True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions...

True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n = 1 is the least positive integer such that e n = e . 2. Every cyclic group is abelian. True. Let G be a cyclic group. All elements of G are of the form a n , where n . Let x, y G : x = a p , y = a q . Then, xy = a p a q = a p+q = a q+ p = a q a p = yx . Thus, xy = yx for all x, y G . ( p + q = q + p because is an abelian additive group.) 3. Every abelian group is abelian. False. Let us take U 12 = 1 [] ,5 [] ,7 [] , 11 [ ] { } 12 . U 12 is abelian group but this group is not cyclic since the order of elements of U 12 can not be 4. In fact, o 1 [] ( ) = 1, o 5 [] ( ) = 2, o 7 [] ( ) = 2, and o 11 [ ] ( ) = 2 4. If a subgroup H of a group G İS cyclic, then G must be cyclic. False. G = , + ( ) is a group and H = , + ( ) is a subgroup of G = , + ( ) . H = = 1 is cyclic whereas is not cyclic. 5. Whether a group G is cyclic or not, each element a of G generates a cyclic subgroup. True. Look at Remark. 6. Every subgroups of a cyclic group is cyclic. True. Look at Theorem 3.20. 7. If there exists an m + such that a m = e , where a is an element of a group G , then oa () = m . False. m must be the least positive integer such that a m = e . Exercises 3.4 Cyclic Groups 1

Transcript of True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions...

Page 1: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

True/False Questions

1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1.

True. n = 1 is the least positive integer such that en = e .

2. Every cyclic group is abelian.

True. Let G be a cyclic group. All elements of G are of the form an , where n∈ . Let x, y∈G : x = ap , y = aq . Then,

xy = apaq = ap+q = aq+p = aqap = yx .

Thus, xy = yx for all x, y∈G . ( p + q = q + p because is an abelian additive group.)

3. Every abelian group is abelian.

False. Let us take U12 = 1[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ], 11[ ]{ }⊂ 12. U12 is abelian group but this group is not

cyclic since the order of elements of U12 can not be 4. In fact, o 1[ ]( ) = 1,o 5[ ]( ) = 2,o 7[ ]( ) = 2, and o 11[ ]( ) = 2

4. If a subgroup H of a group G İS cyclic, then G must be cyclic.

False. G = ,+( ) is a group and H = ,+( ) is a subgroup of G = ,+( ) . H = = 1 is cyclic whereas is not cyclic.

5. Whether a group G is cyclic or not, each element a of G generates a cyclic subgroup.

True. Look at Remark.

6. Every subgroups of a cyclic group is cyclic.

True. Look at Theorem 3.20.

7. If there exists an m∈+ such that am = e , where a is an element of a group G , then o a( ) = m .

False. m must be the least positive integer such that am = e .

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 2: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

8. Any group of order 3 must be cyclic

True. Suppose that G is a group of order 3. One of the elements is e . So, G = e,a,b{ } . We

want to show that a2 = b and a3 = e . But these are not that obvius to prove. The thing that we can prove is that

ab = e .Proof: It can not be anything else. If ab = a then b = e , a contadiction. If ab = b then a = e , a contradiction. Next,

a2 = bbecause it can not be anything else. If a2 = e then a2 = ab would give a = b , a contradiction. If a2 = a then a = e , a contradiction. Finally,

a3 = aa2 = ab = eand we are done.

9. Any group of order 4 must be cyclic.

False. Let us take U12 = 1[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ], 11[ ]{ }⊂ 12. Then, the order of this group is 4. But this

group is not cyclic since the order of elements of U12 can not be 4. In fact, o 1[ ]( ) = 1,o 5[ ]( ) = 2,o 7[ ]( ) = 2, and o 11[ ]( ) = 2

10. Let a be an element of a group G. Then a = a−1 .

True. We will show that a ⊆ a−1 and a−1 ⊆ a . For this, let x ∈ a . So x = ak for some

integer k. Moreover, x = ak = a−1( )−k implies that x ∈ a−1 . The first part is complete. Now,

we will show that the second part is true. For this, let x ∈ a−1 . So x = a−1( )k for some

integer k .


456 Answers to True/False and Selected Computational Exercises

2. a. subgroup

c. The set {i, 2i} is not a subgroup of G, since it is not closed. We have i ? i 5 21

{i, 2i}.

3. 5 {[0], [2], [4], [6], [8], [10], [12], [14]},

5. a. {[1], [3], [4], [9], [10], [12]},

6. a. ,

c. ,

7. a. ,

9. The set of all real numbers that are greater than 1 is closed under multiplication but isnot a subgroup of G, since it does not contain inverses. (If x . 1, then x21 , 1.)

17. b. 18. a. {1, 21} c. {I3}

27. a.


30. The subgroup d is the set of all multiples of the least common multiple of mand n.

33. Let H 5 {e, s} and K 5 {e, g}.

35. Let H 5 {e, s} and K 5 {e, g}.

Exercises 3.4 Pages 170–174

True or False

1. true 2. true 3. false 4. false 5. true

6. true 7. false 8. true 9. false 10. true


1. 8e 95 {e}, 8r 9 5 {e, r, r2}, 8s 9 5 {e, s}, 8g 95 {e, g}, 8d 95 {e, d}

3. The element e has order 1. Each of the elements s, g, and d has order 2. Each of theelements r and r2 has order 3.

5. o(I3) 5 1, o(P1) 5 o(P2) 5 o(P4) 5 2, o(P3) 5 o(P5) 5 3

6. a. o(A) 5 2

8n98m9 CP45 5I3, P46CI3

5 G, CP15 5I3, P16, CP2

5 5I3, P26, CP35 CP5

5 5I3, P3, P56,Ck 5 C2k 5 51, k, 21, 2k6C1 5 C21 5 G, Ci 5 C2i 5 51, i, 21, 2i6, Cj 5 C2j 5 51, j, 21, 2j6,3x4 5 5x6o1 8A92 5 5

8A9 5 b B 324 304304 334R , B 344 304304 314R , B 314 304304 344R , B 334 304304 324R , B 304 304304 304R ro1 8A92 5 38A9 5 b B0 21

1 21R , B21 1

21 0R , B1 0

0 1R r o1 8A92 5 48A9 5 b B0 21

1 0R , B21 0

0 21R , B 0 1

21 0R , B1 0

0 1R ro1 8 344 92 5 6

o1 8 364 92 5 88 364 9o

2.1 = 1{ }, −1 = 1,−1{ }, i = 1,i,−1,−i{ }, −i = 1,−i,−1,i{ }j = 1, j,−1,− j{ }, − j = 1,− j,−1, j{ }, k = 1,k,−1,−k{ }, −k = 1,−k,−1,k{ }.

456 Answers to True/False and Selected Computational Exercises

2. a. subgroup

c. The set {i, 2i} is not a subgroup of G, since it is not closed. We have i ? i 5 21

{i, 2i}.

