Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB

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Transcript of Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB

  • 8/18/2019 Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB


    Trilogy Monthly Income TrustPRODUCT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT / 22 JULY 2015

    Triligy Monthly Income Trust ARSN 121 846 722Responsible Entity: Trilogy Funds Management LimitedACN 080 383 679 AFSL 261425

  • 8/18/2019 Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB


    Trilogy Monthly Income Trust

    The fund oered under this Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is the Trilogy Monthly Income Trust ARSN 121 846 722

    (Trust) formerly known as the Trilogy First Mortgage Income Trust.

    This PDS is dated 22 July 2015 and is issued by Trilogy Funds Management Limited ACN 080 383 679, in its capacity as

    Responsible Entity (Trilogy Funds or the Responsible Entity). Trilogy Funds takes responsibility for this PDS. This PDScontains some general investment advice. It does not take into account your individual objectives, nancial situation or

    needs. You should take these and your personal circumstances into account when considering whether the information

    contained in this PDS is appropriate for you. You should also seek your own nancial advice from a licensed adviser

    before investing.

    In this PDS, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Trilogy Funds and ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to individual Investors, both as potential

    Investors reviewing this PDS and as existing Investors with a holding in the Trust, as the context requires.

    No interest in the Trust oered under this PDS is guaranteed or otherwise supported by Trilogy Funds or any of its

    Directors or any other party associated with the preparation of this PDS. You should consider this when assessing the

    suitability of the investment and particular aspects of risk.

    This document can only be used by Investors receiving it (electronically or otherwise) in Australia and New Zealand.

    This PDS is available in electronic format, and can be accessed via our website If you receive

    it electronically, please ensure that you have received the entire PDS and applicable Application Forms. If you are unsure

    whether the electronic document you have received is complete, please contact us on 1800 230 099. A printed copy is

    available free of charge.

    All dollar amounts referred to in this PDS are in Australian dollars. In Section 8.6 we have included a glossary of terms that

    are used in the PDS.

    Obtaining further information before making a decision

    Visit our website regularly for further information about the Trust, including disclosure against

    ASIC benchmarks and disclosure principles, continuous disclosure and Trust updates.

    Important: Historical returns are not a reliable guide to future returns. Any returns noted in this PDS represent pastperformance only and may not reect the current and future returns of the Trust. You should not base your decision to

    invest in the Trust on past returns.

    This PDS supersedes all previous PDSs issued for the Trust. No investments will be accepted on the basis of this

    document once it is replaced by a later PDS. Investors who invested in the Trust under a previous PDS should read this

    PDS in full to ensure that this Trust continues to meet their investment objectives.

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    Dear Investor,

    Trilogy Funds is pleased to invite you to consider an investment in the Trilogy Monthly Income Trust.

    The Trust oers Investors access to the attractive returns available through investments in rst mortgages

    over Australian property through a pooled mortgage trust. The Loans are secured by registered rst mortgages

    over a portfolio of property, which can include residential, commercial, retail, development sites and

    industrial properties. Examples of project types are unit developments, townhouses and land subdivisions for

    residential development. 

    We are very pleased to say that since its inception in February 2007, the Trust has paid its Investors a distribution

    every month and paid all withdrawals. The Trust’s unit price has also been maintained at $1.00 throughout its history.

    We are very proud of our track record managing the Trust and its performance over the past 8 years. We consider

    that the returns we have delivered over that time have made us competitive against our peers and demonstrateour experience guiding this Trust through a constantly changing economic environment (please note that past

    performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance). The Trust has experienced signicant growth over the

    last year with an increase of over 60% in funds under management. 

    In considering the Trust for potential inclusion in your portfolio, we recommend that you read this Product Disclosure

    Statement in full. This, in combination with advice from your licensed adviser, should help you to understand and

    assess the risks involved as well as the potential benets of an investment in this Trust.

    We have a team available during business hours to answer any questions you may have. You can reach them by free

    call to 1800 230 099 between 8:30am and 5:00pm (AEST). Alternatively you can email [email protected]

    There are also additional resources available at  to help you to consider an investment.

    These resources include an explanatory video on how the Trust works, case studies from existing investors and the

    most recent variable rate paid. 

    We look forward to discussing this opportunity with you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Rodger Bacon 

    Executive Deputy Chairman 

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    Table of Contents

    Section 1 – Investment overview ........................................................................ 7 

    Section 2 – Key features of the trust ............................................................... 10

    2.1 Key features table ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............11

    2.2 ASIC benchmarks and disclosure report .............. .............. .............. ...... 12

    Section 3 – The Trust...........................................................................................18

    3.1 Minimum investment............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...... 19

    3.2 Minimum investment period ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .... 19

    3.3 How an investment is made .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .... 19

    3.4 Issuing units................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...... 19

    3.5 Distributions ............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. ........ 19

    3.6 Withdrawals ............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .......20

    3.7 Transferring units ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. 21

    3.8 Adding to your investment .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...... 21

    3.9 Liquidity and liquidity targets ............ ............... .............. .............. .............. . 21

    3.10 Reporting............................................................................................................... 22

    3.11 Wholesale Investors and investing through investment platforms....22

    Section 4 – About the Trust’s Loans ................................................................23

    4.1 Registered rst mortgages .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 23

    4.2 Additional security that may be taken ............. .............. .............. .......... 23

    4.3 Loan-to-Valuation Ratios (LVR) ............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 23

    4.4 Valuations ............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ 24

    4.5 Borrower’s capacity to service the Loan and Loan assessment .....244.6 Adequate property insurance ............ .............. ............... .............. .............. 25

    4.7 Loan monitoring and defaults or arrears .............. .............. .............. ..... 25

    4.8 Loan diversication ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 25

    4.9 Loans yet to be advanced ............. .............. ............... .............. .............. ....... 26

    4.10 Maximum Loan amount ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ 27

    4.11 Maximum Loan term ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 27

    4.12 Interest rates .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 27

    4.13 Capitalisation of interest .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 27

    4.14 Credit contract loans .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ... 27

    4.15 Dealing with Mortgage Investments ............. ............... .............. .............. 274.16 Other assets of the Trust ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 27

    Section 5 - Fees and costs ................................................................................28

    5.1 Consumer advisory warning ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...29

    5.2 Fees and costs ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...29

    5.3 Additional explanation of fees and costs ............. .............. .............. ..... 32

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    Section 6 - Risk ...................................................................................................34

    6.1 Introduction ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .........34

    6.2 Risks to consider before investing in the Trust ............... .............. ......34

    6.3 Property market risk ............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. ....34

    6.4 Construction risks .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... 35

    6.5 Borrower default risk ............ .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .... 35

    6.6 Liquidity risk.............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ....... 35

    6.7 Arrears of the Trust’s mortgage portfolio ............. .............. .............. ....36

    6.8 Specic Mortgage Investment risks ............. .............. .............. .............. ..36

    6.9 Specic Trust risks ............ ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... 36

    6.10 General investment risks ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... 37

    6.11 Responsible Entity risk ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 376.12 Conclusion .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... 37

    Section 7 – About Trilogy Funds Management Limited ...............................38

    7.1 Trilogy Funds Management Limited .............. .............. .............. .............. 38

    7.2 Management experience .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... 38

    7.3 Directors of Trilogy Funds ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......39

    7.4 Senior executives ............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .......... 40

    Section 8 - Additional information ...................................................................41

    8.1 General information........................................................................................... 41

    8.2 Summaries of material documents ............ .............. ............... .............. ....44

    8.3 Additional applications ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..............468.4 The Custodian and the Custodian’s disclaimer .............. .............. .......46

    8.5 New Zealand Investors ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..............46

    8.6 Glossary ............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..48

    Section 9 - Guide to completing the application forms and ID requirements 49

    9.1 Guide to the Application Forms.................. ............... .............. .............. ....49

    9.2 Completing the Application Form ............. ............... .............. .............. ....49

    9.3 Identication required from Investors ..................................................... 51

    Corporate directory ...........................................................................................54


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  • 8/18/2019 Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB


    Section 1 – Investment overviewThis investment overview provides general information

    about an investment in the Trust. The overview does

    not take into account any of your personal objectives,

    nancial situation or needs and does not seek to provide

    a personal recommendation to you. You should read

    this Product Disclosure Statement in full, particularly the

    Risks in Section 6, before making a decision to invest in

    this Trust.

