Two Extremes Meet - Chronicling America · Two Extremes Meet In ourGreatSemi-Annual Suit and...

Two Extremes Meet In our Great Semi-Annual Suit and Overcoat Sale, The extremes of highest quality and lowest prices. Myfc&aa I It is a sale that necessarily battles all efforts at com- '.'<^gr petition. Every article offered is strictly high grade HMkmR ' 1 T —there is nothing shoddy or unreliable in the sale. J No other store in this county can afford such low | Ha ||i raß prices, because there are none so large as this —none i 19 H ! j r|| that sells half as much merchandise for men and ONE LOT of about 20 pr. Burt & Packard Crt $B.OO Shoes, form fitting, korrect shape, «P while they last they are yours for only ABOUT 400 pr. men’s odd trousers left from suits, coats and vests sold. 1 / in Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds, light and dark shades, marked 1. / down to half—one-half regular price—soc on the $l.OO. You can / use one or more of these, surely. md CHOICE of HUNDREDS Cl 0.85 $lB.OO, $16.50, $15.00 and $13.50 J. VF MEN’S FINE SUITS ANL) OVERCOATS —unheard of values at the nominal price. d*7.50 FOR fl LARGE LOTOF SII, SIO AND $9 fl Suits and Overcoats, marked down to close at once for $7.50. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BETHEL’S. J, IL ft»g«dale. T. V. KagAilalf. W. A. Kh|£h<lul«- i J. M. RAGSDALE & SONS, ! CANON CITY, COLO., | Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Collections | We haVe the largest and best line of city and country property for sale of any office in Fremont county. jf Several pieces to exchange. X If you wish to rent a house, let us show you ours. <b Interests of non-residents carefully looked after. sj ' I We can sell you property ou very easy terms. X | | REFERENCES: X Fremont County Hank. I Towner County Hank, X Cafion Citv, < olorado. | Cando. North Dakota. $ First National Hank, First National Hank, * Cafion City. Colorado. | Newton, Kansas. X The boys of the 0. 0. 0. of the South Canon schools gave their first program since the holidays Friday afternoon. Ellis & Ilood have a fine line of heating stoves and cooking ranges in stock. Prices right. 40 Professor Kirkendall has moved from his former home on Rudd ave- nue to the corner of Eighth and Harrison. Money to loan on real estate at 8 per cent, jy Woodford & Dawson. The South Canon 0. M. P. club initiated fire new members Friday night. They now have twenty-five members. Pies and cakes of a superior qual- ity at the Home Bakery, 710 East Main street. News has been received that John Wright and ;iarry Chamberlain, two (’anon bojs. are seriously ill with pneumonia in Cripple Creek. Good goods are always the cheap- est; Thomas handles the highest grade wheels manufactured —all 1899 models —and he sells them on easy payments. 13tf Bicycles on the installment plan on almost any terms at Thomas’ Bicycle ■tor*. 13tf Professor Woods was in Florence Saturday. Will Murry spent Tuesday, the 16th in Parkdale. Isaac Canfield, of Florence, was in Cafion Saturday. Albert Phillips, of Coaldale, was in Cafion Saturday. Money to loan at 8 per cent, on real estate. 40tf A. L. Jeffrey. Professor Woods and family left Sunday for Boulder. James Hodges came down from Cripple Creek Friday. Fred Kellog left for Wet Mountain ▼alley Saturday morning. B. G. Woodford, Notory Public, with Woodford & Dawson, 409 Main street. Record office. Brain worker* cannot, do without Pmi fnk biiH Paper and the wisest of Uhhb Mloct threw materials from our Stationery feMSOMtIMy have learned by expert ' |hat quality and price are both My figure# will prove how mod- mn/Mty priced are the necessities for mm tag home. WHIPPLE'S BOOK STORE I Ellis & Hood make a specialty of fine plumbing 40 L. H. Bancroft and family spent Saturday in Florence. Mrs. Thomas Watson, of Pueblo, is visiting friends in town. Gilbert Campbell has bought out T. B. Coulter’s interest in the Camp- bell Lumber Company. tf N. W. Milligan went to Denver Thursday and returned Friday. Lee and Charlie Sweitzer came down from Garden Park Thursday. Mrs. C. Sweitzer and Miss E. Gar- wood spent Friday with friends in Florence. R. B. Thompson shows Alfred Peats Wall Paper samples and several of the other largest lines in the country. ,14 So sth St. Frank Stewart of Colorado Springs was in Canon last v eek on business. Prof. G. W. Oles of this city gave a concert at Rocky Ford the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Curtis, of Beaver Creek, were in town over Friday and Saturday. Thomas Macon sold three lots on River street Friday, through the agency of D. R. Jones. W. A. Watson is attending the