· PDF filePresident Truman, in explaining b eprobabl cost of around' fiv mUlion dollars to...

APTOS. TRUCKS & ACCESS. following UM4 "On ThU Spot H*rry 8. Truman Made the First Crash Landing E v e r "Made la a White House Bathtab, Gilder Type." Leadership School Noon—The President Is resting. Us (ace Is not so red by JO degrees s was after the mishap. Had Harry kept his mouth shut let the building deteriorate and bravely crashed through the floor In his tub, It might have been far from a calamity so far as his for- tunes are concerned. People love the dramatic these days. They crave entertainment and action as never before. There on the ground- floor In his second-floor bathtub amid the rubble, his head unbowed, he would have won a new grip on the public. The picture might have taken a place beside Washington and the Delaware In water exploits. We can Imagine some painter glorifying It with an oil entitled. 'Truman Crossing the Dilapidated We can't sec why the President 'as alarmed. He would have been 1 P. M—Mrs. Trumar was al- lowed to visit the President this afternoon. She asked him simply, 'It seems mighty funny to ma.that you and the tub went down two flights, but your bathrobe remained on the book upstairs!" r TAKES more than a call of God to be a Christian leader. It takes study, It takes work. The call necessary, ot course, but it Is not all. Jesus set the here as always. He called his Twelve; but he was not so' I P. M.—President Truman got • telegram from Thomas £. Dewey. It read: "X join the bathtub users of America in my deepest grstltude that you piloted the tub to a safe landing «n^ I sincerely hope you will soon be. bathing again In the happiness and security which you have a right to expect from our country." _ Tlie accident would have given the people a new appreciation of what a president has to go through. It would have kindled a mood of. warm sympathy and understanding. What man baa ever stepped Into a bathtub without at least a fleeting fear of an- acddentT And how many have known, what It is to take a tumble in one? Can you fancy their feelings for a President who had stepped Into a tub . . . powl . . . I P. M.—Henry Wallace was asked to bomment on the President's bath- tub accident and replied; "It was too far away for me to know the exact facts. All I know la that you bear of nothing like that happening In Russia." om* reported. •Uetrtc. o n ' p a n d Stat* tiway, prlc«d reduced to (19.000. For " t*™*- It* for fr»* r d«teUjk ^ prtcee **** Southern Ohio Realty Co. Grace N o l l C r o w e l l H E who lives (he ChriK life day by day Unlcaovingiy a r u n wonder-thing. A beautiful mosaic, I bouquet - Of jewels jet in gold, in offering To place within God's hinds when life is dor*. A bore resplendent thing of light and shade, Eicfa little prkeiess jewel, one by ooe. In a design thai life itself has made And God will noce the lovely inset gems. Will mark the glowing rubies that are pr*y<n. The amethyfts of patience, the clear flems Of jade, where courage baa oudrrcd despairs. The diamonds that are iaSth, the topar light Of hope that shone across the darkeft dayi. And surely He will take that little bright Mosaic to His heart with words of praises some of them actually did not have the time. But these Twelve had al- » P. M.—The doctors said they would permit the President to be interviewed by radio aorf television. "I only regret" Mr. Truman said, "that I have but one celling to give not because they were better but In order to do more direc 1 yjee in Quirt's name. - Thfl* nothing formal about Jesiirtrs w. or by the hill-top. There credits or dlplomaa. Jesus kept it going to the very end, for even after the Resurrection, at Luke tells Us (in Acts 1) be was still teaching his Twelve. What Did They Study? T HERE WAS no printed circular, no bulletin, no prospectus or cstalogue. All the "courses" amounted to Just one thing: learn- ing to do what Jesus was doing. To this day. that is the aim of an Christian training. Mark and Luke mention at least four things Jesus' training-school students learned from him: preaching, healing the sick, feeding the -hungry, and pray- FICTION STAR DUST Br CHARLES DORIAN Cotnec vgrHILE a vast throng of theatre- " goers passed through the exits of the Orpheuin, the beautiful blonde attraction left quietly by the stage door on the arm of her most ardent admirer, the owner of the theatre and string of others. At the curb stood Max Berber's limousine, and Just ahead of It, a taxi. Four maudlin '^Collegians" having a sing-song, obstructed the entrance to Berber's car, but made way while the lady stepped In. Then suddenly three of them gave Berber the bum's rush, while the fourth clambered In beside Paula Pauleen, tap