    Who we are

    Trilogy Funds was established in 1998. Following

    a merger in 2004 with a wider group of senior

    management professionals, Trilogy Funds harnessed

    a wealth of expertise in property. Trilogy Funds has a

    strong background in structuring and managing property

    investments. Our core investment oerings are mortgage

    and property trusts. Property is the key commonality,

    which capitalises on the strengths of the team andtheir experience. More information about our senior

    management team is provided in Section 7 and in the

    Corporate Prole located on the Trilogy Funds’ website.

    The Trust

    The Trust oers Investors an opportunity to invest

    in a managed investment scheme holding a pool of

    registered, rst mortgage Loans to Borrowers for the

    purchase, development, construction or re-nancing of

    Australian property. The Trust is a registered managed

    investment scheme that was rst oered to Investors by

    Trilogy Funds in 2007. It has paid Investors a distribution

    every month since inception*.

    Investors share in a proportional amount of the risk and

    the income from the Trust’s Loans. Investors receive a

    variable monthly distribution* based on the net returns

    from the Loans and cash held.

    *(Please note that past performance is not an indicator of

    future performance).

    The Trust is open to both retail and wholesale Investors.

    Wholesale Investors should consider Section 3.11.

    The Trust’s LoansIn Australia, there are borrowers in the market seeking

    loans for the development, construction or renancing

    of property.

    This Trust is currently nancing properties and projects

    that primarily have the following characteristics:

    • units, townhouses and land subdivisions for

    residential development;

    • loans up to $5,000,000; and

    • loan terms from 6 months up to 24 months.

    Some of the reasons why borrowers choose the Trust

    as their nancier include:

    Trilogy Funds’ hands-on management style.

    All borrowers deal directly with a dedicated lending

    manager for the full duration on the loan. This ensuresthey have a dedicated contact from the time of their

    initial loan enquiry through to the time of the actual loan

    submission, which is prepared by the Head of Lending

    and submitted to the Lending Committee. For a loan

    to be approved, unanimous approval from the Lending

    Committee is required. If a development or construction

    loan is approved Trilogy Funds appoints a qualied

    Quantity Surveyor (QS) for the project. The role of the

    QS is to certify the construction draw-downs as well as

    reporting to the Lending Committee in relation to the

    progress of the project.

    Trilogy Funds specialises in managing shorter

    term loans.

    Traditional lending institutions like banks are often

    reluctant to take on short term loans due to the high

    level of administration involved. For example, if a

    borrower’s current loan facility for the construction of a

    unit development has expired, the borrower may wish to

    renance and require a loan for only six months whilst

    they nalise the sell down of any unsold units.

    Satisfaction with their lending experience with Trilogy

    Funds is evidenced by the fact that a number of our

    borrowers are repeat customers of the Trust. You can

    hear what one of our borrowers has to say about their

    experience by viewing the video testimonial on ourwebsite at  


    The Trust is currently in its ninth year of operation and

    has to date successfully funded over $70,000,000 of

    property transactions. During this period, the Trust

    has never suered a loss of capital and has always

    maintained a unit price of $1.00*.

    *(Please note that past performance is not an indicator of

    future performance).

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    Upon investment, funds are placedinto an Australian bank (in theTrust’s Short Term InvestmentAccount) and investors are issuedwith Cash units.

    Cash units become designatedas Allocated units when allocatedto the loan pool. For example,this occurs upon the approval ofa new loan.


    Cash units earn distributions atthe prevailing interest rate givento the Trust by its bank for cashdeposits.

    Distributions are:

    • calculated DAILY and

    • paid MONTHLY in arrears.


    Allocated units earn distributionsfrom the pool of mortgageinvestments and Allocated cashassets of the Trust (less fees and

    expenses and excluding the incomeearned on the Short Term InvestmentAccount). Allocated units earn amonthly, variable interest rate.

    Distributions are:

    • calculated DAILY and

    • paid MONTHLY in arrears.

    Investor Cash units Allocated units

    Short TermInvestment




    Average number ofdays investors spentholding Cash unitsbefore designated asAllocated units forthe calendar year to31 May 2015.

    Check our monthlyperformance updatesfor the most recentaverage.

    Investor chooses to:

    1. Have their monthlydistributions paid to

    their bank account; or

    2. Reinvest their monthly

    distributions toacquire Cash units.


    The investment process


    As the diagram above shows, the Trust receives

    Investment Monies from Investors and places it into the

    Short Term Investment Account (STIA) and issues Cash

    units which are purchased for $1.00 per unit. Investors

    hold Cash units and earn income from the interest

    earned on their Investment Monies in the STIA until their

    Investment Monies are allocated into the mortgage pool.

    When a new Loan is written and/or funds are drawn

    down, Cash units are designated as Allocated units,

    which earn income from the interest charged on the

    Mortgage Investments. (See Section 3.5 for more details

    on how interest is derived on Allocated units).

    Every month interest is collected by the Trust from

    Borrowers, fees are deducted for the Trust’s ongoing

    management and the remainder is paid to Investors

    holding Allocated units in the form of income

    distributions. Allocated unit holders can choose to

    receive their monthly distribution into their personal bank

    account or reinvest in the Trust and purchase more Cashunits and increase their unit holding.

    Trust Investors can add to their investment at any time,

    with the minimum top up accepted being $1,000.

    The withdrawal process

    The Trust has a withdrawal process tailored to

    safeguard its liquidity levels and to protect the interests

    of its Investors.

    Investors can request the withdrawal of units after they

    have held those units in the Trust for two months. A four

    month notice period is required to withdraw units, and assuch, the minimum investment period is six months from

    when they were issued. This approach assists Trilogy

    Fund to manage the Trust eectively in the interest of all

    Trust Investors.

    Withdrawals may be processed earlier than the end of

    the four month waiting period at the discretion of Trilogy

    Funds if the liquidity position of the Trust allows this to

    occur. Please see Section 3.6 for a full description of the

    withdrawal process.

    Withdrawal proceeds are normally paid within 10

    business days after the expiry of the notice period.

    Investors must note, however, that no assurance is giventhat processing will always be within that timeframe.

    Importantly the Trust’s Constitution provides a maximum

    of 15 months within which Trilogy Funds must meet

    withdrawal requests. The reason for this and what it may

    mean to Investors is described in Sections 3.6 and 3.9.

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    Steps to investThere are three steps to make an investment in the Trust.

    Step 1 – Read this document, andconsider the oer

    You should read this PDS in full before deciding

    whether to invest in the Trust. Pay particular attention

    to the risks set out in Section 6 and other information

    concerning units, the Trust and its assets. The risks need

    to be considered in light of your particular investment

    objectives, nancial situation and needs. You should

    seek your own nancial advice from a licensed adviser

    before investing.

    Step 2 – Complete the relevantApplication Form

    To make an investment, complete and return the relevant

    Application Form that accompanies this PDS. Please take

    care to ensure that you complete the Application Form

    in the manner outlined in Section 9. The completed form

    must be returned in full together with any additional

    documentation required as set out in the relevant

    Application Form or this PDS.

    The minimum application amount is $10,000, and

    in multiples of $1,000 thereafter. We will accept the

    payment methods listed below.


    Cheques must be in Australian currency drawn on

    an Australian bank. They must be marked “NonNegotiable” and made payable to:

    The Trust Company Limited ACF – TMIT  

    Direct deposit

    You can transfer your investment funds to the

    following account:

    BSB  124-028

     Account number  22287528

     Account name  Trilogy MIT 

    Reference Your surname, or, if you are an

    existing Trilogy Funds’ Investor,

     your Investor ID number  


    You can BPAY your investment funds:

    Biller Code  364471

    Reference number If a reference number has not

    already been provided to you,

     you can obtain one by calling

    Investor Relations on 1800 230

    099 or emailing investorrelations


    Step 3 – Send your Application Form

    You have two options for sending your application:

      Option 1

      Free post your application to:

      Trilogy Funds Management Limited

      Reply Paid 1648

      Brisbane QLD 4001

      Option 2 

    Scan and email your application to

    [email protected]

    The application conrmation process

    Once your application is received, our Investor

    Relations team will communicate with you according

    to your communication preference as your applicationprogresses through our processes. They may also be

    in contact with you if further information is required.