Cattlemen’s Association in Dallas, Texas, this week. Augustus Acklebein, who has been confined to his room for four weeks is again able to be about. Ladies need not order their samples of wall paper from Alfred Peats of Chicago, as R. B. Thompson has his complete line of samples at 14 So., sth St. Austin Blake, of Leadville, came down Saturday to visit his family here, returning Monday. Miss Kate Raynolds of Las Vegas, New Mexico, has been a guest in the home of her uncle, Mr. P. A. Rey- nolds, for several days. Claude Rogers, Sherman Osborne, Charlie Thornton and Carrol Logan, who drove down from Cripple Creek last Saturday, returned Tuesday. Dave Ensley came down from Salida Friday with a broken arm, which was broken while working in a machine shop at that place. The special revival meeting for the children at the Cumberland church Saturday afternoon was well attend- ed and much interest shown. Mr. Ahart of Lincoln Park has pur- chased a lot on River street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, and is pre- paring to erect a 4-room frame. Dr. Peare has opened an office in the postoffice building. Practice limited to medical and surgical treat- ment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses carefully fitted. ltf The poverty Bocial held at the Misses Yard Friday night was a de- -1 cided success. Refreshments were served and everybody enjoyed a fine time. B. G. Woodford and I. F. Dawson are erecting two neat 5-room houses on College avenue, between Eighth and Ninth street. L. D. Jordan has the contracts. L. S. Perry was in Saturday from Upper Beaver Creek. He says that section is experiencing one of the finest winters he has ever known and the cattle are wintering fine. The team belonging to 0. Sheffield while unloading hay at the back of Ballinger and Dickenson’s grocery store Thursday was frightened and ran away and demolished the wagon. We have money to loan at 8 per cent per annum and can furnish it in large or small amounts. J. M. Rags- dale 4 Sons. 46tf Mrs. Fred Shulz of Lincoln Park gathered some beautiful flowers last week from an open bed. But few cities of this altitude can enjoy such pastime in January. Canon City is, indeed, the city of sunshine and Sowers. The Social Economic department of The Women’s club will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Cool- baugh, 604 Rudd avenue, Saturday, January 27th, at 2:30 p. m. Every one interested in department is cor- dially invited. Wm. Funderberg, county assessor of Custer county, has been in Canon several days on a visit. Mr. Funder- berg resides in the Wetmore district. He says that they are having an ele- gant winter and that wild flowers are blooming on their prairies. Gunthers —best of all candies. Put up in dainty packages. Hunter Pal- mer. D. L. B. Ward, who about two years ago was associated with Dr. Dawson in the practice of medicine, has returned to Canon and will make this his home. He has taken a house at 921 East Main Street, whero he will have his office for the present. Master Ralph Scofield entertained about thirty of his little friends Sat- urday afternoon in the celebration of his eighth birthday. The little folks searched for hidden peanuts, listened to stories and played games, after which they partook of carefully prepared fruits and sweetmeats. Our bicycles are the best on the market and we are selling at the low- est prices and on the easiest terms. 13tf F. E Thomas. New Things at Foltz’s. “Via Crucis.” ordered about twice as many Via Crucis a Romance V ear - Don t fail to see of the Second Crusade, by 1 iem> F. Marion Crawford, is Bracelets at Cost I meeting with a marvelous $3. 50 ones $200; $ sale. In Boston, C hicago ones $1.50. and everywhere in the east ... , , , it is quoted as one of the We have just a dozen gold six best selling books. Al- p terl '"g silver chain though it has been out but bracelets ll}at we shall s fll a short time, it is "hob-nob- at cost ' *l ey are a lL, t l' e bing” in such company as raKe ; ,Y ou bo™’ , 1 hey David Harum,Richard Car- ar V U ly warranted by the vel and Janice Meredith. It akcl : s and by us. See is very handsomely bound them in our window. Gold and beautifully illustrated, bracelets, heavily plated, See our "window-ful" of warranted for 20 years, them $3-50, now $2.00. Sterling Chalmondeley.a d In Con- ~, , nection With The IJe Wil- We are closing out aline ioughly Claim," by Francis ancy bat pins also. Hodgson Burnett, are books Stones 15c; 75c ones 40c. with a future. We have Special-—7sc and $l.OO. them. Have you seen our new Ragged Lady, by W. D. lot of framed prints? We Howells, just