dancer'extraordinary. Max spluttered and fumed while the three kidded him. A letter was pressed into his ~ clenching flat and O Mlnutl his car keys were O Fiction W-^. from him, The taxi jumped forward, and In a moment was followed >7 the lim- ousine carrying the dancer and four members of the Notorious Scar- let Gang In evening clothes and top hats, still simulating drunken col- legians, singing to drown out the cries of the distressed dancer. Stars in Western officer. Eight of them had pinioned the tour '.'collegians" before the door opened, and two more seized the servant Paula promptly fainted. Two of- ficer* carried her to safety. "This house has been under sus- picion for a long time," said an of- ficer to Paula. "When that opera- tor's message mentioned -Sargo' we posted a squad at the house. Here's the car now which fotynrad their taxi from the depot." Oh, yes, Paula's dad had been a station agent and had taught her to tap dance the Morse code. "Oh. an right,' yawned the fel- low. She made a long slow stride straight to the operator and whis- pered "Listen I' Then she per- formed a painfully punctuated By INEZ GERHARD A CCORDING to a poll taken among allied exhibitors, there never has been a first class west- ern that has been a box-office fail- ure. Even the cheap quickies make money in some localities. Next or. the moneymaklng list come out- door pictures. In which action is more Important than, dialogue. Those spectacular musicals are fourth on the list, Indicative of Jr- SEE FEB yourself how much bet- ter tastln' bread 'n spread is with better tastln' Nu-Mald. Tee Ma'am! "Table-Grade" Nu-Maid la Im- proved! New Nu-Mald's milder, sweeter, easier spreadln' than ever! *$c *• win be paid upon publica- tion to the first contributor of each accepted saying or Idea. Address "Grandma," 109 East Pearl Street- Cincinnati a, Ohio. the help that a well-trained min- ister can give. Ministers today sre not taught how to perform miracles like the feeding of the 8,000; but knowing that people's ptyrslcsl well-being has a great deal to do .with their spir- itual welfare, the alert young Chris- tian minister of today win be keen- ly Interested in Chlristisn social ae- and In a few mimtes the train waa In. Tbey hoarded It Sargo was a small city. A taxi u ready waiting for them and CROSSWORD PUZZLE How Did They Learn? rpHE TWELVE learned by doing. 1 It is the only way you learn any- thing of a practical nature. Memo- rizing a textbook, memorizing rules, is nqt learning. You haye learned how to do a thing only when you can do it Of course you have to see it done, first A boy on the farm learns to be a farmer by watching his father and helping him, more than from school courses In agriculture, useful as they are. There Is nothing to take the place of apprenticeship ynder one who knows. So Jesus' Twelve watched him, listened to him, helped him. before they were trusted on their 1 Contest of speed 5 Sloping roadway 8 A swelling 10 Sandarac song ceased and one of the gang said to the girl: "This is something new is kld- , ^§M8SP' , H »»P«. sister. We're aU jolly good fellows, members of a theatrical troupe (to the general public). But ROBERT TAYLOR don't get us wrong. We'd rub you out as quick as any Broadway mug what we can expect comes Metro's If you faUed for a minute to join announcement that they win make the spirit of our Uttle game. Your three westerns, the first now under big boy has just read our demands way, being "Devil's Dporway." In a note left with him." - starring Robert Taylor. Just back "I'U—I'll pay you." chatted the from Europe. The other two are Uttle dancer. "Pleaie — m y con- "The Outriders" and "Ambush." tract I must dance every night" No stars have been announced for . . . .... them a s y e t but no doubt they'U T T t ^ * . thlrtT be big ones and turned toto n,r ' Hedy Lamarr also U headed for . western. Paramount * ha. her 5* " o ^ e r flf y miles slated for "Copper Canyon." with Sfn.?" ' """ Ray MUland and MacDonald Carey. ° 7, ? " nd r, ' ed At the same studio Burt Lancaster ^ gets another of those tough roles '°L ' Dd entefed that he'd like to abandon. He'll be Uro,d ,t * Uon - a bard-sheiled gambler In "No "Oh. yon're the troupe from Escape." But first he plans to make the opery house," grinned the "William TeU" as an independent operator. "Thought there waa production. .In .Italy. . two girls In the party." ISSwUtly 13 Asiatic 14 Writing table 13 Elongated fish*. 10 Toward 17 Six-line stanzas 19 Through 20 Constellation 21 Skating area 22 Once more 25 Wards off 28 Labor 27 Sphere 28 Ancient 29 Punish' severely 28 Messure (Chin.) M Crested hawk-parrot 88 Appendage 38 Rabbit fur 38 Silent 89 Prick painfully 10 Relieves 41 Detest 42 Malt beverages bi'liu 38JWO.OOO AMERICANS ABE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED! pedlng scene fa Allied' Artists' "Stampede." Rod jCameron. starring, said "When 1 watched I Coin (India) {Accumulate 3 An alcoholic ' drink 4Before 8 Value! 