TRUEST TRUSS · Glory....

JO^.». ,..^-^>^^^Jiaaw^»^:-^ AtaaE«aiSr>-iI WTT BWfWt^ife?i THE MASSENA QBSJJRVER, MASSENA, NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1012 rNitwe, Be, ions why these htning as the sot care what Is enough to absolute sale* bat everybody can afford to inds of dollars ty and thooa, sitked ewary* bott." This nity and one . co^akiacedby of the age. itt discovered sat will abso- , jxng or other M-J-*--, once pot on e owner* have theft nek- Jtoi IPS*, I*oc«J Mention to IM« few tbey could do Farmers would like aiea dry days now so •MM spring's work. The village assessors will bold tbeir grievance day next Tuesday af- torooon at the town h*li. Ibe Franklin stock company are playing a week'*- irtanl at the opera hoaae thia weak and seem to be platting the crowda, E. T. Hamnill baa juatsold to Helena parti** a three-year-old colt fixed by Colonel, -fauneriy owned by H. A. Read, for $225. Sixteen ear* containing 175,000 aaaaeaUence fry, ware received at Uaaaana last Tnonday and deposited is the Graaee river at tbfa place. Tae Maccaboat will hold a progr**- aive psdro party in their bail on Pri day 31. All Lady Maceabaee with escorts su*in*itod, ' ' The eooatty roads are worae new than tbey wan at the breaking op of m m mi raqair* • lot af surface w*rktopot tbetn to good condition Butter took a drop of faureeniaa -- potod daring . tko paefrrweek bat not «• yea waald notice it at, the local fMCMiej. It aold &* $$& on the Cl«ton board of trade. Tip old loach east that has atood idle apfecite the Boat office all winter is being brightened up and a now pronator is going to see bow long be e*a «ake a livfs* there. Hwladiea of tae dwrcfa will bold a birtoday aocial at tbc heme of Mra. C. E / Elkina on Friday evening of . thia -:^«aaV'i'';'i|t are invited to attend and tafamiah a - penny for .each year of their age. : The Metbodiat aociety at Canton h*» jttat aold it* cbarch bell $o. the IWwood Fire Deaartnient. It weigh ed a trifie amsr 2.700 poundsV and ita ; tone waa h*»Hy suited to it* nee.i ; It Will be replaee* bjtone nsore auitable ".- .' Tbare will be a bale ball game on tb« athletic ileld thia (Thuraday)af- tecnaon at three o'clock abarp be- tween Maaaene and - Louisville.:• A : poxse of f 5 0 ia oflered to t§e winner* : _^0Sb»: bii tfxa&i^m: ^ diistohd .-' Wl$-$&9tt* gjwd jfaaae./; v. f y." r^/ " Cleentng-ap day iaat Friday was . qui** a awsoea* and early in thejnoro- 'iag; : ^ - ^earba; and sidewalks - were » jsraaa^elited with barrels and boxesof tinware, glass, old stave pipe and the - tike. The village teams carted away twen^ large loada before it waa all •,4ia|(Bi*4:i8^';.;,. i ;;^-fl*pi^-\#aaj*DBi" : ^gr <3iaii'a : new; ; ateaniar, Venus, ia practically com- pleted and ready to bwgin running an 1 .bar regular tripa between Maasena * and Cornwall, f t * g»fernwebt btfei ' apeetora are now at work on the craft '. Sfce will *tart OB her regalar tripa, - twfc« a day* Jitatt Monday, Jnne 3. ftf DECORATION M Y PkfPole RaiMd Saturday br the Cnuxl y . Army Vetanuu. , The Grand Army, aaejated by the Sou* of Veterans and Woman's Relief Corps, raieed a flag pole in front of their headquarter* on Maple ttreet on Saturday laat with impreaaive cere- monies. Rev. A. B. Ding was pres- ent with a company of Boy Scoata and after tbo pole bad been raised Rev. Ding made some very appropriate re- mark*; and O. P. Benson read an ap- propriate selection entitled, "Old Glory. *'. Tb«n the WomaB'* Belief Corps marcbe* around the pole and aang aome farorite aonga of the Yet- aran*.. - '~ Qa Sonday afternoon at three o'clock there waa a large crowd pres. «ni ittt«*op«»hoaie i t M M«aor- fa! eerrice*. The service was In charge of Rer. A. B. Ding, assisted ay the other clergy, while the aermon wa* dallwred by Sev, % & Pattair- aon, rector of St Jehn'achnrch. The Deceration Day aervice* today will beheld t t ta« bpewljouse at tto O'clock with v an; addreta by B*v r Charles F. Fields, of Ogdensborg, and a varied pregram of exerciae*. Then the '^^»e•^witt•i^.^s«bl^i*^;••*^'.8!&»i•• •ner.wiU:**"served 'fit', Q~.A..-ft* ;b*|S to «H aoldiera, their familiea and: ft iend*. ©wiw fho %lit ewfr itet* flawera are reqaeated to have them at the; jat^'ija^'bjh'jataw b*ftocfc>in.-; the" morning. *-:*;.;• '••'•_'. -%-;--I'-^J^-i : ";fv": lied oat alt over tfc#,Raited Sti0t ItViaggeated that ibe chorcb bells Jtetf -4ar;'&«. iin«*t*«.' Job j^**ttiri#i -J5*y*;b«ii8nipeT :•<*.; 'wo»£*f% of feapect b/tbe .veteran* of the Civil ^afir w^':|i^|MttnincF. **»!*'"'- ,-:Gb«b*. r ttB*WeJf-fs»Ci?il;: •9S&D[bl»^--^tjim^0,- -A.'.% -baa- aoggeated '\jk&ji&i%iati. 'ba' >earrfe4-'>bt»t«-- - ••-. \ |fe-' *!*%''' So^ge*tt : that' iii ot #eio«bbers M the 0. "'-A», ft. and afflliated bodie*, afach aa the Sona ::<^';'^eiera^^flW^ : >SpSnIi^ ^^Ve^ran*: anal'; ailt.otbera/.ataM, M^'bfcred^beld*.'-, •JKa^-Wifclla^ii; half mast nntil noon and wilt then be bo^B^^ : -*h«;^Dp::«*t ^*&&p.£:.* '• Social and Personal MJas Katharine Mono apent Satur- day and Sunday In Canton the gueat of Misa Blanch Sloat, Mr. and Mia. R. B. Macdonald re- turned-on Toesday from a week'* trip to Montreal and Quebec. Mr. and lira, H. £ . RasaeH at- tended fbe funeral of Nabum Caryl at Chase Mills last week. Bng& F. Coyle, of Montreal, spent Sonday at fir. C. & Elfcinaf, the gueat of frienda ia town. Rev._A. li. Paitengill, of Qm%i brock Center, OnL, preached in the Adveniiat churciyM Sanday night. - EarlFiaher, Walifer <3ark*, J. A» North, Donald ff*tfewf*on mi JRay Coains ipect Sunday in Fort Coving- ton. ^ •; ~~?'-~~'>J'-<'* - .'• Amo# Safley »nd daagbter liolt f of tie funjlak Spring*, Fife* Me vi»itinghiaaiater J .Mra. BarnettHer- Baft B» JtoHe/baf been eldlaif a n¥w SEarfey-B*^daoai motorcycle arpnnd lajajy:.. fife has ^ie local. -ageBey^)^l*:W^ : .-r^ ;: * %«» coi^iiEob <nt^Be», # * F . Ball, who waa atffcken with apoplexy * itiith a^-noyeeable?''inipi»y^niM *"''-' F^'t^^^D^ila*^***;^ betel at Maaaena International park for the seaaon and is now getting the place jplidy for -ijjfi^jffiif j®& wofttb, ^rittctnAl : »i &"J^&*-WiilS*K* aena, was oneof tbe/^sflgea at the lie if eaking conteat hield, by the Ogden*burg academy last Friday H.S.Grtasi JifisSrcs* ||tW«|S:'. ,'• 'jS*)4' i: '"" r-v4. . Massena Fabhc School*. Following ia tae attendance report isij&sy^:" : -. ^0.'