-tWA* Mkin Slick, Was · man hbelde the Judge was askep. his ari lasded through theswaying strup...

MIC+GLES. (ranm the Oveu11al Montihly. We were eligt, incjudlwg the driver. We had not ss bktn during tiue lssae of th last six miles, since the jolting of the hiav, vehicle over the roughening road had spoik the Judge's last poeticalquotation. The tail man hbelde the Judge was askep. his ari lasded through theswaying strup and his lwad recstli upon It-sltojttr a V lolples*Io ing object, aW if e ItM an himself and been cut down too late. he French lady on the back seat wasaideep, too, yet in a Ih f-cunsclous proprietyof attitude, shown even in the disposition of the hand. kerchief which site held to her forehead and which pari'slly veiled her face. The lady fonat Virginia Oily, trMvellng-with her hqs- band h long since lost alllndividualityin a wild confusion of ribbons, veils, furs and shawls. There was no sound but the rattling of wheels and the dash of rain upon the ro'af. Suddenly the stage stopped aud we became dimly aware of voice s. The driver was evidently in the midst of an ex- citiun colloquy with some one in the road-+ a colloquy of which such fragments as " bridge gone," " twenty feet of water," `" can't Io " were u o ily distipguish- able stabe the storn% Then came a lull, and the naysterious voice fromn the road shouted the partini adjuutilon: We caught a glimpse of our leaders as the vehicle slowly turned, of a horsenmun van- Inking through the rain, and we were evi- dently on our way to Miggleo'. Who and where was Niggles? The Judge, our authority, did not rememaber thes nwe, and he knew the country thoroughly. The Washoe traveler thought Niggles must keep a hotel. We only knew that we were stop- ped by high water in front and rear, and that Mi gges was outr rock of refuge. A ten minutes splashing through a tisiglid by- road, scarcely wk4e enough for the stage and we drew up hefore oabrred end boarded gate in a -wide stone wall or fence about eight feet higa. Eviduntly Miggles', and evidently Mei le( did not keep a hotel The driver giat down and tried the gate. It was securely locked. i Miggless ! U iggles " No answer. ". igg-ells ! You Miggles " continued the driver with rising wrath. But no reply camie from the apparently Insensate Maggles. So we ruse up and culled on Niggles in, chorus. Then separately. And when we had finished, a Hibernian fellow passenger from the roof called for "Maygellsi'f where- at we all laughed. While we were laughing the driver cried " Shoo l" We listened. To our infinite amazement the chorus of ' Miggles" was repeated from the other side of the wall, emve to the fnal and supplemental " Maygells." " Extraordinary echo, said the Judge. " Extraordinary d-d skunk 1" roared the driver, conteniptuously. "Coma out of that, Niggles, and show yourself I Be a man )iggles! Don't hide in the dark; I wouidn'tlf I wore you, Niggles,"continued Yuba Bill, now dancing about in an excess of fu . " Nigles!" continued the vole, "0 " My good man ! Mr. Myghall !" lald the Judge, softening the asperities of the name as much as poassible. ( r the inhos- pitality of refusing sheler from the Inclem- ency of the weather to helpless females. Really, my deare -a-" but a succession of " Niggles," ending in a burst of laughter, drowned ias voice. Yueis 13l1 hisitated no longer. Taking a heavy stone from the road, he battered down 4he gaOst, aid with the expressmana entered the [aclosure. We followed. Nobo4 was to be'uert. In the gathering dattneua all that we could distinguish was that we were ~~ar& d as amit roe4esprhay A+ tb t1p "DDo ,h pow this Miggl"s ', asod the Judga6F di "uba "Bill. "" No, nor don't want to," said Bill, short- y who felt the Pioneer Stage Company in- sulted In his person by the contumacious **But, my dear sir," expostulated the udge, Lae thunihat of the beurreil gate. +.io Leeh. t.1 e aYtia Bill with iAne Irony, " hadn't you better pgoc mad' sit in thes coach till yr introducedY I'mgoin nmand he pused open the door o h A long room lighted only by the cmiers I of a Are that was dyigon the large hearth at 1t further keu T.awaTacltsciodly 4 papered, and the flickering flrea ht brea - lag out its o pte6rn lebo .y Alel tis yey asarwld la Bill - The Aereputher norstired WM I to$ raE sawaidtubdes Ml tseas of his cus* antera upons hs face. It was a man's face, atuy old slid wrinkled, with very eyes, in which heas was Nhet exsslu of psrlely tuitous solemnity which I had same sewn is sa owl's. The lage eyes wa*hrdd frtom Bills face to the bletrs, add flp*:tj faed their non that lminous object, wNis~dat lIe .aogi 01'I : ** ,50restrained himoelf with eas ttti helusasnaste fiue~ythe shoulder. ha od t e Bewi ed his hesd, ter appaetly eel. we; Inroisio ptle. "'' wa 15ar NS im @ bJnagase ide wieth' Nhee au eap o o ~ 7~ ieo f tSwfok O p EV imM u. he _hi s W dsaggst ty .