TruthofHado-mensagens da água

Truth of Hado “The Truth of Hado”---Published by PHP Kenkyuujyo in 1994. Sold 65,000 prints, a bestseller in that genre at the time. Currently out of print. Chapter 1 It All Started From My “Curiosity About Water” A Fascinating Encounter with Water I am currently 51 years old. Until six years ago, I was an ordinary middle-aged man, just like you, your husband, or your father. However, at the request of a publishing company, I am now asked to write a book. This is the first chapter of that book. In fact, this is the third book I have published in the past two years. My first book was called “Prelude to the Hado Era”, published by Sun Road Publishing Company in November of 1992. My second book was called “Studies of the Human through Hado” published by Business Sha. That was in April of 1994. That

Transcript of TruthofHado-mensagens da água

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Truth of Hado

“The Truth of Hado”---Published by PHP Kenkyuujyo in 1994. Sold 65,000 prints, a

bestseller in that genre at the time. Currently out of print.

Chapter 1 It All Started From My “Curiosity About Water”

A Fascinating Encounter with Water

I am currently 51 years old. Until six years ago, I was an ordinary middle-aged man,

just like you, your husband, or your father. However, at the request of a publishing

company, I am now asked to write a book. This is the first chapter of that book. In

fact, this is the third book I have published in the past two years.

My first book was called “Prelude to the Hado Era”, published by Sun Road

Publishing Company in November of 1992. My second book was called “Studies of

the Human through Hado” published by Business Sha. That was in April of 1994. That

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publishing company is related to Mr. Yukio Funai of Funai Research Institute who

introduced me to the company.

Since the first publisher had a limited volume of sales in bookstores, they planned

the book for a single printing. They priced it fairly high, giving it a high quality

binding. The price was 3,000yen, a usual price for academic books. However, as of

August 12, 1994, the book is in its ninth printing, and we will soon see the tenth.

“Studies of the Human through Hado” published by Business Sha in April of 1994

allowed me to feel the joy and excitement of being a writer. The book was displayed

in major bookstores throughout the country so that my book could reach a wide

audience. Surprisingly, my book was among the best selling books in some stores

throughout Japan, a fact that was reported in newspapers and other printed media.

A book that I have put my soul into was printed and displayed in bookstores. And

the book is warmly accepted by many readers, reaching the ranks of the best sellers.

This was the best feeling of joy and excitement.

It all started five and a half years ago with my encounter with an American couple

and a device that they had made. His name was Ronald J. Weinstock; her name was

Sigrid Lipsett. He was 28 years old and she was … Anyway, she was a lovely woman,

a little older than her husband. She had been supporting her young and talented

husband spiritually and economically.

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I met this wonderful couple because through my dear friend and business partner,

Dr. Lee H. Lorenzen, a biochemist in California. At that time, I was a liaison on the

Japanese side of a project for importing goods from the U.S.A through a small

company I established called I.H.M. And Dr. Lorenzen was the liaison on the

American side. We originally started out as business partners, but I was soon

attracted by his family’s warmness, and we ended up becoming good friends.

Dr. Lorenzen has a wide network of friends and associates on the West Coast. Even

before introducing me to Mr. and Mrs. Weinstock, he introduced me to many

scientists and researchers. Among them was another pair, Rod Quinn and Lauren

Zaniel. I met them seven years ago and was told that they had developed a special

type of water with a particular function.

I first met Mr. Quinn and Mr. Zaniel at a public golf course in the suburbs of Los

Angeles. Being a terrible golf player, I had to run around more distance within the

course than they did. Thanks to my poor golf skills, my left ankle, which I hurt during

a rugby game in my university years, started to ache. I was in considerable pain by

the time we reached the Club House.

Drinking a cold beer, sliver haired Mr. Quinn, who was almost 60, said,

“Mr. Emoto, you were limping on during the last few holes. Which part of your body

aches?” I answered, “Well yes, my ankle hurts. I hurt my left ankle playing rugby

years ago. It bothers me now and then…” “Oh I see. This is a good opportunity.

Please try this on the part where you are hurting,” he said as he passed me an

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ordinary looking small 120 cc plastic container filled with water. I received the bottle,

took off my shoe and sock, and poured the water on the ankle. As usual, my ankle

joint was hot and swollen. It was still throbbing. “Does your ankle still ache?” “Yes,

well, wait a minute,” I said and slowly moved my left ankle this way and that. The

terrible pain was completely gone!

The Lesson I Learned from “All About Rod Water” Symposium

In those years, we were beginning to see an increase in the popularity of Pi water. I

was also getting interested in Pi water and had read a little about it. Therefore, I

assumed that Mr. Quinn’s water must be the American version of Pi water. I made

contact with them many times to try to obtain the distribution rights in Japan. After a

several months, we signed an agreement.

It was half a year after the agreement was signed that we held a series of seminars

called “All About Rod Water” in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. Today we see quite a

variety of seminars and events having to do with water. Many are rather expensive.

But in those days, there were no seminars organized by a private company about

water. We had many problems to solve. How do we gather people to attend the

seminars? How should we prepare for the American scientists who would be coming

to Japan with their wives?

We eventually decided to eliminate the admission fee. We acquired a list of

companies throughout the country with more than one million yen of capital, and

directly sent invitations to about 3,000 company’s ‘New Project Planning Division’.

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Surprisingly, about 15% (450 people) responded saying they would attend our


However, the seminars in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka were terrible failures. Even

now, I feel so relieved that I did not charge an admission fee because that would

have been even a bigger disaster. The reason for the failure was, first of all, that I did

not have a good understanding of Rod water myself. Secondly, we could not find an

interpreter who could interpret advanced theories of new age science. I still think

that it was close to impossible to find an interpreter who could interpret correctly,

but even if I did find one, I do not think the audience would have understood the

content. Many participants left in the middle of the seminar, and a good half of the

audience was asleep.

This experience was a good lesson. I at least learned that many people were

interested in water. I also learned that we know next to nothing about water, which

we cannot live without. Water was a new field of study even in university research


How can this be so? I believed until then that science had developed enough that it

seemed odd that there was such a discrepancy between researches in other areas

and direct research on water. I wondered why. I recently realized that this question

“why” is one of my strengths. Without this simple question, I would not be where I

am now.

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I have since had the pleasure of communicating with some of the people who

participated in the seminars, and each time I saw them, I asked that question over

and over again.

And one time, one of them said to me, “Science starts with a hypothesis. Then,

the theory is tested and proven with measuring devices and analysis. Maybe the

difficult part for water is that there is no device to measure its features.”

The moment I heard this comment, I mumbled to myself, “yes, a measuring

device!” and this lead to my encounter with a device called MRA.

My Predestined Encounter With MRA

I immediately contacted my good friend Lee Lorenzen and thoroughly explained my

intention to him. I asked him if he could think of anyone who would be able to

develop such a device. I took this action because at the time, Dr. Lorenzen and I

were handling advanced electronic treatment devices developed by a scientist exiled

from Czechoslovakia, and I had been introduced to many prominent scientists and

researcher. We both knew that there were many competent engineers with

extraordinary talent, especially on the West coast of the U.S.

Dr. Lorenzen willingly supported my intention and a few weeks after my call, he got

in touch with me. Allow me to quote a part from my first book ''Prelude to the Hado

Era'' to describe that incident:

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On February l5, l989, I visited an office of a small company called MRDC with a

wooden two-story office located at two minutes from the free way exit of Thousand

Oaks, Ventura, California.

My American partner, Lee Lorenzen, guided me to the place saying that he had

found a person who had developed a device with intriguing technology. The person’s

name was Ronald J. Weinstock, a man with a well-built body, a hooked nose, and

other apparently Jewish features.

He welcomed us in a warm, friendly manner. I noticed that he had prepared

assorted cookies, soft drinks and sandwiches for us.

During our conversation over lunch, I discovered that he was only 29 years old.I

could understand only a third of what he was saying because of my poor English, but

with the help of Dr. Lorenzen ( I was already used to Dr. Lorenzen’s English through

three years of friendship) I learned about Mr. Weinstock’s work, technology, and

profile as follows:

He began studying medicine when he was 14 years old. At the age of 17, he was

admitted as a trainee at Los Angeles Coroner's Office, the youngest trainee ever. He

entered the Medical Department of the State University of California in San Diego,

but felt limited by modern medicine. He concentrated on working with computers

and developing machines to detect toxins. Ultimately, he chose a career as inventor

and researcher rather than a physician.

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After graduating from the university, he went to Europe and learned about electric

diagnostic systems. He came back to the U.S. when he was 24 and spent the next

five years on research and development of a diagnostic device called Bi Cellular

Analyzer, a device at last completed.He was looking for a sponsor to help him refine

the technology.

After lunch, we were led to his small laboratory. There was a small machine on a

large desk. lt was obvious that the machine was handmade. It looked rather

unsophisticated, and to be honest I was a little disappointed. Accompanying me in

the lab were two business acquaintances other than Dr. Lorenzen.

The two became the subjects for the test, and the tests were conducted one after

another. The machine let out sounds like ''Veee, veee'' or sometimes ''Veeeeeee,

veeeeee'', as if setting the frequency of an old crystal radio.

One of the two associates was an acupuncturist and moxa-cauterizer who was the

head doctor of my company's clinic. With his professional background, he had exact

information about his own body. After going through many tests for about 20

minutes, he received a treatment for his backache with that machine.

Then in only three minutes, the pain in his back disappeared. He said, ''Mr. Emoto,

this is really something! ''

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One week later, we were leaving the U.S. for Japan having signed a contract with

Mr. Ronald J. Weinstock. lt was an agreement for sole distribution rights for the

device in Japan.

The name of the device written in the agreement was Magnetic Resonance Analyzer,

revised at my wish from the former name Bio Cellular Analyzer. That was my

encounter with MRA, a speedy marriage which took only one week from the first date

to the meeting.

And I never dreamed that it would have such a huge difference on how I look at my

life and on life in general.



This device MRA changed how I view life and my life itself greatly. I will not discuss

the details of MRA as I have already done so in my two previous two books, but the

outline of the device can be descried as follows:

I) What does MRA stand for?

Magnetic Resonance Analyzer

2) What is a magnetic resonance field?

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A field of magnetic resonance is always present wherever Hado exists (Hado is the

specific vibrating wave generated by the electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom).

Therefore, it is not wrong to interpret Hado as the magnetic resonance field itself.

This magnetic resonance field is one type of electromagnetic wave.

3) What can MRA measure?

MRA can measure the magnetic resonance, that is, Hado.

4) How can you measure Hado with MRA?

All substances and phenomena have their own unique magnetic resonance field.

The field is converted electromagnetically, and made into four or five-digit numbers

through a spectroscopy. The numbers are the so called MRA codes. When the codes

are entered into the MRA device. The magnetic resonance field for that code is

generated and applied to the subject by two contact probes. The measurements are

expressed in sound and/or figures tell the operator whether or not the subject is

resonating and to what extent.

5) What functions does MRA have?

1. To check human organs and tissues

The software installed in this system carries information regarding organs and

issues of healthy persons. The similarities and the differences of the degree of

resonance are analyzed to determine abnormalities of each organ.

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2. Checking for bacteria toxins, fungi toxins, virus toxins

The vibration required to neutralize the vibration of specific toxins can be set in the

software, establishing the hypothesis that those toxins do not exist. When a

non-resonating response is seen, it can be assumed that toxins are present.The

same process is applicable to the degree of the toxins.

3. Checking for specific diseases

ln cases of cancer or diabetes, the vibration that neutralizes the vibrationspecific to

the cells of diseased tissue is set, and the resonance tells us whetherthe disease is

present or not. The degree of the disease can also be confirmed.

4. Checking for other toxins

Checks for other toxins harmful to the human body, such as mercury, lead, or

aluminium, can be performed with the same method as in above 2.

5. Locating toxins or pathogens

When it is determined that certain toxins or pathogens exist after the tests in the

above method 2, 3,. and 4, MRA can be used to see which parts of the body are


6. Water quality inspection

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By placing a water sample on the device and by setting the code for the

actualsubstance you wish to test for, it is possible to discover whether or not

thesample contains that substance and to what degree.

7. Food quality tests

MRA can check the functions water of or food. It can identify foods with high

anti-carcinogenic character, or high carcinogenic character, foods good for a specific

disease or bad for that disease, etc. By standardizing that information, it is possible

to conduct food quality management testing during the food manufacturing process.

8. Testing the degree of resonance between substances

By setting a code or using the actual substance, it is possible to confirm the degrees

of resonance. By doing so, one can check for expected chemical reactions, or if a

combination of substances is a riskful one or not. Also, by checking the degree of

resonance between a substance and a person, one can obtain data regarding the side

effects of cosmetics or medicines.

9. Imprinting a specific vibration

When a harmful Hado is detected in various essential substances such as water and

food, vibrations to neutralize the specific harmful vibrations can be imprinted. By

doing so, one can obtain safe food and water, and prevent chemical pollution.

10. Copying specific vibrations

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There are two inlets on top of the machine, IN WELL and OUT WEIL. The Hado of a

substance placed in the IN WELL can be copied onto a substance placed in the OUT


The intensity of this function can be adjusted.

6) Is it difficult to learn to conduct Hado measurements? How reproducibile are the


Because this device is completely different from conventional scientirlc instruments,

the operator must:

a) be sincere and honest

b) abandon selfish desires

c) be free of the framework of conventional common sense

d) be enthusiastic and patient

e) have set a powerful goal

Anyone who fulfills the above requirements can master the operating technology

within three month. Reproducibility stabilizes with improvement in technique.


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I encountered MRA when I was seeking a good device to measure the properties of

water. But that was not the intention of Mr. Weinstock as he developed the device.

His intention was a preliminary diagnostic device for medical use.

His way of thinking is truly a vision of the future, an epoch-making leap for modern

medicine. Without doubt, the medicine of the 21st century will be based on this sort

of thinking and technology.

Modern medicine today is just a set of therapies responding to symptoms. The

methods remove or alleviate the patient's symptoms, mainly by prescribing

medicines and by surgical operations.

As a result, the symptoms may appear to have vanished, but the possibility of

recurrence of the disease in other parts of the body remains. How is this so? Because

there is little research into why certain people contract a specific disease.

If you don’t understand the real cause of a disease, it is tremendously difficult to

cure the disease completely. Why is it that no fundamental solution to disease has

been found in this modern era, even after spending trillions of yen on medical

expenses and installing the most advanced facilities and equipments utilizing the

latest electronics?

There must be something wrong with the approach.

I believe it is a problem of scale. Modern medicine is based on observations at the

molecular level, but molecules are not small enough.

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I can imagine that it might be difficult to switch to a new scale when molecular

biology is one of the most advanced scientific fields, but I propose that our

observations must go much deeper, to the atomic level or even the micro particle

level. Otherwise, we cannot understand anything about disease.

Science is where various fields of physics should have evolved in accordance with

the physical principles of the Universal truth.However, physics developed in parallel

with the other general sciences, all trying to compete with each other. This is due to

the passivity of physicists in the past.

I can illustrate my thinking with a drawing of Mt.Fuji, as shown in Diagram

1. Diagram 2 is a diagram of what science should be.


The mainstream of modern physics is a category called quantum physics, which

describes laws of energy at the quantum level (molecules, atoms, nucleus,micro

particles). This field of science was based on the viewpoint that the phenomena of

this world cannot be explained without discovering the laws that govern the ultimate

micro world. But most people do not realize that this field had dominated the

attention of physicists throughout the world beginning early in this century, nor that

this field already has more than 80 years of history.

