TWC 301- Current Web Analysis

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  • 8/2/2019 TWC 301- Current Web Analysis


    Wheeler 1

    Michael Wheeler

    Current Web Presence Analysis

    TWC 301

    April 25, 2012

  • 8/2/2019 TWC 301- Current Web Analysis


    Wheeler 2Table of Contents

    Title Page...................................................................................................................1

    Table of Contents......................................................................................................2

    Executive Summary..................................................................................................3

    The Future Professional Me......................................................................................5

    The Current Me.........................................................................................................8

    Conclusions: Bridging the Gap................................................................................10


    A: Digital Identities......................................................................................12

    B:Profiles and Ads........................................................................................13

  • 8/2/2019 TWC 301- Current Web Analysis


    Wheeler 3Executive Summary

    Online identities are inevitable to not only come by but also to have in the world today.

    As students and young job seekers we create multiple identities but the challenge is monitoring

    and maintaining them all. We have to decide what we want to be publicly displayed and takeinto consideration who may be viewing it.

    After graduating from Arizona State, I plan on starting on my career as an architect. I

    aspire to one day have my own firm that world renown. However before I get there I will have

    to start small, maybe as an assistant or possibly an designer at a local firm. From when I was just

    a little kid, I can recall the art and creativity that would flow through my mind and one day I

    found passion in drawing floor plans which led to building models. I find architectural design to

    be vast in its possibilities, it can be very precise when it comes to logistics and measurements butthat the same time it's a world of opportunity for the kinds of designs, features and life you can

    give to a structure.

    I have searched for jobs in my desired field and have found not job opportunities but also

    profiles of people who are currently employed as architects, both prove to be very helpful to

    somebody who may be just starting out and trying to develop an identity that meets the

    requirements for a chosen position. Going through the ads and profiles its comforting to see the

    common links between them which really shows what needs to be concentrated on most or might

    seem more important and stand out to an employer when going into an interview.

    Before diving head in to career searching and application, one should step back and

    explore their identity, not as they see themselves but how the world may view them. As

    employers search for new minds its almost certain that they will come across a facebook page or

    maybe an article from years past, or they may even find a decent professional profile that gets

    you the job. As the job seeker it is my responsibility to search and see what my current situation

    and identity is because even though I may be trying to create a new one, past versions may not

    prove to stand up to the test.

    I have searched for my public identity using multiple search engines and my mind was

    put at ease. Not because I only found positive things, but because I found that putting my name

    into a search engine results in thousands of pages found. Though this may seem a disadvantage

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    Wheeler 4it leaves room for me to create the different identities for different aspects of my life and then

    through resumes I am able to link and lead who I choose to my identities that I feel will best help

    my situation.

    Throughout the entire process of creating these identities and knowing my web presence

    it is important that I pull out my strengths that will establish a great background to present but at

    the same time be able to identify my weaknesses in order to grow and develop as I move toward

    my career goals and ambitions.

  • 8/2/2019 TWC 301- Current Web Analysis


    Wheeler 5The Future Professional Me

    After I graduate from ASU I would like to be an architect. I dream of having my own

    international firm one day where I am able to travel the world and spread my ideas through

    different cultures. I choose this profession because it is something I am passionate about; when I

    need a break from school or work or life I sit down and draw houses, dreams. As a profession

    being an architect wouldnt necessarily feel like work to me because its something I love to do

    and would like to do every day.

    Growing up my parents were divorced and I would have to go visit my dad up north

    every other weekend. He would keep all these magazines around the house full of floor plans

    because he aspired to build his own house one day. I would sit for hours looking at it not for

    trying to decide what house I wanted but I wanted to know what everything meant. It was like

    reading an intense paperback as my fingers would slowly glide through the pages and I would

    study the layouts and how the designers drew their walls and windows. I wanted to focus on the

    details. Ever since then I have worked on a small portfolio of different designs and you can see

    the progression and now that I am school learning specifically about this stuff, its almost


    Not a lot of things I do in my day to day life, at the moment, require me to work with my

    creative side and when I get to sit down and work on my projects it just flows and it makes me

    happy doing it as it get to express myself. And as much as I love drawing it, the next has to come

    soon. Freshman years in college I had to build modules for projects and it was exciting to see my

    work take form but I want it to be full scale and I want the world to be able to see the different

    ideas and feel the material. I want the world to be able to share my dream.

