Type 2-diabetes-solution what-you-need-to-do-to-reverse-and-cure-diabetes (2)

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Transcript of Type 2-diabetes-solution what-you-need-to-do-to-reverse-and-cure-diabetes (2)


P o w e r P o i n t P o w e r P o i n t

Type 2 Diabetes Solution: What you need to do to Reverse


Type 2 Diabetes Solution:

What you need to do to

Reverse and Cure Type 2


This is a work of nonfiction

All rights reserved. No part of this book may

be reproduced, scanned, transmitted, or

distributed in any form or by any means

without permission.

Copyright © 2015 Jesper Baekgaard


Published by Jesper Baekgaard Sorensen


Table of Contents

C No. Chapter Page No.

1 Foreword 5

2 Authors Profile 6

3 Introduction 7

4 Reversal and Cure 8

5 Making a Healthy Dietary Change 10

6 Testing and Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels 12

7 Summary 14

8 Conclusion 16


Foreword Did you know that Type 2 Diabetes is curable? Despite the fact that most health professionals say it’s incurable.

My name is Jesper Sorensen. I have successfully reversed and cured my Type 2 Diabetes, and I will testify to the fact

that this disease is curable! Furthermore, Im here to help you in reversing and curing Type 2 Diabetes.

If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, or you have a loved one who has it, read on, and discover what you

need to do to successfully reverse and cure this disease.





Jesper Bækgaard Sørensen, born in Hjoerring, Denmark and brought

up in Frederikssund. He lives in Switzerland with his girlfriend since

2005. He is a trained bookkeeper, artist, writer, and diabetes coach.

In 2007 he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and according to his

doctor, no longer has any trace of diabetes in his body. He has an

average HbA1c level of 92 – 96 mg/dl, which is even better than

some people who have never had Diabetes.

After trying different diets he discovered the missing link to curing

Type 2 Diabetes, and felt a need to sharing it with others. Not wanting

to compete with any scientist information but to give a short simple

and clear report of his own experience that brought his cure. He

wrote and published his second book How to Heal Diabetes 2

Naturally on Amazon in 2015.

Learn more about Jespers journey with Diabetes, visit his blog at


Authors Profile


Type 2 Diabetes is not the chronic disease it is believed to be because it is fully

reversible and curable.

This belief means that modern Type 2 Diabetes treatment focuses on managing

the disease with medication and insulin rather than curing it.

The treatment addresses the high blood sugar found in Diabetics. However, high

blood sugar is not the disease, just a symptom of the disease.

Since the symptom is the only thing being treated, the cure must address the

cause. The cause is Insulin Resistance and chronic inflammation due to the poor

nutrition that cause the pancreas to release too much insulin in the body. The

disease is simply a life style disease.



Reversal and Cure

To Reverse and cure Type 2 Diabetes you just need to make lifestyle changes.

This includes changing your diet and getting some gentle daily exercise. The

right nutrition will lower insulin levels in the body and cure the cells of their

chronic inflammation. Curing Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes.

This doesn’t mean going on a low carbohydrate diet, or a low-fat diet, nor a low-

calorie diet, or even excluding carbs altogether. Because none of those things


Going on a diet doesn’t mean going on a diet. Diets mean deprivation, and this is

not what you want to do. When you deprive yourself of food, you slow down the

metabolic system. This means that when the diet is over you will gain more

weight because your metabolic system is metabolizing the food slower.

This is why people who go on diets, again and again, gain more and more

weight. Diets Just don’t Work!


As diabetics, we need carbohydrates, calories and fat in the

right proportions. Here is why:

Carbohydrates are necessary as fuel for our bodies. You just

need to eat more of the right carbs, the complex carbs found

in vegetables, and less of the simple carbs found in cakes

and sweets.

Fat is needed for brain and joint health. So it’s not about

excluding fat, but eating the right amount of fat.

The same with calories. We need calories in the right amount

daily to maintain our weight.