~sAhabig seMahie . .wler. . frSUd des bed N~o* 1 ]= ~~ALL~ thiti ethr, rSpUtlut strf a pled atter absence of ceremony or .nmes, a young woman entered, shut the door, and pantin espd Lack ag it. " if a please, Pm f AnJ this was Niggles! Tis bright eyed fuII-thre Ael ' youa& agxqapcyhoe wet gown df blue stuff could not hide the beau t of the feminine curve $ to wjich it clang; fruity the-eh nut crown of hehead- topped by a man's oil-skin sou'wester-to the little feet andankles-hidden somewhere in the' recess of her boy's brogans, all was grace-this was Niggles, laughing at us, too 1 an the miodt airy, frank, offload manner In- aginable. "You see boys," said she-quite out of breath. and Inokllng one little bathe agidnst her side, quite unheeding the speechless dis- conitturo of our party or the complete de- moralization of Tuba hill, whose features hal relaxed into an expression of gratuit- ous and imbecile cheerfuJnhis-" You see, boys, I was mor'n two miles away when you passed down the road. I thoeghtyou might pull up here, and so I ran the whole way, knowing nobody was home but Jim-and- and-1'm out of breath-and-that lets me out." And hcre 3iggles caught her dripping oil-skln hai from her head, with arapilchiev- ous twirl that scattered a shower of rain] drops over us; attempted to jut back her hair ~ 1V - rppd n~ air-phuelI the sttetupt; laugi ed and, sat down bea!de Yuba Bill, with her hands crossed lightly on her lan. The Judge recovered himself lrst, and erasye an extravagant compliment: "I'll trouble yu for that hair-pin." said Miggles, gravely. Half a-dozen hands were eagerly stretched forward; the missing hair- p in was restored to the fair owner; and Niggles, crossing the room, looged keenly in the face of the invalid. The Solemn eyes. looked back at hers, with an ex rion we bad never seen bofete. Life faM lftelligenee seemed to struggle back into the rugged face. Niggles laughed again-4t was a singularly eloquent laugh-and turnedber black eyes and white teeth once more toward us. " This afilleted person is"-hesitated the Judge. " Jim," said Migles. " Your father ?' " No." " Brother ?" " Husband ?" Niggles darted squick,lnalf-defsntglanee at the two lady passengers who I had noticed did not participate bi the general masculine admiration of Niggles, and said, gravely: " No-It's Jim."' There was at awklyard pause:. The lady passengefs moved closer to each other. The Washoe husband looked abstractedly at thet fire; and the tall ratan apparently turned his eyes Inward for self-support at this emer- gency. But Miggle's lagh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. ' Come " she said, briskly, " you must be bungry. *ho'll bear a hand to help magettea!" She had no lack of volunteers. In a few moments Ytuba Bill was Oc g IIl l1i- baris 'beaning tows fo. this ; the expressman was grinding coffee on the ver- andah; to myself the arduous duty of slic- ing bacon was assigned; and the Judge lent each ian ls g aood-In a4 vo le deourtc.L Ana when Niggle, assisted by the Judge and our Iibernina deo*,pas- senger, set the table with all the available crockery we hod bocouaqie,,gIe , eous, in spite of lire rain that beat against windows, the wind that whirled down, the chimpcy. the two ladies who ' bred fvgbtherf bed e~tner, or the magpie Wno.uttered a sat. litel and croaking commwery -oea their convtrsation, from his perch abot n Lathe stow bright, blahing ire we corln e that the walls were papered with Illustrated ,oumaus,-aranged vith feodwinetoa~ and discrimination. The furniture was extem- poriaed,,and adapted raom candle, iotes, packing cases, and covered with gay calico. or the Mkin of some anim1l. The arm-chair ups. a b) ir p 'tirwnai" and evek taste othe nuresque t. be seen in the few details of the long low room. Vhetea .wana i" qiuar t~etsa. ,But more, It Was as socal triumph-chIefly, I think, owing to the rare tact of Niggles in guiding ths oozyprsa$lnas all the questions herself, yet bearing threighout a fr.tukness that rejected the idea of any con- cealment on her own part So that we talked of ourbelves, of our prospects, of the yourncy, of the weather, of each other-of tion was never elegant, raey grammatical. and that at times she used explotives. the use of which had generally been yielded to our sex. But they were delivered with such .s 11hinu of teeth andey, we lirt lss frank and honest ti esmd erthe moral atnmounphere. Once, duing the awal, w beard a noise ' like the rubbing of a heavy boil against the outer walls of the house. This wa" shortly followed Ay a.orstching and sniff -i lng at the door. ' That's Joaquin," said iiggles in reply to ouar quo tlonin gansces " would you tie t !" Beoewe ' could answer, she Ia opened the door, and t disclosed a half- s W k h tant- I raishib on his hmuncheb. Vi his it hangingP udownlui the alt- at Migiat, *it very te in his A Y l, fttingt's may watch' said 1n explanation. " O, he don' bite" , as the two MaOM.pssnoer lto a corner. "Deesr teol latter remark being addressed aatl' to the sagacious ,Joaquin). "I buys," con- 'tinued Kiggles, after bhad fed and closed !the door on UTrns AiOer, "you wore in was h the Judge Wit an a. i la." We wre a few, and e ts dWwe had aher Jaige, e mae ~agureced did~ehl~qains- , soet~a Use akestea of k e t ithe Whith re a~qw Her eyswere downeast, and as she het vs le a n nthe ht esok, 4ith a blanket on her arm, she seemed to have left behind her the frank fearlessness which the paralytic's chair, bat down, drew the blanket over her shoulders and said, " If it's all the same to you, boys, as we're rather crowded, I'l stop here to-night," took the invalid's *ritbered band in her own and; turned her eyes upon the dying tre;, An lIest nettve fe eliWn t only twe- monitory to st l relations, and