Types of Literary Conflict

TYPES OF LITERARY CONFLICT Complete Name: Saet, Jerilyn Mae F. Course, Section, Subject: BSMT 2C Date Submitted Teacher’s Name: Mr. Jaime Cabrera University, Country: CEU, Manila I learn about the seven types of literary conflict by completing this activity. Don’t dream your life, Live your dream Related Stuff #1 Related Stuff #2

Transcript of Types of Literary Conflict

TYPES OF LITERARY CONFLICT Complete Name: Saet, Jerilyn Mae F.Course, Section, Subject: BSMT 2CDate SubmittedTeacher’s Name: Mr. Jaime CabreraUniversity, Country: CEU, Manila

I learn about the seven types of literary conflict by

completing this activity.

Don’t dream

your life, Live your


Related Stuff #1Related Stuff #2

Why is CONFLICT important?

Without conflict, there is no story: no TV shows, movies, radio dramas, comics, novels… and life would be boring.

The storyline happens due to the conflict. Conflict is introduced in the rising action. Change happens at the turning point. Conflict is faced head-on during the

climax. Conflict begins to work itself out during

the falling action. Conflict is resolved during the resolution. This homework is worth 10 quizzes. Each

quiz is numbered.

1. INTERNAL CONFLICT There is only one type of internal conflict.



The character(s) struggle happens in their own mind(s). This may be a choice between right and wrong, or

related overcoming emotions or mixed feelings.

My First Idea My Second Idea My Resulting Action


2. EXTERNAL CONFLICT There are six types of external conflict.



A character struggles with a force of nature such as natural disaster, desolation, animal, or any natural element (also called Man VS Environment). This can be a struggle for control, or for survival.

Human Nature The Struggle



In this conflict, a character or a group of characters fight against a society or large organization or group.

The character fights against social traditions, rules, values, beliefs, or ways of doing something.

This can be used to comment on positive or negative aspects of real society (satire)



The character(s) struggle against God, gods, ghosts, monsters, spirits, aliens, fairies, magical or supernatural beings.

The Supernatural Our Conflict The Result



The character struggles against coincidence, happenstance, luck, or destiny .

Insert a photo of yourself that

exemplifies this type of conflict.

The photo should be clear, and

should fit and fill this space.

Insert a photo of yourself that

exemplifies this type of conflict.

The photo should be clear, and

should fit and fill this space.

Insert a photo of yourself that

exemplifies this type of conflict.

The photo should be clear, and

should fit and fill this space.

My First Example My Second Example

My Third Example



The character struggles against simple or complex tools, basic or advanced technology, or inventions.

My First Example My Second Example

My Third Example


3. CONFLICT: Brain PracticeComplete Name: Saet, Jerilyn Mae F.Course, Section, Subject: BSMT 2CDate Completed : June 14, 2015Teacher’s Name: Mr. CabreraUniversity, Country: CEU, Manila

I personalize my learning about the types of literary conflict by completing this

three-part activity.

Related Stuff

New concepts learned What new stuff did you learn when you

did this assignment? Keep it short: this one slide only Arrange: most meaningful stuff first.I learned that there is a different conflicts

between people, nature, technology, and supernatural but at the end of the day it’s yourself who will be your enemy and your friend.


This reminds me of… Connect the new stuff you learned to

events in your own life. Keep it short: this one slide only Arrange: most unforgettable events firstI remember my first fight event in arnis

lasts 2 years ago it’s like a man vs. man conflict I felt so nervous that day but thanks God I won the competition. I learned that everything is possible when you believe.


Usefulness in real situations How can you use what you have learned

in some situations in your own life? Keep it short: this one slide only Arrange: most emotional situations firstJust believe in yourself because at the end

of the day it’s your choice to do or not. I can use it by always trusting myself in every hard situations.


Note: Tests can include ideas from these sources: [Reference1] [Reference 2]




You will be assigned a story from the textbook.You will create a story board online.See the examples at:

The story assignments will be announced in the very near future.Prepare yourself. Know the different types of conflicts.