8 External * seed George Burns had bitter argu- ments with his laundry over the disappearance of some of his' best shirts—then (bund that his daugh- ter Sandra was wearing them to school, with the. shlrt-Uils, outside her skirt dangling ankle length. /«rT- '•Joita, icmi ttul MT. V E R N O N S I G N A L Thursday, March 17, 1949 Indian Ruins Over 500 ruins of ancient Indian pueblos have been found on the rims of Arizona's Grand quu<>n and cliff dwellings made by irose Indians have been found along the lower walls of the canyon in many places. IF PRESIDENT FELL THROUGH FLOOR ..... - There'd Be Re-foisting in the White House . . THE WORLD WOULD STAND AGHAST Peace At Last From PERSISTENT ITCH! TRUMAN AND THE TUB President Truman, in explaining be probable cost of around' five mUlion dollars to repair the White House, declared — "My bathroom sagged so that I had begun to fear It would go through the door." ' H.I.PHILLIPS the first president ever to have faUen from one floor to another in his bath; i*. would have made his- tory. century there might have been signs In Use White House: "President Harry S. Tru- man, 32nd President of the Unit- ed States, Landed Here" or FAVORITE KEMPS BALSAM The Mosaic Grandma's Sayings A New Jersey court I that a night watchman on the premises Is entitled te overtime If awake during his sleeping hours. If be sleeps dur- ing his waking hours, does OM boss get a refund? Just heard of a fellow who, needing rest and quiet was ordered by his doctor to spend six months Wsll street And Nu-Mald'e got a brand new package to keep that sweet churned-fresh flavor ' ui una JEST LIKE snow adds new beauty to everythln' It covers, yell find KINDNESS spreads the beauty o' joy an' happiness everywhere Cow-toon " Kellfy Coumltta. prcaentaUrca, u w*U S*rrk*. tndkata that out of tbrvo d t l u m '. Dhr.lcallr dtaabtod. Ul. nrat Wnk ID October of • • • T!» Pa4«ratl«a to pr nationil educational rami.I Parara. IHM4 •> Tai-Eatara! S** 4 »w MatrOatlHa udaj toi' AMERICAN FEDERATION Or TBI PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED, .ufc 1111 National Prtaa Bultdias Waaklortoa «. D. C. rov. road. License plates were switched snd another fifty miles sped by. Tbey stopped at a rail- road village and parked the car on a side street They changed their toppers for peak caps and entered the railroad station. "Ob, you're the troupe from the opery house," grinned the operator. "Thought there was two girls In the party." "One of us is a female' imper- sonator, hawl bawl" laughed the spokesman. The operator laughed too, and began stamping the tick- eta. "Train's not due for thirty min- utes yet" he apologized. "O.K. brother, we'll put oo a little show while we're waiting." He strode over to Paula. "Smile, r, SMILE," he hissed, and out loud. "Come on, Sally Rand, give the gentleman your best imitation ' a fan dance." Paula was resdy to faint but en- tered into the game by dancing a whirling tap "pumber that had the operator's eyef popping. Some slng- foUowed and a bottle was CLASSIFIED DEPAKTMENT f 1 r- 4 1 % f f % r m Pi ¥ % T m f' t P i % - % 1 fa 11 Long-legged birds 15 Greek letter IB Sea eagle IB Fasten J1 Refutation 22 Rlng-shi ped coral tpti* 23 Biblical character 24 Help •EHDBEEie Will It Still Work? •PHE METHODS Jesus taught are ~ Just as effective today as ever were. Not all churches nowa- days follow his line to the letter: In fact most churches do not But the basic principles which Jesus drilled into his first traveling represents- tlves are still good. One is faith. Missionaries In the 2Mh Cen- tury are required to take a great deal more equipment with them to their fields than one pair of. shoes, one cane and an empty- purse. Yet who can deny that any missionary of any church. In China or ln Korea today, must lire by faith from day to day? Another of Jesus' principles was direct contact. People are not won to Christ chiefly by sermons from pulpits, but by ln-the-horqe contacts Ministers know this, mlssionariei know it: Sunday school teacheri olight to know it too.. Getting ac qualnted with your boys and girls at their homes, and being a friend to them there, is what will give your Sunday teaching Its greatest force A Safe, Sound Investment— Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! GIVES FAST RELIEF en COLD MISERIES STRIKE HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATES! NURSING 0^ IS A PROUD Cjj! PROFESSION! JOopyTtfht by th« Internatii ell of Religious Educatl TJS!

