TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS Collteltd «o far 1.969 loM A Regional Newspa|kr Scrrinp Nine Irrijsled Idaho Counties WAR BULLETIN LONDOy, Jan. 23 OLR—Gen. Jktqon UClcrc't F1|htins rreoeh tmpc M t» rt«che<] k point «a l/ M mile* from Ui« MedlUmocM lea. wot of Tripoli. ie« cordlR{ to * eomoitmt4v« rectlTtd M ri{hUn{ FVmch budqtuirtcn tod«r* ’ OL 25. NO. 213 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. MONDAY, JANUARY lOia PRICE 5 CENTS VORONEZH FALLS TO SOVIETS , Wm GMN 8EPHL IIIHSy i!E ilEIDEW' ny JOilN COBLETT D016E. J»n. l i (U-PJ-TJie nic»s. urt to rcpt»> U^t MnlOT tilUrrui' Rranl acl wm reiwUd out of tlie tiouie public aulstancc and public liealUi comn'liwe'.to»lR}’ wWi Uif rtcommendatlon ti paw. ntid II there Is no lillcli In norronl pro- cedure. U will be up tor vote In the chambrr Wcdiiciday. The repealer goes on to the mc- ond reading calendar tomorrow and «'lll come up for pa»age the Iol> iQttlni day. U can. howevet. under lioui* rules, be reUUned on the Uilrd • reading calendar for leveral day*, or. ir ml.->takr4 nre found, may go into thr cotnmlltee of whole lor •mendnient, Appropriallon T i\\\ TJiP bill »a» Introduced lail *celt •Iter the special iB-man eommliiee rtcommcndfd repeal ol the Inltlti- tlve-approved MO a month pension plan. Ptt.\sed under sujpewilon ol rules wa.1 a bill providing Blz-monilu np* proprlallons lor all stale depart- mcnti. The approprlailon.'! bllHntnxluced Saturday was «Uhdcaw tor n minor correcUon, but a new one « « in- troduced ahoftly tiftcr. The «en#t« can be expected to tlie bill under rules euspen- slori lotnorrov, Dm> InUeduoed Tfto bllLi were intfoduccfl In Ihc lower chamber. One would .allow countlM to convey property to the federal goveniment for'the p«rpo.'e of flood control, and thr other re- lated to Investmcnla for the endow- ment fund. The senate pasicd on to another day con.’dderstlon of a tilll which would prohibit leRl.nlnlon from hold- ing othff state o(£Sce. on s\ i- bernatorlal appointment, with minor exceptions, They could be appoint- ed to county and state boartls or commlMlons. The »enat« unanLmoujly passed a bl)) allowing xloclonen to any ' number of nulested Ure- stock;. Sport^en may kill only ono In a season. Hie bOI was sponsored hy the Tdaho Woolcrowers’ n»o« elation, (CMiitiQtd r»i« » Japanese Ship Al)lazc From U. S. Sub’sTorpedo |y| ’j|| Wliat Ha])peiic(llo Hitler Plan IPO IR Wl M iS lG PLANE’S lEI All uii|u{ni.lled Japanri.r tlilp bunt Into Iboic amldihlpi after being dealt a death btov by the IF. 8. n»Ty submarlne^from which this peri»e«pe' pletore wai made. The navy rrporled the Jap ihip may haTo beca tued M a inutpcrt. (OfflcUl V. S. nary photol. BOISE. Jan. 25 1-1 ’,-Membera of tlie civil air patrol have located Uie army ad»T»nced training plane which ho-1 been ml.-ulng olnce Dec. 9 on a flight from Qurlej' to BoLie, Tlie fhlp, ulUi Imtli Its occupants ilead. w-tTt ICptaVeU by C.A.P, RTOund parties on Dcnnetl mountain. 15 mlle.i south of W*le. Ida., after the wreclCBse had been epotted from tJie air. Tlie Oowen field army public relations office l^ere nald the men had not yet been completely Idmtlflfd. An announcement Dec. 10 from , Luk« field, Arlt. where the plane w«.i bafed gave the names of tJie occupants as MaJ. II. W. Sllvera of tlie iiorlhwc-it service command and Plmt UeuU Uny Olo-^gow of Prlne- vllle. Ore. Eldon Carter, group commander of squadron 811-1 of Uie c.A.P, sta- Uontd Bl Bohc. reac^ied tJir wreck- ed plane yesterday at 4;30 p. m. accompanied by Ray Pelerson, Wal- do Tliurber and Lewis Cosho. all members of tiie DoUe C. A. P. The wreckase of the plane had been spotted by C.A.P. flier* more Uian two weeks ago. Carter said. The filers, on skis and snowslioes. hiked to the Kcne of Uio WTeckage ye.'ilerday. bating ihelr way MjQW drttls as deep an 18 feet. Sgt. Jack Sherman of Oowen field acfiompanled the C.AP. seardilnj party to the scene of the accident. The C.AJ>. searching parties t.. Uie pa-st month have l>een contlned Irv the Bobe squadron. Previously ot>ier squadrons. Including the Ta-ln Falls group B4I-«. had assisted In Uie hunt. • Search Underway For Lost Plane With 19 Aboard SANTA ROSA. Calif, Jan. 33 WV- An eneneUc searcli was pressed toda>' for a huge navy transport plane, carrj-ln# ID persoa^. whlclt may have craslied in Uio hilly, wooded country twrU\ of here. On the ship were an admiral and other na»T officers, en route from Honolulu to San Pranclsco. Tlie plane has been mlMlng since Thurs- day. There was one report that tJie •eaplane had been destroyed In a cnuh At Blue lake, about IS miles nortlJ of Clear lake. whlcJj could bo use<l as an emergency port for such aircraft. S. A. Webber Named_ To Buhl Draft Unit BOISR Jan: 2i M>-Oavenior Bot- toU»en today appointed S. A. Wel>« > ber of Bulil as a mem^r of the T«ln RiUi county selective service local board No. 3. succee^g A. J. Amo3 of Buhl, rtslfned. 0,500,000 Men to Be Added to Farm Workers for Fall WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 (U.PJ— Food Admini-ttrnlor Claude R. WickuTtl nntl wur manpower Chief I’nul V. McNuU wnrn- etl today that 3,500,000 per.sons now cnfrufjcd in non-as.scntial activities must be placcd on farm.*! wheii the seasonal peak is reached this summer. ^ The two officials u'nrned during a joint press conference that unlMS^thtv*c,miUipower nced.s arc fillwl aomchow, aRfi- - - culturc in Kciieral faccs a breakdown. They met reporl- era in conneclioii with i.sku- nncc by McNuU of n directive Kiving the npriculturc deiwrt- ment full responsibiiily for handlinjr-farm-labor nood.s. ' McNutt and Wlckatd ;aW Itiit 8.000.000 persons were tnKafifd In forming la December and iliat this figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs are to be mtt this year. Tliey ex- Xol I3ie needed work> iteers In urban areas FLASHES of LIFE GABDEN CAMBBIPOE. Ma.vs.. Jan. 2J— The contemplated vlctoo’ Karden In Joseph Santoro's yard yielded Its fir.1t crop yesterday—a white rowboat nanii'd "Win." Pollcc MilJ four l»>-s canltd the bonl two blocks from the river to deposit It In tJic yard, UETKCTIVE KANSAS CITY, Jan. W-Ultte Jean Arsola. struck by an auto* mobile.’t seriously Injured. Her flnt words: "Don't woro'. Mummlc. I got hU license number. It's onc-nlnc* IDUI-^WO." l,K\I)-tKASK DENVER, Jan. 35-Mni. J. L. Matlicws H\ ld certalnl}-. the affable stranger could use her tclfphonc. He dialed a number and talked several mlmiics. After he'd gone Mrs. MatJiews noticed tlie phone, too. wa.i sone— wires snlpj>ed neatly. NL’I.SANCE WISE RIVER, Mont.. Jan. 35— It's Kettlng so people can't go shopping without d c l o u r t n s .around a couple of loitering moo:<. A sang ol the critters keeps loallng In front of Fred Olll's hunting lodge, waiting for food. And one man ralrt he hart to. wait until a moo.^c ambled out of the way before lie could park hlA car.' Several baiid.i of elk ere eating nearby haystacks, too. A deputy warden said he'd drive Uie'Jaw-protected animals awaj'. U. MINISTER OTTAWA. OnU Jan. 55 fliB — The death of Jay plerreponl Moffat, <8, United States minister to Can* ada, was mourned today throufih- oul the dominion, where he had re- celved part of hLi education, and where lu* task of knltUng together the war efforts of Canada and the United States had been highly ttK- cessful. Moffat died iiiiexpectedb' Tcster'- day. Ht had appaienUy been re- covering from phlebitis but suffered - relapse. Cotli SecretAry of £Ute Cordell HtiU and Leighton C. McCarthy, Canadian minister to the United Btatee. issued statements of regret In Wasi^ton. ~~---- - BOMBCB COASirES COLUMBUS, O , Jan. 33 </T>—Be- twen live and U persons w- ported killed today as a pUoe, which »3tnessts eald w u a two-motored army bomber, fell in flames near New Albany. 1« miles aorthcasl of ntrt. Sjltnallan” Is extremely scr- a, "It Li a matter t'thlng available land army v, from. Wlckart nild tlipy would be .sought In cverj' rural and Mtb&n cwntnuniy. Ho ^ald Uiey niuit come Irotn hou.'ewlve.i, persons employed tJi storrs. Uanti. and eveo- other buslneu not, dlrectli' engaged In war work. Wlckard jtrev^cd Uiat tJie volun' t«rs *111 be [altl the prevailing wage ol the area In which Uiey work. TliOie taking lull-llme, year roimd Jobs would get eliher the prevailing wage or 30 cents an hour, whichever Is hlghtr. -Every Msn Should llelp- McNutt was K,'ked If he fore.'.aw the closing down of small firms to meet the over-all manpower prob- lem t4 'Bar lnrtu:tr>’ and agricul- ture. “No neceiiarlt>-.- lie tald. "But every man sliould a.ik himself today If he li doing sometiilng ewentlal to the war eltart, U not. he fi^ould move Inlo Jomethlng eft-wntlal." - Wickard Slid that during the past two years sgrlculture lost an av- erage of I.SOO.OOO workers a year. ThLs. he said, left Inexperienced and ineinclenl help on Uie farm* whlcli ore faced wlUi producing 30 per cent more this year than Uie aver- age yearly output for th# years I837-1I19 to meet war goals. sieiiiG OUSE UNDE WASillNGTON. Jan. 25 (UJl) - Houf.e leaders today turned their ot- tcntlon to proposal.i for cueamltJi- Ing committee meUiods as congrc.^ completed organltitlon for one o' the largest legislative tasks In hlS' tor>-, •Tt^t hottic r\iks commlltee hoi scheduled hearings on rcMiIutlon.i; 1, To provide the appropriations committee with funds and authority to maintain ILs own invesygators lor handling the Pteildeni's *105. 000,000,000 budiict. '"3. To creata’a sumllng.commit- tee on air commerce. Third rropoul A UUrd propo'.-il. lo rfi up a Joint body ot appropriations and wi and means eommlltec" mrnibcri coordinate fl.'.cnl dellljcrnUon.s, li.v iiot.been-formally presented !o the committee. WlUi Ita orKRnlr.^Qti comvtfled. the home leaderaljff Mi>ccLi lo be- gin work WcdnrWiiy or Tlmr.sliiy on legislation. Tlie l.vsuc of placlnR Income tas collcctloin , . you-BO basis ha.s been made the SlTTii ortlcr ot bu.^itie« ijy ChMrmnn Robert L. Doughton. D., K. C., Uie ways.and meniis committee. All groups concemeil, including tlic treasury department, have urscd Immediate. «pan\le ron.'lderatlon ot the plan lUid cndorjed Uie principle of placing tai collections on a rent ba.ils. Pay-As-Yau-Co llearlnr TTie movement lor rnrly public hearing on Uie p.iy-a.s-yoii-KO plan was started last »rrl: by Kepubll can members of the uajMind mcaii.i committee. *niey a/.-slled the iretLi- ury department for unwarranted delaj's In presenting Uielr view.i or tax matter* and were tol<l tlie gov- emment would «uhmlt Ita material this week. There ucrs these other weekend developments on taxation: lUp, Weslry E. Dlxney, D. Okla., ronklng member of the way. and means commlliee. .'aid that •you-Bo <C«nllnB*4 in rif> }. r«tymn : Former Idahoan, Church Head, Dies ntXrircSTEn,- N. V., Jan. 25 .-1’) — Tit. Albert W. Beaveii. GO, presl dent of the Colgatc-Rodie.'tfr divin- ity school, autlior. lecturer and for- mer t5re«ldent of Uie federal council of Churches of Chrbt, died la^t •nights native of Mor.cow. Ida.. Dr, Dea- was graduated from Sliurtleff college and the Rochester *nieo- loglcoi aetnlnary. and was ordained to Uie mlnbto' In IB03. Hy UON fAS\V{:i,I, OEN. .MACARTliURS IIHAD- QUARTEllS, Au.'.trallii, Jan, —Amcrlcwi Klying Kortre.vrj Liberators iitepi>ed up a gruwU' offensive in the Nev. Guinea today as Gen.'DoutlJis .MnrArthur evolved new aerial tactlo, wliith he believed would lead "lo ultliniite dc feat of Uir Japane.'c In llie P.iclllc. Flying Forl^c^r,e5 attucked th Rabaul airdromes on New .Hritaln Island before dawn Sunday. leaving fires visible for 75 mllf.i, while alngle Anierlcun n-2< Liberator bomber lought nine J«iwinr.\e zen fighters to a .Mand-liU near We wok. on the north coii-.i of Ne« Gutnea, cle.-;troyiuK t'io, n Ue«l' (juarters communique -■ iltl. Teited Plan "We te.Med a new form of cam- paign hi New amnen which will per- n\tc applicaUon of oI(civ.lvc povei In swift, ma.vlvc stroke; rather thai by dilatory co:.lIy bland lo Island advances Utat Aome have a.uumed lo be neceMory," MacArUiur 6»ld In a statement. •Tlie destruction of the rrmnantJ of Uic enemy lorces'ln the Sanan nndn area ccuicliide.'t the Papuan campaign. Tlie army of Ucut. Crn. Tomatorl Horrl has been annllil- Jotfd. “Tlie outitamlinK mliuary lesson of Uils campaign wii.i the contlnu- mis calculated apphcution of- air power, Inherent in the i>otentlalIllfJ of every component of the nir forces, employed In the masv liiUmate lac- Ucal and logistical union with ground troops. Tlie ellect of this modern Instnimentallty w.^s sharply accen- tuated by the geographic llmltotlons of Uila tlieater." I'roud Record MacArUiur's emplia-ils power's Importance spoUlglited the proud record of his Llberator»-f»sI claiming the tlUa of "wro-klllef held hy tlie Flying Fortresses. In three recent flght-i In Uie We- wnk area six Ubcrator.s have fought 2 0 1 JAPS-KILLEO IN ISLAND O l E By The Associated Prcoi American forces on a generol of- fensive in Uie Solomon Islands wer« rr;x)rtecl by the navy today to have lmi»rtiuit pofililoru from . on Guadalcanal, to have kllle*! :01 Jap soldiers and captured <0. and to have virtually wiped out ail eaeiuy tslaud base lOO miles to tlie northwest by sea and jilt. at- tack. •nie place.s captured, a commun. iQiie .Mild, were six Important elevft' tloas we.U ol the Anierican olr Held m Gundnlcanal and the coastal •lllnge ol Kokumbona where quan- tities of stores and equipment ^'ero Bplred. I-Yont Llnei Advanced "niLs meant that the American front llnrs had been advanced about two lo three miles beyond previous- ly-held Point Cruz which had been the farUicst known point ancc on the coasL Tlio front appartnlly Is belnc piwhed forward In an effort lo boitle up and eventuftlly wipe out dwindling Japanwe forces on Uie northweMem end of Uie Island. Tlie enemy still holds about 18 mlle.s of con-Mllne on the norUicm side of Guadalcanal. Heavy ACtacki Tlie heavy attacka against Japaiiew! Wand b.v^ were delivered hy \joth alrplaiitr. and warriilpB W Saturtlay and Sunday, the commun' Ique .Mild, Tlie Island attacked was igara In Uio Munda of Uie New Oeontla (rrwp, “D ie operatlon-i were Jiucce.-ufullr eompleted.'’ the communique fald. "arwl fires from explosions ot fuel and ammunlUon dumps Indicated that the enemy held area was pletely burned out.” Former U. S. Envoy Says Welles Usurps Secretary Hull’s Power WASHINGTON.^Jan. 23 (UJ3 - O. OTnnl. Jonntr U. S. mln^ tster to Thailand, reiterated today ftU cliarsc that Secretao' of SUte Cordell Hull lias been virtually sup- planted by Undersecretary ol state Sumntr WcUts, -a subordinate e& rcer officer and the head of a pow. crful group of bureaucratic offlcen of career." Grant first made his clurce early this month in a speech at Louis- ville. Ky, An unldenUfled friend rWrot*-Crant- anli-.<tiprciscd_ opinion that Grants remarks were ft reflection on HuU. Grant replied and seal a copy of Uio letter to all meaibcn ct tlie «nal« icitlsn ttU- tlons cotnmlltee whlclj he released to the prea todar. Grant denied In Uie letter that he had made an attack on Hull *'for whom I h a « Uie highest regard." "I have sj’mpoUiy for him In his present, lUuaUon as utrtliiry of sut« A'lthout portfolio, but wlUt no actual control ot Uie foreign sen'lee orsanliaUon," he raid. Grant'made these charges: 1. That WeUta ••tartly misses U\e opportunity to prodalm his policies and principles wlienevei secretary of slate is absent." 2. That the feud between Hull and Welles "U well known In in- formed circlet In'Waslilngton' and haa bctnDQWlcItediajnasmlne i>nrt newspaper articles, 3. That It Is generally accepted In those articles Uiat Wellts "Is am- UUoiu to succeed* Hull as secre- tary of state. *. Tliat '•« campaign was launched some Ums ago to place career of- ficers In all tnit a few key positions of the foreign »er%lce' which b headed by Welles and which "seeks to perpeUikt* >UtU In olllce." Grant said that the “powerful bureaucraUc machine'^ headed by Welles "works undercover even to the extent of «abotaglng non-career mlnUKrs ond ambassadors." He’cited his own experience, as- serUng that he was recalled from Tlialland by Welles “who refused to afford me Uie cuitomary privilege of reporUtne to Waahlnalon for con* sultaUos\s" tind that he was “onSei- ed by WeUes to leave my post be- for* my'Sticcesjor,'h tarcer officer, arrived In Thailand." He sold Uiat Hull subsequently received hlxn and heard lUs report on Uie tar east and said Uiat the President should hear It. But, OruiC conUnued. “mors than 14 months have elapsed and I have not yet had the opportunity to report to Uie Prtsideat." AlGtRlAX LIBYA r ^ |HAU Arrom In top map ihowi phicen on Russian oil fields and middle east toward which axli armies In Molhem Roula and eoitem Libya were aiming In Jone IHL Khadlng indicate* battle fronU at that time. Bottom map shows whal happened to axl* ilratefy. in Africa, nails hare been ensted from Egypt to the Ubyan-TunlsUn border, and the DriUsh have taken Tripoli. NaiU face ihowdom with olllea In Tunisia. In Rassla, naxls have been driven oat at large artaa lo Stallngrad- Ganeasns area and the reds art poshing toward KharkoT. American Troops Slash at Line of Rommers Retreat Strikinff swiftly ncro.s.n Houthcrn Tnni.siu, American troops have raided an iixi.s po.sition ncnr Maknas,-iy, only 35 miles from the coa.stal road aloiiK the pulf of Gabc.s, weak link in Marahnl Uommcl’s line of withtlrnwiil to merge forccs with Col. Gen. Jiirjrcn von Arnim. An nllicd hcjidquartors conimuiiiqiie, which announced that the American.*? took 80 prisoncrf, diti not iiiiiicatc how ucs\r the const the American Army Platoon^ tee...»u,™ .,. but Tests Morale Of Bystander CHICAGO. JfUl. M (-r,-FIoP ence McGuire, a strnograplicr, »topj>ed at the curb lo pull on her Slovtx MMl.Wly flifttched a pla- toon of .solrtjerN march down the street tow.iriV'. her. As ih<-y aliroa.vt. the lleu- trnani f.hoiiied ••linlt," A« one man. the pLiioon .Olently "rlKht foce»f ami mood nt atienUon. gravely lii.'iiecilnn her, norencp j.Ud tt\was a lest of clvlUati morale—hers. Higl May i<rh Council Lead in Yictory Drive LONTONVJan. 25 Agreement upon some formula for a supreme council to direct and unify Uie United NttUoni' drive lor victory In 1M3 was reported in foreign dlplo- maUc clrclea today to have been attained. Atlltd ipokttmtn were Rlletxt, but it Is known Uiat conferences have been under way and that some ex- tremely Important atioun«ment,la ’to be toued soon. Speculation that Gcri. George C. Marsliall. chief ct .-(laff of Uio U. S. army, might be appointed command- er-ln-chlef of ollled force.i In the European Uieater wo5 publlslied In BrlUsli newspapers. Expect Announccmrnl Unofficial British commentators, mslnUlnlns Intense Interest In al- lied -win the war" plans which were Fan t. C*U«I> Actor Collapses HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 25 (UJ?>-Or« jn Wellei. wonder boy of the en* t^rtalnment world, was In bed t<>» day for an extended rest on orders of his physician. WeUes collapsed early yesterday whlla wriung and rehearsing & net- ■wort radio show scheduled for last light. Tht broadcast was cuKeUetL the jienelrntion wa.-? the cIoh. pst yet made to the con.'itnl road which the Germans hold open if Rommel is to be saved, A mllltno' .'.pokcsmaii inld the raid, obvlouily In force, miuwrrcd the taunt of a note Uic nnris drop- ped on U, S. llne.% saylnR: "Wliy won't the Amrrlcwi.1 come out and IlKht?” Allied lines held firm In th< Ou.v,cltU vallry. more thiui 10( mllej to Uie nortli, where the Ger- mans gained ground la-M week, luid allied filers bombcil a .'hip hi Soua.'ie harbor and on airdrome near the Trl)X)IU(>nlan border. I ’. S. Action It Raid Millp thr American action wa.1 simply a mid. It augRe^t^ that U. S, forces may be moblllilnig obove the Chott DJerld wastelands for n slash at Uie roii.MnI road' and the Gabe.i- Sfax fatlwfty. which would out- flank the German.^ campaigning to the norUi In Uie Ou.wltla valley. American patrols scouted the orea northwest ol the town.of.Oav.eltla. between the axl^ at Kalrouan and Tont du Falu, a]id brought back a number of French wounded who had fallen before Uie tank-sup- ported German drive la.M week. Further lurtlculars of Uie axis challengo whicji was answered by the raid were lacking, but It was assumed the raiders started from behind Sanad, J3 miles to the we-U 'and' about !8 milts of Gafsa. IC«nlli>ar4 tn r> « i. talumn .l) TOUGH OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 15 tU.f5- Al Ncllson. 23 year old U. S. marine, waited up to Uie bar at the PajUme club last night with a fire-lnch hunting knife sticking out of his left chest. Ho ordered a drink. PttprlttoT Lewis Santbumer, scaml; bellerlng «hat his eyes -sav. called poUce. NeUsos tom or^' tlrers when they arrived that “my girl turned ma down—I wanted to wjd It »1L- He opUlDtd that be had aUb< bed hlmaeU In the chest, left the knife lUcklng there, and «-aIked across the street to the cafe. Physlctuu old HeOsoa would 1 m LOSSES IN cuycAsysiAs ny The Associated Pms I.OSK o f " t h e bridKL-hond o f V(jronc'7;h" wa.s officially nc- kruiwlcdKcd by the German high cummiind today anil the licrlin radio indicated that lhi.H was but the forerunner of further major withdrawal.^ to improve the strateKical sit- uation of liitler’a buffeted armica. A military correspondent of DNB, the official nazi news ajfency, wa.s quoted in n hroadca-st recorded in London by Router'S a.s sayinp: ‘The German high com- (mnnd plans to ahorten the I Kus.sian front and to build up new mait\ defense line." I Tlie Germans added anoUier jrf-liaptrr to Uielr conUnuIng story I of defeat in Ru.«la wlUi the an- I nouncement Umt “In order to short- en Uie front the bridgehead of I Voronezli haa been evacuated ac- I cording to plan and wiUiout pres- sure by the enemy." Tragic Btory Its communique, broadcast from Berlin and rtcordtd by the Asso- ciated PrcM. continued Its tragic account of tiie remnants ot 23 axis dlvblons encircled on the ap- proaches to BUkUngrad In UUs pas- sage: -In Uie heroic and self sacrltlclal fight against overwhelming super* lorlty, Uio sixth army In Stalingrad attacked Immortal glory to lU col- on. Units ot the Rumanian 20tli Infantry division and llrst cwtlry division arc fighting shoulder to slioulder wlUi their German com- rades to the utaoet and are shar- ing In Uils glor}-.’’ Voroneih, ImportantraHway June- - tl?n a u miles uuttieast ^ Moscoit', W ic c n tliefiing-Vtlween'tlijeen-' tral and souUienl'<sect!ons ot the . Russian front. '• -Don Cr#»ed" The Oermam announced lost July 7 Uiat '•Uie Don has been;cross«d ond Voroneili raptured.'^m Bus~' sitns admitted thd lou of V onui^, 'whlciniia'■seKcraTuima'tSKror the . Don on the Voroncth river, but ^ »M«ts.^lve ccmmtinliiMes tn i July reported heavy fighting *1 ot Voroneih," *'oii Uie opproaclic Voroiioili* nnd finally 'in the V«; onerli area." ^ The significance of Uie German announcement was not Imniedbtely clear, but apparenUy It means that at least any territory the Germans sUIl held eiut of the Don In Uie Voronezh area has been abandoned. It may atw be IlrsV step there of a l.irgo scale wlUidrawal com- parable to that from the Caucasus. A Moscow broadcast was quoted by neuters In London as saying nearly 3,000 more Germans had been cnptured In Uie Kameiika-Ros.'osh sector below Veronesh In the paat 2< hours, making a toUl of 70,000 prisoners taken In 11 day.<. Dlipntclies lo Stockholm from Berlin Indicated that the n «l t>resa is preparing the German people for (C»ntln»4 r*t« >. C«Un> <) UP AFTER FLOOD GOODING. Jan. 2j-UtUe Wood river wa.s down about a foot and lockcd within Its banks by lee UirouRh most of the town today, as Gooding went about cleaning up after Its worst flood in 30 years. E. L. SUl^on, city clerk, said that Ice had been cleared from Uie chan- nel below Uio swimming pool lo tacUiUto flow of Uie water, and danger wm, UwusUt to be past un- le.w another quiet Uiaw In the Ur- rltory north of Gooding sliould send anoUier wave of water southword. Tlie seven Gooding basemtnU floode<IT3>‘> o lcr were mtjsuy pump* - ed out today, but were sUW In bad condlUon. There had been no offic- ial estimate of the damage done by flood waters. Dig Wood river, which had Iso- lated at least two form homes north of Gooding Saturday, was reported to have dropped three feet Qecrge Eubanks, Gooding highway district overseer, said the receding watcf left Uie roads in bad shape, but 5wl lellevctl fears lor the saJttj ot bridges acrais that stream. Big Wood runs about half a mile north Goo^ng. RAF Bombers Hit Docks in Holland ioab ittng planet, deekt at f la the NeUwtandi tedw red bttzsU OQ m a n and qil ued tighttog p Fltuhlng la tl.. . and (Cored bttzsU on 4 Qan storage t«ok>. It « M ft&SOBBeed br tin ilr mliUstrr. .- ainiW' ; msn Uie nld. wUob .' RAT aa4 oU»r .


Page 1: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs



1,980 TONS

Collteltd «o fa r 1.969 loM

A Regional Newspa|kr Scrrinp Nine Ir r i js le d Idaho Counties

W AR BULLETINLONDOy, Jan. 23 OLR—Gen. Jktqon

UClcrc't F1|htins rreoeh tmpc M t»

rt«che<] k point «a l/ M mile* from Ui« MedlUmocM lea. w ot of Tripoli. ie« cordlR{ to * eomoitmt4v« rectlTtd M

ri{hUn{ FVmch budqtuirtcn tod«r*

’ OL 25. NO . 213 TW IN FALLS. ID A H O . M ON D A Y , JA N U A R Y lO ia P R IC E 5 CENTS



ny JOilN COBLETT D016E. J»n. l i (U-PJ-TJie nic»s.

urt to rcpt»> U^t MnlOT tilUrrui' Rranl acl wm reiwUd out of tlie tiouie public aulstancc and public liealUi comn'liwe'.to»lR}’ wWi Uif rtcommendatlon ti paw. ntid II there Is no lillcli In norronl pro­cedure. U will be up tor vote In the

chambrr Wcdiiciday.The repealer goes on to the mc-

ond reading calendar tomorrow and «'lll come up for pa»age the Iol> iQttlni day. U can. howevet. under lioui* rules, be reUUned on the Uilrd

• reading calendar for leveral day*, or. ir ml.->takr4 nre found, may go into thr cotnmlltee of whole lor •mendnient,

Appropriallon Ti\\\TJiP bill »a» Introduced lail *celt

•Iter the special iB-man eommliiee rtcommcndfd repeal ol the Inltlti- tlve-approved MO a month pension plan.

Ptt.\sed under sujpewilon ol rules wa.1 a bill providing Blz-monilu np* proprlallons lor all stale depart- mcnti.

The approprlailon.'! bllHntnxluced Saturday was «Uhdcaw tor n minor correcUon, but a new one « « in­troduced ahoftly tiftcr.

The «en#t« can be expected to tlie bill under rules euspen- slori lotnorrov,

Dm> InUeduoed Tfto bllLi were intfoduccfl In Ihc

lower chamber. One would .allow countlM to convey property to the federal goveniment for'the p«rpo.'e of flood control, and thr other re­lated to Investmcnla for the endow­ment fund.

The senate pasicd on to another day con.’dderstlon of a tilll which would prohibit leRl.nlnlon from hold­ing othff state o(£Sce. on s\i- bernatorlal appointment, with minor exceptions, They could be appoint­ed to county and state boartls or commlMlons.

The »enat« unanLmoujly passed a bl)) allowing xloclonen to any

' number of nulested Ure-stock;. Sport^en may kill only ono In a season. Hie bOI was sponsored

■ hy the Tdaho Woolcrowers’ n»o« elation,

(CMiitiQtd r»i« »

Japanese Ship Al)lazc From U. S. Sub’s Torpedo |y|’j| | Wliat Ha])peiic(llo Hitler Plan

I P O I R Wl M

i S l G PLANE’S l E I

All uii|u{ni.lled Japanri.r tlilp bunt Into Iboic amldihlpi after being dealt a death btov by the IF. 8. n»Ty submarlne^from which this peri»e«pe' pletore wai made. The navy rrporled the Jap ihip may haTo beca tued M a inutpcrt. (OfflcUl V. S. nary photol.

BOISE. Jan. 25 1-1’,-Membera of tlie civil air patrol have located Uie army ad»T»nced training plane which ho-1 been ml.-ulng olnce Dec. 9 on a flight from Qurlej' to BoLie,

Tlie fhlp, ulUi Imtli Its occupants ilead. w-tTt ICptaVeU by C.A.P, RTOund parties on Dcnnetl mountain. 15 mlle.i south of W*le. Ida., after the wreclCBse had been epotted from tJie air. Tlie Oowen field army public relations office l ere nald the men had not yet been completely Idmtlflfd.

An announcement Dec. 10 from , Luk« field, Arlt. where the plane

w«.i bafed gave the names of tJie occupants as MaJ. II. W. Sllvera of tlie iiorlhwc-it service command and Plmt UeuU Uny Olo- gow of Prlne- vllle. Ore.

Eldon Carter, group commander of squadron 811-1 of Uie c.A.P, sta- Uontd Bl Bohc. reac ied tJir wreck­ed plane yesterday at 4;30 p. m. accompanied by Ray Pelerson, Wal- do Tliurber and Lewis Cosho. all members of tiie DoUe C. A. P.

The wreckase of the plane had been spotted by C.A.P. flier* more Uian two weeks ago. Carter said. The filers, on skis and snowslioes. hiked to the Kcne of Uio WTeckage ye.'ilerday. bating ihelr way MjQW drttls as deep an 18 feet.

Sgt. Jack Sherman of Oowen field acfiompanled the C.AP. seardilnj party to the scene of the accident.

The C.AJ>. searching parties t.. Uie pa-st month have l>een contlned Irv the Bobe squadron. Previously ot>ier squadrons. Including the Ta-ln Falls group B4I-«. had assisted In Uie hunt.

• Search Underway For Lost Plane

With 19 AboardSANTA ROSA. Calif, Jan. 33 WV-

An eneneUc searcli was pressed toda>' for a huge navy transport plane, carrj-ln# ID persoa . whlclt may have craslied in Uio hilly, wooded country twrU\ of here.

On the ship were an admiral and other na»T officers, en route from Honolulu to San Pranclsco. Tlie plane has been mlMlng since Thurs­day.

There was one report that tJie •eaplane had been destroyed In a cnuh At Blue lake, about IS miles nortlJ of Clear lake. whlcJj could bo use<l as an emergency port for such aircraft. ♦

S. A. Webber Named_ To Buhl Draft Unit

BOISR Jan: 2i M>-Oavenior Bot- toU»en today appointed S. A. Wel>«

> ber of Bulil as a mem^r of the T«ln RiUi county selective service local board No. 3. succee^g A. J. Amo3 of Buhl, rtslfned.

