Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which...

Environmental Health Perspectives VoL 50, pp. 27-36, 1983 Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays by D. L. Arnold* The controversy regarding the safety of saccharin for human consumption started shortly after its discovery over 100 years ago and has yet to subside appreciably. The consumption of saccharin, particularly in North America, began to escalate when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration set new standards of identity which allowed foods containing artificial sweeteners to be promoted as "nonnutritive" or "noncaloric" sweeteners for use by the general public. In 1969, when cyclamates were banned, at least 10 single-generation feeding studies were undertaken with saccharin to more accurately assess the potential toxicological consequences resulting from the anticipated increase in its consumption. None of these studies resulted in any overt regulatory action. Subsequently, the introduction of the two-generation chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity bioassay added a new tool to the toxicologist's arsenal. Three two-generation studies using saccharin have since been conducted. The results from these studies clearly show that when rats were exposed to diets containing 5 or 7.5% sodium saccharin from the time of conception to death, an increased frequency of urinary bladder cancers was found, predominantly in the males. While some study results suggested that impurities in commercial saccharin or the presence of urinary tract calculi may have been responsi- ble for the observed bladder tumors, it now appears that these possibilities are highly unlikely. The mechanism by which saccharin elicited the bladder tumors using the two-generation experiment has not been ascertained. Introduction Saccharin was discovered by accident in 1879 by Constantin Fahlberg while working in Ira Remsen's laboratory at Johns Hopkins University (1). Fahl- berg was investigating the oxidation mechanisms of toluenesulfonamide, when a compound with which he was working accidentally splattered on his fin- gers. Fahlberg, seemingly not the most fastidious of individuals, failed to wash his hands adequately and as a consequence, while eating supper that evening he noted that his bread had a sweet taste which he traced to the chemical commonly known as sac- charin (2). In the intervening years, saccharin has been alternately castigated and approved for hu- man use by various federal regulatory agencies. The controversy regarding the safety of saccharin for human consumption was well underway by 1890 (3) and has not appreciably abated in the inter- vening years. This melodrama has involved mem- bers of the scientific community, trade associations, legislative and regulatory authorities, the press, the public and even a president of the United States (2). The most recent tempest was precipitated by the findings of a two-generation chronic bioassay which *Toxicology Research Division, Health Protection Branch, Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, Canada. has been dubbed the Canadian Saccharin Study (4). This study, which was the third to use the two- generation bioassay model suggested by the late Dr. Leo Friedman (5), had followed similar saccharin studies conducted at the Wisconsin Alumni Re- search Foundation (WARF) (6) and at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (7, 8). The ensuing controversy gave rise to the publication of at least two books (9, 10), numerous articles in the popular literature, a plethora of scientific activity, a large media blitz by several trade associations, as well as the convening of various panels and conferences to evaluate and discuss the human consumption of sac- charin in light of these experimental results (11-18). Early History Some of the first toxicological tests with saccha- rin were reportedly conducted in France where di- abetics received 5 g of saccharin per day for 5 months. No harmful effects were noted (19). How- ever, in 1890, the Commission of the Health Associa- tion in France decreed saccharin to be "harmful," and forbade its manufacture or importation. Several scientists, especially French hygienists, protested violently, attempting to refute the assertions that saccharin was a harmful chemical (3).

Transcript of Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which...

Page 1: Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which likely enhanced the chances that its results would becritically evaluated andthe deficiencies

Environmental Health PerspectivesVoL 50, pp. 27-36, 1983

Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassaysby D. L. Arnold*

The controversy regarding the safety of saccharin for human consumption started shortly afterits discovery over 100 years ago and has yet to subside appreciably. The consumption of saccharin,particularly in North America, began to escalate when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration setnew standards of identity which allowed foods containing artificial sweeteners to be promoted as"nonnutritive" or "noncaloric" sweeteners for use by the general public. In 1969, when cyclamateswere banned, at least 10 single-generation feeding studies were undertaken with saccharin to moreaccurately assess the potential toxicological consequences resulting from the anticipated increasein its consumption. None of these studies resulted in any overt regulatory action. Subsequently, theintroduction of the two-generation chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity bioassay added a new tool to thetoxicologist's arsenal. Three two-generation studies using saccharin have since been conducted.The results from these studies clearly show that when rats were exposed to diets containing 5 or7.5% sodium saccharin from the time of conception to death, an increased frequency of urinarybladder cancers was found, predominantly in the males. While some study results suggested thatimpurities in commercial saccharin or the presence of urinary tract calculi may have been responsi-ble for the observed bladder tumors, it now appears that these possibilities are highly unlikely. Themechanism by which saccharin elicited the bladder tumors using the two-generation experiment hasnot been ascertained.