received. wanted to surprise you, so Valentines) we bad some choice little valentines! pnnts artistical , framed You remember our dis- and are selling them at 75c play last year. Many told and $l.OO each. Think of us it was the finest lot of it! You couldn’t get them Valentines that had found framed tor that. They will their way to town. We sold go in a jiffy. See our win- evkry one of them. We dow display. Opp. Paitoffloe. City Book Store, 1 WHITE, LIGHT AND WHOLESOME BREAD. that delights the housewife when her bukiug is done, is made from the high grade, pure and nutrious Crown Pat- ent brand of flour made from the finest wheat. Bread from Crown Patent flour is of rich and tempting flavor, and contains more nutriment to the pound than any other on the market. Ask your grocer for Crown Patent flour and take no other. Mr. W. A. Gray from Pueblo and Rev. Pressly Thompson and Mr. Z. H. McClanahan of Colorado Springs were in Canon last week. They organized the United Presbyterian congregation in the afternoon. Miss Lucile Harrison celebrated her 16th birthday at her home on Orchard avenue and Main street Fri- day evening. About seventeen guests enjoyed the social games of the even- ing and also the refreshments, con- sisting of fruits and candies. We can sell you the Record one year and The Denver Times Almanac —5OO pages, both for $2.00. The Burrage building is being fast put into tenantable shape. Messrs. Beecher and Peabody, who expect to occupy the two store build- ings, one as a book and stationery store, the other as a high-class drug store, expect to be able to move in very soon. Gold at a Premium. We will give a premium of ten per cent for gold pieces when paid on subscription. Any denomination taken and premium allowed, but no premium on change returned. The Record. The program committee of the Women’s Federated Clubs, which will , hold its next State meet in Canon City, consists of Mrs. James H. Rob- erts, of Boulder, Chairman; Miss Catharine Wise, Mrs. J. D. Whitmore, Mrs. W. H. Kiatler, of 1 >enver, and Mrs. T. M. Harding, of Canon City. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. KOHLMAN A KLEEMAN. The firm of Kohlman & Kieeman is i this day dissolved. I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by any one for the firm. L. X. KOHLMAN. Dec. 30, 1899. 2t4 Dressmaking neatly done at 314 N. Seventh street. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. * Mils. S. E. Hopkins. A FEW BARGAINS IN Fruit Lands 1—Sucres set to bearing fruit, four- room house, outbuildings, under old ditch, a bargain, 81800. 25 acres alfalfa land, good stand of alfalfa, under old dljtch Cheap at 8750. 3 acres in bearing fruit, straw- berries and raspberries, well lo- cated, good water right, 83150. 4 ft acres, part set to fruit, under old ditch, on Lincoln Park. *sl4oo. 5 acres close in, part set to fruit, trees 5 vears old, part in alfalfa, 1250. B—Bo acres two miles from Carlsbad, X. M., 20 acres in alfalfa. Will trade for Canon City property or fruit ranch. I— acres, well improved, nine- room house, large barn, a first class place. Will trade for Caflon City property. Value 85500. 8— acres on Lincoln Park, set to fruit, t'wo room frame house, 8750. 94 acres, four room frame house. good barn, trees eight years old, 82:wo 10 3 acres, three-room frame house, cellar, cistern, all iti bearing fruit, grapes, strawberries and apples, close in, 82200. ll 1 acre in bearing fruit., apples, cherries ami strawberries, good location, 8850. CHOICE CITY PROPERTY. 101 A tine eight room two story brick house, bath, eellar, two lots, an ex celleut location, a good home, 87000 easy terms. 102— A six-rooin frame and brick house, corner lot 48x120, close in, 81800. 103 A six-room brick dwelling, two lots, close in, 82500, half cash, bal- ance easy terms. 104— frame, cellar, good out- buildings, close in, 81500. 105—5-room brick dwelling, cellar, stable, good location, $lBOO 168—A four-room pressed brick, a nice little home, only 8850. 107—A four-room frame house, lot set to fruit, 8850. 108— A new four-room pressed brick, good cellar, three blocks from busi- ness center, 81250. 109— lots, two small frame houses, good location, a snap at 81250. 110— lots in South Caflon, cheap at 8450. lII A44 foot lot on comer close In, a flue location 8350. 