Trinity Week

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Transcript of Trinity Week

  • 8/9/2019 Trinity Week






  • 8/9/2019 Trinity Week


    Trinity Week is a highlight o the academic year in Trinity College Dublin when

    we as a community celebrate College lie and the high standards o achievemento our students and academic sta. It commences on Trinity Monday with oneo the oldest and most valued traditions o the university when students andacademic sta o great academic distinction are announced rom the steps othe Public Theatre as the new Scholars and Fellows o the College. The ScholarsDinner, that evening, celebrates the new Scholars while paying tribute to pastScholars.

    There are a number o other distinctive events celebrating various aspectso College lie, including the Graduates Memorial Discourse on Trinity Monday

    which reects on great names rom the universitys past; the Trinity Ball is thebiggest student party in Europe; and the Academic Symposium brings togetherexperts rom across the world to address a pressing topic o public concern.

    This year the Faculty o Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences has taken the

    lead in putting together an extensive programme or Trinity Week. Within thetheme Ideas or the Future, the Faculty has constructed a comprehensive rangeo events, including talks, lectures, debates, and flm screenings, as well as aselection o childrens events. The Academic Symposium entitled 20:20 Visionpromises to be a particular highlight o the week, with three high-profle inter-national speakers who will look orward to the world ten years rom now, and therole that creative, critical and reasoned thinking so central to the mission o

    Trinity College Dublin can play in shaping that world or the better.I am particularly pleased that we have collaborated with a number o signifcantcultural bodies to deliver this years Trinity Week programme: Childrens BooksIreland, The Dublin Writers Festival and The Irish Film Board. I look orward toTrinity Week with great anticipation and invite you - whether you are a membero the public, a Trinity student, or a member o our sta - to come and be a part

    o a great tradition, a tradition with its eyes set frmly on the uture.

    Dr John Hegarty, Provost.


    12th 17th April 2010 Trinity College Dublin


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    The Faculty o Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is delighted to host this

    years programme o events or Trinity Week. With the theme o Ideas For TheFuture the public is invited to play, be curious, explore and share in this week-long programme.

    Trinity College Dublin heralds the beginning o the annual Trinity Weekon the Monday 12th o April with the announcement o the Honorary Fellows,new Fellows and new Scholars o the College. This is ollowed by a series oevents, rom a childrens treasure trail to a packed programme o flms, rom

    literary talks by names such as Phillip Pullman and Terry Eagleton to theAcademic Symposium and the Leadership Forum. I am confdent that thereis something or everyone.

    The theme Ideas or the Future plays out across the programme.On Wednesday the 14th of April the Academic Symposium entitled 20/20

    vision, looks towards the uture and what the world will look like in the year

    2020, and the role the arts and humanities can play in shaping that world.Thursdays Leadership Forum, with Martyn Lewis as moderator, willinvestigate lessons rom, in and or the Arts and Cultural Sphere. This is anopportunity to learn about leadership examples that have worked in the pastand discuss leadership models or the uture. You will fnd a ull listing o eventsin this brochure and on our website

    Pro. Michael Marsh, Dean, Faculty o Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.



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    12th April 2010

    Announcement of elections to Fellowship and ScholarshipVenue: Front Square

    Time: 10.00amPublic are welcome to observe

    Service of Commemoration and ThanksgivingVenue: College ChapelAddress: The Most Reverend Dr John Neill, Archbishop o Dublin

    Time: 10.30amBy Invitation

    Memorial Discourse on Francis Andrews Provost 1758-74by Dr E.J. McParland, Fellow EmeritusVenue: Graduates Memorial BuildingTime: 11.30am

    By Invitation


    12th 17th April 2010 Trinity College Dublin

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    Fantastic Futures with Philip Reeve, Oisn McGann and Conor KostickA unique opportunity or young readers to meet three o the oremost science-fction writers rom the UK and Ireland. Authors Philip Reeve, Oisn McGannand Conor Kostick will discuss their many award-winning books, beore takingquestions rom the audience. The event will also celebrate the launch o PhilipReeves new titleA Web of Air, the latest installment in the bestsellingMortalEngines series.