Transcript of · PDF filePresident Truman, in explaining b eprobabl cost of around' fiv mUlion dollars to...

Page 1: · PDF filePresident Truman, in explaining b eprobabl cost of around' fiv mUlion dollars to repai th eWhit House, declared — "My bathroom ... If be sleeps dur

A P T O S . TRUCKS & ACCESS. following UM4

"On ThU Spot H*rry 8 . Truman Made the First Crash Landing E v e r "Made la a White House Bath tab, Gilder Type." Leadership School Noon—The President Is resting.

Us (ace Is not so red by JO degrees s was after the mishap. Had Harry kept his mouth shut

let the building deteriorate and bravely crashed through the floor In his tub, It might have been far from a calamity so far as his for-tunes are concerned. People love the dramatic these days. They crave entertainment and action as never before. There on the ground-floor In his second-floor bathtub amid the rubble, his head unbowed, he would have won a new grip on the public. The picture might have taken a place beside Washington and the Delaware In water exploits. We can Imagine some painter glorifying It with an oil entitled. 'Truman Crossing the Dilapidated

We can't sec why the President 'as alarmed. He would have been

1 P. M—Mrs . Trumar was al-lowed to visit the President this afternoon. She asked him simply, ' I t s eems mighty funny to ma.that you and the tub went down two flights, but your bathrobe remained on the book upstairs!"

r TAKES more than a call of God to be a Christian leader. It takes

study, It takes work. The call 1« necessary, o t course, but it Is not all. Jesus set the

here as always. He called his Twelve; but h e was not so' I P. M.—President Truman got •

telegram from Thomas £ . Dewey. It read: "X join the bathtub users of America in my deepest grstltude that you piloted the tub to a safe landing «n^ I sincerely hope you will soon be. bathing again In the happiness and security which you have a right to expect from our country." _ Tlie accident would have given

the people a new appreciation of what a president has to go through. It would have kindled a mood o f . warm sympathy and understanding. What m a n baa ever stepped Into a bathtub without at least a fleeting fear of an- acddentT And how many have known, what It is to take a tumble in one? Can you fancy their feelings for a President who had stepped Into a tub . . . powl . . .