3. 5 {[0], [2], [4], [6], [8], [10], [12], [14]},

5. a. {[1], [3], [4], [9], [10], [12]},

6. a. ,

c. ,

7. a. ,

9. The set of all real numbers that are greater than 1 is closed under multiplication but isnot a subgroup of G, since it does not contain inverses. (If x . 1, then x21 , 1.)

17. b. 18. a. {1, 21} c. {I3}

27. a.


30. The subgroup d is the set of all multiples of the least common multiple of mand n.

33. Let H 5 {e, s} and K 5 {e, g}.

35. Let H 5 {e, s} and K 5 {e, g}.

Exercises 3.4 Pages 170–174

True or False

1. true 2. true 3. false 4. false 5. true

6. true 7. false 8. true 9. false 10. true


1. 8e 95 {e}, 8r 9 5 {e, r, r2}, 8s 9 5 {e, s}, 8g 95 {e, g}, 8d 95 {e, d}

3. The element e has order 1. Each of the elements s, g, and d has order 2. Each of theelements r and r2 has order 3.

5. o(I3) 5 1, o(P1) 5 o(P2) 5 o(P4) 5 2, o(P3) 5 o(P5) 5 3

6. a. o(A) 5 2

8n98m9 CP45 5I3, P46CI3

5 G, CP15 5I3, P16, CP2

5 5I3, P26, CP35 CP5

5 5I3, P3, P56,Ck 5 C2k 5 51, k, 21, 2k6C1 5 C21 5 G, Ci 5 C2i 5 51, i, 21, 2i6, Cj 5 C2j 5 51, j, 21, 2j6,3x4 5 5x6o1 8A92 5 5

8A9 5 b B 324 304304 334R , B 344 304304 314R , B 314 304304 344R , B 334 304304 324R , B 304 304304 304R ro1 8A92 5 38A9 5 b B0 21

1 21R , B21 1

21 0R , B1 0

0 1R r o1 8A92 5 48A9 5 b B0 21

1 0R , B21 0

0 21R , B 0 1

21 0R , B1 0

0 1R ro1 8 344 92 5 6

o1 8 364 92 5 88 364 9o

4. o 1( ) = 1, o −1( ) = 2, o i( ) = o −i( ) = o j( ) = o − j( ) = o k( ) = o −k( ) = 4.

456 Answers to True/False and Selected Computational Exercises

2. a. subgroup

c. The set {i, 2i} is not a subgroup of G, since it is not closed. We have i ? i 5 21

{i, 2i}.

3. 5 {[0], [2], [4], [6], [8], [10], [12], [14]},

5. a. {[1], [3], [4], [9], [10], [12]},

6. a. ,

c. ,

7. a. ,

9. The set of all real numbers that are greater than 1 is closed under multiplication but isnot a subgroup of G, since it does not contain inverses. (If x . 1, then x21 , 1.)

17. b. 18. a. {1, 21} c. {I3}

27. a.


30. The subgroup d is the set of all multiples of the least common multiple of mand n.

33. Let H 5 {e, s} and K 5 {e, g}.

35. Let H 5 {e, s} and K 5 {e, g}.

Exercises 3.4 Pages 170–174

True or False

1. true 2. true 3. false 4. false 5. true

6. true 7. false 8. true 9. false 10. true


1. 8e 95 {e}, 8r 9 5 {e, r, r2}, 8s 9 5 {e, s}, 8g 95 {e, g}, 8d 95 {e, d}

3. The element e has order 1. Each of the elements s, g, and d has order 2. Each of theelements r and r2 has order 3.

5. o(I3) 5 1, o(P1) 5 o(P2) 5 o(P4) 5 2, o(P3) 5 o(P5) 5 3

6. a. o(A) 5 2

8n98m9 CP45 5I3, P46CI3

5 G, CP15 5I3, P16, CP2

5 5I3, P26, CP35 CP5

5 5I3, P3, P56,Ck 5 C2k 5 51, k, 21, 2k6C1 5 C21 5 G, Ci 5 C2i 5 51, i, 21, 2i6, Cj 5 C2j 5 51, j, 21, 2j6,3x4 5 5x6o1 8A92 5 5

8A9 5 b B 324 304304 334R , B 344 304304 314R , B 314 304304 344R , B 334 304304 324R , B 304 304304 304R ro1 8A92 5 38A9 5 b B0 21

1 21R , B21 1

21 0R , B1 0

0 1R r o1 8A92 5 48A9 5 b B0 21

1 0R , B21 0

0 21R , B 0 1

21 0R , B1 0

0 1R ro1 8 344 92 5 6

o1 8 364 92 5 88 364 9o

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 3: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

6. a) n = 2 is the least positive integer such that A2 = I . Therefore, o A( ) = 2. b) n = 4 is the least positive integer such that A4 = I . Therefore, o A( ) = 4.

7. Since o G( ) = 8 , a8 = e .

a) x = 4 is the least positive integer such that a2( )x = e . Therefore, o a2( ) = 4.b) x = 8 is the least positive integer such that a3( )x = e . Therefore, o a3( ) = 8.c) x = 2 is the least positive integer such that a4( )x = e . Therefore, o a4( ) = 2.d) x = 8 is the least positive integer such that a5( )x = e . Therefore, o a5( ) = 8.e) x = 4 is the least positive integer such that a6( )x = e . Therefore, o a6( ) = 4.f) x = 8 is the least positive integer such that a7( )x = e . Therefore, o a7( ) = 8.g) x = 1 is the least positive integer such that a8( )x = e . Therefore, o a8( ) = 1.

8. Since o G( ) = 9 , a9 = e .

a) x = 9 is the least positive integer such that a2( )x = e . Therefore, o a2( ) = 9.b) x = 6 is the least positive integer such that a3( )x = e . Therefore, o a3( ) = 6.c) x = 9 is the least positive integer such that a4( )x = e . Therefore, o a4( ) = 9.d) x = 9 is the least positive integer such that a5( )x = e . Therefore, o a5( ) = 9.e) x = 3 is the least positive integer such that a6( )x = e . Therefore, o a6( ) = 3.f) x = 9 is the least positive integer such that a7( )x = e . Therefore, o a7( ) = 9.g) x = 9 is the least positive integer such that a8( )x = e . Therefore, o a8( ) = 9.h) x = 1 is the least positive integer such that a9( )x = e . Therefore, o a9( ) = 1.

