Tutored Video Instruction + Classroom Interaction Richard Anderson University of Washington DLAC...

Tutored Video Instruction + Classroom Interaction Richard Anderson University of Washington DLAC Workshop June 8, 2006
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Transcript of Tutored Video Instruction + Classroom Interaction Richard Anderson University of Washington DLAC...

Tutored Video Instruction + Classroom Interaction

Richard AndersonUniversity of Washington

DLAC WorkshopJune 8, 2006

Outline Possible course offering between

University of Washington (Seattle) and Beihang University (Beijing)

Tutored Video Instruction Classroom Presenter Combining classroom interaction


Goal: Offer UW Course at Beihang University Motivation

Allow course offerings that are not currently available

UW-MSR-Beihang Partnership Computer Science Course

Undergraduate Algorithms Initial proposal

UW Professor spend a semester in China Not possible for many reasons

Timing issues for offering a UW course in China

Course to be offered Fall 2006 at UW UW – term: Sept 27 – Dec 15 Beihang - semester: Sept 1 – Dec 30

Live video conferencing not feasible UW Course 1:30-2:20 pm, MWF Beijing – 4:30-5:20 am.

Tutored Video Instruction Base course on

facilitated use of recorded materials

Materials recorded from a live class

Facilitator guides discussion around materials

Gibbons, Science 1977

TVI Offering of UW Course in Beihang

Capture of UW course offered Fall 2006

Beihang course uses UW lectures and other materials Same text and assignments

UW Instructor visits in September and December

Local facilitators support the course

Classroom Presenter Tablet PC Based Classroom Interaction

System Students contribute to class using digital ink

on instructors slide Instructor views student submissions, and

selectively shows them to the class Activities embedded into slide based lecture Contrasts to ‘Classroom Networks’ pedagogy

Individual vs. Aggregated responses

Pedagogical Goals Encourage students

to contribute in multiple ways

Promote engagement in the class

Interest Alertness

Demonstrate that all students have important opinions

Peer interaction

Feedback – classroom assessment

Collection of ideas Collective brainstorm

Student generation of examples

Discovery of a pedagogical point

Gain understanding of an example

Show misconceptions

Classroom Presenter

Submission examples

Submission Examples

Can student submissions be integrated with TVI?

In previous work, we have used Classroom Assessments with TVI with positive outcomes

Basic idea: TVI students do activities on Tablet PCs and submit them to the facilitator Then what ???????????

Ideas for including student submissions with TVI

More ideas

Still more ideas




For more information, contact Richard Anderson

[email protected]