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A look at the list of Nobel Prize laureates in physics reveals that most of the

recipients are in this field, since Planck in l918. Dr. Hideki Yukawa and Dr. Shinichiro

Tomonaga are no exceptions.

Science today is highly sectarian at showing little collaboration, but if each field of

science had aimed for fusion earlier, I am sure that many lives could be saved,

especially with application of quantum theory in the medical field. Many people would

have been saved from feelings of fear or anxiety regarding disease. Indeed, we

continue to suffer. This is regrettable.

As mentioned previously, the reason modern medicine cannot clarify the real

causes of diseases is because of the rough scale of its observations, though I am

sure that physicians working very hard day and night would want to argue that point.

A doctor might say, ''understand the theory, but how can we study about a world

smaller than molecules? Without any specific measurements, nothing is feasible! ''

This is where the MRA device comes to the picture.


I introduced MRA originally to measure water. However, as the basic concept of

MRA is in the coding of Hado for parts Of the human body, for diseases, and for metal

element toxins and bacteria toxins which are thought to be one of the causes of

diseases, I asked Mr. Weinstock how to operate the device and endeavored to learn

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the techniques trying the device on myself, family members, my company

employees and friends.

In Mr. Weinstock's laboratory, I came across Mr. Weinstock measuring the Hado of

his friends and neighbors. When he found the Hado he was looking for, he imprinted

the corrected Hado on the liquid inside a small bottle and gave it to the subject to


When I asked him what that was all about, he answered,

‘‘It’s homeopathy. Herbal information is printed on an alcohol solution of about 30%

concentration. By using MRA, I can print a Hado to cancel the bad Hado of that

person, which is more effective than any medicine. ''

I went through that procedure myself. He made a few bottles of solution for my

homeopathy treatment, and on each occasion, he found out where I had problems,

and the result was such a speedy improvement of my subjective problems. However,

homeopathy is not approved in Japan.

Since then, I have studied homeopathy, and I have found that it is the only therapy

in line with Hado theory, out of all the therapeutic treatments acknowledged as

medicine. (Homeopathy was approved in Europe and in the U.S. more than 100

years ago. Homeopathy is utilized by the British Royal family) ( Please refer to PAT

II<VISION l> ''To fight fire with fire'')

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I am neither a physician nor a doctor, so I am not permitted to use diluted alcohol

solution, which is said to be the best for absorbing Hado, even for research purposes.

So I was faced with a problem. Even with the ability to conduct accurate Hado

measurements, I had no method to express them, nor a means to prove the results.

So I was saying to myself, ''Then I have to convince physicians to utilize this method.

But how can I persuade them? I better accumulate some data on my own. '' And a

good idea came to my mind, '' Yes! I can try using the Microcluster water developed

by Dr. Lorenzen instead of alcohol!''


My idea turned out to be a great success. I used the MRA to conduct Hado

measurements, and the imprinted results on Dr. Lorenzen's Microcluster water. The

water was diluted 1 to 200, and the subject would drink the solution. I had reports

from all fields that a high rate of people with a variety of symptoms had their

conditions greatly improved.

There are so many sick people in this world. I was doing my Hado measurements in

a small room in an apartment in Gotanda, Tokyo. I repeatedly conducted the

measurements for my acquaintances and gave them Hado water.

The news spread by word of mouth. Before long, I was receiving calls from all types

of people requesting to have their Hado measured.

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After I accumulated some data, I asked my friends and business associates to

contact several hospitals and doctors. I visited their offices taking along my heavy

device. However, the response of these university hospital professors and doctors

was so cold, I felt really miserable. With each rejection, I wondered, ''Why don't they

understand me? Why do they cling to their pre-conceived notions? '' Eventually I

stopped approaching them. I decided to do whatever I could in whatever way

possible, which is why I established the I.H.M. Health Association (currently

International Hado Membership Association). This is, in a way, my challenge to those

doctors and professors.

Since then, for four and a half years, I have been conducting Hado measurements

for members at an average of six people a day. Recently, I am measuring three or

four people a day on average, but in the past, especially during my visits to other

parts of Japan, I often measured 10 to 15 people a day.

Thus, the average would be around six a day. During the past four and a half years

I have been working so hard. Excluding the days that I worked as a company

president and the days I spent visiting the U.S., I believe I spent about 200 days a

year doing Hado measurements for our members. By simple calculation, 4.5 x 200

x6 = 5400, so I have done Hado measurements for a total of 5,400 people.

During that time, I was extremely careful to work without violating, the Medical Act,

or the Drugs, Cosmetics and Medical Instruments Act. The number of members grew

rapidly.Naturally, we had to increase our office space and staff, and that meant

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increasing expenses. If we were doing everything on a purely voluntary basis, there

would be no legal problem, as long as there was no accident. But it was not possible.

I had to charge members a Hado measurement fee, and for the cost of Hado water.

And because I was the only operator able to measure Hado, the situation was far

from cost effective.

Even if I carefully attended to all the details of the various documents and

consultations, and even by collecting signed waives from the members, I could have

been deceived by someone who intentionally wanted to overthrow me. It would have

been easy for such a person to accuse me of violating the two acts.

History tells us that law can often be interpreted anyway one wants to interpret.

People who supported me often advised me regarding these two acts.

However, I was committed to what I was doing, and when considering the

importance of my mission, I was confident that it is not for my own profit.

Therefore, I should not be afraid. As long as I am not arrogant, one day the world

will be on my side. I have come to think that whatever happens, I should take what

is given to me. In any case, I felt that the huge barrier I had to overcome was the

barrier that stands in front of all innovative people they try to make something new



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Given the ability to fully operate the MRA, which can measure for the first time in

our history quantum in micro levels smaller than molecules, I discovered why

diseases occur and about many other issues unnoticed by modern medicine. I

expressed my learning in my first book ''Prelude to the Hado Era'' and ''Studies of the

Human through Hado''.

As mentioned in the beginning of this book, those books were well accepted by

many readers. I received 3.500 letters and cards from the readers of ''Studies of the

Human through Hado'' sharing their comments and encouraging me. Please allow me

to share some of those letters. I believe it is worthwhile for readers of this book to

understand how other people responded to the new technology and concepts.

''So intriguing. I feel the advent of an era of the genuine matters. '' (K.K,


''I learned so much about Hado. It was all so new.

Astonishing. I would definitely want to lean more about Hado.''

(S.Y, Arakawa, Tokyo)

''I truly appreciate this book, I felt myself resonating with every page. I would like

to know more about the Hado instructor system and about operators. ''(D.S,


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''I was so surprised to lean that the world has advanced this far. So impressed by

the content of this book. I regret that I did not study hard enough myself. I would

like to learn much more about Hado. ''(J.Y, Itabashi, Tokyo)

''l had always felt some kind of Power, some kind of Existence. lt is wonderful to be

able to confirm and differentiate those feelings. I now understand why I live in this

era. ''(Y.M, Osaka)

''I am a computer engineer. I would like to understand and experience Hado as an

engineer. I would also like to help disseminate the Hado technology through out our

society. ''(H.T, Koganei)

''I think there will soon be an emergence of a genuine super science, where the

most advanced science and religious aspects blend. I do agree that many mysteries

will be solved scientifically. '' (S.0, Nagoya)

''An excellent book. Let me reiterate that I am not just saying this. I envy Mr.

Emoto and Mr. Funai in that they are studying a new field of science. I wish I was

born in their generation. However, I believe it is the mission of us young people to

create a new era utilizing their technology.'' (T.S, Kyoto)

''It is astonishing that one can understand the world so clearly with the Hado

perspective. '' (M. M, Kagam)

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''l felt as though light was shed on my worries and my ignorance. Now I know that

philosophy is energy as well. I hope this concept is disseminated widely and deeply

among many people. I will work hard to let my friends know about this. ''

(M.I, Kyoto)

''I was excited all through the book. My heart rejoiced to think of the huge potential

of human beings. I was able to encounter Hado through my interest in Qi, and I

would definitely like to feel the energy even more, to confirm the energy. ''

(M.T, Funabashi)

''I was torn with two ultimate thoughts, half of me said 'No! It couldn't be! But the

other half had to agree to the content. I felt as though my field of understanding

broadened. '' (K. M, Ota, Tokyo)


Given the ability to fully operate the MRA, which can measure for the first time in

our history quantum in micro levels smaller than molecules, I discovered why

diseases occur and about many other issues unnoticed by modern medicine. I

expressed my learning in my first book ''Prelude to the Hado Era'' and ''Studies of the

Human through Hado''.

As mentioned in the beginning of this book, those books were well accepted by

many readers. I received 3.500 letters and cards from the readers of ''Studies of the

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Human through Hado'' sharing their comments and encouraging me. Please allow me

to share some of those letters. I believe it is worthwhile for readers of this book to

understand how other people responded to the new technology and concepts.

''So intriguing. I feel the advent of an era of the genuine matters. '' (K.K,


''I learned so much about Hado. It was all so new.

Astonishing. I would definitely want to lean more about Hado.''

(S.Y, Arakawa, Tokyo)

''I truly appreciate this book, I felt myself resonating with every page. I would like

to know more about the Hado instructor system and about operators. ''(D.S,


''I was so surprised to lean that the world has advanced this far. So impressed by

the content of this book. I regret that I did not study hard enough myself. I would

like to learn much more about Hado. ''(J.Y, Itabashi, Tokyo)

''l had always felt some kind of Power, some kind of Existence. lt is wonderful to be

able to confirm and differentiate those feelings. I now understand why I live in this

era. ''(Y.M, Osaka)

Page 25: TruthofHado-mensagens da água

''I am a computer engineer. I would like to understand and experience Hado as an

engineer. I would also like to help disseminate the Hado technology through out our

society. ''(H.T, Koganei)

''I think there will soon be an emergence of a genuine super science, where the

most advanced science and religious aspects blend. I do agree that many mysteries

will be solved scientifically. '' (S.0, Nagoya)

''An excellent book. Let me reiterate that I am not just saying this. I envy Mr.

Emoto and Mr. Funai in that they are studying a new field of science. I wish I was

born in their generation. However, I believe it is the mission of us young people to

create a new era utilizing their technology.'' (T.S, Kyoto)

''It is astonishing that one can understand the world so clearly with the Hado

perspective. '' (M. M, Kagam)

''l felt as though light was shed on my worries and my ignorance. Now I know that

philosophy is energy as well. I hope this concept is disseminated widely and deeply

among many people. I will work hard to let my friends know about this. ''

(M.I, Kyoto)

''I was excited all through the book. My heart rejoiced to think of the huge potential

of human beings. I was able to encounter Hado through my interest in Qi, and I

would definitely like to feel the energy even more, to confirm the energy. ''

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(M.T, Funabashi)

''I was torn with two ultimate thoughts, half of me said 'No! It couldn't be! But the

other half had to agree to the content. I felt as though my field of understanding

broadened. '' (K. M, Ota, Tokyo)

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Day after day, each time I read the newspaper and watch the news on TV, I feel sad

to think of how we human beings seem to like arguments and contention so much. In

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analyzing all kinds of news from that prospective, you realize that more than half the

news is about conflicts between people arising from different opinions and stances.

Looking at this from the Hado perspective and real happiness can only be acquired

by sharing. Yet it seems that the actual level of evolution in our society is still very


When we consider why people argue so much, we come to realize the difference

between truth and reality.

According to the Kojien dictionary:

“Truth is: 1) The true thing, the sincere reason

2) (Philosophy) a) An objective propriety of judgment expressing absolute

existence, actual relation, or situation. Therefore, a mere concept is neither true nor

false. The judgment of truth or falsehood is made only when the concept is affirmed

or denied. In this case, truth is the affirmation of the actual, and is the denial of what

is not actual. That in general, is the coincidence between with the judgment and the

actual. There are many views of this coincidence and actual concept;

b) Superficially, the truth is the correctness of thoughts in the sense that the

thinking is in accordance to the law of thoughts.

Reality 1) No lie, no falsehood. The real thing, the faithfulness.

2) (In adverb use) very, extremely

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3) (Buddhism) Not temporary. The extreme, the absolute truth, the quintessence of

the universe.

However, this explanation is still confusing, and not very clear.

According to my own interpretation, I believe truth and reality should be defined as

follows: Truth The Laws of the Universe and Nature by which man and animals and

minerals generate and develop in an orderly manner.

Reality The footsteps and present status of the man, animals, minerals mentioned

above as they actually carve out their mode of existence.

When considering definitions for these two words, we come to understand that there

is only one truth, but there are an unlimited number of realities. Therefore, all

realities based on the Truth should resonate with each other according to the Hado

theory. If based on Truth, there should be no disputes. But we have not been seeking

earnestly for the Truth. Therefore, not all the realities existing now are based on the

Truth. That is why the boundless realities contend with each other, each asserting

that it is the only reality.

“Mr.A and Mr.B started quarrelling. You want to help the two get on well with each

other. When you listen to Mr.A’s reasons, you agree with his opinion, but when you

listen to Mr.B’s reasons, you also feel you agree with Mr.B as well. In this case, both

Mr.A and Mr.B are speaking about reality. Neither of them is telling a lie. Both are

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telling the truth, as they see it, so neither of them compromise. Now you don't know

what to do.”

I'm sure many people have experienced this situation. Conflicts between realities

are very difficult to solve, the more so as the problem gets larger.

All the disputes taking place throughout the world are because of contending

realities. The problem is even deeper for ethnic issues because those conflicts are

brought about because of differences in the historical realities of each ethnic group.

To solve these disputes arising from conflicts of realities, we must perceive

everything on this Earth in accordance with the Truth. For example, one of the

largest elements would be to consider how we can promptly disseminate the truth of

Hado, and this is the raison d’etre for the International Hado Membership Association.

However, this will take time. So what is needed until we reach that stage is the

semiconductor concept and the existence of semiconductors.

Let us look up the word semiconductor in the Kojien dictionary:

Semiconductor Substance which has electrical conduction rate in-between a

conductor and an insulator. Semiconductors do not conduct electricity at low

temperatures, but as temperature rises the electrical conduction rate increases.

They are categorized as a group of oxides including silicon, germanium, selenium,

and heavy metals. Semiconductors are used in rectifiers, transistors, and optical


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To settle quarrels between Mr.A and Mr.B and between ethnic groups C and D, a

mediator is necessary. If people around them just let things go, they are like water

and oil and cannot get on well with each other at all.Mr. A and Mr.B may not be a

large problem, but if the dispute is between nations, the problem may escalate in a

terrible direction. However, not anyone can be a good mediator. You have to be able

to play the role of a semiconductor. As a requirement for that you have to know

about the two parties to the dispute. Also you have to have the ability to understand

the realities on both sides. If such a person earnestly endeavors to help all parties,

the heat in the semiconductor itself will rise and the conduction rate will increase.

Eventually the two insulators A and B will be able to exchange currents via the

mediator. Positive opinion exchange will be possible, with necessary compromises on

both sides leading to solution.

Until we develop a Utopia society, we will need people in the semiconductor role. I

wrote about this issue in my first book “Prelude to the Hado Era” as follows:

“No matter how hard I try, I cannot think that the two societies (present society and

future society) can transmigrate based on Hado science beginning on a certain date.