    > Philip Reeve -Mortal Engines, Fever Crumb> Oisn McGann Small Minded Giants, Strangled Silence> Conor Kostick Epic, Saga, Move

    Venue: Edmond Burke Theatre, Arts BuildingTime: 11.00 am 12.30 am + book signing aterwards


    In association with Childrens Books Ireland

    Philip Reeve in Conversation with Robert DunbarTeen and adult ans are warmly invited to this very special event with award-

    winning Science Fiction and Fantasy author Philip Reeve. Philip will be joinedby distinguished childrens books commentator Robert Dunbar to discuss hismany writing achievements, including the bestsellingMortal Engines series,

    his Carnegie Medal winning historical adventureHere Lies Arthurand his latesttitleA Web of Air.

    Chair:Robert Dunbar is Irelands oremost commentator on childrens booksand literatureSpeaker:> Philip Reeves many books include theMortal Engines series, theLarklight

    Trilogy, andHere Lies ArthurVenue:JM Synge Theatre, Arts BuildingTime: 6.30 pm 8.00 pm (including signing)


    In association with Childrens Books Ireland & Dublin City Public Libraries

    TUESDAY 13th April 2010


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    Creativity the City and the UniversityLaunch o the Report: Collaborations and Synergies between Libraries, Muse-ums, Galleries and the University: Historical Evolution, Current Practices andFuture Potential, A case study o Trinity College Dublin and nearby Cultural


    Speaker:> Johanna Archbald

    By Invitation

    Academic Symposium 20/20 Vision: What will the world be like in tenyears time?This symposium looks orward to the state o the world in 2020. The econo-mist Stephen King will talk about the impact o emerging nations on westerneconomic prosperity. The author Howard Friel will present a vigorous deence

    o the science behind models o man-made climate change. Nicholas Mirzoewill examine the likely eects o a proound cultural shit away rom the printedword towards the visual image.Taken together, these presentations will sketch some o the most pressingproblems acing society, and the ways in which humankind can employ reason,evidence and critical thought to surmount these challenges.

    Chair:Aine Lawlor co-presents Morning Ireland, the agship morning newsprogramme on RT Radio One.Speakers:> Stephen King is Group Chie Economist at HSBC Bank> Howard Friel is an author and critic. His book The Lomborg Deception: Setting The

    Record Straight About Global Warming (2010) is published by Yale University Press

    > Nicholas Mirzoe is Proessor o Media, Culture and Communication at NewYork University

    Venue: Edmund Burke Theatre, Arts BuildingTime: 2.00 pm 4.30 pm



    WEDNESDAY 14th April 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Trinity Week


    Ignite Dublin #4Like a cross between a conerence and a night at the dogs! Ignite is a socialevent arranged around sixteen fve minute talks, each talk lasts just fveminutes with 20 slides and with each slide auto-advancing every 15 seconds.

    Ignite is a modern soapbox, a exible orum or communicating ideas anddescribing thoughts o every sort and avour.

    Venue: Science Gallery, Pearse Street, Naughton InstituteTime: 6.30 pm 8.30 pm


    Leadership Forum: Arts and Culture the Future for Ireland?Exploring how the arts and cultural spheres can contribute to revitalizationin Ireland.This panel discussion will address the contribution made by the arts and

    cultural spheres to economic and social health, including how so-called sotdisciplines and the leaders o cultural and heritage institutions are creatingnew modes or social and economic transormation and how artistic achieve-ment and cultural heritage can become a source o pride and competitiveadvantage in international markets.