perhaps some shame at our previous ibarI- osity, kept us silent. The rain still beat upon the roof; wandering gusts of wind stirred the embers Into momentary bright- ness, until, in a lull of the elements, Mig- gles suddenly lifted up her head and throw- ing her hair over her shoutler; turned her face upon the grdup and ased* "Is there any of you that knows me?" There was no reply. TThink again! Ilived at Marysville in '5& Everybody knew me there, and every-, body had She right to know me. I kept the Polka Saloon until I came to live with Jim. That's six years ago. Perhap. I've changed soma" The absence of recognition may have die- concerted her. She turned her.head to the fire again mast it was tome seconds before she again spoke and then more rapidly: "Well, you see:I shought some of you must have known me. rhere's no great harm done, anyway. What I was going to say, was this: Jim here"-she took his hand Ip. bytit of Iagrs as shespojA".. e l kesw me, if you did'nt, and spent a heap of mon- ey upon me. I reckon he spent all he had. And one day-it's six years ago this winter. -Jim camne into my back room, sat down on myi ofa, like as youruese him in that chair, and never moved again without help. He was struck all of a heap, and never seemed to kpoyv what ;led hidm.: Thedoctors came atfd said as how it was caused all along o1 his way of Ilfe-for Jim was pnighty free and wild like-and that he would never get better, qed vquidn't last long anyway. They a lsl de to m e*nd him to Frisco to tiehos- pital, for hl, was no good to .pay one aul would be a baby all his life. Perhaps it was something.in Jam's eye, perhaps it was that I never had a baby, but I said - No.' I was rick theo. for I was popular Witheveryboly -gsetlemea like yourself, ali', camoe to ,re me-and I sold out my business and bought this yer place, becadee it was sort of out of theway of travel, you seek aad L lrought my baby here." hidden in the darkness, but still holding his hand, she went on: b " "It was eloaig time befer Fcould get the hang of things about yer.,for I was used to company and excitement. I couid'nt get any womanto help me, and a man I dursent trust; but what with the Indians hereabout, who'd do odd -jbs for afe. and evekhing sent from the North Fork, Jim and I man- aged to w'rr7 througtg. T'he Loctor would run up frbin Bacramento once in a while. 4 ,ct ee " iggle!s' bab ,' asia he lea th 'abd when -he'd go away; hdsd bay. `iggles, you're a trump bles you;' and It. OhS iesai 'stAb aSd that. But the last time he was herhe sald, as he opened the doo to go: 'Do you know, Mig- g~ your yq wl grw. up to be an t tfd hhbo 'his mnother- bairtnot here. iggles, not here ' And I tihou ht he went away sad--and-and"'---se' here Miggles' voayynd , head" Wef somehow both lost completely Ia the shadow. "The folks about here are very kind " said M tles, uZqr.a "s ens aoming a ime Into th,. ht again. *The men from the Fork used to baiog arquitd Iawji. up4I tey foamaddi t W * w~itod, 'au -the women are kind-end don't call I was pretty lonely natil IApiked uapJdfquin in the woos yonder one day, when he was n't so high, aend t :tgbkkM fqit for.-hs dlmwsr; andI c O3rs Uo'e C ADJnDh'cc5 it quite ioclable of evenings with her tsak, and so I donn't fe like wd s J'9 olivl being abojztu,'dc r L Jmhe, said Xlggle., with her old lanuf agalW, and &hlg'ot*ite taohe rt, "Jim- why. boys, you would admire to see how much hle knows for a man like him. Some- times I briugrbim lowers, and ha looks at 'Am.jost as natural as If he knew 'a t - and times, when we're aitting here alone, 'I read qim Ss poath~e'kuJL t hy' L~ord ': arilus wlt~i1*tftiukt bIug, "rve read hih taist,whole aid. of thdbouse this winter. There never was such a man for r hs thse Jude`c'o you not ytyouhu I ma >e 1"on! '!e devoted " el, Yyesa," suidMigglos, "It would be playing 't rather low down on Jim, to. take .sdvat hi s > _,~ so- , holuev. Ani~lthn Ili f we w~ei~ man and ~w fe now. wui'ed both know that I was bound to do what Ilo noW of iny own aco." "pu; yonare yanug yet ai J attractiy- " "It's getting "' Paid NIggles, gravely, "snd 4 bette? all turn In. Good night ;boys; Td !thoiflad the btankat 0Vr* her head, Niggles laid herself down beside Jim's c I br p~ l >'. * ktw' stsi that held hr. eet, and a no more. The ire slowly ney t4 qrth; twe each u ht our innkts ce; and, pre- a d sseesty In( ewowotgooDn. ntthute patiigohf" dpi` the roof, end bp'yT bIat goo ai , .le I ~awnures artsbg t henIdw ,ke irOti 'trea bled de The storm had paused, Itself ove the sa pines without, looke ~e~lttle c'the loIani the chalt willS am I te cam lowly as tome ,ugt WOTabS UI', half-re- alp tbsm I II to the the "'ei~~ora West. "T=UEW N~O TU*3WV THE Naw NORHW . rea as &-we )~&5At DEER tODGE CITY, MOr4TAA. DEER Lome crITY, IMoNTAw . DEER LODGE CITY, MONTANA. A PAIa 1e YUs 6*21. A 14hs 0s5 Uas "0*. A atu T"E CONTaIDO. .A PAPran 11on Ta cowarmoA BooN. A PAPER 10R TME COUNTINe 3003. A PAINE 'Oat T= COUNTIUB ROOM. A PAPMl IOE HOME. A PAP=R FOR HoNE. A PEI FQR HOME. INDEnNDE IN EVERYTHING. IND kiDZT IN EVERYTHING. IND, pPNDFr IN EVERYTHING. SUBSCEIRK FOR a. SevTUmmaE FOR FR. ADVERTISE IN IT. ADVERTISE IN IT. ADVERTISE IN IT. IT AIMS TO EXCEL, IT AnML TO neIC, aud she hame aAd ahoaM hav. