Trivia answers

Eduardo Roldan Visitación 1Batx TRIVIA 1. 15 players 2. Joventut de Badalona 3. Stamford Bridge, London 4. Red bull 5. He’s from Switzerland. He has been the number one in tennis. 6. In Pekin, China 7. They invaded Poland 8. Pakatan Rakyat 9. On August 15th 1947 10. Abraham Lincoln 11. Alexander Kerensky. 12. In the Battle of Waterloo 13. IsVoldemort 14. “Nanas de la Cebolla” To his son and to his wife too. 15. ByCharles Dickens, 16. Mario Vargas Llosa 17. Jules Verne 18. From the play Hamlet written by Shakespeare

Transcript of Trivia answers

Eduardo Roldan Visitación 1Batx

TRIVIA 1. 15 players

2. Joventut de Badalona

3. Stamford Bridge, London 4. Red bull

5. He’s from Switzerland. He has been the number one in tennis.

6. In Pekin, China

7. They invaded Poland

8. Pakatan Rakyat

9. On August 15th 1947

10. Abraham Lincoln

11. Alexander Kerensky.

12. In the Battle of Waterloo

13. IsVoldemort

14. “Nanas de la Cebolla” To his son and to his wife too.

15. ByCharles Dickens,

16. Mario Vargas Llosa

17. Jules Verne

18. From the play Hamlet written by Shakespeare