Tu Jest 2 Na 66str

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  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    SOLUTIONxas afunction of v.

    _ f -0.00057\/1. c154 V

    a as afunction ofx

    -0.00057 _ _ I VI54

    -0.00057*= In 1 154=-1754.4In

    v 2 = 23716l


    a v L = 11858) 0.00057K-05*A dx 2 ^ Aa) v =20m/s.

    From 1),From 2),

    0) v =40m/s.From l),From 2),

    a =6.75906e-00057*= 6.75906

    x = 29.843a =6.64506

    x=122.54a =6.30306

    1- I 54J

    x =a =6

    x =a =6

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 Th e McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.A llri htsicserad M op rto f thi s Manual may be dispor distributed in anyform or by any means, without th epr iorwrit ten permission ofAefmHiilfi orusedbeyondt he limited distributieducators permitted byMcGraw-Hil lfor their individua l course preparation. Ifyov oreastomla*usingMs Man ual, you a re using i t wi34

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  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO L M 11 57Slider block Bmoves to the left with a constant velocity of 50 mm/st =0,slider blockAis moving to the rightwitha constantacceleand a velocity of 100 mm/s. Knowing that at t =2 s slider block Cmoved 40 mm to the right, determine (a) the velocity of slider block t =0, (b ) the velocity of portion D of the cable at t = 0, (caccelerations ofA andC.

    SOLUTIONLe txbeposition relativeto theanchor, positiveto the right.Constraint of cable: X B + xc *g)+3 xc XA ) = constant

    4vc- 2vB- 3vA=0 4ac- 2aB- 3aA=0 0 2

    When t =0 , VB = -50 mm/s and V O ) Q = 100 mm/s() (vc)0=^[2vB+3 v,)J=i[ 2) -50)+(3)(100)] (vc)fl = 50mm/s

    ConstraintofpointD: ( X D - X A) +(xc- X A ) +(xc- XB)- X B =constant


    V D +2vc- 2vA - 2vB=0V D )O=2(v,)0+2vB-2 vc\ 2) 100)+(2)(-50)- 2 ) 50)


    ac=30mm/s2Solving 2) foraA


    a,= 40mm/s2

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.All rights reserved. Nopartof this Manual may be displayed,ordistributed in any form or by any mea ns, without the prior written perm ission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teducators perm itted by McGr aw-Hill for their individual course prepar ation. Ifyou are a student using this Manu al, you are using it without p


  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str



    pE A ,r s l

    PRO L M 11 76A n elevator starts from rest and moves upward, accelerating at a rate of4ft/s2 unt i l it reaches a speed of 24 ft/s, which it then maintains. Twoseconds after the elevator begins to m ove, a m an standing 40 ft above theinitial position of the top of the elevator throws a ball upward with aninitialvelocityof 64 ft/s. Determine when theballwillhit the elevator.

    Construct th e a-t curvesfor the elevator and the ball.Limit on 4 is 24ft/s. Using A } = 4t

    4t2 =24 /2 = 6 s

    i~ M V

    . A,,


    Motion of elevator.For 0 2 s,Moment of A ^ about t = t

    vg)0 = 6 4 f t / s- 2 f t / s


    When ball hits elevator, X = XE

    18.1?, 2-128.4?, + 1 5 2 . 4 = 0


    = 1.507s a nd 5 . 5 9 solving the quadratic equation,The smaller rootis out ofrange, henceSince this is less than 6 s, the solution iswithin range.

    = 5.59 s

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007The McGraw -Hill Companies, Inc. All rightsreserved.Nopart of this Manual may bedisplayed reproducedor distributed in anyform or by any means without theprior written permission of thepublisher or used beyond the limited distribution toteachers andeducatorspermittedbyMcGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. If you are astudent using this Manual you areusing it withoutpermission.


  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PROBLEM11 95The motion of a particle is defined by the position vectorr = j4 cos/ + /sin/)i+yl sin/ - /cos/)j, where / is expressed inseconds. Determinethevaluesof / forwhichtheposition vectorand theacceleration vectorare a)perpendicular, b)parallel.

