Trying Harder is not always the road to Success



Trying Harder is not always the road to Success. As with our health care, more money is spend on weight loss in the US than any other nation, yet our rate of obesity has tripled since 1960 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Trying Harder is not always the road to Success

Trying Harder is not always the road to Success

•As with our health care, more money is spend on weight loss in the US than any other nation, yet our rate of obesity has tripled since 1960

•For the first time since the industrial revolution, despite major breakthrough in; crisis medicine, feeding the poor, sanitation and advanced technologies, the life expectancy of Americans is DECLINING!!!

The Burden of Common Preventable Chronic

Diseases 70% to 90% of deaths from chronic illnesses in the U.S. are believed to be caused by poor

nutrition, sedentary living, and tobacco use.

• 65% of U.S. adults—or about 129.6 million people—are either overweight or obese. Obesity and overweight cost the U.S. an estimated $117 billion in direct medical costs and indirect costs such as lost wages due to illness.

• In addition to hypertension, manifestations of the LIFESTYLE SYNDROME include: metabolic syndrome, obesity, dyslipidemia, CVD, cancer, osteoarthritis, depression, sexual dysfunction, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.6


Health care costs main cause of personal

bankruptcy, study finds

Feb. 4, 2005 – A study published Wednesday in the policy journal Health Affairs found that approximately half of people in the US who file for bankruptcy cite medical costs as a significant reason for their financial troubles. Based on a survey of 1,771 personal bankruptcy filers, the researchers extrapolated that between 1.9 and 2.2 million people were driven into bankruptcy because of health care costs in 2001

From: ACS / ADA / AHA Scientific StatementPreventing Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Diabetes

A common Agenda for the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Heart Association”

Circulation 2004;109:3244-3255

“In spite of hundreds of medical studies, media reports and advice from health officials, Americans still have not got the message that they can prevent most cases of chronic disease.” – John Seffrin, American Cancer Society CEO

National Health Organizations recommended Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)

as a “first line” treatment

National Health Orgs. National Institutes of Health Am. Heart, Blood & Lung

Institute Am. Diabetes Association Am. Heart Association Am. Association Clinical

Endocrinologists Arthritis Foundation North American Menopause

Society Many others

Conditions High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure High Blood Sugar and/or

Diabetes Heart Disease Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Metabolic Syndrome Menopausal symptoms Many others

David, consuming the typical (Mediterranean) diet of his day

Notice hip to waist ratio


As he would look if he consumed the





With the typical Metabolic syndrome profile

THERE IS HOPELearn your genetic language for

OPTIMAL HEALTH: Reverse Metabolic Syndrome• Decrease inflammation (Remember, the core of most disease states)• Dramatically reduce the risk the cardiovascular disease and cancer• Increase insulin sensitivity… THE secret to easy weight loss• Virtually eliminate the risk of Type 2 diabetes• Slow down age related degenerative diseases• Look, feel and function years younger

From: AHA / NHLBI Scientific Statement

“Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome” An American Heart Association /

National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute Scientific Statement

Metabolic Syndrome confers:

A 2-fold increase in relative risk for ASCVD events. A 5-fold increase in risk for developing DM-II in

individuals without established diabetes.

“This finding implies that the metabolic syndrome imparts a relatively high long-term risk for both ASCVD and diabetes.”

Circulation 2005;112:000-000

From: AHA / NHLBI Scientific Statement

“Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome” An American Heart Association /

National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute Scientific Statement

Circulation 2005;112:000-000

The NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) ATP (Adult Rx Panel) III proposed a simple set of diagnostic criteria:

Waist circumference Triglycerides HDL-Cholesterol Blood pressure Fasting glucose level

Abnormalities in any 3 of these 5 measures constitutes a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.


“Metabolic Syndrome: Time for Action”

Am Fam Physician 2004;69:2875-82, 2887-8

“All patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome should be encouraged to change their diet and exercise habits as primary therapy.”

The Calories Myth…

All calories are essentially the same•Ludwig study



•Calories are are source of NRG and information source for your genes. Nutrigenomics*!!!


•Everyone is born with a different genetic code.

•There is NO set program for everyone!!!

The Carbohydrates Myth…

Carbohydrates are the principle cause of obesity•Not all carbs are created equally… Look at the glycemic load of the MEAL (bread vs beans)

•Low glycemic load = High Fiber and most importantly, High nutrient density

•We should double our fiber intake to 25 grams per day

•Of the three different food types, (Fats, protein and Carbohydrates) Carbs contain the most nutrient dense food and is essential for long term health and the treatment of disease!

