Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h...

Trinity Lutheran Church “Serving others through Christ, together!” Worship looks very differently in the wake of COVID-19; however, we still worship in spirit and truth as we gather around the means that God has given us! Word and Sacrament are the means in which we connect with Christ as He has promised to meet us there. May we hunger and thirst for this connection in a way that leads us to run back into His house for Word and Sacrament once we are through this dark valley. Until that day comes, we continue to look to Jesus’s resurrection where life beat back death and light banished darkness! Devotions with each service will be provided at! April 4th-6th Everyone His Witness - Encourage April 9th Maundy Thursday April 10th Good Friday April 11th Easter Vigil April 12th Sonrise April 12th Resurrection of Our Lord April 18th-20th Living Hope April 25th-27th Baptismal Joy May 2nd-4th Being the Body As you worship at home, until we can safely gather together, participate in these additional options for each worship service. Make talking about the faith in the home a blessing Check us out at, and follow us on

Transcript of Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h...

Page 1: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

Trinity Lutheran Church

“ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ”

Worship looks very differently in the wake of COVID-19; however, we still worship in spirit and truth as we gather

around the means that God has given us! Word and Sacrament are the means in which we connect with Christ as He

has promised to meet us there. May we hunger and thirst for this connection in a way that leads us to run back into His house for

Word and Sacrament once we are through this dark valley. Until that day comes, we continue to look to Jesus’s resurrection

where life beat back death and light banished darkness! Devotions with each service will be provided at!

April 4th-6th Everyone His Witness - Encourage

April 9th Maundy Thursday

April 10th Good Friday

April 11th Easter Vigil

April 12th Sonrise

April 12th Resurrection of Our Lord

April 18th-20th Living Hope

April 25th-27th Baptismal Joy

May 2nd-4th Being the Body

As you worship at home, until we can safely gather together, participate in these additional options for each worship service.

Make talking about the faith in the home a blessing

Check us out at, and follow us on

Page 2: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

There is a lot of great marriage advice and guidance available to us. There are a few that stand out to me that I want to look at this month. I love the consistent advice that comes in a couple different phrases: Men marry women hoping they will never change …. and they do. Women marry men hoping they will change …. and they never do. Stop trying to love the person you want your spouse to be, and start loving who they are! In order to do this, there are some practices that we need to get back into so that we nurture a relationship of love for the person that we promised to love and cherish until death parts us (no matter what changes are before us)! Check out this list of five things to get into the habit of as you love who your spouse is. 1. Date your Spouse. This seems simple, yet difficult to do in the various stages of marriage. Regular time with your spouse that is focused on enjoying who you are as husband and wife is needed to nourish and deepen your marriage relationship. 2. Ask Questions. After you have been married for a while, it can become difficult to ask good questions in order to get to know more about your spouse. Invest a little time in your relationship and into your spouse, and come up with some questions that reflect your deep interest in your spouse.

3. Communicate. This looks different for men and women. Ladies, your goal is to look for openings that your husband offers and capitalize on them, allowing your husband to direct when it is a good time to talk. Guys, your goal is to be prepared to open up and share a little more about your day, frustrations, or yourself so that you meet her communicative needs. Together you dance this difficult dance called communication.

4. Take Interest. In marriage there are various things that a spouse may need in order to meet individual needs (a spouse cannot possibly meet all your needs). Take an interest in something that your spouse is excited about for the sole purpose of taking interest in your spouse. 5. Relational Checkup. Every marriage will face the potholes of life. They will increase the tension. They will throw off our alignment. So we must take regular care of our relationship. This helps husband and wife grow together, rather than

Managing Marriage____________________ drifting apart (if you are not intentional about this, you will drift apart). Attend a marriage retreat, bible study, or read a book together and talk about how your marriage is doing in an open and honest way so that you get to experience the marriage you have always dreamed of. Schedule your regular couple meetings (don’t know what this is, watch this video to learn more for consistent health checkups.

Keep growing together through these habits and defend against those unknown perils that attack your relationship by stealing joy, fulfillment, and love. Instead, cultivate them daily as you live the practices that make for true love.

Pastor Henderson

Men marry women hoping they will

never change...and they do. Women marry men hoping

they will change...and they never do.