--/•• -; - ^x'.'?; -^.^>^;" - ; ;B*K..' J aktt. -Bsj».;p«r- , J|^r '•• .; '•.-•v---i!at:-"0*at\ . »»; Sit mt 9E86 ; JK ij?;^ ''i^J&isJ': " ^ Ksft:ieat''%t^dfecffr'wi*''Cla-^ Coaroy** roam' IfctthV 'A : ^ei,' ceat*'.:«?. j^.gj.v Othetroom*.wJb|eb : . hadiat' ter than 98 per cent attendance were those of Mi*« Snaitb, >,Mi« : Murray, Misa Bill, Mias Dowe, Miss Mulhol- land, Miss Hyde, lota* Jenner, Mias WeiB^-' ; -'!I?n^'%j»-;n«-:t»^fne^a* -is the rooma of Miaa Backna, Miaa Pbii- liB*,Mi*a Murray,: MiaaMulhoHand, jalia»'J5iarkiifc;' : 5'-iW.»*^ atewd ifie half balfday. -;; THE CHINCHES ;f;,l$^^* : fi» ;&gli*b* IK**. J^nie. Ba:ilejf» ilra, J^ron;MniM^n and lira, iinbbra; w«rt iyi Cba%Bg»y ? | sr,ed,le8 * 4^ at^usgi.tiii* WomlM', Honie aid Firtlgtt J^aslenajy invention -forSfc^a^nce'dfifeic^'-v^* ''[•[ ^ved''b^e-j6n;>Si!n*da|'j&toai A '^^'^f? a^n^I#^i'-^^t?iiirtl*:'CH^-.a f 0 ffWaol* ala^niiit the3t. lawwaee fen *»** "tlasef. before .going to thejr* annin^erbofteonB^^art^JWaad;? M :"^anley S. iBabfortb^ >eturne3'onr Satiirday [.$faiitB^t^^^y^&^^ l^yUlt;^e^le}ed^ -%•'ific ^onjth* ;eSu^fciW)^^ tbe,<3entraj ^nislne^^najgerof^'^aj city, 'He ^p^t»^to;^'tam^tt.'te:ttkr-. : 4 po*ii' ":|?o^v»b:ln|»an^o3M. l " ; ;'";-?;"-; ' ; ; - " -'"•-: : ; ;^ik'';^^fc': v afld^faii[!ly, _ wio : have alvraya lived in Ma'saena, will S t JToIuiVChnrdk. '•- Next Sunday, Trinity Sunday. 10 ^ 0 a. aa., celebration of the Holy Cowmonian and. sermon. Sunday ichooi at noon. MT^SOp. m, evening prayer and aeaaon. ? Baptift Church, r- Morning worship 10;3G a. m., ser- mon by tbe paftor,, Bible aeboal" 11:45a. m. .Worship at Maaaena Center 2 p m. '*fhe-me«ooriail B0p r per.** y . R meetfosL 6 ^ 0 'P~m*t aub|ec^ "3o*«pb.''JEj«n?ngwor*bip 7;30 pi » . , a^or*iy the paater. Mid-weelf prayer meeCng Vredneaday at^sSMK Gump Fire 6ifl» 3^30; Boy gcoui* Satotday S> a. m.- Spe* cial aieeticg Boy Scoot* Thursday 9 *,. |DV "- Efary:Sjeenfe l order;ed *nt •',_ . AdTentbtCtWiBanChnrch. . Sewiee* at tOSO a» in. with" {reaching^ by the pastor. Sonday achoot at ,1J ?80« Ser^ie^i in the evening ai t^0» Praje? aeetiAg Thbtaday night at f ;?0. Congregational Chorcb. 10:30 a.m.. Worabip. Sermon, »**Wo«aBby the w a y , " ~ l l s 4 5 . Sun- day achool. 7 ^ 0 p. m., ^Wottbip. SmiM,^^"MM%«fone'ifate,'*, . Methodi*t Church. lO^Bra* Ini4o%* *ebJBng and early prayer. "l#:30 public worship, sacrament of &e l«6rd*# Supper. IJCJ45 Sunday, *JBboo|' $i$0> ? , m. injnlci^ League'.- 0^36 i>; bi. %wortb League. Jjet every : »enibar Be'^itteB'' wll "call^rtice andrespoad. If ybu cannot posiiblyi^ come, "send a ^verae with somefeiand. j f ?3ttpnbh> ! worab|p # ajj&aMMi # y -%e" ; phsbSr. ^bbraaay tiigbV. Stajttdard : Bearer* nionthly meeting at ; the home of, Mr. acd-^ra. Jobn Henderaon on Andrewa ftWefc'" , ';-::'. " '-. >V s' '-•'-' •' FIRST MORTOACE LOAMS. First Mortgage Loans on Portland, Oregon, Real Estate, negotiated by B. fi. Barahart, iormerly of Fof«- dam, N. 5f., 6 per cent interest. In- terest payable quarterly.- OJfered" by •£.'B. Boynton, Horwood, Newffork. NOTICE TO COHTR ACTOR.S. $het«i*tee8oiacBool *di«triclNo. 1, Maaaena, hereby astiojr: bidafe* the grading of the school grounds around the Pine Grove aehopl bouse involving the removal of about 1200 cubic yard**"of earth. " Bids will be opened June 1st. Information may be had on application at the office of j 4be clerk of the, board. , - ?. •/ - ; 2Bw2 jr. Si. emm* cie?*r ,[ :- -i^-ia&i.'-.>;,-••;••'••.'J ; s 500 buahels choice seed oats, 100 bushels choice seed barley, 8 spring tooth barrow*, 3 disk harrow*, 2 eat away barrow*, 4 smoothing harrowe, 1 cream aeparator, 900 pound capaci- ty. Will sell above implement! at eoatta "cloiedni - PHOTOGRAPHS "•' Cabinets ^a per dozen until Jane 1. Caah at time of sitting. - .. , 25*2 F. M. H0JPSON. POTATOES. I have about 300 bushels of excel- lent Franklin-.county potatoes, .good for seed or table use. Call Phone Xf4F2 for information, } . iyi &mmm Bkmit&> - HOTICE. We have formed a partnership and Will do ail kindo of cement work such as sidewalks, cellar door*, ailoa, well and street curbing, cisterna, etc. We guarantee firat ;ciasa work and will,replace free of charge anything that does not prove'ibtbifaetory. We furnish the hest materials, and are ready to begin work en your^ob &P once. F. G. U. BEVIB8. l w < «. ^Phobe76, Is^na^tiw baa been received that a Ba*d **«««lui wbot secured f600 in Montraal in awindling Bcheme* are taw warkiajf i» Nortbera JSe* 'jfatiu. • IM aoaie; town* . they have, used the " aajue.'ef-'.lae : :'W.'!&:-lV--lfc-\ ; :t*.--'-i*«OT^ ardney. fSfeaJBgeif'.aa'liefe^f^.^ purpoie *boald be eire^Ii^ iwreilii \^rttd. ••••'; v;'.:"V^-.- '.•^•-.:, i :.'[\ bewi pastor of the Ceagregationai ; church at this place for over, three years aaat, wilt terminate bi» paator- atejsere oa Jane 16 and baa accepted - a »«at»«rte at GWtoa, N. y . Daring Mr. Hardin's paatorate here he and hia eatiaiable wife have made many frienda, who regret hia departare, bat w£ab tbeaa eqaal aoeeeaa in tbeir aew^leld of effort. I) The eootraet* for the construction of the vanoa* Hate bighway* of ; tbi* part of Uwcoantry, tnabfda on which were opened ia the middle ef April, havW beam signed and the contraetora '. will start work,at once. Burn* Bros, it Haley, of Watertown, have been, awanied tbe Waddington-Madrid jjoad aad are making preparation* for it* sen.' They ' have aent aix t of machinery to Waddmgton. W. B. Weed, of Potad*p 4 who for 4a« laat aiawt yean* bad been in the eoatimuaa aarviee at the atate, retir ed froaa the position of secretary of the state tax ooawiiaaioja, having ten- deaad hia neignatkm aeveral dava ago. Mr. Weed had been secretary of the board siaca March 19, 1908, and his work had been highly com- ataadedbytfaa commiaaionar* at the head of the department When Mr. Weed'* successor ,ia appeinted the state tax department will have been practically reorganised under * demo- cratic commission. The recent ap- pointment of Commissioner Sullivan gave the democrats control. All of the exempt position* except one have been filled by democrats. It waa stated that Mr. Weed, although a re- publican, would be allowed to retain bis position, bat President Byrne, of the coasmiasien, asked for hi* rasig- aatioa. It waa stated at the capital tfca£ the reawval ef Secretary Weed demanded by Tammany Cbarlee F. Marpay. - ; -'Joe;Bote^ ; *ayB>'*^k%gotita' ^asy,bee* : -' : *fi»e.