Turkish Coffee Reading

Den’s famous Coffee reading


Fortune telling website

Transcript of Turkish Coffee Reading

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Den’s famous Coffee reading

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YOUR CUP, YOUR FORTUNEYou drink your coffee. It is preferably Turkish coffee, but if not available, espresso, flat white, cafe au lait, cappuccino, latte, americano, white or black anything would do the same job so long as I can see the stains inside the white coffee cup.

After having your last sip, you just turn over your cup and after few minutes I begin reading the shapes inside your coffee cup and saucer.

These shapes provide some connection to your future and your mind show-ing possible paths for you in finance, love, family, and of course heart mat-ters. Often your cup also says something regarding your past experiences, especially if you are still affected by them.

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my clairvoyance artworks


palm, coffee cupreadings

+ answers your 3 questions


love lifefamily

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Please ask inside for reading and bookings


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about meI am a graphic pre-press student and here are some of my artworks

Although many different techni-cal developments are necessary to turn this image into reality, none requires exotic technolo-gies, and all can be based on systems and components that are already being actively devel-oped in the international motor vehicle industry. These could be viewed as replacements for the diverse functions that drivers perform every day: observin

the road, observing the preced-ing vehicles, steering, accelerat-ing, braking, and deciding when and where to change course.Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) researchers have developed a road-reference and sensing system that makes it possible to determine accurately a vehicle’s position and orienta-tion relative to the lane’s center.

Cheap permanent magnets are buried at four-foot intervals along the lane centerline and detected by magnetometers mounted under the vehicle’s bumpers. The magnetic-field

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F I R S T D R I V E Smeasure-ments are decoded to determine the lateral position and height of each bumper at accuracies of less than a centim-eter. In addition, the magnets’ orientations (either north pole or south pole up) represent a binary code (either 0 or 1), and indicate precise milepost locations along the road, as well as road geometry features such as curvature and grade. The software in the

vehicle’s control computer uses this information to determine the absolute position of the vehicle, as well as to anticipate upcoming changes in the road-way. Other researchers have used computer vision systems to observe the road. These are vulnerable to weather problems and provide less accurate meas-urements, but they do not require special roadway installa-tions, other than well-maintained lane markings.

The distances and closing rates to preceding vehicles can be measured by a millimeter-wave radar or a laser rangefinder. Both technologies have already been implemented in commercially available adaptive cruise control systems in Japan and Europe.The laser systems are currently less expensive, but the radar systems are more effective at detecting dirty vehicles and operating in adverse weather conditions. As production volumes increase and unit costs decrease, the

radars are likely to find increasing favor.


The equivalents of these driver muscle functions are electrome-chanical actuators installed in the automated vehicle. They receive electronic commands from the onboard control com-puter and then apply the appro-priate steering angle, throttle angle, and brake pressure by means of small electric motors. Early versions of these actuators are already being introduced into production vehicles, where they receive their commands directly from the driver’s inputs to the steering wheel and pedals. These decisions are being made for reasons largely unrelated to automation. Rather they are associated with reduced energy consumption, simplification of vehicle design, enhanced ease of vehicle assembly, improved ability to adjust performance to match driver preferences, and cost savings compared to tradi-tional direct mechanical control devices.


Although many different techni-cal developments are necessary to turn this image into reality, none requires exotic technolo-gies, and all can be based on systems and components that

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automated highway. At the on-ramp, you press a button on your dashboard to select the off-ramp closest to your home and then relax as your car’s electronic systems, in coopera-tion with roadside electronics and similar systems on other cars, guide your car smoothly, safely, and effortlessly toward your destination. Enroute you save time by maintaining full speed even at rush-hour traffic vol-umes. At the end of the off-ramp you resume normal control and drive the remaining distance to your home, better rested and less stressed than if you had driven the entire way. The same capability can also be used over longer distances, e.g. for family vacations that leave everybody, including the “driver,” relaxed and well-rested even after a lengthy trip in adverse weather.