Page 3: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an

end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22–23

COVID-19, government stimulus, and stay at home orders. There seems to be something “new” in the world with every passing day. The changing fear and anxiety mounts for each and everyone in our communities. We long for some hope, some relief, some end to all of this. These needs are easy to see; however, when COVID-19 is a distant memory and everyone leaves their homes to spend their stimulus checks, our human need remains. People are hurting, disconnected, worried and afraid, fearful of that which they can’t control and of what is coming next. Trinity provides the solution to all of these fears and needs. Trinity provides real connections that allow us to care for one another as each of us serves as Jesus’s witnesses. Trinity

provides the hope and relief of all of sin and disease through faith in Jesus Christ. Now, as is always, it is important for the people of God to live as followers of Jesus because He is what our world needs! Jesus is the answer to all our fears! Jesus is the one who takes on our flesh, conquers death and hell, and rises victoriously at the break of day! As you begin to prepare for the transition out of COVID-19 life, engage in the things that make for eternity. Live as Trinity+1. If you worship once a month, take up one more worship service. If you worship each week, consider leading a small group once a month. If you give nothing in offering, consider giving $10 a week. Trinity is prepared to be the body of Christ and each one of us is growing stronger through this difficult time so that all the world would see Jesus in how we live each day! May this slowed pace, provide us time to refocus and grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ who does not change

like the news reports or shifting shadows. Rather, His love remains for you and for all each and every day. May this steadfast truth, be the rock in which you can take refuge in! The process of getting back to “normal” will be difficult for all of us, including Trinity. We have already seen a significant impact in offerings through this time, which were already struggling this fiscal year. We do not have a certain date for the installation of Pastor Canaday amid all the shelter in place orders. Though there is much uncertainty - will offerings rebound, will members live as members of the Body of Christ, will godly habits be strengthened - we still have the sure and certain promise that His mercies are new every morning. We have the certainty that God is faithful and will not leave us or forsake us. We have Jesus! In Christ, Pastor Henderson

Vision Statement

Page 4: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

COVID 19 Financial Update Dear Trinity Family,

COVID-19 has caused each of us to face life in a different manner. Sheltering in place, worshipping online, connecting with each other through different means are among the many new realities that we see today. Through this, we know and trust that God will work for our good (Rom 8:28) as we pray for faithfulness among His people to be instilled in the new habits that we are forming (regular reading of Scripture, devotional practises, talking about faith in the home, and the like). Though we know many of our families are struggling, we trust that God will be faithful and bring us through this difficult timeTrinity is responding to these difficult times and working to keep our family informed. Trinity, like many of our families, finds herself facing financial struggles. Offerings have dropped through the new realities brought about by COVID-19, but are recovering (online giving has increased). Choices that we have made (such as the parking lot project) and the decrease in offerings (we are currently behind budgeted offerings by $83,940 because giving is down about 5% from last year) has depleted our internal savings. As bills continue to be paid, Trinity also finds herself struggling to get through this season.

Trinity is working toward loan possibilities through the Government Stimulus. We also are looking at the possibility of opening up a line of credit with a bank to help us pay our bills (while we have operated independent of a line of credit since Christmas Eve 2018, we face a new reality today that may require this step). While ministry expenses are within the responsible spending plan approved by the congregation, we continually look at ways to operate within our financial means. Trinity encourages her members to consider giving during this difficult time as individuals will receive a greater deduction than in the past through the CARES Act. Informing our Trinity family of ministry updates continues to be a high priority as we walk together learning and growing from God’s Word as we serve our neighbor and bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ.

Trinity members are invited to consider what they can do as well. Members can give online (, mail in tithes and offerings (250 S Indiana Ave), or drop off your gift when you are out doing essential activities. Consider, if you have savings to weather this difficult time, giving all or a portion of your stimulus check to the church (look for “Derrill’s Crazy Dream” in the newsletter). If you have not been giving, consider taking this time to step out in faith to see how the Lord provides for His people.