9. a) 1[ ], 3[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ] b) 1[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ], 11[ ] c) 1[ ], 3[ ], 7[ ], 9[ ] d) 1[ ], 2[ ], 4[ ], 7[ ], 8[ ], 11[ ], 13[ ], 14[ ] e) 1[ ], 3[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ], 9[ ], 11[ ], 13[ ], 15[ ] f) 1[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ], 11[ ], 13[ ], 17[ ]

10. a) The divisors of 12 are d = 1,2,3,4,6,12 , so the distinct subgroups of 12 are those subgroups d a[ ] where a[ ] is a generator of 12 . Since 12 = 1[ ] , the generator a[ ] can

be taken 1[ ] . Then,

1. 1[ ] = 12 ; o 12( ) = 12 ,

2. 1[ ] = 2[ ] = 0[ ], 2[ ], 4[ ], 6[ ], 8[ ], 10[ ]{ } ; o 2[ ]( ) = 6,

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 4: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

3. 1[ ] = 3[ ] = 0[ ], 3[ ], 6[ ], 9[ ]{ } ; o 3[ ]( ) = 4,4. 1[ ] = 4[ ] = 0[ ], 4[ ], 8[ ]{ } ; o 4[ ]( ) = 3,6. 1[ ] = 6[ ] = 0[ ], 6[ ]{ } ; o 6[ ]( ) = 2,12. 1[ ] = 0[ ] = 0[ ]{ } ; o 0[ ]( ) = 1.

b) The divisors of 8 are d = 1,2,4,8 , so the distinct subgroups of 8 are those subgroups d a[ ] where a[ ] is a generator of 8 . Since 8 = 1[ ] , the generator a[ ] can be taken

1[ ] . Then,

1. 1[ ] = 8 ; o 8( ) = 8 ,

2. 1[ ] = 2[ ] = 0[ ], 2[ ], 4[ ], 6[ ]{ } ; o 2[ ]( ) = 4,4. 1[ ] = 4[ ] = 0[ ], 4[ ]{ } ; o 4[ ]( ) = 2,8. 1[ ] = 0[ ] = 0[ ]{ } ; o 0[ ]( ) = 1.

c) The divisors of 10 are d = 1,2,5,10 , so the distinct subgroups of 10 are those subgroups d a[ ] where a[ ] is a generator of 10 . Since 10 = 1[ ] , the generator a[ ] can be taken 1[ ] . Then,

1. 1[ ] = 10 ; o 10( ) = 10 ,

2. 1[ ] = 2[ ] = 0[ ], 2[ ], 4[ ], 6[ ], 8[ ]{ } ; o 2[ ]( ) = 5,5. 1[ ] = 5[ ] = 0[ ], 5[ ]{ } ; o 5[ ]( ) = 2,10. 1[ ] = 0[ ] = 0[ ]{ } ; o 0[ ]( ) = 1.

d) The divisors of 15 are d = 1,3,5,15 , so the distinct subgroups of 15 are those subgroups d a[ ] where a[ ] is a generator of 15 . Since 15 = 1[ ] , the generator a[ ] can

be taken 1[ ] . Then,

1. 1[ ] = 15 ; o 15( ) = 15 ,

3. 1[ ] = 3[ ] = 0[ ], 3[ ], 6[ ], 9[ ], 12[ ]{ } ; o 3[ ]( ) = 5,5. 1[ ] = 5[ ] = 0[ ], 5[ ], 10[ ]{ } ; o 5[ ]( ) = 3,15. 1[ ] = 0[ ] = 0[ ]{ } ; o 0[ ]( ) = 1.

e) The divisors of 16 are d = 1,2,4,8,16 , so the distinct subgroups of 16 are those subgroups d a[ ] where a[ ] is a generator of 16 . Since 16 = 1[ ] , the generator a[ ] can be taken 1[ ] . Then,

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 5: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

1. 1[ ] = 16 ; o 16( ) = 16 ,

2. 1[ ] = 2[ ] = 0[ ], 2[ ], 4[ ], 6[ ], 8[ ], 10[ ], 12[ ], 14[ ]{ } ; o 2[ ]( ) = 8,4. 1[ ] = 4[ ] = 0[ ], 4[ ], 8[ ], 12[ ]{ } ; o 4[ ]( ) = 4,8. 1[ ] = 8[ ] = 0[ ], 8[ ]{ } ; o 8[ ]( ) = 2,16. 1[ ] = 0[ ] = 0[ ]{ } ; o 0[ ]( ) = 1.

f) The divisors of 18 are d = 1,2,3,6,9,18 , so the distinct subgroups of 18 are those subgroups d a[ ] where a[ ] is a generator of 18 . Since 18 = 1[ ] , the generator a[ ] can

be taken 1[ ] . Then,

1. 1[ ] = 18 ; o 18( ) = 18 ,

2. 1[ ] = 2[ ] = 0[ ], 2[ ], 4[ ], 6[ ], 8[ ], 10[ ], 12[ ], 14[ ], 16[ ]{ } ; o 2[ ]( ) = 9,3. 1[ ] = 3[ ] = 0[ ], 3[ ], 6[ ], 9[ ], 12[ ], 15[ ]{ } ; o 3[ ]( ) = 6,6. 1[ ] = 6[ ] = 0[ ], 6[ ], 12[ ]{ } ; o 6[ ]( ) = 3,9. 1[ ] = 9[ ] = 0[ ], 9[ ]{ } ; o 9[ ]( ) = 2,18. 1[ ] = 0[ ] = 0[ ]{ } ; o 0[ ]( ) = 1.

11-12 a) Since 7 − 0[ ]{ } = 1[ ], 2[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ], 5[ ], 6[ ]{ } , the order of this group is 6. By

Theorem 3.24, the generators of this group is in the form am iff m,6( ) = 1 . So the values of

m are 1 and 5. Therefore, 7 − 0[ ]{ } = a1 = a5 . Let us find the element a of this group.

Take the element 3[ ] . All of the powers of 3[ ] are

3[ ]1 = 3[ ],3[ ]2 = 2[ ],3[ ]3 = 6[ ],3[ ]4 = 4[ ],3[ ]5 = 5[ ],3[ ]6 = 1[ ].

Therefore, 7 − 0[ ]{ } = 3[ ]1 = 3[ ]5 = 5[ ] .

b) Since 5 − 0[ ]{ } = 1[ ], 2[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ]{ } , the order of this group is 4. By Theorem 3.24, the

generators of this group is in the form am iff m, 4( ) = 1 . So the values of m are 1 and 3.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 6: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

Therefore, 5 − 0[ ]{ } = a1 = a3 . Let us find the element a of this group. Take the

element 2[ ] . All of the powers of 2[ ] are

2[ ]1 = 2[ ],2[ ]2 = 4[ ],2[ ]3 = 3[ ],2[ ]4 = 1[ ].

Therefore, 5 − 0[ ]{ } = 2[ ]1 = 2[ ]3 = 3[ ] .

c) Since 11 − 0[ ]{ } = 1[ ], 2[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ], 5[ ], 6[ ], 7[ ], 8[ ], 9[ ], 10[ ]{ } , the order of this group is 10.

By Theorem 3.24, the generators of this group is in the form am iff m,10( ) = 1 . So the

values of m are 1, 3, 7 and 9. Therefore, 11 − 0[ ]{ } = a1 = a3 = a7 = a9 . Let us find the element a of this group. Take the element 2[ ] . All of the powers of 2[ ] are

2[ ]1 = 2[ ],2[ ]2 = 4[ ],2[ ]3 = 8[ ],2[ ]4 = 5[ ],2[ ]5 = 10[ ],2[ ]6 = 9[ ],2[ ]7 = 7[ ],2[ ]8 = 3[ ],2[ ]9 = 6[ ],2[ ]10 = 1[ ].