If change happens abruptly, it would mean a huge natural disaster turning

everything on this Earth up side down, starting wars, turning a majority of the

human race into victims.

We cannot let that happen. If the modern society is truly a dangerous place, we

need a leader or a group to make a smooth transition to the future society.

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Luckily, we have seen an example of such a person Mr.Gorbachev of the former

U.S.S.R. Mr.Gorbachev was the semiconductor for the U.S.S.R. to transform from

socialism to liberalism. He knew both socialism and liberalism.

If people desire to make Hado science the basis of future society, we need a leader

who understands both societies to lead the rest of us. Hado science cannot be seen

or felt. The transition from a tangible society to a non-tangible society would be a big

project for the whole human race, one that we will be experiencing for the first time

in history. If this project is led by someone who does not deeply understand the

Hado science, there will be a huge friction.”

Let me propose that what is required now is to learn and understand about as many

realities as possible, and become semiconductors in many fields.

(April, 1994)


Recently, many people talk about the history of human race, or about the future,

using expressions such as “with a voice from heaven” or “through communication

with the universe”.

Such people may have existed in the past as well, but because of the boom in

extrasensory supernatural phenomena, people who had been hiding such abilities

have come to the surface one after another.

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In this issue, I would like to share with you my thoughts about the supernatural


Basically speaking, I do affirm the existence of supernatural phenomena. These

matters are not so mysterious from a Hado perspective.

Being involved in Hado research, all kinds of people come to visit me. Among them

are people who say that they were gifted with a special ability from birth. Or

suddenly from one day, they were able to see things what others cannot see, or they

are able to receive messages from outer space. Some come to consult with me being

concerned that they are losing their mind. Some are “professionals” in fields already

established in society. I have actually had the opportunity of measuring the Hado of

some extrasensory professionals. From my experience, I found that one part of the

brain of those types of people is especially sensitive in a Hado way. That Part is the

third ventricle.

According to the medical dictionary, the role of the third ventricle is yet to be

clarified, but it is definitely a part in relation to the pineal body which is called the

third eye. I found out that these people without exception have very high Hado

values in this part. The fact that the Hado value is high means that the frequency of

that part is high, or the wavelength is highly detailed.

As I have said in the past, resonance only occurs between A and B when the

frequency of the two is same, or very similar, or the two frequencies have common

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divisors or multiples, so even if a person says that he/she has psychic power, the

parties that he/she can communicate with are the ones with the same frequency.

For most people, the Hado level of the antenna base for communication with outer

space (the third ventricle) is not as activated. That is why the rest of us use the word

“supernatural phenomena", because we do not have that kind of experience directly.

However, I believe that essentially, any human being can freely communicate with

the universe without any complex training if they put their thoughts in a specific

mind frame after raising their own Hado level.

The issue is, how to evaluate and relate all those phenomena to yourself.

The conclusion is, not everything is correct. As I wrote before, I proposed the

hypothesis “Quark is consciousness”. In other words, this universe is filled with the

consciousness of a limitless numbers of people, and is protected by the energy of

those spirits. The limitless numbers of people are our ancestors, and ourselves, and

in some cases our descendants.

People who are called “psychic”, who have antennas to communicate with outer

space in their third ventricle, can communicate with the spiritual energy floating in

the universe within the range of their wavelength. That does not mean that those

people can communicate with ALL pieces of information in the universe. Therefore, I

do not doubt that there is some kind of information exchange, but I think we should

handle that information at the same level as other realities of this modern society.

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The spiritual energy in the universe includes our individual spiritual energy, so it

could be of Satan or of sinful People. It is possible that the information gained by

synchronizing with those spiritual energy sources may be to entrap us.

Therefore, it is not right to unconditionally accept au information from the universe

as correct. We should all endeavor to raise our Hado level. We should relate to these

phenomena and information as individuals, according to each person's perceptions

and intuition. I received a fax from Mr. Haruyuki Kato, the well-known soba specialist,

in January of 1994.It came from Hawaii where Mr. Kato was having a holiday.In the

fax he recommended that I read a book called “The Dolphin Connection”. According

to Mr.Kato, he met with the author of this book, Ms.JoanOcean, in Hawaii, and he

was given the book. After reading it, he thought there was a lot in common with my

Hado theory. I called the publisher Osho Enterprises immediately and had them send

me a copy, which I read at one stretch.

I deeply resonated with the book at so many points that I would like to introduce to

the readers a part of the book which has something in common with this month's


Messages From Dolphins

In playing and spending leisurely time with dolphins and whales, Ms.Ocean realizes

that she can communicate with them. One day, she asked the dolphins a question

(translation from the Japanese version):

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“How can I contribute to the human race and to everything on Earth with you?”

Then the dolphins answered:

“We hope to play and communicate with you. We became aware of your energy in

Florida and California. Within our wisdom is some from the past and some from the

future. We are waiting for the evolution of this Earth. We are supporting you by

sending healing rays to the ground, and the ones who notice us can eventually be

aware of the golden era or the wisdom of the ancient past.

The time is getting closer when you should listen to these facts and receive the

blessing. That information is a message of love brought to you as reality and

beauty.It is a fusion of scientific technological data and cosmic love vibration,

although these two are considered two different things in your world...

We are now trying to get knowledge back to a holistic view. All the information

about telepathy, history, teleportation, unknown energy sources are only a part of

the knowledge that we are trying to convey to you, but we have been able to

communicate with a few of your people in the past few hundred years.

We are giving inspiration to many people, and our role on this earth is to be your

teacher. Respond to our love and light, because you are an existence of reality and

beauty. When the time comes, everything will become a complete order. The human

race will be able to accept all of our knowledge.

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We appreciate your call to us. Let us communicate in peace, influencing each other,

and let us send you our love and light.” What a beautiful story. What we can do for

the time being is to try to communicate with those innocent animals and plants.

(February, 1994)



According to the “Great World Encyclopedia”, microorganisms are as follows:


A general name for microorganisms that are seen only with microscopes. These

include bacteria in the family of procaryon organisms, actinomyces, cyan bacterium,

molds of eukaryote, enzymes, fungi such as mushrooms, unicellular algae, and


Microorganisms do not have highly advanced tissue or organs. However,

microorganisms have the function of metabolism in their cell structure as in highly

advanced species. They also have a high metabolism, where the volume of enzymes

absorbed in one hour by one type of bacterium is 100 times as much as the liver

tissue of an animal. Therefore, microorganisms reproduce at a very high rate. E-coli,

for example, divides once every 20 minutes. (ellipsis)

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Some microorganisms live in environments where more advanced species cannot

live. Normal microorganisms live in temperatures ranging from 25 degrees

centigrade to 30 degrees centigrade, but some microorganisms were found in hot

spas, with high temperature as high as 80 degrees centigrade. Also, some

microorganisms are known to live in low temperature media such as the Antarctic.

Organisms generally maintain life by breathing oxygen, but some microorganisms

are anaerobic hence cannot live in the presence of oxygen. There are some

microorganisms that can live in highly acidic or basic environments. Microorganisms

exist throughout nature; in the ocean, soil, sewage, and waste water. It is said that

there is no place on Earth where microorganisms do not exist.

The largest role of microorganisms in the natural world is in substance circulation,

and it is said that 90% of carbon dioxide gas necessary for the plants on this Earth is

supplied by microorganisms dissolving animal and plant cadavers. Also,

microorganisms which live in soil are essential for agricultural production such as the

nitrogen fixing bacteria. Microorganisms living in the intestines of mammals are

essential for food digestion. Sake and other alcoholic beverages, miso (fermented

soy bean paste), shoyu (soy sauce), and other such brewed foods depend on various

microorganisms, as do antibiotics produced from actinomyces, which play an

important role in protecting the human race from disease. On the other hand, many

animal and plant diseases are caused by microorganisms, and continued research in

that field is necessary.

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(“Great World Encyclopedia” Heibonsha)

We coexist with microorganisms in our everyday lives sharing on good terms and on

bad terms, but a majority of people do not realize this at all. Before I became

involved in studying Hado, I had no knowledge about microorganisms. Therefore, I

lived my days utterly uninterested in them. However, since getting to know about

Hado, I have come to realize what an important role microorganisms play in our


Generally speaking, We imagine bacteria and viruses when we think of

microorganisms, with a negative view towards them. But as described above,

microorganisms live in all areas of this Earth and play important roles in each.

I feel deeply that all living things on this Earth have their own significance, and all

are related to each other, depending on each other. The insects that we despise, like

cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes, each has its role. When you observe things

around you with that perspective, you have warm feelings toward everything. Such

feelings lead us to love the Earth itself.

We depend upon microorganisms for food digestion, and they depend on us for

nutrients. Thus, we coexist cooperatively. (Of course, there are many more aspects

in which we help each other.)

I said earlier that the reason people become ill is because of negative thinking that

triggers an imbalance of elements within our body. But the actual damage done to

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the cells producing the symptoms comes from attacks by imbalanced and disordered


In other words, microorganisms are like our clones. When our thinking is disrupted

for genetic reasons or any other reason, the balance of elements collapses, and the

balance of microorganisms break down. Eventually, this means microorganisms

equal you. In the case of microorganisms, once the balance is broken down, one type

of microorganism becomes the dominant. It becomes full of greed aiming to increase

its own power and eat up our cells.

Once our body falls into that state, it is as difficult to calm it down as are the current

ethnic conflicts in Europe. The only method to solve it is to normalize the healing

power or immunity of that person. The most effective way to do this is the Hado

correction technique with Hado water. Because immunity can only be recovered

through a balanced peace of mind, immunity is actually a love Hado without any


I hear that the EM (Effective Microorganisms) technology developed by Dr. Teruo

Higa of RyukyuUniversity, which is gaining much attention lately, shows completely

different results and effects according to the person who conducts the operation. I

think this proves that microorganisms are our clones. If we think of microorganisms

as our clones, the microorganisms will maintain a good balance and bind together

tightly to exclude any enemies at the molecular level. Otherwise, the microorganisms

will join with the enemies and become hostile.

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As I have written in “Studies of the Human through Hado”, with the concept of the

Science of C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C, I am sure that this concept about microorganisms can

be understood. All the phenomena in this world fall within the seven notes in the

musical scale of C-D-E-F-G-A-B (- C).The rest is just an extension of the original

seven. There is only the difference of high or low frequency, the difference of

physical size being large or small, but the basic principles of all things are structured

with the principle of the common scale, C-D-E-F-G-A-B (-C).

Everything is based on Hado, but the Hado theory does not materialize without

Hado-character matters and physical substances, meaning the intangible and the

tangible. To conduct energy exchange between beings of differing nature, there must

be an intermediary that plays the role of semiconductor.

I believe that microorganisms, which are the smallest living things, take the role of

semiconductors within our body. That is why it is important that these

microorganisms work well and maintain good balance.

We human beings do not live only by the physical body that we see on the surface.

Researches conducted in the US has shown recently that a human being is

constructed in tiers of 42, like 42 octaves in a musical scale. Each tier reacts

according to the principle of C-D-E-F-G-A-B (-C), and the microorganisms take their

place in the top or 42nd octave, conducting on behalf of their masters work at micro

levels that we cannot perform ourselves.

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Based on the theory of C-D-E-F-G-A-B (-C), these microorganisms maintain power

and do their jobs in line with the consciousness and thoughts of the masters, the

human beings. Therefore when our ways of thinking, consciousness, or emotions

become imbalanced, the microorganisms will sympathies with that imbalance, and

according to our diet or biased and imbalanced exercises, we suffer from

malnutrition or obesity.

In everyday life, we should maintain awareness that we have many organisms to

support that cooperate within our body. Praying to our internal microorganisms for

our health may be far more effective than praying to God or some religious teacher.

If you are suffering from a severe disease, I believe the most effective medicine

would be awareness that you are living in cooperation with microorganisms at each

moment of your life, while you are eating, drinking Sake, taking exercise and even

when sleeping in bed. You should keep them in mind at all times and to try to convey

your honest appreciation for their endless contribution.

Let us be grateful to the microorganisms, and live happily together enjoying the

symbiosis.(May, 1994)

- Re-encountering with “An Introduction to Hado Science”

Thanks to my readers, I received reports from the person in charge at the publisher

Business Sha that “Studies of the Human through Hado” is selling well and gaining a

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good reputation. It has entered the top ten seller list in many well known bookstores.

Postcards were inserted in the books since the initial sales on April 12, 1994, for

people to send for more information, and everyday, about 30 postcards arrive in my

office with comments about the book. It is a great pleasure for me to read those

cards everyday.

All the cards say good things, which encourage me deeply. Many of the cards say,

for example, “I feel as though my eyes were opened. Thank you so much for a

wonderful book”, “This book clarified what has long been an unclear thought”, “l read

this book at one stretch. I am so excited”.

I was concerned about how well the results of my six years of Hado research will be

understood by readers because my books contain rather bold hypotheses based on

my intuition. That concern, happily, was unnecessary.

I am surprised by the change of consciousness. If this book were published five

years ago, it would not have received this much acclaim. I feel strongly that people

are seeking for answers to big questions that they have about modern society. In

that sense, I am definitely lucky.

However, from another angle, some believe that everything occurs from necessity.

Perhaps all this was already written in God's scenario. It did not happen accidentally

out of nothing. I am fully aware that this phenomena is dependant on many valuable

studies and books by my predecessors. I could come this far because of the

“pretreatment” role played by the great people in the past.I thought of this especially

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when I re-encountered Dr. Masao Ohashi’s book, “The Introduction to Hado Science”

(Tama Shuppan).

I found this book in a bookstore six years ago and purchased it, but as the content

seemed quite difficult for me then, I put the book on the shelf after reading two or

three pages.Then, probably because I moved my office several times, the book was

not even found on the bookshelf any longer.

It is quite an exciting feeling to find your own books on the shelves in bookstores.

Since the publication of “Studies of The Human through Hado”, I have been walking

around many bookstores to see how many of my books are placed in which corner.

One day, when I was in one of the bookstores checking my books, I noticed Dr.

Ohashi's book placed right next to mine. It had a different binding as the previous

one, and the title of the book was now “The New Introduction to Hado Science”, and

the following clause was included as the note from the editor:

“This book “The Introduction to Hado Science” went out of print after the first

printing in 1985, but due to requests from many readers, we have publish this book

as revised edition, after modifying the title and with new binding.”

This was my re-encounter with a book I had bought six years earlier and had lost

somehow. I took the book thinking with nostalgia about receiving a letter from Dr.

Ohashi, and when I was reading the contents page, I was so shocked that I almost

shouted “Wow, is this the same book!” Six years ago, I could not understand most of

what it said. Now. I could understand each and every word, and just by reading the

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contents page, I could tell that there are so many similarities with what I had written

in my book, “Studies of The Human through Hado”.

According to the introduction of the book, the profile of Dr. Ohashi is as follows:

Masao Ohashi

Born 1912, in Shizuoka-shi

Worked as the General Manager of Telegraph and Telephone Bureau, in Nippon

Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation. After retirement, became a member of

Japan Counselor Association, Super Psychology Research Group, and was a

councillor of Japan PsiScience Academy. Established Hado Science, and died 1992.

Other books by the author include “The Introduction to Hado Science” (out of print),

“Gorei No Ho (The Law of Spiritual Enlightenment)” (both from Tama Shuppan).

