Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps...

Digital Bonebeds Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

Transcript of Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps...

Page 1: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

Digital Bonebeds

Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform

Katherine Bramble

Department of Biological Sciences

Page 2: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

…a What?

• Bonebed

• Bonebed Map

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Page 4: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

From Wikimedia Commons

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Whitemud Creek

Page 6: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

Field School

Images courtesy of P. Currie

Page 7: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

Edmontosaurus 87%

Albertosaurus 12%

Ornithomimidae Ceratopsidae Troodontidae


Images courtesy of V. Arbour

Page 8: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

Digitizing Bonebed Maps

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Image courtesy of P. Currie

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Image courtesy of P. Currie

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Page 12: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

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Go in g into h ill

Rib Head F rag ment

Pr o xima l Caud al Ver tebr a


Fra gmen t


F ragme nt


Neur al Ar ch

Fr agme nt

Pa rtial Centr um

Rib Fr agme nt

Too th

Z yg apo physi s F ragme nt

TendonZyg a goph ysi s

Mi d Caud al Ve rtebr a

Neu ral Sp ine

Rib Fr agme nt

Pa rtial Sa cr u m

T ibia

Rib F ragme nt


Me taca r pal

F ragme nt

F ra gmen t F rag ment

Zyg a pophysi s Tend on

Fr agme ntF rag ment

( Not Collecte d)Tooth

F rag ment

Rib F rag men t

F rag ment

Tend on

Le ft Th oraci c R ib

Rib F ragme nt

Fr agme nt


Neur al Sp ine

Il ium

Fragme nt

F rag ment


To oth

Tooth F rag mentsTend on


Too th



Ca udal Cen trum

Ch evr on


Rib H ead


Femu r

F ragme nts



Tendo n

Rib Fra gmen t


Dista l Caud al Centr um



Fr agme nt

Fra gmen t

Co ntinue s i nto wall


F rag ment

Fr agme nt

Rib Fr agme nt

Cauda l Ce ntru m

Fr agme nt

Frag ments

?F rag ment

Too th



Pa th ologic N eur al Sp ine

To oth Ma rke d Tendo nRib Fra gmen t

F ragme nt

Tend on

Rib F ra gmen tRib F rag ment


Zyg a poph ysi s

Fe mur

Isch ium

Neur al Ar ch



Ja w Fra gmen t

Ju ve n ile Right Rib

Righ t Pu bis

Rib with Too th Ma rk

Tendo n

Tendo n

Fra gmen t


Fr agme nt?





Contin ues

Into Wall



Fragme nt

Right Pu bis

Mid Ca udal Verte bra

Rib F ragme nt


To oth



RibF rag ment

Neur al Sp ine

Zyg apo physi s


F rag ments



Ver tebr a



Tendo n














2 Tend ons, p lu s R ib Head

Ne ural Sp in e

Ten don


Le ft Pu bis

Centru m

Isch iu m

Sa cr um

Rib F reg ment(Not Collecte d )

Rib (No t Collecte d)

Rib ( Not Collecte d)

Sca pula F rag ment


F ragme nt

Chevr o n


Te ndon

F rag ment



F rag ment






Dista l Caud al Ve rtebr a

Tendo n

Tend on F ragme nt

Z yg apo physi s

( Not Collecte d )

Tend on

Amo rpho us Bo ne

Rib F ragme nt ( Not Collecte d)

Tendo n Fr agme nt (No t Collecte d )

F rag ment

Te ndonTooth


Femu r

Tooth Fr agme nts


Cau dal Centr um

Dista l Isci um

Chevr on


Rib Fr agme nt

(Not Co lle cte d)


To oth F rag ment

Zyg a poph isi s

Rib F rag ment

Rib F rag ment ( Not Collecte d)

Fr agme nt

(Not C ollecte d)



Neur al Ar ch F ragme nt


( Collecte d with Ilium)




Rib Fr agme nt (Not C ollecte d)

Rib Fra gmen t

Rib F ragme nt

Rib Fra gmen t


L umba r Rib

Tra nsve rse Pr oce ss


Fe mur

Ca udal Cen trum

Ve rteb ra


Fr agme nt

Rib F rag ment

( No t Collecte d )

Rib F rag ment

( Not Collecte d )

Rib Fra gmen t



Rib F ragme nt

(Not C ollecte d)

Rib Fragme nt(No t Col lecte d)



Rib Head


Rib F ragme nt ( Not Col lecte d)

Can ce llous F ragme nt

( No t Collecte d )

Rib F ra gmen t( Not Collecte d)

Fr agme nt(Not Co lle cte d)


(Not C ollecte d)Rib

Pu bis

En d o f Ulna


Te ndon

Ten don

To oth

Rib F ragme nt

Ten don

Ca udal Verte bra







Denta ry F r agme nt


Iliu m?