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. TITS LARGE$T CIRCULATION. THE LABG T CALCULATION. I rAD ITS traEw lARAeAous. MRAIsTS WasTIUN SUM* ARY. READ ITS CONDERSED TELEORAM& READ IT1S ISCELLANT. READ II SELECTRD POETRY. READ rT EDIOReIAL,. SEND FQR SPECIMEN COPIMM SEND FOR WP$CIMEN COPIER. SEND FOR SPEQIMEN COPIEM IP YOl LIKE IT IX YOT LINE IT NV TOL aKZ IT. SUBSCRIBE FOR 19 SUBSCRIBE FOR IT SUBSCRIBE FOR IT LID ADVERTISE IN IT. ADVERTISZ IN IT. MAILING ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. JLALLIEG A g To E rOmPTrT.. MAILING AT~mi TO PROMPTLY. tusr. O .n., Cp ....... OsMTo .. N Od.e f6w ...... li mein ........ 5 N U. L Carmy at Par-. JOB PRINT ( N". O O( "R,, Ji~i ~ NE TO ORDER. JOB PRINTIN DON3 TO ORDER. h tiw. .1-1M nd hc Isamjs cas U AWeat f% WNes, LIQUORS, TORMC(O eiAR -s~ N 'lGAL IANK -ooo~ U-a~ Amoaap ir & T. u~ JxUU1A1U1e. First National lank, RUBSET, DARILER I CO)., . DAWKEUS AMi Duaii rm Odd Boo Ode Did Xxdhmus SALT LAIEN aTY, Vu Ted"k; 11301D* M i ANLUA, UMosle Bohmn a Aub, HILINtA, _ MONTANA. W. P'. SANDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O,,iumr m WavwfLA Dnas. HELENA,..........ONTANA. a.LawVUM. 9. 3SODO LAWIOZ A 30, A tto w e y - at -Lsa w, Mai i.s Op~dt. Natismul hBad, Nuwi ", " Momraw*. .MXN Or TUE MEANUOWE mL~aSg3. I~lamol m~ pumper, UNION BREWERY AND SALOONY. HELENA, MONTANA. Th. heat quaflty ac oo Sim l. mammoth glaseas. AlbAT OFFICE ! ASSAY OFFICE ! G~ulch hart awl MUP Retot melted ntot Bars. asia- ratuWatgadaanad gomaahed to 'oion to the V. H MINT STAJtDADD. Greembaesk Paid for Beld Past! -RL> RUMLEY. MsamMAT, Umauu*, N. T. jg41 "D..Msee" DBsek, N... S sdl W..d SL. - ad -tWA* In.u 1.aa UlLNA, MONTANA. J. I. VAWTN3 O CO., Grooerlou and Provislones, What, Oatsm r urq, Leather, ate", rWO DUILDING, Dr.J. A. Wle o1 os. DenI.$. wumrrA9 Msl3NSm 33.3*. AS work wauae l~b*U AMuums..m~a l~wh. 1 WPa & PAM @, WR&3e I WALU3UU Nailu 3 -06 Uel4"a Adver.aWtUIeset. EXOLUSIVELY A COMMISSION HOUSE. John MoCormIok as Co. Helena, " . ]octne. KYAT gIC A LAWuN AD WELL SIWLC. *uoCame emoCWIW mwvmw1E GROOER IES GuOC a AM oROcxRIRS LQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS UIQUORS] UQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS Tbee OM t at lowet Data r Ch. CALL AND flAMZIN TWE UP.RIVEl . Ww.k. July 1,180. 1 e TOOTLE LEACAC 4 CO., kesdway, Opposite e Pekmters BHours NZENA, XONTANA. Wholesale a" R"el Devar. In Staple sad Fancy Dry Goods! Staple sad PVamy Dry Gooda Staple ed maiey Dry Goods Staple and heaq Dry Good. Staple God fanoy Dry Goods. HAVE JUST RECEIVED HAVE JUST RECIVED HAVE JUST RECEIVED NAVE JUST RECEIVED The Dent Stook The best Mack The Bed Stock The Best Stock The He sttock They have Ever Opened In Mentana, AT NARET? RAT= OR LWS FEO= UWE yEams IN Dim LODGE, Rled to their best advaatage. 1 ir* TOOTLE LEACH " O0. July 1,180. Wells, Fargo Ji Co., GENERAL ZXPRI88 FORWARDERS AI= osarss or rsa OVERLAND MAIL. DAILY dFAGMo sd en hetrmnl t h .UonPASlSE ara nd tERSnra au sIGK3YU Y T 3k~wCki DuiaNo.mm amy uihem. aerwaowill remane Overland Ewpr.,uu Iera eamale wir to bepk dq Jim .ii are as Mei `ee~e.ty pa t ~eehb u% Jeuon Coy +n ale UqDe be far p athe uwe, at rd=m A.4 hgin,Uidein,N.T. > swtos b W 1ll.. (i~iimi Uhw WiMth. AWSI Helens AdvertisaeOnutat. Q. C. HUNTLEY, HeW eaiy Stage and ExpreNS Line I asd Carrier at the United ates. Mall eiwa N UebbeG, Deer Isge City, rd as Weier baup& lm Hflesb s abarmsat6 db a et kle ULACKFOOTI. GOLD CRIBKE BEAR'eWNt, SILVER BOW, CABLE CITY, and all ttermedlhte points. Paemeagers * E xpress Matter Carried with regularity, dispatch, and at cheap rate... WrOfes at the Stable, Edwarda Street, Hck.aLrf tt S. S. HUITLEY, Agent F. TATLOa. IL Tuou'soi. W. A. Ruxasa TAYLOR, THOWPION CO., Grooers and Comminsion MERCHA3Tm *o. Si Main Street, Helena, M. T. DBALsES IN GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. MrAdv amem Made n Ca mtsam nta.., Hirsohman Brothers, DomsI Ua Bunmr's BLox, HEIAINA, MONTANA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GnTS' CUsTOM MADe cLOlrURe, Fr.adahfrg aooa.. Bat, mld Cape, ROTS' READ Y MDE VLOTIINU. A Large and weU4..e9eted dock Of Russia Goose, Tennis NoToI,, Boeursa, Tamexn, L U. Dauinwuwsr A.. Bsaumwsu.D. 1 LN. ___inma i At j... -_ BANKHEWS. Nabn Sreet, asljelmlu kuatph Slick, RIZLINA, ... "MONTANA. Sight Dretboan al parts ofthe UmntodlaSt"~ and Uurope. D..ii8 t 61. G Dustt C.1., Carrelq, ADD IxrSVD STATES SUVV*TUS. Cogetbdimad tol an pair of the Territory, and remlttauce. promptlyfoewauaIe. Billiards, Billiards, Billiards t Wae, M]Later. Prank Crocker. RATHER B CR00113, Occidental Billiard h-all, Male Street, Bentley's sraalbe Bock, HELENA, "" MONTANA. rBilllardm by G'aslight t. L farm u h aIS rue., ,inlred wrieth. Iraclawton lovewrs of the game unequalledtoMna. TAB FINEST WHIN~, LIQUORS, AND CIGAES, I-Sma kept comatautty at bsh Bar. ISwert Lbults l~otpl. HESLENtA, MONTANA, THR POPULAR MOTEL OF MONTANA. Newly painted end furnished, and the Table sup. pled wtah the bent of everything eatable. Umaplopeem ittestre ans soertaca. Unlimited Aeeseinrnitle. hrr Guests. paI ae tedn ab foldgn` rouses other an UkLU~A, T MONTANA. 1 jlNI~peapaM lm ast Ul.the.p El .aofi '0 l l 1~E[T# roar OIL and CLNWOOL' Ab %atmwlr'abmhow s tm MeIri aver at Mlstisolesnhoil U.~rty, I mlY J o.as F. m 0.Bp'"' mya Agnt. - rw T dus Past. S:~ &i G RAZTER, . E~r>AN*AcKO " oil IN ,Q~M4 yi w