    SOLUTIONGiven: r =A cost+/sin/)i+/l sin/- /cos/)j

    v= =A -sint +sin/+/cos/)i+^4 cos/- cost+/sin/)jdt =yl /cos/)i + j4 /sin/)jd\/ . ./ . \a = = /4 cos/- /sm/)i+ /4 sm/+/cos/jjd t

    a) Whenr and a areperpendicular, r a = 0os /+/sin/)i+ sin/- /cos/)jj/lUcos/- /sin/)i+ sin/+ /cos/)jl = 0/42[ cos/+/sin/) cos/- /sin/)+ sin/- /cos/) sin/+/cos/)]= 0

    cos2/ - t2sin2/= ls-/2= 0

    b) Whenr and a areparallel, r x a = 0y4J cos/+/sin/)i+ sin/ /cos/)j xA\ /sin/)i+ sin/+/cos/)j I = 0

    y4 2[ cos/+/sin/) sin/+/cos/)- sin/- /cos/) cos/-/sin/)lk=0sin/cos/+/sin2/+/cos2/+/2sin/cos/J- sin/cos/- /cos2/- /sin2/+/2sin/cos/j= 0

    2/ =0 / = 0

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rightsreserved.Noparto f thisManualmay bedisplayed, reproducedo rdistributedina nyform or by anymeans, withoutth eprior written permissiono f th epublisher,o rused beyondth elimited distributiontoteachersandeducatorspermittedb yMcGraw-Hillfo r theirindividualcoursepreparation. Ifyou are astudent using thisManual, you areusingitwithout permission.

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PROBLEM11 114' ' The initial velocity v0 of a hockey puck is 170km/h.Determlargest value lessthan45)oftheanglea for whichthepuc

    the net, b)the corresponding time required for the puck to reac



    Vertical motion:

    or t = v0cosaI v0sina)f--g*

    =xtana- co s2ajctana--- l+tan2a2v2 V t




    v0= 170 km/h =47.222m/s, j = 4.8m atpointC,y=1.22m atpointC.

    9.81) 4.8)


    x2 4.8tan2a - 94.712a+25.073= 0

    tana=0.26547 and 94.45a=14.869 or 89.4x 4.8v0cosa ~ 47.222)cosl4.869



    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All rightsreserved.N opart of this Manual may be dispor distributed in any form or by any m eans,withoutt heprior written permission of the publisher, or used b eyond the limited distributieducators permitted b yMcGraw-Hillfor their individual course preparation. Ifyou are astudent using this Manual,you areusing itwi134

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    PROBLEM11 139Amotorist istravelingon acurved portionofhighwayofradiusa speed of 72km/h.The brakes are suddenly applied, causing thdecreaseat aconstant rateof 1.25m/s2.Determine themagnitutotal accelerationof theautomobile or)immediatelyafter thebrbeen applied, b)4 slater.

    SOLUTIONInitial speed.Tangentialacceleration. a) Total acceleration at t =0.

    v0= 72 km/h = 20m/sa,=-1.25m/s2

    p 350

    a=^a f +a\>/(-1.25)2 +(1.14286)2b) Total acceleration at t =4 s .

    v= v0+a, t =20 +(-1.25)(4)=15m/s

    a= 1.69


    =a n=^/(-1.25)2+(0.6426)2 a=1.40

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 Th eMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rightsreserved. Nopart ofthis Manual may bedisplor distributedin anyform or by anymeans, withouttheprior written permissiono f thepublisher,o rused beyond thelimited distributieducatorspermittedby McGra w-Hill for theirindividualcoursepreparation. Ifyou are astudent using thisManual , you areusingitwi164

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PROBLEM11 164The oscillation of rod OA about O is defined by the relation6 = 4/7r) sinnt , where6 andtareexpressedinradiansand seconds,respectively. CollarBslidesalongthe rod sothatitsdistance fromOisr = 10/(/ + 6), where r and t are expressed in mm and seconds,respectively. When t =1 s, determine a) the velocity of the collar, b) the total acceleration of the collar, c) the acceleration of the collarrelativeto therod.

    SOLUTIONDifferentiate the expressions forrand 6with respect to time.

    100r mm,

    4 .= sm n t rad,r = mm/s,('+ 6)

    = 4cos7T7rad/s

    2 0 , 2r = r mm/s( +6)

    9 =47rsin;r?rad/s2

    At t =1 s,

    a) Velocity of the collar.