Humer us

En d of Ulna ?


Centr um

(fr om ove rlyi ng g rave l)


Limb Bo ne F rag ment?






Pu bis

Rib (Not Co lle cte d)

Dorsa l Verte bra

? Coal

(Not Col lecte d)

Rib (Not Co l le cte d)

Rib Fra gmen t (Not Co lle cte d)

Dista l Radius or Uln a

Rib(Not Co lle cte d)

Sh aft o f Radius o r Ulna

Hume rus D elto id


Hume rus Sh aft

(in r ip-u p gra ve ls 3 0 cm h ighe r)


Caud al Ve rteb ra


Pr ema x

Too th

Cauda l Ver tebra


Po st Z yg apoph ysi s

and Pa r tial Ve rteb ra


Rib (Not Collecte d)






Quad rate



Ja w Fr agme nt



Rib ( Not Collecte d)


Caud al Zyg apoph ysi s



Rib Sh aft

( No t Collecte d )

Rib ( Not Collecte d)

Rib F ragme nt ( Not Collecte d )


( Not Collecte d)

Centr um


Cauda l Ce ntru m

Ce ntrum

L arge Flat Bo n e


Pr oxi mal En d o f Pu bis





Ver tebra

Ve rteb ra

Sku ll F rag ment

Centr um




Verte bra

Co al



Rib Fr agme nt

( No t Collecte d )






Ve rtebr a

Verte bral Ce ntru m

Ve rteb ral Cen trum




Iliu m?





? ??












Scr aps













En d o f Limb Bo ne



Hu merus F r agme nt

Pl us o ther Fra gmen ts

Ve rteb ral Centr um?


Frag ments, Po ssi b ly fr om H ume rus

Hume rus

Ja w


Cor onoid Pr oce ss






Half Ve rteb ra

Half V erte bra

Zyg apop hysi s




Rib He ad

Ja w

Centr um

Radius o r Ulna



Rib ?


T ibia










Ne ural Ar ch




Sa cr um

Rib F ra gmen t

Humer us

F ragme nt



Rib F ra gmen t

Iliu m




Isch ium

Tooth F rag ment




? (No t Collecte d)

Femu r

Ce ntru m





Ver tebr a?

Rib ( Not Collecte d)

Ver tebra







Me tatar sa l





Caud al Neur al Ar ch

(No t Collecte d)

Rib ( No t Collecte d )

Fr agme nts


Sca pu la


(No t Collecte d)Ce ntru m

Hume rus



Fragme nts

Astr aga lus


F emu rFra gmen ts






Sca pula Fra gmen t


Sca pula

Dorsa l Centru m





Centr um ( Not Collecte d )


Limb Fr agme nt

(No t Collecte d )

Limb Fragme nt in Ir onsto ne

(Not C ollecte d)


Ce ntru m Ce ntru m

Limb Fr agme nt

(No t Collecte d)

Pa rtial Sa cr u m(Not Co lle cte d)


? Rib?


Ca udal Ce ntrum

Ver tebr a

Sca pula


(Not Collecte d)

Denta ry

F emur

Metata rsa l


Rib Hea d

Nasa l


Rib Head

Ju gal

Centr um

En d of F emur

Fe mur

Ve rtebr a

Cen trum

Cen trum

Femu r


Den tary

Tr ansve r se Pr oce ss



(In Rip-Up)

Isch ium F r agme nt

( Not Collecte d )?

Verteb ra (Pl us Ot her El eme nts)

Ver tebr a


?(Not Co lle cted)

F emu r



Zyg a pophysis


Femu r

Fragme nt

(Not Collected)

Ne ural Sp ine

(Not collecte d)


Rib F rag ments

Fragme nts ( Not Col lecte d)


Rib (Not Co lle cted)?


Hume rus


Rib with Too th Ma rk


Femu r




? De ntary



Sc ap ula



F emu r


Cauda l Ver tebra


Verteb ra

Cau dal Verteb ra

Toot h

Haema l Ar ch

(Not collected )

Pu bis


Tend on

(Not C ollecte d)


Frag ment(Not Co lle cted)

RibTendo n

Fra gmen t





? ?



