Turning conversations into contracts cne

Turning Conversations into Contracts David Van der Velde Business Support Manager 7 Dec 2011 Sales in CNE


Presentation from CNE sales training 7/12/11. What is the CNE message, who do we need to talk to. How could we share info. What support and resources are available.

Transcript of Turning conversations into contracts cne

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Turning Conversations into Contracts

David Van der VeldeBusiness Support Manager7 Dec 2011

Sales in CNE

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12.30-1.00 Lunch1.00-1.15 Introduction - Jeremy1.15–1.45 Marketing in CNE – David1.45 – 2.45 Turning Conversations into Contracts – Lysa2.45 – 3.00 Break3.00 – 4.30 Turning Conversations into Contracts – Lysa4.30 Close


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Getting the right message to the right person at the right time

The CNE Approach to Marketing ServicesWho – What – How/When

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Who Should We Be Talking To?

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What … is the Children North East Message

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Images of North East Poverty


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Images of North East Poverty


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Images of North East Poverty

Places to Go

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Images of North East Poverty

Family and Friends

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Images of North East Poverty


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Images of North East Poverty


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Images of North East Poverty


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Images of North East Poverty


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Images of North East Poverty

Anti-Social Behaviour

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It’s getting worse:

Inequality and disadvantage are on the increase!

Disadvantage and Inequality

"it matters more in Britain who your parents are than in many other countries"

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Would you buy a used mental health diploma from this man?

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Vision‘Every child has a happy and fulfilling childhood, and every young person has the chance to develop their

full potential.’

Mission/Aims‘To promote the rights of children and young people; and counter the effects of inequality on them, their

families and communities.’

The Hard Sell

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Children North East can speak authoritatively about the challenges CYP face in the North EastChildren North East provides innovative services that aren’t available elsewhereWe know what works for CYP in different schools, community and family settingsWe evaluate and QA our workChildren North East services are value for money

The Hard Sell (cont)

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Brochures and service leafletsPowerPoint templatesQuick reference guideFeedback/follow up sheetsSharing intelligence – CRM databaseOnline presenceStrengthening the CNE Brand

Tools and Resources

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Services available for Spot Purchase

Steps to Health healthier lifestyles for young people

Sexually Healthy Programme

young people making better choices about sex and relationships and understanding costs and consequences of their actions

B.U Mental health Diplomabetter mental health and resilience for young people

Peer Mentoring Trainingyoung people overcoming difficulties realising their potential

Youth Link programme

mentor; wants new skills, qualification and experience. mentee: low self esteem, isolation, confidence. School; wants to improve community and citizenship

Young People

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Services available for Spot Purchase

Schools and Children

Friendship Group Programme

primary aged children achieving their potential

School Attendance programme

School, whole family and other services working together to improve school attendance

Family Man Schools Programme

primary aged children achieving their potential

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Services available for Spot Purchase

Including Men

Family Man Fitness Programme

Engaging family men, improving health and managing family stress.

Dads on Track Programme Engaging men, improving parenting capacity

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Services available for Spot Purchase

Family Support

Hidden Harm Pre-Crisis early intervention avoiding escalation of risk factors for children in families

Hidden Harm Option 2, Crisis Intervention

immediate response to reduce risk of harm. support to prevent removal of children from family

Integrated Family Support service

early intervention targeting specific needs of family

Parenting assessmentsdocument parenting capacity, identify support needs

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Services available for Spot Purchase

Practitioner Training

Including MenHealth and SafetyCreating Mentoring Opportunities for Young PeopleVolunteer Development

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Opportunities to get the CNE message acrossThe sales pipeline

How and When

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Summing Up

Everyone has a role to playKnow your stuffUse and adapt the resourcesShare contact infoShare feedback

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Questions and Feedback

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How Do we Achieve our Aims?promoting positive family relationshipsgiving children and young people opportunities that raise aspirations encouraging community engagementinfluencing social policy

About Children North East

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Children and Young People (foundation stage through to 25)Family Members (Mums, Dads and Extended Family)Health ServicesSocial CareCommunity Groups

Who we work with

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RegionwideServices Delivered - in school - in the home - in the community

Where we work

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Improving Attendance and Attainment

“Thanks you for helping my mum, because I can go to school now and I love it”

[Quote from child]

Improve confidence and self-esteem of CYPWork with families to Change BehavioursRaise family aspirationsProvide tools and strategies to familiesManage CAF process

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Improving Behaviour and Resilience

“Richard’s confidence and social skills has come on leaps and bounds and his academic achievement has reflected this ”

[Year 6 Class teacher]

Early intervention programmesSocial and emotional aspects of learningHome school liaison

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Young PeoplePeer mentoring, healthy eating, mental and sexual health programmes reach more than 4,000 YP/yearRaise confidence, self-esteem and resilienceReduce high risk behaviour and teen pregnancyAccess to education, training and employmentAccredited programmes

“You have really helped me at home and at school”

[Young person aged 14 years]

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Including Fathers and MenNational leader in including men - in health and maternity, early years, schools and learning, parenting and family servicesStengthen home-school links – whole family support for learning

Better exam results, better school results, better mental health. These are just afew of the outcomes that are associated with father involvement in children’s learning.

[DfES 2006]

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Support for Homeless Families

Set up award winning Sure Start in N’landSure Start good practice guidance 2007Outstanding OFSTED for crèche and out of school provision

Early Years and Childcare

Reduce isolationImprove competence/confidence of parentsSupport school integration

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Family and Parenting Support ServicesImprove attendance, attainment and behaviour of 5-16 yr oldsFocussed, home based interventionTargets parental substance abuse, domestic abuse, mental health issuesOut of hours service 07:30-20:00, 7 days a weekWork with whole family in partnership with social care

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Gateshead SEND PathfinderVolunteer Developmentaccredited training, peer mentoring, apprenticeships and student placementsPractitioner Training and CPDchild protection, health and safety, including men, peer mentoring, volunteering.Mobile Creche

Other Services