Trish Day

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Transcript of Trish Day

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day



    Absence of misery

    Advisors and supporters


    All the paraphernalia of Luxury Awareness of Universal laws and principles

    Benefactors and true friends

    Cain from business

    Children's wife but particularly the wife or husband of the first child.


    Desire to have re-union

    Detached acuaintance

    Detached mental outloo!

    "lder brother and sister and ail information about them

    "lephant ridin# and horse ridin#

    "moluments of office

    $avorites and flatterers

    $inancial affairs of employers

    $riends acuaintances% company% associates #ain or loss% pleasure

    $riends house

    $riends% #roups and or#ani&ations

    ain all !inds of receipts.

    rains and emoluments

    roup creativity

    (opes and wishes

    ()U*" )$ $UL$+L," )$ All D"*+/"*

    +dentification with #roups% associations

    +ntercourse with women

    +ntuitive contact with the Universal mind

    +nvesti#ate this house to infer what sort of emotional attachments one will have

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    L"$ "A/

    Livin# with pleasure with opposite sex without contractin# marria#e

    ,ore detailed contacts such as friends

    ,ost cherished hopes reali&ed

    etwor! of relationship that enhance and support the reali&ation of personal #oals


    )ccult% scientific and humanitarian interests

    1arliaments or le#islative forums

    1ersonal #oals and ob0ectives

    1ersons with whom one will move in society

    1leasure% prosperity% profit% pro#ress in attempts% permanent tie of friendship

    Absence of misery

    Advisors and supporters


    All the paraphernalia of Luxury

    Awareness of Universal laws and principles

    Benefactors and true friends

    Children's wife but particularly the wife or husband of the first child.


    Desire to have re-union

    Detached acuaintance

    Detached mental outloo!

    "lder brother and sister and ail information about them

    "lephant ridin# and horse ridin#

    "moluments of office

    $avorites and flatterers

    $inancial affairs of employers

    $riends acuaintances% company% associates #ain or loss% pleasure or #rief throe' them

    $riends house

    $riends% #roups and or#ani&ations

    ain from business

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    ain all !inds of receipts.

    rains and emoluments

    roup creativity

    (opes and wishes

    ()U*" )$ $UL$+L," )$ All D"*+/"*

    +dentification with #roups% associations

    +ntercourse with women

    +ntuitive contact with the Universal mind

    +nvesti#ate this house to infer what sort of emotional attachments one will have

    L"$ "A/

    Livin# with pleasure with opposite sex without contractin# marria#e

    ,ore detailed contacts such as friends

    ,ost cherished hopes reali&ed

    etwor! of relationship that enhance and support the reali&ation of personal #oals


    )ccult% scintific and humanitarian interests

    1arliaments or le#islative forums

    1ersonal #oals and ob0ectives

    1ersons with whom one will move in society

    1leasure% prosperity% profit% pro#ress in attempts% permanent tie of friendship

    1roficiency in lan#ua#e

    /evolts a#ainst abuse of power

    /+( $))

    *ense of universal brotherhood

    *ocial affairs

    *on-in-law and Dau#hter-in-law

    *uccess in all underta!in#s

    *upplementary information concernin# our children% the alliances 2,atrimonial other3

    since it is opposite to 4th house


    he deliberations of /ulers% overnment or overnin# bodies% associations and public

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day



    he disinterested protectors also analy&ed thro5this house (" )L6 ()U*" ) B" C)*+D"/"D $)/ ALL 61"* )$ A+ hose in command over the native /U** 7eneration

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day



    Assistance from Bank and Overdrafts.

    Beasts not ridden.


    Conditions in work environment Ven!e of service".


    $ealing with $octors or medical %ersonnel.

    $e&t and &orrowing.


    $etailed res%onsi&ilities.


    $ietar' ha&its and %ersonal h'giene.


    $isharmon' with (artner or se%aration from %artner.


    )ver'thing concerning one*s illness.

    )+ha!stion ca!sed &' work and h!rts.

    )+tra marital life of ,ife and also tells a&o!t her %aramo!r.

    -a!lt finding.

    -avora&le res!lt in com%etition or otherwise.

    -ear from aternal /ncle and servants.

    -ood and dietar' ha&its.