    With this future career in mind, I have found and analyzed three different job

    advertisements and three profiles of people who are currently in the position I one day hope to

    have. Both the profiles and job ads were found onLinkedIn. The first job ad was for a project

    manager for GRCH Architecture in New York. I clicked on this not because of location or

    amount of information but because the description was just what I was looking for. Aside from

    standard information that one might find in a job ad I really liked how this first one gave a little

    background to the company. Some key points in this ad was the experience needed for the job
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    Wheeler 6and the proficiency needed in a specific design software. I also found it intriguing that the ad

    offered an opportunity for a portfolio, something that can make or break an employers decision.

    The second ad I was looking at was form the Washington D.C. area and was for Rust| Orling

    Architecture. It caught my eye because it said intern but when I looked at the description the

    first thing it insisted on was a minimum of five years of experience. While it offers a vague and

    general idea of the job and company I found this one to be disappointing because it lacked

    critical information regarding the skills needed and as an intern position I feel like experience is

    not what it should be all about because being an intern is suppose to give you experience. The

    reason I found this note worthy was just the common tie it had with the first one. I looked at this

    third at because of its location, close to home. It is another intern position that has to deal with

    computer modeling Devenney Group Ltd. located here in Phoenix. I like the ad because it gives

    a great description of the job and company, making connections with terms I have learned or

    heard throughout my college career. Though a little overwhelming, the ad was also very

    descriptive with its desired skills. The thing about all these job ads, even for the entry level

    intern positions is that they require years of experience in order to apply. Now is that experience

    includes any school work, that would be great but if not, it is almost like I would have to start

    now to even try to get anywhere because after I graduate I would have to find someplace to get

    me that "experience" before I could get hired someplace I may really be interested in.

    The first profile I found was actually private so it had no name or picture but I was

    interested in the information that was presented and I wondered that had I been an employer

    looking at it, if I would have been able to see more. It gave their current position as an architect/

    landscape architect, it provided three important points of education but the thing that caught my

    eye was all his past that was provided and here it made me think about all the experience needed

    in the job ads. This profile presented at least six opportunities aside from the current position.

    The second profile I looked at was private again but the person was a senior architect which is a

    position I one day hope to be in. There was not much education to be viewed but aside from thenumber of past experiences had, this person also had over five hundred connection, which in

    some cases can be just as important as a resume. After all sometimes it's about who you know.

    Third profile was for a man named Stefan who was from Denmark and his profile was the most

    impressive out of all the ones I saw. Aside from providing the basic current position and

    education, Stefan had a public profile that included personal goals, a list of experience and links

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    Wheeler 7that listed a number of skills he had. One of the best things on his profile was the link outs to his

    websites. Seeing all of these profiles have given insight to what I might need to have or what

    employers may be looking for.

    Based on these profiles I chose five criteria that I would use to evaluate people applying

    for a position as an architect. These include: past experience, education, software proficiency,

    portfolio, adaptability for change, and communicating skills.

  • 8/2/2019 TWC 301- Current Web Analysis


    Wheeler 8The Current Me

    Finding your online identities is not necessarily a challenge and one may be surprised at

    what can be found about themselves. I chose to use three search engines to search my name:

    google, bing, and yahoo. I found out that there are a lot of Michael Wheelers in this world. I

    looked through at least the first 6 pages of each site and nothing had to do with me. The site that

    caught my attention was the whitepages and the headline said the there were 1600 of me found!!!

    There was anything from Facebook pages to biographies to companies, I mean my name is

    included in a little bit of everything.

    The interesting thing was that with the three different searches the same results were

    popping up, like its the most popular ones on the first pages of all search sites. I know that my

    first name is very common but I dont think I realized how common my last name is. So I was

    not able to find myself with just my name, I do know however that if I try my middle name with

    it or the state or city I usually have better luck. I do have a list of digital identities and its not

    long but I am definitely out there, I guess t here is just so many of us with that name media

    organizes by what is most important or searched. Since I was not able to identify any pages

    within the first six pages of each site that had to do with me, I dont really have any fear over this

    because it means with so many of us out there that singling any particular one out is difficult and

    it offers me the opportunity to choose who I want to find me.