112—A choice resident lot on Green wood, 8850. Woodford & Dawson, Rword OfTloa GRAND REMOVAL SALE .A.T T:£3DE3 GOLDEN RULE STAND The building which we occupy has been sold and the buyer has notified us to vacate by February ist. As there is not a building to be had that will hold our present stock we will have to reduce it to less than half. In order to reduce our stock we will, for the next fifteen days, cut prices all to pieces regardless of cost. Take advantrge of this opportunity to lay in a supply. You will make money, as money saved is money made. On February i, 1900, we will move to the next door west from our present location, No. 411 Main street, store room now occupied by Milligan's Grocery Store. ARMSTRONG BROS., COLUEN RULE STAND, 413-415 Main St. ----- Canon City, Colo. =PRICES= Cut little ice this season of the year. We have a lot of the finest furniture ever brought to Cafion which we will sell to you at your own price. H. D. AVERY. OUR GREAT FURNITURE SALE IS STILL ON. lj Our closing out sale is bona fide—goods at actual cost. VVe want to quit the fur- niture business and devote our time and money exclusively to Undertaking, which is taking more and more of our time. Our goods are going fast, but we still have an im- mense stock on hand. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy the best of goods at prices never before offered, and probably never will be again. Come and see us and be con- vinced that we mean just what we say. WILSON &, LEWIS, Next door to Posoffice. Successors to Allee, Lewis & Co. Y. M. C. A. Notea. Negotiation* are in progress for a match game of basket-ball between Colorado College and Canon City. Canon City at the present time holds the state championship. oo o An audience of over seventy-live were present to hear Rev. Wilson Sunday afternoon. This was the largest attendance we have had for months. The address, “Jesus or Uarabbas,” was intensely evangelistic and made a strong impression on those who heard it. Special music was given by Miss Roberts and the Junior Quartett. o oo The attention of the members of the association is directed to the series of special meetings being held at the Cumberland Presbyterian church by Rev. Wilson, and urgent invitation is extended to the young men to be present. o oo A series of addresses to young men by Dr. Harl of the First Baptist church, is to be a feature of the Sun- day meeting in the near future. Card of Thanks. We wish to tender our thanks to the Volunteer Fire company for the careful and effectual manner in which they handled our late “blaze.” L. W. Felteb, J. W. Buhakd. WANTED. * Reliable mao for Manager of branch Office 1 wiah to open in thie vicinity. Good opening for an ener- getic aober man. kindly mention tliia paper when writing. A. T. Mokkih, Cincinnati, 0. I a ted catalogue 4 eta. pontage. ltd Rev. Arthur Willett, who ha* been in charge of the Baptiat congrega- tion at Florence, haa bean compelled to give up the active work on ac- count of hia health. He will take an extended reat, apending aome time at Colorado Spring*. Mr. Willett haa been very popular in Florence and haa dona much for hia ohurch at that plaoa. woman's Mt SMnfs MprrUnl nnihcr ihum put Is usuallyao full of auflrrii** and danger that »Hr looks forward lo »hr critical hour wilh *pprr benaioTi and dread MOTHI** H*»* ran. hyl a fwiftratinx and awrfhlnir proprrtlca. allay* n*wav* ner*ouanr%a and alt unrl?a-*nt frrlin*«. arvl *•• t-rrpanM 'Hr »y«trra that ahr p*a rm through Iha rvml anfelv with hut lint* auffprinx numttera have testified and aaUl. "it la worth U* atight in jgnld" It ia aol.l t»y all drtiK sms Mothers friend partv. Atlanta. HrorgU. " "" m m >♦* m, w w \ r. A. RAYNOLDS President. C W. R.ICKAFH LOW, Cashier. . ' RO T. d. RUDOLPH Assistant Cashier. I I KRTARLIRMIP 1874. ( FREMONT COUNTY RANK || CANON CITY, COLO. I The oldest Bank In thle leotlon. I Interest allowed on time depoalta. Steel Sefety deposit boxes to rent by themonth or yser. %%e i The Rational Bank j CA3OH (’ITT, COLORADO. 0 P CAPITAL, - $50,000. £ J PBOMPT! POPT7LARI PKOOEESSIVEI J a Hanking in ail its branches. # f Safety deposit boxes free of charge. J d CLELLAND BLOCK. No. 40s HAIN STREET. * k J. H. PKAI'ODT. I’riMd.nt. It. C. CRATKS, Ca.kli-r. A , LYMAN KO It I SOM. Tire Pmldrul. J. K. UAMBROUIK, Aui.t Cashier I \ C. R. C. Dye, Manager Canon City Office... * i Jno. W. Proudfit & Company ] j chJl™ Bankers and Brokers, ! Danvsr, 9-10-1 a-ia tfagerman Bldg., < Colorado Spring,, Colo ! Exchange*. Private wires connect all offices. A pprorod rain- ( 1 * Ing stocks will be purchased and sold for our clients < > 1 on commission. Dally market reports will be fur- < » f nished by our manager on application. The best in- > $ tereats of our clients will be our first consideration. 1 1 J DKANrif OPririCAl Offliu rf C. R. C. DYE, 2 I Mot.l. ( rlp.l. <’r«.k Colo 1* Muatk Pink Him**, t SSie 17th Mtnat, ((surer, tola, 1 j so. vi.t.r Aw , view/cu. CANOS CITI, COLO ,