As Trinity continues to grow in her financial position, we encourage all our members to grow as well. Together, we seek to be faithful stewards of the resources and gifts that God has so generously given to us. If you would like to grow in your financial position, consider taking Financial Peace University so that our Trinity family would have a common approach to finances. May this be an opportunity for growth and further trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Above all, trust that the Lord will be faithful in providing all that we need. As we seek to be faithful in this task, God will prove faithful in providing immeasurably more than we can imagine. Until He reveals His provision, we seek to walk humbly before our God in faithful trust of His mighty hand as we pray for eyes of faith to see His work in our homes, our Trinity family, and our communities.

In Christ,

Pastor Henderson

Page 5: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

Derrill’s Crazy Dream Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In my last letter to the congregation as Executive Director in December of 2017 I said “If you see me in the hall, remember me as that pumpkin farmer who tried to get us out of debt.” The recent turn of events with the COVID-19 have been heavy on my heart, and I have been concerned for the health and welfare of all of God’s people, but especially for those who are Christ’s Church Trinity, Crown Point. You see the devil has been in his hay day scattering the flocks and trying to separate us from each other and from God. I have tried to continue to worship and receive the word and sacrament, but with concerns for my family and others, for now we will worship in our home with the help of technology.

During my tenure as Executive Director our biggest obstacle to ministries was debt and cash flow. Andrew Knapp our Assistant Director at the time told us of a program called “Momentum” to teach Biblical ways to handling God’s bounty. The Parrish Planning Council and staff members reviewed the program and initiated “Mission 365” to teach Biblical Stewardship to Trinity’s members. Following Mission 365, the council developed a plan to attack Trinity’s debt called “Walk in the Light” which culminated in a celebration of paying down over $200,000 in Trinity’s debt and terminating our line of credit with the bank. As I left office I was comforted in knowing Trinity was back on a solid financial footing. The other part of “Walk in the Light” was to build an internal line of credit to carry us through some of the seasonal lows in giving. About a year ago Trinity had a reserve of about $125,000, unfortunately with a down turn in gifts in October and in February (and the capital project to repair the parking lot) Trinity had to borrow money from the Endowment funds to pay expenses. With the onset of the COVID-19 Trinity is in trouble. We will have difficulty paying our staff (we just called another pastor by the way) and our utilities.

All of this has weighed heavy on my heart, I have surrendered it to God in my prayers and my prayers for all of God’s people. I am a person that has a lot of dreams, most of them are crazy and I don’t know what they mean. I am blessed, and both my day job in the seed industry and my part time job as a farmer have been deemed “essential” and I am still working at both. So when President Trump talked of a stimulus check I told my coworkers “I don’t need a stimulus check” I’ll send it back. Last night in one of my dreams, God gave me the answer. In my dream I was meeting with our church leaders and I said “If I get a check, I’m giving it back to God.” I woke up excited and happy, and I’ve decided to share my dream with my coworkers and my brothers and sisters in Christ. I understand many people have lost their jobs and need this stimulus check to pay their mortgage and buy food. Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 5:8 “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, have denied the faith and are worse than a non-believer.” For those of you that have been financially stressed during these unsettling times. I would encourage you to consider attending “Financial Peace University.” Those of us that have completed the training and follow these principles, truly have been at peace in this difficult time. I would encourage those of us who have not lost their jobs or simply don’t need the money to give back to God and help bless our church. I also would encourage everyone to trust God through this challenging time and give to the church, knowing that God will provide! Giving isn't just out of convenience, but sacrifice. I am reminded of the Hymn that Pastors Easterday and Kipp would pray after receiving God’s offerings “We give thee but thine own, what e’er the gift may be. For all we have is thine alone a trust oh Lord from Thee. May we thy bounties thus, As stewards true receive, and gladly as thou bless-est us to thee thy first fruits give.”

So not only am I the crazy pumpkin farmer that tried to get us out of debt, but I’m also the crazy pumpkin farmer that had a crazy dream. May God bless you and keep you safe and I can’t wait to shake your hands again and give you a big hug.

