Tutorial Technology

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IntroductionAnyone who is trying to learn something new faces challenges. It may come easier to some than others, but with new technology emerging it may be easier to all of us. Luckily for us technology has come a long way. Instead of reading a book or learning it alone, one can get software and have their own “personal” tutor.

Tutorial software makes it easy for anyone to learn something new. It takes people step by step into the subject that they are trying to learn. From learning French to learning how to play the guitar tutorial software is there to help. There are many different kinds of softwares and brands to learn anything!

One should just dive in and learn something new in a much easier way.

Photoshop TutorialDescription

Photoshop is an easy way to enhance your photos from home. There are many different brands of Photoshop but each do basically the same thing.

It is a way to crop, color, add artto and many other things. Photoshop is great and easy for anyone. They come with easytutorial steps that make it possible for anyone to do it!


TutorialI have personally used Adobe Photoshop CS4. I believe that all Photoshop basically do the same thing, meaning you can enhance photos and make them they way you want. This one is quite amazing. One of my favorite parts was being able to use different lightening and placing a color factor on it. When taking a tour at the beginning I was amazed at what I could do. It was so easy taking me step by step. It was very easy and helped me make my photos more exciting.

A-HA+ When reading the article I was still confused about some of the actions that this program did. I wanted to know if it did layering and color reverse and “a-ha” it told me how! It gave me an incite on how to do it.

+ Another “a-ha” moment was when I realized I was sending my photos wrong. I could never get it right until again I read the article.

+ “A-ha” I can put my raw digital film as a Smart Object! It just makes it a better graphic in general.

Though I have not used this program much I do enjoy it and would recommend it to anyone and everyone. It takes you step by step through what you want to know.

Photoshop Tutorial“We find it easier to use Smart Object menu items using the context menu for a Smart Object in the Layers panel, instead of hunting for them in the Layer > Smart Objects submenu. Be sure to right-click or Ctrl-click (Mac OS X) on the layer name, not the thumbnail, or you won’t see all of the Smart Object commands.”

-Conrad Chavez and David Blanter

Smart Object

Guitar TutorialDescription

Guitar tutorials are a step in the right directionfor any beginner. It helps one learn the basic stings on a guitar and what key they are. Like alltutorials the guitar takes it step by step. It is like

having your own personal teacher right in front of you. There are many different types and not all are the same. Some arefor more advanced musicians and others arefor beginners. Which ever you are there is a software for you. Learning to play guitardoes not have to be hard, just get the step by step tutor online!

Guitar TutorialWhen reading about guitar tutorials I found it very interesting. I have never used any software to learn an instrument, but I think it would be very helpful. I think that you can just learn it on your own pace and not have to set a time to make an appointment with an instructor. Instead you would have your software for whenever you wanted to learn. It takes someone step by step and is easy learning. I think it would be less frustrating and sounds like a great idea for anyone looking to learn the guitar

A-HA+ I didn’t know that guitar software had different methods of teaching then regular school methods

+While learning at your own pace you are more likely to keep that skill and enjoy it

+Some you can actually plug your guitar into a box that can connect to your computer

Guitar Tutorial“Finding good guitar instruction software will help you play the guitar better in ways that online lessons can not provide. ”

-Tom Singleton

Guitar Article

Math Tutorial Description

Math software tutors have been around for awhile. Using a common school subject software is very helpful. Itteaches you the steps you needto take when doing a certainproblem. There are many different type of math software. There are some types that startelementary schools with gamesand fun graphics. Then there aresome that are for college students that help them understand the complex problems through steps. It goes only one step at a time so it is easy to understand and remember.


TutorialWhen reading about this software I realized it could be very helpful. It not only helps you with the problem that you are on, but explains why you take the steps that you did. They give examples so that you can keep trying until you understand. I think it is a very good technology for anyone in a math class.

A-HA+ When I realized that it took you step by step and showed you why you tookthat step

+ Showing how many people actuallyuse math tutorial software. It is a lot! Now I understand why

+ Knowing that they make these tutorialsfor ages 3 to adults. There are so many that every age has their own.

Math Tutorial“If you already have the hardware in the classroom and you want one of these products, this would not dissuade you.”

-Mark Dynarski

She is talking about having these softwares in school and it is a greatidea. Though it does not raise the test scoresincredible it does make a difference.

Math Software Article on Test Scores

ConclusionTutorial software is here to stay. They have helped so many people so far and are going to continue to help. From Photoshop to guitar, to math tutorial software is helping people grow. Educations have come a long way since these softwares have been produced. They have improved test scores, helped people have more confidence, and made the world a better place. People are smarter because of these programs and they will continue to grow. They are available in everything so go grab one and learn something new!