TV User Guide Basics - VTX1 | Internet Service Provider ... The Set Top Box remote control must be...

R R e e m m o o t t e e C C o o n n t t r r o o l l F F e e a a t t u u r r e e s s VOL+/- button adjusts the volume up or down. MUTE button toggles the sound on/off. CH+/- button changes channels up or down. NUMBER PAD allows you to enter a specific channel number. GUIDE button displays a menu list of programs / channels, allows setting reminders for scheduled programming/events to view upon availability. MENU button displays the Menu bar when in cable (STB) mode, and in (TV) mode you will see your TV’s menu. The Menu bar provides quick access to every feature supported by your service. INFO button displays the Info bar, a feature that lets you see information on what you’re watching, what’s coming on next, and what’s on other channels. EXIT button will exit the current visible screen and return you to normal TV viewing. T T V V U U s s e e r r G G u u i i d d e e B B a a s s i i c c s s M M e e n n u u & & P P r r o o g g r r a a m m I I c c o o n n s s Dolby Digital Audio Lock Program / Blocked by Parental Controls Reminder Program in High Definition Auto-tune Record New Episode Series Record Live TV Favorite List in Use Lock Program Recording to DVR Closed Captioned Series Record Episode Skipped

Transcript of TV User Guide Basics - VTX1 | Internet Service Provider ... The Set Top Box remote control must be...

RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll FFeeaattuurreess

VOL+/- button adjusts the volume up or down.

MUTE button toggles the sound on/off.

CH+/- button changes channels up or down.

NUMBER PAD allows you to enter a specific channel number.

GUIDE button displays a menu list of programs / channels, allows setting reminders for scheduled programming/events to view upon availability.

MENU button displays the Menu bar when in cable (STB) mode, and in (TV) mode you will see your TV’s menu. The Menu bar provides quick access to every feature supported by your service.

INFO button displays the Info bar, a feature that lets you see information on what you’re watching, what’s coming on next, and what’s on other channels.

EXIT button will exit the current visible screen and return you to normal TV viewing.













































TTVV UUsseerr GGuuiiddee BBaassiiccss

MMeennuu && PPrrooggrraamm IIccoonnss

Dolby Digital Audio

Lock Program /

Blocked by Parental Controls 

ReminderProgram in High


Auto-tune Record

New Episode

Series Record

Live TV Favorite List in

Use Lock Program

Recording to DVR

Closed Captioned

Series Record Episode Skipped

Note: The Set Top Box remote control must be set up with the correct TV Brand Code in order to send the correct signals to your television.

RRReeemmmooottteee CCCooonnntttrrrooolll SSSeeettt UUUppp

Turn the Set Top Box OR the Television ON or OFF Press the Power button on the remote Select the appropriate device name

Entone: TV, STB, or AUX

ADB Protenza: TV, AUD, DVD, AUX or STB

Press the Power button

Turn Television On/Off

Press the TV button Next press the Power button

Turn STB On/Off

Press the STB button Next press the Power button

TTTVVV FFFuuunnnccctttiiiooonnnsss

The MENU bar is a quick and easy way to access any feature of your service.

Turn the Set Top Box OR the Television ON or OFF

Press MENU on your remote control

The INFO bar is a quick way of finding information about the show you are watching, what comes on later and what is on other channels.

Press INFO on your remote control OR

Press the Up or Down Arrow Keys on your remote control. Once the info bar is active, press INFO again to display details



A DVR is a great tool for digitally recording your favorite programs without the need for tapes or discs.

Note: Your set top box must support recording to use the Record event.


Guide is the place to quickly find out what’s on now and what’s playing later. Use the Guide button to set Reminders or Recordings for upcoming programs, access features such as Auto-tunes, DVR Recordings and setting Reminders.

Press GUIDE or Press MENU Highlight GUIDE and press OK Press the Arrow Keys to move the highlight. Jump to a channel by entering the channel with the Number Pad (0-9). Press Page Up or Page Down to jump up or down one screen of listings. (ADB remote only) Press Day + or Day - to jump 12 hours ahead in listings or up to 12 hours back. Press OK to choose the program you have highlighted. Press EXIT to leave the Guide.










Note: If you are setting a recording, highlight the listing and press RECORD instead of OK. You will then be returned to Guide. The program listing will now show an icon (Reminder set, Auto-tune set or Recording set) next to the program’s name. If you set a recording, you don’t need to do anything else. Your set top box will record it for you, once your program begins. To watch your recording, go to DVR.


Setting up a Reminder, Auto-tune or Recording

Select a Program

Highlight its listing and press OK

Highlight Record Program or Set Reminder or Set Auto tune and press OK  



Setting Up a Series Recording  

Record every episode of a favorite program. Select a Program Highlight the program listing Press OK Highlight Record Series Press OK

Editing a Recording  

Allows you to adjust exactly when the recording begins or ends to make sure nothing is missed in case the broadcaster’s time doesn’t match up with yours exactly.

Select an Upcoming Program Locate the program to be recorded Highlight the listing Press OK Highlight Edit Recording Press OK

Use the Up and Down Arrow Keys to choose Start or End and press OK. Once you see arrowheads above and below the Start or End box, use the Up and Down Arrow Keys to adjust the Start time or End time.

Editing a Series Recording  

Adjust which episodes of the series are recorded and which are skipped.

Select a Series Recording Locate any program in the series to be recorded Press OK Highlight Edit Series Recording Press OK Use the Up and Down Arrow Keys to choose Start or End and press OK. Once you see arrowheads above and below the Start or End box, use the Up and Down Arrow Keys to adjust the Start time or End time.

Cancel Auto-tune, Reminder, Recording or Cancel Series Recording Cancel any event you have previously scheduled directly from Guide.

Select the Program Highlight the program with the event you want to cancel Press OK

Depending on the type of event you are cancelling, your option will be Cancel Reminder, Cancel Auto-tune, Cancel Recording or Cancel Series.

Additional User Guide Info

To obtain a full copy of the Television Entertainment User Guide, go to or visit a local VTX1 Business Office. 