Regrettably, Dr.Ohashi passed away about two years ago, and I feel so sad that I

never met him in person. As mentioned before, I received a letter from Dr.Ohashi

after MRA gained a reputation, and we promised to meet each other. But I was

extremely busy, and we never found the chance.

I wrote that I was shocked to read the contents page. I was especially moved by the

following items:

From particles to activities

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Understanding Hado Science (hypothesis)

There is only one hypothesis

Grasping the phenomena

The relationship with physical science

Hado and phenomena

Wavelength and phenomena

Waveform and phenomena

Resonance and beat and phenomena

Hado and the shapes of substances

The size of the universe

Hado and whirl

Hado and analogus form

Hado and linkage

Hado and mutual reaction

Media of electromagnetic waves

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Electromagnetic waves and energy

Discovery of electron waves

Psi phenomena and atomic waves

Hado and dimension

The law of balance in the universe

The principle of analogy

Assumption of image nature

Creation of energy

Creation of substances

I am sure that clever readers are already nodding their heads. I gave this book to

Mr. Kazuya lshibash, who joined the MRA Research Institute from April of 1994, and

assigned him to read the book thoroughly and be able to explain and present its

contents to a general audience in an easy to understand my. He is a Doctor of

Science, graduated from the Ph.D. course at KumamotoUniversity. As Dr.Ohashi was

a scientist, his terms are still quite difficult for general readers to understand, so I

thought that Mr.Ishibashi. with a similar scientific mind, with the enthusiasm to enter

our research institute, and resonating with my Hado theory, would be able to make

the presentation effectively.

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After two weeks of hard work, Mr.Ishibashi conducted a one-hour presentation in

front of the employees explaining to us about “The Introduction to Hado Science”.

The presentation was indeed a success. The audience understood the content of the

book and the common ground between my Hado theory and Dr.Ohashi's book. Just

the other day, at the First Hado Instructor Training Course, Mr.Ishibashi did a great

job giving a presentation on Hado. When the training course ended, he was mobbed

by instructors eager to learn more. They asked Mr.Ishibashi to hold another more

admnced seminar.

The Hado theory that I wrote in “Studies of The Human through Hado” derived from

the thoughts from Hado analysis with MRA, but the theory was not for the

professional academic or scholars as my terms were more emotional and

literature-like because of my background.

Yet, more than 40 years earlier, a scientist had conducted research and had

published the results ten years earlier. Maybe it came out a little too early, so not

many people took notice of his book. But with that book laying the groundwork, my

book is receiving considerable attention now. And the content of Dr.Ohashi’s book

covers far more fields and in much greater depth than what I wrote. I am sure that

this book will be a valuable text book for my further studies. I recommend this book

to all my readers as a way to study more about Hado.

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I would like to express my sincere respect and appreciation to Dr.Ohashi for leaving

such wonderful research results, and I make a vow that I will do my utmost to let as

many people as possible know about Dr.Ohashi.s book.

Lastly, I would like to present the following excerpt from the epilogue of Dr.Ohashi's


“The biggest concern for me in publishing “The Introduction to Hado Science” is that

this hypothesis might be seen to lie within the range of current physical science.

Physical science is the science of physics (body).Hado science is a science of

phenomena (soul, spirit).It is also a science of the mind of God or Buddha. I would

like the readers to realize that this hypothesis is not my original thinking.

It is a revelation from God or Buddha. Therefore, if you approach Hado science as a

physical science and stick to self-interest and greed, it will not lead to happiness for

the human race any more than the atomic bomb.

Hado science will probably contribute most directly to human beings in the

discovery of atomic waves.This energy is the energy of life.It is also the energy of

God and Buddha.The essence of gravity was never revealed until now perhaps

because there was the danger of it leading to total disruption in the thinking of

physical thoughts. Atomic waves have unlimited possibilities. I would like to request

that the atomic waves be utilized for the happiness of all human beings.

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The primary objective of Hado science is to prove that physical science and the

spiritual world are bound with the same energy, the atomic waves. I can never forget

the following phrase written in the book “I Saw The Spiritual World”, written by

Swedenborg, a phrase which Swedenborg heard from a spiritual being:

“Let it be known to the people throughout the world about this spiritual world, and

about spirits. There is no other way to save the world”.

It is said that there will be a big global change at the end of this century.If that it

true, and if there is a way to prevent that from happening, then the above sentence

is the answer. Because when the above is truly understood, then the viewpoints and

perspectives of people toward the world will change.”

(“New Introduction to Hado Science” written by Masao Ohashi)

(July, 1994)

When reading through the book “New Introduction to Hado Science” written by

Dr.Ohashi, which I introduced in last month’s newsletter, I was faced with a

hypothesis of his which I had to solve and understand. It is the interpretation of the

word “imaginary nature” (KYOSHITSU), and the positioning of that concept. I could

not go on reading unless I understood the meaning of this word.

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The concept of “imaginary nature” is ancient. In the world of mathematics, the

concept of imaginary numbers arose in Italy in the 16th century. The comparison

between the “real” and the “image” was adopted in many fields. In English, the word

“imagine” is used as in words like “imaginary number,” “imaginary field,” “imaginary

world.” Soul, as in body and soul, and spirits are included in the field of imaginary


Dr.Ohashi explains this as follows:

“To understand all the phenomena of the universe from the viewpoint that Hado is

the approximation of energy, it is necessary to understand about dimensions.

Dimensions are explained as follows:

It is said that the zero dimension is a point, the first dimension is a line, the second

dimension is a plane, and the third dimension is a solid (substance).

Recently, the term fourth dimension is often used, but this word currently has two

meanings; one is that it takes time for a substance in a three dimension to move, so

time is added onto the third dimension to make the fourth dimension. The other

meaning is the unknown world of spiritual phenomena.

In this hypothesis, I propose to use the term “real dimension” for all the

phenomena we feel with our five senses, and call the dimension, which is the

foundation allowing the phenomena of the real dimensions to occur, “imaginary

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dimension”. For instance, the world of the real dimension is “this world” and the

world of the imaginary dimension is “the other world”.

The real dimension is where we live and feel with our five senses, and substances in

this real dimension cannot share the same space. For example, you cannot place a

100 yen coin in the place where another 100 yen coin is placed already. However,

because the real dimension and the imaginary dimension are different, it is possible

for imaginary objects to share exactly the same space. For instance, a human being

consists of body and soul. The soul is an existence in the imaginary dimension, while

the body is an existence in the real dimension. Thus, the two can share the same

space and be one.”

(“New Introduction to Hado Science” Tama Shuppan)

Furthermore, Dr.Ohashi writes in the section on “Assumptions of imaginary nature”

as follows:

“It has been a mystery for a long time, to think why and how the universe was

made. I came to assume the existence of “imaginary nature” within the world of

imaginary dimension in my quest for the energy source behind the perpetual

movement of electrons that spin around the atomic nucleus and in seeking the

medium of electromagnetic waves.

Imaginary nature is analogous to “emptiness” in Buddhism, “hollow” in Taoism,

“one body” in Western philosophy, “cam” in analogy, or “sacred essential Hoa" in the

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Kabbalah. Scientifically, imaginary nature is analogous to “vacuum” as people have

started to say that vacuum does have physical character when it was found that

electrons and protons are generated in pairs when gamma rays are emitted in

vacuum space. Imaginary nature can also replace “ether” which was thought to be

the medium of light and electromagnetic waves.

The concept of imaginary nature is the basis of Hado science. If the ocean is the

mother of life, then imaginary nature is the parent of the universe. Without the

understanding of imaginary nature, there is no Hado science. This imaginary nature

may seem a jump from physical science, but one cannot solve the mystery of the

universe without assuming imaginary nature. If you adhere too much to physical

science, it will be difficult to understand imaginary nature. If you accept this concept

free of prejudice, it is easy to understand this with the help of analogous phenomena.

Once you understand, you will understand that all the phenomena in this universe

are based on this imaginary nature, and you will feel that your eyes are at last open.”

(“New Introduction to Hado Science” Tama Shuppan)

As mentioned in Vision 7, I felt resonance at once when I re-encountered “New

Introduction to Hado Science”, but one concept that I could not fully understand was

this “imaginary nature” or the “imaginary field”. And at that point, I felt faced with

this barrier. I felt I could not go forth with Hado science without understanding

imaginary nature. I had to overcome this barrier, and I concentrated hard to solve it.

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Then an answer came to me all of a sudden. An image as in the following page cane

to my mind.

First, in the yang field of the imaginary world a waveform and wavelength appears

according to the consciousness of a person (1).That consciousness goes to the

extreme and enters the yin field (2), and when the yin goes to its extreme, a

transition takes place sending the waveform into the yang field of the real world

(3).In this case, the waveform and the wavelength of the real world would be exactly

the opposite of those in the imaginary world. When yin in the real world(4) goes to

its extreme, it would go to the yang field again in the imaginary world(5).At that

point, the consciousness acts again, and for example, makes a waveform and

wavelength as shown by the dotted line (a) or (b).That would be the dotted line (c)

or (d) in the real world.

These transitions are taking place at an extraordinarily fast speed unthinkable to us

in our present time frame, but this is the process through which all phenomena


When observing this chart from many other angles, it is possible to come up with

the following astonishing hypothesis:

(1) The source of Hado (energy) is the consciousness of human beings.

(2) All phenomena are structured by the consciousness of human beings.

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(3) The transition from imaginary to real is conducted at an extraordinary fast

speed, at least faster than the nuclear time unit of 10-23, second, which is the time

required for micro particles reactions according to what is known so far.

*If 10 to the minus 23rd second is set as one second, then one second in our world

would be a practically infinite time, more than 10, 000 times longer than 15 billion

years, which is the age of our universe today.

(Extra issue of Newton, “Beyond Einstein”)

(4) Everything that we see, including human beings, are a part of the shaded

portion of the chart, which means that actually, everything, including ourselves, is

flickering. This is just like a movie film, or a fluorescent light which looks as though it

is on all the time but is actually flickering on and off 60 times per second. Therefore,

if there was a camera with a shutter speed of 10-23 second, and if we took a

photograph of ourselves at all imaginary field moment, nothing would appear on the


(5) Several supernatural phenomena which have long been mysteries can be

explained with this chart.

For example;

Saibaba's materialization phenomena... By controlling the consciousness Hado 10

-23 Second, you can transcend substance during that time, transport yourself to

where ever you like, and come back again.

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By applying the concept behind this chart, most other supernatural phenomena

should be understandable. This chart is not certainly complete, but I am proud that it

may leave a footprint in the history of efforts to explain these phenomena. By

generating a second or a third chart based on this, I believe we will be able to depict

the true figure of the universe.

Last Sunday, Mr. Junichi Yaoi, a well known UFO specialist came to visit my office.

Thanks to our common friend Mr.Haruyuki Kato, who introduced him to me, we had a

good time.

When I talked about the theory described above to Mr.Yaoi, he gave me a book

called “Why The Corpses of Crows Are Never Found” (Yukeisha, published April,

1993) saying it was one of the best books he has written. I flipped through the pages

expressing my thanks to him, and when I opened the contents page, alas,

Mr.Yaoi had already known about my ideas long ago.

The sentences that jumped into my eyes were:

Why the corpses of crows are never found.

Crows disappear in an instant?!

Is it possible that “things disappear”?

Where do the bodies of dead cockroaches and rats go?

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Do animals disappear in secret?

What is “common sense”?

The mysteries of things you cannot “see”, though you do see them.

Some people see UFOs, some people don’t.

If you abandon “common sense”, you can see the real world!

We are vulnerable to the word “scientific.”

The “problems” that science can never answer.

“Our bodies are image!"

Everything is made of “fluffy clouds”

Your body is actually flickering?!

So surprising. Call it synchronicity or any other name you wish. Immediately after I

thought out the Emoto Chart, a person comes to visit me who had written about the

same concept more than a year earlier. We were sitting there discussing things with

open arms. I felt confident in pursuing my thoughts. And I am sure that I can deliver

to all the members further exciting study results every month.

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I do recommend Mr. Yaois book. It is very interesting. And please try to apply the

Emoto Chart in your life and thoughts. If you find any contradictions, please let me


(August, 1994)


- My comments on reading Mr.Yaoi’s book -

In last month's newsletter, I introduced the book written by Mr.Junichi Yaoi, “Why

Corpses of Crows Are Never Found” (Yukeisha).I wrote of my surprises over the

many points in common with my hypothesis. In this month’s newsletter I would like

to elaborate on why we rarely find animal corpses.

Let me quote a few paragraphs from Mr. Yaoi's book on which we should focus :

(quote from pages 31 to 34 of the above book, after the explanation about dead

bodies of cockroaches never being found)

Let's talk now not of insects but of rats, which are in a way “wild animals” that live

in the human world. In Japanese we have the word “Nezumi-zan” which means “rat

calculation” or geometric progression. Rats grow in numbers exponentially. The

number may not exceed that of cockroaches, but from one pair of rats, in just one

year, 9,400 rats are born.

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According to the Tokyo Pest Control Association, an organization of companies in

Tokyo which specializes in extermination of rats and vermin, they say that “it is

possible that thousands of rats are living in urban office buildings and other

multipurpose buildings.” Recently in urban districts, instead of the common brown

rats, another type of rats called “bear rats” are increasing in number.

These bear rats are so energetic even though they are relatively small in size, only

15 to 20 cm. They are never injured, even after falling from 15 meters high. They are

also not affected by poison. The buildings are air-conditioned and there are no cats

to kill them, so they freely increase in number. The rats eat food from food corners in

department stores and supermarkets. They chew expensive fur coats. They chew up

computer cables and interrupt online communication at banks. We humans are

completely at a loss.

Even with so many rats, we rarely see their dead bodies. From time to time we may

see one or two which have died of poison or were run over by a car.

They say that bear rats can enter anywhere if there is 1.5 cm of space, so it may be

possible that the rats hide in these useable space and die. However, considering their

number, isn't it funny that we rarely see their corpses?

Recently we are seeing much building construction. Old buildings are taken down

one after another, and new buildings are built. Even the construction workers say

that they “rarely see dead rats.”

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Why is this so? I interviewed people at the Tokyo Metropolitan Cleaning Bureau and

the Sewage Bureau. But they say that they never “collected dead rats” or were

“troubled by tons of dead rats floating in the sewer”.

If we think about the huge number of cockroaches and rats, it would be quite

natural to see dead bodies all over our houses, all over the streets such that we

shouldn't even find a space to walk.

(“Why Corpses of Crows Are Never Found”)

After this, Mr. Yaoi touches upon the fictitiousness of elephants’ graveyards, and

writes as follows:

When considered this way, we realize that other than the dead bodies of humans

and domestic animals, we see only the corpses of a majority of wild animals.

Crows and birds, wild monkeys, rabbits, moles, snakes, frogs, and all the insects. It

would seem quite natural to see their dead bodies everywhere.

However, the world seems cleansed of their corpses. How come? Is it really true

that they “disappear” when they die?

ln any case, it is for certain that we had not realized this until now. To this day, I

have wondered why we haven't thought about this issue; this issue which is integral

to our everyday lives. I feel that there is some kind of trap in this.

(“Why Corpses of Crows Are Never Found”)

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Another synchronicity happened. The day after I met Mr.Yaoi, Mr.Hikaru Deguchi

who is the great grandson of Mr.Onisaburo Deguchi the founder of Omotokyo (a sect

of Shinto) came to visit me accompanied by Mr. Masato Deguchi who is an executive

of Omotokyo and uncle to Mr.Hikaru Deguchi.The objective of their visit was to learn

about Hado, and I spoke about what I had written in the previous newsletter.