Yours in Christ Jesus, Derrill Kregel

Pumpkin Farmer

Page 6: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

It was April 15, 1962, Palm Sunday. At ten years old, I was the oldest of five children, the youngest being four. My mom was about to give birth to number six. My parents were born and raised LCMS Lutherans and never missed a Sunday. My mom served in the choir, Ladies Aid, and visiting at nursing homes. My dad had at various times served as Usher, Elder, and Sunday School Superintendent. The medium sized church in Cincinnati, Ohio also supported a Lutheran school. We were a pretty well known “family” in our “family.” Now my mom was about to deliver another member of “our family” on Palm Sunday morning. What to do with the other five children? My dad didn’t hesitate. He dropped us off at the church and headed to the hospital with Mom. All of us kids knew what to do and we weren’t really worried about it. People at church asked us about my parents and were very willing to help us out but we understood why we were there and we worshipped together with our church “family” and then went off to Sunday School. About halfway through Sunday School I was summoned to the church office. By the time I got to the office my two brothers and two sisters, along with the pastor, the church secretary, and several other members were gathered in the tiny space. I confess to being a little scared. No one but me and my siblings looked too scared. Nevertheless this was quite outside our routine and that is enough to cause concern. (Sort of like, but not nearly as forbidding, as our current Coronavirus experiences.)

I guess, since I was the oldest, the pastor handed me the phone--you know the kind that has a “handle” and is attached by a cord to the rotary part. It was my dad on the phone. He said, “You have a new baby sister!” which I, of course, announced to everyone right away. Even the boys, who had hoped for a brother, along with everyone else in the room, erupted with cheers and applause. Laura Lee Mueller was safely here with us! What a happy day!

And what an amazing day for all of us present in that tiny office. Although I couldn’t have verbalized it at the time, it was the first time I realized I had two families. I had my “blood” family and I had my “washed in the blood of the Lamb” family. I remember so clearly the love that was shared that day! That is exactly what the Church is, has been, and always will be! The Family of God, brothers and sisters in Christ, sinners bathed in forgiveness! So dear to each other, so dear to Christ, so ready to love and serve each other. The Church has so much to share with you and you, who are filled with the Holy Spirit, have so much to share with the Church. Who’s in your family? God put the dear people of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church and School in Cincinnati together as a family to love and serve each other and their neighbors. God has put the dear people of Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Crown Point together as a family for the same purpose. Don’t hesitate to give and receive all of the Lord’s blessings through your church. Karol Ketcher

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Okay, I’ll admit it. Last week, I teared up a little bit. You see, Project: Love in Deed posters were hung outside the classrooms since Ash Wednesday. Since they were posted, students would come by, tear off an act of kindness, and be on their way. Many times since then, I’ve walked the halls and replaced empty sheets. But last week, I’m sad to say, I pulled the sheets from the hallways. No one would probably tear off an act of kindness knowing other students have touched the paper during this coronavirus pandemic we’re going through. And it made me sad. One because the students won’t be roaming the halls in the coming weeks. And two, because our opportunity to show Christ’s love has decreased quite a bit.

I consider myself positive to a fault, and yet I was down in the dumps. But Galatians 6:9 says, “and let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” I urge you, please do not give up on Project: Love in Deed. Just because we can’t physically meet our neighbor where they’re at, doesn’t mean we can’t find a way to serve them. There’s still plenty to do. God’s work for us doesn’t take a break because of the coronavirus. Take a peek:

So when you think about it, there’s really a lot we can still do. We can still be ‘doers’ of the Word. Governor Holcomb said it best on March 23rd when he stated, “Let’s spread the Word, and not COVID-19”. Help shine the light of Christ as we Love in Deed.

Melissa Maxwell

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At the end of the school day on March 13th, I gathered Trinity’s students in the sanctuary. I wanted them to hear it from me, that we were suspending in-school classes until after Easter (and of course, now much longer). It had been a surreal day full of communications back and forth with Crown Point school administrators, writing and timing messaging to go out nearly simultaneously, and now facing a very uncertain situation. What was I going to say to the students? I prepared to write them down in case my emotions got the best of me. Truthfully, I can’t take credit for these words - they didn’t come from me.

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New Student Enrollment for the 2020-21 school year! Chapel on Wednesdays at 2pm

when school resumes in the building!


As the students filed out of the sanctuary, I saw Jesus in the way they were loving each other through fears and tears, hugging each other (and me)! In the days that have followed, though Facebook and Zoom meetings have kept us connected, I have missed the real and present family of Trinity. But we have Someone Who bonds us together and to Him - a REAL and PRESENT GOD! Christ shelters us in every storm and gives us His peace. Together we’ll say, “Give me Jesus, give me Jesus! You can have all the rest - give me Jesus!

