
Twitter I followed Shannon Smith. Shannon is a principal of Glen Cairn Public Schools. I wanted to follow her because as a principal, you would think that she would have an understanding of how the school system works and how to manage not only her staff, but the children themselves. I’m not saying that a teacher wouldn’t have that understanding, because they probably do, I was just saying she isn’t always just in a classroom all day, but out in the school, in meetings, at the board office doing whatever she can to help improve the school. After following Shannon, I do have to say that I enjoy her tweets. It seems as though all the things she tweets about have to do with education of some aspect and children. Some of her most recent tweets are a link to educational websites that her followers can go to and gain more knowledge. She doesn’t post things just to post. Shannon wants to help her followers and help them become better educators. Who doesn’t want to constantly improve with their job? I know personally that when I become an educator I will constantly want to improve and be the best that I can be. I know I will never be the perfect teacher, but I can be close by always trying to find new ways to improve. I also saw on her twitter that she answers questions that other educators post. She provides helpful comments that I’m sure the ones asking will try out to see if their situations improve. I followed Jerry Blumengarten. Jerry is an educator and speaker/consultant. His purpose is to try to get more technology into the schools. Jerry is all about trying to incorporate as much technology as he can into the school systems. He tweets about voice. This is about how school systems do not always allow the teacher and even the students to speak up about issues going on in the school. One of the most important things people miss out on is allowing the students to give their opinions about topics. They are the ones that are getting the education, so why not try and make things interesting for them? In his tweets, Jerry also talks about how connected teenagers are to the World Wide Web. All they seem to do is constantly be on their cell phones and laptops. By always being so into their devices, they do miss out on aspects of life. Technology is not a bad thing. Jerry just thinks that yes technology is good when it’s being put into good educational purposes. I totally have to agree with him. It hasn’t been until recently that I’ve started to notice that people, not even teenagers have electronic devices glued to their hands. They miss out on face to face communication. Tom Altepeter is another educator that I followed. He is a former elementary school principal and now an assistant middle school principal. I just have to start out by saying that Tom is one of my favorite followers. He is constantly posting quotes from scholars and speakers that are not only motivational, but makes a person think. A lot of his tweets are about historical links to articles. I really enjoy this because I

Transcript of Twitter

Page 1: Twitter


I followed Shannon Smith. Shannon is a principal of Glen Cairn Public Schools. I wanted to follow her

because as a principal, you would think that she would have an understanding of how the school system

works and how to manage not only her staff, but the children themselves. I’m not saying that a teacher

wouldn’t have that understanding, because they probably do, I was just saying she isn’t always just in a

classroom all day, but out in the school, in meetings, at the board office doing whatever she can to help

improve the school. After following Shannon, I do have to say that I enjoy her tweets. It seems as though

all the things she tweets about have to do with education of some aspect and children. Some of her

most recent tweets are a link to educational websites that her followers can go to and gain more

knowledge. She doesn’t post things just to post. Shannon wants to help her followers and help them

become better educators. Who doesn’t want to constantly improve with their job? I know personally

that when I become an educator I will constantly want to improve and be the best that I can be. I know I

will never be the perfect teacher, but I can be close by always trying to find new ways to improve. I also

saw on her twitter that she answers questions that other educators post. She provides helpful

comments that I’m sure the ones asking will try out to see if their situations improve.

I followed Jerry Blumengarten. Jerry is an educator and speaker/consultant. His purpose is to try to get

more technology into the schools. Jerry is all about trying to incorporate as much technology as he can

into the school systems. He tweets about voice. This is about how school systems do not always allow

the teacher and even the students to speak up about issues going on in the school. One of the most

important things people miss out on is allowing the students to give their opinions about topics. They

are the ones that are getting the education, so why not try and make things interesting for them? In his

tweets, Jerry also talks about how connected teenagers are to the World Wide Web. All they seem to do

is constantly be on their cell phones and laptops. By always being so into their devices, they do miss out

on aspects of life. Technology is not a bad thing. Jerry just thinks that yes technology is good when it’s

being put into good educational purposes. I totally have to agree with him. It hasn’t been until recently

that I’ve started to notice that people, not even teenagers have electronic devices glued to their hands.

They miss out on face to face communication.

Tom Altepeter is another educator that I followed. He is a former elementary school principal and now

an assistant middle school principal. I just have to start out by saying that Tom is one of my favorite

followers. He is constantly posting quotes from scholars and speakers that are not only motivational, but

makes a person think. A lot of his tweets are about historical links to articles. I really enjoy this because I

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am a history freak and enjoy learning about events that have happened in the past. Yes, being an

administrator isn’t always easy, but Tom seems to keep up a positive attitude and wants his followers to

feel the same way.

Chris Wejr is another educator that I have followed on Twitter. As an elementary school teacher, you

always have to have an upbeat personality no matter what. The children you are teaching are still

growing and you have to be the positive example in their lives. Chris is that educator. His tweets are

positive upbeats for fellow educators and even students who want to be a better teacher. Chris is

constantly replying back to his followers and even retweets quotes and tweets as well that he finds

humorous and enlightening.

I also followed ci 350 class. Harold’s tweets are always enjoyable. He tweets about new ways to improve

the classroom and how to be a better educator. Helpful tips can always be appreciated by teachers no

matter what grade they are teaching. All of Harold’s tweets have to do with technology in some aspect.

There is all this technology around students, so why not have educators pick up on how to incorporate

this into their class rooms? I know that a lot of people are afraid of change. Even though there are

teachers who don’t like change and new and inventive ways to update their classrooms and stay up to

date with their students, I feel should at least try one technology advancement at a time to see how the

students respond and give themselves a chance.