    10 10 .. 20 . 2r = m m : r = mm/s, r = mm/s7 49 3436= 0, 0 = -4 rad/s, 0 = 0

    vr =r =0.204 mm/s, ve=r =-5.71 mm/sVB= 0.204 mm/s)er - 5.71mm/s)ee


    Acceleration of thecollar.


    c) Accelerationof thecollar relativeto therod. 20

    _ 1 = _- =1-633mm /s2

    B O -as =-(22.8mm/s2)er+(l.633mm/s2)ee

    = 0.0583mm/s2)er4

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Nopart of this Manual may be displayed, repor distributed in any form or by any mea ns, without the prior written permission of the pub lisher, or used b eyond the limited distribution to teachersieducatorspermitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. If you are astudent using this Manual,you areusingitwithoutpermission9

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PROBLEM 12 13Th e two blocks shown are originally at rest. Neglecting the masses of thepulleys and the effect of friction in the pulleys and assuming that thecoefficients offriction between both blocksand theinclineare p .s - 0.25and /J .k = 0.20, determine a) the acceleration of each block, Z > ) thetensionin the cable.


    UT ONLet the positive directions of XA and XB bedownthe incline.Constraintof thecable: XA +3xB =constant

    O A +3as = 0 aB =--aABlock^:+\y =0: NA - /w4gcos30=0

    /IF,=ma: mAgsm30- nNA -T =mAaAEliminate NA.

    mAg(sm3Q- ncos30)-T =mAaABlockB:+\y =0: NB - mBgcos30=0

    +/ZF = ma: wfigsin30 + f j :NB -3T =mBaB = ^ -X Eliminate NB.

    m ?g sin30+ncos30)-3T = -m0a'B AEliminate T.

    3mAg- wsg)sin30-n(3mAg wgg)cos30= ^ ]a ACheckthevalueo f fis required forstatic equilibrium. Se taA =0 andsolve for j. .

    _ 75-20) 3mA + /wB )cos30 75 + 20)

    Since M s = -25

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str



    g m B)sin30- /i 3m^ mB)cos30

    _ 30- 8)sin30- 0.20) 30 8)cos3030+ 2.667

    (a ) aA 0.13525) 9.81)=1.327m/s2 A 1.327m/s2a B -[- Vl.327)=-0.442m/s2 as=0.442

    (b) T=m^g sin30- u cos30)-mAaA= I0) 9.8l) sin30-0.20cos30)- 10) 1.327)


    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 Th e McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. AHrightsreserved.N opart of this Manual may be displayor distributed ina ny form or by anymeans, w ithoutt hepriorwritten permission of thepublisher, orused beyondthelimited distributioneducatorspermitted by McGraw-Hill for their individua l course prepa ration. fyou a re astudent using this Manual,you areusingitwitho240

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    PROBLEM 12 32TheweightsofblocksA,B,andCare WA =Wc =20Ib ,and WB = 10Ib.Knowing thatP - 50Ibandneglecting themassesof thepulleys and theeffect of friction, determine a) the acceleration of each block, b) thetension in thecable.

    UT ON the positive direction forpo sition coordinates, velocities,andaccelerationsbe to the right. Let theorigin;at the fixedanchor.

    aintofcable: 3 xc - XA) + xc - XB) + ~XB) =constant4ac- 2a B - 3aA = 0 1)

    ZT HT

    3T 3Tck.A: 3T= mAaA or aA = = mA 202T 2TckB: 2T =mBaB or aB = = mB 10

    ckC: P- 4T =mcac or ac=tituting 2), 3),and 4)into1),

    P-4T P-4T20 20


    203T_2 -3 10 20 =0

    20+10+2020T = 0.12121)P= 0.12121) 50)=6.0605Ib

    .)From 2),aj= P) 6.0605) 32.2)=293ftjs2

    (3),a PXX ).39 0ft/s[50- 4) 6.0605)1 32.2)From 4), ac = -^ -=41.5ft/s2

    19 Asdetermined above,

    a -29.3ft/s2

    aR = 39.0 ft/s2

    a =41.5 m/s2^=6.06Ib

    Br JF MATERIAL 2007 Th eM cGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All rightsreserved.Noparto f thisManual may be displayed, reproducedi in anyform orby anymeans, withoutth epriorwrittenpermissionof the publisher, orused beyondt he limiteddistribution toteachersan dspermittedb yMcGraw-Hillfor theirindividual coursepreparation. If yo uareastudent usingthisManual,you areusingitwithoutpermission.26 7

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO LEM 12 39During a h amm er throwe r s practice swings, the 16-lb head A of thehammer revolves at a constant speed vin a horizontal circle as shown. Ifp= 3 ft and 6 =60, determine a)the tension in wire BC, b)the speedof the hamm er s head.

