TYPES OF DISORDERS - ANXIETY - MOOD. TODAY’S OBJECTIVES Identify the behavioral patterns that...


Transcript of TYPES OF DISORDERS - ANXIETY - MOOD. TODAY’S OBJECTIVES Identify the behavioral patterns that...



TODAY’S OBJECTIVES• Identify the behavioral patterns

that psychologists label as anxiety disorders.• Explain what causes anxiety

disorders.• Describe several theories that try

to explain mood disorders.

ANXIETY• A general state of dread or uneasiness

that a person feels in response to a real or imagined danger

• Intense anxiety may interfere with normal life

• Most common type of mental illness in the US– Affects nearly 40 million Americans

• Disorder: involves fears that are uncontrollable, disproportionate to the actual danger and disruptive of ordinary life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cr7IomSy8s

ANXIETY DISORDERS• Characterized by unrealistic anxiety• Feature motor tension (jumpiness),

hyperactivity (racing heart, dizziness) and apprehensive expectations and thoughts

• 5 major types:1. Generalized anxiety disorder

2. Panic Disorder3. Phobia Disorder

4. Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder5. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

GENERALIZED ANXIETY• Different from everyday feelings of

anxiety• Persistent anxiety for at least six

months – Unable to pinpoint reasons for

anxiety• Nervous most of the time• Takes a physical toll– Suffer from fatigue, tension,

stomach problems, difficulty sleeping

SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER• Also called social phobia• Excessive fear of social

situations• Characterized by extreme self-

consciousness• Distorted thinking, false

beliefs and negative opinions of others


PANIC DISORDER• Recurrent, sudden onsets of

intense apprehension or terror– Often with no specific cause

• Physical: chest pains, trembling, sweating, dizziness, and a feeling of helplessness

• Celebrities: Darwin, Kim Basinger

• Women are twice as likely to suffer than men– Different hormone levels, coping

differently http://health.discovery.com/tv-shows/specials/videos/anxious-shellys-panic-attacks.htm

PHOBIA DISORDERS• Irrational, overwhelming

persistent fear of an object or situation – Interferes with daily life

• People go to great lengths to avoid the thing causing the phobia

• EX: John Madden – fear of flying– Takes a bus to every game

• Behaviorists: learned phobia– Event happen to make one afraid

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xge49FuX5v4 http://now.msn.com/eric-berry-of-the-kansas-city-chiefs-is-afraid-of-horses

COMMON PHOBIAS• Acrophobia: fear of high

places• Aerophobia: fear of flying• Arachnophobia: fear of

spiders• Claustrophobia: fear of

enclosed spaces• Hydrophobia: fear of water• Thanatophobia: Fear of dying


• Anxiety-provoking thoughts that will not go away and/or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situation

• Obsession: recurrent thoughts• Compulsion: recurrent behaviors– Ritualistic acts that relieve the

obsessions (thoughts)• Ex: Howie Mandel, Leo Dicaprio, David



• Anxiety that develops through exposure to a traumatic event that has overwhelmed one’s ability to cope

• Symptoms: flashbacks, avoidance, reduced emotions, difficulty w/ memory, impulsive outbursts



MOOD DISORDERS• Psychological disorders in

which there is a primary disturbance of MOOD

• Prolonged emotion that colors the individual's entire emotional state

• Includes cognitive, behavioral, and physical symptoms

• 2 main types: depressive, and bipolar disorder

DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS• Mood disorder in which one

suffers from DEPRESSION– An unrelenting lack of pleasure

in life• Severity varies• Ex: Sheryl Crow, Eric Clapton,

Jim Carrey• Major Depressive Disorder:

involves significant depressive episodes (2 weeks or more)

MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER• 9 symptoms:– Depressed mood most of the day– Reduced interests in activities– Weight loss or gain– Trouble sleeping – Lethargy– Loss of energy– Feeling of worthless or guilt– Problems thinking or concentrating– Recurrent thoughts of suicide or death– No history of manic episode (euphoric


• More likely to happen in women

BIPOLAR DISORDER• Ups and downs in life take

an extreme and often harmful tone

• Characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or more episodes of mania– MANIA: overexcited,

unrealistically optimistic state• Manic state is followed by

depressive episode