
PA’s First Inventions Social Studies By: Tyler Atene

Transcript of Tyler

PA’s First Inventions

Social StudiesBy: Tyler Atene

PA’s First Foods

Some of the first food productions started in the PA were:

Potato Chip production,

Pretzels production,

Scrapple production,

Sausage production, and

Mushrooms production.

PA’s First Inventions

Some of the first inventions from PA were:

a Ferris wheel,

a steamboat,


o zinc,

a cable car, and

pencils with erasers attached to the pencil.

PA’s Drinks

Drinks first produced in PA were:

root beer, and

lager beer.

What PA Means To Me!

Pennsylvania makes me feel at home. When I’m on vacations I want to go back to PA. I am proud that PA produced these inventions first. This is special to me because they make me feel at home. The food in PA is the greatest food in the U.S.A.!