**x : Jo^:feonduct»''^'tfae-',' $*^,^ibHng^«iSa^^^^^ «ena Spring* and getaOjig supply in ^rjoad^ofii f|b*B, the brewery* For ayearor more there would sometimea would atand the loaa without doing mticb grumblings .." But la*| jreek y**m ; | « b ' - ; l e g i . "$ftiaiiru| ; . 'i&^l one carload^lu^/^^-'l^^-ttaa^^.3Jte : bad a Warfane isaued after.-; locating a leg near &e depot and for a few day* there were a pretty scared lot of fel- llow* around near the depot. Joe got paid for biajoatbeee and"those... whe. aettled bavebegged is not # print ., where Mr. ' Sandoh ha* -\ a -' aixteen-acre irbit. fajrin two( 3B>iJia"' pafe: itomt city. - ^ ^Shtat many friends in Maaaena wish- them # e k : i n ^ e i « ; b e » : y f n ^ r e » . '_-"_-' - F l i * CbJIef JSelsoB -A, ...Pbelix at~ ^nded thctJam**!* at Ub«' '^pod iaafc ~&i^wa$j*&M% pi ^e; cbmnHite¥ ''^iie&-W.i^^ti^uge- of, let'UJ the drawing in the contest for the au tomobrle, wbicb •••• wa* Wortlby pattl ^Ebrdiei: igedj W~><$.". %yiM£ ':• '"%%i Norwood firemen cleared ?232 out of lbe-fc.)p^ld;day*:A ; ,v-r,:; /:••-• > ^ t : .".' "•'..%\Ja^.lSiary Bntler.. ^ \, , v ,' .Mr*. 3MCa>f Bfttler, relict of the Jail"•'Walter'' Butler, «* Lbuisivllie, died at "tlaa* home of her daughter, Mr*. Edwarf Finnegan, at" Maaaena, Bitnfc'yMtorday morning at SSO joSclock.- : She bad been in health all winter but did not her bed tratil lait Thursday, since which time ehe had failed rapidly. GldagewaatiieeanBeof de^atb* ; . 7 Y Mica. Butler; was bora Ue'jfaulfmjf, 'Sew York, S i ye*** a g d last^hTovemV •h"ar,- Fifty-*lx years ago" she mar- ried Walter Butler, of Bombay, and JEtey lived in thai town twea^F years, then came to Maaaena and twenty-five years ago they moved to Louisville, their names. Matteo Conxano alias Matti Bliee, the Italian who was held at Maasena so long a* the anpaosed Rensselaer county murderer, was taken to Og- deneburg 3**t'Wednesday by Depnty U. S. Marshal Smith and an exami- nation waa held on Monday, when Conaano was held in ?1,000 bail to await th*» action pftthe TJ, S. : gfaad jury bn tha eba««e*f bringing" a wo- man from Canada for immoral pur- pose*. Attorney A. J. Banmer, of Maasena, ia Coiaano'a coun*«I, jMcal wa? dealer* h#»; Received ixtm $te ^JfiialB-ifaki eowpiniaii tthe haw: priieel ^ieh;;w^ll:^:%^4ifc ie^^Jn^eil^'^vwied'.^tfie; : ahibping. off : coal from the minea will be resumed. iEhe new price fa -|u*fe 2 $ ceVta a ton -n*e>'.Ja*t ''yjar*:' <Thi» ^^I^|bat. stove coal will coat Maasena people $6.95 per ton, chestnut $7.20 andaea ; ,coat"|5.S5i.r,.. ; - : ;:'. •••• .-.'-:•• Tbf*«ii*ein-niiee laaaidby the companies to be due to the additional* wages they have to pay*the miners aa a xaablt : af # * iteeent 'settlement.- ago last January.. Daring the, pait seven year* MrB.° Butler had; lived Witljhairdaogbter^ Mr* iSward Fin- negan at Maasena^PpiBt. , She ia sur- vivecNby thfeeaonsT ^ward, v i?aniei iandMi«ibael Untlei?, gllof' ieadville, •GoL;'and two daughtera, Mrs. Ed- ward Finnegan, of Washburn, 'Wia», 'm$M*ti Edward Fibrjegaji, of Maa- MWi^ - •/' ' r •,;.. ' " '/ Arrangements for thaLfuneral have #ot yet beejri com>ie^d, bat i t will probably be held Friday' at HoganB- imfr^^ dlbterment* will be in the cemetery at Kavanagh'sCorner*, Bom- " " - * VJ'T -':"' ' •.; '. 't -.-'-J , . ^ TRUEST TRUSS COMEORT .--. '; - " - ' . . . . . . * s •- ,'.V-f> --.''--'--.' ". ' Staesl tjoss coBifof^coxB^ffom^^tqiiali^tWisa^ sciejitifidsdjy aiade by Allied woifaaea, -aad ^ccrir- atety? fitted,* Qnr trusses are the epboilmeat of stieb satfefactioni JnstenotigJi stiffness at the ri|ht place to !astireief|?cl! positiorij Jtist'enotighdasfcicity* to conform readily; to all bodSy jtjiove&eafe* |E. $0$ sltoaid weai: a,Jrass oat heata^g tO;,orif youarefl©* wearing ahilifitaangj nnt&gifm&Mh trass, c o m e fce« a » d y o » vM ^ true; trass eom- » fort."...Ajpe*fee£fit^aararitejed. : - - EDGAR L mmm Tet WiltReoeiTC CarefayAdention on The Rexall Store ^g W^pctots and the general publicagree diat we provide most §<a '£$ JMe^caje4^rViee^welJ4s drugs 0! nnquestipfied quality $1 R ight •qaiHty* has bmlt^ottr basiness and will most as- < saredfy be maintained. fndoabtidly. yon will be able to find what you want here ataHjiinesasout Stocjs: is complete in alliepartinents. j ^ e t o u r pjrices on allgpods we handle and see" if you can "beat ^iem else*wbere. „^,y. »elliflg go|d goods at low prices its something fox which * we aareinoted, .. DANCE AT LOUISVILLE. There will be an informal dance given in,the Louisville town hall evening, May 31. All are in- Music by Norwood orchestra of four pieces, Refresh- KED FOOD SALE. ladies of the M. E, cbureh Wilt hold a cooked food sale, in the Warren block aext door to the post- office Saturday afternoonV June 1, at 2 o'clock. Special orders received' a t Mrs, Woodward's up to Fjriday lw ' ; SHEEP SHEARING. 1 have a machine for shearing.ab.eep where Mr. Butler died thirteen y e a a .annlam |»r%arMJta ^*tha|w^feAai "V\--y*^;i^:isil«*«*;''- : '^-V;-'- : - Mis* Sadie, the feurteen-year-oW daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. EauftT- raan, ef thia village, was *eriou*ly injured last Thuraday eveain*. 4* she was passing through the kitchen of her borne she tripped over a chair* and fell, injuring her side seriously M there was internal hemorrhage. She wa* taken to the Ogdenabarg city hospital Friday morning, when ap operation waa performad and *he is now rapidly recovering. Young Potsdam Man Dead, Wale* E. Bradish, aged 27 years, died May 10 at the home of bis mother, Mrs, Frank Parkin*, at Pots- dam. He was born in Cotton. In 1908 be waa united in marriage to Mias Mabel Lamora, who, with their two children, survive him. He also leaves hia parents, eight brothers and two sisters. The brothers acted as pall belrenr'at the' funeral services, which wen held at BOOT in St. Mary's eborch May 19. Interment was made at the Catholle eemetery. Theraiseinprice*^bifinga in fIS,- 000,000 to the eonjnanle*, Qnt n% Mt thay pay the J»irh5ra?iBf,OQ0,OX^ and'«*&«*rtheit ''rakeHor* twelveJ:?»'