Tweetinar on dengue by Dr. Farhad N. Kapadia of Hinduja Hospital


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Hinduja hospital conducts regular webinars and tweetinars for online users where they can seek advice from expert doctors of hinduja hospital for free. Above is the tweetinar conducted by hinduja hospital on dengue where issues like what is dengue, dengue symptoms, dengue treatment were discussed successfully. To know more about such webinars and tweetinars from hinduja hospital , visit

Transcript of Tweetinar on dengue by Dr. Farhad N. Kapadia of Hinduja Hospital

Page 1: Tweetinar on dengue by Dr. Farhad N. Kapadia of Hinduja Hospital

Dengue Tweetinar: Q and A session at Hinduja hospital.

A question and answer session was held during the Tweetinar on Dengue, conducted on 14th December 2012. It was a lively discussion by Dr. Farhad N. Kapadia M.D, M.R.C.P, D.A (U.K.) consultant Physician at Hinduja Hospital.

Purpose: To preserve life, prevent further disease and promote recovery.

Topics discussed

Q1. What is Dengue fever (DF)?Ans. Dengue infection is caused by a virus. It occurs commonly as Dengue fever.

Q2. What are the types of Dengue?Ans. There are three different types of Dengue (in increasing severity): Dengue fever, Dengue Shock Syndrome & Dengue Haemorrhagic fever.

Q3. When should I suspect Dengue?Ans. Dengue should be suspected when you have a sudden onset of fever, especially when the fever is high at 103 -105 degrees F or 39-40 degrees C.

Q4. There are several types of fever, when should Dengue be suspected?Ans. Any fever with rash or body odour, pain behind the eyes, severe muscles and/or joint pains. Any fever in monsoons or during a Dengue epidemic should be checked.

Q5. Can you get Dengue again after suffering from it once?Ans. It is possible to get Dengue more than once. Dengue can occur because of 4 different but related strains of the Dengue virus.

Q6. Can I get Dengue fever from another person?Ans. Dengue does not spread directly from person to person. It is only spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.

Q7. Are there any long term ill effects of Dengue fever?Ans. Most people recover in 1-2 weeks’ time. Some may feel tired for several weeks. However, if symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

Q8. How can someone get Dengue fever?Ans. Dengue fever occurs from the bite of an infected mosquito of the Aedes aegypti type.

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Q9. How do we do we identify Dengue mosquito?Ans. This type of mosquito has peculiar white spotted body and legs and is easy to recognize even by laymen.

Q10. What is best way to prevent Dengue?Ans. The best thing to prevent Dengue is to prevent mosquito breeding and avoid mosquito bites.

Q11. How many days do Dengue symptoms manifest after the person has been bitten by the mosquito?Ans. Dengue has 4 - 10 day incubation period.

Q12. Is there a vaccine to prevent Dengue fever?Ans. A vaccine has been developed to prevent Dengue fever, but it is still under trial and is not yet available to the public.

Q13. Can Dengue fever become dangerous?Ans. The infection can become dangerous as it may cause damage to blood vessels.

Q14. Is there a cure for Dengue Fever?Ans. Early prevention of complications help, and treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms (symptomatic). However, for terminal cases there is no cure.

Q15. Why is Dengue also known as break-bone fever?Ans. Dengue is characteristic with severe joint and muscle pain, headaches, fever, exhaustion, swollen glands and rash during the initial phase.

Q16. After how many hours of getting fever can we detect that it is a Dengue fever?Ans. The Dengue test has 3 parts: 1. NS1 – Will be positive even before any symptoms occur 1. IgM – Is usually positive the 1st few days and remains positive for up to 6 months 2. The IgG becomes positive later and usually signifies a past infection

Q19. Is it possible to identify a Dengue mosquito from the look of it?Ans. Mosquitoes do look different from rest of the species; they usually bite in the day and not in the night.

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Q20. What are the symptoms of Dengue?Ans. Symptoms of Dengue are similar to any viral infection/fever accompanied by fatigue and body ache, headaches, rashes, etc. If there is severe giddiness or breathlessness, one should seek quick medical help.

Q21. If a Dengue mosquito bites you what is the typical probability that you will get Dengue?Ans. Dengue can be passed off as a very mild viral illness and not be diagnosed. If a mosquito bites with a strain one has been previously exposed to, there may not be any symptoms due to previous immune response.

Q22. How to keep our place of residence free or safe from Dengue mosquitos?Ans. Use barrier methods like window/bed netting, and prevent mosquito breeding in your vicinity by getting rid of stagnant water. Prevent Dengue.

Q23. I have heard Dengue affects the brain too? Is this true?Ans. Any serious infection including Dengue can make a person drowsy / unconscious. It can also result in bleeding in the brain causing loss of consciousness in an individual.

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