Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10,...

Pastoral Staff Pastor Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend Assistant Fr. Bill O’Brien Deacons Tom Cechulski, Sr. Charles R. Daye , Jr. John Franey Gino (Louis) Esposito School Principal Sister Cherree Power, C.R. Religious Education Sr. Ann Norton, D.R.E. Linda Clayton Business Manager Deacon Gino Esposito Director of Music Emer O’Mahony Youth Ministry Coordinator Sister Ann Norton Phone Contacts Rectory—732-363-4200 Convent—732-364-2361 School—732-364-4130 Religious Education— 732-364-4137 Rectory Fax 732-370-3891 Rectory Office Hours: M-F 9:00-4:30 PM Second & Fourth Saturday 9AM—12:30 PM Baptisms: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month,. Weekend Masses: Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 noon, 5PM Daily Masses: Mon-Fri—7:20 AM & 12 Noon, Sat: 8AM Holy Days: As announced in the bulletin. Healing Mass –every first Friday at 7:30PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45PM and before each Sunday Mass Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, 2017

Transcript of Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10,...

Page 1: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, · Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend

Pastoral Staff Pastor Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend Assistant Fr. Bill O’Brien Deacons Tom Cechulski, Sr. Charles R. Daye , Jr. John Franey Gino (Louis) Esposito School Principal Sister Cherree Power, C.R. Religious Education Sr. Ann Norton, D.R.E. Linda Clayton Business Manager Deacon Gino Esposito Director of Music Emer O’Mahony Youth Ministry Coordinator Sister Ann Norton Phone Contacts Rectory—732-363-4200 Convent—732-364-2361 School—732-364-4130 Religious Education— 732-364-4137 Rectory Fax 732-370-3891 Rectory Office Hours: M-F 9:00-4:30 PM Second & Fourth Saturday 9AM—12:30 PM Baptisms: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month,.

Weekend Masses: Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 noon, 5PM Daily Masses: Mon-Fri—7:20 AM & 12 Noon, Sat: 8AM

Holy Days: As announced in the bulletin. Healing Mass –every first Friday at 7:30PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45PM and before each Sunday Mass

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, 2017

Page 2: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, · Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend

Mass Intentions for this Week September 10, 2017

MONDAY 7:20 World Peace 12:00 Int. of Maria Rodrigues ..................................................Family TUESDAY 7:20 Pat Neidermeyer ....................................... Bill & Cheryl Wegner 12:00 Int. of Chickie Augustensen ................. Deacon Tom & Bozena WEDNESDAY…………………………………….St. John Chrysostom, b. & dr. 7:20 Priest Intention 12:00 Priest Intention THURSDAY ………………………………………….Exaltation of the Holy Cross 7:20 Priest Intention 12:00 Priest Intention FRIDAY ……………………………………………..…………….……..Our Lady of Sorrows 7:20 Int. of Fr. Euk………………………………………..……...Madeira Family 12:00 Ann Delaney ……………………………………….....John & Alice Clark

SATURDAY……………………..………...Sts. Cornelius, p., and Cyprian, b. 8:00AM John McKenna .............................. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Verdon 4PM Int. of Deacon Tommy .................................... Chickie & Richard SUNDAY 7:30 Richard Glade ......................................................... Fran Noone 9:00 Carmine Mattoscio ............................................. Binetta Dolan 10:30 Pat Neidermeyer ....................................... Bill & Pat Fosgreen 12:00 For the People of the Parish 5:00PM Jake Bukowiec ................................................ Noone Family

Sanctuary Candle– Week of September 10, 2017

In memory of Pat Neidermayer……………….………...Chickie Augustensen

Chapel Candles– Week of September 10, 2017 In memory of Thomas O’Hare………………………………………………….Mom

Events for this coming Week– See our website

Sacrificial Offering Update

Last Weeks Offering: $17,573.00

Parish Pay for August: $6075.00

Thank you for your continued support.