Transcript of -tWA* Mkin Slick, Was · man hbelde the Judge was askep. his ari lasded through theswaying strup...

Page 1: -tWA* Mkin Slick, Was · man hbelde the Judge was askep. his ari lasded through theswaying strup and his lwad recstli upon It-sltojttr a V lolples*Io ing object, aW if e ItM an himself

MIC+GLES.(ranm the Oveu11al Montihly.

We were eligt, incjudlwg the driver. Wehad not ss bktn during tiue lssae of thlast six miles, since the jolting of the hiav,vehicle over the roughening road had spoikthe Judge's last poeticalquotation. The tailman hbelde the Judge was askep. his arilasded through theswaying strup and hislwad recstli upon It-sltojttr a Vlolples*Io ing object, aW if e ItM anhimself and been cut down too late. heFrench lady on the back seat wasaideep, too,yet in a Ih f-cunsclous proprietyof attitude,shown even in the disposition of the hand.kerchief which site held to her forehead andwhich pari'slly veiled her face. The ladyfonat Virginia Oily, trMvellng-with her hqs-band h long since lost alllndividualityina wild confusion of ribbons, veils, fursand shawls. There was no sound but therattling of wheels and the dash of rain uponthe ro'af. Suddenly the stage stopped audwe became dimly aware of voice s. Thedriver was evidently in the midst of an ex-citiun colloquy with some one in the road-+a colloquy of which such fragments as" bridge gone," " twenty feet of water,"`" can't Io " were u o ily distipguish-able stabe the storn% Then came a lull, andthe naysterious voice fromn the road shoutedthe partini adjuutilon:

We caught a glimpse of our leaders as thevehicle slowly turned, of a horsenmun van-Inking through the rain, and we were evi-dently on our way to Miggleo'.

Who and where was Niggles? The Judge,our authority, did not rememaber thes nwe,and he knew the country thoroughly. TheWashoe traveler thought Niggles must keepa hotel. We only knew that we were stop-ped by high water in front and rear, andthat Mi gges was outr rock of refuge. A tenminutes splashing through a tisiglid by-road, scarcely wk4e enough for the stageand we drew up hefore oabrred end boardedgate in a -wide stone wall or fence abouteight feet higa. Eviduntly Miggles', andevidently Mei le( did not keep a hotel

The driver giat down and tried the gate.It was securely locked.

i Miggless ! U iggles "No answer.". igg-ells ! You Miggles " continued

the driver with rising wrath.

But no reply camie from the apparentlyInsensate Maggles.

So we ruse up and culled on Niggles in,chorus. Then separately. And when wehad finished, a Hibernian fellow passengerfrom the roof called for "Maygellsi'f where-at we all laughed. While we were laughingthe driver cried " Shoo l"

We listened. To our infinite amazementthe chorus of ' Miggles" was repeated fromthe other side of the wall, emve to the fnaland supplemental " Maygells."