Therefore, 11 − 0[ ]{ } = 2[ ]1 = 2[ ]3 = 8[ ] = 2[ ]7 = 7[ ] = 2[ ]9 = 6[ ] .

d) Since 13 − 0[ ]{ } = 1[ ], 2[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ], 5[ ], 6[ ], 7[ ], 8[ ], 9[ ], 10[ ], 11[ ], 12[ ]{ } , the order of this

group is 12. By Theorem 3.24, the generators of this group is in the form am iff m,12( ) = 1 .

So the values of m are 1, 5, 7 and 11. Therefore, 13 − 0[ ]{ } = a1 = a5 = a7 = a11 . Let

us find the element a of this group. Take the element 7[ ] . All of the powers of 7[ ] are

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 7: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

7[ ]1 = 7[ ],7[ ]2 = 10[ ],7[ ]3 = 5[ ],7[ ]4 = 9[ ],7[ ]5 = 11[ ],7[ ]6 = 12[ ],7[ ]7 = 6[ ],7[ ]8 = 3[ ],7[ ]9 = 8[ ],7[ ]10 = 4[ ],7[ ]11 = 2[ ],7[ ]12 = 1[ ].

Therefore, 13 − 0[ ]{ } = 7[ ]1 = 7[ ]5 = 11[ ] = 7[ ]7 = 6[ ] = 7[ ]11 = 2[ ] .

e) Since 17 − 0[ ]{ } = 1[ ], 2[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ], 5[ ], 6[ ], 7[ ], 8[ ], 9[ ], 10[ ], 11[ ], 12[ ], 13[ ], 14[ ], 15[ ], 16[ ]{ } , the

order of this group is 16. By Theorem 3.24, the generators of this group is in the form am iff m,16( ) = 1 . So the values of m are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15. Therefore,

17 − 0[ ]{ } = a1 = a3 = a5 = a7 = a9 = a11 = a13 = a15 . Let us find the element a of

this group. Take the element 3[ ] . All of the powers of 3[ ] are

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 8: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

3[ ]1 = 3[ ],3[ ]2 = 9[ ],3[ ]3 = 10[ ],3[ ]4 = 13[ ],3[ ]5 = 5[ ],3[ ]6 = 15[ ],3[ ]7 = 11[ ],3[ ]8 = 16[ ],3[ ]9 = 14[ ],3[ ]10 = 8[ ],3[ ]11 = 7[ ],3[ ]12 = 4[ ],3[ ]13 = 12[ ],3[ ]14 = 2[ ],3[ ]15 = 6[ ],3[ ]16 = 1[ ].


17 − 0[ ]{ } = 3[ ]1 = 3[ ]3 = 10[ ] = 3[ ]5 = 5[ ] = 3[ ]7 = 11[ ] = 3[ ]9 = 14[ ] = 3[ ]11 = 7[ ] = 3[ ]13 = 12[ ] = 3[ ]15 = 6[ ]

f) Since

19 − 0[ ]{ } = 1[ ], 2[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ], 5[ ], 6[ ], 7[ ], 8[ ], 9[ ], 10[ ], 11[ ], 12[ ], 13[ ], 14[ ], 15[ ], 16[ ], 17[ ], 18[ ]{ } , the order of this group is 18. By Theorem 3.24, the generators of this group is in the form am iff m,18( ) = 1 . So the values of m are 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. Therefore,

19 − 0[ ]{ } = a1 = a5 = a7 = a11 = a13 = a17 . Let us find the element a of this group. Take the element 3[ ] . All of the powers of 3[ ] are

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 9: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

2[ ]1 = 2[ ],2[ ]2 = 4[ ],2[ ]3 = 8[ ],2[ ]4 = 16[ ],2[ ]5 = 13[ ],2[ ]6 = 7[ ],2[ ]7 = 14[ ],2[ ]8 = 9[ ],2[ ]9 = 18[ ],2[ ]10 = 17[ ],2[ ]11 = 15[ ],2[ ]12 = 11[ ],2[ ]13 = 3[ ],2[ ]14 = 6[ ],2[ ]15 = 12[ ],2[ ]16 = 5[ ],2[ ]17 = 10[ ],2[ ]18 = 1[ ].


19 − 0[ ]{ } = 2[ ]1 = 2[ ]5 = 13[ ] = 2[ ]7 = 14[ ] = 2[ ]11 = 15[ ] = 2[ ]13 = 3[ ] = 2[ ]17 = 10[ ] .

13. a) By Corollary 3.23 and Exercise 11, 7 − 0[ ]{ } is a finite cyclic group of order 6 with

3[ ]∈ 7 − 0[ ]{ } as a generator. The distinct subgroups of 7 − 0[ ]{ } are those subgroups

3[ ]d where d is a positive divisor of 6 . Therefore, the distinct subgroups are as follows:

3[ ]1 = 7 − 0[ ]{ },3[ ]2 = 2[ ], 4[ ], 1[ ]{ },3[ ]3 = 6[ ], 1[ ]{ },3[ ]6 = 1[ ]{ }.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 10: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

b) By Corollary 3.23 and Exercise 11, 5 − 0[ ]{ } is a finite cyclic group of order 4 with

2[ ]∈5 − 0[ ]{ } as a generator. The distinct subgroups of 5 − 0[ ]{ } are those subgroups

2[ ]d where d is a positive divisor of 4. Therefore, the distinct subgroups are as follows:

2[ ]1 = 5 − 0[ ]{ },2[ ]2 = 4[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]4 = 1[ ]{ }.

c) By Corollary 3.23 and Exercise 11, 11 − 0[ ]{ } is a finite cyclic group of order 10 with

2[ ]∈11 − 0[ ]{ } as a generator. The distinct subgroups of 11 − 0[ ]{ } are those subgroups

2[ ]d where d is a positive divisor of 10. Therefore, the distinct subgroups are as follows:

2[ ]1 = 11 − 0[ ]{ },2[ ]2 = 4[ ], 5[ ], 9[ ], 3[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]5 = 10[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]10 = 1[ ]{ }.

d) By Corollary 3.23 and Exercise 11, 13 − 0[ ]{ } is a finite cyclic group of order 12 with

7[ ]∈13 − 0[ ]{ } as a generator. The distinct subgroups of 13 − 0[ ]{ } are those subgroups

7[ ]d where d is a positive divisor of 12. Therefore, the distinct subgroups are as follows:

7[ ]1 = 13 − 0[ ]{ },7[ ]2 = 10[ ], 9[ ], 12[ ], 3[ ], 4[ ], 1[ ]{ },7[ ]3 = 5[ ], 12[ ], 8[ ], 1[ ]{ },7[ ]4 = 9[ ], 3[ ], 1[ ]{ },7[ ]6 = 12[ ], 1[ ]{ },7[ ]12 = 1[ ]{ }.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 11: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

e) By Corollary 3.23 and Exercise 11, 17 − 0[ ]{ } is a finite cyclic group of order 16 with

