TSS Insider Issue 6

Issue 6 April 30 2011 Inside the Insider read all about The Antics of Stu Ghost, see Blue Bells new world and the finals of the logo competition.


in house magazine for TSS

Transcript of TSS Insider Issue 6

Issue 6

April 30 2011

Inside the Insider read all about The Antics of StuGhost, see Blue Bells new world and the finals ofthe logo competition.

Mass panic when TTS went down, Rics tearing out her hair and switching hosts, huge impact on TSS facebook (the hits this month are going to be well up!) and squirming addicts all round. However its back. Admit your addiction and donate to the site!

Judyw star ted work, and is dumbfounded at the change in her lifestyle.

Flobo is changing her avi every ten minutes. Must be spring fever.

X0X1 is closing in, with the precision of an exocet missile on the disaster of the boys posting inappropr iate pictures.

Cera has only just discovered she works with idiots.

Bergcrys dressed up in a bowtie. The call of duty took you one step too far here.

Feeling a bit down? Little irritated? Eat Oreos. Cera says.

Bylos made the picture for Picture Per fect.

The Israeli connection goes on and on and on. Shut that lad up.

Bell has workers wolf whistling. Pity they are only twelve.

Cab watched 'Remember Me' and went through a man sized box of tissues.

Kates daughter had a hairdo..... apparently it had bang? Kate actually did it, I think.

Peacy's world is not ready. Don't hold your breath.

Yanti says its lovely. That’s ok then.

Steph is planning to elope. Well its easier than a wedding. Gretna Greene here we come. Or of course Vegas in a little wedding chapel ministered by Elvis?

Now we know what hot cereals are enjoyed by members. Baby cereal? Are you sure?

Flobo over-nectared. Tsk tsk Moderation!! (wait gotta google that)

Berg is making bracelets. Well she will if the supplies ever ar r ive.

Bluebells world is ready for download. Peacys however is not.

Tenderwold is on a mission to build more than anyone else ever in the simuniverse.

By Smokytopaz

This weeks challenge was based on a set colour scheme and a living room

The colours:-

And a set of objects, not all of which had to be used.

The brief:-

Spring has sprung the grass is riz, I wonder where the boidie is.... spring colours to decorate with. Heres the colour swatch..... and you have to choose at least three of the objects to include in your room.

So who was first? Bulfrog (ribbet) did a fairly traditional room.

Then Bylos, love the dark grren upholstery. This also was fairly traditional.

There were a lot of entries this week so I hope you’ve got your coffee.

Next up was Flobo, same colours but somehow it looks lighter.

Next entry comes from Judyw, some lovely work in this.

Haze entered too, a smaller room than normal Haze!

Jorgha entered hers too and went on to build a whole house using the colour scheme.

KateSterling took advantage of the phrase at least three pictures and threatened to swamp the thread.

Larissa entered for the first time, hopefully not the last.

Linday also entered, something quite victorian about this.

Peacy also came up with this lovely room.

Scorpio entered this room, he also had some eye candy in his shots, but we resisted.

And last but not least Stuart’s entry.

Now what did the judges say?

flobo -

Cera says -I love the green on all the walls and having the accent wall the turquoise! Very nice layout and great use of the required items!

Tweek says - I like the layout. The cluster of pictures on the walls look great. Very nice! I like the cushions too!!

jorgha -

Cera says - Great pattern choices! Very fun and spring like to go with the spring palette!

Tweek says - Nice room. Very simple with great patterns. I like it!

Kate -

Cera says - Very nice! So light and bright. Spacious with a great layout! The painting above the fireplace...where is that from?

Tweek says - Interesting shaped room. Nice furniture placement. Looks great!

froggie -

Cera says - Love your wall covering choice! Great pattern choices. Wonderful clutter choices too, makes the room very comfy and cozy.

Tweek says - Another nice layout and furniture placement. I like your choice of wallpaper. Very nice!

Haze -

Cera says - Great job on the coffee table, that looks so cool! I'm happy you braved the dark turquoise, it makes a fabulous base for the room.

Tweek says - I like the décor. Your coffee table looks like a star…like that too! Looks good! Have fun on your trip!!

Peacy -

Cera says - These colors are so not you, but you managed to use them all and you did an incredible job on Peacifying the space and making it you! I love that you twisted the rug just a tad!

Tweek says - I like the layout. I also like how you made the walls different colors. I think your room looks great!

Linday -

Cera says - Great wall covering choice, I really love the pattern on the accent wall and the chair. I love that you only used a hint of the pink.

Tweek says - I like all the patterns you used. I also like the room design (I like the window corner) Looks good!

Scorpio -

Cera says - This is a fantastic layout! Great pattern choices and use of color. Like Peacy, they are very out of your ordinary decorating, but you made it feel very natural and you!

Tweek says - I like the patterns and room layout. Are those bookshelves from the store? I think you did a great job!