IntroductionSaccharin was discovered by accident in 1879 by

Constantin Fahlberg while working in Ira Remsen'slaboratory at Johns Hopkins University (1). Fahl-berg was investigating the oxidation mechanisms oftoluenesulfonamide, when a compound with whichhe was working accidentally splattered on his fin-gers. Fahlberg, seemingly not the most fastidious ofindividuals, failed to wash his hands adequately andas a consequence, while eating supper that eveninghe noted that his bread had a sweet taste which hetraced to the chemical commonly known as sac-charin (2). In the intervening years, saccharin hasbeen alternately castigated and approved for hu-man use by various federal regulatory agencies.The controversy regarding the safety of saccharinfor human consumption was well underway by 1890(3) and has not appreciably abated in the inter-vening years. This melodrama has involved mem-

bers of the scientific community, trade associations,legislative and regulatory authorities, the press, thepublic and even a president of the United States (2).The most recent tempest was precipitated by thefindings of a two-generation chronic bioassay which

*Toxicology Research Division, Health Protection Branch,Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, Canada.

has been dubbed the Canadian Saccharin Study (4).This study, which was the third to use the two-generation bioassay model suggested by the lateDr. Leo Friedman (5), had followed similar saccharinstudies conducted at the Wisconsin Alumni Re-search Foundation (WARF) (6) and at the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) (7, 8). The ensuingcontroversy gave rise to the publication of at leasttwo books (9, 10), numerous articles in the popularliterature, a plethora of scientific activity, a largemedia blitz by several trade associations, as well asthe convening of various panels and conferences toevaluate and discuss the human consumption of sac-charin in light of these experimental results(11-18).

Early HistorySome of the first toxicological tests with saccha-

rin were reportedly conducted in France where di-abetics received 5 g of saccharin per day for 5months. No harmful effects were noted (19). How-ever, in 1890, the Commission of the Health Associa-tion in France decreed saccharin to be "harmful,"and forbade its manufacture or importation. Severalscientists, especially French hygienists, protestedviolently, attempting to refute the assertions thatsaccharin was a harmful chemical (3).

Page 2: Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which likely enhanced the chances that its results would becritically evaluated andthe deficiencies


In 1902, Germany placed a complete ban on theuse of saccharin in all foodstuffs except foods in-tended for diabetics (20). Also in 1902, Dr. HarveyW. Wiley formed his famous "poison squad" whichconsisted of young volunteers who ingested variousfoods and food additives to ascertain their effectsupon man. One of the chemicals ingested by thisgroup was saccharin (21). Based on the findings ofthis study, Dr. Wiley attempted without success toblock the commercial use of saccharin as a food ad-ditive (10).

Subsequently, saccharin was banned in theUnited States during 1912 for use in soft drinks andfoods because it was considered to be an adulterant.However, during World Wars I and II, sugar sup-plies became so limited that the ban on saccharinuse was temporarily lifted (2).

In 1959, under new standards of identity, theFDA allowed artificial sweeteners to be used in avariety of prepared foods which "should be usedonly by ... those who must restrict ..." their in-take of sugar. Subsequently, foods containing artifi-cial sweeteners were sold not only to people whohad to either restrict their sugar consumption (dia-betics) or who should avoid excessive caloric intake,but were also promoted as "nonnutritive" or "non-caloric" sweeteners for use by the general public (2).

Toxicology StudiesPrior to 1950, several toxicological studies of

short and intermediate duration had been con-ducted with different species of laboratory animalsand man (3, 22-30). The first chronic/carcinogenicbioassay using saccharin was undertaken by Fitz-hugh et al. (31). They conducted a two-year feedingstudy in which rats received a control diet (7M, 9F)or diets containing 1.0% (1OM, 10F) or 5.0% sodiumsaccharin (9M, 9F). Saccharin had no apparent effectupon mortality, hematology or organ weights (liver,kidney and spleen), but did result in a slight growthdepression in the 5% group. The only significantpathological change was observed in the 5% group,where seven animals (sex unspecified) had thoraciclymphosarcomas; four of these seven rats had ab-dominal lymphosarcomas as well, which the authorsstated was unusual even though the strain of ratsused were known to have a high spontaneous inci-dence of lymphosarcomas. The urinary bladder wasnot examined histologically. The evaluation of thepathological changes observed in this study is eventoday a matter for debate (13,19).