Mr.Masato Deguchi said, “Regarding the episode about animals disappearing, I

believe our founder Onisaburo has written something about that. Please allow me to

look that up and send you available documents.” Three days later, he sent me a

letter as follows

- Preceding paragraph omitted -

I would like to quote Onisaburo's teachings about Shike (Dissolution of dead bodies)

as follows. I hope this will be of some reference to you:

Tigers, wolves, wild boars, bears, foxes, raccoon dogs and other such beasts that

live in wild fields and mountains, and pigeons, kite hawks, crows, sparrows and other

birds, they do not leave their dead bodies on this earth. Except when killed by man,

no one has seen the corpses of these animals when they die naturally.

At a certain time, these animals enter into the spiritual world according to the law of

dissolution of dead bodies. This is the blessing of God, because when they die and

leave their ugly dead bodies on this earth there is no one to conduct funerals and

bury their bodies.

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Furthermore, these animals do not have greed or ego, they are not attached to

material items, therefore their souls are clean. There is a saying about the greed of

tigers and wolves, but as long as their stomachs are full, they never prey on others.

However, man's greed is quite fearful; he stocks more than what he needs for a day,

and for a year, or even a lifetime's worth of food, man still tries to conquer others.

What a greed.

Domestic animals leave their dead bodies on this Earth because man can take care

of them, therefore the law of dissolution of dead bodies does not apply.The same is

said about man, where the dead bodies can be taken care of by each other, and

therefore the law of dissolution of dead bodied does not apply.

(“Mizukagami” by Onisaburo Deguchi)

I am sure that many people would say, I-What a foolish thing to say!'' to this

Proposal by Mr. Yaoi, but none can disprove this. a- considered seriously, people

And according to the path selected by man in the future, with the correct education,

I think it may be possible for him to return to his original purpose in a few thousand

years or a few tens of thousand of years.

Now, I strongly agree, with the teaching of our predecessors that “God is within

yourself”. But we are taking a long detour.

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As in the above quote, I am feeling more strongly that God equals yourself, but if

that is truly so, then everything perceived in common sense will be dismantled. If

human beings did not die, there will be no need to procreate and therefore no need

for the existence of man and woman. Given this situation, we should review the basic

principle that the universe is constructed of plus and minus. This theory is very

shocking, and may deviate too much from reality.

In any case, when considering all the contradictions in the world, it might be the

right track to review all the phenomena based on this kind of hypothesis.

(September, 1994)

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, if man was not designed to be as God and

was originally designed to die, then the physics of that level would be greatly

different from the physics of our world. If we assume that we have eternal life, there

is no need to produce descendants, hence no need for man and woman. There is the

question why there are two genders, man and woman, but leaving that question

aside, I would like you to consider a unisexual world.

If we lived in a unisexual world, there would be no love or sex. Love and sex do

consume much of our lives, so according to the energy consumed for those activities,

the burden should become lighter. However, I know that there are many who think

that life without love or sex is dull, but this is just an assumption. If there is such a

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level of dimension, then no one would know about love or sex so there will be a

completely different sense of value. Anyway, let me go on.

I do admit that life would be dull if there was no love nor sex in the present world,

but there are many interesting things when you come to think of it.

For example, there would be less crimes in the newspaper. There are so many

homicides and injuries due to love affairs. And all sexual crimes will be gone.

Prostitution, rape, and all such minor offenses would be gone. Mafia or Yakuza who

prey on those activities would not be able to survive.

the suicide rate will drop. Many women who lost their love would be free. And for

men, sometimes their wives and families may become a big burden, making them

unable to do what they really want to do and putting them under undue stress. I

know there are many men who will be happier if they didn’t have families.

Many good things for women would also result. First of all, women wouldn’t give

birth. We men would never know how painful labor is or all the inconveniences before

and after giving birth. But we can imagine how painful it might be. Also women would

not menstruate. Perhaps raising children should be done by both men and women

but in our current society most child rearing is still on women's shoulders.

Furthermore, in a unisexual society, all household chores would be done only for

yourself, so the burden should be lighter.

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I do not think that this style would completely prevail, but there would naturally be

less discrimination between man and woman.

And most significantly, we would all be liberated from jealousy, disbelief, doubt,

falsehood, sense of sin, obsession, guilt, depression, sorrow, hopelessness, despair,

loneliness, worries, fear of losing one’s self-control, panic, hysteria, delusion, anger,

frustration, concern, and resentment, all of which come from the complicated

feelings between man and woman. That would be very good for everyone's health.

Imagining a world without children is very sad, but let us investigate this.

If there were no differences between man and woman, and no children, there still

would be love, and that love would be shared with animals and plants and minerals

without fear or favor. Each human being would respect each other, acknowledge

each other, and share love with one another. These people would not have any self-

greed compared to their ancestors (meaning us).They choose their own role in the

society, love nature and live in peace. They will take only the amount of food they

need, so as not to imbalance the law of nature. They will play with butterflies and

flowers, and have fun in streams. However, to protect nature, when something

appears that tries to disrupt nature, the people would sense this beforehand and

drive the evil away with their powerful Hado energy. If the evil is strong, the people

would assemble and stand against the enemy. If necessary, they would call for

support from other parts of the universe.

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This description is quite fantasy-like, a bit like science fiction and may be in a way

religious, but if man does not die and if man is God himself, the image would be like


If this extreme hypothesis was true, then I wonder what would happen to our

present position. Are we like half-animals in “The Little Mermaid” or like the

half-fish-man of the Amazon?

I began thinking about these ideas after thinking about why people suffer from

diseases. I thought about this after conducting Hado measurement of more than

5,000 people utilizing the MRA. The encounter with Mr.Yaoi, the author of the book

“Why Corpses of Crows Are Never Found” , which was introduced in last month’s

newsletter triggered my further ideas.

It was shocking for me to realize that dead bodies of animals are never found. I

thought very hard about this but I can only agree with Mr.Yaoi's theory. And when I

think about where the dead bodies of all these animals go, I had already completed

my Emoto Hado Chart theory, as though I was waiting for Mr.Yaoi's question. And I

could easily guess the answer.

In the case of man, when we think about why we do leave our dead bodies, I came

up with the following hypothesis.

This is a rather bold hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on the idea that the

principle of yin and yang was made by the devil. I mentioned about the principle of

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yin and yang in Chapter 7 - Yin and Yang, in my book “Studies of The Human through

Hado”, which starts with the following paragraph:

When studying Hado, I had to consider the principles of yin and yang. And when

you study about yin and yang, I began formulating that you can understand

everything about Hado when you understand the complex teaching of yin and yang.

The reason why the principle of yin and yang is linked with Hado is because of a

personal experience. For example, I understood that there are yin fields and yang

fields for all the various feelings, parts of our body, metal toxin Hado, bacteria Hado,

element Hado, and disease Hado, they all have yin and yang fields, and each is

tangled with one another according to a certain rule.

I learned that there are yin and yang fields in humans, animals and plants and

minerals, and that there are some exceptions where a certain element acquires a

cyclic property and maintains a field at the middle path. I also leaned that for

humans, yin and yang are not always uniform but interconvert according to changes

in the person's environment. Furthermore, give food or water from a yin field to a

yang field person would cause adverse effects, therefore one should give a yang field

person yang food or water. This helped me realize the necessity of properly

interpreting the principle of yin and yang. It is said that the principle of yin and yang

originated in Ancient China, but there are theories that the principle was concepted

in the Hebrew or Babylonian era.

(the rest omitted)

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As in the above quote, I wrote about the importance of the interpretation of the

principle of yin and yang, but all of a sudden. I felt that the law might have been

made by the devil. Why? The reason is because I thought of the following ideas from

the deepest parts of my mind:

1) People who learn about the principle of yin and yang would have to study the

Yi-King (I Ching), or the Book of Changes. Why should one need to learn about

divination or fortune-telling as a beginner's text book?

2) Yin and yang is plus and minus, or good and bad. So it is the right side and the

opposite side of every phenomena, but if the two do not balance well, then;

a) Where there are happy people, there must be unhappy people

b) Where there are rich people, there must be poor people

c) Where there are healthy people, there must be sick people

d) Where there are beautiful women, there must be ugly women

e) Where there are people with honest and clear mind, there must be people with

dishonest mind

f) Where there are geniuses, there must be fools

a) Where there are angels, there must be devils

h) Where there is a Dr.Jekyll, there must be a Mr.Hyde

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You know already that divination, Shichu-suimei (Japanese Horoscope), palmistry ,

and physiognomy, or any other schools or fortune-telling all guess right. Many

politicians and company owners became very interested in this type of teaching, and

we do hear that some of them actually depend on fortune-telling when they need to

make important judgments. This is not highly publicized, but I believe the

dependency rate can be quite high.

Why do fortune-tellers guess right? I have had my fortune told several times.

Sometimes on my own volition and sometimes by recommendation from friends,

and each time the fortune-teller guessed right.

If we analyze this scientifically, one could say that it is based on statistics. But only

a few hundreds of thousands of years have past since we humans have consciously

started our lives. Civilization and culture has changed many times since the

beginning of history. If we try to understand the history of humans as linear to the

point where we exist now, then I don't think it is possible to come up with high

percentage of correct fortune-telling.

My interpretation of fortune-telling is that man has repeated his history over and

over again. If so, I can understand many things. In other words, the true meaning of

yin going to the extreme and becoming yang, and vice-versa, is that there is

existence, but when that existence goes to the extreme, then the direction heads

towards non-existence, and enters the world of emptiness. And when the emptiness

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world goes to its extreme, the direction heads towards the existence world and

enters into a world as the one we are in right now.

If one can think in that way, then we may be continuously repeating the same life

over and over again. That is how we can understand why the fortune-tellers guess


This is like the logic of the Möbius strip. I am sure many of you know about the

Möbius strip, but allow me to explain it once again:

Möbius Strip(from the Kojien dictionary)

A figure made by twisting a strip once and pasting its two ends. Example: A curve

plane without a right side or backside. Taken from a German astrologist and

mathematician named Möbius.

I learned of the Möbius strip when I was a boy from one of the senior boys. I was

impressed, and I told other people about this. I wondered, why was it necessary to

twist the tape? Twisting means distortion. The phenomena occurring from distortion

isn't so strange.

If the principle of yin and yang is considered in this way, humans will eventually be

extinct. Some people may think that humans will be revived in the long run,

therefore we should not worry, but I do not think so.

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If we become extinct, I want to leave some kind of record advising the next

generation so they are not deceived.

In any case, I think the principle of yin and yang is the principle of power and power.

And when I think of the person who would benefit the most from this principle is


The reason for my saying so is that devils should have been expelled in the

beginning. There have been many wars and battles against devils in human history.

But as long as the principle of yin and yang continues, devils will never be expelled.

This world should be quite comfortable for them as they are guaranteed of their seat

even if they should have never been here. Even if they disappear from this world

temporarily with humans, they are guaranteed that there will be a day of revival, so

they will probably fight to protect the principle of yin and yang.

By the way, when I say devils, I don't mean the devils which appear in fairy tales

with scary wicked faces. I mean the devils in our mind who somehow find a place

inside us.

(But when I think of why we came to be like this, it makes me believe there are real


Recently, the more I think about things in this world, the deeper I am trapped in the

Möbius strip of the principle of yin and yang. As long as we live on this Earth bound

by the law of gravity, we might not get out of this strip, and I also think that this is in

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some way proven by the fact that astronauts who ride on space ships such as Apollo

go through the atmosphere out in the universe and when they see Earth for the first

time they are so moved by the beauty of Earth and come back with some kind of

revelation from God.

Recently, a book called “Agastia's Leaves” (Sangokan), written by Mr. Masahide

Aoyama has gained popularity and is a bestseller.

I met Mr.Aoyama and was impressed by his sincere character.

Therefore, I can understand that what is written in that book is all true, although for

many people it might be difficult to believe.

In writing this document, an idea came to my mind.

“May be the prophecy of Agastia's leaves is done by the Möbius strip.”

Mr. Aoyama's fans may be mad at me for saying so, but if the destiny of humans is

already determined, if that fact is to be understood in an objective way, can't it be

said that the history of man has repeated itself many times?

(October, 1994)

In the previous newsletter I took on a rather pessimistic view saying that we might

not get out of the Möbius strip as long as we live on this Earth bound by the law of

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gravity, but I do not mean to come to that conclusion. There should be a good way, a

good secret way. Let us seek that way.

The good thing to start with is to understand that we are all ignorant. They say that

there are a hundreds of billions of brain cells in a human brain, and it is generally

said that there are 14 billion brain neurons which are related to thinking. And

surprisingly, the established theory says that an average of only 3% of all neurons

are activated.

It is very interesting to think about why only 3% is activated. In the afterwards of

my book “Prelude to the Hado Era”, I wrote as follows:

It is said that there are approximately 14 billion brain cells in the human brain. And

in the case of a modem man, by average only 3%, therefore only 420 million brain

cells are utilized. If this theory is correct, we have achieved merely three hundredth

of our originally intended capacity. Three hundredth is equivalent to a toddler who is

younger than three years old if we think of our average life span to be 80 years.

This may seem a detour of thought, but when we consider why we are still stuck at

such a low intelligence level even after a few hundreds of thousands of years, I think

of the word “load”. In other words, our brains have been under some kind of load

throughout our history. That is why the brain has never been fully activated.

For example, leaders of groups, leaders of tribes, feudal lords and absolute

monarchs, beaurocrats, political executives in the ruling class, and astrologists,

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religious founders, philosophers, and scholars, those who had been linked with

power had always thought of protecting their position and rank, and have denied the

creativity which leads to the activation of unused brain cells. Historically, our brain

cells have that kind of load in the form of genetic information, and hence we

instinctively take a conservative attitude.

However in fields of fine art and sports, that kind of load or burden is not as largle

as in other fields. We do see excessively superb people in those fields, such as

Mozart, Beethoven, or recently, Carl Lewis is proof of this.

Of course, that load is not the only reason for our current limited usage of brain

cells, but it cannot be denied that it is a large element in restricting the current

education system and its content, and all fields of science. And the tightening of the

“free flow of thoughts”, which has continued for many years has created a so called a

wrong common sense. This is being continuously imprinted on genetic information,

and that is why there are so many people who can only think of things


As I have been saying, I am a good example. Come to think of it now, I am lucky to

have realized that I had been completely ignorant to “science”. I had not studied any

natural science subject such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics,

mechanical engineering, electric and electronic engineering, astronomy, and I had

no knowledge of these subjects. If I had studied about these subjects, with the

imprint of wrong common sense, I would not have taken notice of MRA. And I am

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most grateful for the genetic information that I possess from my ancestors and to

the education my parents put me through. If my parents did not have a flexible way

of thinking, I would not be flexible and therefore would not be making all these

challenging statements.

MRA is beyond the conventional scientific common sense. No matter how I explain

the scheme and concept of MRA to current scientists, I do not think even one would

understand it. And none of them would be able to operate the device in an effective

way. This device is not for people who have preconceived notions and knowledge or

imprinted information in their mind.