I P. M.—Henry Wallace was asked to bomment on the President's bath-tub accident and replied; "It was too far away for me to know the exact facts. All I know la that you bear of nothing like that happening In Russia."

om* reported. •Uetrtc. on'pand Stat* tiway, prlc«d reduced to (19.000. For " t*™*-It* for fr»*rd«teUjk ^ p r t c e e **** S o u t h e r n O h i o R e a l t y C o .

G r a c e N o l l C r o w e l l

HE who lives (he ChriK life day by day Unlcaovingiy a r u n • wonder-thing. A beautiful mosaic, I bouquet -

Of jewels jet in gold, in offering To place within God's hinds when life is dor*. A bore resplendent thing of light and shade, Eicfa little prkeiess jewel, one by ooe. In a design thai life itself has made

And God will noce the lovely inset gems. Will mark the glowing rubies that are pr*y<n. The amethyfts of patience, the clear flems Of jade, where courage baa oudrrcd despairs. The diamonds that are iaSth, the topar light Of hope that shone across the darkeft dayi. And surely He will take that little bright Mosaic to His heart with words of praises

some of them actually did not have the t ime. But these Twelve had al-

» P . M.—The doctors said they would permit the President to be interviewed by radio aorf television. "I only regret" Mr. Truman said, "that I have but one celling to g ive

not because they were better but In order to do more direc1

yjee in Q u i r t ' s name. - Thfl* nothing formal about J e s i i r t r s

w. or by the hill-top. There

credits or dlplomaa.

Jesus kept it going to the very end, for even after the Resurrection, a t Luke tells Us (in Acts 1) b e was still teaching his Twelve.

W h a t D i d T h e y S t u d y ?

THERE WAS no printed circular, no bulletin, no prospectus or

cstalogue. All the "courses" amounted to Just one thing: learn-ing to do what Jesus was doing. To this day. that is the aim of an Christian training. Mark and Luke mention at least four things Jesus' training-school students learned from him: preaching, healing the sick, feeding the -hungry, and pray-


v g r H I L E a vast throng of theatre-" goers passed through t h e

exits of the Orpheuin, the beautiful blonde attraction left quietly by the stage door on the arm of her most ardent admirer, the owner of the theatre and string of others.

At the curb stood Max Berber's limousine, and Just ahead of It, a taxi. Four maudlin '^Collegians" having a sing-song, obstructed the entrance to Berber's car, but made way while the lady stepped In. Then suddenly three of them gave Berber the bum's rush, while the fourth clambered In beside Paula Pauleen, tap dancer'extraordinary.

Max spluttered and fumed while the three kidded him. A letter was

pressed into his ~ clenching flat and

O • M l n u t l his car keys were O F i c t i o n W - ^ . from him,

— The taxi jumped forward, and In a

moment was followed > 7 the lim-ousine carrying the dancer and four members of the Notorious Scar-let Gang In evening clothes and top hats, still simulating drunken col-legians, singing to drown out the cries of the distressed dancer.

Stars in Western officer. Eight of them had pinioned the tour '.'collegians" before t h e door opened, and two more seized the s ervant

Paula promptly fainted. Two of-ficer* carried her to safety.

"This house has been under sus-picion for a long t ime," said an of-f icer to Paula. "When that opera-tor's message mentioned -Sargo' we posted a squad at the house. Here's the car now which fotynrad their taxi from the depot."

Oh, yes, Paula's dad had been a station agent and had taught her to tap dance the Morse code.

"Oh. a n right,' yawned the fel-low. She made a long slow stride straight to the operator and whis-pered "Listen I' Then she per-formed a painfully punctuated

By I N E Z G E R H A R D

ACCORDING to a poll taken among allied exhibitors, there

never has been a first c lass west-ern that has been a box-office fail-ure. Even the cheap quickies m a k e money in some localities. Next or. the moneymaklng list come out-door pictures. In which action i s more Important than, dialogue. Those spectacular musicals are fourth on the l is t , Indicative of

Jr-S E E F E B yourself how much bet-ter tastln' bread 'n spread i s with better tastln' Nu-Mald. T e e Ma'am! "Table -Grade" Nu-Maid la Im-p r o v e d ! N e w Nu-Mald ' s mi lder , sweeter, easier spreadln' than ever!