Page 12: Trinity Lutheran Church...2020/04/04  · Trinity Lutheran Church “ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ” Worship looks very differently in

So, how have things been at your home? Quiet or extra busy? I guess that would depend on what you or your family look like. If you have a house full of kids who can’t get to school, it could be a busy and noisy time. If you are empty nesters, like Martha and me, it can be quiet. Martha always has something to do. She is doing a fine job of keeping me involved, as I am able. Cleaning out the basement, looking through old files, photos, slides, etc. can be a good way to pass time. I can be of some help with her sewing and kitchen projects. We even sat down, together, and watched a movie the other night. Rare. I fertilized our lawn a week or so ago. I’m watching it green up. If it keeps getting warmer, I’m going to have to mow again. I’ve suspended my activity with my two part-time jobs. Way too much public contact with those jobs. The hard part about this virus and travel restrictions is not being able to plan anything. Obviously, many businesses and events have cancelled. ANOAB is postponed. Easter will look different this year. My latest Grandson’s Baptism will not be the same as we had planned. Personal vacations are in question. It’s hard to schedule an April workday at Trinity if we are all still quarantined in our homes. I did rake up most of the leaves from the Prayer Garden and east side of school. The work day may involve helping the Canaday Family move into the Parsonage, if that still happens as planned. We’ll have to see what happens. So, what’s going on around Trinity? School is closed so Ryan Johnson has time to do things that he normally would have to fit in between the routine stuff. We are still doing the cleaning that is normal, plus some extra sanitizing. On April 1st, we will have a new property and liability insurance carrier, Brotherhood Mutual. We will have

better coverage than we did before and keep the same premiums. Good deal. Tom Thirion has been busy collecting carpet and kneeler samples for our proposed replacement of the carpet in the Sanctuary. I have the samples in my car waiting for all of this virus stuff to pass us by. A rep from Waggoner, Inc. met with us and gave us a sample of a padded kneeler that they manufacture. This would replace the existing pads at the Communion rail. This may not happen until summer. I guess we don’t have to wait for school to get out, do we? We are expecting all of this to be funded by current and expected estate/memorial gifts made to Trinity. Just a reminder. When you have estate/memorial gifts or you are managing your Required Minimum Distributions from your retirement funds, keep Trinity in mind. Those can be tax free donations! Hopefully by the time you read this our virus will have started to make an exit from our world. Continue to be safe and avoid contact, if you can. Keep in touch. Gary Diekelmann

Sociables members, our committee has decided to suspend our monthly luncheons due to the possible spreading of the CoronaVirus at our meeting places. We believe this is the best decision at this time in the interest of health concerns for our members. We have cancelled our April meeting and suspended all future meetings until we get more information on the spread of the CoronaVirus. If you have any questions, please call Don Wigley at 219-374-9451.

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One of the ministries that we support as a church is Lydia House (Rebuilding the Breach Ministries, Inc.) in Gary. There are usually between 6-8 ladies staying there at any one time. They have come from all walks of life, have found themselves homeless for various reasons and are in need of the helping hand and love of Jesus Christ as experienced through our Lydia House director, board members, Rev. Campbell, Sojourner Truth House and all of you by way of the tithes that come from your offerings. The main goal is to encourage them in faith, but also to provide them with clothing and necessities as needed, financial guidance, job searching help and instruction to provide opportunities that help them find housing. One such lady recently received permanent housing at Village of Hope in Gary. This is a great joy to see others established and able to restart their lives in a God pleasing way. She is so very thankful that we didn’t give up on her and we loved her even when she didn’t love herself.

Place your order in advance and then come join us for pickup on Friday, May 8th (9am-5pm) or Saturday, May 9th (9am-11am). We are always pleased with the product, and it is a chance to purchase spring plants and support the school! Order online at and click on the Plant Sale tab.