Stu -

Cera says - Oh sheer curtains! Why can't EA give us sheer curtains! And a smexy sim in his trunks! Gah...I need to look at the room, right? Ok...back on track. I love the patterns and the colors. That you used mainly the green and subtly snuck the other colors in the room.

Tweek says - Love the curtains! OH a man in his skibby's!! WooWoo!! I like the patterns you used and your decor is very nice as always! Looks great!

Judy -

Cera says - Great little space! I love the layout! The reading nook is very cute! I love that you mainly used the turquoise and the other colors were just accents. Wonderful!

Tweek says - I really like the room layout and I like how you MOO'd the picture over the mirror. I like how you used the colors on the walls. Nice job!!

Larissa -

Cera says - I'm so happy to see you join this challenge!! The triangular layout is a very pleasant surprise, its fabulous! I love all the pink! You worked the other colors in perfectly!

Tweek says - Yay a new person!! I really like the room layout, very creative. Nice patterns. Your room looks great!

bylos -

Cera says - I'm pretty sure that is the right sofa You broke up the colors really well! Love your layout! Great MOO with the coffee table and the plant, looks fabulous!

Tweek says - I really like the coffee table. Nice area rug...have you been checking out Fid's work? Nice job!

Thank you Ladies, great job as always!!

So who won?

Picture Perfect Winners for Week 25 are...

Non CC win goes to Bulfrog!

Honorable mention goes to Peacy!

CC win goes to Stu!

Honorable mention goes to Flobo!

A Look at

Bluebell Floras

BuildsBy Smokytopaz

Bluebell Flora is a well known builder in the Simmers world, she not only builds houses but some neat little worlds too. Despite her name I don't think she lives in Scotland but she is certainly UK based. This fact is relevant when you see some of her lots, in order to build them you really should have seen them and got the feel. Bluebell builds some lovely little singleton starters packing a lot in a tiny space. Starters are not easy to achieve in the first place but hers manage to be really pretty too. Bluebell obviously loves beaches too as a lot of her builds are set in sandy coves.

Right now for one of her worlds she is busy killing off sims! Well thats one way to work off tension.

Lets have a look at one of Bluebells starters, fully furnished under 17000 simoleans.

Clapboard Cottage

What is fascinating about Bluebells tiny houses is the amount of stuff she manages to pack in. All useable too, no stamping of simmy feet.

Bluebell has obviously been to Suffolk as her re-creation of these beach huts show. Everyone lone to own a little shed on the beach - amazingly expensive and you are not allowed to sleep in them but you can make a cuppa tea.

Pretty sure though that palm trees are rare in Suffolk.

This is in fact one residence spread over the little sheds. So in fact there is a fair amount of room.

Another very pretty little beach build that fills me with long is the Washed out shack.

Really pretty , tiny and complete.

You can imagine sitting on this terrace all comfy with a book, soft music and the smell of the sea.

With a bit more money to spend you could go for the Posh Beach Shack.

Neat huh? This is the bedroom.

Of course Bluebell does not only build on the beach, she builds town houses too. This is a Georgian Townhouse.

The kitchen, note we are still using blue.

Last look at a tiny starter.

This starter is called Minature Cottage. It sure is but the kitchen is a different colour!

Small but perfectly formed.

Bluebell has also conquered CAW on a mac, so for all you who say the CAW doesn’ t work on a mac she begs to differ.

Bayou Beach, its also small to fit Bluebells ideals.A quote from her blog.

‘My Worlds are always small so they load quicker and your poor little Simmies don’ t get tired travelling from place to place. Some have built lots, some don’ t. But all are checked for tears, rips and usual EA glitchy stuff.’

Off you go to Bluebells blog to check out everything.


BlueBay RetreatBluebellflors new world is now up and ready to play, so TSSI

added a few pictures to tempt you there!

Quote from her blog:-

BlueBay Retreat has fully built community lots, some of my residential lots from the Exchange, a few unique residential lots, and empty lots for you to build on. My Farmhouse is placed on the 40 x 40 lot in the farming area. It has a garden full of perfect veggies and fruit but because of the buydebug glitch in the latest version of CAW the plants have not shown up. If you would like the full veggie garden please download the farmhouse from my studio on the TS3 Exchange. As always there is no 3rd party CC in this world or it’s lots.

EA is pulling its normal stunt of non cooperation, but here’s a link to the world



There are more pictures on out forum and on Bluebell’s blog.

Season 3 - Chapter 1 – A Smoky Affair

Maison du Midi by SmokyTopaz

“Pfft!” Stu-Ghost muttered to himself. “Come on Stu?! Come on slowcoach Eric! Sometimes I think

he really forgets that I am actually a ghost! Doesn’t he realise that floating is far quicker than


“Oh my!” Eric huffed. “How did you get ahead of me when I left before you?”

“Ever heard of floating?” Stu-Ghost half joked with Eric.

The boys couldn’t wait to get inside the new house to get up to their antics.

“Wowza!” Stu-Ghost said as he gazed at the rose painting in the hallway.

“Argh! What’s that dirt on my trousers?” Eric began...