3[ ]∈17 − 0[ ]{ } as a generator. The distinct subgroups of 17 − 0[ ]{ } are those subgroups

3[ ]d where d is a positive divisor of 16. Therefore, the distinct subgroups are as follows:

3[ ]1 = 17 − 0[ ]{ },3[ ]2 = 9[ ], 13[ ], 15[ ], 16[ ], 8[ ], 4[ ], 2[ ], 1[ ]{ },3[ ]4 = 13[ ], 16[ ], 4[ ], 1[ ]{ },3[ ]8 = 16[ ], 1[ ]{ },3[ ]16 = 1[ ]{ }.

f) By Corollary 3.23 and Exercise 11, 19 − 0[ ]{ } is a finite cyclic group of order 18 with

2[ ]∈17 − 0[ ]{ } as a generator. The distinct subgroups of 19 − 0[ ]{ } are those subgroups

2[ ]d where d is a positive divisor of 18. Therefore, the distinct subgroups are as follows:

2[ ]1 = 19 − 0[ ]{ },2[ ]2 = 4[ ], 16[ ], 7[ ], 9[ ], 17[ ], 11[ ], 6[ ], 5[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]3 = 8[ ], 7[ ], 18[ ], 11[ ], 12[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]6 = 7[ ], 11[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]9 = 18[ ], 1[ ]{ },2[ ]18 = 1[ ]{ }.


Since Z!7 = ![3]", each subgroup will be generated by [3]m where m is a divisor of 6. Thus

m = 1, 2, 3, 6. Since [3]1 = [3], [3]2 = [2], [3]3 = [6] and [3]6 = [1]. Therefore the subgroupsare as follows:

![1]" = {[1]}![2]" = {[1], [2], [4]}![3]" = Z!


![6]" = {[1], [6]}

14. Prove that the set H =!"

1 n0 1

#$$$$ n # Z%

is a cyclic subgroup of GL2(R).

Proof. First let’s prove that H is a subgroup of the invertible 2 by 2 real matrices.


1 10 1



1 n0 1

#for all positive integers n.

Clearly the statement holds when n = 1. Assume"

1 10 1



1 k0 1

#. Then we have the


1 10 1



1 10 1

#k "1 10 1



1 k0 1

#"1 10 1



1 k + 10 1


Thus by induction"

1 10 1



1 n0 1

#for all positive integers n.

By definition"

1 10 1



1 00 1


Suppose n > 0, then we have the following."

1 10 1



1 10 1



1 n0 1



1 $n0 1


Thus for all integers n,"

1 10 1



1 n0 1


Now we will prove H is cyclic. Let"

1 10 1



1 10 1

#), then

"1 10 1



1 k0 1

## H.


1 10 1

#)% H .

Now we will show H %("

1 10 1

#). Let A # H . Then A =

"1 n0 1

#for some n # Z. By

above claim,"

1 n0 1


"1 10 1



1 10 1


Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 12: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

Since Z!7 = ![3]", each subgroup will be generated by [3]m where m is a divisor of 6. Thus

m = 1, 2, 3, 6. Since [3]1 = [3], [3]2 = [2], [3]3 = [6] and [3]6 = [1]. Therefore the subgroupsare as follows:

![1]" = {[1]}![2]" = {[1], [2], [4]}![3]" = Z!


![6]" = {[1], [6]}

14. Prove that the set H =!"

1 n0 1

#$$$$ n # Z%

is a cyclic subgroup of GL2(R).

Proof. First let’s prove that H is a subgroup of the invertible 2 by 2 real matrices.


1 10 1



1 n0 1

#for all positive integers n.

Clearly the statement holds when n = 1. Assume"

1 10 1



1 k0 1

#. Then we have the


1 10 1



1 10 1

#k "1 10 1



1 k0 1

#"1 10 1



1 k + 10 1


Thus by induction"

1 10 1



1 n0 1

#for all positive integers n.

By definition"

1 10 1



1 00 1


Suppose n > 0, then we have the following."

1 10 1



1 10 1



1 n0 1



1 $n0 1


Thus for all integers n,"

1 10 1



1 n0 1


Now we will prove H is cyclic. Let"

1 10 1



1 10 1

#), then

"1 10 1



1 k0 1

## H.


1 10 1

#)% H .

Now we will show H %("

1 10 1

#). Let A # H . Then A =

"1 n0 1

#for some n # Z. By

above claim,"

1 n0 1


"1 10 1



1 10 1


Thus H =!"

1 10 1


28. Let a and b be elments of a finite group G.

(b) Prove that a and bab!1 have the same order.

Proof. Let a, b ! G. To prove a and bab!1 have the same order, we need the followingfact.

Claim: Let n be a natural numbers, then (bab!1)n = banb!1.We will prove this by induction on n. Clearly (bab!1)1 = ba1b!1.Assume (bab!1)k = bakb!1. Then we have the following.

(bab!1)k+1 = (bab!1)k(bab!1) = bakb!1bab!1 = bakab!1 = bak+1b!1

Thus by induction, (bab!1)n = banb!1.Assume |a| = r and |bab!1| = s. So ar = e and (bab!1)s = e. Thus we have thefollowing.

ar = e

barb!1 = beb!1

barb!1 = e

(bab!1)r = e

So since |bab!1| = s the above implies s|r. Moreover we have the following.

(bab!1)s = e

basb!1 = e

b!1basb!1b = b!1eb

as = e

So since |a| = r the above implies r|s.Therefore we have that r = s. In other words, |a| = |bab!1|.

(c) Prove that ab and ba have the same order.

Proof. Assume |ab| = m and |ba| = n, then (ab)m = e and (ba)n = e. Therefore we havethe following.

(ab)m = e

a(ba)m!1b = e

a!1a(ba)m!1b = a!1e

(ba)m!1b = a!1

(ba)m!1ba = a!1a

(ba)m = e

Since |ba| = n, the above gives us that n|m. Similarly to above, you can show that(ba)n = e implies (ab)n = e, and since |a| = m, we can conclude m|n. Therefore n = m.In other words, |ab| = |ba|.

15. a) i) Let us prove that

cosnθ −sinnθsinnθ cosnθ


⎦⎥ =

cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ





Clearly the statement holds when n = 1 . Assume

coskθ −sin kθsin kθ coskθ


⎦⎥ =

cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ





Then we have the following.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 13: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ




= cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ



kcosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ



= coskθ −sin kθsin kθ coskθ



cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ



= coskθ cosθ − sin kθ sinθ −coskθ sinθ − sin kθ cosθsin kθ cosθ + coskθ sinθ −sin kθ sinθ + coskθ cosθ



=cos k +1( )θ −sin k +1( )θsin k +1( )θ cos k +1( )θ



Thus by induction cosnθ −sinnθsinnθ cosnθ


⎦⎥ =

cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ




for all integers n .

ii)First let us prove that H is a subgroup of the invertible 2 by 2 real matrices. H is nonempty since

cos0θ −sin0θsin0θ cos0θ


⎦⎥ =

1 00 1


⎦⎥ ∈H for n = 0 .