During the sixties a second chronic/carcinogenic-ity bioassay was conducted by Lessel (32), who fedgroups of 20 male and 20 female rats diets con-taining 0, 0.005, 0.05, 0.5 or 5.0% saccharin for 2

years. Another group received 1 mL of a 1% solu-tion of trypan blue SC every 2 weeks for 1 year as apositive control. In the 5% and trypan blue groups,mortality was higher than in the controls. Retarda-tion of growth was observed in both sexes receivingthe 5% diet despite a greater feed consumption.One female and four male rats in the 5% saccharingroup had bladder calculi and another male had kid-ney calculi. The female rat with calculi had an ex-tensive transitional cell papilloma of the bladderwhile another 5% female without calculi had hyper-plasia and a papilloma. No evidence of nematodeswas found.

In 1969, the use of the artificial sweetener cycla-mate as a food additive was banned. It thereforewas anticipated that the consumption of saccharinwould increase significantly. Consequently, ten addi-tional one-generation chronic/carcinogenic bioassayswere undertaken using the rat, mouse and hamsterin such countries as Canada, Germany, Great Bri-tain, Japan and the United States (11). None ofthese studies indicated toxicological consequence ofa nature sufficient to initiate regulatory action.The one-generation rat feeding study performed

in Canada was conducted by Munro et al. (33) and toquote the U.S. NRC report dealing with the safetyof saccharin and sodium saccharin in the humandiet, this "... test was carried out with exceptionalcare" (34). In this study, groups of 60 male and 60 fe-male weanling Charles River rats were fed semipur-ified diets with daily dosages of 0, 90, 270, 810 or2430 mg of sodium saccharin/kg body weight for 26months (2500 mg/kg body weight is approximatelyequivalent to 5% in the diet). Additional saccharinwas added to each diet to compensate for a mois-ture content of 1.4%, and the diet was analyzed forseveral potential contaminants. The animals wereobserved daily for clinical signs of toxicity and peri-odic cytological examinations of the urine were con-ducted for the parasite Trichosomoides crassicaudaor its ova, of which none were detected.

Five bladder tumors were observed in the testanimals. In addition, three animals had grossly vis-ible bladder calculi, and 67 other animals werefound to have bladder calculi which were smallenough to pass through the urethra. The authorsconcluded that neither the presence of bladdercalculi nor the saccharin treatments were associatedwith the presence of bladder tumors. Various panels(11, 34) and individuals (10) have concurred with theauthors' conclusions, but Reuber (35) concluded fromhis review of this study that the results suggested"that saccharin is most likely carcinogenic for theurinary bladder."A rather significant turn of events regarding the

toxicological testing of saccharin occurred at the


Page 3: Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which likely enhanced the chances that its results would becritically evaluated andthe deficiencies


Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicol-ogy, when during a presentation at the Society'sSymposium on the Evaluation of the Safety of FoodAdditives and Chemical Residues, the late Dr. LeoFriedman (5) suggested that "no-effect dose levelsbe specifically defined to include that period of ananimal's lifetime from conception to sexual matur-ity." This suggestion gave rise to the two-generation chronic/carcinogenic bioassay as weknow it today.The first two-generation bioassay in which sac-

charin was fed, was conducted under contract at theWisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF).This study (6) had groups of 20 male and 20 femaleSprague-Dawley rats being fed diets containing 0.0,0.05, 0.5 or 5.0% sodium saccharin produced by theRemsen-Fahlberg procedure for 14 weeks prior tomating, as well as during mating and lactation. Fol-lowing weaning, the Fo generation was killed andthe F1 generation was weaned onto their parents'diet, which they consumed until the study wasterminated 100 weeks later. Thus, the F, generationanimals were exposed to saccharin and its impuri-ties during gestation, throughout lactation via thedam's milk and for the remainder of their lifetimevia the diet.

The authors reported that saccharin had no re-markable effects upon the reproductive indices, ex-cepting a depressed pup body weight in the 5.0%group at weaning. However, after the F1 generationhad been on test for 13 weeks post-weaning, thegrowth curves were similar in all groups for the bal-ance of the study. Neither feed consumption norsurvival was affected by treatment, and the ob-served hematological changes were considered tobe the result of age and poor health rather thantreatment. The authors suggested that the inci-dence of tumors was apparently increased by theconsumption of the 5.0% diet. The incidence ofsquamous cell carcinomas of the uterus and transi-tional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder, wereseen exclusively in the treated groups, with higherincidence at higher dosage levels.