    The three step application conrmation process is

    outlined below.


    For further information on the Trust, please contact

    your nancial adviser or contact our team.

    Phone  Free call within Australia 1800 230 099 or+61 7 3039 2828

    Free call within New Zealand +800 5510 1230

    Email [email protected]


    Discuss your potential investment

    Our Business Development Managers are available

    on 1800 230 099 to discuss the Fund with you and

    answer your questions about a potential investment. We

    are available between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm Monday

    to Friday Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

    Alternatively you can email [email protected].

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  • 8/18/2019 Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB


    Section 2 – Key features of the Trust2.1 Key features

    The information in the table below provides a snapshot of the Trust. Please read the whole PDS and seek any advice

    you need before deciding to invest.

    Product name Trilogy Monthly Income Trust

    Australian Registered Scheme Number


    121 846 722

    APIR Product Information Code TGY0003AU

    Inception February 2007

    Manager and Responsible Entity Trilogy Funds Management Limited

    The role of Trilogy Funds in acting as the Responsible Entity of the Trust

    is to ensure that Trust assets are managed and dealt with in accordance

    with the Trust’s Constitution, the Corporations Act and this PDS.

    Trilogy Funds has established a Lending Committee which considers

    all Loan applications in accordance with Trilogy Funds’ lending policy

    guidelines. These guidelines have been developed by Trilogy Funds’

    personnel who have extensive experience in making and managing

    mortgage investments.

    In addition, a Compliance Committee has been established to monitor

    Trilogy Funds’ compliance with the Constitution, the Compliance

    Plan and the Corporations Act. A majority of the members of the

    Compliance Committee must be, and are, external to Trilogy Funds.

    Custodian The Trust Company (Australia) Limited, an independent specialist

    custodian, provides custody of the Trust’s assets.

    Investment strategy The investment strategy of the Trust is to source Loans for development,

    construction or re-nancing of Australian property, secured by registered

    rst mortgages over residential, commercial, retail, development sites and

    industrial properties geographically spread over Queensland, New South

    Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory.

    Minimum investment $10,000

    Minimum additional investment $1,000

    Distributions Distributions are paid monthly in arrears at a variable rate. Investors can

    choose whether their distribution income is paid into their nominated

    bank account or reinvested into the Trust. Refer to Section 3.5 for full

    details in relation to distributions.

    Withdrawals The Trilogy Monthly Income Trust has a withdrawal process tailored to

    safeguard its liquidity levels and to protect the interest of its Investors.

    Investors must hold their investment for a minimum two months before they

    are able to request a withdrawal. A four month notice period is then required

    for withdrawals.

    Withdrawals may be processed earlier than the end of the four month notice

    period at the discretion of Trilogy Funds if the liquidity position of the Trust

    allows this to occur. This is solely at the discretion of Trilogy Funds.

    It should be noted that the Constitution provides a maximum of 15 months

    within which Trilogy Funds must meet withdrawal requests. Please refer to

    Section 3.6 for full details in relation to withdrawals and liquidity.

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    Fees • No entry or exit fees.

    • No contribution fees.

    • Responsible Entity Management fee of 0.7175% p.a.* for

    Allocated units.

    • Other management costs of 0.2640% p.a.* for Allocated units.

    • No fees are payable for Cash units.

    See Section 5.2. Published returns for Investors are net of all fees

    charged to the Trust.

    * inclusive of GST, less any applicable RITCs 

    Reporting Investors receive the following correspondence regarding their

    Trust investment:

    • receipt of funds notication;

    • monthly distribution statements;

    • monthly performance updates;

    • annual tax statement;

    • annual periodic (transaction) statement; and

    • annual nancial report (if requested).

    Access to current information You can obtain up to date information in relation to the Trust’sperformance and any continuous and other disclosure material at

    This includes RG 45 benchmarks and disclosure principles updates,

    and performance updates which report returns payable and the length

    of time between the issue of a Cash unit and its designation as an

    Allocated unit.

    Historical performance Refer to

    Please note past performance is not a reliable indicator of

    future performance.

    2.2 ASIC benchmarks anddisclosure report

    Disclosure against the ASIC RG 45 benchmarks and

    disclosure principles is as at the date of this PDS, unless

    otherwise stated, and may change during the currency of

    this PDS. All nancial and statistical data is as at

    31 May 2015. These disclosures will be updated at leastsemi-annually and if there is a signicant adverse change.

    Updated disclosures will be available on our website  and a paper copy of the current

    ASIC RG 45 Benchmark and Disclosure Report will also

    be provided to Investors free of charge on request.


    The section below sets out briey:

    • the benchmark;

    • how and to what extent Trilogy Funds complies

    with the benchmark and if not, why not; and

    • where additional information is to be found inthis PDS.


    Benchmark 1: Liquidity – Trilogy Funds meets

    the benchmark

    To meet this benchmark, the responsible entity must

     have cash ow estimates for the scheme that:

    Demonstrate the scheme’s capacity to meet its expenses,

    liabilities and other cash ow needs for the next 12 months.See Section 3.9 for details.

    Are updated at least every three months and reect any

    material changes.

    See Section 3.9 for details.

    Are approved by the directors of the responsible entity

    at least every three months.

    See Section 3.9 for details.

    Benchmark 2: Scheme Borrowing – Trilogy Funds meets

    the benchmark

    To meet this benchmark, the responsible entity must not have current borrowings and must not intend to

     borrow on behalf of the scheme. 

    There are no borrowings or intention to borrow

    on behalf of the scheme.

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    Benchmark 3: Loan Portfolio and Diversication -

    Trilogy Funds does not meet the benchmark

    To meet this benchmark, the responsible entity must

     meet the following:

    The scheme holds a portfolio of assets diversied

    by size, borrower, class of borrower activity and

    geographic region. Yes, see Section 4.8 for details.

    The scheme has no single asset in the scheme portfolio

    that exceeds 5% of the total scheme assets.

    No, there are seven Loans that represent amounts greater

    than 5% of the scheme assets. Cash holdings also exceed

    the 5% benchmark gure. Trilogy Funds notes that there

    are a limited number of Loans in the portfolio which

    makes diversication more dicult. See Section 4.8 for

    details. Also see Section 6.3b for the risks associated with

    limited diversication.

    The scheme has no single borrower who exceeds 5% of

    the scheme assets; andNo, there are seven Borrowers who exceed 5% of the

    scheme assets. Trilogy Funds notes that there are still

    a limited number of Loans in the portfolio which makes

    diversication more dicult. See Section 4.8 for details.

    Also see Section 6.3b for the risks associated with limited


    All loans made by the scheme are secured by rst

    mortgages over real property (including registered

    leasehold title).

    Yes, all Loans are secured by rst mortgages over real

    property. See Section 4.1.

    Trilogy Funds does not meet the benchmark in respect ofeither of the 5% limits referred to above.

    Benchmark 4: Related Party Transactions - Trilogy

    Funds meets the benchmark

    To meet this benchmark, the responsible entity must

     not lend to related parties of the responsible entity or

    to the scheme’s investment manager.

    Yes, the responsible entity does not lend to related

    parties of the responsible entity. There is no

    investment manager.

    Benchmark 5: Valuation Policy - Trilogy Funds does notmeet the benchmark

    To meet this benchmark, the board of the responsible

    entity requires its valuation policy to meet the


    • A valuer to be a member of an appropriate

    professional body in the jurisdiction in which the

    relevant property is located.

    • A valuer to be independent.

    • Procedures to be followed for dealing with any

    conict of interest.

    • The rotation and diversity of valuers.