Readings for the Week of September 10, 2017

Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20

Monday: Col 1:24-2:3; Lk 6:6-11

Tuesday: Col 2:6-15; Lk 6:12-19

Wednesday: Col 3:1-11; Lk 6:20-26

Thursday: Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17

Friday: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35

Saturday: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Lk 6:43-49

Next Sunday: Sir 27:30-28:7; Rom 14:7-9; Mt 18:21-35

Page 3: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, · Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend

Pastor’s Notes

Ezekiel is a complex book that covers the Babylonian Exile and the destruction of Jerusalem. God appoints Ezekiel as a sentry of souls by directing him to warn people in His name to repent and reform. Early in the book, Chapter 3, he calls for the righteous and the rebellious to reform. In today’s reading, Chapter 33, only the rebellious are addressed because the people’s response is insufficient and the invasion by the Assyrians is now immanent and now Jerusalem is about to fall. It is still a warning of love to save them from both physical and most importantly spiritual death. Like Jeremiah, the prophet’s role is still difficult and not accepted by the people, but he too is compelled to speak. His moral duty has serious personal consequences if he does not warn the sinner because he will be liable for the sinner’s death. But if the wicked chooses not to repent after being warned, only the wicked will die because it is his own responsibility and not Ezekiel’s. Jesus teaches us at Baptism that we are all His prophets so we bear the same responsibilities as Ezekiel. If we are seriously hurt by an offender, we should have a private conversation to give him the chance to freely redeem himself. A humble and honest discussion can dissipate any misunderstanding. If the offender also remains honest and humble he will change, creating harmony with no disagreeable consequences. If the offender will not cooperate, other witnesses might be able to persuade him to understand. Finally Jesus tells us to consult the Church. If he still does not change, Jesus says to treat him as a Gentile or a tax collector. You may have heard of bishops speaking to pro-abortion legislators, privately, and sometimes publically, telling them to refrain from receiving Holy Communion. You would get the impression that Jesus’ advise to those who defy the Church is a bit harsh. Jesus, however, was always harsh with arrogant, self-righteous and learned religious leaders. However, a careful analysis of the Gospels reveals that Jesus was always respectful and open to Gentiles and tax collectors. He never gave up on them because He loves the poor and sinners with great intensity. They always came to Jesus to better their life circumstances. While much of this was of a material need, Jesus always finessed it with a spiritual benefit, especially with the forgiveness of sins. Jesus always persuaded with parables that the common man could understand and with His life, especially while on the Cross. Jesus’ persuasions brought about a true sentiment of repentance and humility on those who understood and experienced Him. He is still active in doing this today. We have a duty to correct others when they go astray. It is a very difficult duty to perform and personal salvation both offender and offended are at stake. But even beyond this, the salvation of others totally unrelated is also at stake. The scandal of the offender and offended may cause others to sin. We are all hurt by any one's sin – even the sins we don’t know about because all sin detracts from the common good. The highest act of charity is saving a soul from spiritual destruction. It is more important than curing illness or relieving poverty, but many times this too is connected to the spiritual welfare of the soul. Going about correcting a person must be done in a fitting manner. I must be done meekly, reverently, not in a pompous

way and not harshly. If the offense is public, the correction must satisfy the people hurt as well as the sinner. If the sin is between just ourselves and the sinner, we need to try to save his good name. Why do we have so much difficulty in correct-ing persons? Because we are sinners too. We are not worthy to correct others, especially when our sins are far worse. Je-sus asks us why do we seek the speck in our brother’s eye when we have a plank in our own (Mt 7:3)? If we are known to be a sinner and reprove another for the same sin, we are hypo-crites. Whoever wants to correct someone must also be dis-posed to be corrected himself. If we compare ourselves favor-ably with our neighbors whom we pass a harsh judgement, we are really pointing out how good we think we are and commit the sin of pride. If we, as sinners, reprove a wrongdoer hum-bly, we commit no sin. We must be mindful of our obligation to be prudent and good mannered. If we must reprove, and we are victims of the same vice, remember that we are weak hu-man beings too just as the sinner is too. We can invite the sin-ner in a solidarity to a mutual repentance and maybe help each other out of our vices through the mercy of God. The catastrophic act of God along the Gulf coast is a real test of faith – especially for the victims. Let us continually pray for them to cope with the real long term recovery that they must live out. May we be generous in supporting them in next week’s second collection.

Fr. Euk

What's the best way to repair a damaged relationship? Jesus

offers his disciples spiritual freedom and power for restoring

broken or injured relationships.