" Extraordinary echo, said the Judge." Extraordinary d-d skunk 1" roared the

driver, conteniptuously. "Coma out ofthat, Niggles, and show yourself I Be aman )iggles! Don't hide in the dark; Iwouidn'tlf I wore you, Niggles,"continuedYuba Bill, now dancing about in an excessof fu .

" Nigles!" continued the vole, "0

" My good man ! Mr. Myghall !" lald theJudge, softening the asperities of the nameas much as poassible. ( r the inhos-pitality of refusing sheler from the Inclem-ency of the weather to helpless females.Really, my deare -a-" but a succession of" Niggles," ending in a burst of laughter,drowned ias voice.

Yueis 13l1 hisitated no longer. Taking aheavy stone from the road, he battered down4he gaOst, aid with the expressmana enteredthe [aclosure. We followed. Nobo4 wasto be'uert. In the gathering dattneua allthat we could distinguish was that we were

~~ar& d as amit roe4esprhay A+ tb t1p

"DDo ,h pow this Miggl"s ', asod theJudga6F di "uba "Bill.

"" No, nor don't want to," said Bill, short-y who felt the Pioneer Stage Company in-

sulted In his person by the contumacious

**But, my dear sir," expostulated theudge, Lae thunihat of the beurreil gate.+.io Leeh. t.1 e aYtia Bill with iAne

Irony, " hadn't you better pgoc mad' sitin thes coach till yr introducedY I'mgoin

nmand he pused open the door o h

A long room lighted only by the cmiers Iof a Are that was dyigon the large hearthat 1t further keu T.awaTacltsciodly 4papered, and the flickering flrea ht brea -lag out its o pte6rn lebo .y

Alel tis yey asarwld la Bill -

The Aereputher norstired WM Ito$ raE sawaidtubdes Ml

tseas of his cus* antera upons hs face.It was a man's face, atuy old slidwrinkled, with very eyes, in whichheas was Nhet exsslu of psrlely

tuitous solemnity which I had samesewn is sa owl's. The lage eyes wa*hrddfrtom Bills face to the bletrs, add flp*:tjfaed their non that lminous object,wNis~dat lIe .aogi 01'I : **

,50restrained himoelf with eas ttti

helusasnaste fiue~ythe shoulder.ha od t e Bewi ed his

hesd, ter appaetly eel.


Inroisio ptle. "'' wa15ar NS im @ bJnagase idewieth' Nhee au eap o o~ 7~ ieo f tSwfok O p EV imM u. he _hi s W

dsaggst ty .~sAhabig seMahie

. .wler. .frSUddes bed

N~o* 1 ]=


thiti ethr, rSpUtlut strf a pledatter absence of ceremony or .nmes, ayoung woman entered, shut the door, andpantin espd Lack ag it.

" if a please, Pm fAnJ this was Niggles! Tis bright eyed

fuII-thre Ael ' youa& agxqapcyhoe wetgown df blue stuff could not hide the beaut of the feminine curve $ to wjich it clang;fruity the-eh nut crown of hehead-topped by a man's oil-skin sou'wester-tothe little feet andankles-hidden somewherein the' recess of her boy's brogans, all wasgrace-this was Niggles, laughing at us, too1an the miodt airy, frank, offload manner In-aginable.

"You see boys," said she-quite out ofbreath. and Inokllng one little bathe agidnsther side, quite unheeding the speechless dis-conitturo of our party or the complete de-moralization of Tuba hill, whose featureshal relaxed into an expression of gratuit-ous and imbecile cheerfuJnhis-" You see,boys, I was mor'n two miles away when youpassed down the road. I thoeghtyou mightpull up here, and so I ran the whole way,knowing nobody was home but Jim-and-and-1'm out of breath-and-that lets meout."

And hcre 3iggles caught her drippingoil-skln hai from her head, with arapilchiev-ous twirl that scattered a shower of rain]drops over us; attempted to jut back her

hair ~ 1V - rppd n~ air-phuelI the sttetupt;laugi ed and, sat down bea!de Yuba Bill, withher hands crossed lightly on her lan.

The Judge recovered himself lrst, anderasye an extravagant compliment:

"I'll trouble yu for that hair-pin." saidMiggles, gravely. Half a-dozen hands wereeagerly stretched forward; the missing hair-p in was restored to the fair owner; andNiggles, crossing the room, looged keenlyin the face of the invalid. The Solemn eyes.looked back at hers, with an ex rion webad never seen bofete. Life faM lftelligeneeseemed to struggle back into the rugged face.Niggles laughed again-4t was a singularlyeloquent laugh-and turnedber black eyesand white teeth once more toward us.

" This afilleted person is"-hesitated theJudge.

" Jim," said Migles." Your father ?'" No."" Brother ?"

" Husband ?"Niggles darted squick,lnalf-defsntglanee

at the two lady passengers who I had noticeddid not participate bi the general masculineadmiration of Niggles, and said, gravely:" No-It's Jim."'

There was at awklyard pause:. The ladypassengefs moved closer to each other. TheWashoe husband looked abstractedly at thetfire; and the tall ratan apparently turned hiseyes Inward for self-support at this emer-gency. But Miggle's lagh, which was veryinfectious, broke the silence. ' Come " shesaid, briskly, " you must be bungry. *ho'llbear a hand to help magettea!"