    • In relation to security property for a loan, anindependent valuation to be obtained:

    i. Before the issue of a loan and on renewal: 

    A. For development property, on both an ‘as is’

    and ‘as if complete’ basis; and 

    B. For all other property, on an ‘as is’ basis: and 

    ii. Within two months after the directors form a

    view that there is a likelihood that a decreasein the value of security property may have

    caused a material breach of a loan covenant.

    Trilogy Funds’ valuation policy meets each aspect of this

    benchmark other than i above, specically Trilogy Funds

    does not invariably obtain a new valuation on a renewal

    of a loan. 

    In determining whether there needs to be a revaluation

    when a loan is being extended, or there is an increase in

    the amount of the borrowing or a change in the interest

    rate, the Trilogy Funds’ Lending Committee will take into

    account a number of factors including the Borrower’s

    Loan history, the amount of the Loan outstanding, theduration of the extension and other information such

    as recent sales and settlements, from local agents and


    See Section 4.4 for details of Trilogy Funds’

    valuation policy.

    Benchmark 6: Lending Principles —Loan-to-Valuation

    Ratios - Trilogy Funds meets the benchmark

    To meet the benchmark, if the scheme directly holds

     mortgage assets, it must meet the following:

    Where the loan relates to property development

    funds are provided to the borrower in stages basedon independent evidence of the progress of the


    Yes, see Section 4.3 for details.

    Where the loan relates to property development – the

    scheme does not lend more than 70% on the basis of the

    latest ‘as if complete’ valuation of property over which

    security is provided.

    Yes, see Section 4.3 for details.

    In all other cases – the scheme does not lend more

    than 80% on the basis of the latest market valuation of

    property over which security is provided.

    Yes, see Section 4.3 for details.

    Benchmark 7: Distribution Practices – Trilogy Funds

    meets the benchmark

    To meet the benchmark, the responsible entity must not

    pay current distributions from scheme borrowings.

    There is no current or intended borrowing.

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    Benchmark 8: Withdrawal Arrangements – Trilogy

    Funds does not meet the benchmark

    For liquid schemes to meet the benchmark:

    The maximum period allowed for in the constitution for

    the payment of withdrawal requests is 90 days or less.

    No. The maximum period allowed for is 15 months. See

    Section 3.6 for the reason behind the 15 months waitingperiod in the Constitution.

    The responsible entity will pay withdrawal requests within

    the period allowed for in the constitution.

    Yes, Trilogy Funds will pay all withdrawal requests within

    the period provided in the Constitution.

    The responsible entity only permits members to withdraw

    at any time on request if at least 80% (by value) of the

    scheme’s property is: 

    i. Money in an account or on deposit with a bankand is available for withdrawal immediately, or

    otherwise on expiry of a xed term not exceeding

    90 days, during the normal business hours

    of the bank; or 

    ii. Assets that the responsible entity can reasonably

    expect to realise for market value within 10

    business days.

    Trilogy Funds permits members to withdraw at times

    other than those stated in the benchmark. Even though

    all cash of the Trust is held on deposit with a bank and

    is available for immediate withdrawal, the Mortgage

    Investments of the Trust are not assets that Trilogy Funds

    can reasonably expect to realise for their market valuewithin 10 business days.

    At any one time more than 20% of the Trust’s assets will

    be in Mortgage Investments that are not expected to fall

    due for repayment within that time period. Nevertheless,

    Trilogy Funds only permits members to withdraw when

    the Trust is ‘liquid’ within the meaning of the Corporations

    Act. See Section 3.6 for further details.

    Disclosure principles

    The section below sets out briey:

    • the disclosure principle;• the relevant disclosures of Trilogy Funds; and

    • where additional information is to be found in

    this PDS.

    Disclosure principle 1: Liquidity

    Disclose the current and future prospects of liquidity of

    the scheme. 

    See Section 3.9.

    Disclose any signicant risk factors that may aect the

    liquidity of the scheme. 

    See Section 3.9.

    Disclose the policy of the scheme on balancing the

     maturity of its assets with the maturity of its liabilities. 

    See Section 3.9.

    Disclosure principle 2: Scheme Borrowing

    If the scheme has borrowings, it must disclose various


    There are no Trust borrowings.

    Disclosure principle 3: Loan portfolio

    and diversication

    For pooled mortgage schemes, disclose by number

    and value:

    Loans by class of activity and by geographical region. 

    See Section 4.8.

    The proportion of loans that are in default or arrears for

    more than 30 days, by number and value.

    See Section 4.7. There are no loans that are in default or

    in arrears as at the date of this PDS.

    The nature of the security for loans made by the scheme.

    See Sections 4.1 and 4.2.

    Loans that have been approved but have funds that haveyet to be advanced and other details.

    See Section 4.9.

    The maturity prole of all loans.

    See Section 4.11.

    Loan-to-valuation ratios for loans.

    See Section 4.3.

    Interest rates on loans.

    See Section 4.12.

    Loans where interest has been capitalised.

    See Section 4.13.

    For pooled mortgage schemes, disclose:

    The proportion of the total loan money that has been lent

    to the largest borrower and the 10 largest borrowers.

    See Section 4.10.

    The percentage of loans (by value) that are secured by

    second-ranking mortgages.

    There are no loans secured by second-ranking

    mortgages. See Section 4.1.

    The use of derivatives (if any).

    There is no derivative use in the Trust.

    A clear description of the non-mortgage assets of the

    scheme, including the value of such assets.

    See Section 4.16.

    The scheme’s diversication policy and how the assets

    correlate with that policy. See Section 4.8.

    For pooled mortgage schemes, disclose:

    The maximum loan amount for any one borrower.

    See Section 4.10.

    The method of assessing borrowers’ capacity 

    to service loans.

    See Section 4.5.

    The responsible entity’s policy on revaluing security

    properties when a loan is rolled over or renewal.

    Trilogy Funds has procedures in relation to loan renewals.

    The Lending Committee will make a determination if a new

    valuation is required prior to a renewal. See Section 4.4.

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    The responsible entity’s approach to taking security on

    lending by the scheme (e.g. the types of security it takes

    and in what circumstances, and whether the security

    must be income producing).

    See Sections 4.1 and 4.2. The security does not need to

    be income producing.

    For pooled mortgage schemes, disclose:

    If the scheme invests in, or may invest in, other unlistedmortgages schemes (whether registered or unregistered)

    and the policy on investing in those schemes, including

    the extent to which there is a requirement for those

    schemes to meet the benchmarks and apply the

    disclosure principles.

    See Section 4.15.

    Disclosure principle 4: Related Party Transactions

    Disclose details of any related party transactions


    The value of the nancial benet.

    See Section 8.1g for the related party arrangement that

    has been entered into.

    The nature of the relationship.

    See Section 8.1g.

    Whether the arrangement is on arm’s length terms and is

    reasonable remuneration.

    See Section 8.1g.

    Whether member approval for the transaction has been

    sought and, if so, when.

    The arrangement was entered into before the

    establishment of the Trust and no unit holder approvalwas sought.

    The risks associated with the related party arrangements.

    See Section 6.11.

    The policies and procedures that the responsible entity

    has in place for entering into related party transactions,

    including how compliance with these policies and

    procedures is monitored.

    See Section 8.1g.

    Disclosure principle 5: Valuation Policy


    Where investors may access the scheme’s

    valuation policy.

    The valuation policy is available on the Trilogy Funds’


    The processes that the directors employ to form a view

    on the value of the security property.

    Trilogy Funds’ directors rely on independent valuations to

    form a view on the value of the security property.

    The frequency of valuations of security property.

    See Section 4.4.

    Any material inconsistencies between any current

    valuation over the security property and the scheme’s

    valuation policy.

    No material inconsistencies.

    Disclosure principle 6: Lending Principles – Loan-to-

    Valuation Ratios


    The maximum and weighted average loan-to valuation

    ratios for the scheme as at the date of reporting.

    See Section 4.3.

    Where funds are lent for property development, the

    criteria against which the funds are drawn down.

    See Section 4.3.

    Where funds are lent for property development, the

    percentage (by value) of the completion of any property

    that is under development as at the date of reporting.

    See Section 4.3.

    The loan-to-cost ratio of each property development loan

    as at the date of reporting.

    See Section 4.3.