This study apparently was the first chronic studyundertaken using the two-generation animal model,which likely enhanced the chances that its resultswould be critically evaluated and the deficiencies ofthis experimental model emphatically pointed out.While the U.S. NRC (34) panel recognized the im-portant implications of using an animal model sys-tem for testing wherein transplacental exposurewas used, experience and information was limitedregarding: (a) the dose level to which the fetus wasexposed; (b) the developmental stages during organ-ogenesis; (c) the metabolic capacity of the fetus; (d)the immune competency of the fetus; and (e) factors

related to fetal pharmacology. Additionally, thepanel went on to point out that factors such as uri-nary tract stones and parasites, which are known tocause bladder tumors in rats, were not ruled out ascausative agents in this study.

After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) had an opportunity to review the results ofthis study, saccharin was removed from the Gener-ally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) food additive list.This action had the legal force of allowing a futureban on saccharin if there was any question of sac-charin's safety as a food additive (36).The second two-generation saccharin feeding

study was conducted by the FDA between 1970 and1972 as a combination three-generation reproduc-tion study and two-generation chronic feedingstudy. An interim report was presented at the an-nual Society of Toxicology meeting in 1974 (7), but afinal report did not appear until 1980 (8).The experimental design consisted of groups of

10 male and 20 female Sprague-Dawley rats beingfed diets containing 0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 5.0 or 7.5% so-dium saccharin, or 1.51% sodium carbonate (givinga sodium ion concentration equivalent to 5.0% so-dium saccharin). Another group was fed a diet con-taining 5.0% calcium cyclamate, which was fed as areference compound. A sufficient number of animalswere randomly selected from the F1 litters to give atotal of 48 males and 48 females per test group. In-terim sacrifices of four animals/sex/group weremade at 14 months and five animals/sex/group at 18months; but these rats were not part of the original48 animals/group. The first generation animals werekilled after they produced a second litter.The authors reported that treatment did not

have any apparent effect on hematological values,organ weights, or survival and that birth weights ofrats ingesting 5.0 or 7.5% saccharin or 5.0% cycla-mate were depressed versus controls. Althoughsome of the initial weight differences were over-come, these animals had lower body weightsthroughout the study. There were several signifi-cant decreases in average and relative organweights, expressed as percentage of body weight,which the authors attributed to decreases in bodyweights. Additionally, there were no dose- or time-related trends in these results when the data fromthe serial sacrifices were included in the analysis.The most significant pathological findings includednine urinary bladder neoplasms in the 7.5% group(7 males, 2 females), one in the 5.0% group (male)and one in a control male. Three sections of eachbladder (dome, midpoint and bladder neck) fromrats that were on test for more than 18 months,were examined histologically for evidence of thebladder parasite Trichosomoides crassicauda. No


Page 4: Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which likely enhanced the chances that its results would becritically evaluated andthe deficiencies


parasites were found, and the authors concludedthat the parasites did not contribute to the develop-ment of the observed bladder neoplasms. Addition-ally, the authors concluded that the incidence ofgross calculi was not associated with the observedneoplasms.The authors also pointed out that several patholo-

gists or groups of pathologists ineependently re-viewed tissue sections from the bladder, and whilesome differences in diagnosis did occur, the review-ing groups confirmed that there was a significant in-crease in urinary bladder neoplasms in the groupreceiving 7.5% sodium saccharin.

This study was also criticized along the samelines as was the WARF study. In addition, the U.S.NRC (34) panel suggested that the maximum tol-erated dose (MTD) may have been exceeded for the5.0 and 7.5% dose groups due to the body weightsuppressions. While the panel commended the inclu-sion of a group to ascertain what effect the high die-tary sodium levels attributable to the inclusion of5.0% sodium saccharin in the diet might have uponmetabolic disposition, they questioned whether ornot carbonate was an appropriate anion.