She had no lack of volunteers. In a fewmoments Ytuba Bill was Oc g IIl l1i-baris 'beaning tows fo. this ; theexpressman was grinding coffee on the ver-andah; to myself the arduous duty of slic-ing bacon was assigned; and the Judge lenteach ian ls g aood-In a4 vo ledeourtc.L Ana when Niggle, assisted bythe Judge and our Iibernina deo*,pas-senger, set the table with all the availablecrockery we hod bocouaqie,,gIe , eous, inspite of lire rain that beat against windows,the wind that whirled down, the chimpcy.the two ladies who ' bred fvgbtherf

bed e~tner, or the magpie Wno.uttered a sat.litel and croaking commwery -oea theirconvtrsation, from his perch abot n Lathestow bright, blahing ire we corln e thatthe walls were papered with Illustrated,oumaus,-aranged vith feodwinetoa~ anddiscrimination. The furniture was extem-poriaed,,and adapted raom candle, iotes,packing cases, and covered with gay calico.or the Mkin of some anim1l. The arm-chair

ups. a b) ir p 'tirwnai"

and evek taste othe nuresque t. be seenin the few details of the long low room.Vhetea .wana i" qiuar t~etsa. ,Butmore, It Was as socal triumph-chIefly, Ithink, owing to the rare tact of Niggles inguiding ths oozyprsa$lnas all thequestions herself, yet bearing threighout afr.tukness that rejected the idea of any con-cealment on her own part So that wetalked of ourbelves, of our prospects, of theyourncy, of the weather, of each other-of

tion was never elegant, raey grammatical.and that at times she used explotives. theuse of which had generally been yielded toour sex. But they were delivered with such.s 11hinu of teeth andey, we

lirt lss frank and honest tiesmd erthe moral atnmounphere.

Once, duing the awal, w beard a noise '

like the rubbing of a heavy boil againstthe outer walls of the house. This wa"shortly followed Ay a.orstching and sniff -ilng at the door. ' That's Joaquin," saidiiggles in reply to ouar quo tlonin gansces" would you tie t !" Beoewe 'could answer, she Ia opened the door, and tdisclosed a half- s W k h tant- I

raishib on his hmuncheb. Vi his ithangingP udownlui the alt-

at Migiat, *it very tein his A Y l, fttingt's maywatch' said 1n explanation." O, he don' bite" , as the twoMaOM.pssnoer lto a corner.

"Deesr teol latter remarkbeing addressed aatl' to the sagacious,Joaquin). "I buys," con-'tinued Kiggles, after bhad fed and closed!the door on UTrns AiOer, "you wore in

was h the Judge

Wit an a. i la."

We wre a few, ande ts dWwe had

aher Jaige, e mae

~agureced did~ehl~qains-, soet~a Use akestea

of k e

t ithe Whith re


Her eyswere downeast, and as she hetvs le a n nthe ht esok, 4ith

a blanket on her arm, she seemed to haveleft behind her the frank fearlessness which

the paralytic's chair, bat down, drew theblanket over her shoulders and said, " Ifit's all the same to you, boys, as we're rathercrowded, I'l stop here to-night," took theinvalid's *ritbered band in her own and;turned her eyes upon the dying tre;, AnlIest nettve fe eliWn t only twe-monitory to st l relations, andperhaps some shame at our previous ibarI-osity, kept us silent. The rain still beatupon the roof; wandering gusts of windstirred the embers Into momentary bright-ness, until, in a lull of the elements, Mig-gles suddenly lifted up her head and throw-ing her hair over her shoutler; turned herface upon the grdup and ased*

"Is there any of you that knows me?"There was no reply.

TThink again! Ilived at Marysville in'5& Everybody knew me there, and every-,body had She right to know me. I kept thePolka Saloon until I came to live with Jim.That's six years ago. Perhap. I've changedsoma"

The absence of recognition may have die-concerted her. She turned her.head to thefire again mast it was tome seconds beforeshe again spoke and then more rapidly:

"Well, you see:I shought some of youmust have known me. rhere's no greatharm done, anyway. What I was going tosay, was this: Jim here"-she took his handIp. bytit of Iagrs as shespojA".. e l keswme, if you did'nt, and spent a heap of mon-ey upon me. I reckon he spent all he had.And one day-it's six years ago this winter.-Jim camne into my back room, sat down onmyi ofa, like as youruese him in that chair,and never moved again without help. Hewas struck all of a heap, and never seemedto kpoyv what ;led hidm.: Thedoctors cameatfd said as how it was caused all along o1his way of Ilfe-for Jim was pnighty freeand wild like-and that he would never getbetter, qed vquidn't last long anyway. Theya lsl de to m e*nd him to Frisco to tiehos-pital, for hl, was no good to .pay one aulwould be a baby all his life. Perhaps it wassomething.in Jam's eye, perhaps it was thatI never had a baby, but I said - No.' I wasrick theo. for I was popular Witheveryboly-gsetlemea like yourself, ali', camoe to ,reme-and I sold out my business and boughtthis yer place, becadee it was sort of out oftheway of travel, you seek aad L lroughtmy baby here."

hidden in the darkness, but still holdinghis hand, she went on: b

" "It was eloaig time befer Fcould get thehang of things about yer.,for I was used tocompany and excitement. I couid'nt getany womanto help me, and a man I dursenttrust; but what with the Indians hereabout,who'd do odd -jbs for afe. and evekhingsent from the North Fork, Jim and I man-aged to w'rr7 througtg. T'he Loctor wouldrun up frbin Bacramento once in a while.4 ,ct ee " iggle!s' bab ,' asia he leath 'abd when -he'd go away; hdsd bay.