    Martyn Lewis presented the news on the BBC rom 1986 until 1999Speakers:> Maurice Biriotti is the CEO o SHM Ltd and the Adjunct Proessor o

    Humanities Innovation at Trinity College Dublin> Ed Guiney is producer o the Palme dOr winning The Wind that Shakes the

    Barley and co-ounder o the flm production company, Element Films> Grinne Millar is the Head o Cultural Development at the Temple Bar

    Cultural Trust> John OHagan is Proessor o Economics at Trinity College Dublin.

    Venue: JM Synge Theatre, Arts BuildingTime: 2.00 pm 5.00 pm


    THURSDAY 15th April 2010


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    What is Evil? By Terry EagletonFor many people, the concept o evil is anachronistic in the modern age. In thistalk, Terry Eagleton will launch a surprising deence o the reality o evil. It is,he will suggest, a phenomenon with palpable orce in the contemporary world.

    Chair:Jarlath Killeen, lecturer in the School o English, TCDSpeaker:> Terry Eagleton is Proessor o English Literature at Notre Dame and the

    National University o Ireland, Galway, as well as Distinguished Proessoro Cultural Theory at Lancaster University

    Venue: Synge Theatre, Arts BuildingTime: 12 noon 2.00 pm


    The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ by Philip PullmanThe author Philip Pullman will discuss his controversial new book on the dualnature of Jesus in conversation with The Irish Times columnist, Fintan OToole.There will be time or questions rom the audience.

    Chair:Fintan OToole is an historian, critic and columnist or The Irish TimesSpeaker:> Philip Pullman is an award-winning author perhaps best known or the

    His Dark Materials trilogyVenue: Edmund Burke Theatre, Arts BuildingTime: 3.00 pm 4.30 pmTickets: 12/10 available from the Dublin Writers Festival at or from (01) 222 5455

    FRIDAY 16th April 2010

    SATURDAY 17th April 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Trinity Week



    Design: Red&Grey Design www.redandgreydesign.iePrint: Plus Print

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    The Chapel

    Graduate Memorial Building

    Front Square

    Edmund Burke Theatre

    JM Synge Theatre

    Science Gallery

    Cinemobile (Front Square)

    The Old Library

    Douglas Hyde Gallery

    Science Gallery

    Venues Exhibitions


    We would like to thank our sponsors:

    Trinity Week has been organised by Trinity Long Room Hub on behal o theFaculty o Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

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    2010 Postgraduate Poster Session, Ideas for the FutureThe Trinity Long Room Hub is pleased to bring back its tradition o hosting anannual postgraduate poster session to eature the exciting research projects otwenty-fve o Trinitys young arts and humanities scholars. For 2010 we will beholding the session during the Trinity Week estival, and the session will sharethe estivals theme o Ideas or the Future.

    Venue: The Arts Building ConcourseTime: All day


    Trinitys Treasure TrailChildren aged between 8 and 12 years will love this treasure trail across the old-

    est parts o Trinity College Dublins campus. Intrepid explorers will receive aspecially designed map with a set o eight age-appropriate questions about thepeople, places and spaces associated with Trinity. What have a brand o runnersand the Greek goddess o victory in common, and what is their connection toTrinity? Can you fnd the smallest graveyard in Ireland on campus. Explorationshould always be this much un!

    Trinitys Treasure Trail is run in association with The Trinity Access Programmes(TAP) which was established in 1993. TAPs mission is to work in partnershipacross the education sector and with students, teachers, amilies, communitiesand businesses to widen access and participation at third level o under-repre-sented socio-economic groups, ethnic minorities and Travellers.

    Venue: Trinity College Campus

    Time rame: Explorers have 1 hour to complete their chosen trailAge group: 8-12 yearsResources: An option o our dierent trails, 8 questions on each,a detailed map and the help o your parents or teachers




    14th 15 April 2010

    12th 16 April 2010


  • 8/9/2019 Trinity Week


    Dublin: the College and the City 1250-1950Since its oundation in 1592, Trinitys identity has become inextricably linked withthat o Dublin, and the Colleges archives illustrate this relationship. This exhibitionreects the everyday economic, social and intellectual concerns o Dubliners through-out the centuries, whether they were scholars, patriots, rebels, churchmen, politicians,

    landowners, servants or students.