However, when I went to Mr. Weinstock's lab, the device was completed, and Mr.

and Mrs.Weinstock had gone to hundreds of people trying to sell the device but not

one unit had sold by then. From the conventional scientific common sense point of

view, may be that was natural. But as I had no preconceived information about that

field, I immediately thought that the device was so intriguing that I purchased it.

Simple as that. Since then, I have been conducting the Hado check of things and

people with MRA for the past five years. Through trial and error I have confirmed its

capabilities and lowered my defect rate.

During this term, I had bought many books that I select with my senses judging by

reading the contents page. Except for a few, I had not read many of by coincidence

and it is an extraordinary device beyond the bound of conventional science.

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I am saying that any person with honesty and sincerity and without any

preconceived notion or imprinted information can do what I did and can understand

100% of what I am saying, and at that moment can have the same thought process

as me and be at the same consciousness level.

Furthermore, by doing so, 5% of our brain cells will be activated. Eventually, that

percentage should naturally rise to 10% and above. I am not a lead-off man. But

through this process we can all synchronize with each other and with many unique

persons, and that would amplify the effect of all of us proceeding in an unbelievably

fast speed.

When the activation of the brain cells reach 30%, we may see the advent of a new

world. I mentioned the existence of devils in our minds, but if we consider the devil

as the inactivated portion of the brain, then I feel that the concept of everything

being within our consciousness becomes clearer.

Aside from the debate of whether or not the principle of yin and yang is good or bad,

the reality is that we have to live with this theory for some time. But the readers who

agree with me that we should avoid any repetition would probably think that we

should not continue to court this theory. Another important element is to consider

specifically how to lead our everyday life until we realize the next world. However,

the next world would not come all of a sudden. People would begin feeling that things

are different, things are peaceful, and they should feel the urge to actively take that

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path, otherwise they may never see such a day. I would like to mention what

specifically we should do as one of the people proposing to go in that direction.

I am writing some of the things that we can do. Read the following, and start taking

actions now:

(1) Take an early morning walk

I believe that the Sun is Immunity itself. Especially the sunlight first thing in the

morning will awaken our immune system which is suspended during sleep, and

makes the day comfortable.

(2) Say words of appreciation

Say words of thanks to yourself for waking up in good shape. I say, “Thank you very

much Emoto for allowing me to wake up in good health.”

(3) Prayer

Say out loud what you want to do that day. You can pray to God or founders of any

other religion that you believe in. If you do not have a religion, then you can pray to

nature or to yourself. And it is better to use the past tense than the present tense, so

not “Thank you for…today". But instead, say, “Thank you Mr.Emoto that I did not

drink beer tonight.”

(3) Blessings at meal time

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In the old days we always used to say blessings before and after each meal, but

nowadays Ho not see people doing that as often. Especially when people are eating

out they do not say their blessings. Forget who is paying for the meal, express your

gratitude to the person who cooked the meal for you, to cereals and animals and

plants that provide nutrition to you, saying “Thank you”. This should improve your


(5) Greetings

Always say “Good morning”, “Good day”, “Welcome”, “Good evening”, “Good night”,

“Good bye”, “Thank you very much”, “Thank your for your hard work”, with a smile.

(6) Talk to nature

When you have the opportunity to be around nature, talk to the trees and flowers.

You should feel love for it and should cherish it.

(7) Associate yourself with the ground

Walk on the ground with your bare feet. All the electromagnetic waves and static

electricity which were accumulated in your body will be earthed and you would feel

fresh again. And be grateful to Mother Earth.

(8) Cherish the lives of insects and small animals

When you are walking and come across an earthworm suffering in the sun, take a

little courage, pick it up and place it on a piece of ground in the shade. And be careful

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not to tread on ants. Talk to flies and mosquitoes. They will soon be quiet. Children

grow up observing adults. These things will become quite important.

(9) Do not accumulate your feelings

As I have been saying from time to time, the order of the universe can be obtained

when Hado is flowing slowly and smoothly. As our body is a universe within, the

same principle applies. If you accumulate a certain feeling, that would endanger your

health. Don't accumulate your thoughts, but tell them to others. It is best to say

them out loud, but if you do not have that opportunity, write them down on a piece

of paper or talk to yourself. Karaoke is also a good way. An appropriate amount of

alcohol and hearty conversation is also recommendable.

(10) Review things in the shoes of others

When you have different opinions with someone on many issues and for a long time,

you may feel that your chemicals don't match, and would rather not see that person

that is creating stress. As the saying goes, “birds of a feather flock together,”

meaning where people with matching waves would form groups, otherwise could be

a basis of contention. If you review the reason why that person has his/her my of

thinking, consider his personal history, environment or position, then waves will

synchronize between each other and you may become friends quite easily. Before

coming to a conclusion, please try this.

(11) Play the “cloud- vanishing game”

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The clouds in the sky wish easily with your thoughts. Instruction is as follows:

a) Believe firmly that the cloud will vanish, without any trace of doubt

b) Relax. If you have too much tension, your energy will not fly effectively.

c) Imagine that your energy laser beam emits straight from your heart to the cloud.

d) Say “The cloud has vanished”, in past tense.

e) And simultaneously, say thank you in a past tense tone to your energy. Following

the above instruction, clouds in the sky will vanish without exception.

You will be impressed to see the power of your thought energy. Please try this once.

When you lose confidence in your everyday life, try this game again. You will soon

be cheerful again. Of course, you can make clouds as well. The point is the same.

(12) Talk to microorganisms

Our body is made of an analogous form of the seven notes of a musical scale:

C-D-E-F-G-A-B(-C).Ultimately, the balance or imbalance of all microorganisms in

your body is related deeply to your body condition. By having a sense of coexistence

with microorganisms, you can stay healthy. Talk to them dearly, at least once a day.

(13) Drink good water for the rest of your life

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Hado information is imprinted within the water inside the cells of our body, and we

are managed by that information. Therefore, drinking good water is more effective

than any water products. Water is good if it tastes good. The best type of water is

when it tastes sweet. No matter how enthusiastic another person may recommend a

certain type of water to you, if you don't feel it as tasty, forget it. Also, even with the

same type of water, you may feel that it is old. Do not drink that.

(14) Small is beautiful

As I wrote in “Studies on The Human through Hado”, for all humans to coexist and

to build a peaceful world with the least number of victims, each of us needs to

actively strive to decrease our size. If all of us can realize that small is beautiful

without any resistance, in thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, our

physical size could become smaller. This is natural from the theory that the human

consciousness can create anything and everything.

Especially in hoping to rid ourselves of yin and yang, I definitely feel that such

process is necessary. If our physical body is large and heavy, we cannot advance

because we are bound by the law of gravity.

(15) Review sex

I face the question of “what is sex” and if it is really true that originally there was no

man or woman. The more one thinks, the more difficult it is so to find the answer.

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In current society, there are so many activities that promote sex. I am sure that no

one thinks that such business is healthy, but in certain situations, your brain stops

functioning. Therefore we avoid discussing about sex in a reasonable fashion. I think

we should now seriously discuss what sex is.

(October 1994)


In Japanese, the word used to express “chains” as in “chains of the past”, has the

meaning of “weir”, which according to the dictionary, is a wall or barrier across a

river to control the flow of water; fence of stakes or broken branches in a stream as a

trap for catching fish.

Here is another occasion where words symbolizing the flow of water are utilized.

This means that if a person's history was like a stream that did not stagnate or flood,

that person would not be bound or chained by his/her past. But if that is not the case,

meaning if he/she committed many mistakes in the past, those mistakes may chain

the person throughout his / her life.

We are all chained to the past in one way or another. Even if we live a truthful life

without any mistakes, there is always an ancestor who had stopped the flow of the

life stream, therefore there is no one who is free from the chains of the past.

According to the laws in our present society, if a person's crime is testified, the

person is then punished and would have to compensate according to the crime. He is

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forced to pay such and such dollars as a penalty, or is imprisoned for a certain

number of years. The law says that there should be no discrimination to people who

went through compensation, and if that is really so, that can liquidate the past. But

in reality, if that person commits a crime again, he will be punished with a more

severe sentence. Although the law may null the past chains, it is actually difficult to

erase the past in social customs. Even if the person never commits a crime again,

people in the society would still regard him as an ex-convict.

The same thing can be said in our everyday life. No matter how decent a life you are

leading right now, if you had lead a non-decent life in the past, then to those people

who know about your past would have difficulties accepting your current situation.

And if you accidentally commit one mistake, then people would say “I told you sow”.

The phrase goes, “Condemn the offense, but pity the offender,” but when you are in

the middle of this kind of situation, things do not happen as in this phrase.

When Prime Minister Murayama visited Southeast Asia, there was much attention

paid to what expressions are to be used to express the remorse for the inhumanities

committed by the Japanese people as in the past whenever a Japanese prime

minister would visit those countries. Already 49 years have past since the end of the

war, but it is sad that the present peaceful generation must shoulder the

compensation load.

Of the southeastern countries, the prime minister of Malaysia announced that it is

useless looking back at the past, and that we should positively consider the role of

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Japan in the present and the future. However, some mass media in Japan did not

give an honest evaluation or appreciation of this and instead sarcastically said, “That

is mere lip service hoping for economical assistance from Japan.” I felt very sad to

see the low spiritual level of those mass media people.

Come to think of this, the Jewish issue is one of the largest issues of this kind

remaining in many parts of the world, and hundreds of millions of people still have

bitter hatred toward each other. This makes me shiver. I wonder why we cannot

forgive each other’s past, and I wonder what this signifies.

I would like to analyze this from a Hado perspective.

First, let me list the good things when we do not forgive each other's past mistakes.

(1) Restraining and restricting oneself not to commit the same mistake again.


After writing (1), I thought very hard about other items to follow, but nothing came

to mind.May be the only good point is to prevent the mistake to be made again.

And now the list of good things if we do not have such a characteristic, thus if we

forgive each other:

(I) You can make friends with anyone.

(2) The chance of war will greatly decrease.

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(3) You can bid goodbye to negative feelings such as a “grudge”, “fear”, and

“anger”, leading to a lower disease rate.

(4) There will be no imprinting phenomena, therefore you can enjoy free thoughts,

leading to higher creativity.

(5) It becomes easier to achieve a higher level of consciousness.

(6) In other words, being liberated from the powerful chains of the past, greatly

increases the energy efficiency of the whole universe.

(7) Fulfilled happiness from being freed from all adherences in many parts of our

everyday life.

And the list goes on.

In comparing the two lists, you would realize that there is a great difference

between a life forgiving past mistakes and a life chained to the past.

If we evaluate only the good parts of the past and not hold any negative feelings

towards any person or group about but simply understand the reason why certain

incidents happened, then I believe our lives will be relaxed and happy, and

completely different from now.

The issue is why we had such a characteristic. The answer must be “ignorance”. Or

rather than “ignorance”, “the direction of ignorance”, where we were all led in a

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wrong direction because of wrong education. Because hatred, fear, and

discrimination are all convenient characteristics for the rulers of the past.

By utilizing this characteristic psychologically, the attention of the people towards

all the contradictory points of domestic politics that are turned to other countries’

affairs is a method which past presidents of a large country have been using until

recently. And this method is conducted in each country Which brings no end to wars

and frictions internationally.

On the other hand, if education was done, that would lead to a non-stagnant,

smooth flow of Hado, which would shake the authorities of the ruling class. Maybe

this cannot be understood by materialistic people. All authority and power mean the

concentration of Hado in one place, so as long as a person adheres to authority and

power, it is natural that the right education is not established.

In any case, we should calmly learn from the past, and not adhere to the past

because that would only mean that our activities stem from the negative side leading

to a huge loss of time and energy.


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I visited Okinawa for the first time at the end of August this year (l994).I was

invited by some of the local people to give a lecture on Hado to about 250 people for

about two hours.

The Hado seminars I hold have recently attracted many people.This would have

been unthinkable a year ago.At each lecture I feel that the people are in transition

and that they are expecting a renovation of some kind.

At Okinawa, I was so moved by the beauty of the sea.I got to know for the first time

the essential beauty of the ocean.I was born and raised on the seaside at Negishi of

Tokyo Bay, so the beauty of the OkinawaSea was very impressive and I felt once

again the awful disruption of nature conducted by man.On my free day between the

two seminars, I had the opportunity to snorkel with my wife and we will never forget

how it felt to see the beautiful, colorful corals and the freely swimming fish in the

marine blue water.

I felt that warm climate enriches people's minds, and that nature seemed to be

more tolerant with a different capacity than that of a cold area.I felt from the people

of Okinawa warm, trustful Hado.Temperature is Hado itself, so it seems that the

Hado which is most comfortable for a human to live in a humane way is around 30

degrees centigrade.

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On the morning of the day we planned to leave Okinawa, we visited the

“HimeyuriPeaceCommemorationArchiveMuseum” at ItomanCity located at the

southermost part of OkinamIsland.Ever since I saw the movie “Himeyuri No To

(Tower of Himeyurir)” starring Kyoko Kagawa when I was a child, I had always

wanted to visit this place, and my wish was finally granted after 35 years.

I received a terrible shock there, my heart ached and I truly felt the importance of

proper education.

Let me introduce a portion of the leaflet provided at the ArchivesMuseum, called

“Establishment of Himeyuri Peace Commemoration Archives Museum”.

The Battle of Okinawa was a deadly battle that lasted for 90 some days, leaving

more than 200,0OO Japanese and American victims, but of all the victims, more than

120,000 were local Okinawa citizens.

The U.S. Army regarded the Battle of Okinawa as the best way to attack the main

land, and the Japanese Army regarded Okinawa as the battle to keep the U.S. Army

any from the main land as long as possible.The Okinawa Defence Force deployed

nurse training on all the students of Okinawa's girls senior high schools, and when

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the U.S. Army landed, students' units were formed immediately and sent to the

battlefield.Without any legal basis, the Japanese Army enforced the dispatch of those

women students.

At midnight of March 23rd, 1945, all the women teachers and dormitory students of

Daiichi High School, together with 219 commuting students and 18 staff were

allocated to the Haebaru Army Hospital. But 79 students and 3 staff members were

dispatched as part of the troops and were included at the battlefront.

The Students, innocently believing the victory of their country, cooperatively nursed

injured soldiers, treated dead bodies, transported medical equipment, medicines,

food and water; all this among showers of bullets and explosives, without thinking

for their own lives.

At the end of May, the Japanese Army fled to the south, and the Haebaru Army

Hospital and other Field Hospitals also withdrew to the south. The Japanese Army,

which was already on the verge of annihilation, commanded a student unit on a

dismissal order in the midst of the battlefield of Kiyan Cape.

Although encircled by the U.S. Army, the Japanese Army did not permit them to

surrender, and left the students in the hell-like war. The dismissal order made the

student troop suffer in a more tragic way, and the valuable lives of a total of 219

students and staff were lost.

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Forty some years have passed since that incident, but the we can never forget that

terrible incident which no words describe our sadness. We will never forget the

horrifying education of those years when we were forced to participate in the deadly

war where we were robbed of humane thinking and judgment, or even the right to


Now, the majority of the Japanese population was born after the war, and the war

experience is beginning to fade. However, considering the international nuclear

threat, we must strive our best to repeatedly tell about our war experience, to tell of

what really happened during the war, to prevent any war from happening again.

We believe that making a commitment to the heart of Himeyuri, and to appeal for

world peace eternally, is the way to repose the souls of the students and school staff

who were deprived of their lives, and with the grateful cooperation and support from

people from and outside the Okinawa prefecture, we established the Himeyuri Peace

Commemoration Archive Museum.