Transcript of Two Extremes Meet - Chronicling America · Two Extremes Meet In ourGreatSemi-Annual Suit and...

  • Two Extremes MeetIn our Great Semi-AnnualSuit and Overcoat Sale,

    The extremes of highest quality and lowest prices. Myfc&aa. I

    It is a sale that necessarily battles all efforts at com- '.'F. Marion Crawford, is Bracelets at Cost Imeeting with a marvelous $3. 50 ones $200; $sale. In Boston, C hicago ones $1.50.and everywhere in the east ... , . , ,it is quoted as one of the We have just a dozen goldsix best selling books. Al- p terl'"g silver chainthough it has been out but bracelets ll}at we shall sflla short time, it is "hob-nob- at cost ' *l ey are alL,t l'ebing” in such company as raKe ; ,You bo™’ , 1 heyDavid Harum,Richard Car- arVU ly warranted by thevel and Janice Meredith. It ™ akcl: s and by us. Seeis very handsomely bound them in our window. Goldand beautifully illustrated, bracelets, heavily plated,See our "window-ful" of warranted for 20 years,them $3-50, now $2.00. Sterling

    Chalmondeley.a d In Con- ~, , .nection With The IJe Wil- We are closing out alineioughly Claim," by Francis ‘ ancy bat pins also.Hodgson Burnett, are books Stones 15c; 75c ones 40c.with a future. We have Special-—7sc and $l.OO.them. Have you seen our new

    Ragged Lady, by W. D. lot of framed prints? WeHowells, just received. wanted to surprise you, soValentines) we bad some choice littlevalentines! pnnts artistical , framedYou remember our dis- and are selling them at 75cplay last year. Many told and $l.OO each. Think of

    us it was the finest lot of it! You couldn’t get themValentines that had found framed tor that. They willtheir way to town. We sold go in a jiffy. See our win-evkry one of them. We dow display.

    Opp. Paitoffloe. City Book Store, 1


    that delights the housewife when herbukiug is done, is made from the highgrade, pure and nutrious Crown Pat-ent brand of flour made from the finestwheat. Bread from Crown Patentflour is of rich and tempting flavor,and contains more nutriment to thepound than any other on the market.Ask your grocer for Crown Patentflour and take no other.

    Mr. W. A. Gray from Pueblo andRev. Pressly Thompson and Mr. Z. H.McClanahan of Colorado Springs werein Canon last week. They organizedthe United Presbyterian congregationin the afternoon.