    Venue: The Old LibraryDate & Time: 9.30 am 5 pm Monday to Saturday, 12 noon 4.30 pm Sunday

    Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian GrayThis exhibition is mounted in conjunction with the Dublin City Council initiative

    Dublin: One City, One Book, which this year eatures The Picture o Dorian Gray byOscar Wilde. The exhibition will display some o the rich material the Library hason one o its most illustrious ormer graduates.

    Venue: The Old LibraryDate & Time: 9.30 am 5 pm Monday to Saturday, 12 noon 4.30 pm Sunday


    CINEMOBILE SCHEDULE 13th 14 April 2010

    12th 18 April 2010

    Tuesday 13th April 2010

    10.00 am: Schools Programme aged 12-14The Matrix workshop by Oscar winningAnil Kokaram

    1.30 pm: Freaks (1932)Introduced by Darryl Jones

    4.00 pm: The Old Dark House (1932)Introduced by Darryl Jones

    7.00 pm:Videodrome (1983)Introduced by Bernice Murphy

    Venue: Front Square, Trinity CollegeFree

    Wednesday 14th April 2010

    10.00 am: School Programme aged 9-11Secret o Kells Workshop by Oscarnominated director Tomm Moore

    12.30 pm: Irelands Oscar nominatedand winning short flms. IncludingGranny OGrimm, The Door, Six Shooterand New Boy

    4.00 pm: The Wind that Shakes the Barley

    7.00 pm: Helvetica eature documentary


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    Alfred JensenAlred Jensen (1903-1981), a largely sel-taught artist born in Guatemala and broughtup in Denmark, was inuenced by the study o a broad range o esoteric subjects,including the colour theories o Goethe, the writings o Leonardo da Vinci, Pythago-

    rean geometry, Mayan and ancient Chinese calendars, the I Ching, and Greek religiousrituals. His work came to maturity at the end o the 1950s with a unique usion ometaphysics, sign systems, and the vigorous application o brightly coloured paint.

    Venue: Douglas Hyde Gallery, Gallery 1Date & Time: 11.00 am 6 pm Monday to Friday, 11.00 am 7.00 pm Thursday,11.00 am 4.45 pm Saturday

    Tibets Tibet & Mongolias Mongolia. Video documentaries by Wolf Kahlen.(Thang-stong rGyal-Po - Tibets Leonardo, The architect and Iron-Chain Bridge Builder. 1988,

    53 min, With my yellow eyes. 1990, 8 min, sKor-Lam - Prayer Wheels, Amulets and Prostra-tions. 1985-95, 93 min)Wol Kahlen is a multi-media artist rom Germany who is well-known or his flmsand installations; he has also made some fne documentaries about Tibet and Mongo-lia, a selection o which are being shown in this exhibition. Each week, or the durationo the show, a dierent group o flms will be screened.

    Venue: Douglas Hyde Gallery, Gallery 2Date & Time: 11.00 am 6 pm Monday to Friday, 11.00 am 7.00 pm Thursday,11.00 am 4.45 pm SaturdayScreening: 11.30 am 2.30 pm weekdays, 11.00 am 2.00 pm Saturday

    Hyperbolic crochet coral reef

    Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Ree brings together the ate o an ecosystem on the brinko permanent destruction, an inquiry on the concept o straightness and the emininecrat o crochet. A woolly testimony that celebrates the hyperbolic geometry o coral,Crochet Coral Ree also draws attention to how global warming and pollutants arethreatening this ragile ecosystem.

    Venue: The Science Gallery, Pearse StreetDate & Time: 12 noon 8.00 pm Tuesday to Friday,

    12 noon 6.00 pm Saturday & Sunday


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