Before getting into the details of the third two-generation study, which was conducted by the Ca-nadian Health Protection Branch, it is appropriateto point out some of the events happening outsidethe animal laboratory and their role in the design ofthis study.The inability of saccharin to induce a significant

tumorigenic response in any one of the one-genera-tion feeding studies, including the one conducted byMunro et al. (33), was consistent with the findings ofa number of epidemiological studies that were pub-lished in the early seventies (37-39). Additionally, thehigh dosages of saccharin required to elicit bladdertumors in the two-generation studies, as well as theapparent predilection for the second generationmales, resulted in more questions than answers forthe toxicological problem being studied. These find-ings suggested that an impurity in saccharin mightbe responsible for the observed tumorigenic effects.Studies conducted in the Health Protection Branchlaboratories indicated that o-toluene sulfonamide (o-TS) was the major impurity in all of the saccharinsamples used in the various long-term feeding stu-dies (40-42). The concentrations of o-TS ranged from118 to 6100 ppm in these samples (43) which wereall produced by the Remsen-Fahlberg method.These and other observations led to the hypothesisthat o-TS, a known inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase(44, 45), the enzyme involved in the acidification ofurine (46), would increase the excretion of bicarbo-nate. This action could produce an alkaline urine,predisposing the animal to urolithiases in the kid-

neys and bladder. Irritation from these stones overa long period of time could produce hyperplasia andultimately tumors (43). A correlation between blad-der stones and bladder tumors had previously beenfound for several experimental situations (47).As a partial test of his hypothesis, a study was

conducted wherein groups of 24 to 27 untreatedSprague-Dawley female rates were mated on a one-to-one basis with untreated males. On day one ofpregnancy, the pregnant females were given thefirst of 43 daily doses of o-TS (dosage levels: 0, 40,100 or 250 mg o-TS/kg/day) in corn oil via gavage.The pups were then weaned onto diets containingsufficient amounts of a o-TS to provide the samedose levels as received by their respective dams.Three interim kills and a final kill, when the pupswere 105 days old, were performed, at which timethe incidence of renal calculi, bladder calculi and his-topathological bladder calculi in 21-day-old rats (un-sexed) and in 105-day-old male and female rats (48).These findings lent support to the preceding hy-pothesis.

Health Protection Branch scientists thus pro-posed that an additional two-generation chronicfeeding study be undertaken to more fully test thepreceding hypothesis. The initial protocol for thisstudy called for groups of rats to be fed either astandard commercial chow diet or one containinggraded levels of o-TS. In addition, ammonium chlor-ide was to be added to the drinking water of one ofthe highest o-TS dosed groups to prevent the for-mation of an alkaline urine (47, 49). Comments onthis experimental protocol were solicited from otherregulatory agencies and a number of internationallyrecognized toxicologists, as well as from several in-dustrial organizations.Prior to the start of this study, a quantity of sac-

charin produced by the Maumee procedure becameavailable. This method of saccharin production re-sults in no detectable levels of o-TS and the totalamount of impurities is less than the Remsen-Fahl-berg procedure (4, 50). This saccharin was fed to anadditional group of rats at a level of 5% in the lowdiet, a level comparable to the highest dose used inthe WARF two-generation study as well as severalconventional one-generation studies (11). In keepingwith the above hypothesis, the latter group was in-cluded as a "negative" control group.The final study protocol consisted of groups of 50

male and 50 female (except where noted) Sprague-Dawley rats being fed one of the following dietarytreatments: control; 2.5 mg o-TS/kg/day; 25 mgo-TS/kg/day; 250 mg o-TS/kg/day; 250 mgo-TS/kg/day with 1% NH4Cl in the drinking water(Fo group size 40 males, 38 females; F1 49 males, 50females); or 5% sodium saccharin.


Page 5: Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which likely enhanced the chances that its results would becritically evaluated andthe deficiencies


Regarding the conduct of this study (4), the Fo ani-mals in this two-generation bioassay were 32 daysof age when the study commenced. After 90 days ontest, these animals were mated on a one-to-one basiswithin treatment groups. The pups were weanedonto their parents' diet. Unlike the WARF (6) andFDA (7, 8) studies, both the Fo and F1 generationswere continued on test for their lifetime. Periodi-cally, urine samples were filtered and stained bythe Papanicolaou method and examined microscopi-cally for sediment and exfoliated epithilial cells inan attempt to diagnose alterations in bladder epi-thelium. The filters were also examined for ova andthe adult form of Trichosomoides crassicauda. Addi-tionally, hematological evaluations were conductedduring the course of the study and a limited waterbalance study was undertaken with some of the F1animals. Great care was taken to ensure that thisstudy was conducted in accordance with the besttoxicological practices employed at that time (51,52).