Although many different techni-cal developments are necessary to turn this image into reality, none requires exotic technolo-gies, and all can be based on systems and components that are already being actively devel-oped in the international motor vehicle industry. These could be viewed as replacements for the diverse functions that drivers perform every day: observing

the road, observing the preced-ing vehicles, steering, accelerat-ing, braking, and deciding when and where to change course.


Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) researchers

have developed a road-reference and sensing system that makes it possible to determine accurately a vehicle’s position and orienta-tion relative to the lane’s center.

Cheap permanent magnets are buried at four-foot intervals along the lane centerline and detected by magnetometers mounted under the vehicle’s bumpers. The magnetic-field measurements are decoded to determine the lateral position and height of each bumper at accuracies of less than a centim-eter. In addition, the magnets’ orientations (either north pole or south pole up) represent a binary code (either 0 or 1), and indicate precise milepost locations along the road, as well as road geom-etry features such as curvature and grade. The software in the vehicle’s control computer uses this information to determine the absolute position of the

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The prototype for a new car

that can reach 140km/h while only consuming between 1.5 and two litres of etha-nol per 100km has been unveiled in Hungary. The prototype for a new car that can reach 140km/h

while only con-suming between 1.5 and two litres of ethanol per 100km has been unveiled in Hun-gary.The smooth, oval-shaped Solo, developed by Hungarian com-pany Antro and presented on Tuesday at Buda-pest's Museum of Transport, is just over three metres

long, less than two metres wide and can carry up to three people, with the driver sitting between the two passengers.With a car frame and body made of a carbon fibre composite, the ve-hicle is ultra-light, weighing only 270kg.And the glass roof is entirely cov-ered with high-

performance solar panels, enabling the vehicle to cover 15-25km on solar energy alone. For longer trips, four small electric engines are also hidden behind each wheel."Solo is a hybrid car with two modes of func-tioning: moving in the city using elec-tric engines, solar energy or even

human power thanks to mechan-ic pedals attached to a generator - for traffic jams.

Wheel and on ad-ditional pedals al-lowing the passen-gers to help move the car along.non-hybrid rivals, its developers said.They said they were hoping to begin mass pro-duction in 2012.


FutureAuto 7

vehicle, as well as to anticipate upcoming changes in the road-way.

Other researchers have used computer vision systems to observe the road. These are vulnerable to weather problems and provide less accurate meas-urements, but they do not require special roadway installa-tions, other than well-main-tained lane markings.


The distances and closing rates to preceding vehicles can be measured by a millimeter-wave radar or a laser rangefinder. Both technologies have already been implemented in commercially available adaptive cruise control systems in Japan and Europe.The laser systems are currently less expensive, but the radar systems

are more effective at detecting dirty vehicles and operating in adverse weather conditions. As production volumes increase and unit costs decrease, the radars are likely to find increas-ing favor.


The equivalents of these driver muscle functions are electrome-chanical actuators installed in the automated vehicle. They receive electronic commands from the onboard control com-puter and then apply the appro-priate steering angle, throttle angle, and brake pressure by means of small electric motors. Early versions of these actuators are already being introduced into production vehicles, where they receive their commands directly from the driver’s inputs to the steering wheel and pedals.

These decisions are being made for reasons largely unrelated to automation. Rather they are associated with reduced energy consumption, simplification of vehicle design, enhanced ease of vehicle assembly, improved ability to adjust performance to match driver preferences, and cost savings compared to tradi-tional direct mechanical control devices.


Computers in the vehicles and those at the roadside have different functions. Roadside computers are better suited for traffic management, setting the target speed for each segment and lane of roadway, and allo-cating vehicles to different lanes of a multilane automated facility. The aim is to maintain balanced flow among the lanes and to avoid obstacles or incidents that might block a lane. The vehicle’s onboard computers are better suited to handling decisions about exactly when and where to change lanes to avoid interfer-ence with other vehicles.