**&*. •??! "**$W*X ^ ° ^ million. The strike haa worked both way*. The ntiaew wanted more pay,j*nd;ft«yjgb* it, Tbi* gate the wrapaaieaa chance to atrike'for a raise in l^^MimAi^iiS^i»tii.-^k tbey got it and the consuming punlic p a p the zaiie in both case*. Got of each additional twenty-five cent* paid by the consumer the companies pay over to the minera about eight* cents and pat about' aixteen centa in :'• their cash drawer M profit. A atrike ia a good filing, toth for the laborer and the producer, a* long as the eonsumer can atand the raise. When he.refuse* to stand it any longer what i*going to happen? „*'.'-'.'"' The following appointments in the state highway service were announced Thuraday: Bead patrolmen, Emmet McQuade, Louisville; John McNoity, Norfolk 1 rodmen, Michael' Began, Deal Crowley, PotBdam} H. 3D. Gabriels, Watervliet, formerly of OgdenBburg. •. Rev. "B. M. Sherman, who waa at one time rector of Trinity church in Potsdam for $ve year*, Aa* been ap- pointed anistant rector of Christ church, Broadway and 71at street, New York city. He haa been given fall charge from May to October in the absence of tin rector, Dr. Strong. The pride that haa the least ground falls the hardest • '#'*- ;-;- ^^idne>'lKloward> '--iy. bl Howard received a telegram laat ISgwday eyehinffrom; Mi** Ser* ijshlna Itowaiff anbiniicib^ the auddejo death i t Minneapolis of his brother, "H,^Sidney-Howard." Mrv^Hqward tly- ed atEdgertonj Minn., and With bis wife vMd. *fatei?,;: Mi**^ Seraphiaa Howard, of Maasena, who was visit- ing them, were in Minneapbiis at- tending the general conference of thja Methodist churcb, when Ma Howard was auddenly stricken. Ha waf a native of ^ Hassena bat had livedo in hew^* regfliar .visitoit here each suinmer of late years with hiisister 1 . He wa* about 65 years old and ia sur- vived 6y hit wife a& «ne iiater, . "V'-V v.?MHVJ«^''bia^!Sre4or. ' ' -. -^a the Obiervergoe*;, to f pre*» new* ii jracait^ of the deafli of i&jiifcjm* *ie MacGregor, which eecftrfed^l Gouvernear Wedhei^ay nibming. iPb* aer^l jWill-ne held at Gouverneur Fri- day afternoon at 2i8Q. A more ex- tended dbiinary will fba^inbiUhed mxt flfeefc, -" . >•«-. "-"...";- i: :' •" ThajHuweng^eraeaten of the Bfohe- lien & Obtario jNavigation company' will open on June 1, when the ateam- •er* Kingston and Toronto will make their flr*t trip* of the season. Next year these boate wfll begin nsing oil instead of coal for fuel. Three of the river boat* owned by the company, the Rapid* Queen, the Rapid* Prince and the Prince George, are OBingoiJ for fuel tbi* year. These boat* make the trip through the rapid* from Preacott to Montreal. Tbi board of auperviaers williheld a special meeting at the c-ourt house June 3rd at 10:30 a. m, for the pur- pose of conferring with the state tax comai3**ioner*. Laatyaar.we Made seriou* refer- ence to Buffalo Bill's farewell tour. However, we way again. wen not caught that anytime. Term* reasonable, Jw; ROY SMITH. POTATOES. ' Just a few more bushels of those nice -Franklin County potatoes left. Going whrle they last at $1.40 per busbel. These are an extra-nice lot. lW . ' "• ' ; Sr 9* <tiPtf¥V¥' GBT.JHB HABIT, GO TO Galbreath's Prescription Pharmacy ^ 't Phone 109-J SPECIAL NOTICES -^C|etitafeF8iG0ht*S. r—Take advantage of our window aale this week. Cascade linen box paper, 4&sheeta and 48, abvelopes for- 2&c «niy,atl , REGOi'S,, ';" 'V —Banish those mosquitoes by using Nyal's mosquito lotion. 25c the bot- tle,sold, only^t FREGOj'^, —Pure sheep-wool sponges, very beat quality, in a variety of sizes and shapes for wagon or auto at a pleas- ing' price, at FREGOe*S. - r-Remember that large can of Cory^ iopsie borated talcum powder for 23c attRBG^E^ I . —There will be a strawberry festival given by the ladie* of the Congrega- tional cliafcb Jane 11. Meau: Hot itrawberry BliortcBke 10 cento, straw- berries and cream IO cents, sand- wiches aijd coffee 10 cent*, strawber- ryade 5 cents. Watch for place next week. * ;lW . —Forthoae who discriminate ReHe Mead Sweets will satisfy, always fresh, direct from manufacturer. ^IdoniyajtFRBGOE'S. -' Couldn't Trust Him. Judge—Why didn't yen atop beat- ing him when he cried "Ettongb!" Sambo-^-W'jr, yeaee.'aah, datnieT- gab i t iieh a liab, ye eani* ne*ah fes- ttebe^irij,-''' »/•' v r -'^-•--••, ' ' •'- : %mp* ara now exbmpt from paying 15 per cent of constructing highways, i t ia aaid* Dndefthe mid law the atate p*l$5m>ti*U* the county £ £ par cent and the town ISney cent?" but at the iast eession of the legislature, a hill was passed throwing the town's share upon, the state, BO that now the state pays 66 per cent and the county 35 per cent./;, -,';•,, For wis« cut*, stings, lameness, swellings and other external ailments of bone* and cattle,- apply Hanford'* Balsam. It cleanse* and heals, Having a bottle on band may mean saving the life of a valuable animal. " Who say* our weather ia* change- able? Hasn't it been raining steadi- ly enoughI : Sanferd's Salaam reduce* inflam- mation. '•..-' NEW THINGS IN TniHii^ Shoes afidf Hosiery* Hamhsrgs md Flowcings, C^rsete---tfo- good Inies, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, Lin|leurfls and Oilcloths, and Ladies ? Man- Ladies' Cos Tailored Stj and Rain Coats, and Waists, latest, Muslins and Ginghams, Standard Look Over Our Glove Department Z~f ap Splendid sir suminer wear. awing of large white hats, latest styles for y" ' . ' - "•,"-' r aIdorf Dresses Made from fast colored ginghams, white lawns and mus- lins, white and c|lored voile, correct style and perfectii^i^o to. &50. .- Juniors'anc and tip. children's dresses for all ages and sizes, 25c . .^ Secure a nol Andthesmi jpriees. >y 25.00 suit at closing price ctest coats in the market at Alteratiaps free of cost. WaMorf Wajsts Wtflte and e|lored silks for 2,0,8. taiiored waists x , # to$m. 17.90 ent White lawns and Fitted ptt mi models and of the qaaUty possible to make models to fit your pgare and Improve your form, 1.00 to 5.00. "Evesy pair f and tan; 50c to r, iron raitteel to give «atfefaclaon v Silk, Maek /.' BE ^fe"J * ta fry an Observer Want Adv e«f; mm >m&