Rats from both generations fed diets providing250 mg o-TS/kg or 250 mg o-TS with 1.0% NH4CI inthe drinking water or containing 5% sodium saccha-rin had decreased growth rates, but only the formertwo groups had a lowered feed consumption. Therewere no treatment related effects upon reproduc-tion, longevity, or hematological parameters. The

animals were free of the bladder parasite Tricho-somoides crassicauda. While a few animals devel-oped grossly visible bladder and kidney stones, theincidence was not treatment related. The incidenceof bladder tumors is shown in Table 1. Tumor diag-nosis was by concensus among seven independentpathologists who were not associated with the de-sign or conduct of the study. There was a statisti-cally significant increase in the incidence of bladdertumors in both generations of male rats fed the dietcontaining 5% sodium saccharin (p < 0.03, Fo;p < 0.002, F1); compared to their respective controlgroups. An evaluation of individual feed consump-

tion did not reveal any statistical differencebetween the amount of feed consumed by animalswhich had bladder tumors and those that did not.The incidence of bladder tumors in all of the othertreatment groups was not significantly differentfrom that of the respective control groups. A lim-ited water balance study indicated that the animalsreceiving the diets containing sodium saccha-rin drank approximately twice as much water andvoided twice as much urine as did the control ani-mals. The urine was also found to be hypotonic.The complete findings of this study were not

available when several individuals (10, 35) andpanels (11) were reviewing the results of the varioussaccharin studies. Consequently, some of the points

Table 1. Incidence of bladder tumors in rats fed diets containing o-TS or sodium saccharin.

Fo generation F, generation

Treatment groups Benign Malignant Benign MalignantMales

Control 1 0 0 02.5 mg o-TS/kg/day 1 0 0 025 mg o-TS/kg/day 0 0 0 0250 mg o-TS/kg/day 1 0 0 0250 mg o-TS/kg/day

+ 1% NH4C1 0 0 0 0in drinking water

5% Sodium saccharin 4a,b 3a 4c 8c,dFemales

Control 0 0 0 02.5 mg o-TS/kg/day 1 0 2 025 mg o-TS/kg/day 0 0 0 0250 mg o-TS/kg/day 0 0 0 0250 mg o-TS/kg/day

+ 1° NH4C1 0 0 0 0in drinking water

5% Sodium saccharin 0 oe 0 2aNumber of animals with tumors (i.e., benign plus malignant) was significantly higher (p < 0.03) than control. Statistics were

based on numbers of animals surviving until first tumor was observed after 87 weeks on test (No. control = 38F, 36M; No. sac-charin = 40F, 38M).

bAdditional urinary tract tumors consisted of one animal with a urethral tumor and one animal with a malignant lesion of thekidney pelvis.cNumber of animals with malignant tumors (p < 0.002) and total tumors (benign plus malignant; p < 0.01) was significantly higher

than control. Statistics were based on number of animals surviving until first tumor was observed after 67 weeks on test (No.control = 45F, 42M; No. saccharin = 49F, 45M).

dAdditional urinary tract tumors consisted of one animal with a urethral tumor.eAdditional urinary tract tumors consisted of two animals with malignant lesions of the kidney pelvis.


Page 6: Two*Generation Saccharin Bioassays · undertaken using the two-generation animal model, which likely enhanced the chances that its results would becritically evaluated andthe deficiencies


raised by these reviewers have subsequently beenanswered with the publication of this study. Gener-ally speaking, the shortcomings previously referredto regarding two-generation chronic bioassays arealso applicable to this study. Unfortunately, many ofthe criticisms of this experimental model are no

closer to being answered today than they were atthe time the WARF study was conducted (11, 34,53). The other major criticism of this study, whichwas also applicable to the high saccharin dosagesused in the FDA study, was that the MTD wouldappear to have been exceeded. While several guide-lines for the conduct of chronic/carcinogenicity bio-assays as well as the NCI (54) and IARC (55) guide-lines suggest that a weight differential greater than10% between the control and treated groups indi-cates that the MTD has been exceeded, it has beenpointed out that there was generally a greatergrowth differential between control and female ratsreceiving high dosages of saccharin than there was

for the male rats in the various saccharin bioassays(11). Furthermore, there has not been any substan-tial scientific evidence presented to support the con-

tention that a weight suppression of 10% or greaterrenders the animal more or less susceptible to carci-nogenic responses. However, evidence has existedfor many years that caloric restriction and overnu-trition/obesity appear respectively to decrease andincrease the incidence of spontaneous tumors (56).

While the evidence from this two-generationstudy clearly indicated that o-TS did not have anycarcinogenic potential in this model system,Schmiihl (57) reported that o-TS may possibly havea weak carcinogenic effect. His study consisted ofgroups of 38 male and 38 female Sprague-Dawleyrats, 3 months of age, fed diets containing 0, 20 or

200 mg o-TS/kg body weight for the remainder oftheir lifetimes. The incidence of bladder carcinomasand bladder papillomas was 0, 0, 1 and 0, 3, 4, re-

spectively. The carcinoma was observed after 759days (days on test presumably) and the four benigntumors were found after 861, 877, 878, and 996 days.In the 20 mg/kg group the papillomas were detectedafter 539, 766 and 873 days.