0,500,000 Men to Be Added to Farm Workers for Fall

W ASHINGTON , Jan . 25 (U.PJ— Food Admini-ttrnlor Claude R . WickuTtl nntl wur m anpower Chief I ’nul V. M cNuU wnrn-

etl today tha t 3,500,000 per.sons now cnfrufjcd in non-as.scntial

activities must be placcd on farm.*! wheii the seasonal peak is reached this summer. ^

The two officials u'nrned during a joint press conference that unlMS^thtv*c,miUipower nced.s arc fillwl aomchow, aRfi- - - ■ culturc in Kciieral faccs a

breakdown. They met reporl- era in conneclioii w ith i.sku- nncc by McNuU of n directive

Kiving the npriculturc deiwrt- ment full responsibiiily for

handlinjr-farm-labor nood.s. '

McNutt and Wlckatd ;aW Itiit 8.000.000 persons were tnKafifd In forming la December and iliat this figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs are to be mtt this year. Tliey ex-

X ol I3ie needed work> iteers In urban areas



The contemplated vlctoo’ Karden In Joseph Santoro's yard yielded Its fir.1t crop yesterday—a white rowboat nanii'd "Win." Pollcc MilJ four l»>-s canltd the bonl two blocks from the river to deposit It In tJic yard,


Jean Arsola. struck by an auto* mobile.’t seriously Injured.

Her flnt words:"Don't woro'. Mummlc. I got

hU license number. It's onc-nlnc* IDUI- WO."

l,K\I)-tKASK DENVER, Jan. 35-Mni. J. L.

Matlicws H\ld certalnl}-. the affable stranger could use her tclfphonc.

He dialed a number and talked several mlmiics.

After he'd gone Mrs. MatJiews noticed tlie phone, too. wa.i sone—

wires snlpj>ed neatly.


WISE RIVER, Mont.. Jan. 35— It's Kettlng so people can't go

shopping without d c lo u r t n s .around a couple of loitering moo:<.

A sang ol the critters keeps loallng In front of Fred Olll's hunting lodge, waiting for food. And one man ralrt he hart to. wait until a moo. c ambled out of the way before lie could park hlA car.'

Several baiid.i of elk ere eating nearby haystacks, too.

A deputy warden said he'd drive Uie'Jaw-protected animals awaj'.


OTTAWA. OnU Jan. 55 fliB — The death of Jay plerreponl Moffat, <8, United States minister to Can* ada, was mourned today throufih- oul the dominion, where he had re- celved part of hLi education, and where lu* task of knltUng together the war efforts of Canada and the United States had been highly ttK- cessful.

Moffat died iiiiexpectedb' Tcster'- day. Ht had appaienUy been re­covering from phlebitis but suffered - relapse.

Cotli SecretAry of £Ute Cordell HtiU and Leighton C. McCarthy, Canadian minister to the United Btatee. issued statements of regret In W asi^ton . ~~---- -


twen live and U persons w - ported killed today as a pUoe, which »3tnessts eald w u a two-motored army bomber, fell in flames near New Albany. 1« miles aorthcasl of ntrt.


Is extremely scr- a, "It Li a matter

t'thlng available

land army v, from. Wlckart nild

tlipy would be .sought In cverj' rural and Mtb&n cwntnuniy. Ho ^ald Uiey niuit come Irotn hou.'ewlve.i, persons employed tJi storrs. Uanti. and eveo- other buslneu not, dlrectli' engaged In war work.

Wlckard jtrev^cd Uiat tJie volun' t«rs *111 be [altl the prevailing wage ol the area In which Uiey work. TliOie taking lull-llme, year roimd Jobs would get eliher the prevailing wage or 30 cents an hour, whichever Is hlghtr.

-Every Msn Should llelp-

McNutt was K,'ked If he fore.'.aw the closing down of small firms to meet the over-all manpower prob­lem t4 'Bar lnrtu:tr>’ and agricul­ture.

“No neceiiarlt>-.- lie tald. "But every man sliould a.ik himself today If he li doing sometiilng ewentlal to the war eltart, U not. he fi^ould move Inlo Jomethlng eft-wntlal."- Wickard Slid that during the past two years sgrlculture lost an av­erage of I.SOO.OOO workers a year. ThLs. he said, left Inexperienced and ineinclenl help on Uie farm* whlcli ore faced wlUi producing 30 per cent more this year than Uie aver­age yearly output for th# years I837-1I19 to meet war goals.


WASillNGTON. Jan. 25 (UJl) - Houf.e leaders today turned their ot- tcntlon to proposal.i for cueamltJi- Ing committee meUiods as congrc.^ completed organltitlon for one o' the largest legislative tasks In hlS' tor>-,•Tt^t hottic r\iks commlltee hoi

scheduled hearings on rcMiIutlon.i;1, To provide the appropriations

committee with funds and authority to maintain ILs own invesygators lor handling the Pteildeni's *105. 000,000,000 budiict.'"3. To creata’a sumllng.commit­tee on air commerce.

Third rropoul A UUrd propo'.-il. lo rfi up a Joint

body ot appropriations and wi and means eommlltec" mrnibcri coordinate fl.'.cnl dellljcrnUon.s, li.v iiot.been-formally presented !o the committee.

WlUi Ita orKRnlr.^Qti comvtfled. the home leaderaljff Mi>ccLi lo be­gin work WcdnrWiiy or Tlmr.sliiy on legislation. Tlie l.vsuc of placlnR Income tas collcctloin , . you-BO basis ha.s been made the SlTTii ortlcr ot bu. itie« ijy ChMrmnn Robert L. Doughton. D., K. C.,Uie ways.and meniis committee. All groups concemeil, including tlic treasury department, have urscd Immediate. «pan\le ron.'lderatlon ot the plan lUid cndorjed Uie principle of placing tai collections on a rent ba.ils.

Pay-As-Yau-Co llearlnr TTie movement lor rnrly public

hearing on Uie p.iy-a.s-yoii-KO plan was started last »rrl: by Kepubll can members of the uajMind mcaii.i committee. *niey a/.-slled the iretLi- ury department for unwarranted delaj's In presenting Uielr view.i or tax matter* and were tol<l tlie gov- emment would «uhmlt Ita material this week.

There ucrs these other weekend developments on taxation:

lUp, Weslry E. Dlxney, D. Okla., ronklng member of the way. and means commlliee. .'aid that

•you-Bo<C«nllnB*4 in rif> }. r«tymn :

Former Idahoan, Church Head, DiesntXrircSTEn,- N. V., Jan. 25 .-1’)

— Tit. Albert W. Beaveii. GO, presl dent of the Colgatc-Rodie.'tfr divin­ity school, autlior. lecturer and for­mer t5re«ldent of Uie federal council of Churches of Chrbt, died la^t •nights

native of Mor.cow. Ida.. Dr, Dea- was graduated from Sliurtleff

college and the Rochester *nieo- loglcoi aetnlnary. and was ordained to Uie mlnbto' In IB03.


QUARTEllS, Au.'.trallii, Jan,—Amcrlcwi Klying Kortre.vrj Liberators iitepi>ed up a gruwU' offensive in the Nev. Guinea today as Gen.'DoutlJis .MnrArthur evolved new aerial tactlo, wliith he believed would lead "lo ultliniite dc feat of Uir Japane.'c In llie P.iclllc.

Flying Forl c r,e5 attucked th Rabaul airdromes on New .Hritaln Island before dawn Sunday. leaving fires visible for 75 mllf.i, while alngle Anierlcun n-2< Liberator bomber lought nine J«iwinr.\e zen fighters to a .Mand-liU near We wok. on the north coii-.i of Ne« Gutnea, cle.-;troyiuK t'io, n Ue«l' (juarters communique -■iltl.

Teited Plan "We te.Med a new form of cam­

paign hi New amnen which will per- n\tc applicaUon of oI(civ.lvc povei In swift, ma.vlvc stroke; rather thai by dilatory co:.lIy bland lo Island advances Utat Aome have a.uumed lo be neceMory," MacArUiur 6»ld In a statement.

•Tlie destruction of the rrmnantJ of Uic enemy lorces'ln the Sanan nndn area ccuicliide.'t the Papuan campaign. Tlie army of Ucut. Crn. Tomatorl Horrl has been annllil- Jotfd.

“Tlie outitamlinK mliuary lesson of Uils campaign wii.i the contlnu- mis calculated apphcution of- air power, Inherent in the i>otentlalIllfJ of every component of the nir forces, employed In the masv liiUmate lac- Ucal and logistical union with ground troops. Tlie ellect of this modern Instnimentallty w. s sharply accen­tuated by the geographic llmltotlons of Uila tlieater."

I'roud Record MacArUiur's emplia-ils

power's Importance spoUlglited the proud record of his Llberator»-f»sI claiming the tlUa of "wro-klllef held hy tlie Flying Fortresses.

In three recent flght-i In Uie We- wnk area six Ubcrator.s have fought

2 0 1 JAPS-KILLEO IN ISLAND O l EBy The Associated Prcoi

American forces on a generol of­fensive in Uie Solomon Islands wer« rr;x)rtecl by the navy today to have

lmi»rtiuit pofililoru from . on Guadalcanal, to have

kllle*! :01 Jap soldiers and captured <0. and to have virtually wiped out ail eaeiuy tslaud base lOO miles to tlie northwest by sea and jilt . at­tack.

•nie place.s captured, a commun. iQiie .Mild, were six Important elevft' tloas we.U ol the Anierican olr Held m Gundnlcanal and the coastal •lllnge ol Kokumbona where quan­tities of stores and equipment 'ero Bplred.

I-Yont Llnei Advanced "niLs meant that the American

front llnrs had been advanced about two lo three miles beyond previous­ly-held Point Cruz which had been the farUicst known point ancc on the coasL Tlio front appartnlly Is belnc

piwhed forward In an effort lo boitle up and eventuftlly wipe out dwindling Japanwe forces on Uie northweMem end of Uie Island. Tlie enemy still holds about 18 mlle.s of con-Mllne on the norUicm side of Guadalcanal.

Heavy ACtacki Tlie heavy attacka against

Japaiiew! Wand b.v^ were delivered hy \joth alrplaiitr. and warriilpB W Saturtlay and Sunday, the commun' Ique .Mild, Tlie Island attacked was

igara In Uio Mundaof Uie New Oeontla (rrwp,

“Die operatlon-i were Jiucce.-ufullr eompleted.'’ the communique fald. "arwl fires from explosions ot fuel and ammunlUon dumps Indicated that the enemy held area was pletely burned out.”

Former U. S. Envoy Says Welles Usurps Secretary Hull’s Power

WASHINGTON.^Jan. 23 (UJ3 - O. OTnnl. Jonntr U. S. mln^

tster to Thailand, reiterated today

ftU cliarsc that Secretao' of SUte Cordell Hull lias been virtually sup­planted by Undersecretary ol state Sumntr WcUts, -a subordinate e& rcer officer and the head of a pow. crful group of bureaucratic offlcen of career."

Grant first made his clurce early this month in a speech at Louis­ville. Ky, An unldenUfled friendrWrot*-Crant- anli-.<tiprciscd_opinion that Grants remarks were ft reflection on HuU. Grant replied and seal a copy of Uio letter to all meaibcn ct tlie «nal« icitlsn ttU- tlons cotnmlltee whlclj he released to the prea todar.

Grant denied In Uie letter that he had made an attack on Hull *'for whom I ha« Uie highest regard."

"I have sj’mpoUiy for him In his present, lUuaUon as utrtliiry of sut« A'lthout portfolio, but wlUt no actual control ot Uie foreign sen'lee orsanliaUon," he raid.

Grant'made these charges:1. That WeUta ••tartly misses U\e

opportunity to prodalm his policies and principles wlienevei secretary of slate is absent."

2. That the feud between Hull and Welles "U well known In in­formed circlet In'Waslilngton' and haa bctnDQWlcItediajnasmlne i>nrt newspaper articles,

3. That It Is generally accepted In those articles Uiat Wellts "Is am- UUoiu to succeed* Hull as secre- tary of state.

*. Tliat '•« campaign was launched some Ums ago to place career of­ficers In all tnit a few key positions of the foreign »er%lce' which b

headed by Welles and which "seeks to perpeUikt* >UtU In olllce."

Grant said that the “powerful bureaucraUc machine'^ headed by Welles "works undercover even to the extent of «abotaglng non-career mlnUKrs ond ambassadors."

He’cited his own experience, as- serUng that he was recalled from Tlialland by Welles “who refused to afford me Uie cuitomary privilege of reporUtne to Waahlnalon for con* sultaUos\s" tind that he was “onSei- ed by WeUes to leave my post be- for* my'Sticcesjor,'h tarcer officer, arrived In Thailand."

He sold Uiat Hull subsequently received hlxn and heard lUs report on Uie tar east and said Uiat the President should hear It. But, OruiC conUnued. “mors than 14 months have elapsed and I have not yet had the opportunity to report to Uie Prtsideat."


r ^ |HAU

Arrom In top map ihowi phicen on Russian oil fields and middle east toward which axli armies In Molhem Roula and eoitem Libya were aiming In Jone IHL Khadlng indicate* battle fronU at that time. Bottom map shows whal happened to axl* ilratefy. in Africa, nails hare been ensted from Egypt to the Ubyan-TunlsUn border, and the DriUsh have taken Tripoli. NaiU face ihowdom with olllea In Tunisia. In Rassla, naxls have been driven oat at large artaa lo Stallngrad- Ganeasns area and the reds art poshing toward KharkoT.

American Troops Slash at Line of Rommers Retreat

Strikinff sw iftly ncro.s.n Houthcrn Tnni.siu, American troops have raided an iixi.s po.sition ncnr Maknas,-iy, only 35 miles from the coa.stal road aloiiK the pulf of Gabc.s, weak link in Marahnl Uommcl’s line of withtlrnwiil to merge forccs w ith

Col. Gen. Jiirjrcn von A rn im .An nllicd hcjidquartors conimuiiiqiie, which announced

tha t the American.*? took 80 prisoncrf, diti not iiiiiicatc how ucs\r the const the American

Army Platoon^ tee...»u,™.,. but

Tests Morale Of Bystander

CHICAGO. JfUl. M (-r,-FIoP ence McGuire, a strnograplicr, »topj>ed at the curb lo pull on her Slovtx MMl.Wly flifttched a pla­toon of .solrtjerN march down the street tow.iriV'. her.

As ih<-y aliroa.vt. the lleu- trnani f.hoiiied ••linlt," A« one man. the pLiioon .Olently "rlKht foce»f ami mood nt atienUon. gravely lii.'iiecilnn her,

norencp j.Ud tt\was a lest of clvlUati morale—hers.


i<rh Council Lead in

Yictory DriveLONTONVJan. 25 Agreement

upon some formula for a supreme council to direct and unify Uie United NttUoni' drive lor victory In 1M3 was reported in foreign dlplo- maUc clrclea today to have been attained.

Atlltd ipokttmtn were Rlletxt, but it Is known Uiat conferences have been under way and that some ex­tremely Important atioun«ment,la ’to be toued soon.

Speculation that Gcri. George C. Marsliall. chief ct .-(laff of Uio U. S. army, might be appointed command- er-ln-chlef of ollled force.i In the European Uieater wo5 publlslied In BrlUsli newspapers.

Expect AnnounccmrnlUnofficial British commentators,

mslnUlnlns Intense Interest In al­lied -win the war" plans which were

Fan t. C*U«I>

Actor CollapsesHOLLYWOOD, Jan. 25 (UJ?>-Or«

jn Wellei. wonder boy of the en* t^rtalnment world, was In bed t<>» day for an extended rest on orders of his physician.

WeUes collapsed early yesterday whlla wriung and rehearsing & net- ■wort radio show scheduled for last light. Tht broadcast was cuKeUetL

the jienelrntion wa.-? the cIoh.

pst yet made to the con.'itnl road which the Germans hold open if Rommel is to be

saved,A mllltno' .'.pokcsmaii inld the

raid, obvlouily In force, miuwrrcd the taunt of a note Uic nnris drop­ped on U, S. llne.% saylnR: "Wliy won't the Amrrlcwi.1 come out and IlKht?”

Allied lines held firm In th< Ou.v,cltU vallry. more thiui 10( mllej to Uie nortli, where the Ger­mans gained ground la-M week, luid allied filers bombcil a .'hip hi Soua.'ie harbor and on airdrome near the Trl)X)IU(>nlan border.

I ’. S. Action It RaidMillp thr American action wa.1

simply a mid. It augRe t that U. S, forces may be moblllilnig obove the Chott DJerld wastelands for n slash at Uie roii.MnI road' and the Gabe.i- Sfax fatlwfty. which would out­flank the German. campaigning to the norUi In Uie Ou.wltla valley.

American patrols scouted the orea northwest ol the town.of.Oav.eltla. between the axl at Kalrouan and Tont du Falu, a]id brought back a number of French wounded who had fallen before Uie tank-sup­ported German drive la.M week.

Further lurtlculars of Uie axis challengo whicji was answered by the raid were lacking, but It was assumed the raiders started from behind Sanad, J3 miles to the we-U 'and' about !8 milts of Gafsa.

IC«nlli>ar4 tn r>« i. talumn .l)

TOUGHOAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 15 tU.f5-

Al Ncllson. 23 year old U. S. marine, waited up to Uie bar at the PajUme club last night with a fire-lnch hunting knife sticking out of his left chest. Ho ordered a drink.

PttprlttoT Lewis Santbumer, scaml; bellerlng «hat his eyes -sav. called poUce. NeUsos tom or ' tlrers when they arrived that “my girl turned ma down—I wanted to wjd It »1L-

He opUlDtd that be had aUb< bed hlmaeU In the chest, left the knife lUcklng there, and «-aIked across the street to the cafe. Physlctuu old HeOsoa would


m LOSSES INcuycAsysiAs

ny The Associated Pms

I.OSK o f " th e bridKL-hond of

V(jronc'7;h" wa.s officially nc- kruiwlcdKcd by the German

high cummiind today anil the licrlin radio indicated that lhi.H was b u t the forerunner

of fu rther m ajo r withdrawal.^ to improve the strateKical s it­uation o f liitle r ’a buffeted armica.

A m ilita ry correspondent

of DNB, the offic ial nazi news ajfency, wa.s quoted in n hroadca-st recorded in London

by Router'S a.s sayinp:‘The Germ an high com-

( mnnd plans to ahorten the I Kus.sian fro n t and to build up

new mait\ defense line."I Tlie Germans added anoUier jrf-liaptrr to Uielr conUnuIng story I of defeat in Ru.«la wlUi the an- I nouncement Umt “In order to short­en Uie front the bridgehead of

I Voronezli haa been evacuated ac- I cording to plan and wiUiout pres­sure by the enemy."

Tragic Btory Its communique, broadcast from

Berlin and rtcordtd by the Asso­ciated PrcM. continued Its tragic account of tiie remnants ot 23 axis dlvblons encircled on the ap­proaches to BUkUngrad In UUs pas­sage:

-In Uie heroic and self sacrltlclal fight against overwhelming super* lorlty, Uio sixth army In Stalingrad attacked Immortal glory to lU col­on. Units ot the Rumanian 20tli Infantry division and llrst cwtlry division arc fighting shoulder to slioulder wlUi their German com­rades to the utaoet and are shar­ing In Uils glor}-.’’

Voroneih, ImportantraHway June- - tl?n a u miles uuttieast ^ Moscoit', W ic c n tliefiing-Vtlween'tlijeen-' tral and souUienl'<sect!ons ot the . Russian front. '•

-Don Cr#»ed"The Oermam announced lost July

7 Uiat '•Uie Don has been;cross«d ond Voroneili raptured.'^m Bus~' sitns admitted thd lou of V onu i^, 'whlciniia'■seKcraTuima'tSKror the . Don on the Voroncth river, but ^ »M«ts. lve ccmmtinliiMes tn i July reported heavy fighting *1 ot Voroneih," *'oii Uie opproaclic Voroiioili* nnd finally 'in the V«; onerli area." ^

The significance of Uie German announcement was not Imniedbtely clear, but apparenUy It means that at least any territory the Germans sUIl held eiut of the Don In Uie Voronezh area has been abandoned.It may atw be IlrsV step there of a l.irgo scale wlUidrawal com­parable to that from the Caucasus.

A Moscow broadcast was quoted by neuters In London as saying nearly 3,000 more Germans had been cnptured In Uie Kameiika-Ros.'osh sector below Veronesh In the paat 2< hours, making a toUl of 70,000 prisoners taken In 11 day.<.

Dlipntclies lo Stockholm from Berlin Indicated that the n « l t>resa is preparing the German people for

(C»ntln»4 r*t« >. C«Un> <)


river wa.s down about a foot and lockcd within Its banks by lee UirouRh most of the town today, as Gooding went about cleaning up after Its worst flood in 30 years.

E. L. SUl^on, city clerk, said that Ice had been cleared from Uie chan­nel below Uio swimming pool lo tacUiUto flow of Uie water, and danger wm, UwusUt to be past un- le.w another quiet Uiaw In the Ur- rltory north of Gooding sliould send anoUier wave of water southword.

Tlie seven Gooding basemtnU floode<IT3>‘>olcr were mtjsuy pump* - ed out today, but were sUW In bad condlUon. There had been no offic­ial estimate of the damage done by flood waters.

Dig Wood river, which had Iso­lated at least two form homes north of Gooding Saturday, was reported to have dropped three feet Qecrge Eubanks, Gooding highway district overseer, said the receding watcf left Uie roads in bad shape, but 5wl lellevctl fears lor the saJttj ot bridges acrais that stream. Big Wood runs about half a mile north


RAF Bombers Hit Docks in Holland

io a bittng planet, deekt at f la the NeUwtandi tedw red bttzsU OQ m an and qil

ued tighttog p Fltuhlng la tl.. . and (Cored bttzsU on 4Qan — storage t«ok>. It «M ft&SOBBeed br t in ilr mliUstrr. .-

a in iW ' ;msn Uie n ld . wUob .'

RAT aa4 oU»r .

Page 2: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

Fii«e iwo TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, Jflauarr 26, 1943



LONDON. Jan. V> AJf^-Oermtn radio Ibtfiirn lirard rtlriifs on Uif nfllo iUtlons today nnd rrnd nt«! p#pfni whofp head:tnM »ere no le: Klr’omy.

Tlio ratllo fuiirrat miulc. Inler- ., tpcrwtl wltlJ bluntlv pe»lmUUe dis.

patcJifs from Use Ru-.''laii front, nnd , the hfadllnn wrrr preparlns Uii Crrn'an publlr for nn early adml.i- i.lon lliat Uif 72 Grrmnn rtUWons trapped at SUlli . nnd that the -sltuaUoii rLiewhff# In nui'la »a.i none loo favoreblf.

Dny of Moumint (llspnlclicfl snld lUll;

..vftfpnpen After irylnB to mlii in l« t)ie Iniporinncr of the loti of TrlpoU. fittitJ 8aMiTrt!vy. "shtn the Hrltlili elRlilli nnny cuplured It. mwl be cb.'erved ft' n day nt rn- Llonal moiirnlnc. 0 :ie nrwspnner riLi nuoled tliat llie maifh of ine rk-lilli nrmv^lnlo ’ITliwU mnde fini

:lay llie bliinry of the Iinllan empire

•- But .


deiid In ItJi sixth y wiW Icr.-. ol Ltby porary becaii tInK rfady U In Tunisia,

From Marr.elllcs, on Iho rrrncl Medllerraneaii eoasl. ulicre the har­bor area wm rlenred of <5,000 re-1 denl.v to Norv,ny. »liera ]S Ger. man* IncliidlnR botii

arlrt.of f.abolaRP, Ihi . a ne« repre.vilvo campalRn, The DelKl'im Kovernnieni In exile lin announred thnl 30 personfl had bee executed In BelRliitn, 20 becai:; psirlot.* klllpd one Oerman an wounded another, six M rsllroad eii boieurs.

Comedian Cheers Soldiers

Movie eomedian Joe F- ISroirn really tr(t around thCM dayi. lle'i flisfin. leX foreiround. In Honolulu’! Tripler hDipllal (etlinc rlfht rliummy nllli tlie nniuier patient*. Nune Ellubdh .Morlli. Thlladel- plils, explom Joe'« cavernou* mouth for a plaee lo take hl» lemperalure B> llip army hnyi lel a laUfh. Oilien are II. T, Kmllh, Jersey Clly. be- iHeen Jne and (Iir nune. and. left lo rifhl rrar. nilbert Cuellar. AuiUn, Tex.: E. H. lUlek, TImmoniTllle,, H. C'.l and S|t. C. Sherrod, himpson, Tex.

r Illtir Anive

It raa only five day* before Ihf 10th annlvcrxary of Adolf Ulller'ii aeee.vslon to power, and diplomalli sourcM reported tJial many Gcr man-i feared lllUer woud moke t upeech In which he would blami hLi reverses on ever 'Uilnj nnd cv- tr^body but himself,

AUred Rwenbrrs. the rulhlcM nftiJ polltlcnJ pljllosopher. Mid speech at Orrlln yrsltrday: " mniiy loday Uve.i throUKh tlie decisive and fiilefu! hour* of Its hbtory,"

The newspaper* tmder bis head lines described the bitter cold and prlvftllQn.1 of the men at the front and admitted thM before Stall Rrnd • tiie nii^'iaru had broki through the arrtnf« position* and Into the clly-where they had bern a]| Alontt.

•ror the first Ume In the war the German people mwl face n dr- feat of some mnRnlliide," the Berlin newspaper Boersen-Zeltiins eald. .

It said hopefully tlmt nobody should be dLicournnetl becau.«ij the Romans, when threatened by Han­nibal. fought on to vlctoo- wblle 'Orltaln In this .war refused to be, Wfttcn by any dftastrophe."

Father Asks for Estate Partition

Letters of admlnbtrrttlon In Ihc estate of Ernest W. Mclntlrc, a sol-

Avdlcr who died Dec. IDC. nt Fort 'tecorse Wrljtht. epoknne. are o-ikcd

” ,'SB''probate court by his fnthrr, B, .'^W 'VcIntlre. Klmberb’.

'cP^operly iSsled Incluftfs a bank • ;^4^-ount. V. S. bonds, and a wed ' Automobile, Tlie total value h given

M tl.OOO.Helm. In nddlllon (o the father,

•re Mrs. Cora L. Mclntire, Kimberly, mother: Omer A. McInUre, San Antonio, Tex., brother: nnd Wil- moth Mclntire, Kimberly, sister,

JudBe O. A, Bailey set the hear- InK for 3 p. m. Feb. 2.

Musser Receives Lieutenant Rank

n u m . Jan. 2J-Ven Dean Lester Mav,er. son o( Mr. and Mr*. L. H, Maver, 507 KodolA atreet. Pomonn, Calif,, has been commUiloned a second lieutenant nt the Infantry school. Fort Bennlnu. Oa.. nccor' lo Inforroatlon received here.

A sraduale of the Flier school and Albion Normal, whrr ptnyed* football, the younR manlLu«l tn the trinV Jime U. lOU.....held the mnk of corporai before tw­ins Mnt to the officers' school fi the infantn- rrpl.icement cen Camp Roberl.1, Calif,, where ser\'cfl Uiree montlu.

Hollywood GuMl-i •Mr, nnd Mrs. Jnck Miller nni

dniiRWir, Blmron, llnllywood, Cnhl. are vUIUns Mrr.. Millers parcnt.i Mr. and Mrs. C. W. 6tnu.

r and W.Kncn 01 ce: nl U:30 p, m ui the Odd i'el-

Uic .MooiC \MI Tue.-<luy. Jun. lows Uiill,

lome on LeavePvt. LeRoy l-0',s, i lio l,i staUoned

It Cwnp Rolictw, Cnilf.. W home on furlouKh lo vl;,tt Ills mother, Mrs. nieodorc WcUcr.

Granie Meetinx TftUi Falls Oranse will hold oper ouse at 8 p, m, Wedncsdaj-. Thi

Jerome Cooperative c piovlds the prcsvara.


Two Nen Fined Municipal Judge J. O, Pumphre

lined t\io mrn tor bclni; dnuik in public >plaee, Andy Fljnii puld >10 line, nnd Kd llrcnmm paid Ji fine.

Olvi'ns. lA ' Ancelr.n her tirothcr nnd al«- and .Mrs. Dale Wild- of Mrs, Rachel Olv-

y nt Kimberly.

Party mannr.l ^Bun'ihlne circle will >iilertaln [iflr ha'bnnds nnd friends nl Uie nme of Mr, nnd Mrs, E, Cl, Dr.ick- II, Fimrili iivi-nue north, a l 8

WKATHIiRT»ln r»Hi kna Tle5T.lty-U|hl

snotr Ihli afternoon and lonljht. Not 10 eoia. Hljh yr»terday 31, law S i Uw Ihls momlnj 19.

Keep the While Flag of Safetv Flying

ffoa 13 daua without a iraf/ic aeatn in our Uagle VttUev.

Minor Crath A‘ o r driven l>y Mrs. Vlrfilnla unarf, 653 Tlilrd avenue west, wiui ruck from the rear by a machine hen by Eveiflt Hnyes, Belleville Iiiriiiirnl.';, lii ihr .'>00 block of Mnin cnue wp.M S.iturday. according to report by jiollce. O/flcrrs e.itl-

mntfd ilnmace lo the Hayes car nt J60, and that of the Kunarr vcl ' ' J30.

Rich Nivr Rank Chnrlfs Hart, formerly o Hc'

ant.rommander In the U. S. i has been promoted lo the rai; eommaiidpr. iiccortllns to wore cclvecl here. He' the son of Mrs. Josephine Hnrl nnil the brother of

K, C. nrach. boUj of IV I'.ilLi, Commiinrier llnrt Is row ^li

cd with the bureau of thlps, ^hlnstl)n, D, C.

nirilii.Mr. nnd Mrs. Harr ' Hockelt,

lluhl. u daURliler, and to Mr, niid Donald Murphy, Twin Falla. >

,htfr. both Jan, to Mr. mid .Mr,v flny Carter, n dauiihtcr. lo Mr. inil John I'attcrjon. KlaURhier ami to .Mr. anrt Mrs. Frank Cox. a *nn, nil of Twin Fnlls nnd nil boni Jun. 25 at (he Twin FolU eounty Iwpltnl mawmliy home; to Mr. ind Mrs- Arils Jnnes. n«hl. n dauRh- ler boni Jan. 34 i t tho Wren mn- ;emlty home.

Girl's nike (iloleiiJojce HOT Tcnttj aveniK

etuit, tcporud to jxillcv tl'a’her bicycle hnd been stolen.

Bicycle Stolen Weldon Clark. 1200 Ninth avenut

rust, reported lo [lollce Saturda> nlBht Uiat his bicycle hud beer stolen.

Wlnltr CaniUal Ptdclls class of the SaptLit churvli

hns planned a pnrly In the form ol a winter camlvul for B p, m, Tues­day In the Bftptlst^ungnlow.

Goes io RuperlMrs, Henry Rayborn his Rone to

Rupert to vLdt her son-in-law and rtivKlWer, Rtv, aud M:%. GtfiW Wot-


Goes lo Oakland Mrs, Leonard T, Moore

baby dauRhter, Knthleei Moore, left Ssiurdny to vlMi her hii'band, I.lrutcnnnt Moore, nt tlic Oak Knoll ho.'.pltat, Oakland, C:vllf

Sewlnr -Schfduled Blue Lake* Boulevard cluti will

meet nl 10 a. m, Wednesday at the homo of Mrs, Annu L, RnicilKe to do relief scwlnR. I’otliick ■'wUl be .served nt noon.

Dan .McCook circle and Ui6 Shrr- man circle were to meet on 'lMe'd:iy of thl.i nnnouncetl th;;t tlir.’ p.v.Inn will be poMjwncd for a nionlh.

Drill and LerlunCo, 6- Idnho

will drill at 1:3 the cliv Korncp nnd will then to UrIoii hall tor n 3Q-mliiut leciure by l.leui. Dreck I'aRl cordl iB to Capt, John Q. Ada) commanding offtcer.



noi be considered opnrl froi snicrnl revUon of the entire u , iiruclurc. He listed five fiscal U- luci whlcl) must be Integrated I pay-a.''-yDU-KO plan: Collection of iicomc taxes at source; forniulaUon if Reneral sales tnx and other ax proiKii.-ils lo rnlse an oddlUon- il »10,WO,000,000 of revenue: cxtcn- ■Ion of *125,000,000,000 debt limit: centmltotlon o f war contr#ct re- nesoilallons tn the treasury depon- ment. and removal of the exlstto* «5,000 Umlt on salaries.

The Brooklnjs Institution, on Kortomlc research organlzaUon. rtcomnicndcd a retail luiJes Itx as a KIT emergency measure only, ts- llmatlns that a lo ptr cent levy would raise approximately M.OOO.- 000,000 wmualli' If there sere no tx- emptlons except for houslnKi edu- cauon. and medical care.

3. In a radio forum tu t nl«ht. Rep, Jerry Voorhb, 0 , Calif,, pro­posed that the vlciory tax be chang­ed to start on salaries above II,OW) ft year raUier thaii the present $624.

Official'* C « nm aicd Everrtt M. fiweeley. county pro,-e.