April 2020: Services, Sermons & Giving Available Online We are now posting our sermons and the full service online! You also have the option to give online. Check out our website at to view our weekly material, including a link to our Youtube channel to view past sermons and services. While you are on our Youtube channel, click subscribe! Posting sermons online is one way to grow our ministry beyond our four walls. Evangelism today isn’t a box, it’s outward, it’s growing, it’s reaching out to help those who need it most. The benefits are definitely worth the effort! We, here at Trinity, strive to push the boundaries of evangelism. We would like to be the place that pulls new believers into the church with our online presence. In a world where you can buy a car online and groceries can even be delivered to your door, we acknowledge that we have to put our best foot forward when it comes to our website and social media platforms. Our goal (Matthew 28:19) is to bring believers to Christ, and what better way than to meet them where they’re at? Subscribe and check back often to our Youtube channel for more exciting videos!

My family is keeping a journal through this adventure called “2020 Unexpected Interruption.” We certainly weren’t planning on the current place in which we find ourselves, but we know that

God is still working and directing. Conveniently, our offerings are going to the Food Pantry right here at Trinity, so when we reconvene, we will continue to help them.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 A very appropriate verse in this time. Hope you and your family are peeking at the devotion material emailed in March. We will greatly rejoice when we are back together again, but until then Rejoice Always, Pray without Ceasing! Any questions?: Rachel Henderson 563-386-1037 or [email protected]

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Great news! We were able to reschedule “A Night of Abundant Blessings” for May 22, 2020! Once the quarantine lifts, our committee will be back in action ready to

complete the final preparations for the event. We can’t wait to share with you a variety of silent auction items, raffle baskets, balloon gifts, a money wreath, and some great Live auction items. We welcome additional donations, but please hang on to them until the virus is under control. Ticket sales will remain open as well as VIP and wristband purchases until we get closer to our new date. The auction committee cannot thank you enough for your patience, generosity, and support. We’re excited for you to join us during this incredible evening of fellowship, food, and fun!

The MOPS group would like to give a big thank you to the congregation for their amazing support with our last fundraiser. We sold a total of 116 boxes of cards. The money that we raised will go to cover supplies, crafts, speakers, events, snacks and activities for the MOPS kids, and other expenses. Unfortunately, like the rest of the world, due to COVID-19 we have had to cancel some of our meetings. However, we are still using technology and social media to stay connected and run virtual meetings! The financial support you have shown us has helped us tremendously to help us continue our outreach ministry with the moms of our group. So once again, thank you!

June 15th-19th Mark your calendar! Rocky Railway is still expected to happen! If we have to move the date, we will be sure to let you know when we do. Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through! Thank you for your prayers and your support!

We want to stay connected to our school family! On Wednesdays during the COVID-19 break, wear your theme shirt or Trinity apparel. Our staff & teachers will do the same. Then share photos of your family at home in your Love in Deed shirts with your Trinity family! Share on our Facebook page or email [email protected]. We want to see you guys!

For those staying home due to COVID-19, we have a listing on our website of resources for you to stay connected. Visit to view free or downloadable Bible Studies, podcasts, daily

devotionals, Sunday School lessons, apps, children’s materials, discussion groups, and much more.

We are a generous and giving congregation that takes Jesus’ mandate to care for the widows and orphans seriously through making food and taxable items available to those in need. Second Sunday Sharing has been one of the ways we replenish our little pantry shelves and also share with the Crown Point Community Food Bank. This month let’s concentrate on bringing in paper goods: paper toweling, toilet paper, facial tissues, and napkins, plastic wrap, foil, ziplock bags of all sizes, tall kitchen and large garbage bags, and paper plates, as well as dish soap (including dishwasher soap), laundry detergent & fabric

These members joined our Trinity family on March 15th: Leo Kraus, Christina Magruder, Karmen Rudd, David Witvoet, Kim Witvoet, Peyton Witvoet, Hailey Witvoet, Rowan Witvoet, and Abel Witvoet.

Baylor Shane Mahney was baptized into God’s family on March 15th, 2020. Parents Ryan & Brittany Mohney were present along with sponsors Bethany & Evan Johnson.