    Na If,, =0: Tsin0 W =0

    16sinO sin 60

    = man: Tcos =mP

    2 _ pTcosd _ pWcosdmsind

    or T = 18.48 Ib

    tan0 tan 6055.77tv = 7.47 ft/s

    ETARY MATER IAL 2007 Th e McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Nopart of this Manual may be displayed, reproducedi in anyform or by any means, without thepriorwritten permission of thep ublisher, or used beyond thelimited distribution toteachers an dpermitted byMcGraw-Hillfor their individual course prep aration. Ifyou are a student using this Manual,you areusing it without permission.


  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO L M 12 48During ahigh-speed chase, an 1100-kg sports car traveling at aspeed of160 km/h just loses contact w ith the road as it reaches the crestAof ahill, a)Determine the radiusofcurvature p of theverticalprofile of the roadat A. b) Using the value of p found in part a, determine the forceexerted on a 70-kg driver by the seat of his 1400-kg car as the car,traveling at a constant speed of 80 km/h,passes throughA .

    SOLUTIONa) v =160 km/h = 44.44m/s

    Wheels do nottouchthe road.= man: mg = -m v Ip

    g 9.81p = 201m

    b) v = 80 km/h = 22.22m /sm = 70 kg for passenger

    IF,, = ma

    mo, N mg = mv

    N =m g

    = (70) 9.81 - 22.22201.4N = 5 1 5 N J - 4

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 Th e McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. N opart of this Manual may be displayed, reproducedor distributed in any form or by any m eans, without thepriorwr itten permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers andeducators permitted b y McGraw-H ill for their individual course preparation. fyou are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.285

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO L M 12 61AturntableAisbuiltintoastagefor use in a theatrical production. It observed duringarehearsal that atrunkB startstoslideon the turntab12saftertheturntable beginstorotate. Knowing thatthe trunk undergoa constant tangential accelerationof 0.75 ft/s2, determine the coefficieofstaticfrictionbetween thetrunkand the turntable.


    FtT k

    rvn aB

    Uniformlyaccelerated motionon acircular path, p = 8 f tv = v0 a,t

    =0 + 0.75) 12)=9 ft/s

    F . =ma.=a : F .= W - = W =0.0233WI t A g g 32.2


    F =

    BVSP 32.2) 8) =0.3144 fF

    + F2 =0.315WThisis thefriction force availabletocausethetrunktoslide.The normalforceNis calculatedfromequilibrium of forces in thevertical direction.

    ZF,, = 0: N - W =0 N = WSince sliding is impending, F = = 0.315W =0.315

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Nopart of this Manual may be displayed, ior distributedin anyform or by anymeans, withoutt hepriorwr itten permission of thepublisher, orused beyondth e limited distributiont o Ieducatorspermitted by McGraw-H ill for their individual course prepar ation. fyou are astudent using this Manual,you ar eusingitwithoutf302

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO L M 13 12The 7-kg block A is released in the position shown with a velocity of1.5 m /s up the incline. Knowing that the velocity of the block is 3 m /safter it hasmoved0.6 m up the incline, determine thework doneby thefrictionforce exertedon theblock. Neglectthemassesof thepulleys.




    =7 9.81) =68.67 N

    Given:BlockA isreleasedat theposition showna t avelocityof1. 5 m /s up .After mo ving 0.6 m the velocity is 3m/s.