Transcript of TRUEST TRUSS · Glory....

JO^.» . ,..^-^>^^^Jiaaw^»^:-^ AtaaE«aiSr>-iI WTT BWfWt̂ ife?i


rNitwe, B e , ions why these htn ing a s t h e s o t care w h a t

Is enough to absolute sale*

bat everybody can afford to

inds of dol lars t y and t h o o a , s i t k e d ewary* bott." T h i s

nity and one . co^akiacedby of the age. itt discovered sat will abso- , jxng or other M-J-*--, once pot on

e owner* have theft nek- Jtoi


I*oc«J Mention

to I M « few tbey could do

Farmers would like aiea dry days now so • M M spring's work.

The village assessors wil l bold tbeir grievance day next Tuesday af-torooon at the town h*li.

Ibe Franklin stock company are playing a week'*- irtanl at the opera hoaae thia weak and seem to be platting the crowda,

E. T. Hamnill baa juatsold to Helena parti** a three-year-old colt fixed by Colonel, -fauneriy owned by H. A. Read, for $225.

Sixteen ear* containing 175,000 aaaaeaUence fry, ware received at Uaaaana last Tnonday and deposited i s the Graaee river at tbfa place.

Tae Maccaboat will hold a progr**-aive psdro party in their bail on Pri day 31 . All Lady Maceabaee with escorts su*in*itod,

' ' The eooatty roads are worae new than tbey w a n at the breaking op of m m mi raqair* • lot af surface w*rktopot tbetn to good condition

Butter took a drop of faureeniaa -- potod daring . tko paefrrweek bat not « • yea waald notice i t at, the local fMCMiej. I t aold &* $$& on the Cl«ton board of trade.

Tip old loach east that has atood idle apfecite the Boat office all winter i s being brightened up and a now pronator is going to see bow long be e*a «ake a l ivfs* there.

Hwladiea of tae dwrcfa wi l l bold a birtoday aocial at tbc heme of Mra. C. E / Elkina on Friday evening of . thia -:^«aaV'i'';'i|t are invited to attend and tafamiah a

- penny for .each year of their age.

: The Metbodiat aociety at Canton h*» jttat aold it* cbarch bell $o. the IWwood Fire Deaartnient. It weigh ed a trifie amsr 2 .700 poundsV and ita

; tone waa h*»Hy suited to it* nee.i ; I t Will be replaee* bjtone nsore auitable

".- .' Tbare will be a bale ball game on tb« athletic ileld thia (Thuraday)af-tecnaon at three o'clock abarp be­tween Maaaene and - Louisville.:• A :

poxse of f 5 0 ia oflered to t§e winner* :_^0Sb»: b i i tfxa&i^m: ^ diistohd

.-' Wl$-$&9tt* gjwd jfaaae./; v.fy." r^/ •

" Cleentng-ap day iaat Friday was . qui** a awsoea* and early in thejnoro-'iag;: ^ - ^earba; and sidewalks - were

» jsraaa^elited with barrels and boxesof tinware, glass, old stave pipe and the

- tike. The village teams carted away • t w e n ^ large loada before i t waa a l l •,4ia|(Bi*4:i8^';.;,. i;;^-fl*pi^-\#aaj*DBi":^gr <3iaii'a: new; ; ateaniar, Venus, ia practically com­

pleted and ready to bwgin running an 1 .bar regular tripa between Maasena

* and Cornwall, f t * g»fernwebt btfei ' apeetora are now at work on the craft

'. Sfce will *tart OB • her regalar tripa, - twf c« a day* Jitatt Monday, Jnne 3 . ftf


PkfPole RaiMd Saturday br the Cnuxl y . Army Vetanuu.

, The Grand Army, aaejated by the Sou* of Veterans and Woman's Relief Corps, raieed a flag pole in front of their headquarter* on Maple ttreet on Saturday laat with impreaaive cere­monies. Rev. A. B. Ding was pres­ent with a company of Boy Scoata and after tbo pole bad been raised Rev. Ding made some very appropriate re­mark*; and O. P. Benson read an ap­propriate selection entitled, "Old Glory. *'. Tb«n the WomaB'* Belief Corps marcbe* around the pole and aang aome farorite aonga of the Yet-aran*.. - '~

Qa Sonday afternoon at three o'clock there waa a large crowd pres.

«ni i t tt«*op«» hoaie i t M M«aor-fa! eerrice*. The service was In charge of Rer. A. B. Ding, assisted ay the other clergy, while the aermon wa* dallwred by Sev, % & Pattair-aon, rector of S t Jehn'achnrch. The Deceration Day aervice* today wi l l beheld t t ta« bpewljouse at tto O'clock with v an; addreta by B*vr

Charles F. Fields, of Ogdensborg, and a varied pregram of exerciae*. Then the '^^»e•^witt•i^.^s«bl^i*^;••*^'.8!&»i•• •ner.wiU:**"served 'fit', Q~.A..-ft* ;b*|S to «H aoldiera, their familiea and: ft iend*. ©wiw f h o %lit ewfr i te t* flawera are reqaeated to have them a t the; jat^'ija^'bjh'jataw b*ftocfc>in.-; the" morning. *-:*;.;• '••'•_'. -%-;--I'-^J^-i:";fv":

l ied oat a l t over tfc#,Raited Sti0t ItViaggeated that ibe chorcb bells

Jtetf -4ar;'&«. iin«*t*«.' Job j^**ttiri#i -J5*y*;b«ii8nipeT :•<*.; 'wo»£*f% of feapect b/tbe .veteran* of the Civil ^afir w^':|i^|MttnincF. **»!*'"'- ,-:Gb«b*. rttB*WeJf-fs»Ci?il;: •9S&D[bl»^--^tjim^0,--A.'.% -baa- aoggeated '\jk&ji&i%iati. 'ba' >earrfe4-'>bt»t«-- - ••-. \ | f e - ' *!*%''' So^ge*tt :

that' iii ot #eio«bbers M the 0. "'-A», ft. and afflliated bodie*, afach aa the Sona ::<^';'^eiera^^flW^ :>SpSnIi^ ^ ^ V e ^ r a n * : anal'; ailt.otbera/.ataM, M^'bfcred^beld*.'-, •JKa^-Wifclla^ii; half mast nntil noon and wilt then be

bo^B^^:-*h«;^Dp::«*t ̂ *&&p.£:.* '•

Social and Personal MJas Katharine Mono apent Satur­

day and Sunday In Canton the gueat of Misa Blanch Sloat,

Mr. and Mia. R. B. Macdonald re­turned-on Toesday from a week'* trip to Montreal and Quebec.

Mr. and lira, H. £ . RasaeH at­tended fbe funeral of Nabum Caryl at Chase Mills last week.

Bng& F. Coyle, of Montreal, spent Sonday at fir. C. & Elfcinaf, the gueat of frienda ia town.

Rev._A. l i . Paitengill, of Qm%i brock Center, OnL, preached in the Adveniiat churciyM Sanday night. -

EarlFiaher, Walifer <3ark*, J. A» North, Donald ff*tfewf*on mi JRay Coains ipect Sunday in Fort Coving­ton. ^ •; ~~?'-~~'>J'-<'* - .'•

Amo# Safley »nd daagbter l io l t f

of tie funjlak Spring*, Fife* Me vi»itinghiaaiaterJ.Mra. BarnettHer-

Baft B» JtoHe/baf been eldlaif a n¥w SEarfey-B*^daoai motorcycle arpnnd lajajy:.. fife has ^ie local. - a g e B e y ^ ) ^ l * : W ^ :.-r^;:

* %«» coi^iiEob <nt^Be», # * F . Ball, who waa atffcken with apoplexy *

itiith a^-noyeeable?''inipi»y^niM *"''-'

F ^ ' t ^ ^ ^ D ^ i l a * ^ * * * ; ^ betel at Maaaena International park for the seaaon and i s now getting the place jplidy for -ijjfi^jffiif j®& wofttb,

^rittctnAl:»i &"J^&*-WiilS*K* aena, was oneof tbe/^sflgea at the

l i e i f eaking conteat hield, by the Ogden*burg academy last Friday

H.S.Grtasi JifisSrcs* ||tW«|S:'. ,'•



. Massena Fabhc School*. Following ia tae attendance report

isij&sy^:":-. ^0. '--/•• -; - ̂ x'.'?; -^.^>^;" -; ;B*K..'Jaktt. -Bsj».;p«r-,J|^r

'•• .; '•.-•v---i!at:-"0*at\ .