:ulor, lolri iwllce that his car w- ilruck Snturriay by a truck bC' longing to the Howard Tractor

ipsny, which wn.s driven by J, E. Mlchnel, Tlie right door ol th Swrflrj car wss bent. Tlie acclden hi»i'iwned on Second avenue south

Former RMldfnl HIMelvli

d«-nt of T«-ln F a lb .____ , - .In n hpJliltal at Sncromejit^ Calif, ru-cordlns to word received

-friends here. He recently underwent lui n;x-rnllnn lor ruptured ulcers. Hr hns been In poor healUi for many

I HI \tchell, foxier i "alb. Is seiViuvl; Sncromejit;^ Ci

tunlav scant lot , Ui<c Lumber nnd Coal

mpnny, 301 fleeond street south, ie car had'been reported stolen jHi neat Covty's scrvlcc stauon mrsdsy, U Is n 1035 model Usht

Dabj Iinprovrs Iniproveiuent In the condition of

S te p h e n DavU Mnrshflll. slx- mnnthvold ton of Dr. and Mrs, Jaieph W, Msrslittl!. was reported Sund&y by his I'artnts. who urc with him nl Docrndccker's Chil­dren'* hospital, Portland, Ore. Tlie b.iby was conslilered seriously 111 when he was taken lo Portland Fri­day by his parents.



65, by his sister. Mrs. A. J. t. 05 Englewood street. Buffalo,

N. Y. 'her letter to Uie local ehant-

. Mn, Borst said she list heard from her brother 30 yean ago when

•R-M in Twin PalU. He thtn ,-idower wth b ion, Oeorce. who low about 35 years old. «nd in- !st«d tn tha Pentecostal church,

she said.

How To Hold

FALSE TEETHMore r irm ly In Place

•ifptllit. dmrplni..... .rARTCCTlI on rmr tKU allic

ro»*l«r boldi f»lM •

brMth). G«t r«.STCCIU tsCn U


alaa front.

LnphaiUe Ulfflculile« Articles 111 leadlonit Oerioan ii

papem. Uiese dhpalclies said. pUasUed the great dllllculUes ffffuUnif'Hitler's armies in the lUid Oie Oocrsen Zletung wer for iia to declare that "for first time In this war atrmany faces

TIio Berlin communljjUB summed up the Rusalan campoljn Uius: Thi battle of defense In the east b con

n prei^uosierletl Uiat.Ruuli relaxed in some ».

Uiat heavy rulm Interfered with op- lUons in Uio western Caucasus

and the ndjnceni Kuljsii area.It refwrtetl the Ru,ulsns att.ick-

Ing day and night with tank :.up- port eouUi of Like Udogn, the 'ront nearest Unlngrsd In the lortji,

C.ip(ure lu ll Clir The red urmy of ths norih Cau-

Mus lius smashed Uuaujti Oettnau resistance to tlie rolling plains of

ov province, captunnj tlie rail­road city of Peschanokoifikoye and

itenlns the key Oe.Tnsn strong­hold ftt Rostov. B5 miles to -the northwest, from lu lofust flank, the Russians said.

This important advance in the Russian, drive to destroy Ml U\e German forces souUi of Rostov was reported a few hours after a special Russian communique announced the capture of Starobebk, 1 5 miles toutlieost of Kharkov, the import­ant industrial center of Uie Ukraine. Other Russian forces, far­mer north, already arc wlttilu 78 nulc!i ot Kharkov. '

The Moscow eommunl()ue as re­corded by tiie Soviet radio monitor In Ixindon said that In this area where the Huislaai have prewed clo.iest to ancient Kharko< enemy Bro^Jp had been llouldated and l.IOO officers and lirLioner. Included In the booty, II was ttTiortfd. were 2W trucks.

Offensive Continues Again there was no mention of

the flghUns around Leningrad i cept thnt tho Russian olfcMlve « conUnulnB.

The red ftrmy of Uie Cauca: struck out during Uie nHht from Uie recnptured town of Pfschanok' ojMikoye on J,he SUMnKrtid-TikhciT' etsk itdlway and occupied sn'era ■--.en more populated places, salt

communique. ComckJ Jolnec thu flghtlnB and fousht iheli

...y forward between 18 nnrt 2i miles, killing 800 Oermans. It was

Warns of War

Cen. O. C. TheemeD. eom- »and«-»n-«hlet oC the Swedish army, haa ordered hls troops te act on (heir own InltlaUre In the event of a German bllu attack, now feared by the norUiem neatraL

ol! taken and l rg

itiW wei......................... reported,i-i InrRC herds of eattle’and sheep 'onfbcftted by the Gcrmftns from hn RuMinn population.Tlie cntlro cftstem, and ccntrnl

CBloiM of the Cnuc.isus have dov lecn clcnred of the German* nnC he remftlnlns noil troop.i Uiere ar< •oiirciiiratcd In the norihwesi, Rus' •Inn ndvlees anid.

A. J. WILSON, 66,

ihr he.

KIMHKRLY. Jnn. li-Sulcken by sudden heart ntuck while visit

iR hi Los Angelej, Arthur J. Wll- m. 05, pioneer Kimberly buslnew' lan. died nt 2 n. m, Sunday..Mr, Wilson, who had apparently

heen in i;o<jd UeiUh Rn hour helotc irlrure. succumbed ftt Uie lb brother-in-law, W. J,

Hnrter, •i'lipre he and Mrs, Wlbon had been spending the winter.

Born Oct.'4, 1877, In Michigan. Mr. Wil,*on came to Klmberlj- In IBKI when the total populsllon bare­ly rf,ichert 100 person''. He entered tiif V» the llrmof • awesrlngen and Wilson; Uter he went Into Uie general mercantile business w-iih hl.i brother. Ru.« O, Wlbon, He remained asjoelated with hli brother until the death of Uii

Include hk wife, Mr*. Alice Wilson; one tjro'Jier. Harry

....... Richmond. Cahl,; two tons,Edgnr. Richmond. Calif., snd Floyd, Los AngeIe. : two dsushters, Mrs. W. C, Pierce, Tivln Falli, »nd .Mrs, Hnrold O, Ho\e, Kimberly.

TJie b<xly of Mr, Wll-on »ill leave Os Alli;'‘l<‘S to!ili;ht, necompanlfd

by Mr.s, Wilson and by Mr, and Mn, Floyd Wilson, It will be received Wertne.'dny bv the Whh* mortuary. Twin F-ills, nnd funeral s»r''lces will he held at 2 p. m. Friday In lh« Klmberlv Methodl«t church. Rev. Stanley D, Trefren, Kimberly Melh-

Jlnt pastor, will officiate. Interment will bo In Suiuet mem­

orial park under direciion of the White mortunr)'.

City Clerk Will Undergo Surgery

W, H. tldrldge, city clerk. Is a patient In St. Luke'a hiwpltal,

•, where hn U expected to un- „> (he Ur:.l ot two openiUon!

Tuesday.nie city clerk was nccompanled Boise by Chftrles P. Lei

of the et and water nts, who relumed Saturday t was not known when derk will be able to re-



XVe ar« In Ibe market dally.



Twin Fan* rhone»~14a. Beildence XWU orriee fn Gibb Bean Eleuler


<rt>m T if Ob«)A measure which defines ajri' Iture labor under Uie unemploy' ‘n t compensation act. pa&sed, anc -Other providing experience rating

to employers whose unentployment Is more or less stable, was con mlttcd to the committee of who for amendment.

Also pa.iscd by the senate wei bllli -which rtUltd to posUnj i noUces In probation of esutes: glv- 1ns aeeond offenders the right to parole: deslBnaUng the fourth Fri­day of September as "Amerl dlan" any: providing Uiat flcln! bond.1 of stale officer* be filet v,ll!i Uic -lecretar)- of stale, and providing for the part-Ume employ, ment. ol a Ubratlan lor the sl&t< hLstorlcfll aoclety.

Forty-Uirce bill* were Introduced In the leBWftturo Saturday, last day for Introdiicllon of personal meas urc»—2< In Uie senate and IB ir the house.

Sen. C. A. RoblM, R.. Benewah president pro tcm.'snid commlllee: were now coni,lderlnK proposed mensiires'to further revise the statet fiscal set-up. .Mo.« of Uie revisions would be tccJinlcal and would com' plcte tlie stnte's switch to a mod. em booiffecplnR system, provided by the 1D<1 IcKlslature.

All would be based on recommi ditilons of Lincoln Kelly. Salt Lake City certified public accountant, whoso firm a.«lsted In e.iUblUhlng the {ij'stem In the state audllor’s office.

Kelley o.\kr«l for a reducUon li the number of ipeclal funds am consolldntloii of certain fiscal and revenue depiirtmcnts,

Saturtlny’s bills were varied Ir eharncter. hut the four liquor re­form measures were Uie most Im­portant onw to be Introduced In Uie senate. Tfiey provided for llcen- sins of locker clubs, prohlbltlnp llnuor ndvertlsHig. requiring dinill- er.i to post nnmes af their agents and nttomeys with the state dis­pensary, and the closing of beer lavera'v nnd nightclubs nt midnight,

Youth Reported Enemy Prisoner

ofii (hat I . Pfc

_______ . . . jf the Japane.^e goicmment In the Philippine L'land*,'

WUIIajns’ aon was staUoned i Fort Knox. Ky.. In Octotier, 194 ,

s last heard from him. The........... jrd he received was olllclalnoUflcatlon In October. I9i2. Uiat hls son wa* "mUslng" In Uie Phil­ippines.P rivate Wllllam.v who was gradu­

al from tho Idaho FalU high itx5l. lived in Ihe Kimberly com- inlty Uiree year* before enllsi-

ing In the nrmy about 10 or li nonth-n before the United Suies vent to war.

Parolee Held in Check Complaint

WlUlnni Delfelder. who was pa- -oled Jan. 0 from the Idaho state penitentiary, where he had been scrvins ft sentence for forgery, was arrested by police here Saturday, after caslilng *75 worth of checks which officer* believe to be worth- le.vv

a ile f of Police Howard ailletle said ft charso of “cashing checks vlthout funda'* would be filed igalnst Delfelder. This, aillette ex­plained, probably will result In re- vocnUon of hls parole, and hU re­turn to the penltentlarj-.

lie police chief wild the checks e written on the First Security

__ ik. Boise, which reported Del­felder had no account there.

A X ISG U LFCO A S I(fnm r u t Cm)

Sanad U the moti euterly point known to haf# been held reeenUy by allied forces in that region.

ConUaoe Assaall American medltim and hea\7

bomben continued their aerial on- alausht ftsatnst axis ftlrdroraes and ahlpplns facilities.

The spokesman aald beiweei. „ and 30 axis aircraft «ect belleteil destroyed on the (round when two iravea of O. a medium bombers jlfTjck yesterday at an airdrome im- mediately west of Mendenlene. InU. which It was thousht that Rommel may be wlthdravlnr the remainder of his ground and air forces. Men- Uenlne lies BO mllea west of the TrlpoUtanlan fronUer.

American fighters and flghter- bomber* took part in traashln* at­tacks on axis shipping trying to escape from the port of Zuara. 63 miles west of Tripoli, as the Brlt- lih eighth army swept on toward Uie Tunisian border In purauli of Rommel’s fleeing columns. aUled communlc;ues aiuiounced. «

The announcemenu failed to iti- dlcate Uie exact extent of the eighth army’s progress, saying mere­ly that “our troops continued their advance to Uie west."

Ships Get on’ Fire Two southbound merchant ahlps

•ere set afire by torpedo-carrying planes north of Sicily and an escort­ing destroyer was declared directly hit by a bomb. One of the mer­chant ships was reported to have ex­ploded and broken In two.

Allied flghter-bomben followed up wlUi anoUier atuck on railways and other Urgeta In southern Sic­ily yesccrdny, the bulletin said.

Despite the scope of the allied air operations onJy two pUnes were reported lost.

A Canadian cor 'etle w u cred­ited with destruction ot a Ocmian submarine In the western Medlter- rnneiin.

Virtually all of Rommel's forces— perhaixs some 00.000 to 70,000 men— were reported In TunLila and Uie s;ieed of their flight indicated tlwy might not even pause for n slnnd at Uie Mareth line, the sj-stem of,i whlcli the French crected Jjcfore .the war some 65 milea west of Uie Libyan border.

Fe'art Break-Through Military ob.sen-cra In London said

Rommel's hesitancy to hnlt and give batUe probabl}' was due to the danger of nn allied brenk-Uirough In

al Tunisia which would cut the al rond up which he

KlUidraw to pool forces wlU» Von Amlm.

The allied communique told of heavy nerlal attacks on axis coni- munlcnUons and an airfield In the Knlrounn region, ns w^i rald-i on Blzerto harbor, the costal road lo TripoIlUinla and shipping off Uie eastern Tunblan coast; '

Ta-enty-one axis planes were s*iot down In these raids at a cost of seven allied aircraft.

Preparing Tripoli TJie work of preparing Tripoli

for use as an allied bn.te to further opemUons in TunUla was reported already underway- even. though_the city only fell Saturdaj- morning, U, S. planes were said to bo operating from a field In the vicinity of Un :lty.

Richard K. Law. BrtUsh under lecretary for foreign a/falr*. told I luncheon audience nt Leeds that nany of the worrisome problems •onfrontlng the nllles In nortl Africa would "sort Uiemselvc-s ou before long,"

He added that building "a tre< mendous organltaUon" for the at- t.ick In TunLsU would lake time

as similar prcparDUoiu li Egypt had, "bul not an Infinity of lime and the allies should not be despondent at the rale of progri

Seen Today'Wia'-kered fellow In overalls,

standing in postoffice lobby with a batch of checks to be deposited, one for 1718 . . . Will Norris, spry 67-year-old Western Union mes- aenger 'boy," delivering JUs tele- graiiM with gusto . . . Five dogs •winging down Shoshone street, disrupting traffic . . . Kimberly gamge mechanic appearing at navy recruiting staUon for fUUi time to Inquire wheUier UieyTe ready to take him yet . . . Carl Anderson digging In the unceas­ing jilla of QPA reports that flood him . . . Repair fellow doing downtowner* a good turn by fix­ing Uiat Idaho Power clock . . . Boy writing “Dob" in Uie caked dust on side of doctor's auto . . . Man finally removing tupladder Utat tiad been parked on side­walk at comer of Second avenue north and Second street most of Saturday, all of Sunday and part of Monday ajomlng (and nobody walked off wlUi li) . . . And Uiese two contribution* U. Seen Today from Blaloe 0. Van Aua- deln. now at Ogden, Utah—"Idaho car SR-4M1, pushing Utah motor­ist to start tho latter’* motor, giving example ot neighbor state klndne.u . . . Drirer ef Idaho Car 8R-1033 showing friend new in­ternment camp for prisoners of war at quartermuter'a depot, from outside to be sure,”

200 A! m sN “POLIO" ORIV

Approximately 300 persons con- trlbufW «188 to Ui8 polio drive fund at Uie vespers sen-lce held Sunday afternoon at the First Meth­odist church, under the auspices of Uie Twin Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce, '

Mni. Eleanor Logan Rhodes was ,t the organ for Uie vesper* serv­

ice. which began with prayer by Rev. II. a . McCaUiiier. pastor ot the First Methodist church, and closed with prayer by Tin. Herman C. Rice, pastor of Uie First DapUst churdu

Vocal solcM were given by Juliet Hnyden Boone and James Reynolds, both acorapanled by Mrs, O. P. Du­vall. and a flute duet was pUyed by £\’a Stoke* and Orpha Stokes, ac-

ipanicd by Mrs, Rhodes.- Ifleen inemberj of the Jnycee

organltatlon u.shered for the terv- ‘j was well received by the

Bccorcllnc to John Q. . 'ho Li T»’ln Falls chairman

for the polio drive and chairman ot the. Jnycee committee sponsoring Uie drive In the clly.

^The Hospital

unty glBnergency beds only Die at the Twin Falls (

eral hosplUl Monday.ADMITTED

MI»ji Gloria Snyder; Mrs, E, Jone ind Miss Ila Blundon. nil t>f Twli

FalU: and Joe Oneldn, Shoshone.DISSUSSElJv

Mrs. Fay Hann, NlclXols John . .one. Mr*. Albert WHklna nn daughter, Mrs. Robert Leaier and on. M. I, Allen, Mr*. Ray McMll. an nnd Mrs, E\'erelt Buaard, al If Twin Fnlls: Julia Mcndlllbar Jerome: Richard Vance. Hawlton; Russell RIsci. Mtirtaugh: Elmei Owens. Bruneau, and Clarence Me- Murdle. Buhl,

Polio TreasurerFrank Stack, Twin Falls Bank

and Trust company, ha* been ap­pointed treasurer for the Twin F*:i* county polio drive, U was announced by Mr*, ^ t n a K. Blodgett, county chairman. Ho is to receive all funds collected by various chairmen over the eounty.

Mr*. Blodgett said Uie drive 1* “progreasUig n ic e ly " In a l l quarters.

TRUCK OWNERS! ATTENTION!We have the following size truck tires,

lat Grade.TMbber, pre-war tires:

17— 750x16 TRUCK T IRES , 6 a n d l ply ......12— 750x20 TRUCK T IRES . 8 ply

1— 600x20/30x5 TRUCK T IR E S , 8 ply

1— 700x20 TRUCK T IRES, 8 ply 1— 650x20 TRUCK TIRES,- 6 p ly ,

Also 600x16,4 ply pre-war tires for certificate

holders of passenger, grade tires

Magel Automobile Co.Phone 540, Twin Falls

High Council

May Lead in

Yictorv Drivebelieved to be already- made or In Uic final draft, predicted Uiat nn offlclnl announcement was Immi­nent.

Waller Farr. Washington corres­pondent ot ihe Dally Mall, reported that It was Uic view of some "keen Ob.srn’crs" In Washington that Mnr- nhall was to be named generalissimo of the nllted armies in the Euro-

, ihcnt

Fnrr, who gave Uie first lip to Drlions of Prime Minister Church­ill's visit to Washington In Decem­ber. 1041. nlw speculated that Vice- Admiral Sir Percy Noble, head of (he BrlU-sli admiralty delegation In Washington, might be appointed su­preme commander of Uie anli-U- campaign,

Plans to give Ihe allies the edi over lhe U-boat menace and move.s from Washlugton or Londonor^otli to/help solve the problemi p^-een W- Fighting French fol- iWrrs of'Oen. Cliarles De Oaull« ilnri' ElrlV Henri Honor OIraud. hlgl; .f\mml5sloncr of French north Af- rWa'were believed to be prominent In any patterns for victory under consideration by the United Butes, Briuin, RtMla and CAt\a.

Prc.« dlscus.sions revolved about a 1043 offensive of tremendous scope designed to defeat Uie axis e niles wlUiln the next year.

It wa.s evident Uiere wa.» no llml-sm about Uie pos*lbllUy of cnrly Internal eollspia In Germany nnd alm«!t all discussions proceed­ed from the premises Uiat a dlstlnci and smoshlng military defeat must be lnfUcU^d on Uie axis.

M i l V I C M B y A I R

(Pr*« ru« Out)U leroB. destroying 17. damaging six. plus two probables.

In ftddlUon lo Sunday's victory luar Wewak. on Wedneaday four Llberftlor* fought 33 leros. shot down tlx, and damaged II. AnoUier LIberfttor, flying alone on Friday, met la xeros. fhot down three and got two probables.

“Por tsionths on end air trans­port with constant fighter protec- Uon moved complete infantry regi­ment* and arUllery battalions across ftlmost Impenetrable mountains and \ Jungles of Papua," MacArthur said, ••and to the readies of Uio sea; transported field hcapltals and oUi- er hue tnstallaUons to the front: supplied the troops and «v»cuaud caaualUes-

“For hundreds of miles around, bombers provided all around recon­naissance. protected Uie coast from hoatUe nav^ Intervention and ed the way for the Infantry os It drovo forward,

"A new form of campaign was Italed which points the way lo tho ultimate defeat of Uie enemy In Uie Pacific."

MacArUiur said derlal offensive and defensive power and the adapt­ability, range and capacity of aerial tran*portMn effective comblnaUon with ground forces, represent tac­tical and sU^teglcal elements of a bioadtntd conttM t>! war.

“Air forces and ground forces were -welded together In Papua and when In sufficient slrengUi, wlUi the proper naval support, ihelr Indissol­uble union points the way to victory through new and broadened strate­gic and tacUcal conceptions,' ho laid.

Merit Exams Set For State Posts

CompeUtlve examlnaUons for em­ployment In the sUte. district and county offices of the department of public asilslance. department eit public healUi, unemployment com- pcnaaUon and U. li, employment service are announced by the state of Idaho merit system council.

AppllcaUons are being received for • aecrelary, senior stenographer, jun­ior stenographer, derk-D'plst and

number of places throughout the ttate. Uie exact locaUons to be de­termined by Uie distribution of ap- pllcaUons receive^ It was said by Tliomas H. Curtri merit system eu- pen’i.tor.

............................e Uie doting date.Feb. 10. 150. Application fornis are nvallahle at any county department of public .aaslsuincB office, county or district public healUi unit, U. a. employment service office, or at th# merit nystem office, 30S Idalio build­ing, Boise,

J. J. Dauven, 69, Called by Death

.in Joseph l)nuven, C9, died at 7:20 a. m. Monday morning ot hU

Monroe street, following lUu' lllnes,viven wa,i bom March 8,

1013 In Weir. Oennany, and camethe United S Jtes at the- ai

r.ikit EaiI*ii4 2;

(mel. T» tUl I r*«r risklliK uK rB»4 I* N HM4 U kil14 IV4 M Ihit II fUk th>


TODAY & TUBS. What Every Bride Should Know!! !

She learned about men on

Ihe shortest, wildest honey­

moon a Kir! ever hod!


Sport. Comedy and Latest FAniE NEWS

five years. He had been a resident of Twin Foils for seven yean, com­ing iiere from Martin. B. D. Mr. Dauven waa active as a contractor until Inst October, when Uie acci­dental death of his grandwn. Jerry Jerome Main, brought on a nen'ou* tondlUon. He wu a member of the Catholic church.

Ho la survived by his wife, .Mrs. Maud Dauven, one daughter and

sons. Mrs. Pauline H, Main, Twin FftlU: Pvt, Paul J. Dauven. Fort DouRlB.ii. UUih: Qerald F, Dau­ven, carpenter's male third clas.i, . Fanagut naval base, and Arnold A. Dauven. Salt Uke City.

“n ie body lies at the Iteynolds funeral home wlUi funeral arrange­ments pending word from nlaUves,

tm a BEjIk'tTgltii

TtSri''lU io m iP



“ B E Y O N D T H E ■ B L U E H O R IZ O N ”

ORPHEUmNOWI Ends Tuesday!

Tlie ’ , pcffcci I role for i

, the perfect •ctrcssli


E X T IlA t ,M A R a i o r TIME lA itrt Wk New*




Page 3: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

Moaday, January 25,1543 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN-FALLS, IDAHO 'Page Three


By Unlltd P r ^Heavy sno«f«ll3. raliis «nd

nicr Innpereturfj broughl trouble to many Icl^ho communlHra lodaj-.

At Gooding. »ie O'S Vfowl tina Unit Wood rivcrj overfloofd Uiclr banks lo Inundalo the surrouiidliis tmlioo- in the worst Uood ciccadcs Baaenient.1 were floodeu ami a 'mile of lilfiliwuy ne#r the loTi) WB.1 reported underwater, wluin meltlns uiw* two rtvrrs.

Tlie Stun* mill 0“”* »*'ept Bway at Jior»c.-ai!>c betid by Ice JaM nnd hleli water, and Uie P»)Ttto river WM reported rlilns »te»dlly. Many baReincnts in the town »ere reporled Illled wltJi water and the pontr CRSitil choked wlUi Ice.

Iteeenl iitiairTlie hcBvle-'l snowfall In 10 jeiia

liw blocked all road.» In the Iftlse bftiln. according lo word from IdaJio Clly At lewl Ihreo conimunltlei In the bosln Have been without mall »enlee for several day.i.

At Hallr>', BCVfrnl bulldlnp. In- cludlns tlic Gannett hicJi school Ej’mna.ilum and the Crutctiley (iar- BBc. colUp.ied under Uie Wflchi of nnow'on the roof. Ni* atudenta or townspeople were In either Uie K)m- naalum or BMnge. but fix automo- bllfs «erc daiiMVRed ftl the sar&se.

Snow and tee packed Union Paci­fic railroad tracka w heavily Ketchmn that one train was railed.

McCall IioUtedMcCall today wa.i L^oIatfd as

as train aervlce wm concerned, and bus llnc.i from Doho operaled only with great dlfflcnUy. No lraln.i had arrived there r.lnce Wednewlay. «nd nen'lcc niny be dbcontlnued for on Inileflnlt/' iwrlod. mllrottd offl- flaLi said. Not ntnce Uie winter of 1315-lfl, townsfolk ia>-, has the town fared such a *lluntbn. DurlnK tJiat winter tio trains kot <tirouRh for 58 dayj. Tlie daffce hull roof at McCkU caved /ft. Wid owners of other e.MubllislinifnUi worke<l over the week end to prevent their root.t from collap.iinc. One In.iUince recorded of a per.wn hackinc a in tlie toof to t.ave U.

One ca.iimlty «ns recorded at Bellcvur.- Nnticy J. Hurst, tl. wa; froieii lo death near her own door- step. TJic oRcd woman had »ppar' ently nllpped into a drllt while oi her way to feed her chlcketw. and was utmble lo extrlcatc herself.

^ounty Set for Coyotes Killed In Two Counties,

GOODINO. Jan. :i-DeKlnnlns April 1 ft bounLv will be pnid on al coyotes killed In Goodlne county ’nu^ decl^lon wn.1 made at the meet' lii(j pf the dlreclon of the Good iDK-Camni pre<lltorj- animal board held here. Two dollar.i will be paid tor pu{vt ftud $250 tor adult aiit- nml;..

To collect the liounty the k the pup or the scalp of nn artiilt mt»l be taken by the one who killed the nnlmnl to Uic Mierlffa ofdee. A llvrxtflcic cmwer In the vichill whiTr the nnlmal wn. killed mu. cerVHy lliaV H -wm UUtd in th coiinly.

A i'erlous .'.iluatJon ha.'< been ere ated here by the large number o coyotej. [virllriilarly since the mini ber of trappers hi the coimiy has decrea.vd, ' __

Ted Edlioltn wa.i named prrsldtiil of the orfianlr.illon at thn Wlrectors'

-ineetliiK. Jim WllllBn« was named vlce-preMdent and E. J. Palmer. Aecretao’. Directors are J. E. Farm­er. S. W. McClure ami Don Fred- erlckson. Tlie bounty will be psld from an n.vicsimcnt on nil sheep

Blaine County’s Tax Collections Up 5.51 Per Cent

HAILn'. Jan. :i5-An liicrewc of S.5t per cent In Uie collection of Uie Ilr.1t half of tli^ IOC collecllon over liio collection for tJie .-.anie jie- rlod In 1D41 ha.i'hPrn minounced by A. \V. Eti.ilpn. Jr,\ Bblne county treiLsurer. ' \

The. 10 3 i\.-j.e:.Miitjv \r>IU3.29BJ:8. of which .lum the lilalne ^c. ldenls paid J8JJJ3730 or S5i1 iier cent.

Tlic collectlun for 10<l «ai 53.70 p<T rent of the aMci.\nirnl.

DiLihiK hl.i predlcllon on tJie DO per cent collection for botli halves nl ISO. Treo.iurer Enslicn eipeci-s ft 1042 totfll collccllon of at lea. l Oj per cent.

Settlement of Estate Sought

Petition for letlera of admlnls- Irntlon In Uie cr.tatfl of the lale OeorBo U McOrcRor has been filed In probate court by aeorse A. Me- Gresor. Twin Palb. % *on.

Property nnmea la Uic petlUon U a Iraet of land approximately 310G acre.i In area, which Li valued at WOO.

liclr.i. In addition to (tic peUUon- er. nre; Ro^e L. McGregor. Osden, Utah, widow; Lc.iter E. McGregor Twin PalLi. son; Mrs. Emma Hen* stock. HollUler, daURhter; Mrs. Alena Ilftien. Twin Falls, daueUler; Mrs. Prance-n Shankle, Pocatello’ dauKhtcr; and Mrs. Llllbn Kramer Otiden. daughter. <

JudKC C. A. Bailey set Uie hear. Inc for 10 a. ni. Feb. 3.

Telephone Poles Bring Seaplane Teiider Home j j|JJ jjjj j || |&-angelist Will Evangelist HereDirect Services

Re». H .*L SchUtler. p»:tor of Uje C?iurc;i ol God at Spok*ne. Wx'i'- etJndurt »peel»J ;.er-xjcea fvV l.^e Twin Falb Ctiureh of 0 * i brginulnj »l I j» m. TucidAJ. J*n.

The »r'l.T j mi;i l>e jifld c»thtiUht oJ t?>e werl. »r>.l mill reaiure

<ui\ »n\jair M'.rt tV.bV ciiij'ij cor- n; boU) Uie o:a ana new tu t* .

. rstnii.Rev. i^-:iUiirr tiM brrn a pi.-tor

• la Use C;u.-th of God for numy I ir»rj. !'.ald;nj »t O rt, and Seattle. \V».v:i, be­fore soi:i5 lo ijputane. He hw trmirled eiter.^Mt'iv in i!ir L'niied i . te& knd C4i'.ic*. dome crJutic »xst m artdiiion lo hi' ular p»;ior»l dullti.

Hailey’s Ice Rink Ajjain SnowboundHAlI-ir\*. Jan. ^-The chiWrrn of

Hallrv *re besvnntng lo be!lr\T th»l t.'-.eir :»C -0 Jiatir.; *.-.lM!le wi'.l be ««:uie<l to k few bnrf <1»y^ rn- ,'O’iTd • eoupic of jitekA »jo.

n rJt t*e opening <vf liir cwnmun- Uy tti'.k »»-\ ije^ajed becauie lhi> \-ou:itv :.Ro«rp:o* iiTd to clear It h»d brotm cowT%. »

Fli-.a-T the rd. t .e ice Ceaprd of ^r.o* and the

i-,wne\l. Dui ncn fic Irxj U be- lo Miow he»\irr U;m ever—In


off when ky'jJ# k«BU»x «R CckdaJesBal. b»rt' the rrrM patehe4 her mp aiu) W»e-pbeoe p»le« U maU • >V7 n M rr Uri k tr haek \ » rtwrt Ilart>or. Th t unpenr? raddrr Uahawn. iC. S. u v ? 9

Allied Discussions Mav Clear

Muddle in African Politics


Mr. Urr C;-c;e » d <i»u;h:er'. n-j.xr ,

LMtcri :a Jr:vr.:r.

r.NXISTS IN NAVV OOODING. Jan i i - Donald

Kejt.*> T -Mer, K'n of Mr. and Mn. \V. D Tester. G<vTdtrX. l-.a.\ beer rep'.ert ler eTlUl’.n'.rT. in the navt a; i.'ie Ikx?.e recrultjr.e Matmn. ac- rvcdity: to lnlorai»:5on rrctUrd by h u pirrnlA.

REV. It. A. .SCIIL.\m;il . . . Taatar of Ihc Spokane.

«'a»h. Church «f G«d. who «IU bejln a »erln of meetint* Tun- diT at Iba T«in Fallt C'hurrh of God.

Treasurer Opens Books on Monday

Tlie book;! of the TVln Fall'coun­ty treasurer. Mr.v Rose J, Wlbon. whlfli have been cloved .ilnce Ihc fourUi MoiHlay In December, were opened ajain Monday lor the pay­ment Of real e.-.tatc laxev

Mri. WlL oji anffounfed that i drUnQuent for 1912 and the lecond hiVfllljnent cf 13<S lar.r. niav be iviid al IhLi time. Hoaever. taxe.% Uelinquent beforv 18<3 could be i>alcl at any time.

A peiultv of t»o per"cent and In tere't *i the rale of eljht i>er ccn are attached to Uie juyment of ISiJ delinquent taxes, Mrs. WlUon staled.


BOISE. JaiL.i5~av-Sh»^-ile*— crea. e4 In the number of catUe kiul »lieep on feed for market over Ult. yenr was rrpoftetl today by t2ie D.Si. depftTUntnl ol ngrtcuU ire ' r.i bureau.

Estimates of caltJe being fed for nurket In Malio u of Jan. 1 tolAled <0.000. as eomimed with 51.000 on the same dale In 1043, n decrcwe of upprowmatcly 30 per cent.

Flgure.1 for »heep are IM.OOO this year as compared wlUi 210,000 a year ago, or 33 per cent 1cm, De- crea-vj are attributed Uy feeders. Die rejKirt .-ijld. lo high feed prices and wase ratei. tilth prices of both Jeed- ' rr and luirtly flnL-Jied catUe iind Hirrp and uncrrtnlnty coiiccralng celling prlcca of meats.



IMO rONTlACClub Coupe. Very low mile­age. radio and heater. Tires excellent.

LONDON, J*n. :S c r —A Ic announcement witkla. the near /ulurt o! agm tctaii tpthe north Africa poUt^fiJ was anticipated here todJj.