    Miss Lucile Harrison celebratedher 16th birthday at her home onOrchard avenue and Main street Fri-day evening. About seventeen guestsenjoyed the social games of the even-ing and also the refreshments, con-sisting of fruits and candies.

    We can sell you the Record oneyear and The Denver Times Almanac—5OO pages, both for $2.00.

    The Burrage building is beingfast put into tenantable shape.Messrs. Beecher and Peabody, whoexpect to occupy the two store build-ings, one as a book and stationerystore, the other as a high-class drugstore, expect to be able to move invery soon.

    Gold at a Premium.We will give a premium of ten per

    cent for gold pieces when paid onsubscription. Any denominationtaken and premium allowed, but nopremium on change returned.

    The Record.

    The program committee of theWomen’s Federated Clubs, which will

    , hold its next State meet in CanonCity, consists of Mrs. James H. Rob-erts, of Boulder, Chairman; MissCatharine Wise, Mrs. J. D. Whitmore,Mrs. W. H. Kiatler, of 1>enver, andMrs. T. M. Harding, of Canon City.


    The firm of Kohlman & Kieeman isi this day dissolved. I will not be re-

    sponsible for any debts contracted byany one for the firm.

    L. X. KOHLMAN.Dec. 30, 1899. 2t4

    Dressmaking neatly done at 314N. Seventh street. Prices reasonable.Satisfaction guaranteed.

    * Mils. S. E. Hopkins.



    1—Sucres set to bearing fruit, four-room house, outbuildings, underold ditch, a bargain, 81800.

    25 acres alfalfa land, good stand ofalfalfa, under old dljtch Cheap at8750.

    3 acres in bearing fruit, straw-berries and raspberries, well lo-cated, good water right, 83150.

    4ft acres, part set to fruit, under oldditch, on Lincoln Park. *sl4oo.

    5 acres close in, part set to fruit,trees 5 vears old, part in alfalfa,• 1250.

    B—Bo acres two miles from Carlsbad,X. M., 20 acres in alfalfa. Willtrade for Canon City property orfruit ranch.

    I— acres, well improved, nine-room house, large barn, a first classplace. Will trade for Caflon Cityproperty. Value 85500.

    8— acres on Lincoln Park, set tofruit, t'wo room frame house, 8750.

    94 acres, four room frame house.good barn, trees eight years old,82:wo

    10— 3 acres, three-room frame house,cellar, cistern, all iti bearing fruit,grapes, strawberries and apples,close in, 82200.

    ll 1 acre in bearing fruit., apples,cherries ami strawberries, goodlocation, 8850.


    101— A tine eight room two story brickhouse, bath, eellar, two lots, an excelleut location, a good home, 87000easy terms.

    102— A six-rooin frame and brickhouse, corner lot 48x120, close in,81800.

    103— A six-room brick dwelling, twolots, close in, 82500, half cash, bal-ance easy terms.

    104— frame, cellar, good out-buildings, close in, 81500.

    105—5-room brick dwelling, cellar,stable, good location, $lBOO

    168—A four-room pressed brick, a nicelittle home, only 8850.107—A four-room frame house, lot set

    to fruit, 8850.108—A new four-room pressed brick,

    good cellar, three blocks from busi-ness center, 81250.

    109— lots, two small frame houses,good location, a snap at 81250.

    110— lots in South Caflon, cheap at8450.

    lII A44 foot lot on comer close In, aflue location 8350.

    112—A choice resident lot on Greenwood, 8850.

    Woodford & Dawson,Rword OfTloa


    GOLDEN RULE STANDThe building which we occupy has been sold and the buyer has notified usto vacate by February ist.As there is not a building to be had that will hold our present stock wewill have to reduce it to less than half.In order to reduce our stock we will, for the next fifteen days, cut prices allto pieces regardless of cost.Take advantrge of this opportunity to lay in a supply. You will makemoney, as money saved is money made.On February i, 1900, we will move to the next door west from our presentlocation, No. 411 Main street, store room now occupied by Milligan'sGrocery Store.


    413-415 Main St. ----- Canon City, Colo.