    How and when funds are provided to developers.

    See Section 4.3.


    If property development loans exceed 20% of the

    scheme’s assets, the responsible entity should identify

    the scheme as one that invests a signicant component

    of funds in property development loans.

    See Section 4.3.

    If the loan-to-cost ratio of any property development

    loan exceeds 75%.

    See Section 4.3.

    Disclosure principle 7: Distribution Practices


    The source of the current and forecast distributions (e.g.

    from income earned in the relevant distribution period,

    operating cash ow, nancing facility, capital,

    application money).

    The source for distributions diers between Cash units

    and Allocated units. See Section 3.5.

    If the distribution is not solely sourced from income

    received in the relevant distribution period, the reasons

    for making those distributions and the risks associated

    with such distributions.

    Interest charged to a Borrower is typically capitalised

    in a development or construction Loan (see Section

    4.13). In this case, distributions will be paid from the cash

    component of the Trust. There is a risk that cash held by

    the Trust will be insucient to enable distributions to be

    paid in any one or more months. See Sections 6.4 and 6.6.

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    If the distribution is sourced other than from income,

    whether this is sustainable over the next 12 months.

    See Section 3.5.

    When the responsible entity will pay distributions and the

    frequency of payment of distributions.

    See Section 3.5.


    If the scheme promotes a particular return on investments,

    disclose details of the circumstances in which a lower

    return may be payable, together with details of how thatlower return will be determined

    and other information.

    Not applicable. Trilogy Funds does not promote a

    particular return and does not forecast distributions.

    Disclosure principle 8: Withdrawal Arrangements


    The scheme’s withdrawal policy and any rights that

    the responsible entity has to change the policy.

    See Section 3.6.

    The ability of investors to withdraw from the scheme whenit is liquid.

    Withdrawals are allowed from the Trust when it is a

    liquid scheme.

    The ability of investors to withdraw from the scheme when

    it is non-liquid.

    The Trust is a liquid scheme. If it were to become an illiquid

    scheme all withdrawals would be on the basis provided in

    the Corporations Act. The Trust would become an illiquid

    scheme in the circumstances described in Section 3.6.

    Any signicant risk factors or limitations that may aect

    the ability of Investors to withdraw from the scheme.

    The ability for an Investor to redeem their units from the

    Trust is dependent upon its liquidity. The Trust’s liquidity

    is inuenced by additional investments into the Trust and

    draw-downs required on approved Loans.

    How investors can exercise their withdrawal rights,

    including any conditions on exercising these rights.

    See Section 3.6.

    The approach to rollovers and renewals, including

    whether the ‘default’ is that investments in the scheme are

    automatically rolled over or renewed.

    Not applicable.

    If the withdrawals from the scheme are to be funded

    from an external liquidity facility, the material terms of this

    facility, including any rights the provider has to suspend or

    cancel the facility.Not applicable as there is no external funding facility.

    The maximum withdrawal period that applies to the

    payment of withdrawal requests when the scheme is liquid.

    There is a maximum of 15 months to meet withdrawals if

    the Trust is a liquid scheme.

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    Any rights the responsible entity has to refuse or

    suspend withdrawal request.

    See Section 3.6.

    The policy of the scheme on balancing the maturity of its

    assets with the maturity of its liabilities and the ability of its

    members to withdraw.

    The policy of the Trust on balancing the maturity of its

    assets with the maturity of its liability and the ability of its

    members to withdraw is described in Disclosure principle 1:

    Liquidity. See Section 3.9.


    If the responsible entity makes representations to investors

    that they can withdraw from the scheme, disclose:

    The grounds for the statement.

    See Section 3.6.

    The supporting assumptions for the statement.

    See Section 3.6. 

    The basis for the statement.

    See Section 3.6.

    Any specic risk factors that mean that withdrawal

    requests might not be satised within the expected period.

    See Sections 6.6 and 6.8a.



    If the scheme promotes a xed redemption unit price for

    investments (e.g. $1 per unit), the responsible entity must

    clearly disclose details of the circumstances in which a

    lower amount may be payable, details of how that amount

    will be determined and the impact of a default under the

    scheme’s mortgage assets on investors.

    The Constitution provides a mechanism for compulsory

    redemption of Cash units and Allocated units. If as at the

    end of a quarter Trilogy Funds ascertains that the unit

    price is less than the xed withdrawal price of $1.00 per

    unit, Trilogy Funds will redeem sucient Cash units andAllocated units to bring the unit value of each of the

    Cash units and Allocated units back to equal the

    withdrawal price.

    This is achieved by redeeming an amount of capital from

    the Trust equal to the number of whole dollars of the

    amount by which the unit value is less than the withdrawal

    price of the units. 

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     S E C T I O N  3  T h e  T r u s t

  • 8/18/2019 Trilogy Monthly Income Trust PDS 22 July 2015 WEB


    Section 3 – The TrustAn overview of the Trust

    The Trust has assets consisting of mortgages and cash.

    Initially, Investors’ Investment Monies in the Trust are

    placed in the Short Term Investment Account (STIA)(either a cash account or a term deposit) held with an

    Australian authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI),

    and those Investors are issued Cash units. These units

    are entitled to income distributions based on the interest

    earned in the STIA. When the Investment Monies are

    allocated into the mortgage pool, the Cash units become

    designated as Allocated units, and the Investors’ funds

    are removed from the STIA. Once the Investor’s Cash

    units become Allocated units they are entitled to income

    distributions based on the assets, excluding the STIA,

    of the Trust (less fees and expenses and losses). For

    the calendar year ended 31 May 2015, the average time

    between the issue of Cash units and their designation

    as Allocated units was nine days. Investors should note,however, that past performance is not indicative of future

    performance and the period may at any time be longer

    or shorter.

    The Trust may keep funds such as cash deposits or term

    deposits held with an Australian ADI to provide liquidity

    to meet the cash requirements of the Trust.

    If a Borrower defaults then the property used as security

    can be sold and the proceeds used to repay the Loan

    made by the Trust together with interest and other costs.

    Trilogy Funds will determine which Loans are suitable for

    investment. Trilogy Funds’ policy of Loan diversicationis adopted to help protect the Trust from signicant

    losses by ensuring risks are not concentrated with one

    particular borrower or group of borrowers or in one

    particular geographical area or one type of property. It

    would be dicult for most individual Investors to match

    that kind of diversication when investing on their own.

    3.1 Minimum investment

    The minimum investment for an initial application is

    $10,000, and thereafter in multiples of $1,000. We may

    accept a lesser amount at our discretion, which can be

    discussed with one of our team by calling 1800 230 099.

    Trilogy Funds reserves the right to reject any application

    or to allocate a lesser number of units than applied for.

    3.2 Minimum investment period

    The Trust has a minimum investment period of two

    months. After that time a four month notice of

    withdrawal may be given. Therefore, the total minimum

    investment period is 6 months. Please refer to Section 3.6

    for further details.

    3.3 How an investment is made

    To become an Investor of the Trust, an applicant must

    initially complete either:

    • an Application Form accompanying this PDS and

    included in the application pack; or

    • an Application Form accompanying the electronic

    copy of this PDS available on Trilogy Funds’ website The Application Forms are

    labelled clearly on the website.

    The completed Application Form is to be returned to

    Trilogy Funds together with the selected method of

    payment. Please refer to Section 9 for further details.

    3.4 Issuing units

    Issuing Cash units

    When an Investor’s Investment Monies are initially

    accepted, interests in the Trust will be issued in the form

    of Cash units and each unit will cost $1.00.

    Designating Cash units as Allocated units

    Investment Monies of an Investor held in the STIA will be

    used to invest in the pool of Mortgage Investments. TheCash units, represented by the amount of the Investment

    Monies so used, will then be designated as Allocated units.

    Where the amount of the available Mortgage Investments

    is less than the total amount in the STIA, the Investment

    Monies will be applied to the Mortgage Investments (and

    the Cash units designated as Allocated units) in the order

    in which the Investors’ Investment Monies have been

    received and accepted by Trilogy Funds.