Since Schmihl (57) did not mention the presenceof bladder parasites as he had with a previous study(58), or bladder calculi, it might be presumed thatneither of these possibilities was involved in theproduction of the observed bladder lesions. Conse-quently, except for the possibility of a difference inpurity of the test chemical, it is not possible at thistime to determine the cause of this apparently con-

flicting result.Recently, as a component of a larger study,

Hooson et al. (59) administered o-TS in the drinkingwater or diet to groups of 63 or 50 female Wistar

SPF weanling rats, respectively, at a level equiva-lent to 70 mg/kg. No evidence of bladder hyperpla-sia or neoplasia was observed. One possible contrib-utory factor to these variable findings was sug-gested by the authors when they were discussinginterpretation of certain bladder lesions in the rat.They suggested that part of this problem may beattributable to the absence of a universally acceptedsystem for classifying rat bladder neoplasia, assess-ing invasion of the underlying connective tissue, aswell as incomplete knowledge regarding the behav-iour of such proliferative lesions. While there is evi-dence that the bladder neoplasia induced by a vari-ety of carcinogens are often preceded by hyperplas-tic lesions that are papillary or nodular in theirgrowth pattern, it is possible that such lesions arenot progressive, or may even be reversible, in somesituations. Unfortunately, reversible or irreversiblehyperplasias cannot be distinguished histologically(59).Observations and CommentsTo evaluate and compare studies undertaken

with the same substance, requires detailed informa-tion concerning the design, conduct, parametersmonitored, how monitoring was performed, and ana-lytical and statistical procedures. Very seldom isthis information provided with appropriate detail injournal articles. Nevertheless, Taylor and Morgen-roth (60) attempted to undertake such an exerciseusing five different studies in which saccharin wasfed to rats. Based on the information available tothem, they concluded that: it was not likely thatthe strain of rat had a role in the increased inci-dence of bladder tumors; the basal diet did not ap-pear to be a factor in the experimental observa-tions; a dose level of 5% sodium saccharin orgreater is needed in addition to in utero exposure toproduce bladder tumors; the amount of o-TS con-tamination was not a factor in the findings of blad-der lesions; and the bladder parasite, Trchosom-oides crassicauda apparently was not involved inthe findings of the various saccharin studies.

Based on the data currently available, Taylor andMorgenworth may be correct in their conclusionthat a dose level of 5% sodium saccharin is requiredto elicit bladder tumors. However, it should bepointed out that until the industrially sponsoredtwo-generation saccharin feeding study, currently inprogress at the International Research and Devel-opment Corporation, Mattawan, Michigan, was initi-ated (16), dose levels between 1 and 5% sodium sac-charin have never been fed to rats during a chronic/carcinogenicity bioassay. For a substance such assaccharin, which only elicits a relatively low inci-dence of bladder lesions when fed at a dietary level


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of 5% and requires a latent period of approximatelytwo years, one might not expect an appreciable inci-dence of bladder lesions attributable to saccharin atdietary levels of 1%, unless the number of test ani-mals in the group exceeds 50 and the survivabilityafter two years on test is excellent. The experimen-tal design of the aforementioned industry-sponsoredstudy does include increasing the number ofanimals in each test group as the doses are lowered(16). Consequently, this study may well provideevidence that saccharin will elicit bladder tumors inmale offspring at dose levels below 5% using thetwo-generation model.

Before proceeding, a few additional commentsconcerning the conclusions of Taylor and Morgen-roth (60) are not impertinent. All three of the two-generation saccharin feeding studies and the twoone-generation feeding studies conducted by Munroet al. (33) and by Homburger (61), all used Sprague-Dawley rats. While the latter two studies were con-sidered to be negative, it has been suggested it maybe "more prudent to conclude that these studieswere not conducted adequately than that they werenegative" (11). In retrospect, based primarily on thefirst-generation findings of the two-generation HPBstudy, and the observation of Fukushima and Cohen(62), there appears to be some evidence to suggestthat the one-generation studies were either not sen-sitive enough to detect the carcinogenic potential ofsaccharin, in part attributable to the age of the ani-mal when the study was initiated, or the proceduresused to evaluate the pathological changes of thebladder and urinary tract elicited by saccharin werenot appropriate. A countering argument is that thestatistically significant (p > 0.03) increased incidenceof bladder tumors seen in the first generation of thetwo-generation HPB study (4) may have been due torandom chance. However, the mean latent periodfor saccharin to elicit bladder tumors in the rat isapproximately 90 to 100 weeks (4, 7, 8, 63), sug-gesting that the improved survivability of the testanimals in the two-generation HPB study (4) en-hanced the possibility of observing tumors in thesaccharin treated rats. For additional comments andanalysis, the reader is referred to the literature (10,11, 35).One point which has not been adequately ad-