June 23, l989

0kinamPrefecture Women Teachers and

Himeyuri Alumni Association of DaiichiHigh School Foundation

One of the tragic features of the Battle of Okinawa represented by the Himeyuri Unit

was the group suicide. Education is an element at the basis of this, because people

were taught that if you surrender and become a prisoner of war of the enemy, you

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are considered a spy. In reality, as exemplary punishment, many people were

executed as spies though they were not spies.


Number of war-related deaths at the Battle of Okinawa


Japanese soldiers65,908 people

Men originally from Okinawa, registered in the army28,228 people

People who participated in battles55,246 people

Local citizens38,754 people

Total188,136 people

Americans12,520 people

Grand Total200,655 people

I do not think there are too so many battles that exceed this record of losing so

many lives in a little more than 90 days. I feel myself tremble when I imagine how

terrible the battles must have been. And more than 120,000 of all the deaths were

the local Okinawans. When I think of them regretting that they had to sacrifice their

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lives for the mainland, I can naturally understand why some local Okinawns reject

the Emperor visiting Okinawa.

But as mentioned before, I felt that although many Okinawans may have

resentment to war itself, they have already left behind the chains of the past. I did

not have the opportunity to discuss this in detail with them, but I felt so from their


I do lack accurate information on how many of the 120,000 local war deaths were

group suicides, but I think the number is quite large.

Allow me to consider this issue from the perspective of genes and education.

I believe no one would object my saying that the most powerful and universal piece

of information among human genes is the fear of death, or in other words

persistence to live. Looking at the statistics of the past Hado measurement, this is

already proven.

However, in the case of the group suicides in the Battle of Okinawa, the situation

shows that even instinctive genetic information was cancelled. Considering that the

situation in the battle may well have been in an extreme situation completely

different from an ordinary condition, group suicide would then mean that you have to

cut the information adhering to life to commit suicide as a group. We hear many

cases in the news about people making miraculous returns to life from extreme

situations. But in those cases, many of them were alone rather than in groups.

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What these facts tell us is the danger of education, and from the other point of view,

the wonder of education. Naturally, wrong education would lead to a horrifying result,

and correct education would generate wonderful results.

In June of 1994, Chairman Kim Il-song of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

passed away. The grief of the Korean people at that time was shown for many days

on TV, and I think many Japanese felt quite foreign to such feelings. Some Japanese

might have thought that those scenes were acted out. I felt like that when I first saw

the news.

However, the Korean people were truly grieving. That was a result of the thirty plus

years of educating the people, and according to some of the Korean elementary

school textbooks introduced in some Japanese magazines, we saw an education

system that nurtures a trustful love of Chairman Kin Il-song.

Those scenes may have been viewed as something odd even to the people of South

Korea who had been one nation and one people until about 50 years ago. Education

has an influential power that can divide the way of thinking and sense of value of

people with the some blood and same history.

I know I need not explain any further about the similar things that were conducted

by the Nazis, and other disputes in many North-South conflicts throughout the world.

In the section “What Are Genes For” in my book “Studies of The Human through

Hado”, I wrote that genes are the educational information from our ancestors

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including both good information and bad. I felt my thinking was not wrong. Many

group suicides in the Battle of Okinawa represented by the Himeyuri Unit cancelled

the genetic information that makes one adhere to life. Instead, they chose death,

meaning that there was different educational information which overturned the

genetic information regardless of whether or not suicide was forced upon them or if

they were in tremendous fear.

These facts in our history are so regrettable and so tragic, and so upsetting. When I

think of the agony the families and relatives of those victims, I cannot find words to

express my sorrow and sympathy even after half a century.

However, would it be real repose for the dead to resent the past, curse the

education of that time, and hate whoever is to be blamed for years and years?

The souls of the victims who scarified their precious lives are trying to teach us

something. And that is the actual practice of true education. What I mean by true

education is the logic that the existence of the universe is Hado, and the logic of

Hado is to willingly share. To willingly share leads to losing our self greed. The war

victims had to experience hell on earth in this lifetime because of self-greed.

In modern medicine, genes are perceived as the smallest particle constructing our

body, but we have not tried to understand the Hado aspect or the spirituality of

genes. And scientists create bacteriophage which, as in the Science Fiction movie 30

years ago called “Fantastic Voyage”, are competing with each other to develop

artificial treatment methods for diseases which are considered to have genes at the

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source. They are trying to solve the problem superficially by hastily announcing that

they found such and such an element in number so and so chromosome.

As clever readers would know, the people who sacrificed themselves at the Battle of

Okinawa are teaching us that when the way of life as a proper human being, and the

truth and the reason of being are introduced in education, understood and practiced,

then all the detestable genetic information should disappear instantly. We should

have known this years ago. And when this is fully understood and widely

disseminated, the souls of those victims will live again. The understanding of the

past should be done in a positive way, and never as a chain to bind you.



Water and Hado are so close and can never part. Where there is water, there is

Hado, and where there is Hado there is water. I think Hado equals water. As Hado is

the source of energy, one can say Hado = water = energy. Where there is rich water,

there are many plants and animals rich with life, and where there is no water, there

is not much life.

The fact that many properties of water have yet to be clarified also means that

water = Hado, and when we think that the word Hado is beginning to be utilized by

some people, this is quite natural. To know everything about water is to know

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everything about Hado, and to clarify all the mysteries of this universe. Therefore, I

believe that it is easier to clarify the physical properties of water which appear in

front of us in forms of liquid and solid, rather than directly researching Hado, which is

quite difficult to grasp because its actual state is in an unknown world. And when you

take actions with a Hado perspective, water tells us many things in an easy to

understand way.

I succeeded in materializing or visualizing Hado which derived from a simple idea,

and I am proud that this may be named “Emoto Ice Crystals”, in the future this may

be like Columbus' Egg. The idea was to take photographs of crystallized water after

freezing many types of water. The process will be explained in chapter 3, but here,

let me introduce the mysterious properties of water.


Recently, during the second episode of NHKHumanUniversity series “Considering

Water in Japan”, Dr. Jun Ui of OkinawaUniversity, famous for his research on water

pollution such as the Minamata Disease, talked as follows about “Mysterious

Substance, Water”:

The Abnormality of Water

(previous portions omitted)

The most unusual property of water is the fact that solid ice is approximately 10%

lighter than water and it floats in liquid water. This is a very rare property only seen

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in some alloy of water and blue lead. For most substances, their solid form is heavier

than their liquid form and sinks in the liquid. In other words, normal substances

decrease their volume when they solidify.

(the rest of the paragraph omitted)

If water was a normal substance and ice sank in water, what would happen to all

the water on Earth? In Winter time when the temperature drops below freezing point,

water would turn into ice, and the ice would sink to the bottom, and shallow lakes

would freeze from the bottom. Sooner or later all the water would be frozen. Even

when the temperature rises in spring and summer, a little water on the surface would

melt, but the majority of ice would stay frozen. Sooner or later the deep ocean would

freeze. This would mean that there would be very little possibility of life being

generated and evolving in the sea. It is almost confirmed that life was born in water

and evolved there during billions of years to becoming fish. If water was a normal

substance, that would not have happened.

The abnormality that water at 4 degrees centigrade is heavier than water at 0

degrees centigrade contributes to lakes not freezing from the bottom. Even when the

temperature goes down, the water at the deepest spot is liquid at 4 degrees

centigrade, and above that there is colder and lighter water that prevents heat from

evacuating. As water is not an effective heat conductor, the lake bottom will not

freeze. In the process of a rise in temperature, water which is warmed up from 0

degrees centigrade will sink to the bottom, conduct heat by water current, and when

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all the water reaches 4 degrees there will be a higher circulation blending top phase

and lower phase water. All kinds of soluble substances are blended in the process.

That water is easy to heat up and difficult to cool is an appreciative one for animals

living in ordinary temperature.

As many of you may know, Dr. Ui is well known as a researcher. Even now, Dr. Ui

conducts noteworthy research about the relationship between pollution and water.

Recently, the abnormality of water is beginning to be understood through the

molecular structure such as water clusters. We do not know why water has this

property. Even Dr. Ui said that “A completely new theory may arise to clarify all

these points.”

Russia, has a relatively long history of water research, and has published many

books. One of them is “The Strangest Substance In the World, Water” (The Japanese

title is ‘Water science Q & A’ published by Tokyo Toshosha) written by a Science

Academy member in 1981. Ygory Vshlievish Petrijanoph in 1981. It is very easy to

understand and I would like to introduce some of the themes in the book:

What on earth is water?

How many types of water are there?

What is ordinary water like?

What is light water like?

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What is heavy water like?

What is strange water are there?

The difficulty in extracting energy from water

How many years would it take to use up all the energy inside water?

Is there water in the universe?

Is there ice on planets other than Earth?

Is there water on comets?

Where else would water be in the universe?

What is the destiny of water in the universe?

What is the relationship between water and the universe?

Why is water?

Are there types on water?

What shape is a water molecule?

What is a structure of ice?

What is snow?

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Why is snow that beautiful?

Is water naturally in liquid or solid form?

Does liquid water behave like a solid?

Which is lighter, water or ice?

How many types of ice are there?

Is there ice in the universe?

How does water become clouds?

What is the mechanism of water being generated from water underwater?

Why is water wet?

What shape does water want to be?

Is it possible to run on water?

Is it possible for water to flow upwards?

Why is that?

Does water burn?

Does water have memory?

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Where is the mystery of water memory?

Where is the origin of water on earth?

What is the most important property of water?

Are all the properties of water being researched?

It’s a long list, but I do believe that this list is important for the readers to

understand the mysteries of water. Also, maybe you realized that these questions

about water are like the Zen queries. When observing these questions carefully, one

can predict the author's answer to each question.

For example, to the question, “Does water have memory?”, the author answers as


When you are challenged with this type of questions, I would like the readers to

sense that this question is a rather strange but a very important question. This is a

very big question physically and chemically, and one of the most important issues

yet to be solved. This is a purely scientific question, and we have not found any clues

for its scientific solution.

The problem is this. Will the past record of the water influence the physical and

chemical characteristic of the water in any way, and if water is analyzed and studied,

will we be able to understand the past history of the water? Or, is it possible to let

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water “think back to the past” and let that be told to us. Actually, this is possible.(the

rest is omitted)

The answers to other questions are written in a similar way. When we see this long

list of all the wonders of water, we cannot but help recognize the complexity of water,

can we?


We now know that we do not know any thing about water, which is the source of all

life on earth.

I have been saying that water = Hado, but if we do not know about the origin of

water, then we cannot understand Hado.

When I was seriously pondering why water is so difficult to understand compared to

all the other substances on Earth, an idea popped into my mind. The idea was

“Maybe water on Earth came from another planet!” The answer was in a book called

“Big Splash” (Louis A. Frank) which was given to me a few months before.

The profile of the author is as follows:

Born in 1938, in Chicago. Professor of Physics at Iowa University. He was involved

with the design of America’s first lunar probe. Since then he designed more than 40

units of observation equipments to be installed on space explorers.

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Those equipments were to observe charged particles, plasma and the terrestrial

aurora, but these lead to the discovery of the small comet.

At the leading edge of plasma research, Prof. Frank measured the plasma ring

around Jupiter and the Saturn for the first time, and also was the first person to

clarify the relationship between the sun wind that blows into the terrestrial magnetic

sphere and the aurora. Furthermore, he measure the ion ring around the Earth now

called “convection” for the first time, and discovered the “theta aurora”. (some

portions omitted)

Presently Prof. Frank is involved with many space projects at NASA, and is also a

committee member of the U.S. National Science Academy. Also member of Physical

Academy, Astronomy Academy, Science Promotion Associaion, etc.

This well-know, conservative scientist, announced a theory, which, according to the

promotion explanation is as follows:

Human beings were born from a storm of small comets that showered the Earth.

About 20 small comets with the weight of approximately 100 tons plunge into the

global atmosphere every minute. As a result of these small comets, which were

masses of ice flying towards earth for more than four billion years, rivers, lakes, and

oceans were formed, and the necessary substances for the birth of life were brought

by comets. Also, the temporary increase of comets lead to the glacial epoch, and the

extinction of dinosaurs and other creatures. This new theory which may topple the

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whole origin of the earth is brought about by a world renowned physicist for the first

time in history!

If this theory is true, this theory which denies the idea that water was originally

from earth, it would bring disturbance to the modern physics and chemistry, and I

believe that this would eventually be linked to changing direction toward the study of

the Hado science.

And if it is true that water actually came from a planet in outer space or from

somewhere in the universe, it would be natural that water is so amazing. In fact that

there is a big gap between the principles of other planets and places in outer space

and the principles of this Earth is easily understood even by children of this era when

we see in our living room all the visual information sent real time from the Japanese

astronauts Mr. Mori or Ms. Mukai from the space. Obviously, gravity is unique to this

globe, and for us being born and raised in the range of gravity influence the

terrestrial physics are applied, and this is in itself true.

However, if something was born and raised in outer space or on another planet,

even if it now exists in the sphere of gravity on earth, it would continue to hold

fundamentally different properties. And may be this applies not only to water but

also to other life brought by water.

From this perspective, we can say clearly that we, the Terrestrials were originally

aliens before. That is why just as water asserts itself with its surface tension, or as

water flowing from the low side to the high side, we have been developing

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technologies inversing the gravity, aiming to return back to our home planet one



We are actually the descendants of exiles from space. When I expand this idea, I

think we might be descendants of exiles who committed crimes on a planet in a far


Our ancestors who committed crime on that Utopian planet because of self-greed,

were exiled according to the law of that planet. May be the destination was

determined according to the crime's degree. I have no idea how Earth is ranked but

once you are sent to Earth bound by devil-like gravity, there is very little possibility

that you can come back again. So may be our ancestors committed quite a horrible


Our ancestors were transformed into ice and emitted towards the Earth. After a

long, long journey, they became like comets eventually arriving on Earth and playing

into the atmosphere. Because of the heat at that moment, our “ice” ancestors

evaporated and became vapor, became clouds and then rain, and finally fell to the

Earth for the first time. After many centuries human beings were born and as their

past memories were vanished, they started to build civilization all over again.

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From then on, we know more or less what happened, but because of the influence

of gravity which produced the principle of yin and yang, we cannot escape from that,

and now we are at a crossroads. With that I would like to end my story.

You may think this a total fantasy, but this hypothesis is sufficiently practical in the

context of my previous hypothesis.

After announcing my ideas on the newsletter “Hado” about “Why Corpses of Crows

Are Never Found”, and after talking about this topic in seminars, some people came

up to me and said, “Mr. Emoto, books on Tibet issues say about people who have

really emancipated or are truly enlightened do not leave their dead bodies.” And one

of them kindly sent my a copy of the book she mentioned.

The letter enclosed said the following:

Dear Mr.Emoto,

I am writing today after reading the newsletter No.13, about “Why Corpses of

Crows Are Never Found?” I do not write letters so often but I wanted to share with

you a piece of information.

In short, I want to tell you about “the law of dissolution of dead bodies”. In Tibet, it

is said that when you complete your training and ascetic practices, and complete

your “bodily rainbow”, you can go back to the sky directly only leaving a few

“impurities” such as hair and nail. I wanted to know what this means and when I told

other people about this, they told me not to say such absurd things.