» » ; Sit mt 9E86 ; JK

i j ? ; ^ ''i^J&isJ': " ^ Ksft:ieat''%t^dfecffr'wi*''Cla-^

Coaroy** roam' IfctthV 'A:^ei,' ceat*'.:«?. j^.gj .v Othetroom*.wJb|eb:. hadiat' ter than 9 8 per cent attendance were those of Mi*« Snaitb, >,Mi« : Murray, Misa Bi l l , Mias Dowe, Miss Mulhol-land, Miss Hyde, lota* Jenner, Mias WeiB^-';-'!I?n^'%j»-;n«-:t»^fne^a* -is the rooma of Miaa Backna, Miaa Pbii-liB*,Mi*a Murray,: MiaaMulhoHand, jalia»'J5iarkiifc;':5'-iW.»*^ atewd ifie half balfday. -;;


; f ; , l $ ^ ^ * : f i » ;&gli*b* IK**. J^nie . Ba:ilejf» ilra, J^ron;MniM^n and lira, iinbbra; w«rtiyi Cba%Bg»y? |sr ,ed , le8* 4 ^ a t ^ u s g i . t i i i * WomlM', Honie a i d Firtlgtt J^aslenajy invent ion -forSfc^a^nce'dfifeic^'-v^* ''[•[

^ved''b^e-j6n;>Si!n*da|'j&toai A '^^'^f? a ^ n ^ I # ^ i ' - ^ ^ t ? i i i r t l * : ' C H ^ - . a f 0 ffWaol* a l a ^ n i i i t t h e 3 t . l a w w a e e fen * » * * "tlasef. before .going to thejr* annin^erbofteonB^^art^JWaad;? M

:"^anley S . iBabfortb^ >eturne3'onr S a t i i r d a y [ . $ f a i i t B ^ t ^ ^ ^ y ^ & ^ ^ l ^ y U l t ; ^ e ^ l e } e d ^ -%•'ific ^onjth* ;eSu^fc iW)^^ tbe,<3entraj ^nislne^^najgerof^'^aj city, 'He ^p^t»^to;^'tam^tt.'te:ttkr-. :4 po*ii' ":|?o^v»b:ln|»an^o3M.l";;'";-?;"-; ';; - " -'"•-: : ; ;^ik' ' ;^^fc ' : v af ld^fai i [ ! ly , _ wio :

have alvraya lived in Ma'saena, will

S t JToIuiVChnrdk. '•- Next Sunday, Trinity Sunday. 10 ̂ 0 a. aa., celebration of the Holy Cowmonian and. sermon. Sunday ichooi at noon. MT^SOp. m, evening prayer and aeaaon. ?

Baptift Church, r-Morning worship 10;3G a. m., ser­

mon by tbe paftor,, Bible aeboal" 11 :45a . m. .Worship at Maaaena Center 2 p m. '*fhe-me«ooriail B0pr

per.** y . R meetfosL 6 ^ 0 'P~m*t aub|ec^ "3o*«pb.''JEj«n?ngwor*bip 7;30 pi » . , a ^ o r * i y the paater. Mid-weelf prayer meeCng Vredneaday at^sSMK Gump Fire 6ifl» 3^30; Boy gcoui* Satotday S> a. m.- Spe* cial aieeticg Boy Scoot* Thursday 9 *,. |DV "- Efary:Sjeenfelorder;ed *nt •',_ .

AdTentbtCtWiBanChnrch. . Sewiee* a t tOSO a» in. with"

{reaching^ by the pastor. Sonday achoot at ,1J ?80« Ser^ie^i i n the evening a i t ^ 0 » Praje? aeetiAg Thbtaday night at f ;?0.

Congregational Chorcb. 10:30 a . m . . Worabip. Sermon,

»**Wo«aBby the way," ~ l l s45 . Sun­day achool. 7 ^ 0 p. m., ^Wottbip.

SmiM,^^"MM%«fone'ifate,'*, . Methodi*t Church.

l O ^ B r a * In i4o%* *ebJBng and early prayer. "l#:30 public worship, sacrament of &e l«6rd*# Supper.

IJCJ45 Sunday, *JBboo|' $i$0>?, m. injnlci^ League'.- 0^36 i>; bi. %wortb League. Jjet every:»enibar Be'̂ itteB'' w l l " c a l l ^ r t i c e andrespoad. If ybu cannot posiiblyi^ come, "send a ^verae with somefeiand. j f ?3ttpnbh> !worab|p# ajj&aMMi # y -%e" ; phsbSr. ^bbraaay tiigbV. Stajttdard : Bearer* nionthly meeting a t ; the home of, Mr. acd-^ra. Jobn Henderaon on Andrewa ftWefc'" , ';-::'. " '-. >V s' '-•'-' •'

FIRST MORTOACE LOAMS. First Mortgage Loans on Portland,

Oregon, Real Estate, negotiated by B. fi. Barahart, iormerly of Fof«-dam, N . 5f., 6 per cent interest. In­terest payable quarterly.- OJfered" by •£.'B. Boynton, Horwood, Newffork.

NOTICE TO COHTR ACTOR.S. $het«i*tee8oiacBool *di«triclNo.

1, Maaaena, hereby astiojr: bidafe* the grading of the school grounds around the Pine Grove aehopl bouse involving the removal of about 1200 cubic yard**"of earth. " Bids will be opened June 1st . Information may be had on application at the office of j 4be clerk of the, board. , - ?. •/ -;

2Bw2 jr. Si. emm* cie?*r ,[:- - i^-ia&i. ' - .>; , -••;•• '•• . 'J ;s 500 buahels choice seed oats, 100 bushels choice seed barley, 8 spring tooth barrow*, 3 disk harrow*, 2 eat away barrow*, 4 smoothing harrowe, 1 cream aeparator, 900 pound capaci­ty. Will sell above implement! at eoatta "cloiedni

- PHOTOGRAPHS "•' Cabinets ^ a per dozen until Jane 1.

Caah at time of sitting. - .. , 2 5 * 2 F. M. H0JPSON.

POTATOES. I have about 300 bushels of excel-

lent Franklin-.county potatoes, .good for seed or table use. Call Phone Xf4F2 for information, } .

iyi &mmm Bkmit&> - HOTICE.

We have formed a partnership and Will do ail kindo of cement work such as sidewalks, cellar door*, ailoa, well and street curbing, cisterna, etc. We guarantee firat ;ciasa work and will,replace free o f charge anything that does not prove'ibtbifaetory. We furnish the hest materials, and are ready to begin work en your^ob &P once. F. G. U. BEVIB8.

l w < «. ^Phobe76,

I s ^ n a ^ t i w baa been received that a Ba*d **«««lui wbot secured f 6 0 0 in Montraal in awindling Bcheme* are taw warkiajf i » Nortbera JSe* 'jfatiu.

• IM aoaie; town* . they have, used the " aajue.'ef-'.lae ::'W.'!&:-lV--lfc-\;:t*.--'-i*«OT^

ardney. fSfeaJBgeif ' .aa' l iefe^f^.^ purpoie *boald be e i r e ^ I i ^ iwreili i

\ ^ r t t d . ••••'; v ; ' . :"V^- . - '.•^•-.:, i:.'[\

bewi pastor of the Ceagregationai ; church at this place for over, three

years aaat, wilt terminate bi» paator-atejsere oa Jane 16 and baa accepted

- a »«at»«rte at GWtoa, N. y . Daring Mr. Hardin's paatorate here he and hia eatiaiable wife have made many frienda, who regret hia departare, bat w£ab tbeaa eqaal aoeeeaa in tbeir aew^leld of effort.

I) The eootraet* for the construction of the vanoa* Hate bighway* of; tbi* part of Uwcoantry, tnabfda on which were opened ia the middle ef April, havW beam signed and the contraetora

'. wil l start work,at once. Burn* Bros, i t Haley, of Watertown, have been, awanied tbe Waddington-Madrid jjoad aad are making preparation* for it*

sen.' They ' have aent aix t of machinery to Waddmgton.

