Tutorial 01

Name: Shahzad Haider Student No: 2901403 Tutorial No 1 Passwords: Authentication Passwords are the most common form of authentication used to control access to information. Passwords are use for protect machine to unauthorized persons. We use and it should be kept secret from those not allowed to access. User name and passwords are mostly used by people during log in process that control access to secure or protected Operating system or machine, mobile phone, smart TV, ATM cards, etc. Computer user has passwords for many purposes for example logging into accounts, Online banking, accessing application, official databases, Company network or personal network like wiFi, websites domain login passwords, etc. Passwords should be very difficult it should be multiple characters and numeric. Most organization specify a password policy that sets requirements for the composition and usage of passwords or keys: for example if we select password for apple account they dictate minimum length required, upper and lower case, numbers and special characters. Ignore common names like city or country name. Easier password for the owner to remember generally means it will be easier for an attacker to guess. However passwords should be difficult and users may need to write down or


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Transcript of Tutorial 01

Page 1: Tutorial 01

Name: Shahzad Haider Student No: 2901403

Tutorial No 1



Passwords are the most common form of authentication used to control access to information. Passwords are use for protect machine to unauthorized persons.

We use and it should be kept secret from those not allowed to access. User name and passwords are mostly used by people during log in process that control access to secure or protected Operating system or machine, mobile phone, smart TV, ATM cards, etc. Computer user has passwords for many purposes for example logging into accounts, Online banking, accessing application, official databases, Company network or personal network like wiFi, websites domain login passwords, etc. Passwords should be very difficult it should be multiple characters and numeric.

Most organization specify a password policy that sets requirements for the composition and usage of passwords or keys: for example if we select password for apple account they dictate minimum length required, upper and lower case, numbers and special characters. Ignore common names like city or country name.

Easier password for the owner to remember generally means it will be easier for an attacker to guess. However passwords should be difficult and users may need to write down or store it electronically. And change it monthly or weekly bases.

Don’t reuse the same passwords or keys for different services. If wrote somewhere then destroy it and make it new some people reuse passwords For example same e-mail addresses Yahoo, g-mail, outlook etc everyone should have separate key or password.

It is common practice amongst computer users to reuse the same password on multiple sites. This presents security risk when websites requiring email logins, as it makes it easier for an attacker to track a single user across multiple sites. Password reuse can be avoided just write password on some paper or use password manager.