Tutorial Mesh Processing

Tutorial Tutorial Mesh Processing Mesh Processing Bruno Lévy Bruno Lévy INRIA - ALICE INRIA - ALICE


Tutorial Mesh Processing. Bruno Lévy INRIA - ALICE. Overview Motivations. Digital Michelangelo Stanford University. Overview A large domain. Mesh Processing: a wide topic Data structures Mesh repair Mesh analysis Smoothing Parameterization Mesh simplification Remeshing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Tutorial Mesh Processing

Page 1: Tutorial Mesh Processing

TutorialTutorialMesh ProcessingMesh Processing


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Digital MichelangeloDigital MichelangeloStanford UniversityStanford University

Page 3: Tutorial Mesh Processing

OverviewOverviewA large domainA large domain

Mesh Processing: a wide topicMesh Processing: a wide topicData structuresData structuresMesh repairMesh repairMesh analysisMesh analysisSmoothingSmoothingParameterizationParameterizationMesh simplificationMesh simplificationRemeshingRemeshingFreeform modeling ...Freeform modeling ...

SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS tutorials SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS tutorials (with M. Botsch, M. Pauly, L. Kobbelt and P. Alliez)(with M. Botsch, M. Pauly, L. Kobbelt and P. Alliez)


Page 4: Tutorial Mesh Processing

OverviewOverviewThis tutorialThis tutorial

1. Introduction1. Introduction2. Differential Geometry on Meshes2. Differential Geometry on Meshes

Mesh ParameterizationMesh Parameterization 3. Functions on Meshes3. Functions on Meshes

Discrete Exterior CalculusDiscrete Exterior Calculus------------ 10h30 - 10h50: Coffee Break ----------------------------- 10h30 - 10h50: Coffee Break -----------------4. Spectral Mesh Processing4. Spectral Mesh Processing5. Numerics5. Numerics

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1. Introduction1. Introduction Need for efficient data structuresNeed for efficient data structures

Iterate on vertices, edges, polygonsIterate on vertices, edges, polygons

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1. Introduction1. Introduction Need for efficient data structuresNeed for efficient data structures

Incidence relationsIncidence relations

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1. Introduction1. Introduction Need for efficient data structuresNeed for efficient data structures

Inverse incidence relationsInverse incidence relations

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1. Introduction1. Introduction


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1. Introduction1. Introductionstruct Halfedge {struct Halfedge { Halfedge* next ;Halfedge* next ; Halfedge* opposite ;Halfedge* opposite ; Facet* facet ;Facet* facet ; Vertex* vertex ;Vertex* vertex ;} ;} ;

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1. Introduction1. Introductionstruct Vertex {struct Vertex { Halfedge* halfedge ;Halfedge* halfedge ; Point3d point ;Point3d point ;} ;} ;

struct Facet {struct Facet { Halfedge* halfedge ;Halfedge* halfedge ;} ;} ;

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1. Introduction1. Introduction GraphiteGraphite CGALCGAL OpenMeshOpenMesh

See http://alice.loria.fr/WIKISee http://alice.loria.fr/WIKI

Page 12: Tutorial Mesh Processing

OverviewOverviewThis tutorialThis tutorial

1. Introduction1. Introduction2. Differential Geometry on Meshes2. Differential Geometry on Meshes

Mesh ParameterizationMesh Parameterization 3. Functions on Meshes3. Functions on Meshes

Discrete Exterior CalculusDiscrete Exterior Calculus------------ 10h30 - 10h50: Coffee Break ----------------------------- 10h30 - 10h50: Coffee Break -----------------4. Spectral Mesh Processing4. Spectral Mesh Processing5. Numerics5. Numerics