    The earning rate on the Allocated units will then be

    determined by the portfolio of mortgages held in

    the Trust. Please refer to Section 3.5 for information

    regarding the distribution of net interest earned toInvestors who hold Allocated units.

    3.5 Distributions

    All Loans in the current portfolio expire at varying times.

    With Trilogy Funds’ liquidity policy and active review by

    the Treasury Committee and the Board, the Directors, as

    at the date of this PDS, have a reasonable basis to state

    that distribution practices are sustainable over the next 12

    months. This view may change in the future if there is an

    increased risk that there could be an inux of withdrawals

    that could not be met by the liquidity levels of the Trust

    or there is a signicant delay in the repayment of Loans

    or interest.

    Income distribution on Cash units

    The proceeds of Cash units (Investment Monies) will be

    held in the STIA established with an Australian ADI for

    the Trust. The STIA is kept by the Custodian, as an agent

    of Trilogy Funds. The Investment Monies held in the STIA

    earn interest for the Trust and Cash units are entitled to

    income distributions based on interest earned in the STIA

    from the date on which cleared funds are deposited until

    the Cash units are designated as Allocated units or are

    redeemed. Distributions on Cash units do not include

    interest earned from Loans.

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    The distributions on Cash units are calculated daily but

    paid monthly or following withdrawal or designation of

    the Cash units as Allocated units. Investors can choose

    to have this paid into their nominated nancial institution

    account or it can be reinvested into the STIA as additional

    Cash units. By allocating interest daily, the price of Cash

    units is maintained at $1.00 per unit.

    The current interest rate payable on the Trust’sSTIA is disclosed on Trilogy Funds’ website  or a copy can be posted to you

    without charge by contacting Trilogy Funds. Interest rates

    will uctuate from time to time.

    Please see Section 6.2b regarding the risk of a delay in

    converting Cash units to Allocated units and Section 6.9d

    regarding the risk of negative income, which will result in no

    distributions being paid in the relevant distribution period.

    Income distribution on Allocated units

    The amount of the distribution for Allocated units

    is calculated on the income earned in the relevant

    distribution period (i.e. monthly) on the assets, excludingthe STIA, of the Trust (less fees, expenses and losses). The

    cash for current distributions may be sourced from cash

    held by the Trust which:

    • where interest is capitalised, is advanced to the

    Borrower to enable the Borrower to make the interest

    payments due under and in accordance with the

    relevant Loan agreement;

    • where interest is not capitalised, is from interest paid

    by Borrowers;

    • constitutes repayments of Loans by Borrowers; or

    • constitutes interest received from the deposits of

    Allocated cash.

    As the interest on all mortgage Loans is typically

    capitalised, the current distribution is sourced from

    sources other than the receipt of interest payments from

    Borrowers, as noted above. It is Trilogy Funds’ practice to

    pay monthly distributions based on the income earned in

    the relevant period but potentially not as yet paid by

    the Borrower.

    Where Investment Monies are allocated to Mortgage

    Investments and the units are designated as Allocated

    units, income distributions are calculated daily anddistributed monthly in arrears, in accordance with your

    directions on the Application Form. Please also refer to

    Section 6.9d regarding the risk of negative income.

    Distribution payment options

    Investors with Cash units and Allocated units can

    choose to have their distributions paid directly into their

    nominated nancial institution account or into the STIA

    as additional Cash units in the Trust.

    Investors holding Cash and Allocated units who elect to

    reinvest will have their distributions paid into the STIA

    and be issued with additional Cash units.

    No minimum investment amount applies to any

    distribution re-investment.

    The preference for payment into the nominated nancial

    institution account or reinvestment into Cash units can be

    changed at any time by completing a change of details

    form, which is available on our website or by requesting

    a copy.

    3.6 Withdrawals

    While an Investor holds Cash units or Allocated units,

    the Investor may make a withdrawal from the STIA by

    applying for withdrawal of all or some of the units held.While there is no minimum amount for a withdrawal,

    the Investor must maintain a minimum investment of

    $1,000 in the Trust, whether in the form of Cash units or

    Allocated units, to remain invested.

    The withdrawal price for Cash units is $1.00 each.

    Investors will also receive, at the same time, their

    proportion of the income earned from the STIA referable

    to the redeemed Cash units.

    The withdrawal price for Allocated units is $1.00 each.

    Income entitlement will also be paid. Please also refer

    to Section 6.9d for more information about the risk of

    negative income and its eect on a withdrawal.

    Any withdrawal is subject to compliance with the notice

    period and the Trust’s liquidity, each as referred to below.

    Notice period

    After holding the unit for two months, a four month

    notice period is currently required for withdrawals.

    Trilogy Funds, at its discretion, may waive or reduce

    this period. Any waiver or reduction is contingent on

    sucient liquidity in the Trust at the time of the request.

    Trilogy Funds may increase the four month notice

    period by giving you not less than 30 days’ prior notice,

    provided that it continues to be able to meet withdrawal

    requests within 15 months, which as explained below isthe maximum period specied in the Constitution for

    satisfying withdrawal requests. Withdrawals will normally

    be paid within 10 business days after the expiry of the

    notice period. Investors must note, however, that no

    assurance is given that processing will always be within

    that timeframe.

    How to make a withdrawal

    Investors who wish to withdraw all or part of their

    investment in the Trust should complete and sign a

    Withdrawal Form and fax, post or deliver it to the Trilogy

    Funds oce in Brisbane, as advised in the corporate

    directory at the back of this PDS.

    Withdrawal and Trust liquidity

    The liquidity of the Trust aects withdrawals in two ways.

    The rst is that for the Trust to meet withdrawal requests

    from Investors, the Trust must be a ‘liquid’ scheme. To

    be a ‘liquid’ scheme, not less than 80% of the assets of

    the Trust must be able to be realised within the period

    specied in the Constitution for satisfying withdrawal

    requests. The maximum period specied in the

    Constitution for satisfying withdrawal requests is stated

    to be 15 months. The reason for not meeting the 90 day

    period noted in Benchmark 8 of RG 45 (see Section 2.2)

    is due to the fact the Loans of the Trust usually have a

    maturity prole between 12 and 18 months. The maximum

    withdrawal period must provide a realistic timeframe for

    realising these underlying assets. The adoption of the 15

    month period means that the Trust can be treated as a

    liquid scheme.

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    In addition, Investors should note that if the Trust is

    not ‘liquid’ at any time, an Investor may only make a

    withdrawal in accordance with the provisions of the

    Corporations Act and any relief granted by ASIC from

    time to time. These provisions prevent Trilogy Funds

    from redeeming units (i.e. by allowing withdrawals

    by Investors) other than in accordance with certain

    procedures including that a pro rata oer must be made

    to all Investors in the Trust. As at the date of the issue ofthis PDS, it is anticipated that the Trust will continue to be

    a ‘liquid’ scheme.

    The second aspect is that even as a liquid scheme,

    withdrawals may aect the Trust’s liquidity and

    therefore the Constitution permits Trilogy Funds, in

    certain circumstances, to withhold, suspend or delay

    the payment of withdrawals. Specically, there must be

    provision for a circumstance where there are a signicant

    number of withdrawal requests that potentially exceed

    the cash holding at that time of receipt. In this scenario,

    the maximum withdrawal period of 15 months would

    allow time for Loans to be repaid and payment of

    withdrawals made.

    The Fund is not an ‘at call’ cash account and should not

    be treated as such. 

    In the event Trilogy Funds determines that there has

    been negative income in the Trust in any period and

    that Trilogy Funds is required to eect a compulsory

    redemption of both Cash units and Allocated units in

    order to maintain the unit price at $1.00 (see Section

    6.9d), the payment of any withdrawals that may fall

    due for payment between the date Trilogy Funds

    ascertains that there has been negative income and the

    date the compulsory redemption of units is eected

    will be suspended until the compulsory redemption is

    completed. Any Cash units or Allocated units in respect

    of which there is a pending withdrawal request will

    be included in the compulsory redemption. Once the

    compulsory redemption is completed, any suspended

    withdrawals will be paid on the basis of the reduced

    number of Cash units or Allocated units the subject of

    the redemption.