Rib Hea d

( No t Collecte d )

6.9, F.3

6.6 , F.2

6.6, F .4

6.3, F.3

6 .3, F.3

6.2, F .3

6.3, F .8

6.5, F .8

6 .8, F.9

6.6, F .67.9 , F.7

7 .6, F.8

7.5, F .7

7.5, F.6

7.5 , F.8

7.4, F .9

7.3, F.9

9.4, F.8

8.8 , F.8

9.1, F.8

6.2, G.2

6.2, G.3 6.4, G.3

6.5, G.5

6 .4, G.6

6 .2, G.7

6.1, G.6

6 .0, G.8

6.6 , G.7

6.8 , G.8

6.3, G.5

7 .2, G.3

7.4, G.4

7.4, G.2

7.6 , G.3

7.7 , G.2

7.5, G.5

7.7, G.7

7.3, G.97.2 , G.9

8 .1, G.0

8.2 , G.3

8.3 , G.3

8.6, G.0

8.4 , G.6

8.6, G.7

8 .1, G.8

8.3 , G.6

6.1 , H.1

6.3 , H.0

6.3 , H.2

6.7 , H.1

6.8, H.0

6.8, H.1

6 .9, H.3

6.5, H.4

6.4, H .2

6.1, H.7

7 .8, H.5

7 .5, H.5

7.6, H.5

7 .4, H.1

7.1, H .0

7.0, H.0

8.6, H.2

8.5, H .8

8 .1, H.3

8 .0, H.3

9.0, H .6

6 .3, I.3

6.6, I.46 .9, I.5

6 .6, I.56 .2, I.5

6.5, I.7 6.9 , I.7

7.1, I.37 .9, I.3

7 .2, I.5

7.9, I.6

7.2 , I.9

7 .7, I.7

8.0 , I.5

8.1, I.0

8 .2, I.28.5 , I.2 8.5 A, I.2

8 .4, I.18 .6, I.1

8.6, I.4

8.8 , I.4

8.8, I.7

8.7 , I.5

8 . 9 , I . 6

9 .0, I.4

8.7 , I.96.9 , J.0

6.5, J.0

6.5, J.1

6.9 , J.2

6.8, J.4

6.8 , J.36.4, J.3

6.8, J.3

6.6 , J.66 .9, J.7

6.9 , J.9

6.8 , J.7

6 .7, J.7

6.5 , K.06.4, K.0

6.2, J.96.1 , J.9

8.1 , J.1

8.4 , J.0

8 .1, J.8

8.2, J.5 8.3, J.6

8.3, J.6

8.4 , J.7

8.3, J.3

8.5, J.1

8.7, J.3

8 .9, J.010.0 , J.3

9.1, J.3

9.3 , J.3

9.3, J.9

9 .8, J.6

10.4 , J.6

7.2, J.8

7.4, J.9

7.1, J.9

7 .2, J.7

7.1, J.5

7.2, J.2

6 .9, J.7

7.4 , J.5

7.5, J.5

7.6 , J.5

7 .6, J.0

7.7, J.2

7.8, K.0

6 .2, K.9

6 .2, K.8

6.4 , K.7

6 .3, K.9

6 .3, L.2

6.8 , K.66.7, K.6

6.9, K.7

6.9, K.7

6.9 , K.3

7.2, K.5

7 .0, K.0

7.0, K.2

7.2, K.1

7.1 , K.4

7 .7, K.4

7 .0, L.0

7.6, K.3

7.1, K.1 8.2, K.0

8.3, K.9

8.0 , K.4

9.0 , K.4

9.6 , K.5

10.0, K.8

10.0 , K.6

10.3, K.3

5.9, L .1

5.8, L .8

6.8, L .16.2, L .2

6.5 , L.3

6 .9, L.2

6.4, L .8

7 .1, L.4

8.7 , L.2

6 .1, M.5

6 .0, M.2

6.5, I.2

6 .7, I.4

6.6 , I.6

5.9, I.2

8.3, I.0

31.8 , L.0

31 .7, L.8

31.8 , L.9

31.9, M.0

32.0 , M.7

31.6, O.6

32.1 , L.3

32.4, L .7

32.7 , L.6

3 2.1, L .8

3 2.6, M.2

32.4 , M.2

32 .5, M.5

32 .3, M.6

32.3 , M.8

32.5 , M.8

3 2.1, M.1

32.1, M.232.1, M.4

32.2, M.3

3 2.5, M.2

32 .4, M.9

32.3 , M.4

32 .8, N.1

3 2.9, N.1

3 2.8, O.4

3 2.1, O.7

32.2 , O.9

33.5, L .5

33.3 , L.8

3 3.9, L .8

33.9, L .9

34.0 , L.9

33.1, M.1

33.2, M.2

33 .3, M.3

33.2 , M.6

33.2 , M.7

33 .1, M.9

33.1, M.8

33.5 , M.7

33 .3, M.2

33.4, M.2

33 .4, M.4

3 3.4, M.5

33.2, M.5

33 .6, M.8

33.2, M.9

32.9 , N.2

33.7 , N.0

33.8 , N.0

33.9, N.1

34 .0, N.33 3.8, N.3

34 .0, N.7