So it’s not about going on a diet. What you want to do is to

make healthy dietary changes as well as getting some gentle

daily exercise.

Regular exercise such as half an hour of gentle walking is

enough, and this can’t be dismissed, because exercise is half

the cure. The more you exercise, the better it is. But you

need a minimum of half an hour a day. 9

A healthy diet for diabetics is a natural diet consisting

of wholefoods such as:



•Healthy fats

•Healthy liquids

And avoiding processed foods such as:

•Refined sugar

•Refined flour


•White rice etc.

All starchy foods need to be avoided while working

on curing the disease. Once it is cured, one can

slowly begin adding small amounts of pasta, rice etc.

back to the diet. The best would be to choose

wholegrain pasta and brown rice, but you will be

able to tolerate regular pasta and rice in small


Making a Healthy Dietary Change


This dietary change will help you to lower insulin

and blood glucose (sugar) levels to the normal

range (100 mg/dl), and will help you to cure your

Insulin Resistance.

It will also help you to get rid of food cravings

(addictions). Food cravings are not just emotional.

There are organic reasons why diabetics crave

foods; namely that they don’t get the right

nutrition; minerals and vitamins.

It is essential to get rid of these food cravings

because they are what causes the disease and

keeps it alive. Eradicate your food cravings and

you are on your way to healing Diabetes!

Making dietary changes in this way will cure both

Insulin Resistance and chronic inflammation, and

is possible within 3 to 6 months.


Once you change your diet it is important to track the changes in your blood glucose levels by

testing and monitoring them.

You do this by creating a simple journal.

Testing & Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels


At the top, you put in the date and below

you write your blood glucose levels in the

morning, and before lunch and dinner.

Then you write what you’ve eaten for each

meal. And two hours later you check to see

your blood glucose levels again.

The aim is to get it below 122 mg/dl, and possibly back to the levels

they were before you ate your meal. But a level of 122 mg/dl is ok. If

it is more than this, then the disease is creating havoc in your body.

The reason we are diabetic is that the blood glucose levels don’t go back

to where they should after a period of time. But with the tracking

journal you can easily discover which foods are good for you and which


Also, It does take some time to get the blood glucose levels down to 122

mg/dl and below depending on how high they were when you began. In

the beginning, you may have a high blood sugar level of let’s say 140

mg/dl. And when you check your blood sugar levels two hours after a

meal they might show 150 mg/dl. Then you’ll have to check to see what

it is the next day two hours after that same meal to determine the

positive development. If it has gone up, you need to change your foods if

it has gone down to let’s say to 148 mg/dl then you’re on the right track

with what you eat. You are then in the process of lowering your blood

glucose levels to the normal range (100 mg/dl).

In this way you can easily see all your blood glucose levels, find out

which foods work for you and which don’t, and directly steer your levels

down to the normal range of 100 mg/dl and stabilize them there.

This is an excellent and very important tool in taking control of and

reversing and curing your Diabetes. 13

HORIZONTAL PICTURE To heal and cure Type 2 Diabetes you need to change your diet to wholefoods and vegetables, and get some gentle daily exercise (walking for half an hour is enough).

This will help you to:

•Lower Insulin Levels

•Eradicate food cravings

•Lower and stabilize blood glucose levels at the normal range (100 mg/dl)

•Heal Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes.



Take control of your Diabetes, before it takes control of You!


Type 2 Diabetes is easily curable. So if you have Diabetes, I

urge you to do something about it.

The thing that needs to be understood is this. In Diabetes

management today, the pills and medication only momentarily

subdue but do not cure the symptom, the high blood sugar. So

while a person on medication might feel good, the disease is

still active in the body causing the slow rotting of the bodily

organs. If the root cause is not addressed, it’s only a matter of

time before one needs more and more medication and in the

end getting infections and sores that lead to amputation.

So if you are reading this don’t wait! Take control of your

Diabetes before it takes control of You!



Need help creating a healthy dietary change? Check out our Guide Today,

How to Heal Diabetes 2 Naturally.