`iggles, you're a trump bles you;'and It. OhS iesai 'stAb aSd that.But the last time he was herhe sald, as heopened the doo to go: 'Do you know, Mig-g~ your yq wl grw. up to be an

t tfd hhbo 'his mnother- bairtnot here.iggles, not here ' And I tihou ht he went

away sad--and-and"'---se' here Miggles'voayynd , head" Wef somehow both lostcompletely Ia the shadow.

"The folks about here are very kind "said M tles, uZqr.a "s ens aoming a imeInto th,. ht again. *The men from theFork used to baiog arquitd Iawji. up4I teyfoamaddi t W * w~itod, 'au -the womenare kind-end don't call I was prettylonely natil IApiked uapJdfquin in the woosyonder one day, when he was n't so high,aend t :tgbkkM fqit for.-hs dlmwsr; andIc O3rs Uo'e C ADJnDh'cc5 it quiteioclable of evenings with her tsak, and soI donn't fe like wd s J'9 olivlbeing abojztu,'dc r L Jmhe,said Xlggle., with her old lanuf agalW, and&hlg'ot*ite taohe rt, "Jim-why. boys, you would admire to see howmuch hle knows for a man like him. Some-times I briugrbim lowers, and ha looks at'Am.jost as natural as If he knew 'a t - andtimes, when we're aitting here alone, 'I read

qim Ss poath~e'kuJL t hy' L~ord ':arilus wlt~i1*tftiukt bIug, "rveread hih taist,whole aid. of thdbouse thiswinter. There never was such a man for

r hs thse Jude`c'o you not

ytyouhu I ma >e 1"on! '!e devoted

" el, Yyesa," suidMigglos, "It wouldbe playing 't rather low down on Jim, to.take .sdvat hi s > _,~ so- , holuev.Ani~lthn Ili f we w~ei~ man and ~w fenow. wui'ed both know that I was bound todo what Ilo noW of iny own aco."

"pu; yonare yanug yet ai J attractiy- ""It's getting "' Paid NIggles, gravely,

"snd 4 bette? all turn In. Good night;boys; Td !thoiflad the btankat 0Vr* herhead, Niggles laid herself down beside Jim's

c I br p~ l >'. * ktw' stsithat held hr. eet, and a no more. Theire slowly ney t4 qrth; twe eachu ht our innkts ce; and, pre-

a d sseesty In( ewowotgooDn.ntthute patiigohf" dpi` the roof, end

bp'yT bIat goo ai , .leI ~awnures artsbg t henIdw ,ke irOti

'trea bled de The storm had paused,

Itself ove the sa pines without, looke~e~lttle c'the loIani

the chalt willS am I te cam

lowly as

tome ,ugt WOTabS UI', half-re-

alp tbsm I II

to thethe

"'ei~~ora West.


rea as &-we



A PAIa 1e YUs 6*21.

A 14hs 0s5 Uas "0*.A atu T"E CONTaIDO.

.A PAPran 11on Ta cowarmoA BooN.










aud she hame

aAd ahoaM hav.


I rAD ITS traEw lARAeAous.















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Od.e f6w ...... li mein ........ 5 NU. L Carmy at Par-.

JOB PRINT ( N". O O( "R,,Ji~i ~ NE TO ORDER.


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& T. u~ JxUU1A1U1e.

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Mai i.s Op~dt. Natismul hBad,

Nuwi ", " Momraw*.


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Th. heat quaflty ac oo Sim l. mammoth glaseas.

AlbAT OFFICE ! ASSAY OFFICE !G~ulch hart awl MUP Retot melted ntot Bars. asia-

ratuWatgadaanad gomaahed to 'oion to the


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-RL> RUMLEY.MsamMAT, Umauu*, N. T. jg41

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What, Oatsm r urq, Leather, ate",


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wumrrA9 Msl3NSm 33.3*.

AS work wauae l~b*U

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WPa & PAM @,


Nailu 3 -06

Uel4"a Adver.aWtUIeset.



John MoCormIok as Co.

Helena, " . ]octne.


*uoCame emoCWIWmwvmw1E GROOER IES




Tbee OM t at lowet Data r Ch.



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The He sttock

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Rled to their best advaatage.

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.UonPASlSE ara nd tERSnra au



DuiaNo.mm amy uihem.aerwaowill remane

Overland Ewpr.,uu

Iera eamale wir to bepk dq Jim .ii are as Mei`ee~e.ty pa t ~eehb u% Jeuon Coy +n ale

UqDe be far p athe uwe, at rd=m

A.4 hgin,Uidein,N.T.

> swtos b W 1ll..

(i~iimi Uhw WiMth.


Helens AdvertisaeOnutat.


HeW eaiy

Stage and ExpreNS Line I

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rd as Weier baup&

lm Hflesb s abarmsat6 db a et kle





CABLE CITY,and all ttermedlhte points.

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Carried with regularity, dispatch, and at cheap rate...

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ROTS' READ Y MDE VLOTIINU.A Large and weU4..e9eted dock Of

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L U. Dauinwuwsr A.. Bsaumwsu.D.1 LN. ___inma i At j... -_

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and Uurope.

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paI ae tedn ab foldgn` rouses other an


1 jlNI~peapaM lm ast Ul.the.p El .aofi '0 l l

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I mlY J o.as F. m 0.Bp'"' mya Agnt.

- rw T dus Past.

S:~ &i G RAZTER,. E~r>AN*AcKO "

oil IN

,Q~M4 yi w