33.9 , N.7

33.9 , O.0

3 3.4, N.9

3 3.3, N.8

33.0, N .7

33 .2, N .6

33 .2, N.2

3 3.1, N.3

33.5, N .1

3 3.5, N.1

3 3.2, N .0

33.4 , N.1

33.3 , N.1

33.4, N .2

33 .2, N.5

33 .8, N.7

33 .4, N.0

33 .5, N.1

3 3.5, N.3

33.3, N .2

33 .5, N.1

33.4 , O.1

33 .3, O.3

33 .5, O.4

33.8 , O.5

33 .6, O.5

33.6, O.7

33.3, O.7

33.3 , O.9

3 3.5, P.0

33.4 , O.3

33.0 , O.3

33.2, O.2

33 .4, O.6

34.3 , L.6

34 .8, L.7

34 .3, L.8

34.6 , L.6

3 4.8, L .9

34.6, L .7

34 .3, M.03 4.1, M.0

34.1. L .7

3 4.3. L .6

3 4.3, L .4

34.6 , M.8

34 .8, M.2

34.8, N .6

3 4.6, N.0

34 .4, N.8

3 4.9, N.1

3 4.7, N .5

34.7, O.5

34.7 , O.6

3 4.6, O.434 .8, O.4

35 .3, L.2

3 5.8, M.0

3 5.7, M.0

35 .6, M.1

35.7 , M.3

35 .8, M.3

3 5.8, M.4

35.7 , M.3

35.7, M.5

35 .7, M.6

35.8, M.6

35 .7, M.7

35.6 , M.9

3 5.5, M.3

35.3 , M.4

35.2 , M.6

35.2 , M.9

35 .5, N.3

35.0 , N.6

35.6 , N.6

35 .7, N.7

35.7 , N.8

3 5.6, N.5

35.2 , N.3

35 .2, N .6

35.4 , N.7

3 5.4, N.6

35 .2, O.0

3 5.4, N.3

35.4 , N.5

35 .6, O.9

35 .7, O.7

35 .9, O.4

35.5 , O.0

35.6, O.4

35.2, O.1

35 .0, O.3

35 .2, O.5

35.3 , O.6

36.2, O.9

35.4, O.8

35 .6, O.4

36 .7, L.2

36.9, L .5

36.9 , L.0

36 .7, L.3

3 6.6, L .3

36.6 , L.4

36 .0, L.1

36.3 , L.436 .9, L.4

36.6, L .5

36.5 , L.7

36.6 , L.7

36.8, L .6

3 6.2, L .4

36.7 , L.9

3 6.0, L .9

3 6.2, L .9

36.5, L .9

36.6, M.036 .4, M.0

3 6.9, L .7

36.9 , L.8

3 6.9, L .9

36 .6, M.1

36.4 , M.3

3 6.7, M.4

36.0, N .1 36.2 , N .1

36.3 , N.4

3 6.9, N.2

36.8 , N.836.5 , N.8

36.0 , N.9

36 .9, O.3

36.7, O.3

36.6 , O.4

36 .9, O.6

3 6.3, O.7

36 .4, O.9

37.1 , O.7

36.5 , O.1

37.7, J.2

37 .7, J .5

37. 9, J.7

37.4, J.2

37 .3, J.3

3 7.6, J.4

37.9, J.5

37.8, J.7

3 7.7, K. 5

37.8 , K.5

37.8, K.5

37 .6, L. 1

37.5 , L.4

3 7.8, L .8

37.2 , K.0

3 7.0, L .9

37.2, L .7

37.0 , M.1

37.0 , M.3

37.1, M.9

37. 7, M.7

37.9 , M.3

3 7.5, M.6

37 .4, M.5

37 .4, M. 3

3 7.6, M. 2

37.8, M.8

38.0 , N.2

37.4 , N.4

37.5, N.5

37 .1, N.5

37.1, N .8

37 .5, N.6

0.1, 3 7.5

37.8, N. 9

38.2, N.6

37.6 , O.9

37.4, O.2

UALVP 4 788 7

UALVP4 790 9

UALVP4 7873

UALVP4 7882

UAL VP4 79 02

UAL VP4 7910

UAL VP4 7883

UAL VP4 7913 UALVP4 789 7

UAL VP4 78 86

UAL VE4 8 988

UAL VP4 7 905

UALVP4 7885

UAL VP4 7 889

UAL VP4 78 75

UALVP4 789 6

UALVP4 7893

UAL VP4 78 81UALVP4 790 3

UAL VP 4 7898

UAL VP 4 7892

UAL VP4 89 55

UAL VP4 7946

UAL VP4 7891

UALVP4 7877

UAL VP4 7907

UALVP4 790 6

UAL VP4 7 947

UALVP4 7876

UALVP4 790 8

UAL VP4 78 99

UAL VP4 79 00

UAL VP4 7 901

UAL VP4 8937

UALVP4 896 3UAL VP4 89 17