    Find:work donebyfriction forceon theblock, V fJFrom the Law ofCosines

    d1= 1.2)2+ 0.6)2- 2 1.2) 0.6) cos15)d2= 0.4091m2d = 0.63958m

    Uc =140N - 1.2- 0.63958) m =39.229 N mU A =-68.67 N s in l5 ) 0 .6 m ) =-10.664N - m

    JA~Ufric,ion=T2 Tl=>A~ *}]39.229- 10.664-Ufriction= 1 7kg)[ 3)2- 1.5)2]m

    ~ ufrictwr =-39.229+ 10.664 +23.625=-4.94 J

    MtOPRI T RY MATERIAL. 2007 T he McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. A ll rights reserved.N o part of this Manual may be displayed reproduc edordistributed in a ny form or by any means without th epriorwrittenpermission of th epublisher,o r used beyond the limited distribution to teachers an deducatorspermittedb y McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual you are using it withoutpermission.

    40 9

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO L M 13 44A bag is gently pushed off the top of a wall atA and swings in a verticalplane at the end of a rope of length / Determine the angle 9for which therope will break, know ing that it can withstand a m aximum tension equal totwicetheweightof thebag.

    l s work-energy:position 1 is atA position2 is atB.(1)

    Where r,=0; /,_,.Substitute

    0 +mgl sin = mv\2B =2 g / s i n 0

    Fo rJ=2 fFus eNewtons2ndlaw.T-2.W

    = mv

    f maSubstitute (2)into(3)

    (2 )


    m io /sing2 = 3sin0

    o r s i n 0=-=0=41.81c3=41.8^

    ' IETARY M A T E R I A L . 2007 Th eMcGraw-Hil l Companies, Inc. All rightsreserved.N oparto/r/itjManual may be displayed reproducedT Oributed in anyform or by any means without th eprior writtenpermission o f th epublisher or used beyond th e limited distribution to teachers an d

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  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    PRO L M 13 50A pow er specificationformula is to be derived for electric motors7 drive conveyor belts moving solid material at different rates to difj heights anddistances. Denoting the efficiency of the motors by

    neglecting the power needed to drive the belt itself, derive a fora ) in the SI system of units, for the power P in kW, in terms of the iflow rate m inkg/h, the height b , and the horizontal distance / inand b) inU.S. customary units, for thepower in hp, interm sof the iflow ratem intons/h,and theheightbandhorizontal distance/ infeet


    a) Material islifted to aheight bat arate,Thus,

    m k g / h ) g m / s2 )=

    At 3600s/h) ^36001 0 0 0 N - m / s = l k w

    Thus, including motor efficiency, r\ )=

    P k w ) =0.278x10

    b) At/ [fF(tons/h)(20001b/ton)][6(ft)]At ~ 3600s/hW b=ft-lb/s; lhp = 550f t - lb/s1.8

    With hn IfMhyO p Ti l550 f Mb/s J | _ r ? Ji .oioxicr3n

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-H ill Companies, Inc. All rightsreserved.N opart of this Manual may be displayed.Ior distributed in a ny orm o r by a n ymeans, without th epriorwrittenpermission of th epublisher or used beyond th e limited distributiont o teducatorspermittedb yMcGra w-Hillfo r their individual course preparation. f you are a student using this Manua l, you areusing it withoutf456

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    Sf t / s- 2 001B

    PRO L M 13.65A spring isused to stop a200-lb package which is moving downa 20incline. The spring has a constant k = 125Ib/in.and is held by cables sothat it is initially compressed 6 in. Knowing that the velocity of thepackage is 8 f t / s when it is 25 ft from th e spring an d neglecting friction,determine th e maximum additional deformationof the spring in bringingthe package to rest.

    UTIONervation o f energyion 1) is at the top of theincline; position 2) iswhent hespringhasmaximum deformation

    fc = 15001b/ f t7; + F, = T2 +F2

    At l) 1 2\8)2= 198.76 f t - l b2^32.2f

    At 2)

    F, = F + F e] = mgzl =kx\m atpoint 2

    = 2 0 0 2 5- x)sin20+- l500) 0.5)2x = Deformationof thespringFj = 1710.1+68.404*+1 87.5

    T 2 =0; F2 =/ 2+Ve2 = kx\i l500) 0.5+x}2Substituting into 1) 198.78+1710 .1+68.404*+187.5= 750 0.5+ x 2Solve 750x2+681 .596* - 1908.9= 0

    x=-2.11 or +1.2044 ftx =1.204 f t-

    = 14.45in.

