Twitter [tv] Channels

Twitter [tv] Channels Tune In To Your World [ ]


My vision of the future of Twitter and engaged TV…

Transcript of Twitter [tv] Channels

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Twitter [tv] Channels Tune In To Your World

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All the press about Twitter going public and its TV & profit strategy got me thinking…

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As a lover of both TV and Twitter-- what do I want to see on my 2nd screen while watching my 1st?

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Simple… I want a [tv] “channel” feed of the people related to the show (a curated list, if you will): Stars Guest Stars Directors Showrunners Producers

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Let’s take Scandal- They have a big cast and I don’t necessarily want to follow them all, all the time. But come show night YES- give me that whole crazy bunch of Gladiators!

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The [Scandal] Channel stream would look like this:

(Stream could also incorporate those we follow who are tuned in to same channel so we can see what our friends are tweeting about the show too.)

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Not everyone is an experienced Twitter user so putting together Channels makes it easier to tune in to what they want to follow…

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Favorite Shows


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Folks don’t need to know how to compile a list or worry about who to follow--they simply access TV Partner list and join right in. Not to mention, it refreshes the concept of must-see-TV because we’re watching LIVE together!

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And Twitter can work with show execs and advertising teams to create targeted tweets that are fun, playful and profitable. Creating what brands want: story tie-ins and instant buying opportunities for an engaged audience!  

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This will build audience for Twitter, shows and their talent, all while expanding profit potential in minimally invasive way. WIN-WIN-WIN!

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And… if breaking-news events or other emergency occurs official Channels can be set up integrating verified timelines.

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This is my vision of the future of Twitter and engaged TV…I would love to help make it happen and can be found @JoyMeredith.