Twitter 20 tips and tricks

20 top tips & tricks Andy Priestner / @PriestLib



Transcript of Twitter 20 tips and tricks

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20 top tips & tricks

Andy Priestner / @PriestLib

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Write a meaningful bio and add a good portrait photo to attractfollowers (ditch the egg)

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If you only broadcast and never

listen, people will

start to notice and

unfollow you

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Manage your Twitter experience (and your other social channels) by maintaining them in one place

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Use the search

facility to locate topics that interest

you and to discover

(and follow) people with

similar objectives

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Use hashtags to group your tweets by content (and search using hashtags too)

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Tweet useful

content – news,

blogposts, websites –

and offer your own

take on their value

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Don’t be tempted to obtain followers by any quick route, this will not aid your Twitter presence

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Tweet regularly

but not too often,

people might think

you are addicted

rather than engaged

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Take part in Follow Friday (#FF) to promote good people to follow and to find new ones

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Set aside time in your schedule to

tweet – make it part of

your routine in order to

keep up the momentum

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Maintain a balance between how many people you follow and how many follow you

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Engage in conversations

and (good-natured)

debate – this is the key to

getting value out of Twitter

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Invest your 140 characters with wit, warmth and character - learn the art of constructing concise but interesting tweets

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Show personality

and humour in your tweets -

no one is going to follow

a Twitter account that could be run

by a robot

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Retweet other peoples tweets and others will retweet yours in return

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Favourite tweets

that you want to

come back to explore when you

have more time

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Tweet at lunchtime and between 4pm and 5pm when Twitter is busiest and they will be seen

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Set up keyword

search alert

channels, so that tweets

matching your

interests are


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Create lists in order to organise your most valuable followers into areas of interest so you don't miss their tweets

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Don’t sit there like a potato!

You get out of Twitter what you put in -

tweet, follow and engage, and you will be rewarded

for your efforts

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