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Noparto f this Manual may bedisplayed, reproducedor distributed in any form or by any mean s, without thepriorwritten permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution toteachers an deducatorspermitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. f you are astudent using this Manual,you areusingitwithout permission.7

  • 8/13/2019 Tu Jest 2 Na 66str


    300 mm

    PROBLEM 13 69A thin circular rod is supported in avertical plane by abracket at A.Attached to thebracket andloosely wound around the rod is aspringofconstant k =40 N/m and undeformed length equalto the arc ofcircleAB. A200-g collar C isunattached to thespring and canslide withoutfriction alongtherod.Knowing thatthecollarisreleased fromrest whenQ =30, determine a) the velocity of the collar as it passes throughpoint B, b) the force exerted by the rod on the collar as is passesthroughB.

    I D

    =0.3 7o

    a) vr = 0, Tc =0 WML ~2 V

    TB=1(0.2kg)v2rB = o . i v 2 vc

    arc BC AL5C = /?/

    AL B C = 0.3 m) 30) 18 0CAL B C =0.15708m

    (K c)g =-/t(ALsc)2= -(40N/m)(0.15708m)2 =0.493481

    (Kc) = 7Z ( l-cos0)=(0.2kg)(9.81m/s2)(0.3m)(l-cos30)(Fc) =0.078857J

    Kc = Vc)e + VC) =0.49348J +0.078857J =0.57234JVB= VB}e+ VB}g =0 +0 = 0

    Tc + Vc = TB +VB; 0 +0.57234= 0. lv|v2 =5.7234m2/s 2 B vs =2.39m/s

    1 -W= B_R R=1.962N+(0.2 (5.7234m2/s2)(0.3 m)=1.962N +3.8156N =5.7776N F R =5.

    JET RY MATERIAL. 2007The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All rightsreserved. Nopart of this Manual may bedisplayed reproducedr^Mlributedin anyform or by anymeans withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionof thepublisher orused beyondthelimited distribution toteachers and

    ipermitted byMcG raw-Hillfor their individual course preparation. Ifyou are astudent using this Manual you areusingitwithoutpermission.77

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    - , j PROBLEM 13.75A ePenduhim shown is releasedt y before the cord touches the fixed

    | / ~^\ afor w hich thependulum bob w i:i_L_i.


    \ /from rest atAand swings through 90pegB.Determine the smallest value of1describe a circle about t he peg.

    SO UT ONUse conservation of energy from the po int o f release (^4) and the top of the circle.

    7j + F, = T2 V 2 (1) (datum at lowest point)where

    =0 ; F, = m giAt 2 = W v2; V2 = mgz =


    0+mgl =-mv2+2mg l - a]ubstituting into (1)Weneed another equation - use Newton s 2 ndlaw at the top. (Tension, T0 =0 attop)

    Substituting into (2) =gp=g t-a)mgl=-mg l-a)+2mg l - a ] = l-a -4a

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Nopart of this Manual may bedisplayed, ior distributed in any form or by anym eans, without thepriorwritten permission of thepublisher, orused beyondt helimited distribution to teducators permitted byMcGraw-Hillfo r their individual course preparation. f you are astudent using thisManual, you areusingi twithout}8

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    PROBLEM13.134The system shown isreleased fromrest. Determine the time ittakes forthe velocity ofA to reach 0.6m/s. Neglect frictionand themassof thepulleys.


    L = 2XA + XB

    =2vA +VB =0dt

    (v A =0.6m/s

    CollarAm A =15kg

    ( iM+(2T)(/,_2)- V,_2=(vJ20+[27- (15X 9.8l)]/,_2 = 15) 0.6)

    T - 73.575)^_2= 4.5

    CollarBm B= 10kg

    (vB)2= 2(vA)2=\.2 m/s+( *BvA\T(t,_2} WB(t}_2)(mBvB\+[(10x9.81 - r](f,_2)=1

    AddEquation(1) andEquation(2) eliminating7)(98.1-73.575)? _2 =4.5+ 12




    1-2 24.52 =0.673s = 0.673s

    TARY MATERIAL 2007TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Al lrights reserved. Nopart ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced in anyform or by anymeans, withoutth eprior written permission of thepublisher, orused beyondth elimited distributiontoteachersa nd

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    PROBLEM 13 149Tw o swimmersA andB, ofmass 75 kg and 50 kg, respectively,diveofftheendofa200-kgboat. Each swimmerhas arelative horizontal velocityof 3 m/swhenleaving the boat. If theboatisinitiallyatrest,determine itsfinal velocity, assuming that a) the two swimmers dive simultaneously,b) swimmerAdives first, c)swimmerBdives first.