W. B. Weed, of Potad*p4 who for 4a« laat aiawt yean* bad been in the eoatimuaa aarviee at the atate, retir ed froaa the position of secretary of the state tax ooawiiaaioja, having ten-deaad hia neignatkm aeveral dava ago. Mr. Weed had been secretary of the board siaca March 19, 1908, and his work had been highly com-ataadedbytfaa commiaaionar* at the head of the department When Mr. Weed'* successor , ia appeinted the state tax department will have been practically reorganised under * demo­cratic commission. The recent ap­pointment of Commissioner Sullivan gave the democrats control. All of the exempt position* except one have been filled by democrats. It waa stated that Mr. Weed, although a re­publican, would be allowed to retain bis position, bat President Byrne, of the coasmiasien, asked for hi* rasig-aatioa. It waa stated at the capital tfca£ the reawval ef Secretary Weed

demanded by Tammany Cbarlee F. Marpay.

-;-'Joe;Bote^;*ayB>'*^k%gotita' ^asy,bee*:-':*fi»e.**x: Jo :̂feonduct»''̂ 'tfae-',' $*^,^ibHng^«iSa^^^^^ «ena Spring* and getaOjig supply in ^rjoad^ofii f|b*B, the brewery* For ayearor more there would sometimea

would atand the loaa without doing mticb grumblings .." But la* | jreek

y**m ; |«b'-; legi . "$ftiaiiru|;. ' i&^l one carload^lu^/^^-'l^^-ttaa^^.3Jte:

bad a Warfane isaued af ter.-; locating a l e g near & e depot and for a few day* there were a pretty scared lot of fel-llow* around near the depot. Joe got paid for biajoatbeee and"those... whe. aettled bavebegged i s not # print

. , where Mr. ' Sandoh ha* -\ a -' aixteen-acre irbit. • fajrin

two( 3B>iJia"' pafe: itomt city. - ^ ^Shtat many friends in Maaaena wish- them #ek: in^ei«;be»:yfn^re». '_-"_-' -

F l i * CbJIef JSelsoB -A, ...Pbelix at~ ^nded thct J a m * * ! * at Ub«' '^pod iaafc ~&i^wa$j*&M% pi ^ e ; cbmnHite¥''^iie&-W.i^^ti^uge- of,

let'UJ the drawing in the contest for the au tomobrle, wbicb•••• wa* Wortlby pattl ^Ebrdiei: i g e d j W~><$.". %yiM£ ':•'"%%i Norwood firemen cleared ?232 out of lbe-fc.)p^ld;day*:A ;,v-r,:; /:••-• > ^

t:.".' "•'..%\Ja^.lSiary Bntler.. ^ \, ,v,' .Mr*. 3MCa>f Bfttler, relict of the

Jail"•'Walter'' Butler, «* Lbuisivllie, died at "tlaa* home of her daughter, Mr*. Edwarf Finnegan, at" Maaaena, Bitnfc'yMtorday morning at S S O joSclock.-: She bad been i n health all winter but did not her bed tratil lait Thursday, since which time ehe had failed rapidly. GldagewaatiieeanBeof de^atb* ;. 7

YMica. Butler; was bora Ue'jfaulfmjf, 'Sew York, S i ye*** agd last^hTovemV •h"ar,- Fifty-*lx years ago" she mar­ried Walter Butler, of Bombay, and JEtey lived in thai town twea^F years, then came to Maaaena and twenty-five years ago they moved to Louisville,

their names.

Matteo Conxano alias Matti Bliee, the Italian who was held at Maasena so long a* the anpaosed Rensselaer county murderer, was taken to Og-deneburg 3**t'Wednesday by Depnty U. S. Marshal Smith and an exami­nation waa held on Monday, when Conaano was held in ?1,000 bail to await th*» action pftthe TJ, S. :gfaad jury bn tha eba««e*f bringing" a wo­man from Canada for immoral pur­pose*. Attorney A. J . Banmer, of Maasena, ia Coiaano'a coun*«I,

jMcal wa? dealer* h # » ; Received ixtm $te ^JfiialB-ifaki eowpiniaii tthe haw: priieel ̂ ieh;;w^ll:^:%^4ifc ie^^Jn^eil^'^vwied'.^tfie; :ahibping. off

: coal from the minea will be resumed. iEhe new price fa -|u*fe 2 $ ceVta a ton -n*e>'.Ja*t ''yjar*:' <Thi» ^ ^ I ^ | b a t . stove coal will coat Maasena people $6.95 per ton, chestnut $7.20 andaea

;,coat"|5.S5i.r,..;-:;:'. •••• .-.'-:•• Tbf*«ii*ein-niiee laaa idby the

companies to be due to the additional* wages they have to pay*the miners aa a xaablt: af # * iteeent 'settlement.-

ago last January.. Daring the, pait seven year* MrB.° Butler had; lived Witljhairdaogbter^ Mr* iSward Fin-negan at Maasena^PpiBt. , She ia sur-vivecNby thfeeaonsT ^ward,vi?aniei iandMi«ibael Untlei?, gllof' ieadvil le, •GoL;'and two daughtera, Mrs. Ed­ward Finnegan, of Washburn, 'Wia», 'm$M*ti Edward Fibrjegaji, of Maa-MWi^ - •/' ' r •,;.. ' " '/

Arrangements for thaLfuneral have # o t yet beejri com>ie^d, bat i t wi l l probably be held Friday' at HoganB-imfr^^ dlbterment* wi l l be in the cemetery at Kavanagh'sCorner*, Bom-" " - * • V J ' T -':"' ' •.; '. ' t

-.-'-J , . ^

TRUEST TRUSS COMEORT . - - . ' ; • - • " • - ' . . . . . . * s •-

,'.V-f> - - . ' ' - - ' - - . ' ". '

Staesl tjoss coBifof^coxB^ffom^^tqiiali^tWisa^ sciejitifidsdjy a iade b y A l l i e d woifaaea, - a a d ^ccrir-atety? fitted,* Qnr trusses are t h e e p b o i l m e a t of stieb satfefactioni JnstenotigJi stiffness at the ri |ht • place t o !ast ireief |?cl! positiorij Jtist'enotighdasfcicity* t o conform readily; to al l bodSy jtjiove&eafe* |E. $0$ s ltoaid weai: a,Jrass o a t heata^g tO;do . so ,or i f y o u a r e f l © * wearing ahi l i f i taangj nnt&gifm&Mh trass, c o m e fce« a » d y o » vM ^ true; trass e o m -

» fort."...Ajpe*fee£fit^aararitejed. : - • -

EDGAR L mmm Tet

WiltReoeiTC CarefayAdention


The Rexall Store

^ g W^pctots and the general publ icagree diat w e provide most §<a

'£$ JMe^caje4^rViee^welJ4s drugs 0! nnquestipfied quality $1

Ri g h t •qaiHty* h a s bmlt^ottr basiness and w i l l most as -

< saredfy be maintained.

fndoabtidly. y o n wi l l be able t o find what you want h e r e

a t a H j i i n e s a s o u t Stocjs: i s complete in a l l iepart inents .

j ^ e t o u r pjrices o n a l l g p o d s w e handle and see" if y o u can

"beat ^ iem else*wbere. „ ,̂y.

»elliflg g o | d goods at low prices its something fox w h i c h

* w e aareinoted,

.. DANCE AT LOUISVILLE. There will be an informal dance

given in, the Louisville town hall evening, May 3 1 . All are in-Music by Norwood orchestra

of four pieces, Refresh-

KED FOOD SALE. ladies of the M. E, cbureh

Wilt hold a cooked food sale, in the Warren block aext door to the post-office Saturday afternoonV June 1, at 2 o'clock. Special orders received' a t Mrs, Woodward's up to • Fjriday

lw ';

SHEEP SHEARING. 1 have a machine for shearing.ab.eep

where Mr. Butler died thirteen y e a a .annlam |»r%arMJta ^ * t h a | w ^ f e A a i

"V\--y*^;i^:isil«*«*;''- :'̂ -V;-'-:-Mis* Sadie, the feurteen-year-oW

daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. EauftT-raan, ef thia village, was *eriou*ly injured last Thuraday eveain*. 4 * she was passing through the kitchen of her borne she tripped over a chair* and fell , injuring her side seriously M there was internal hemorrhage. She wa* taken to the Ogdenabarg city hospital Friday morning, when ap operation waa performad and *he is now rapidly recovering.