“Oh wow! Come and look at this delightfully colourful living room, Eric!

“Ok. Just going to wash this dirt of my trousers, if I can find the bathroom. Ah! Here it is!”

“It’s so bright, cheerful and colourful. And I absolutely love all the art, sculptures, keyboard and

accessories! I must ask Eric who designed this lovely artists house.”

“Yes! An easel for painting!” Stu-Ghost didn’t even realise that he was talking to himself. He was so

intrigued by this house that he continued looking around almost in his own world.

“What a fantastic upstairs studio! Someone obviously knows where my passions lie.”

Before Stu-Ghost even knew what he was doing, he had pulled out a new canvas and set straight to


“Oh what a beautiful morning...” he sang to himself as he merrily painted.

Thanks to SmokyTopaz for Maison du Midi. Someone read my mind. Please build this house for me

in France!


PS by Smoky.......A couple of shots of Maison du Midi.........


Take Away Two

The brief:- My your client is delighted with her new living room. So she has decided to have her kitchen, which leads off the living room redone as well. She loved the colours you did the living room in, but she doesn't want it exactly the same. So take away two colours out of the living room selection and add two. You have to show the colours and the hexes ....…

So how did they do?

Bulfrogs entry,. Spring bright kitchen

Bylos’s entry, choosing a darker colour range.

Flobo, introduced different tones into her palette.

Jorgha’s kitchen, love those teacup lights!

Judyw’s entry, a kitchen diner.

Larissa’s kitchen. Very classy!

Peacemaker decided on a kitchen diner too.

KateSterling brought some darker colours.

Scorpio - love those stools

Stu did a cottage! This is his entry.

Love them all, the colour choices were all great. But what did our esteemed judges say?


Cera - Nice palette! I love that ceiling light, now I want to use that some where! Your layout is good, I really like your table placement there!

Tweek - I really like the different blue's you used. Great furniture and decoration placement. Nice job!


Cera - You added a grey and cream to the palette, love it! I really like that you used most of your color on the walls, using the cream for the rest of the space really balances everything out. I love the fireplace too!

Tweek - Nice palette, I like that purple/blue color. I like the different color walls and the placement of furniture and decorations is good. I like it!


Cera - Your palette just screams spring to me! Love your layout that you just used the colors sparingly. The dark wood floor is a wonderful compliment to the rest of the colors in the room.

Tweek - Nice country feel, I like the jelly cabinet is that in a set somewhere? Great layout, great colors!! Great job!


Cera - I love that you added yellow to your palette! Your room is bright and cheery! Wonderful spacious layout! I really like the table at an angle.

Tweek - Nice bold colors. I love using that tile. Nice layout. Looks good!


Cera - No pink! Well a very soft pink...love the palette! Cheerful and modern! Great layout, I love the metal accents and the throw rugs!

Tweek - I like your layout too and what a great view! Nice patterns and great decor. Great job!


Cera - There's yellow! Your colors are soft work well together! I love your layout. A petite little space, filled with so much!

Tweek - Nice colors. I like how you decorated such a small space. I like the bar area. I like it!


Cera - The blue is great! The buff is too. I really like the accent walls. Wonderful layout. The entire space has a charming country cottage feel with a modern twist.

Tweek - Nice pattern Peacy, it feels springy and beachy to me. I really like the different colored cabinets. The layout looks very clean an organized. Great job!


Cera - You added purple! It looks wonderful! The kitchen at an angle...I still love it! I just love the dark plum color!

Tweek - I like the triangle layout and that green color. The pillars are a nice touch. Looks good!


Cera - Grey and purple! Fantastic layout! I love how spacious it is and how you divided the island dining sections. Wonderfully done!

Tweek - I like that purple color. I like how you used the wall at the bar area. I think that looks great!


Cera - Ah! Yellow and blue! It's cozy, comfy cottagy! So homey, like you could just walk in and be welcomed with open arms Great layout, I love your pattern choices!

Tweek - Nice colors. I like that blue. I like the wall paper and the layout looks good. Nice job!

And the winners were………

Everybody did such a great job!

Our winners this week are:


Winnner and Honorable Mention goes to flobo!!!

Non CC:

Winner: Peacy

Honorable Mention: Stu

The Blue Moon Detective Agency

by MythagoSome people just do the challenge and some people see a bigger picture. I had a feeling Mythago was going to do more with the Take a Letter challenge in Picture Perfect. It was supposed to be just the office and waiting room of a slightly seedy detective agency. We now have the detectives, the house and (looking heavily at Mythago) maybe the chance of a new story?

The Detectives

Thats Fay, she has a partner…..

Together they run the Blue Moon Detective Agency.

Oh we should not forget the other member!!

Hopefully their relationship is a happy one….

Hmm, maybe they need to sort themselves out! Don’ t forget to rec.


Now the office and waiting room has grown into a whole house, called Villa Blue Moon


By Tenderwolf



By Mene

By Kate Sterling


By Smokytopaz


Coming soon!