Take two arbitrary element of H such that

A =cosn1θ −sinn1θsinn1θ cosn1θ


⎦⎥⎥,B =

cosn2θ −sinn2θsinn2θ cosn2θ


⎦⎥⎥∈H for all integers n1 and n2 .

We will show that AB∈H . For this,

AB =cosn1θ −sinn1θsinn1θ cosn1θ



cosn2θ −sinn2θsinn2θ cosn2θ


⎦⎥⎥= cosθ −sinθ

sinθ cosθ⎡



n1cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ




= cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ




=cos n1 + n2( )θ −sin n1 + n2( )θsin n1 + n2( )θ cos n1 + n2( )θ


⎥⎥∈H .

So H is closed under the matrix multiplication. Now we will show that A−1 ∈H . For this,

A =cosn1θ −sinn1θsinn1θ cosn1θ


⎦⎥⎥⇒ A−1 = 1

detAcosn1θ −sinθsinθ cosn1θ



cosn1θ −sinθsinθ cosn1θ


⎦⎥⎥∈H .

Therefore H is a subgroup of the set of all invertible 2 by 2 real matrices. Now we will prove H is cyclic. By using the trigonometric identity

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


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cosnθ −sinnθsinnθ cosnθ


⎦⎥ =

cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ




we have H = cosθ −sinθsinθ cosθ


⎦⎥ , as required.

b) H = cos90n −sin90n

sin90n cos90n⎡


⎦⎥ :n∈




⎭⎪= 1 0

0 1⎡



0 −11 0



−1 00 −1



0 1−1 0








H = cos120n −sin120nsin120n cos120n


⎦⎥ :n∈




⎭⎪= 1 0

0 1⎡



− 12

− 32


− 12



,− 12


0 − 12








16. To show that multiplication modn is a binary operation on Un , I must show that the product of units is a unit. ! Suppose a,b∈Un . Then a has a multiplicative inverse a−1 and b has a multiplicative inverse b−1 . Now

b−1a−1( ) ab( ) = b−1 a−1a( )b = b−1 e( )b = b−1b = e,

ab( ) b−1a−1( ) = a bb−1( )a−1 = a e( )a−1 = aa−1e.

Hence, b−1a−1 is the multiplicative inverse of ab , and ab is a unit. Therefore, multiplication modn is a binary operation on Un .

I will take it for granted that multiplication mod n is associative.The identity element for multiplication modn is 1, and 1 is a unit in n .Finally, every element of Un has a multiplicative inverse, by definition.Therefore, Un is a group under multiplication modn .

17. ⇐: Let a[ ]∈n . Assume that a and n are reletively prime. Then a,n( ) = 1 . By Theorem 2.12, 1= ax + ny for some integer x, y.Using this fact, we have the following.

1= ax + ny → 1≡ ax modn( )→ 1[ ] = ax[ ] in n → 1[ ] = a[ ] x[ ] in n .

In the last equality, Theorem 2.25 guarantees the existence of a solution s to the congruence as ≡ 1 modn( ) . This shows that a[ ] in n has the multiplicative inverses. By the definition of Un , a[ ]∈Un .

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 15: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

:⇒ Let a[ ]∈Un . Suppose first that a[ ] has a multiplicative inverse b[ ] in n . Thena[ ] b[ ] = 1[ ] .

This means that

ab[ ] = 1[ ] and ab ≡ 1 modn( ) .


ab −1= nq

for some integer q , and

a b( ) + n −q( ) = 1.

Answers to True/False and Selected Computational Exercises 457

7. a. 4 c. 2 e. 4 g. 1

8. a. 9 c. 9 e. 3 g. 9

9. a. [1], [3], [5], [7]

c. [1], [3], [7], [9]

e. [1], [3], [5], [7], [9], [11], [13], [15]

10. a. {[0]}, 1; {[0], [6]}, 2; {[0], [4], [8]}, 3; {[0], [3], [6], [9]}, 4; {[0], [2], [4], [6], [8], [10]}, 6; Z12, 12

c. {[0]}, 1; {[0], [5]}, 2; {[0], [2], [4], [6], [8]}, 5; Z10, 10

e. {[0]}, 1; {[0], [8]}, 2; {[0], [4], [8], [12]}, 4;

{[0], [2], [4], [6], [8], [10], [12], [14]}, 8; Z16, 16

11. a. G 5 8[3]9 5 8[5]9c. G 5 8[2]9 5 8[6]9 5 8[7]9 5 8[8]9e. G 5 8[3]9 5 8[5] 9 5 8[6]9 5 8[7]9 5 8[10] 9 5 8[11] 9 5 8[12] 9 5 8[14]9

12. a. [3], [5]

c. [2], [6], [7], [8]

e. [3], [5], [6], [7], [10], [11], [12], [14]

13. a. {[1]}, 1; {[1], [6]}, 2; {[1], [2], [4]}, 3; G, 6

c. {[1]}, 1; {[1], [10]}, 2; {[1], [3], [4], [5], [9]}, 5; G, 10

e. {[1]}, 1; {[1], [16]}, 2; {[1], [4], [13], [16]}, 4;

{[1], [2], [4], [8], [9], [13], [15], [16]}, 8; G, 16

15. c.

18. a. U20 5 {[1], [3], [7], [9], [11], [13], [17], [19]}

C 212


2!32 21


SsH 5 cB1 0

0 1R , C21

2 2!32

!32 21


S ,

? [1] [3] [7] [9] [11] [13] [17] [19]

[1] [1] [3] [7] [9] [11] [13] [17] [19]

[3] [3] [9] [1] [7] [13] [19] [11] [17]

[7] [7] [1] [9] [3] [17] [11] [19] [13]

[9] [9] [7] [3] [1] [19] [17] [13] [11]

[11] [11] [13] [17] [19] [1] [3] [7] [9]

[13] [13] [19] [11] [17] [3] [9] [1] [7]

[17] [17] [11] [19] [13] [7] [1] [9] [3]

[19] [19] [17] [13] [11] [9] [7] [3] [1]

b. U8 = a[ ]∈n : a[ ], n[ ]( ) = 1{ } = 1[ ], 3[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ]{ }. The Cayley table for U8 is as follows:

• 1[ ] 3[ ] 5[ ] 7[ ]

1[ ] 1[ ] 3[ ] 5[ ] 7[ ]

3[ ] 3[ ] 1[ ] 7[ ] 5[ ]

5[ ] 5[ ] 7[ ] 1[ ] 3[ ]

7[ ] 7[ ] 5[ ] 3[ ] 1[ ]

c. U24 = a[ ]∈24 : a[ ], n[ ]( ) = 1{ } = 1[ ], 5[ ], 7[ ], 11[ ], 13[ ], 17[ ], 19[ ], 23[ ]{ }.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