    H)A1TH HO/S).

    Health 2 lack of it. Health Officer.

    Hos%ital of the 3odiac.

    Ho!se for disease and sickness.

    Ho!se of %henomenal magic and s!%erstition.

    Ho!se of servants and inferiors.

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    Ill Health.

    In ales chart it denotes the %eriod of ,ife*s confinement andotherhood.

    I4 /4$A4) AST5O1O062 ,O57I40 C1ASS# I4$/ST5I)S# SA4ITATIO4#

    (/B1IC H)A1TH. Ind!str' and Act!al work of an ind!str'.

    Invol!ntar' service.

    1ia&le to in!r'.

    1iterar' criticisms and Critic.

    1ook for all that concerns o!r interiors# o!r servants and o!r de%endents.

    aternal /ncle.

    ental awareness of %ractical %ro&lems and how to solve them. 4!rsing and treatment of the sick.

    Occ!%ational ha9ards.

    Once ca%acit' to serve.

    (ersonal comfort of the native.

    (et animals# small cattle and domestic creat!res.

    5eal state of disease and recover' from it. :th $isease 2 I;

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    THIRD BHAVA Aiming at the Target.

    All kinds of correspondence and accounting.

    All movements and Transition.

    All vehicular modes of transit.

    Allotment of seats.

    Assistance of the Native in his work.


    Books !u"lications #aga$ines %diting.

    Broker representative mediator #essenger.

    &apacit' to provide more information either ver"all' or intellectuall'. &arr'ing

    Tales. &asual ac(uaintances.

    &lear accurate "iased perceptions.

    &ommercial Traveller and )ournalist


    &onfusion of mind.

    &ommunications of all kinds.

    &onve'ing message.

    &*+RA,% and -IR#N% *- #IND.

    Dail' comings and goings.

    Dail' e/change of ideas.

    D%-%&T IN %AR.

    Degree of "oldness in fights.

    De/terit' and dualit'.

    %AR DI%A%

    %ar *rnaments.

    %/pression of intellectual curiosit'.

    -amil' +tensils.

    -ATH%R0 D%ATH.

    -ear and Braver'.


  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    -irmness of mind.

    -ollowing and followers.

    Ho""ies which engage the mind.

    House of communication.

    I N&1INATI*N T* T+D2. Information gathering and sharing.

    Inherent a"ilities of mind and intellect.

    Inherited intellect

    Intellect derived from education and study.



    Learned discourse. Library, books store.

    1istening Reading and learning.

    1ogical mind.


    #ental alertness.

    #ental focus of attention.

    #ental inclination and a"ilit'. #ental interests.

    #ental trength.


    Nearest relatives such as "rother sister 3'ounger4 and neigh"our.

    Neigh"ours and others in the immediate environment

    News !aper News &orrespondent information *fficer.

    !apers and correspondence. !ersonal ideas.

    !lace of travel 3distance covered "' foot4.

    !lanning of self e/pression.

    !ost *ffices !ost Bo/es and letter "o/es.

    !ractical decision making.

  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    !ropert' partition. allotment of propert' partitioned and received as


    !rowess and Heroism.

    !u"licit' *fficer.

    Radio reports ignal Air #ail. Reasoning.

    Relation House.

    Reservation of seats.

    Restlessness 5 want of peace4

    R+#*+R *f AI1 6IND.

    aha'asthana 3to have assistance of others4

    chool work.

    ensor' perceptions.


    hort communications.

    hort trips and )ourne'.

    ignature signing &ontracts5Agreements.

    inging when melod' arises In the throat

    tamina and vigor.


    Target and Hitting force in a dual.

    Telephone Telegraph and Teleprint.

    Television and Telecommunication.

    T%NTH 378th4 &usp u" 1ord signif'ing 9 : %NT !%&IA1IT.

    The influence of passing ac(uaintances.

    The Inherent propensities of mind.

    The inherent properties of mind.

    Thinking capacity.

    Thinking process.

    THR!T, "#$K, !R%& !"' &H(L'#R&.


  • 7/23/2019 Trish Day


    Travel agencies.

    (sage of residence.


    )earing apparel.

    )hat is heard.

    )ritings, documents and books and letters, paper.