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Please continue to pray for: Cliff Cary (Ed Klingberg’s brother-in-law), Carolyn Gardin (Phil Gardin’s Aunt), Kathleen Hepburn (Dee Pocock’s daughter), Carrie Myers (relative of Gwen Cruz), Pam Silvas (Jill Klingberg’s sister), Sarah Binford, Brian Davis (Son-in-law of Sandra Certa), Linda Petroff, Kay Hoyer (friends of Cruz family), Diane Barolon (cousin of Sandra Certa), Bert Pagan, Michelle Fajman, Kristine Bikoff, Diana Dyba, Lori Swanson (sister in law of John Swanson), Christina Thomas, Bill Edwards, Ursula Andrews, Owen Arizmendi, Michelle Krapf, Julie Burkhardt, Bill Borsits, Carla Misner, Dorothy Teer, Carsten Falkenberg, Jim Keilman and Jim Terry. Those serving in the military at home and abroad: Denise Min-Monroe, Jon Parry, Justin Smith, Ely Ronguillo (friend of the Mullins family), Dan Seel (friend of the Mullins family), Tim Stanford, Jeffrey Smith, Tyson Daake, Kevin Jillson (Bill & Sandy Heiser’s grandson), John Luebcke (Gerry Luebcke’s nephew Jim Ponziano (Karol Ketcher’s son-in-law), Marcia Potter, Rose Thomas (Lori Hult’s goddaughter), Chris Tsirlis (Dave Zimmerman’s friend), Keith Hernandez, Bill Mitseff (grandson of Florence & Darrrell Sergent), Aaron Hensley, Michael and Kyle (Judy Wynn’s nephews), Dan Tobin (Nancy Schmidt’s grandson-in-law) and Sarah Board. Also, those serving in the mission field: Brian & Barbara Sorge, Randy & Rachel Stauner, Kevin & Ginny Holmes, Hispanic Mission Work, Lydia House, James & Crystal Neuendor, (Panama), Rev. David & Lois Mahsman, Pack Away Hunger, Compass, and Ascension Christian Lutheran School.

4/1 Donald Griffin, Brooke Knapp, Willi Paul, Eli Ruiz, Joan Taylor, Christopher Tully, Lois Uhter 4/2 Roger Buckner, Norma Lindzy, Jene Lintz, Natalie Nichols, Ismennia Quintero 4/3 Cheri Griffin, Lester Luebcke

4/4 Joseph Ferguson, James Forsythe, Jackson Forsythe, Joy Rucinski, William Steuer 4/5 Elaine Edwards, Frank Follmar, Alyssa Guitar, Elizabeth Hamilton, Peter Kosik, James Nowoc, Eleanor Vester 4/6 Katelyn Coy, Grace MacDonald, Christi Oosterhoff 4/7 Charles Prince, Olivia Stojkovich 4/8 James Bova, Abigail Morantz, Jacilyn Shepard, Jean Thurman 4/9 Erica Bautista, Lucy Hamilton, Marija Jahovic, Sarah Shelton 4/10 Lori Hult 4/11 Emma Jahovic, Jacob Lamphere, Isabel Malone, Thomas McPheron, Kelly Terry, Scott Wilson, Nadia Zorn 4/12 Lesley McCall, Brayden Schopieray 4/13 Erik Hildebrandt, Stephanie Hildebrandt, Julie Savich 4/14 Richard Borsits, Mandy Buckman, Debra Erickson, Ky’per Nelson, Marc Schmidtke, Sheila Stegvilas, Marilyn Weber 4/15 Bryan Boettger, Maverick Burcham, Barbara Lizak, Owen Nelson 4/16 Thomas Fraze, Hannah Henderson, Natalie Klingberg, Stephanie Korte, Loma Sedrak 4/17 Ruth Bottorff, Oliver Vester, Kristin Wielert 4/18 Kaitlyn Berkshire, Esmeralda Saavedra 4/19 Bethany Johnson, Gretchen Pace 4/20 Zofia Bielawski, Douglas Cozart, Fredrik Kenbok, Melissa L Maxwell, Nikkol McCord, Andrew Monix, Gregory Whitmer 4/21 Joyce Knipper, Carol Minich, Barbara Orelup, Angie Sivak, Hermann Thoelke, Rickie Wilson 4/22 Timothy Gardiner, Raymond Hurtubise, Nikola Plavsa, Addison Rager, Derek Vajda 4/23 Sophia Genovese, Aubrey Gutowski, Stephanie Wilocki 4/24 Janice Doherty, Miranda Malone, Zachary Stefanovich 4/25 Amy Dyba, Adam Griesemer, William Nowakowski, Helmi Paul, Helen Sauerman 4/26 David Burkhardt, Ashton Murdock, Heide