    3.7 Transferring units

    Units, whether they are Cash units or Allocated units, may

    be transferred in accordance with the provisions of the

    Constitution. A transfer of units must be in writing, signedby both the seller and the buyer and transfer duty paid (if

    applicable) before it is given to Trilogy Funds.

    When units are transferred, Trilogy Funds may charge

    a fee of 2% (plus GST) payable to Trilogy Funds based

    on the value of the units transferred. This fee has

    been waived by Trilogy Funds for the life of this PDS.

    Thereafter the waiver may cease. See Section 5.3a.

    3.8 Adding to your investment

    Current Investors wishing to add to their investment can

    do so by completing an Additional investment application

    form, which accompanies the current PDS and theelectronic version of the PDS. You may also request

    a copy from us. The minimum additional investment

    amount is $1,000. 

    To ensure that you have up to date information about the

    Trust when making an additional investment, Trilogy Funds

    suggests that you contact us and we will provide you with

    a copy of any new or supplemental product disclosure

    statement that has been issued. Investors should keep a

    copy of the current PDS and any supplemental product

    disclosure statement, as well as any reports or updated

    information that Trilogy Funds provides to you, so that

    you may refer to these when deciding whether to make afurther investment in the Trust.

    3.9 Liquidity and liquidity targets

    Trilogy Funds has a ‘Liquidity Policy’ which requires

    the updating and tabling of a report to the Treasury

    Committee for the Trust on a regular basis and is

    presented to both the Executive Committee and the

    Board monthly as to cash ow estimates that meet the

    benchmark requirements. The Board formally approves the

    cash ow estimates at least every three months.

    The report uses the following assumptions to monitor

    liquidity (these assumptions may change from time totime as reviewed) and balance the maturity of assets and

    the maturity of liabilities:

    • forecast Investor withdrawals are based on the

    larger of:

      - known pending withdrawals from withdrawal

    requests received; or

      - an estimated amount of $100,000 per month.

    • forecast inow of funds have been based on estimates

    made by Trilogy Funds’ Sales Department; and

    • forecast drawdowns have been based on the latest

    Lending Department individual Loan forecasts

    noting all scheduled inows and outows (assets and

    liabilities) for individual mortgages.

    The assumptions used to monitor liquidity are stress

    tested on a regular basis via sensitivity analysis that is

    provided to the Treasury Committee.

    Some signicant risks that may aect the liquidity of the

    Trust could be:

    • a large number of withdrawals of an amount more

    than the available liquidity of the Trust; and

    • borrower defaults.

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    The Treasury Committee monitors the maturity of assets

    (mortgage Loans and cash) and also the maturity of

    liabilities (Investor withdrawals and Borrower drawdowns).

    Mortgage Loans may be for a period of up to

    24 months duration (and longer, if extended), while

    Investor withdrawals require a four month notice period

    (and may be longer – see Section 3.6). While the Treasury

    Committee currently has a target that at least 5% of the

    Trust assets are to be held in cash type investments, thereis a risk that liquidity may be insucient to meet Investor

    withdrawals and/or draw down requests to Borrowers (see

    Sections 6.6 and 6.8a).

    As part of its liquidity policy, cash is held in the STIA.

    As at the date of this PDS Trilogy Funds has no reason

    to believe that it will not have sucient cash or cash

    equivalents to meet its projected cash needs over the

    next 12 months or that it will not continue to do so

    going forward.

    3.10 Reporting

    Investors in the Trust will be provided with the following

    upon their initial investment:

    • acknowledgement letter on receipt of

    application monies;

    • acknowledgement letter conrming Cash unit

    holding; and

    • acknowledgement letter and Statement of Initial

    Investment immediately following the designation of

    Cash units as Allocated units.

    Investors also receive:

    • monthly performance updates;

    • monthly distribution statements;

    • an annual statement of taxable income, providing a

    summary of distributions earned for inclusion in the

    Investor’s income tax return;

    • annual periodic statement, which details all

    transactions on each Investor’s account, together with

    balances on the number of units held in the Trust; and

    • annual nancial report of the Trust in accordance with

    regulatory requirements, if requested.

    3.11 Wholesale Investors and investingthrough investment platforms

    Trilogy Funds will have the discretion to waive or reduce

    fees for wholesale Investors or investment platforms.

    Any waiver or reduction is available only to persons

    who are “wholesale” investors within the meaning of

    the Corporations Act on an individual basis, and only in

    accordance with the Corporations Act requirements and

    the ASIC class order relief relating to dierential fees.

    Wholesale InvestorsWho is a wholesale investor?

    Product value test

    Where the initial amount paid by the investor at the time

    of investment in the Trust is at least $500,000. The person

    will remain a wholesale investor even if their investment

    subsequently falls below $500,000.

    For investments less than $500,000, the following

    tests apply:

    Individual wealth test 

    The person has provided a certicate by a qualied

    accountant stating that the person has net assets of at

    least $2.5 million or gross income for each of the last two

    years of at least $250,000. A company or trust will also

    be a wholesale investor if controlled by a person who is

    certied as meeting the wealth test. The certicate can be

    no more than six months old.

    Professional Investor test

    The nancial product is provided to a ‘professional

    investor’ which includes:

    • an Australian nancial services licensee;

    • a body regulated by APRA outside of superannuation;

    • a body registered under the Financial Corporations

    Act 1974;

    • trustees of superannuation funds, approved deposit

    funds, pooled superannuation trusts and public sector

    superannuation schemes under the Superannuation

    Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 with net assets of at

    least $10 million; and

    • a person who controls at least $10 million.

    Investment platforms

    You may invest in the Trust through an investment

    platform, also referred to as wraps and investor directedportfolio services (IDPS). Trilogy Funds authorises the

    use of this PDS as disclosure to investors who wish

    to access the Trust through investment platforms

    (Indirect Investors).

    Indirect Investors who gain exposure to this Trust through

    a master trust, wrap account or IDPS do not:

    • become unit holders in the Trust, nor do they acquire

    the rights of a unit holder in the Trust. The operator

    of the master trust, wrap account or IDPS has those

    rights and can exercise, or decline to exercise, them on

    behalf of the Indirect Investors; and

    • receive interest distributions or reports directly from

    Trilogy Funds, nor do they directly participate in

    Investor meetings or the winding up of the Trust.

    Withdrawal timeframes for Indirect Investors are

    dependent on their master trust, wrap account or

    IDPS operator.

    Indirect Investors in master trusts, wrap accounts or IDPS

    should consult their operator to obtain information on

    how their operator deals with applications, withdrawals,

    transfers, interest distributions and timing, fees and

    expenses and monitoring of their investments. Such

    Indirect Investors should also read the disclosure

    document issued by the operator of the relevant mastertrust, wrap account or IDPS.

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    S E C T I O N  4  Ab o u t  t h e  T r u s t ’ s  Lo a n s 

    Section 4 - About the Trust’s LoansAs at 31 May 2015, Trust assets were as follows:

    Drawn Loans  $13,450,718

    Cash in the STIA (and receivables) $8,023,994

    Total Funds Under Management $21,474,712

    Current and future Mortgage Investments are Loans

    made directly to Borrowers from the Trust secured byregistered rst mortgages over residential, commercial,

    retail, development sites and industrial properties at

    either xed or variable interest rates.

    The Mortgage Investments held by the Trust are held

    benecially for the holders of Allocated units according

    to their proportionate share. The legal title to each

    Mortgage Investment is held by the Custodian.

    4.1 Registered rst mortgages

    The primary security for each Mortgage Investment held by

    the Trust will be a registered rst mortgage situated within

    specied states and territories in Australia. ‘Registered’

    means that the mortgage is registered with the Queensland

    Department of Natural Resources and Mines or the

    equivalent government department in other states.

    There are no Mortgage Investments secured by a

    second-ranking mortgage.

    4.2 Additional security that may be taken

    Additional types of security may be taken including

    general security agreements and personal guarantees to

    support the rst mortgage security.