Young Potsdam Man Dead, Wale* E. Bradish, aged 27 years,

died May 10 at the home of bis mother, Mrs, Frank Parkin*, at Pots­dam. He was born in Cotton. In 1908 be waa united in marriage to Mias Mabel Lamora, who, with their two children, survive him. He also leaves hia parents, eight brothers and two sisters. The brothers acted as pall belrenr'at the' funeral services, which w e n held at BOOT in St. Mary's eborch May 19. Interment was made a t the Catholle eemetery.

Theraiseinprice*^bifinga in f I S , -000,000 to the eonjnanle*, Qnt n% Mt thay pay the J»irh5ra?iBf,OQ0,OX^ and'«*&«*rtheit ''rakeHor* twelveJ:?»'**&*. •??! "**$W*X ^ ° ^ million. The strike haa worked both way*. The ntiaew wanted more pay,j*nd;ft«yjgb* i t , Tbi* gate the wrapaaieaa chance to atrike'for a raise i n l ^ ^ M i m A i ^ i i S ^ i » t i i . - ^ k tbey got i t and the consuming punlic p a p the zaiie in both case*. Got of each additional twenty-five cent* paid by the consumer the companies pay over to the minera about eight* cents and pat about' aixteen centa in :'• their cash drawer M profit. A atrike ia a good filing, toth for the laborer and the producer, a* long as the eonsumer can atand the raise. When he.refuse* to stand i t any longer what i*going to happen? „*'.'-'.'"'

The following appointments in the state highway service were announced Thuraday: Bead patrolmen, Emmet McQuade, Louisville; John McNoity, Norfolk 1 rodmen, Michael' Began, Deal Crowley, PotBdam} H. 3D. Gabriels, Watervliet, formerly of OgdenBburg.

•. Rev. "B. M. Sherman, who waa at one time rector of Trinity church in Potsdam for $ve year*, Aa* been ap­pointed anistant rector of Christ church, Broadway and 71at street, New York city. He haa been given fall charge from May to October in the absence of tin rector, Dr. Strong.

The pride that haa the least ground falls the hardest

• '#'*- ;-;- ^^idne>'lKloward> '--iy. bl Howard received a telegram laat ISgwday eyehinffrom; Mi** Ser* ijshlna Itowaiff anbiniicib^ the auddejo death i t Minneapolis of his brother, "H,^Sidney-Howard." Mrv^Hqward tly-ed atEdgertonj Minn., and With bis wife vMd. *fatei?,;: Mi**^ Seraphiaa Howard, of Maasena, who was visit­ing them, were in Minneapbiis at-tending the general conference of thja Methodist churcb, when Ma Howard was auddenly stricken. Ha waf a native of ^ Hassena bat had livedo in

h e w ^ * regfliar .visitoit here each suinmer of late years with hiisister1. He wa* about 65 years old and ia sur­vived 6y h i t wife a & «ne iiater, .

"V'-V v.?MHVJ«^''bia^!Sre4or. ' ' -. -^a the Obiervergoe*;, tofpre*» new*

i i jracait^ of the deafli of i&jiifcjm* *ie MacGregor, which eecftrfed^l Gouvernear Wedhei^ay nibming. iPb* aer^l jWill-ne held at Gouverneur Fri­day afternoon at 2i8Q. A more ex­tended dbiinary will fba^inbiUhed mxt flfeefc, -" . >•«-. "-"...";-i::' •"

ThajHuweng^eraeaten of the Bfohe-lien & Obtario jNavigation company' wil l open on June 1 , when the ateam-•er* Kingston and Toronto wil l make their flr*t trip* of the season. Next year these boate wfll begin nsing oi l instead of coal for fuel. Three of the river boat* owned by the company, the Rapid* Queen, the Rapid* Prince and the Prince George, are OBingoiJ for fuel tbi* year. These boat* make the trip through the rapid* from Preacott to Montreal.

Tbi board of auperviaers williheld a special meeting at the c-ourt house June 3rd at 10:30 a. m, for the pur­pose of conferring with the state tax comai3**ioner*.

Laatyaar.we Made seriou* refer­ence to Buffalo Bill 's farewell tour. However, we way again.

w e n not caught that

anytime. Term* reasonable, Jw; ROY SMITH.

POTATOES. ' Just a few more bushels of those

nice -Franklin County potatoes left. Going whrle they last at $1.40 per busbel. These are an extra-nice lot.

l W . ' "• '; Sr




Galbreath's Prescription Pharmacy ^

't Phone 109-J

SPECIAL NOTICES -^C|etitafeF8iG0ht*S. r—Take advantage of our window aale this week. Cascade linen box paper, 4&sheeta and 48, abvelopes for- 2&c «n iy ,a t l , REGOi 'S , , ';" ' V

—Banish those mosquitoes by using Nyal's mosquito lotion. 25c the bot­tle,sold, only^t FREGOj'^ , —Pure sheep-wool sponges, very beat quality, in a variety of sizes and shapes for wagon or auto at a pleas­ing' price, at FREGOe*S. -r-Remember that large can of Cory^ iopsie borated talcum powder for 23c a t t R B G ^ E ^ I . —There will be a strawberry festival given by the ladie* of the Congrega­tional cliafcb Jane 11 . Meau: Hot itrawberry BliortcBke 10 cento, straw­berries and cream IO cents, sand­wiches aijd coffee 10 cent*, strawber-ryade 5 cents. Watch for place next week. * ;lW . —Forthoae who discriminate ReHe Mead Sweets will satisfy, always fresh, direct from manufacturer. ^IdoniyajtFRBGOE'S. -'

Couldn't Trust Him. Judge—Why didn't yen atop beat­

ing him when he cried "Ettongb!" Sambo-^-W'jr, yeaee.'aah, datnieT-

gab i t iieh a liab, ye eani* ne*ah fes-ttebe^irij,-''' »/•' v r-'^-•--••, ' ' •'-

: %mp* ara now exbmpt from paying 15 per cent of constructing highways, i t ia aaid* Dndefthe mid law the atate p*l$5m>ti*U* the county £ £ par cent and the town ISney cent?" but at the iast eession of the legislature, a hill was passed throwing the town's share upon, the state, BO that now the state pays 66 per cent and the county 3 5 per cent./;, -,';•,,

For wis« cut*, stings, lameness, swellings and other external ailments of bone* and cattle,- apply Hanford'* Balsam. It cleanse* and heals, Having a bottle on band may mean saving the life of a valuable animal.

" Who say* our weather ia* change­able? Hasn't i t been raining steadi­ly enoughI :

Sanferd's Salaam reduce* inflam­mation. ' • . . - '


TniHii^ Shoes afidf Hosiery* Hamhsrgs md Flowcings, C^rsete---tfo- good Inies, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, Lin|leurfls and Oilcloths,

and Ladies? Man-Ladies' Cos Tailored Stj

and Rain Coats, and Waists,

latest, Muslins and Ginghams, Standard

Look Over Our Glove Department



Splendid sir suminer wear.

awing of large wh i t e hats, latest s ty les for

y " ' • • . ' - • • " • , " - '

raIdorf Dresses Made from fast colored ginghams, white lawns and mus­

lins, white and c|lored voile, correct style and perfectii^i^o to. &50.

.- Juniors'anc and tip.

children's dresses for al l ages and sizes, 25c

. .^

Secure a nol Andthesmi


>y 25.00 suit at closing price ctest coats in the market at

Alteratiaps free of cost.

WaMorf Wajsts Wtflte and e|lored silks for 2,0,8.

taiiored waists x ,# to$m.

17.90 ent

White lawns and

Fitted ptt mi models and of the qaaUty possible to make models to fit your pgare and Improve your form, 1.00 to 5.00.

"Evesy pair f and tan; 50c to r,

iron raitteel to give «atfefaclaonv Silk, Maek




* ta

fry an Observer Want Adv

e«f; mm >m&