It wa.1 pointed cut th»t t .e »u- uatloii is aicon* the lactoR the ynf.ed Nat'jxii i i i si'iii be .'Olved before definite stepi car. be taken towa.-U unifjisi a=cl co- ordlnattns Umted Nauxis »ccji strategy—althoush ita! ^-jeitxc certainly 'rouM be cccildertd s= aay dUcu.-.sioa wBotis the ‘

f the aDlicusalons have beea

hivolvlnc Great Bntiia. t^e Ci;:- etl States, the Flg.^ita^ aai:lip nortn Alrtcan Frruc^i it ■ns believed here. Any «liscsj»u. .. wiu thought, woiili aIs:ovt c»r- talnl}- result la a dectilosi eci>.-*T=- Ins the lilfili aliied eca-.surJ. a tiorth Africa. & (j-ie»uca l>-it c i i ; be aniwered u Ger_ S r Bem*rd MonUomery'j eUha> ana.Junction witii the foe?r> cJ Gen. DiCUht D. Ei<ahc»er ta

la.Montsnmcry's a^ay Ij Mkler C m

Sir Harold R. I- G. A'.iiasCr:. BrlUsh cont.’nander-iR-ch:ef Sir lie

S i i i> emt. .CenadeT wts betnc sesUsed here as « pq^bt::ty for t ^ hit.'i aUZaxi cQssiand ui all nf A irA «-.t* hi* f«> w rrcord and ha eiT«T e?».-e in baniUns diffl-

ViTpJy probieaa. But coruifler- ai;<- citetTit »-a» Deing shown in rr7cr.» trrea WilhiRg\sa he.-* that Gen. George C. Uarj^.all. C iited SUtea e.Mef of ^UfI. «a.v be Side the syjirrae alll*<J ceci- =as5tr as Uirr^xa! Foch «as la the Uk «»t.

A jKs::r^ ajpert of the jpecuU* new r.:rmit la both Great

;ti»h jcurw. were! c\--- -----I wrrdj ecse }

carried 'hr trac^-.Mlartic tel- e7&ee# aad »w » darrt tnraiu" t.\ that the Bnuih prwa is pablaJ-.Lic als>»t eKhiUTTSr re^srl* fromw.^y-p.-CT tht Jtoer>C4nr.TW has been p u »^ :r .£ auinly

I Br.-.ah In tht-i the Bnta.h erawn la.".i Fr>

, d v rcr>uh.;ed ar.y =»nt:.-n cf Alrv- i a=4er as a pMxhle ■ ch»f ;= .\rrva ana iJted t:u ,..o- • hiN'j,-e> eeii> Wa'hinglcw re-' pc«i were rwn-ed the vi^TJtiT'.f .V^ruOilrrs a

Wool Grow Cl’S Warned Against

Encroachment of BureaucratB.r JO S I7 II U. B.VBBEK

SAI.T M K B CITY. Jin . 3 ,r- U’oclcroitcsa-aer^ wa.-r.ed tc<laT t

of bu.-*a«irw-' 'o il* Ui!teiti ci »d. mlnlsterlns the laws of ccr<r»^ they rnd by maJtlng the la«T.'

■ a speech prepared S.'r cellT- . at the Natlotial \Voc<i ;-rer5‘

a.*-'oclallon convrntlcin. C. B. Wxrd- law of Del Rio. T»a. prr.'Idrn;. told the dtiegates th-erT L-. ft ‘Mwr.s awl sTOilss •-«— towflnl geremnset t by tcrea-i=a.-T In thl!v countrv- that b a pa« cr

-worldwide eor-'Uct c i ideal' which h.-v' forcetJ ta* thJi war.*

:Mi»t Be .\krt Wille o.’lrrlr« 'full ctvventx-r.

o.f.;l fu p ^ c f In roijecutb::-. cJ l>.e ■ . iip “we Rf.i't a>T*. ;»

Kifecuanl the liberties fc.*. whi-h e an fii;hUr.i.'* »negardlrr .the wccJ si;ui;x-=.;

Wartllaw aj-'crted ti-jt aj a rtju^ : of licavy l.-npoft.''. “m O wh-h ' vlou.rr.v u.'cd nnty dccic^tif war: are : urine Air ’-ralUh wwl.alacs; ev- cla'lvely, fcr thetr aT-.las t » . ; . ,

. a rc^ult. il-.e sc:e aartts f.-;' domestic »c»l U the sar-Iket and tliat exlsL i-R r frr;=! tfir ; to d.iy at the dLjcretica cf the aii: tan-."

Federal CeatxvlHe called for gt3verrj=er.t ccetrvJ

of the wiX)I clip far the dt:ratix: e war and *at leas: two jea»

thereafter.- to give dcceiii.* ducers "the sarre a=»ur.t ci p\>- tecUon* accorded foreign

Such ft prcranv. he said. pcr-vent “almcwt certain wiil fisrts*. tlnn In price" «hea the »ar eadi,

“We believe." WardUw aa-^e i "the emph-vtv cf the war baird and the office c^ tirtcv ad=is. btration on Unpe=di=£ eittx*; shortages of wool for cii-Jiaa tses.

rah* laprexii*n

'-U.-ha' created a.- er.'.ireV fal;t= the nf

f»r;-.:re:j. s:erchan'..'> and the pub- L; »f.h respe,-; to the Lnour.t of woe; artiixlit a\-a;UI>:r f.v civilian

Kr ja il ‘ wai p.-oh*h;f the T^.tr.'.-oar.fd »i-

e?=srrr cC the d.-snejt:.- 'ct\-'?.' reirh cicie >v.»ds this j-ear.T^fre I.V he Jtatei •a:t ad«;uale

c' wvv* ~ret rr<;;:ire=ier.l.' ci t-' e t.M). \far.“

.Vr^m.-an wwij cv'unrtl, whK'h c;»: in »dTar:t» cC the w.vCeTowers’

eirces.^»J in a jtatesient i>Kjed 7»:Tj.idfr.U Rnw e C.Ri--h <>.• 5-.rr:rv lex C'T'jvtMll.'a to

'.Ki-rrx'. cn wci e-rc-: f,-.- cxTUiiT. pi:rTVY.e?.

•TTe h»\r r;.-' i;-jirrTl with the i-.'\rrr.=:er-:. ani wr are ATnenrari tiC.t-.: a war.' ;a;cS the •sa^easeat,

cC:r.j ur.'.r-e'd w.xC and denying ;•.» •J*' t.' t.V c-.xiUiti >TR:Utioa.

OtTMm Ketvaised •We car.-t ht;? y.;: re>er.t'f<\ieraJ

SCTO.'txo of ra,v.-iv ara;*.- ahd ;iai-, liar tS?es to repUw a e*ca-

ei whiTh there sj a ." urrilia c c h a a i '

t^^e .Tel.evted aU Its of-r>.tTV . BfSiirt Rich they are Eagrce .Vtterrsar, cf New Y «k CitT. exT«tnr d TTs- .v n charte cC tise New Yort eCfi.-v; J. a WU-

o: iZdCi.-.itT. Ti-T^preil- d«xt. aa i r . R Mar%MU of Salt Lair Ciy>. >«rrtari.

.\ii3.:t t.-w rf x-MrririT ayrar arr ree-_:r\2 tci tr»:i.v>'in a dU »tt*e«sf»c«ks=er. : <VO siiles orrr.

toe? ;t 3=,-'S:fd

Final Rites Held For W. F. Poulson

HAILiry. Jan. 25—F\ineraJ ner* vices for Wlllinm F. Poulson wen; held nt the- Harris funeral cliapel under Uic niuiplce.'. of tho L. D. S. church wtUv Bthoji llnrold Abeg- glan officiating. The L. D. S. trio ;.ang “Tlie Glif* Rugged Cra«’" iind •■Sometime Well Understand."

Pallbearers were William Ypung. Druce Young, Fred Huret, Claude Scott, Jack SeaBrnvcs and Jack Tay­lor.

Mrs. Poulson'* Iwo sL lers from Sail t.ake City nttendcd the service). Because of a .‘leverc storm only Uie hearse and pallbearen wrre able lo fo lo Uie cemetery.. ;


Special Notice About Colds

ACTS 2 WAVS AT ONCEtubo «nth\-apen. Ic s n a u a o c a s ta l back surCaacs Gte • poultiot^Aad it ^

VjpoRub at bedc^V js^(Ebpea o trorfc iaata*Ur ta (c>'

e «»ushin« CFons. « »

Aai eAci K t w tM cT t*K eaaeiT <bU

B BTK. TW W is VapoRub «>s5to i n i t l 2-«aT aaien

« caii i s t e . w saev raa o e t ia y ta a J

Va;nRxfiv.■ n w r B a « - L r t a snail

tasp cf V»±s nc^ >atcBrcns!k.ltnto\T»t^raaT

t e (s ceti>—tresa .......... to.T>yitI •

Page 4: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

• Page Four TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Mondsy, January 23, 1943 -

- reUliM m«k i*n i


lUha E'nlni itU t<rw«. MUtllaM

l-NM tnd

AII'boiIcm r»«»lrH b.

C A. IIM »• U>«f*

b, inibllilixj li


W H IR L IG IGDCi:^Y(>-Con(rculontt ItVdm dl^mayrd

Uie eztcullve Mnictwe m .{umUli *n «unple of Ifgblutl irrMimllntrn which tiify hope ‘ doa-nUnrMrt will Imitate, movement hw the quin »uppori promlnenl wid r«m ilc fli,-ure» both ildei or Uie ftlile- fipf»k' luybum »nd 0. O. P.-fr Jnmrs V Wadiworth of Netf Vork are Uie belilnd-the-»ecfiei autJiors.

Tlie bulc pUn U to coordliialc tho vnrioiu commlilees wHlel* hnncllo

- “ ■ Pfoblems. UnderBAY TtCKEIt the pmenl jyjtem. to cite Uie most

obvious cue. Uie military ittilrs jrtnip minai!*# qum- IIOM of policy with t)ic ndvlce of w»r (lepartmrnlcra, but »noUier aub-unit of npproprlatJoiii clctermlrM how miich money ihall be ipcnt to carry out Uie proKrani- Tlili duplication abo applies lo iinval, la­bor. ajrlcultural ftnd othtr major jubjecu. Tlie need for closer teamwork h felt mo»t keenly In °f- ganlifltlotij which .lupervlie the war effort and the Ilrst reform will bo Inauguraletl In tJiat field.

Tlie Innovation may be expended to Include «iu te and lioiue inemberi slttlcn; toteUier for coiialdcra*

luuM affecllng cur role lii the world•niB' 3Uld ■ e Uie time

RATION IJOOK NO. 2Point ratlonlnR Is scheduled lo be InauR

uratcd .^oon. after Ihe present ration book- lias been rcpluccJ by a more comprehensive, more flexible substitute.

The new No. 2 book mny appear compli­

cated at first and its with a point sys­tem undoubtedly will lead to temporary mls-

'uhderstandlngs and irritations,Therefore It Is Important that we approach

the revised rationing setup with comprehen­sion and tolerance. recoBnizlnpc that tlie scheme lake.s fu ll atlvantaBc of mistakes

made by oilier nallons who were torccd to

precede us In broad-scalc ratlonlnR.Much of the apparent compJexlly really J.'j

on the surfacc. After the first week or two of u-se Iherc should be nothinR left to gripe obout except the shortages themselves, and

neither the OPA nor your storekeepers cre­ated those. .Blame a paperhanger named Hitler, a stuffed shirt named Muwollnl, a phony Rod named HIrohllo.

The expression "point system" means Just thi.i:. ' There are a preat many foodstuff.^ which are interchanfjeable. For Instance. It Is a m atter of taste nnd convenience whether you have cora peas, strlnRbean.':, spinach, beets,

or some other vcRetable. You may at the moment th ink that peas would be nice. Bill peaa arc scarce and there Is a relatively plen­tifu l supply of corn available. You have a fixed number of "points’’ to spend on canned

frulta. and vcRCtablcs. Because peas are scarce, a can will cost you more points than would a can of com. You take your choice. Pfpbably you select the-corn, or something else tha t won’t use up too many polnLt,

Thus the OPA will be enabled to co'nserve the scarcer Items to concentrate attention on

the more plentiful, w ithout frccitvenlly chang­ing the value of .the overall ration ticket— as has been necestary with gasoline, for which there Is no substitute.

Meanwhile the housewife is free to exercl.'ic her choice. Unlike the British woman, she

_c a n . trade wherever she wlshe.i. She is rea- 3onJiT3ly~ccrtaln-thttt; month after month, ahe can obtain all the fruits and vegetables she really needs.

The .sy,^tem Is not perfect.'the OPA admits. But experience In other countries, with re­finements that will suRRe.<it Ihem-sclves to

every consumer, has Involved an amount of red tape th a t the American people never would stand.

Let’s glve.polnt Jatlonlng a fair try before we get excited obout the irritations that will crop up.

. ipllol hlil but «Uo of olflcen like Chief of titaff Mnrjhall and Chief of Naval Operation! Klnn. A« U li nov,', they nicnd almost u many houm In parlln- mrntary chambers ai tlicy do idmlnliterlns front toe or quanei-tSeek malUn.

Tlie confuilon which hai attcnilcd tJie nolutinii of Uie food, oil and rubber dlfflculllps Ji#-’ Joltrtl iho lads at the eajtern end of Pfnn»ylvanift avenue, 'niey attribute delays and crluciouhis to the fiu;l itiat 110 one indlvlducil or central ajcncy has full auihor- llv lo nnke decUlonj on prlcci. rnilonlnf. lrttn l>or•

r production. 80 thty tlilnk It might be a nnd pcrh



•vKtUJSE-Cordell Jtull i;

:)irrs Aha hi* re.i

: Aiiicrlcn . of iiwf.var rnlor e is dULurbcil le;.t p

tilt ihmlwlti ' tha'

IN STALLM ENTS IN ADVANCICHenry Kaiser’s Idea for po-st-war trade

bonds deserves serious consideration. It Is so new tha t the wise man will not go com­pletely overboard until there has been time to consider a ll ospecls of the propo.sal.

W hen the war Is over the United States will possess at least two of the three elements essential to an Industrial nnd commerclol boom.

There w ill be enormous demand for every- thlnR— automobiles, electric refrlRerators. air conditioning units, homes, oil burners, radios, typewriters—the list Is endless.

There w ill be a maRnlfleenl Industrial p lant, with millions of skilled workmen anx­ious to supply that consumer demand; and with the end of hostllltle.-i, there will be an ample supply of most raw materials.

The problem, obviously, is to get demand and supply together, before the stagnation that Is inevitable during the retooling pei lod can eat up the third of the vital elemen — the savings with which consumers must

buy the things they will need so badly.Mr. Kaiser proposes that the Eovernment

sell bonds which, after the war. can be ex­changed for the goods which \wrtHen shall want to buy. \

Under such alo lan 11 would not be neces­sary fo r us as Inolvldtials lo decide right now what we shall bu^ later. We can wall, and see whether the new car or a renovated

kitchen shall comc first—or. If we are already certain that It w ill be the car. we can wait to see w hich manufacturer will get the Jump at producing the car of tomorrow to suit our taste.

Meanwhile, the money Invested In such bonds would be taken out of circulation at a time when too much spending w ill promote In fla tion . I t will be available to the govern­ment to help finance the war.- The mechanics of such a schcme as Mr. Kaiser proposes would have to bo worked out w ith the greatest of care. Carelessness about details could easily wrcck the whole system.

Among other things, there could be no public confldence\unJcss It wore made abun­dan tly clear th a t w e government Is acting only as a banker— that the setup can not be used Indirectly to control production and distribution of commodities.

'n iere probably w ill be strong criticism of

the whole idea. That which la honest and sane should be considered on Its merits. That w hich volccs mere reaction and passivity ebould be.lgnoreiL

pulling o( (Irmocra

llie src.-elar)- of «:ate I0115 ago arrmiKi iltimrtmenlal body lo dclUjtralc on socli and iwllllcal cliangrs wlilrli will cinaiialc I:"world revolution." which Is hLi term for th earttiqunke. Jt Is headed by Leo PavoLiky. lil; , nulitant. Every Saturday mornUiK he and other Hull alclrs convene with tolons of scnnie and houie nnd with offlclal.1 Ifoni commrrci-, nb-rlculture nnd liiBor. Dut no drclsloMj are renchfd, n-i ihe Tciin- rweean wlU eiplahi. Tlie pfoceedliisi are tlmply an udeinpt to agrea iipoii a few fimdamcntnls.

Lawmakers Invited to these confabs hnve been »worn to tccrecy coiicernlnj the converiiitlon.s. Those wlio will ordinarily .'peak about executive j,tiiloii.i‘ agenda cetasc itj hreik tiillh wlUi Uie aeetelwry. Uul Uielr BPncral reuctioii U tlut tlieje conferencea Art rt?lly tleJlKnrd lo insure reeniictmcnl of lend-lcx'e nnd rcclpi-ocnl triulc nKrccracnt. Icgtilutlon. Both Ktanu expire in June, iind lliere has been tome Inlk iiml the nieoiure.1 mlKht not be rtnewed. They will be, of tlioiish iwulbly In u modified form glv* liiK congre.'s more voice In Jiich nc;;oUaU0ni.



n presidential pi

-Korean pulrlob »teklni: Wu.shlnuton their "lorsoiieii rciiubllt" may fttj

in.slratloii on Ihe March 5 unnlversn y'» blrih. Tlieir objective wlU be lo I ihelr claim for freedom from n which has been Klvliig Uiesfl Jap h

1 lot ral yea(leiiatthe r . . . ........ .................-...........

Normally Uic Koresn.i hold o liberty conference In crlrbrntlon of Uiclr national nuinl day. Out this year they may hold k "slavery confcrrnce.’ paindlns be­fore Uie White Hoa™ and Cordell HuU’n bulUllnK In rlittlns, inckelolli nnd ashes, Kor i.ome curlom cause— niiU IhU la Ihe rcu;.uii for the coniemiilalcd affair— our dlplomnu and riillliao’ men have kissed uwny Uie ofter; of aid which JJ.OOO.OOO lnhablUnt.i of this land could provide in the orient.

Dr, SynKiniin Rhee, tlielr veiicrnble rrpresriimiliifi,. recently iisked n prrronnnntertlrw wlUi Mr. Hull to SCI forth pl.ins for an uprlslns. But the secrelnry's nide tUKueited that he tjilk wltii Adolf Doric or istan- ley K. itombeck, head of ilic far cailcrn dIvLilon— the very men who In the iia l have ahnicged their thoulilers at tlie doctor* proposals. From SecrclArles etlnison and Knox he has received only sympuihetlc letters ftcUnowIcdBlng a blueprint for on outbreak enUtled "War by Fire." Tlie pamphlet purported to show the damage which Koreans could crenl*- in Ilirohlto's liftck yiird if supplied with lend-leajc wriiDons.

logical reason for not embracing les at the moment. It Is the siinie

eliflj In Hlller-donihialed...... ....................... :he hour to strike hhs notirrlved. but Dr.-ilhee believe* there should be ice designing nnd asslJiance for Uie Inevltabli I against Tol:yo,

Mr. Hull the Intrlgni ho Klves u> prospectl' lerfllotrle yel

Po t Sh ot sipffA the


EXTHEE1 ORANAnV SKTS NKW cony. About 149 In American moneynUflDLEH RECOKD!

Attention Potsle;AU time final high hurdles :d ■v,•w Ml nwHiriRy b

meUI .granar)- owned by A DeVUser here In Filer whi cleared three fences for a <li-. )f a quarter mile before It fti he Rroimd. It was not so hcljhl. speed or dLsianci

' ■ * .up Uiat m,

iiucJi Ihobut the

•ked Ihe

The question uppermorl In Mr. DcVLver',\ mind now is; "What shall I do with the lncrea.-ect pro­duction a,iifd for by Mr. Wlckard ilid the nlher RIr Wigs? Loai

I need 1 • jmnir tUKT)

Iran. and

. TIIi:st FARMEH8 ■re jwt ftrent enough ilnilUr stuff nvttJlable i who arc tr>’lns to do

Other Points of View

lioor r kind. U \\ 1: trouble* seen Iiltliy luere. 1

SIONEY TIIOUULKS irtaU are always In a pickle of 1 \ one Uili\8 H.'j 6i\oU\tt. Mo»t of to center around what hoU' writ c,

_id, believe It or not. Its abundance.............. headaches, though admlttedb' mosUiein come from ItJi icarclly.

flight now the legislature of Idaho nnd It^ doer neighbor, Oregon, are both In setslon. and both are In their luual dlUier iiboul money. Tlie “crises" •eem lo be producing Uie usual furore, but here Uie resemblance ceases.

Here In tlie Oem slate. a,s we all know, the legis­lature's big Job Is to extract an'undetermined num­ber of millions out of Uie [loor old body pollUo with­out hurting anybody, and the harried solona haVe about decided Uial It can't be done, whether Uie amount needed is »even and a half. 15 or 25 millions.

over til Oregon llie income and oUier U*es have been bringing in more and more money while a frugal slate admlnLsiraUon held Its spending down lo for­mer levels, piling up a surplus of Eeveral mllllont In the ireaiiiry. Whal lo do aboul UiU money U pui- tllng the legislature at £alem. Cut a dividend, pay off the stale debt. >la.ih new tnxes, boost old age pension* or )seep It on hand for a rainy day? The last will be U18 most difficult for polllldatis. of cour»e.

BO Idaho leglsUtors can lake i.nme comfort In the knowledge Uiat even If they had plenty of money they would have plenty of troubles, and not nece.warlly lew vexKlous ones elUier. Such seems to be man's 111 lot,— Nanipa Free Press.

FIVE nnoTHEns Ttv five Sullivan brothers are now Inimorlal. Call

Uie roll for them: Albert, Madison, Jcsepti. Francb and Oeorge. ranjlnc tn age from 22 lo 2S. "nicy lived In Waterloo, la., and now live wherever people re­member them and ihelr loy»lly. Tlial should bo e 'ers’wherc and forever.

It Is a idiori and almple tloo’, George explained how It was when the boya enlisted a year ago. They worked for a meat packer nnd always did Uilnsn together. A buddy of theirs named Bill Hall had been killed by the Japs at Pearl Harbor. So they wanted to Join Uie navy and UUce hli place. Tlie nav^ officials under, atood. and they went, and lerved on the cruiser Jun­eau from t^e time It wu commissioned. They helped to Uck the Japa In the Herce battle of Guadalcanal. They gave all they had and never came back.

Tuese are the men for whom Uie beU toll*. U tolU on a reef In those coral Uluids of Uid far Pacific, and 'It ears o%*er and over: "Albert, Madbon, Joaeph, Frajicls, Oeorge—," the boy-men who avenged their ftltnd wad helped lo cStatiM ih* « » , and a « n o* '» part of 11 aU. and will never >e forgotten.—Caldwell Uews-Trlbune.

Inflation Is hers all right, but ve are not luppoaed to know It because It hat on a Kew Dial dUgulse. Ifou vUl find It out on« of these dayi Uiougb when ;ou bar- Btln for a unaU grocery *uppljr and the grocer asks ywi bow 70a want It flaanctd.—WaIU« Miner.


for fnnithe biRSf; . . . ____ .)ur ngrlculturljt.1 have figured out I wsy lo gft around the little mj er of OPA's rule that it’.cd tracti ■wi'l be sold at farm auctions for iiore limn 8.'i per cent of new price. It you're Inlere.'tfd in how farrn-

gnliig after stuff such oi


At fi for Plows control Ibt, Dy TOtiM, If i kiio whoevr

tinndilll receive e,- a veo-

txnrlor. U lt Hint 11 could be dnncStTnrclilckens. loo.

You buy a Hhode bland red hen for *1,100 (ind they give you a tractor, flo you eat Uic 11.100 hrn and ice Uie free tractor lo produce food for Uie army, nsvy and civilians.

We dunno whether K's right or not. Dut you've got 10 haie equip-

It to grow food,


Tlie hotel for slpfjile.v, nights, ■hought you might bo IntcrcNled hat with so many of your Idaho oys over In Africa tight now.In Africa there Is a hotel built

In the lop of a'tree, lu name U Treetops and It can be re.iched by 30 miles aulotiiobllc ride and then walk from the town Nyerl, In Kenya ;crrltory, Armetl guard* accompaaj' ,-ou to this hotel In the heart of ,he jungle. On moonlight nlshU ob- ier\ers see eleplianb, wild dogs, vater bucks, rhlncccror.. hyena*, bushbucts. wild pigs, leopards, ba­boons. monkeys, rebras. etc.. coming

water holes Uiere. The only rea- for thts halel Is observation. No

ikIng, talk or walk liv lde allowed alter dark. Hotel consist* ol only tlirte rooms, bathrooom and bal-

pf L.idy iielty Walker. Bigland, proprietor: Oui- spin Hotel m Nyerl.

^■Anlas VIULSuskat iMlddletown. O,)

Pot's note — RegardhiB Arejas Vltknu.-.k.v„ the contrlb above, we find In nur mall a slight mystery. Tills gcot. In terms of total attempts lo cra.ili our column, la by far the .mtal^prollll,; of iha-Xolkj who-aand- Uilngs to U.V Most of It doesn’t ge Into print. Tlie mystery we menUoi Is this; On the same day we goi conirlhutlons from Vllkauskna post­marked <B> DIntr, WLv. and (b: ’Twin FalLv but with a .Middletown O., returii sdilrMs. How cnme7 Alsc

his offering waa In Lllh.

GHOSTSDear Pols:

AUhnuch the late unlamente< wind may have cauicd conild^abli damage there Is the humoTOui-Mdi too.

Beverly Alger, age 11. awokened Uie morning of the bl« wind to find It dark as usual In her bedroom. (She didn’t know Uiat Uie light switch was really on but the light* were off due to power difficulties.) She reaehed over to push the Ught switch but before ahe could touch It the llRhU came on. She looked around the room but no one there. A* sfie started to gel out of' bed the llghU failed again but as she da*hed out of the room Ui( power relumed.

Running Into her moUier'* arm; she cried, ••Someone I can’t se# li playing tricks with the llghu In my room I"

—Jo Jo the Jalr

RECRUITERS IN ACTION We glre you a eeuple of glimpses

brought in by Sleuth OFR from the rcrutUng front In Twin Falls.S»y» our sleuth:Walter Tackelt, Uie na>y recr ilt-

Ing speclalLit. puffing out hls,cheit after ••taking" Uie marine corps crlbbage champion, eareo Russell Uppert. In Uiret itralght gamei; then Mrs. Recruiting Qpeclalbt tak- Uig conceit out of hubby with a three-game drubbing. . . Don Fra- llck. the recruller, ahowlng would- be recruit ho* to Ue up * prisoner

Ithout » rope: Uien needing a*, .itance of mate lo disentangle him­

self from office post!

FAMOl'S LAST tINC . . And Tonmy, ren be the

Italian artny — yoa can ran fastnl! . . .-




Teacher* like good children, ax who doe.% nol7 But there Is a ques- Uon about that Roodness Uiat eveo' consclenUous teacher must answer. Whnt li he good for? Tliat Li. what does he count for In Uie life about him? Is he good because hs dor.i not bother you? Good becau.'e he tils rlUl where you placed lilm and rrmalns there unUl you put him somewhere else? If hLs BOodnem U of that ncKBllve sort he Is In place'ond *onieUiIn« should be done Immedlateb to him to of hLs obligation to groiH> nnd become somebody in hl» oa-n right. Dolnff what

EXCC8E—When a man or woaian ret* on a public payroll, all Uie pow- tt* on earUi Usually fail to pry Wm' loose. It la only natural for a ic" eral. itat« or municipal caiploye 'fight to hold a cuUiy berth but In dara of crush­ing Income tsues thl* old American custom certainly raise* hob wlUi the lowly clUien^* pockeU»ok. The Institute for Pub-

Serrlce re. ses ataUsUc*Ui# New York

educational sltua- Uon. This, in varylni v egr-cs. may be duplicated In your home Uiwn.

For an expected reducUon of 4t, 000 elementaiT pupils, the authorl' Ue* WlU make no decrease in thi number of teachera. EsUmate* fore, caat tfiCO fewer Junior high and IB,- 000 fewer high school etudenu ‘ all present inatruclors will be .. talned. Thirteen truant officers will be added, so the suff will be 01 three leas Uian In lOM when Uii were a quarter of a million mi ehlSdrtn to wateh.

AlUiough Industry is clamoring for youngstere with aomo knowl­edge of mechanic*, no extensl proposed In vocaUooal guldanct cuse glvtn for not meeting current condlUona Is that tool.i are exp'n. slve and unavailable and that fac- lories train their own creen work-

But economy re/ormera charge Ihe true rm.ton U that facul

ire composed of science or lib irts people. Experts on machln'

. 'oitld be necewar)' and the con venllonal ma. ters would be unfit t< fill these new pcst.i. As boys slilftet from EnglLih pocto’ ‘0 welding thi old-llne educators would lose theli Job*. '

RATTLE.SNAKE.S —In Oermany Jiey're saying, •'Concrew will win ;he war,” Engineers believe Uiat if Uiey smear the hide of Europe will Uiti substance It will prevent thi lilies from puncturing It. de.

velopment.1 are enormoui fonific.i- tiotis on the Dutch Nether- land officials In New York say resi­dents hare been driven from th« ahore in such drovei that an ernc- imted family l-i glad lo pay $70 foi

pushcart lo move Iti furniture. Local laborers on the new west all are forbidden to receive vlslt-i

from relatives except under Ihe eyes )f the police, Mol(L< have been « t iround ordinary dwelllnRs and ce- nent poured In lo make powerful blockhouse. for mn«ked artlllen-. Sand dunes that skirt Uie North

—once the playground of haimy ;aUonl-itvi — are studded with

mines. Sentrle.s fire'upon anvrnie .ho aporoaches. Vlne.s of bnrhed •Ire disfigure the plctu^e^que 'llke.i. The most succevful

of the :Indlca

rnt raid.1Ins :o


15 VEAR8 AGO, JAN. U. 19Z8

Will Rogers, writer and speaker, will be here sometime In May. It

mounced last evening by Mrs. James D. Whelan, president of Uie 30th Century club.

The Twin Fall* Betary club mem­ber* irere gueit* of the Jerom« Ro­tary club at luncheon at Jerome yesterday. - •

Miss Irene Bouton. teicher at Lincoln ichool. was u^nsferred to the Bickel school to Uke Uie plac« of Mlu Rosa Fowler, who has re- ilSQtd to be married at Lewiston.

n YEARS AGO. JAN. 25. ISISA conalrueUan crew of the Ore-

gon Short Une railway company ar­rived here lo begta construcUon of a spur track from this point to the Bite of the Amalgamated Sugar companj- factory to be built this summer.

WonS h u been brwisht to ihSs city that rabid coyote* are ploying havoc among the itock to the west­ern part oi'thls county. Tlse coyot«a luVe lost all. fear and vUl come around Qie bam* and corrals of the farmen aod In some cases try to make their way to the house be­fore beinff ahoL

ind brllrvtntr that to be all that s required of him I* a and a :osUy mistake for him.Oood chlldrtn. to my way of

nfiuiunn?. are ihojc who do good hings like hflpin; iliemselvcj.

mastering their dlfflciiIUe.v helping people nnd always preparing uscful.iUe. Tliat, son of clUld

dors not sit *Uii an(<> ho doe not lUv where hn Is put for anv length )f lime. He 1* forever on hia way toward seme distant goal.

Aellvlty a-6afely Val»e That sort of child make.i nol*e. luses excitement because of hi* ex-

perlmenu, make* disorder bocauso of the activity and Uie use of things about him. He annoys grown peo­ple, who like quiet and peace and order, but I cannot consider the peace of grownups fta Important as Uils chWs growUi.

No worth while child ever grew up without making trouble for grown people, if they considered it trouble. OrtrwUi comes out ol Uon. A* all children are inexperi­enced, and unskilled. Uielr nuempis at ocUon lead to waste, mistakes, trouble of many klnd.1. Tlieir lack of experience mean* a lack of ]ud«- mcnt. too, so they get Into danger, makes serious mistake* somellmes, and cause great anxiety. But this Is the price of growth nnd. it must be paid. A child's quality can be good and give hi* Inclieni and hU\people plenty cf \annoyance, even \cause Uiem anxiety. \

Don’t put a premium on negative goodness. It Is belter Uiat a child

:perlmenl and break a few relortv<. >011 a few meals, waste a bit of ma­

terial, Uian Uiat he alt and sit and sign of the *Ur of life

within him.

Be PaUenl WIUi Mi*Uke.Good children someUme* do bad

Ihlngs In mistaken intent. They pll fer, they lie, Uiey evade duty, the d(j what Uiey ought notjn do an

undone Uiat which they ought ve done—a* Uielr fathers be­

fore them did. And all Uie lime they are good children because the qual­ity of their wuls U unaffected by Uielr mUlakes.

Be pAtient with Uiom mlsUke.s and study wiiat caused Uiem. Ex- plitn the mistake lo the child wlUv

, wit angw or without Jtwr Sn your heart. Just renember that.ln.Uil* rood, by falling and rising again, by making mistake* and corrccUng them, by trying, tr>-lng. trj-lng, try­ing. men rose from the depUu of Ig­norance to helghbi of mastery. Goodness lies In trying, falling, auc- ceedtng and wUiinK always to be right.

A good teacher Is quick lo dis­cern the difference between nega- Ure living and poslUre being, and to act accordingly for the healUi of UiB child.

Submarine pci . . piKboM;;. ftctuaHy atf rimh

garages covered wlih Am.relnforced mixture. The 'small bombs of cur Flying were unable to

deni the rwjfj so Uie RAF dumped block-busters on them. If the# SloTr-are'inerfrcitTr.-wt-twTcjemi-— Ine cause for alarm, for unUl we dig Uito their nesu we cannot kill ratllwnakes,

6TOANC e InNew York reveals how Europeui relugres mix In our melUng pot. HoraUo Al«er »uece4s *lor1ea are uncovered—also »o(ne ink spots on Uie record. Tlie exodu* began 10 years ago when HUler firf. pro.» wlbed all parties except hU NsUonal Soclallit buiilcs and de­creed his brutal racial law*.