*$c *• win be paid upon publica-

tion to the first contributor of each accepted saying or Idea. Address "Grandma," 109 East Pearl Street-Cincinnati a, Ohio.

the help that a well-trained min-ister c a n g ive .

Ministers today sre not taught how to perform miracles like the feeding of the 8,000; but knowing that people's ptyrslcsl well-being has a great deal to do .with their spir-itual welfare, the alert young Chris-tian minister of today win be keen-ly Interested in Chlristisn social ae-

and In a few m i m t e s the train waa In. Tbey hoarded I t

Sargo was a small city. A taxi u ready waiting for t h e m and

CROSSWORD PUZZLE H o w D i d T h e y L e a r n ? rpHE TWELVE learned by doing. 1 It i s the only way you learn any-

thing of a practical nature. Memo-rizing a textbook, memorizing rules, is nqt l e a r n i n g . You haye learned how to do a thing only when you can do i t Of course you have to see it done, f i r s t A boy on the farm learns to be a farmer by watching his father and helping him, more than from school courses In agriculture, useful as they are. There Is nothing to take the place of apprenticeship ynder one who knows. So Jesus' Twelve watched him, listened to him, helped him. before they were trusted on their

1 Contest of speed

5 Sloping roadway

8 A swelling 10 Sandarac

song ceased and one of the gang said to the girl:

"This is something new i s kld-, ^ § M 8 S P ' , H »»P«. sister. We're aU jolly good

fellows, members of a theatrical troupe (to the general public). But

ROBERT TAYLOR don't get us wrong. We'd rub you out as quick a s any Broadway mug

what we can expect comes Metro's If you faUed for a minute to join announcement that they win make the spirit of our Uttle game . Your three westerns, the f i r s t now under big boy has just read our demands way, being "Devil's Dporway." In a note left with him." -starring Robert Taylor. Just back "I'U—I'll pay you." chatted the from Europe. The other two are Uttle dancer. " P l e a i e — m y con-"The Outriders" and "Ambush." t r a c t I must dance every n i g h t " No stars have been announced for . . . . . . . them as y e t but no doubt they'U T „ T t ^ * . t h l r t T

be big ones a n d t u r n e d toto • n , r ' Hedy Lamarr also U headed for

. western. Paramount * h a . her 5 * " o ^ e r flf y mi le s slated for "Copper Canyon." wi th S f n . ? " ' " " " Ray MUland and MacDonald Carey. ° 7, ? " n d P ° r , ' e d

At the same studio Burt Lancaster ^ gets another of those tough roles ' ° L ' D d e n t e f e d

that he'd like to abandon. He'll b e ™ U r o , d , t * U o n -a bard-sheiled gambler In "No "Oh. yon're the troupe from Escape." But first he plans to make the opery house," grinned the "William TeU" as an independent operator. "Thought there waa production. .In .Italy. . two girls In the party."

ISSwUtly 13 Asiatic

14 Writing table

13 Elongated fish*.

10 Toward 17 Six-line

stanzas 19 Through 20 Constellation 21 Skating area 22 Once more 25 Wards off 28 Labor 27 Sphere 28 Ancient 29 Punish'

severely 28 Messure

(Chin.) M Crested

hawk-parrot 88 Appendage 38 Rabbit fur 38 Silent 89 Prick

painfully 10 Relieves 41 Detest 42 Malt




pedlng scene fa Allied' Artists' "Stampede." Rod jCameron. starring, said "When 1 watched

I Coin (India) {Accumulate 3 An alcoholic ' drink 4Before 8 Value! 8 External *


George Burns had bitter argu-ments with his laundry over the disappearance of some of his' best shirts—then (bund that his daugh-ter Sandra was wearing them to school, with the. shlrt-Uils, outside her sk ir t dangling ankle length.

/ « r T -' •Joita, i c m i t t u l

M T . V E R N O N S I G N A L T h u r s d a y , M a r c h 1 7 , 1 9 4 9

Indian Ruins

Over 500 ruins of ancient Indian pueb los have been found on t h e r i m s of Arizona's Grand quu<>n and cliff d w e l l i n g s m a d e b y i r o s e Indians h a v e b e e n found a long t h e l o w e r w a l l s of the c a n y o n in m a n y p l a c e s .