•Health enhancing phyto-nutrients are found in plant food (carbs)

•Americans are the most over-weight people and consume the MOST carbs than any other population

•Plant based carbs keep us alkaline and is favorable to for our EFA’s

•A low-carb or no-carb diet promotes inflammation due to the increase in cortisol (aging hormone)

Skipping a Meal Myth

•The Sumo Diet; wake, skip breakfast, exercise, all you can eat brunch, nap, all you can dinner again followed by immediate sleep•Study shows that people who ate breakfast kept weight off, with only 4% of non-breakfast eater were able to maintain weight loss•Do NOT eat just before bedtime…sleeping SLOWS down your metabolism for tissue repair•Missing a meal can increase cortisol and breakdown muscle tissue•The mantra…EAT EARLY / EAT OFTEN

Triglyceride / HDL Ratio

From:“Effect of a low glycemic index diet with soy protein and phytosterols on CVD risk factors in post- menopausal women ”

Nutrition, Feb 2006;22:104-113

Before After Change % Change

4.6 2.4 -2.2 -48%

High triglycerides and low HDL are features of Metabolic Syndrome

TG/HDL ratio of 3 or higher suggests individual has Metabolic Syndrome

Before After Change % Change

Triglycerides 212 mg/dl 117 mg/dl -95 mg/dl -45%

Total Cholesterol 274 mg/dl 231 mg/dl -43 mg/dl -16%

LDL-C 185 mg/dl 158 mg/dl -27 mg/dl -15%

HDL-C 48 mg/dl 51 mg/dl +3 mg/dl +6%

tChol/HDL-C 5.8 4.6 1.2 -21%

TG/HDL-C 4.6 2.4 2.2 -48%

hs-CRP 5.0 mg/dl 3.3 mg/dl -1.7 mg/dl -34 %

Fasting insulin 8.3 mcIU/ml 6.2 mcIU/ml 2.1 mcIU/ml -25%

Blood Pressure 130/84 mmHG 124/77 mmHG -6/-7 mmHG -5%/-8%

Weight 186 lbs 171 lbs 15 lbs -8%

% lean body mass 61.1% 63.2% +2.1% +3%

From:“Effect of a low glycemic index diet with soy protein and phytosterols on CVD risk factors in post- menopausal women ”

Nutrition, Feb 2006;22:104-113

Comparing Arms

LGI diet with medical food

AHA Step 1 Diet

Triglycerides -95 mg/dL -49 mg/dL

T-Chol -43 mg/dL -2.6 mg/dL

LDL-C -28 mg/dL +3.2 mg/dL

HDL-C +2.8 mg/dL -.5mg/dL

Weight -14.8 lbs -7.8 lbs

From:“Effect of a low glycemic index diet with soy protein and phytosterols on CVD risk factors in post- menopausal women ”

Nutrition, Feb 2006;22:104-113

From a clinical trial comparing:Healthy Diet or Healthy Diet with a Medical Food

Research conducted at the Functional Medicine Research Center Gig Harbor, Washington

Medical food with SKRMs: -12.9 lbs, Med Diet: -12.5 lbs, Rimonabant: -11.6 lbs

8 Essentials for a Quality Life

•Pray Right…F A I T H (Forget Anxiety Instead Trust Him)

•Reduce STRESS Right and your body’s production of cortisol

•Eat Right…early, often and make sure it is nutrient dense!!!

•Sleep Right

•Detox Right and regularly

•Exercise Right

•Take (metabolic energizing) supplements Right*

•(If needed) *Correct insulin resistance with the Right Medical Foods)

•Just do it, RIGHT…Get the right testing, coaching, encouragement


“Metabolic Syndrome in Normal-Weight Americans New definition of the metabolically obese, normal weight individual

Diabetes Care 2004;27:2222-2228

“Individuals in the upper normal-weight and slightly overweight BMI range have a relatively high prevalence and are at increased risk of having the metabolic syndrome. Therefore, screening in individuals with normal or slightly elevated BMI is important in the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.”


“Metabolic Syndrome: Time for Action”

Am Fam Physician 2004;69:2875-82, 2887-8

“Soon metabolic syndrome will overtake cigarette smoking as the number one risk factor for heart disease among the U.S. population. The NCEP ATPIII has identified metabolic syndrome as an indication for vigorous lifestyle intervention.”

I have set before you life and death,

blessing and cursing; therefore

choose life, that both you and your

descendants may live… Deuteronomy 30:19