Since then aoprotlmalely 200.000 aUens hare fled lO our shores. Uie tfreat majority of whom are Jews. Tlie brwn shirts made It more .iifflcult for so-called Aoans to ob­tain vL\a.i. Only a trickle of any na- Unnalltv arrlve.s now.

Half of the newcomers settled In vicinity of Manhattan. Uie oth­

ers are acollered. W’eallhy AuMri- ans. Seandinavlsns. French, Pole* and Balkan peoole e«r!l'r ihronced

ilels where their snobbtih- e mannera and political

_____ drove out the local cus­tomers. A faculty leachlns book­keeping to •exiles repeatedly was nblltrd lo caution students not to Inform their future empIo>ers how much better accounting wa* hsn-

in Ciech(Mlo\-nkh or Germany. ■If things were U\ fine orerreaj.- Ihe prrfesiors would tell scoffers, -whv didn't you slay Uiere?"

Many stnnRers have become fine Americans. The textile, wearing ap­parel. food. l>everaEe, leather, chem­ical nnd metal trade.s have ab- .sorbed the matest number. A third

the buslner-imen .started a new • on ttOO capllol: a quarter on

5S.OOO or more. Doclors total 6.000, f whom are now placed In itUes heretofore without ad­

equate medical senlce. Seme are excellent farmers, chiefly poujlry raisers.

SWAMP.'i—Although Rio de Jane- Iro has Just announced plaru to move 50,000 laborers Into the bln-

id In search of rubber. New auUioriUes on the subject cau­

tion lu about expecting immediate •suits.EconnmlsUs have learned a grim

le.von: It Is vcr?- difficult lo restore jlectcd culUvatlon such as Colom­

bian quinine bark and Amatonl»n ■ ,h1ch dtiappeared when

erials were developed In idles. Surrevors who have

rtlumed to Manhattan as.iert that our synthetic bunas will have little eomneUtlon from the natural orod-

in Uie great river basin. Uttex s are founri In swam^ which flooded eacii vear. Our experts

dUcovered Uiat fUh *wlm Into the idated regions nnd devour the

reeds, reducing the po.iiJble crop.The lonB range prospect for Bra-

lian prosperity is good. The na- 3n has sources of raw materials id after the war may expect an In- ;tx of Fumpenn Immlgmnts »Im- ir lo lhat which occurred in the

U. S. when the was opened. •n^U would mfckt Rlo U«

ipltal below the Ijthmm, a fact ni rellUicd by Buenos Alxes. its

old rival.





rituals and I

thods in congrcss onl) one small cliangi has been accepted by the DcKwcraUi leadership.

That tmoll con cession -to tola war was made grudgingly In def­erence to Uie rise of ftir war­fare. news which finally a pears to ha 'made its Impre


Is wed. , the hoiw

:d lurt

UwB In hl< keokkl Ka. vhkli b T. ebula It. m.4 I

Natives *UU pracUce a lystem- jU«d exchange of wives In Ta- hiU, largest of the French Society 'iluiils.

)mmlUee privllegi Ls If they had .lome religious sani ;lty. Instead of being merely tools .0 -work wim. Jle has. however, fin- illy Riven hli reluctant bleulng to pennlillnK nn exchange of top mtm- bera between the house naval and military affairs commltlee.i.

That was proposed by Ciialrmaninson of the iioaie nnvni affairsimmlllee. The chairmen of Uie two

eommliiees and the top Republican Tiember of each will have member- ihip and voting rights in boUi com- Tiltiees. Rep. Vinson feels Uiat Uie need of a unified air program makes Ihk slight amount of over­lapping between the mlliury and naval commlltees advisable. Clialr- man NJay of Uic military af­fairs committee •Bould go {u:th«. Ite would adopt a similar arrangement between these two ccmmlUee.s and the two tubcommlttees Uiat handle mllltoT)' and naval approprlAtloh*. BO lhat aU four commlttee.s would, Interlock. But Uiat U pracUcaliy heresy.

Fjtceiil for Uie lllUe Vinion cliange. the tnachlneo' of Congre.\.i must creak along as it did in Uie hoppy d*ys of Rutherford B. Hayes, Uundred.bllUon-dolIar budftts must adapt themseires to mo*s-covered tmdlUons. Old timers who run th hoif,e-and It 1* about as bad it the aenate-ore as icnUmental ove ihelr old rules as Ivy-leaguc alumni over Uielr college UadlUons:, It matters lltUe that General Marshall and Admiral King must commute tr and repeat lesllmon: among four different committees every time they want monej-. One day not long ago General Marshall ipent Uie morning before a senate :ommliiee and then repeated his itory Ui a house committee In the sftemoon-all because the senators and r«pre.->entaUre3 are too Jealous of their prerogaUva to alt In a Joint meellnc and save half of the Jme they take from the taen who

n Uie

The«« are not Just- the crlUclsm; of ouUiders. Inside congress plenty of members recoenlze U>e ouUnoded absurdity of the wasteful committee pracUces. But the preaaurt for cliange comes mostly from Republic­ans, or from a few younjer Demo- craUo membcn like Rep. Oore of

Tennes.iee and Rep. Monroney of QkJahoma, Rep. Dlrk.ien. in Illin­ois Republican, argues to deaf ears for the hiring of expert staff re­search men to axsist commltlees.

•Twice tho President hw been given considerable authority to re­mold the executive end of our gov- rrnitienl." Rep. Gore said in a recent nrUcIe In CoUIer^s magaxlne. -Only concre.-ji ha^ been untouched ond Is Mill plodding along with Uie melhodi and ceremonies of fifty years *go.~

Rejrjbllcan members of Uie house and f<natc oppropriaUon* commit­tees have proposed a Joint commil- lee on budgelarv control to mske a ronUnuing check of federal expen-

If InvesUgators went Into uiive departments and did

their work weU. tliey could sive a- greatdeal of manpower and woman- power. Many government offices. - Including war neenclrs and Urn war tlcp.uunent iLself. ore overloaded :llh people who have litUe to do nd must read newspapers, or think p ionieUiIng el.i« lo do. to fill up

part\of Uieir time. Probably ihou- ■, of workers could be dropped ent out Into more useful work never be mLwd. iirre.-j can do that kind of aud- Th" hoaie naval affairs com- p lias Raved Uie goveninienl a

billion by forcing renegollailon of ilraetj. nnd it has expo.ied y-money hrokerw in war

Tlic stnalf Tniman eommlitee U being continued. But Uie equally desirable Tolan investl- i;atin{ commltlec is having trouble. Speaker Rayburn Is cool toward -intinuing IL

Curlevi.ily Donald Nelson and oUien In the cxecuUve branch who have been InvtsUpaied by the Tolan commliiee endorre it,-! work as use­ful to the war effort. Speaker Ray- bum wanti all special commlUees abolished. Ife wanu noUUng but e old tndillonal rniUne standing

Iheir Job.s by seniority whether they 'lai-e ability or not. It Is an Interest- np cotnmentarj- on Uie house lead- er^hlp, which ts about to okay a- sne-hundred-bitUon-dollar budget, lhat Uie Tolan commUtee n>ust moke a fight to be permitted to t>3n- '.inue its construcUve checkup on he war effort.

Recruiter Gives

WAAC ProcedurePvt. Alvin L. Oaboru. who Is in

charge of the army recruiting na­tion at Pocatello, was here.Saturday to distribute, lllerauira concerning • enlistment of women Is the WAAC*.

PrlTste Osborn said •women may write u> the recruiUng office at Pocatello lor enUsUoent appllca- Uou. and then eo to Salt Lake to be Interviewed by the WAAC re- diUtlng officer.

Page 5: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

ilondoyr January 25,1943 TiMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P#ge Five


Engagement of Miss Enid Richards Told

Eneairemcnt of Mfss E n id R idm rds. daughter o f M r. and M rs Piirkcr RichardH. to Lieut. Hnrvcy J I. Cook/ koii of

M r and Mrs. D . Hnrvcy Cook, was announced a t n lea herd Saturday a t the home of M iss R ichards’ parents, 1410 JIaple

avenue.Uie Ilrtplacc were dever

p « i and Ink c*rlciture3 of Uie cou­ple Bet In R teal and maroon fnune. A big maroon bow WS3 caught ai the top of tlic picture »IUi (ilreon;crs leadlntt to ths tide of Uio mantel to

Held In place by a pair of lovo birds. Anolhcr mock photo or mnroon backjround waa placed tJie rudlo.

A bouQucl ul wljie red and uhllc cai'naUoiu uid aeocla blouoms In a white eJilna bo*l formed the cen- Uri’iece ol ih t lace covcreti UWe. Tapcrllghl from the wliltc caiidcl- ntjra lllumlnaicd Uie «ccne.

M ltJ Jec.ti Jotiu luid .Mre. I t L. bummerflfld iwurec* for the flrxt hour »nd Mra. V. C. Ballantyne wid Mrs. W. W. HUM prwlded over iho lAhlo Uic second liour. Mlu Helen Tinker. Mlis CelcaUne Salmon, MUa DorU Younit. and MIm DoroUiy Youne tcrvtd In blue formab.

Miss Richard! Kai smdualed from Tain Palb lilgh idiool lu the clws of 1038 and U a graduate o( Uie Vnlvenily of ZdaJio gouUiem branch, uhere'she was presldeiil of Blijma 61gma Ueti and & member of Oetu Ciulton Kappa. She haa been president of Panhellenlc w- deiy and a member of ihe Iladio clut>. ML'.i Rlchartls taughl lu l yew In Inkom and luui recently been Uadilng In Haliey.

UeuUnani Cook U & member ot Uic 1034 iiraduatlns clau of the Twin Falb hlgb school, lie i\t* tended tlie Unlverjlty of Utah where he woa afflUated with the Sigma }Ju frnurtilty. and he nUo attended Uie Unlvtnlty o! Ottson- UeuUn- ■nt Cook received his commlAslon In November at tiie Edcewood arsenal. Md,. where he aludltd clirmlcal war­fare. He la now staUoned at Barks­dale Held. U .

T^ie widdlns lake pbce U« first p.irt of Februarr at Barksdali field.

* * ¥■Two Rupert Women

Join WAAC Ranks-SALT LAKE CrTY. Jan. 25 l/TV-

Seven Idaiio women have enlisted In the women's army ouxlllor ' corps, dLitrlct recrultlnc offlcer.i an: no\!nc«i ioday.TVity ait-.

Mias Blanche Aaniom.. nupcrt: MIM Eve M. House, Twin Falls; Miss Demelcc Hopson, Meridian; Mls.i Mar>' Maxine Fackler, Idalio Pulls; MlsJ MarUia D. Alien, Rupert; Mlv UitUe A. Tamtr. noise, nnil Mlaa Belly Mac Reeves, Pocatello.


Mlu Enli] RIeharils, Trhoie com- In* warrlaje to I.Ieut. I la n r j .''I. rook nat (old at an'announn- mrnt tea Saturday. (Album rholu —HUff fnjravlnsl

Marian Martin Pattern

W.S.C.S. Circles Select Officers

JEROME, Jaji. 2S — OrKunlsatlon mcftlnsa of the North and South circles of the W. S. C. S. were held Thursday aflemoon. the cle met at the home of^lrii. C, C.

'Frn;.er. wlUi 20 In iiticndance, In- cludUiK f.everal,' Ruesta.

Tlic North circle meetlm: wiu held nt Ihe home of MLw Gerlnide Shephertl. 11 were In atlcndi

Mrs, Fte<l Ktnvwdy electedpre.<lclrnt of (he south circle; Mr.i, auy Sttinteon, vice prc.ilclcni; Mrs. Leon Fairbanks, sccrctur)-; Mrs. C. C. Fraser, trca.'surcr. ond Mrs, A. L. Dcwhlrst. progr.-xm chairman. Mrs. C. F. Hulchtox htvd chfLTse t>t tJie election ot offlccra and devo­tions. A rending, "The Mince Pie' wa.1 presented by .Mrs. Lloyd Gll-

Mr.i, Lertha Fnlrnian wius ant ha-.tess. Next meeting htui been scheduled Feb. 2J. Publicity cliarl- man for the circle of Uie iiouUi side


A SMART WRAPAfiOUND Want a hoiuefrixk that’s unusual­

ly ewy to wear and to launder? Thtn choo*e PaVlen\ 9JU by Mailan Martin. It's the wraparound fa­vorite In a youtMuI new treatment. Highlight the surplice edge, yokes, pocketa and gay sleeves wlUj rlc.

Pftlltm 93i\ may te onltrttl only In mlises’ and women’s .ilzes 12. 14. 18, IS. 30. 30. 33. 34. 36. 33. 40. Size 18 requires 3H yards 35-lnch fabric and 3S yard* rlc-rac.

Send SIXTEEN CENTS In coins lor this Marian Marlin pattern. Write plllnly SIZE. NAME. AD­DRESS and STYLE NUMBER.

Just Out — our Spring Pattern Booki A pracUcal sewing guide, (Iz n ake*<n-er detlgns; smart, alra- plvto-aew work, sporti. and drew- up styles for all tfts. Pattern Book.

; ten cents.Bend your orders to Tlmes-Newi.

Pattern Department, TU-ln Falli. Ida.

New offlcen for the NortJj circle •c .Mrs. P. D. Corhon, president; ce |irr?ldfnt. Mrii. liurolcl L. Mor-

Mrs. Loulr. Nelson, flccretary. CoinmlltCM arc headed by ML'.< Lulu Graves. fellowiWp; Mr.v JI. M. Rom. banquet; Mrs. n. J . Prrcman, finance: Mrs. Guy Slmmoai, pub­licity and Mrs, D. J. Stowell. mem- benhlp.

•me meeting in February wjll be held at the liome of Miss, Lulu Oraves.

» » »

South America’s Customs Studied

A dIc.Miislon of the peoples of South Amerlru iiiaikrd la.-.i week's

■ting of the mlulonarj' society when Ihc Kroup met with Mrs. Edward Skinner.

Mrs. How.ird Durkhart. proRram leader, told of the background and customs of Uic Inhabitants of SouUi America. Mr*. U.'vrnion Wolf play­ed L;»tln tnu.ilcixl sclcctlon.i. Cuba. Haiti and Puerto Rico were

d by Mr. . Skinner, Mrs. Welf and Mrs. W. C. Charle>lon. '

A letter from Hunt officials was read expre.wlnt! thanks for the Clirbtmas gifts the Kroup . ent to Hunt children, Mrs. William Percton directed the montiily mission c^ult MT!i. Ktnneli^ S«« Mtn. VIll- llsm Gerber a t :e n d % ^ ciies^. Mrs. Burkhart appoints Mrs. Het­man L. Dob.'on to art w publicity chalnnaji for a newly Inaugurated state mbslon nrocram.

» » H-

CalendarWhen Mountain View club

meet* Wednewlay at tlie home’ot Mrs. Sam GiraWe. Jiew officers will pre.slde, .Mrs. Anna Green will dlrcct the proRram.

* * *Addison Avenue club will meet

wIUj .Mrs, M. R. Ballard at noon. Wednesday for a no-ho-ite.M lunch­eon. Meat and bread v’UI be fur* nlUied. Members are requeated to come prepared for Red Crow sew­ing.

♦ ¥ ¥Good Will cUib will meet nt the

residence of .Mrs. A. Hacker, an r'ourili avenue east, at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday. Roll call response will be first aid and home rem- tilts. There wlH be a study group session.

Annual Meeting For Y. W.C. A. Is

Set for Jan. 27The annual mectinp'and lea

o f the Youn« W omen’.s Chri.S' ti;iii ii.s.sodatiotrwill be held a t

2:30 p. m . Wedne.sday, Jan . 27 in the club rooms over the

Orpheum theater.

Mrs. E . L. Ikenberry, dresa-

ed in a co.stume, w ill be priiicipul speukcr and w ill di.splay fiQr inlerc.stiiik’ co l

lection of Chinese articles.Rev. Mark C. Cronenberger, ad­

viser of the Y. W. C. A. board of directors, will read the devotlonals. Mrs. R. P. BerUieau wUl provide *pecl*l music and a boys' aextet from the high echool xmdcr the direction Of Miss Morlorle AlberUon wU' present musical selections.

A short business meeting wll precede the program witji Ute nunl report of the year's work giver by the offlcem. Mrs. Helen Hen^■ non wtll be program chalrmat id the tea committee-will con.ilst

.. Mrs. L, J. Tcncklnck. Mr.i. Emma K. Dlodgett and Mrs. Prank Slack.

Mrs. William Baker, chairman of the bnard. urged all lnlrrc.'tefl |)cr-

ittend meeting.* * >(■

Episcopal GuildElects Officers

OCXJDINO. Jan.'25—Mcnil>er» of llie Epl;<opol guild elected Mrs. Leon Wcfk-s a.t prc-ildent for the cfwlllE year.'.Mr*. C. C. Smith wiui hcvilcM, nt her home, and Mrs. P. E. Bsrrrtt. reilrUiK prcnldent. lr<l Uic devotional period and cotiducted Uie brief buslnc. s c.'.slon. at v,'hlch time preliminary plans were dlscui^ed for the annual Ea-ster bamar.

Elected to .sen’e with Mrs, Weeks ri- .Mrs, Branch Bird, vlce-presl- lent; Ra-.e Meyer, tre.isurcr,

and -Mrs. J, W. Williams, secrctao’. * * *

Mrs. Valdo Gray Installed Leader

aOODINO. Jan. 25-Mrs. Valdo Gray WI1.1 Installed aa pre.sldent of the Junior Christian Aid socleiy at a Biiest nirlit supper Klven at Uie home ol M . . A, C. HarUey. BshVt-cn Kuest.i were seated at one lonK tabic centered with a floral arrangement and lighted candles.

nie Impre.ulvc Installation cere­monies were conducted by Mrn. mrlley. Other oincers Inswlletl were Mrs. Cret>d Knight. Jr.. vlet- presldent; Mrs. Harley Crlppen. tecrelJiry and .Mr.i. Howard Foster,

.••urer. Mrs. Irving Robinson, re- ik' pre.'.ldent. nml each of Uie

...,ly Inr.talled offlcem wer** pre­sented with a cor.sage. Each of (he reUrlnw officers were presented with


Club Dance Set For January;

The yearly,dnnce of Uie Salmon Social club Is f^hcduled for Thurs­day. Jan. 28. at U « Amtrlcsvn Le- (lion liall. Proceeds are to go to U>e Amerifftn Red Cro.'j.

Invited miest were reque.'.ted to brine frlend.s. Arlon BasUon and hla orcheatni will provide the music.

We The Women


Fats and OilMor« thtn Ulree-flfth. or 3,S01..

OUAQO poands of all c nUnal toA vegetable fats and ''ils.con'iuiaed In factoriu during 1041 were used In the production of eoap and shorten­ing. according to a govemmcnt re­port.

Rabbit VenisonI f you like venison, rabbit wUl do.

Venison 1* the meat of any edlbls a i ^ a l Uutt has been hunted, not Just deer.

Before her huiband gave up Ills Mr. for Lieut.. Mrs. Bro-*-n had only the vaKuest notion atout her hus­band's bu-slnerj affalr.s.

He took care of bllb, life Insur- ice, InvcsUnents. And everything as In his name—checking account,

savings account, safety deposit box. family car, property, etc.

Now Uiat her husband Ls in the army s)ie has followed the advice of a headquarter* pamphlet ‘To the Wives of Officers" and made her husbanri's business her buslnrr-'.

For Uie first time since ihelr mar- riogc she and her husband are bus- Ine.M partners. Tliere Is Joint owner' ahlp of ever 'thlnc. from the check. Ing account to Uie family car. And since taking care of bu.'.lncis matters Is ca, ler for the per.ion on home ground Uion for the one away, Mn. Crown la managing cveryUilng.

Much as it surprised her and Jier husband It didn't t.ikc' her long to ealch on, either. Never again will ahesliy oway from the bii»lne.i-s sideot manlaee. thinking that only--can undemiand such thlnits.

It would be n good Idea If the whta whwe men are sUIl wlUi them and arc sUlI Uklng care of all fam­ily ba-iiness would demnnd to bi made full business partners- II wxiuld be easy to learn about fmnlly financial affair* wiUt a husband aUll around to oct as teoclier. And If the amngement Is good for ( wives, If i good for any wlve.s.

The army, of, want* Uie army wife to know about her hus­band'd hiulne.« In something should happen to the husband. The wife whow husband Is' wlUi her ought to think of that angle, H

Methodist Class Fetes Departing Church Member

-- Members of the Plcketu cUm o, Uie .MeUiodlJt church gave a lart- well iiarty in Uie church parlor Frl-. day n ljht In honor of Mr. and ili», P. A. Goodykoonti. who will leave soon lor Salt Lake City to make Uielr home, having disposed of their property here.

Mr. and .Mrs. Ooodykoonts liai been active In the church since their arrival In Twin PalLs 31 years ago. Mrs. Ooodyltoonta has been o teacli- er In Uie Sunday school and also participated In W. B. C. S. work. Mr. Godykoonti was the first ecout- master of the Boy Scouta troop

■sponsortrl by the Men’s elub of tlie church. Rev, H. G. McCalllster. tlie pa.-'tor. pre.rented Mr. and Mra. Goodykoonu a gUt In behalf of Uie' class and the church.

Following dlwier. Uio class elect­ed officers. Ed Waite was reelected pre.sldent. Others named were- Mr*. Joseph Blnke, vice-president; Mrs. Harry Wilcox, secretary; Mr*. J. P. Cotdes. trtjiur«r; J . P. Cordts. teacher; lyrd UiUiam, a.ulstatit teacher: any Mn. Pred Stone and Mr*. Earl DoroUiy. member* of Uie flower committee.

Tlie meeting ctaed with the slng- InR of Doxology with Mrs. Ooody- koontf at the piano. Benediction wu by Kcv. .\fcCalU.«er.

* *

Mrs. P. Perkins Elected as Navy Mothers’Leader

GOODING, Jan. 25-Kfs. Ptarl Perkin'!. Gooding, woa installed as commander of the Gooding Victor}' Mother’s club wlUi Mrs. Ida ’ McCombs lu |n.iLalling officer.

•n Installed with Mrs. Perkins Mrs, Beulah Hoyle. Gooding. '■Ice commander: Mrs. Mary

Judd. BIUs. .vcotid vice commander M^ . Ruth Redeye, Gooding, adju- tnnt; Mrs. Delcna Albnn, Gooding, finance officer; Mr.-. Jurepliint Burkhart. niLv, chaplain; Mra. Ivo Knie Gibson. Wemlfll. JudRc-advo- cate; Mr;:. Cora Fritli, Wendell and .Mrs. Winnie Flnck. GoofiUiK, mat'

n*al-onns, and Mra. Loliis Com id Eglantine Libtjrecht, boUi of

Gooding, color beuera. Standing committees are to be announced

Tliree navy molliers were accepted into meniberslil|i. Tliey were Mrs. Jessie CoUer. Mn. Mary IU>t and ■ Mrs. Agnes Bouii. all of Gooding.

commander Perkliu preside<l for Uie busincM r.e.uimi after tli' j.'ficers took thrlr, 1 innounced th a t ten qiillLi -eady lo be r.hlpiifd and that the •lub would make layette: next project. It was abo n: that a knitted nfulMn, made by Mrs.

-Paul .am!.-.*-aovcn-af«ha; by Ruth Redryr, wei

C A M P F I R E 5T < < iiR L $

KODAnnWhen the group met at Uie home

of their guardian. Mrs. W, A. Van Engelen, Ume was spent canning

. apple aaucB as a part of tho birth- tday pnjJecU

ready to send.

* ¥ *

Church MembersEnjoy Program

JEftOME, Jan. 23 — A ciiurcli nigiit and was enjoyed by members and Kuc.its nt the Jer­ome Methodist church Wednesday evenlnc. Faverlie thvirch t.onss

e sung by Uic aurtlrnee, Uic npen- selecUon being 'Onward Clu-ls-

tlan Soldier*," followed by prayer and scripture reading. Soncs by Uie Junior choir were followed by a solo by Mrs. J. .A. A jelectlmiwas given by the hisli .•cliool glrU" trio and a reartini; by ^trs. Lloyd J. Gilmore. One of Hit high school music itudenU. unrirr the direc­tion of Mi.« Wlk. r.ank n solo and Ml.\s Wlk. In native coitume. sang Q Norwegian song.

■nie memlars adjourned to the dInliiB room\ where refre.shmenu were ser%-ed oid a plcn.sant social time was parUeinated in by Uioae ittendlng. \

Announcement was made Uiat lext monUi, Feb. 8. another church

night observance b being arranged under Uie direction of Mrs. Oil- more- PQl-lack dtiiwr Is to b< eersed.

Civic Club Planj Antique Display

JEROME. Jan. 2 ^ ’Hie finance commltte# of Uie Jerome Clvle club is paging all members who 'might have anUques or oUier quaintVnrU- ctei tor a display at the antii tea. scheduled by the finance Ae... tnltteo at CIvIo elub house Pcb: 9.

The committee H tact these women of the Jerome

who have hidden

Younger Set Specials-1943

ThU b ihe i\n\ year that hlUe glrl^ li»U have bad fb i WariU a ttjVatT saikaaQy■ U n i milliners. Typirat ef the new tnedeU are the (a»hlaB tttspntUa aW«*. rr«ur4 Icr a of U>«nation’s lop-fllght drilgnen for repjbic modnl pricr bnrkrti. Tbr y u t •< Uw nwdrh b thatthey girr a young mlu haU of IndUidnaUty. vbUe Krrpinc ihr liafiint; a^rvpriaa* to ap.Girls* hats run to bonnata. which Is alM an ImpMtant Imsd ta grm -a^' TW U trft. aWtt:. tsof pink felt, dotted with pink tnd grmi b»B«oma aod y«Do« yan. Tor tai«riu ate •nnnr In the fay bonnet at right, which I* «t awi.brt{ht yrtfaw (tO. wtib a »taek Ithe cronrn and brln KcUons are lUtchrd la inatehlDg straw.

1 (ttl L n * Up «J

Over 200 Attend Lincoln P.-T. A Men’s Session

A large audience of fnoco lliin 200 pen.oiu. nttencled Uie Uncohi P.-T. A. men's nlglit wrek. Supt.W. Moncan sjwke on "Home, t I'VsundaUon of the Nation.' S Morgan stre.vied that parents and clilldren form the backbone ot the

>untry.Mrfl. Howard Fliher, program

chairman, introduced a qii.-irui of high school bo}’s who rang a med­ley of patriotic songs and the slxUi grade boys •R'ho gave two m g se­lections. Fouriii grade boy& prrsent. ed an original skit, "Old Dobbin/ and u song.

Mr. Morgun and Richard R. SmlUi formed a dui-l to sin; 'Tlie Jovial Blacksmllh,” accompanied by Mls.< Marjorie Albert-ion. •

Castleford Club Receives Letters

CASTLEFORD. Jan. 25-Lettera from Bons of club membera In,the scn-lee were read thanking Uie dub for Its Christmas gifts, at a meeting of, Uie Ei’erywoman's club at the MeUiodist church Tliurwlay, Mrs. MnrKftret Rlngert talked on Uie goveniment of India and Mrs. licorgc nioma.1 gave a review of 'My India. My America" by Krbh. nnlnl Shrldlmram,

The glrb' chorus under Uie dl. rectlon of Mrs. Loh Perltlns sang several songs. Flans were made to have n booth at the boivl sale. Mrs. Frank Hastings wa.'i chairman nnd Mrs. ChrKs He^elholt and Mrs. Alfred Kramer were hosteises atthe t retliig.

any old fashioned acticlei which they would like to donste. The dLs- plav of donated arUcIes will be sold ond Uie funds will be employed to furUier Clrlc club acUvitv this year. Thone.who do not wisli donate Uiclr anUques. will not obliged to do to.

The finance committee has also extended a welcome to any women of this community, who are not member^ Ui attend UUs mceUng. InlUal program under the sponsor­ship of the flnanre committee.

« * »The naUon’s tniffie toll for 190 placed by Uie ftatianol safety council at tess than 21,000—a dropof-ab^t-l2.000 from 18H.-- ----



-Couple Honored- At Friday Party

KIMBERLY. Jan. 35-A birthday ind farewell party wa-s given By Mr. ind Mrs. Monroe WhltUngton at lu'ir home one mile souUi of Klnr

bcrly Friday night for Uielr soi. andwIaughU:r.ln.-law. Mr. and Mra. Sk-Kcl M- WhltUngton. About 33 Jests attended.SIcsel. who ot»er\'ed hU 24Uj

blrUiriny anniversary, deported as volunteer Saturday morning for ri Douglas, Utah, with the Tain

Full,< selecUve sen'ice board Na 1 drlcgnUon. Meanwhile, his wife de­parted for Lo* Angeles, their for-

er home.Tliey had been vlslUng Mr. and

.Mrs, .Monroe WhltUngton since be­fore Christmas.

¥ * *.South OakoU during 1939 had a

tubrrrulosla death rate of 26.7 per 100.000 populi^tion.

Modem Menus

When the housfmilt r.r.ii V. possible lo buy foods she i<r= used Co. she reiat kr:i?w r.-j: <Orr available foods s.*tc can >er«» ^er family, and ho* to ccck ariJ rc=- hlne them lnU> appetlss;, »tU- baUnced menus.

Macazlnes. oewspapen a ^ irc maklne nuWtloeM ivaLlttble to Ui* Amt.*iao hcia*.. wlfe. Take advantace cf this Important b is tr tx :^ . T>.rrr tir abo many valuable' bccki cn subject. From one cf t.*ie re­cent. cftBed -Eat WrU FW Money.- ecme* Cils <r-»U‘-:-?=r

•The science of nutr.ticr. Is rtair to show you how to « > « Jc«1j which- wlU-glTT you the amount of nui.-ltlcn for jc^ir ecrer. how to combine tl-.ese Trods dally menu.-« that w jl ktep s rood health, and how to rcct t.'sw foods M as to s a « all la iproduce enJoyab> cxab. WJse'.Vt

are respcrj'-ble enly diet or for U'.e daL-r fxx! c.' a

family, you mu-'t ur-deniirri basic principles of know how to apply -jidally lUe.

'In rrleamlr.c ficaccording to t.he yari^iirt trltlon, your fW . 'From each of the of lood yon

Miss R. Krueger Weds Na\-al Jlan

KMBSStLT. j:aa. Ti—T ix tnir- ef R s5 r Krvps»r, daujh-

let ci Mr- asd >trv OCis Kr-Tcrr, a n i Qastofr,

fliis ei tJsf C . S . saral t s SUU.-R. CV’CT' TV*, was Kve=ir.»;at l i t Ks=i*=:y ile O o la : parvmH f Tt.=r*lar * j^e»a ra . Jan. SI.

Rrr. S. n . T rrirrt: y c f r e Pd t.*?f CTTTCs.'sr a * .:« of thttrvlel pairstiK

i£r%. C « s f r *:v=i3eJ tte 53a- a z ii H wt:: tncwn S

lie cCKSSi^ty, ilr . Ga-M-ttT. xTS cv* J£r. as ii W-j; Ga.-d. cez. CAzrsiXr. 0*~.>. was tra*a!- M fr:T= T-aw^ i i f S sEboci. TU-

O f ,a.Ttt r u ie lu hcsat la

Ctftvii Caraa.

M. L A. Studies Composer’s Life

,’ESOSrS. =S — a Ka*y nf tie -'e a a j iiic rr-iiar o* OeorreCa.T:oa ihe nstr.t

c: liif .-rrrear J4J_V Mia ^ Ft%n=Ma Uietv- i q£ T5se U cl

J BeiiTT - WTii ilLa

more serrlnsa ererr Cv -1. MUk In varLi-ij f.-r

matocs. citnu fni:!. er fruit or tecetafcle n..-h

Leafr. green, or eta'bles; 4. Ccrra'- a.i;MeaU poultry, cr liOi; t Essi; Butter, pe; ' ' fats: 8. Pol jnO-tha;

, i t a Serbia I2a::r=s S=d'A The. _ KindF;a:j5rr.“ «».» ;j£j«Td iy

ti«=» > i Vy 55arrA

r Tfr. t perviis of class-TWt as '

t. • i r —aT.N-ewi rrna '.Htetr-.-e aKTr: Cvtlna , m-drt- irrvrx-?; K rrjr £. Cae\eiL-.j- :n^-rr. swi-rra: nf Carrlraji

I— e_<>;r'vr^e<SH‘-''

regularlv In t.'ie direct'All the famsllar fc^ds L-'t d a:

the backbone of health. a-id iIn every human ^^e ?«=; »stres*ed by the* ya."d*ti;k of tlen Is that all cf t.'iess a.-e tsiset-j Unt. not Jo : cr.e grcup, TTiat t i ' what many’A.'cer'.rans dus! 6< ai>: to put Into practice.■* •

Sews for Red CrossRUSSELL L.^^•^: Jar- ts — Re ­

sell Une lUrmonr c:--i sar: week at the hcroe e-f Mra. Brea-

with Mrs. r.srd Oa=tr»’ ajaat- Ing. Red CroRs sea tn; was turret £s to Mr*. Herb PauJ. who Is t.'ie crccj'x Red Cross chalrnian. Mrs. W. iL*. Oaln wen t.'ie w.Mte elrpiantmNes;

tine will be he:<; Frt. lO a: tie e of Mr?. Pa\’..



m x ro - v SmTTKESS CO. CS S\-W

Rumor SquelchedA nsaor n c a t lr drcuUtlnf'

that the had Uo s a a r («oklc* and had been vasUm theat. has beea desounced M *ab»tmei7 tabc' by Urt. R . P. Parry, eo-cbalmaa of the VSO contact coounlttee.