    =PRICES=Cut little ice this season of the year.We have a lot of the finest furnitureever brought to Cafion which we willsell to you at your own price.



    lj Our closing out sale is bona fide—goods at actual cost. VVe want to quit the fur-niture business and devote our time and money exclusively to Undertaking, which istaking more and more of our time. Our goods are going fast, but we still have an im-mense stock on hand. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy the best of goods at pricesnever before offered, and probably never will be again. Come and see us and be con-vinced that we mean just what we say.

    WILSON &, LEWIS,Next door to Posoffice. Successors to Allee, Lewis & Co.

    Y. M. C. A. Notea.Negotiation* are in progress for a

    match game of basket-ball betweenColorado College and Canon City.Canon City at the present time holdsthe state championship.

    o o oAn audience of over seventy-live

    were present to hear Rev. WilsonSunday afternoon. This was thelargest attendance we have had formonths. The address, “Jesus orUarabbas,” was intensely evangelisticand made a strong impression onthose who heard it. Special musicwas given by Miss Roberts and theJunior Quartett.

    o o oThe attention of the members of

    the association is directed to theseries of special meetings being heldat the Cumberland Presbyterianchurch by Rev. Wilson, and urgentinvitation is extended to the youngmen to be present.

    o o oA series of addresses to young

    men by Dr. Harl of the First Baptistchurch, is to be a feature of the Sun-day meeting in the near future.

    Card of Thanks.

    We wish to tender our thanks tothe Volunteer Fire company for thecareful and effectual manner in whichthey handled our late “blaze.”

    L. W. Felteb,J. W. Buhakd.


    Reliable mao for Manager ofbranch Office 1 wiah to open in thievicinity. Good opening for an ener-getic aober man. kindly mentiontliia paper when writing.

    A. T. Mokkih, Cincinnati, 0.I HdU.trated catalogue 4 eta. pontage.


    Rev. Arthur Willett, who ha* beenin charge of the Baptiat congrega-tion at Florence, haa bean compelledto give up the active work on ac-count of hia health. He will take anextended reat, apending aome time atColorado Spring*. Mr. Willett haabeen very popular in Florence andhaa dona much for hia ohurch at thatplaoa.

    woman's Mt SMnfsMprrUnl nnihcr ihum put

    Is usuallyao full ofauflrrii** and danger that »Hr looks forward lo »hr critical hourwilh *pprrbenaioTi and dread MOTHI** H*»* ran. hyl a fwiftratinx and awrfhlnir proprrtlca. allay* n*wav*ner*ouanr%a and alt unrl?a-*nt frrlin*«.arvl *•• t-rrpanM 'Hr »y«trra that ahr p*a rm through Iharvml anfelv with hut lint* auffprinx a» numttera have testified and aaUl. "it la worth U* atightin jgnld" It ia aol.l t»y all drtiKsms Mothers friendpartv. Atlanta. HrorgU. " " "

    m ■ m >♦* m, w w \r. A. RAYNOLDS President. C W. R.ICKAFH LOW, Cashier. . 'RO T. d. RUDOLPH Assistant Cashier. I IKRTARLIRMIP 1874. (


    The oldest Bank In thle leotlon. IInterest allowed on time depoalta. Steel Sefetydeposit boxes to rent by themonth or yser.


    i The Rational Bank j€ CA3OH (’ITT, COLORADO. 0

    P CAPITAL, - $50,000. £J PBOMPT! POPT7LARI PKOOEESSIVEI Ja Hanking in ail its branches. #f Safety deposit boxes free of charge. Jd CLELLAND BLOCK. No. 40s HAIN STREET. *k J. H. PKAI'ODT. I’riMd.nt. It. C. CRATKS, Ca.kli-r. A, LYMAN KO It I SOM. Tire Pmldrul. J. K. UAMBROUIK, Aui.t Cashier I

    \ C. R. C. Dye, Manager Canon City Office... *

    i Jno. W. Proudfit & Company ]j chJl™ Bankers and Brokers,

    ! Danvsr, 9-10-1 a-ia tfagerman Bldg., <

    Colorado Spring,, Colo !Exchange*. Private wires connect all offices. A pprorod rain- ( 1

    * Ing stocks will be purchased and sold for our clients < >1 on commission. Dally market reports will be fur- < »f nished by our manager on application. The best in- • >$ tereats of our clients will be our first consideration. 1 1J DKANrif OPririCAl Offliu rf C. R. C. DYE, 2I Mot.l. ( rlp.l.