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458 Answers to True/False and Selected Computational Exercises

c. U24 5 {[1], [5], [7], [11], [13], [17], [19], [23]}

? [1] [5] [7] [11] [13] [17] [19] [23]

[1] [1] [5] [7] [11] [13] [17] [19] [23]

[5] [5] [1] [11] [7] [17] [13] [23] [19]

[7] [7] [11] [1] [5] [19] [23] [13] [17]

[11] [11] [7] [5] [1] [23] [19] [17] [13]

[13] [13] [17] [19] [23] [1] [5] [7] [11]

[17] [17] [13] [23] [19] [5] [1] [11] [7]

[19] [19] [23] [13] [17] [7] [11] [1] [5]

[23] [23] [19] [17] [13] [11] [7] [5] [1]

19. a. not cyclic

c. not cyclic

21. a. f(8) 5 4; a, a3, a5, a7

c. f(18) 5 6; a, a5, a7, a11, a13, a17

e. f(7) 5 6; a, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6

22. a.



23. a. a12

c. a6, a18

24. a. none

c. a5, a10, a15, a20, a25, a30

25. All subgroups of Z are of the form 8n 9 , n a fixed integer.

35. p 2 1

8a9 5 G, 8a79 5 8e9 5 5e68a189 5 8e9 5 5e68a99 5 5a9, a18 5 e68a69 5 8a129 5 5a6, a12, a18 5 e68a39 5 8a159 5 5a3, a6, a9, a12, a15, a18 5 e68a295 8a495 8a895 8a1095 8a1495 8a1695 5a2, a4, a6, a8, a10, a12, a14, a16, a18 5 e68a9 5 G

8a89 5 8e9 5 5e68a49 5 5a4, a8 5 e68a29 5 8a69 5 5a2, a4, a6, a8 5 e68a9 5 G

d. U30 = a[ ]∈ 30 : a[ ], n[ ]( ) = 1{ } = 1[ ], 7[ ], 11[ ], 13[ ], 17[ ], 19[ ], 23[ ], 29[ ]{ }.

• 1[ ] 7[ ] 11[ ] 13[ ] 17[ ] 19[ ] 23[ ] 29[ ]

1[ ] 1[ ] 7[ ] 11[ ] 13[ ] 17[ ] 19[ ] 23[ ] 29[ ]

7[ ] 7[ ] 19[ ] 17[ ] 1[ ] 29[ ] 13[ ] 11[ ] 23[ ]

11[ ] 11[ ] 17[ ] 1[ ] 23[ ] 7[ ] 29[ ] 13[ ] 19[ ]

13[ ] 13[ ] 1[ ] 23[ ] 19[ ] 11[ ] 7[ ] 29[ ] 17[ ]

17[ ] 17[ ] 29[ ] 7[ ] 11[ ] 19[ ] 23[ ] 1[ ] 13[ ]

19[ ] 19[ ] 13[ ] 29[ ] 7[ ] 23[ ] 1[ ] 17[ ] 11[ ]

23[ ] 23[ ] 11[ ] 13[ ] 29[ ] 1[ ] 17[ ] 19[ ] 7[ ]

29[ ] 29[ ] 23[ ] 19[ ] 17[ ] 13[ ] 11[ ] 7[ ] 1[ ]

19. a) If U20 is cyclic, then there exists at least one element a[ ]∈U20 whose order must be 8. But

1[ ]1 = 1[ ]; 3[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 7[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 9[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 11[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 13[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 17[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 19[ ]2 = 1[ ]. b) If U8 is cyclic, then there exists at least one element a[ ]∈U8 whose order must be 4. But

1[ ]1 = 1[ ]; 3[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 5[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 7[ ]2 = 1[ ].

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 17: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

c) If U24 is cyclic, then there exists at least one element a[ ]∈U20 whose order must be 8. But

1[ ]1 = 1[ ]; 5[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 7[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 11[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 13[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 17[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 19[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 23[ ]2 = 1[ ].

d) If U30 is cyclic, then there exists at least one element a[ ]∈U20 whose order must be 8. But

1[ ]1 = 1[ ]; 7[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 11[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 13[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 17[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 19[ ]2 = 1[ ]; 23[ ]4 = 1[ ]; 29[ ]2 = 1[ ].

20. U9 = 5[ ]0 = 1[ ], 5[ ]1 = 5[ ], 5[ ]2 = 7[ ], 5[ ]3 = 8[ ], 5[ ]4 = 4[ ], 5[ ]5 = 2[ ], 5[ ]6 = 1[ ]{ } = 5[ ] is a

cyclic group of order 6. The divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6, so the subgroups of U9 are

5[ ]1 =U9,

5[ ]2 = 7[ ], 4[ ], 1[ ]{ },5[ ]3 = 8[ ], 1[ ]{ },5[ ]6 = 1[ ]{ },5[ ]4 = 5[ ]2 = 7[ ], 4[ ], 1[ ]{ },5[ ]5 = 5[ ]1 =U9.

21. a) φ 8( ) = 4;a,a3,a5,a7

b) φ 14( ) = φ 2( )φ 7( ) = 1.6 = 6; a,a3,a5,a9,a11,a13

c) φ 18( ) = φ 2( )φ 32( ) = 1.6 = 6; a,a5,a7,a11,a13,a17d) φ 24( ) = φ 3( )φ 8( ) = 2.4 = 8; a,a5,a7,a11,a13,a17,a19,a23

e) φ 7( ) = 6;a,a2,a3,a4 ,a5,a6

f) φ 13( ) = 12; a,a2,a3,a4 ,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12 .

22. a) Let G = a be a cyclic group of order 8. The divisors of 8 are 1, 2, 4, and 8, so the distinct subgroups of G are

a = G,

a2 = a2,a4 ,a6,a8 = e{ },a4 = a4 ,a8 = e{ },a8 = e = e{ }.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 18: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

b) Let G = a be a cyclic group of order 14. The divisors of 14 are 1, 2, 7, and 14, so the distinct subgroups of G are

a = G,

a2 = a2,a4 ,a6,a8,a10,a12,a14 = e{ },a7 = a7,a14 = e{ },a14 = e = e{ }.

c) Let G = a be a cyclic group of order 18. The divisors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18, so the distinct subgroups of G are

a = G,

a2 = a2,a4 ,a6,a8,a10,a12,a14 ,a16,a18 = e{ },a3 = a3,a6,a9,a12,a15,a18 = e{ },a6 = a6,a12,a18 = e{ },a9 = a9,a18 = e{ },a18 = e = e{ }.

d) Let G = a be a cyclic group of order 24. The divisors of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24, so the distinct subgroups of G are

a = G,

a2 = a2,a4 ,a6,a8,a10,a12,a14 ,a16,a18;a20,a22,a24 = e{ },a3 = a3,a6,a9,a12,a15,a18,a21,a24 = e{ },a4 = a4 ,a8,a12,a16,a20,a24 = e{ }a6 = a6,a12,a18,a24 = e{ },a8 = a8,a16,a24 = e{ }a12 = a12,a24 = e{ },a24 = e = e{ }.

e) Let G = a be a cyclic group of order 7. The divisors of 7 are 1 and 7 so the distinct subgroups of G are

a = G,

a7 = a7 = e{ }.