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I am enclosing a copy of the book which depicts this matter. It is a wonderful book.

I have not yet read Mr.Yaoi's book but I would like to read it soon.

(the rest omitted)(Ms. M.S)

The name of that book is “The Crystal and the Way of Life” (published by Penguin)

which is about meditation practices of Tibet esoteric religion, written by a person

called Namkhai Norbh.

There are many examples referred to in the book, but I would like to quote one of

them as follows:

Chanchupu Dorje once told us about when his Lama, Nyala Pema Dundul gathered

all of his followers who live close by and far away, saying that he wanted to convey to

them something that he had not taught before. After his conveyance, everyone

conducted the memorial Gana Puja service for more than one week after the

teaching. Gana Puja is a wonderful method to dissolve the impediments between

Lama and his followers and among followers.

After one week, Nyala Pema Dundul said that his time for him to die had come and

that he chose a mountain summit close by for his place to die. The followers cried,

begging him not to die. But the Lama answered that his time had come, and it could

not be altered. So all the followers accompanied the Lama to the summit of the


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Nyala Pema Dundul set up a little tent at the summit. He made his followers sew

together every seam of the tent and made them seal him inside it. And the Lama told

the followers to leave him alone for seven days.

The followers descended the mountain, and waited for seven days at the mountain

foot sleeping outdoors. And during that time, a tremendous amount of rain fell,

producing many rainbows. After seven days, the followers went up to the summit

and opened the tent. What the followers found were only Lama's clothes, hair and

nails. His clothes were those of the laity. The clothes were left where the Lama was

sitting, folded with the belt in the middle. Nyala Pema Dundul left the clothes just as

a snake would leave its pelt.

My Lama was at the very site, and he told me of the episode. Therefore I know that

this is true and that this kind of enlightenment is possible.

Such episodes are also mentioned in a book called “Investigating the Lives of the

Himalayan Saints”.

The relationship between this episode and the theory of descendants of the

universe exiles the universe as follows :

We who committed “the sin of self-interest” in the land of God were exiled to this

planet Earth in a form of ice comets. The only way for us to return back to our home,

the land of God, is to completely rid ourselves of self-interest. However, because of

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the Earth's powerful gravity, it seems that it may be convenient to have self-interest

to survive.

And once we started living on Earth, life was not so bad, and eventually people

stopped wishing to go back and forgot about their original mission entirely. People

just sought physical and materialistic enjoyment, and everything was operated by

people who won power struggles.

On the other hand, many people made sacrifices, and whenever the deep-seated

grudge of those people accumulate to a certain volume, warnings are alarmed in

forms of war, natural disaster, or prevalence of epidemics, but the people in the

seats of power have no ears to those alarms.

The in satisfaction and anger of those who sacrifices themselves eventually became

the desire to return to their real home, and thus religion started.

Enlightenment and emancipation is when you achieve your original mission to

eliminate self-interest. At that moment you can restore yourself back to light

particles, and return to the home land, the land of God in the form of the image in

the Hado Chart.

Those who face their physical death without emancipating, will become wanderers

in the gravity sphere, and have to be reborn again and again in the form of


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Primarily, if the consciousness of the whole of human race was a little higher than it

is now, or if Hado education was disseminated a little wider, I am sure that the path

to emancipation would not be so severe. Ignorance impedes this progress, and that

is why severe training and practices are imposed on Tibetan monks to overcome this


Ultimately, the implementation of Hado education will be the energy that leads the

human race to our true home.

Are any two snow crystals shaped the same?

In the book called “The Day That Lightning Chased The Housewife” edited by Julia

Leigh and David Savold, there is a section concerning the question “Are there any

same shaped snow crystals?” Let me quote that part as follows:

“Are there are two snow crystals shaped exactly the same?”

Approximately 2,500 cubic kilometers of snow covers the Northern hemisphere.

One cubic meter of snow contains there are approximately 630 million snow crystals.

Considering that much more snow covers both hemispheres and that snow has been

falling for 2 and a half billion years, it is unbelievable to think that no two snowflakes

are the same.

(partly omitted)

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If the snowflake that fell at the edge of the Antarctic Continent about one million

years ago and the snowflake that fell in your backyard yesterday were the same,

who in the world would know? To decide whether such a thing could happen or not,

we should know how snow crystals grow.

(partly omitted)

Scientists made snow crystals in laboratories and kept records about the shapes of

the crystals under various temperatures. Although scientists learned what type of

snow crystals are formed at what temperatures, no one yet knows why they are

formed in those shapes.

(partly omitted)

Is there a possibility that two snow crystals are completely the same? Considering

that more snow crystals fell on Earth than the number of stars in the Milky Way, it is

surprising that no two crystals are alike. However, each crystal includes trillions of

water molecules that can be arranged in countless methods. With this in mind, it is

more astonishing to think that there are people who think that two snow crystals can

be the same shape. Richard Somerfield, a geologist of the U.S. Forestry Enterprise

says, “This is like asking, why don't two people look exactly the same?” “The real

question is, why should two snow crystals be the same?”


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Snow is of course, water. This means that no two types of water have the same

crystals. One may groan when learning about this. It is just as there are two persons

that are alike. As the title of the Japanese version of the book “The Day That

Lightning Chased The Housewife” is “Questions yet to be Solved by Science”, this

puzzle is yet to be solved.

My best friend and the developer of magnetic resonance water Dr. Lorenzen says

from time to time that the information in water is determined by its structure and

shape. This is similar to thinking that specific Hado is generated by the pattern

determined by the number and the position of electrons around the atomic nucleus.

To prove the existence of Hado energy with the sound of tuning forks, I thought

about how to visualize Hado. And when I read the above quoted section of the book

“The Day that Lightning Chased the Housewife”, I immediately thought, “Yes, this

must be it!” and instructed Mr.Kazuya lshibashi of our Research Institute to go ahead

with this experiment. He just graduated with a doctor's degree from the Applied

Chemistry Department, at Kumamoto University, and just entered the MRA Research

Institute this April (1994). After conducting some basic experiments to confirm that

my idea was heading the right direction, we prepared the experiment environment in

September and starting taking photographs of many types of frozen water.

It is very hard to take good photographs of ice crystals that change every fraction of

a second, and also to take clear photos of the similarities of the same kind of water

or the differences of dissimilar kinds of water.

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In particular, one cannot stay inside a freezer at a temperature 5 degrees below

zero centigrade for more than 30 minutes and take microscopic photos. Any slight

vibration would blur the photos magnified 200 to 500 times. It may seem like a

waste of film, but we are accumulating very valuable photos everyday.

Recently, Mr. K, a professional photographer, became very interested in this, joined

the team, and brought his own winter clothes. With the participation of a professional

learned in photographing techniques, the results of this experiment seems


I plan to publish the results of this experiment as an official academic book, or as a

photo album with the beautiful artistic world of Hado grasped by Mr. K. However, I

would like to introduce a few of our results so far, and explain the concept behind

them. (Please refer to the colour pages at the beginning of this book)


Site of experiment

Specially established freezing room inside the MRA Research Institute


Olympus BH2-UMA Optical Microscope

Room temperature

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Minus 5 degrees centigrade

Cengelation temperature

Minus 18 degrees centigrade (±2 degrees)


Olympus C-35AD-4


Fuji Film Super Ace 400

and Tap water at Gotanda, Tokyo

This is the photograph of the frozen tap water distributed to our Research Institute

(1-10-10, Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo), taken under the conditions

mentioned above. Although we tried many times, we unfortunately could not confirm

any crystal at all, just leaving grotesque photos. It really gives me chills to think that

we take this kind of water in our body orally or though our skin in the bathroom.

Magnetic resonance water

This is a photo of frozen Microcluster water crystal developed by Dr. Lorenzen.

Microcluster water is made through many processes such as emitting laser beams on

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high quality distilled water for many hours. At the International Hado Membership

Association, we utilized this water with MRA to give a necessary Hado imprinted for

our members. The crystal is so beautiful. I assume that original water which nurtured

all life in the beginning must have had this kind of beautiful crystal.

and Water imprinted with immunizing Hado

This is a photo of the frozen water crystal with the B222 imprint, the immune

code for MRA 1 Special. We were able to capture the moment when the crystal from

form grew to be in a few seconds. Crystals continuously change their

appearance like creatures. We were impressed to see the immunizing Hado.

and water imprinted with a carbon code

The reason I chose the carbon code is because carbon code C583 somehow

coincides with brain code C583. Although photos and were taken on two

different days, we can still see similarities. This proves the authenticity of MRA and

also proves that these photos can be evaluated as the visualization of Hado.

Hado water “Yasuragi (peace of mind)”

The hado water “Yasuragi (peace of mind)” has Hado of anti-stress, concerns, worry,

anxiety, pressure, and irritation Hado. This also is a beautiful crystal.


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With MRA, and with my friend Dr. Lorenzen, the developer of Microcluster water, I

immersed myself in the world of Hado.

I have always been occupied with how to materialize the understanding of Hado,

the source of everything and on which depends whether the human race can live a

peaceful life or not.

One cannot preach with abstract theories to make people trust and understand a

new technology which is not yet accepted in the modern science. Moreover, as I have

no scientific background, it is even more difficult for me to convince people.

All I have are my senses and actions. I have checked and revised my Hado theory,

gained much experience and results, and by using tuning forks, proved that Hado is

energy. I have given many lectures where ever I was invited, and have written


However, of all the efforts that I have made, I feel that the visualization of hado

through water convinced me the most. Of course the experiment has just started,

and I know that this is not much, but with further endeavours and many more

visualization of many types of crystals, I think we may be able to clarify the cause

and effect between all substances.

I think that the shape of crystals must by analogous to the shape of the actual

substance. I am sure that much more will be revealed with further experimental.

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The credibility of MRA will probably be tested. And the credibility of similar devices

now existing, and of future ones introduced will also be tested. When we have an

understanding of what is authentic and what is fake, that will be the point when the

Hado is established. And that would mean the following societal transtion:

The reason why there are so many problems in this world is in the point that we

cannot fully trust each other. This is related to the section “Truth and Reality”, and

basically leads to we humans not keeping our promises, and as a result lie. I don't

think people intentionally tries to deceive others, but the person deceived will feel

that he/she was cheated. As a result, they do not trust others. Eventually, everyone

might try to cheat one other.

We human beings have experienced that repeatedly, and when you count the

number of people you can really trust, it is probably fewer than the number of your

fingers. This is so sad.

However, if the Hado standard was established and approved by everyone, then as

Hado includes feelings such as “lie”. “reliability”, “betrayal”, “deceiving mind”,

naturally people will not hold those feelings. In other words, everything in your mind

will be disclosed, and even if there was someone who had to deceive another person,

he/she would be like a sandwich man carrying a big board that says “I cheat people”,

so no one will be cheated. That person will be without friends, and would not be able

to live. That person will either leave the society or convert him/herself.

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In that sense, Hado shows us the technology and the concepts which makes us feel

a bright, happy future. We need to take actions in disseminating Hado education,

and I seek for further cooperation from the readers.


There was a movie produced about 35 years ago, called “Akahige (Red Beard)”. It

was directed by Mr. Akira Kurosawa, and the main character was Mr. Toshiro Mifune.

The young physician who returned from Nagasaki was played by Mr. Yuzo Kayama.

Just the other day, I rented the video of this movie and enjoyed it with a different

impression from a few decades ago. As I am now involved with fighting disease, I

watched the movie and was able to feel the attitudes and the content of the

conversations the doctor had with his patients and young physicians.

The words of Dr. Akahige which I could sympathize with as most are as follows:

(In the scene, Dr. Akahige condescends a young physician who felt powerless in the

midst of all the patients that came to the Koishikawa Clinic everyday) “The source of

every evil is poverty and ignorance!!"

This was the conclusion I had reached after five years of disease research and


The tragic and hopeless society brought by poverty is unthinkable in Japan now, but

when we look abroad, we realize that many nations are still in poverty. As the saying

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goes, “poverty dulls the wit” or “where honor ceases, knowledge decreases”, this

means that when you are poor, you become dull and your mind becomes negative.

When you are poor you are beaten by poverty and your thinking is restricted.

I'm sure many will agree that various disputes currently occurring in many parts of

the world, have poverty at the base.

When we consider our own country Japan, poverty is already something of the past

as mentioned previously, and only affluence is seen for the most part. However, I

know I am not the only one who feels that affluence has adversely affected

consciousness of Japanese people. When we arose from poverty, people returned to

their original ways of thinking. I think people are beginning to seek a “The mind rules

the body” or “Mind over matter” is now established among advanced people. The

people who wish for innovation and improvement of the mind and consciousness,

health issues are not a mere adherence to life, but are viewed as a testimony of how

we live.

When we consider the issue of “poverty and ignorance” from this perspective, the

meaning of ignorance becomes a little different from the conventional meaning. In

other words, as we have come to understand that unless we proceed with the

investigation of the human holding God within we cannot be released from disease

that harms the humans, the knowledge we should focus on should be the essence of

human beings. This means that we are all ignorant, there are so many things we do

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not know. And as long as this ignorance continues, we will be forced to feel our

uselessness through disease.

But as the saying “Necessity is mother of invention”, we humans do not stay witless

forever, but should be able to successfully complete our journey. I can say this

because we are currently seeing new ground-breaking technologies that will guide

and lead us, similar to the MRA which was given to me by coincidence.

The day I started writing this book a magazine arrived at our office. It was a

monthly magazine called “The 21” (November issue, 1994), published by PHP

Research Institute (the publisher of my book). The magazine featured a special

article commemorating the 10th anniversary of the magazine, under the title “21

Wisdoms to Save the Earth”. The content is as follows:

Hado --- To solve the mechanism of why and how people become ill

EM --- Effective Microorganisms revitalize the soil and raise crops

Ayul Veda --- Traditional and yet new Indian medical practices

Multi Arc --- Dream-like power produced from welding technology

Hiponica --- A cultivation method that solicits a plant's intention to grow

TM --- “Super meditation” which promotes man's self-realization

Qi-cong --- Cosmic energy which has received attention from physicians

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Music therapy --- Tool to let the brain be in a natural state

The Other world --- The ultimate contact-point between physics and deep conscious


N Machine --- A mysterious device to solve energy problems

Radiation detection --- A universal law taught to us by the pendulum

Messrs. and Mesdames Plants --- They know what humans do not know

SRS --- New method to develop one's abilities only by turning a finger

Arzeron --- Special fertilizer which is nature and human friendly

O-Ring test --- Resonance phenomena one to understand the cause of inveterate


Electronic water --- Deoxidizes the person who generates oxidization

Qi of Medicine --- Diseases are cured with “a piece of paper with the name of a

medicine” written on it.

Aionon --- Magnetism reduces automobiles emission

Activation stones --- Mysterious stones found from pressure points on Earth

Spiritualism --- The real life of human beings is in “the spiritual world”

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Fu-sui --- The wisdom of improving fortune by reading the Qi energy of the


The point is that Hado technology is introduced at the top of the list. And when you

see the details of other technologies, they are all in the range of Hado theory.

It seems that the world has started to recognize the key word. Yes, if we restudy all

phenomena with the Hado concept, we should see a continuous decrease of

ignorance in our consciousness. Moreover, what is waiting for us is our true home, a

new world ; that promises a truly peaceful and happy place with spiritual prosperity.

October 14, 1994

Masaru Emoto

At the I.H.M. office in Gotanda