If there la a surplus of cockle*. Mrs. Parry stated, they a « pack- ed Sa a txn to be taken U> the rasp for the soldiers to eiDoy t-heT. There Is alwaya a need for eeoUa ^ sandwiches for the USO aim as Mrs. Panr stressed, *%ot one cookie U Tastedl"

Four Year Old Feted at Party

Sharm Ann JeUbon. four-x»«- Id daajhUT of Mr. and‘J4ri. Ef- eit Jtiljotu eelebrau^ her tlrthday '' r.n!STrurT at a party at the home

of her parmts on Uncota street '‘aturday afternoon.

Rr.'m.'unents Included a pink and White bLthday cake and Ice cream. Fas-on were balloons and paddle

ills.The jving guests were Sandra

&'ott and Billy Scott. Karen Cra- ner. Btly Ostrander. Harold Drlxee. • Robert Warner. Beverly AnUuf and Ca.-TSea JeULson.

» * ♦

League Scheduled Future Meetings

JEROME. Jan.- a — CothoUc Women's league met at the home of Mra. Charles Zeller Thursday afierrjcn with Mr^ W. V. Olds mad Mra. Earl Case as aaalstlng hos- te ra.

MU.' WliUtred ZtUer pUyed Ihtw telecUctu during the afternoon. Mfsjbeo. planned for the annual St, Patrtek"* dance Tuesday ere. rj.ic. Feb. IS.

Along with other civic women's elibs. In ’aarUme 'work, tht mem- bera of the league have made an admirable record In sewing and In' knittlrig. During Christmas time.M of pajamas were com­pleted by the league.

Frb. t has been m V tor the ui- Ti’J il ' fholr dinner, for membera of the Jwilor choir. Mra^_lV. B.

chairman, will be assisted by Mr^ S. L. Thorpe- and other Birabera. Tha dinner will be aerrrd at the parish house.

« « «

Church Society Honors Members•EROME. Jan; S4-T^e birthday Mrtrsanes of four of the mem­

bers of the Baptist Misalonary Wk rtetT were honored at the Thura- 'day aflernobn meeUng held at tha ho=te of Mrv Uly Ambrose.

A large birthday cake honoring the Quartet, Mr». Anna Redman. Xlra, Charlea Klelnau. Mrs. Alict Ftote and Mn. Fannie Wrace was arrwJ. Questions and answers from ' the BibSt lt4 by Miv Lwwa WWtj e«j the prophet islah, were given durtne the meeting.

A Crtwp of 31 members of the Baptist society attended the con- rrntloa of the church at ’TWi'ln TaEa,

- » • « "

llrs. L Van Riper Honored at Party

C.\STLETORD. Jtn. 35 - M n. Martin Miller entertained at brldc« last *T»k for her house gtiesl, Mrs. Lawwnce Van Riper. Hagerman.. M.-S. Emil Bordewlck. Mra. ^ P o

Mrv 0'.ln Smith and Mra. Jamea Shields, jr, all of BulU. and Mrs. Wilb-j Quigley. CasUeford. were roest*. Mrs. BonJewlck won high ;irt2e and Mrs. Van Riper was pre> aented with a curst prUe.


. We have a llailted supply of Nrw Elglns wlUi th# Triple Damaic feat»«.*

K. W. fi.VYDER'3 Sewing Mach. & Vacuum Shop

SeiTlee for All Makes Phone J534-n S3! Main W.


Noxi<;:E o f p u b u c h e a k ix gPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES. Tliai t.'-.e &-\ard of O j^ ty Crcsiiu.

day in FebruoO'. lOU. at the hour cf 10:00 oc:ock .\. M . la the ofS a of lie O-x: the purpose of considerin« and fixing a final buclici and awf^prtaixcA sfund for Uie current fiscal year, at which tUxe an.v taxpayer may »?fe<ar asj

Tlmt. the following Uble sela lorth the ajnoui'it to C« ap5«v;ra*.e\l t* dfftars: expended for "ealarles end Wsges-ond for - ‘


Auditor, Clerk. Recorder___Sheriff A.vseisor Trra.s

. Idaho, rii: meet on Uie Second Mon- » O r«t Hk w at Ta in Falls. Idaho, for

agencT or ln.'UluUon and par.s q! the said tmtaU«'e budget: and fscal yr»r. t.xe' icT with the amounts ty the add departments, to-wlt;


aaa Wajea Expm-'es IMS 19U

» u ,ia uo I siai.oo10^43X0 I4.SSSfiO'

2i«t.OO S.'TOOOO 1530 00i.-noM3.S50.C0

t lB.S30in SiXiM U.760.00 14.46050

• s.4:oi« 7.T30.00 9.4M.OO M1S.OO:siM


■ ■:9.740f»


W UI. B. o d o u m taSitacT'

Pnlfish t e . a . ML-

Page 6: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

P«geS«^ TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, January 25. 1913


Pa^t EndR; IIAROU) a..\ASSEN

Nt:\V Y ORK . J.-in. 125 ( T — Tl'.at A larpo Sti:(icnt body, a nMniy ficklhnusc, member­

ship in a jw lcni confcretice or ,cn a hiitre .'•LaJium debt isn’t



iiild n b;ii.skelball n is ,.vi(I,'iirc-(i by Ihi;

'vlaMislu'ii thi-s Koa- •omr pf the amnllcr

;:i i:ie ilucloaj ciit by

GrMl Kn-onJ*

< l;!iI :.quftd >

r!i:nr, Uurl Frldillf, l ■ oX liiaiana, aiiU utial

pinuaiu dlfln't know ih»i v;nu«:iv tvfrj- mfml>fr

r>! ihf tr-mprr frodi crop was nil— KSTiruMr.K or oiiirr In the Hooslcr »u:t U-.f prtvioai >f»r.

Mwt Tr»mi Idle EijuTitr.itjorji <vvup((\l a niajiir-

Iiv Ci thf n»!inn'j c«rr» ihc ■»r»i »nfl »i!l trri> moM of tlicn. r:TCT »rilnn »5»in In Uie comlni ux dl.'.v

Hot-nrr. boL'i Illinois and Intir jin» tctifrrd Io«» lo rfmnln <lfad- ljrtrd_»t lh»- lop of the I31K Tn .•laj3;r.s» wutlitm CnIHornlj w.iisufrf lU romp In ihf ^ou^lr^n h»U ftf ihp Pfccilic Coajt eonfi tnrt «T„*> Uip 4l*t itralslil vlcior> otTT Cnivrn^ly of Calltomla U» Anjrlri.

K».-ukj, «Jnnfr of 12 utralchl bc- f«T hammi: to Camp Croudcr. hold; lU JUC Sli Pdcf »Mrr loaa State W * a aurpniine wallop from oft' bratre MtsMurt and lYntuylvwila miu*! »m j In rljht slarixhM ij Ihf ItT IraSMC ulUj two con-

inamph.%L<«drn In South

Gpccif WjLvMryston hasn't mrl tu* tqual in iht SouUicm confrr- faL-e *llhou£h both Dukf and Nortli CaroUna Slate have moved Into n thrre-ray tie »lUi Idle VlrcinU Muiiarx- tor >e«)nd.

Ttias fontlnur* Itstin tftp of ijif rUAl j.outhwrsi

cJaln »IU> ArUn.v>s rljhl bfhlnd In ih* u:i6rjarl?ed rn-M. Nm

Tort unhTTnity's tinhealrn Vlnlpi; rrs-.ali idir unU5 frb- 3 Ijut RJiode Ti:ana State-s point jfltfrs are a rw iarnre T\ir«la,v while Wej Tlpias Slate's ;k.vjcrapfra oppoM Long I.Oind In MadUon Squire OardPTt Thursdny.

Majors Await Ruling On Player Contracts From Federal Agency


NKW YOH K . Jan. 25 (UP.)— Fifteen o iil o f the 16 major aKUO club.s toilay ivwaited n blanket ru linR from Wa.shinK-

I IjcfotIc t<I^.'w Y train ing (ili

years.Tlio Giai

•k (Ji

)Ut Ihu s. alri-aiiy

lat may n

19'i:{ [ilaytT coi

.-cr liiu t prclin:'

lit in the c lu b ’:

; but the V hiirdk'. laid cicst ^tart ii

lapiH'd tiie field by Koinjr ahe;:edtire lat.

Rulli Is Gloomy About Baseball Play in 1943

Instep Injury Was


eie Ya:A

,llh him liM ;.ra. f O'JI of pbre la piifhrr'.i rlKhi la-

. ^f;^r^!JU^; lioclor lo- ciu-J ihe xr.xjhic by X-ray ojiil

• rrmpilled it wll.'i a ca.'!.Thf rr«^]oxiv:y drprndftljle Miir-

?>.v UM jrAion vllli ft

DK. s m X N S RLrORT.^

S.KMrSON, N. Y . iNtA). Cc^pdr. Mai S;ne:i

CSNTv rrp:crr\1 for duty «

JIACKtNSACK. N. J- Jin. l i (-n —Babe nuth. who pllchfU for llie Botlon Red .Sox durint the Uit World war. donlili that bsMball will flnUh lu rr/ular wa^on thla

In'an interview al (hr llarken- urk Klki rlub ye»lerday follow- Inc a bond arlllns drlre at a Iheatrr. Iluth wai aUrd if he thourbt banrball would be able to continue unlnlernipled tliU iea>

the tn iry

:i with last u-t

:ii'|iartn; after It and <enled

“I doubt 1 kini lald.)f norlhern iraJnln larrd It would "di

Ihe former home

Piedmont Loop Will Operate

For 1943 RaceWASmNQTON. Jan. :s (un-Tlie

Piedmont C! Ixueball Ici wlllcoiiUnue oiicriitloiu In 19U ' only jlx of 11.1 elRht tcwns, If : r.VMir)’. club offlcl^h liild today.

PrMkleiil Cl;irk GrlfJIlli 'nMilni reprc.'r

nn upi>ciil I t Uie Chiitlnli cliibi for 111

T lir uroup (UcTilrxnoTrimnrernit A.slicvllle Ininchlw tn LynclibiirK n., nlid II 1.' cxiicctrd Iliat the irrrnsboro club will k» ellticr tc n.inok;r or Nfwjxirt Ncw. , Vii,The PlNlmunt Iriiniie, cnu(rn>-;i lid. will be comi>o;r\l of Norfolk ort-'.mniilh, Klclimoml. Diirlum ynchbun;. nnd either Ilonnoke o: rwix)rt Nfw.H,

HOTNHWYOilK.Jai :hnrlpy Holfmw

reachrd the

iNEA)-\Vhri or QuctiLv VII

nliry. hb txia-lini

.Move, Sonictxjdy .•■lioiitp. iiul Hnfrniiill'K b.ill hitil r oti one Me bunir.

n» nVGH Fri.U'.IlTON. Jr. SEW YORK. Jan. Zi i4-^El!dk

Gv-woa, the old Oljmplc broad jsspcr. ^L^ai a i ’.roiig iin ' bf:«T«a Gen. Douslaa Mac.

Knu-.ecSa:—:jtr R.vtne."

t iM

M.-,V'8 Os'nipii- I1 '.he >■ . And

Uie craeral apparmtly doc;»vtT o.«e Tor a “poivl Itv er" than

R»:k did , . Jlranch m.-kev cUlni.i MacPhail may have callc<l

Uie Sroaklj-n }a . mo!c n»me.\ :iun he anes, but Larry never threw lii.i iw .il kl 'em . . . That's what Branch ijd tof other rJsht. He was ijjcfch-

at a Boy Scout b.nnaiici x-hra a ).-»a.>.e tooU» jJipped Ii.' moor-

• asd sailed rlKht acro-.n thtt ib > . . . That'Ji what he seU fo;

’.h.v^ *10 wordi.

J1.\XDT ANBY niirti the Eaj4 llrWna. Mont..

x a l'ir e taarbaU tram ne^ed a Idu-brr. InneWrr and eotlleUer U%X ramiBiT. It rT’aehrd oot lo tbr »n rl7 tawn of TewBtrnd and tim sbt b> E r a Brlsbln. who n iM «n U im ipeU—eae at a

‘ Ubb. at e w m . . . BrUblo went l>atk «• hlth tcfaMl In the tall, «um>d In slt-maA teetball and

U>e acfaeel >nt iU baakelball rmeh to Ut« anay. Bon («ek ortr Ottt tM. beridcs Tdaytac era- ter. , , T%« t n a ««n th m Kvnet

-- lelwe be*«r«tepped «sd Bi'bblate a t «9 ‘a poIatK.

s o t VICK DEPT.

Toa eaol leH will hippen la « 8ta}ec ]t«ne ttaH pUyer alter J>e dCBX cp with Unela R«rf> jiec-

e! th* national aeml-pro b*»-

the 1042 ^andlul touri Cecil Travis. ex-Wnshli er who plsyf l for Can Gn., r-.v-; :;nd In

TODAY'S r.lTST STAIH John .Mooney. Salt I.aKe Tele,

cram: "Rerlln radio rrpnrU (I* ranlle Primo ('amerft l i planninc >-,earrer In Germany ai heary- wrUhl wrestler, which . prohahly make* Adolf only Ihe No. 2 phony In Rhineland,"

MONDAY MATINGPromoters of the New Mexico Cllj

■nee track have Kcnt n reprcsctita- ive lo New Orleam to fee If they •airt Ret Ben Jone^ lo entrr Whirl- i«ay in Ihe 100,000 pe.'nr, Imndlcni May 30 . . . WlUi wow ilrlll>xl half.

up the trnce of the Milwaukee b.ill park. tJie Drrwen recently hunt ml n .\len rradliiK: "Next K«me May i' . . . AllhouKh lie's Iind more f 50 llfihl.% Joey Peralta clalma

only time hr ever was knocked «Ii .. when he wa.t kicked by n hor«e ils uncle'.i Arizona ranch, up nnd kicked rlcht back

Mel Hein, who climaxed his rtUre-......; by urKlnR the NoUonol Prorootball le/iKiie to quit for the durs' Uon, hiu Uled nii npplic.illon wlW

r Lardcn for offlclatlns iissl^. menla next fall.

war labor bojird had to *'n.s ii.sual" ncKotial now^are busy w itli .Htratejjy

tha t m ay .send one of thi likclie,-<t-fookin;f .squads from the barrier a t top .spi'ed., Trea.iurer Leo Ilondv >ald Uiat “no iu»lar>- L% below or above Ihoje of last year. Wasr luiirt-i are not our chief concern any niore-»« want lo bedn trnlnlne.- he added.

Mnlshed In Third Hondy's comment wa' an example

of Ihe pre.jeiL^mi caKfrne\< of tlie entire club from M»na.;rr Mrl Oil dovn. Olt. In hU fl . l jear as mnn- BKrr. Iftl the club In a .vjrprlNe ihlrrt-place finish In ihe National league la-M year nnd aiil. hit team hit only IlKhlly by luve.i lo Hie armed ser\icev. flguicA !o do even, beller this yer

Huskies Take Leadersliip in North Division

SEATTLE. Jan. 2i i r —With i defeat by the Coast coiifefmcr champion Oregon State Bearrn it: only lOM lo date, the Unlrer>tiy ol Wajhlnjlon boiketlMdl team held flrjl place loday in the confeie northern dhliion stai>dln<3.

FriHay and Saturday nuhl tortei at Eusene over the l.’n»e of Oregon put Uie Huskies lu lead ai>d put the Webfwt back a third pUee tie with Oreson S Washlnsion won the Ilrit £ami 48 and followed thro;ijh even clORcr Jl-30 vir»rT.

WaAhUnlon State cnllejt oxer second by rtefeaiuij \enliy of Idaho M-4S. Friday. Idahoans have jel lo jcwt a ferrnce vlclco".

Sealtle lanj »0I be s»en Ifirst julerrnc;loa Uili )tx: uexi Frtdju's urday. Oreson coniei north play a repeat cf last weeki

^oothem dl»l Soes. this week ui: :haJnploiisblp <juejt!' wd cltallense.

Willie Pep to Gun for 59th Win on Fridaj^


HAflTFOIlD, Conn.. Jan. 3i (UJ9— Willle Pep, worldi featherweight champion <Hew York version), will CO alter the Iradmc Il<hlwel«hl4 In Ihe country It lie wliu his 50th strwlsht bout acalmt llghtweUht Alllr Sloli Friday night at New York.

Tlie Pep eiiiourace had tndletUd a fijht wiih Beau Jack may be In the maklnt. and that other Usht- weijht bouu were being eonsldered.

-Im not afraid of the nght- welshLi al all." Pep iald confldenUy aa he trained here before an ad- mlntig crowd. ' I do my best work at around UO iwund*, but HI fljlU them anywhere up to 133."

51 In. flow .Pep .ha.1 won 5« bouu In a row

(llhoul even coming close t« defeat. Manacer l.nii uUd the Stojz •rcocemfni, however, will be Wll- lle\ mosl difficult ajslgnment. U '

m delermlne. he said, whether “ep can mike • war iuceeasfuny Calrut UirhlwelEhta.Vuscusl .-jld there »aa some talk

about a IVp-Ileau Jack fight It the farlfurd feslhrnreiBht got by Siols ucces.vfully. Heati Jack Is Uie •orlds llchiwplsht champion

Still in the Swim

ork Male ? been se

lariety. ting offers from r)-." VUcuil con- o lor. the Phlla-



The hlnses

udy lia irled hLi c . 1 home and ha.s

n letter wlUi ench conirnci. urn hh player.i lo bruin luhl train Immedlalely In their hv.iililcs lo 'ready to n<>” when pnuilce brj It Lakewood, N. J.

rraellce Open* SUreh 15 Tlie Kiimd Is

York 0 dltlc

Mai llns .site

1 n . ti vel lo

rill have. fiirUier lndiictloii.s 16 pltchrrs. .-.even •liidins hlin.self—ui •rs trn ) form

lineup. Vclenii pllchrr Cnrl Hubbrll-Martlnj hi

yenr nt Uie Polo Grounds nex 5n—heads a Broup of old sUn<l Pltcher-s H.-»l Sclium;.

Carwnter oiid D-ive Ku\;o Willar^l Mar.shull am! 1 in-nulllelder Babe Vw le Into Ihr services.


the Um California can bea; UCUN

Friday nlsht. The Tr\'!.\r,s the Brxjlm laji Fri.tav. T1iey\e whipped li-.eje .van-.e town rlvali 41 times in a tow isr .

If use wins a.:ain FtW.iv. i hare n conference rrvcnl W straUiht viclo.'les. Kjch the three leanu-Slanlo.-vl a:ivi Cj liU besWes UCL.\-w.U haie defeated at leut Iwice.

Vandal Boxers Whip WSC

Mitt Slin^ers

1 h.-« beei

of Uilore for trlul I. MfV't promWni an- pltclii-rs Hav C ii;;:i<-, catcher li.uh PoUtid ;irld.T c.'lllllr Rvun-all li

. Pltchrof

tin! Flvchri

11 nt tJilixl, Tlie iilr up of Olt. il nabo Uumn. < ••Uer. UiU Lohri

^abath May Have Another ‘Alsab’In ‘Civil Liberty’

6IGNED-A.V&-DELIVKRKO-Deforc Cupu Billy SouUiworth. in or Uje Cards manneer. look off

for Uie war tore. Ihe crew of his Flying Portre.« aiked Billy senior to acratch hb nutograpli on Uie ablp's Ull . . . And In ca.'.o Uiat didn’t bring enough luck. Uiey named the Fortrrra "BAd Check"— became a bad clieck alftuyj com'e back.

ir colors for pi . .v;iy they ma>

bay rolt 11:

y Ill,ileah track I’ look Ir >r Uie jecoad

e. TheTlie colt Ls Civil LI

IVllbenilor «nd Imperl;*! Anr S-jbaUis bouiihl him for » 00.

"If Ijlileah would open lo.-nor- roT,- SabaUj Raid at his .Miami bc.icli home. " I coilld show Ihi e.\t tw'o-yrar-oUl In the count (lay. He misht be ano;lirr Ur's ilioan morr than A'.sab

"We ^end lili In 13 sn-ond.s < II 3 5. He thli

>ut I'

Duquesne’s Coach Takes Exam for Post With Navy

PITTSDURGH. Jan. 25 Oipv- Aldo T. iBuff) I>o:iei:i. fooibjl coach m>d nthleUe dlreclor at Du quesne' ua««rsltj-.- takes his lir^l

•xftmlnniloa today for ■ a-aa_amicUc.l.vtnictor Lt

the n«T)'.DorfeWi deciilo no enllsl doea no;

..iran the school wUl ahandotx foot­ball for the duraUon. unlrerslty of­ficials aAjrrte<l.

During four years as coach DotielU built the ITukes into a national grid­iron power. HU teanvs won 3 giniei. lojt lour and tied two and were un- deleat«(i Is 1938 IHL i

MOSCOW. Jan. 2J le n.i swlmmlRj ams gt» down to de

Incicn Slate coll-je side ot Ihe stale Ixe,

of l.Ulh'5-3 win 0 • the

;» here Sal

d Tnilp Phillips, but I't leriiled yeU We've

.s«in up In Boston, Tampa. Florida, nnd New IIl........... ht anybody If their offer

• Vivii-1 .said.netting Heavy

as the local fight crowd Tlie odds on the Stole

« tn \ take your pick. Tlie tnure. was Pep and war OTrc laying plenty on Uie


FO? ocm nc ani> op/p? AQtM nc cH im oN SH iP s, / r o s r .

OP 2F<X K Sim -WBHSSRT OF r^m i's AuxiUAff/ feri?/


IVp, a cla.'vvy hll-and-run dyna- niiie aril,-.!. I.' exirtmely popular In Hartford ayd thotuands ot fight fasu plan a maas emlgraUon to New York for Uie SloU affair. Tlckeli art being snapped up fast.

Cowboys Hold Grip on East iMoiintain Title

2;VER, Jan. i.n-Wyomlng iv has half a handhold on the ru dlvUlon cliamplon-ship of mountain five basketball con- ice. blit ihc race- In the ', off in a good start, Ls a dead niiioni! Ulah Stale. Utah and

hreerert ti twi

levl W.- C's Slcclh

M llie -'ect n.l r ihlrd Wilhamj h: snd flnalty on th *ls v!opi^l b<v'.

Cage Squad Plays Three Styles-- Wins 12 Straight

in liie


ENTJIRSMIIE RAt-EYOrvK. I i 'liw E n .

liter Mrhl cC the L'tUierKtr of Io*i. pre-fUhii chv .■' and la-n

to defeat o:er.n C^jiir.shan Ihe l.V\v.-.,r:f- rc^>.

tered the War-amaker K-,;'.e, feature

F A R M F O R S A L E.4 0 ----A C R E S -----403 radea M.«uUh cvf Ki=it<rly. All good SCO. fur atvi bam. ."niere Is a r » d crep deai oa

_ _U*k t l Orre •

1 havt bvyrtn fee h«se«. fares a;ul aereagev i; jxm will sea. call ee.

B IL L C O I B E R L Yrbw>e O -C 411 4Uk At«. N.

vlll decltl# UiB dlMvlon chnmplnniJilp. Tlic

s won C6.42 nt Fort Collins iiiKht will at I-iramle sv niKhl. Wyoming and Colo- lale play Feb. IJ and 13 In al eastern division ,\erle.s. cstem division play. Utah laa won Iwo came.s nnd !o.U id Ut.ih and HYU each have

ind lavlnTe maK.rnereaTe.rUlah 00-44 In

lau week's serle.s opener al Salt Ivike City, but Utnh ca^UIred Uie second contest 46-28.

\>m H.^ffmnn. Utah Slale the we.'lem dlvUlon scorln with 58 points. Tall Milo I 1, Wvoming center, lends tl' n branch with 27 points.

Red Shortstop W ill Train at Florida Home

I.AKE WORTH. Fla., Ja S;',o:!Mon &)dle Miller, pr ":ir of the winier'.s blRsei ir.M-.castloivs. will be a h'Irt.-'iii- this .'pring but »i!h the permission of lils Iienrral Manager War y. the Cincinnati Red.'

M;i;er. obtained by the Reds lasi T.,->nih from the Biwion Brave.', will rrmaln In Florida to take advantage sf the climate unUl about April 1. tw\i weets after his club begltw ■rrins training In Dloomlntton. t:i.!. he said today.

•.\tr. Glle.s Ihlnk-s working out In i.‘;r Min here will de 01,1 Miller, "and 1 -rpiin April I In Ju.m v;-,iliUon as If the eiiiire rnuad ralnrd In Flfirtda."Miller Mid he plan.i to work out

-vm with .some high .school team n this area, but has nlreadv started I rrorram to get Into condition.

Miller, one of Uie pnme's best de- enyve pla.vers. handled T48 chance.s J.ih only 13 errors in 142 game.s a-'t summer for a J83 neldlng av. •nire. tops among'.■.liori.Mops. hut

he hit onty i44. He thinks the Cln* cJar.aU park mai' help his hltUng.

11 23 (,r,- Inclpal In t ba.seball •'weather It will be new l>oss,

1 C, Giles

good.' 1 can


Pitt Offer May Get “Shag” Back at Top


S A N FRANCISCO,-Jan.-I’D (U,R)— The football Rod:

chuckle with^glec wlien they take lim e out to consider the atran^fc twist.s they’ve Riven the carcer of Clark Daniel

Shnuffhne.^.sy, the Kftmc'a foremost of the con­troversial T formation.

A fte r tbc Univcr.'^ily of CliicaKO decided tha t Phi netu

Kapiia.*? were ailcpt n t coiijuRatinp Latin verb.s but inept nt .stoppinK rival hnlfback.s and save up the jfhost, ShauRh-

nessy, a brooding’, myntical Iri.shman, came out lo the Pa­

cific coa.Ht where he broiiKbt S tanford an iindefeated Rost bowl championship in the sea.

son of 1940.He hlRh-lalled II for Maryland at

the close of the '41 campaign, a.";- .rerUng Ills new palllon aa aihleilr director there would Klve him nn opporlunlly lo formulate a iims-s physical training program a;hlch would be a contribution to the wnt effort. He denied llie gloomy oullook tor football on the coait ViZS ;c- spoaslblc for the chanse.

Sir Canlracl

. Now, the University of PlltsbiirRli evidently trying to rrcapture tom' of the iirldlron pre.Mlce-and nali recclpls—which were It,', wniil It Ihe hey-day of Jock Sutherland reportedly ho.s offcrtd ShauRhne.v')J20.000 and a 10-year conlracl, TliL' would be double his salary al Mary­land,

If he cepU tnevsy luidoubtedly brick-bat barrage from critics who will claim his sudden departure from Uie cojlsI wm motivated by fears of a mllltftry ban ngalnsl foot­ball crowds more than a ile.-.lre tn promote condlUonlng the flower of Maryland's youUi.

Sentlllre Character Such' would Ming his

^en.slllvo .'oul—fore he was one ot the most sensitive cliaraclcrs we've ever met.

For example, he found it hard to

squad tintll long after di players resonded lo thU rirlvlng during his first seiLson for II was a novelty when compared wlih tlie mamina methods of his predeces. sor—Tiny Tliomhlll.

-Mr. IShaughne-ssy was never "Clark" t( le players. He was "Mr, ShaiiKh

tie.vsy" or "coach." Football to hln Is-not a game. It's a hlKhly-orsan' Ircd. BkUled profewion, lt'« hi' life And he believes In Retting paid well

what he contributes, liese may prove to be the rea- I for his acceptance of the PltLs.

burgh offer. ShauRhnfwy detesb mediocrity and PltUburgh woiilc provide roore of a clmncc for grid­iron greatness than Maryland which la contcnt with a second-rla-M Khed,

foolball-tor-fun basis.

64 Bowlers Bid For .$4,000 Singles Prize

CHICAGO. Jan. S5 Wj-Slxly- four bowlers — mosl of tlieni coming from Indiana, Michigan and mmols—will make Uiclr bid iGnlglit for Uie H.OOO lop prize offered to the winner of ilic Pci- frson liiilivldual loiinumcni, now

] third da>

Hlill In the week- Beti HellKcUi of Clil- Saturday >coie for VM 1,045. Tlil.s tt llh-

tig of »S boaler.'.. tlOOI

lellRcl I the ce Him Cllneff

dale, in., Kllli l.c:4; W, se. Chlcano. with ijU ; ■n?>oii. Milwaukee, with 11(1 Joe Plasky. Lincoln Ich., with 1.540,


—Tiva who fiirmerly were promln- ■s are mrmbrrs of tlit . t,aVernr Dllwri;, D.

lie Tlme.<-New» spurU paBe carried a Aliort story mcnUon- tng deer being rescued from Uie Mtglc resenolr Ice.

Frank W. Die* of the Shoihoae Rod and Gun club writes In with < a mere graphic aecounl:

“Tlie deer and pJieaianl. in MUlhem Camaa and BUIne caun- lies are experiencing the wont ■Inter In yeara."Snow to the depUi of three to

five feet has covered Uie fretllnK section . . . forcing hundreds of deer lo come down to the lower country,

"RecenUv a herd of 28 flltemplcd lo cross Uie Ice on MaRlc dam- with tragic results.

ne evening Uie guards at Magic far out on Uic lake whal ap­

peared to be a flock of gee.-.e. It be- Ing late In the es-enlng. they 'did not InvesllRnte. But next moniliig Uie objecla acre still at Ihe eamo place.

"Carl Stemheni and C. Llvlni;- stone made the UIp to Invesilgale, •niey discovered a herd of drrr down nnd stranded on the Ice and unable lo get up.

Tliey hauled Zt to the bank, nut even after lliey were on land wrne or Ihem were unable to walk. »r sled Ihey hauled nine to an old bam al Matle dam and tried Is aave ilietn. Out seven died.

‘Herds numbering from three Is 1 50 are lo Ue aeen along Ihe rail­road trark and the (rain'is often slopped to allow Ihem to get off Ihe Iraek.

il cripples were noticed I;Uie t nnd <

Lly fro m ......................ear Mnglc.'Tom MIzer, con.vrvallon office:

from Hailey, and Warden Richard' 1 of Fairfield were notified am ide the trip Into thn Nfaglo coun­

try to invesllgnte, Tliey fotuid I ry to kill one cripple. It wa;

believed that the cripples wert Injured from falls oi

. TwoMidfound by n railroad bridge

nken to n nearby ranch—but only Dne Mirv'lved."

points out that the Sho­shone Rod and Gun eiub has be­come Increasingly aeUve as a re- suit of mi'hapY to Ihe deer pflp- ubllon. The organlullon seal feed by train into the diitrlrl and some hay was hauled br .led from the railroad to (be .Ma(lc

He reports Uint many deer have yen obsen'ed with broken Iprs re- rentlv-evldeirtlv c.iured by falling ni the irr-criLMod snow or break- ng through.To add to Uie haairds ot the dctr

"Rec ntly

Female Is Fierce.stIf you met a lion nnil n Dll had only nnc bullet. It would Iw! •ifer lo shool Uie llnnes.s, Ttie male .miid prob.iblv flee then, but If you t;ol the Hon. Uie llonc-Vi Ukcly w ' '




nennrdlng the phea.’-ant situs-

•••liie pheasant los.ies In this dis­trict mny be heavy-due to the r,now-cru5t condition,

"Hie Shoshone elub and Ihe state game department hare been furnishing feed, which U being

- dl<-•sible by any other

.s In IIirlrl In means.

"About 40aTli>ciierli and Hun­garian pheasanls are being fed regularly now.”

A TTEN TIO N !Cash PaidFor \ or Dead

CoH'.s. Horse.s and I’ rico of

Pclt^ for Dead Sheep

Call Collcct ticarcst Phont T^VIN FALLS 314. GOODING 47





1»J$ CIIEVROU-T STANDARD. Right side good, motor, chassis, transmission and rear end In food ahspe. Lots of body part* and wheels.

1»40 rONTlAC, 4 DOOR. Body perfect» right side good, grill on Tlcht nd* «mly. Motor, tranamlaslon, rear end In lop condlUon. Will sell all or part.

C IWJ DODGES AND PLYMOCTltS. AH body styles. and alt rtiotor and chaMla parts. Lou, of Misc. paru ta perfect condlUoD,

'McuU ul ItuJcji. -----------u -----------

Twin Falls ) Jerome Auto Wrecking Auto PartsPboBt 131. Twin Fan*. Bos 9iS Pbon# 41,.Jertn>»

Write. 'Wire, or P h w t, We Ship C. 0.


CAR or TRUCKServiced for Further USE!






Page 7: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

Monday, January 25,1948 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO FageSem

' W O R E O U l te i B E R C M E S

OWWAV. Colo. J «n .-3 - A iouf-moiortd army bomber cr»enM wad burned |8 mile* north ol •outhmt Colorwlo town CndetshertJr J. J. O’CoWifU rtport*fd lodir. »nd *11 perJOM nbowtlHere klllttf.

O ’Connell u ld he dW nol know how miiiy were »bo*rcJ. oul tw i r«nehm in me urcft placed iht toll “#t between nine *nd 11 deid. He tud Ambulances from the La Junta »nny air bM« MuUieut f here, cewhcd tUe cr«li scene early thU mertilnj.

O'Connell «ald Johnny Jonach, an Ordway bUiJnewman and ranch­er. lepOTUd Steins the pline av an extremely low aJUlutle Juit bclore Jt erailied on the prairie.