    Criteria I would use to evaluate someone looking for an architect position: past

    experience, education, software proficiency, portfolio, adaptability for change, and

    communicating skills. Here I will take each criteria and discuss how each is fulfilled or not

    fulfilled by my digital identities.

    Past Experience: none of my digital identities help fulfill this requirement and that

    is not because I don't have an identity to put it in but because I don't have any past experience to

    put out there. Hopefully within the next year I will be able to start at a firm so in years to come

    when I am applying to bigger positions I will be able to fulfill any criteria needed for past

    experience in the field.

    Education: The main identities that will help fulfill this criteria are my facebook

    page, my linkedin profile, or even my ASU profile. All of these mention both high school and

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    Wheeler 9college, however the best one to go to would be my linkedin profile because there I have a link to

    a resume where my education in expanded and someone can see classes I have taken, grades I

    have received or rewards I have gotten throughout my college career.

    Software Proficiency: Again I think the best identity to fulfill this would be

    linkedin just because it can link out to skills i can which can include software I have worked with

    through school projects as well as link to my resume which also can give insight about any

    software I have worked with that could be required for a position.

    Adaptability to Change: I don't feel that this criteria is fulfilled in any of my

    identities but if it were to come out in one, the best would probably have to be my social identity

    on facebook, just because between school and work I don't have very much change and that's not

    because I don't want it but because it hasn't presented itself.

    Communicating Skills: This skill is obviously best fulfilled with through my

    social identity as it shows my communicating with all kinds of people but I would argue that

    linkedin would also be a great place to see this in me just because my job revolves around

    communicating so if I were able to bring that out through the linkedin profile with my work

    experience I think it would be better and different then if someone were to go look at my

    communication through facebook.

  • 8/2/2019 TWC 301- Current Web Analysis


    Wheeler 10Conclusion: Bridging the Gap

    Knowing yourself is key when putting or creating an identity out into the world. You

    definitely want to know what your strengths are so you can highlight the ones that pertain to the

    position your may be applying for. At the same time it's just as important and arguably even

    more that one is aware of their weaknesses, not to emphasize them but to know what criteria that

    might be crucial to a position that needs to be worked on and/or perfected.

    Two of my personal strengths are my communication skills and my dedication to

    whatever it is I am trying to do. Working in retail and managing a department had given me lots

    of experience when it comes to communicating with both customer/clients as well as co workers.

    In order to keep this skill at top notch and even improve it I like to challenge myself to face and

    encounter new situations and the first time through may not turn out great but it helps me prepare

    for the next one. I have great work ethic and my dedication is outstanding when it comes to

    getting a project done. I like to keep this strength up by creating tasks and setting deadlines for

    myself. It has a lot to do with time management. Overall, the idea is that when I put my mind to

    it, I can get it done.

    Two of my weaknesses are my lack of experience for the position I want to be in and my

    networking skills. The only reason I find the lack of experience as a weakness is because with

    all the profiles and ads I have seen it is a key criteria for the field. In order to approve this I need

    to try and get with a firm as soon as possible that way I can have something behind me, and in

    the case of finding some place to start it may have to come down to who I know. Networking is a

    huge skill I need to work on and its different then communication because I know how to talk to

    people what I need to work on is finding people and finding the right people to talk to. In order

    to do this I would need to plan on expanding my identities that I have created this semester. A

    site like LinkedIn is an opportunity to meet and talk to people who have common interest and

    may be in the same field or position I am looking for.

    Exploring my digital identities over the past few weeks has been different for me because

    until this semester I have not had so many. But my eyes and mind have been opened to all the

    opportunity that is available to me to get myself out there and noticed and I think one of the

    things I like the most about the whole process is the fact that because my name is so common I

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    Wheeler 11have the ability to create multiple identities and then be able to choose specific audiences to view


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    Wheeler 12Appendix A

    Digital Identities




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    Wheeler 13Appendix B










    Job Advertisements