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Schuffert 4/27 Charles Bowman, Darlene Coomer, William Heiser, Grace Oosterhoff, Diane Peak 4/28 Ruth Baum 4/29 Brendan Ballou, Amy Coy, Joseph Rogers 4/30 Terry Chelap, Kendall Sherwood

4/1 Julie Burkhardt, Brady Carbon, Jacob Coy, Olivia DeHaan, Janice Doherty, Madison Doherty, Debra Erikson, Myra Graves, Patricia Hamilton, James Hodgin, Raymond Hurtubise, Melissa Mangrum, Brett Miller, Nancy Moore, Benjamin Robinson, Michelle Robinson, Catherine Rogers, Nathan Slowiak, Kandace VanTilburg, Tobias Wielert, Braydon Zamojski 4/2 Fred Behnke, James Gadbaw, Taylor Gella, Emma Kulak, Alexis Shepard 4/3 Courtney Carbon, Marlene Cencion, Ashley Lape, Caiden Mowery 4/4 Gabriel Swalby 4/5 Marilyn Gudenschwager, Douglas Luebcke, Florence Spelde 4/6 Gyanna Besse, James Fastero, David Maxwell, Michael Murphy, Beckett Pflughoeft, Olivia Pillar, Casey Taylor 4/7 Rachel McCord 4/8 Sandra Henderlong, Matthew McCann, Joshua Suslowicz, Ryan Whitaker 4/9 Tate Hildebrandt 4/10 Olivia Gibens, Dennis Mills 4/11 Cheryl Claus, Daniel Gadbaw, Bryce Klingberg 4/12 Cindy Chariton, Christine Dixon 4/13 Lester Luebcke 4/14 Madison Maas 4/15 Billy Edwards, Jacob Handel, Marvin Hecht, Edward Topp 4/16 Dennis Wickberg 4/17 Shirley Esboldt, Ralph Knipper 4/18 Kara Egnatz, Landon Kozlowski, William Rashin 4/19 Patrick Claus, Robyn Froman, Bo Maxwell 4/20 W Elden Hildebrandt 4/22 Gary Diekelmann, Elaine Edwards, Jack Yates 4/24 Stephanie Hamilton 4/25 Lucas Brauer, Janet Ellis, Leann Tustison 4/26 Norman Lotz, Donovan Pace, Luke Puent, Jude VanTilburg 4/27 Sydney Dyba, Janice Fronek, Lucy Hamilton, Jennifer Johnstone, sandy Madouros, Susan

Magruder, Colton Mowery, Donna Steuer 4/28 Ryan Claus, Aaron Kish, Hunter MacDonald 4/29 Russell Boettger, Grant Robinson, Bryce Zamojski 4/30 Dawn Follmar, Jim Keilman, Karen Ritsema, Riley Sherwood

4/3 Randy & Carol Winter 4/4 Ken & Joan Johnson 4/8 James & Susan Bova, Dennis & Ilse Lunkes 4/11 Gary & Kay Rasmussen 4/12 Tim & Stephanie Wilocki 4/13 Douglas & Robin Luebcke, Ron & Cathie Morris, Dennis & Brandy Wynkoop 4/15 Carl & Sandra Sapper 4/17 Chuck & Judy Alliss 4/19 James & Ruth Hodgin 4/20 Pete & Amy Dyba, Dale & Cheryl Trump 4/21 Davis & Guadalupe DeChene, Eric & Beverly Neff 4/23 Thomas & Kathy Sautter 4/24 Rich & Connie Rainey 4/27 John & Linda Swanson 4/29 Michael & Janice Doherty 4/30 James & Kylee Fastero

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Saturday: 54 Traditional: 863 Contemporary: 413 Monday: 96 Hispanic: 10 Lent: 186

Next month’s deadline will be Wednesday, April 22nd. Have a blessed Easter


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