TUF23: TRIM User Forum 2010 Changing the Economics of IM Rory Kleeman Software Architect, HP...

TUF23: TRIM User Forum 2010 Changing the Economics of IM Rory Kleeman Software Architect, HP Information Management

Transcript of TUF23: TRIM User Forum 2010 Changing the Economics of IM Rory Kleeman Software Architect, HP...

TUF23: TRIM User Forum 2010Changing the Economics of IM

Rory KleemanSoftware Architect, HP Information Management

TRIM User Forum 2010

Searching For TRIM 7

TRIM User Forum 2010

Why have a new search engine?

– Support web-based applications

– Expand record search capabilities

– Improve consistency with wildcards and recursion

– Improve search capabilities for other TRIM objects• Locations, workflow, schedules, ...

– Improved language support

– CMIS and e-Discovery, emerging requirements

TRIM User Forum 2010

Key design goals

– Simple string for embedding in web application urls

– Support existing search capabilities

– Support existing search optimisations

– Provide multiple object navigation

– Have a consistent approach to string wildcard expressions

– Implement recursive object navigation in a standard way

– Provide fully functional programming interface

– Rich search capability for all TRIM objects

– Saved searches to work for all locales

TRIM User Forum 2010


– Search consist of one or more clauses

– Clauses are combined with and or or

– Use ( ) for precedence

– Optional not for clauses or bracketed expressions

title:inspection and registeredOn:this week

registeredOn:this week and (assignee:helen or author:helen)

registeredOn:this week and not assignee:me

TRIM User Forum 2010

Syntax (cont.)

– A clause has the form method:parameters

– A method can be • generic, applying to many object types

all, none, uri, usable, favorite, within, …

• object-specific, each object has its own list of available methods

assignee for records, surname for locations, …

• an additional field

the method name is the field name with no spaces

– All methods have a format• determines how you specify the parameters

string, word index, date, object, number, enumerated value, boolean

TRIM User Forum 2010

String Format

– Single search valueinspection

– Single search value with wildcardsinspect* - finds inspector, inspects, inspection,


– Can be creative with wildcardsd?om*a?y – finds dromedary, camel, ship of desert

– String range (no wildcards allowed)87/00000 to 87/9999

– String value list (no wildcards allowed)prescribed, burning, hazard, reduction

– Use quotes to include spaces, etc “*hazard reduction*”

TRIM User Forum 2010

Word Index Format

– Single wordfire

– Single word, with wildcardfire*

– Multiple words (implicit and)fire warning system*

– Multiple words (implicit or)fire, warning, system

– Phrase“fire warning system”

TRIM User Forum 2010

Date Format

– Single date1/1/77

– Single date with time1/1/83 12:30:00

– Date range1/1/77 to 1/1/83

– Date range shortcutslast 7 seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/

months/quarters/yearsthis/next [fiscal] year/quarteryear/quarter/month to date2006, february 2006, februarytoday, tomorrow, yesterday

TRIM User Forum 2010

Number Format

– Single number, suitable for type107$27.352.5

– Number Range107 to 206$100 to $999

– List of numbers (implicitly or’d)10,17,222$100, $200, $300

TRIM User Forum 2010

Enumeration Format

– Single value using caption:lowaddressee

– Single value using underlying number2

– Set of values using captionlow,mediumauthor,addressee

– Set of values using underlying number1,3,44

TRIM User Forum 2010

Object Format

– Single uri value (uri now exposed)377

– Multiple uri values in a list44,55,678

– Single uri value, recursive377+

– Multiple uri values, maybe recursive44,55+,678+

– Subquery[surname:smith and gender:male and dob:1964]

TRIM User Forum 2010

Boolean Format

– Has no parameters at all

– Use not to negate search requirementactivenot active

TRIM User Forum 2010

Language Support

– Basic grammatical elements are translated• and/or/not/to

• last/this/next/fiscal/to date

– All search method names are translated

– Caption editor is available for search methods

– “Internal” search method names guaranteed to work• mainly for developers wishing to work with search strings

TRIM User Forum 2010

Saving Searches

– Any search can now be saved• see TRIM “Save Search As” menu item

– A saved search can be embedded inside another search• use the generic saved method

– Saved searches can be grouped hierarchically

– Saved Searches can be assigned to an owner• can now be a project team or section

– Saved searches use an XML search format

– Saved searches are language independent• automatically converted to client’s locale

© Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.16

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TUF23 Post-event Website: Available April 2010