O-ConneU quoted Jonach as w>- Inc "the plane reeroed to explode aller 11 Wl. I didn't ice U hit but the craih »•» followed by B ble flMli-

U wa* learned that Uie bomber •KM Jrom n*pW Cliy, S. D.. bul wa* Umporaxlly based at Uio Pueblo army air baie, 60 mile* west of Ordway.

AV PutWo. Uit air ba»e p«Wlc re- latloni office taid deWlLi of the cruh were meager. The number of men aboard thn ehlp wai not Im- mtdlauls known ihtit.

Thorpe Memorial For Dehydrating

Plants May WinBOISE, Jan. : i </r)-Senivtor

Tlion*. K.. Jerome. fiuUior of n me- inorlil urglnR congrc.u to net to re- roo'io rtiUlcilosrt on potato dehy- jtraUng plont*. loclay wa* advUed by Idaho consreMloniU repre«nUtlve» thnt Ui6 depurtment ot ajrlculture inny upptote an addUlonaJ plant tor Iditlio.

He rrrelved a lelcjram from IWp. Daor.^h«Jf. Jt. Us- «n<f Sen. John Thotnns. U.. Ida.. advUltis him that ruch npprovBj wa* a po.*.ilbilltj'. They said they had determined Ihl.i Rcn- tlment txliU afier a ceiiference with departwetit otfUlaU.

The appllcaUon for U)p pliinl mui.t romn from /annem or f/mn croup.< "rather than promoters." Thomts •ivl Dworshaic «Ald.

Marines Accept 3 Draft Selectees

“n is flrat re(rWrants of drftft boardA to bo enlMed In Uio marine corps at Hie Tttln FnlL? recrulttnB .itnllon since all enllalmenli were plAced In the tiunil.i of ihc U. S. manpower comml-'Jlon early In De­cember depart Tuwdiiy niornliiff for Salt Lnke City to be .iwora In^

Tlie Uiree axe noy n, BlodtSinl, lion of Mr. and .Mr.v GeorKe IJ. Stoddard, route four. Bull!: St.Milo' J. Sorrnien. .-ion of Mr.i. MarKurrt Sorenaeii, roiile one. Twin f'.ill v and Jiunea E. Kcvan. wn of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kevan, roule one, Tttln Fulls.

WIUi their dcpivrUjre the local marine atatlon’a Januar>' quota Of three will have been exnnu.itecl.

-Harry Harry Ain't Mad Nellhcr"

We have a ear of coul on llic truck today, It'fl that tame roocI Utali coftl. And the «amc old price of ja,C5 per Jon At Uio Hie (imouiit Is not limited to any one cuslomrr us we have sold but fetv orders in ad­vance. So brtnit your car or trailer or trudc and get your coal wlille you can. You con weigh nt Uie city .icalea or at our Jcalcs, phone and wp'Il tell you where Uie car Is upot- ted.

Lec Cnrnej' Jukt returned from a '.lumber buylnj trip. If Uie lumber don’t come in. 1» goes to mills far Ik He does have plenty of roolln'g and cellO'Wall board and floorlngv Dimension lumber Is on the way.

U’« been hard to get many ihlngi to sell but our carload way of buy Ini has provided us wlUi a big slock of tires, paint, rope, forks, shovels, handles, linoleum, canvas, kalsomlne and pressure cun crease.

^ Oh. yes, and that Arkansas motorm oil)

Saturday we- sold fourteen n Pennsj'lranla tires. Jtut got tJi alilpmrnt of Rmde tliree war tires. But we have plenty of finit grade apd precnlucn tires at tlie tame .lo« money-.wlas prices. A man came lo Saturday and bousht four quality trtick tires and as he paid for Uiem IiB a»ld. "Do you kno* how i 1 saved on tlieaa tires over what tbey priced them to mo elsewhere?" 1 aald. -No. teU mel" He said, -I sot all four cf them for Jms than three of them would have cost me where

' I priced them."Uac Is ttlU pultinc out hli high

«5V34llty Brocetlts at the ftme low prices. And Uie barber will tell you A'flsh story with your haircut—if you <k-ant IL Hope you are the »une.


Sales Company in Bargain Town


■''You CAN M AN A BOAT WriM WOMEN,-^ S f!^

DR. ELMO OB'PAOtt, A'eu^ye>^A,/U>f

By W liUam Ferfuson

S 1 2 EIS A H A . / ^ C A f>IN THE WCtelO OS







t h r e e L IG H T 5 'PROW A ^ A T ir ^ HA iMEN AN OM EN O f B A D L U C K . ' NOW lET-S MAKE rr B A P C U C f< FOR T H E A * IS / CEf AS MANYIwns AS POiStBH nJCVA l« H ONI AND

Inquiry Reveals Movie of Falls Now Destroyed

The dtslrucllon ol a motion pic­ture film »lilcli constituted n viUu- ible hlitorlcsl document for Tn'ln rails and the Magic Valley haji been reporled by the Museum ol Modem Art Film Ubmry, New York City.

U wn.t a film of Shoshone falls made In 1009. depIcUni; the STABdeuc. ol iJitil phenomenon bclore the How of wRtcr over the 212-foot drop wa.% reduced by dairnnlng for Irrigation and power. Entitled •The Woiulers of Nature In the Tn’ln Falls Coun* tt>V It WAS named by W; Jl. £3d. rltlgf. clly cleric, who wus thtn a clothing merchant here, and who w ported to the Essanay Film Manu- lacturlng company that Siio*hone falls wu puttlnt; on one of the Breatest speetaclM In the memory of pioneer reildrnts.

The Ttme.'i-Ncws undertook to lo­cate tJie film when tJie city elcrk recently mentioned It. and mode Its liiQiilO' of Ncd E. Dcplnct. pre.iU (lent of R,.K. O. nadlo Pictures. Inc., New York City, wlio referred Uie (juery to Uie film Jlbmrj’.

Tlio library tscertiilned tlmt the original negative was onionc a num­ber of fllm.1 stolen from tho Ewan- ay company about 10 yews ago. \Vhen the films were recovered, aald the report, they werp In .inch ditlon 0.1 to be u.'.ele.'.i c.xcept for

AAA Committees Gather at Jerome

County AAA commlttee.1 of T •ln T,ilir-fUkrjcroitic“count>' will meet ftt 10 a. m, Tiicwlny jnornli'K In Jerome for the purpose of making plans for Ignlnit up farmers In tli9 "food for freedom" cwnp.ilgn. Don Alblii, itcrttar/ of the Ictnl commlttfp. announced.

Albln said he was unable to give dctall.1 of the lilan.i for the ’nicetlnK

'T>V IhM U •KOuW be nddreased , lames Miiftlcy, field mun for tlic

state AAA eommlttre.

Father of 2 Asks, Divorce, Custody

•nie fatlirr of a two-yenr-old dnuKhter aiiil a livo-monlhs-old son ha* filed suit for divorce In district court here.

He IS Joe Ivlr, who,i Mrj, Delplifnc Ivie of cruelty and nf dfjcrtlnK her family Jnn. 10 wllh anoUier man. The Ivlea wed Dec. 33. 1031). at Hftlley.

Tlie pelllloiier luks custody boai clilldrrn. Hli Attorneys Raybom and Bayborn.

i[ ON \[m S [ I « [ S

WASinNaTON. Jan, M publlcana are hoplnj todw that enough DCRiocratlc Aenatom wlU de*IJberately absent tliem.'elvei t ---vent cenflnn&tloii of rdwi,._ _ Tljnn u mlnbter to Auslr*U& v'htft his nomination goc* to a showdown vote In tha senate. jnie-ien*t< foreign relations com- mlltee concluded three day* of hear inss late Saturday afternoon am will vote on FTj-nn's confirmation Wedneida>’.

nepubllcant generally expect that the confmlttce—on which Democratji

Republicans, l i to 7-wlU vot« to confirm Ui# appoint­ment and aro planning to carry their fight lo the ficnau floor.

Sen. Styles Bridges. R., N. H.. wlio hAs been leading the fight against Fljnn. sold he had reason to believe Uiat five to seven Democratic sena­tors would vote aeftlnst confirma­tion. Those votes, (idded to the vir­tually solid Republican oppoaltlon. would epell deleat for Flj'nn If o sufficient number of Democrats make a point of being out of thrlr seats when the vote Is taken. Bridges predlcUd,

Informed Democrats were Inclined to agree that perhaps live of tlieir party colleagues would vot« against me fomicr Democratic party chair­man. but in.iWfd tlmt enough DciU' ocraLi ttQuW»iisa-er "aye" to con- llrra Flj'nn's nomination by a mar- gin of five to 10 votes.

Nazarene Leader — Plans 4 Sermons

Tlev. Olenn Oriffith. Nampa, dls- trict superintendent for Uie Church of the Naurene, will speak at four Twin Falls county Churches of the Narjirene this week. Eacli meeting will be held at B p. ni.

Rev. Griffith will bo ot Kimberly Tue.iday. nt Twin I'nlls Wedneiday, at Filer Thursday, nnd ot Uuhl Pri. dny. llie Kimberly nnd Twin F^lls metUnKs will bo followed by church boKd mettlngi.

llio public Is invited to hear Rev. Grilflth. who has a national repu­tation Bs an evanfiellst, according \o llev. L. S. Oliver, paitw ol the I'rt’In FalLi church.

The Times-News



Farmers • Auctioneers

This column earrte* » dally tut- iQg of erer; form sal« advertised In the Times-News. Protect yoitf Kole dale by getting your adver* tttcrotnt in tsib’.


Watch this column daily . . . II carries Dato of the Major Pum Sales iQ all Maglo Valle7.'



._^4"r*l**mfnt, Jan. .


AdrertUement, Jan. Z3


Some Babies Get No Sugar Ration

Borne Twin Palls reildents ’kUV . t compelled > shore the sugar raUoned l^ Uiem with their babies, according to a njUng received by Catl N. Anderson, chairman cl the Twin Falls county rationing board.

They are residents with babies bom between Dec. is nnd Dec. 34 who have not been registered wlOi the local board.

A notice received by the local boftrd says that all boble* bom after Dec, j j must be reglsUred within a month after blrUi.

nils obo applies to persons who have been outaldc Uio country. In Uie military sen’lcc or confined to a hospital, asylum, home, prison or similar Institution. Andeiwin h u been inforotd. \


Call Collett 03g6-J3. Twla FaUi UABT ALICE TBOCT FABU


PundamenUl principles Involving feed r«(]ulrrments at various welKhLi make U leii proJluWt lo market hogi abote a certain weight. It Is Mid by W. M. Beeson, of the Uni­versity of idaho^ department of animal husbandry.

-Numerous feeding Inrestlgatloni- have conclusively shown that the amount of fe»d required to produ ? a unit of gain in lire weight In- crtasu with set." Beeson said.

Cost Oo«* Kp "in other word#, th» cost ol

gains Incrtue* as the pig becomes heavier. Two of the principal rea­sons for tliU change In efficiency of gains are' that at a younger age Ui» gains of «ie pigs are made up of a higher pertentase of water and protein and levi fat. and that the young pig consumes a larger amount cf feed In proportion to its live weight, thus a larger propor­tion of the feed Is used for a ' crease Itv weight, and leu for t... . tenance. It requires considerably more feed to produce a pound of fat than a poond of muscle tissue,"

In prepuui* a -table of the co«t qf gain at varloui welghU, fleeson considered wheat at 01 csnts a bush­el, plus tl.U per ton for processing, making a total of ttJ par ton. atid meat meal wm figured at $4 per heundffdwflght. Idaho feedlns trlal.i have shown Uiat on an overage, where yta filveii free Rfc to meat meal and a grain mlxt (Including five per cent ground alt- alfa. one per cent oj'ster shell, and one-fouTth per cent talt' they need J73 pounds ef grain and 2J pounds of meat meal to make 100 pounds of gain.

Seven CenU a r««n4Using this ration of grain to meal

meal, thi coil of a pound of gain on the above f*«d prices amounts tr Mven eenla a pwmd. The tw.t ot i pound or thU feed mixture Is on and three-fourths cent.'-

In ^he following summary thi flr*l !S«re filler the iRhl lange is the pounds of feed required per pound of gain, and the second fig­ure Is the cost of ferd. In cenU. per pound of sato; Ulrth to M pound-1. 3.00. and 5.25: 50 to 100 pounds, 3,Ti, and 6.68: 100 to IM pounds. 4,00. and 7.00: 150 to 300 pounds. 4.«, and 1,61; 2W to ^50 pound,'. 4.15, ond 8Jl: 350 to 300 pounds. 5JS, and DJ8: 300 to 350 pounds. 0,00 and lOJO; 350 to 400. 6.15, and ll,si: 4C0 to pounds, T7S, and' 13i8; 4J0 to 500 pounds. Bio and 10.68.


hou.10 occupied by Uie Ersklne GeLi- ler family was destroyed this fore­noon by a Jltt ^hlch «art«S Jn i clothes closet from some undeter­mined cause,

Mrs. QeWer said that the fl',. had ROt A Rood t tm In the clotUts closet before she discovered It. She had bem In the kltcficn with four of Uie OeL'Iers' five chllilren-tln oU«r WMi at !.cli«)!.

Runiilns a block lo the home of i neighbor to telephone the fire de partment, Mrs. Gclslcr said the bed­room sentd by the tlmev vca. IlHeii wlUi flames when she returned, A aewlng macJilnc. dining table nnd some 'nvrnitUffed'fumltnre—wrn wvtd. buV Ihey •aeit »&ld to bi damaged.

When the flames were exHn- BUlshed the roof of the house wa/ aupported by lUtlc more than the comers of the walls, and It was aldered totally dwtroyed. Property of the a . B. Brown estate, the ■was thought lo have i>een insured. At least part ot the household goods property of the Oclslers. was In­sured.

The fire wm discovered at abou! 10:30 a. m.

High Water Cuts Rai l Service on Mackay U-P RoadIDAHO PALLS. Jan. S5 OJ.PJ-

lilgh water has c.nicrd a trmporary hall In IraSn len lce on the Mackny branch of the Union Pacific rail­road. officials said today, while in tha upper Bnake river vallry the Hood receded rapidly o\tr Uie week

nd as the skies cleared.Rail eer 'lce on the east loop lead­

ing to lUrie and 6U Anthony and on the Goshen rtUl Junction fa d ­ing from Lincoln to Flrih was al-v temporarily disrupted over the werk end a-t tlie result of liUh water, J. T. King. Idaho Falls Union Pti- clflo agent, reported today.

President’s Ball Feb. 5 at Gooding

QOODIHO, Jan. a5-FrW*y. Ptb. S. has been att for Oooding county'a obaervatlon of the Pr^s|dcnt birth* day, MerriU Gee. chairman of Uie

chapter of the FoundaUon for Infantile Paralysis, has announ­ced. Arlon BuUan's orchestra. Twin

win begin wllhla the next week; Gea

Public SaleTo Be Held M ilts South ef SooUiwcst Corotr ot BbW oa

CaaUtford Highway on . . .


■ 8 Head Horses and Mules

10 Head Guernsey Milk Cows

3 liooa Wa®:on« arid Hay KacKsCoed Assortment Fam MKUnery and Other

Mlsc«naneoot Eqolppmeal


e. O. Wallen AneUonecr Kay BIsbpp, Owser-aerk



M arkets a t a GlanceNKW YOnK. J.n, '.I (.rt-

CoitoB l/r«ful»r: ll'iul • lansl burinf.

Chios* Whtat cio»d u>

»IUi r)«.

NKW YOIUC. Jun, 35 i-r^Invrit- mfiit props remained in toil.iy* stock market and. nfirr early hesi­tancy. Bcatterrd fu\onirj, tnany m the blue clilp Industrial catrKory. edged up to irouiul 3 points to new tops for more Ih year.

As In me wrel: or so. advance was far from tmsnli Minor IrrcKUlnriiy prp\nil-'d at atari but pricc:. improved lu nr.vslon prosres-sed. Wl\U(- d?aUt\KS were rrliitivcly slow llirmiKhoul. and declines were ■plentiful, ttnlns were well rilatrlbuted near the cin.'.e, Tranilevu vitrc around lOO.COO shares.

lUglstering peaks wereGeneral Motors. U. 8. llubber Com­mon and Preferred. J. 1. Caie, Oliver Farm. Kundard oil 'N. J.). Allied Oiesnlcal. Zenlih Itadlo and Pepsl-Cold. Upward Ulters included U. S, Steel. InteniaUonnl Harves­ter. Douglas Aircraft. United Air­craft, Amer/caii Telephone, tlu Pont, Benrs Roebuck and Kastman Kodak.

Bjiekward at Jnter 'ala wrro N. Y. Central. Pennsylvania, Enutliem Pacific, Texa.', Co.. Kennecott. Gen­eral Elcciric. Dow Cltemlwl at\d Goodyear.

lUUway bonds did moderately well. •

Stock Avcraaes

C>nipll«4 A<«m Ii1H Trnt

Nfi ftiinr* . Ka, ^A.:’ ^''a'

rr*»J<iu» ..n:.u i:’.: ;> J

!i:i’ lil ii

M iniu" Slocks

• ti:«o to' Si.if. ,

'LOt'K \Jirn, :s

tnu 2I.S»0, Uran SSJ to llt.tS.

Biddle Rules on Union Contracts

WAaHlNQTON, Jan. 33 (,r>-Tlie railway labor act forbids malnte- ndOKie ot mcmberaWp os •BtU as Ih#

formerly ruled.Blddlt"* opinion, rttiutsltd by the

national (rallwo} ) mediation board, eliminates the union security Lviub from n dispute between the J5 non- opetating unlon.i nnd tlie carrlcr.i. JeavlHB only the woge queaUon • settled.

Calf Killed, Auto Damaged in CrashA yearling: bull calf ....................

ond best In a collLslon with a motor car Bunday nlRht which did an es- UmaWd tlM damage to the ■vthlclp, ‘owned and driven by Charles T. Drown.\H. W. (Drtck) Zimmerman, stato

PftUctman. wkld Brou'n reported he wu driving souUi at a point one- half mile south of Kimberly when the animal, owned by Ben. Haybom. tS,o»hed Irom the RAyborr* drive- way and Inlo tho patli of the car.

Brown, who wa.< alone, was un­injured. HiB calf was killed.

W ill pay h iahc3t prkca

_ for tam ft or wild

- D r a E D R A B B IT

— SKINS—Brins la your deer skins, tool

Idaho Hide & TallowTwin Falla - Geodhsc.* Bspctt

New York StocksJJC\V vooa:, Jan. a OLB-The

market closed higher.Alaaka Juneau ---------- 4Allied S tores-----------7'AUb Chalmers-----------:as

rlcan C a n -----------78

.... -................... ...No salesAmerican ftad. A: Std. Can. _ 6'kAmerican nolllng M i l l s ____llAmerican Smelt. & Refining _Aaierlr-an TeL i i T e l.----- 1J3>.American Tobacco B ________4?’,Anaconda Copper ___________AtlanUo Refin ing-------- JO'.Baldwin Locomotive ------ l i ' ,DalUmore jt O h io ___________3\BendU Aviation_____________3SS

Monliomery Wartf . Nash Kehlnator National Obcult .National Caali Register _ Nstloaal Dairy Products _ National DLitlllersNew Yorit CentnJ_______North American .


North American Aviation _Northern Pacific ________Ohio Oil ...... .....................Packard Motors________Parnmount-Pub. _________J, C, Penney C o ._______Prnnsylranla R. R . _____Peoples Gas'.....—_ ___Phelr« IM ge ....................Phillips Petroleum .......—Public Service of N. J . —Pullman _______________Pure Oil

CaUfomla Pacific ----Canadian Pacific ..... .

1. Casa Co........... -....-

. . ..iprake & Ohio _________39‘.Chrj-sler Corp. ---- -------70Coca Cola -------------- S3Colorado F, A; I ..............-..I.... 15'

Commercial Solvenut .......... ii*Coiuolldaled Copiicr ... .... . S'-Consolidated E<Ibon ...... . I0»Coiisolldatfd Oil . .. -... ........Continental Ca'ii ...... ............33'Continental Oil ___________WCom Product.-* --- ------- 5SCurtUs Wright ____________ ■»,Du Pont............................ ....... U2Flteston« Tlte A: Rubber ...K-Freeport . Sulphur .............No salesGeneral Eectrlo------- --- MOenervl Food* -----------30Qtneral Motors ...................... 46GlUetta Safety Raior ... ..... 5Goodrich ......... —....Goodyear Tire &i Kubber___ J7Oreyhound Cp. ................ . lt\Houston O i l ____Howe" Sound____Insp. CopperInltmatlonal Han'tiler —International Klckrl . .......International Tel <b Tel..... .Johat Manvllle ........... ........Kenntcoll Copper _________Kre?,!e .......Lorril.irri . ...Mack Trucks _ ___Miami Co}ip«

Radio Corp. of America_____ 5'Radio Keith Orpheum ______ 3'Rrpubllc Steel ........ ............... lin#j-nolds Tobacco B _________37&‘ars RoebuckBlieJI Union OilSLumons Co........Bocony Vacuum . aiuthem Pacific ..

Jjlanilard Drand. . ............. BUBtindard Oil of California____30Standard Oil of Indiana....... ... 28'.BUindard Oil of New Jeney.:... 48SRtudebaker.......................... . 8>,Rimshln# Mines ...................... 4'iSwift A: CoTexas Corporation .........Timken Roller Bearing...TTan.’iamertea __________Union Carbide_________Union Pacific ____ ____United Aircraft Corp___United Airlines ........ .....United SUtes Rubber___United SUtes Steel___Warner Brothers.............

item Union .

- 43U

N. Y. CURB STOCKSBunker Illll-SuUlvan ..............Cllles Sen'lce ..Electric Bond A: Share....... .. 3SGulf Oil of Pennsylvania....- J84 Hecla ..................................... 4!.

Livestock MarketsUCNVER I.IVKSTOOC

DDn'Wl. Jin. t5 it'SDA 1.. juubW U.1---- •

to .bow .l^r. IK


llofil S4l4l>I* S.Ohtsiuri «p«i>

cKolf* II# lo >oa >M.l.r l<g(rh.n Sl

n.M; i-W

IVESTOCK :s i^>—(KtJ.rtl- iltUi iUUhl* '

:v <1. 4a.-

;'troJ »B<t iSok.

»n..d r)wi uvr^TOCK <»;i)KN. j.n. : j lur’l-cauiM j.:ia;

Mti..; »«»tr •i.'ra .u«r1)r lu ilrunc rJ-1 l-» r<«<l V> ch..),.. L>r>l f<Al 111 wIK.10: frv R»<liun l-rilA SIt.SO to lit: j>»n 1<V4<1 IV. »SS; t*11

rv.1 M <holc» 111 IK »»)«I

I lU, ll«,U In IM.SOi *owt Ill.tS '

lli.ltl (kol(« hrl{«n IISi rvtnmoa mrOlum raw. I9.SQ b> ItO.TI: vmI I IUt9: (holn lUKk itwr 'aim IIS.II,

■................ •• naihlnf mUK bidi un fUuthlrr tsnhito-er: ublnc («II7< mhttt nulun Utnlv )i<1d


h.t< n,coe, utA) :i.t90i isc u :t«

l>l<l« i W l.«09. toUl I.IOO • nl« mil w.rilno iiMdr: (food n U w bll> Dih.r off«rlrsi rt~i;« T»»tllat» tUA«; »«*»»"« - ..i i :j : .Wt. scnxI ici i t c>«

Butter and Eggs

rnAKcisco rnoni;cKi«r-isrn J.„. is (Un-Tlm-

n> 10 »njr»

.rdNm «14«. It.*,

Ttic '. W I ’Hr

; »t.»<l/| uBChaostd.


T'ivin Falls Markets

a ibtod talnk

KZDCLO%-Cm tr«r r«anda>

CnU }W 1 —---------{T«« M lo i «wt«jl

BCAKBMmiIi*™ N*. I --

GrMt Ksnfc«ra* Ka. S

ITnt 4mM« mud)


t}. S. R « t« 1U. a. n«MU Ko. ;

(Om 4mWt Qortr.!

. LIVE roUUTSTnrr.iv«. l i 1 .; n.-------nnlUn. : n sw n«. .....nrollm. st Is t Ib*.----- £^ I V » to 4 It*; -J------


RYE m E r a O R W I H S

CUIOAGO, Jan. U (/Ph-As ftd* vance in rya futures which s«Qt de­ferred contracts Into ne* (eatontl high terrliory Imparted ilrtngtb to all grain plU today.

Although gains In otber cralos »er» confined to fraction*, rye moved up moro than a cent on buy­ing by house* wllh eastern connec­tions and corerlng by troden who had previously sold short, 'Ihero was coaildcrable profit taking on the upiuni. but It failed to cauM any pronounced reacUoa

Wheat Slid oaU itarted lower, but soon turned higher In mponae to tha rye strength. Cora tended to Isg behind other cereals and Interest In that market w u Ught

\Vheit .closed U>S higher, May ll.4^1.40H: com was unchsmged to

higher. May m - H ; oaU td- vanced S-U, rye gained 3-3%, M*y U^-83, and coybeans wire InacUve.

CRAIN T&BLS cmcACo, Jin. :i c«v-

or«* nish t . .




■.vis.IS a;

“ ... _ .tm


,»s JiVi 4IH

:ll!i .{JS ;K;;

CHICACO. Jtn. U U>-K« cuh »h*at. C«n.< Nn. I r>lW II.OOlli No. t *m«

a ll.e i: »«. I to 11* Kr>. « Ih toNo. I.II- to «U»; iimula S«<1«

% HSi.i Mn;Vt srtda rtlU

Uiiiine Sic u it.eiNi i:<

“ rriii 1.M ptT h«sarw*.iiM. Tl«iiKr H.1I to »Si aUlki. lit te.BS;fiiifr r»t tap n la ITJOi r*4 jlaiwr IlS.Sa


JDAno T____ _______ ______—rur B»r«r mIUt ot I4al>oi Orrnlnffi

sefount of n * . . .

sulrr lUfet. d«maa4 (air. indlac IlBltMi: larktt firm. l)rll><^_t*lM^.h|sp|iif pelat _ Uilas

. . . IB 10-Ii, I...............................>r Slif A. * r*« It.U: Id4b» auadam fnrl.. twe-ln«h BlnlBiuB. irubad. t cart

ct,*i o j]. «!(• A. pa CWL, S can 4tU< In ran. S at lU li V. S. No. I and MalM vtllltT rr*4«, l#».|h. latlu. J rar IMS. I car SI.I1H- > can II.Mi la nlxnl ear*.

CaiS 1 iravtn, bulk ftr ewt-j Tradlnf loo IIin|i*J to mnrt a i>n«rallr aaUIr- lUiitd markat for i>>« dUtrlct.

CHICAGOCHICAGO, Jan. » lUP)—ArrKali 79.

on jrack Wtal «*•. Mah«:

plin llsht. lot lot qualitj iiMk ilamand matkti firm; m»

xnodn-iU. d«nini) 'n r Ilchl. markrt •’l<)illr wOTkar. Idalio n<iu«u Durl>anka V. S. Ka. 1. >»M , IS.St to IMS ; un- wa.Swt SI ta 11.10, mo»Uf II, Colorailo lt«S MfClur« U. B. I. wuirf. «.«# V> IM I; an«uh«j IMt. Ntbratkm PIlu

Tap's,.S.03>i. Mlnnnala and KonS DaUu mUaTriumphi. eo>ul>«d. UJIi wulixl ll.SO.

*-2n»ln Xttaliillna anj t3ilp»»<raa. «n- Kl, 11.10; Utiu Trluschf. aairaahnl.

Potato and Onion Futures



the IIts elecUon of Mflcerj at the home of Mr*. Ray UcCoy. Mrs. Arthur Berry wa* elected president, Mr*. James Tulkerson, Vice-president, and Mrs. Ray McCoy, secretaiy-treaa-

Garments for the Red Cross completed, Mrs. J. J. Jscltley

and Augusta Jackley were host­esses.

Jack Oorrlson hsa bten tlsltlns his mother for 10 days. Re enlisted In the navy Jan. s. IMl. at Balt Lake a tv and Is now an aviation mathlnlsi’S male at JactoonvUle, Fla. IhB sailor plans on-going by train to Chicago and from there to JocksonvlUe by plane.

Bethany chapter, Order of East- nt Star, held Its regular business

meeting. Luncheon was aerwJ by Mn. Mark Auketna. Mrs. Lloyd Walker and Mrs. Margaret Walker.

Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brooks have been Informed of th# birth of a seren-pound daughter to Mr. »nd Mrs. WllUam Brooks, San Fran­cisco. Mrs. Winnie Bnxto. grand­mother. was there for the oecoHon.

Rev. Augusta Jackley, pastor of the Baptist community church, at­tended the conrocatlon me«Unc In Twin Falls fcr the southern Idaho - district. In returning she was forc­ed to spend a night in SJioohon#01 the road*.ta-KalI*r-**»-Woetaff-^by innw.

Holley M. I. A. held Id ngtilar meeting at the I>, D. S. cbtirch. A reading on the Ult of Oeorte Culot, author of many church hnoBt, was dren by Mrs. stantoy Cutlwr A-trio,— eonslsUng of Urt. Art Haa Mr*. Ran!d Bnhlet and 'RatoU Ateg* Ian. sang WTcral o< hli hjmtti.Miss Jtma KeUey *p«Bt a m dan Isltlng her mothtf. CBu B u n -

.jRied to Ocdeti. vb«n ih t .k «&•. ployed tn w u vark. '

Mrs. Ray MeCoy entntaiaid tha Ladles' sewln* clu» ct tb i Com-

Page 8: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

Page Eight TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO MonS87, January 25, 1943

otrr OUR WAY' S E R IA L S T O R Y



Cynthl* hod not bfcome hy»l*rl- tti. She had not fiilnlcd. Slie nerm- «J 8tunn«l. (la from bfliis stmct. niUitr Ihnn.flKlilfnM pr'terrlbly liUlrrsscd.

Crrtftin uomfn litul TTlu. ana Ifd licr to her onfl roopi Ntrs. Malcolm FIcmlnR. who wm UT FlMnlng's wife, hiid bcni amonj those woincn. niid she wn.i o.capabjL crcfttuff, Dr. Flrinlnir hlmr.elf. Iitif- iiiS ni.Oied lo thr M r of Colonel MtrTlarilirr and <a'.eovfriiiK at Uiat he coum be of no uvnll Jn that lilBce, fftirchrcl out CjTjthln'ft room on the fpconcj floor, and Nit on the tilue of htr bo<!.

Bhr lookpd (it him. lie *ald. "Up Is ROne. my denr..Slie clOf.ed her cye.i. fro:n which

no tears came, and Uio liut toiic)i of color washed oiit of her face. Slie Aliivered, lui with bitter cold, and coverlcui were dmu-n over her. Dr. Flfinlnff mlxfxl mncthlnc In a kIo -''. anil iJie drank It, He took one of her htuid.1 and nmviaRrd It KmUy. and nodded lo hLi wife, who did Uie inmo w«h her otiier hnncfr

Anne West wju ihfre, Blttlnif In .. low cJialr and Rlnrlne at Cyn'Lhla with ej'e.i very wUlo nnd her Ilia p;irted a lliile.

Dr. Inwi'red the llKht.-!.nnd when he went qulrUy to Uie donr hl» wife followed him.

"I don't ^lleve shell blow iip," he said In a Kolemn whisper w*hcn they had renclicxl the hall. "111 have to KO down-'.tfllrn. If you nee l me. rend Anne, rii be bick In b Jllllo whllo

“I^ero Wu almOAt breathles* nl- lence In Cj-nthla'a room for a con­siderable while. TlJpn «he spoke toi Anne, wllhoiit looklntr at Anne. “Will j'Ou CO find Hank?' she aald,

Anne M!d eacerly. "Of conr.v. dar/inir." It lay wltJiln Uie nature of her loj’alty Uiat »he felt no dtiap- polntxnent becnuxe C>'nthla had not ranted Fred West Inntend.

She found Henry PrentKi In (he bar. talklne hi low tones with tho buUrr, nnd beckoniv) lo him. He So)- lowed her toward the atfllrs.

“lant It Jiuit perfecUy awful!' uhLtpered to him.

He did not nnswer, They moved • d(Twn the corridor on tiptoe, and he

%TL\ Btiuidlnif bealde CynUiia'n br<l, Jooklnu <Io»-n nt her. It was curious to see (Uidnesj In the face of Henry PrenttM.

He took her hand, and touched her cold forehead ulUj hl.i other hand. •"Tell Anne anything you want; do." he /laid.

Her prtaurt on his hand tlKhtcn- ed for a tnoment. and then relaxed,

"ril be around." he stvld.Bhe nodded.He stood moUonlesi be.Mde her for

• » little while, and Uicn touched her lorehead again, nnd wentsllently out of the room,

Mitchell amce came out of Uie library on tn ermnd. nnd throuKh the door«Tiy a.i It opened Lieutenant Thatcher jaw Henry PrentlM. He beckoned, and ahook hands when PrentlM went lo, but did not itpenk. The pJietORrapbers. done with their Job. were pocklns Uielr equipment. TJie flnjierprlnt people were drnlln« with their Jast tail-end of duties. The body of Colonel Merrlwether had not been moved. He was calm nnd precise, even in his flti;'Hli hair was still carefully ____fd and hU eyes were clwed. Ills tt’hlte, dellcnt« hnnd.s reposed the table, and Oie left one wa.n only »n Inch or two from tJie pistol which had kUied him. That weapon hiid been worked upon by tJie flnKcrjirlnt men, nnd Uien replace*! exactly .It had been before. It was new. nr._

■ fthlny, and of an ordinary- American manufacture.