dressed concerns whether the incidence of bladdertumors in the two-generation saccharin studies mayhave a genetic component as well as a test chemicalcomponent. Specifically, in the WARF (6) and HPB(4) studies, the Fo animals were mated on a one-to-one basis, while in the FDA (7, 8) study, one malewas mated with two females. Grice et al. (53) havefound that the inter-litter variation for styrene, sac-charin and amaranth exposure was statistically sig-

nificant whereas the inter-litter differences re-garding transplacental exposure were more homo-geneous. Based on a limited data base, Grice et al.suggested that as a result of inter-litter differencesin both transplacental exposure and/or exposureduring lactation as well as genealogical considera-tions, the litter rather than the individual pup maybe the more appropriate unit for purposes of statis-tical analysis.

Concluding RemarksAny review of the toxicological data concerning

saccharin would convince any skeptic that saccharinis one of the most thoroughly tested food additivesever consumed. However, as the adage goes, themore one knows the more one realizes how muchone does not know. One of the biggest questionsthat still confronts the scientific and regulatorycommunities regarding saccharin is the precisemechanism by which saccharin elicits bladder tu-mors in laboratory rats. While the scientific commu-nity has dubbed saccharin an epigenetic (64) or sec-ondary carcinogen (65), the North American regula-tory agencies currently do not distinguish betweenelectrophilic carcinogens and those which elicit tu-mors by any other mechanism. However, as pointedout by Truhaut (65), it should be possible to estab-lish a threshold or no-effect level for chemicals thatproduce tumors by mechanisms other than electro-philic interaction with cellular macromolecules.The strongest evidence that saccharin is a carcin-

ogen involves the two-generation bioassay model,regarding which there is limited experience andwhich raises many questions to which answers pres-ently do not exist (13, 34, 53). While some may viewthe two-generation bioassay as a more sensitive an-alytical tool for toxicological testing and/or a verypractical toxicological testing model, particularly re-garding saccharin, our experience with hexachloro-benzene in the two-generation bioassay (Arnold etal., unpublished data) does not suggest that it ismore sensitive per se, particularly regarding can-cer. However, studies presently underway in theUnited States regarding the testing of a number offood colors using the two-generation bioassay, willprovide a better insight into this question.The role which impurities may play in the toxico-

logical effects observed as a result of exposure tosaccharin, cannot be completely dismissed. How-ever, there is no compelling evidence that the levelsof impurities normally found in commercial saccha-rin (66) contribute to the observed carcinogenicity ofsaccharin. The fact that several batches of Remsen-Fahlberg-produced saccharin were used in the two-generation WARF (6) and FDA (7, 8) studies, while


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Maumee-produced saccharin was used in the HPBstudy (4), would support such a conclusion. If an im-purity were responsible for the carcinogenic effectof saccharin, it would have to be an extremely po-tent bladder carcinogen.

Saccharin is not metabolized to any significant ex-tent (67- 71), if at all (72- 76); it is nucleophilic (64) anddoes not bind to rat liver or bladder DNA (77), but itdoes suppress primary humoral antibody produc-tion in the rat (78). At dosages of 5% and above,several pharmacokinetic changes are also induced inthe rat (79). Saccharin, therefore, probably does notact as a typical chemical carcinogen according to thetheory that most, if not all, ultimate carcinogens arestrong electrophilic agents. (80). Consequently, wehad initially proposed that it was possible that sac-charin administered at the dietary level used in thetwo-generation studies may have elicited bladdertumors by some type of physical mechanism. Whilethere was some initial support for this suggestion(4), subsequent studies in our laboratory were notsupportive of such a hypothesis (16). Several of thesubsequent authors will discuss evidence for otherpossible mechanisms by which saccharin may giverise to tumors.

The author thanks Mr. A. Peterkin for his assistance in pre-paring the manuscript, and Mrs. T. Kelly for her typing assis-tance.


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