Some additional functions have no direct counterpart in today’s driving. Most important, wireless communication technology makes it possible for each auto-mated vehicle’s computer to talk continuously to its counterparts in adjoining vehicles. sible collisions enhanced ease of vehicle assembly, improved ability to adjust performance to match drivtraditional direct mechanical control devices. ▄

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The guidance function uses

the speedom-eter background’s color-changing, three-dimensional appearance to indicate fuel ef-ficiency in real time. Fuel-saving activities like smooth accelera-tion and braking make the meter glow green. Some-what less efficient driving makes the meter glow blue-green. Aggressive starts and stops that consume extra fuel make the meter glow blue. By observ-ing the speedom-eter background’s response to driv-ing practices and seeking to achieve a consistently green color, drivers can receive assist-ance in developing driving habits that typically enhance fuel economy.

The scoring func-

tion provides feed-back about current driving practices, as well as cumula-tive, long-term feedback tracking progress. Located in the center of the instrument panel of the all-new Insight, the Multi-Information Display offers drivers a selection of informational displays, including the scoring func-tion, in which the number of ‘leaves’ displayed indi-cates the level of environmentally responsible driv-ing performance.

When the igni-tion switch is on, the display scores driving practices in real time. When the ignition switch is turned off, the ‘leaves’ in the top line of the display score driving in the just completed cycle (startup to shutdown), while

a horizontal bar in the lower part of the display scores cumulative life-time performance.

The Multi-Informa-tion Display also allows drivers to view fuel economy figures for the past three trips, as well as instantaneous and average fuel economy statistics. The scoring func-tion encourages drivers to take an interest in devel-oping fuel efficient driving habits over the long term.

Going on sale in North America next spring, the all-new, purpose-built Insight will come to market at a price signifi-

cantly below that of hybrids avail-able today. From this unique posi-tion in the market-place, the Insight will advance the affordability and accessibility of hy-brid technology to a new generation of buyers.

With its affordable price, the new hybrid vehicle will represent the best value in its seg-ment. Along with the Civic Hybrid, the new vehicle will be produced

at an expanded hybrid vehicle production line at the Suzuka factory in Japan.The Insight is expected to have

annual global sales of 200,000 units per year -approxi-mately 100,000 in North America. Following the launch of the new Insight, Honda also plans to introduce another unique sporty hybrid vehicle based on the CR-Z, a concept car first shown at the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show.

A leader in the development of cleaner, more fuel-efficient mobility products, Honda was the first to market low-emis-sion gasoline ve-hicles, a gasoline-electric hybrid car in North America, and the world’s first EPA-certified hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle, the FCX. In 2007, Honda was named “greenest automaker” ▄

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frequently asked questions

Q: How accurate is coffee cup reading?

A: I have been doing fortune telling and reading cups for 15 years and many of my customers keep coming back saying what I said to them came true. I am only putting the choices for you, you choos which path in life to take...

Q: How did you learn it?

A: There is no school for that but it is a deep-rooted tradition in Turkey and hugely popular in all ages. I began doing it just to make my best friend happy as her heart was broken. My intention was to make her happy and cheer her up but as I began reading her cup I got deeply involved with what I was doing and said really personal things I was not aware of.

After a week of the reading she came back with more friends saying whatever I said was real and something already started to materialize.

Q: Dou you interpret coffee shapes and stains?

The shapes are only a tool, it helps to connect my brain with my client and sense something concrete, nothing like watching or seeing but still sensing it very intensely.

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was very direct and

forward in his reading, and from

the first moment on he said things about

some private parts of my life which were

true. In the end, I knew my options about my

employment, financial situation and I definitely

would like to visit him again. Brian O’Connelly

Coffee cup reading was very useful in my case, I felt much relaxed about things after Deniz’s fortune telling.

Linda Martin

I am a professional businessman. As a last resort I visited this guy to have some answers to my complicated business prospects. Deniz not only

identified my current issues yet also helped me to prioritize other things in life like health. He has seen somet disease in my cup which I was not

aware of/ I have visited my GP later, Deniz was on the spot! Lucas

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start your coffee cup reading