Don't brood over an offense - speak directly and privately

What can we learn from Jesus' instructions about how to mend

a damaged relationship (Matthew 18:15-20)? If you feel you

have been wronged by someone, Jesus says the first step is to

speak directly but privately to the individual who has done the

harm. One of the worst things we can do is brood over our

grievance. This can poison our mind and heart and make it

more difficult to go directly to the person who caused the dam-


Seek the help of wise Christians

If we truly want to settle a difference with someone, we need to

do it face to face. If this fails in its purpose, then the second

step is to bring another person or persons, someone who is

wise and gracious rather than someone who is hot-tempered

or judgmental. The goal is not so much to put the offender on

trial, but to persuade the offender to see the wrong and to be

reconciled. And if this fails, then we must still not give up, but

seek the help of the Christian community. Note the emphasis

here is on restoring a broken relationship by seeking the help

of other Christians who hopefully will pray and seek a solution

for reconciliation based on Christian love and wisdom, rather

than relying on coercive force or threat of legal action, such as

a lawsuit.

Special Collection on Sept. 16th & 17th For

Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief.

The generosity of the US Dioceses brought $670,000 for

Hurricane Sandy relief. Let’s see if we can top Sandy.

Scripture Meditation

Page 4: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, · Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend


Please Pray for Our Sick

Tom Lovito Lorraine Groh Marjorie Paulmann

Mark Stoughton Mia Castellan Baby Dylan Gallego

Connie Camilleri Rosemary DeFalco Diane Grad

Erin Haber Monica Noble Steven Hensle

Paula Baiga Diane Cudhedy Jake Infanti

Bob Yuro Joe Oates Jane Oates

Ann Donovan John Kerod Dorothy Sabol

Robert Farrell Christine Clements John Rodrigues

Cathy Forman Ed Kelly Dennis Hayward

Kathy Hayward Philip Moriggi Christopher Hunt

Greg Mador Brayden Walton Victoria Burke

Robert O’Malley Sr. Karen D’Souza-Casiero Carl Lahetta

Gianna Faith Malen Kevin Corcoran Barbara Sewing

Rose Perrotta Sharon Calabria Nicole Kessner

Joanne Oates Carmen Devone Mike Kuris

Milagros Martino Susan Messina Raymond Santiago

Don Ryder Katherine Scotto Shirley Alino

John Burke Retired Bishop John Smith

Carlo Ficara Erasmo Ninamango

Judy Silagi Denise Worster Vinnie Gaglardi

Mary Ann Morelli Michelle Schultz Roberta Wingren

Mary DeJohn David Cerami Douglas Floyd

Please Pray for our Parishioners Serving our Country: Sgt. Sean T. Curran Sgt. Brennan Six

PV2 William Wotton GSMI Sandro Farduchi

Sgt. Krystyna Cechulski Capt. Julio Collazos

S.R. Steven Brennan Sgt. Gregory Hiller

PFC Zackary Burkey LCDR Matthew W. Smith Sgt. Luke Wlodkowski 1st Lt. Robert F. Farrell

1st Lt. Ash Young Sgt. Paul Coyle

Sgt. Matt Myers

Baptism St. Veronica’s Parish Family wishes to

welcome those who have become

members through the Sacrament of


Rylee Taylor, daughter of Frank & Alyssa Pasqua

Leah Katherine, daughter of Michael & Lainey Lally

Brayden George, son of Jordan & Katherine Mc Ghee

Thank you for the gift of life.

Banns of Marriage

Aleksandor Spiridonov and Kathryn Bonica (3)

October 7, 2017

Steven Young & Beth Anello (3)

October 14, 2017

Cody Nelson and Keri Hardiman (3)

October 28, 2017

October Retreat Humility Is truth and the path that give us every other virtue

and spiritual growth He guides the humble in righteousness, and teaches the

humble His way. Psalms 25:9

Please join us for our one day

retreat at

St. Veronica Church.

Oct. 21st 7AM—6PM

Cost: $15.00 pp– includes light

breakfast & lunch

The day consists of morning Mass, light breakfast, talks,

lunch, sharing, vigil Mass (4pm) and fellowship gathering

with refreshments.

Retreat Leader: Rev. Msgr. Joseph Kerrigan.

To register email: [email protected]

or call 732-363-4200

MUSIC MINISTRY Our new Choir Season is about to begin! If you would like

to be a part of Music Ministry, we would

love to have you!

Schedule is as follows:

Adult Choir meets on Wednesdays,

7:30PM-9PM (Church), starting on

Sept.13th. They sing at the High Mass

at 10:30AM on Sundays, and on other


Please Note: Gentlemen, we need your voices!

Junior Choir (Grades 4-8) meets on Wednesdays,

5:45PM-6:45PM (School Music Room), starting on Sep-

tember 13th. They sing at the 9AM Mass, once a month,

and on certain other occasions (Christmas Eve, Easter,

First Communion).