•The Buy leit.a perfect Bet on tl tun.* one of the flnfterprlnl mi aald, *'No gloves, not a blur, and i wlplnf,"

Lieutenant Tliatcher nodded. He Jeaned forward nnd picked up the sheet of paper which Vnughan Dun­

bar had placed to o«tc lftlIou.' ly be­fore hla victim. It wa.i n plain. whlK rectangle, and Jn IH center there was neat tj-plng:

AVE ATQUE VAJ-E Do not srleve lor tlie destruction

of tliU nioiut«r. Cyntlila hna least cauv> of all for crlef, UiourI; by tJie nature of tiilnw I cnnnoi tell her why—for tliat mlsht do her JuQ-.

I have staJkcd him, year by year. waltlnR for lliLi oM'> moment. Tlierc In no ner<l to wiy hrrr, nuw. why I iiavc done this, Iir cnn'lly killed people who were of Krrat Importance •j me. When he <llcl that, his end •1L1 written.Tlitni^h I know it Is tijelr'.i. I brR

you not lo si>end public money und the lime of viiluable nil'll Id liic hunt )r me. It wlll_>»<oini)lpttly futile.


Henry PrentlM eald. •ll-m-m-m. 83 thnt’fl It."

Lieutenant Tliatcher s.ilil. "At ii.M we don’t hull- to luiiit iirouiid

. ir n mnUve, ZJiil wi-’ll pick him up. He liiun't got n chancr.”

Tlie trIepMone ranc- It was a city detective ut VouKhnn Dunbar'a ho- lei.

"He left In Uie forenoon,” the de­tective Mid, "anil he hiun't Ix-rn A sultca.-.p full of UiliiKs Is In

out Of It. or hidden himself lomewhere within the 1-00 »quart miles of Lons island—somewhere between the 31th street croijlown tunnel and Montjuik Point.

IJy mWnlKht, IlkcRbc. Uic J who silt in Uie bar nt Stone Hon.'C were wear?- of tiilk, of s|r-culnllon nnd conjectufr. They fInWted tile sand»-lclies which had been brouKhl to them.

Dr. Klemlns Mid that tiiLi wife would May the niKht, nnd Ihnt he would like for Atuic West to remiiln, too. Hlm^rlf, he imd one or two hospllal culls to m;ik<', nnd furtJier- more he iice<Ic<l slpe)). MltchKl Orace could reach him If Ujire were need. In oijy cvriiC, he kouW rrium : Slone Hoa-.e early next mornitii,'.

Colonel .Mtrrlfti-Uicr» body had been ri'iiiovtd by men from Utr med­ical examiner's ofllre. Prixl Wc.'>t nnd Heno' PrentL.'s went home. And Lleiilcnunt Tliiilchrr went to New York. iTo be conllnuedl

hh r< arkrd, IIcIoseL Lver)'lhlnif jeems order*

ly,"•Take print,'. If you," Lieu­

tenant Tatcher f.ald. "And If It's nil rlKlit with you iieople, I would like lo come In liitrr and no over the stuff. Of cour.'.p. I'm out of my Jur- Lvllftlon there—but If yini pcojilc don't mlnd~-

Nobody would mind, nnlurally. "And you’ll keep men there. In ue he does show up? 0(xxl, And

cJieck on hb ciirane and nil his lel- eplinnr calls. Can you do that?"

•'We'll Klve It the whole routine." ■Tliank you."Dy mldnUht. the fnrt wa?i dlscon-

'certlnKly npjmrciit Uint VnUKhan Dunbar was rludlnt,' the It'' hnrt sllppfHl iJiMiijih the nel-,vo,k of Jumdrefls of nii'ii In unll’onn and



^ WELL.IPIT \sm L i r a E VEOr. L CIO His W CrrUER <X 8R1NS 6 L E E P -( IM G 6 0 PEACEFULLY.'— O R .

w a i t / MAWBE VOU DJ20PPEO Obi m s H EADNOD B lS

‘ 1 E L K , AN3D H E 'S / ^, u M c o f v is c io o s ;

BORM‘m ig lY Y E A g S T O O SOOO


ANCry.' 'J



- -- u'IN BETWEEM 'EM?



, W f HAMD5.' J

SIDE G LANCES B y G nlbrnH h G A S O T , T N E A T X r i By KING











SccscHy ANP ACCM'e ACTE Saved fcov\ twc A.TTACK o r A «TU<A flyLU5VA. ACU55IAM

w m w M p ; lc t .. . but














rcw6.’ CAN NOUGIVE MSABEtH ^ 'O lR tY E S , FOOD frND I--^ A1.L .E rW D N j^ ■ \ R ig h t?







Page 9: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

Monday, January 25, M i l TIMES-KEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO PagoNiiie-





1 day _

3 days - 6 daj-s—

1 Co»t*per-wonl

_Sc per word

__40 per word per_Jo ptr word per d#y

A minimum of 10 worda 1* rwjulrcd In nny on# eltssUled *d

^ , Tcrm>-CMlJ


Phone 38 or 39


431 EuC 6lh Fboae 3C0>R


WMk di«y». n n, m.Sunday. 6 p. m. Baturday

Thij paptr subscribes to lHo code ot cUilca of Hie Aisoclfttlon of Ncwtpftper Clewlfled Adver* Using Manniicri and reurvu Ui» right 10 edit ftnd reject any daa* ilfled advertlilng. "Blind ads" carrj-liig n Tlmes-NewB box num. ber are slrlcily confidential and no informnilon can be given in regard to the advertiser.

Erron should be reported Im* mediately. No allowanc# will b« made for more man on# iocor* rect tnserUon.


COLLIERS. Amfrlcaa. Woman s jlomc Companion. U months »3 00. 88 Luum. J. HIU. 537-W.


Wi3 HAVE placed 100% of our «iu- denla this In.« year. Many more arc needed to fill Important Jobs lOiead. Call or write for Informa- Uon. T»-ln Palls Du. lneu Onlvcr-


X-RAYS Ar.iure Bccur«t« adjust­ments, Dr, HnrUln. 130 Main

. north. Tcleplionc 232J.

YOUR pains and Dclies ro away quickly under my care. First treat­ment free. Dr. D. R. Johnson. Phone 30. U4 Third avenue easL


PERMANENTS, «.00, Atr*. Dciuner, phone I7H7. over Independent Meal Market.

E3CTRA (pfclal prices on ell perma- nenia. Denuty Aru Academy-Ar- tUtic Deauty Soloo.

PERMANENTS. IliO. WO Jeifenwn street Phone l6Si-J Uaytna Klaas McCabe.

BPECIAIi-43.00 oU permanent, . *3.00: $8.00 oil penaanenl »3J0

Idaho Darber and Beauty Shop • Phone 434.



EXPERIENCED farm hand de.ilres work. Inquire Ryan’s Grocery. Phone 515. _

n E L p " 1 VANTED^^W 0MEN

EXPERIENCED brnuty operator wanted ut Crawford Beauty Sa­lon. over Dells. __ _

EXPERIENCED Chamber maid wanted nt Rlnlto HOWl. 120 S1)0- ^hcne north.

Wrlto Box 36, News-Timcs.


Life’s Like That By Neher

"'Die Blrb wont hare anythlns to do vtt^i is esxx t * pri u a ; questionnaire from the local draf: board fiy Bbtatc.”


' two rooms. 03

VACANCY at Justamere Ina and Ousts ApvtmenU Phone 488 Wl

THREE roonr! downst.-vlrj. prlvste bath and entrance. 3C0 Blue Laiea north.

VACANCY one or two roojn arxart- menUi. fully modem. Prlvaie bith. lOM-W.

MAIN floor, private entrance. Bath. refrlRcnitor, GOi Second a\ norUi.




NEWLY rtdrcoraicd HnaJl hou;e 0124 Second avenue, Plione H41.

IX)UR room modem Fumarr. — Ooort— cement— boM'mcnL. 121




AIR comprr-v.or. by day or wrrk. wltlj or without operator. Kren- gd's.


PIVE or 0-room malem hou.-.c or iipiirtmcnt (uni^hed. B « l of ref­erences, William G, Campbell. Sr. Phone 1077.


FOUR or live room C5c« m.E. A. Moon Real Estate Ajenci. Phone 5 or 31.

HAVE buyers lor Kood homes and acreages. Give me your IbUnjs. Room 0, Flilellly Bank Bulldlns. W. E. S.mKcr,

WANTED nt once: Experienced body man nnd painter. Will pay 70ro on »3.00 per hour Hat rale nr $1^5 hour. Olve reference Phone'or write Leo Rice Motor Company. Gooding.



BOOKKEEPER-stenograp*er. One who cun oi>eratc Burrouglis book- keeplnK machine preferred. Olve all quolUieatlons In rtply. posleT's. Inc,. Boise.

MEN and, women—19 and over—to become weldem nnd bumera for nortliwcit klilpynrd*. WaRcs 11-0 to »Ua per hour; m lo *73 week­ly. steady work, good living condl- Uons. Immediate placement after two to three weeks training at Buckley Welding School. PracUcal Uioi> method.s only . . . r» book* or le.v;on miiterlal. Have trained hvu\dt«Ss from Idaho. Jn«ducemeni to 4P men and thc«c with Allsht physical hnndkan. See Mr. Evans, Park Hotel, Mon., Tues.. Wed.. 0:00 A. M. to 0:00 p. M. (Only non-essential workers need apply.)


U N F U RN ISH E D • 'S P it tm iE N T S -

---- NE\VJjoom3.453 Slxlh avenue easiInquire 104 Lincoln, Phone 433-J,

THREE room. bath. *30. Adulta. In . quire Cook's Variety, Shoehonc nortJi.

• VACAHCYJ BelUKine apartottil*. Two room . Bath. Ultra-modem. Plione I347-J.

LISTINGS wanlcil—Have buyers for lilgli modern home. Good four or flvr room hou.'.e. A irood foriy or clshty. Retr.e M. WiJ- Uunu.


NT.yU.Y MX s

4 rS l,___________ _____________4 rta, xctfera ie»; —4 rai, tsew. soCeTB.

m. dup:ex. cas apan=«i; Mrtliiiei. SLtsltTa c a t yheat, oa patr=eai _______SStJOE. A- MOON REJH, ESTATE


80 ACHES ccrJi tsreco iil.KCCO do's:!. Te:t=4. w. S=il’.il.

ONE of thf b « : 160 A. tinss S! souL'-.em lii.-js. 0=« «tom . EKfrUsn; :»r=t atnta- Modem bm r. T t ii l» real t»V. C*Z 50. Rs*e-j * K®-

0 .\CRES. *1.1X0 iSTTL M aCr no rock, .tasi: twae. :cc'-iw«s Jeroese. SO acres. tO.X' = •prowi. I asr.i'.. K wn*.*7,000. Hplm inTwissrtv: Cn=- pany. Jercer.


600 ACRES SOOC far= s:ricktr ranch f.-c m Siricker.

EO ACRE ij.Tti'.OCi.2J. TUSes-Newv

nrrrrrneta rrr;-,;:rT\i. Bcs C i TV-

D ACRES rscd Lint! «l:is «TU?- tner.i. Cu.-u err? cr pa.-jCT.-jSL 130 at»r.-.x v ler 4J0 or Bo* r s . G; r.r-j Frrrr.


GOOD =C a;nr =crlix roaci; *J0.DCfl hc=*. f«r::;i=rs--T » jl^ as i ts ts lPiUx J ’ prr acT». Wn::4 sie«p azciL

Good Rre roczi : .r u.:*-iU jh: rmt.

P. C. GR-WES arid SCN


A GUNTLE pcny. drpcadab’.e tiU6.-ra. Pnte »U. Pheoe 13SJ-W.

TK<> A-l he»TT sprtagtr Jerser* G-j«TO«T fowi. R*ga* aad S<»— C-jyjl.

1 PCRESRED Spotted PoUnd r~*-—» toar i:s«s- P“OC« 0333-JJ, Tw-arxEi


HJGKEST tx h prteea palfi tss pool- t.-y. lsiepes»ittl >leat Ocsapaaj, P5ce» I d


BAST c.Mdti aT^naiCe each w « l . ctxU,v. Swift aad Coospaay. Ptess IBS. Twa

OaiSER y « i today. Best serecUcm. 33W w-cti A it aboat ocr m ty <*ay Bad. Gamb> S u m . Rwne

3ZZCTn> 4-A tr»de baby chickx *T»£at;e Sasanllately at Se&rs-

C.ttipany- Twta ,“ " I6*a.


.*0.\ATH-CJ asd Rceae Beaaty ;xts far sC t W» d^rer. !L W. R.-edt=aa. CSS-J4.

n c z u o r s . Reot a??Ic» a l ceUar. A a F*,;ii=»a. 3 fait. H WOUi «3 J Vir7„ phase OiK-Rl.

A R21\L coed *ad£e haze. IJJOO or Bsx MI or Phtee ST34. Wea-


VTA.'fTED: Vood or « t n b u s e s , a cood cBodiaaa. l^ e each. Tror or Katttal p:asi.

ISOX. aU klnli sse'.aX cotUo l _ .Idaho Junk

vr.\XTS2; '.S5i ee ia*.«- modd CStrnsln cc r.Td t'.xx or motor asj«=iiiT. B a r , Tl=i Nrwj.


SIN'GLE r :r =rc

POiiSL\.\ d--<s. Ptkiafwe r s ^ Ph3=t M-F3, Je«=ac. Mrs. P tan i W*.-d.


WA5TSD: Made: A-.<U Pted sedaa nth sxxi :v;bber. Wr.:* Bea 3 .



WILL buy or lca. c AO to M Grxxl cash p.iymrnt down or caih rent. HnKcrmnn vallry prtlerrtd. Will conMder all offers. Pwie.vJon Mwn. Dana Mew, 234 Fourth avenue wr.M.

I have n ca.sli bujer for 4 or 5 room rejlflciice In Blue Lakes addition. Also eo.'Oi buyers for one to ten acre tmcls improved.



PIVE room hou-w. modem except heal. Barsaln. Plione 3S5-J 2155-W.

SEVEN room hoase, clo?< In. mod­em except heat, »3iOO. 413 FlfUi avenue «

*4.000 WILL buy modem duplex wlt3> 3 room hou.w. Lavatory, sliower. On rear of loL Income at presents *C3.75 per month. Roberts <t Hen-ion.

NEW-5-ROOM DWJXUNO Fireplace, stoker, air coadltloQ* 4ng. electric hoi water better.• Best location. *5500. .

CECIL C. JONES Bank St Trust BIdj. Ph. aou


7 mi. house, dose in with 3 rm. apt, furnished, to trade for 4 rm. house, nn. modem house. Steam heat.■5 rm. houses, mod. except heaL rm. house, modem except heat T7B. hoane. modem with sloitVi 1 ucrr.s do«e m. Small house.


VOUNO hc«f. cxil' Vrsri' cuiter, r-way pCc». coo.: ra r^ . ha.meas. disc. M. J . Maaw. Fi:,t.

T H S S 4 c.'sirr :efl fillns cabJ- arti. TVsti XX iirTv. Red's Trad-

Poji. ;:s .’Ou’.h.


DIRECTORYAdding Maehinet

Caih regtstm. adding machines aad typewTi’xta rfpaL-Td. Supplies. 441 Ualn E. Office Appliance Siop.

Appliance Repmring

Balha and Massages

Tbe 6U-WeU. S» Main W. Ph. 155.

Bicyde SaUswid Service


Insect Exterminator

Bed B i« txmlSKllca. T. P. rjj--al Ca

Floor Sanding

TnA Ptelfle. H3 Locust. Ph. 190«-J.

>der—Edttr rent by hr. Gamb:es.


Por Plrt and Casoalty Insurance, eortty aad Plddlty Beads, see Bwlm larestmeat Co, Bauth BMs-

Keg Shop


Money to Loan

SAL.\RY LO-CC:j SiTJctiy cvxiiiitsia.

*5 to *50 ts esa?:c7rii pcctl* jTBor tm ai

CASS CTlEDrr Roocn 3.; 8 :^ .

Heavy LootTaken

From 3 BakeriesCHIC-^OO. Jaa. SS Oft-Delec-

tnrs Phlbp HwOtld a--v3 Daniel EJan wrre caEed to the Bumy B.'oa. b a i n OQ Lakr itrr«t. wher« bur- t i n b»a earled away • 650-poand safe cvntalninc *1SS.

Thry tan«t:cated. trtareed he»d7.:a7Ua aad wrre cai:«d to other Bsrsj Brw. bakery oa West Maaam streA wfaer« burs'.ars ha ' s%i2ca « 4c;)-pocad safe with snt.

AaoawrlartsUcaUae. ar.ol.\er r». t.-ra ta he ^ ja r te ji. a.-xl wearUy they usTTRd anotlser can tr«a a Baiay B w . bakery on C«-.l.-al airs-je, where annL'ier <ao-ptwnd Jife cosutilne in s -was mlii:

Old-Time Fighter

S W s 7T5 i" Cincinnati------------------------- ClKCniNATI. 0 „ Jaa . =5 rjpv_

Usteopaihic Physciaa■ - . |1;=* ha«»ke*i;e fUbters.-filed to-

Dr. O. W Roee 3Q i t S Ph ST-W

Abbott Ptssiiiis Co.

OU b«rMT specaUiy. C ^ a = i . ai- c:iS befcrt fcls retlrwBml a fewJustlEt. rrpatr^if. RA t. lee S^ca.



Saks. « a U i i a= l aeni.-*. F t. 91



OOOD wctsht nrst quahty 8xU cacsoSeua rug only *4S5. Claude Bmwo Musfe and PumMttrc;

BEAUTiytJL five piece hardwood bedrooo set, on:y *115X10. Westera A-atOi.

GOOD used Thor porctlala tab w^Ser. 13955. Terns. 'WCsoq- Bates.


PIANOS and band l.-jtruaenU.Nnf •Ad ttsed. Duxas-Waraer Com* pcny.

your favortu phono* . records by mall. Complete stock at all limes. We s.hlp C. O. D. OaudB BmwQ Music and Pumiairv.


IM I STTOEBAKER Champion dan ai *775. 33S Seventh avenue north.


GOOD 3 wheel trailer housr. Woods grarel bed. 7-lnch hoist. &sl8 van. Phone 550 or caj. 13th BuhL

POR SALE cheap: Smrml cai chassis with rubber lulubse for trailers. We dos< Sunday! Cam* b:in Used Car Lot. Second av­enue east.

P .& O . DOUBLE bar bert a=ii bcaa r.£tlvi;cr. GccO ccsnlt^ia^ PScoe 3-J13. Fi:er.

NEW sh:;c:rr.l Cs', tr.;::e>3 wa '■arns tn wh;;e ».*;4 ^-'p- iar colors.


BLUE TAG wr«l Crternow for s?n=i a=«: saver Glftie Seed asd Peed.

CCC S.KLVAGE rv-vi' — raincoats, crertoi'.v under-

■ » w . House.


CinCKEN n :^ h —5 r acres. Trade Jcr tc^r. 35. ShOshcM.

BRIN‘S a ths: tr.^ifn w-.niow Ijre thtre a a -.h.-inare of glJ Xo eiiaise fx s»:i:r.s. Phone 5.

STOSAGE urJ -53 and SO taCon i:r.:rd. New ship-

m ca2.-c tanks. Robert Le«

FURNISHED tracer Cihsafor rent, l i ih x «»:(? r=?iishs»; *10. » E ls.

TWO 5 rocBS h c ir« U; trade lor Twta Falj A. Moca Real Esuze. X t Masi Weal.


Phoce 3C9 er 965. TWta ra:^^

PEED srtadms ,CPt»e eali-crT ptedtns*. Ptax* lu ; Rjer. J£xt-

—crtsiS asywses

"PARM-5l!4STER* bliss t s v ter pTfaiuc! _ tala Fletschmaa'S type 9

a n A ii for f=2 ];

GOOD an «= tr .l of rubber 1 IS.S. A1k> ctoJ oj IJtaa be:-j, S<-i.-:..'loebjik Co, Twin P a l i Phccf Jf»a.

I R.\VE a U=u:fvi of barUp•wwi toci tns '-eU ' Plrvi «c:e, lu :; . rriTd. L






IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP N. W. YOUNG. Deceased. Nc*lee Is hereby given, that EUa

M. YotxM. widow ot the above named d ^ e a t , baa filed herein her petltloo prayln* that the « determine th* tlsw of the death of the decedent, the helii ot said de. ceased, the decree of kl&shlp and the right of deeeest ot the real and perwnal pniperty beloaglas to said deceased; and that the court has fixed the I5lh day of February. I»i3. at ten o'dock In the torrnoon of *ali day ta t l» court K ttn ol this court, ta the court house. Ln the City, and County of Twin Palls. State of Idaho, as the time and place tor aald beartnf. and all per- w rj Interested are hereby notified

yran aro.CMyruti was tha i^idngboard

Csctiell^ ro*d to the heavyweuht f.hanpioeshi.-*. Cortwa, ih “amatrsT." fcsishl Chaynikl..Vvd rtval la a grodje tight la IM> and kaocird him out. Corbett tur ed pmtcMtanal aRer lha Cght.


Pans Oour.lT hr the above named p'jinilir. and you a-*» h«rljy noU- r.M to anie«r and p2ead to the

eccapMnt within twenty days .. appear a t the tl=e aad pia-T wt cf Cw arrvl-e oT CU> Tumaoas: and tor said heartns asS v“i; « ca .^ . U . yoj a.-* fwUKr notified \i-At tailess any they have, why iiU tw «a app«»r and plead lo aald(facoU tios be c:%nu^l.

Nonce Is r.=*.her gW> ha: the n ld N. W. Yocns died C= cr abc«=t the 4th day ol Drcr=i>rr. U33, Se- Jn« ft mJdent c: Tw- i Cc=5-

casfiaini wttha the time hetrla «»rt.ned. the plaJnia wlU take ^iicaer.t afa^.si you as prayed, in siid complaint. This Is an action 13 Set _ e a Deerte of DSvoere oa

ty. SU*.e c.' Idaho, a*. W ‘-sme -tfl th* crosndj of htt de»lh assl th* «w=ss eJ » i Wltr*si ay and the « a l ot manlty one h*:: tntrro: Si h c « - . a ia Dtstnct Court, this SSth hoJd turr4ture- an l urs* j ix f o! jasaary. iMJ,ata la Twta Falls 0.xmtr. S^ate c.'; P.\CL II. GORDON.Idaho. dfs«r.ied as Vww-.;: | ,sral» Clett.Lot Nt-ie ta Bi.-ct T-ty r . " c i , R.\TBORN A R.\TBOR.N.Twla Fans Tbwtulte; that the pe-1 Attaraeys ftt PUlntUt • tltloeer. EUa M. claSis j i l i , Rtnihss at Twm Palls, Idahoproperty as the s^rrtrca !?.■«» ci I Ptb; Jan. » . Ft'b. I. 8, 15. =2. m a a id decedent. |

Reference ts herriy to th* "B id peUtlca fee r.=*- er

Dated JanuxT 9. UC.c. A B.\njrr.

<SeaI) Ptvittieand ex-c.TUiJ C*rt.

>ub: Jan. 11. I t 2J..1KJ ( ACMSS I I la.tnjcMe


KIAMATH FALLS. Ore. Jaa. » UA — D e le c llv e a melhodlcmQy searched a blood-spattered Pullman car today and continued questioning Its occupanu tor a clue lo the mur­der cl t a aUracUte navy wUa whose throat was slashed as sbt lay in , tower berth 13.

Atter two day* ot InvtsUsaUon. tu ie police apparcnUy were with- out a substantial clue to the alay- ms ot Mis. Martha Virginia Jgnea. 21. whoee body tumbled from her berth on a southbound train early Satuiday.

Neither had police succeeded tn «st&bltihln< a moUve. At Etifeoe. Orfc, Dr. John Berman, state czlsv* detection expert, ssld his inrestl* gallon showed that M13. James had not been attacked before her throat WS.1 cut with a dull Instrument Robbery hid been riiltd out earlier when toe rtctlm's purse, conlatnlnt I l K was found in the berth.

Aware at AisaUant * DelecUve* said, howexer. that

Mr^. James was aware of her as- sailsnt^ presence. Two pasJengea —Eusene W. Norton. Daly CUy. Calif- and William Van Dyke, a marine, heard her ay out In terror:

-My God. he’s klUln« me!*In the belief the murderer left

tha train between here and Tan* gent. Ore, poUee qnesUoned resi­dents along the route of the South­ern Pacific tn tha hope that ooa ot thesi may hara seen a maa In blood-stained cloShlnj.

Sherin Herbert Shelton ot Unn county said the murderer's clothes mwst have been ipaitcred •with blood.

Only DeserlpUon The only desolptlm of the slay­

er officers had was that given by Pvt. Hama R. Wilson ot the mar- inn . who occupied the berth above Mrs. James'. WUsan said he beard a scream and tore aside the ctirtalns or his berth In time to s ^ a burly, black-haired man in a brown, pin­stripe (ult, hastenlcc dowa tbe «'»V

Blood stains along the aisles In­dicated that the murderer raa thmugh tlw can to the rear ot tha trsOa.

Qiglaad and Walts have nearly 500,000 footpaths, according to csU- matea.

Crossword Puzzle I I

L Lcnl uttta

K •(





Hatj p . Larjss.Decw,j«! .JS. iln'.

1 ^ .Jin 'iirr. 1H3. rct. rf ij h«rty r . 'v a ; »■ that the day ci Jaa-, t:uarr. IHJ. a; T io cV ix i P. M .' n .K^V.V of said dir. at the Cc«r: Ro«s c-* said O-'crt, a; the C-T=r.h-T2 ^ tn the Ci:t a.-;d CS-i=*.T c i FiU;. ihiJ a?^:::ted s j ih* t;m» an i Iplace ttr prr^-.r th* W,:; e! said Harj P. Lsr?e=. decew*^ a s i tJCj hear.r.V t.*;e a;v—•»U-‘a cT R=s»3 ;C, La-'ren an i .\=ia M. I-xr^en •

Selutlen 01 Saturday^ Puni*

:=nrjperscr. L-.;er«:evl may arr«ar and; ,'i~ .

Dated IHl-C. Bai:-T.

PrrJale J'cdir asd Ex-*Klro Oetk.

PuiHrh: J in . 1C n . 3 . IKS

.\NOTlItK SlTilSIDXSIN Tiin d :str :c t c o u r t c f


JOE I\-IE Pliin-.^:. •^ i

DELPKLNE :\1E Deiendant THE ST.\TE c r n>.\J?0 5T=:d»'

freelL-wj D52^iEXE ITTE. thei above r,A=e<l

^e.'T^y n.--,.rsrt ihst a hr«= :

yr-4 IT. the DL.-.r*.r: CSrtrt « Eleienih J'.^lirUl <Su:e of Ilshi?. tn f “

a 3 * f • r r

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n. rxrtlculir re frviu ii. lT»*r»8t n L«e»*a a . Ut*T7 knaift-

L Oa»U« »t» Ce4 .3. DontiUc fsvl (. lYKMea >t«e*

'iWsss' '

aiurrin* eallT*

<S. rrtMat M. I'stn It. Coa»«a*U. rtasr eoT*Httc


TVin Falls Highwa>* Districttwin ra0vlial>»


Ca.vh In banks _Rsad a ^ &-_ire P=id

Delinquent Real Ta«3 Rectlvab:e . . . . Real Tajw Recelvab!e Rock Creek ar.l

lUshway Dljlrtcts <I936-193S>________Invenlory ot Materials ________________Sertes P. War Bonds ___________________Planl ________________EQUlpcnenl —



II IIis iss rj vi) *:14S3 4S $

1? T» 4il5S


S i

Ro*d and Br««e Constnj


torestaeot la P tod AseU. IncL Roads aral Bttdit

TOTAIJJABIUTTTyt avnjsTma n ’^ --

37S.«: t « « s

S3ZX00 U2XXOOIS.'nSJfl 11136.00 37.T04XD 37.7K-00 3.KSJ0 ajfUO

SB.aS38 L5ssasi71 uau55-7t

' »14J(as; *£3.00001 <31.7SI£S UJB25JH57 HOMC.TI

I4.X1S7 eajooon 3l?s i .s)

I U IU la n -

m s u )

SEVERAL rn d =«3 ceal cBTUIatac hea.i«n. Prxed to »:1. Gamble

U) Subject to Pinal SetUemenl wfJi R x i C ^ i and Muruajh Highway Dtslrirls c i Bond mteiwi aad Sinking Fund. '

C l Subject to 190 Expense aad MtsceZiaeeis I iK e e .


Tvtn Palls. IdahOk Jaatauy 90, UO We h c r i? certify that the above ts a troe rtatemrat &t the

a; the Twa F ^ HUhwvy Distrtct u ot January 4.00, to tM hest of rcr fax>w}edce and be^LJ . £ . WIK.\NS, CBe&ntoiaMr. W. T. OOUBS, Conaiisteer.

5aa>!» WMd. PiicBe IKXS-J.Pab:bhJaa.a,»43.

Page 10: TWIN FALLS COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA 1,980 TONS VORONEZH … · figure muit be Increased to more th.-»n 12,000,500 If prwluctlon kooIs

P ass Ten TIJIES-iNEVvS, T W IN F A L L S , IDA H O Monday. Januaiy 25, 1943



WEEKLet’s end forever — the Ciy


^ YICTORV eomos fii-st . . . Let's ;ill pledfre a

--- littlc-moi-e. and_give._those_bovs everything _

they need . . , Not too late, but AHE.\\'» o£

schedule. Make no mistake about it, FREE­


Some Pay for it with their blood, but all you

ane asked to do is set aside a small part of

your income, and lend that amount to your

gtiverhment at a fair interest, to provide our

boys on thj> Figrhtinsr Fronts with the wo;lfimis

and munitions so vital to victory.

WHOSE b o y w il l d ie BECAUSE Y O U FAIL ?

k UNPLEASANT, isn’t it. Yet somebodv' boy

pay with his life for the Bond you didn't

buy. It nii^ht be a friend, or your ncivrhbor's/^

lv*y,. . or it mijrht be your own son or bix»ther!

COME OX. Ma,tric Valley! Let's end for aU

lime to cr\* “Too Little—Too Late,'*


The Following Twin Falls

Firms Are Making This

__Campaign a Success




AdiBU Mule Co.

The AJbam


C. C. AndtnoD Co.

The Amal(vnated 8u|tr Compan;

* *

B(«n Growtn' Wirchoiue AHoclaUan

B«rtbB CuapbeH'i Stora .

BtulQi Crclcrr

Ur. WaU«co Dond

Tlie UflitUdroiue

CUude Brown Muilo 4> Jumllure Co.

M lln J. Bn)Kif)nci Inc.City rutl Co.

Cloi Dock S(ore

ConUncnUl Oil Co

Delntlltr Brox., Inc.

DlMiond lUrdtrare Co.

Dumu-Wanxr Mu»lc Sior*

FaJk'f, Seliinc Acenli (or Sean Roebuck

Farmm Auto ln(rr>ln>unncs txchance

FldrlJiy NaUonal Bank

l''lrtt Federal fiavlnci A Loan Auoclallon

Ford Transfer


Globe tieed & Feed Co.

Home Lumber L Coal Co.

Ilooaler Furniture Co.

Howard Tractor Co.

Iludw>n-CIark Shoe Slore

* *

Idaho Department Sloro

Idaho Fee rroducen Co*op Anoclatloa

Idaho Hide & Tallow Co.

Idaho racklnr Co.

Idaho rower Co.

JntermounUln Seed A Fuel Co.

Glen G. JenUna, Cherrole4 Jerome Co-op Creamery

-Kliiner'i Wholesale Ce. M. H. KInt Co.

Krencel’i Ilardwar*

Kuxler’i Jewelers

Macel Auto to.

.Mafic Vatley Proeesiln{ Company Mataon Beauty Salon

The Mayfair Shop

McVey's Implement & Ilardwar*

Stuart .llorrlion Tire Shop

Mountain States Implement Company

Harry MuncnTc't .Mrrchandli* AUri

National Laundry & Dry Cleaners

C. R. NeUon, Inc.

J . J. Newberry Co.

0 ^n (c Traniportatlon Co., Inc.

Th« Orpheura Mid Idaho TheaUrs

Ostrander Lumber Co.

raellle Dlamond>t( Bat Company

The Paris Co.Tarlsbn Luindertrs & Dry Cleaners

The Park Hotel

II. * G. Jewelers Reed's Rlteway Store

lUehardson's Cleaners & Uyers tt. L. Iloberts. Jeweler

Rowles'Msek Co.

Safeway Stores, Inc.

SaT'Mor Brae

• 'SawtMtb Co.----

Dr. Geo. P. Bcholer. Optomelrlsl

Self filansfaeturlDi Co. Sherwood Typewriter Exehani*

Ehell Oil Co, R. J. Holme*

SterllBc Jewelry Co.

Qnmner Sand ti GraTel C«. Dert A. Sweet & Son, Fnmltar*

* *

Geo. N. Taylor, Naturopath

TImes-News Trioldad Bean A Clerator Co.

Twin FalU Dank & Trwl Company Twin FalU Mortuary

Twin FalU Motor Co.Twin Falls Motor Tr»nllt_Co.

tmton Motor Co.

Warberr Brot. C«al i i Tftiuftr C«. Whit* Mortoary