    UTIONmA=75kg, mB=50kg, mc=200 kg Boat)

    a) Swimm ers dive simultaneouslyQQ


    0=mcvc+ mA+mB)v2Relative velocityofswimmers with respectto theboatis 3m/s

    v2- vc= 3m/s >v2=vc+3Substitute into 1)

    Q = mcvc+ mA+mB) vc+3)Solve

    _ l mA+mB)_ -3 75+ 50)


    mc 75 + 50 +200)vr=1.154m/s

    Adives first and thenBA SQO _Q O

    jc-dirQ = mc+mB}vC2-mAv2 2)


    ETAKY MATERIAL. 2007 Th e McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All rights reserved. Nopart of this Manual may bedisplayed, reproducedIin anyform or by anymeans, withoutthepriorwritten permission of thepublisher, orused beyondth elimited distributiontoteachersand^permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepara tion.Ifyou are astudent using thisManual,you areusingitwithout permission.


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    PROBLEM 13 165Tw oidentical billiard ballscanmovefreely on ahorizontal table. BallAhas avelocity v0asshownandhits ballB,whichis atrest at apointCdefined by Q = 45. Knowing that the coefficient of restitution betweenthe twoballs is e = 0.8 andassumingno friction, determinethevelocityof each ballafterimpact.

    Ba At-dirBa Bt-dir


    Coefficient ofrestitution

    Solve(1) and (2)

    With numbers

    = jttvAt vAt=v0

    = (1)


    e=0.8; 0= 45v Al=v0sin45= 0.707v0

    1-0.8VAn V cos45 =0.0707v0


    5TARY MATERIAL 2007TheMcGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Allrightsreserved.Nopart of this Manualmay bedisplayed reproduced in anyform or by any means without the priorwritten permission of the publisher or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers an d

    permitted byMcGraw-Hillfor their individual course preparation. Ifyou are astudent using this Manual you areusingitwithout permission.6

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    k = 34 Ib/ft

    PROBLEM 13 183A0.6-lbcollarA isreleased fromrest, slides downa frictionlessstrikes a 1.8-lb collar B which is at rest and supported by a spconstant 34 Ib/ft. Knowing that the velocity of collar Aimmediately after impact, determine a) the coefficient of rebetween the two collars, b) the energy lost in the impact,maximum distance collarBmoves downthe rodafterimpact.


    After impact

    Velocity ofAjust b efore impact, v0= ^2(32.2ft/s2)(3.6ft)sin30

    v0 =^2(32.2X3.6X0.5) =10.7666ft/sConservationofmomentum

    +/ mv =mv -mv (Ml =lll BB g J g )Bg'scancel


    From 1) vFrom 2)fl)b) Energy loss

    =(M=(M\.7666ft/s)=3.5889ft/s[ i s ) l^i.s/ =(Vvo)> =~


    AEnergy =mxg(3.6)sin30 -- 0 .6 )_ I _LL\ .5889f t; 2^32.2/=1.08-0.36=0.72ft-lb

    Loss=0.720/c) Static deflection =x0,Bmoves down ? f i

    Conservation ofenergy D to Position D-springdeflected, x0

    kx 0 =wflgsin30

    PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.N oparto fthi s Manual may bedisplayed,distributed in anyform or by anyme ans , wi thout th epriorwri t ten permis s ion of thepublisher, orused beyond th e limited distribution teducators permi t ted byMcGraw-Hillfor their individual course prepar ation. Ifyou are a stude nt using this Manual, you are us ing it witho634

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    T = m a I =0

    m Bgd Bsin3QV =

    fcco+ /wga ffis in30 +mBv\k d\2dBxQ + X Q ] + 0 +

    kdl =B mBVB> 32.2 3.S889)2dB =0 .1455ft

    dn =1.746 n .

    ET RYM TERI L 2007TheMcGraw-Hill Companies Inc.All rightsreserved.Nopart of this Manual may bedisplayed, reproduced or