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


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f) Let G = a be a cyclic group of order 13. The divisors of 13 are 1 and 13 so the distinct subgroups of G are

a = G,

a13 = a13 = e{ }.

23. Since o a( ) = 24 , a24 = e .

a) 2 is the least positive integer such that a12( )2 = a24 = e , so o a12( ) = 2.b) a8,a16

c) a6,a18

d) none

24. Since o a( ) = 35 , a35 = e . a) noneb) a7,a14 ,a21,a28

c) a5,a10,a15,a20,a25,a30

d) none

25. If H ⊂ is a subgroup, then either H = 0{ } is trivial or there exists a unique integer n ≥1 such that H = n = nk : k ∈{ } .

26. All generators of an infinite cyclic group are a and a−1 , so G = a = a−1 . For example,

the additive group is cyclic and = 1 = −1 .

27. First note that a = bn for some n∈ since a∈ b . Now let x ∈ a . This means that

x = am for some m∈ . Thus x = am = bn( )m = bnm ∈ b . Since this is true for all x ∈ a we

have a ⊆ b .

28. a)

ak( )−1 = a−k = a−1( )kak = e

⇒ a−1( )k = e−1 = e⇒ o a−1( ) ≤ o a( ) (1)


Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 20: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

a−1( )k = e⇒ a−1( )−1( )k = e−1⇒ ak = e−1 = e

⇒ o a( ) ≤ o a−1( ) (2)

By (1) and (2), o a( ) = o a−1( ).


Section 3.4 Solutions 2

3.4.28 Let a and b be elements of a finite group G.b. Prove that a and bab

�1 have the same order.

c. Prove that ab and ba have the same order.

Proof of b. Let e be the identity element of G. First observe that for any x,y 2 G and for any integer m with m �1, (xyx

�1)m = xy



�1. To prove this proceed by induction on n. For n = 1 we clearly have (xyx

�1)1 = xy


�1.So assume that (xyx

�1)k = xy



�1 for some integer k � 1. Then(xyx

�1)k+1 = (xyx


�1)= (xy




�1) by the inductive hypothesis= xy




= xy




= xy


�1. This completes the induction.

Now let n = o(a). This means that a

n = e and n is the least such positive integer. Then we have (bab

�1)n =ba



�1 = beb

�1 = bb

�1 = e. Thus o(bab

�1) n.Next assume that (bab

�1)m = e for some integer m with 0 < m < n. Then e = (bab

�1)m = ba



�1. Nowba



�1 = e

=) a



�1 = b

�1 multiplying by b

�1 on the left=) a

m = e multiplying by b on the right

However, this contradicts that n is the least integer such that a

n = e. Therefore o(bab

�1) = n = o(a).

Proof of c. First observe that for any x,y 2 G, (xy)m = x(yx)m�1y for all integers m � 1. To prove this proceed

by induction on n. For m = 1 we have (xy)1 = xy = xey = x(yx)0y. So assume that (xy)k = x(yx)k�1

y for someinteger k � 1. Then

(xy)k+1 = (xy)k(xy)= x(yx)k�1

y(xy) by the inductive hypothesis= x(yx)k�1(yx)y by associativity= x(yx)k

y This completes the induction.

Now let n = o(ab). This means that (ab)n = e and n is the least such positive integer. So(ab)n = e

=) a(ba)n�1b = e by the above observation

=) (ba)n�1b = a

�1 multiplying by a

�1 on the left=) (ba)n�1

ba = e muliplying by a on the right=) (ba)n = e.

Thus o(ba) n.Next assume that (ba)m = e for some integer m with 0 < m < n. Then

(ba)m = e

=) b(ab)m�1a = e by the above observation

=) (ab)m�1a = b

�1 multiplying by b

�1 on the left=) (ab)m�1

ab = e multiplying by b on the right=) (ab)m = e.

However, this contradicts that n is the least integer such that (ab)n = e. Therefore o(ba) = n = o(ab).


Section 3.4 Solutions 2

3.4.28 Let a and b be elements of a finite group G.b. Prove that a and bab

�1 have the same order.

c. Prove that ab and ba have the same order.

Proof of b. Let e be the identity element of G. First observe that for any x,y 2 G and for any integer m with m �1, (xyx

�1)m = xy



�1. To prove this proceed by induction on n. For n = 1 we clearly have (xyx

�1)1 = xy


�1.So assume that (xyx

�1)k = xy



�1 for some integer k � 1. Then(xyx

�1)k+1 = (xyx


�1)= (xy




�1) by the inductive hypothesis= xy




= xy




= xy


�1. This completes the induction.

Now let n = o(a). This means that a

n = e and n is the least such positive integer. Then we have (bab

�1)n =ba



�1 = beb

�1 = bb

�1 = e. Thus o(bab

�1) n.Next assume that (bab

�1)m = e for some integer m with 0 < m < n. Then e = (bab

�1)m = ba



�1. Nowba



�1 = e

=) a



�1 = b

�1 multiplying by b

�1 on the left=) a

m = e multiplying by b on the right

However, this contradicts that n is the least integer such that a

n = e. Therefore o(bab

�1) = n = o(a).

Proof of c. First observe that for any x,y 2 G, (xy)m = x(yx)m�1y for all integers m � 1. To prove this proceed

by induction on n. For m = 1 we have (xy)1 = xy = xey = x(yx)0y. So assume that (xy)k = x(yx)k�1

y for someinteger k � 1. Then

(xy)k+1 = (xy)k(xy)= x(yx)k�1

y(xy) by the inductive hypothesis= x(yx)k�1(yx)y by associativity= x(yx)k

y This completes the induction.

Now let n = o(ab). This means that (ab)n = e and n is the least such positive integer. So(ab)n = e

=) a(ba)n�1b = e by the above observation

=) (ba)n�1b = a

�1 multiplying by a

�1 on the left=) (ba)n�1

ba = e muliplying by a on the right=) (ba)n = e.

Thus o(ba) n.Next assume that (ba)m = e for some integer m with 0 < m < n. Then

(ba)m = e

=) b(ab)m�1a = e by the above observation

=) (ab)m�1a = b

�1 multiplying by b

�1 on the left=) (ab)m�1

ab = e multiplying by b on the right=) (ab)m = e.

However, this contradicts that n is the least integer such that (ab)n = e. Therefore o(ba) = n = o(ab).

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups


Page 21: True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element ...May 03, 2012  · True/False Questions 1. The order of the identity element in any group is 1. True. n=1 is the least positive

Exercises 3.4" Cyclic Groups