UAL VP4 8 962UAL VP4 8935

UAL VP4 8 554

UAL VP4 8941

UAL VP4 8982

UAL VP5 0 786

UAL VP4 8 924

UAL VP5 4848UAL VP4 8 936

UALVP4 900 2

UAL VP4 8968

UALVP4 8932

UAL VP4 8 998

UALVP4 8972

UALVP4 89 34UALVP5 069 6

UAL VP5 0 701

UAL VP4 8 966

UAL VP4 8994

UAL VP4 7888

UAL VP4 7 912

UAL VP4 7 880

UALVP4 8950

UAL VP4 8 927

UALVP4 891 8

UAL VP5 0 677

UAL VP4 89 59

UAL VP5 0 698

UALVP5 069 5

UAL VP5 2318

UAL VP5 2767 , UALVP5 3322

UAL VP4 8954

UAL VP5 2 327UAL VP5 0642

UAL VP5 3 238

UAL VP5 3087

UAL VP5 3227

UAL VP5 2 260

UAL VP5 22 63

UAL VP5 4397

UAL VP5 2 455

UALVP5 2459

UAL VP5 24 63

UALVP5 1987

UAL VP5 27 59

UAL VP5 23 41

UAL VP5 06 91

UAL VP5 23 69

UL AVP4 8960

UAL VP4 8 951

UALVP5 4320

UALVP5 3248

UALVP5 324 5

UALVP5 3246

UALVP5 4817

UAL VP5 32 47

UAL VP5 32 64

UAL VP5 3 241

UALVP4 8938

UAL VP5 3 269

UAL VP5 26 27

UAL VP5 2 686

UALVP5 268 7

UALVP5 261 8

UAL VP5 2639

UAL VP5 2 683

UAL VP5 2 652

UAL VP5 2684

UAL VP5 26 19

UAL VP5 2640

UALVP5 264 3

UAL VP5 2 796

UAL VP5 28 01

UAL VP5 2 790

UAL VP5 26 37

UALVP5 26 31

Unkn o wn

UALVP5 263 5

UALVP5 274 3

UALVP5 2696

UAL VP5 4 825

UALVP5 2626

UALVP5 2758

UAL VP5 32 53

UAL VP5 2 646

UAL VP5 32 52

UALVP5 3255 UAL VP5 3 254

UALVP5 3256

UALVP5 267 2

UAL VP5 41 55

UALVP5 477 4

UAL VP5 2 701

UAL VP5 44 01

UALVP5 232 2

UALVP5 2706

UALVP5 2730

UALVP5 1986

UAL VP5 2 716

UAL VP5 2 650

UAL VP5 47 95

UAL VP5 41 61

UAL VP5 3 603

UAL VP5 4 337

Page 13: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences


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Page 14: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences
Page 15: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences
Page 16: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

Useful GIS Features

Page 17: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences
Page 18: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences
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Rose Diagram 10° wedges N = 405

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Page 24: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences


• Digitizing bonebed maps allow you to see big picture

• Using GIS allows for very easy manipulation of information for research

Page 25: Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platformgis/2013/Bramble2013.pdf · Turning Field Maps into a Searchable Digital Platform Katherine Bramble Department of Biological Sciences

With Special Thanks To:

V. Arbour

M. Burns

J. Croghan

P. Currie

C. Nielsen

For suggestions and invaluable help