    4.3 Loan-to-valuation ratios (LVR)

    All Loans approved in the Trust must be at a maximum

    LVR of 70% of the latest ‘as if complete’ valuation

    when the Loan relates to a property development or

    construction (development Loan). Otherwise, Loans are

    oered at a maximum LVR of 70% of the ‘as is’ valuation

    received that was not more than four months old at the

    time of Loan approval. As at 31 May 2015 the weighted

    average LVR of all the Loans in the Trust was 55.19%.

    As at 31 May 2015, the highest LVR for an individual loan

    was 66.61%.

    Where a Loan is in default, the LVR on that Loan may

    exceed 70%. It should be noted that if an advance

    of further funds is required in order to complete adevelopment where a Loan is in default, the LVR may

    exceed 70% of the ‘as if complete’ valuation.

    As at 31 May 2015 the LVRs of the existing approved

    Loans, in percentage terms, were as follows:

    The LVR is calculated on the higher of the approved loan

    amount and the drawn loan balance for each Borrower,

    divided by the property value.

    Development Loans are those where a Borrower

    utilises the Loan monies to construct buildings

    (e.g. units, houses, commercial or retail property) or to

    undertake land development. On the sale of a unit, house,

    commercial, industrial or retail building, or part of the

    land, all or part of the proceeds are utilised to reduce

    the Borrower’s debt. Development Loans involve close

    supervision by Trilogy Funds. To this end, Trilogy Funds

    appoints an external QS, engineer, project manager or

    valuer to advise:

    • the amount of all draw-downs by a Borrower and all

    payments which are to be made to contractors in

    stages based on the progress of development; and

    • the costs to complete the project.





    Less than 60% $13,285,000 13

    61% - 70% $6,692,079 6

    Total $19,977,079 19

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    The Trust invests a signicant component of funds in

    property development Loans. There are seven property

    development Loans which account for 30.79% of the

    Trust Assets (including cash assets), at various stages of

    development with percentages of completion ranging

    from 0% to 83.84%.

    The loan to cost ratio of the development Loans range

    from 59.33% to 74.95%. Investors should note that noneof the development Loans has a loan to cost ratio that

    exceeds 75%.

    4.4 Valuations

    Trilogy Funds requires valuations to be prepared by an

    independent, qualied and registered valuer prior to

    advancing loan funds against a property being oered as

    security. In all cases, Trilogy Funds requires the valuation to

    meet the following criteria (amongst other things):

    • all external valuations must be performed by a

    valuer who is on the panel of Trilogy Funds’

    approved valuers;

    • the valuer must be a member of an appropriate

    professional body in the state or territory where the

    mortgaged property is situated;

    • Trilogy Funds prefers to instruct the valuer, however

    if not, the valuation must be addressed or assigned to

    Trilogy Funds for mortgage purposes under Trilogy

    Funds’ standard instructions;

    • the panel valuer must be independent of the borrower

    and Trilogy Funds;

    • no one valuer conducts more than one third ofthe total valuation work undertaken for the Trust

    calculated by number of the security properties;

    • the report must comment as to whether the

    mortgaged property represents satisfactory security

    for mortgage purposes as appropriate;

    • valuers must include a statement in their valuation

    reports as to whether the valuation complies with all

    relevant industry standards and codes;

    • the valuer must be instructed to prepare the valuation

    report in a format which clearly sets out the primary

    methodology used and, if so requested, a secondary

    check valuation methodology, in accordance with

    the instructions;

    • valuations for construction projects and completed

    buildings should state a replacement value in the

    valuation for the purpose of Trilogy Funds determining

    the amount of insurance required; and

    • where a loan is for development or construction

    purposes, the valuer must assess the property on both

    an ‘as is’ and ‘as if complete’ basis. All other property

    loans are valued on an ‘as is’ basis.

    In terms of when valuations must be obtained:

    • all valuations must not be more than four months old

    as at the date of approval of the loan; and

    • valuations must also be obtained:

      - at least every four years;

      - within two months after the directors

    form a view that there is a likelihood that 

    a decrease in the value of security

    property may have caused a material

    breach of loan covenant; and

      - for any other reason determined

    by the Lending Committee.

    At the discretion of the Lending Committee valuations

    may also be obtained when the following occurs:

    • a material change in the terms of the loan, including as

    to the amount, duration, or interest rate on renewal;

    • delay in any construction or development proposal;

    • information that leads Trilogy Funds to believe that

    there may be a variation in the security value;

    • a material change in the nature of the


    • a material change in the tenancy prole of a building;

    • a request to vary directorship or ownership of

    the borrower or a guarantor company (or its

    associates); and

    • the valuation undertaken for funding is in excess

    of four months old as at the time of approval of the

    new loan.

    4.5 Borrower’s capacity to service theLoan and Loan assessment

    A disciplined process is used by Trilogy Funds to evaluate

    each loan proposal that is submitted by Borrowers and

    for monitoring any Loan that is subsequently approved

    by Trilogy Funds. This process reects the requirements

    contained within Trilogy Funds’ Lending Policy. The

    process includes:

    • a standard loan application form is completed and

    signed by the Borrower;

    • the Borrower or a director of the Borrower entity is

    interviewed by a representative of Trilogy Funds;

    • the Borrower’s and/or the project’s ability to repay theloan is evaluated;

    • a credit check is carried out in all cases; and

    • Trilogy Funds inspects all property security.

    In the case where interest is capitalised in respect of a

    development or construction loan, Trilogy Funds will

    assess the feasibility of the project. In doing so, Trilogy

    Funds relies upon an independent valuer’s assessment of

    the property on an ‘as if complete’ basis and an ‘as is’ basis

    and has a QS examine the costs to complete the project

    and drawdowns required. As part of its loan assessment

    process, Trilogy Funds will consider an appropriate amount

    to be reserved for capitalised interest before determining

    the loan advance and ultimate LVR.

    All funds drawn down for a property development are

    based on certication by an independent panel QS. After

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    the QS’s report is received, funds are advanced to the

    builder/contractor. The QS’s report includes a ‘cost to

    complete’ the project.

    4.6 Adequate property insurance

    Prior to a loan being made, written conrmation must be

    given to Trilogy Funds conrming that adequate insurance

    over the property to be mortgaged is in place and that theinterest of the Custodian will be noted as mortgagee on

    the relevant policies. Insurance coverage is monitored on a

    regular basis.

    4.7 Loan monitoring and defaultsor arrears

    The performance of all Loans is actively and regularly

    monitored by Trilogy Funds with respect to timely

    payment of interest, adherence to ongoing reporting

    requirements and specic Loan covenants. The Lending

    Committee is responsible for monitoring any Loans in

    default/arrears. Arrears relate to non-payment of principalor interest after the due date for payment. Default relates

    to non-adherence to the conditions of the loan agreement,

    such as the need to have adequate insurance in place.

    That committee meets on a regular basis (usually weekly).

    The Head of Lending reports on all Loans (not just those in

    default) at these meetings.

    In the event that a Borrower is in default of a

    Loan condition or is in arrears by failing to make an

    interest payment on the due date, the following

    actions will be taken:

    • where a Loan is in arrears more than seven days, the

    Borrower will be contacted to arrange collection of

    the arrears;

    • any Loan in arrears more than 30 days (unless

    otherwise determined by the Lending Committee

    or the Board) may be placed in the hands of Trilogy

    Funds’ solicitors to commence recovery procedures;

    • enforcement proceedings may commence in

    accordance with the following process:

    - the mortgagee may become a `mortgagee

    in possession’ or appoint a suitably

    qualied administrator;

    - a new valuation of the secured property may

    be sought; and

    - the underlying security may be placed on

    the market for sale or, depending on the

    nature of the security and where it is deemed

    to be in the best interests of the Mortgage

    Investors, appointing parties to complete the

    development or construction of the property,

    prior to such sale process commencing;

    • the Lending Committee will monitor the progress of

    the enforcement proceedings and any other action

    taken by Trilogy Funds in connection with the defaultor arrears.

    At the date of the PDS, there are no Loans in default

    or arrears.

    4.8 Loan diversication

    The Trust holds a portfolio of Loans diversied by size,

    Borrower, class of Borrower activity and geographic

    region. The position as at 31 May 2015 was as follows:

     Loans by class of activity