself)

– IfYou want type info about the global variable:– See


– Type definitions for almost 1000 libraries

declare var globalVar: someModule.SomeType;

Need to reference library or type declarations of the library

– /// <reference path=„path/to/my-lib.ts" />

– /// <reference path=„path/to/external-lib-type-info.d.ts" />

TypeScript language features

Syntax sugar for creating– Classes, interfaces, modules, …

Types:– Optional (in code, not in comments)

JS is TS – add types when needed

– StaticErrors at compile time not at runtime

– Interfaces, classes or structuralCan use Type names, but they are not required

Checked at compile time, not runtime (unlike with „duck typing“)

– Disappear after compiling

TypeScript vs Java: Classes

Similar:– Can implement interfaces

– Inheritance

– Instance methods/members

– Static methods/members

– Generics (with type erasure)

Different:– No method/constructor overloading

– Default & optional parameters

– ES6 class syntax (similar to Scala)

– Mixins/traits (trivial, but no out-of-the-box syntax as in Scala)

TypeScript vs Java: Types

Object -> any

void -> void

boolean -> boolean

Integer, long, short, … -> number

String, char -> string


– TypeArray[] -> TypeArray[]

– primitiveTypeArray[] -> primitiveTypeArray[]

How it looks like?var varName: VarType = … ;

function functionName(param1: Param1Type): RetrunType {return new RetrunType(param1);


interface IPerson { name: string; getAge(): number;}

class Person implements IPerson {

constructor(public name: string, private yearOfBirth: number){};

getAge() { // return type can be inferred

return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearOfBirth; // silly demo



Demo: Basics

Type annotations

Classes, interfaces, functions–Optional/default members

–Optional/default function arguments

Errors when using missing field/function

Type inference– From assignment

– From function return value to function return type

– From function declared parameter type to argument passed to the function

Demo: Modules, Interfaces

Open-ended–Can contribute classes/interfaces to a module

from another fileCan divide code into several files

–Can contribute members to interface fromanother file

Very common for jQuery plugins

Modules can be imported using var:–var demo = ee.iglu.demo;

–var obj = new demo.SomePublicClass();

Demo: Classes

Instance fields


Private fields

– short notation for private fields (or fields with accessors)

Static fields

Default & optional parameters



JS functions can’t be overloaded!–one function must handle all diferent type

combinations, help from:Default and optional parameters

Multiple signature definitions

Tricks with method signatures

Basically value-agnostic signatures:

interface Document {

createElement(tagName: „a"): HTMLAnchorElement; createElement(tagName: "div"): HTMLDivElement;


createElement("a").href = „/main“; // OK

createElement("div").href = „/main“; // ERROR div doesn't have href

More useful stuffArrow functions a.k.a. Lambdas


Generics– http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground

Mixins/traits– http://www.typescriptlang.org/Handbook#mixins

Union types, String interpolation– http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground: „New Features“

Avoid infering type to „any“ type:– tsc --noImplicitAny superSolid.ts

TypeScript and external libsSearch for TypeScript declarations for the lib fromhttps://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/

contains type declarations for > 950 libs (~80 jQueryplugins, 30 angular plugins, toastr, moment, fullCalendar, pickadate)


Import type info from type declarations file:

/// <reference path=„path/to/external-lib-type-info.d.ts" />

Import type info from TypeScript source file:/// <reference path=„path/to/my-lib.ts" />

DEMO– Using TypeScript with AngularJS

Summary: TypeScript TypeSystem

Type inference and structural typing– Very few type „annotations“ are necessary

Formalization of JS types– Static representation of JS dynamic type system

Works with existing JS libs– Out of the boxYou can treat any external JS lib object as „any“


– Declaration files can be writter and maintained separately

Not „provably type safe“– Types reflect intent, but don't provide guarantees

Type declaration files can contain mistakes

Tools: TypeScriptGradle:– Compile: https://github.com/sothmann/typescript-gradle-plugin

– Monitor changes: https://github.com/bluepapa32/gradle-watch-plugin

Gulp (JS build tool)– Compile: „gulp-type“ (incremental) and gulp-tsc

– Watch: gulp.watch()

Grunt (JS build tool): grunt-typescript, grunt-ts

Bower (JS dependency manager)– „typescript“

TypeScript declarations managers:– tsd, nuget

IDEs: VisualStudio, Eclipse(TypEcs, eclipse-typescript), WebStrom

TypeScript type definitions (*.d.ts) dependency management

tsd: TypeScript Definition manager for DefinitelyTyped– Install it:

npm install tsd@next –g

– Download latest definitions (recursively) and save dependencyto tsd.json:

tsd install angular-ui-router --save –r>> written 2 files:

- angular-ui/angular-ui-router.d.ts- angularjs/angular.d.tsSearch commit history angular

– Install specific revision of angulartsd query angular –historytsd install angular --commit 235f77 –save

– Cleanup & reinstall:rm –rf typingstsd reinstall

Demo: Internal modulesDeclaration in „someLibrary.d.ts“:

module ee.iglu.demo {

export var publicVar = "Visible to outside";

var privateVar = "Not visible to outside";

export class PublicClass implements PublicType {constructor(public someField: string) {

alert("privateVar: "+ privateVar);}




/// <reference path="../relative/path/to/someLibrary.d.ts" />

new ee.iglu.demo.PublicClass(„arg");

External modules

currently not ES6 compatible– Commonjs (node)

File: myModule.ts– /// <reference path="../typings/node.d.ts" />

– import http = module(„http“);

– export function myFunction(){…};

In another file in the same folder:– import myModule = module(„./myModule“);

– myModule.myFunction();

– AMD (requireJS) – built on topp of commonJSlazy loading

Verbose without TypeScript

TypeScript: interpreted mode

https://github.com/niutech/typescript-compile–demo with angular


TypeScript vs Google ClosureCompiler

Google Closure Compiler:

– Pure JS + Types in JsDoc comments

– Focus on optimization, dead-code removal, minification

– Less expressive

–Warnings from static code analysis

TypeScript vs CoffeScript


– CAN compile to JS


– JS is NOT valid CoffeScript

–Dynamically typed

– Completely Different syntax for object literals, functions, rest-args

More syntactic sugar

–No spec

–Doesn't track ES6

TypeScript vs Dart


– CAN compile to JS


– CAN run on Dart VM

–Dart stdlib (collections/maps, etc)

– JS interop through dart:js lib

– Compiled JS is built for specific runtime (no good escapestrategy)

Who uses TypeScript?


Google (Angular team abandoned AtScript forTypeScript)





Plantir– Author of eclipse-typescript plugin

i have not managed to get working (twice) - my sugestion for Eclipseis TypEcs

TypeScript - conclusion…

Still need to know some JS quirks

Not yet completely ES6 compatible

Non-MS tooling doesn't match yet the level of IDE support offered for Java

– it is gradually improving, come and contribute!

TypeScript - …conclusionModules

Enums, Interfaces, Classes, inheritence


Optional types (gradual adoption & match forYourcomfort level):– no type def-s - inferred type info from primitives, referenced

typedefs– some type def-s - most types can be inferred– -noImplicitAny - forces strongly typing

High value, low cost improvement over plain JS– safer than JS

Solid path to ES6

The end (or start of the newera?)

Your comments, thoughts…