Cherub Choir (Grades K-3) meets on Fridays from

3:45PM-4:15PM, starting on September 15th. They sing

at the same Masses as the Junior Choir.

If you have any questions, please contact Emer at

[email protected]

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Please join us for the next rosary and nove-

na to Our Lady Undoer of Knots on Friday,

September 15, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the

narthex of St. Veronica’s Church. All are wel-

come. If interested, please call Sheila Malo-

ney at 732-364-5566 so enough materials

will be available. Thanks and we hope to see you then!

Prayer Shawl Ministry Invitation The Prayer Shawl Ministry would like to invite any crafter who

knits, crochets, or quilts to join our ministry. We meet on the

third Monday of the month from September to May in the nar-

thex. Our next meeting will be on September 18th at 2:00PM.

Please join us. For further information contact Anne at

[email protected]

Page 5: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, · Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. John Chang Weekend

Adoration Chapel 20th ANNIVERSARY of PERPETUAL ADORATION at St. Veronica September 14, 1997-2017 What's your hour? "Could you not watch one hour with Me?" 1/168th of your week. Registered adorers insure our commitment to keep the chapel open 24/7. Give Him time and He will give Himself to you.

Hours Urgently Needed:

Sunday : 7AM, 12 noon, 5PM, 7PM

Monday: 1AM Tuesday: 12 noon

Thursday: 8AM, 3PM

Saturday: 6PM

Weekend and Overnight Adoreres needed.

Contact Debbie [email protected] or leave message 732


Catholic University Special Collection: This Weekend Today’s special second collection is for the Catholic

University of America, unique among universities in the

United States, as the national university of the catholic

Church, founded by the bishops, archbishops, and

cardinals in our country are alumni, along with over

12,000 priests and religious from around the world,

including some from this diocese. Located in

Washington, D.C., the University provides an education

based in Catholic intellectual tradition to almost 7,000

students through its 12 schools.

Your contributions will strengthen the work of our top

scholars, many of whom help to explain Catholic social

teaching to the rest of the world. It will also support

scholarships for students in our diocese and others in

achieving our mission of preparing the next generation of

leadership for our Church and nation– including those

studying to become our future priests and religious. We

appreciate your generosity.

Help Wanted

Part Time or Full Time Janitor needed. Maintain the upkeep of the St. Veronica School, Church and Rectory building and surrounding exterior. Interested persons, please contact Deacon Gino at the rectory. 732-363-4200.

Pantry is Very Low Instant potatoes, rice, tuna, TUNA HELPER, coffee, tea,

juice, pancake mix (complete), syrup, spam, gravy mix

Air Conditioner Replacement Campaign Goal- $200,000.00

To Date Donations: $29,245.00

Please continue to help reach our goal to replace the AC

system. Thank you to those who have donated and for

your continued support.

Mega 50/50 Raffle Tickets on Sale After All Masses

This Weekend!

Drawing will be held on November

4, 2017, 6:00PM during a cos-

tume dinner/dance in St. Veronica

Gym, 4215 Hwy 9, Howell, NJ

07731. Cost: $40 per ticket

Costume Dinner Dance November 4th, 2017 at 6PM in the

school gym.

Tickets are $20.00 pp. Contact the

rectory for tickets 732-363-4200.

Tickets on Sale after All Mases

this weekend! Costume Optional

40 DAYS FOR LIFE The 40 Days for Life is a campaign of prayer and fasting

for an end to abortion here in America, from September

27 to November 5. Since its inception in 2007, 13.305

lives have been saved, 154 abortion workers have quit,

and 86 abortion centers have closed. 40 Days for Life

also involves prayerful, peaceful witnessing in front of an

abortion clinic. The goal is to help women who are con-

sidering getting an abortion and encourage them to

change their minds. People are being asked to simply

stand (or walk) there and say the Rosary or other prayers

for one hour. Here in Monmouth, the site is the Planned

Parenthood facility at 69 E. Newman Springs Rd in

Shrewsbury. We have been asked to staff each Wednes-

day from September 27 to November 5. That would 6

Wednesdays: Sept 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 25, and Nov

1. The hours are from 8 AM to 6 PM. Please see the 40

Days for Life web site

Shrewsbury for a wealth of information.

Please join in this campaign of prayer and sacrifice for all

mothers and their unborn children. Please consider join-

ing in this life saving effort for just one hour on one or

more Wednesdays. Please give Hu or Joan Mador a call

at 732-367-2565, or send us an email

at [email protected] to sign up . Thank you.