There'd Be Re-foisting in the White House . . THE WORLD WOULD STAND AGHAST

Peace A t Las t F r o m

PERSISTENT ITCH! TRUMAN AND THE TUB President Truman, in explaining

be probable cost of around' f ive mUlion dollars to repair the White House, declared — "My bathroom sagged so that I had begun to fear It would go through the door."

' H.I.PHILLIPS the first president ever to have faUen from one floor to another in his bath; i*. would have made his-tory.

century there might have been signs In Use White House: "President Harry S. Tru-man, 32nd President of the Unit-ed States, Landed Here" or FAVORITE


Grandma's Sayings

A New Jersey court I that a night watchman on the premises Is entitled te overtime If awake during his sleeping hours. If be s leeps dur-ing his waking hours, does OM boss get a refund?

Just heard of a fellow who, needing rest and qu ie t was ordered by his doctor to spend six months

Wsll s t r e e t

And Nu-Mald'e got a brand new package to keep t h a t s w e e t c h u r n e d - f r e s h f l a v o r ' • ui una J E S T LIKE snow adds new beauty t o everythln' It covers, y e l l find K I N D N E S S spreads the beauty o' joy an' happiness everywhere

C o w - t o o n

" Kellfy Coumltta. prcaentaUrca, u w*U S*rrk*. tndkata that out of tbrvo dtlum

'. Dhr.lcallr dtaabtod.

Ul. nrat Wnk ID October of • • • T!» Pa4«ratl«a to pr nationil educational rami.I

Parara. IHM4 •> Tai-Eatara! S**4 » w MatrOatlHa udaj toi'


1111 National Prtaa Bultdias Waaklortoa «. D. C.

rov. road. License plates were switched snd another fifty mi le s sped by. Tbey stopped at a rail-road vil lage and parked the car on a side s tree t They changed their toppers for peak caps and entered the railroad station.

"Ob, you're the troupe from the opery house," grinned the operator. "Thought there was two girls In the party."

"One of us i s a female' imper-sonator, hawl b a w l " laughed the spokesman. The operator laughed too, and began stamping the tick-eta. "Train's not due for thirty min-utes y e t " he apologized.

"O.K. brother, we'll put oo a little show while we're waiting." He strode over to Paula. "Smile,

r, SMILE," he hissed, and out loud. "Come on, Sally Rand, give the gentleman your best imitation

' a fan dance." Paula was resdy to faint but en-

tered into the g a m e by dancing a whirling tap "pumber that had the operator's eyef popping. Some slng-

foUowed and a bottle w a s


f 1 r- 4 1


f f % r m Pi ¥ %

T m f' t P i % -

% 1 fa

11 Long-legged birds

15 Greek letter IB Sea eagle IB Fasten J1 Refutation 22 Rlng-shi ped

coral tpti* 23 Biblical

character 24 Help


Wil l It S t i l l W o r k ? •PHE METHODS Jesus taught are ~ Just as effective today as

ever were. Not all churches nowa-days follow his line to the letter: In f a c t most churches do n o t But the basic principles which Jesus drilled into his first traveling represents-t lves are still good. One is faith.

Missionaries In the 2Mh Cen-tury are required to take a great deal more equipment with them to their fields than one pair of. shoes, one cane and an empty-purse. Yet who can deny that any missionary of any church. In China or ln Korea today, must l ire by faith from day to day?

Another of Jesus' principles was direct contact. People are not won to Christ chiefly by sermons from pulpits, but by ln-the-horqe contacts Ministers know this, mlssionariei know it: Sunday school teacheri olight to know it too.. Getting ac qualnted with your boys and girls at their homes, and being a friend to them there, is what will give your Sunday teaching Its greatest force

A Safe, Sound Investment— Buy U. S. Savings Bonds!




JOopyTtfht by th« Internatii ell of Religious Educatl TJS!